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Happy Beltane, Hail Baalzebul!

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
Beltane is the Satanic New Year, starting on sundown April 30 and lasting to sundown the following day. (For those of you in the southern hemisphere, the end of this month is Halloween/Samhain for you.)

This Pagan holiday is honor of our God Baalzebul. I have had the pleasure of meeting this Great God, and my admiration and respect only increases after each meeting. He is very kind and friendly, but has such strength and a pure love of life. He wants us to live our lives to the fullest, to take opportunities, and to do what we can to reach our potential. He wants us to build true inner strength and learn to take charge of our own lives.


As it happens, our current Ritual Schedule concludes on the Eve of Beltane. If you can only do one ritual that day, do Baalzebul’s, in honor of Him. Tune in to Him and His strength.

If any male SS here feel disconnected from their masculinity (many males do these past few decades), Baalzebul’s ritual will help you, and inspire you to become more masculine.

If any female SS here don’t understand what true masculinity is and think of negative connotations, this ritual will help you see how special and important real masculinity is.

I was fortunate enough to have had a strong yet caring father, a true man who made sacrifices in his own life to provide for me. He always took an interest in my hobbies, and exposed me to new hobbies and fun experiences in life. My father went on adventures, and learned much about life. Most people were not as fortunate as I was.

The reason I am mentioning this is because Baalzebul, Zeus, is called the “Great Father” and “Father of Gods and Men”. Those of you who have not had beneficial experiences from your own fathers will benefit from getting to know Baalzebul. Having a strong father figure is imperative for psychological well-being, and building a strong sense of boundaries and self-discipline. So if your own father failed or was absent, you can turn to the Gods, such as Zeus. And for men who want to be a better father to your children, Baalzebul’s influence can guide you.

Interestingly, it is an old custom that a young man should climb a mountain to prove his manhood and strength (both physical and mental strength are required to climb a mountain). One of Baalzebul’s Divine Symbols are mountains and mountaintops.

Zeus in the Orphic mysteries has been constantly revered for his ability with “Thunder”. This thunder is supposed to bring the soul back to life from its passive state of lethargy.”
-From https://satanisgod.org/BeelzebulHC.html

More information on Baalzebul:

Beltane Bonfires & Wells

Beltane is an ancient fertility celebration. Fertility of livestock and crops, but also for couples wanting children.

Beltane is also a time of protection. Bonfires were made, and people would walk between them, and lead their livestock between them, for blessings of protection. (Spiritually, we can do protection spells on this date.)

Before attending the celebration, everyone would douse the fires in their homes. At the end of the Beltane celebration, people would take a stick lit up from the bonfires, bring it to their property, carry it around their home or the boundary of their land, then bring it inside and light their hearth fires with it, thus bringing the protective power into their home. This protection was to ward off sickness, black magick curses, and malefic entities.

Food would be cooked over these powerful bonfires, so the food would be infused with much prana to be consumed by the people to increase their health and virility.

Any wells would be visited during the Beltane celebrations, and blessings would be made to the water to increase the health of those who drank from it. On the morning of May Day, water would be drawn and consumed, and used to bless property and animals.

Yellow flowers would be gathered during the day, before Beltane’s Eve, and brought into the home to bring blessings of joy and happiness.

Beltane is a power date for astral communication. Set aside some time, go into meditation, and ask for guidance from your Guardian Demon. Perhaps you will set some goals for the year, in accordance to your Guardian (they know us and our future better than we do).


For more information on Beltane:
The Golden Age will come and Satan's rule will once again envelop the world. together (all SS) we will light the Beltane fire and dance around it. We will laugh, we will have fun.
When the Gods come to earth, they will never forget your help, your labor my Lady Lydia.
Thank you for everything. humanity is grateful with you

Hail Baalzebul!​

What I can describe of Beelzebul energy during his ritual is that it is "all-encompassing" and present, everywhere and encircling, and yet also a focused presence of the most formidable power. A defined uniformity, with holy mystical energy embedded into the fabric of reality. When I speak his name, think of his name, the atoms surrounding me and internally, come alive and are listening, with holy ears and eyes. Words are lacking and they lack in all our modern languages.
Beltane is the Satanic New Year, starting on sundown April 30 and lasting to sundown the following day. (For those of you in the southern hemisphere, the end of this month is Halloween/Samhain for you.)

This Pagan holiday is honor of our God Baalzebul. I have had the pleasure of meeting this Great God, and my admiration and respect only increases after each meeting. He is very kind and friendly, but has such strength and a pure love of life. He wants us to live our lives to the fullest, to take opportunities, and to do what we can to reach our potential. He wants us to build true inner strength and learn to take charge of our own lives.


As it happens, our current Ritual Schedule concludes on the Eve of Beltane. If you can only do one ritual that day, do Baalzebul’s, in honor of Him. Tune in to Him and His strength.

If any male SS here feel disconnected from their masculinity (many males do these past few decades), Baalzebul’s ritual will help you, and inspire you to become more masculine.

If any female SS here don’t understand what true masculinity is and think of negative connotations, this ritual will help you see how special and important real masculinity is.

I was fortunate enough to have had a strong yet caring father, a true man who made sacrifices in his own life to provide for me. He always took an interest in my hobbies, and exposed me to new hobbies and fun experiences in life. My father went on adventures, and learned much about life. Most people were not as fortunate as I was.

The reason I am mentioning this is because Baalzebul, Zeus, is called the “Great Father” and “Father of Gods and Men”. Those of you who have not had beneficial experiences from your own fathers will benefit from getting to know Baalzebul. Having a strong father figure is imperative for psychological well-being, and building a strong sense of boundaries and self-discipline. So if your own father failed or was absent, you can turn to the Gods, such as Zeus. And for men who want to be a better father to your children, Baalzebul’s influence can guide you.

Interestingly, it is an old custom that a young man should climb a mountain to prove his manhood and strength (both physical and mental strength are required to climb a mountain). One of Baalzebul’s Divine Symbols are mountains and mountaintops.

Zeus in the Orphic mysteries has been constantly revered for his ability with “Thunder”. This thunder is supposed to bring the soul back to life from its passive state of lethargy.”
-From https://satanisgod.org/BeelzebulHC.html

More information on Baalzebul:

Beltane Bonfires & Wells

Beltane is an ancient fertility celebration. Fertility of livestock and crops, but also for couples wanting children.

Beltane is also a time of protection. Bonfires were made, and people would walk between them, and lead their livestock between them, for blessings of protection. (Spiritually, we can do protection spells on this date.)

Before attending the celebration, everyone would douse the fires in their homes. At the end of the Beltane celebration, people would take a stick lit up from the bonfires, bring it to their property, carry it around their home or the boundary of their land, then bring it inside and light their hearth fires with it, thus bringing the protective power into their home. This protection was to ward off sickness, black magick curses, and malefic entities.

Food would be cooked over these powerful bonfires, so the food would be infused with much prana to be consumed by the people to increase their health and virility.

Any wells would be visited during the Beltane celebrations, and blessings would be made to the water to increase the health of those who drank from it. On the morning of May Day, water would be drawn and consumed, and used to bless property and animals.

Yellow flowers would be gathered during the day, before Beltane’s Eve, and brought into the home to bring blessings of joy and happiness.

Beltane is a power date for astral communication. Set aside some time, go into meditation, and ask for guidance from your Guardian Demon. Perhaps you will set some goals for the year, in accordance to your Guardian (they know us and our future better than we do).


For more information on Beltane:
Beltane is one of my favs.
And you can the energy in
Nature too.
Hail Satan!!!
Hail Beelzebub !!!!
Dear HPS Lydia, thank you for this Sermon. If I think back, signs relating to Lord Baalzebul have been present in subtle ways to me this year - some of which you mention here.
Climbing mountains, wishing wells, yellow flowers.. 🌼

Another interesting custom is the Maypole, whitch is still practised in some european regions today and its connection to fertility rites and kundalini ("climbing the Maypole"). Also the connection to Donar's/Thor's Oak.

The current ritual schedule has certainly been helpful in establishing a stronger bond with Baalzebul and increase my understanding of this wonderful God⚡⚡
Happy Beltane everyone.

First time I did BAAL ritual i have bad experience but I didn't stop doing his ritual evrey Thursday, after that I thought am I not acceptable by BAAL and why this happens everytime.

Finally i got a thought and signs from him telling me that this is from the enemy and they Hate him the most.

They where and still trying to cut off any human to have connect with him because of his undescribable very important.

BAAl after that gives me blessings and protection that I don't think i can ever pay back.

HAIL BAAL forever
God of all demons and gods
Happy Beltane!

Having a father figure is very important.

Too bad I have always had to be on my own since I was a little child without any father support and thrown in a children`s home at a tender age.

I am nonetheless greatful for my whacked past as it made me what I am today. Some things in life are meant to be experienced in order to ignite the flame inside you that eventually leads to greater knowledge and understanding.

I am nonetheless greatful for my whacked past as it made me what I am today. Some things in life are meant to be experienced in order to ignite the flame inside you that eventually leads to greater knowledge and understanding.
This is true. I've been through hard times, but later through understanding of the evolution of the soul, it made sense.
Happy Beltane for All Brothers and Sisters SS !
Hail Satan ! Hail Lilith !
Hail Astarte ! Hail Beelzebul !
The reason I am mentioning this is because Baalzebul, Zeus, is called the “Great Father” and “Father of Gods and Men”. Those of you who have not had beneficial experiences from your own fathers will benefit from getting to know Baalzebul. Having a strong father figure is imperative for psychological well-being, and building a strong sense of boundaries and self-discipline. So if your own father failed or was absent, you can turn to the Gods, such as Zeus. And for men who want to be a better father to your children, Baalzebul’s influence can guide you.
Yes! Having a father figure is extremely important for the well-being and proper development of a child. The absence of a father in a child's life can cause great damage.
Fortunately, we have Gods and Goddesses who are there for us. 🙂

Happy Beltane to all!
Hail Baalzebul!
I am making an aura of protection with the rune elhaz, and I was thinking of changing the pronunciation to elgr.
In theory it's a change of frequency even though it's based on the same rune.

Should I wait for Beltane, like a new protection aura?
Can I start something even if the Moon is waning? Or is Beltane the exception?
Happy Beltane to all the Satanists of Jos and to HP Lydia and HP Hoodedcobra666. I can say that I have similar experiences with Baalzebul he gives strength, confidence, correct masculinity, leads and protects like a true Father
Hail Baalzebul, Zeus, Devil eternal is thy throne in Pergamum.

Thank you HPS Lydia, your presence on the forums is always calming and elegant. I wish you, the JoS Priesthood, and to all our SS Brothers & Sisters a Happy Beltane!

Oh Lord Baalzebul, Prince of the Air, Bless us with your divine presence, your holy breeze, to wash away all the negative forces off from our souls.

Hail Lord Baalzebul!
Hail Lord Baalzebul and happy Beltane everyone! Thor has always been one of my favorite Gods since I was a kid.

“What a difference between the benevolent, smiling Zeus and the pain-wracked, crucified Christ.” - Joseph Goebbels
Beltane is the Satanic New Year, starting on sundown April 30 and lasting to sundown the following day. (For those of you in the southern hemisphere, the end of this month is Halloween/Samhain for you.)

This Pagan holiday is honor of our God Baalzebul. I have had the pleasure of meeting this Great God, and my admiration and respect only increases after each meeting. He is very kind and friendly, but has such strength and a pure love of life. He wants us to live our lives to the fullest, to take opportunities, and to do what we can to reach our potential. He wants us to build true inner strength and learn to take charge of our own lives.


As it happens, our current Ritual Schedule concludes on the Eve of Beltane. If you can only do one ritual that day, do Baalzebul’s, in honor of Him. Tune in to Him and His strength.

If any male SS here feel disconnected from their masculinity (many males do these past few decades), Baalzebul’s ritual will help you, and inspire you to become more masculine.

If any female SS here don’t understand what true masculinity is and think of negative connotations, this ritual will help you see how special and important real masculinity is.

I was fortunate enough to have had a strong yet caring father, a true man who made sacrifices in his own life to provide for me. He always took an interest in my hobbies, and exposed me to new hobbies and fun experiences in life. My father went on adventures, and learned much about life. Most people were not as fortunate as I was.

The reason I am mentioning this is because Baalzebul, Zeus, is called the “Great Father” and “Father of Gods and Men”. Those of you who have not had beneficial experiences from your own fathers will benefit from getting to know Baalzebul. Having a strong father figure is imperative for psychological well-being, and building a strong sense of boundaries and self-discipline. So if your own father failed or was absent, you can turn to the Gods, such as Zeus. And for men who want to be a better father to your children, Baalzebul’s influence can guide you.

Interestingly, it is an old custom that a young man should climb a mountain to prove his manhood and strength (both physical and mental strength are required to climb a mountain). One of Baalzebul’s Divine Symbols are mountains and mountaintops.

Zeus in the Orphic mysteries has been constantly revered for his ability with “Thunder”. This thunder is supposed to bring the soul back to life from its passive state of lethargy.”
-From https://satanisgod.org/BeelzebulHC.html

More information on Baalzebul:

Beltane Bonfires & Wells

Beltane is an ancient fertility celebration. Fertility of livestock and crops, but also for couples wanting children.

Beltane is also a time of protection. Bonfires were made, and people would walk between them, and lead their livestock between them, for blessings of protection. (Spiritually, we can do protection spells on this date.)

Before attending the celebration, everyone would douse the fires in their homes. At the end of the Beltane celebration, people would take a stick lit up from the bonfires, bring it to their property, carry it around their home or the boundary of their land, then bring it inside and light their hearth fires with it, thus bringing the protective power into their home. This protection was to ward off sickness, black magick curses, and malefic entities.

Food would be cooked over these powerful bonfires, so the food would be infused with much prana to be consumed by the people to increase their health and virility.

Any wells would be visited during the Beltane celebrations, and blessings would be made to the water to increase the health of those who drank from it. On the morning of May Day, water would be drawn and consumed, and used to bless property and animals.

Yellow flowers would be gathered during the day, before Beltane’s Eve, and brought into the home to bring blessings of joy and happiness.

Beltane is a power date for astral communication. Set aside some time, go into meditation, and ask for guidance from your Guardian Demon. Perhaps you will set some goals for the year, in accordance to your Guardian (they know us and our future better than we do).


For more information on Beltane:
Happy Beltane everyone! :)
I am making an aura of protection with the rune elhaz, and I was thinking of changing the pronunciation to elgr.
In theory it's a change of frequency even though it's based on the same rune.

Should I wait for Beltane, like a new protection aura?
Can I start something even if the Moon is waning? Or is Beltane the exception?
Hello :)

You can change it, but it might be better to wait until you have done it for a power number of days (such as 40, 100, etc) to let the energy of that language version to be settled.

Beltane is for a one-time spell for extra protection.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
