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Functions Of The Mind: Basic Functions and Obstacles In Meditation

forward666 said:
I consider this yet another gift from my u, that I cannot pay u people back. it is amazing how u people are so generous. thanks
You can be thankful by living a satanic life, building a satanic character and doing the RTR. Action and not words are required, the magickal workings and meditations make changes happen in the causal realm and go far beyond the restrictions of language and abstracts.
Satanfire666 said:
Could someone still advance while taking anti psychotic medication? Cauae i take zeprexa and i was woundring?

Yes, just be careful... doing Kundalini. You will either get the bliss , and or you will go crazier.

I had to take Bipolar medication after mine, went total off the rails... just my experience.

Evryone different.
Bravera said:
slyscorpion said:
Thank you for this sermon. The weird part is this is just what I was talking to with my girlfriend last night the exact same stuff. She is working on gaining more focus and being more deep. I even used the exact same anology a lot about not thinking deeply or stimulating the mind.

Let me say this. To me its not really recreational that much. I mean i do sometimes put on a crime documentary when falling asleep or like watching things like science Channel and stuff. But to me its not relaxing just to shut off my mind I find it boring. Me i don't understand how people can foucus on such things and not be bored cause i am used to always wanting to learn something or stimulate the mind.

I guess I can't really work at a job right now cause of the CoronaCRAP not a big deal i dont even feel that bad about this unlike some people because its a dystopian slave society they dont treat most people that well or pay them well at all. In fact I do not know how me or many people in my generation actually will ever get a fair chance at life at least until we have a more Satanic system. Its just unfair look up any article on millenials and the economy and compare it to the boomers or what it was like in the 50s and you will see the Standard of living in the usa has gone down a lot i dont know why more people don't protest.

I will have something to do in the future or maybe even next year so I am not worried but I still dont like feeling like I am doing nothing that is not recreational or relaxing to me its frustrating. That really bothers me. So I stimulate my mind.

I wish she would get it lol I have Mars and Mercury in Libra. The way to engage or attract me is to stimulate the mind. Expand my mind teach me something explore something with me and I love it.

One of my favorite sayings was this i saw it on the wall at an exhibit at a museum when I was younger.

Learn grow explore.

That is my mantra for life.

Always be curious and seek meaning in things.
You should take your SS knowledge and put it to use in the real world, you can enlighten 1000s of lives everyday with something as simple as a smile.

Idk why you come to my post about Finance to give me advice..

I dont think it's time for me or anyone to attempt to go public with open spiritual Satanism. Out in the regular world but yeah i could be a living example of how a real deep meaningful person is.

Generation pluto Scorpio loves this stuff about being deep and meaningful.

I will see if I can find your post on finances or are you telling me I already did lol dont quite follow your post.
As well as a powerful willpower, one should have a strong & intense ambition, and this we find in ourselves, as how and why everyone walks this path varies but with end goals of similar states. It can also exist subconsciously and is one of the reasons we've found the Joyofsatan in the first place and why we choose to excel in its teachings. But seriously, think of why you should advance and how important it is, and think about it deeply, to find your ambitions other than what's obvious and if someone doesn't know what's obvious they need to study the Joyofsatan more. A powerful blend of ones ambition makes a strong driving force and promotes more individuality so one doesn't act under a sheep herd. Otherwise it's a matter of sticking to your goals and being consistent for your ambitions and will to truly make you who you are. I also think that these factors are expressions of the serpent that when truly aligned will make a person truly willing to accomplish spiritual feats, but yeah self search is really to be emphasized here and I've found some of that. This sermon really helped me well.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is, for example, more profitable to some people that you do weed, instead of learning that you can put yourself in a good trance with meditation. If all people knew this, weed may actually have went out of business.

Really don't know when they are going to realize that all you need in spirituality and meditation is yourself, one could try to grow their own supply acting and believing that they're entirely self sufficient, but true and genuine spirituality does not require external influences to seek and develop the potential within.

An artificial brain buzz is incomparable to genuine fruits that one has spent countless amounts of time and dedication working on, many people understand this and this is why many people who try to promote such ludicrous methods are always faced with backlash, a person is free to do what they want and how they want in this path but they should keep the above in mind and remember that they'll never be relatable to a true spiritual satanist.
Karnonnos said:
This does explain a lot. For me one of the biggest problems was not mental in this sense, but rather feeling physically depleted. A very simple cure for this is SATANAS which is excellent for re-energising.

If you need more physical energy, make sure you are doing your yoga, such as the hatha yoga (yin) routine, and some form of yang yoga, such as the Tibetan 5 Rites or the Kundalini yoga.

Additionally, make sure your water intake is around 70-90oz per day, not counting exercise, dependent on body weight. Water flushes the cells, but it also acts a medium for energy within the cell, therefore more water = more energy. Thirst is not a reliable indicator of hydration, you need to consciously track it.

Eat only whole foods, make sure you eat roughly double the non-starchy vegetables as your meat intake, for proper proportions. Include some starches or grains at about 1/4 of your plate. Eat beans in place of meat for at least 1 meal a day if you can. Beans are easier to digest, are very nourishing, and are also less heating than animal meat. They also directly aid the kidney organ system. For more info on this dietary plan, please search "TCM dietary guidelines".

Additionally, eat your largest meal for breakfast (when you stomach is most active, according to circadian rhythm) and the smallest meal at dinner time, when the stomach is least active. Don't snack before bed. This tip right here goes a long way at countering evening tiredness, as a large meal at dinner time can easily sap your leftover strength.

Don't drink caffeine products during the morning, as this is when the kidneys are actually the weakest. The kidneys should put off enough cortisol to get you out of bed (assuming you slept long enough). Forcing them at this time of day can put some pressure on them. Try to sleep in longer if you can. Should go without saying, but don't sacrifice sleep for anything, it never pays off.

Anyway, hope some of this helps.
Inflorescentia said:
I understand your comment at the end about Void Meditation. However, is VM the subject of this sermon, or were you referring to Power Meditation as well? — Or maybe some other form of which I didn't think.

He is referring to meditation as whole. VM gives you the ability to regulate your emotions, thereby allowing better focus on what you want to do. With regular VM practice you therefore have better control over your life and your meditation schedule as whole.
This is my 2nd day here. I’ve known about Spiritual Satanism for quite some time and have finally made it home. Hail Satan. I’ve meditated in the past but have never gone further than using it for relaxation. You touch on important areas of meditation that newbies like myself need to know. Thank you.
Manuet said:
This is my 2nd day here. I’ve known about Spiritual Satanism for quite some time and have finally made it home. Hail Satan. I’ve meditated in the past but have never gone further than using it for relaxation. You touch on important areas of meditation that newbies like myself need to know. Thank you.
Make sure to read everything on https://www.joyofsatan.org.
EnkiUK3 said:
Satanfire666 said:
Could someone still advance while taking anti psychotic medication? Cauae i take zeprexa and i was woundring?

Yes, just be careful... doing Kundalini. You will either get the bliss , and or you will go crazier.

I had to take Bipolar medication after mine, went total off the rails... just my experience.

Evryone different.

Definitely different for everyone. I have taken medicine from the age of 4. About a year after I began meditating, doing the RTRS, and doing yoga I stopped needing medication. I am not at the same level as I used to be but when I was there I would actually go crazy from now doing yoga haha.
Jack said:
I wanted to ask on this subject of meditation.

If one is experiencing repeated bursts of intense negative emotions (depression, anxiety, hopelessness, anti- materialistic nihilism etc) during certain points in advancement. Meaning it doesn't seem to be connected with anything that's happening around me. It just starts feeling like this and I start painting the world through this lens. When I first identified this problem, I did a lot of void meditation so that I wouldn't get overwhelmed by these spontaneous feelings and emotions.

My question is why is this repeating and when will this end and if there are some techniques to prevent this situation from happening in the first place

As long as you're not overdoing your mediation, it sounds like you're just clearing out crap from one or more past lives. How long it will take is something you'll find out by getting it all out.
Nauthiz can give you the strength to endure it much more easily or you can make another working to suit yourself. I found the 666 meditation to be amazing for giving me the ability to handle emotions
I always had a problem with my mind being overwhelmed by them until I started doing it. Maybe it'll help you too.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I have a question.

Before I dedicated I read a book or two about spiritual things and one was more or less entirely focussed on trance journeys.
Since I heard the term Dream Journey (might have misspelled) when reading about shamanism it explains that you go to a place of your choosing whilst you relax, and from then to go into a deeper or lighter level. Deeper through climbing through a rabbithole or descending down a treetrunk.

I was wondering, how legit is this method compared to the trance state described on the JoS?
And should one go through the astral temple to different areas or in example, past life regression?

It's exactly the same principle as the JoS version... You're using a visualization and feeling to descend into the state. It doesn't really matter what details you use if it works. Ladder, elevator, free fall, whatever.

Past life regression is going within yourself. No need to use your temple.
Sometimes I feel a heat sensation at certain chakra point. I've mostly felt the 3rd chakra. Feels like heatwave whirling. Lasts for maybe like 3 seconds and that's it. Is this normal?
Kinnaree said:
Sometimes I feel a heat sensation at certain chakra point. I've mostly felt the 3rd chakra. Feels like heatwave whirling. Lasts for maybe like 3 seconds and that's it. Is this normal?
Totally normal. Different people feel energy in different ways - some feel tingling, others feel heat, or both.
Bigot Boy said:
Kinnaree said:
Sometimes I feel a heat sensation at certain chakra point. I've mostly felt the 3rd chakra. Feels like heatwave whirling. Lasts for maybe like 3 seconds and that's it. Is this normal?
Totally normal. Different people feel energy in different ways - some feel tingling, others feel heat, or both.

Thanks! Sometimes it happens all by itself during random moments, not always during meditation. Like when I'm reading or just relaxing on couch. Is this normal as well??
Kinnaree said:
Bigot Boy said:
Kinnaree said:
Sometimes I feel a heat sensation at certain chakra point. I've mostly felt the 3rd chakra. Feels like heatwave whirling. Lasts for maybe like 3 seconds and that's it. Is this normal?
Totally normal. Different people feel energy in different ways - some feel tingling, others feel heat, or both.

Thanks! Sometimes it happens all by itself during random moments, not always during meditation. Like when I'm reading or just relaxing on couch. Is this normal as well??

Yep that is normal too. Over time as your body acclimates to the higher levels of spiritual energy, the random bouts should subside a bit. Although keep in mind your sensitivity to the astral will increase as you open your chakras - for example, you may feel the auras around objects press against your hand chakras, etc.

"Always remember, when your chakras have been successfully opened and are active, you will feel them. This sensation is usually a feeling of pressure, a slight aching or tingling. Correctly aligning the chakras will drastically increase spiritual your power."
From: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Chakra_Alignment.html
Way_Seeker666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I have a question.

Before I dedicated I read a book or two about spiritual things and one was more or less entirely focussed on trance journeys.
Since I heard the term Dream Journey (might have misspelled) when reading about shamanism it explains that you go to a place of your choosing whilst you relax, and from then to go into a deeper or lighter level. Deeper through climbing through a rabbithole or descending down a treetrunk.

I was wondering, how legit is this method compared to the trance state described on the JoS?
And should one go through the astral temple to different areas or in example, past life regression?

It's exactly the same principle as the JoS version... You're using a visualization and feeling to descend into the state. It doesn't really matter what details you use if it works. Ladder, elevator, free fall, whatever.

Past life regression is going within yourself. No need to use your temple.

Thank you
Bigot Boy said:
Yep that is normal too. Over time as your body acclimates to the higher levels of spiritual energy, the random bouts should subside a bit. Although keep in mind your sensitivity to the astral will increase as you open your chakras - for example, you may feel the auras around objects press against your hand chakras, etc.

"Always remember, when your chakras have been successfully opened and are active, you will feel them. This sensation is usually a feeling of pressure, a slight aching or tingling. Correctly aligning the chakras will drastically increase spiritual your power."
From: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Chakra_Alignment.html

Ok thank you so much for clearing that up for me. :)
Thanks HP I really needed this
Sorry if this is a bit late or not what you're expecting..but I've found the best way to deal with these kinds of feeling is to just embrace them and not try to block them out. Ive dealt with my fair share.
Being quite depressed since a child due to trauma and other things that I'm not going to go into.
Maybe these feelings aren't as negative as you associate them as? Maybe they're trying to tell you something? That you have some blockages to sort out? The answer will come in time ..my advice is to embrace them and just chill and take care of yourself. Maybe you like art or music? Do you practise yoga? There's studies showing regular yoga practice helps has great benefits in terms of dealing with anxiety , depression etc what is your diet like? Do you meditate on a daily basis? Do you drink alcohol, take drugs etc. Alcohol had a massive effect on my moods and depressive episodes
Immerse yourself in something you like or feel like doing to help get through it. And if the answer is having a nap or doing nothing. Just do it imo
I'm not super advanced so I don't know what that's like yet but at my level, in this world, being happy all the time is unrealistic, unbalanced and insensitive. Not that I'm saying you are but there's this new age hype of all positive this and that. Positivity all the time.
Ive found I'm much better off embracing all my emotions and 'negative' aspects. Because once I do, they start to improve.
Hope this message finds you well.
Jack said:
I wanted to ask on this subject of meditation.

If one is experiencing repeated bursts of intense negative emotions (depression, anxiety, hopelessness, anti- materialistic nihilism etc) during certain points in advancement. Meaning it doesn't seem to be connected with anything that's happening around me. It just starts feeling like this and I start painting the world through this lens. When I first identified this problem, I did a lot of void meditation so that I wouldn't get overwhelmed by these spontaneous feelings and emotions.

My question is why is this repeating and when will this end and if there are some techniques to prevent this situation from happening in the first place
AcademicScholar said:
Attention everyone
Maxine Dietrich was Banned
She can no longer access the JOS Forum

Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points,


Academic Scholar
you are so great the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed ;) .
I am still finding it hard, or not really finding it hard, i meditate daily, but finding it satifying and enjoyable to meditate.
I believe because I am still in process of reprogramming which is taking time. But it is happening which is important.
This sermon helped in many ways and I will start using the affirmation you mentioned every night begore sleep.
In regards to the topic of spirituality, it is really sad how the majority of spiritual texts today does contain lies, exaggerations, and in general, gives people wrong hopes or deludes people in regards to spirituality.

A lot of authors write books without actual knowledge or without actual care, giving too much exaggerated credibility on very simplistic methods or lies. Since some people may not do this on purpose [while others do], there is of not much necessity to focus on this matter, as it is a waste of lines that could be used for better material.

For example, an author writing a book on self hypnosis says that "you can do anything" with it, but the reality is, these methods [and especially so mental methods] can go that far in solving one's life problems or making improvements.

Mental methods work on the mental level, and the mental level is important in the life of normal people, but definitely not a defining factor that can catapult all your problems out of existence. This also goes the other way - spiritual methods, for example, meditation, also build upon an aspect of meditation which is a mental aspect, such as programming and deprogramming the mind as one requires to attain certain tasks.

Under the weight of this watering down and lying, spirituality has at this point experienced a major confusion and collapse as to what it really "is". People no longer understand what to expect. To become more exact, in order to cause deep inner and outer changes, one has to meditate.

But meditation means to put the mind at work, and do "meditation". Meditation has therefore to be a conscious process.

Self hypnosis, self suggestion, or doing some simple mental exercises by looking yourself in the mirror and saying you are confident when there are issues at the soul, is not going to solve any problem. To reach spiritual power and make it dependable to the point you can use it in your life, one has to look further within, and meditate seriously.

Another blatant marketing lie of meditation as it's promoted, is that meditation is only for fun, well-being, and that if done with a "whatever" type of way, it is enough.

This is enough for people that want to reap the most basic of it's benefits, such as for example, self relaxation, or who just want to feel they are doing something fancy inside a spa with some cucumbers in their eyeballs to feel better while they are on Social Media.

This level however, remains where all starter meditators do remain, which is mostly, the mind. In order to move further "into" the mind, in what we call "The Soul" and reap benefit of the most sublime and higher functions, one has to take the practice into deeper levels. The depth is reached by first swimming from the surface down to it, progressively, and with the correct gear [experience and knowledge].

Peace, serenity, empowerment, and all the rest of the benefits, arise more with serious meditation. One should be inspired by these to continue, and know that all of these are definitely possible. In the beginning, no matter what, one will experience these coming on them, in many cases, fleeting and momentary tastes of what they will experience in the future.

The end result of meditation is basically an inner serenity of ranging levels, and while not "perfect", one will feel at ease with themselves. This state is defined in many texts in many ways, and deals with the activated pineal gland, but also, the purification of the soul and the program alignment of one's energies.

The levels of calmness, stillness, and self understanding one can reach, are beyond what most people can even fathom when they are beginning. Humanity would be better off understanding that certain states of peace and wellbeing that are desired, can never be attained through this external physical rat-wheel people keep going around.

To reach these levels one needs happy patience and consistent work on themselves. This state arises only after someone has cleaned considerable clutter, soul dross, and put their mind in at least some working order.

In the beginning, mediators who take the craft at least a bit seriously should be prepared in facing "the unknown" and unusual circumstances, but in their essence, no different than someone who has went to the gym for the first time and they are sore. An event arising from the good side of this, is when one for the first time tastes the calmness or mental agility that meditation gives them, or experiences the heightened energy or their own bioelectricity.

The world is largely created in such a way so that human beings avoid self search and are constantly kept in a loop, where spirituality is almost disallowed. It's almost as if, even the "coincidental" spiritual experiences that can prowl on people, are banished violently as if they pose a danger to society. And the reality is, they do pose a danger to "society" as it's shaped nowadays.

It is, for example, more profitable to some people that you do weed, instead of learning that you can put yourself in a good trance with meditation. If all people knew this, weed may actually have went out of business.

From this self search can come fears, and other reactions of the mind, but also all the good and glorious things one would never expect before. Self search is not ugly as the majority of human beings think, it's actually very good. It only becomes ugly when people ignore themselves too much and too much crap keeps assembling itself in their own inner world.

Many people know this after they persist for a while, the peace and happiness this brings, and all the newfound serenity and understanding that can grow in someone.

An example that comes to mind here, is that the mind, in the beginning, if programmed against meditation [some people are programmed with an extreme fear to spirituality - watching thriller movies and what have you], can to some extent be closed to meditation, and can cause to someone symptoms like feeling sleepy, or literally batter someone with just about any other thought other than wanting to meditate.

This world of today is also rife with people who are extremely afraid of facing themselves in anyway. Even though material comfort is ever rising, people are not using this comfort that exists today to reach higher spiritually, and on the contrary, many are sinking into being an NPC that merely experiences stimuli without thinking.

In cases of worse programming against meditation or self improvement, such as self guilt, or feeling as if one is doing something very bad [or is doing "a sin" against "god" for looking inside themselves, WTF Christ-Insanity], the mind can go as far as to cause reactions to make someone stop meditating, thinking of meditation as a threat. A hypothetical event here would be, everytime one sits down to meditate, one gets extreme urges to go eat [even if they ate a moment ago] or do just about anything else, and do only just what will interrupt their meditation and make them lose their meditation.

Reprogramming the above can be helpful and accelerate people in meditation. One example here would be to remind to one's self: "I am positively accepting the new habit of meditation in my life, and I know it is positive for me". As this is repeated as a thought, the mind will also become more open in accepting meditation.

The untrained and lazy average mind, also hates to be confronted with thought or in some way elevated activity, and this is why many people keep watching passively things all day long such as brainwashing from their TV. It is no wonder most humans find recreational, things that do not at all stimulate the mind.

The more the mind is in lethargy, the more it adjusts and makes an environment which goes deeper and deeper into that state. The end result of this is the NPC manifested, humans that hardly use their mind at all. While this has a mental range, this also has a physical manifestation.

The mind is in this case is at a very inactive state, and it works passively. When this downwards movement is conquered and turned to the other side, the opposite happens. The mind will actually work to your benefit, and all these tendencies that were against your improvement, will start shaping to be in your benefit.

A manifestation here would be, instead of a feeling of not wanting to meditate, a strong willpower will arise from within you with the need to meditate, or a habituation where meditation becomes like second nature to you, and you no longer experience that many obstacles most of the time. Instead of feeling like it's the world's burden to do something good for yourself, you'll feel like doing something good is actually something you get motivated over.

Eventually the above gives in and one starts experiencing clarity, better thought, more energy, and starts to experience direct reaping of the benefits of meditation. As with anything else, one has to make this a habit, and to kick out the habit of not being meditative in one's life, one has to do this step by step and with patience.

Habits, or repetitive actions, do cross over from the logical and conscious level to the mind, registering little by little to the subconscious mind. This is how meditation becomes normal to the mind over mind, and progressively it becomes normal to it. This is also how certain hangups get into the mind, by repetition: someone called a failure again and again.

Another way this programming can happen, is through shock [this is why the enemy uses violent themes and practices to brainwash people], or when one is really young [the mind in the young age is more open and impressionable]. In the case of these, even with a little effort, certain beliefs can become entangled in the mind.

When one is more grown, the mind is less liable to be programmed like this, and the stronger the mind, it can pose resistance to programming. A 5 year old can be told that Jesus exists and believe it, but when one does grow, the logic and the conscious mind having grown more, resistence can be posed to this idea, especially if it is fake.

For this reason, the enemy uses consistent and repetitive brainwashing in the young age of people, before thinking capacity has seriously taken place. Meditation helps to gain control and insight in regards to what one has been programmed into and choose what one is going to do with themselves, "Free Will" requires insight in this case.

For this reason, meditation is seen as a threat, because most of their hoaxes revolve around people having no understanding of their own mind at all.

Methods like hypnosis, do work by putting the conscious mind into a state of allowance, where we are allowed to get into the subconscious to reprogram it. The less conscious one is here, the better. The hypnotic state is not however, a meditative state, because a meditative state has to do with consciousness. Sleep for example, is not "meditation", and one cannot effectively meditate in their sleep.

One can program the mind to work something out when they are asleep, but one cannot meditate. To explain this in the simplest fashion, you can put a computer while you are asleep to download something, but is when you are awake that you can actually go, you look at the screen, and you look at whatever it is that you downloaded.

A state of confusion is also very common in people nowadays, ranging from many sources, almost as many to count as the people themselves - regardless of that, an overflow of useless information is a major proponent to this. There is nothing strange when the nature of the mind is concerned.

Frequent is the problem of confusion, and people are giving their attention to things that cause them confusion and/or are garbage information. The mind can constantly be distracted. The mind therefore becomes bloated with nonsensical info, that does not help it in processing anything meaningful.

When the mind absorbs too much useless info, the mind becomes congested, and the result is a feeling of confusion. We have come to a state where less and less individuals have a power to focus anywhere at all for even as little as two or more minutes. Without the ability to focus, it is easier for someone to be cluttered. This is why, simply, void meditation is paramount to control and direct the mind.

The above consists of necessity to act as a reminder of the basic functions of the mind and how this relates to meditation, because it is only through the understanding and mastery of these simple mechanics one can go into better heights in their understanding of the mind.

I hope the message was simple, because it had to be this way so that everything would be clear and information would be relayed effortlessly, because other topics will follow and build upon this very basic one.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for getting this info out. I devoured it and it probably will come in out of my brain as I go though the day HAIL SATAN!
In regards to the topic of spirituality, it is really sad how the majority of spiritual texts today does contain lies, exaggerations, and in general, gives people wrong hopes or deludes people in regards to spirituality.

A lot of authors write books without actual knowledge or without actual care, giving too much exaggerated credibility on very simplistic methods or lies. Since some people may not do this on purpose [while others do], there is of not much necessity to focus on this matter, as it is a waste of lines that could be used for better material.

For example, an author writing a book on self hypnosis says that "you can do anything" with it, but the reality is, these methods [and especially so mental methods] can go that far in solving one's life problems or making improvements.

Mental methods work on the mental level, and the mental level is important in the life of normal people, but definitely not a defining factor that can catapult all your problems out of existence. This also goes the other way - spiritual methods, for example, meditation, also build upon an aspect of meditation which is a mental aspect, such as programming and deprogramming the mind as one requires to attain certain tasks.

Under the weight of this watering down and lying, spirituality has at this point experienced a major confusion and collapse as to what it really "is". People no longer understand what to expect. To become more exact, in order to cause deep inner and outer changes, one has to meditate.

But meditation means to put the mind at work, and do "meditation". Meditation has therefore to be a conscious process.

Self hypnosis, self suggestion, or doing some simple mental exercises by looking yourself in the mirror and saying you are confident when there are issues at the soul, is not going to solve any problem. To reach spiritual power and make it dependable to the point you can use it in your life, one has to look further within, and meditate seriously.

Another blatant marketing lie of meditation as it's promoted, is that meditation is only for fun, well-being, and that if done with a "whatever" type of way, it is enough.

This is enough for people that want to reap the most basic of it's benefits, such as for example, self relaxation, or who just want to feel they are doing something fancy inside a spa with some cucumbers in their eyeballs to feel better while they are on Social Media.

This level however, remains where all starter meditators do remain, which is mostly, the mind. In order to move further "into" the mind, in what we call "The Soul" and reap benefit of the most sublime and higher functions, one has to take the practice into deeper levels. The depth is reached by first swimming from the surface down to it, progressively, and with the correct gear [experience and knowledge].

Peace, serenity, empowerment, and all the rest of the benefits, arise more with serious meditation. One should be inspired by these to continue, and know that all of these are definitely possible. In the beginning, no matter what, one will experience these coming on them, in many cases, fleeting and momentary tastes of what they will experience in the future.

The end result of meditation is basically an inner serenity of ranging levels, and while not "perfect", one will feel at ease with themselves. This state is defined in many texts in many ways, and deals with the activated pineal gland, but also, the purification of the soul and the program alignment of one's energies.

The levels of calmness, stillness, and self understanding one can reach, are beyond what most people can even fathom when they are beginning. Humanity would be better off understanding that certain states of peace and wellbeing that are desired, can never be attained through this external physical rat-wheel people keep going around.

To reach these levels one needs happy patience and consistent work on themselves. This state arises only after someone has cleaned considerable clutter, soul dross, and put their mind in at least some working order.

In the beginning, mediators who take the craft at least a bit seriously should be prepared in facing "the unknown" and unusual circumstances, but in their essence, no different than someone who has went to the gym for the first time and they are sore. An event arising from the good side of this, is when one for the first time tastes the calmness or mental agility that meditation gives them, or experiences the heightened energy or their own bioelectricity.

The world is largely created in such a way so that human beings avoid self search and are constantly kept in a loop, where spirituality is almost disallowed. It's almost as if, even the "coincidental" spiritual experiences that can prowl on people, are banished violently as if they pose a danger to society. And the reality is, they do pose a danger to "society" as it's shaped nowadays.

It is, for example, more profitable to some people that you do weed, instead of learning that you can put yourself in a good trance with meditation. If all people knew this, weed may actually have went out of business.

From this self search can come fears, and other reactions of the mind, but also all the good and glorious things one would never expect before. Self search is not ugly as the majority of human beings think, it's actually very good. It only becomes ugly when people ignore themselves too much and too much crap keeps assembling itself in their own inner world.

Many people know this after they persist for a while, the peace and happiness this brings, and all the newfound serenity and understanding that can grow in someone.

An example that comes to mind here, is that the mind, in the beginning, if programmed against meditation [some people are programmed with an extreme fear to spirituality - watching thriller movies and what have you], can to some extent be closed to meditation, and can cause to someone symptoms like feeling sleepy, or literally batter someone with just about any other thought other than wanting to meditate.

This world of today is also rife with people who are extremely afraid of facing themselves in anyway. Even though material comfort is ever rising, people are not using this comfort that exists today to reach higher spiritually, and on the contrary, many are sinking into being an NPC that merely experiences stimuli without thinking.

In cases of worse programming against meditation or self improvement, such as self guilt, or feeling as if one is doing something very bad [or is doing "a sin" against "god" for looking inside themselves, WTF Christ-Insanity], the mind can go as far as to cause reactions to make someone stop meditating, thinking of meditation as a threat. A hypothetical event here would be, everytime one sits down to meditate, one gets extreme urges to go eat [even if they ate a moment ago] or do just about anything else, and do only just what will interrupt their meditation and make them lose their meditation.

Reprogramming the above can be helpful and accelerate people in meditation. One example here would be to remind to one's self: "I am positively accepting the new habit of meditation in my life, and I know it is positive for me". As this is repeated as a thought, the mind will also become more open in accepting meditation.

The untrained and lazy average mind, also hates to be confronted with thought or in some way elevated activity, and this is why many people keep watching passively things all day long such as brainwashing from their TV. It is no wonder most humans find recreational, things that do not at all stimulate the mind.

The more the mind is in lethargy, the more it adjusts and makes an environment which goes deeper and deeper into that state. The end result of this is the NPC manifested, humans that hardly use their mind at all. While this has a mental range, this also has a physical manifestation.

The mind is in this case is at a very inactive state, and it works passively. When this downwards movement is conquered and turned to the other side, the opposite happens. The mind will actually work to your benefit, and all these tendencies that were against your improvement, will start shaping to be in your benefit.

A manifestation here would be, instead of a feeling of not wanting to meditate, a strong willpower will arise from within you with the need to meditate, or a habituation where meditation becomes like second nature to you, and you no longer experience that many obstacles most of the time. Instead of feeling like it's the world's burden to do something good for yourself, you'll feel like doing something good is actually something you get motivated over.

Eventually the above gives in and one starts experiencing clarity, better thought, more energy, and starts to experience direct reaping of the benefits of meditation. As with anything else, one has to make this a habit, and to kick out the habit of not being meditative in one's life, one has to do this step by step and with patience.

Habits, or repetitive actions, do cross over from the logical and conscious level to the mind, registering little by little to the subconscious mind. This is how meditation becomes normal to the mind over mind, and progressively it becomes normal to it. This is also how certain hangups get into the mind, by repetition: someone called a failure again and again.

Another way this programming can happen, is through shock [this is why the enemy uses violent themes and practices to brainwash people], or when one is really young [the mind in the young age is more open and impressionable]. In the case of these, even with a little effort, certain beliefs can become entangled in the mind.

When one is more grown, the mind is less liable to be programmed like this, and the stronger the mind, it can pose resistance to programming. A 5 year old can be told that Jesus exists and believe it, but when one does grow, the logic and the conscious mind having grown more, resistence can be posed to this idea, especially if it is fake.

For this reason, the enemy uses consistent and repetitive brainwashing in the young age of people, before thinking capacity has seriously taken place. Meditation helps to gain control and insight in regards to what one has been programmed into and choose what one is going to do with themselves, "Free Will" requires insight in this case.

For this reason, meditation is seen as a threat, because most of their hoaxes revolve around people having no understanding of their own mind at all.

Methods like hypnosis, do work by putting the conscious mind into a state of allowance, where we are allowed to get into the subconscious to reprogram it. The less conscious one is here, the better. The hypnotic state is not however, a meditative state, because a meditative state has to do with consciousness. Sleep for example, is not "meditation", and one cannot effectively meditate in their sleep.

One can program the mind to work something out when they are asleep, but one cannot meditate. To explain this in the simplest fashion, you can put a computer while you are asleep to download something, but is when you are awake that you can actually go, you look at the screen, and you look at whatever it is that you downloaded.

A state of confusion is also very common in people nowadays, ranging from many sources, almost as many to count as the people themselves - regardless of that, an overflow of useless information is a major proponent to this. There is nothing strange when the nature of the mind is concerned.

Frequent is the problem of confusion, and people are giving their attention to things that cause them confusion and/or are garbage information. The mind can constantly be distracted. The mind therefore becomes bloated with nonsensical info, that does not help it in processing anything meaningful.

When the mind absorbs too much useless info, the mind becomes congested, and the result is a feeling of confusion. We have come to a state where less and less individuals have a power to focus anywhere at all for even as little as two or more minutes. Without the ability to focus, it is easier for someone to be cluttered. This is why, simply, void meditation is paramount to control and direct the mind.

The above consists of necessity to act as a reminder of the basic functions of the mind and how this relates to meditation, because it is only through the understanding and mastery of these simple mechanics one can go into better heights in their understanding of the mind.

I hope the message was simple, because it had to be this way so that everything would be clear and information would be relayed effortlessly, because other topics will follow and build upon this very basic one.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is much easier to follow . And it explains everything in full detail perfectly!❤🙂 As to way we need pay attention to our health, and why we need to meditate. Thsnk you for sharing this information HP Cobra.
Hypnosis deals with subconsciousness.

Meditation deals with consciousness.

Dealing with subconsciousness is best suited for what goal/purpose/intention? What’s the limitations of subconsciousness?

Dealing with consciousness is best suited for what goal/purpose/intention? What’s the limitations of consciousness?
In regards to the topic of spirituality, it is really sad how the majority of spiritual texts today does contain lies, exaggerations, and in general, gives people wrong hopes or deludes people in regards to spirituality.

A lot of authors write books without actual knowledge or without actual care, giving too much exaggerated credibility on very simplistic methods or lies. Since some people may not do this on purpose [while others do], there is of not much necessity to focus on this matter, as it is a waste of lines that could be used for better material.

For example, an author writing a book on self hypnosis says that "you can do anything" with it, but the reality is, these methods [and especially so mental methods] can go that far in solving one's life problems or making improvements.

Mental methods work on the mental level, and the mental level is important in the life of normal people, but definitely not a defining factor that can catapult all your problems out of existence. This also goes the other way - spiritual methods, for example, meditation, also build upon an aspect of meditation which is a mental aspect, such as programming and deprogramming the mind as one requires to attain certain tasks.

Under the weight of this watering down and lying, spirituality has at this point experienced a major confusion and collapse as to what it really "is". People no longer understand what to expect. To become more exact, in order to cause deep inner and outer changes, one has to meditate.

But meditation means to put the mind at work, and do "meditation". Meditation has therefore to be a conscious process.

Self hypnosis, self suggestion, or doing some simple mental exercises by looking yourself in the mirror and saying you are confident when there are issues at the soul, is not going to solve any problem. To reach spiritual power and make it dependable to the point you can use it in your life, one has to look further within, and meditate seriously.

Another blatant marketing lie of meditation as it's promoted, is that meditation is only for fun, well-being, and that if done with a "whatever" type of way, it is enough.

This is enough for people that want to reap the most basic of it's benefits, such as for example, self relaxation, or who just want to feel they are doing something fancy inside a spa with some cucumbers in their eyeballs to feel better while they are on Social Media.

This level however, remains where all starter meditators do remain, which is mostly, the mind. In order to move further "into" the mind, in what we call "The Soul" and reap benefit of the most sublime and higher functions, one has to take the practice into deeper levels. The depth is reached by first swimming from the surface down to it, progressively, and with the correct gear [experience and knowledge].

Peace, serenity, empowerment, and all the rest of the benefits, arise more with serious meditation. One should be inspired by these to continue, and know that all of these are definitely possible. In the beginning, no matter what, one will experience these coming on them, in many cases, fleeting and momentary tastes of what they will experience in the future.

The end result of meditation is basically an inner serenity of ranging levels, and while not "perfect", one will feel at ease with themselves. This state is defined in many texts in many ways, and deals with the activated pineal gland, but also, the purification of the soul and the program alignment of one's energies.

The levels of calmness, stillness, and self understanding one can reach, are beyond what most people can even fathom when they are beginning. Humanity would be better off understanding that certain states of peace and wellbeing that are desired, can never be attained through this external physical rat-wheel people keep going around.

To reach these levels one needs happy patience and consistent work on themselves. This state arises only after someone has cleaned considerable clutter, soul dross, and put their mind in at least some working order.

In the beginning, mediators who take the craft at least a bit seriously should be prepared in facing "the unknown" and unusual circumstances, but in their essence, no different than someone who has went to the gym for the first time and they are sore. An event arising from the good side of this, is when one for the first time tastes the calmness or mental agility that meditation gives them, or experiences the heightened energy or their own bioelectricity.

The world is largely created in such a way so that human beings avoid self search and are constantly kept in a loop, where spirituality is almost disallowed. It's almost as if, even the "coincidental" spiritual experiences that can prowl on people, are banished violently as if they pose a danger to society. And the reality is, they do pose a danger to "society" as it's shaped nowadays.

It is, for example, more profitable to some people that you do weed, instead of learning that you can put yourself in a good trance with meditation. If all people knew this, weed may actually have went out of business.

From this self search can come fears, and other reactions of the mind, but also all the good and glorious things one would never expect before. Self search is not ugly as the majority of human beings think, it's actually very good. It only becomes ugly when people ignore themselves too much and too much crap keeps assembling itself in their own inner world.

Many people know this after they persist for a while, the peace and happiness this brings, and all the newfound serenity and understanding that can grow in someone.

An example that comes to mind here, is that the mind, in the beginning, if programmed against meditation [some people are programmed with an extreme fear to spirituality - watching thriller movies and what have you], can to some extent be closed to meditation, and can cause to someone symptoms like feeling sleepy, or literally batter someone with just about any other thought other than wanting to meditate.

This world of today is also rife with people who are extremely afraid of facing themselves in anyway. Even though material comfort is ever rising, people are not using this comfort that exists today to reach higher spiritually, and on the contrary, many are sinking into being an NPC that merely experiences stimuli without thinking.

In cases of worse programming against meditation or self improvement, such as self guilt, or feeling as if one is doing something very bad [or is doing "a sin" against "god" for looking inside themselves, WTF Christ-Insanity], the mind can go as far as to cause reactions to make someone stop meditating, thinking of meditation as a threat. A hypothetical event here would be, everytime one sits down to meditate, one gets extreme urges to go eat [even if they ate a moment ago] or do just about anything else, and do only just what will interrupt their meditation and make them lose their meditation.

Reprogramming the above can be helpful and accelerate people in meditation. One example here would be to remind to one's self: "I am positively accepting the new habit of meditation in my life, and I know it is positive for me". As this is repeated as a thought, the mind will also become more open in accepting meditation.

The untrained and lazy average mind, also hates to be confronted with thought or in some way elevated activity, and this is why many people keep watching passively things all day long such as brainwashing from their TV. It is no wonder most humans find recreational, things that do not at all stimulate the mind.

The more the mind is in lethargy, the more it adjusts and makes an environment which goes deeper and deeper into that state. The end result of this is the NPC manifested, humans that hardly use their mind at all. While this has a mental range, this also has a physical manifestation.

The mind is in this case is at a very inactive state, and it works passively. When this downwards movement is conquered and turned to the other side, the opposite happens. The mind will actually work to your benefit, and all these tendencies that were against your improvement, will start shaping to be in your benefit.

A manifestation here would be, instead of a feeling of not wanting to meditate, a strong willpower will arise from within you with the need to meditate, or a habituation where meditation becomes like second nature to you, and you no longer experience that many obstacles most of the time. Instead of feeling like it's the world's burden to do something good for yourself, you'll feel like doing something good is actually something you get motivated over.

Eventually the above gives in and one starts experiencing clarity, better thought, more energy, and starts to experience direct reaping of the benefits of meditation. As with anything else, one has to make this a habit, and to kick out the habit of not being meditative in one's life, one has to do this step by step and with patience.

Habits, or repetitive actions, do cross over from the logical and conscious level to the mind, registering little by little to the subconscious mind. This is how meditation becomes normal to the mind over mind, and progressively it becomes normal to it. This is also how certain hangups get into the mind, by repetition: someone called a failure again and again.

Another way this programming can happen, is through shock [this is why the enemy uses violent themes and practices to brainwash people], or when one is really young [the mind in the young age is more open and impressionable]. In the case of these, even with a little effort, certain beliefs can become entangled in the mind.

When one is more grown, the mind is less liable to be programmed like this, and the stronger the mind, it can pose resistance to programming. A 5 year old can be told that Jesus exists and believe it, but when one does grow, the logic and the conscious mind having grown more, resistence can be posed to this idea, especially if it is fake.

For this reason, the enemy uses consistent and repetitive brainwashing in the young age of people, before thinking capacity has seriously taken place. Meditation helps to gain control and insight in regards to what one has been programmed into and choose what one is going to do with themselves, "Free Will" requires insight in this case.

For this reason, meditation is seen as a threat, because most of their hoaxes revolve around people having no understanding of their own mind at all.

Methods like hypnosis, do work by putting the conscious mind into a state of allowance, where we are allowed to get into the subconscious to reprogram it. The less conscious one is here, the better. The hypnotic state is not however, a meditative state, because a meditative state has to do with consciousness. Sleep for example, is not "meditation", and one cannot effectively meditate in their sleep.

One can program the mind to work something out when they are asleep, but one cannot meditate. To explain this in the simplest fashion, you can put a computer while you are asleep to download something, but is when you are awake that you can actually go, you look at the screen, and you look at whatever it is that you downloaded.

A state of confusion is also very common in people nowadays, ranging from many sources, almost as many to count as the people themselves - regardless of that, an overflow of useless information is a major proponent to this. There is nothing strange when the nature of the mind is concerned.

Frequent is the problem of confusion, and people are giving their attention to things that cause them confusion and/or are garbage information. The mind can constantly be distracted. The mind therefore becomes bloated with nonsensical info, that does not help it in processing anything meaningful.

When the mind absorbs too much useless info, the mind becomes congested, and the result is a feeling of confusion. We have come to a state where less and less individuals have a power to focus anywhere at all for even as little as two or more minutes. Without the ability to focus, it is easier for someone to be cluttered. This is why, simply, void meditation is paramount to control and direct the mind.

The above consists of necessity to act as a reminder of the basic functions of the mind and how this relates to meditation, because it is only through the understanding and mastery of these simple mechanics one can go into better heights in their understanding of the mind.

I hope the message was simple, because it had to be this way so that everything would be clear and information would be relayed effortlessly, because other topics will follow and build upon this very basic one.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wow..you really have expressed such powerful truth which is the underlining key. A map key..to really understand the legend(s). Very greatful to be back here again, has been well over a year and was only briefly in past online here and had been going through a lot of sudden major changes with telekinesis (I began to call "Vrilekinesis") and..well .. it's too much now for reply though will write sometime about this again more. All I know is that what you wrote here is very helpful information in the reminder of importance and joy of that focus..through meditation..how it becomes somthing one very much prefers & is far from a chore or strain to simply be in awareness of self..and all. It is the most wonderous amazing joy that I sometimes just laugh a little I can't help it to feel and see things more as they are & how alive this living is and more so can and shall be through our will to crush out the lies & ever know truth! Thank you again High Pries⸸ Hooded Cobra666 & all kameraden here.🙋‍♀️🌾 HH & Hail Sa⸸an!💀⚡⚡
Hypnosis deals with subconsciousness.

Meditation deals with consciousness.

Dealing with subconsciousness is best suited for what goal/purpose/intention? What’s the limitations of subconsciousness?

Dealing with consciousness is best suited for what goal/purpose/intention? What’s the limitations of consciousness?
The subcounscious is good for everyting you want to achieve or can be healpful in everything you want to achieve, if you use it. It helps you from within. When i first found out about the subconscious i tried subliminal programs aka subliminal messages on the internet, i tried the premature ejaculation one, did wonders XD i got from a few minutes to half an hour, but, don't use them (unless you know how to make your own) because on the internet they are bad they have hidden affirmations in them, most probably they are made by jews, or idiots who don't know how to make a good affirmation. The subcounscious can be programmed in many ways, by entering a trance, by listening to affirmations before sleeep and after waking up, affirming trough out the day (but that takes longer to program the subcounscious) also pictures or text flashing on the screen works (there are programs and apps for that). So i dont think there is limitation in using the subcounscious but its not that efective like magic, planetary squares, energy programing but its good if you want a good boost, also its good to keep the subcounscious free of harmful/negative affirmations, many people have them there from movies, tv series, music. Music is also another way that works in programing the subcounscious mind because the music makes the subcounscious mind in a passive state and open to sugestions, so if you hear it in a song that i'm lonely i'm lonely the more you hear it the more it will be in your subcounscious (by multiple song repetition) and that will manifest if you do nothing, but yeah with meditation, aura of protection, cleaning, advancement, we will be safer, but i'm of the opinion that many music,tv sries, movies are to be avoided. For obvious reasons. And with the counscious you do what you can, meditation, thinking, physical work, the limitation is? Well the only "limitation" is if you go over the absolute maximum of your capacity that is 120%... it's good if you don't exagerate. But there is no limitation in these unless you believe and accept that. There is no limit, you can always improve and get better in what you are doing.
The subcounscious is good for everyting you want to achieve or can be healpful in everything you want to achieve, if you use it. It helps you from within. When i first found out about the subconscious i tried subliminal programs aka subliminal messages on the internet, i tried the premature ejaculation one, did wonders XD i got from a few minutes to half an hour, but, don't use them (unless you know how to make your own) because on the internet they are bad they have hidden affirmations in them, most probably they are made by jews, or idiots who don't know how to make a good affirmation. The subcounscious can be programmed in many ways, by entering a trance, by listening to affirmations before sleeep and after waking up, affirming trough out the day (but that takes longer to program the subcounscious) also pictures or text flashing on the screen works (there are programs and apps for that). So i dont think there is limitation in using the subcounscious but its not that efective like magic, planetary squares, energy programing but its good if you want a good boost, also its good to keep the subcounscious free of harmful/negative affirmations, many people have them there from movies, tv series, music. Music is also another way that works in programing the subcounscious mind because the music makes the subcounscious mind in a passive state and open to sugestions, so if you hear it in a song that i'm lonely i'm lonely the more you hear it the more it will be in your subcounscious (by multiple song repetition) and that will manifest if you do nothing, but yeah with meditation, aura of protection, cleaning, advancement, we will be safer, but i'm of the opinion that many music,tv sries, movies are to be avoided. For obvious reasons. And with the counscious you do what you can, meditation, thinking, physical work, the limitation is? Well the only "limitation" is if you go over the absolute maximum of your capacity that is 120%... it's good if you don't exagerate. But there is no limitation in these unless you believe and accept that. There is no limit, you can always improve and get better in what you are doing.
Thank you.

What are the best way(s) to program another person’s; subconscious, conscious, aura, chakras, any other part of their soul?

And is aura cleaning (ac) and aura of protection (ap) enough to protect us from everything? What are the limitations of ac & ap, and what can be done to compensate for their limitations? (If any).
Thank you.

What are the best way(s) to program another person’s; subconscious, conscious, aura, chakras, any other part of their soul?

And is aura cleaning (ac) and aura of protection (ap) enough to protect us from everything? What are the limitations of ac & ap, and what can be done to compensate for their limitations? (If any).
Here, these are good solutions https://joyofsatan.org/AURA.html

It's not really 100% enough protection, you also need to do hata yoga and kundalini yoga, they can be found on https://satanslibrary.org/Yoga_Routine.html you can program the energy for whatever you want after the yoga session, and you also need to advance spiritualy in general, all the meditations helps in this you can start the 40 meditation program by HP Hodded Cobra from satanslibrary.org if you didn't do it. But don't worry, the GD and Satans protection protects us especially in the beginning, and just advance properly with modesty, no exageration nor sporadic/very little. Also learn from our websites (joyofsatan.org) all informations and sermons from maxine and cobra. Here are also good ways to advance https://satanisgod.org/ASHTAR.html

And for safety don't do advanced meditations untill you are advanced ss. Also no spiritual warfare if you are a beginner only until you advanced enough, like for 6 months or more.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
