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Fostering The Satanic Mentality: Your Actions and The Gods

Needed this its like splash of cold water to the face I am going to seriously try to apply this sermon to myself each day cause I definitely need to.
Very good Sermon thanks hp cobra
Fuchs said:
Thanks, but despite my hardship I still manage to pay all my bills and even have some funny money. Let's just say that I work 25-50% of what my peers work, but I still net per month at least 75% worth of 100% work rate leaving me with plenty of time for 8 fold path and other activities. It's just from past mistakes that I have had and still have to pay debt instead of saving up and making investments.
Fiery Pluto said:
I am a minor and in order to donate I could secretly take a credit card from my parents. However, I could run the risk that they would see the transitions made with the card and find out about me. Then I wouldn't know what to tell them because I haven't bought anything with it and they are already quite suspicious about my beliefs since they know I meditate. I have no trusted people who could make the transition for me.

Is this risk one of the excuses you refer to or not? Can I wait until I come of age and become financially independent?

Maybe the answer is obvious and I am stupid, sorry.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
That would be stealing. You could either make your own money or wait until you can make your own money. For example, you could run errands for people in exchange of small amounts of cash ("change") and over time you'd have some money to spend on your own. Buying crypto most usually requires bank account etc. So for that to be realistic in your case, you should just grow up a little bit.
Pammy said:
Henu the Great said:

You can’t save up in a hyperinflation economy. If I had put 80 USD worth of money aside a year ago to donate, I would have 40 USD worth of money right now. You could think why not keep your money in USD then, but no, everyone thinks the same thing so the commission for exchange is crazy to do it in a monthly manner and there are some limitations. They surveillance how much money you exchange, how frequently you do it and limit it.

One more thing to add, 1 USD was equal to 1,15 TL in 2008. 1 USD was 17,25 last week. 5 USD is nothing to someone from the USA but it can be my water bill or my cat's food for the month. Not because they are cheap, very expensive in fact, but Lira lost too much value that I need to starve my cat to send only 5 dollars.

Lastly, slaves in Ancient Egypt received 3 liters of beer and whole wheat bread (170 TL) per day, and about half of the people who work in Turkey are paid 166 TL per day.
It is true that any amount of saving in your situation is severely handicapped, but still possible. However, when it is that bad, it would make more sense to buy right away.

I know that Turkey is economically down the drain. Multiple money workings, even continously would be very good for staying on top of things.
Henu the Great said:

I know that Turkey is economically down the drain. Multiple money workings, even continously would be very good for staying on top of things.

Working on it. Thanks.
Henu the Great said:
Fuchs said:
Thanks, but despite my hardship I still manage to pay all my bills and even have some funny money. Let's just say that I work 25-50% of what my peers work, but I still net per month at least 75% worth of 100% work rate leaving me with plenty of time for 8 fold path and other activities. It's just from past mistakes that I have had and still have to pay debt instead of saving up and making investments.

I once did see a interview, about a 110 year old men still working, he was asked how he did manage to work this long in his profession (he does /did work with clothes/cotton), he stated:

"One has to love their job, without this one is not abel to work this long and be good at the job also he said never eat fast food, eat healty."
Something else came to my mind while reading this and that's people who didn't even realize they were for the gods but so heavily brain washed under the spell of the buybull and that's a man who was a Bible thumping nut case... James wickstrom who i believe worked hard against the jews and for his race, yea he would have definitely hated me but I've always admired and looked up to him seeing how his whole life he was EXTREMELY against the jews I mean he was hard core anti jew and I loved that about him but it's very SAD that he was such a deluded fool the jews fooled him to think they were satanic which obviously nothing could be further than the truth wickstrom was a satanist at heart he just never realized it ...seeing how much he hated jews...
They fooled him and he died (I think he was murdered) believing in that jew nonsense
When he died that messed me up a little bit
I'm not defending his Christian lunacy at all
But I guess my point is I kinda felt the gods through him in some his speeches until those jew mother fuckers deleted almost all of
his content off the internet right after his death yea his speeches had a bunch of Christian nonsense in them
That always is went in one ear and out of the other for me I listened to what he had to say about the jews and what really happened in ww2 how the Dwight Eisenhower was really half Jewish and his mother was a black woman and Eisenhower was a fanatic jew psychopath that wanted to kill all the Germans and anyone who was white and how he holocausted 1 .5 million German soldiers AFTER the war was over he designated all German pows as DEFS (disarmed enemy forces) so that the German pows were no longer entitled to the Geneva convention meaning they were no longer entitled to food water and shelter
There's so much i wouldn't have known about what really happened in ww2 if it weren't for wickstrom its crazy for me to say that i could actually respect any Christian but I respected that man just based off how extremely anti kike he was, he was also extremely hateful towards anyone who wasent white (which is
is just plain ignorance) I'm not trying to come across as a hypocrite but I truly in a way felt the gods speaking through him in some of his speeches,
and it just PISSES ME OFF how the jews completely deceived him so badly with there buybull and he died worshipping a kike lie
I'll never forget some his words...
That's it. This is the information I believe many, many people would strongly benefit from, when thought of deeply during serious reflection.

When you know you must bring yourself to action in order to bring about the best things for yourself, "but" something is keeping you back from actually enacting it.

As a result, you then compensate by telling yourself that at least "the thought" matters, hoping it's enough to one day bring you to do something about it, as you remain in the perpetual cycle of inactivity and stagnation.

Instead of an excuse, perhaps one could think to themselves how to make something possible, as long as it's in their actual power and control, and figure out what they could do to resolve the issue or help themselves somehow.

I've personally always been a firm believer of "When there's a will, there's a way". Though the way is never easy when it comes to freeing oneself from laziness, a bad habit, or other situations.

"I know I should exercise, but..."
"I know I should stop consuming weed/coffee/alcohol, but..."
"I know I should strengthen my bond with the Gods, but..."
"I know I should draw, or practice whatever my hobby is, but..."

Yeah. Sound familiar? Thoughts like these had me for a long time, too.

The thing is, as SS, we're able to bring about the manifestation of a lot of things (within our individual power levels), so rune infusions pertaining to your conditions, combined with strong will and specific affirmations (and of course any other kind of working and cleaning) can get you out of most stagnating situations compared to normal people.

The Gods also tend to emphasize consciousness, as in, being conscious of your decisions and actions and how they impact yourself, your life, and sometimes even people around you. Conversely, inactivity and bad choices would then be to your detriment, of course.

With the Satanic way of thought HPHC mentions, you could actually exceed and overcome pretty much any bad habit or form of laziness that's bogging you. If it is in your control and power, you seek to make it happen, and if you consciously choose not to (be it cause it's difficult or whatever), you're likely simply being lazy for the most part.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Black Sun Light said:
Cobra, if you could post what you need the money for, that would help motivate people to Donate. I think if we imagine that people are donating alot, they might not see a point. If there was a certain amount needed to reach for a reason, that might make people more apt too.

I think that soon, we will be into the territory of around 50 websites, with the translations included. Maybe more in the future. These will require regional advertising and a lot of other things, which will make sense to people who know what these things mean and what they entail.

I want to see the JoS grow to what the Gods have envisioned with all the provisions.

As a person I have minimal needs to none in particular as an individual. Personally the concern that plagues me the most, is that I must do what I have to do, in the hope that my works will be considered by the Gods and that they will give me more understanding in life above all else.

Except of a few blessed and strong people who actually understand what this takes and are actively into this, and others who disproportionately give everything in this, others are sleeping on this.

This post is to wake them up to improve their situation, and in turn, improve the common dwelling of the JoS.

I don't see this as justice, nor I consider this logical in anyway. I think people should be more hopeful, richer, and have plenty, for themselves and for JoS and so on.

Clearly, this is something that takes a while to generate, as many people have been programmed into both poverty and lack of giving [which are two illnesses I seek to rectify in our gathering].

Would you like me to create or if you have some things such as pamphlets brochures or even business cards type advertising that we can mass generate I have made similar things in the past especially around our Easter Yuletide and Samhain as as I believe doing this on these special occasions our holy days would be more effective at reaching people I often place them on community notice boards as well if you reach out to me on my email (I have many) I can show you some samples as to what I did last year on Yuletide myself and my parents went around taping this great artwork I found on the internet of Wotan (odin) and some Valkyries and it said learn more about Santa's true origins with https links and even working qr codes on the posters these did eventually get taken down but most of the time they stayed up for a few days we even saw a few people take them home.

I have also made smaller letterbox sized propaganda but I think the JOS main emblem perhaps scares people or just makes people think wtf when they get it in the mailbox I think I should try something more simpler for the more simple people I'm trying to reach also the red writing on the emblem can be hard to make out the wording especially if the j it looks very fancy and I personally like it but it's just difficult for the common judgemental people I know we do not seek all to join us as we know that we will attract who we need to but i don't know I kept it original or I made it look Nordic or Egyptian.

Would you prefer me to invest in the jos this way or would you like me to donate to the site I also plan to perhaps ask the local council if I can throw some kind of an event/festival see if I can get people to come on down I will need to plan this of course but it's up to you I want to be making us into a religion and not just an e cult
I am not entirely sure if this is the correct spot to post this, but I felt the need to.

Throughout this year I have done many Jupiter squares for material gain as I am currently trying to build an amount of stability so that I can focus more on expansion of many areas of my life afterwards. In May I was told by my boss I was not going to receive the raise I had hoped for, and after many squares I thought this was the perfect moment to manifest. When it didn't happen I was disheartened.

A few days ago I was communicating my worries to my guardian demon about where my life is going and my uncertainty about the direction. It was probably less communicating and more venting my spiritual and material frustrations haha. I am unable to hear them but I could feel lovely reassuring energy washing over me. The next morning I checked the forums to see this topic posted.

Even though I don't think it was the direct point of the message, I felt a need to believe in my own power and workings more. I had set money aside that I planned on donating for awhile, however insecurity had me hold onto it for a long time. A constant voice in the back of my head telling me that I might need this when looking for homes soon. What if I lost all my other money? These were just excuses at the end of the day though and I finally went thought the steps to donate.

Quite literally the next day not only was I recognized and praised for doing my job well and in a very timely matter (something that practically never happens for my field), the raise that was told impossible just a month before was given to me. I am still not entirely sure which spiritual factors and influences played a part in this, but I feel like I am finally moving ahead in life with some momentum and belief put back into my own power.

I felt for awhile I was simply stagnating too much and I think this post finally made me shake off my rust and decide to start taking steps forward believing in my own power. For that I am truly grateful to HP Hoodedcobra and to my guardian demon whom I am still working to figure out who they might be.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In life, I have noticed, on everything meaningful and good that people must do, ie, meditation, learning, advancing, positive things - everyone has a big BUT. "I would meditate, but ...". "I had this opportunity to advance in JoS, but...".

The infinite creation of excuses to feed cowardice, laziness, lack of industriousness and everything that can and will keep you back from higher things, is the greatest monster you will have to fight in your life. It is bigger than all the jews combined, the enemy, and all your enemies that you had and you will ever have. If you defeat this monster, you will have defeated the real enemy in the real war. The great beast that hovered above you, will have been defeated.

Oooooh, this hit home so badly! :? :roll:
Thank you very much for this sermon, it was helpful and reassuring in more ways than one.

NigredoMax said:
I had set money aside that I planned on donating for awhile, however insecurity had me hold onto it for a long time. A constant voice in the back of my head telling me that I might need this when looking for homes soon. What if I lost all my other money? These were just excuses at the end of the day though and I finally went thought the steps to donate.
It was exactly the same way for me! I had a considerable amount of money in the corner that I could donate, but this irrational fear made me keep postponing it. I am glad I finally donated as well. :)
This has nothing to do with this topic and I am aware of that but I saw a topic on here that got deleted called mockery and I hope
I had nothing to with ( probably didn't) that topic being made I just wanted to let hp cobra know that I may come on here and say some outlandish shit and usually negative at times I never want cobra to to think I'm working against the joyofsatan or the clergy or trying to stir up shit I only bring this up because half of my post I put on here usually dont get approved and I've. Noticed that for awhile now so I must be doing something wrong.
satan is usually on my mind all day I would never ever want to come on here and stir up bullshit that wouldn't be to wise... and i would never want to piss the gods off sometimes I feel its better I don't come on here at all and post things Maybe I'm just to hateful... idk...
Yagami Light said:
It was exactly the same way for me! I had a considerable amount of money in the corner that I could donate, but this irrational fear made me keep postponing it. I am glad I finally donated as well. :)

It gives me a little reassurance to know I was not the only one dealing with those kinds of hinderances :). Lets both do our best from now one brother!

Hail Satan!
Fuchs said:
I once did see a interview, about a 110 year old men still working, he was asked how he did manage to work this long in his profession (he does /did work with clothes/cotton), he stated:

"One has to love their job, without this one is not abel to work this long and be good at the job also he said never eat fast food, eat healty."
Yes, that is very good advice. You are what you do, think and eat, basically. Even though my current work sucks, everything else around it is okay. I even have time for school plus I get paid for it. Furthermore, I have a great plan for later, heading towards career path(s) I do love instead of working dead end shit jobs.
@satanic path
Regarding satanic path I know you are not a troll and your doubt "is genuine" is not bad but it is quite childish.

As always, Hp.cobra never misses an opportunity to teach us something, although I imagine that it is not happy to hear these words, it still gives explanations.

I interpret your complaints as 《I respect you and precisely because this I want to tell you that there is something I do not agree with》 I understand this in part, but I will explain to you why in my humble opinion it is wrong.

A while ago I think a year and a half ago, there was a choice of cobra that I honestly did not understand, I will not say what it is about.

I have sent him many emails, some reading them also have something very immature on my part.

Cobra's answers have never been arrogant, he has always been open to dialogue despite his superiority in this path and as an advancement that is objective.

Although for a long time, I have not shared this choice, and in part I still do not fully understand it, I have never doubted cobra.

Do you know why? Because having respect for myself, I can objectively ascertain that Hp. Cobra is an extremely advanced man and certainly more advanced than me.
And he is more advanced than me for many things for the energy I perceive, for his level of knowledge and for his behaviors as he also highlighted in this post, every time that Hp cobra speaks there is something to learn, he has a I understand high mentality because that's where I want to get

So the goal I set myself was to try to get up to his level of understanding of things and not try to bring him to my level.

Regarding the topic of donations, the first thing to understand is that we are not giving money to cobra as a handout, but we are contributing for something collective.

Besides, if you ever needed money, cobra personally deserves it, but luckily I don't think this is the case.

Also I see that at least in my opinion you have a distorted conception of collective, I don't understand why you see the term collective as a synonym of communism, hitler was a great leader and goebels himler etc. great men also taken individually but their singularity united for a common purpose created National Socialism.

Finally I would like to say that I also did not expect this post, but it was very useful to me in the first place.

Personally I have the possibility to donate good sums of money to jos but I have never done it I have helped in many ways some public some private but I have never donated, even if I could simply because I never realized the importance of to do it.

The past is now over, I will not self-flag for this, I simply have time to fix it and I will do it in a very short time.

Now I could have lectured you and made it clear that I was a great donor, I could also have claimed that I had donated 1 million euros to jos, but I didn't.

Those who truly want to advance must first recognize the truth in front of themselves.

How can you imagine having a relationship with the Gods when you are not even willing to accept being able to learn from an HP?

Everyone should ask themselves this question.
This post was deeply inspiring and reassuring to me.

We live in a world of extremes and differences. Everything is good vs evil, right vs left and black vs white (such as that represented by the freemasons, which is a jewish creation).

If we focus only on our differences we largely will only focus on our shortcomings, because we humans have a such a tendency to see only the worst in ourselves and in others. We should never hate ourselves for being 'less than' based on preconceived ideas, such as looks or physical health. At the same time, I don't believe we should mock inferior people as a way to make us feel superior. We are more diverse, unique and individual than snowflakes falling from the sky. No one person can truly understand another and hence this is why judgment (i.e black magic) is reserved as an absolute last resort. I feel that RTRs are effective to the world in general (as a form of real 'charma').

Regardless if we're damaged, disabled, disfigured or anything resulting from this cruel world, Satanists are meant to use every faculty we have and fight toward constant self progression without doubt, self-denial or past regret.

This is why I love Satanism. It does not morn or pity. It gives us a straight path to endlessly improve ourselves. It honestly makes Buddhism and other such religions look like a path with no real goal but assimilation and self-abuse. Sure these people are disciplined, but not to any true benefit to themselves spiritually. It's to the benefit of 'collective pacifism' which in essence is slavery.

It's too easy to think "well if some people are physically incapable of thinking or acting, why should I be expected to?"

There is a new class of people I recently learned of who believe this very thing to an extreme degree. These people are called "transabled" and they actually believe they were meant to be in a disabled body. Some of these people even injure themselves to become blind/deaf/etc. It's an atrocity but it speaks such volumes of the kind of world we live in.

It's the jewish cabal that created all the suffering in this world and it is very sad. It is not due to any lack of love our creator Satan has for humanity. We are only here for a short time in physical form, but nearly everyone reincarnates and with each new life we are given new opportunities.

I think of it much the same I think of time itself. People are always on a crunch and hyperfocus on minutes, hours and days. They never focus on the present and thus they lose the present and wonder "why did I never accomplish x y z?" People also too often focus on details and fail to see things as a whole. They see manifestations of behaviour as a source of being, not as a result of life experience.

I don't understand the pettiness of the world at all but I'm glad I'm not alone. We are the change the world needs and I'm honoured to be a part of it, irrespective of my superiority or inferiority. I will do my best to focus on myself and continue putting in the work.

Thank you HP and sorry for ranting! It's hard to express how I truly feel but I felt it was necessary. As someone who has been through a lot I feel extremely empathetic towards the world. I'm not capable of having apathy because this only leads me to complete misanthropy. At the same time, I don't want to wear myself out worrying too much about those who are a complete lost cause. Doing this only rationalizes futility. This world is such an immense test for ourselves as individuals. We can lead by example but we can't convert or force others into Satanism. We can show them the way but they have to discover the truth for themselves. It's truly nothing like any other religion and it's the only one that makes rational sense.
Henu the Great said:
Fuchs said:
I once did see a interview, about a 110 year old men still working, he was asked how he did manage to work this long in his profession (he does /did work with clothes/cotton), he stated:

"One has to love their job, without this one is not abel to work this long and be good at the job also he said never eat fast food, eat healty."
Yes, that is very good advice. You are what you do, think and eat, basically. Even though my current work sucks, everything else around it is okay. I even have time for school plus I get paid for it. Furthermore, I have a great plan for later, heading towards career path(s) I do love instead of working dead end shit jobs.

Let me give you some advice, change your job as soon as possible to something you love doing. Do the working I did suggest on the next good date.

I almost went insane, because I did to long a job that was bad for me. Still until today I´m no longer abel to feel happyness about possibel good things in the future like visiting something good. It all started after a nervous breakdown because off to long doing a job that was bad for me.

Do not torment yourself, by working a shitty job. We don´t have to and we don´t should do.

Don´t limit the workings possabilitys by not wanting to do all work, go with the flow.

Like not working at night or far away. It will turn out good trust me.
Fuchs said:
Let me give you some advice, change your job as soon as possible to something you love doing. Do the working I did suggest on the next good date.

I almost went insane, because I did to long a job that was bad for me. Still until today I´m no longer abel to feel happyness about possibel good things in the future like visiting something good. It all started after a nervous breakdown because off to long doing a job that was bad for me.

Do not torment yourself, by working a shitty job. We don´t have to and we don´t should do.

Don´t limit the workings possabilitys by not wanting to do all work, go with the flow.

Like not working at night or far away. It will turn out good trust me.
Not wanting to go into details about my plans and potentials, let's just say I have a possibility of changing job later this year to something that does not feel like work. Something that just came up when I talked with someone. I have done multiple money workings past year so I am good on those. Right now I focus on my health and fitness plus lots and lots of yoga.

As for the current job, like I said, everything runs smoothly, including the community I am in contact with so I can potentially grind this out even as long as I graduate and perhaps even when I start another school. Don't worry, I'll stay sane.

Working nights and far away would be two big no-no's for me, btw. :D
This post has all the keys we need to achieve in life. I have learnt that talk is cheap and acting is where many people fails.
A habit of finishing what you have started is rewarding in so many ways.

What a very wonderful and motivating post, thank you HP Cobra.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
