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Happy Birthday To Adolf Hitler

BlackOnyx8 [TG]

Temple of Zeus Guardian
Sep 28, 2021
[email protected]
Greetings everyone!

With permission from High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, I am honored to dedicate this post to Adolf Hitler.

Today is truly a special day as we celebrate the birthday of our beloved Adolf Hitler. It is a day to reflect upon His incredible hard work and dedication that have undoubtedly left a lasting impact on all of us, and let that motivate us to do something positive for ourselves and for the world.

His massive efforts have been nothing short of inspiring, and humanity, in general, should be truly grateful for everything He has done for us. His unwavering commitment to excellence has set an example for us all, and we can all learn from His determination and perseverance.

Adolf Hitler selflessly dedicated Himself to not just improving the lives of His own people, but also those of the entire world.

On this day, we are also celebrating the first anniversary of the Holocaust Exposed website. Through this website, we honor Adolf Hitler and strive to carry on this mission with the same passion and determination that He embodied. I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to everyone involved and express my sincere gratitude for their dedicated efforts, as none of this would have been possible without them. The website has remained operational without interruption for the past year, and we have successfully reached thousands of people with the Truth.

It is of utmost importance that we continue to reach as many people as possible, as this hoax serves as one of the biggest foundations upon which the enemy stands which further helps them get away unpunished. We must do everything in our power to expose the Truth about what happened in World War 2.

Today we launch a few updates to the website: the search engine and social media optimization have been enhanced, some of the text has been refined, and new documentaries have been added.

As of today, we have a total of 217 ebooks exposing the holocaust, 35 videos exposing the holocaust, 13 videos glorifying Adolf Hitler and 2 videos exposing jewish ritual murder. I have gathered some of this content from the forums, so I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to this massive project. If you happen to come across any relevant content related to this mission, I invite you to share your findings with me so that I can add them to the website.

If you are new to Spiritual Satanism, please be aware that some of the videos and books presented on this website are quite old and may contain some inaccuracies. I encourage you to refer to the disclaimer on the homepage, which outlines the most common points. What is truly valuable here is the undeniable historical and well-documented evidence that the holocaust was nothing but a monstrous lie. These videos and books have been banned all over the world and their authors persecuted, despite such efforts to suppress them, this only serves to reinforce their significance and the truth they reveal and provide unequivocal proof that the holocaust never really happened.

We have many exciting updates and valuable content planned for the upcoming year, particularly with regard to honoring Adolf Hitler and his legacy.

On this day, may you be inspired to take action and make a difference in your own life and in our cause.

Hail Satan!
Hail Hitler!

Sieg Heil!


50th Birthday of Adolf Hitler, a military demonstration, April 20th 1939
Heil Hitler!
May we live in a world where when someone comes to say the Truth and does something to really care about humanity, isn't thrown in endless slander and World Wars or dies in abandoned hotels like Tesla.
Hail the Antichrist, Adolf Hitler!
It's not fair what happened to the Germans after WW2. Everything the Nazis prophesied for what would happen to their people if they were to fall, came true. It's horrifying. But all we hear about is everything that never happened to the poor, poor eternal jewish victims, as if a jew breaking a toenail is equivalent to all life being extinguished, and we are forced to act like we care. What a sick joke.

Let humanity wake up and see Adolf Hitler for who He really is. Hail Hitler! Hail the proud Germans who saved us!

Happy birthday, mein Fuhrer!
When i see Hitler or Himmler on TV or internet i become so much fucking motivated. Or even if im talking with someone about Hitler.

Hail Satan!
Heil Hitler!
Happy Birthday, Heil Hitler! I am truly grateful humanity was blessed with Hitler and the example he left for us all. May we continue on with his efforts and be strong warriors worthy of this path.


Hail Satan!!
For “some reason” I grew up never able to feel strong emotions against Hitler and what was lied to me that He allegedly did. I just didn’t care whatsoever and would not even think about it for more than a half a minute while everyone around me would spew hatred at the mention of His name.

This didn’t sit well with a teacher or two. Wish I could remember exactly what was said but I can’t. I just know I did my best to rationally explain something while the teacher just gave emotional responses. I digress.

I never understood it. A year before I became SS I was watching a documentary on Him and felt like something was wrong with me for not feeling an ounce of hatred towards Him even finding His actions and how Germans received him with open arms interesting. I literally forced myself to feel angry while watching the documentary but it felt off having to fake it.

It all made sense to me about a year later when I found the JoS site and the related sites. I had already bad run ins with jews at that time from high school and even after with the kid still being a stuck up a hole who talked about everybody behind their back etc etc.

It felt like a weight off my shoulders learning the truth about the 3rd Reich and Hitler and immediately wanted to tell those close to me what I learned but I know now that was a dumb choice especially being a newbie. Actually learned that lesson soon enough.

Anyways, I’m glad I’m seeing more and more nonWhites waking up towards the jews and some here and there either agreeing with Hitler or questioning if he even was that bad as we were told throughout our lives. We here have done so much positive work for Him and we’re nowhere done yet. He deserves this and more.

Hail Hitler!
I think Adolf Hitler was a wonderful man and he was a very deep person! Very intelligent! And misunderstood by so many. He was not only an intellectual he was also a very visionary person!
A man who just wanted to fulfill his dreams and help his country and his people doing the best he can and with what he could do with the time! He had a slow start but once he got going he was like lighting and expressed his love and his appreciation to his fellow men and those around him who highly respected him and looked up to him! He wanted to teach his people his knowledge and he did everything he could to pass his knowledge down and what he knew to each and everyone of his people.
Even to go as far as opening up a school for small children and to teach the children the values of how important it is to be a German and respect your country and to learn of their ancestry and to be educated not only of the knowledge of the world but also to know the knowledge and the power of who and what they are and to understand themselves and why they're here up on this planet and why it's important to learn and to educate yourself and how important it is to discipline yourself. Adolf Hitler was a beautiful man and he was a strong man! He is definitely something we need here in this future he is definitely something to consider in this world filled with the bunch of idiots! Idiot people and enemies out there who don't even have a clue to what they're up against and what they're doing from one second to the next! Yes they know very well what they're doing but in the same sense they won't admit it they're just after one thing and one thing only and that is to destroy our living breathing human race! Hitler knew what he was doing and his Nazis knew what they were doing and he wanted his fellow man and the children and the women of their country to spread their knowledge and their love to those around them anything to protect their country and anything to protect the human race from the hands and the destruction of the enemy! Who still works this very day to destroy the world I would give anything to have Adolf Hitler back! He was a man of power and he was a strong man of knowledge and was destined to get out there and get things done! And he did the best he could! And I know that if we had somebody like him back! This world would be a different place! And I can tell you one thing right now if we were to have somebody like that in the white house? People would think twice about abuse or destruction of any kind especially when it comes to getting along with other people! Understanding the enemy and what the enemy is all about and knowing the difference! Between the works of the good person who was out there trying to protect his or her own country and recognizing the evil works of the enemy and noticing the difference between who is who! Adolf Hitler would make damn sure that people would bring back intelligence and honesty! And bring back the good morals and the good values that the human being used to represent! Having the open mind and the knowledge to be able to understand and to appreciate! Hitler lives forever in my heart! And he was definitely never forgotten every time I think about him! I want to stand in front of the mirror and look into myself and see into my own eyes and into my own soul recognizing my European strength and my ancestors! Thinking of the things that we used to do and the things that we were known for throughout the centuries people used to have respect for one another! And people used to highly value themselves and put their best self forward under all circumstances especially during a war and showing their appreciation to their country and the one who is in power! Who understands and knows the situation! We had a world like that in this day and age? If we could just have our country back in the hands of the proper people it would be amazing and we people are doing everything we can in our power! To help and to teach and to learn for ourselves as it is helping one another on this website and having the access to learn and study as much as you want to and the education is endless! When people put their mind to it! Anybody can learn to be like Adolf Hitler anybody! Can learn to look into themselves and find the value and the Inner Warrior and that Valor and strength and loyalty Within and it's also something that's got to be earned understood and appreciated as well! Adolf Hitler brought out the best in his soldiers and in his people.
And he taught value and gave his students and his people moral strength and support! Which is something that we people don't have much in this country and in this world pretty much anymore thanks to the stupid enemy! And those that believe and listen to the enemy and those that are dumb enough to follow the enemies advice! Instead of allowing themselves to step aside and make their own choices and their own decisions for once and for all! Adolf Hitler was a wonderful man! And I long to have his power back in this world if we could just have somebody like him! It would be amazing! Just to see how quick people change going from lazy ass slob American! To somebody who is a little more organized updated mentally physically spiritually and emotionally! And looking like a human being is supposed to! And treating people with respect and having dignity and pride within yourself and to know that you can do things and to have that confidence within yourself knowing that you can do things and that you can get a job anywhere knowing that you're respected and appreciated no matter where you go because you have that self-esteem Adolf Hitler planted that in his people and in his soldiers! They've looked nice they were presentable they were sweet people and they were a very intelligent people! And so was Adolf hitler!🖤🔥☠️ happy birthday 🎂
Hail Satan! Heil Hitler! Fuck Israel! Fuck Yehovah! Fuck Jesus! Fuck Allah! Fuck Buddha!
Happy birthday Mein Furher! They might slander your name but unlike any his haters, you'll be remembered forever.
From the past, Hitler's 50th birthday celebration:
More pics from the source: https://www.life.com/history/adolf-hitler-at-50-color-photos-from-a-despots-birthday-april-1939/






Gifts received by Hitler. Notice the large painting/tapestry(?) with pagan symbols, including Algiz on the front of the man:

May Humanity realize, understand and accept the reality of what Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany stand for, so that we stop repeating the same mistakes that have led humanity to spiritual blindness and slavery. Also may the veil of brainwashing and and information control be lifted from this planet so the jews will permanently lose the power to control what most people read, think and believe.

Hail Hitler!
A Great Man who fought without ever backing down.
We will NEVER forget you.

Loyalty and Honor
Heil, mein Führer
BlackOnyx8 said:
Greetings everyone!

With permission from High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, I am honored to dedicate this post to Adolf Hitler.

Today is truly a special day as we celebrate the birthday of our beloved Adolf Hitler. It is a day to reflect upon His incredible hard work and dedication that have undoubtedly left a lasting impact on all of us, and let that motivate us to do something positive for ourselves and for the world.

His massive efforts have been nothing short of inspiring, and humanity, in general, should be truly grateful for everything He has done for us. His unwavering commitment to excellence has set an example for us all, and we can all learn from His determination and perseverance.

Adolf Hitler selflessly dedicated Himself to not just improving the lives of His own people, but also those of the entire world.

On this day, we are also celebrating the first anniversary of the Holocaust Exposed website. Through this website, we honor Adolf Hitler and strive to carry on this mission with the same passion and determination that He embodied. I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to everyone involved and express my sincere gratitude for their dedicated efforts, as none of this would have been possible without them. The website has remained operational without interruption for the past year, and we have successfully reached thousands of people with the Truth.

It is of utmost importance that we continue to reach as many people as possible, as this hoax serves as one of the biggest foundations upon which the enemy stands which further helps them get away unpunished. We must do everything in our power to expose the Truth about what happened in World War 2.

Today we launch a few updates to the website: the search engine and social media optimization have been enhanced, some of the text has been refined, and new documentaries have been added.

As of today, we have a total of 217 ebooks exposing the holocaust, 35 videos exposing the holocaust, 13 videos glorifying Adolf Hitler and 2 videos exposing jewish ritual murder. I have gathered some of this content from the forums, so I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to this massive project. If you happen to come across any relevant content related to this mission, I invite you to share your findings with me so that I can add them to the website.

If you are new to Spiritual Satanism, please be aware that some of the videos and books presented on this website are quite old and may contain some inaccuracies. I encourage you to refer to the disclaimer on the homepage, which outlines the most common points. What is truly valuable here is the undeniable historical and well-documented evidence that the holocaust was nothing but a monstrous lie. These videos and books have been banned all over the world and their authors persecuted, despite such efforts to suppress them, this only serves to reinforce their significance and the truth they reveal and provide unequivocal proof that the holocaust never really happened.

We have many exciting updates and valuable content planned for the upcoming year, particularly with regard to honoring Adolf Hitler and his legacy.

On this day, may you be inspired to take action and make a difference in your own life and in our cause.

Hail Satan!
Hail Hitler!

Sieg Heil!


50th Birthday of Adolf Hitler, a military demonstration, April 20th 1939

Hail Hitler, save all our comrades and save the new age of Aquarius. GREAT TIMES WILL COME, I CAN FEEL IT.

Big thanks to HP maxine and Cobra for the website, the runes and the meditations. a sincere greeting and thanks from the heart.
More and more people from all countries are waking up and seeing the truth. The lies of the Jews will collapse and with them all their fellow travelers.

Happy Birthday to the great Adolf Hitler
Mein Fuhrer! I always thought the hate spewed about your history to be odd and out of place. I never let the opinions of others sway my curiosity. You we're always a subject of interest to me.

Happy birthday!

I made a poem for AH, hope you like it.

A velvet hand in an iron glove
A righteousness that only the gods accomplish
Giving his life for his own
Aiming to do great things

You have been chased by our enemies
You've been harmed by invaders
You were the target of their violence
You continued on your way without flinching

You are an inspiration to future generations
Your name will be put back on track
We salute you and give you the greatest respect
This day is yours, great Führer

Make our trip full of positivism
Let's keep our heads up
We want to make you proud of our accomplishments
We pave the way through your teachings

Glory to you great Adolf
Hail Hitler!
Hail Satan!
AH yes - my guy, Adolf.

The first man to make a real effort since Kolchak, and won. . . A cadmean victory, but only if we carry on the legacy of the Man With The Plan.

A political-economic system so efficient that it turned a nation downtrodden by previous war and raw degeneracy into a Nation State that had the potential to take over the world if it weren't for those traitors and spies.

Even after his disappearance in 1945 he still continues to inspire many people down to this day.

I would love to go over all that mysterious tech that I know off the top of my head but I will name a few that came from Die National Reich™: The fully submersible submarine - Elektroboot, Jet powered Aircraft - Multiple names, and let us not forget the Germans beat the US/SSR to anywhere outer space by 25 years using unconventional propulsion - Die Glocke (ist most popular example)

Don't forget that they copied this from the Early Egyptians, perhaps National Socialism itself was also copied from ancient times.
(most of my post is opinion)

I really wish I knew how to replicate their tech and even their way of thinking to a science, I doubt I think the way they do, but I hope so. (Anyone with schematics please link it)

Even in childhood I have felt Die Reich in my heart, even if I didn't know it yet.

This heartfelt longing is what directed me here and I for some reason decided to dedicate my soul to Satan even though I didn't really know him yet and now because of Spiritual Satanism, I now see the world differently like I was there before even though I wasn't, I cured my nostalgia induced melancholy because of SS and I even influenced some events where I live on a small scale.

Perhaps I was one of them in a lifetime prior to this and maybe that's why I find myself comfortable with National Socialism and the ideology that backs it, like I understand it well.

No matter my past, I find myself inspired by the likes of Hitler who has fought for a better future and so we can also fight for much of the same - a better future, a better humanity.

卐 𝔅𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔊𝔬𝔡𝔰 𝔞𝔱 𝔬𝔫𝔠𝔢, ℌ𝔢𝔦𝔩 ℌ𝔦𝔱𝔩𝔢𝔯!​, ℌ𝔞𝔦𝔩 𝔖𝔞𝔱𝔞𝔫! 卐

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
