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Goddesses; Lies; Feminism

While im not so sure about some of the examples I will agree with the complete disrespect wemon get dealt out there and even on here its pathetic that even people on "a more spiritual path" are still behaving in this manor
VoiceofEnki said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sorry to say, but generally, single mothers will take better care of children than single fathers. If a person is "polygamous" or for whatever reasons doesn't care to spend the same time with offspring, chances are, women probably will.

General problems such as alcoholism and beating their partner generally do emerge from men to women, not from women towards men, although these can happen. There are other things courts take in consideration in these cases. Men cannot breastfeed a baby, but women can, to name one example.

I also am in disagreement of mental excessive focus over words. This is just pure jewish dialectic and nothing else. People should speak as they see fit. One university class of jews I went through also elaborated on this kike mental illness of trying to find these "problems" in words to drive people mentally insane for no reason.

IMO, Gods is plural, and by DEFAULT always contains all the Gods that are our own without a singular exception, for example.

Jack said:

High Priest HoodedCobra, I don’t believe you had to apologize at the start of your reply to Jack. I understand it was only rhetoric, but Jack wrote some pretty erroneous nonsense in his reply.

Not to mention the needless and immature hostility, rather than a well articulated, intelligible, truthful criticism.

The focus on words specifically is unnecessary, due to the word itself being secondary to the meaning and intent of the word used in cases like this, where the plural of “Gods” as we use it, refers not to the gender of the individual Gods or Goddesses, but to the transcendent, divine nature of their being which eclipses entirely our own.

It refers to their state of being Gods. Making the connotation of gender in this plural use of the word Gods mostly irrelevant.

When referring to a God or Goddess individually however, it is right to refer to them by the gender appropriate form of the word, both grammatically and logically, and also out of acknowledgement for the reality that indeed there are both male and female Gods.

However, regardless of ones opinions on the subject, or the validity/relevance of that one part in Lydia’s sermon, does not warrant anyone putting words in another’s mouth, let alone stupidly insult over this.

One can disagree intelligently with good, truthful reasoning rather than insult and purposefully misinterpret the words spoken because ones personal opinion differs.

Jack, many of your replies are quite good, and you share good information, however, you need to remember, on our Forum we pursue Truth, not opinion, and regardless of your intentions or of personal interpretations you have regarding subjects like this, you wrote far too much opinionated and emotional nonsense in this particular reply.

Even the data you shared to try and prove your point is purely subjective in implication. The data may be objective, but what it is trying to present and the picture it is trying to paint is entirely subversive to the reality surrounding the facts.

On top of that, with your reply you insinuate, either purposefully or due to lack of articulation on your part, for Lydia to “reek of a Marxist insecurity complex”, on top of other insults.

Watch your words Jack, have some respect and learn to articulate yourself better, with some professional standard.

When replying to a topic, either through giving critique, feedback or additional input, especially one that often leads to arguments due to subjective personal beliefs being thrown around as fact, one must be as objective as possible at all times.

Don’t mess around like this anymore Jack.

It harms the credibility of our Forum and in general leads only to argumentative infighting due to nobody giving an effort to come to an objective and truthful consensus on the subject.

Hail Satan!
Hail all the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!
To clarify ,im not insulting Lydia or whoever that's agreed to this ideology. I was insulting Marxist Professors who wrote the Ideology of Feminism ,that they had an insecurity complex and had ulterior motives.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

She’s such a nice, caring and nourishing woman..
Even if she is past petty comments, I think it still makes her a bit sad. =(
jrvan said:
Jack said:
None of these scams - institutional racism, misogyny or any of this stuff is real. These are belief systems that people with a lack of purpose and identity adopt to feel good about themselves. The Belief system that was created by a jew in a university becomes their identity because they couldn't develop as fully functional Human Beings.

Actually, institutional racial preference is a real thing (or at least it used to be), and for a good reason. White people probably didn't have the goal in mind of accommodating other races when they built their society. It was created by Whites, for Whites. The problem is that people perceive this as a bad thing. It's not bad to be racist, and Whites wouldn't expect to be treated as equals and first class citizens if they walked into a Black or Asian society. They've turned racist and racism into naughty words.

Personally, I see misogyny as being deeply embedded into the social ethos. Even well-meaning, good natured men have an inner fundamental, core belief that women are inherently weak, dainty, and frail. They can't bring themselves to see women as anything else, and it's upon this core belief that many other beliefs and behaviors are built. The truth is that being weak, dainty, frail, etc... is not exclusive to females. Males can be dainty and frail, weak bodied, or what have you. Females can be the exact opposite. Not everyone who belongs to their respective gender is the same in these regards. I believe the only things universal between men and women are their sexual characteristics and hormones. I believe that because that's what I have found to be the case through observation. There are common tendencies and trends to be sure, but to say that the average is representative of the entire sex category is basically like dismissing all of the outliers as not belonging to that sex (like they're not a "real" woman or a "real" man).

I've experienced this already many times with my partner in crime when others criticized me for allowing her to do what she wanted. They would think I was a piece of shit for letting her cook, clean, or do any sort of work whatsoever. They just automatically assumed that I was forcing her to do these things when the truth is that she enjoys doing them. We also take turns with certain chores, but they would never know that because they went ahead and assumed. It's just ridiculous. Basically they expect her to be sitting on a throne with me fanning her, tending to every whim, and taking care of everything myself. She would absolutely resist me on that if I tried anyway. :lol:
I've rarely encountered this, and i meet a lot of people in my life. Maybe you've encountered a certain percentage of men and you were convinced by the Belief system (that misogyny is prevalent) to interpret their behavior as Misogyny ? Because I can tell you that my experience was totally different - that the majority of men we're convinced that women were totally as capable and equal in capacity to men in every regard, which is totally false.

Women have stronger Immune systems than men but yes, they are weaker than men in the body i.e on average. Thats just basic biology and men recognizing common sense. I don't see this as misogyny at all. Anytime a woman would be ordered to do something physically extensive that she can't do, i offer to do it instead because i don't want her straining herself to prove a point. The protective mechanism in the brain of men is what women find attractive, because its nature working through men.

Social Psychologists (Marxist Kooks) have been at it for decades trying to influence women to recognize these signs of benevolent protective nature as Misogyny. This is just total Role reversal. No man would let his wife or mother go through a bad neighborhood unaccompanied. That's not sexism ,that's just the male protection gaze that women are attracted to. But then an ideology convinces them to think in the opposite creating infighting between the sexes.

I have always tried to simplify behaviors in my own life. Look at behavior through a complex belief system is generally going to turn out to be BS. It was jews who invented the fake science of Sociology in response to White Man Anthropology, Eugenics and Genetics. So I really don't think that there is any societally ingrained belief about women being inferior to man. They are different so why should we compare ourselves with them. The difference between us is being interpreted by Jews to convince the populace of Misogyny.

Rather than trying to become equals we should accept our differences and not go along with this society collapsing BS.
Lydia said:

"Men often try to control what they do not understand. Being overly-controlling only ends up in rebellion. As only one example: We had the extremely strict dress codes for women; every inch of their body except hands and head to be covered, corsets which tremendously limited their movement and breathing, multiple layers of petticoats (under-skirts)… and now, women with half their butt-cheeks hanging out of their shorts, walking around in in broad daylight. Same goes for various attitudes. Being too restrictive will only result in the pendulum swinging the other way."

Absolutely true.
I don't want to go off-topic, but this also applies to homosexuality.
Many homosexuals are repressed, which means that when they finally get the chance to express themselves they exaggerate with ridiculous, gay-pride type attitudes.

《Another lie I have seen around here: that women get everything in a divorce, that the courts favor women. In reality, this is not true. The courts favor whoever has the best lawyer. I have personally known women who lost a great deal to their ex male partner. One woman lost her father’s entire business and their home, and was left with only her clothing and immediate belongings. Another had to pay her ex boyfriend for half of the house she already bought with her own money previous to them becoming common-law, and since she had more personal possessions than he did, he got many of hers.》

I don't doubt your experience, but this changes depending on your country.
In Italy women are favoured in divorces, I have seen men end up sleeping in their cars after a divorce.
Also for child custody mothers are favoured, I think this is right, a mother is more important as a father for the growth of children, but at the same time I know fathers who can see their children far too infrequently.

《They merely think that “feminism” is about getting a job outside of the home, and having a personality and sense of individuality apart from their father and husband. They think it is fairly harmless to society, and actually a good thing as it advances society and humanity as a whole, allowing women to “contribute”.》

Totally agree.
Our enemies have pushed this concept so far that it will be very difficult to go back.
Almost every woman today has to have a job to feel fulfilled.
Being a housewife and mother is equivalent to being a useless failure.
That is so sad.
The absurd thing is that the salary these working mothers receive is almost totally spent on babysitting.

Women are just as important as men.
But they are not the same, which is why they must express all their healthy "femininity", and the world needs this.
I would like to point out that the Italian word for woman is donna, which comes from the Latin word Domina, meaning Mistress, Female lord ( I use a translator, I do not know how to express the concept of dominance and reverence)

This comes from the poets who gave life to my language that put the feminine energy and beauty of women at the centre of their works.

Thank you Lydia, you are the perfect example of a great Woman!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, there are problems, but quite a few women make a living pretending we live in a world full with rapists while they engage in the most self exposure ever imaginable, and get away with everything, in such a rapist infested world?

How do these feminists even get home with only wearing thongs out, given there are so many rapists around for example or so many oppressive men? Because they are imagining it, there aren't that many.

These are two mutually exclusive realities. You can't be a total slutwalk all your life, and claim at the same time, this world is filled with so many rapists everywhere. Because if one was actually getting raped from being like this, the logical conclusion would be to defend one's self, not to go totally buttnaked outside.

You know what's even hotter than a nude woman on the beach? A nude woman on the beach with a gun strapped to her leg.
Just saying.
But a lot of these marxist graduates don't believe in guns either. So instead of shooting their would-be rapist, they want to shout down and punish good men for the existence of bad men, naively thinking that it will stop the bad men from existing. "Teach boys not to rape!" Give me a break. Translation: emasculate your own son because jews convinced you that your nether regions are under siege by the entirety of the male sex. Where's the cuckoo bird emoji?
Shadowcat said:
Blackdragon666 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I don’t know what “absorbing the DNA” means as it is vague but it has been shown that women (and gay men too I assume) absorb the sperm of their partners. This makes sense because the more partners a women has the more her pair bonding is destroyed. You can debate wether it changes the DNA or the DNA of fetuses but it is something real. I haven’t seen the thread in question but don’t let a bunch of weisenheimers ruin information by being over-the-top about it.

Sexual selection has an easy answer for me. You get what you give. A man cannot have a bunch of partners and then complain later that women are whores when he helped make them that way.

What a great mentality to have. Don’t let people anti-slut shame you.
This pair bonding thing doesn't apply when spirituality is practiced. People usually have bonds between their chakras after sex especially repeated sex. This can prevent them from being able to have a decent love relationship with another person. Removing these bonds enables the person to be able to have a love relationship with another person. This is not to push senseless sex or oversexualization, or even race mixing.

I was with my ex for almost 9 years. I did a working to break free of the relationship after several years of evidence it was going downhill, with the last straw of him cheating on me among other things. Its been a year. Still we are connected even at the higher chakras, although the lower ones are free. I was thinking of him strongly last few days and felt sad about how things went the other day and was even drawn to look at a picture...not cus i wanted him back. but when you are close with someone for that long they feel like a family member despite everything even if its a toxic one. I knew he would email me and was thinking about me because i could feel it and dreamt of him. sure enough next day he emails me because he told me he could feel that i wasnt 100% for some reason. from what i gathered though the sadness i was feeling was not entirely my own. these are manifestations from being connected at the throat and 6th chakras.

as the conversation preceeded about his new life i ended up predicting things about him that were confirmed to be true. he told me he thinks these are beautiful experiences. but it is not healthy for his current life or me for us to consistantly stay in touch..i'm ok with the occasional email..but i know he is doing this also because he still feels guilty. In cases like this repeated workings to detach might be necesarry. Becoming close to someone really does make you merge at a soul level, which is even a greater reason to be selective.
You have to be 100% certain that you want to remove all bonds between your souls. This is a positive thing and you can still keep in touch, this time without worrying about it being unhealthy for what either is having with another person. You have to be absolutely certain and want to break away. When you are stating the affirmation you can even visualize those bonds breaking for good. As Maxine said in an old sermon (it's on the meditation page), if you're not 100% certain you should remove ties with another person especially when they are deep, you are likely wasting your time.
Blackdragon666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Blackdragon666 said:
This pair bonding thing doesn't apply when spirituality is practiced. People usually have bonds between their chakras after sex especially repeated sex. This can prevent them from being able to have a decent love relationship with another person. Removing these bonds enables the person to be able to have a love relationship with another person. This is not to push senseless sex or oversexualization, or even race mixing.

I was with my ex for almost 9 years. I did a working to break free of the relationship after several years of evidence it was going downhill, with the last straw of him cheating on me among other things. Its been a year. Still we are connected even at the higher chakras, although the lower ones are free. I was thinking of him strongly last few days and felt sad about how things went the other day and was even drawn to look at a picture...not cus i wanted him back. but when you are close with someone for that long they feel like a family member despite everything even if its a toxic one. I knew he would email me and was thinking about me because i could feel it and dreamt of him. sure enough next day he emails me because he told me he could feel that i wasnt 100% for some reason. from what i gathered though the sadness i was feeling was not entirely my own. these are manifestations from being connected at the throat and 6th chakras.

as the conversation preceeded about his new life i ended up predicting things about him that were confirmed to be true. he told me he thinks these are beautiful experiences. but it is not healthy for his current life or me for us to consistantly stay in touch..i'm ok with the occasional email..but i know he is doing this also because he still feels guilty. In cases like this repeated workings to detach might be necesarry. Becoming close to someone really does make you merge at a soul level, which is even a greater reason to be selective.
You have to be 100% certain that you want to remove all bonds between your souls. This is a positive thing and you can still keep in touch, this time without worrying about it being unhealthy for what either is having with another person. You have to be absolutely certain and want to break away. When you are stating the affirmation you can even visualize those bonds breaking for good. As Maxine said in an old sermon (it's on the meditation page), if you're not 100% certain you should remove ties with another person especially when they are deep, you are likely wasting your time.

you are correct. let me clarify by saying it something i am pondering on. His new gf who is now pregnant at first did not fully like when he started to email again in december. i corrisponded with him giving suport due to his mom passing away. when i learned from him his gf didnt want me to have the new address when i wanted to send something to pay respects because she didnt like that we were talking i cut it back off. few days ago he contacted me again assuring me she is ok with it. nothing fishy so far but i wont hesitate to cut it off if it goes the wrong way. we went through alot together. but almost 9 years of headache is enough lol.
NinRick said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Sundara said:
Statistics say that 1/5 women have been raped at some point in their life,
This is absolutely not true. Maybe specifically if you are only talking about arab and black countries, then this might be true, especially muslim countries. But it is absolutely not true in any white country.

Hmm idk, I know a girl who was raped, other girls also made certain experiences. In Germany 1/7 of all asked women between 16 and 67 stated that they experienced sexual offences, like rape or sexual harassment. It is not as bad in white countries but it’s still present. My sister also always has pepper spray on her. Also here „men“ use some drugs, to rape girls in clubs. The girls are most of the times not aware of it. You could see a dude with a girl in his arms, she is conscious and they walk out, and you think they are together or something, but she is not aware of anything and will forget everything what has happened. Before she you have 20 minutes or something before she crashes, more than enough time to separate her from her friends.

To all girls here, when you are in a club, never leave your drink alone.

Also no clue where Sundara lives, but here in Germany women don’t get employed so other people can have something with them. At least I don’t notice it here.

Men don’t hire women they’re interested in there and then flip out when their advances are rejected, thus resulting in job loss? That’s incredible if that’s true. Lol. And yeah I know quite a good handful of women who have been -legitimately- raped, and I can tell the difference very well between that and someone who’s lying about it. People who’ve actually been raped arent typically going to be blasting it all over social media.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
None of these scams - institutional racism, misogyny or any of this stuff is real. These are belief systems that people with a lack of purpose and identity adopt to feel good about themselves. The Belief system that was created by a jew in a university becomes their identity because they couldn't develop as fully functional Human Beings.

Actually, institutional racial preference is a real thing (or at least it used to be), and for a good reason. White people probably didn't have the goal in mind of accommodating other races when they built their society. It was created by Whites, for Whites. The problem is that people perceive this as a bad thing. It's not bad to be racist, and Whites wouldn't expect to be treated as equals and first class citizens if they walked into a Black or Asian society. They've turned racist and racism into naughty words.

Personally, I see misogyny as being deeply embedded into the social ethos. Even well-meaning, good natured men have an inner fundamental, core belief that women are inherently weak, dainty, and frail. They can't bring themselves to see women as anything else, and it's upon this core belief that many other beliefs and behaviors are built. The truth is that being weak, dainty, frail, etc... is not exclusive to females. Males can be dainty and frail, weak bodied, or what have you. Females can be the exact opposite. Not everyone who belongs to their respective gender is the same in these regards. I believe the only things universal between men and women are their sexual characteristics and hormones. I believe that because that's what I have found to be the case through observation. There are common tendencies and trends to be sure, but to say that the average is representative of the entire sex category is basically like dismissing all of the outliers as not belonging to that sex (like they're not a "real" woman or a "real" man).

I've experienced this already many times with my partner in crime when others criticized me for allowing her to do what she wanted. They would think I was a piece of shit for letting her cook, clean, or do any sort of work whatsoever. They just automatically assumed that I was forcing her to do these things when the truth is that she enjoys doing them. We also take turns with certain chores, but they would never know that because they went ahead and assumed. It's just ridiculous. Basically they expect her to be sitting on a throne with me fanning her, tending to every whim, and taking care of everything myself. She would absolutely resist me on that if I tried anyway. :lol:

Dainty frail and weaker physically, emotionally by default stronger. Men, more fragile emotionally by default. Sexes aren’t the same. Some of this seems natural, men are natural protectors and providers, their physical strength is to be admired and their abilities to be appreciated. When a males energy is healthily channeled, viewing women in this way isn’t something sinister. It’s turned into this by kike narratives, on again, both extreme ends. “Women are weaker so that means I can beat her” “women are weaker so she isn’t capable of shit” now women are saying “weewah look at me I’m stronger than you and you calling me frail is misogyny” sometimes it is. People just gotta get back to their roots. Which is why Satanism is here. There’s nothing wrong with men treating women in a protective and healthy manner, it’s attractive.

How jewish programs work is they take something that is already existing, beautiful, and natural, and whack off the energy and belief system to channel this energy into something disgusting and destructive.
[/quote]te=Ramses post_id=245585 time=1618971406 user_id=69597]
While im not so sure about some of the examples I will agree with the complete disrespect wemon get dealt out there and even on here its pathetic that even people on "a more spiritual path" are still behaving in this manor
What manner? Please, give us the proof of what you're speaking about, because not once, other than from infiltrators, have I seen women being disrespected because they're women.

tabby said:
Just want to add in an alternate view here
Extremely informative and interesting, thank you very much.
jrvan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, there are problems, but quite a few women make a living pretending we live in a world full with rapists while they engage in the most self exposure ever imaginable, and get away with everything, in such a rapist infested world?

How do these feminists even get home with only wearing thongs out, given there are so many rapists around for example or so many oppressive men? Because they are imagining it, there aren't that many.

These are two mutually exclusive realities. You can't be a total slutwalk all your life, and claim at the same time, this world is filled with so many rapists everywhere. Because if one was actually getting raped from being like this, the logical conclusion would be to defend one's self, not to go totally buttnaked outside.

You know what's even hotter than a nude woman on the beach? A nude woman on the beach with a gun strapped to her leg.
Just saying.
But a lot of these marxist graduates don't believe in guns either. So instead of shooting their would-be rapist, they want to shout down and punish good men for the existence of bad men, naively thinking that it will stop the bad men from existing. "Teach boys not to rape!" Give me a break. Translation: emasculate your own son because jews convinced you that your nether regions are under siege by the entirety of the male sex. Where's the cuckoo bird emoji?

Bear in mind, I am talking strictly on the hypocrisy of feminists. They make their lives and "careers" in feminism based on these strange lies, that the average American is a total rapist.

Their points are just filled with hypocrisy. Disarming women also which they want to do, will disempower women and open them up to any subjugate. This is happening in Europe already as is.

That's what the enemy does. Imagined problems > real problems. And they destroyed society that way.
NinRick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

She’s such a nice, caring and nourishing woman..
Even if she is past petty comments, I think it still makes her a bit sad. =(
Well i wasn't attacking her but if she's sad for some reason i think everything can be fixed with a bit of ice cream. :p :p :p
Sundara said:
Men don’t hire women they’re interested in there and then flip out when their advances are rejected, thus resulting in job loss? That’s incredible if that’s true. Lol.

I will lmao when I ever see something like this in person. This is pathetic, isn’t it?

Have you experienced something like this?

In short, no. This doesn’t happen in huge companies in Germany. I am pretty sure that if someone does that here (where I work rn), that this would probably result for the person who tries this to be fired(even if you run a department). We have MANY laws and regulations concerning the workplace. Also we have fairly many women here. And they are 100% equal to men.
Nobody here thinks bad about women, female engineers and male engineers are the same. Well, I have not seen a woman in a very high position.. but this is because they are not interested in a promotion, and run a department etc.

Funny thing is that it’s a cliche that women tend to be arrogant. My experience at that company is the opposite, men are (much) more arrogant because of their career and education.. and because they try to compensate for their Napoleon-Complex.
Shadowcat said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Shadowcat said:
I was with my ex for almost 9 years. I did a working to break free of the relationship after several years of evidence it was going downhill, with the last straw of him cheating on me among other things. Its been a year. Still we are connected even at the higher chakras, although the lower ones are free. I was thinking of him strongly last few days and felt sad about how things went the other day and was even drawn to look at a picture...not cus i wanted him back. but when you are close with someone for that long they feel like a family member despite everything even if its a toxic one. I knew he would email me and was thinking about me because i could feel it and dreamt of him. sure enough next day he emails me because he told me he could feel that i wasnt 100% for some reason. from what i gathered though the sadness i was feeling was not entirely my own. these are manifestations from being connected at the throat and 6th chakras.

as the conversation preceeded about his new life i ended up predicting things about him that were confirmed to be true. he told me he thinks these are beautiful experiences. but it is not healthy for his current life or me for us to consistantly stay in touch..i'm ok with the occasional email..but i know he is doing this also because he still feels guilty. In cases like this repeated workings to detach might be necesarry. Becoming close to someone really does make you merge at a soul level, which is even a greater reason to be selective.
You have to be 100% certain that you want to remove all bonds between your souls. This is a positive thing and you can still keep in touch, this time without worrying about it being unhealthy for what either is having with another person. You have to be absolutely certain and want to break away. When you are stating the affirmation you can even visualize those bonds breaking for good. As Maxine said in an old sermon (it's on the meditation page), if you're not 100% certain you should remove ties with another person especially when they are deep, you are likely wasting your time.

you are correct. let me clarify by saying it something i am pondering on. His new gf who is now pregnant at first did not fully like when he started to email again in december. i corrisponded with him giving suport due to his mom passing away. when i learned from him his gf didnt want me to have the new address when i wanted to send something to pay respects because she didnt like that we were talking i cut it back off. few days ago he contacted me again assuring me she is ok with it. nothing fishy so far but i wont hesitate to cut it off if it goes the wrong way. we went through alot together. but almost 9 years of headache is enough lol.
I understand. Clearly the feelings were/are very deep. Until the ties are removed he will also continue to have feelings for you. I also wonder if you have had a new love interest and if the feelings have held you back. This can sometimes even manifest in bad luck in love. Relationships that last a few months and end in tears, getting rejected a lot for some strange reason, etc. It's always best to remove ties after a relationship is over. When you make up your mind, wait for a waning Scorpio or Pisces moon and begin a working with Ansuz or Uruz.
Blackdragon666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Blackdragon666 said:
You have to be 100% certain that you want to remove all bonds between your souls. This is a positive thing and you can still keep in touch, this time without worrying about it being unhealthy for what either is having with another person. You have to be absolutely certain and want to break away. When you are stating the affirmation you can even visualize those bonds breaking for good. As Maxine said in an old sermon (it's on the meditation page), if you're not 100% certain you should remove ties with another person especially when they are deep, you are likely wasting your time.

you are correct. let me clarify by saying it something i am pondering on. His new gf who is now pregnant at first did not fully like when he started to email again in december. i corrisponded with him giving suport due to his mom passing away. when i learned from him his gf didnt want me to have the new address when i wanted to send something to pay respects because she didnt like that we were talking i cut it back off. few days ago he contacted me again assuring me she is ok with it. nothing fishy so far but i wont hesitate to cut it off if it goes the wrong way. we went through alot together. but almost 9 years of headache is enough lol.
I understand. Clearly the feelings were/are very deep. Until the ties are removed he will also continue to have feelings for you. I also wonder if you have had a new love interest and if the feelings have held you back. This can sometimes even manifest in bad luck in love. Relationships that last a few months and end in tears, getting rejected a lot for some strange reason, etc. It's always best to remove ties after a relationship is over. When you make up your mind, wait for a waning Scorpio or Pisces moon and begin a working with Ansuz or Uruz.

Oh no those romantic feelings have long gone. I have a Demon now and since right after we broke up. There was someone I thought he might want me to have instead but that turned out not to be the case. My old relationship didn't hold me back in the way that I still had feelings but in what it opened my eyes to and taught me.
Lydia said:
(Much of this post, I wrote 4 years ago but never posted. Seeing HP HoodedCobra’s latest post on feminism reminded me to finish this).

I have noticed some posts by men here who mention that they will never write the word “Goddesses”, and only “Hail the Gods”, as they believe it is jewish feminism to include female words or titles. However, ignoring the “and Goddesses” like this creates imbalance. It is not (((feminism))) to write “women” and “Goddesses”, it is out of acknowledgment, respect, and honor to the divine feminine. This is not in the sense of the jewish feminism “demanding respect and equality”. It is about restoring the balance. Otherwise, it is a continuation of the imbalance the jews want for us. Advancement and becoming Gods absolutely requires balance, as well as overcoming mindsets such as “but it might be construed as feminism”.

After all, calling men “ women” is insulting to the manhood. The same goes for calling women “men”. Womanhood is sacred, it is woman who gives life and nourishes it. We identify very strongly with our gender, so being called men is just strange. When people write “men and women”, for example, it is not because of feminism, it is because half of the population is not male. Not everything regarding empowerment of women is feminism.

There have been some ridiculous and disgusting lies told about women, these even show up here in these forums every now and then. That if a woman has sex, she absorbs some of the man’s DNA permanently. That all of a woman’s children will resemble the first lover she ever had, not just of their biological father.

These lies are told to make men hate women, to further the belief that a woman is “tainted forever” or “damaged goods” if she has previously had sex. The jews will go to any length to destroy sexuality and relations between the sexes.

Men often try to control what they do not understand. Being overly-controlling only ends up in rebellion. As only one example: We had the extremely strict dress codes for women; every inch of their body except hands and head to be covered, corsets which tremendously limited their movement and breathing, multiple layers of petticoats (under-skirts)… and now, women with half their butt-cheeks hanging out of their shorts, walking around in in broad daylight. Same goes for various attitudes. Being too restrictive will only result in the pendulum swinging the other way.

Another lie I have seen around here: that women get everything in a divorce, that the courts favor women. In reality, this is not true. The courts favor whoever has the best lawyer. I have personally known women who lost a great deal to their ex male partner. One woman lost her father’s entire business and their home, and was left with only her clothing and immediate belongings. Another had to pay her ex boyfriend for half of the house she already bought with her own money previous to them becoming common-law, and since she had more personal possessions than he did, he got many of hers.

A new bizarre lie I have recently heard of: That if a baby is female, it was because the woman was unhealthy during her pregnancy, and only healthy woman give birth to boys.

Feminism will continue as long as misogyny does. When something in nature goes too far off balance in one direction, opposing forces will push it in the other direction. This continues back and forth until balance is restored.

When many people think of feminism, they think it is advocating women’s rights, so that women are seen as equals to men. A lot of women, especially young women, will claim to be feminists, not knowing what it actually is. They merely think that “feminism” is about getting a job outside of the home, and having a personality and sense of individuality apart from their father and husband. They think it is fairly harmless to society, and actually a good thing as it advances society and humanity as a whole, allowing women to “contribute”. They think, “those poor repressed women in islam, having to wear black tents covering even their faces! Feminism will help to empower them so they can wear normal clothes and have meaning!” That’s all they think feminism is.

In the ancient times, women were equal to men. Both women and men were respected and honored for their genders, as each gender is imperative for the growth and harmony of civilization. Not to mention the continuance of our species in the universe.

Christianity, as well as Islam, both destroyed the importance of women. Civilization became patriarchal and repressed woman’s rights, opinions, and natural roles. Beginning in the 19th century, and picking up more in the 1960’s, feminism was established under the pretense of giving women normal human rights. However, this was all orchestrated by the jews, as is anything else that is detrimental to our society.

The jews enforced Christianity (in the west, and Islam in the east), to repress the feminine within people. Spirituality is from the feminine side of the brain. Meditation, magickal workings, wisdom, insight, intuition. These are all needed to throw off the jewish programs and enslavement. This in time created the pendulum effect, as we are now dealing with feminism.

Feminism is designed to make women give up their natural feminine roles, which in turn destroys the family unit. Motherhood is looked down upon, and women are encouraged to work like men, act like men, dress like men, think like men. Being a stay-at-home mother or housewife is now seen as being lazy and spoiled, and families are coerced into putting their children in daycare to have outsiders raise their children, so that the woman can work like a man. Taking care of her hair, and beautifying her face and body, is seen as shallow and superficial.

Granted, there are, and have always been, some women who do best in leadership positions, healthcare, athletics, and so on. But this is not the case for most women. And when women are worked like men, they neglect their own roles in nature. Women are the nurtures of their men and children. There are two famous quotes that sum this up:

“Behind every great man stands a great woman”. This is not to say that the woman is of lesser value than the man, but women raise up their men and make their men ever greater.

“Give a woman a house and she will give you a home”. Man provides the house, and the woman makes it a place of physical and mental comfort for her family.

We are now seeing a pendulum effect. We went from repressing the feminine, to now disregarding the feminine and repressing the masculine in men. Many men worldwide are identifying as feminists. We have cases of men feeling guilty for admiring a woman’s beauty, feeling guilty for making more money than their wife, feeling guilty for having “offensive” male genitalia; and men being taught that leadership, action, assertiveness, confidence, and having a goal-centered mindset are all wrong.

When people are put in roles in life that go against the very makeup of their soul, this is detrimental on all levels, and helps civilization go nowhere. For civilization to flourish, all members must be given the right to follow their soul’s destiny, and express their potential in the fullest manifestation possible.

This is not to say that no woman is capable of being a leader. Some are, and history proves this, although a look on the internet will give results of recent feminist activists, most of whom are jewish. In all races, across all cultures, through history there have been great female leaders, scientists, doctors, writers, orators, artists, business owners, educators, guides, mentors, and so on.

And looking at history, many of the great female leaders helped to throw off the jewish influences of destroying women. Female leaders made rape of female captives punishable by death, and increased the health and sanitary conditions of their armies.

And the women who did not become great leaders or innovators, gave birth to or married men that were. And these men did not hide the fact that without their mothers or wives, they would not have been as successful. This is not a weakness on the part of the man, but out of respect to those who have helped them rise up. Society now is often too individualistic, with the attitude that each individual needs to do everything on their own with no help from others. This is not how things are by nature though, most humans are designed to work as teams or pairs, with each member contributing to the success of the whole.

On a final note, take a look at the Goddesses in the list of Gods and Goddesses on the JoS. See what their attributes are. Human men on Earth were created to be in the image of our Gods. Yet some men think that human women on Earth are, for some unknown reason, inferior, and not to be as our Goddesses? To be our own species, something entirely different from our Goddesses? Apparently women on Earth are to be something that un-evolved men with limited consciousness decide.

So take a look at our Goddesses, realize that women here are to be as they are. To the women reading this, if you feel like you did not have a beneficial female role model in your life, the Goddesses are more than willing to be a mentor to us. You can vibrate daily the name-mantra of one you feel drawn to while focusing on Her sigil, as an example. And if you are unsure if an action is correct, or perhaps jewish-feminism, or the reverse: jewish-influenced repression, tune in to your inner guidance. Tune in to a Goddess. Look for answers in mediation.

And to any men who are misogynists, you can also work with the energy of a Goddess to learn some things. Venus is strong in Taurus now, you can use it’s square (or just the mantra at a set number of repetitions daily) to improve relations with women. Same goes for the Moon mantra, as both Venus and the Moon rule women.

Hail Satan!
Hail Lilith!
Hail all the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!

Thanks for posting this Lydia! I was touching on some of what you posted her under his thread. Thanks for backing me up on these things.

Since I was a teenager I always thought it was weird there was an overemphasis on God being a man, back then I was forced to be christian (wasn't a very good one lol), and I'd asked what if God was a woman and people would freak out at me.

It's funny how theres people on this forum that have such hostility towards woman, because as you said "Spirituality is from the feminine side of the brain. Meditation, magickal workings, wisdom, insight, intuition". You come on this website learning these topics but then belittle woman? Show hostility? Only take the men seriously in the forum but disregard the woman?

Anyways, what are your thoughts/views on "soul ties" (via sex), and sex work?
Sundara said:
Dainty frail and weaker physically, emotionally by default stronger. Men, more fragile emotionally by default. Sexes aren’t the same. Some of this seems natural, men are natural protectors and providers, their physical strength is to be admired and their abilities to be appreciated. When a males energy is healthily channeled, viewing women in this way isn’t something sinister. It’s turned into this by kike narratives, on again, both extreme ends. “Women are weaker so that means I can beat her” “women are weaker so she isn’t capable of shit” now women are saying “weewah look at me I’m stronger than you and you calling me frail is misogyny” sometimes it is. People just gotta get back to their roots. Which is why Satanism is here. There’s nothing wrong with men treating women in a protective and healthy manner, it’s attractive.

How jewish programs work is they take something that is already existing, beautiful, and natural, and whack off the energy and belief system to channel this energy into something disgusting and destructive.

Larger body mass doesn't necessarily equate to being stronger. Dainty/frail/weak is a combination of genetics and choice. A woman who trains her body can be firm, strong, muscular, etc..., and the smaller relative size won't necessarily stop her from being able to compete with men physically. At the same time she can retain all of her feminine traits and energy. I completely disagree that dainty is a default. A male who doesn't train his body might also be dainty (and perhaps genetics). You have to work hard to be the opposite of that. Also, I didn't say that the sexes are the same. I said that the dividing chasm in peoples' minds in regards to them isn't as wide as perceived. The way most people seem to perceive the sexes suggests to me that they may as well be viewing completely different species even though it's the same human creature.

Most things that can be applied to men can also be applied to women, and vice versa. All the things that men complain about regarding women are things that they would also have to complain about in regards to their own gender in order to avoid cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy. And vice versa.

I just let women do what they want. If they want me to protect them then I'll protect them. If they want me to do all the housework so they can do other things then fine, I'll make time for it. I'm with someone who doesn't want any of that. She likes doing things herself, she likes household chores, she likes cooking home made meals, she likes doing "male" jobs, she likes a bit of everything. At one point she couldn't decide if she wanted to be a mechanic, an artist, or a baker. She also wants to be able to protect herself on her own, and that's why we train together.

I really think in an ideal society, a woman shouldn't NEED a man in any way, shape, or form. She should be able to do everything on her own if she needs to, and instead of needing a man, she should want him. That's how I feel about it.

Jack said:
I've rarely encountered this, and i meet a lot of people in my life. Maybe you've encountered a certain percentage of men and you were convinced by the Belief system (that misogyny is prevalent) to interpret their behavior as Misogyny ? Because I can tell you that my experience was totally different - that the majority of men we're convinced that women were totally as capable and equal in capacity to men in every regard, which is totally false.

Women have stronger Immune systems than men but yes, they are weaker than men in the body i.e on average. Thats just basic biology and men recognizing common sense. I don't see this as misogyny at all. Anytime a woman would be ordered to do something physically extensive that she can't do, i offer to do it instead because i don't want her straining herself to prove a point. The protective mechanism in the brain of men is what women find attractive, because its nature working through men.

Social Psychologists (Marxist Kooks) have been at it for decades trying to influence women to recognize these signs of benevolent protective nature as Misogyny. This is just total Role reversal. No man would let his wife or mother go through a bad neighborhood unaccompanied. That's not sexism ,that's just the male protection gaze that women are attracted to. But then an ideology convinces them to think in the opposite creating infighting between the sexes.

I have always tried to simplify behaviors in my own life. Look at behavior through a complex belief system is generally going to turn out to be BS. It was jews who invented the fake science of Sociology in response to White Man Anthropology, Eugenics and Genetics. So I really don't think that there is any societally ingrained belief about women being inferior to man. They are different so why should we compare ourselves with them. The difference between us is being interpreted by Jews to convince the populace of Misogyny.

Rather than trying to become equals we should accept our differences and not go along with this society collapsing BS.

You may be right. I don't have a large sample size, and it does depend on the social environment. I was wrong to suggest (even accidentally) that this was something prevalent in all of the west. You see, I think there's a big difference between protecting women - and looking down on them. I just assumed it was a deep fundamental belief ingrained into the mass mind or something, but you're right to call me out on that because I admit I don't have as much social experience as you.

I partially agree with what you said about men and women not being equal in capacities, but I don't think it's a hugely wide gap. The female sex has its unique abilities and characteristics, and the male sex has its own as well. Then you have the middle of the venn diagram which is where both sexes have all of the same capacities as human beings. In my opinion, the middle is much, MUCH bigger than most people think compared to the outsides.

One more thing. No sane person whether they are male or female should be walking alone through a bad neighborhood. That's only common sense.
Jack said:
NinRick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

She’s such a nice, caring and nourishing woman..
Even if she is past petty comments, I think it still makes her a bit sad. =(
Well i wasn't attacking her but if she's sad for some reason i think everything can be fixed with a bit of ice cream. :p :p :p

Good to see that you invite Lydia for some nice ice cream now, I will come along as well! :p
I hear you lydia.I respect all genders in the mortal and immortal worlds.I will never repeat the mistake of using a collective word for both of them.My apologies to Lydia and all who feel disrespected, annoyed e.t.c.

Hail Satan!
Hail Beelzebub!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Lilith!
Hail Osiris!
Hail Bune!
Hail all Gods and Goddesses of Hell!
Arcadia said:
Speaking for myself, I've always gone out of my way to say Gods and Goddesses in prayer. Then again, I guess this felt natural for two reasons. One, evolving into the role of an SS from more mainstream branches of Paganism did ensure that I maintained a strict sense of polytheism from day one. Monotheism felt so disgustingly unnatural to me.

Two, the first deity I truly met was Astarte, and She has continued to be the deity I've met and had interactions with the most, being my Guardian. I could never undervalue Her, or fall prey to any degenerative incel behavior, because I always remember how perfect she is.

Still, I'm glad this topic is a thing. I think for a lot of people, if they see the truth in "rightwing" (I use the word lightly because in reality it's just common sense) politics involving anti-immigration and such, and standing against Europe's destruction, that they MUST adopt the rest of the right's political attitudes, including the filth born from Abrahamism. Correct on one regard, does not mean correct in all regards.

I think one final point is fairly simple. If you ever feel at doubt, looked to the Ancients. Take the Goddesses of Greece. There were Goddesses who represented feminine beauty, love, nurturing, the hearth and home. There were other Goddesses who represented war, hunting, martial ability, and wisdom. The spectrum for what's natural and beautiful for women is larger than what any Xian or Mudslime would ever care to admit, without ever being the mockery that the modern "progressive" tries to insinuate.

On the flipside of things, the same goes for the masculine. For a period of time, I wondered where I fit in. I certainly am not a bearded, towering, hairy-chested giant of a man like Heracles. Does that mean I'm not a man at all, and should be ashamed? Well, no. To describe my own appearance, I'm similar in looks to how Dionysus or Apollo are portrayed. I am certainly "fair" or "elvish" or "youthful" to look at. However being this way physically does not mean I have to be a weakling, physically or mentally. I can still, as they say, "be a man" if push comes to shove, and lead if need be.

There's no use raging against my own nature, or feeling ashamed of what I am because I am more Dionysus than Heracles. I'm not going to, say, waste time gluing hair to my hairless chest to pass myself off as something I'm not. Same concepts for a woman who is more Athena than Aphrodite. These archetypes still fall within the realm of the natural male and female. You have Islam on the other hand, who says all men must be bearded, skinnyfat imams and women must be meek, unquestioning objects hidden underneath trashbags. Whereas feminism and other modern jewed movements corrupt the paradigm to the point they don't even remotely resemble ancient archetypes or beauty any longer. Anyone should strive to simply be the best version of themselves, as generic as the advice sounds.

As a final note, not that I could ever claim to know the inner machinations of why the Gods and Goddesses operate in their manners, but I would wager one could gain insight into their own nature by reflecting on who their Guardian is. Who your Guardian is, make no mistake, is no random chance, and is not a decision made even remotely fleetingly. There are deeper, soulful reasons for it, that you may discover along the path of your progression. At where I am in the road, with the spiritual gifts I possess personally, I could imagine no better deity to preside over me than Astarte, and I acknowledge that fact every day.

I love this. Very, very well said. I know you don't post very often, but when you do it's always a gem to read.
itsstarfire said:
Lydia said:
(Much of this post, I wrote 4 years ago but never posted. Seeing HP HoodedCobra’s latest post on feminism reminded me to finish this).

I have noticed some posts by men here who mention that they will never write the word “Goddesses”, and only “Hail the Gods”, as they believe it is jewish feminism to include female words or titles. However, ignoring the “and Goddesses” like this creates imbalance. It is not (((feminism))) to write “women” and “Goddesses”, it is out of acknowledgment, respect, and honor to the divine feminine. This is not in the sense of the jewish feminism “demanding respect and equality”. It is about restoring the balance. Otherwise, it is a continuation of the imbalance the jews want for us. Advancement and becoming Gods absolutely requires balance, as well as overcoming mindsets such as “but it might be construed as feminism”.

After all, calling men “ women” is insulting to the manhood. The same goes for calling women “men”. Womanhood is sacred, it is woman who gives life and nourishes it. We identify very strongly with our gender, so being called men is just strange. When people write “men and women”, for example, it is not because of feminism, it is because half of the population is not male. Not everything regarding empowerment of women is feminism.

There have been some ridiculous and disgusting lies told about women, these even show up here in these forums every now and then. That if a woman has sex, she absorbs some of the man’s DNA permanently. That all of a woman’s children will resemble the first lover she ever had, not just of their biological father.

These lies are told to make men hate women, to further the belief that a woman is “tainted forever” or “damaged goods” if she has previously had sex. The jews will go to any length to destroy sexuality and relations between the sexes.

Men often try to control what they do not understand. Being overly-controlling only ends up in rebellion. As only one example: We had the extremely strict dress codes for women; every inch of their body except hands and head to be covered, corsets which tremendously limited their movement and breathing, multiple layers of petticoats (under-skirts)… and now, women with half their butt-cheeks hanging out of their shorts, walking around in in broad daylight. Same goes for various attitudes. Being too restrictive will only result in the pendulum swinging the other way.

Another lie I have seen around here: that women get everything in a divorce, that the courts favor women. In reality, this is not true. The courts favor whoever has the best lawyer. I have personally known women who lost a great deal to their ex male partner. One woman lost her father’s entire business and their home, and was left with only her clothing and immediate belongings. Another had to pay her ex boyfriend for half of the house she already bought with her own money previous to them becoming common-law, and since she had more personal possessions than he did, he got many of hers.

A new bizarre lie I have recently heard of: That if a baby is female, it was because the woman was unhealthy during her pregnancy, and only healthy woman give birth to boys.

Feminism will continue as long as misogyny does. When something in nature goes too far off balance in one direction, opposing forces will push it in the other direction. This continues back and forth until balance is restored.

When many people think of feminism, they think it is advocating women’s rights, so that women are seen as equals to men. A lot of women, especially young women, will claim to be feminists, not knowing what it actually is. They merely think that “feminism” is about getting a job outside of the home, and having a personality and sense of individuality apart from their father and husband. They think it is fairly harmless to society, and actually a good thing as it advances society and humanity as a whole, allowing women to “contribute”. They think, “those poor repressed women in islam, having to wear black tents covering even their faces! Feminism will help to empower them so they can wear normal clothes and have meaning!” That’s all they think feminism is.

In the ancient times, women were equal to men. Both women and men were respected and honored for their genders, as each gender is imperative for the growth and harmony of civilization. Not to mention the continuance of our species in the universe.

Christianity, as well as Islam, both destroyed the importance of women. Civilization became patriarchal and repressed woman’s rights, opinions, and natural roles. Beginning in the 19th century, and picking up more in the 1960’s, feminism was established under the pretense of giving women normal human rights. However, this was all orchestrated by the jews, as is anything else that is detrimental to our society.

The jews enforced Christianity (in the west, and Islam in the east), to repress the feminine within people. Spirituality is from the feminine side of the brain. Meditation, magickal workings, wisdom, insight, intuition. These are all needed to throw off the jewish programs and enslavement. This in time created the pendulum effect, as we are now dealing with feminism.

Feminism is designed to make women give up their natural feminine roles, which in turn destroys the family unit. Motherhood is looked down upon, and women are encouraged to work like men, act like men, dress like men, think like men. Being a stay-at-home mother or housewife is now seen as being lazy and spoiled, and families are coerced into putting their children in daycare to have outsiders raise their children, so that the woman can work like a man. Taking care of her hair, and beautifying her face and body, is seen as shallow and superficial.

Granted, there are, and have always been, some women who do best in leadership positions, healthcare, athletics, and so on. But this is not the case for most women. And when women are worked like men, they neglect their own roles in nature. Women are the nurtures of their men and children. There are two famous quotes that sum this up:

“Behind every great man stands a great woman”. This is not to say that the woman is of lesser value than the man, but women raise up their men and make their men ever greater.

“Give a woman a house and she will give you a home”. Man provides the house, and the woman makes it a place of physical and mental comfort for her family.

We are now seeing a pendulum effect. We went from repressing the feminine, to now disregarding the feminine and repressing the masculine in men. Many men worldwide are identifying as feminists. We have cases of men feeling guilty for admiring a woman’s beauty, feeling guilty for making more money than their wife, feeling guilty for having “offensive” male genitalia; and men being taught that leadership, action, assertiveness, confidence, and having a goal-centered mindset are all wrong.

When people are put in roles in life that go against the very makeup of their soul, this is detrimental on all levels, and helps civilization go nowhere. For civilization to flourish, all members must be given the right to follow their soul’s destiny, and express their potential in the fullest manifestation possible.

This is not to say that no woman is capable of being a leader. Some are, and history proves this, although a look on the internet will give results of recent feminist activists, most of whom are jewish. In all races, across all cultures, through history there have been great female leaders, scientists, doctors, writers, orators, artists, business owners, educators, guides, mentors, and so on.

And looking at history, many of the great female leaders helped to throw off the jewish influences of destroying women. Female leaders made rape of female captives punishable by death, and increased the health and sanitary conditions of their armies.

And the women who did not become great leaders or innovators, gave birth to or married men that were. And these men did not hide the fact that without their mothers or wives, they would not have been as successful. This is not a weakness on the part of the man, but out of respect to those who have helped them rise up. Society now is often too individualistic, with the attitude that each individual needs to do everything on their own with no help from others. This is not how things are by nature though, most humans are designed to work as teams or pairs, with each member contributing to the success of the whole.

On a final note, take a look at the Goddesses in the list of Gods and Goddesses on the JoS. See what their attributes are. Human men on Earth were created to be in the image of our Gods. Yet some men think that human women on Earth are, for some unknown reason, inferior, and not to be as our Goddesses? To be our own species, something entirely different from our Goddesses? Apparently women on Earth are to be something that un-evolved men with limited consciousness decide.

So take a look at our Goddesses, realize that women here are to be as they are. To the women reading this, if you feel like you did not have a beneficial female role model in your life, the Goddesses are more than willing to be a mentor to us. You can vibrate daily the name-mantra of one you feel drawn to while focusing on Her sigil, as an example. And if you are unsure if an action is correct, or perhaps jewish-feminism, or the reverse: jewish-influenced repression, tune in to your inner guidance. Tune in to a Goddess. Look for answers in mediation.

And to any men who are misogynists, you can also work with the energy of a Goddess to learn some things. Venus is strong in Taurus now, you can use it’s square (or just the mantra at a set number of repetitions daily) to improve relations with women. Same goes for the Moon mantra, as both Venus and the Moon rule women.

Hail Satan!
Hail Lilith!
Hail all the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!

Thanks for posting this Lydia! I was touching on some of what you posted her under his thread. Thanks for backing me up on these things.

Since I was a teenager I always thought it was weird there was an overemphasis on God being a man, back then I was forced to be christian (wasn't a very good one lol), and I'd asked what if God was a woman and people would freak out at me.

It's funny how theres people on this forum that have such hostility towards woman, because as you said "Spirituality is from the feminine side of the brain. Meditation, magickal workings, wisdom, insight, intuition". You come on this website learning these topics but then belittle woman? Show hostility? Only take the men seriously in the forum but disregard the woman?

Anyways, what are your thoughts/views on "soul ties" (via sex), and sex work?

Yes, I also noticed that women, or even more feminine men, have a strong affinity to the occult. (My own observations, Don’t take this as 100% true)

When you claim something, provide some sources to prove what you said.
We are not hostile towards women, we are hostile to idiots who promote and claim stupid shit. So stop lying.
NinRick said:
Funny thing, YouTube just showed me this, and I am both shocked and laughing. :lol:


I won’t set foot in America anytime soon, lmao.

lmao i'm sorry but I laughed a little bit too much watching that video.

I'm trying to escape north america. its ghetto her. 1 out of 5 star rating. don't recommend. Rather live in europe or a tropical country lmao.
Here's what I think of the whole intercourse and chakras thing since some seem so focused on that. Logically, if chakra connections that formed during sex affected someone's soul race then everyone would have their souls mixed by now. If person A (white) has intercourse with person B (black) with a condom on, and they were subsequently spiritually entwined, then every other person that person A and person B had sex with afterwards would be tangled spiritually with person A and person B, to an extent. After all, if for example person A's soul is now mixed race then every white person they have sex with thereafter is forming sexual soul connections with a mixed race soul which is no different than if they had done the same thing with a pure soul of a different race. So you see, by this logic there would be widespread soul contamination and we would all be spiritually multicolored because humans are very sexual and social beings (even more so than dolphins, believe it or not).

Nobody's soul is going to become racially mixed unless they create a child with someone from another race. Blood is the key. Please calm down.
And I don't need to warn anyone here to not take this as some sort of permission to go out and bang people of other races because I know nobody here is that stupid so please don't accuse me of subversion for stating my thoughts on this. Thanks.

Oh and the dolphin thing was a joke.
NinRick said:
Funny thing, YouTube just showed me this, and I am both shocked and laughing. :lol:


I won’t set foot in America anytime soon, lmao.

I don't go out much except for work and other necessities but I'm starting to see more retards around in the short time I'm out. I had to embarrass some dude trying to virtue signal to me in front of other people not too long ago. Good thing the others weren't as brainwashed as him, not that would of stopped me. He walked away with his tail between his legs. I'm literally considering moving to Mexico because of how crazy things are getting in America. That's how bad it's getting.
Thank you for this post, it is very insightful and does a lot to resolve some confusion on the forums regarding these issues.
There is no ida without pingala
There is no Yin without Yang
There is no balance if you focus only on one aspect and neglet(?)* the other

Both male and female energies are present in absolutely everything including in our souls and chakras. The Baphomet idol doesn't have the breast as decoration only but to reminds us that to achieve spiritual perfection both need to dance together in harmony. It absolutely infuriates me whenever I see the imagery of Baphomet without the breasts continuing with the jewish mysoginistic anti-femenine bullshit.

I applaud you deeply for this lovely essay you have prepared for years related to this! This speaks deeply in every aspect!
Thank you for sharing it with all of us!

* I guess is written like that
I've been raped, so yeah I feel tainted...thanks to society! But I agree, on all accounts, with you sister!
hailourtruegod said:
NinRick said:
Funny thing, YouTube just showed me this, and I am both shocked and laughing. :lol:


I won’t set foot in America anytime soon, lmao.

I don't go out much except for work and other necessities but I'm starting to see more retards around in the short time I'm out. I had to embarrass some dude trying to virtue signal to me in front of other people not too long ago. Good thing the others weren't as brainwashed as him, not that would of stopped me. He walked away with his tail between his legs. I'm literally considering moving to Mexico because of how crazy things are getting in America. That's how bad it's getting.
Good job you have stood your ground! Many people will just budge when you show them that you are strong on your feet. Be prepared to fight, tho. Sometimes the other person will get aggressive. But if I recall you said you are doing material arts, so you can kick some ass I guess, lol.

Btw, you mentioned not too long ago, that we need to care about how we speak here to preserve a good image. Please tell me if I misbehave in your view. I do think I am a bit of bad sports recently.

I wouldn’t move to Mexico. You are white. Better try to move to a white country. You also need to find a suitable partner, and I will kick your ass if you date a mixed race person. Don’t even have sex with a mexican girl (it’s your business, but still). I am also planning now, to move to Russia within the next 2 years. You can buy a house for around 30.000$ dollars there, at the black sea. If things get too bad, you can easily escape, as russia is very vast. To be honest, if I were you I would do the same. Learn speaking russian, save money. In russia they have no Co-Vid measures, according to my aunt who lives there. Nobody is wearing a mask, everything is open, no restrictions regarding how many people can gather, etc.

But I have no clue whether or not you could move in so easily, if you don’t have a russian passport tbh.

Funny thing, all people from Mexico want to enter the US, and many from Russia try to get to Germany, and we both are planning to to go to their side. :lol:
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
I've been raped, so yeah I feel tainted...thanks to society! But I agree, on all accounts, with you sister!

I am sorry to hear that. I hope you are doing fine tho.
You are not tainted, everything is perfectly fine with you. Don’t ever think that you are tainted. How can a human be tainted? Our psyche is the only thing that can get tainted by enemy attacks. But we know how to clear them.

I am not too knowledgeable about that, but you should cut all ties to the offender. Physically but also spiritually and emotionally. You are probably connected to him now.

Keep cleaning your soul, especially your 2nd chakra.
If you have a trauma (which is understandable, no need to be ashamed for that, nothing was or is your fault) you can connect to our Goddesses, I am sure they will gladly assist you. Also I think that only women can help other women with certain things.

Stay strong and move forward!
Jack said:
This Feminism hoax is going to collapse just like the dying Jewish civilization which fostered it.

Feminism was created by Jews in its inception. Women already had all the rights that men do ,the jews just wanted to get them voting rights so they could tax them and increase the already existing tax that was being payed to shareholders of the Private Central Bank (Wealthy Jews). Feminism came out of the Frankfurt school where they devised that the only way for communism to manifest fully was to give women independence and make them subject to the state, instead of their husbands and get them jobs to break down societal order and cohesion.

Also this post is grossly misleading. Courts disproportionately favor Women both in custody and alimony, this is according to the statistics by the US Government. Personal experience of a few friends doesn't mean that the world works like that.


(If the image doesn't show on this page)
97% of women get alimony and 81% of women get child custody. These are extreme statistics. The court systems are heavily skewed towards Women. Jeff Bezos had to pay his wife money even though they had a prenuptial agreement, because the judge tossed it out.

I also disagree with the BS arguments of Vocabulary that you need to add "Gods and Goddesses " everytime you write a post because its disrespectful. This is just a recent argument of Intersectionality which is a part of progressive feminism. No one cared about any of this BS until some jews convinced women to care about this BS.

This is actually playing god and speaking for Goddesses as a whole. No higher order being takes offense over this grammar stuff and wants grammatical representation as separate from Generalization. This is the same marxist garbage that says "woman must be spelled womyn." When Nietzsche is writing " Man must become God." Its not misogynistic and he's not leaving out "Goddesses " or "women ". Its called common sense that everyone understands that Women and Goddesses are included within this definition.

This attempt at forcibly trying to correct people's vocabulary just shows how so many women feel psychologically inferior to men due to feminism and they always need to get recognition even through policing speech patterns. All of this just reeks of a marxist insecurity complex and has no real bearing on the real world.

Middle class women in the developed world encountering misogyny is similar to a Polar Bear finding itself in the Afghanistan desert - i.e the chances are extremely low.

All of these ideological scams are based on belief systems - the ability to make you see the things that you are already convinced there are and then interpreting the world to fit your belief system. Its called a blind spot.

None of these scams - institutional racism, misogyny or any of this stuff is real. These are belief systems that people with a lack of purpose and identity adopt to feel good about themselves. The Belief system that was created by a jew in a university becomes their identity because they couldn't develop as fully functional Human Beings.

If someone wants to see institutional violence and Hatred against Women ,he only needs to read the Islamic Hadith. That is real Misogyny. Not some fake BS belief system invented by a jew that was adopted by Middle class women to feel purposeful under the Daddy state.

What men and women need to do is deprogam and forget about all of this Jewish BS and come together to see each other as Human beings and let nature take its course. Interpreting Micro behaviors as Micro Aggressions and BS like this only causes infighting and sadness and emotional suffering all around. Remove Ideology and Belief systems out of your interpersonal relationships or they will suffer.

Thank you, i do feared to comment on this belief, like when we say ''Gods'' dont we refer to all of them? , maybe i am an idiot but as i know the words does not really have a specific gender to it and can be used for both, and not only that but in this article it is said that feminism exist as long as misogyny but i highly doubt because as long as the kikes are in control this crappy version of what is used to be fighting for womens rights will still exist and to not be a douch i do cringed a bit when i read about the court, like yes the womens could loose custody of the child too but because of the very feministic jewish society that is the west women have higher chances to be trusted by the police in regard to the story, to win child custody and other things.

Well that's all i wanted to say.
Aquarius said:
tabby said:
Just want to add in an alternate view here
Extremely informative and interesting, thank you very much.

Cheers! :D
itsstarfire said:
NinRick said:
Funny thing, YouTube just showed me this, and I am both shocked and laughing. :lol:


I won’t set foot in America anytime soon, lmao.

lmao i'm sorry but I laughed a little bit too much watching that video.

I'm trying to escape north america. its ghetto her. 1 out of 5 star rating. don't recommend. Rather live in europe or a tropical country lmao.
The USA is made of 50 states. Some states are 98% White and are mostly conservative. It's not all liberals and blacks.
Saying "the gods" in general, it refers to all of them, goddesses and gods. Just like saying "mankind" refers to all people, women and men. This is just part of our language, at least in english. There is nothing sexist about this.

If somebody is talking about a specific goddess, and they call her a "god" because they do not want to say that she is a woman. Then this is being retarded, and it is sexist. But I have never seen anybody do this before. I have seen a couple people refer to a goddess as a god, but only because they speak a different language and google translate did not carry over the gender of the word.
Arcadia said:
Two, the first deity I truly met was Astarte, and She has continued to be the deity I've met and had interactions with the most, being my Guardian. I could never undervalue Her, or fall prey to any degenerative incel behavior, because I always remember how perfect she is.

Guess I can really relate to this as my very first one (that much, much later I learned to be also my Guardian) was Leraje.

When I was still very much in doubt about who might have been my Guardian I found a hint of someone's writings and it suggested to keep in mind that "most of the time a person's Guardian belongs to the sex that they are attracted to", so a male Demon for a heterosexual woman, a Demoness for a heterosexual man, and a Demon/Demoness of the same sex for homosexual people. At first I thought this thinking was a bit extreme, but decided to go through with it and brushed through the list of Gods and Goddesses in the JoS, writing down only the names of the female ones. While I was reading it (and I still don't know whether or not the information was added only in the last years or if I somehow managed to skip that description for all those years before) I suddenly nearly jumped in surprise when I came across Leraje's description, her looks that reminded me very, very much of the first Demon I've ever seen clearly when I was very new (still consider myself very new when I look at other people our Family), her skills and abilities sounded so very much like the ones I was always more familiar with, my dominant Element is her Element, I was born in the day that is either her planet and metal.

(This planet and metal thing, obviously Mercury :p , I have seen in other 3 Goddesses in the list, and the other clearest contact I've had was with one of them whom I believed to be my Guardian for a good few years but wasn't sure, there was always something suggesting I was wrong, so I don't want to be too pedantic about the astrological side of things, MOSTLY I followed my guts here and that's what told me the most that She was my Guardian.)

Every time I am slightly in doubt, something happens and the last time I felt lost about my conclusions I received like 6 very obvious signs in the same day, this was soon after I asked her for a clear sign that she's my Guardian in order not to be confused anymore (I HAD a couple good experiences with the one I now know to have been Astarte, and for a while I felt she might have been my Guardian as well, but I guess this was some kind of self delusion about wanting to get to know higher ranking Gods and Goddesses lol.. I was stupid like that). Lately it was Vapula who came to me once and I saw her sigil right after that... I don't know why I have these random encounters in the middle of Void meditation, but I assume it could be because other Demons I'm willing to work with may be busy so someone else lets me know I was not ignored... this is, at least, how I see things at the moment, I may very well be wrong, but I don't have enough experience yet to know exactly what is what and why things happen.

Arcadia said:
I think one final point is fairly simple. If you ever feel at doubt, looked to the Ancients. Take the Goddesses of Greece. There were Goddesses who represented feminine beauty, love, nurturing, the hearth and home. There were other Goddesses who represented war, hunting, martial ability, and wisdom.

Just wanted to add here.. in the short time I have known Astarte a bit, I'm pretty sure that, like Satan is also Bacchus, Zeus and Poseidon as these are usually referred to as aspects (and mythology tends to give each name an entirely new character and structure and different qualities), She is also either Aphrodite and Artemis, and one of the last things that became pretty clear to me (although my experience may differ from that of other people) is that Artemis had wrongly been portrayed as the "Goddess of the Hunt", while in truth she teaches a lot about the spirits of Earth, animals and plants.
Again, this is a conclusion I drew that's based from my personal experience, and because I'm certainly not the greatest meditator or psychic in here I might as well be wrong.

Arcadia said:
As a final note, not that I could ever claim to know the inner machinations of why the Gods and Goddesses operate in their manners, but I would wager one could gain insight into their own nature by reflecting on who their Guardian is. Who your Guardian is, make no mistake, is no random chance, and is not a decision made even remotely fleetingly. There are deeper, soulful reasons for it, that you may discover along the path of your progression. At where I am in the road, with the spiritual gifts I possess personally, I could imagine no better deity to preside over me than Astarte, and I acknowledge that fact every day.

I could probably copy and paste that but changing the name in the end to Leraje. :)

To this day, almost 20 years since the JoS website was born and people started to find it and feel that they belonged with Father Satan and our Gods and Goddesses, I can see a lot of the time how it is very hard (as it has been hard for me) to figure out who one's Guardian is. I feel that maybe it would benefit a lot of people (the less experienced and expert for sure) to have some sort of "guidelines" to find out the name other than merely trying to discover it while Void meditating and observing results through pendulums or Ouija boards or any other tool that a beginner clearly has not enough proficiency to learn much with.

A lot of the time I see how other astrals, mostly enemy I suppose, try to mess up the communication and provide false proof in order to confuse and postpone success. Right now, in this delicate phase of our war, it's even harder (from what I've seen) to get a grip on one's psychic abilities as constant fake signs and traps are easily able to deviate a younger Spiritual Satanist's attention, showing them something that's going to lead them to wrong conclusions and wasting time. Pretty sure that's the case with many people here at the moment, at least.

Hope that wasn't too long or boring to read.

Lydia said:

Thanks for this post. Now that you point it out I can see how this society's mentality has been tampered with even more than I believed possible. Jews use us as a weapon against us, and as long as we (those who are still asleep) don't see through the smoke and mirrors it's going to be impossible for many to really understand how they've been lied to and coherced into damaging themselves, literally doing their enemies' bidding. The most sucky part, I guess, is knowing that these morons who refuse to wake up will try to bring the awakened down with them, refusing to see the truth, refusing to let go of their own programming, and basically believing that anything that we will explain is for their own betterment and spiritual advancement MUST be evil or something to keep clear of.

Sometimes I drop a couple messages in a comment thread where some self-proclaimed priest of Jewsus tries to lead a pack of potential wolves back inside the sheep's fence and it's nice to see how there actually ARE people that will laugh at him, knowing he's a lost cause, knowing that there is more to life than self detriment and believing someone else will move his ass and come save people that spat on the chance to become anything more than the vermin they are.
I'm glad for those who see truth in my words and provide constructive feedback (so far I managed to tell only one about Satan and the Jews and she's been reading through the JoS Forum's post with a positive response, realizing I'm not lying about anything), but a lot of idiots are still stuck in the dark ages and I feel like commenting "enjoy your remaining few life cycles before your soul dissipates into nothing.. we don't need you anyway". I don't, because it would fall upon deaf ears, but I feel like saying that to SOME people who keep quoting the fucking Bible and refusing to realize how the entire damn book portraits "God" as a blood sacrifice loving bastard.

Things like feminism and such... I always stayed clear of as they felt wrong, like I was "meant to side with the wrong side no matter what I did". I suppose this is because I respect both sexes the same way, seeing no difference in value, knowing value lies within the individual who chooses to follow one path that leads to spiritual greatness instead of another that leads to self destruction and weakness. It's also sad that many people still "expect" you to side with one or the other, as if one should stick with their own sex or have to deny themselves in order to defend the opposite.

So, yeah... Balance is where I stand. One can never have too much Balance, control, or wisdom.

Great post, Sister.

PS. Did I somehow miss the other "Chakra Asanas" you were posting a while ago? So far I have Muladhara, Swadhistana and Vishuddu was the last one I see.. I'm finally able to make more time to dedicate to Yoga and I want to do a marvelous job on my chakras, especially let the heart link the upper and lower (Balance, again) as I realized a few months ago how much this truly helps: the moment I connected the masculine and feminine (to remain on the topic :lol: ) I observed an immediate Telekinetic boost in my training, and I realized how the two sides of the Soul MUST work together.. not just a chakra or two at a time.

jrvan said:
I love this. Very, very well said. I know you don't post very often, but when you do it's always a gem to read.

Thank you kindly, that's very sweet of you to say.

To weigh in on the current topic, given I mentioned it myself. Nobody needs to be concerned if they've only ever said "Gods", of course. I say "the Pagan Gods" all the time myself. Like someone said, it's the same thing as saying "mankind", it's not said with the subconscious rejection of the female.

At the same time, if I'm going out of my way to address specific deities, or I'm taking the time to speak a more articulate prayer, then sure, I will naturally say "Goddesses" also. There's zero expectation for anyone to say or act in any way, it's not as if our deities are really going to care, as if triggered by microaggressions. Say and act what comes natural to you, and acknowledge them how you wish, so long as it's respectful.

Lydia was just trying to articulate a point there are the occasional people who do overlook the Goddesses. A user came through several years ago asking who the female Gods even were and was completely oblivious. Some come in from systems like Buddhism, where every "God" is a male. There are others, who come in from "Safe Satanism" as we used to call it, who only acknowledge Satan himself, and forget there are indeed other divinities. Nobody should assume she was making this point simply just to be petty or to get hung up needlessly over words.
NinRick said:
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
I've been raped, so yeah I feel tainted...thanks to society! But I agree, on all accounts, with you sister!

I am sorry to hear that. I hope you are doing fine tho.
You are not tainted, everything is perfectly fine with you. Don’t ever think that you are tainted. How can a human be tainted? Our psyche is the only thing that can get tainted by enemy attacks. But we know how to clear them.

I am not too knowledgeable about that, but you should cut all ties to the offender. Physically but also spiritually and emotionally. You are probably connected to him now.

Keep cleaning your soul, especially your 2nd chakra.
If you have a trauma (which is understandable, no need to be ashamed for that, nothing was or is your fault) you can connect to our Goddesses, I am sure they will gladly assist you. Also I think that only women can help other women with certain things.

Stay strong and move forward!

I'm currently about to do that. I can't sense it there, but I'm sure there's a cord there.
Aquarius said:
itsstarfire said:
NinRick said:
Funny thing, YouTube just showed me this, and I am both shocked and laughing. :lol:


I won’t set foot in America anytime soon, lmao.

lmao i'm sorry but I laughed a little bit too much watching that video.

I'm trying to escape north america. its ghetto her. 1 out of 5 star rating. don't recommend. Rather live in europe or a tropical country lmao.
The USA is made of 50 states. Some states are 98% White and are mostly conservative. It's not all liberals and blacks.

The "Francia Raisa" in that video who's being all neurotic is probably a jew anyway. Though at this point I automatically assume any Hollywood despair merchant who's had a bunch of plastic surgery is a jew. Raisa is also a popular name among jews according to wikipedia and while it isn't her surname it does still make me suspicious.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
