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Grey Attacks vs Reptilian Attacks

May 6, 2007
I think I've got the Greys figured out somewhat and their style and method of attacks, and that's why I was wondering about the Reptilians.  Because, only a few months ago I started participating in the RTR's regularly and shortly after that got attacked much more forcefully than with the Greys - to the point where I sensed Demons around me protecting me.  Quite a few of them.  I actually was able to communicate with them and they were obviously there to protect me and deeply concerned for my safety. 

I've only received a couple such attacks and was wondering if the defense is different from one to the other.  The Greys seem to have a weak, predictable method of attack.  They have this insect-territorial-retardation quality about them.  It's almost as if their not thinking about what their doing - its a reaction to environmental stimuli - like an intelligent insect. 

I've been handling any attacks very well and don't need any help.  It's just the Reptilian attack that seems to be more of a challenge and I'm interested in learning how to better shield against attacks from those forked tong, human flesh eating, burrowing, varmints if anyone would care to share a couple of their handlings.

I don't have any insight to share regarding how to deal with attacks because I am rather new to this group. I am planning on making my formal commitment this weekend. And I was thinking about participating in the RTR's from then on. But after reading about your experiences, I wonder if I should wait with those until I have more of a sound meditation routine incorporated into my daily schedule. Any advice on when to best start with those rituals would be appreciated.
Not everyone has the trouble they are having. If you meditate daily, clean your aura and chakras you
should be fine. If you don't have fear, NOTHING can harm you. Not if you are dedicated. I have
been under attack before, but it was more from people who turned on me. But, you know what, they came
back to me! Just recently. I won't ever fully trust them again, but I know Father Satan had his hand in it.

DO the riturals. Most of all, have NO fear! The Demons even tell me not to fear. And never, ever
show fear! Then the enemy cannot harm you.

Hail Father Satan!


On Wed, 10/12/16, goetterfunken@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Grey Attacks vs Reptilian Attacks
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2016, 1:13 PM


I don't have any insight to share regarding how
to deal with attacks because I am rather new to this group.
I am planning on making my formal commitment this weekend.
And I was thinking about participating in the RTR's from
then on. But after reading about your experiences, I wonder
if I should wait with those until I have more of a sound
meditation routine incorporated into my daily schedule. Any
advice on when to best start with those rituals would be

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When one is new one is protected by the Gods. 

Goetter, if you ever face spiritual attacks don't hestitate to call on Satan for protection, especially when one is new he will take care of you and keep you safe. 

When one becomes stronger the Gods will let you handle more things on your own so you can learn to deal with it without relying on their help and protection forever. 

You can do the RTR's regardless of being a newbie, like I said, the Gods will keep you safe and will be grateful when you join in with spiritual warfare. It's the most important thing we as SS can do and need to do. 

Make sure you do the aura of protection ritual daily or of you have time it's recommended you do it twice a day at least in order to keep yourself safe. 

Do the dedication as soon as possible and don't do the RTR's before you do it, because when one is dedicated Satan will place high priority on your protection and thus you will be kept safe since you will be aknowledged as a true member of our Satanic family by the Gods. 

When one isn't dedicated the Gods won't go out of their way to protect you if you get in trouble, because this is a time of war and they want only true dedicated warriors. 

The dedication is a formal ritual to show your dedication and bravery to the Gods. To proof to them that you are ready and willing to walk the left hand path and take up spiritual arms together with the Gods in order to destroy the enemies of mankind. 
% Goetterfunken

You don’t have a problem with your meditations, the rituals or with fear of the unknown.  You just wonder if you do.  You actually have a problem in understanding the Dedication Ritual.  My suggestion to you is that you go to the website and click on, “For Those Who Are New To Satanism” and carefully study the document called “Satanic Sacraments”.  If you have any questions on “that” anyone on the forum will be happy to answer them for you. 
Have you tried visualizing a conflagration of Satanic blue fire killing them? I mean, earthly reptiles like geckos hate fire already, so I was thinking it might be a relatively similar case.
From my experience the reptillians are a lot more direct and aggresive in their attacks. 

They appear to be less intimidated by a strong aura and also less cowardly in that they won't mind directly attacking you and they won't back off when one simply lashes out at them. 

The greys use sneaky underhanded tactics and try to hide from you and attack you when you least expect it, but when you attack them head on with your aura they aren't much of a threat. 
They usually try to run away and escape in my experience, but reptillians almost seem territorial in that they will try to overpower you through fear and intimidation and if that doesn't work they will try to go in for an all out assault where either it turns out you are stronger and you subdue them or damage them enough so they try to run away and escape or a Demon will come to your aid and scare off the reptillian. 

I've only experienced reptillian attacks two times, but they were significantly harder to fight of spiritually than greys. 

They look a lot more imposing than the skinny and small greys aswell, which they try to use to intimidate you. They look like bipedal crocodiles with big eyes in my experience and appear quite tall aswell, but if you simply don;t show fear and don't let their appearance intimidate you that is already half of the defence. 

Buff up your aura, vizualize powerful white golden light from all your chakra's and spread the wings of your soul. Stand as strong as you can be astrally and overpower them like a true spiritual warrior. 

Even if they are stronger than the greys or even if they are stronger than you, they are still useless parasytical lifeforms worth less than shit. You as a Gentile are far more powerful in your soul than them. Remember that you were created by Satan himself and that you have the potential to be as mighty as the Gods. 

Show these reptillians shits that you are a noble warrior of a noble race and show them your superiority. If they try to attack you, rip their aura's appart and tear them to pieces astrally. Vizualize the blue fire of Satan and burn them with it, place your astral hands on them and let pillars of blue fire burst forth to incenerate them again and again untill they submit and give in to you. 

Make them kneel and destroy them. For you are a true warrior. Never bow your head down to the enemy and even when you think they are stronger than you, or even if they are stronger than you, just believe in your power and show them how inferior they truly are. 

That is how I dealth with it when they attacked me and it was very effective. 

The first attack was during my sleep, where I was abruptly awakened by a loud hiss and roar and when I opened my eyes it looked as if a gaping crocodile mouth was right in front of my face, dripping with saliva and growling and hissing. It felt as if some scaly claws were gripping my shoulders and holding me down in my bed, which might have been a scary sight for anyone, but instead of being scared I got very pissed at the rude interuption of my sleep and attacked the thing as hard as I could with my aura. Throwing it off me. I physically jumped out of the bed immedietly and made my aura as bright as the Sun. I yelled at it physically in my moment of anger "How dare you interupt my sleep, how dare you enter my house, get the fuck out or die!" And I vizualized the entire house engulfed in blue satanic fire. 

I pushed it out of the door and vibrated Algiz into my room for 88 reps to buff up the aura of protection around my room and that was it. I went back to sleep as if nothing had happened. 

This works everytime for me. 
It sounds like grey and reptillian attacks are either derisibly weak, or intimately powerful. I feel like I've been attacked by something else... like, stronger than the assaults of a grey, but not as intense as how a reptilian's attacks have been described.
What I experience is not physical, so it's not a reptilian, nor emotionally, like how a grey would try to scare someone. Rather, it's in my HEALTH. There are many times of the day when I simply have a hard time breathing, and I've vomited a few times due to this. At the same time, I sometimes see vague clouds of greyish energy, making visualizing white gold light to clean/protect myself a little difficult, too; my chakras sometimes have a dull tone to them. When I try to trace the energy with my senses and try to figure out where it's coming from, I can sometimes see the faint image of something that looks like a human being, but their/its skin is devoid of color (greyish blue) and contains white blotches. I've tried burning these things in blue fire and striking them with a blue astral blade, and they let out this strange screech that sounds like a combination of when someone slowly deflates a balloon, and a painful human scream. What are these things, does anyone know about them, and what should I do to keep them away from me at all times? Or some meditations I could do to keep my health up?
I would just like to add my experience. I have only been attacked a few times. I am still fairly new.It has been a full year. When I was attacked, it was using fear...I never let it get to me and showed it, i was not going to be intimidated.It left shortly after.Be confident and believe in the power inside you.Satan has given us so much...let's be victorius!! Keep doing the RTR and stay strong! 
Hail Satan and all the gods.

On Saturday, 15 October 2016, 9:22, "voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  From my experience the reptillians are a lot more direct and aggresive in their attacks. 

They appear to be less intimidated by a strong aura and also less cowardly in that they won't mind directly attacking you and they won't back off when one simply lashes out at them. 

The greys use sneaky underhanded tactics and try to hide from you and attack you when you least expect it, but when you attack them head on with your aura they aren't much of a threat. 
They usually try to run away and escape in my experience, but reptillians almost seem territorial in that they will try to overpower you through fear and intimidation and if that doesn't work they will try to go in for an all out assault where either it turns out you are stronger and you subdue them or damage them enough so they try to run away and escape or a Demon will come to your aid and scare off the reptillian. 

I've only experienced reptillian attacks two times, but they were significantly harder to fight of spiritually than greys. 

They look a lot more imposing than the skinny and small greys aswell, which they try to use to intimidate you. They look like bipedal crocodiles with big eyes in my experience and appear quite tall aswell, but if you simply don;t show fear and don't let their appearance intimidate you that is already half of the defence. 

Buff up your aura, vizualize powerful white golden light from all your chakra's and spread the wings of your soul. Stand as strong as you can be astrally and overpower them like a true spiritual warrior. 

Even if they are stronger than the greys or even if they are stronger than you, they are still useless parasytical lifeforms worth less than shit. You as a Gentile are far more powerful in your soul than them. Remember that you were created by Satan himself and that you have the potential to be as mighty as the Gods. 

Show these reptillians shits that you are a noble warrior of a noble race and show them your superiority. If they try to attack you, rip their aura's appart and tear them to pieces astrally. Vizualize the blue fire of Satan and burn them with it, place your astral hands on them and let pillars of blue fire burst forth to incenerate them again and again untill they submit and give in to you. 

Make them kneel and destroy them. For you are a true warrior. Never bow your head down to the enemy and even when you think they are stronger than you, or even if they are stronger than you, just believe in your power and show them how inferior they truly are. 

That is how I dealth with it when they attacked me and it was very effective. 

The first attack was during my sleep, where I was abruptly awakened by a loud hiss and roar and when I opened my eyes it looked as if a gaping crocodile mouth was right in front of my face, dripping with saliva and growling and hissing. It felt as if some scaly claws were gripping my shoulders and holding me down in my bed, which might have been a scary sight for anyone, but instead of being scared I got very pissed at the rude interuption of my sleep and attacked the thing as hard as I could with my aura. Throwing it off me. I physically jumped out of the bed immedietly and made my aura as bright as the Sun. I yelled at it physically in my moment of anger "How dare you interupt my sleep, how dare you enter my house, get the fuck out or die!" And I vizualized the entire house engulfed in blue satanic fire. 

I pushed it out of the door and vibrated Algiz into my room for 88 reps to buff up the aura of protection around my room and that was it. I went back to sleep as if nothing had happened. 

This works everytime for me. 

% VoiceOfEnki

I got that Reptilians are much more aggressive.  I only encountered one attack of such a nature so far.  I wasn’t able to handle him not making me sick.  I was throwing up pretty hard for a couple hours.  I didn’t ask for any help from Demons on this, because I wanted to figure out WTF he was trying to do.  It wasn’t like a Grey attack.  Couldn’t figure out how the fucker pulled that off.

Then no less than 5 Demons showed up and asked me if I needed any help.  I didn’t think I did, but they seemed to think I did.  I was clueless on how to fend off the throwing up business.  And after they showed up the cowardly fucker left.  But he didn’t run away, just took his time leaving.
I appreciate you telling me about the fact that they don’t back off right away.  I know the Greys are pretty much out of there as soon as you attack them and they find out who you are, because they no they can’t win against you or when a Demon eventually shows up.
Yup, Reptilians are definitely less intimidated by a strong aura and less cowardly.
The thing with the Greys that I noticed is precisely what Angry Shaman said about them.  It’s all about the fear.  Once they can make you afraid of something, they have introduced confusion and uncertainty, and then they move in on you.  Their definitely sneaky and underhanded.

I think I got attacked by another Reptilian over the past few days.  You can read my posts and then read the post I made to Lydia in the Astrology group.  I fucken went off on her for absolutely no reason.  The enemy has been planning that shit for days to try to get me kicked off from here.  Did I mention they don’t like me?  LOL.
My astral sight is still fucked, so I didn’t see him.  If someone “wants” to be seen I can see them as clear as a regular person.

Thanks for the physical description.  Before too long I will start to see them.  It didn’t choose to let me see it.  It probably knew that I would be less scared of it and plan an immediate attack against it if I saw it.
They are going to regret the day they ever met me.  I have a few plans, but I love the idea of using my astral hands to hold them while I fry the fucker.  That’s why that cowardly piece of shit didn’t let me see him.  So, I’ll definitely do that and light the fucker up like a burning telephone pole and let them know who’s who.
I will never bow my head down to these filthy fucking parasites.
Love your handling when it came to you in your sleep.  Fucking awesome dude!
I seriously have to get started using Runes.  For fuck sake.  As much as I enjoy vibrations.  I’ll keep in mind the Algiz 88x.
  I’m experimenting now, with building an outer layer of permanent blue satanic energy into the outermost layer of my aura.  The first layer is molten gold, second, molten silver.  Together they shine like the sun.  Third, is simply powerful, bright white light and then the next layer is where I place the powerful blue flame energy.  I’m planning to practice using that on some xians and greys.  If that works I want to try creating a thoughtform servitor of a fire dragon that knows how to detect enemies and develops plans on its own to kill them.  But, it will be months before I’ll be able to do the later. Thanks a lot for your help on this.  You gave me a shit load of great ideas! 
I know you want to help right away, but for me it was not a good idea to get the RTR's when I was still weak.

If I knew would do the training for spiritual warfare before all. I will need help from one of our gods to free me from a reptilian psychic attack that I am not able to do yourself.

Going to war without this 6-month training is like going to the battlefield naked!

Do whatever is necessary to give the least amount of work for the Gods!
http://web.archive.org/web/201602141421 ... y_666.html

2016-10-14 18:09 GMT-03:00 voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]:
  From my experience the reptillians are a lot more direct and aggresive in their attacks. 

They appear to be less intimidated by a strong aura and also less cowardly in that they won't mind directly attacking you and they won't back off when one simply lashes out at them. 

The greys use sneaky underhanded tactics and try to hide from you and attack you when you least expect it, but when you attack them head on with your aura they aren't much of a threat. 
They usually try to run away and escape in my experience, but reptillians almost seem territorial in that they will try to overpower you through fear and intimidation and if that doesn't work they will try to go in for an all out assault where either it turns out you are stronger and you subdue them or damage them enough so they try to run away and escape or a Demon will come to your aid and scare off the reptillian. 

I've only experienced reptillian attacks two times, but they were significantly harder to fight of spiritually than greys. 

They look a lot more imposing than the skinny and small greys aswell, which they try to use to intimidate you. They look like bipedal crocodiles with big eyes in my experience and appear quite tall aswell, but if you simply don;t show fear and don't let their appearance intimidate you that is already half of the defence. 

Buff up your aura, vizualize powerful white golden light from all your chakra's and spread the wings of your soul. Stand as strong as you can be astrally and overpower them like a true spiritual warrior. 

Even if they are stronger than the greys or even if they are stronger than you, they are still useless parasytical lifeforms worth less than shit. You as a Gentile are far more powerful in your soul than them. Remember that you were created by Satan himself and that you have the potential to be as mighty as the Gods. 

Show these reptillians shits that you are a noble warrior of a noble race and show them your superiority. If they try to attack you, rip their aura's appart and tear them to pieces astrally. Vizualize the blue fire of Satan and burn them with it, place your astral hands on them and let pillars of blue fire burst forth to incenerate them again and again untill they submit and give in to you. 

Make them kneel and destroy them. For you are a true warrior. Never bow your head down to the enemy and even when you think they are stronger than you, or even if they are stronger than you, just believe in your power and show them how inferior they truly are. 

That is how I dealth with it when they attacked me and it was very effective. 

The first attack was during my sleep, where I was abruptly awakened by a loud hiss and roar and when I opened my eyes it looked as if a gaping crocodile mouth was right in front of my face, dripping with saliva and growling and hissing. It felt as if some scaly claws were gripping my shoulders and holding me down in my bed, which might have been a scary sight for anyone, but instead of being scared I got very pissed at the rude interuption of my sleep and attacked the thing as hard as I could with my aura. Throwing it off me. I physically jumped out of the bed immedietly and made my aura as bright as the Sun. I yelled at it physically in my moment of anger "How dare you interupt my sleep, how dare you enter my house, get the fuck out or die!" And I vizualized the entire house engulfed in blue satanic fire. 

I pushed it out of the door and vibrated Algiz into my room for 88 reps to buff up the aura of protection around my room and that was it. I went back to sleep as if nothing had happened. 

This works everytime for me. 
% Ohnoitsmook

Yes.  That's a great idea.  Voice of Enki had the same thoughts but went into some actual scenarios.  I've been trying out programming my outer aura with it for some time now.  See what I posted to Voice of Enki.
Reptilians are much stronger than the gray and they psychic attack is much heavier, also I have seen that are able to resist  blue fire, what best result has given to me against them is invoke astrally  the element fire  and programmed it to destroy "all entity enemy  of Satan"
% Ana

True.  I just decided that at some point you have to know what you are facing and just face it.  I would take your advice, but I've been dealing with these attacks for a very long time - even before getting into JOS.  They have limited and suppressed my progress by years and years and that shit is over.

The Reptilian psychic attacks are something I thought I could handle better.  There pretty bad, right now, because they kind of take control of you, but if you train yourself to know what to look for, you can spot them and correct the situation I think.  I'm not going to call any Demons to come to my rescue unless I need them.  If they want to step in and help me out like they did without me calling on them, so be it.  As far as being weak goes, its my own fucking fault for not meditating enough.

I'm happy that I am receiving these attacks because it proves to me that I'm doing precisely what I need to be doing and that what I'm doing is vitally important to the Gentile races.  They better kick my ass good now, because not to long from now, I'm going to do shit to them that hasn't been invented yet.

Fuck the Reptilians,
Fuck the Greys,
Fuck the Jews

Hail Satan!   
Good luck Goetterfunken! Satanic blessings to you!

Yeah I saw that Magnum Arcanum, we all get those moments sometimes where we are out of it for a second or the enemy gets to us and we lash out on someone for no apparent reason. 

I'm sure you will be excused if it was an honest accident or atleast if it wasn't meant that way.

The runes work really well. I have also used Thurisaz to attack greys before and it was extremely effective. 

I don't know how effective that is on reptillians since I haven't had a chance to try yet, but on greys it works really well. 

The moment you feel them, just start vibrating Thurisaz and vizualize something like lightning or fire or just your aura destroying them. After 10 or 20 vibrations they will be gone I guarantee. 

Ohnoitsmook, I have no idea what exactly that is, but it sounds like it might be some kind of advanced thought form, or perhaps an actual negative human spirit that got attached to you and is feeding of your aura. It could also be some kind of enemy spirit that I have never seen, but in any case it sounds negative and it sounds like it's attached to your aura and is draining your energy or trying to fill your aura with negative energy to injure you or make you ill. 

Have you tried to do the banishing ritual? That works quite well for getting rid of negative entities that attach themselves to your aura. 

Also you can try to vibrate Thurizas into it and burn it with Satanic fire. Or try to Vibrate Aum Suryae for a 108 times and clean your aura very throuroughly. After that you could use Algiz to create a strong aura of protection and use Sowilo in combination with it to increase the power of Algiz. 

Sowilo can be used to empower other runes when you vibrate it after wards, it's something I started using not too long ago and it's been working well for me so far. 

If it feels like your aura is weak or too weak to fight of the negative influence, maybe try to vibrate Üruz, Nauthiz and Sowilo, in set's of 40, 40 and 36 respectively. 

This seems very powerful and they seem to be able to work really well together. You can read the descriptions of the Runes and see what I mean. 

Use an affirmation simmilar to this perhaps: "The energies of Uruz, Nauthiz and Sowilo are greatly empowering my aura and greatly increasing my spiritual power permanently in a positive way". 

Or maybe something like this: "The energies of Uruz, Nauthiz and Sowilo are permanently transforming me into a powerful satanic warrior, both spiritually and physically in a positive way". 

Note, affirmations are not my strong point... But maybe that gives you some ideas for good potential affirmations you can use haha.. 
Perfect! So much fucking around time saved there. I still plan to program my aura with a ribbon of blue flame energy permanently and then I was going to create a thought-form servitor that would work with me too predict and outmaneuver them and then kill the fuckers but that could get tricky with my level of experience and your method is much more direct and seems like it makes a lot more sense. It seems like it fits my beginners level a lot better.  I'll do the aura but then I will instead invoke fire and exterminate them in that way. And that's the missing step I need to create a proper thought-form servitor.  The one I want to create is fairly sophisticated and I will need to rely upon all of the elemental methods most likely in order to do a proper job of exterminating these motherfuckers.  I feel you really put me on the right path there. I won't be forgetting about that shit. Let me know if you can use my help on anything in the future.
Hail Satan!

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On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 18:56, darkheavy66669@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Reptilians are much stronger than the gray and they psychic attack is much heavier, also I have seen that are able to resist  blue fire, what best result has given to me against them is invoke astrally  the element fire  and programmed it to destroy "all entity enemy  of Satan"
 Crazy that your story is pretty similar to the one I just shared that happened to me 15yrs when I was a new xtian, except for me, I wasn't aware of what was happening at the time.. this just confirms that the conclusion I came to is correct... They were trying to kill me...   Millions of of people are worshipping this false jewish god, who unbeknownst to them, doesn't give a shit about them.  Again, I am so thankful to Father Satan for leading me to the truth. 
 Hail Father Satan!!!
% Jelco
Are you talking to me?

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On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 20:05, jelco666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   @skylerbrocker,
 Crazy that your story is pretty similar to the one I just shared that happened to me 15yrs when I was a new xtian, except for me, I wasn't aware of what was happening at the time.. this just confirms that the conclusion I came to is correct... They were trying to kill me...   Millions of of people are worshipping this false jewish god, who unbeknownst to them, doesn't give a shit about them.  Again, I am so thankful to Father Satan for leading me to the truth. 
 Hail Father Satan!!!
Nah, I was replying to someone else's post but now I don't see it... That's strange. Well, wherever it went, it helped me.

Hail Father Satan!!!
You can ask me questions about reptilians as they are stupid enough to attack me on a daily basis so I know quite a bit about them.
Do Reptilians have yellow eyes? I'm pretty sure those fuckers have been attacking me in my sleep for weeks now.

On Thursday, October 20, 2016 6:46 PM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  You can ask me questions about reptilians as they are stupid enough to attack me on a daily basis so I know quite a bit about them.

I use free positive white-gold energy from the sun and "In a positive and healthy manner for me this energy is reflecting attacks against me."

Rather than: "...this energy is protecting me". The protection energy may of course be going off to do other stuff that in the long run is more important to protect me from. At this point reflection seems to be better for direct warfare.

Years ago, and I'm not sure if it's harmful to oneself, but I used to use a red head band with the "Helm of Awe" rune drawn in black ink on it placed above my third eye facing outwards. This helped me sleep.
% Jonathon
I like the way that you're doing it. I'm experimenting with similar things myself. 
I don't really know much about runes and I am just starting to use them myself so I don't know how they may or may not have affected you with your sleep. Somebody on here undoubtedly knows though.
I do have quite a bit of experience reflecting things off my aura. My suggestion on that is to stick with what is written. 
When it comes time to reflect negative energy it only takes a few seconds to do so. I had an extremely black aura when I first started and when I reflected energy off my aura it did some serious damage. I thought that I was gifted in my power and ability when actually I had a shitty aura.  LOL.
You first sense the negative energy. I believe that is perhaps the most important part of the whole exercise and important for spiritual growth and ability.
Then you simply visualize your aura reflecting all the negative energy back into and onto them however it's most advantageous. 
Next, I state the proper affirmation and after 3 - 5 times for me at least they are getting shit slammed with all sorts of negative stuff.
Usually one time is enough. But for those foolish enough to come back and try it again they usually get sick immediately following it. But, I'm talking about human beings  that may or may not be being controlled  by greys not reptilians. And it does send a very powerful message to the greys to fuck off. Once they know they've been discovered they typically leave you alone because they are unable to engage their primary tactic which is to make you afraid of something and then play off that fear.
That simply doesn't work for reptilians. Also blue satanic flames may or may not get them to break off an attack i.e. its not something that is guaranteed.
I haven't actually tried this yet but I'm told that a good way to handle the reptilians is to invoke fire. But I have to try it out. I'm sure it'll work better than blue satanic flames. It may prove too be a more reliable choice in my opinion.

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On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 2:56, jonathon.billing@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   I use free positive white-gold energy from the sun and "In a positive and healthy manner for me this energy is reflecting attacks against me."

Rather than: "...this energy is protecting me". The protection energy may of course be going off to do other stuff that in the long run is more important to protect me from. At this point reflection seems to be better for direct warfare.

Years ago, and I'm not sure if it's harmful to oneself, but I used to use a red head band with the "Helm of Awe" rune drawn in black ink on it placed above my third eye facing outwards. This helped me sleep.
I dreamed of a creature that had big yellow eyes and walked four, had a gray body but human body traits, like hands.
Me there seems to be the creation of a sort to attack us! Some of us are even noticing something strange?

Father Satan and the Gods protect us!
Hail Father Satan and Gods Forever!
2016-10-22 5:56 GMT-02:00 jonathon.billing@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]:
  I use free positive white-gold energy from the sun and "In a positive and healthy manner for me this energy is reflecting attacks against me."

Rather than: "...this energy is protecting me". The protection energy may of course be going off to do other stuff that in the long run is more important to protect me from. At this point reflection seems to be better for direct warfare.

Years ago, and I'm not sure if it's harmful to oneself, but I used to use a red head band with the "Helm of Awe" rune drawn in black ink on it placed above my third eye facing outwards. This helped me sleep.
I dreamed of a creature that had big yellow eyes and walked four, had a gray body but human body traits, like hands.
Me there seems to be the creation of a sort to attack us! Some of us are even noticing something strange?

Father Satan and the gods protect us!
Hail Father Satan and Gods Forever!

2016-10-22 5:56 GMT-02:00 jonathon.billing@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]:
  I use free positive white-gold energy from the sun and "In a positive and healthy manner for me this energy is reflecting attacks against me."

Rather than: "...this energy is protecting me". The protection energy may of course be going off to do other stuff that in the long run is more important to protect me from. At this point reflection seems to be better for direct warfare.

Years ago, and I'm not sure if it's harmful to oneself, but I used to use a red head band with the "Helm of Awe" rune drawn in black ink on it placed above my third eye facing outwards. This helped me sleep.
Some do, but not ALL. I have seen some with yellow eyes, for sure though
On Oct 21, 2016, at 07:19, fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Do Reptilians have yellow eyes? I'm pretty sure those fuckers have been attacking me in my sleep for weeks now.

On Thursday, October 20, 2016 6:46 PM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  You can ask me questions about reptilians as they are stupid enough to attack me on a daily basis so I know quite a bit about them.
I can literally break greys bones like twigs, I will hunt these reptilians, and kill them and their families and rape their woman

Did you actually READ what you've TYPED BEFORE posting it?

Now you're sounding like an angry teenager because your momma and your papa didn't allow you to go to a party...

Not to mention RAPING. RAPING REPTILIANS!? Are you out of your MIND? Rape is JEWISH. And having an intercourse with a NEGATIVE entity is devastating - for YOU.

Kid, GROW THE FUCK UP. This is no fantasy club. Not to mention that threatening to rape somebody may cause problems to the e-groups.

Well that settles what I have suspected for a long time. Black knight is either a jew or a retard.Look at his latest post.

On Sunday, October 23, 2016 11:46 AM, "black_knight_4@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I can literally break greys bones like twigs, I will hunt these reptilians, and kill them and their families and rape their woman

I apologize profusely for using the word "rape". In my mind I was thinking that all the damages gentiles have faced for centuries, that must be used on the enemy for justice. The psychological damages of rape are grievous, I did not think while typing this, but I was thinking that the enemy has to suffer psychologically
Well now I finally know now. Just to mention, I realize what was attacking me in my dreams. A damn grey(apparently) that looked like a human and it was until it's eyes grew big. It was going to kill me and I just had to wake up. Was that a grey or just my stupid nightmares? 

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On Sunday, October 30, 2016 10:55 AM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  They have what looks like cats eyes. I do know a lot about them but I haven't clearly seen them before.

The times I saw them they appeared to have yellow eyes, with slit pupils.

They may have different eye colors, but yellow seems to be common for them.
For me, I had a grey that tried to kill me once in my dreams until some Demon came to help me wake up from it. But for reptilians, well thanks for teaching me how to defend myself against those scaly psychos. Blue fire didn't work so I must use fire, which I'm sort of adept with. Thanks guys. 
There were times that enemy entities tried attacking me and when I try using my aura, it worked sometimes but the most I can do is visualize blue flames and gargoyle demons scaring the enemy entity off. Then I had to cover my room with electric blue fire afterwards.
I try using "black fire(Energy as pitch black fire)" (since it's the color of chaos too) to get them to get out of my room. Most of the time, I saw them get abducted(There was white light and then they were gone) back to their "mothership"(It looked like a giant ball in the dark) when they tried escaping. I can say a lot like everyone else here can about their experiences. All in all, the enemy would do whatever they can to scare us away from the truth. So guys, I learned a lot from here and thank you brothers and sisters for the information.
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On Monday, October 31, 2016 8:02 PM, "avivom666@..." <avivom666@... wrote:

Well now I finally know now. Just to mention, I realize what was attacking me in my dreams. A damn grey(apparently) that looked like a human and it was until it's eyes grew big. It was going to kill me and I just had to wake up. Was that a grey or just my stupid nightmares? 

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On Sunday, October 30, 2016 10:55 AM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  They have what looks like cats eyes. I do know a lot about them but I haven't clearly seen them before.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
