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"Free Will" & False Resistance Of Humans Against the Gods

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Many people out there think they have "Free will". The reality is that you are born in a slave like state, with ignorance and massive pressures to sink you from all sides. Some souls experience this more and others less.

Humans due to wrong mental instruction and input, also make their earnest to resist, oppose and attack whatever is going to develop them. For reasons such as these they attack Satan or the Gods, or any practice and thing that will help them. That's because inherently slaves are programmed for self destruction.

Many people of course will also defend smoking and everything else that actively ruins them. While many for example will try to "debate with me" and "have their doubts" when it comes to doing something very much constructive, in other parts of their life, they engaged in for example some very detrimental decisions without thinking about it, like drugs or a very bad relationship.

But when the Gods actually want to help people, a need to act like a primadonna sometimes arises. I see this in Christians all the time. They are lost, spiritually destitute, and their souls cost 1 US dollar in total. The herded cattle does not know what to do when it's no longer herded, besides pose fake doubts and fake "complaints" to the Gods. This is a normal state at first, but the hypocrisy in this is pretty apparent.

They know it too. But when something good and actually from a higher order comes to help them, they have 1000 questions to ask me. "Will Satan rob me of my soul", asks the Christian, like they ever really owned a soul to know what it is, and in fear of robbing them.

In the eyes of a person who has unplugged, that is like a homeless, beaten and ruined man asking: "Will you now steal my 3 pennies?". The answer is of course no, the Gods seek to not steal the soul of the already destitute of a soul. They have nothing to give. But since the soul in question is always used to being in this state, it does not know any different.

The Gods are in fact here to change this. Yet, the resistance they pose to the Gods is actually programmed in them, like slavers would of course program the cattle to resist to get unplugged from the Jewtrix of control.

Meanwhile they did not ask a single question to join Christianity or Islam, because of course, those who own them like slaves did not give them that privilege. The moment their little ego figures out they can be treated like a human being, they think part of being treated like a human is to treat positive uplifting opportunities with major suspicion.

The same afternoon another crackhead will give them crack down the Bible Belt and they will take it without a lot of hesitation, or they will make a terrible investment, or spend money in the most wrong way they could for their future. But simultaneously their "Free Will" is exerted here to act like a primadonna.

I want to specify something here, Satan and the Gods are coming in to actually help us. At the same rate if we humans are sworn to slay ourselves, do not expect anyone to act like the false claims about the Jesus that does not exist who will "Always wait on the corner to save you". That's more false hope and misplaced understanding by the slavers to keep people under the state of ignorance and slavery, while the people wait for some "salvation" to arrive while they do nothing themselves.

On the level of reality and Spiritual Satanism, there is a street where it's walked both ways, you do one step and the Gods might do ten to reach you, but if you do not do this one step, or take 10 steps back, the distance will not close itself.

A lot of humans on earth due to being constantly abused by the enemy have their morals, sense of respect, and ethics all warped up. They mistreat good people who come to help them, throw people like Tesla to the trash can, and worship their abusers and those who destroy them and give them everything, instead of doing the same thing for people that are actually of proper origin and poised to help them.

I have seen many who might have been scammed by tens of thousands in Cryptocurrencies, or who knows what else, but lo and behold if they need to help the JoS which is consistently and in a proved manner can turn humans into higher beings, they will "hesitate" to do this.

The above they consider that likely might come from "Doubt", but in reality, the underlying force here is an inner force of resistance to what is good. The human soul is dark, and it denies the light. But when you give it more darkness, since it's all it ever knew, it sits there very able to consume it.

If humanity was not as a whole that dark, it would also not experience the dark circumstances it does all the time. The reason they are preparing you now for Monkeypox as I said in the AMA, is because they consider most humans entirely weak, servile and retarded. Everyone was hiding in their dens with the last "pandemic" where most people were simply just coughing a bit and getting a flu. Too many signs of weakness in humanity, the slavers are having a celebration.

Few people from this bunch of slaves is going to end up attaining a higher level of freedom. Certainly, those who will attain this are NOT those who take the path of the cattle. The cattle is always herded for exploitation and death. Nothing is given to anyone, everything is taken from them everyday. They keep being cattle.

Many are looking for a gateway to change this. Others will appreciate the path of Spiritual Satanism to that end, others are sleeping still and they have not compehended what is at stake for their souls and for the world. These people are in the process of "waking up". One has to eventually understand this and wake up.

As in when you come up from deep sleep and you are regaining your senses, so is the case here. Waking up happens gradually. Then one starts understanding what they can do and like a sleeper from the Matrix, they wake up in a gooey pod of slavery and retardation. That has to be cleansed from someone and the self regained to full function. Those who remain "in their pods" will end up like in the Matrix movie, "intravenously fed into the living" and used like dead batteries for a system of slavery.

You have to make a choice here and support that choice.

Part of becoming a successful Spiritual Satanist is to learn how to shed the above, so that you let go of the slave and self destructive mentality. Then confusion will give in. The meditations and self knowledge as taught by the JoS, will eventually elevate you to a higher level of understanding.

After many years, it will become effortless to do good things for you, in contrast to late stages of serfdom where what is difficult is to do what is good to you.

Life and your own self will change and transform: But you must use your free will to allow this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Fire is related to the Will. Is it possible to use Fire in various colors, combinations, and intensities to free and strengthen our will against the Jewish thought form, god ?

The practical issues I relate on the thread do not have to do with "higher spirituality" and how many breaths of fire one will do to "resist any God". They have to do with actually having the mental capacity to resist in applicable ways, I do not refer to an imagination situation here. The issue is mental that is explained on the thread.
Thank you High Priest!!
There are so many levels of understanding to see, life can be endless in this.

There are so many steps to take to just see reality and our inner reality. And this is just the basic beggining.

But the result is worth the hard work, you will unlock life.

HPHC thanks, you are a beacon!
As in when you come up from deep sleep and you are regaining your senses, so is the case here. Waking up happens gradually. Then one starts understanding what they can do and like a sleeper from the Matrix, they wake up in a gooey pod of slavery and retardation. That has to be cleansed from someone and the self regained to full function. Those who remain "in their pods" will end up like in the Matrix movie, "intravenously fed into the living" and used like dead batteries for a system of slavery.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I think the same is true for nations. I wanted to quote it here so that everyone can read it again.

Thanks for the sermon, sir. I'm just realizing how important it is
Many people out there think they have "Free will". The reality is that you are born in a slave like state, with ignorance and massive pressures to sink you from all sides. Some souls experience this more and others less.

Humans due to wrong mental instruction and input, also make their earnest to resist, oppose and attack whatever is going to develop them. For reasons such as these they attack Satan or the Gods, or any practice and thing that will help them. That's because inherently slaves are programmed for self destruction.

Many people of course will also defend smoking and everything else that actively ruins them. While many for example will try to "debate with me" and "have their doubts" when it comes to doing something very much constructive, in other parts of their life, they engaged in for example some very detrimental decisions without thinking about it, like drugs or a very bad relationship.

But when the Gods actually want to help people, a need to act like a primadonna sometimes arises. I see this in Christians all the time. They are lost, spiritually destitute, and their souls cost 1 US dollar in total. The herded cattle does not know what to do when it's no longer herded, besides pose fake doubts and fake "complaints" to the Gods. This is a normal state at first, but the hypocrisy in this is pretty apparent.

They know it too. But when something good and actually from a higher order comes to help them, they have 1000 questions to ask me. "Will Satan rob me of my soul", asks the Christian, like they ever really owned a soul to know what it is, and in fear of robbing them.

In the eyes of a person who has unplugged, that is like a homeless, beaten and ruined man asking: "Will you now steal my 3 pennies?". The answer is of course no, the Gods seek to not steal the soul of the already destitute of a soul. They have nothing to give. But since the soul in question is always used to being in this state, it does not know any different.

The Gods are in fact here to change this. Yet, the resistance they pose to the Gods is actually programmed in them, like slavers would of course program the cattle to resist to get unplugged from the Jewtrix of control.

Meanwhile they did not ask a single question to join Christianity or Islam, because of course, those who own them like slaves did not give them that privilege. The moment their little ego figures out they can be treated like a human being, they think part of being treated like a human is to treat positive uplifting opportunities with major suspicion.

The same afternoon another crackhead will give them crack down the Bible Belt and they will take it without a lot of hesitation, or they will make a terrible investment, or spend money in the most wrong way they could for their future. But simultaneously their "Free Will" is exerted here to act like a primadonna.

I want to specify something here, Satan and the Gods are coming in to actually help us. At the same rate if we humans are sworn to slay ourselves, do not expect anyone to act like the false claims about the Jesus that does not exist who will "Always wait on the corner to save you". That's more false hope and misplaced understanding by the slavers to keep people under the state of ignorance and slavery, while the people wait for some "salvation" to arrive while they do nothing themselves.

On the level of reality and Spiritual Satanism, there is a street where it's walked both ways, you do one step and the Gods might do ten to reach you, but if you do not do this one step, or take 10 steps back, the distance will not close itself.

A lot of humans on earth due to being constantly abused by the enemy have their morals, sense of respect, and ethics all warped up. They mistreat good people who come to help them, throw people like Tesla to the trash can, and worship their abusers and those who destroy them and give them everything, instead of doing the same thing for people that are actually of proper origin and poised to help them.

I have seen many who might have been scammed by tens of thousands in Cryptocurrencies, or who knows what else, but lo and behold if they need to help the JoS which is consistently and in a proved manner can turn humans into higher beings, they will "hesitate" to do this.

The above they consider that likely might come from "Doubt", but in reality, the underlying force here is an inner force of resistance to what is good. The human soul is dark, and it denies the light. But when you give it more darkness, since it's all it ever knew, it sits there very able to consume it.

If humanity was not as a whole that dark, it would also not experience the dark circumstances it does all the time. The reason they are preparing you now for Monkeypox as I said in the AMA, is because they consider most humans entirely weak, servile and retarded. Everyone was hiding in their dens with the last "pandemic" where most people were simply just coughing a bit and getting a flu. Too many signs of weakness in humanity, the slavers are having a celebration.

Few people from this bunch of slaves is going to end up attaining a higher level of freedom. Certainly, those who will attain this are NOT those who take the path of the cattle. The cattle is always herded for exploitation and death. Nothing is given to anyone, everything is taken from them everyday. They keep being cattle.

Many are looking for a gateway to change this. Others will appreciate the path of Spiritual Satanism to that end, others are sleeping still and they have not compehended what is at stake for their souls and for the world. These people are in the process of "waking up". One has to eventually understand this and wake up.

As in when you come up from deep sleep and you are regaining your senses, so is the case here. Waking up happens gradually. Then one starts understanding what they can do and like a sleeper from the Matrix, they wake up in a gooey pod of slavery and retardation. That has to be cleansed from someone and the self regained to full function. Those who remain "in their pods" will end up like in the Matrix movie, "intravenously fed into the living" and used like dead batteries for a system of slavery.

You have to make a choice here and support that choice.

Part of becoming a successful Spiritual Satanist is to learn how to shed the above, so that you let go of the slave and self destructive mentality. Then confusion will give in. The meditations and self knowledge as taught by the JoS, will eventually elevate you to a higher level of understanding.

After many years, it will become effortless to do good things for you, in contrast to late stages of serfdom where what is difficult is to do what is good to you.

Life and your own self will change and transform: But you must use your free will to allow this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great sermon. You are a good teacher.
I would say that my sense of trust is very much tested. There's just so much lies and bullshit in this world that I'm going to question everything. You could call it trauma even.

I don't know what it would take for me to fully trust the Gods. Since free will isn't "free" at all, how many damned souls would have never been damned if they just weren't brainwashed to begin with?

What actually happened in the past? What does it mean for the Gods to have lost a battle but now have won the war?
Since I assume it was vibrational, how did the Gods lose a vibrational battle to reptilian thugs? What does it mean now that they have "won the war"? Why is there even a Kali Yuga in the first place?
I would say though that the medidations are helping me see through the Abrahamic lies even more. These systems are obviously slave-minded. Christians call themselves sheep, Muslims literally call themselves slaves. Jews have a joke where everyone in a synagogue tries to out-humble the other, out of pride. Always that mentality in all three that humans have to be sorry for being human and that "God" is always there for them but shows up less often than a deadbeat dad. Yet ironically Abrahamics are also some of the most prideful pricks you will meet, and somehow lack self-awareness despite their religions all revolving around being sorry for how they are and behave. It's like there's a veil in their minds.

I know the reps and greys exist, long before I got into the JOS. I've seen those trashbags for myself in my third eye. Ugly, and weird, evil as fuck too.
Many people out there think they have "Free will". The reality is that you are born in a slave like state, with ignorance and massive pressures to sink you from all sides. Some souls experience this more and others less.

Humans due to wrong mental instruction and input, also make their earnest to resist, oppose and attack whatever is going to develop them. For reasons such as these they attack Satan or the Gods, or any practice and thing that will help them. That's because inherently slaves are programmed for self destruction.

Many people of course will also defend smoking and everything else that actively ruins them. While many for example will try to "debate with me" and "have their doubts" when it comes to doing something very much constructive, in other parts of their life, they engaged in for example some very detrimental decisions without thinking about it, like drugs or a very bad relationship.

But when the Gods actually want to help people, a need to act like a primadonna sometimes arises. I see this in Christians all the time. They are lost, spiritually destitute, and their souls cost 1 US dollar in total. The herded cattle does not know what to do when it's no longer herded, besides pose fake doubts and fake "complaints" to the Gods. This is a normal state at first, but the hypocrisy in this is pretty apparent.

They know it too. But when something good and actually from a higher order comes to help them, they have 1000 questions to ask me. "Will Satan rob me of my soul", asks the Christian, like they ever really owned a soul to know what it is, and in fear of robbing them.

In the eyes of a person who has unplugged, that is like a homeless, beaten and ruined man asking: "Will you now steal my 3 pennies?". The answer is of course no, the Gods seek to not steal the soul of the already destitute of a soul. They have nothing to give. But since the soul in question is always used to being in this state, it does not know any different.

The Gods are in fact here to change this. Yet, the resistance they pose to the Gods is actually programmed in them, like slavers would of course program the cattle to resist to get unplugged from the Jewtrix of control.

Meanwhile they did not ask a single question to join Christianity or Islam, because of course, those who own them like slaves did not give them that privilege. The moment their little ego figures out they can be treated like a human being, they think part of being treated like a human is to treat positive uplifting opportunities with major suspicion.

The same afternoon another crackhead will give them crack down the Bible Belt and they will take it without a lot of hesitation, or they will make a terrible investment, or spend money in the most wrong way they could for their future. But simultaneously their "Free Will" is exerted here to act like a primadonna.

I want to specify something here, Satan and the Gods are coming in to actually help us. At the same rate if we humans are sworn to slay ourselves, do not expect anyone to act like the false claims about the Jesus that does not exist who will "Always wait on the corner to save you". That's more false hope and misplaced understanding by the slavers to keep people under the state of ignorance and slavery, while the people wait for some "salvation" to arrive while they do nothing themselves.

On the level of reality and Spiritual Satanism, there is a street where it's walked both ways, you do one step and the Gods might do ten to reach you, but if you do not do this one step, or take 10 steps back, the distance will not close itself.

A lot of humans on earth due to being constantly abused by the enemy have their morals, sense of respect, and ethics all warped up. They mistreat good people who come to help them, throw people like Tesla to the trash can, and worship their abusers and those who destroy them and give them everything, instead of doing the same thing for people that are actually of proper origin and poised to help them.

I have seen many who might have been scammed by tens of thousands in Cryptocurrencies, or who knows what else, but lo and behold if they need to help the JoS which is consistently and in a proved manner can turn humans into higher beings, they will "hesitate" to do this.

The above they consider that likely might come from "Doubt", but in reality, the underlying force here is an inner force of resistance to what is good. The human soul is dark, and it denies the light. But when you give it more darkness, since it's all it ever knew, it sits there very able to consume it.

If humanity was not as a whole that dark, it would also not experience the dark circumstances it does all the time. The reason they are preparing you now for Monkeypox as I said in the AMA, is because they consider most humans entirely weak, servile and retarded. Everyone was hiding in their dens with the last "pandemic" where most people were simply just coughing a bit and getting a flu. Too many signs of weakness in humanity, the slavers are having a celebration.

Few people from this bunch of slaves is going to end up attaining a higher level of freedom. Certainly, those who will attain this are NOT those who take the path of the cattle. The cattle is always herded for exploitation and death. Nothing is given to anyone, everything is taken from them everyday. They keep being cattle.

Many are looking for a gateway to change this. Others will appreciate the path of Spiritual Satanism to that end, others are sleeping still and they have not compehended what is at stake for their souls and for the world. These people are in the process of "waking up". One has to eventually understand this and wake up.

As in when you come up from deep sleep and you are regaining your senses, so is the case here. Waking up happens gradually. Then one starts understanding what they can do and like a sleeper from the Matrix, they wake up in a gooey pod of slavery and retardation. That has to be cleansed from someone and the self regained to full function. Those who remain "in their pods" will end up like in the Matrix movie, "intravenously fed into the living" and used like dead batteries for a system of slavery.

You have to make a choice here and support that choice.

Part of becoming a successful Spiritual Satanist is to learn how to shed the above, so that you let go of the slave and self destructive mentality. Then confusion will give in. The meditations and self knowledge as taught by the JoS, will eventually elevate you to a higher level of understanding.

After many years, it will become effortless to do good things for you, in contrast to late stages of serfdom where what is difficult is to do what is good to you.

Life and your own self will change and transform: But you must use your free will to allow this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Today after my daily meditation session, I got to thinking. I told myself that I think the Gods are much more willing to take care of a person who takes care of himself first.

I was happy in this meditation session precisely because I was thinking that if a person does nothing to do good for himself he can't expect anything. While it is entirely possible that the Deities, seeing that I take care of myself through meditation, will happily decide to be thoughtful of me (to the extent of supporting my true personal growth).

Once I concluded this reasoning, I saw this sermon, I opened it and read it and I felt pleasure in having done the right reasoning.

PS anyway, noble High Priest HoodedCobra666, I REALLY loved the part where you talk about Christians being afraid of having their soul stolen as if they had actually ever done anything to show that they care about their soul or at least that it has value. You expressed the concept really well. Truly congratulations! :D
The term slave has so many meanings. Exactly our own thoughts, behavior, family, addictions we try to explain it all to ourselves and I also deserve this beer and so on every day. I thought the same, but the more work you do with yourself you see how much still limits us. The gods are really patient, where we thought we gave up 10 times we get up again we lose faith in our success but they will never stop believing in us. I thought many times how sometimes you stupid people must look at us how much longer it must last. But the falls have to be otherwise we will not develop. It would be suspicious to be divine without difficult events. As always your sermons great master are wonderful. I have been waiting for them and I am waiting for the next ones and schedules. May the gods bless you.
Wonderful sermon HP Cobra, about two weeks ago while I was in a waiting room I started a very profound reflection on free will, the conclusions were exactly what was written here.

Lately it happens very often to me that what I think I find here later.

Thank you for all you do Commander, I would really love to be 1% of who you are.
This article reminds me of one of the Virtues Ethical Values of It is Spiritual Satanism (freedom,The Fall and Realism)
People should think about what they want to be. But most of them cannot see any of the options.
It is my opinion that one necessary feat is the following: regaining ownership over one's self.

As we spawn in this world chained, blinded, deafened and gagged (metaphorically), we are set-up for a state of spiritual destitution.
The chains make one's body afraid to move, the blinds make one's eye sensitive to light etc.
Moreover, ((their)) tactics are to maintain those handicaps for as long as possible, ideally until one keels over (spiritually and physically).

Alas, what is the best way to maintain slavery? Convincing slaves that they are free, while preaching that true freedom and true free will are "forbidden" and "evil".

Practicing accountability and responsibility for my own self (my own actions and inaction, my own thoughts) is what I am aiming for.
I aspire to consider personal aspects with care, calm and honesty. One should not lie to one's self, one should not indulge in the misery they were spawned into.

The above have been and are crucial in my own personal development.
Many people out there think they have "Free will".
Over time I developed the idea that free will was just a concept thrown to cattle to delude them into thinking they had a choice at various stages of their life. I have always asked myself whether, when one is at a crossroads in one's life path, one really decides consciously or as a consequence of various conditioning, education received, past experiences, etc.
How much does the position of planets affect one's birth chart and transits, and what is the margin we have to escape their influence? Is it true that, as I have been said in the past, nothing can happen in life that is not already written?
A few years ago, when I was reflecting just on the meaning of free will and life, I had a particular dream in which I and other people were participating in simulated military training. We had to cooperate together in order to pass the test, and certain situations came up again and again that required a choice: if the choice was wrong, the test was terminated, and the next day there would be a new attempt with the same situation.
Indeed, I have found that a certain kind of situation comes up in my life that, I guess, I will have to deal with differently than I have done so far.
Could you develop in more detail for an SS, if possible, the concept of free will?
Many people out there think they have "Free will". The reality is that you are born in a slave like state, with ignorance and massive pressures to sink you from all sides. Some souls experience this more and others less.

Humans due to wrong mental instruction and input, also make their earnest to resist, oppose and attack whatever is going to develop them. For reasons such as these they attack Satan or the Gods, or any practice and thing that will help them. That's because inherently slaves are programmed for self destruction.

Many people of course will also defend smoking and everything else that actively ruins them. While many for example will try to "debate with me" and "have their doubts" when it comes to doing something very much constructive, in other parts of their life, they engaged in for example some very detrimental decisions without thinking about it, like drugs or a very bad relationship.

But when the Gods actually want to help people, a need to act like a primadonna sometimes arises. I see this in Christians all the time. They are lost, spiritually destitute, and their souls cost 1 US dollar in total. The herded cattle does not know what to do when it's no longer herded, besides pose fake doubts and fake "complaints" to the Gods. This is a normal state at first, but the hypocrisy in this is pretty apparent.

They know it too. But when something good and actually from a higher order comes to help them, they have 1000 questions to ask me. "Will Satan rob me of my soul", asks the Christian, like they ever really owned a soul to know what it is, and in fear of robbing them.

In the eyes of a person who has unplugged, that is like a homeless, beaten and ruined man asking: "Will you now steal my 3 pennies?". The answer is of course no, the Gods seek to not steal the soul of the already destitute of a soul. They have nothing to give. But since the soul in question is always used to being in this state, it does not know any different.

The Gods are in fact here to change this. Yet, the resistance they pose to the Gods is actually programmed in them, like slavers would of course program the cattle to resist to get unplugged from the Jewtrix of control.

Meanwhile they did not ask a single question to join Christianity or Islam, because of course, those who own them like slaves did not give them that privilege. The moment their little ego figures out they can be treated like a human being, they think part of being treated like a human is to treat positive uplifting opportunities with major suspicion.

The same afternoon another crackhead will give them crack down the Bible Belt and they will take it without a lot of hesitation, or they will make a terrible investment, or spend money in the most wrong way they could for their future. But simultaneously their "Free Will" is exerted here to act like a primadonna.

I want to specify something here, Satan and the Gods are coming in to actually help us. At the same rate if we humans are sworn to slay ourselves, do not expect anyone to act like the false claims about the Jesus that does not exist who will "Always wait on the corner to save you". That's more false hope and misplaced understanding by the slavers to keep people under the state of ignorance and slavery, while the people wait for some "salvation" to arrive while they do nothing themselves.

On the level of reality and Spiritual Satanism, there is a street where it's walked both ways, you do one step and the Gods might do ten to reach you, but if you do not do this one step, or take 10 steps back, the distance will not close itself.

A lot of humans on earth due to being constantly abused by the enemy have their morals, sense of respect, and ethics all warped up. They mistreat good people who come to help them, throw people like Tesla to the trash can, and worship their abusers and those who destroy them and give them everything, instead of doing the same thing for people that are actually of proper origin and poised to help them.

I have seen many who might have been scammed by tens of thousands in Cryptocurrencies, or who knows what else, but lo and behold if they need to help the JoS which is consistently and in a proved manner can turn humans into higher beings, they will "hesitate" to do this.

The above they consider that likely might come from "Doubt", but in reality, the underlying force here is an inner force of resistance to what is good. The human soul is dark, and it denies the light. But when you give it more darkness, since it's all it ever knew, it sits there very able to consume it.

If humanity was not as a whole that dark, it would also not experience the dark circumstances it does all the time. The reason they are preparing you now for Monkeypox as I said in the AMA, is because they consider most humans entirely weak, servile and retarded. Everyone was hiding in their dens with the last "pandemic" where most people were simply just coughing a bit and getting a flu. Too many signs of weakness in humanity, the slavers are having a celebration.

Few people from this bunch of slaves is going to end up attaining a higher level of freedom. Certainly, those who will attain this are NOT those who take the path of the cattle. The cattle is always herded for exploitation and death. Nothing is given to anyone, everything is taken from them everyday. They keep being cattle.

Many are looking for a gateway to change this. Others will appreciate the path of Spiritual Satanism to that end, others are sleeping still and they have not compehended what is at stake for their souls and for the world. These people are in the process of "waking up". One has to eventually understand this and wake up.

As in when you come up from deep sleep and you are regaining your senses, so is the case here. Waking up happens gradually. Then one starts understanding what they can do and like a sleeper from the Matrix, they wake up in a gooey pod of slavery and retardation. That has to be cleansed from someone and the self regained to full function. Those who remain "in their pods" will end up like in the Matrix movie, "intravenously fed into the living" and used like dead batteries for a system of slavery.

You have to make a choice here and support that choice.

Part of becoming a successful Spiritual Satanist is to learn how to shed the above, so that you let go of the slave and self destructive mentality. Then confusion will give in. The meditations and self knowledge as taught by the JoS, will eventually elevate you to a higher level of understanding.

After many years, it will become effortless to do good things for you, in contrast to late stages of serfdom where what is difficult is to do what is good to you.

Life and your own self will change and transform: But you must use your free will to allow this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Greetings Brothers and Sisters Good Day today Saying good day verses good morning meaning morning is a negative word.Hail Satan
I always found it funny how xians brag about "free will". They have so much free will that they defend their bible at every cost, never taking a moment to think why they're defending it. Not that they've read it in the first place, unless you count bible quotes they've seen in Instagram girls' bios, of course.
Thank you HP Hooded Cobra 666 for another very informative sermon.

Where I can find the AMA?

The live AMA which was many hours, was done as a result for the progression of the Outreach project.

As many people were working very hard on this and have scored major successes, I decided to do a live AMA to answer their questions directly. More of this will happen in the context of our work etc, many have found it extremely helpful.

That will be uploaded in the Donor's platform as well [since quite a few of the Outreach who are performing well are members in there also].
Greetings Brothers and Sisters Good Day today Saying good day verses good morning meaning morning is a negative word.Hail Satan
Morning is when the sun comes up, and is from sunrise to noon. Don't believe the new lies told by some Black Americans on social media that it comes from the White slave owners saying "good mourning" to rile up the Black slaves.

Whites have been saying "good morning" to other Whites in Europe long before America was founded.
Morning is when the sun comes up, and is from sunrise to noon. Don't believe the new lies told by some Black Americans on social media that it comes from the White slave owners saying "good mourning" to rile up the Black slaves.

Whites have been saying "good morning" to other Whites in Europe long before America was founded.
Plus many slave owners in America, especially the richer ones, were jews.
Almost every race on the planet historically had a time of occupation or slavery, or members of that race.

The reason they just tell this to Black people who got enslaved by Jews [they were more than 90% of Slave Owners in America, all the transfer ship companies etc were Jewish] is because they want to hype you against White people and to destroy the United States which is also the house you have in common with other Americans.

Jews want to weaponize black people and use them to attack Europe and America, which are after all the only two continents who care about other continents in any serious way.

African tribes have for thousands of years enslaved other African tribes, still happens to this very day. Asians have enslaved other Asians, and Whites have done major wars against other Whites. East fought West and West fought East many times in history.

Hindus have been enslaved by Arabs, Arabs by Hindus, all of Europe by Genghis Khan, and the list is endless. You do not see people from India crying about it as they are masters inherently and they recognize history for history.

All the talk about "Slavery" is just to agitate you emotionally now [Benjamin Franklin a White man], jewish slavery has been abolished. The notion of slavery was abolished by White people also when they attempted to make a better civilization without slaves.

Slavery was not invented by White people, on the contrary it's a natural situation where the brutal force is used to keep people under control. Whites tried to make this less brutal for the "enslaved" people. They were a world first on this, as most others simply saw anyone "Enslaved" as merely an animal, which was not the case.

Whites also were the ones who evolved systems where they started legally to abolishing slavery worldwide, and gave the Universal Charter of Human rights recognizing that all humans have inherent existential value. This did not exist before White people either.

White people have not more or less participated in the game of slavery than any other race on the planet; we all have done this in the past and with disastrous circumstances. Whites however thought that it should start becoming a more fair game, and not the violent game it was before.

Proper treatment of "Slaves" did not exist in the same way for every civilization; for example in the Far East or China things were different.

Ancient Greek word for "Slave" only mean household servant or worker, which was not negative, and the slaves were in many cases like family members. The word did not have the same content as it does today. As a world first, in Ancient Greece one could become a free man or woman when certain criteria were met, also, something which did not happen in almost any other place. From these core ideals the idea evolved that slavery does not need to exist at all in the end of the day.

That's about it with "Slavery".
For me the Sun is always the Sun.The moon is always the moon and as the planets revole around the Sun.So Is The Sun Good and Bright with positive energy.And as the earth spins on it axs on a new time it still it Still is Good Day.Hail Satan
Many people out there think they have "Free will". The reality is that you are born in a slave like state, with ignorance and massive pressures to sink you from all sides. Some souls experience this more and others less.

Humans due to wrong mental instruction and input, also make their earnest to resist, oppose and attack whatever is going to develop them. For reasons such as these they attack Satan or the Gods, or any practice and thing that will help them. That's because inherently slaves are programmed for self destruction.

Many people of course will also defend smoking and everything else that actively ruins them. While many for example will try to "debate with me" and "have their doubts" when it comes to doing something very much constructive, in other parts of their life, they engaged in for example some very detrimental decisions without thinking about it, like drugs or a very bad relationship.

But when the Gods actually want to help people, a need to act like a primadonna sometimes arises. I see this in Christians all the time. They are lost, spiritually destitute, and their souls cost 1 US dollar in total. The herded cattle does not know what to do when it's no longer herded, besides pose fake doubts and fake "complaints" to the Gods. This is a normal state at first, but the hypocrisy in this is pretty apparent.

They know it too. But when something good and actually from a higher order comes to help them, they have 1000 questions to ask me. "Will Satan rob me of my soul", asks the Christian, like they ever really owned a soul to know what it is, and in fear of robbing them.

In the eyes of a person who has unplugged, that is like a homeless, beaten and ruined man asking: "Will you now steal my 3 pennies?". The answer is of course no, the Gods seek to not steal the soul of the already destitute of a soul. They have nothing to give. But since the soul in question is always used to being in this state, it does not know any different.

The Gods are in fact here to change this. Yet, the resistance they pose to the Gods is actually programmed in them, like slavers would of course program the cattle to resist to get unplugged from the Jewtrix of control.

Meanwhile they did not ask a single question to join Christianity or Islam, because of course, those who own them like slaves did not give them that privilege. The moment their little ego figures out they can be treated like a human being, they think part of being treated like a human is to treat positive uplifting opportunities with major suspicion.

The same afternoon another crackhead will give them crack down the Bible Belt and they will take it without a lot of hesitation, or they will make a terrible investment, or spend money in the most wrong way they could for their future. But simultaneously their "Free Will" is exerted here to act like a primadonna.

I want to specify something here, Satan and the Gods are coming in to actually help us. At the same rate if we humans are sworn to slay ourselves, do not expect anyone to act like the false claims about the Jesus that does not exist who will "Always wait on the corner to save you". That's more false hope and misplaced understanding by the slavers to keep people under the state of ignorance and slavery, while the people wait for some "salvation" to arrive while they do nothing themselves.

On the level of reality and Spiritual Satanism, there is a street where it's walked both ways, you do one step and the Gods might do ten to reach you, but if you do not do this one step, or take 10 steps back, the distance will not close itself.

A lot of humans on earth due to being constantly abused by the enemy have their morals, sense of respect, and ethics all warped up. They mistreat good people who come to help them, throw people like Tesla to the trash can, and worship their abusers and those who destroy them and give them everything, instead of doing the same thing for people that are actually of proper origin and poised to help them.

I have seen many who might have been scammed by tens of thousands in Cryptocurrencies, or who knows what else, but lo and behold if they need to help the JoS which is consistently and in a proved manner can turn humans into higher beings, they will "hesitate" to do this.

The above they consider that likely might come from "Doubt", but in reality, the underlying force here is an inner force of resistance to what is good. The human soul is dark, and it denies the light. But when you give it more darkness, since it's all it ever knew, it sits there very able to consume it.

If humanity was not as a whole that dark, it would also not experience the dark circumstances it does all the time. The reason they are preparing you now for Monkeypox as I said in the AMA, is because they consider most humans entirely weak, servile and retarded. Everyone was hiding in their dens with the last "pandemic" where most people were simply just coughing a bit and getting a flu. Too many signs of weakness in humanity, the slavers are having a celebration.

Few people from this bunch of slaves is going to end up attaining a higher level of freedom. Certainly, those who will attain this are NOT those who take the path of the cattle. The cattle is always herded for exploitation and death. Nothing is given to anyone, everything is taken from them everyday. They keep being cattle.

Many are looking for a gateway to change this. Others will appreciate the path of Spiritual Satanism to that end, others are sleeping still and they have not compehended what is at stake for their souls and for the world. These people are in the process of "waking up". One has to eventually understand this and wake up.

As in when you come up from deep sleep and you are regaining your senses, so is the case here. Waking up happens gradually. Then one starts understanding what they can do and like a sleeper from the Matrix, they wake up in a gooey pod of slavery and retardation. That has to be cleansed from someone and the self regained to full function. Those who remain "in their pods" will end up like in the Matrix movie, "intravenously fed into the living" and used like dead batteries for a system of slavery.

You have to make a choice here and support that choice.

Part of becoming a successful Spiritual Satanist is to learn how to shed the above, so that you let go of the slave and self destructive mentality. Then confusion will give in. The meditations and self knowledge as taught by the JoS, will eventually elevate you to a higher level of understanding.

After many years, it will become effortless to do good things for you, in contrast to late stages of serfdom where what is difficult is to do what is good to you.

Life and your own self will change and transform: But you must use your free will to allow this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you, High Priest, for this instructive sermon!
I have noticed that slaves, when confronted with a man who has free will and is not a slave, try to belittle him. What I have come to understand is that they probably know they are lagging behind and feel inferior.
This is a normal state at first, but the hypocrisy in this is pretty apparent.
The ignorance lead us to be egocentric and in bad faith. These mechanisms protect the ego from shocks it can't bear and take the form of denial, jalousy, aggression...
The road out of the Plato's Cave is a long one, involving many stages.

I've recently unraveled some of the bonds of my pathological servitude, which is always a small addition liberation.
It takes a lot of work each time. And as long as you don't do this work, you remain ineffective on the most essential things of all - which you tend to sabotage.

Seen from this angle, Karma seems like a psycho-mechanical part of ourselves.
They know it too. But when something good and actually from a higher order comes to help them, they have 1000 questions to ask me. "Will Satan rob me of my soul", asks the Christian, like they ever really owned a soul to know what it is, and in fear of robbing them.

It always baffles me the estimation of value the average Christian puts on their soul. They act like eldritch beings will move mountains and part seas for them if it means they can "have their soul." As an analogy, it's like paying ten billion dollars to gain a $50 note. This is obviously an arrangement cosmic beings will be interested in.

On a more serious note about free will, if I remember correctly, there's a certain concept in Norse folklore that only the "strongest" (those on the level of heroes and such) are truly capable of manifesting their own fate, as opposed to the fate as woven by the Norns. In the end, there's a lot of people who truly wish to believe they're "above" being controlled by any sort of higher force, and this hubris leads them to believe they're rebelling against something. Which sounds cool, if you're a teenager.

In reality, the patience and compassion the Gods have for humanity absolutely stumbles me. Everything they would see and witness on a daily basis, every terrible decision. From a human perspective, there's few experiences more frustrating than spending years learning about something in particular, only for some random armchair idiot on the internet to tell you you're wrong and the source is it came to them in a dream or whatever. I imagine that, except a trillionfold. For that reason and thousands of others, I can only perceive the Gods as the highest of beings.

Once, a saw a video of a circle of Christians gathered around at night. They saw a light move through the sky (probably a plane or a satellite), all started freaking out, and then they all started praying Bible verses. A minute or two later the light naturally moved away and they acted like they had "defeated a demon" and were euphoric.

In a symbolic way I think this summarizes the "resistance" offered by the stupidest parts of humanity.
Thank you HPHC for this, you can't be more right, it's very true some people want to worship there abusers and persecuters.

Thank you Maxine for creating the JOS thank you Cobra for sail us safely and proudly.

If i have a million dollars I won't be hesitat to invest it on the JOS.
@Hp. Hoodedcobra666, do you still answer to your proton e-mails?
he did not reply to my email for a mounth probably hes busy or enjoying life. but frankly sometimes i had quastions that i got answers to them by myself and from own experience after asking him. and we have pretty much very helpfull and beloved jos guardians who took of their time to answer me in-depth
@Hp. Hoodedcobra666, do you still answer to your proton e-mails?

Yes. Please do re-forward the e-mails because if there is no response this means it was buried in my e-mail, I try to answer every e-mail.

sup cobra how you doing sir

sup bro whattup?

he did not reply to my email for a mounth probably hes busy or enjoying life. but frankly sometimes i had quastions that i got answers to them by myself and from own experience after asking him. and we have pretty much very helpfull and beloved jos guardians who took of their time to answer me in-depth

sup bro,

so dis bigga here ain't enjoyin life cause bruh has work to do, yung boi be enjoying the work not life bcz life is work for JoS for yung boi, the issue with dis bigga here is that he got do some shiet bruh for JoS ya digg. And because this bro here is busy, sometime mail get lost. So bruv must re-send e-mail so dis boi can read. re-forward the e-mail homie, bless

Thank you, High Priest, for this instructive sermon!
I have noticed that slaves, when confronted with a man who has free will and is not a slave, try to belittle him. What I have come to understand is that they probably know they are lagging behind and feel inferior.

They are jealous, because they know they could improve their situation but they will not do this. So hating is the only thing they can do.

Thank you HPHC for this, you can't be more right, it's very true some people want to worship there abusers and persecuters.

Thank you Maxine for creating the JOS thank you Cobra for sail us safely and proudly.

If i have a million dollars I won't be hesitat to invest it on the JOS.

Thank you for your kind words.
Thank you HPHC for this, you can't be more right, it's very true some people want to worship there abusers and persecuters.

Thank you Maxine for creating the JOS thank you Cobra for sail us safely and proudly.

If i have a million dollars I won't be hesitat to invest it on the JOS.

May we be guided to great wealth and attainment so we can give this over to grow the House of Satan to Divine Heights!



Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
