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Happy Birthday To Adolf Hitler

BlackOnyx8 said:
Greetings everyone!

With permission from High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, I am honored to dedicate this post to Adolf Hitler.

Today is truly a special day as we celebrate the birthday of our beloved Adolf Hitler. It is a day to reflect upon His incredible hard work and dedication that have undoubtedly left a lasting impact on all of us, and let that motivate us to do something positive for ourselves and for the world.

His massive efforts have been nothing short of inspiring, and humanity, in general, should be truly grateful for everything He has done for us. His unwavering commitment to excellence has set an example for us all, and we can all learn from His determination and perseverance.

Adolf Hitler selflessly dedicated Himself to not just improving the lives of His own people, but also those of the entire world.

On this day, we are also celebrating the first anniversary of the Holocaust Exposed website. Through this website, we honor Adolf Hitler and strive to carry on this mission with the same passion and determination that He embodied. I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to everyone involved and express my sincere gratitude for their dedicated efforts, as none of this would have been possible without them. The website has remained operational without interruption for the past year, and we have successfully reached thousands of people with the Truth.

It is of utmost importance that we continue to reach as many people as possible, as this hoax serves as one of the biggest foundations upon which the enemy stands which further helps them get away unpunished. We must do everything in our power to expose the Truth about what happened in World War 2.

Today we launch a few updates to the website: the search engine and social media optimization have been enhanced, some of the text has been refined, and new documentaries have been added.

As of today, we have a total of 217 ebooks exposing the holocaust, 35 videos exposing the holocaust, 13 videos glorifying Adolf Hitler and 2 videos exposing jewish ritual murder. I have gathered some of this content from the forums, so I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to this massive project. If you happen to come across any relevant content related to this mission, I invite you to share your findings with me so that I can add them to the website.

If you are new to Spiritual Satanism, please be aware that some of the videos and books presented on this website are quite old and may contain some inaccuracies. I encourage you to refer to the disclaimer on the homepage, which outlines the most common points. What is truly valuable here is the undeniable historical and well-documented evidence that the holocaust was nothing but a monstrous lie. These videos and books have been banned all over the world and their authors persecuted, despite such efforts to suppress them, this only serves to reinforce their significance and the truth they reveal and provide unequivocal proof that the holocaust never really happened.

We have many exciting updates and valuable content planned for the upcoming year, particularly with regard to honoring Adolf Hitler and his legacy.

On this day, may you be inspired to take action and make a difference in your own life and in our cause.

Hail Satan!
Hail Hitler!

Sieg Heil!


50th Birthday of Adolf Hitler, a military demonstration, April 20th 1939

Today is a great day, been appreciating Hitler for all that he stood for and has done in his life and for all other people throughout the world. I admire Hitler's committement and perseverence as a great role model, than what is offered t many people today that dare call's itself a role model. Is nothing but a lie of the Jews. Even though I got stuck with a Math exam today, I still took the time to find a quite place away from others to say and do an silent quiet prayers to satan and conduct a personal rituaI made today to honor Adolf Hitler. Even if it was written down on some lined paper and read really quitely to honor and Thank Hitler for his existense. I look forward to doing a more secret more Satanic ritual in my university dorm room next year on this day. Once everyone in bed. So I don't get bothered or reported on by anyone as I honor the Fuhrer. Even that dumb retarded foster mother of mine knows about about my love she uses the derogitory term of Hitler Obsession, today to give reason for all of my happiness and smiles today. I am going to watch tonight all the saved speeches Of Hitler and spread out my Hitler book and dvds and the two Mien Kampfs I have to do a bit of homely decorating of Honoring Hitler today.
BlackOnyx8 said:
Greetings everyone!

With permission from High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, I am honored to dedicate this post to Adolf Hitler.

Today is truly a special day as we celebrate the birthday of our beloved Adolf Hitler. It is a day to reflect upon His incredible hard work and dedication that have undoubtedly left a lasting impact on all of us, and let that motivate us to do something positive for ourselves and for the world.

His massive efforts have been nothing short of inspiring, and humanity, in general, should be truly grateful for everything He has done for us. His unwavering commitment to excellence has set an example for us all, and we can all learn from His determination and perseverance.

Adolf Hitler selflessly dedicated Himself to not just improving the lives of His own people, but also those of the entire world.

On this day, we are also celebrating the first anniversary of the Holocaust Exposed website. Through this website, we honor Adolf Hitler and strive to carry on this mission with the same passion and determination that He embodied. I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to everyone involved and express my sincere gratitude for their dedicated efforts, as none of this would have been possible without them. The website has remained operational without interruption for the past year, and we have successfully reached thousands of people with the Truth.

It is of utmost importance that we continue to reach as many people as possible, as this hoax serves as one of the biggest foundations upon which the enemy stands which further helps them get away unpunished. We must do everything in our power to expose the Truth about what happened in World War 2.

Today we launch a few updates to the website: the search engine and social media optimization have been enhanced, some of the text has been refined, and new documentaries have been added.

As of today, we have a total of 217 ebooks exposing the holocaust, 35 videos exposing the holocaust, 13 videos glorifying Adolf Hitler and 2 videos exposing jewish ritual murder. I have gathered some of this content from the forums, so I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to this massive project. If you happen to come across any relevant content related to this mission, I invite you to share your findings with me so that I can add them to the website.

If you are new to Spiritual Satanism, please be aware that some of the videos and books presented on this website are quite old and may contain some inaccuracies. I encourage you to refer to the disclaimer on the homepage, which outlines the most common points. What is truly valuable here is the undeniable historical and well-documented evidence that the holocaust was nothing but a monstrous lie. These videos and books have been banned all over the world and their authors persecuted, despite such efforts to suppress them, this only serves to reinforce their significance and the truth they reveal and provide unequivocal proof that the holocaust never really happened.

We have many exciting updates and valuable content planned for the upcoming year, particularly with regard to honoring Adolf Hitler and his legacy.

On this day, may you be inspired to take action and make a difference in your own life and in our cause.

Hail Satan!
Hail Hitler!

Sieg Heil!


50th Birthday of Adolf Hitler, a military demonstration, April 20th 1939

Happy Birthday my Führer! Hail Adolf Hitler!
If I could accomplish even a tenth for humanity as Adolf did, I would consider it a life lived beyond expectations.

Happy Birthday to Lord Hitler.

Heil Hitler!
Currently working on your same objectives , living to honor you and make this world better
Well crap I'm one day late but...yeah, late happy birthday lord Hitler.
Hail Hitler!
"We will continue our struggle, fanatically and without pity until death!" - The Führer
Heil Hitler!
BlackOnyx8 said:
Adolf Hitler selflessly dedicated Himself to not just improving the lives of His own people, but also those of the entire world.

On this day, we are also celebrating the first anniversary of the Holocaust Exposed website. Through this website, we honor Adolf Hitler and strive to carry on this mission with the same passion and determination that He embodied.

Thank you for all these super videos and this work putting all these together!

This is a good one, too. I didn't see in on there. It is what got me seeing the truth about AH as well as the extreme efforts of the "Allies" to suppress him through WWII.

Hellstorm: https://www.bitchute.com/video/17nypWABfsmu/
A nation's hero has been born,
Eternal struggle for freedom he was sworn,
For all the good to his people he desired,
Starting with getting all jews fired.

Adolf was his name,
He looked like his volk all the same,
Horrors of wars he observed,
An architect to his country he served.

He fixed all the problems,
Despite being hated by jewish golems,
He brought justice, glory and fortune,
Smiled upon him by Neptune.

He did struggle, whisper and cry,
Staying up late reading and working all day,
Never once did he stop or regret,
What he did for the world we will never forget.

He showed the whole world what was possible,
Jewish scourge he made visible,
For the truth does not fear investigation,
Jewish liars deserve eternal damnation.

And here we celebrate his birthday,
All his memories in our heart are there to stay,
Fear not for the time is coming,
His battles we will be fighting.
The world is coming back around to where it was when Adolf Hitler started his struggle against the Jewish Consortium of Evil that is entrenched in in every hall of Power.

And this time the Soldiers that are fighting for against our common enemy will not lose.

Hail Hitler. Hail Kalki. Hail Victory. For the One who is yet to Come ,we must pave the way.


Hope that you get to stand by him , side by side as we get to the heart of the civilizational level war. I surely do.
Heil Hitler, Hail Satan and All Demons of Hell!

stay strong friends and family of Satan
I am late with a day but HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our saviour.
I hope if he return he will rule humanity as its emperor.
Happy birthday Führer!!

A momentous occasion to be rememebered by and for all, the day in which Lord Pharaoh Ramesses II reincarnated once more and set our planet back towards the direction of Truth. We are all his beneficiaries and owe him a great debt. Going forward, from observing this special day, let us strive forth in our dedication once more with renewed vigor and greatness.

Onwards to the path of his excellency Satan, the ruler of earth, may we forever be under his guidance.

Hail Satan!
Hail Victory!
Hail Hilter!
He saved Humanity from a nightmare they cannot fathom. May he be exonerated and get the recognition and honor he so rightfully deserves.
We look forward to his glorious return.
Józef Piłsudski had very good relations with Hitler
Unfortunately, he died in 1935 and power in Poland was taken over by bad people, people who always wanted the worst for Poland
If our marshal had not passed out in 1935, Poland would certainly have supported Adolf Hitler
I am not in a gulag with a pickaxe and I am not in a Communist place, and I know Hitler and the brave sacrifice of the German people at the time are to hold in praise for this.

Had Hitler not wounded the Jewish Soviet Union, or Hitler not existed, Europe would be a Commissar now. The US might have fallen under a Soviet Atom bomb or who knows what else would have transpired.

The United States after turning against and defeating Germany under Hitler also understood what mistake they have done after having to spend decades and decades of Cold War and fear of Nuclear retaliation all the time.

And still to this day the leftovers from Communism do also plague our brothers and sisters in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Memory Eternal to the One who stood against this morbid beast of Communism and gave us all another chance.

As it should be clear he also never committed any of the large atrocities described about him except of maybe criticizing the jews very powerfully and wanting them to not occupy 99% of control positions into a foreign cultural country that they shouldn't direct. The price of this was that he was slandered more than anyone.

May His memory be eternal. Thanks Herr Hitler for saving us all from Communism and from living a life that is permanently like Maoism.
Thanks for this inspirational post, BlackOnyx8 :)

SleepingWolf said:
If I could accomplish even a tenth for humanity as Adolf did, I would consider it a life lived beyond expectations.


hailourtruegod said:
For “some reason” I grew up never able to feel strong emotions against Hitler and what was lied to me that He allegedly did. I just didn’t care whatsoever and would not even think about it for more than a half a minute while everyone around me would spew hatred at the mention of His name.

This didn’t sit well with a teacher or two. Wish I could remember exactly what was said but I can’t. I just know I did my best to rationally explain something while the teacher just gave emotional responses. I digress.

I never understood it. A year before I became SS I was watching a documentary on Him and felt like something was wrong with me for not feeling an ounce of hatred towards Him even finding His actions and how Germans received him with open arms interesting. I literally forced myself to feel angry while watching the documentary but it felt off having to fake it.

It all made sense to me about a year later when I found the JoS site and the related sites. I had already bad run ins with jews at that time from high school and even after with the kid still being a stuck up a hole who talked about everybody behind their back etc etc.

It felt like a weight off my shoulders learning the truth about the 3rd Reich and Hitler and immediately wanted to tell those close to me what I learned but I know now that was a dumb choice especially being a newbie. Actually learned that lesson soon enough.

Anyways, I’m glad I’m seeing more and more nonWhites waking up towards the jews and some here and there either agreeing with Hitler or questioning if he even was that bad as we were told throughout our lives. We here have done so much positive work for Him and we’re nowhere done yet. He deserves this and more.

Hail Hitler!
Same. Couldn't see him or germany in the way they were presented in the (((media))). Found alternative sources, and contemporary works, and realized there was more to the story. I find it frustrating that people are not willing to consider alternative sources, especially when it's simply for the reason that those sources are not built upon the assumptions about the period established by the jewish media.

It's like people think, if the narrative is not jewish then it's nazi.

Which in a sense isn't exactly wrong. But to them nazi = evil.

I hope that people will soon come to see the truth about nazi Germany and Hitler.
existentialcrisis said:
hailourtruegod said:

Hail Hitler!

The reality of the subject is that Hitler just told Germans to not become extinct through too much mingling of their own culture and body, and to just remain existing into the future as they are good people and they have things to offer to humanity.

Hitler never invaded any non-White country, never demanded anything from any non-White Nation, never held any slaves, or overseas camps or anything where non Germans were forced into anything.

He cared for his people mostly and spend all the good force to have good relations with other Nations of the time which were "non White" and loved Him dearly for this.

However somehow later it was made up by jews that since the National Socialists tried to evolve racial biology, which was used for instruction and generally to teach humans both self respect and understanding other people, that this was somehow a grave sin and crime despite of the same research going into Europe, the United States, or any other evolving place at the time.

This nonsense appeared after Hitler lost the war and jews were trying to find slanderous claims, which they tried to pin anywhere.

They will tell people not having blue eyes was a death penalty sin while most of the leading figures didn't even fit into the jewish invented slander purposed criteria. They expect humans to be THAT dumb.

When people aren't THAT dumb, jews become angry they didn't believe jews were exactly the same numbers or more before and after the infamous holohoax of 6 million of them during WW2.
A fighter and Messenger of Truth, a fighter of our Gods/Demons.
Not afraid to confront our alien enemy mentally, physically, spiritually.
A fighter for our Aryan Cultures and Spirit.
The War is not over and many more will rise.
Heil Hitler!!!

When I first saw him or heard of him. I thought he was a great dude. I didn't see him as full of malice unlike the big nose tribe.
Oh well better late than never here. Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler!
The most sane human being ever, unfortunately today being blamed for insanity.
That would not have been the case in a sane world though, which we have far from yet.
But just as the world is turning into it's utter most insanity, people are at the same time starting to wake up from it.
The Joy of Satan is the start of this wake up call.
Question/conspiracy/ no offense to anyone just an observation. Hitler was born April 20th 1889
4+2+0+1+8+8+9=32 3+2=6
If his birthday was 4-21-1889
33 is the number of the master influencer
Seems more fitting then 6
Question/conspiracy/ no offense to anyone just an observation. Hitler was born April 20th 1889
4+2+0+1+8+8+9=32 3+2=6
If his birthday was 4-21-1889
33 is the number of the master influencer
Seems more fitting then 6
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
existentialcrisis said:
hailourtruegod said:

Hail Hitler!

The reality of the subject is that Hitler just told Germans to not become extinct through too much mingling of their own culture and body, and to just remain existing into the future as they are good people and they have things to offer to humanity.

Hitler never invaded any non-White country, never demanded anything from any non-White Nation, never held any slaves, or overseas camps or anything where non Germans were forced into anything.

He cared for his people mostly and spend all the good force to have good relations with other Nations of the time which were "non White" and loved Him dearly for this.

However somehow later it was made up by jews that since the National Socialists tried to evolve racial biology, which was used for instruction and generally to teach humans both self respect and understanding other people, that this was somehow a grave sin and crime despite of the same research going into Europe, the United States, or any other evolving place at the time.

This nonsense appeared after Hitler lost the war and jews were trying to find slanderous claims, which they tried to pin anywhere.

They will tell people not having blue eyes was a death penalty sin while most of the leading figures didn't even fit into the jewish invented slander purposed criteria. They expect humans to be THAT dumb.

When people aren't THAT dumb, jews become angry they didn't believe jews were exactly the same numbers or more before and after the infamous holohoax of 6 million of them during WW2.

Hello, dear H.P. HoodedCobra666 I tought I should confirm my email, because I don’t remember I did this, as we have contacted in emails. My older email which you have is **@hotmail.lt and new secure one which I use for this I have already confirmed trough this email address mentioned above.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
existentialcrisis said:
hailourtruegod said:

Hail Hitler!

The reality of the subject is that Hitler just told Germans to not become extinct through too much mingling of their own culture and body, and to just remain existing into the future as they are good people and they have things to offer to humanity.

Hitler never invaded any non-White country, never demanded anything from any non-White Nation, never held any slaves, or overseas camps or anything where non Germans were forced into anything.

He cared for his people mostly and spend all the good force to have good relations with other Nations of the time which were "non White" and loved Him dearly for this.

However somehow later it was made up by jews that since the National Socialists tried to evolve racial biology, which was used for instruction and generally to teach humans both self respect and understanding other people, that this was somehow a grave sin and crime despite of the same research going into Europe, the United States, or any other evolving place at the time.

This nonsense appeared after Hitler lost the war and jews were trying to find slanderous claims, which they tried to pin anywhere.

They will tell people not having blue eyes was a death penalty sin while most of the leading figures didn't even fit into the jewish invented slander purposed criteria. They expect humans to be THAT dumb.

When people aren't THAT dumb, jews become angry they didn't believe jews were exactly the same numbers or more before and after the infamous holohoax of 6 million of them during WW2.

Germany is the only European country which did not try to invade and loot Asian and African countries.I found it surprising that the offer of peace offered by Hitler stood till the end of the war with the allied powers.I sincerely hope the truth will come out in open someday.Germany certainly did not deserve to suffer through 2 world wars.
BabySatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
existentialcrisis said:

The reality of the subject is that Hitler just told Germans to not become extinct through too much mingling of their own culture and body, and to just remain existing into the future as they are good people and they have things to offer to humanity.

Hitler never invaded any non-White country, never demanded anything from any non-White Nation, never held any slaves, or overseas camps or anything where non Germans were forced into anything.

He cared for his people mostly and spend all the good force to have good relations with other Nations of the time which were "non White" and loved Him dearly for this.

However somehow later it was made up by jews that since the National Socialists tried to evolve racial biology, which was used for instruction and generally to teach humans both self respect and understanding other people, that this was somehow a grave sin and crime despite of the same research going into Europe, the United States, or any other evolving place at the time.

This nonsense appeared after Hitler lost the war and jews were trying to find slanderous claims, which they tried to pin anywhere.

They will tell people not having blue eyes was a death penalty sin while most of the leading figures didn't even fit into the jewish invented slander purposed criteria. They expect humans to be THAT dumb.

When people aren't THAT dumb, jews become angry they didn't believe jews were exactly the same numbers or more before and after the infamous holohoax of 6 million of them during WW2.

Germany is the only European country which did not try to invade and loot Asian and African countries.I found it surprising that the offer of peace offered by Hitler stood till the end of the war with the allied powers.I sincerely hope the truth will come out in open someday.Germany certainly did not deserve to suffer through 2 world wars.

Hitler discovered the real love when it comes to human species, which has to do with strong self respect, a strong self character, and straying from abusive practices. Recognition of species and their ranks is part of this and without this, chaos ensues and we have many evil demands that give rise to themselves, then creating confusion and wars.

The Nations that opposed Hitler were running camps and were trying to pay their debts to jews by invading other Nations, playing on the still previous modes of thinking that related to exploitation.

This was continuing for centuries and centuries, and it was "good" since it served the jews primarily, while all other Nations, White Nations first and foremost, were always in a consistent bloodbath with one another. Exploitation and invasions that arose out of the forced payment of debts, were always blamed on the Nations who had the debts, and never the "debtors".

In regards to Soviet Union, it pretended to not take "race" in consideration, yet, it had the most brutal feudal like system of the time, a system of full blown discrimination and brutal labor taking place, without dignity of nobody. Race didn't matter as you didn't matter anyway, neither did your culture or your past. You would be forced under the hammer and sickle all the same, it didn't make any difference to them.

Hitler taught Germans that respect breeds goodness same as hard work, and not by just invading others. The enemy knows this but the powers that be generally painted him as a monster that wanted to extinct all other people, while in fact he never bothered any other "non-White" people and in fact wanted to build strong bonds based on mutual co-operation and not just invasion and terrorism, or forced assimilation.

Strong cultures of the time understood Hitler to be an Avatara of the restoration of Golden Age order. However, this conflicted with the mass interests and jewish interests of the time, and defamation and slander was the only result. War was heaped on Hitler, and given also Communism, the reality clashed with Hitler's aims and he had to fight it out on top of everything else, the results being what we know in history.

Jews being spoiled in existing in other Nations and looting them, couldn't really swallow the hard pill of not being entitled to looting other Nations, and they became really angry over the fact they would be finally put to compete fairly from their own Nation with others, so they hated him for it.

Eventually they settled for his idea to be repatriated somewhere, and compete in the usual way, but they of course did this by doing endless genocide of the locals, in the end, just proving Hitler right.

The history of the jews is "invade this, loot their knowledge and money, move elsewhere, blame them and their Gods for it", then they repeat this all the time. Nobody has told them this and they couldn't care less. Any few jews who ever told them to stop, the jews eventually execute. They also have this grand idea of themselves that all other beings suck and they must perish in eternal fire unless they become their servants and so on.

In the core of it jews do all they blame Hitler was doing, but he wasn't doing it.

People in generally cannot see Hitler's progress or even certain mistakes in a logical light, because jews are busy painting him as the evil of all the worlds combined, and while Joe Biden can fuck up the World's Elite power of the time and never get judged on it, which will cost us the whole West but never get any blame, Hitler would get all the blame of the world for every little policy that might have not been put up correctly, or for every zealot out there.

Hitler will get the blame for every jew that was slapped by any illiterate Nazi in his party, yet Joe will never get the blame for every tranny that did a shooting in any school, of course. That's because Joe is always innocent and people like Hitler are always the cause of all evil in the world.

Meanwhile, Joe will get only praise for trying to grab our children and forcibly gender change them, and nobody will pin anything on him for allowing all of this insanity to take place, for example.

They also pretend Hitler couldn't be reasoned with or something or that they couldn't develop things like anyone else would. Strangely Hitler was sitting on tables with the Palestinians and all people of the world without any problems, and people strangely loved this "crazy man" that had the plan to replace everyone and blah blah.

That's because he never have any such plans, but how could the jews cover their own bad behavior?

They scapegoat these to Hitler for an easy way out, so they would never be put by the global community to assess their wrongdoings.

He was taken during the most disastrous times of war and judged by peace standards too, making the situation even more confusing. Nobody acts the same during wars and during peacetime. Germany in peacetime was a model of emulation worldwide.

As the "powers that be" watched Germany becoming a superpower outside of their jewish debt based system, they flipped out on Hitler and pretended that he had a million nefarious plans, just to find a situation to make their case, on top of Stalin preparing an invasion that everyone knew at the time. And everyone knows what happened next.

But that's some jewish media for us and their bias has been long shaping this world into irrationality.

I do believe Hitler deserved a fair judgement like all other world leaders should receive, but he won't have this soon. This will change in the future for sure, as humanity will look at the matter not through the lenses of jewish feelings but objectively.
BlackOnyx8 said:
Greetings everyone!

With permission from High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, I am honored to dedicate this post to Adolf Hitler.

Today is truly a special day as we celebrate the birthday of our beloved Adolf Hitler. It is a day to reflect upon His incredible hard work and dedication that have undoubtedly left a lasting impact on all of us, and let that motivate us to do something positive for ourselves and for the world.

His massive efforts have been nothing short of inspiring, and humanity, in general, should be truly grateful for everything He has done for us. His unwavering commitment to excellence has set an example for us all, and we can all learn from His determination and perseverance.

Adolf Hitler selflessly dedicated Himself to not just improving the lives of His own people, but also those of the entire world.

On this day, we are also celebrating the first anniversary of the Holocaust Exposed website. Through this website, we honor Adolf Hitler and strive to carry on this mission with the same passion and determination that He embodied. I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to everyone involved and express my sincere gratitude for their dedicated efforts, as none of this would have been possible without them. The website has remained operational without interruption for the past year, and we have successfully reached thousands of people with the Truth.

It is of utmost importance that we continue to reach as many people as possible, as this hoax serves as one of the biggest foundations upon which the enemy stands which further helps them get away unpunished. We must do everything in our power to expose the Truth about what happened in World War 2.

Today we launch a few updates to the website: the search engine and social media optimization have been enhanced, some of the text has been refined, and new documentaries have been added.

As of today, we have a total of 217 ebooks exposing the holocaust, 35 videos exposing the holocaust, 13 videos glorifying Adolf Hitler and 2 videos exposing jewish ritual murder. I have gathered some of this content from the forums, so I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to this massive project. If you happen to come across any relevant content related to this mission, I invite you to share your findings with me so that I can add them to the website.

If you are new to Spiritual Satanism, please be aware that some of the videos and books presented on this website are quite old and may contain some inaccuracies. I encourage you to refer to the disclaimer on the homepage, which outlines the most common points. What is truly valuable here is the undeniable historical and well-documented evidence that the holocaust was nothing but a monstrous lie. These videos and books have been banned all over the world and their authors persecuted, despite such efforts to suppress them, this only serves to reinforce their significance and the truth they reveal and provide unequivocal proof that the holocaust never really happened.

We have many exciting updates and valuable content planned for the upcoming year, particularly with regard to honoring Adolf Hitler and his legacy.

On this day, may you be inspired to take action and make a difference in your own life and in our cause.

Hail Satan!
Hail Hitler!

Sieg Heil!


50th Birthday of Adolf Hitler, a military demonstration, April 20th 1939

I celebrated his Birthday

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
