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French revisionist and National Socialist Vincent Reynouard arrested in Scotland


Jul 17, 2021
Some time ago I spoke of Vincent Reynouard, a great French revisionist who does a great deal of work to rehabilitate Hitler to the French public , by means of books but also exceptional video series.

Exiled, living in hiding, he has just been arrested by the Police in Scotland. :(

sshivafr said:
I have asked Father Satan for protection for 2 non-satanists, well known in France, because they pay with their lives to expose the jooz. Hervé Ryssen and the wonderful Vincent Reynouard (who rejected the false xian god! After having been in the xtian integrist circles! He is ..Shivaite now and one day, he will make "the big jump"). Prison, exile, endless trials, stalking, etc for exposing the cursed.

Such a great gift from them deserves protection in my opinion so when they went through very hard times, I asked Father to agree to give some of his strength and protection. They are truly noble in heart and exalted. I know, I shouldn't say that, because they are without. But I would be lying if I didn't.


Reynouard is doing a remarkable job of rehabilitating Hitler.

I translate this article that announces his capture:

"The hero Vincent Reynouard imprisoned in Scotland!
November 13, 2022

The author exiled in Great Britain Vincent Reynouard was arrested on Thursday, November 10 by the British police. He had already escaped a first attempt a year ago.

This arrest is motivated by a 2014 video related to a criticism Vincent made in 2015 about the ideological recruitment of the masses by the regime - ordinarily called "duty of memory" - which had earned him a two-year prison sentence for deviationism.

So it's been almost eight years.

The British police have admitted to having deployed "exceptional means" to ensure that Vincent Reynouard is punished for making the video, which has been missing from the Internet for ages. He is currently imprisoned in Scotland awaiting the outcome of his trial to decide his extradition to France and its Jewish-controlled courts. He is in high spirits and is preparing his defense as we speak.

Vincent has been expecting this arrest for many months, which is why he has been working intensively on his series dedicated to a critical history of National Socialism, of which we have broadcast 15 chapters.

Vincent Reynouard does not have a massive audience, but that is not the problem, from the point of view of the international Jewish hydra that stands behind Western governments. The problem is the truth that Vincent Reynouard defends and that makes the Jewish world tremble on its foundations: there were never any gas chambers.

Nowhere, nothing, nothing.

The desperate rage shown by the Jews to gag Reynouard demonstrates the absurdity of the myth of the magic gas chamber. Who, rationally, would deploy international state resources for an author whose videos average 3,000 views?

The Jew at the brink!

The entire international Jewish edifice is based on this myth, which has become the state religion of democracies.

His fight for the truth cost Vincent his family, but he never gave up.

In the immediate future, all those in a position to do so must make the situation of the hero Vincent Reynouard known to as many people as possible.

They must also accuse the guilty race of the crime: the Jews.

We are moving to bring the necessary help to Vincent. You will be informed of the developments. If you wish to help Vincent, his team can collect all financial support via his website: blog-sc.com.

It is a war to the ** against these Jews and we must do everything to win this war.

Burgundians, to the front! "

(End of article)

May the Gods help him.

Vincent has rejected the xtian god and is now a Shivaite.

Please have a thought of comfort for him who will have to face the hydra jooz.
Curse these jews to oblivion. They are to blame for ALL of our misfortune. Why... must so many of our own die.
I pray that Satan and the gods take care of him... i dont want an SS or National Socialist dead.

When the time comes, which is soon, we will make sure these fuckwits suffer ETERNALLY.

Hail Satan.
Caspian said:
Curse these jews to oblivion. They are to blame for ALL of our misfortune. Why... must so many of our own die.
I pray that Satan and the gods take care of him... i dont want an SS or National Socialist dead.

When the time comes, which is soon, we will make sure these fuckwits suffer ETERNALLY.

Hail Satan.

Thank you for him.
These cursed have done and are doing so much harm.

Another article

They rejoice these whores of journalists

We will win. Hail Satan !
Translation of this article

"The 53-year-old Holocaust denier Vincent Reynouard propagated theories from Great Britain denying the existence of the Holocaust. The gendarmes of the Central Office for Combating Crimes against Humanity (OCLCH) had been actively tracking him for two years. He was arrested on Friday, November 11 in Edinburgh, Scotland.

He denied the genocide of the Jews and propagated, on the Internet, a fearsome word of hate. According to information from Marianne, Vincent Reynouard, a far-right ideologue, was arrested on Friday 11 November in Scotland, after more than two years on the run. A regular contributor to the anti-Semitic weekly Rivarol, this Holocaust denier was on the run from several convictions by the French justice system.

This 53-year-old man is considered by the French authorities as a "professional Holocaust denier". He was hunted down by the gendarmes of the Central Office for the Fight against Crimes against Humanity (OCLCH). Seeing him as a particularly influential agent of anti-Semitism in France, the Office had made his arrest a priority, especially since several Holocaust denial tags had been discovered at the entrance to the ruins of the martyred village of Oradour-sur-Glane (Haute-Vienne), on August 21, 2020, which had provoked a national outrage. Underneath the graffiti, a sentence was written in white spray paint: "Reynouard is right."

On Friday, Scottish police officers arrested him at milk time in his hotel room in Edinburgh, where he was living under a false identity. Presented the same day to a judge in the Scottish capital, he refused to be extradited to France, according to our information. Placed in provisional detention, he should be fixed on his fate at a future judicial hearing. The gendarmes hope to hand him over to France soon, so that he can be tried for all his actions.

Vincent Reynouard, who had been living in hiding in the United Kingdom for several years, was still extremely active on the social networks Gab and VK. Anti-racist observatories such as Balance ton antisémite were closely monitoring his online activity. He was also wanted for several outstanding convictions in France.

In Paris, in January 2021, Reynouard had indeed been sentenced to six months for disputing crimes against humanity, for a video dating from 2019, in which he denied the Holocaust. He was also sentenced to one year in prison by the Court of Appeal of Caen. These offenses of "Holocaust denial" do not exist as such in the United Kingdom. This is why it was difficult for the OCLCH to have him arrested there. In any case, it was on the basis of this last conviction in Calvados that the gendarmes were able to convince the British authorities to use more resources to apprehend him. To obtain his handover to France, the Directorate of Criminal Affairs and Pardons of the Ministry of Justice worked closely with its liaison magistrates in London.

The Holocaust denier was first spotted by SO15, the British anti-terrorist services, in 2021, in Kent, a suburb of London. But he managed to escape from the bobbies, the London police. "He slipped through their fingers," according to a police source close to the investigation. After creating a fictitious identity, Reynouard took almost a year to be located again in Edinburgh. "He was able to be arrested thanks to a huge amount of international cooperation, and in particular thanks to our British counterparts. Despite the legal difficulties that may exist, the Office will not let go of the ideologues who propagate hatred, wherever they are," General Jean-Philippe Reiland, the head of the OCLCH, told Marianne. A direct warning to other gurus who have found refuge abroad to escape French justice."

Rotters that they are.

Glory to you my comrade. Your morale is of steel. You have already lost everything, your children, everything, they can't reach you.
sshivafr said:
French revisionist and National Socialist Vincent Reynouard arrested in Scotland
This is a real tragedy. They most likely want to do to him exactly what they did to Julian Assange, and he didn't end up well, they turned him into a vegetable as far as I know, unhealthy, weak and mentally unstable.

UK has been dominated and ruled by jews for centuries, I don't know of UK to even have "ideological antisemitic" episodes in their history, unlike most of Europe basically. The decision to move there might not have been the best. For example France was a big empire, a French passport probably grants free access without visa to any former colony or many other countries or territories, is hard to believe there wasn't a better country to move to compared to UK, where he could have more peace and freedom. However UK might have been the cheapest, quickest and easiest for him to leave France. The truth is, with some 100 euros one can go from France to UK in just a couple hours, granted they have a visa.
The Alchemist7 said:
sshivafr said:
French revisionist and National Socialist Vincent Reynouard arrested in Scotland
This is a real tragedy. They most likely want to do to him exactly what they did to Julian Assange, and he didn't end up well, they turned him into a vegetable as far as I know, unhealthy, weak and mentally unstable.

UK has been dominated and ruled by jews for centuries, I don't know of UK to even have "ideological antisemitic" episodes in their history, unlike most of Europe basically. The decision to move there might not have been the best. For example France was a big empire, a French passport probably grants free access without visa to any former colony or many other countries or territories, is hard to believe there wasn't a better country to move to compared to UK, where he could have more peace and freedom. However UK might have been the cheapest, quickest and easiest for him to leave France. The truth is, with some 100 euros one can go from France to UK in just a couple hours, granted they have a visa.

Yes, it's terrible. He is a good man entirely devoted to this cause. He has said it again and again: no matter what it costs him, only his mission matters: to expose the jooz, to expose the truth.

However, so many articles are advertising him. Even more people will discover his work, and especially the JEWISH QUESTION.
The "streisand" effect as they say in France.

Another article :
sshivafr said:
However, so many articles are advertising him. Even more people will discover his work, and especially the JEWISH QUESTION.
The "streisand" effect as they say in France.

The proof is here! 👇

(Translation of this article https://dempart.homes/maj-la-conspiration-terroriste-juive-contre-vincent-reynouard-fait-la-une-de-la-presse-ecossaise/)

"The Reynouard affair is now front-page news in the British media.


The Herald, the oldest newspaper in the United Kingdom, is making its front page.

All other Scottish and English newspapers are covering the case with the same intensity.

The Herald Scotland
The Scotsman
The Scottish Daily Express
The Scottish Sun
Evening Standard
The Independent
Sky News

Vincent Reynouard's fame has taken on an unprecedented international dimension. The English-speaking public is discovering the man and, before long, his work.

As I said, there is no race more stupid than the Jewish race. Every persecution of this nature multiplies the audience of the men it unjustly pursues. In spite of this evidence, the Jews, consumed by their fanaticism and racial arrogance, cannot help repeating again and again the outbursts of hatred which cover their victims with the halo of martyrdom.

Austin was adopted by a Czech Jew. This socialist, sworn enemy of Jeremy Corbyn, the former boss of the British Labour Party, was "knighted" by the Jew Boris Johnson as a thank you for the putsch operated within the Labour Party on behalf of Israel.


As you can see, Vincent Reynouard is facing the head of the Jewish hydra right now.

The agents of Rothschild himself.

Do you believe for a second that a one-man video crew hiding in a Scottish fishing village would shake the international Jewry to its foundations if the gas chamber lie he exposes without concession were a whim of a madman?
A man wielding the truth can bring down the greatest powers of this world if they have built their power on lies.

This is what is happening.

Vincent is a hero of our time, a patient and methodical craftsman who opposes the foaming international Jewry with the rigor of his monastic work. This explains the colossal means deployed by the British State and international Jewry to stop him.

These means were "exceptional", as the Scottish police admitted to Vincent Reynouard.

What you can do
Vincent is not alone, a support team is progressively mobilizing in the UK.

If you are in the UK, any support is welcome. If you have contacts in Scotland (political, legal, media) or in England who want to support the hero, please let us know: [email protected].

What you have to do now is to spread the word in the English-speaking world

You can ask English speakers to translate his videos, especially the first 25 chapters of his history of National Socialism.

His GAB channel is the best source of videos to translate.

Gab TV Reynouard

Until the final victory!"

[End of article]
RTR win


Extradition case ‘will fail’ against French Holocaust denier Vincent Reynouard

"A notorious French Holocaust denier who was arrested in a Scottish village after being on the run for two years will not be extradited to France, a Scottish criminal lawyer has said.

However, Paul Dunne, an Edinburgh-based criminal defense lawyer, told BBC Radio Scotland's Good Morning Scotland that the extradition request is almost certain to fail because a Scottish court cannot deal with something it does not recognize as criminal behavior. "Holocaust denial is not a crime in Scotland. You can't be extradited for something that is not a crime here, it's not a technicality or a 'Get out of jail, get 20,000 euros' card. ", he said.

General Jean-Philippe Reiland of the French Central Office for Combating Crimes Against Humanity and Hate Crimes said, "Vincent Reynouard was able to be arrested thanks to a huge effort of international cooperation, and in particular thanks to our British counterparts. Despite the legal difficulties that may exist, the office will not let go of ideologues who spread hate, wherever they are."

Translation of the article (and read the end!!)

"Vincent was heard yesterday for the second time by the Scottish courts from the prison where he is held, with as much media attention as possible. The BBC is following the case closely and giving Vincent extraordinary visibility.

There will be a before and an after, and this after will be a major turning point in Vincent's three-decade struggle. The Jews made him the main figure of international revisionism in less than a week.

The London newspaper The Times, one of the most serious in Britain, is also taking a close interest in the Reynouard affair. Its conclusion of the day gives a taste of what is to come.

Jean-Philippe Reiland believes that by intensively sucking a huge number of circumcised cocks, he will make history.

It's sad to bet on the horse that will lose the race. It's like getting on the Titanic at the last minute thinking you've won the lottery.

As always with the legal tinkering of Jewry in France, everything depends on the proverbial efficiency of the French bureaucracy. In France, this tinkering poses no technical difficulty, since the courts are the recording chambers of the Sanhedrin. Mediocre officials give instructions to other mediocre officials and the will of the Jews is done.

Britain, however, has a different legal culture, and it is not enough for the gallant boomers from Paris to pass on the demands of the Jews to the British judges to get things done. British judges have a different conception of their authority. That doesn't make them friends, but it does mean that they won't let the French government have fun sabotaging their sovereignty over an absurd story about Jews being baked in an oven after being smothered with insecticide. These British judges will proceed to a trial on the merits, something that is unthinkable in France, under the republican regime, where the courts are the sanctuary of corruption and organized Semitism.

French Jewry and its servile cops were able to convince the British police to move thanks to the servant of the Jews, Ian Austin, but the case is now in the hands of Scottish judges who will be looking closely at what it is about. The British press will do the same and the English, who are not particularly fond of Macron, will take a close interest in this story of censorship organized from Paris that is supposed to apply to Britain.

If we add all those migrants that the powder keg is knowingly sending across the Channel to England, we have a breeding ground for a rich debate of ideas.

The Jews and their servants in the lodges were a little too quick to rejoice. We will follow this, but in any case, nothing that these stupid Jews had planned turns out the way they hoped."

I'm SO HAPPY, this hero of revisionism has finally just been extradited to France but as French law does not provide for preventive detention for this type of "crime", Vincent is FREE !

For the time being.

Although he is not SS, anyone who fights so effectively against the Jewish hydra must be supported, especially in view of the disproportion of force: the pot of earth against the pot of iron.

May the Cursed be exposed again and again until they fall!!
Hail my father Satan and THANKS !
Man they arrested an old lady for questioning the holocaust a few years ago. Jew big brother does not care
Man they arrested an old lady for questioning the holocaust a few years ago. Jew big brother does not care
Yes it's Ursula Haverbeck
Very old and yet still incarcerated.

The Cursed are monsters.

Because of the powerful laws against revisionism in West Europa, the men and women who lead the fight for revisionism and against the myth of "nationalism, we know how that turned out" are heroes who must be supported.

They are persecuted, imprisoned and dragged through the mud for speaking the truth.
We work for Truth.
Some time ago I spoke of Vincent Reynouard, a great French revisionist who does a great deal of work to rehabilitate Hitler to the French public , by means of books but also exceptional video series.

Exiled, living in hiding, he has just been arrested by the Police in Scotland. :(

I translate this article that announces his capture:

"The hero Vincent Reynouard imprisoned in Scotland!
November 13, 2022

The author exiled in Great Britain Vincent Reynouard was arrested on Thursday, November 10 by the British police. He had already escaped a first attempt a year ago.

This arrest is motivated by a 2014 video related to a criticism Vincent made in 2015 about the ideological recruitment of the masses by the regime - ordinarily called "duty of memory" - which had earned him a two-year prison sentence for deviationism.

So it's been almost eight years.

The British police have admitted to having deployed "exceptional means" to ensure that Vincent Reynouard is punished for making the video, which has been missing from the Internet for ages. He is currently imprisoned in Scotland awaiting the outcome of his trial to decide his extradition to France and its Jewish-controlled courts. He is in high spirits and is preparing his defense as we speak.

Vincent has been expecting this arrest for many months, which is why he has been working intensively on his series dedicated to a critical history of National Socialism, of which we have broadcast 15 chapters.

Vincent Reynouard does not have a massive audience, but that is not the problem, from the point of view of the international Jewish hydra that stands behind Western governments. The problem is the truth that Vincent Reynouard defends and that makes the Jewish world tremble on its foundations: there were never any gas chambers.

Nowhere, nothing, nothing.

The desperate rage shown by the Jews to gag Reynouard demonstrates the absurdity of the myth of the magic gas chamber. Who, rationally, would deploy international state resources for an author whose videos average 3,000 views?

The Jew at the brink!

The entire international Jewish edifice is based on this myth, which has become the state religion of democracies.

His fight for the truth cost Vincent his family, but he never gave up.

In the immediate future, all those in a position to do so must make the situation of the hero Vincent Reynouard known to as many people as possible.

They must also accuse the guilty race of the crime: the Jews.

We are moving to bring the necessary help to Vincent. You will be informed of the developments. If you wish to help Vincent, his team can collect all financial support via his website: blog-sc.com.

It is a war to the ** against these Jews and we must do everything to win this war.

Burgundians, to the front! "

(End of article)

May the Gods help him.

Vincent has rejected the xtian god and is now a Shivaite.

Please have a thought of comfort for him who will have to face the hydra jooz.
God damn kangaroo courts with JEWdge and JEWery for kike JEWstice. Appreciate you're post here. Was looking to see about such topic.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
