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Gender Sexuality

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One good thing about my family, is that my parents did not instil gender stereotypes on me and my sibling. My father helped me develop my feminine artistic side, and my masculine side as well, he was a boxer and taught me to fight, even though I am delicately-built and most parents probably would never have dreamed to let me fight. As a child and pre-teen I would box in the afternoon and make candles or jewellery in the evening, lol.

People need to develop whatever talents and interests they feel drawn to, without thinking it's "girly" or "manly". Express yourself in the ways that is healthiest for your soul :)
Biological sex and gender and not the same. Each person despite their biological sex contains the male and female gender within themselves everyone is like the Androgynous being psychically two genders in one the goal is to integrate this. Your attempting to turn this reality into side tracked topic of your own pet peev about something that revolves around Cultural Marxist people with pink hair trigger you.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
Okay I read what you wrote. And I want to ask why shouldn't be gender binary as in biological gender ? And why should one lie about their biology ? One is born biologically either a man, or a woman or in extreme cases a Hermaphrodite (which is basically a genetic condition). I'm not talking about a biblical narrative or a pagan narrative. Im simply trying to understand how can this be possible ? As far as I know a male soul is supposed to be reincarnated in a male body and a female soul in a female body. So why even if a person is inclined to one side of their psyche why should they behave like the opposite biological gender and not just accept their predicament ? I mean you're simply a man whose a little feminine or largely feminine. Why do you have to be (transgender) or a female trapped in a males body ?

What I'm hinting at is there are two biological genders primarily and there is a spectrum of sexuality. And there is a spectrum of behavior (more feminine or more masculine).

However he/she is still he/she. If we start using weird gender pronouns and other weird representation our medical industry, our policy and everything would be in havoc.

What do you think about gender being biological and sexuality(heterosexual/homosexual/bisexual/) and behavior(either more feminine or more masculine) being a spectrum ?
That's the point your considering the feminine aspect of the psyche to be weakness. This is part of the repression and your just giving me the usual a psychically integrated man is Captain Sweden. And some rant that you don't like cultural Marxism.

Also you also bring up Russia as some kind of ideal of strength military wise. The Russian military is horrible totally corrupt and most people avoid being in it. And if Russia has to fight an open with NATO they are going to totally fucking lose in a conventional military conflict. And their economy can't handle a war. That is why Putin is not pushing it with the west. They can't even win in the Ukraine.

EasternFireLion666 said:
I read your post HP and there are things that i still don t understand. I mean i write down the theoretical part but the practica shows certain patterns in society. So.ehow when men become more womanized society starts to loose its defensive abilities. They start to like refugees, laws to protect the poor criminals start to be implemented and so on. Look at Russia and Sweeden. I know Russia is heavily controlled by them but who would win in a physycal confrontation. Leonidas' warriors were bisexual warriors but the lgbt dudes today are ... just look at them.

Women tell me "why cant they be in politics, economy, business, car driving?" And every time me and some guys discuss such subjects: politics, economy, science, anciend histoty and culture they role their eyes and start laughing. With a few very smart and open exceptions. Maybe in nature each of us has certain aptitudes therfore roles. The modern equalizing has btought disaster. I mean society was jwed before but somehow we managed to not go extinct. Look at Swedens government.

There is also something else. I am under the impression that sexuality can be changed. Men in prison or war lust for sex so they can become bi. Mgtow has also showed how frustrations can make a straight man gay. And it also appears that the societies that have egeminate men decrease the birth rates. I belive you HP when you talk about the both sides if the soul but i am not sure how they properly manifest. The jws also push this lgbt ideology a lot on whites. And after that offer xianity as a solution when everything goes bad. The fac that some if us are so angry is that we see this threats of multiculturalism race mixing and demographical change due to the feminization of men which leads to this incapacity to build a border. It is what we see not what we read
HP's don't you need to use the Right side of the brain (that rules creativity and so on) to be able to be a inventor like Tesla? I've read that he could visualize his invention in his mind before creating them, we know here that he was very spiritual advanced, so for anyone that say that you only need logic and the male side, you are very wrong.

Look at Tesla, he used both side of the brain and to use the Right side i'm pretty sure you need to accept things like emotions and everything feminine that come with it.
Yeah but don't you remember then Tesla dyed his hair pink and declared himself Zir queer and voted for Hillary 2016.
HP Mageson666 said:
Yeah but don't you remember then Tesla dyed his hair pink and declared himself Zir queer and voted for Hillary 2016.
I am starting to think the Alt-Right is bad for people's perceptional abilities like most ideologies. Because some of you are trying to argue some straw man against Cultural Marxism in this thread and the point of the thread is not sinking in past the ideological triggers. You also need to stop consuming the materialistic pseudo sciences being promoted by the Alt-Right as well.

The universe is not about the Pink haired Cultural Marxists vs Alt-Right. Which is what your trying to turn this thread into.
I was always friends with various trans people and I really love how early they get over all this shit. It's like they rocket through all stages of sexual maturity immediately just by seeing through all this bullshit. They are also always open minded. This is just like how people think pedos are all gay or all gays are flamboyant tools. Its silly, if you just talk to different people you realize pretty quickly that this isn't an issue until it becomes child abuse. And I can't see actually transexuals abusing children very frequently to be honest.

However like anything the jews want to force everybody to be transexual so that everybody hates transexuals for no reason. And they also want to make it seem like they're all sick. It's really bizarre. The jews want to force everybody to be every single thing they are not so that they hate every single thing about everybody else. If people were just allowed... or ahem, if people chose to be themselves, it would be way different.
Hp Mageson, do you think there have been old cultures that were more on the right brain side, almost opposite how our society is now?

I always wondered if some tribal people that never advanced technology had this or maybe some cultures with writing that only used pictographs/heiroglyphs for writing.
Tala said:
Hp Mageson, do you think there have been old cultures that were more on the right brain side, almost opposite how our society is now?

I always wondered if some tribal people that never advanced technology had this or maybe some cultures with writing that only used pictographs/heiroglyphs for writing.
The Aryan high culture was nothing primitive or tribal-like. This is purely a jewish narrative to erase Aryan past and make us believe we were like some stupid cannibal primitive tribes. There is nothing to learn from any of these people. What is right brained wearing animal skins, sharpening wooden spears and eating human brains ?
I knew the stuff on this sermon inside my soul and could see it in society etc even from a young age (not sure how) With me as a man growing up I dont remember ever having very many Male friends if any at all specially in high school/middle school when the guys make it a point to show off how tough they are or masculine etc yet if you are creative or emotional or artistic etc you will be thought of as a fag. I mostly had female friends as you could have good conversations be more open about feelings and show off creativity etc.

I know gay men are a little more feminine spiritually for the most part. I have gone on vacation to a place where gay people are the majority of the town (Sagatuck mi wish I could go there every summer lol) twice I feel more at home visiting a gay place cause it is so artistic and creative low crime fu place to hang around

Anyways. I highly respect men and am bisexual I am not trans or sexist against my gender I just dont like the insecurities.
Anyways to continue my post sorry I had to click send cause my phone was about to die and I didn't want to start over.

Anyways lol I love artistic people intellectuals drama and theatre poetry music etc. I always wanted to do something creative. I think deeply about things.

Most men are not like that in any way even if it was in their personality to be. I think cause I have Mars in Libra I never felt a real reason to change this and conform. So anyways I always hung out with girls and I'm bisexual but am not attracted to the way a lot of men are.

I think things are going to balance out due to our rtr there is no way the Jews are going to win this.

I try to get people to think about these things whenever I can. I didn't think this was going to be brought up by the JOS but I am glad it was. With that said in America more pagan ideas are growing fast. I think there even may be some movement by men at some point to challenge this I hope Jews don't hijack this. It may even be women who start this. I am not sure but slowly things may be changing towards the better.
Tala said:
Hp Mageson, do you think there have been old cultures that were more on the right brain side, almost opposite how our society is now?

I always wondered if some tribal people that never advanced technology had this or maybe some cultures with writing that only used pictographs/heiroglyphs for writing.

There was a sermon that talked about how life was in the Pagan society. I don't remember the title, unfortunately.

In any case, how do you think we created the pyramids more than 10 thousands years ago without advanced technology? How do you think Nordic ships could be made without it? Or even think about the beautiful temples and pagodas in the East. Those cannot be created without advanced tech and advanced understanding of nature. We were much more advanced then than we are now.
I always tell my gay friends, I wish I was Bi, that would open me up to the other 50% of available mates xD
But I can appreciate a "Sexy" man, despite not wanting sexual interactions with him.
I think alot of it has to do with people thinking that the opposite of masculine is feminine, and vice versa...

If someone asked me what feminine or masculine meant, I couldnt give you a definition for those words...
According to google:
"having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with women, especially delicacy and prettiness"
Applying a Genre to a Trait!?
So Strength is Masculine o.o
Thats just silly....

How can a man healthily embrace his feminine side? How can I better enjoy my feminine side?

The closest I feel to my "feminine" side is while listening to ASMR, or flirting, or even working out... but when im doing art, creative writing, yoga, I dont really feel "feminine".

I suppose my idea of feminine is the ability to enjoy the wind blowing through your hair, being in complete ecstacy...
People like, Bruce Lee, Muhammad Ali, Chuck Norris, etc. These people I would not call "Masculine" or "Feminine" in the modern sense of the word, but it seems these people had the greatest balance...
I think I feel most masculine though when I am being admired by others, Skating down the road at full speed, knowing people are checking out my glutes, being a peacock so to say... this feels masculine to me?
Maybe im just rambling, but this is a topic that is of great importance to me, I will forever aspire to be a Don Juan, the beauty of the Human Body is just so tantalizing!
HP Mageson666 said:
I am starting to think the Alt-Right is bad for people's perceptional abilities like most ideologies. Because some of you are trying to argue some straw man against Cultural Marxism in this thread and the point of the thread is not sinking in past the ideological triggers. You also need to stop consuming the materialistic pseudo sciences being promoted by the Alt-Right as well.

The universe is not about the Pink haired Cultural Marxists vs Alt-Right. Which is what your trying to turn this thread into.

As I have always stated the Alt-Right is just a jewish piece of shit, and it has defined leadership, leading people to these perceptions very directly with just propaganda. Most articles of the alt-right it's just anglin writting hate rants because of his own bad mother and attacking women and trans people.

It reaches a point where they fight way less the kikes, they do not fight the jew where it's most powerful and influential AKA CHRISTARDIANITY, and they just attack gays, trans and women 24/7.

The Alt-Right is just mental poison without any logical consistency to it. Anglin just whines like any rabbi does.
Thanks, I will try to look for that sermon. I agree we were more advanced in the past. For the eras and regions you are referencing it seems they were advanced due to they were mastering both left and right as we are meant to do.

In western civilization we have been separated from the feminine and as Mageson says in this sermon as a means of imbalancing us by the enemy programs.

Something I was trying to get at is that people can be enslaved and kept down by either imbalance of left/right brain or male/female brain. I was just wondering if certain later pagan tribes of any ethnicity had been trapped by the opposite and specifically if Mageson or anyone else with experience connecting these types of things had written about it.

For example the Mayans were perhaps an example of this because they were brought down and enslaved through the greys on the astral level to start things like blood sacrifices. Perhaps it was easier to enslave this specific race or group of people on the feminine right side of the brain then the masculine left.

Just to clarify when I say feminine for the example above I mean mental and spiritual states not individual feelings or matriarchal or something like that.

Anyways I really just think it's an interesting concept. I'm not claiming it as fact or anything. Just interesting to learn from if that could be the case.

Stormblood said:
Tala said:
Hp Mageson, do you think there have been old cultures that were more on the right brain side, almost opposite how our society is now?

I always wondered if some tribal people that never advanced technology had this or maybe some cultures with writing that only used pictographs/heiroglyphs for writing.

There was a sermon that talked about how life was in the Pagan society. I don't remember the title, unfortunately.

In any case, how do you think we created the pyramids more than 10 thousands years ago without advanced technology? How do you think Nordic ships could be made without it? Or even think about the beautiful temples and pagodas in the East. Those cannot be created without advanced tech and advanced understanding of nature. We were much more advanced then than we are now.
Bruce Lee's natal chart has most feminine aspects and a lot of intense planets, and what he did aside training was engage in what many people consider a feminine practice aka meditation and find his own inner power. This is how he was able to skyrocket his masculinity, by developing his femininity.
I suppose the RAUM meditation, along with IO/EA would be one of the best ways to balance our Feminine and Masculine energies? How would we as SS develop our femininity?
The entire Alt-Right just a jewish movement they promote National Bolshevism which is just Jewish Communism. They promote Jewish Christianity and the secularization of Jewish Christianity as Jewish pseudo science which is from the controlled establishment. They also attack Paganism and try and claim Judaism is somehow Satanic.

Look at who runs it Spencer who has Jewish surnames all over his family tree and hangs out with the Jewish Bush family. And promotes literal Jewish Communism of the Jew Dugin as does his wife. Kike Enoch, Anglin who looks Jewish and has Jewish surnames on his fathers side of the family and promotes the Talmud for White Goyim. And is the gate keeper for Hasbara Jews like Weev to promote Talumdic attitudes against White Women which divides the Goyim for the Jews to conqueror. And Duke who's numerous plastic surgeries which is attempting to hide those Jewish features and who spent his career looting the Pro-White movement as a well known swindler. And keeps telling us we need to oppose the Jews by pouring our energy into the Jewish thoughtform of Rabbi Yaweh so the spell of the Jewish Bible can manifest and destory the White Race. And he loves to go and on about all his really cool Jewish friends and how Jews are so great and its only those Zionist Jews that are the problem which is the propaganda line of the Jews themselves. Yet he hangs out with Jewish Dugin who is on the Jewish Zionist congress of Russia's panel. They all promote White Sharia which is religious law based on the Torah laws of the bible.

Even Kike Enoch who pretends to be against christianity uses his The Kike Stuff to promote numerous christian shows on the site and a soft promotion of the program directly as well. When Kike Enoch got asked about the JoS by that Styx fellow on his interview he looked like he was going to pass out.
The rest of the Alt-Right is just open Jews. Stephen moneyjew, The monkey man jewovich, Lauren Simonson, Alex Luv Da Jewish Money Jewnes, who has nothing but Jews on his show to praise him and Israeli, Christian Zionism.

Then you get Jewish nonsense like MGTOW which is hey Goyim all women are Shiska's. That includes the gamed on by Jews community where strange losers like Roosh pretend they have sex with hot women all over the world somehow and then sell naïve men books and articles on this fable. And its all based on hey Goyim all women are Shiska's…… His whole character is a real life version of MC Vagina....
In my opinion usually when there's a woman born in a biological male body (or vice versa), they'll believe since they're really a woman, they aren't a man and try to reject and/or change their biological maleness. This is the mindset I've encountered most in the modern trans community. I had this mindset too. But when I finally accepted and embraced the fact that I was born biologically female (instead of rejecting it or trying to change it) and in this way, I'm literally a woman, I felt so much better.
HP Mageson666 said:
The rest of the Alt-Right is just open Jews. Stephen moneyjew, The monkey man jewovich, Lauren Simonson, Alex Luv Da Jewish Money Jewnes, who has nothing but Jews on his show to praise him and Israeli, Christian Zionism.

Then you get Jewish nonsense like MGTOW which is hey Goyim all women are Shiska's. That includes the gamed on by Jews community where strange losers like Roosh pretend they have sex with hot women all over the world somehow and then sell naïve men books and articles on this fable. And its all based on hey Goyim all women are Shiska's…… His whole character is a real life version of MC Vagina....

The truth is we need a movement for men but NOT Jewish. We need a movement for men to Embrace their inner feminine Goddess. To Embrace the traits of their moon Venus and Neptune. To transform their lives like Pluto and fight back against the oppressive establishment principals of who a man is. We need a Male inner feminist revolution to Embrace our inner Goddess. For too long men have been told who to be and what to do and how to live. It's time for men to overcome this. Join the mennimist revolution and take back your inner feminine core.
Academic Scholar said:
In my opinion usually when there's a woman born in a biological male body (or vice versa), they'll believe since they're really a woman, they aren't a man and try to reject and/or change their biological maleness. This is the mindset I've encountered most in the modern trans community. I had this mindset too. But when I finally accepted and embraced the fact that I was born biologically female (instead of rejecting it or trying to change it) and in this way, I'm literally a woman, I felt so much better.

Hating on your biological gender will only cause a never ending array of issues that you will be mistaken to think can be fixed by extremely expensive, dangerous, and also experimental surgeries.

Just self accept and enjoy what you are in peace with yourself. Then when you know the spiritual aspect of it you find peace.
Bravera said:
I suppose the RAUM meditation, along with IO/EA would be one of the best ways to balance our Feminine and Masculine energies? How would we as SS develop our femininity?

You don't have to "develop" your feminine side you simply have to set it free. It will develop and manifest on it's own as you clean and empower your soul. I didn't do any specific working on this I simply dropped joo imposed beliefs and worked on cleaning out my soul from their influence. And started loving myself the way I am without any jew created insecurities.
I don't think there is such thing as female soul born in male body,from what I know is that the soul is male and female so some body who changes there gender is confused and really have a problem,because there can not be a mistake from what you where born as
Lydia said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
There is also something else. I am under the impression that sexuality can be changed. Men in prison or war lust for sex so they can become bi. Mgtow has also showed how frustrations can make a straight man gay. And it also appears that the societies that have egeminate men decrease the birth rates. I belive you HP when you talk about the both sides if the soul but i am not sure how they properly manifest. The jws also push this lgbt ideology a lot on whites. And after that offer xianity as a solution when everything goes bad. The fac that some if us are so angry is that we see this threats of multiculturalism race mixing and demographical change due to the feminization of men which leads to this incapacity to build a border. It is what we see not what we read

This is why I don't think most people are bi by nature, but they can become bi from lack of sex. I myself thought I was bi when I was younger, simply because of complete lack of sexual experiences (never even had an orgasm until much later than my soul needed, this really damaged me), but after coming to Satan and meditating I realized I am fully hetero, not sexually interested in women at all. I was never attracted to women or had sex with one, I just thought I was bi because I needed sex. This is what going your entire teen years without an orgasm does....

I understand. Yes there are many factors in nature that can affect sexual orientation. I think i understand now what HP Mageson is explaining but i think there is a general danger in opening ones self emotionally. Here i am not only talking about sexuality but emphaty specifically. It is dangerous to do so until all enemy programs and psychology is mostly gone. It is true what he says that we men mostly dwell on anger. I cannot say many of the things that bother me because i will be considered a whining whimp. So i learned to keep a general angy stance that keeps me alert all the time and ready for anything. There are so many things i would like to write for people concerning psychology and how it ties into the physical side instead of this permanent anger. It s not much use into explaining things to people at this point in history.

The lion is emotionally and intelectualy inferior to humans but in a face 2 face case only brute force and blind violence can save you.

Maybe i will write a post about those things as per my opinion if i have the time and energy. Sometimes thinking too much fucks up your whole imunity ...
Lydia said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
There is also something else. I am under the impression that sexuality can be changed. Men in prison or war lust for sex so they can become bi. Mgtow has also showed how frustrations can make a straight man gay. And it also appears that the societies that have egeminate men decrease the birth rates. I belive you HP when you talk about the both sides if the soul but i am not sure how they properly manifest. The jws also push this lgbt ideology a lot on whites. And after that offer xianity as a solution when everything goes bad. The fac that some if us are so angry is that we see this threats of multiculturalism race mixing and demographical change due to the feminization of men which leads to this incapacity to build a border. It is what we see not what we read

This is why I don't think most people are bi by nature, but they can become bi from lack of sex. I myself thought I was bi when I was younger, simply because of complete lack of sexual experiences (never even had an orgasm until much later than my soul needed, this really damaged me), but after coming to Satan and meditating I realized I am fully hetero, not sexually interested in women at all. I was never attracted to women or had sex with one, I just thought I was bi because I needed sex. This is what going your entire teen years without an orgasm does....
I don't like to use LGBT type of terms but maybe sexuality for a lot of people is more fluid? With meditations i found out that i'm not 100% gay but more like 90%. I've seen many guys in real life that said that they were hetero but then they would still get excited for a guy...it's weird, maybe fluid is the right word.

Another thing is that i'm attracted by guy that have a bit of feminine in them and this is why a little part of me like women, so maybe for some hetero guy that like women they maybe are attracted a bit buy some guy who is a bit feminine? Just an idea.
EasternFireLion666 said:
I understand. Yes there are many factors in nature that can affect sexual orientation. I think i understand now what HP Mageson is explaining but i think there is a general danger in opening ones self emotionally. Here i am not only talking about sexuality but emphaty specifically. It is dangerous to do so until all enemy programs and psychology is mostly gone. It is true what he says that we men mostly dwell on anger. I cannot say many of the things that bother me because i will be considered a whining whimp. So i learned to keep a general angy stance that keeps me alert all the time and ready for anything. There are so many things i would like to write for people concerning psychology and how it ties into the physical side instead of this permanent anger. It s not much use into explaining things to people at this point in history.

The lion is emotionally and intelectualy inferior to humans but in a face 2 face case only brute force and blind violence can save you.

Maybe i will write a post about those things as per my opinion if i have the time and energy. Sometimes thinking too much fucks up your whole imunity ...

Anger is an emotion as well though. And when people are angry they are not thinking logically and are just as easily manipulated as those who are overly empathetic. This is why you look at islam and see so many angry little people, which are just as retarded as any wimpy xian. A lack of empathy is literally a characteristic of psychopathy this is not something that anyone should be trying to achieve.

The key here is balance. Repressing emotions is very unhealthy mentally and spiritually. There is absolutely no danger in being emotionally open. The danger is in stupidity and emotional imbalance which makes one predictable and easily manipulated.

And before someone posts a .jpg of osiris...

If you are stupid and show empathy to a jew that wants to murder you the danger isn't in empathy itself but just the absolute stupidity of such a decision. Just like if you get emotionally invested in someone who wants to destroy or abuse you the problem isn't with your emotions it's with your intelligence and awareness. I don't think the point is to repress emotion but to control it, and eventually finding balance as a result of that control.
Sorry for the long post bu I felt I had to put my two cents in here because their needs to be the opinion of an actual trans person in here (Although HP Cobra did a god job in some of his posts).

Transgender/Transsexuality has become a huge hot topic lately and if you look closely it's simply because Jews are using trans people like they use gay people, to enlist, confuse and destroy.
Trans is a medical term 'to trans-ition' and alot of people especially those crazy pink haired buzz cut liberal crazies will call themselves such because they love painting themselves as something special, a snowflake for a lack of better words. Trans is not wearing clothes tailored for the opposite sex. It is not wearing your hair in the opposite sex's fashion. It is not just because they feel more masculine or feminine.
Transsexuality in actuality is veeeeery rare, 0.1% of the population, consisting of men and women who have what is called gender dysphoria.
This is what Evola has to say on the subject,

Taken from Evolas 'Eros and the Mysteries of the Love Metaphysics':
"In the range of ideas we are dealing with we should take it as being settled that manhood and womanhood are above all, facts of an inner nature. It is possible to be a man as far as the body is concerned without being equally so in the soul (anima muileris in corpore inclusa virlii - the soul of a woman enclosed in a manly body), and the same is of course true of a woman.

"He who is not a man in spirit and soul is not truly a man, and the same applies to a woman"

"In this way all the hormonic manipulations to which modern biologists are devoted actually have a neromantic character, being based on the idea that sex only on a different "hormonic formula". They can produce important effects in altering the true characteristics of sex only in animals and in little-differentiated humans, but to no effects in complete, "typical" men and women."

(Trans people being the 'little-differentiated' humans he was talking about. By typical men and women he meant cis people).

In my case, I'm a transsexual and have been a dedicated Satanist for 10+ years now. I meditate and do the rituals daily and never skipped a beat. I made the decision as an adult after MANY years of meditation after MANY years of research and debate to take this route and I chose to undergo medical intervention and this is what I will say on the matter.
Transitioning is a very serious and very difficult matter. Even for those diagnosed with gender dysphoria, it is not a journey for everyone and should only be undertaken under serious and honest reasons.
I'v noticed from people who have come out to say they regret it seem to have similar reasons, that being they believed that after taking all the steps of the transition all of their problems would not longer be around, but the reality is they wake up one day knowing that all the issues they face don't go away just because you pop a few oestrogen pills.
And those who don't regret it and are happy with their decision don't get much face time because they have either moved on with their lives and aren't heard from or because they're a normal person and no one wants to hear what they say, people want the crazy loudmouth to speak instead because it's more entertaining.

Considering all the posts criticizing people like me, I hope you can take this post as a serious opinion. If you have questions regarding what we are, I will be more than happy to answer your questions to the best of my ability and knowledge.

Their is a lot more I would like to post on the subject but I don't wish to bore you all too much.
I apologize for the long post but I hope it is understandable as I will defend myself and other true transsexuals especially those dedicated to the death. We are not confused fools, we know who and what we are. We are Satanists, we are Nazis, we are your brothers and sisters in Satan.
Dahaarkan said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
I understand. Yes there are many factors in nature that can affect sexual orientation. I think i understand now what HP Mageson is explaining but i think there is a general danger in opening ones self emotionally. Here i am not only talking about sexuality but emphaty specifically. It is dangerous to do so until all enemy programs and psychology is mostly gone. It is true what he says that we men mostly dwell on anger. I cannot say many of the things that bother me because i will be considered a whining whimp. So i learned to keep a general angy stance that keeps me alert all the time and ready for anything. There are so many things i would like to write for people concerning psychology and how it ties into the physical side instead of this permanent anger. It s not much use into explaining things to people at this point in history.

The lion is emotionally and intelectualy inferior to humans but in a face 2 face case only brute force and blind violence can save you.

Maybe i will write a post about those things as per my opinion if i have the time and energy. Sometimes thinking too much fucks up your whole imunity ...

Anger is an emotion as well though. And when people are angry they are not thinking logically and are just as easily manipulated as those who are overly empathetic. This is why you look at islam and see so many angry little people, which are just as retarded as any wimpy xian. A lack of empathy is literally a characteristic of psychopathy this is not something that anyone should be trying to achieve.

The key here is balance. Repressing emotions is very unhealthy mentally and spiritually. There is absolutely no danger in being emotionally open. The danger is in stupidity and emotional imbalance which makes one predictable and easily manipulated.

And before someone posts a .jpg of osiris...

If you are stupid and show empathy to a jew that wants to murder you the danger isn't in empathy itself but just the absolute stupidity of such a decision. Just like if you get emotionally invested in someone who wants to destroy or abuse you the problem isn't with your emotions it's with your intelligence and awareness. I don't think the point is to repress emotion but to control it, and eventually finding balance as a result of that control.

I understand perfectly the need for ballance. There is one thing that in some case can be difficult. Switching and adapting fast according to the present scenario. For example if you are on the streets and are angered up and some bully/thug threatens you it is possible that you can eat him alive. But if you are with some friends all happy or near to your love and this situation occirs all the sudden if you do not switch fast enough you may lose your body and mind to panic. You see in such a case to properly fight you need pulse/heartbeats and confidence. Fear is another heartbeat increasing electrical phenomenon but it lacks confidence. And this is just one example.

So we conclude that YES indeed balance is the key so you don t need to stay tense all the time and switch fast when needed. But there are waaay more variables when training ones mind and body. For example i think i switch/adapt very slow due to a respiratory problem. This puts a big obstacle in meditation as well.
luis said:
Lydia said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
There is also something else. I am under the impression that sexuality can be changed. Men in prison or war lust for sex so they can become bi. Mgtow has also showed how frustrations can make a straight man gay. And it also appears that the societies that have egeminate men decrease the birth rates. I belive you HP when you talk about the both sides if the soul but i am not sure how they properly manifest. The jws also push this lgbt ideology a lot on whites. And after that offer xianity as a solution when everything goes bad. The fac that some if us are so angry is that we see this threats of multiculturalism race mixing and demographical change due to the feminization of men which leads to this incapacity to build a border. It is what we see not what we read

This is why I don't think most people are bi by nature, but they can become bi from lack of sex. I myself thought I was bi when I was younger, simply because of complete lack of sexual experiences (never even had an orgasm until much later than my soul needed, this really damaged me), but after coming to Satan and meditating I realized I am fully hetero, not sexually interested in women at all. I was never attracted to women or had sex with one, I just thought I was bi because I needed sex. This is what going your entire teen years without an orgasm does....
I don't like to use LGBT type of terms but maybe sexuality for a lot of people is more fluid? With meditations i found out that i'm not 100% gay but more like 90%. I've seen many guys in real life that said that they were hetero but then they would still get excited for a guy...it's weird, maybe fluid is the right word.

Another thing is that i'm attracted by guy that have a bit of feminine in them and this is why a little part of me like women, so maybe for some hetero guy that like women they maybe are attracted a bit buy some guy who is a bit feminine? Just an idea.

That would mean only one type of energy flows trough your soul i think. Which would be impossible. We all have both feminine and masculine energy i think it depends on the proportion how one manifests sexualy.
luis said:
Lydia said:
This is why I don't think most people are bi by nature, but they can become bi from lack of sex. I myself thought I was bi when I was younger, simply because of complete lack of sexual experiences (never even had an orgasm until much later than my soul needed, this really damaged me), but after coming to Satan and meditating I realized I am fully hetero, not sexually interested in women at all. I was never attracted to women or had sex with one, I just thought I was bi because I needed sex. This is what going your entire teen years without an orgasm does....
I don't like to use LGBT type of terms but maybe sexuality for a lot of people is more fluid? With meditations i found out that i'm not 100% gay but more like 90%. I've seen many guys in real life that said that they were hetero but then they would still get excited for a guy...it's weird, maybe fluid is the right word.

Another thing is that i'm attracted by guy that have a bit of feminine in them and this is why a little part of me like women, so maybe for some hetero guy that like women they maybe are attracted a bit buy some guy who is a bit feminine? Just an idea.

The thing is, I honestly don't believe that "having bisexual tendencies" or "being attracted a bit" makes a person truly bisexual. It's more just curiosity, or admiring traits in a person of the same gender, and this does not make a person actually bisexual. For example, I can admire the beauty of a woman and want my body to look as good as hers, but I do not want to have sex with her or be in a relationship with her.

I think it's from centuries and lifetimes of repressed sexuality, that make people over-sexed and wanting to fuck anyone, or think they want to fuck anyone, regardless of gender. But if we didn't have the repressed sexuality for so long, would people be so confused about their sexual preferences?

I would say the true 3rd sex is around 30% of population, maybe as high as half, but certainly not the 90% that people are citing.
Lydia said:
The thing is, I honestly don't believe that "having bisexual tendencies" or "being attracted a bit" makes a person truly bisexual. It's more just curiosity, or admiring traits in a person of the same gender, and this does not make a person actually bisexual. For example, I can admire the beauty of a woman and want my body to look as good as hers, but I do not want to have sex with her or be in a relationship with her.

I think it's from centuries and lifetimes of repressed sexuality, that make people over-sexed and wanting to fuck anyone, or think they want to fuck anyone, regardless of gender. But if we didn't have the repressed sexuality for so long, would people be so confused about their sexual preferences?

I would say the true 3rd sex is around 30% of population, maybe as high as half, but certainly not the 90% that people are citing.

Bisexuality is definitely over-exaggerated in numbers. Most people I know would only be with one gender, while others are more confused than confident in their sexuality. I notice that sexually confused people have many hang-ups in their lives.

Another thing to note, branching off your personal example Lydia, is that many teens (mostly girls) had this “bisexual phase” while I was growing up. They’d claim they were bi and maybe kiss their friends, but they’d never push beyond that. It was just a mix of newfound sexuality, exploration, and repression. It all ends once they grow up and find a romantic/sexual partner.
Being bi was cool and unique only until an actual bi person came around. I’d be shocked if most people were bi, because I sure felt like the minority. :?
Zephyr said:
Lydia said:
The thing is, I honestly don't believe that "having bisexual tendencies" or "being attracted a bit" makes a person truly bisexual. It's more just curiosity, or admiring traits in a person of the same gender, and this does not make a person actually bisexual. For example, I can admire the beauty of a woman and want my body to look as good as hers, but I do not want to have sex with her or be in a relationship with her.

I think it's from centuries and lifetimes of repressed sexuality, that make people over-sexed and wanting to fuck anyone, or think they want to fuck anyone, regardless of gender. But if we didn't have the repressed sexuality for so long, would people be so confused about their sexual preferences?

I would say the true 3rd sex is around 30% of population, maybe as high as half, but certainly not the 90% that people are citing.

Bisexuality is definitely over-exaggerated in numbers. Most people I know would only be with one gender, while others are more confused than confident in their sexuality. I notice that sexually confused people have many hang-ups in their lives.

Another thing to note, branching off your personal example Lydia, is that many teens (mostly girls) had this “bisexual phase” while I was growing up. They’d claim they were bi and maybe kiss their friends, but they’d never push beyond that. It was just a mix of newfound sexuality, exploration, and repression. It all ends once they grow up and find a romantic/sexual partner.
Being bi was cool and unique only until an actual bi person came around. I’d be shocked if most people were bi, because I sure felt like the minority. :?
Honestly we will probabily find out when there are no jews anymore and everyone will meditate.

My experience is that many are bi, of course not a 90% but a lot. Personaly i still can't understand whatever i'm sexualy attracted to women or not but i'm sure that i like guy.
Wednesday said:
Sorry for the long post bu I felt I had to put my two cents in here because their needs to be the opinion of an actual trans person in here (Although HP Cobra did a god job in some of his posts).

Transgender/Transsexuality has become a huge hot topic lately and if you look closely it's simply because Jews are using trans people like they use gay people, to enlist, confuse and destroy.
Trans is a medical term 'to trans-ition' and alot of people especially those crazy pink haired buzz cut liberal crazies will call themselves such because they love painting themselves as something special, a snowflake for a lack of better words. Trans is not wearing clothes tailored for the opposite sex. It is not wearing your hair in the opposite sex's fashion. It is not just because they feel more masculine or feminine.
Transsexuality in actuality is veeeeery rare, 0.1% of the population, consisting of men and women who have what is called gender dysphoria.
This is what Evola has to say on the subject,

Taken from Evolas 'Eros and the Mysteries of the Love Metaphysics':
"In the range of ideas we are dealing with we should take it as being settled that manhood and womanhood are above all, facts of an inner nature. It is possible to be a man as far as the body is concerned without being equally so in the soul (anima muileris in corpore inclusa virlii - the soul of a woman enclosed in a manly body), and the same is of course true of a woman.

"He who is not a man in spirit and soul is not truly a man, and the same applies to a woman"

"In this way all the hormonic manipulations to which modern biologists are devoted actually have a neromantic character, being based on the idea that sex only on a different "hormonic formula". They can produce important effects in altering the true characteristics of sex only in animals and in little-differentiated humans, but to no effects in complete, "typical" men and women."

(Trans people being the 'little-differentiated' humans he was talking about. By typical men and women he meant cis people).

In my case, I'm a transsexual and have been a dedicated Satanist for 10+ years now. I meditate and do the rituals daily and never skipped a beat. I made the decision as an adult after MANY years of meditation after MANY years of research and debate to take this route and I chose to undergo medical intervention and this is what I will say on the matter.
Transitioning is a very serious and very difficult matter. Even for those diagnosed with gender dysphoria, it is not a journey for everyone and should only be undertaken under serious and honest reasons.
I'v noticed from people who have come out to say they regret it seem to have similar reasons, that being they believed that after taking all the steps of the transition all of their problems would not longer be around, but the reality is they wake up one day knowing that all the issues they face don't go away just because you pop a few oestrogen pills.
And those who don't regret it and are happy with their decision don't get much face time because they have either moved on with their lives and aren't heard from or because they're a normal person and no one wants to hear what they say, people want the crazy loudmouth to speak instead because it's more entertaining.

Considering all the posts criticizing people like me, I hope you can take this post as a serious opinion. If you have questions regarding what we are, I will be more than happy to answer your questions to the best of my ability and knowledge.

Their is a lot more I would like to post on the subject but I don't wish to bore you all too much.
I apologize for the long post but I hope it is understandable as I will defend myself and other true transsexuals especially those dedicated to the death. We are not confused fools, we know who and what we are. We are Satanists, we are Nazis, we are your brothers and sisters in Satan.

I want to say, that thank you for this post. This exactly what I was wondering about myself, I am a transsexual obviously (I have gender dysphoria) but I been trying to explain because there was a post that the soul manifests traits in the body. Well I’m very masculine in appearance biologically speaking and have the strength of a healthy manly body. That’s something I was born with and my other confusion on a post about the mer ka ba on homosexual people and “gender” which I disagreed with. I am not a woman who feels “manly” and the way. my body is designed , I follow men’s program for like weightlifting and nutrition. And yes I attract gay men or heterosexual or bisexual women. That’s what I was arguing about with the mer ka ba and sexual attraction type of thing. I do not think one can fit a “gender” and a clear cut sexuality into “this is it” or “how it is”. There is definitely some diversity.
Wednesday said:
Sorry for the long post bu I felt I had to put my two cents in here because their needs to be the opinion of an actual trans person in here (Although HP Cobra did a god job in some of his posts).

Transgender/Transsexuality has become a huge hot topic lately and if you look closely it's simply because Jews are using trans people like they use gay people, to enlist, confuse and destroy.
Trans is a medical term 'to trans-ition' and alot of people especially those crazy pink haired buzz cut liberal crazies will call themselves such because they love painting themselves as something special, a snowflake for a lack of better words. Trans is not wearing clothes tailored for the opposite sex. It is not wearing your hair in the opposite sex's fashion. It is not just because they feel more masculine or feminine.
Transsexuality in actuality is veeeeery rare, 0.1% of the population, consisting of men and women who have what is called gender dysphoria.
This is what Evola has to say on the subject,

Taken from Evolas 'Eros and the Mysteries of the Love Metaphysics':
"In the range of ideas we are dealing with we should take it as being settled that manhood and womanhood are above all, facts of an inner nature. It is possible to be a man as far as the body is concerned without being equally so in the soul (anima muileris in corpore inclusa virlii - the soul of a woman enclosed in a manly body), and the same is of course true of a woman.

"He who is not a man in spirit and soul is not truly a man, and the same applies to a woman"

"In this way all the hormonic manipulations to which modern biologists are devoted actually have a neromantic character, being based on the idea that sex only on a different "hormonic formula". They can produce important effects in altering the true characteristics of sex only in animals and in little-differentiated humans, but to no effects in complete, "typical" men and women."

(Trans people being the 'little-differentiated' humans he was talking about. By typical men and women he meant cis people).

In my case, I'm a transsexual and have been a dedicated Satanist for 10+ years now. I meditate and do the rituals daily and never skipped a beat. I made the decision as an adult after MANY years of meditation after MANY years of research and debate to take this route and I chose to undergo medical intervention and this is what I will say on the matter.
Transitioning is a very serious and very difficult matter. Even for those diagnosed with gender dysphoria, it is not a journey for everyone and should only be undertaken under serious and honest reasons.
I'v noticed from people who have come out to say they regret it seem to have similar reasons, that being they believed that after taking all the steps of the transition all of their problems would not longer be around, but the reality is they wake up one day knowing that all the issues they face don't go away just because you pop a few oestrogen pills.
And those who don't regret it and are happy with their decision don't get much face time because they have either moved on with their lives and aren't heard from or because they're a normal person and no one wants to hear what they say, people want the crazy loudmouth to speak instead because it's more entertaining.

Considering all the posts criticizing people like me, I hope you can take this post as a serious opinion. If you have questions regarding what we are, I will be more than happy to answer your questions to the best of my ability and knowledge.

Their is a lot more I would like to post on the subject but I don't wish to bore you all too much.
I apologize for the long post but I hope it is understandable as I will defend myself and other true transsexuals especially those dedicated to the death. We are not confused fools, we know who and what we are. We are Satanists, we are Nazis, we are your brothers and sisters in Satan.
The traits you yearn for would naturally materialize with working on your soul, the problem is your counciousness is severily shrinked. So your current body state male or female is the most appropriate for your survival based on choices you make uncounciously. Altering your body will only slow this process. No satanist questions your reasons to undergo the transformation clinically. Its a serious undertaking. Just realize the state you desire lays higher. And your outlook on life in this lower existence plane determines the state of your body. You may be of another gender as a whole, but your current shrinked state operates as you are. A piece of the whole. Which brings the topic to the point of the path of REUNION TO THE WHOLE aka YOGA aka RELIGION AKA RELIGARE ( latin for reconnect).
autogynephilic, homosexual transsexuals: these post about transexuality/gender cause me to look it up some more. The jews literally began as with lots of other things to label transvestism- as it's said- as a disorder if some things apply which only apply due to jews and xianity and the suppression of the female in the first place. The problems with this or that in regards to people becoming or witnessing the trans or drag(ons) is all literally what HP Don put forth. The church as a whole and jews shock treatment to try to gain in their agenda is literally where all the crap and confusion is made. What's so wrong with individuals begining to express whoever they are from within and get to know and eventually become whole as a person? There is nothing wrong, it just that everything we are contradicts the alien hive mindset and what the joke have in store for people. Not life according to who we are, but manipulation, confusion, and wasting Time arguing whether or not their lies are real when we all can meditate and see/find the truth
Ourselves in regards to our own sexuality.
SS Amonra said:
Academic Scholar said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Now that women have freedom the Jews are promoting Marxist Feminism which is the attempt to force women to supress the feminine aspects of their psyche and attempt to become masculine dominate in their psyche which is causing many women to become psychologically toxic and self hating as they are taught to show any feminine characterists is weakness and they need to be totally masculine. They are now being raised the same way men are and its toxic across the board. Entire generations of women are being conditioned into this. This is needed because with the ability of women to move freely in all walks of life in society where under Jewish christianity they never had. They must also be conditioned with the same repression men are.
That reminds me of this... Icelandic Schools Teaching Boys To Be Like Girls & Girls To Be Like Boys (Oct 2018)

Ok I read both sermons. I loved Divine Musculinity because I been looking for some answers. However as I was reading the comments someone mentioned that the idea of European masculinity was the Knight! Um I must inform you on this. During my research in search of ideal masculinity, especially the kind women are attracted to. I have read so much material concerning it. I have read by several authors that "women arent attracted to Knights, they are attracted to the assholes, jerks" and so on, they also go on to ridicule those guys who are "knights" classifying them as "nice guys" basically ones who are desperate, dont display "testosterone aggressive behavior" to the point of being an asshole. They associate these guys with feminism, getting feminized or whatever. It's really nerve wracking....

They also promote the idea that you need to be an "alpha" male. As I study one thing I Noticed is, well it seems like there is a lot of books and products to turn you into the man that women want. So the fact of playing on men's insecurities and desperation, is manipulated.

So another thing that does seem to bother me though, I see a lot of guys who let women treat them like shit, women who are abusive, and then always complaining for the men to "man up", when in fact they wont man up because she herself is way too dominat, aggressive and he too emscaulated. So what does a guy do with a woman like this?

IT is very hard for a guy now days to even get a date because of the guys being too beta and then well then they go to one extreme to another. Then the women start to wonder why the guys arent even "manning up" anymore, their excuse is "women are too masculine". They want the feminine, soft, empathetic women, not the one who is unfaithful, uncaring, and wears the pants in a relationship. And then we have women complaining is that all they meet are "badboys", jerks, etc. So a few males said they swear it works to get women by being an asshole or acting like a jerk.

Personally I havent been able to date any decent females for almost 10 years now due to this issue. I always seem to attract the crazy women who are masculine, mostly by behavior and appearance somewhat and definitely not my type even though I am a trans. man. Believe me I have tried dating a woman like this, but it was chaotic, and disturbing and well no chemistry either, they were rather repulsive. They had some severe mental issues as well.

I try to be a gentleman to men and women alike, especially the ladies, but... what the fuck
it is like I HAVE to be a fucking asshole to get anywhere and that is NOT what I want to do. People dont know their boundaries, and when I do set boundaries, they get offended. And another is fucking idiots misgendering me, which most of the time I am not misgendered, but when I do, I correct them and some do apologize but others get defensive and have a shitty attitude.

So HOW the hell are men gonna get anywhere in the dating world when they are being "knight", gentleman (all of these associated with beta males due to mainstream society) that results in nothing of dating.

Another phenomenon I noticed was its not just me getting misgendered other young guys too (which I can tell they are dudes) its like people cant tell if one is a guy or girl. I mean seriously..... can people not tell a fucking difference anymore? These people I refer to, are usually so hung up on political correctness or usually have problems themselves, or mentally not all there.

Any opinions, explanations would be helpful? because personally I would like to resolve this issue myself!

We live in a world where up is down and the earth is flat and that men are women and women are dinosaurs. Act as you who you are without trying to seek outside approval for those that do not conform to the preconceived notions of what a person is will be judged harshly. If you are a manly woman or a feminine man then thats just who you are. As for you specifically there are workings you can do to attract a potential partner. We have the means to obtain what we want, there is no reason to be hung up on the problems of this world without putting the effort to fix things. You want to have a partner that isnt batshit crazy? Program your aura to attract positive and compatible people to you.

Where you frequent also matters. I am assuming you want a woman as a partner. If you frequent places like bars to hook up girls you have to be aware of the types of people that would go there that want to hook up such as those looking for one night stands, the smash and pass, or the not so mentally stable people. Certain types of people frequent certain types of places. If how they act rubs you the wrong way then maybe your in the wrong place.

You think the things people are attracted to nowadays are normal? Things like interracial partnership or clopping being more or less tolerated and maybe even pushed forward to normalization which is creating alot of issues. The Knight was someone who was chivalrous, brave, defended his people, elegant, and strong. Nowadays a "knight" is nothing like that. Its mostly just sex deprived losers who dont understand how to act to get a mate and get pissy when their fake nice guy act doesnt get them pussy like in the "animes". People want the asshole? They want someone dominant and powerful; someone who asserts themselves and acts towards what they want. This is natural. The opposite would be people that are the perfects slave, someone who lets people step on them and are weak. No one wants that kind of person. The "asshole" displays the traits of a strong person superficially but when it comes to first impressions its what attracts women. The weak person will abused and won't fight back. The asshole will.

All those books on how to pick up chicks are either jews trying to shill money or books that are just basic fucking common sense. Be yourself and use your means to get yourself a partner. Get rid of negative affirmations from your mind as it will attract the unwanted.

As for being misgendered. Tbh I think such a thing isn't natural. Theres men, women and trans. Trans or rather hermaphrodites are extremely rare in the first place so this is a non issue. If one is a man and looks like a man then people will call you by that. The same goes for women. Even if you are more masculine than the average women or more feminine than the average male biology is biology and others will first see that over anything else. To get angry over someone calling you for what you are biologically is strange. Gender is in the psyche and has nothing to do with biology.
HP Mageson666 said:
A human has both masculine and feminine aspect to their psyche the goal of which is to integrate this into one transformed whole. The fact is due to the lie of society which is built on the lie of the Bible for centuries the feminine aspect of the psyche has been repressed on purpose. Men are told they will be punished with homosexuality if they enjoy art in the Jewish Bible. The Church worked to destroy not just all spiritual knowledge but also banned anything to do with the feminine aspect of the psyche, art, music and such they tried to remove. Medieval era art when the Church had the most power. All looks like low quality cartoon drawings. Women were severly repressed and turned into nothing but properity of men who were allowed to beat them and abuse them as they wished. Because women are the cause of the fall and the cause of original sin in Jewish Christianity. And men were conditioned and still are with strict gender norms they are not allowed to show any signs of feminine traits. This puts blocks into the soul and mind.

What is called the third eye this realm of spiritual consciousness is called Sophia to the ancients so is the serpent energy in general. This is why this is all repressed. In the Jewish Bible its Eve which in the Jewish kabala is the right side of the brain the feminine part of the psyche that awakens Adam the left or masculine part of the brain and psyche. This was a encoded warning to the Rabbi's the key to keeping the Goyim under control is to repress this. Adam and Eve where originally in the Jewish garden of paradise just naked animals put there to work for Yahweh the Jewish race and it was the serpent that awoke Eve's attention first then she woke up Adam and they realized they were naked. They became superconscious and left the animal mind of the unawakened psyche which the eastern texts state a human lives in if they don't awakened the psyche with spiritual practices of the serpent power Yoga. Goyim means animal and that is the state of awareness the Jews want to keep us in.

The reason the serpent wakes up Eve first is because the serpent energy was activated in the tail bone which is what Eve is related to in Kabala the Luz bone and then it awakened the right side of the brain which then awakened the left or conscious part of the mind with spiritualized power. And then the Goyim Knew. The next thing they were going to do was become immortal by eating from the tree of eternal life this is what Yahweh stopped them from doing otherwise Yahweh the Jewish race would never have control over the Goyim. Which is the warning in the Torah to the Jewish Rabbi's. The Torah, Kabala code for that tree was that of Elhoim the Hebrew word for God and that is what the Goyim would have became if they finished the process the serpent instructed them in. The serpent is Satan in the Kabala. Jesus's purpose is to bring about the world to the new Adam, note not Eve...… This is a Jewish program to bring about the Garden Of Edin in which the Jewish race will have total power over the earth and the Goyim will be their animals who work for them. That is the whole point of the Jewish ideology they have to heal to the world from this fall of theirs from planetary control they claim they once had in this mythological age of Edin and transform the current world into that one. Christianity is their blueprint for this as the Rabbi's admit in the Kabala.

What has happened is because of the strict enemy gender norms which is created to enforce a inner separation of the psyche by the enemy. Which allows their programming and methods of deceptive propaganda, and Jewish witchcraft to be more effective. This has caused a lot of confusion on gender.

You have people who are simply more feminine then masculine who are men and the other way around for women. The only way society has to understand this is they must somehow try and turn themselves into the other sex biologically because gender must follow biology. Man=Masculine psyche, Woman=Feminine psyche. This is why many transgendered people stop the transformation process because they understand this at some point and many who went thought with the SSR regret it after. They simple don't conform to the one sided gender norms that gender must equal biology this in the soul.

What is called Homophobia in the legitimate sense not the political term. People have what they hold as logical reasons for disagreeing with homosexuality and are not just upset by it and their reasons should be taken seriously and honest conversations held on the subject without political name calling. However these reasons are based in the Jewish ideology of christianity which is a form of Jewish witchcraft to destroy the Gentiles. But the fact is the actual phobia part for some is homosexualilty for men is seen as a FEMININE attribute. And thus a total violation of all gender norms. Hence name calling to attack another man's masculinity many times like calling them a "Fag' its a way to call another man weak but its always the concept of weakness for men is the concept of having feminine traits. A lot of guys have no problem with a pair of women making out in front of them but two dudes and some will get hysterically triggered. Its the deep seated insecurity about their masculinity and the social norms of masculinity being threatened. Men will kill each other over this threat to their masculinity and this is why this society is a never ending hen pecking of men towards other men its a projection of their own insecurity and attempting to dominate others to find a sense of stability and empowerment for this. And its also on the friendship level the only dysfunctional way men are allowed to attempt to bond. This is why a dude wearing a dress is considered mental illness to many people.... You must be crazy to dress like a women..... To surrender your masculine gender norms to such feminine traits. Its the programming policing itself. The same don't care if a women wears pants. Because the trigger is about feminine traits expressing. This is also why there is so much violence towards women.

The reality is the universe is the creation of three forces one male, female and how they become one this creates all things in existence. This concept was shown originally as the androgynous God in the Pagan world. That is the map of the human soul. There are three types of normal sexuality that of heterosexuality, homosexuality and bi-sexuality as the expression of this existence as well. Jung mentioned most people are bi-sexual and if one pays attention this is obvious in society but as Jung mentioned its deeply unconscious due to repression. In the pre-Christian world the social norms where heavily towards bi-sexuality the social custom of "heart friends" in Europe was that of friendships of the same sex that where lovers. This comes down to the role of sexuality and sex in society is based on spiritual forces and the generative power that sex is within its own act. This relates to the activation of the kundalini energy and its flowing thought the chakra's and nadi's and different levels of the bodies that make up the person. This can also express itself in physical creation of children but this is not the only purpose of sex. And was only the minor purpose of sex in the Pagan society that was done with strict spiritual timing and eugenic practices. That is why sex and sexuality like the feminine is so repressed in the enemy society because its the key to freedom and spiritual activation hence the enemy seeks to repress all normal sexuality activity in their Bible ideology and creates a false explanation for sexual norms to do this. Now that they have lost control with this they are promoted a false sexual liberation which is attempting to trigger the conditioning into a backlash against freedoms and create a return to the Biblical ideology, problem, reaction, solution. The Jewsus program is anti-sex on every level. Rabbi Jewsus demands celibacy and sexuality is sinful even to have sexual feeling and thoughts is sin. The image of the Pagan feminine is removed and replaced with a Jewish icon cloaked and hidden away unfeminine, no sexuality, looking and dressed as celibate Nun who always looks full of shame in Christian ideology. This is a powerful Jewish talisman to represses the feminine aspect of the psyche.

The Jewish rabbi's pray a prayer where they thank their "god" they where not born a Goyim or a women...

The enemy in the secular world pushes materialistic ideology to maintain their norms in society. Christianity is a materialistic ideology and the fact most people don't understand that fact is how well its done its job in removing all spiritual knowledge from society. That is why all the controlled institutions only allow for a false explanation of life such as social biology which promotes their predatory system and norms only to any explanation which keeps consciousness between the ears only. This is a modern cloaking of their Kabbalistic ideology of the Torah.

The current gender norms for men has become a total repression of all feminine traits of their psyche and the psychological problems it causes in men and society. The only emotions men are allowed to show are anger. Because that is considered a dominate and masculine style of expression. There is a reason so many men are angry all the time and much of it is repressed emotions from living in a Jewish dominated society that psychologically abuses them from the time they are born. Men are not even allowed to psychologically bond with each other as that requires an emotional openess that is too feminine. This also causes problems in thier relationships with their wives, girlfriends and children as they don't open up there either. This allows for the ideology of the Jews that women are just properity and a servant to men to gain ground to men who can't emotional bond with anyone let alone their own wives. It makes men arrogant and afraid to do many things in their life because not being perfect is not having masculine power somehow and that is weakness which is womanly.

Now that women have freedom the Jews are promoting Marxist Feminism which is the attempt to force women to supress the feminine aspects of their psyche and attempt to become masculine dominate in their psyche which is causing many women to become psychologically toxic and self hating as they are taught to show any feminine characterists is weakness and they need to be totally masculine. They are now being raised the same way men are and its toxic across the board. Entire generations of women are being conditioned into this. This is needed because with the ability of women to move freely in all walks of life in society where under Jewish christianity they never had. They must also be conditioned with the same repression men are.

I know this is an old post but I decided to re-read this and realized something really important. I just had a light go off in my head about some clarity. I have already stated that I am third sex, trans-man in the past. Which by the way I decided not to go through with the "physical" transition due to some enlightening information from my demon brothers and sisters. Anyway what I wanted to say was, I was looking in my astrology chart and trying to find out why it was so hard for me to find a decent girlfriend, preferable someone SS or at least have leanings towards it. It is not just my astrology chart. But the fact you mention Marx Feminism, and the effects it has on people. I have to say, I am REALLY enlightened now about it. So it's no wonder, most of the girls I wanted to connect with or have liked, well just say, they do not have any feminine traits at all! Or blocked. So the fact the Marx Feminism is definitely a virus/poison and I was not understanding why I wasn't attracting any decent women. Not just my astrology chart or aura but the fact of this problem that seems to be programmed in today's women mind.

As for bisexuality. I wont lie. At one point it bothered me but now I am okay with it but I still am attracted to women more than men, if I am attracted to any men, it's probably because of the feminine traits.

Anyway, with the fact I am able to go back and read this, really shed some light on things I have missed.
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
A human has both masculine and feminine aspect to their psyche the goal of which is to integrate this into one transformed whole. The fact is due to the lie of society which is built on the lie of the Bible for centuries the feminine aspect of the psyche has been repressed on purpose. Men are told they will be punished with homosexuality if they enjoy art in the Jewish Bible. The Church worked to destroy not just all spiritual knowledge but also banned anything to do with the feminine aspect of the psyche, art, music and such they tried to remove. Medieval era art when the Church had the most power. All looks like low quality cartoon drawings. Women were severly repressed and turned into nothing but properity of men who were allowed to beat them and abuse them as they wished. Because women are the cause of the fall and the cause of original sin in Jewish Christianity. And men were conditioned and still are with strict gender norms they are not allowed to show any signs of feminine traits. This puts blocks into the soul and mind.

What is called the third eye this realm of spiritual consciousness is called Sophia to the ancients so is the serpent energy in general. This is why this is all repressed. In the Jewish Bible its Eve which in the Jewish kabala is the right side of the brain the feminine part of the psyche that awakens Adam the left or masculine part of the brain and psyche. This was a encoded warning to the Rabbi's the key to keeping the Goyim under control is to repress this. Adam and Eve where originally in the Jewish garden of paradise just naked animals put there to work for Yahweh the Jewish race and it was the serpent that awoke Eve's attention first then she woke up Adam and they realized they were naked. They became superconscious and left the animal mind of the unawakened psyche which the eastern texts state a human lives in if they don't awakened the psyche with spiritual practices of the serpent power Yoga. Goyim means animal and that is the state of awareness the Jews want to keep us in.

The reason the serpent wakes up Eve first is because the serpent energy was activated in the tail bone which is what Eve is related to in Kabala the Luz bone and then it awakened the right side of the brain which then awakened the left or conscious part of the mind with spiritualized power. And then the Goyim Knew. The next thing they were going to do was become immortal by eating from the tree of eternal life this is what Yahweh stopped them from doing otherwise Yahweh the Jewish race would never have control over the Goyim. Which is the warning in the Torah to the Jewish Rabbi's. The Torah, Kabala code for that tree was that of Elhoim the Hebrew word for God and that is what the Goyim would have became if they finished the process the serpent instructed them in. The serpent is Satan in the Kabala. Jesus's purpose is to bring about the world to the new Adam, note not Eve...… This is a Jewish program to bring about the Garden Of Edin in which the Jewish race will have total power over the earth and the Goyim will be their animals who work for them. That is the whole point of the Jewish ideology they have to heal to the world from this fall of theirs from planetary control they claim they once had in this mythological age of Edin and transform the current world into that one. Christianity is their blueprint for this as the Rabbi's admit in the Kabala.

What has happened is because of the strict enemy gender norms which is created to enforce a inner separation of the psyche by the enemy. Which allows their programming and methods of deceptive propaganda, and Jewish witchcraft to be more effective. This has caused a lot of confusion on gender.

You have people who are simply more feminine then masculine who are men and the other way around for women. The only way society has to understand this is they must somehow try and turn themselves into the other sex biologically because gender must follow biology. Man=Masculine psyche, Woman=Feminine psyche. This is why many transgendered people stop the transformation process because they understand this at some point and many who went thought with the SSR regret it after. They simple don't conform to the one sided gender norms that gender must equal biology this in the soul.

What is called Homophobia in the legitimate sense not the political term. People have what they hold as logical reasons for disagreeing with homosexuality and are not just upset by it and their reasons should be taken seriously and honest conversations held on the subject without political name calling. However these reasons are based in the Jewish ideology of christianity which is a form of Jewish witchcraft to destroy the Gentiles. But the fact is the actual phobia part for some is homosexualilty for men is seen as a FEMININE attribute. And thus a total violation of all gender norms. Hence name calling to attack another man's masculinity many times like calling them a "Fag' its a way to call another man weak but its always the concept of weakness for men is the concept of having feminine traits. A lot of guys have no problem with a pair of women making out in front of them but two dudes and some will get hysterically triggered. Its the deep seated insecurity about their masculinity and the social norms of masculinity being threatened. Men will kill each other over this threat to their masculinity and this is why this society is a never ending hen pecking of men towards other men its a projection of their own insecurity and attempting to dominate others to find a sense of stability and empowerment for this. And its also on the friendship level the only dysfunctional way men are allowed to attempt to bond. This is why a dude wearing a dress is considered mental illness to many people.... You must be crazy to dress like a women..... To surrender your masculine gender norms to such feminine traits. Its the programming policing itself. The same don't care if a women wears pants. Because the trigger is about feminine traits expressing. This is also why there is so much violence towards women.

The reality is the universe is the creation of three forces one male, female and how they become one this creates all things in existence. This concept was shown originally as the androgynous God in the Pagan world. That is the map of the human soul. There are three types of normal sexuality that of heterosexuality, homosexuality and bi-sexuality as the expression of this existence as well. Jung mentioned most people are bi-sexual and if one pays attention this is obvious in society but as Jung mentioned its deeply unconscious due to repression. In the pre-Christian world the social norms where heavily towards bi-sexuality the social custom of "heart friends" in Europe was that of friendships of the same sex that where lovers. This comes down to the role of sexuality and sex in society is based on spiritual forces and the generative power that sex is within its own act. This relates to the activation of the kundalini energy and its flowing thought the chakra's and nadi's and different levels of the bodies that make up the person. This can also express itself in physical creation of children but this is not the only purpose of sex. And was only the minor purpose of sex in the Pagan society that was done with strict spiritual timing and eugenic practices. That is why sex and sexuality like the feminine is so repressed in the enemy society because its the key to freedom and spiritual activation hence the enemy seeks to repress all normal sexuality activity in their Bible ideology and creates a false explanation for sexual norms to do this. Now that they have lost control with this they are promoted a false sexual liberation which is attempting to trigger the conditioning into a backlash against freedoms and create a return to the Biblical ideology, problem, reaction, solution. The Jewsus program is anti-sex on every level. Rabbi Jewsus demands celibacy and sexuality is sinful even to have sexual feeling and thoughts is sin. The image of the Pagan feminine is removed and replaced with a Jewish icon cloaked and hidden away unfeminine, no sexuality, looking and dressed as celibate Nun who always looks full of shame in Christian ideology. This is a powerful Jewish talisman to represses the feminine aspect of the psyche.

The Jewish rabbi's pray a prayer where they thank their "god" they where not born a Goyim or a women...

The enemy in the secular world pushes materialistic ideology to maintain their norms in society. Christianity is a materialistic ideology and the fact most people don't understand that fact is how well its done its job in removing all spiritual knowledge from society. That is why all the controlled institutions only allow for a false explanation of life such as social biology which promotes their predatory system and norms only to any explanation which keeps consciousness between the ears only. This is a modern cloaking of their Kabbalistic ideology of the Torah.

The current gender norms for men has become a total repression of all feminine traits of their psyche and the psychological problems it causes in men and society. The only emotions men are allowed to show are anger. Because that is considered a dominate and masculine style of expression. There is a reason so many men are angry all the time and much of it is repressed emotions from living in a Jewish dominated society that psychologically abuses them from the time they are born. Men are not even allowed to psychologically bond with each other as that requires an emotional openess that is too feminine. This also causes problems in thier relationships with their wives, girlfriends and children as they don't open up there either. This allows for the ideology of the Jews that women are just properity and a servant to men to gain ground to men who can't emotional bond with anyone let alone their own wives. It makes men arrogant and afraid to do many things in their life because not being perfect is not having masculine power somehow and that is weakness which is womanly.

Now that women have freedom the Jews are promoting Marxist Feminism which is the attempt to force women to supress the feminine aspects of their psyche and attempt to become masculine dominate in their psyche which is causing many women to become psychologically toxic and self hating as they are taught to show any feminine characterists is weakness and they need to be totally masculine. They are now being raised the same way men are and its toxic across the board. Entire generations of women are being conditioned into this. This is needed because with the ability of women to move freely in all walks of life in society where under Jewish christianity they never had. They must also be conditioned with the same repression men are.

I know this is an old post but I decided to re-read this and realized something really important. I just had a light go off in my head about some clarity. I have already stated that I am third sex, trans-man in the past. Which by the way I decided not to go through with the "physical" transition due to some enlightening information from my demon brothers and sisters. Anyway what I wanted to say was, I was looking in my astrology chart and trying to find out why it was so hard for me to find a decent girlfriend, preferable someone SS or at least have leanings towards it. It is not just my astrology chart. But the fact you mention Marx Feminism, and the effects it has on people. I have to say, I am REALLY enlightened now about it. So it's no wonder, most of the girls I wanted to connect with or have liked, well just say, they do not have any feminine traits at all! Or blocked. So the fact the Marx Feminism is definitely a virus/poison and I was not understanding why I wasn't attracting any decent women. Not just my astrology chart or aura but the fact of this problem that seems to be programmed in today's women mind.

As for bisexuality. I wont lie. At one point it bothered me but now I am okay with it but I still am attracted to women more than men, if I am attracted to any men, it's probably because of the feminine traits.

Anyway, with the fact I am able to go back and read this, really shed some light on things I have missed.
If you are a trans man I guess that biologically you are a woman? Stop deluding yourself into being another gender, that shit is gonna prevent you from advancing and maturing, you are what you were born. Vagina= girl, penis= man.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
