I'm not a medical professional, so my opinion on this depends on how the world is run.
If I'm not mistaken, there's a sermon by Hp. Hoodedcobra666 that says something about this, not directly. If this is conducted in the wrong way, it's another weapon for the Jews and lunatics to overthrow any race on this earth.
I don't remember which sermon it was, something about the Jews convincing people that the Gods had hybrid forms and that's why we should become hybrids, or something like that, this to destroy the genes and screw everyone.
If there's one thing I'm not in favor of, it's using these types of tests, because I don't think humanity is mature enough to deal with this type of thing. For these people, if it's possible, then they should do it, and obviously this brings chaos, and politicians and Jews wouldn't hesitate to use this to their advantage.