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Genocide Against Whites...

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Jewish Harvard professor pushes for genocide of Whites and killing White babies.


The Jew creates the problem (the slave trade was run by Jews, and ownership of slaves was predominantly Jewish, the social system, the race mixing programs, everything run and controlled by Jews), provokes the reaction and pushes the solution.

Few people are aware of the power and control the Jews have. Those of us few Gentiles who are educated about the Jews, their diet, their lifestyle differences, attitudes, their names (many change their names to using Gentile names, such as authors, etc), are aware. I made a point many, many years ago in educating myself in regards to the Jews and still do. The extent of the control, holding key positions, and power they have is shocking to say the least. It is a FACT that the Jews control 96 percent of the media. This includes books, especially textbooks. This is glaringly obvious to anyone who is onto the Jewish problem and reads extensively.

The Jews also make it a point to promote Christianity, Christian principles and Islamic filth with their control of the media. Try finding any nonfiction book, even cookbooks that are devoid of Jewish names, such as in the acknowledge section.

The Jewish control of the media has given the abomination of Christianity credibility to the masses.

In closing, I also want to add how everything White is being attacked, including our diet. "Gluten free" "Lactose intolerance" pushing veganism, and other third world diets and lifestyles to attack Whites.

Third world lifestyles and diets are not for Whites. The diseases the Jews try to claim are often genetic and racial, not dietary. But you won't readily hear this in any mainstream publications, anymore than how milk is good for you (for most European Whites).

As for those oh so pristine vegan diets and lifestyles of the third world, the average life expectancy of those people is under 50 years and even a lot lower.

If these third worlders are so advanced and pristine, then why do they rely on White medicine, and aid?

Ben Klassen made an accurate statement about Whites helping the Third World (A very common Christian theme); "Expanding and Proliferating the Misery."

Where there were some 10,000 starving, dying of disease, etc, now with White aid, support, medicine and so forth, now their populations have exploded to where there are now 80,000+ starving, diseased and of course a ready supply of disposable slaves for the Jews who use them to invade Europe, rob them of their body organs to sell on the black market, as they own little or nothing. The Jew is a genius at abuse and exploitation.

Third world people in spite of the billions and billions in charity and aid from the White man, ever progress. This is NOT "racism" it is a FACT!

Right now, Israel is slipping. We need to stay on the ritual to wake up the White race as en masse and the RTRs and to fight back online.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Another thing I want to add here... Like a typical Jew, that maggot in the video blatantly lies, as we know, but the sad thing is so many people are brainwashed to the point of insanity and do not stop to think. In addition to this, many Whites flee further and further into the suburbs and live sheltered lives, until it is too late...

That maggot kike in the video states that Whites are "racist."

What is of course left unsaid is just how racist and hateful nonwhite races are and can be. Race mixing is unnatural and an abomination. Doves and crows are both birds, but never flock together. Same can be said, lions and tigers are both cats, but they have enough sense to stay with their own.
Even baboons stay within their own families.

I lived in ghettos and mostly nonwhite areas for most of my life due to a lack of affordable housing. (The Jew makes it a priority to own property and land. This creates the homeless problem and affordable housing shortages).

I've worked most of my life as a cook in restaurants. This is where one sees plenty. Riding public transportation... etc.

My son told me about the black girl on the school bus, many years ago and after continually threatening the nonwhite driver who appeared to be an Arab or something, called him a "Philipeno Saudi Arabian asshole" and then got some other blacks to wait on him and physically attack him when he made the rounds in his bus. Rather racist.

The Mexican cook who said under his breath "White Castle's the other way" when a group of blacks entered the restaurant. White Castle is like McDonald's.

The Native American Indians kept black slaves. This is why some have the larger lower lip.

The blacks on the bus who attacked the Chinese woman, calling her a "gook."

This goes on all the time and of course, the most racist and truly hateful of all...the goddamned Jew.

The real tragedy is people are indoctrinated to "have faith" and to just believe what they are told.

I don't care what anyone says, the most vehement racism I have ever seen has come from Blacks. The Jews know this and use it, like in the video.

The White race REALLY needs to wake up. Many are in church every week, praying for and supplying energy for their own damnation and annihilation. "Divide brother against brother..."

Foul idiot toxic slime says "Live and let live." Worthless IDIOTS!! Too goddamned stupid to even know history or see history for what it is. How many WHITE people have been tortured to death with the genocidal Inquisition???
That was one...

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

"maxine.dietrich666" <maxine.dietrich666@... wrote:

Jewish Harvard professor pushes for genocide of Whites and killing White babies.


The Jew creates the problem (the slave trade was run by Jews, and ownership of slaves was predominantly Jewish, the social system, the race mixing programs, everything run and controlled by Jews), provokes the reaction and pushes the solution.

Few people are aware of the power and control the Jews have. Those of us few Gentiles who are educated about the Jews, their diet, their lifestyle differences, attitudes, their names (many change their names to using Gentile names, such as authors, etc), are aware. I made a point many, many years ago in educating myself in regards to the Jews and still do. The extent of the control, holding key positions, and power they have is shocking to say the least. It is a FACT that the Jews control 96 percent of the media. This includes books, especially textbooks. This is glaringly obvious to anyone who is onto the Jewish problem and reads extensively.

The Jews also make it a point to promote Christianity, Christian principles and Islamic filth with their control of the media. Try finding any nonfiction book, even cookbooks that are devoid of Jewish names, such as in the acknowledge section.

The Jewish control of the media has given the abomination of Christianity credibility to the masses.

In closing, I also want to add how everything White is being attacked, including our diet. "Gluten free" "Lactose intolerance" pushing veganism, and other third world diets and lifestyles to attack Whites.

Third world lifestyles and diets are not for Whites. The diseases the Jews try to claim are often genetic and racial, not dietary. But you won't readily hear this in any mainstream publications, anymore than how milk is good for you (for most European Whites).

As for those oh so pristine vegan diets and lifestyles of the third world, the average life expectancy of those people is under 50 years and even a lot lower.

If these third worlders are so advanced and pristine, then why do they rely on White medicine, and aid?

Ben Klassen made an accurate statement about Whites helping the Third World (A very common Christian theme); "Expanding and Proliferating the Misery."

Where there were some 10,000 starving, dying of disease, etc, now with White aid, support, medicine and so forth, now their populations have exploded to where there are now 80,000+ starving, diseased and of course a ready supply of disposable slaves for the Jews who use them to invade Europe, rob them of their body organs to sell on the black market, as they own little or nothing. The Jew is a genius at abuse and exploitation.

Third world people in spite of the billions and billions in charity and aid from the White man, ever progress. This is NOT "racism" it is a FACT!

Right now, Israel is slipping. We need to stay on the ritual to wake up the White race as en masse and the RTRs and to fight back online.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
So will we repeat the Awakening White Race ritual? I thought we were to do in Satan's day.
Also, about diabets and eating disorders from race-mixing:
https://atala.fr/2012/10/13/4-cro-magno ... quences-en  Is it really an epidemic related to diet and physical activity, or is it, like obesity, a problem of metabolism related to the hybridization of several different metabolism? Why are clearly hybridized people obviously most affected? Why does nobody reveal this aberration?https://www.sante-martinique.fr/portail ... 18/221.pdfIn this document, we can read as follows:
Reunion: 8.8%
Guadeloupe: 8.1%
Martinique: 7.4%
Guyana: 7.3%These percentages are of course included in the overall French percentage. And yet, the people of these countries/regions do not have a special unhealthy or industrial diet (although these eating habits have increased in recent years, and although this is obviously a contributing factor for diabetes).
The more we look, the more it seems that the countries that have the largest racial diversity (eventually coupled to a more or less modern and industrial eating habit) are those who have the highest rate of diabetes:http://www.idf.org/diabetesatlas/5e/fr/saca?language=frBrazil: 10.2 to 11% of the population in 2011http://www.ubifrance.fr/sante-dispositi ... teMap=3015Mexico : 11%Against less than 5% in Iceland, the UK and Norway, where the food culture is very industrial, and where the diagnosis is well done (unlike countries such as India, Brazil and Mexico, where the population is more easily under-diagnosed)It is possible to connect many common problems today with these genetic changes, but the presence of each of them in the list of consequences is a hypothesis. (various genetic diseases, neurological diseases, and senses problems, that we will discuss later…)But most importantly, this is probably what happened with the weapon of the human being: the brain. When the brown bear mix polar bear to produce a grizzly and later a pizzly, it follows some problems, including camouflage, strength, ability or inability to climb trees, survival, etc.. But the problems are stabilized by natural selection, and even disappear if the new race or species is not viable in its environment. These hybrid animals are also more likely to be domestiquables (dogs).When the main instrument of the hybridized species is the brain, then things get more complicated and more serious. The hybridized humans hasvarious physical problems, which are stabilized, he is more inclined to domestication, which becomes a self-domestication, since the environment does no longer suit him more, and because he no longer suit his environment, but this is the visible part of the iceberg, as we say, because his brain was moreover, the most transformed, has suffered immeasurable turmoil, and the consequences thatwill have on how to he will see and understand the world arround him will be immense.
I have been thinking for several days that we should repeat and reinforce the ritual to awaken the white race.
This is in their quran: non-muslim is treated like this

UNCENSORED: Migrant Gang kicks German Girl down Stairs - Official Berlin Police CCTV Footage  muslim can kick non-muslim out of its way according quran, come break into non-muslims' home without explanation and dwell there as much as they want (just as jewsus broke into everyone's home to rest and eat without permission) and the host must serve muslim in best way, let it sleep in his/her bed him/herself lie on the flow. Its non-muslim is a non-married female, she can be raped at any time according her guest's desire - all this is in quran, official muslim law and their leader telling it to you in this video below - this is how Europe will be treated under sharia: you will be thrown away of streets, your homes will be invaded and you will be killed if you say "no"

Shocking! Muslim slips up and reveals plan the next genocide  

---In [email protected], <maxine.dietrich666@... wrote :

The ritual should be repeated as often as is possible. The Runes need only be stained ONCE. The stained Runes can be used repeatedly.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
People need to realize self defence law allows retaliation... 

I'm not trying to promote violence or open conflict, but seriously people need to fight back physically as well if they get into situations like the above... 

This truly enrages me to no end... 
+voiceofenki I agree but it's gangs of these Mudslimes who attack women when they are alone. Either that or they grab a weapon like a bomb or a truck and just kill a load of people who don't even see it coming, knowing they're either going to die themselves or go to prison, they don't actually come along and fight one on one. If they was brave enough to fight with their hands it would be called a sucker punch, but it's a sucker punch with bombs and trucks often with suicide accepted for themselves.

These people have proven themselves to be the most COWARDLY pathetic scum race of the Earth. That's one thing that could at least be said for the Negro, we may not like living in a mutli racial society with them but at least they are warriors by nature they will fight one on one with their hands if they have a problem with you. These Arabs are just coward scum who can't do a thing except target women and the unsuspecting.
What Maxine said about races is exactly what I think. Sticking with your own race is not "racist", it's a natural sense. It exists in nature at its purest. Anyone who has had basic biology classes can see this in natural selection.
Even birds of the same species but different colors only fly along with birds of their own color.
I had a siamese cat and he'd only meet with other siamese cats in the frontyard/on the streets.

Sticking with your own race is natural common sense.
Different groups of people are born in different races for a reason. It isn't born with us just out of nothing. It has a biological function just like our organs. The function of a race is to identify a bloodline, a family. Just like fingerprints are the natural identity of an individual, a race is the natural identify of a family.

You can see nations that still have their race preserved to this day, such as Japan.
Most nations like that are visibly happier than multicultural nations, with a much lower violence rate, better quality education and health system, etc. You can see most Japanese people happy and smiling on videos and such. Most of these nations undergo much less suffering than multicultural nations because they still have a strong sense of union, a sense of family.

Their people are still in its original form. Territories with a multiracial population are not naturally multiracial. They have been forced into this state through centuries, until people born in the newest generations couldn't have a clue about it and think it has always been like that, because they were born in an already multiracial population themselves. What you have been born with is what you tend to deem "natural". Which is also why many people have a hard time weaning off Christianity. They have been born into that, learned that from their parents who are the only ones they can trust in the beginning and whom you usually won't doubt at this age. Therefore, all that crap seems "natural" to this individual. This is why the jews make sure all of this is pushed into people from birth.
You mention gluten free. My family have many allergies (grand and mother). My mom is allergic to gluten. We are all very white and I wonder where it came from.

I know there is correlation to their christian practices and they get afflicted with new shit all the time. I have no allergies except pollen.

In school during one of my most horrible times in life I got a yeast allergy but it has since passed. I think the stress and jew entities caused it.

Any thoughts?

 I can't even read and watch this stuff. It makes me so angry. I am just able to stomach being around Mundanes on a daily basis. Having to think about the things that truly go on in this world. Especially to our Noble Aryan People is so infuriating. Then we have losers on the groups who want to come on and say, I dont see why everyone is so angry. Its not there poor little fault. 
 Anyone who feels this way is automatically a monster to me. 

I differ very little from what you speak of, i get sickened just looking at them on TV screens and it's even worse being around them, and even feel a knot in my throat so to speak in the process. Reading about and watching this stuff is no better for me; it hurts me so deeply seeing those jewish maggots killing our beautiful people that i even cry just thinking about it. It hurts--this is one of the only things that will always hurt to see or think about in any way for me. I cry just knowing what the maggots did to Hitler and his beautiful comrades--this hurts most of all for me. Anyone who truly cares about our beautiful precious race is not just going sit back and watch as the enemy continues to do what they're trying to do (everyone here should know what they do, the list is virtually endless tyranny that only a homicidal maniac with no heart would do; Jewsus Krisst in a nutshell as everyone should know). I personally get joy out of driving them crazy to frustration beyond description, this has gotten easier with time patience and persistence. Theres nothing i laugh at more than knowing the enemy is insanely frustrated with people like me who are relentlessly aggressive towards them. Theyre getting what they deserved, are they not?
On Jan 9, 2017 8:59 PM, "aldric.strickland88@... [666BlackSun]" <[email protected] wrote:
 I can't even read and watch this stuff. It makes me so angry. I am just able to stomach being around Mundanes on a daily basis. Having to think about the things that truly go on in this world. Especially to our Noble Aryan People is so infuriating. Then we have losers on the groups who want to come on and say, I dont see why everyone is so angry. Its not there poor little fault. 
 Anyone who feels this way is automatically a monster to me. 

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
