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Good Job, but very unhappy working full time.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2017
I have recently gotten a good full time job with potentjal benefits and the whole 9 yards. For the first time in my life I have achieved financial security.

However I unfortunately still feel very depressed, like all this time and energy I'm putting into this is a huge strain on myself. I am very exhausted most of the time now. And I barely get to everything else I need to get done.

This is a job in electronics manufacturing, and the pay is good, everything about it is good. However I am just depressed sinking 40 hours into this a week, potentially 60 here soon with a promotion not even a month in, as for whatever reason I'm very valued here.

I am not saying I'd do something foolish like quit. But I am just so tired of working for other people, being exhausted working, and always in pain and tired.

I have done a great deal of progress in overcoming obstacles. Yet even now I feel rather unhappy.

I do not understand what I'm doing wrong, I'm making good strides in all aspects of my life.
If you feel exhausted and in pain you need to raise your energies with programming full-length SATANAS or the Vuh Vah Voh [666] meditation while on the job.

Financial stability is very important. Think about similar proactive ways to get around this rather than quitting. You can go into a trance every day and affirm "I am hard working, energized on any job and successful in a healthy and safe way [for me]".

After a while, if you really, truly don't like the field and this corresponds with your Natal Chart, look into other avenues of work or business.
"this energy rises my energy, and makes me robust in the most positive way for me"

You can also do the freetime working from Blitzkreig if you have time to do so.
I am very happy for you!!
You were always in my mind about this because you were having tough time with this for a very long time.

The recent rituals in Jun I kept hoping this would help you.

Other than that, well that's the thing with having a job you'll have to sacrifice. This is totally normal. Hardwork and long hours is totally required and tiring. But remember what you're doing this for. It's an investment so to say. You have to sacrifice something to get something.

I was also working 11 hr night shifts recently. For a month now. I am tired and it is tiring. Just keep pushing through. Somehow you get better, do better time-management and you learn new skills that help you get more done.

Keep going and keep pushing through. Never quit. Having to work a job is very hard work. It's never supposed to be easy. Nor should you expect to have your optimal experience and health. Just keep saving money, getting experience, learning, then take a new step for something better for you.

Get your time-management on-point and remove anything that's unnecessary. Make sure you have the minimal of everything. If you go the gym reduce the hours and days, If you meditate, stick with the essentials, etc.

More than half my salary goes to my family because my father doesn't support us and my mom works seasonally. So more than half of the month I barely have any money. Right now I don't have any for barely a meal so I am eating noodles and being very hungry until I get my salary and try to get some groceries.

Also, Saturn is retro so you will feel worse until it gets direct then you get paid off for all your hard work.

Keep going brother. This is a gift. You need to stick with it.
This is how life goes. You don't get anything for free. And compare your life to the lives of everybody else who has ever lived in this world. Our people were farmers doing more like 130 hours per week of extremely difficult physical work. 40 hours per week of a relatively simple and easy job is an absolute paradise compared to almost anybody in history.

I have the feeling you got this job recently? You just haven't adapted and became used to it yet. Your energy levels will equalize, your sleeping schedule will shift, and you will become comfortable. It just takes some time to get used to.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
This is how life goes. You don't get anything for free. And compare your life to the lives of everybody else who has ever lived in this world. Our people were farmers doing more like 130 hours per week of extremely difficult physical work. 40 hours per week of a relatively simple and easy job is an absolute paradise compared to almost anybody in history.

I have the feeling you got this job recently? You just haven't adapted and became used to it yet. Your energy levels will equalize, your sleeping schedule will shift, and you will become comfortable. It just takes some time to get used to.

This is very true and I'm aware of the reality regarding our people and humanity for centuries when it comes to the standards of living improving, and better working conditions and easier life in regards to working.

The reality here as well is I am someone who has struggled with employment for a long time. I have a few chronic illnesses that make functioning as a normal person in society fairly difficult. I was never able to obtain income for this despite years where I was extremely ill and unable to work.

In regards to healing all this I've made great strides in my workings and meditation, but I am not fully free of of all this yet. Hence why I struggle so hard.

Now this thankfully has changed, and this is the first time I've been physically able to hold down full time employment, in my entire life.

So yes, I definitely will work through this and proceed further regardless given the circumstances, as I also seem to be valued here and I have caught on and done quality work in a fairly short period of time.

I just wanted to elaborate the situations so it is better understood.
Korpi said:
Have you tried using the Praise Satan mantra?
See here, Re: Deep Cleaning - Darkpagan666

I have not yet. I'll have to incorporate that into my routine, thank you brother.
Karnonnos said:
If you feel exhausted and in pain you need to raise your energies with programming full-length SATANAS or the Vuh Vah Voh [666] meditation while on the job.

Financial stability is very important. Think about similar proactive ways to get around this rather than quitting. You can go into a trance every day and affirm "I am hard working, energized on any job and successful in a healthy and safe way [for me]".

After a while, if you really, truly don't like the field and this corresponds with your Natal Chart, look into other avenues of work or business.

Thank you for the guidance and advice. I plan to hold this down regardless for however long in the future.

As for other fields, that is ideally what I plan to do eventually, to follow my passions. But I have to just work at it and go from there.
My spontanious theory is that this is temporary because of exhaustion. Sleep and rest more, and do more meditation.

I had one bad day at my job yesterday because of total loss of energy (due so skipped sleep).
That moment I temporarily felt like I was in a meaningless prison, but this is because energy was out of me.

I've heard something about depression though; that it can be about fear of being very capable. This is for others to fear.
xlnt said:
My spontanious theory is that this is temporary because of exhaustion. Sleep and rest more, and do more meditation.

I had one bad day at my job yesterday because of total loss of energy (due so skipped sleep).
That moment I temporarily felt like I was in a meaningless prison, but this is because energy was out of me.

I've heard something about depression though; that it can be about fear of being very capable. This is for others to fear.

To be clear about what I meant with that last thing: Others should fear You if you are very capable. Not you fearing them.
Besides that though, I think we generally speaking also as humans are more capable than we often think.
Religions and society puts people down Bigtime these days with xianity, Islam, "Tik-Tok" trends and down putting trends in general.

Everyone should discover JoS and understand that; not only are we put down spiritually by "Religion", but also in many other ways like porn, drugs and a generally speaking low life kind of mentality and lifestyle. This is by promoting certain decadent artists and "Idols". Jewish MTV did that too. They don't really care about us, like MJ said. Putting down our self esteem and our ability or motivation to instead grow and andvance, is done with both religion and other ways.
"Don't think, don't question" etc. just like in the movie "They Live".

They certainly live, so by doing the RTR's against them they will gradually loose the grip on you.
By freeing your mind you also freely accept you being a genius master, if this so happens to be the case.

I think we all have at least master potential, but people are so put down that they can't reach it. Nor do they believe that's possible, because that only happens in movies.
Remember what HPS Maxine strongly once pointed out in a sermon: The human potential - is Unlimited.
serpentwalker666 said:

Try to avoid extra work if you can help it, as that would strain your energy. Also, if you have the time during your job, like at a desk or something, try to raise some solar energy and program it to restore and recuperate your energy. I have done this plenty of times for a "second wind" and it definitely works, especially for people with trained souls.

Stopping for 5 minutes to do this will make up for the productivity lost by working at an exhausted pace.
You should take most of the pay and buy real estate (not in the big cities but in small cities where the people are fleeing to nowadays). Real Estate pays you dividends from renting and also from appreciation and depreciation.

Also search Fresh and fit Real Estate on youtube. If you have enough passive income there will come a time where you can choose to Completely quit your job altogether.
General Yeager said:
You should take most of the pay and buy real estate (not in the big cities but in small cities where the people are fleeing to nowadays). Real Estate pays you dividends from renting and also from appreciation and depreciation.

Also search Fresh and fit Real Estate on youtube. If you have enough passive income there will come a time where you can choose to Completely quit your job altogether.

I plan to get into real estate as a real estate salesperson. I am doing a course on this, and after I get to a point I feel I'm ready I'd go after the real estate license.

This is ideally the path I'd take to go after buying real estate, as I'd work my way up and try to make a decent number of sales, then I'd look into buying real estate property.
It could be worse, and in many places, such as developing countries, this is a fact. We all start out like this only to realize later on we should have cherished what we took for granted.

Many people would kill for this kind of thing, remember that.

When we are so sick that it is very hurtful even to walk out and we have to look for a job that we will pay for with our health and time of life, we have to think very strategically and ask ourselves before accepting a job:
-what will it give us in the future and long term?
-is it something that will make me happier than if the job were different?
-is this the field that I really want to live my whole life in without abandon and dedicate all of the next lives (since your skills will transfer into the next lives) and then all of eternity to it?

Take a look at our Gods Help list https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/HELP.html and their pages here https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DemonNames.html in which of their fields of endeavor would you like to grow? Under which of them is your dream to work for eternity?

When I remember I advised you to find a job that would make your life happier and be bright point in it, I was not referring to money and other mundane things that become hateful when we sacrifice more valuable things for them. I was referring to those jobs that are more satisfying than if they didn't exist, without any payback and just by their process alone. I meant something that if you did not it you would have been unhappier and unhealthier. I meant what Socrates had said: make your hobby your job and you will never have to work again.

It's inherent in a person to crave fulfillment in a profession, and they suffer greatly if their current job doesn't provide that chance and they are forced to do hateful shit for money. While if they had loved affair it could not only relieve emotional pain but also support and give spirit in fight against physical one.

Also I respectfully remind you that acupuncture is the best known physical pain relief ever existent while "aspirin" and related usually never work their purpose. Now when you have money, you might make some sense out of it and at last go to TCM specialist and take your health back once and for all.

Edward Lonsa said:

When we are so sick that it is very hurtful even to walk out and we have to look for a job that we will pay for with our health and time of life, we have to think very strategically and ask ourselves before accepting a job:
-what will it give us in the future and long term?
-is it something that will make me happier than if the job were different?
-is this the field that I really want to live my whole life in without abandon and dedicate all of the next lives (since your skills will transfer into the next lives) and then all of eternity to it?

Take a look at our Gods Help list https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/HELP.html and their pages here https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DemonNames.html in which of their fields of endeavor would you like to grow? Under which of them is your dream to work for eternity?

When I remember I advised you to find a job that would make your life happier and be bright point in it, I was not referring to money and other mundane things that become hateful when we sacrifice more valuable things for them. I was referring to those jobs that are more satisfying than if they didn't exist, without any payback and just by their process alone. I meant something that if you did not it you would have been unhappier and unhealthier. I meant what Socrates had said: make your hobby your job and you will never have to work again.

It's inherent in a person to crave fulfillment in a profession, and they suffer greatly if their current job doesn't provide that chance and they are forced to do hateful shit for money. While if they had loved affair it could not only relieve emotional pain but also support and give spirit in fight against physical one.

Also I respectfully remind you that acupuncture is the best known physical pain relief ever existent while "aspirin" and related usually never work their purpose. Now when you have money, you might make some sense out of it and at last go to TCM specialist and take your health back once and for all.


Thank you for your advice and guidance on this. I do remember your post and I kept in mind your advice about finding a job/career that is a passion that I'd be fulfilled by.

Unfortunately, for now I've had to put that aside as I have to take what I can get for the time being because of current financial and other circumstances. My intention is to come back to that and pursue my passions soon enough, as I have some money saved and things look better in that regard for me.

My passion is for programming and most of computer science. The area I am from is mostly devoid of opportunity in that area of expertise. Moving really isn't an option at this point in time either.

Some jobs in this are available here and there, yet I am not an experienced programmer and need time to hone skills.

I would pursue this instead if I had a feasible opportunity to do so, but nearly everything I've found is companies that want highly experienced programmers, and not a single one willing to train or accept people willing to just learn the tools as they go.

When I am able to I'll likely just go all in on writing programs as I learn more, then use that as an opportunity to get my foot in the door somewhere.

Also my decision to stay at this job has been influenced by the fact that many of the supervisors have offered me some serious room for growth and opportunity to learn other things on the job. This seems to be a bit of an uncommon thing there, as they seem to see something in me in regards to that.

Plus well, it's near to me, and in the area I'm from poor job choices are about all you can find unless you drive an hour to the nearest city, or look extremely hard for decent opportunity.

Thank you for the guidance and advice on acupuncture as well. I definitely intend to follow through and get some treatment with a TCM Specialist.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=454840 time=1690064551 user_id=21286]
serpentwalker666 said:

Try to avoid extra work if you can help it, as that would strain your energy. Also, if you have the time during your job, like at a desk or something, try to raise some solar energy and program it to restore and recuperate your energy. I have done this plenty of times for a "second wind" and it definitely works, especially for people with trained souls.

Stopping for 5 minutes to do this will make up for the productivity lost by working at an exhausted pace.

Could you please kindly expound upon how one raises their solar energy. I did search the JoS site and came up empty handed. However,I might not have possibly selected the correct terms to search with.

BlackRam666 said:
Could you please kindly expound upon how one raises their solar energy. I did search the JoS site and came up empty handed. However,I might not have possibly selected the correct terms to search with.


In the situation I was describing, this means to gain solar energy, such as chanting a solar mantra (Surya) or rune (Sowilo), or breathing white gold energy in. This creative process is what I meant by "raising" the energy. You are generating it for your use.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=456494 time=1690943018 user_id=21286]
BlackRam666 said:
Could you please kindly expound upon how one raises their solar energy. I did search the JoS site and came up empty handed. However,I might not have possibly selected the correct terms to search with.


In the situation I was describing, this means to gain solar energy, such as chanting a solar mantra (Surya) or rune (Sowilo), or breathing white gold energy in. This creative process is what I meant by "raising" the energy. You are generating it for your use.

Thank you very much for your answer.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
