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Free JoS Donor Article: Pythagorean Golden Verse

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
PDF 2 for JoS Donors is ready. It will be dispatched to everyone soon, after I make sure that everything in it is 100% proper and correct. It's currently undergoing a quick editing phase, before we proceed.

As always the material in this will be of exceptional value.

Thank you to all of those who enable this work.


Article 4. The Pythagorean Golden Verses: Verse 1

The reasons the Golden Verses are so important, is because they are known as the “Bible” of the Pythagoreans, some of the best followers of the Gods.

These verses have acted as a guide to the priorities of the Pythagoreans, who have been highest level spiritualists and mystics.

Pythagoras, the leader of the Pythagoreans.

Verse 1:
“Ἀθανάτους μέν πρῶτα θεούς, νόμωι ὡς διάκεινται, τίμα καί σέβου ὅρκον ἔπειθ' ἥρωας ἄγαυούς τους τέ καταχθονίους σέβε Δαίμονας, ἔννομα ῥέζων σούς τέ γονεῖς τίμα τούς τ' ἄγχιστ' ἐγγεγαῶτας. τῶν δ' ἄλλων ἀρετῆι ποιεῦ φίλον ὅστις ἄριστος.”

Translation by HPHC 666: “First and foremost you the Immortal Gods you should honor and respect, for you are existing inside the laws they have set and regulated and these are all encompassing, you ought too respect and honor the oaths that you have given. Next, you ought respect and revere the divine heroes and the cthonic Demons. You should also respect your parents and your close relatives, and always seek whomever is noble to be your friend.”

Commentary by HPHC 666

The first and primary cause of the universe, has borne out of itself the Immortal Gods, our Gods. The Gods are explicitly declared here to have shaped the laws of the universe, which we ought follow and respect. Honor, also includes what is broadly understood as both observance and deep understanding, but also a fulfillment of obligations towards the Great Gods who encompass creation.

The Great Gods who are Immortal are the first and highest level in this creation.

In Ancient Greek, the word ΔΙΑΚΕΙΝΤΑΙ means that both regulation has been instated, and also, that one is commanded in this regulation, but also simultaneously we have the implied notion that these laws are encompassing everything at all times, therefore, one has to banish the illusion that one is above said regulations, such as natural laws; we exist in these and we ought make peace with these, because these laws are precisely put there to help us empower and discover.

Our free will incumbent in refusal or acceptance, should always be put on the side of acceptance, as inside the word ΤΙΜΑ or “Honor” a word used in a commanding character and not containing in it the element of “being free to not do this”. The Pythagorean verse here says the Truth, as the laws of existence cannot be ignored – since they cannot be ignored, we are essentially commanded to respect these laws, as the belief that we had free will to do otherwise is only an illusion borne out of our false understanding or our false egotism. We also have the secret message that we can actually elevate into a higher and more “noble” state of being, as to give honor is actually a process of relating to the subject of this honor.

Without observance of these laws, humanity will be lost, as these laws has been created and they are regulations and forms that have to do with our well-being and security, but also our advancement.

These laws extend all the way from that we have to feed ourselves everyday, all the way to spiritual laws that we have to follow such as inner purification and increasing our understanding.

Depending on the level of observance of these laws, we rise and our negligence of these, causes our degradation and fall. That does not come as punishment, but as an outcome of our own choices. Hidden here is also the connotation that we must understand that what we can honor, we can eventually reach, because our attention is turned on this subject and topic. By honoring, we are coming in contact with the higher and the more spiritual and sublime, therefore, bringing ourselves into a state of union with this higher level, until we comprehend it more and more and become “It”.

We live encompassed in these laws by the Gods, who, mentioned as “immortals” are clearly not part of the “mortal” side of existence. The first and primary distinction here is that the Gods are immortal, therefore, living on a highest state of consciousness where lesser laws that we fall subject too during our ignorance, do not apply. We can falter, but they are beyond this state compared to us.

In the hierarchy of the universe, we have the Heroes, or the Ascended souls and Great Ones, but also the Chtonic Demons who are the given the epithet Cthonic meaning those who reside on earth. Implied here are the Demons who govern the more natural side of the laws, the laws closer to our world. These are both deified and glorified beings, yet the Gods still stay above them in the hierarchical structure. All of these must be respected and brought into our mind and in our respect, so that the process of emulation begins and helps us rise too through the ranks.

Going downwards into the hierarchy and closer to where “we” are, we are told to honor our family, our ancestors, those who came before, our close relatives, relate us to the level where we are. We ought respect them, a respect that should go both ways. Inside the mindset of honoring one’s parents and ancestors, we also have the ruling Ancient Greek mindset that we are indeed parts of a long chain of life that goes all the way back to the Gods, themselves.

As human beings, we begin on the lowest level of the hierarchical structure of the universe, residing primarily in the first dimension of those who are mortals. On that dimension, to rise, one has to look upwards. Clearly, we are taught the hierarchical structure first and foremost, so that sense is knocked into us through this understanding, but also awe in how far higher we can reach ourselves.

As a human being advances, they are still under the laws of the mortals, which are sometimes called as “Mortal Gods”, ie, we are in an incomplete stage that must be overcome. These mortal Gods are heroes.

That state that we find ourselves into can be expanded and we can become stronger, and our ignorance can be overcome provided we turn our essence and our attention to the higher beings.

How is this done? Through a contact of our own self to the higher. Then, we have to walk on this process of this said honorable path that has been set in front of us.

Our Dedication is one such agreement for us to focus our understanding, our application, and our diligent efforts in rising above this level of existence. As with any agreement, we must uphold it, for we are the party in the agreement that needs this the most. As we honor this, we also honor the Gods, we uplift ourselves in their honor, deifying our own self.

Friends and people are mentioned since we form relations and bonds with others, which we should focus that they should be Noble, in the sense that, these beings can help us in this path. An example of this formation are the Joy of Satan groups themselves, for through bonds of communication and even friendship, we all walk the path together forming relations within ourselves.

As we can understand, in contrast of nonsense of rampant individualism, we are told explicity here that our enlightenment won’t come from renunciation of other beings, but indeed, through proper unity with the proper ones.

Now, in that verse, why is the choice of words like this, and not another use of words, such as love?

It is the case that words chosen here are Honor and Respect, not “love” and other said words. Love cannot come immediately. It requires diligent effort and understanding. It arrives later, in time.

That is because on our primary state of existence, we have not yet formed a full understanding of love, or we have not formed a full understanding or knowledge of everything just yet. Love is understood later on, as we advance seriously and become partakers in the divine understanding of the Gods. That takes evolution and time.

For this reason, we are observers who are moving towards understanding and if we have respect, then that is enough for our primary steps.

Love and deeper understanding arrives in time, yet on the first and primary level, we have to use the understanding that we have to have respect and to honor as a first building block. We start from the first block, building ever upwards.

-HPHC 666
Amazing article! It sums up a lot of themes brought up here lately...
Very interesting! :)
Hail Satan!
In a way, the contents of the article make me reflect on the JoS' own advancement of the years. One cannot obviously diminish past works, as these ultimately served as the foundation of what we have now in terms of dedication and membership. For me personally, I feel the understanding we have today is increasingly lofty, however. As the JoS advances, it's reflected in our own understanding of the Gods and the universe. Many of the common "assumptions" of previous years regarding the Gods and their nature, by some of the membership of these older times, were not really reflective of Ancient Pagan thought. I suppose the best way of putting it was, it was not too uncommon once, for there to be certain posts regarding the Gods as merely, slightly advanced humans with UFOs. A lot of this was archaic understanding fuelled by other communities centered around false works like those of Sitchin and Hancock. These thoughts never resonated with me. It'll sound foolish now, but, as a younger man, I remember my early days as a young, very devout "Pagan". On discovering "Ufology" and "ancient alien" theories, I remember having this nightmare where the Gods I loved and cherished and held high in my thought were little else other than an alien race with better technology than our own.

The point is, the level to which I held the Gods, on instinct alone, in my heart of hearts, is reflected here, in Pythagoras' own works. Even though I had no knowledge of what the Ancients said in their own greatest works, what's said here resonates with me, in a way I can only feel that's truly instinctual. Our souls will always know and remember our Gods, even if our more active minds forgets in the context of one lifetime or another, given the material (or lack thereof) we have easy access to today. Ultimately I'm not saying anything truly special here. Trust your heart, and know our Gods are glorious beyond even the comprehension of our greatest. As the House of Satan goes, the sheer degree of what our Gods truly are will simply become more and more apparent.

Thank you for posting, as always. The more people understand the nature of things, the more their own pursuits will be put into context.
Thank you for everything you do for us Commander Cobra.

This article really ties into alot that we realise as we grow and advance. The individual can only do so much, Satan and the Gods has us unite in a divine heirarchy for this reason. Spiritual Satanists being unified and strong is like a circular motion between us and the gods where we lift ourselves up and they gradually guide us higher towards them, in eternal momentum.

This cycle essentially sustains us and rejuvenates us, being alll tied in and invested in this holy and utmost divine process.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-HPHC 666

This is a very beautiful verse!
... and a very good explanation of this verse!
Thank you!
I love this! Thank you so much for sharing with us this fantastic article.
What you write is correct. I appreciate your insight and honest commentary on that topic.

A lot of the things of the past were necessary for their time, but not on the level that shows the depth of this.

I am tasked by the Gods to bring everything to a higher level for everyone here and the JoS.

The situation is that many LHP things, are on the undertone of popularized notions which are not based in deep knowledge and initiation.

HPS Maxine gave birth to this child of the JoS in the needs of the time and with the knowledge there, and now I will make this beloved child into the grown up and eternal protector our world needs.

My given mission and task is to bring to all of you the heavenly knowledge, to guide those of you who already know and want to draw closer to the Truth.

By seeing such knowledge one will recognize it, and many are already ready for reception because of inner work.

In the case where some may not know, that is normal. The point is that I will share and analyze everything and bring the best materials in a form of accelerated time.

Unfortunately, due to corruption and enemy nonsense, I have to share and clarify. There is a train of knowledge and advancement that is now on the station and must take in whomever wants to go higher.

Similarly, the JoS too is being empowered now past many confines of the lowly LHP and other lesser conceptions which have been popularized because of lack of higher knowledge, which I seek to make readily available in JoS and everyone. The Gods will be seen like they are.

I have stood in awe in front of the Gods and I pray they take us all through to them.

Thank you.

Arcadia said:
In a way, the contents of the article make me reflect on the JoS' own advancement of the years. One cannot obviously diminish past works, as these ultimately served as the foundation of what we have now in terms of dedication and membership. For me personally, I feel the understanding we have today is increasingly lofty, however. As the JoS advances, it's reflected in our own understanding of the Gods and the universe. Many of the common "assumptions" of previous years regarding the Gods and their nature, by some of the membership of these older times, were not really reflective of Ancient Pagan thought. I suppose the best way of putting it was, it was not too uncommon once, for there to be certain posts regarding the Gods as merely, slightly advanced humans with UFOs. A lot of this was archaic understanding fuelled by other communities centered around false works like those of Sitchin and Hancock. These thoughts never resonated with me. It'll sound foolish now, but, as a younger man, I remember my early days as a young, very devout "Pagan". On discovering "Ufology" and "ancient alien" theories, I remember having this nightmare where the Gods I loved and cherished and held high in my thought were little else other than an alien race with better technology than our own.

The point is, the level to which I held the Gods, on instinct alone, in my heart of hearts, is reflected here, in Pythagoras' own works. Even though I had no knowledge of what the Ancients said in their own greatest works, what's said here resonates with me, in a way I can only feel that's truly instinctual. Our souls will always know and remember our Gods, even if our more active minds forgets in the context of one lifetime or another, given the material (or lack thereof) we have easy access to today. Ultimately I'm not saying anything truly special here. Trust your heart, and know our Gods are glorious beyond even the comprehension of our greatest. As the House of Satan goes, the sheer degree of what our Gods truly are will simply become more and more apparent.

Thank you for posting, as always. The more people understand the nature of things, the more their own pursuits will be put into context.
Arcadia said:

That is where I am inclined to think that there are different kinds of people, Brother. Those who need only the littlest evidence available to realize and understand the Truth about what we really are, Satan's creation and destined to reach our Gods/Fathers/Mothers, and those that will still not understand even in the face of all the evidence the JoS already provided, who will always look for fault even in undeniable evidence and will refuse to see.

Those like you and probably every other true Satanist here who belong to the first category, probably have this inner sense where you simply *feel* the Truth and our deep relationship and history with our Gods. Individuals like us are inevitably going to be with Satan in every future life. The only thing left to do is literally "removing the dross" and fully embracing our true Satanic nature (which HPHC is really helping us manifesting faster). Everything else comes with experience and time.

Thank you for saying that, it highly resonates with me.

Thank you Master Cobra, this is very enlightening, as usual!
sebestyen marta said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-HPHC 666

This is an excellent post.

What about the Jews?
Are they inherently evil or have they become so for some reason?

As a folk singer, I have sung folk songs of many nations, including Yiddish folk songs.

I believe that there is good among the Jews, not all of them are evil, and that those individuals who are not evil are distinctly beneficial to humanity.

What do you, High Priest Kobra, think about this?

If I am wrong about something, I will acknowledge it.
There are quite a few factors and studying in regards to that is necessary.

The situation is that jews currently harbor very long racial based type of hate against essentially all other people's, they have done deplorable actions, and they carry a very big consequence with them, that they constantly try to never repair and never apologize for, and they don't show any signs of doing anything about this.

They proceed on the higher political echelons [these reflect the enemy on the top, not "everyone"], into cleansing and genocide, of both Whites and other like Palestinians.

They have a few cute folk songs, but that doesn't mean that they aren't funding the downfall of the United States, or that they won't brainwash your kids, or that they won't own the whole opioid epidemic, try to ruin Free Speech in America, do all sorts of negative things, or a million other things. Most other people's on earth have the very radical factors as a minority, yet they do have these on a high majority.

Clearly, all these people they have had enemy discourse with, were also very good people, often-times extremely beneficial to humanity, brought Golden Ages and endless gifts to humanity as a whole. Yet they still insisted on the bad treatment.

They are still very neolithic and evil and they don't follow they road to enlightenment, but they proceed in hate.

The JoS overall wants to be free from their influence for the above reasons and for justice to take place. Justice isn't about sentimental feelings of the bottom. I don't think jews thought of 90% of the Roman, Greek, Babylonian, Palestinian, or what have you, population, and how good these people were; when they had unbridled power, they used it negatively.

The percent that stood against this, even from jews, was margnianalized and called traitorous or outright killed by other jews etc. Currently, they remain very dangerous, and likely dangerous as ever.

I do believe they are borderline lost in their own negative factors and that by design they have a lot of work to do. If they would even try this at all is still highly doubtable. They deny to do that work or even see the reason why this should exist in the first place.

I believe a few of them "could" in theory redeem themselves, without this meaning they belong with the Gods or the JoS, or that we should tolerate them or want them in our midst. That is their own business for the most part, as each species should handle itself.

In fact, as we remove their curses and heaps of destructive energy, we are saving ourselves, and indirectly also pushing them to behave themselves, giving them awareness over this fact. We shouldn't be cursed by them either let alone anything else.

Jews also seek a consequential end through their evil that will in the end destroy everyone, so if they get this, this will be bad for everyone on the planet. Their religion says they should enslave and kill most people on the planet and other more negative things. That's a very bad aim to have for anything.

If they also try to wipe out White people, that will have other consequences they cannot understand, including a downfall similar to the Middle Ages.

If they choose to still dwell on hate and laws of destruction, life will do what it does to them, and it's up to the Gods and fortune of what will happen past this. People falsely believe it's out of hate on our behalf but it's out of an incessant need for culture building [the culture jews destroyed and slandered deliberately] and about applied justice.

These things are on the hands of the universe a lot.
sebestyen marta said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-HPHC 666

This is an excellent post.

What about the Jews?
Are they inherently evil or have they become so for some reason?

As a folk singer, I have sung folk songs of many nations, including Yiddish folk songs.

I believe that there is good among the Jews, not all of them are evil, and that those individuals who are not evil are distinctly beneficial to humanity.

What do you, High Priest Kobra, think about this?

If I am wrong about something, I will acknowledge it.

I think this should also on top of HP.Cobra's reply should endear a very odd reaction.

If this is what simple military soldiers state and acknowledge this. Then what do you think advanced civilizations do.


I like to post this video from time to time. Because if these people and believe me the military is filled with christcucks look at the Hispanic arm of the military or for example the idiots proclaiming a return to the Crusades.

It's the same judeo-bolshevik non-sense since the times the enemy gained control railroading through Middle Ages.

If these guys live and breath xtianity and MANY do in fact. Then it's very ironic that they immediately recognize the aliens behavior in such manner. In fact judging with how these guys take it I figure there might even be military manuals and pamphlets describing such factors.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
PDF 2 for JoS Donors is ready. It will be dispatched to everyone soon, after I make sure that everything in it is 100% proper and correct. It's currently undergoing a quick editing phase, before we proceed.

As always the material in this will be of exceptional value.

Thank you to all of those who enable this work.


Article 4. The Pythagorean Golden Verses: Verse 1

The reasons the Golden Verses are so important, is because they are known as the “Bible” of the Pythagoreans, some of the best followers of the Gods.

These verses have acted as a guide to the priorities of the Pythagoreans, who have been highest level spiritualists and mystics.

Pythagoras, the leader of the Pythagoreans.

Verse 1:
“Ἀθανάτους μέν πρῶτα θεούς, νόμωι ὡς διάκεινται, τίμα καί σέβου ὅρκον ἔπειθ' ἥρωας ἄγαυούς τους τέ καταχθονίους σέβε Δαίμονας, ἔννομα ῥέζων σούς τέ γονεῖς τίμα τούς τ' ἄγχιστ' ἐγγεγαῶτας. τῶν δ' ἄλλων ἀρετῆι ποιεῦ φίλον ὅστις ἄριστος.”

Translation by HPHC 666: “First and foremost you the Immortal Gods you should honor and respect, for you are existing inside the laws they have set and regulated and these are all encompassing, you ought too respect and honor the oaths that you have given. Next, you ought respect and revere the divine heroes and the cthonic Demons. You should also respect your parents and your close relatives, and always seek whomever is noble to be your friend.”

Commentary by HPHC 666

The first and primary cause of the universe, has borne out of itself the Immortal Gods, our Gods. The Gods are explicitly declared here to have shaped the laws of the universe, which we ought follow and respect. Honor, also includes what is broadly understood as both observance and deep understanding, but also a fulfillment of obligations towards the Great Gods who encompass creation.

The Great Gods who are Immortal are the first and highest level in this creation.

In Ancient Greek, the word ΔΙΑΚΕΙΝΤΑΙ means that both regulation has been instated, and also, that one is commanded in this regulation, but also simultaneously we have the implied notion that these laws are encompassing everything at all times, therefore, one has to banish the illusion that one is above said regulations, such as natural laws; we exist in these and we ought make peace with these, because these laws are precisely put there to help us empower and discover.

Our free will incumbent in refusal or acceptance, should always be put on the side of acceptance, as inside the word ΤΙΜΑ or “Honor” a word used in a commanding character and not containing in it the element of “being free to not do this”. The Pythagorean verse here says the Truth, as the laws of existence cannot be ignored – since they cannot be ignored, we are essentially commanded to respect these laws, as the belief that we had free will to do otherwise is only an illusion borne out of our false understanding or our false egotism. We also have the secret message that we can actually elevate into a higher and more “noble” state of being, as to give honor is actually a process of relating to the subject of this honor.

Without observance of these laws, humanity will be lost, as these laws has been created and they are regulations and forms that have to do with our well-being and security, but also our advancement.

These laws extend all the way from that we have to feed ourselves everyday, all the way to spiritual laws that we have to follow such as inner purification and increasing our understanding.

Depending on the level of observance of these laws, we rise and our negligence of these, causes our degradation and fall. That does not come as punishment, but as an outcome of our own choices. Hidden here is also the connotation that we must understand that what we can honor, we can eventually reach, because our attention is turned on this subject and topic. By honoring, we are coming in contact with the higher and the more spiritual and sublime, therefore, bringing ourselves into a state of union with this higher level, until we comprehend it more and more and become “It”.

We live encompassed in these laws by the Gods, who, mentioned as “immortals” are clearly not part of the “mortal” side of existence. The first and primary distinction here is that the Gods are immortal, therefore, living on a highest state of consciousness where lesser laws that we fall subject too during our ignorance, do not apply. We can falter, but they are beyond this state compared to us.

In the hierarchy of the universe, we have the Heroes, or the Ascended souls and Great Ones, but also the Chtonic Demons who are the given the epithet Cthonic meaning those who reside on earth. Implied here are the Demons who govern the more natural side of the laws, the laws closer to our world. These are both deified and glorified beings, yet the Gods still stay above them in the hierarchical structure. All of these must be respected and brought into our mind and in our respect, so that the process of emulation begins and helps us rise too through the ranks.

Going downwards into the hierarchy and closer to where “we” are, we are told to honor our family, our ancestors, those who came before, our close relatives, relate us to the level where we are. We ought respect them, a respect that should go both ways. Inside the mindset of honoring one’s parents and ancestors, we also have the ruling Ancient Greek mindset that we are indeed parts of a long chain of life that goes all the way back to the Gods, themselves.

As human beings, we begin on the lowest level of the hierarchical structure of the universe, residing primarily in the first dimension of those who are mortals. On that dimension, to rise, one has to look upwards. Clearly, we are taught the hierarchical structure first and foremost, so that sense is knocked into us through this understanding, but also awe in how far higher we can reach ourselves.

As a human being advances, they are still under the laws of the mortals, which are sometimes called as “Mortal Gods”, ie, we are in an incomplete stage that must be overcome. These mortal Gods are heroes.

That state that we find ourselves into can be expanded and we can become stronger, and our ignorance can be overcome provided we turn our essence and our attention to the higher beings.

How is this done? Through a contact of our own self to the higher. Then, we have to walk on this process of this said honorable path that has been set in front of us.

Our Dedication is one such agreement for us to focus our understanding, our application, and our diligent efforts in rising above this level of existence. As with any agreement, we must uphold it, for we are the party in the agreement that needs this the most. As we honor this, we also honor the Gods, we uplift ourselves in their honor, deifying our own self.

Friends and people are mentioned since we form relations and bonds with others, which we should focus that they should be Noble, in the sense that, these beings can help us in this path. An example of this formation are the Joy of Satan groups themselves, for through bonds of communication and even friendship, we all walk the path together forming relations within ourselves.

As we can understand, in contrast of nonsense of rampant individualism, we are told explicity here that our enlightenment won’t come from renunciation of other beings, but indeed, through proper unity with the proper ones.

Now, in that verse, why is the choice of words like this, and not another use of words, such as love?

It is the case that words chosen here are Honor and Respect, not “love” and other said words. Love cannot come immediately. It requires diligent effort and understanding. It arrives later, in time.

That is because on our primary state of existence, we have not yet formed a full understanding of love, or we have not formed a full understanding or knowledge of everything just yet. Love is understood later on, as we advance seriously and become partakers in the divine understanding of the Gods. That takes evolution and time.

For this reason, we are observers who are moving towards understanding and if we have respect, then that is enough for our primary steps.

Love and deeper understanding arrives in time, yet on the first and primary level, we have to use the understanding that we have to have respect and to honor as a first building block. We start from the first block, building ever upwards.

-HPHC 666

Good evening brother Cobra first of all thank you for all you do for us with the deep knowledge given through the pdf's. The texts of this second pdf also reflect the deep change and realization I have been going through lately. I would like to focus on some questions that arose from the first golden verse of Pythagoras. That the first prime cause created the Immortal Gods did this happen by chance due to some coincidences or through some primal design or for some other reason. Secondly, the Gods are Immortal from the beginning so what I had read from some older members that they were once mortal like us and then achieved immortality through Magnun Opus is not true, which I personally could not believe since I had studied the Ancient philosophers to a certain extent and knew about Immortals from the beginning. And finally man placed in the creation; did he exist in a preexisting, pietistic state and then Satan gave us the soul with the kundalini or did he create us with body and soul?
I apologize at the outset for any expressive errors since I am using the translator because my English is not so good

Hail Satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

It would be interesting to read your translation of the other verses. The translations I found in my language, in books and online, seems incomplete to me.
Thanks for the very interesting article. I would like to point out only one thing, maybe it was simply a transcription error, the Greek word for "honor" is TIMÈ ( τιμή /tīmê/ = honor ), TIMA does not exist as a word in Greek.
Diotima666 said:
Thanks for the very interesting article. I would like to point out only one thing, maybe it was simply a transcription error, the Greek word for "honor" is TIMÈ ( τιμή /tīmê/ = honor ), TIMA does not exist as a word in Greek.

It exists.

In Greek and it's the commanding factor of the word ΤΙΜΗ (honor), which means "You should honor", or "You are commanded to honor", or simply "HONOR!" by pointing at an object. That's another form of the same word.

Your Name is Ancient Greek is broken into two elements, your username that is. It is broken in Dio (Zeus) and TIMA, ie, "you should honor Zeus". Diotima is the character from Plato's works and his teacher.

Not sure if that helped explain it, but yes, it exists.
I didn't know this. I was sure of it because while studying ancient philosophy it is not the first time that I hear the word "timè" , but never heard "tima", I didn't know that Is just another form for the same word.Thank you for having "enlightened" me on this🤗
sebestyen marta said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-HPHC 666

This is an excellent post.

What about the Jews?
Are they inherently evil or have they become so for some reason?

As a folk singer, I have sung folk songs of many nations, including Yiddish folk songs.

I believe that there is good among the Jews, not all of them are evil, and that those individuals who are not evil are distinctly beneficial to humanity.

What do you, High Priest Kobra, think about this?

If I am wrong about something, I will acknowledge it.
Is Everything The Fault Of Jews? - https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=85416

Something to consider: Jews are a biological weapon used against us for quite some time now. The fact that not all of them are actively called to action does not negate the possibility of them working against us as they are antithetical to us on all levels whether they are seemingly 'better' ones.

Here you can read about how a Jewish rabbi talks about them being aliens to this world and what their purpose here is: https://laitman.com/2011/05/the-aliens/#gsc.tab=0
Actually, In nature flowers blossom because they are looking at the sun. I have found this is similar like we have to respect those who are light for us, so we could blossom.
GUYS, PLEASE NO ONE REPLY EVER TO "sebestyen marta" user!
Sebestyén Márta is a vers famous Hungarian folk singer and this psychopath troll here (his former name was Ariton) tries to impersonate her. Also he shared extremely slanderous claims in his signature and attacks Márta's family too. Please comrades, just translate his filthy signature text to see how obscene, sick and pervert he is...

Please report him. He has other troll accounts too here like "fuzesi tamas". And who knows what other troll accounts he created and uses...
He is from Hungary but he is a psychopath jewish troll actually. He always uses the signature block on his troll accounts to share very slanderous filthy texts in Hungarian...

Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
GUYS, PLEASE NO ONE REPLY EVER TO "sebestyen marta" user!
Sebestyén Márta is a vers famous Hungarian folk singer and this psychopath troll here (his former name was Ariton) tries to impersonate her. Also he shared extremely slanderous claims in his signature and attacks Márta's family too. Please comrades, just translate his filthy signature text to see how obscene, sick and pervert he is...

Please report him. He has other troll accounts too here like "fuzesi tamas". And who knows what other troll accounts he created and uses...
He is from Hungary but he is a psychopath jewish troll actually. He always uses the signature block on his troll accounts to share very slanderous filthy texts in Hungarian...

Thank you for letting us know.
sebestyen marta said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-HPHC 666

This is an excellent post.

What about the Jews?
Are they inherently evil or have they become so for some reason?

As a folk singer, I have sung folk songs of many nations, including Yiddish folk songs.

I believe that there is good among the Jews, not all of them are evil, and that those individuals who are not evil are distinctly beneficial to humanity.

What do you, High Priest Kobra, think about this?

If I am wrong about something, I will acknowledge it.

I am also from Hungary. I notify you that legal actions will be taken against you. You impersonated here a famous Hungarian folk singer, you wrote very slanderous lies about her and attacked her family.
Do not you ever dare to come back here again.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
