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"Former Jehovah's Witness/Catholic seeking the truth" - HP Cobra Answers

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
StolenChildhood said:
Hello my name is Carlos and I wish to talk about about my life as it's full of strange events and traumas as well as sexual and domestic abuse with a mix of optimism and love for my childhood best friend I wish I could have a conversation with him again one day

Judging for your title, we have to welcome you, and do not feel alone as there are many people here who have underwent similar very evil circumstances in the hands of the enemy. These include sexual and other forms of harassment that come directly from the enemy and their dogma, which as always, abuses human beings without mercy.

We are against them because they are the world's true evil, falsely presenting itself as "good".

I have to also say that I find quite saddening and negative the choice of name you have picked for the account to write your story. Try to read the JoS and see what you can gain from it to improve your inner situation.

StolenChildhood said:
Age 5
A bunch of stuff happened to me at this age
My life started in Mexico, being born from a poor toxic and abusive family, my father abandoned me and refused to recognize me as his son, he died on a Car accident when I was 5, my mom cross the border illegally into the USA for work so that she can support me and my other 2 brothers ages 4 and 3 at that time, I was taken care of by my grandmother who never really taken care of us well and instead beat us up any time misbehave, due to her lack of care I ended up in a few near death experiences from small stuff like getting stung by scorpions to one day falling from a tree I was playing on and hitting the back of my head on solid concrete that knock me unconscious and for some reason didn't died of it and recover well at the hospital

In Spiritual Satanism, you must read our main Joy of Satan page. We advocate strongly on justice, to understand the ups and downs of life, but also, we emphasize strongly as meditation and introspection as tools of building out yourself and inner healing. Spiritual Satanism heals from the inside out, and it appears you have lived some pretty terrible circumstances in life.

In Mexico, if I am not mistaken, there are some very hardcore Christians but also many Christian Cults, that effectively make people really brutal, something which is commonly reflected on Children. The false messages of Christianity, reinforce a lot of people to act in even more brutal and close minded manners, which harm other people constantly, with a cycle that never ends.

The Joy of Satan also offers knowledge of astrology and other inner disciplines, so if you decide to join us or consider our information, you can learn astrology and track the sources of this suffering inside your soul and mind, and eliminate these by healing yourself, effectively transforming your life.

There is no punishment, abuse, or attacks for not accepting anything in our religion.

StolenChildhood said:
I was a very kind boy, I love to play tag and other games with kids in my neighborhood, having friends was something of high importance of me since my childhood, at one day the most strangest paranormal event happened to me while still 5... While playing outside with my friends, we where drawing on the side walk and I then stand up, look up into the skies and saw a massive huge white castle in the skies on top of clouds... I was so amazed by this and scream to my friends to come see it which they did too, my little brother and 3 other friends seen this castle as well, the weird thing is that I don't remember what happened next after that and to that day I never seen it ever again, me and my brother to this day still remembers that I we seen this castle, I never got an answer to this, I asked my Jehovah's witnesses teacher who happens to be one of the chosen ones who will go to heaven (some bullshit teachings JW believes that a chosen few will go to heaven and the rest will go to Paradise) but he thought I was crazy and played it off that it was just part of my imagination.. his answer never satisfied me and I know I didn't just imagined this, I know I seen this castle and don't understand why it shown itself to me, a simple happy and humble 5 year old

Certain situations like this can occur because children can sometimes see "astrally" or perceive spiritually parts of the "imagined" realm. It could also have been a spiritual vision that affected you and your friends. These situations can occur, as children also have a very functioning imagination. In other cases, children can literally see the dead or astral entities, and while rare, this definitely can occur.

StolenChildhood said:
A few other paranormal events happened as well when I was much older, such as seeing shadows, one time while still being 5, on my room with my 2 brothers whom where sleeping, I saw the shadow of what I seem to be a very old lady sitting on one of those old people's chairs idk what they are called, those types of chairs that moves up and back, she was just there not looking at me and I was very scared and cover myself with a blanket but still peek to keep on watching her, which then she look straight at me, her shadow face just stared right back at me and she completely stopped rocking her chair to which I panic and cover my self with a blanket and started praying to "God" (I was a Catholic at that time) to help me while I was crying, which that was the end of it, I didn't dared to take another peek and I never seen her again too...

It appears you might have seen a ghost, some gifted children can sometimes see ghosts, and it was probably not your imagination either. Generally, these events will be very fleeting in life, because astral sight disappears after a few years in the life of people.

StolenChildhood said:
Fast forward at age 14 I had another paranormal event but this one I believe was a simple sleep paralysis attack (I may be wrong tho) it started with a horrible nightmare, at the end of that nightmare I remember swimming on a dark lake on a Forrest at night when something just grabbed one of my legs and drag me down into the water so I can drown, to which I woken up from the nightmare and then I saw a man, the shadow of a man staring straight at me while I was in my bed alone in my room, I never been so terrified ever in my life, I had goosebumps and was not able to move or scream even (I think it was because I was too scared of that shadow) It just stared at me for about 30 seconds and I was just staring back absolutely terrified praying to Jehovah to help me (at the time I was a Jehovah's Witness) to which next he just turn to his left and walk slowly heading to the window in my room which was close, as he walk towards it he just faded into the wall or window and completely disappeared... I couldn't believe my eyes and still was shock and unable to move, after about 5 minutes of crying and praying I managed to get the courage to get up from bed and run out of my room to let my mom know what happened to which I simply said to her "I seen the devil" all terrified.. this was my last time I ever experienced something like this

The above sounds a lot like a negative psychic attack, which can happen by just about any entity in the astral. What is even worse, is that your "prayers" don't seem to have helped at all with this. Most Spiritual Satanists, when we pray to Father Satan or our Guardian Demon, not only we never get any of these most of the time even if we meditate a lot, but any such negative entities flee from us like they have been confronted with spiritual pesticide. What you describe here is also Sleep Paralysis, which can oftentimes come part in parcel with Spiritual Attack.

StolenChildhood said:
Now about more into my traumas, I been molested on 3 occasions in my life, once at age 8, 10 and 12 was the final time.
But since age 6 I suffer "extreme domestic abuse" (that's what the judge said) on hands of our drug dealer abusive step dad who made my life, my brothers and my own mom's life a living hell to which I despise my mom for it for allowing us to suffer the abuse for years because she was too afraid to do something about it, which she too was my abuser as well just on a lesser level. My mom control everything from me, she control the way I dress, she didn't even wanted me to date anyone, she forced me to break up with my first girlfriend I ever got when I was a 6th grader... And to make things worse I started having feelings for boys when I was in middle school, and as a Jehovah's witness who they are strongly anti gay, I kept my feelings a secret so I don't be destroyed in Armageddon and lose the opportunity to live forever in Paradise.. this was my way of thinking at that time... This ended up destroying me in the long run.

There is nobody in this universe that hates you because of your sexual tastes or your feelings about others. Regardless, the enemy religions are unaccepting and will attack people for many things, not just what you describe. Repression from sexual relationships, even for boys who are repressed from girls, can sometimes create feelings towards boys. This might come out of repression, or naturally.

Either way, your mother appears to have been severely brainwashed by Jehovah's Witnesses, and many of them are really brutal. Beating their children senseless and doing all sorts of crimes against them, is very frequent, and as if this was not enough, this is not done for any other reason than fear of going into "Hell". In Jehovah's Witnesses, many people are going insane all the time from being forced through innate feelings of deep guilt, that is insurmountable, over things that they feel, think or experience, and there is no acceptance whatsoever.

It's great that you still have the courage after all of this to investigate some further truths about life. You seem to have experienced the maximum manifestation of the evil of the enemy religions, but this was not your fault at all in any rate. You were victimized, and they seek out people to victimize all the time.

This fear they instill in people, breaks one' spirit permanently, but we reassure you it's all total lies. The universe is good and it was not designed by anyone to torment you eternally, nor there is anything so bad with you or your soul that you deserve to be burned eternally. These are all lies.

You aren't going to burn because of your feelings or emotions, so do not worry about this.

StolenChildhood said:
My life at home as chaotic, verbal abuse, physical abuse, psychological abuse all in hands of my stepdad and partially on my control freak narcissistic mother, she liked to beat me up with the Irons cable which left marks in my body and she threatened me that if I told anyone about it I would be send to an orphanage and put fear in my mind always, once even the principal and teachers always question me if they hit me which I always denied it and blame it on my cat that my cat scratched me and left marks in my head and hands, etc sadly they never send anyone to investigate... This went on for years

The programs of Christianity generate people who are filled with negative flaws and evil that they do not address. Psychotic beliefs such as eternal punishment, create evil and toxicity in people, who later on take their toll on the soul of kids. But you can heal from all of this as time goes, and you must try to raise your feet out of victimhood status now.

StolenChildhood said:
The only true moments of joy I ever had was at school, with friends, when I was with friends I laughed, I enjoyed life, I felt free, I felt I could be myself, even tho I was also getting in trouble because I was the class clown but I didn't care because I was happy.. my only times of joy was thanks to the friends I spend time with and sadly this too was also taken away from me, my step dad was being chased by the DEA who wanted to arrest him since he was member of a very dangerous Mexican cartel that hired him and he work for them here on California, this means I went to 3 different elementary schools, 3 different middle schools and 3 different high schools, this hurt me deeply because every connection I made with friends I loved I ended up losing them due to always moving away, I wasn't even allowed to have a phone, my first phone was a shitty phone I got at age 16, never was able to keep in contact with those who I cared and loved... But what truly changed my life forever was when I went to Hyde Middle school as an 8th grader and I meet this boy name Richard.

Do not feel guilty for what you experienced, because it wasn't your fault as stated above. In regards to your father, poverty and crime, which happen to people because they don't have any hope, tend to breed more of the same misery.

StolenChildhood said:
Here is when it gets strange...
You see when I first saw him it was on lunch time, he was 7th grader, I didn't even knew his name but when I saw him I felt a strange force that drawn me towards him, I then just had the thoughts "is this my new best friend?" It was like love at first sight something never in my life and to this day never have I ever experienced.

Time went by and I needed up befriending him, we became the best of friends, I loved hanging out with him, playing catch, messing around with him, I literally loved everything about him, outside of school was misery and chaos but when I was with him, everything was pure joy... I ended up falling with him and here's how it all went downhill soon.

I never confess my feelings, he was a Christian at the time (now he's Satanic, Joy of Satan to be exact, he's the reason why I'm here in the first place and why I wish to find the truth and establish a deep connection with Satan)

That is a beautiful relationship and it appears you loved him or needed Richard as a friend. Maybe Richard did really like you as a friend but did not really want to be in a relationship in anything more than this. Regardless it appears Richard was a very positive influence in your life.

Maybe you were not really "in love" with him, but severely needed him and felt attracted to him, which can be common when they are such a positive influence in your life.

Yes, this is how people of the JoS would treat you. Oftentimes, nobody would tell you they are of JoS, but it appears our friend Richard here has treated you very well and given you a gateway to escape misery.

StolenChildhood said:
In my mind as an 8th grader at the time, I didn't wanted him and I to be destroyed so I prayed and prayed and prayed AND PRAYED AND PRAYED AND PRAYED AND PRAYED every single day to Jehovah God to help me kill these feelings I had for him and to forgive me for sinning... I truly loved him and was willing to kill my feelings so that he don't be destroyed in Armageddon due to me, I wanted to live forever in Paradise by his side as best friends, I wanted to be by his side forever and to make him be a Jehovah's Witness too because I was brainwashed into believing that was the truth, and as a good JW kid who went door to door preaching the good news, going to the congregation meetings twice a week, staying out of trouble, etc I truly believed everything they thought me...

Yes, that is because of fear and guilt taking control of you. You wanted these feelings gone because you thought they were evil, but they were really not evil, this is called love and attraction. You wanting to bring him over in Jehovah's Witnesses is because you thought it would be good for him. But if you look at life, it was not good for neither of you. So Richard woke up and he did the best choice to leave this insidious program.

Your feelings are not evil.

StolenChildhood said:
For this is why I fear having those feelings for him and for this was why I never told him my true feelings even tho I also knew he also had a crush on me or it felt that way too... Last time I ever saw him was on summer school, I didn't even expected him to be there, I went to summer school for failing Algebra on my 9th grade year and he went for English as an 8th grader, when I saw him out of nowhere, it my best started beating so damn good, like my whole damn body just Shaked and I smiled and we where reunited again, until the day came where it was his last day of school and stupid me didn't even realize it which to this day I hate myself for it because I was planning to give him a hug on the last day of school and was even planning to confess my feelings for him too despite my beliefs, I was madly in love with him... And I never saw him sadly.

Sounds like summer love. It's better to not make assumptions on if it were mutual. Anyhow, Richard planted the seed to help you get out of this mess that was thrown upon you.

StolenChildhood said:
He didn't had a phone either, no contact, I was heartbroken for years, it's like something inside had broken down, I never really felt joy from school anymore, it was misery at home and at school since I became a quiet insecure and lonely person, no longer was myself anymore, I was deeply depressed and just kinda kept it to myself when ppl from my religion tried to help, I always told them I was fine. Fast forward some years as an adult 20 at the time I searching him up on Facebook and found he made an account, I was extremely happy and check him out, to which I found he sadly was going to problems himself, he isolated himself, hated his family, etc etc it was when I found out he became a Satanist, I was shocked, how can someone love Satan? And why my best friend who he was like an angel, done this...

Well, Satan is not evil. Satan is about spirituality, meditation, and basically it's the core gathering of knowledge from Ancient Religions we followed before Christianity or Islam, or Jehovah's witnesses.

StolenChildhood said:
I wanted to rescue him, I tried my best to stay in contact, all failed, never got a hold of him and to this day I never had a chance to tell him how much I love him and that I miss him so much, I wanted to tell him how religion fucked me up and prevented me from living life, my mom and step dad, religion, etc they stolen my childhood, I ended up committing horrible acts due to my sexual repression, acts that would had never happened if I was allowed to be myself, it's like the bible creates the same monsters it ask us not to be...

Exactly, "The bible creates the same monsters it ask us not to be". This is what the enemy programs do. They create guilt, depression, isolation, evil, and hatred. This is because they mismanage humanity and lie about very basic things, which later on turn human beings evil and insane.

StolenChildhood said:
I was corrupted but I remain optimistic, even tho now days I'm suicidal, deeply depressed, I had found a meaning in life and it's though friendship, those friends that made my life so happy who sadly I lost contact with and sadly now days I'm lonely and friendless, at least I still have in my mind those wonderful memories and I wish to keep holding on to the hopes to one day be able to reunite with my best friend Richard...

Maybe you will, maybe not, but what is for sure, Richard too would need some help. If he is a Satanist, he should better not have told others, but it appears he did [as he told to you, effectively giving you a path to be helped] but it appears maybe he is going through difficult circumstances and doesn't want to be bothered. But at least he helped you. It would be a good idea to recognize this freedom for him too.

StolenChildhood said:
He changed my life so much, it is due to him that I no longer am a Jehovah's Witness and that I wish to become a Satanist, I wish to form a relationship with Satan, I wish to know the truth, I wish to live a happy life... And I wish to tell my friend that he didn't abandoned me (that's what he sadly thinks and maybe this is why to this day he don't wish to get into contact with me) I wish to live this life with a deep relationship with Satan and to overcome my depression and suicidal tendencies, there's a lot more shit that had happened to my life but I still remain optimistic telling myself that the pain is only temporary and that one day I will finally be happy

Whether or not this resolves in the future, just try to do your best for yourself and to heal yourself. Start meditating immediately if you want to join us, deprogramming the mind from negativity, doing positive affirmation, focusing on positive and good things in life. Depression and suicidal tendencies will be overcome especially as you start seeing hope in life again.

StolenChildhood said:
I'm currently in rock bottom, just trying my best to stay optimistic, I want to find Satan and I need help
And if possible, I wish to know why I seen this castle in the skies, what was it's meaning... Thanks for reading

Wish you great luck in your journey. Maybe this castle in the sky could mean from you that now on, you can too move higher towards heaven rather than earth, away from suffering, and into building a new life. Give it your own interpretation.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
StolenChildhood said:
He changed my life so much, it is due to him that I no longer am a Jehovah's Witness and that I wish to become a Satanist, I wish to form a relationship with Satan, I wish to know the truth, I wish to live a happy life... And I wish to tell my friend that he didn't abandoned me (that's what he sadly thinks and maybe this is why to this day he don't wish to get into contact with me) I wish to live this life with a deep relationship with Satan and to overcome my depression and suicidal tendencies, there's a lot more shit that had happened to my life but I still remain optimistic telling myself that the pain is only temporary and that one day I will finally be happy

StolenChildhood said:
I'm currently in rock bottom, just trying my best to stay optimistic, I want to find Satan and I need help
And if possible, I wish to know why I seen this castle in the skies, what was it's meaning... Thanks for reading

Your first steps should be to begin a meditation program, as well as make a formal dedication to Satan.
Although there is a lot to learn on this path, you should start with these items:

40-Day Beginner Meditation Program

Dedicate your soul to Satan

Before you do this, it would be wise to read more about our Gods:


Our Gods, the Demons

Keep in mind that you may be spiritually attacked by the enemy for trying to "change sides". This can take the form of what you already described, as well as nightmares or negative thoughts and emotions.

Yet, after the dedication, you will receive protection. In addition, the beginner routine will instruct you on how to create protective energies around yourself.

These are your first steps here. You should do your best to accomplish these, as well as continue to read both the forums and the JoS main site.

Good luck
what a sad history... I really hope you find light in yourself, but I don't hope, I know, that if you ask for help to the powers of hell and Satan he will be there for you, because that's how Satan is, lovely to his children's

really lovely, feel free to post how you feel, that is a good step to let go all the bad energy and if you don't find anybody to talk we are all here, in the same road

algiz x15 for you!! from Colombia jeje :twisted:
Holy shit reading this is just insanely heartbreaking and sad. I don't know how to structure a right response to this insane level of pain thrown at you but as someone who lived past a family that led me to a shitty life thanks to their insane controlling and abusive nature driven by their xtian religious fanaticism and madness of how they comprehended life around them, you're a really tough guy Carlos because what mattered is that you are still alive and here, after everything those aholes threw at you(Sorry if I included your mom too Carlos but seriously, fuck what controlling she did to you along with what your step dad did to you. FUCK everyone who brought you all that pain.). You're way tougher than me in this but even tougher if you come to applying eveything this path has to offer you and 100% end up winning in life out of this.

All those who hurt you in your life for no good reason not only deserve the worst, but also these experiences got you to a higher level in life that most won't be able to comprehend or even accept! Most of this world is a lost cause in that case but that doesn't mean it needs to be wiped by some hunky-dory nukey genocide, mostly might end up happening by the bottomless evil of the abrahamic evil kike masterminds that made and have been indirectly promoting all of xtianity, pisslam, judaism, communism and every evil agenda that rhymes with their systematic gentile divide and enslavement procedure scriptures real sooner.

The other bigger areas on whether mankind survives that incoming storm is up to the masses' own idiocy if they let this happen or not, while we avoid it with every legit SS' utility of the JoS' spiritual and intellectual armamentarium in case it happens and we end up as the survivors. Or we prevent that worst-case scenario with everything we're doing here. I can't tell the future but veterans here know that the future isn't solid. It is ruled by those with the strongest actions and forces and we have that. Pen has been proven stronger than sword but now, it's a stronger spell that can beat a pen, sword and everything else like the stupid kike fart cloud "spells" which is everything quacked out of their stupid torah while they bobbed their heads back and forth like the living cuckoo cases they are.

We have a stronger spell than that of their out-classed torah bullshit by everything our RTRs have done to wreck every pillar and structure of their "god's kingdom on earth" since the JoS started them, looks like we taught the enemy what a real "prayer to god" looks like after long years of being in spiritual chains. And that should be about time you realize that this path readies you to wield the assets to change the outcomes of your life but with ethical considerations.

Either way, it's a lose-lose situation for the kike masterminds this time. Those who are not with us but survive will anyways live to see how their illusioned reality has fallen and the truth of us being heroes this whole time hit them in their heads real hard.

Life also doesn't have to be a cruel world too even if nature doesn't give any damn about who or whatever dies or survives, everything that was wrought on this world thanks to the kikes and their stupid years of getting the upper hand against us didn't and never needed to be here for example. This is why we are meditating to empower and protect ourselves while doing reverse torah rituals to lift this jewish foul veil from the world.

We are doing this for humanity, while we do other rituals like what we did previously for our gods mainly Father Satan, Ishtar and Baalzebul, to hopefully rediscover what's the real good and evil, put all their eggs in the right baskets for once and end up wanting to do something that can help mankind recover from everything the abrahamic religions did to this world. Even if they comprehend their Satanic actions as something else. Even if this is a slow process, what matters most in executing plans like that is a track of progress until total completion.

Fall once in this process, however, get back up ten. Fall ten, get back up a hundred. That's how people win at anything. You have HP hoodedcobra to thank with this quote I'm just relaying.

You're a really strong person to me, stronger than you think just by me looking at, reading, and understanding your unfortunate background Carlos. You're great for a brave warrior with everything you have waded through. Mend your wounds, buff up and join the resistance against the losing global tyrant kike which is the extremely deceptive root of all the world's problems, even the problems and bullshit that has been heaped on you and many other innocent lives by their reckless spiritual polluting and drugging.

Welcome to the Joy of Satan ministries Carlos, welcome to the path for fighters and achievers. May the fiery eye of the universe lay final judgment on the evil the JoS has faced and grew bigger and stronger against since the year 2000, erasing it in all its levels of where it exists, for everything it has done to this world for two millennia. Darkest blessings to you Carlos and I hope you get the most out of this path like having an excellent and beneficial symbiotic tie with the Satanic Divine and our amazing Demonic teachers and guardians that wanted the real best for mankind. I hope you'll excel greatly in this path with all the potential I believe you have, don't let it go to waste.

What a story... you are definitely a strong individual.

Congratulations for never giving up and having the strenght and courage to climb out of that misery. From now on it will be like being born again.

As soon as you start meditating and working on healing your soul, all will fall into place.

Good luck Brother, welcome home!
Fuck the Jehovah’s Witness. My mom and Dad were jehovah’s Witness and they used ti drag me to this mortuary.
One day my mom fell sick and she lost a lot of blood. They refused to do blood transfusion because its a “sin” to get blood transfusion.
My mom died and i left without a mom because if them.
I suffered a lot as a result but Father Satan and the Gods healed these scars through their direct help and knowledge.

You are very fortunate to find this path.
lets just say i know a few things cause of the ex jewhova witness community on youtube about the jehovah witness,their leadership or the popes of jewhovah witness they don't like being called that but you can tell its the same,actively try to hide their cases of abuse, they attack the victims an in some cases will shun the victims, their is many victims who said they were shunned cause( wes has to keeps our good image of jewhova victims bes badses)its not just that the out right mental abuse the people suffer from once they leave, abused or not i heard of ex witnesses who were not sexually abused but had hangups in sex an life in general, they struggled to find friends out side of the jewhova witness religion (cause everyone who nots from our religion bes from satans)not to mention the shunning family an friends in the religion, that was supposed to be there for you out right tell you to f@*k yourself if you leave the jokehovian cult, also the fear they instill into its followers but all abrahamic cults are the same,
also ive seen the (8 governing body members,---the pope or leadership of the jewhova witnesses) some do look like jews,if we have any ex witnesses i suggest deprogramming meditation, an removing any jewhova witnesses programing this jewhovah witness cult can be damaging,an cause mental,health issues,sexual issues,
one of the ex witnesses on youtube she had a brother who took his own life cause the witness religion hates homosexuality,
its really sad,i can even talk about how they don't believe in hell,or an afterlife in general but i would be here for hours,this cult is damaging an probably needs a page on the jos website,i would contribute anything i can
The chair that goes back and forward that had the old woman ghost on is called a, "Rocking Chair."
Personal Growth said:
The chair that goes back and forward that had the old woman ghost on is called a, "Rocking Chair."

but if it was a spirit they probably manipulated the chair cause it was easy for them,i wonder if they reincarnate with that ability,
Hello, If you read this BeautifulChild..

I also did have to deal with Jewhovah Witnesses growing up.. I agree completely, it was not only the circumstances of my families choice of religion. But, ignorance, poverty, abuse, these things led to pretty much only bad memories about my childhood.

Honestly I'm getting past my days of "youth", the signs are showing in my face and it's terribly sad to watch how the enemy took my childhood romantic dreams..
But I am still alive, I have fought for many years and now my dreams are coming true.. your life is not so short as you might believe. You have a choice today to break these chains. BREAK THESE CHAINS! I would recommend you to do anything to break the chains.. this monster that is your enemy... it is at this time, your greatest enemy. But we have weakened this terrible monster, smash it in the face a million times over.. I believe only in your anger will you find your peace from this monster. Take your revenge, or sit on the sidelines
A life full of pain and injustice but here there is always a solution, here we are pro life, here there is love with support and comfort and not with violence as you have experienced up to now. Balance yourself from what you have lived and advance to realize what you have in your heart, do your utmost for yourself and be there for those who have been for you when you were needed. One last thing, keep this name somewhere to see the difference after a while, the difference between the death programs and Spiritual Satanism. :ugeek:
Satnam666 said:
Personal Growth said:
The chair that goes back and forward that had the old woman ghost on is called a, "Rocking Chair."

but if it was a spirit they probably manipulated the chair cause it was easy for them,i wonder if they reincarnate with that ability,

When you think about it. These ghosts are not naked. They do carry clothes for example over into the astral.
Some believe too much and too blindly in these Jewhova witnesses and end up committing suicide and waiting to come back to life. There are cases of this that one of these idiots commits suicide and other idiots wait for him to come back to life, they wait a long time, until he starts to rot and stink. Then nothing happens and they are sad and cry. Some report them to the police and do well. It is amazing how they deceive people and brainwash them. They create confidence by offering financial help to people in need and they also help people who have problems with depression or other difficulties. Even if they didn't do this madness of killing people and then supposedly resurrecting them, without knowing anything about spirituality and medicine...what is the purpose of this idiotic testimony? The travesty of Christ of course.
a lot if whar you have experienced was an ignorant and vicious cycle of self-hatred, triggered otger people who hated themselves, simply for being human.

Judaism teaches humanity to hate itself, its own, natural self in all its forms. It is like a giant narcissist asking humanity to shrink itself, especially spiritually and knowledge-wise, so that it can make itself seem more than it actually is.
A true parasite, at its core.

Here you can ask whatever you desire, and many loving members shall come to your aid. The one who can heal you best is actually yourself. We are all here to learn to heal and love ourselves as we are naturally, all of our sides as one harmonious whole.

I, too, grew up with narcissistic relatives and toxic family structures. Funnily enough, on a spectrum from most toxic to relatively WAY healthier, the more hardcore the Xian, the more toxic they were to others in the family. These people acted like a cult, with a warmongering attitude of either you are with them or against them. And any disagreement, any little comment that displeased them (threatened their fragile ego), anything that broke ANY form of status quo was dismissed as "shameful" or "sinful".

What I noticed, though, was an underlying, subconscious sense of shame, a slavish sense of not being enough for anyone, and a plastic, false sense of love. Every member was hypermaterialistic, and one's worth was attached to how many hours one worked, one's career/job, social status, and one's income, etc. Family gatherings were only about school, work, how much money one was making, if one went to church, and how much one agreed with the other. A totally superficial status quo. As a child, I wasn't allowed to ask any questions that challenged this status quo. I was once yelled at and accused of being a "dirty pervert" at around 9 years old, simply for sharing a book about the Ancient Egyptians that displayed some of the characters and statues in a semi-nude way (nothing too revealing, school-approved for kids) with my cousins. I was shaken and scared, and forbidden from speaking to my cousins on behalf of my aunt (none of my business, but according to my father, she was the biggest hypocrite, being a crazy party girl in her teen years doing all sorts of stuff, even getting a DUI- her overprotectiveness probably being a fear of her children making the same mistakes as her).

The cult mindset, the projection of fear and self-hatred being aggressively hashed out towards others has its roots in thinking human nature, and nature being inherently "sinful" (bad) is the pinnacle of abuse on this world. In fact the destruction of natural habitats are an external projection of this self-hatred.

Carlos, you are a human being 1st and foremost and have NOTHING to be ashamed of. Love yourself, do whatever your heart yearns to do, feed the joy you need in order to heal. And never give up. You are a miracle of life and are a part of this garden known as Earth.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Deeply saddened hearing this story.You still have time to heal your mental and emotional wounds.Dedicate yourself to Satan and start meditating.Hearing such stories makes me feel grateful that I was born in a Hindu Family.
SeaGoat_666 said:
a lot if what you have experienced was an ignorant and vicious cycle of self-hatred, triggered by other people who hated themselves, simply for being human.

Judaism teaches humanity to hate itself, its own, natural self in all its forms. It is like a giant narcissist asking humanity to shrink itself, especially spiritually and knowledge-wise, so that it can make itself seem more than it actually is.
A true parasite, at its core.

Here you can ask whatever you desire, and many loving members shall come to your aid. The one who can heal you best is actually yourself. We are all here to learn to heal and love ourselves as we are naturally, all of our sides as one harmonious whole.

I, too, grew up with narcissistic relatives and toxic family structures. Funnily enough, on a spectrum from most toxic to relatively WAY healthier, the more hardcore the Xian, the more toxic they were to others in the family. These people acted like a cult, with a warmongering attitude of either you are with them or against them. And any disagreement, any little comment that displeased them (threatened their fragile ego), anything that broke ANY form of status quo was dismissed as "shameful" or "sinful".

What I noticed, though, was an underlying, subconscious sense of shame, a slavish sense of not being enough for anyone, and a plastic, false sense of love. Every member was hypermaterialistic, and one's worth was attached to how many hours one worked, one's career/job, social status, and one's income, etc. Family gatherings were only about school, work, how much money one was making, if one went to church, and how much one agreed with the other. A totally superficial status quo. As a child, I wasn't allowed to ask any questions that challenged this status quo. I was once yelled at and accused of being a "dirty pervert" at around 9 years old, simply for sharing a book about the Ancient Egyptians that displayed some of the characters and statues in a semi-nude way (nothing too revealing, school-approved for kids) with my cousins. I was shaken and scared, and forbidden from speaking to my cousins on behalf of my aunt (none of my business, but according to my father, she was the biggest hypocrite, being a crazy party girl in her teen years doing all sorts of stuff, even getting a DUI- her overprotectiveness probably being a fear of her children making the same mistakes as her).

The cult mindset, the projection of fear and self-hatred being aggressively hashed out towards others has its roots in thinking human nature, and nature being inherently "sinful" (bad) is the pinnacle of abuse on this world. In fact the destruction of natural habitats are an external projection of this self-hatred.

Carlos, you are a human being 1st and foremost and have NOTHING to be ashamed of. Love yourself, do whatever your heart yearns to do, feed the joy you need in order to heal. And never give up. You are a miracle of life and are a part of this garden known as Earth.
I repost SlyScorpion's reply here because you might find it helpful, and it was a well thought and written reply.

I grew up in the xtian church with my dad as a pastor. Jehovahs witnesses are a much worse group so far as the abuse and control. I am glad you got out of this and started to see the light. I kind of understand how you feel. I felt this prevented me really from having any friends on either side when I was younger. For one there were not a lot of younger people in the church I went to my own age and secondly the people who didn't go to church were kind of scared to be my friend cause of my dads profession. What made this all worse for me was an experience where the priest from another church when I was a toddler would baby sit me for awhile. When my parents went on vacation. I ended up getting sexually abused by him along with a couple other kids he kept us locked in a basement for hours once and would take turns abusing us. Not sure who anyone else was there. Eventually the Guy almost got caught in the act (right before he was about to do something to me) by my parents and was told he couldn't come back. Which was good but no one really believes me on this.

A lot of people have had bad experiences with xtianity like this.

This whole thing made me angry at the whole system and wishing at the time I could be more in an average home and able to do things other kids could and enjoy life. I was able to sense energy somewhat and see something was wrong a lot of fear and bad energies but I never put it together that it was the religion sadly. It was a struggle to break out of all this. I knew I wanted too when I was 15 or 16 I found this site and dedicated. Was still kind of controlled by xtianity and not deprogrammed so I didn't like the groups very well for awhile now I do.

Start out with the meditations. You will start to feel better. Do the three part rtr each day that will help get some of these curses off you. My suggestion if need be go to some website like ex-christian.net there you can talk to people (don't bring up Satanism) and read stories but it's more specificly the area of xtianity. Where you might struggle more. That place helped me a lot in breaking free.

If your having more problems after opening up more you can talk to me by quoting me as sometimes some astral stuff can happen with xtians that's bad I learned a lot about this.

Your not the only one who feels this kind of stuff messed up your childhood. The worst part for me was constantly getting labeled as having various disabilities and criticized over everything.
When half these problems were caused by the way I was treated to begin with. I didn't find xtians accepting of me at all.
BlackOnyx8 said:

What a story... you are definitely a strong individual.

Congratulations for never giving up and having the strenght and courage to climb out of that misery. From now on it will be like being born again.
Thanks a lot I really deeply appreciate it ☺️
As soon as you start meditating and working on healing your soul, all will fall into place.

Good luck Brother, welcome home!
I am a former jehovah's witness too. It´s quite difficult to deal with that cult while we are there. It´s a complete brainwashing they do to their members. All over the past 100 years the way they do that is always the same, they urge their members with fear. The fear of not being saved by their false god. Many good people that i know ruined their life. With that same story that the end is near ( The same story since 1970 ), many people didn´t get married, many people didn´t finish their school, etc. My father was forced in the 70´s to preach door to door.
Anyway, while i was there in their meetings, preaching door to door, i allways knew something was wrong. It´s was like a thorn in my skin. All my life i´ve always been attracted to the occult and in the right time, i discovered that our Father Satan is our friend and not our enemy. Thanks to our Father, he saved me from jehovah´s witnesses shit cult.

Sorry for my english.
Posting this here too: this is for other people who struggle with this too.

The other thing I want you to think about is this. The Gods are not watching your every thought and action and judging you. You choose to come here out of your own free will realize this is more than just JHVH (or probably Jehovah as you call him) and Jesus failed me so I fight for Satan. This is not a reaction to the Xtian religion. Realize you have to do things for yourself if you want to be sure you will have them. The Gods help out sometimes but you want guarantees do it on your own. These are some programmings you may have. Try to let go of being "perfect" for others and be yourself.

For anyone's information this is what JW is about. https://youtu.be/gDwHdj7plWo
Ugh, that was really depressing to read and from what I’ve learned from my younger brother these jewhovah witnesses are easily the worst and most wacky sect of xtainity out there besides that scientology crap.

But here’s to hoping you are doing better so far and will continue to do better from now on.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
