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Harmful Cosmetic Products

S.S. 666

New member
Mar 30, 2008
I found this post in the Italian JoS Forum interesting so I translated it for information :



It is also important to pay attention to what we use on our skin. Many ingredients used to big cosmetic companies are harmful for us and for the environment. The most embarrassing fact is that those ingredients are introduced into products for child/babies too.

Also the so-called "natural" products that you can easily find in herbal shops, are really hiding highly irritant ingredients, that on the long run may cause the skin to be more and more sensible and WEAKEN OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM.

The well known "oil" is natural, however it is polluting and cancer-causing for us. So beware the word "natural" that many companies are proposing to us. Packing is nice, thet have flowers' and plats' pictures, but in truth they contain a very small part of these wonderful extracts that are so good for us, so what they contain for the remaining part? They are also good at writing "without SLS, Colorant, mineral Oils (derived from petroleum) but then they contain aggressive and irritant emulsifying substances and moisteners.

In recent times some private companies popped up, releasing certifications for guarantee of a product safety, for us and for the environment.
In Italy we do have ICEA.
There are also smaller companies producing handmade/artisan products who do not want and cannot invest money in this kind of certifications, so they call their products "certificables". My advice is to research, and inform ourselves.

Here you can find a list of components that should be avoided :
http://www.icea.info/en/documentazione/ ... ne-cosmesi
Click on Environmentally Friendly and Organic Cosmetic Documentation and then on Technical Specifications, you will download a file with some attachments.

Long story short, avoid :
PEG, PPG, Paraffine, Mineral Oils Silicones, like Poliquaternium and Dimethicone (when the words end with -cone)
Components releasing FORMALDEHYDE, one of the most cancer-causing components (Triclosan and Imidazolidinyl urea, DMDM Hydantoin, Methylisothiazolinone e Methylchloroisothiazolinone, oxymethylene
Avoid ETDA, BHT, BHA (anti-oxydants used as preservatives), SLS and SLES, Mea, Tea (these are abbreviations).
Avoid Parabens (all words ending with -paraben)
Avoid all chemical filters you can find in sun-screen cremes, choose only cremes with mineral and vegetal filters, and actually avoid Nano-particles even for mineral filters.
Beware of companies using mixed filters!
The mineral filters REFLECT UV rays so that they will NOT be absorbed by the skin.
The chemical filters ABSORB UV rays, our body transforms UV rays in heath and in highly irritating by-products.

Being able to read labels is very important!

Forever Enki,


Thanks for post[/IMG]"The absence of darkness in a person does not suggest an abundance of light, for to know the light you must have known the darkness."</em>

On Thursday, August 6, 2015 10:00 AM, "'S.S. 666' s.s.666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I found this post in the Italian JoS Forum interesting so I translated it for information :



It is also important to pay attention to what we use on our skin. Many ingredients used to big cosmetic companies are harmful for us and for the environment. The most embarrassing fact is that those ingredients are introduced into products for child/babies too.

Also the so-called "natural" products that you can easily find in herbal shops, are really hiding highly irritant ingredients, that on the long run may cause the skin to be more and more sensible and WEAKEN OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM.

The well known "oil" is natural, however it is polluting and cancer-causing for us. So beware the word "natural" that many companies are proposing to us. Packing is nice, thet have flowers' and plats' pictures, but in truth they contain a very small part of these wonderful extracts that are so good for us, so what they contain for the remaining part? They are also good at writing "without SLS, Colorant, mineral Oils (derived from petroleum) but then they contain aggressive and irritant emulsifying substances and moisteners.

In recent times some private companies popped up, releasing certifications for guarantee of a product safety, for us and for the environment.
In Italy we do have ICEA.
There are also smaller companies producing handmade/artisan products who do not want and cannot invest money in this kind of certifications, so they call their products "certificables". My advice is to research, and inform ourselves.

Here you can find a list of components that should be avoided :
http://www.icea.info/en/documentazione/ ... ne-cosmesi
Click on Environmentally Friendly and Organic Cosmetic Documentation and then on Technical Specifications, you will download a file with some attachments.

Long story short, avoid :
PEG, PPG, Paraffine, Mineral Oils Silicones, like Poliquaternium and Dimethicone (when the words end with -cone)
Components releasing FORMALDEHYDE, one of the most cancer-causing components (Triclosan and Imidazolidinyl urea, DMDM Hydantoin, Methylisothiazolinone e Methylchloroisothiazolinone, oxymethylene
Avoid ETDA, BHT, BHA (anti-oxydants used as preservatives), SLS and SLES, Mea, Tea (these are abbreviations).
Avoid Parabens (all words ending with -paraben)
Avoid all chemical filters you can find in sun-screen cremes, choose only cremes with mineral and vegetal filters, and actually avoid Nano-particles even for mineral filters.
Beware of companies using mixed filters!
The mineral filters REFLECT UV rays so that they will NOT be absorbed by the skin.
The chemical filters ABSORB UV rays, our body transforms UV rays in heath and in highly irritating by-products.

Being able to read labels is very important!

Forever Enki,


When it comes to cleaning skin, hair and even teeth, I've never found anything better than baking soda.

Try it once and I think you'll be impressed.
Be careful with brushing your teeth with baking soda. Too much use can dry up your gums and make them bleed randomly
I've never had that problem. It doesn't take much, anyway. That Alo sounds like the sort of rumor spread to dissuade people from using natural methods for hygiene. But, I don't know for sure.
I just went throught the label on the back of rhe old spice and it doens't mention any of these, but I got a question.. Is "Old Spice" ran or does it support jews? I came to conclision it's the best anti-deodorant I like.

Peace & Hail Odin!
It's completely ridiculous how little there is left in regular stores that can actually be eaten..
None of the products in any supermarket is safe to eat or drink.

Almost all packages (Drinks, milk, even water, soda's, "healthy" fruit juices, yoghurt, etc) have aluminim foil on the inside which causes the liquid or the drink to absorb fluoride from the package AFTER it has been packed. So the ingredients that are listen are perfectly fine in some cases (Like some brands of mineral water) But there are insane amounts of fluoride in the drinks because it is absorbed after being packed.

Nearly all of the vegitables and fruits you can buy in supermarkets, even the unprocessed ones are completely filled with shit and chemicals because the water they are fed when they groww is full wul fluoride too, among other things. All the bug repelants, the artificial fertilizer, the paint they put on the fruits and veggies to make them look more colorful combined with the fact they are all plucked when they are only half grown and green, thus lacking all nutrients that make them healthy make them one of the worst most toxic things in all the supermarkets...

Not to mention meat, even from private butchers is all provided by Jewish owned lifestock producers, pumping their animals full with toxic foods, insane amounts of hormones, ludicrous amounts of antibiotics and much more shit that their meat is basically a lump of poison to our bodies. Causing all kinds of cell membrane decay, strange hormone deficiencies because you get way to much different kinds of hormones from the meat, it destroys your immune system by giving you ridiculous amounts of antibiotics for no good reason. 

Even our clothes are made from cancer generating substances, destroying our skin, ccausing strange inexplicable skin problems, like pimples that won't go away, rashes that seemingly appear magically, itches on your whole body. Not only this but your furnature is coated and made from the same harmful materials. This doesn't only hurt the skin, but the dust particals produced by those things enter your lungs and enter your blood stream. Ofcourse those things aren't nearly as harmful as asbesthus, but it's the same principle. 

The worst part is, it is dosed in the perfect amounts by them that it takes a long time for real bad problems to manifest, thus making it look like our bodies are just ill for different reasons. 
The truth is, we can live for much more than 70 years even without meditating or performing the magnum opus, we can easily become 100-120 years old and still be very vital and quite acceptably strong in our 90's but because from birth we are fed with toxins and poisons that are floating in the air, the water, our food, our clothes you fucking name it and it is there, most of us don't grow old, this is exactly what the jews want.. 

They are still in control of our produce and the things we can live with.

Now meditation can easily reverse those effects, even after poisoning your body for 50 years you can reverse it in mearly a decade or less depending on how drastically you change your lifestyle, the body is extremely strong and efficient and it's not going to die easily from a little toxic metals and cancer producing cells, or even cell degenerative substances. 
But it is very important you try to find the least toxic products and if you have the money for it, I suggest you buy completely natural made clothes with no chemical treatment or the use of any unatural fibers. Especially the bed sheets. If you can get your hands on some untreated silk bedsheets, they will be the best damn thing you can ever sleep in.
I agree that it is one of the best methods.  Sometimes I use it with lower quality cheap salt in a container to use to brush my teeth with at least once a day and use water only at least once a day.  This is my method to avoid overuse of sodium and to not use fluoride-containing products.
[/IMG]"The absence of darkness in a person does not suggest an abundance of light, for to know the light you must have known the darkness."</em>

On Sunday, August 9, 2015 6:46 PM, "eljtheblancoassassin@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I just went throught the label on the back of rhe old spice and it doens't mention any of these, but I got a question.. Is "Old Spice" ran or does it support jews? I came to conclision it's the best anti-deodorant I like.

Peace & Hail Odin!

One thing also is to avoid perfumes containing aldehydes. The most prevalent and common aldehyde we all know is formaldehyde aka embalming fluid. Fragrance companies use tons of different types of aldehydes that are closely related to formaldehyde each year and normally DO NOT HAVE TO DISCLOSE THIS in their list of ingredients. Infact, many companies use cocktails of damaging chemicals which no one knows what those chemicals do in UNISON, or in most cases alone, as the FDA just passes shit without really looking into it. Those chemical cocktails do not have to be reported either as they are called "trade secrets".
These companies want you drugged and douped into buying shit you really don't need. Most chemicals found in fragrances interact with the amygdala which controls flight or fight responses and also I used in magick and more conscious meditations. The drugs also are associated with memory and the doubious joo trying to make you feel inferior to make a buck and make you sick.
What I have learned the past few years about chemicals, health, nutrition, mineral balancing, psychology and its connection to the body has me looking at the world very differently.
We are constantly, by those in power, kept sick, kept weak, kept DIS-eased, kept in fear of death, kept in fear of the natural world around us and are continually kept looking in the wrong direction for answers or kept looking away from what is really going on in the world. And its at the price of our souls. Those in power want us barely able to fight back, if at all, simply because without will there is no real power in us.
I hope that I can use this knowledge to help my fellow Satanic brothers and sisters as well as expose the dirty joo for what they are doing and bring about true health and wellness to Gentiles.
That was a digression. Stay away from the fake shit. It's not good for you at all. Most fragrances are neurotoxins. And read up on the essential oils and use them wisely and sparingly. People have been known to build up allergies/sensitivities to them over YEARS. As always excess is excess and responsibility to the responsible.

Thanks for this post. I did not know some of these things about commercial fragrances. It looks like I will stop testing them on my arm and on my neck at the store.

On Monday, August 10, 2015 7:23 AM, "trenzalore2411@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  One thing also is to avoid perfumes containing aldehydes. The most prevalent and common aldehyde we all know is formaldehyde aka embalming fluid. Fragrance companies use tons of different types of aldehydes that are closely related to formaldehyde each year and normally DO NOT HAVE TO DISCLOSE THIS in their list of ingredients. Infact, many companies use cocktails of damaging chemicals which no one knows what those chemicals do in UNISON, or in most cases alone, as the FDA just passes shit without really looking into it. Those chemical cocktails do not have to be reported either as they are called "trade secrets".
These companies want you drugged and douped into buying shit you really don't need. Most chemicals found in fragrances interact with the amygdala which controls flight or fight responses and also I used in magick and more conscious meditations. The drugs also are associated with memory and the doubious joo trying to make you feel inferior to make a buck and make you sick.
What I have learned the past few years about chemicals, health, nutrition, mineral balancing, psychology and its connection to the body has me looking at the world very differently.
We are constantly, by those in power, kept sick, kept weak, kept DIS-eased, kept in fear of death, kept in fear of the natural world around us and are continually kept looking in the wrong direction for answers or kept looking away from what is really going on in the world. And its at the price of our souls. Those in power want us barely able to fight back, if at all, simply because without will there is no real power in us.
I hope that I can use this knowledge to help my fellow Satanic brothers and sisters as well as expose the dirty joo for what they are doing and bring about true health and wellness to Gentiles.
That was a digression. Stay away from the fake shit. It's not good for you at all. Most fragrances are neurotoxins. And read up on the essential oils and use them wisely and sparingly. People have been known to build up allergies/sensitivities to them over YEARS. As always excess is excess and responsibility to the responsible.


Wow I didn't know that about them, but really I should have known because it is quite obvious... 
Especially that part about them working as neurotoxins and the chemicals creating a deadly coctail when added in together.. 

Now I understand why I dispise so many of them... Recently after meditating more I began to somehow sense what products are good and what is shit.. Or by focussing on the product to feel if it is toxic or not.. Not sure exactly how that's supposed to work, but it sure as hell is a useful ability.

Does somebody have some suggestions as to an alternative for perfumes? I still want to smell nice for my girlfriend, but after reading this I'd rather not use any perfumes...
Thank you for your message, I never thought about the packages and possible fluoride poisoning. How comes that aliminium foil contains fluoride? Anyhow I know aluminium is not good.

This brought to my mind another potential harm that comes from frying pans/pots etc.
Most of them are made with ptfe (Polytetrafluoroethylene). I am not an expert but I would discard anything containing the word "fluor" inside its components. I have seen for some year popping out some "ceramic" stoves, probably poorer in fluoride, but now the jews are trying to introduce ptfe again by saying it is "pfoa" free so less harmful. I don't think these pans/pots are good for us, any idea?

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2015 05:51:37 -0700
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Harmful Cosmetic Products

  It's completely ridiculous how little there is left in regular stores that can actually be eaten..
None of the products in any supermarket is safe to eat or drink.

Almost all packages (Drinks, milk, even water, soda's, "healthy" fruit juices, yoghurt, etc) have aluminim foil on the inside which causes the liquid or the drink to absorb fluoride from the package AFTER it has been packed. So the ingredients that are listen are perfectly fine in some cases (Like some brands of mineral water) But there are insane amounts of fluoride in the drinks because it is absorbed after being packed.

Nearly all of the vegitables and fruits you can buy in supermarkets, even the unprocessed ones are completely filled with shit and chemicals because the water they are fed when they groww is full wul fluoride too, among other things. All the bug repelants, the artificial fertilizer, the paint they put on the fruits and veggies to make them look more colorful combined with the fact they are all plucked when they are only half grown and green, thus lacking all nutrients that make them healthy make them one of the worst most toxic things in all the supermarkets...

Not to mention meat, even from private butchers is all provided by Jewish owned lifestock producers, pumping their animals full with toxic foods, insane amounts of hormones, ludicrous amounts of antibiotics and much more shit that their meat is basically a lump of poison to our bodies. Causing all kinds of cell membrane decay, strange hormone deficiencies because you get way to much different kinds of hormones from the meat, it destroys your immune system by giving you ridiculous amounts of antibiotics for no good reason. 

Even our clothes are made from cancer generating substances, destroying our skin, ccausing strange inexplicable skin problems, like pimples that won't go away, rashes that seemingly appear magically, itches on your whole body. Not only this but your furnature is coated and made from the same harmful materials. This doesn't only hurt the skin, but the dust particals produced by those things enter your lungs and enter your blood stream. Ofcourse those things aren't nearly as harmful as asbesthus, but it's the same principle. 

The worst part is, it is dosed in the perfect amounts by them that it takes a long time for real bad problems to manifest, thus making it look like our bodies are just ill for different reasons. 
The truth is, we can live for much more than 70 years even without meditating or performing the magnum opus, we can easily become 100-120 years old and still be very vital and quite acceptably strong in our 90's but because from birth we are fed with toxins and poisons that are floating in the air, the water, our food, our clothes you fucking name it and it is there, most of us don't grow old, this is exactly what the jews want.. 

They are still in control of our produce and the things we can live with.

Now meditation can easily reverse those effects, even after poisoning your body for 50 years you can reverse it in mearly a decade or less depending on how drastically you change your lifestyle, the body is extremely strong and efficient and it's not going to die easily from a little toxic metals and cancer producing cells, or even cell degenerative substances. 
But it is very important you try to find the least toxic products and if you have the money for it, I suggest you buy completely natural made clothes with no chemical treatment or the use of any unatural fibers. Especially the bed sheets. If you can get your hands on some untreated silk bedsheets, they will be the best damn thing you can ever sleep in.
Personally, I've come to the conclusion that 98% of the products that are being sold, are literally shit.... (they either originate/support Israel, or have very toxic chemicals)
So, the one and best solution, instead of trying to find that 2% and wasting your time, is to make YOUR OWN soaps, toothpaste, perfume etc etc etc.
<b [/IMG]Personally, for some time now, I've been creating my own soap and deodorant (for the sweat).[/B]For the soap, I don't know how you will find it in other countries, but I found in a biological shop soap made from olive. This soap doesn't have anything else in it.https://www.google.gr/search?q=how+does ... ywOKzpS4AQI believe it is a hassle to make it on your own (unless you have the time and space) so I buy it instead. One bar of soap is 2 euros. Then, I use a grater to make the soap in many small pieces (it will look like cheese for spaghetti xD) and then I put it in a bowl. I add water, just enough to cover the cheese-looking soap (but not too much! it is better to put little, than more) and leave it overnight. The soap will turn into shampoo +  shower gell. I mean it is both used for body and hair! If you want, after you add water, you can add essential oils (I do that). Just 3-4 drops. By the way, the bowl must obviously shut so that the smell won't leave and that the soap won't get dirty with dust etc.
I had also found this (for shampoo): http://www.instructables.com/id/A-Homem ... /?ALLSTEPS
but I didn't bother with it since the solution with olive soap is cheap and easy.HOWEVER I had once bought some olive soap from another shop and.... the soap didn't turn out good. It had also some other ingredients that I didn't pay attention to, and this was the result. When you buy something, check out that it is certainly olive oil and with no added ingredients.
[/IMG]how to make detergent for the clothes on your own (for the washing machine).[/B]
I haven't yet tried it because reasons.    Search on the Internet for products that are in your country, as the ingredients I found, the translator won't even translate them for me lol (they're Greek products).
In regards to making your own deodorant: firstly you can definitely search the Internet for recipes in your own language etc. What I use is: baking soda, powdered (it is sugar that has been melted; they sell on super markets), essential oils (one essential oil that I use in the soap as well; these things are expensive damnit! D; ) and either Balsamic oil or sunflower oil or coconut oil. I searched in many pharmacies in my neighborhood and I only found coconut oil in one pharmacy, so I use that. In the site it said that instead of essential oils you can use vanillas (the ones that are sold for cooking sweets and stuff) but when I had used vanilla... the mixture turned black after a while! It wasn't good! :(The site also says to use Vitamin E (because it helps in not making the mixture spoil) but I don't use Vitamin E anymore, and the mixture is fine. I think it's a bit of a waste of money. It is also advisable to have the mixture in a dark colored jar, but since I don't have that, I have it in a usual (transparent) jar but I don't have it in the Sun. I am careful with it. The same goes for the soap as well.This deodorant lasts for 24 hours. You will NOT smell at all! I am talking from experience. :)
<b [/IMG]ALSO this may sound irrelevant but it is not. ALWAYS READ THE LABELS DOWN THE BOTTLES/JARS THAT YOU BUY!! [/B]Especially if they are plastic... They have a triangle thing and either a number or some letters. You will see (EVEN IN THE FUCKING PLASTIC BOTTLES THAT HAVE MINERAL WATER IN THEM!!) the most often is "PET" which is FOR ONE USE ONLY!! Many people keep these bottles and refill them and put them in the fridge. This is not good! Again, please search on the Internet, in your own language because what I've found is in Greek. ^^;For the Greek ones here: http://www.organiclife.gr/el/health/2016-plastika.html haha :p

There are also ways to make your own perfumes! To be entirely honest I haven't yet searched through that very much because I was too busy making deodorants and soaps lol xDBut I suppose by using essential oils in a mixture with other ingredients... or even putting vanilla behind your ears haha :D (I know this was done as well :p) So, to the guy who said he wants to smell nice for his girlfriend... If my boyfriend smelled vanilla, I'd want to be biting his neck hahaha so I think you'll be fine. XDDD (But do your own research to find better mixtures etc)
<b [/IMG]There are also MANY WAYS to replace the bad VERY VERY TOXIC products for cleaning the house with other products! [/B]For example vinegar!! It would also be good to search on google "what to use instead of chlorine (for cleaning the house etc)".

Lastly in regards to the toothpaste. I had read that hydrogen peroxide (what they call the oxygen cure) is good but another person told me it's not for a long time use.... So I don't know. :[ But I know a grandma of mine... who only used coarse salt to brush her teeth and until she died, she had all her teeth and in a very healthy state. XDWhen I say coarse salt (that googletranslator told me to say lol) is the "fat" salt, that is much more fat than the one we use in our food. When I say fat I don't mean in calories. XDDDD I mean in size! xDAnother person has suggested coarse salt with lemon. I had also been suggested about baking soda, but another person said it's no good (like it was mentioned in the group here too) for long use, so coarse salt and lemon it is! I haven't yet tried it because I was still using a toothpaste that I had bought from a pharmacy (THE PRODUCTS SOLD IN PHARMACIES INSTEAD OF SUPERMARKETS AND ARE SUPPOSED TO BE HEALTHY, ARE WAY TOO FUCKING EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) that does not contain fluoride... But now the toothpaste comes to an end, so I will try the coarse salt with the lemon. :)    
This... is all I had to say. This is my input. As I too, was searching like a maniac for products that do not contain chemicals and what specific ingredients to avoid... I decided to just "fuck that shit, I'll make it on my own!" so I googlesearched whatever daily needs I had and how to make my own soap, deodorant etc etc.Also, if your hair is dry you can also naturally make conditioner.
Stop buying the shit that they sell. They have WAY TOO MANY TOXINS that we just DO NOT FUCKING NEED!!!!!!!!!!!How did our Ancient people manage so far without all that shit?? I understand how we need science and technology (duh) but some things are just unneeded... All these chemicals are NOT NEEDED. They also weaken our immune system.
Last advice: if you intend to tell to your family, friends, relatives, whatever, about all of the above (how to create their own deodorant, and why the deodorant they sell on super markets is deadly etc) be prepared... Don't randomly tell others, because you will hear some of the most fucking stupid shit you've ever heard in your life. I'm talking about worse shit than the xtians will tell you. -_-So far, except for the Brothers and Sisters I know in real life (with whom I've discussed about these matters and we are in an agreement), my mother and other..... not-so-smart people to whom I've addressed the issues of the toxicity etc in the products being sold have responded "What are you saying? Everything is deadly and toxic? But I've been using it for so long and I haven't had any bad effects! Be careful because if you are so wary of what you put in your skin, you will become super sensitive and be in danger".......................................... that shit. That shit they also tell about meditating! They know I meditate (they hear me chanting lol) so if we fight they tell me "what are you meditating all day? Look at how your meditations made you become!" or "These meditations you do don't help you at all, huh?" and other such bullshit.
So yeah.I'm not saying not to advice others etc!! On the contrary, we MUST spread the word for people to be healthy etc! But, if you listen to very stupid shit like the ones I wrote above... Well, just be prepared for these. Do not get discouraged. Be prepared for the stupidity of outsiders.

Στις 8:29 π.μ. Τετάρτη, 12 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "'S.S. 666' s.s.666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  Thank you for your message, I never thought about the packages and possible fluoride poisoning. How comes that aliminium foil contains fluoride? Anyhow I know aluminium is not good.

This brought to my mind another potential harm that comes from frying pans/pots etc.
Most of them are made with ptfe (Polytetrafluoroethylene). I am not an expert but I would discard anything containing the word "fluor" inside its components. I have seen for some year popping out some "ceramic" stoves, probably poorer in fluoride, but now the jews are trying to introduce ptfe again by saying it is "pfoa" free so less harmful. I don't think these pans/pots are good for us, any idea?

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2015 05:51:37 -0700
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Harmful Cosmetic Products

  It's completely ridiculous how little there is left in regular stores that can actually be eaten..
None of the products in any supermarket is safe to eat or drink.

Almost all packages (Drinks, milk, even water, soda's, "healthy" fruit juices, yoghurt, etc) have aluminim foil on the inside which causes the liquid or the drink to absorb fluoride from the package AFTER it has been packed. So the ingredients that are listen are perfectly fine in some cases (Like some brands of mineral water) But there are insane amounts of fluoride in the drinks because it is absorbed after being packed.

Nearly all of the vegitables and fruits you can buy in supermarkets, even the unprocessed ones are completely filled with shit and chemicals because the water they are fed when they groww is full wul fluoride too, among other things. All the bug repelants, the artificial fertilizer, the paint they put on the fruits and veggies to make them look more colorful combined with the fact they are all plucked when they are only half grown and green, thus lacking all nutrients that make them healthy make them one of the worst most toxic things in all the supermarkets...

Not to mention meat, even from private butchers is all provided by Jewish owned lifestock producers, pumping their animals full with toxic foods, insane amounts of hormones, ludicrous amounts of antibiotics and much more shit that their meat is basically a lump of poison to our bodies. Causing all kinds of cell membrane decay, strange hormone deficiencies because you get way to much different kinds of hormones from the meat, it destroys your immune system by giving you ridiculous amounts of antibiotics for no good reason. 

Even our clothes are made from cancer generating substances, destroying our skin, ccausing strange inexplicable skin problems, like pimples that won't go away, rashes that seemingly appear magically, itches on your whole body. Not only this but your furnature is coated and made from the same harmful materials. This doesn't only hurt the skin, but the dust particals produced by those things enter your lungs and enter your blood stream. Ofcourse those things aren't nearly as harmful as asbesthus, but it's the same principle. 

The worst part is, it is dosed in the perfect amounts by them that it takes a long time for real bad problems to manifest, thus making it look like our bodies are just ill for different reasons. 
The truth is, we can live for much more than 70 years even without meditating or performing the magnum opus, we can easily become 100-120 years old and still be very vital and quite acceptably strong in our 90's but because from birth we are fed with toxins and poisons that are floating in the air, the water, our food, our clothes you fucking name it and it is there, most of us don't grow old, this is exactly what the jews want.. 

They are still in control of our produce and the things we can live with.

Now meditation can easily reverse those effects, even after poisoning your body for 50 years you can reverse it in mearly a decade or less depending on how drastically you change your lifestyle, the body is extremely strong and efficient and it's not going to die easily from a little toxic metals and cancer producing cells, or even cell degenerative substances. 
But it is very important you try to find the least toxic products and if you have the money for it, I suggest you buy completely natural made clothes with no chemical treatment or the use of any unatural fibers. Especially the bed sheets. If you can get your hands on some untreated silk bedsheets, they will be the best damn thing you can ever sleep in.

Thank you for those instructions, Light. Not enough people know about the utility of baking soda. Those are some helpful tutorials.

And yes, outsiders are fucking stupid. Mainly because they're just fucking stupid. :)
I will quote you what I have been told on this:

There do exist parfumes made only by essential oils. Be careful to which essential oils you buy because they should be 100% pure and they should be distilled by the use of steam  or cold-squeezed (like citrus essence), as unfortunately in poor quality oils they use some chemicals to extract them. Organica are the Best but they are expensive.

Regarding soap, a Good soap made by olive oil + laurel oil is Aleppo soap, that comes From Syria originally. Laurel oil is a natural antiseptic.

Hope this helps,

<hr>From: ciclista75@...
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Harmful Cosmetic Products
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2015 18:32:46 +0000

There do exist some perfumes made by a mix of essential oils. Also these perfumes might contain some allergeni csubstances, but they are far less aggressive than standard synthetic parfum.
Infact they can be used on extra sensitive skins that reacts to commercial parfumes and do not tolerate them.
It depends where you live, in EU they can be found.

<hr>From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2015 15:03:02 -0700
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Harmful Cosmetic Products

  Wow I didn't know that about them, but really I should have known because it is quite obvious... 
Especially that part about them working as neurotoxins and the chemicals creating a deadly coctail when added in together.. 

Now I understand why I dispise so many of them... Recently after meditating more I began to somehow sense what products are good and what is shit.. Or by focussing on the product to feel if it is toxic or not.. Not sure exactly how that's supposed to work, but it sure as hell is a useful ability.

Does somebody have some suggestions as to an alternative for perfumes? I still want to smell nice for my girlfriend, but after reading this I'd rather not use any perfumes...
Really good advice :) Love your solutions light yagami! Going to try the coarse salt. I've been using toms, is that actually safe? It's non fluoride. Also, for perfume you can save tea bags or the leaves and rub them on your skin(break them open, etc). (correct me if this isn't safe) the scent isn't as strong as perfume, but you'll smell nice :)
Just like there are no special dietary restrictions in satanism there are no special cosmetic restrictions in satanism. There not toxic

On Aug 12, 2015, at 8:20 AM, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Personally, I've come to the conclusion that 98% of the products that are being sold, are literally shit.... (they either originate/support Israel, or have very toxic chemicals)
So, the one and best solution, instead of trying to find that 2% and wasting your time, is to make YOUR OWN soaps, toothpaste, perfume etc etc etc.
<b [/IMG]Personally, for some time now, I've been creating my own soap and deodorant (for the sweat).[/B]For the soap, I don't know how you will find it in other countries, but I found in a biological shop soap made from olive. This soap doesn't have anything else in it.https://www.google.gr/search?q=how+does ... ywOKzpS4AQI believe it is a hassle to make it on your own (unless you have the time and space) so I buy it instead. One bar of soap is 2 euros. Then, I use a grater to make the soap in many small pieces (it will look like cheese for spaghetti xD) and then I put it in a bowl. I add water, just enough to cover the cheese-looking soap (but not too much! it is better to put little, than more) and leave it overnight. The soap will turn into shampoo +  shower gell. I mean it is both used for body and hair! If you want, after you add water, you can add essential oils (I do that). Just 3-4 drops. By the way, the bowl must obviously shut so that the smell won't leave and that the soap won't get dirty with dust etc.
I had also found this (for shampoo): http://www.instructables.com/id/A-Homem ... /?ALLSTEPS
but I didn't bother with it since the solution with olive soap is cheap and easy.HOWEVER I had once bought some olive soap from another shop and.... the soap didn't turn out good. It had also some other ingredients that I didn't pay attention to, and this was the result. When you buy something, check out that it is certainly olive oil and with no added ingredients.
[/IMG]how to make detergent for the clothes on your own (for the washing machine).[/B]
I haven't yet tried it because reasons.    Search on the Internet for products that are in your country, as the ingredients I found, the translator won't even translate them for me lol (they're Greek products).
In regards to making your own deodorant: firstly you can definitely search the Internet for recipes in your own language etc. What I use is: baking soda, powdered (it is sugar that has been melted; they sell on super markets), essential oils (one essential oil that I use in the soap as well; these things are expensive damnit! D; ) and either Balsamic oil or sunflower oil or coconut oil. I searched in many pharmacies in my neighborhood and I only found coconut oil in one pharmacy, so I use that. In the site it said that instead of essential oils you can use vanillas (the ones that are sold for cooking sweets and stuff) but when I had used vanilla... the mixture turned black after a while! It wasn't good! :(The site also says to use Vitamin E (because it helps in not making the mixture spoil) but I don't use Vitamin E anymore, and the mixture is fine. I think it's a bit of a waste of money. It is also advisable to have the mixture in a dark colored jar, but since I don't have that, I have it in a usual (transparent) jar but I don't have it in the Sun. I am careful with it. The same goes for the soap as well.This deodorant lasts for 24 hours. You will NOT smell at all! I am talking from experience. :)
<b [/IMG]ALSO this may sound irrelevant but it is not. ALWAYS READ THE LABELS DOWN THE BOTTLES/JARS THAT YOU BUY!! [/B]Especially if they are plastic... They have a triangle thing and either a number or some letters. You will see (EVEN IN THE FUCKING PLASTIC BOTTLES THAT HAVE MINERAL WATER IN THEM!!) the most often is "PET" which is FOR ONE USE ONLY!! Many people keep these bottles and refill them and put them in the fridge. This is not good! Again, please search on the Internet, in your own language because what I've found is in Greek. ^^;For the Greek ones here: http://www.organiclife.gr/el/health/2016-plastika.html haha :p

There are also ways to make your own perfumes! To be entirely honest I haven't yet searched through that very much because I was too busy making deodorants and soaps lol xDBut I suppose by using essential oils in a mixture with other ingredients... or even putting vanilla behind your ears haha :D (I know this was done as well :p) So, to the guy who said he wants to smell nice for his girlfriend... If my boyfriend smelled vanilla, I'd want to be biting his neck hahaha so I think you'll be fine. XDDD (But do your own research to find better mixtures etc)
<b [/IMG]There are also MANY WAYS to replace the bad VERY VERY TOXIC products for cleaning the house with other products! [/B]For example vinegar!! It would also be good to search on google "what to use instead of chlorine (for cleaning the house etc)".

Lastly in regards to the toothpaste. I had read that hydrogen peroxide (what they call the oxygen cure) is good but another person told me it's not for a long time use.... So I don't know. :[ But I know a grandma of mine... who only used coarse salt to brush her teeth and until she died, she had all her teeth and in a very healthy state. XDWhen I say coarse salt (that googletranslator told me to say lol) is the "fat" salt, that is much more fat than the one we use in our food. When I say fat I don't mean in calories. XDDDD I mean in size! xDAnother person has suggested coarse salt with lemon. I had also been suggested about baking soda, but another person said it's no good (like it was mentioned in the group here too) for long use, so coarse salt and lemon it is! I haven't yet tried it because I was still using a toothpaste that I had bought from a pharmacy (THE PRODUCTS SOLD IN PHARMACIES INSTEAD OF SUPERMARKETS AND ARE SUPPOSED TO BE HEALTHY, ARE WAY TOO FUCKING EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) that does not contain fluoride... But now the toothpaste comes to an end, so I will try the coarse salt with the lemon. :)    
This... is all I had to say. This is my input. As I too, was searching like a maniac for products that do not contain chemicals and what specific ingredients to avoid... I decided to just "fuck that shit, I'll make it on my own!" so I googlesearched whatever daily needs I had and how to make my own soap, deodorant etc etc.Also, if your hair is dry you can also naturally make conditioner.
Stop buying the shit that they sell. They have WAY TOO MANY TOXINS that we just DO NOT FUCKING NEED!!!!!!!!!!!How did our Ancient people manage so far without all that shit?? I understand how we need science and technology (duh) but some things are just unneeded... All these chemicals are NOT NEEDED. They also weaken our immune system.
Last advice: if you intend to tell to your family, friends, relatives, whatever, about all of the above (how to create their own deodorant, and why the deodorant they sell on super markets is deadly etc) be prepared... Don't randomly tell others, because you will hear some of the most fucking stupid shit you've ever heard in your life. I'm talking about worse shit than the xtians will tell you. -_-So far, except for the Brothers and Sisters I know in real life (with whom I've discussed about these matters and we are in an agreement), my mother and other..... not-so-smart people to whom I've addressed the issues of the toxicity etc in the products being sold have responded "What are you saying? Everything is deadly and toxic? But I've been using it for so long and I haven't had any bad effects! Be careful because if you are so wary of what you put in your skin, you will become super sensitive and be in danger".......................................... that shit. That shit they also tell about meditating! They know I meditate (they hear me chanting lol) so if we fight they tell me "what are you meditating all day? Look at how your meditations made you become!" or "These meditations you do don't help you at all, huh?" and other such bullshit.
So yeah.I'm not saying not to advice others etc!! On the contrary, we MUST spread the word for people to be healthy etc! But, if you listen to very stupid shit like the ones I wrote above... Well, just be prepared for these. Do not get discouraged. Be prepared for the stupidity of outsiders.

Στις 8:29 π.μ. Τετάρτη, 12 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "'S.S. 666' s.s.666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] έγραψε:

  Thank you for your message, I never thought about the packages and possible fluoride poisoning. How comes that aliminium foil contains fluoride? Anyhow I know aluminium is not good.

This brought to my mind another potential harm that comes from frying pans/pots etc.
Most of them are made with ptfe (Polytetrafluoroethylene). I am not an expert but I would discard anything containing the word "fluor" ins
@fibrilink I don't know what toms is, I googlesearched and saw so many shoes hahaha x'DBut in toothpaste, except for fluoride there are more things to be aware of, like saccharin, Sodium Laurel Sulfate, Triclosan, DEA, Parabens, formaldehyde, Hydrated silica...
https://theredbikiniproject.files.wordp ... o1_500.jpgAh, I found this image. Sad but true.

Στις 6:17 π.μ. Πέμπτη, 13 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "Zryan danyl.eder@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  Just like there are no special dietary restrictions in satanism there are no special cosmetic restrictions in satanism. There not toxic

On Aug 12, 2015, at 8:20 AM, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Personally, I've come to the conclusion that 98% of the products that are being sold, are literally shit.... (they either originate/support Israel, or have very toxic chemicals)
So, the one and best solution, instead of trying to find that 2% and wasting your time, is to make YOUR OWN soaps, toothpaste, perfume etc etc etc.
<b [/IMG]Personally, for some time now, I've been creating my own soap and deodorant (for the sweat).[/B]For the soap, I don't know how you will find it in other countries, but I found in a biological shop soap made from olive. This soap doesn't have anything else in it.https://www.google.gr/search?q=how+does ... ywOKzpS4AQI believe it is a hassle to make it on your own (unless you have the time and space) so I buy it instead. One bar of soap is 2 euros. Then, I use a grater to make the soap in many small pieces (it will look like cheese for spaghetti xD) and then I put it in a bowl. I add water, just enough to cover the cheese-looking soap (but not too much! it is better to put little, than more) and leave it overnight. The soap will turn into shampoo +  shower gell. I mean it is both used for body and hair! If you want, after you add water, you can add essential oils (I do that). Just 3-4 drops. By the way, the bowl must obviously shut so that the smell won't leave and that the soap won't get dirty with dust etc.
I had also found this (for shampoo): http://www.instructables.com/id/A-Homem ... /?ALLSTEPS
but I didn't bother with it since the solution with olive soap is cheap and easy.HOWEVER I had once bought some olive soap from another shop and.... the soap didn't turn out good. It had also some other ingredients that I didn't pay attention to, and this was the result. When you buy something, check out that it is certainly olive oil and with no added ingredients.
[/IMG]how to make detergent for the clothes on your own (for the washing machine).[/B]
I haven't yet tried it because reasons.    Search on the Internet for products that are in your country, as the ingredients I found, the translator won't even translate them for me lol (they're Greek products).
In regards to making your own deodorant: firstly you can definitely search the Internet for recipes in your own language etc. What I use is: baking soda, powdered (it is sugar that has been melted; they sell on super markets), essential oils (one essential oil that I use in the soap as well; these things are expensive damnit! D; ) and either Balsamic oil or sunflower oil or coconut oil. I searched in many pharmacies in my neighborhood and I only found coconut oil in one pharmacy, so I use that. In the site it said that instead of essential oils you can use vanillas (the ones that are sold for cooking sweets and stuff) but when I had used vanilla... the mixture turned black after a while! It wasn't good! :(The site also says to use Vitamin E (because it helps in not making the mixture spoil) but I don't use Vitamin E anymore, and the mixture is fine. I think it's a bit of a waste of money. It is also advisable to have the mixture in a dark colored jar, but since I don't have that, I have it in a usual (transparent) jar but I don't have it in the Sun. I am careful with it. The same goes for the soap as well.This deodorant lasts for 24 hours. You will NOT smell at all! I am talking from experience. :)
<b [/IMG]ALSO this may sound irrelevant but it is not. ALWAYS READ THE LABELS DOWN THE BOTTLES/JARS THAT YOU BUY!! [/B]Especially if they are plastic... They have a triangle thing and either a number or some letters. You will see (EVEN IN THE FUCKING PLASTIC BOTTLES THAT HAVE MINERAL WATER IN THEM!!) the most often is "PET" which is FOR ONE USE ONLY!! Many people keep these bottles and refill them and put them in the fridge. This is not good! Again, please search on the Internet, in your own language because what I've found is in Greek. ^^;For the Greek ones here: http://www.organiclife.gr/el/health/2016-plastika.html haha :p

There are also ways to make your own perfumes! To be entirely honest I haven't yet searched through that very much because I was too busy making deodorants and soaps lol xDBut I suppose by using essential oils in a mixture with other ingredients... or even putting vanilla behind your ears haha :D (I know this was done as well :p) So, to the guy who said he wants to smell nice for his girlfriend... If my boyfriend smelled vanilla, I'd want to be biting his neck hahaha so I think you'll be fine. XDDD (But do your own research to find better mixtures etc)
<b [/IMG]There are also MANY WAYS to replace the bad VERY VERY TOXIC products for cleaning the house with other products! [/B]For example vinegar!! It would also be good to search on google "what to use instead of chlorine (for cleaning the house etc)".

Lastly in regards to the toothpaste. I had read that hydrogen peroxide (what they call the oxygen cure) is good but another person told me it's not for a long time use.... So I don't know. :[ But I know a grandma of mine... who only used coarse salt to brush her teeth and until she died, she had all her teeth and in a very healthy state. XDWhen I say coarse salt (that googletranslator told me to say lol) is the "fat" salt, that is much more fat than the one we use in our food. When I say fat I don't mean in calories. XDDDD I mean in size! xDAnother person has suggested coarse salt with lemon. I had also been suggested about baking soda, but another person said it's no good (like it was mentioned in the group here too) for long use, so coarse salt and lemon it is! I haven't yet tried it because I was still using a toothpaste that I had bought from a pharmacy (THE PRODUCTS SOLD IN PHARMACIES INSTEAD OF SUPERMARKETS AND ARE SUPPOSED TO BE HEALTHY, ARE WAY TOO FUCKING EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) that does not contain fluoride... But now the toothpaste comes to an end, so I will try the coarse salt with the lemon. :)    
This... is all I had to say. This is my input. As I too, was searching like a maniac for products that do not contain chemicals and what specific ingredients to avoid... I decided to just "fuck that shit, I'll make it on my own!" so I googlesearched whatever daily needs I had and how to make my own soap, deodorant etc etc.Also, if your hair is dry you can also naturally make conditioner.
Stop buying the shit that they sell. They have WAY TOO MANY TOXINS that we just DO NOT FUCKING NEED!!!!!!!!!!!How did our Ancient people manage so far without all that shit?? I understand how we need science and technology (duh) but some things are just unneeded... All these chemicals are NOT NEEDED. They also weaken our immune system.
Last advice: if you intend to tell to your family, friends, relatives, whatever, about all of the above (how to create their own deodorant, and why the deodorant they sell on super markets is deadly etc) be prepared... Don't randomly tell others, because you will hear some of the most fucking stupid shit you've ever heard in your life. I'm talking about worse shit than the xtians will tell you. -_-So far, except for the Brothers and Sisters I know in real life (with whom I've discussed about these matters and we are in an agreement), my mother and other..... not-so-smart people to whom I've addressed the issues of the toxicity etc in the products being sold have responded "What are you saying? Everything is deadly and toxic? But I've been using it for so long and I haven't had any bad effects! Be careful because if you are so wary of what you put in your skin, you will become super sensitive and be in danger".......................................... that shit. That shit they also tell about meditating! They know I meditate (they hear me chanting lol) so if we fight they tell me "what are you meditating all day? Look at how your meditations made you become!" or "These meditations you do don't help you at all, huh?" and other such bullshit.
So yeah.I'm not saying not to advice others etc!! On the contrary, we MUST spread the word for people to be healthy etc! But, if you listen to very stupid shit like the ones I wrote above... Well, just be prepared for these. Do not get discouraged. Be prepared for the stupidity of outsiders.

Στις 8:29 π.μ. Τετάρτη, 12 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "'S.S. 666' s.s.666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] έγραψε:

  Thank you for your message, I never thought about the packages and possible fluoride poisoning. How comes that aliminium foil contains fluoride? Anyhow I know aluminium is not good.

This brought to my mind another potential harm that comes from frying pans/pots etc.
Most of them are made with ptfe (Polytetrafluoroethylene). I am not an expert but I would discard anything containing the word "fluor" ins

XD that's true. I should read the other ingredients to make sure there isn't other shit in it... Coarse salt sounds good then :) But I thought lemon was bad for teeth?
I don't know about lemon, someone suggested it to me but I haven't tried it/don't know anyone else having tried it either. XD But the coarse salt is definite because as I said a grandma of mine did that. xDSo yeah... ._,

Στις 12:34 π.μ. Παρασκευή, 14 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "fibrilink@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  XD that's true. I should read the other ingredients to make sure there isn't other shit in it... Coarse salt sounds good then :) But I thought lemon was bad for teeth?

Zryan, just because there are no dietary restrictions it doesn't mean eating whatever is fine. For empowering ones soul and cursing the jews and advancing in satanism it doesn't matter what you eat or what cosmethics you use, that is very much true.

However those products are most certainly toxic and having an unhealthy diet is certainly not going to help you become a stronger and lobger living person. Not only this, but eating unhealthy and using conventional cosmetic products are very bad for your cells even to the extend that those toxins used in 98%of all products literally promote cell decay and even corrupt the DNA. 

I can assure you that if you live like the ordinairy western person (Eating a diet from mainly supermarket produce and using cosmetics from majow relailers etc) You will have a much harder time reaching the godhood and you will have to deal with a lot more physical ailments and illness than if you were to follow suggestions made by Light Yagami and make healthy dietary choices (Eating natural unprocessed products)

The supermarkets are all controlled by the filthy bilionaire jews, who in turn also own all the production companies and deliberatly poisen our food and cosmetics and what have you to weaken us and prevent us from becomming strong, healthy and reaching the godhood. 
In turn all medicine from the pharmacy is produced by the Jews and is even more toxic than the elements which cause us to get sick in the first place. 
Pills are a lie, made to give you a false sense of security by treating the symptoms you are feeling at the time while the cause of them is only worsened since the pills that alleviate the symptoms are also filled with toxins that make you even more sick and weak in the long run. 

So I strongly suggest you follow Light Yagami's advice and try to understand the situation we are in. 
We are living in a world where the jewish filt owns most of the worlds wealth and is in control of 98% of all the things the "ordinairy" people get to consume. 

With meditations you can counteract the effects of those toxins and repair your DNA even while still eating unhealthy foods and using toxic cosmetics, but I suggest you do your body a favor and get rid of as much toxic products you have at home, this will not only make you feel much better, it will also help you advance spiritually faster since you will be taking in less harmful substances that need to be cleaned up by the body. 

Reacher immortality (The Godhood) Is a lot more difficult if your body is constantly sick. You might not feel sick now, but basically all those toxins are acting like neurotics, weakening you. So look at how strong, intelligent and spiritually advanced you are now and imagine what will happen if you get rid of all inhibiting factors? All the elements that are keeping you in a weakened state will be removed, this is equivalent to taking a sword from it's sheet. You are already strong, but by taking away the inhibiting elements you will get an even greater edge over the enemy ;)

Yeah Old Spice is manufactured by a company that is located on illegal west bank of israel. Thank you for that information. By having a 2nd look at the label I also realized it DOES contain that crap mentioned..

I will try out Light Yagami's method for deodorant. I would rather buy one, but looking at this list i came to a conclusion all of this shit that can be bought is straight up poison. Can anyone recommend a good stick deodorant?

For toothpaste we use Himalaya brand and also for soap. I know the toothpaste doesn't containt flouride and the company is I think from Nepal. The toothpaste is brown btw
The coarse salt does work :) And it tastes good XD But really, I used it after lunch today and my teeth looked shinier. Now I actually like brushing my teeth :p
I've been using auromere brand herbal toothpaste ever since one of our members posted amazon links to nontoxic products.It's really great. Also been using the deodorant they listed.

On Saturday, August 15, 2015 12:08 AM, "eljtheblancoassassin@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Yeah Old Spice is manufactured by a company that is located on illegal west bank of israel. Thank you for that information. By having a 2nd look at the label I also realized it DOES contain that crap mentioned..

I will try out Light Yagami's method for deodorant. I would rather buy one, but looking at this list i came to a conclusion all of this shit that can be bought is straight up poison. Can anyone recommend a good stick deodorant?

For toothpaste we use Himalaya brand and also for soap. I know the toothpaste doesn't containt flouride and the company is I think from Nepal. The toothpaste is brown btw

I kept getting a nagging feeling to put up this list of books I have personally read, that I have found helpful, regarding chemicals in personal care products for men and women:
There's Lead in Your Lipstick: Toxins In Our Everyday Body Care And How To Avoid Them: Gillian Deacon: 9780143172505: Amazon.com: Books

No More Dirty Looks: The Truth about Your Beauty Products--and the Ultimate Guide to Safe and Clean Cosmetics: Siobhan O'Connor, Alexandra Spunt: 9780738213965: Amazon.com: Books

Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry: Stacy Malkan: 9780865715745: Amazon.com: Books

I've flipped through this one some years ago, and I found it to be pretty good:The Green Beauty Guide: Your Essential Resource to Organic and Natural Skin Care, Hair Care, Makeup, and Fragrances: Julie Gabriel: 9780757307478: Amazon.com: Books

Amazon.com: Holistic Beauty from the Inside Out: Your Complete Guide to Natural Health, Nutrition, and Skincare (9781609804619): Julie Gabriel: Books

And for those who live in Canada (as the author is Canadian and refers also to Canadian brands):Ecoholic Body: Your Ultimate Earth-Friendly Guide to Living Healthy and Looking Good - Kindle edition by Adria Vasil. Health, Fitness & Dieting Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

Happy reading. 

On Saturday, August 15, 2015 12:05 PM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I've been using auromere brand herbal toothpaste ever since one of our members posted amazon links to nontoxic products.It's really great. Also been using the deodorant they listed.

On Saturday, August 15, 2015 12:08 AM, "eljtheblancoassassin@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Yeah Old Spice is manufactured by a company that is located on illegal west bank of israel. Thank you for that information. By having a 2nd look at the label I also realized it DOES contain that crap mentioned..

I will try out Light Yagami's method for deodorant. I would rather buy one, but looking at this list i came to a conclusion all of this shit that can be bought is straight up poison. Can anyone recommend a good stick deodorant?

For toothpaste we use Himalaya brand and also for soap. I know the toothpaste doesn't containt flouride and the company is I think from Nepal. The toothpaste is brown btw

I also really like this blog, Beauty Lies Truth, which talks about safer alternatives and the dangerous chemicals in personal care (skin-care, cosmetics and perfume) products:
/the beauty industry needs a makeover.

On Saturday, August 15, 2015 12:21 PM, "Magus Immortalis magus.immortalis@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I kept getting a nagging feeling to put up this list of books I have personally read, that I have found helpful, regarding chemicals in personal care products for men and women:
There's Lead in Your Lipstick: Toxins In Our Everyday Body Care And How To Avoid Them: Gillian Deacon: 9780143172505: Amazon.com: Books

No More Dirty Looks: The Truth about Your Beauty Products--and the Ultimate Guide to Safe and Clean Cosmetics: Siobhan O'Connor, Alexandra Spunt: 9780738213965: Amazon.com: Books

Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry: Stacy Malkan: 9780865715745: Amazon.com: Books

I've flipped through this one some years ago, and I found it to be pretty good:The Green Beauty Guide: Your Essential Resource to Organic and Natural Skin Care, Hair Care, Makeup, and Fragrances: Julie Gabriel: 9780757307478: Amazon.com: Books

Amazon.com: Holistic Beauty from the Inside Out: Your Complete Guide to Natural Health, Nutrition, and Skincare (9781609804619): Julie Gabriel: Books

And for those who live in Canada (as the author is Canadian and refers also to Canadian brands):Ecoholic Body: Your Ultimate Earth-Friendly Guide to Living Healthy and Looking Good - Kindle edition by Adria Vasil. Health, Fitness & Dieting Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

Happy reading. 

On Saturday, August 15, 2015 12:05 PM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I've been using auromere brand herbal toothpaste ever since one of our members posted amazon links to nontoxic products.It's really great. Also been using the deodorant they listed.

On Saturday, August 15, 2015 12:08 AM, "eljtheblancoassassin@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Yeah Old Spice is manufactured by a company that is located on illegal west bank of israel. Thank you for that information. By having a 2nd look at the label I also realized it DOES contain that crap mentioned..

I will try out Light Yagami's method for deodorant. I would rather buy one, but looking at this list i came to a conclusion all of this shit that can be bought is straight up poison. Can anyone recommend a good stick deodorant?

For toothpaste we use Himalaya brand and also for soap. I know the toothpaste doesn't containt flouride and the company is I think from Nepal. The toothpaste is brown btw

What app is that on your phone?

On Sunday, August 9, 2015 11:20 PM, "Teloc Vovim teloc.vovim666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  [/IMG]"The absence of darkness in a person does not suggest an abundance of light, for to know the light you must have known the darkness."</em>

On Sunday, August 9, 2015 6:46 PM, "eljtheblancoassassin@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I just went throught the label on the back of rhe old spice and it doens't mention any of these, but I got a question.. Is "Old Spice" ran or does it support jews? I came to conclision it's the best anti-deodorant I like.

Peace & Hail Odin!

Buycott, you can [/IMG]"The absence of darkness in a person does not suggest an abundance of light, for to know the light you must have known the darkness."</em>

On Sunday, August 16, 2015 3:53 AM, "Zach Darienzo deepearth49@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  What app is that on your phone?

On Sunday, August 9, 2015 11:20 PM, "Teloc Vovim teloc.vovim666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  [/IMG]"The absence of darkness in a person does not suggest an abundance of light, for to know the light you must have known the darkness."</em>

On Sunday, August 9, 2015 6:46 PM, "eljtheblancoassassin@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I just went throught the label on the back of rhe old spice and it doens't mention any of these, but I got a question.. Is "Old Spice" ran or does it support jews? I came to conclision it's the best anti-deodorant I like.

Peace & Hail Odin!

Not only are these products dangerous to us but to know these asshole companies test these products on innocent defenceless animals they make me sick and so angry. There's plenty of paedophiles in prisons they could test on oh but no they still have a right and yet not a defenceless animal. 

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
