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For Those Who Really Want Diversity: Here's How

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Diversity, as a meaningful approach towards the palette of life, has to do with the fact that human beings are different. This involves culture, form, beliefs, geographic location on earth, food, music - endless things that make us different.

These things that make us different, make us diversified. While at the very root, human beings seem to share a great amount of same characteristics, such as that we all eat, or all breathe etc, there are many things that make us strong related but also very different at the same time.

While emphasis has been constantly put in what makes us all similar, which is a normal thing to look for, we have been told it's abnormal to look in what makes us different. The reality is that both observations are totally normal and also necessary for the development of human life.

Life is a very interesting phenomenon, and while our planet is rife with life, not everything is living, but we can definitely say the planet is very filled with life. We have not learned to appreciate life as a species, nor we are very aware of how to deal with it.

One of the reasons why the Gods help by instruction, is to help us understand. After trying to live my lifetime to stay close to them to listen, I understand that they teach us to advance, but also to avoid the worst.

This "worst" should be easily understood if we were more spiritually aware, but we are closely none at all as a general earthen species.

When we meditate and advance, you will notice that you understand certain things that were totally obvious all along, but that they become clear to you. Very normal things will become conscious to you, such as for example, the need to not pollute your own environment.

As simple as this might sound, when the spiritual level of a species is too low, none of this will make sense. But even animals because they are on a higher level of mind, oftentimes do take these rules seriously on an unconscious level. Humans do not do this always and can deviate too far from proper understanding.

Unfortunately, human beings first need to extinct too many other species, and then only understand the value of how precious it was when they all existed. We first burn a forest and then ask questions later. We learn through death and mistakes, all of which it could be avoided by broader awareness.

The reason this diversification of human beings has happened in the first place, and why locales, cultures, languages and many other things differentiated themselves to cause differences between us, are all in the desire of the natural laws of the universe.

Currently, many people who believe that are standing for this "Diversity", are actually working to besiege and ruin this diversity of the many different people of the planet.

It is very ironic, that the "method" through which many claim that they will "promote diversity", is actually what will end all diversity on earth: and that falsehood is called Miscegenation or "Mixing" between Races, which is promoted constantly on the media for decades now.

Father Satan and the Gods do have many different beings under them, which I would be deviating from the point of this post to state how many different beings these are. These not only include beings in a form of race, but they also include beings composed of other incorporeal essence, such as living in other dimensions and levels of life. Too many.

It took a while for me to comprehend the obvious when I was new into SS, and to understand that these seemingly two opposing approaches, ie, racial preservation, and accepting and protecting the diversity of life, are actually two values that must work hand in hand for the preservation of life and it's promotion into the future.

These same entities that are so supremely advanced, have shared with us a way so that we can all maintain and keep maintaining our real diversity on this planet, and to not violate it, and learn to respect the rules, while behaving like conscious beings rather than animals.

Why they did this was simple, it was so that we keep existing while we have reasonable forms which remain diversified.

The real method to do this is racial preservation for human beings. That is what any loving gardener would say about a garden of different flowers, yet many people call this "Racist" and other terminology, without sitting here to think. Previous generations who were not brutally programmed, understood all of this by default.

We do not as we are besieged by nefarious messages that serve specific "agendas" at this point. Certainly these agendas do not have to do with the wellbeing of humanity if anyone hasn't noticed that yet...

The above preservation is also coupled with evolution and people being allowed to create. Even if all Europeans in their own continent or all Africans around their continent might be "outwardly similar", belonging to a similar root, we see that as people separate even slightly, differentiation begins to be created.

In many cases, these differentiations can maintain a similar outwardly form, but we can start seeing bigger differences or discrepancies between the people having similar form as time goes and circumstances change, such as the creation of different other cultures or the passing of centuries.

But the "Form" or the Race, shows the general context of a people and remains solid, with developments being created from a same central "seed".

In the old times, before we called this as "Race", people were called "Peoples". The Egyptians, the Caanites, and so on. Behind this very statement there was a strong implication of race as a considered default, with the median average of similarity between these people as decided by the most of them, being considered their "race".

What I refer to as "Median Average" is simply this: This is how you can look at someone and say- You look like a Mexican, or Slavic, or Hindu, or a Chinese human being. This is because a median average has been formed that represents the striking amount of people in a territory.

The sharper the understanding, the more one can then further divide things and categorize them, and they can also understand broader categorizations that take place.

I will also mention here, that while the 3 core races were created by the Gods directly, there are also native tribes on this earth with humanoids, that were not created by them and seem to me to have existed as human indigenous populations.

These populations did not have spiritual knowledge, and did not do anything like the Gods would have the rest of people doing. However, these races of beings are very very small in number on the face of the earth. I will mention more about this in an upcoming topic.

These for the most part have been completely away from any form civilization, and have never been touched or harmed by anyone in many cases. If they come in contact with "Civilizers", they might choose to not civilize or not want to civilize whatsoever, living completely disconnected.

For the rest of us, we know through our cultures and certain cultural obsessions with Constellations etc, that our "root" comes from the Gods or the called "Annunaki".

Currently, there are many and endless on these differences on earth added the above. But as we go, those who are the true enemies of diversity do preach about something contradictory: That if everything is "mixed", somehow, the "offspring" will be "diversified", something which seems to be wholly unreal.

As the process continues for generations between a populace, there is a median average level that forms where all the characteristics of a race settle down, with minor differences here and there. This median average becomes something "new", and is definitely not as diversified as it could be in the cases of the melting pot theory.

Going further and further in time, all human beings will resoundingly be almost entirely identical. In fact, the reason we have different races is because this is how "races" and "people from a place" are formed. Certain characteristics are exchanged and the normative level after centuries is reached where they all form a specific form that is representing them.

To put this very simply, if you pour 100 different juices in a pot, and then you keep mixing and mixing everything, and you mix all fruits, the final outcome of this will be something like the median average of all of this combined.

What is even worse, is that by the end of this process, it will be really hard to discern anymore any of the 100 different fruit or vegetable juices you have put in the mixture.

So at the price of 100 different juices, and maybe mixing a few to make some other more interesting or less interesting ones, there will be a sacrifice of all the juices permanently.

In the case of juice, we can always hopefully retain seeds to fruits and go back to the fruits, but in the case of mankind, we cannot just plant humans that go extinct through this process to reverse it all back again. Then, all of this real diversity is lost, while we keep ending up with literally no diversity whatsoever by the product of this repeated process.

If done on a global scale, this will clearly annihilate all the handiwork of both human effort and the efforts of the universe itself, but also the genetic engineering feats of the Gods who are represented in the work that we refer to as Humans today.

Falsely, we are also told that mixed people should be "proponents" of this "melting pot" process, but the end result will clearly not represent any of the current inhabitants of this earth, and not any "mixed" or "less mixed" people of today.

The final creation those who promote this have in mind, will not represent a human as we know it today at all, except of maybe having two legs and two hands and one head.

Granted the project behind this nefarious extinction of human differences is promoted by the enemy, the end result of this will clearly be altered by other practices such as DNA manipulation, which will likely slowly but surely erode all genetic code on earth or make it essentially into one final clump.

As a natural person who always stood in great interest and saw with great care all the beautiful differences in this world, years ago, as this did not make any sense to me or why it would happen, I had to ask in regards to why this so utterly wrong case of affairs is taking place.

In regards to the reason "why" this would have to occur, I was told by Satan that "It happens to create ease of mass manipulation on the genetic level", implying that this makes genetic engineering and other things easier for the lunatics in power who harbor these visions.

This nefarious plan has a longterm exposure to literally "terraform" what we know humanity as today. The final "Hybrid" will not have any spiritual faculty or likely even any interest such as this, and will represent a "unirace".

Everyone that lives on this earth right now must know that the end result of this process will represent nobody else that lives in it, but rather, the "final outcome" will rather represent something like the greys, who are a uniform race without any defining characteristics.

Little do these people know that believe in any of this, even those in power, that these ideas are actually the long term plan of hostile entities like the greys.

From the perspective of a form that comes to annex humans for slavery, the existence of so many different beings of so many varieties, is troublesome. It would rather have only ONE thing to deal with, for easier management.

Another more worrisome thing is, that the above is literally how a genetic engineer with a poor taste would create a slave race of uniform entities where nothing is different between any of them.

Going further, to enslave this ONE thing would not be as hard as to have to tailor make solutions for let's say 150 different types of people on a planet.

Additionally, returning back to the example of the juice, how the process is made and what analogy will be dropped into what, is clearly planned by the enemy to be based on the procreation and mixture based on adding the bad juice as a basis for the mixing of everything else.

The mojo will not come out well after this.

If anyone knows about alien shows like Star Trek and the Army of the Clones, one can see the relative scenes and imagine the outcome.

In the movement of life going outwards, through so many decisions of our ancestors, others more thought about and others less thought about, we are all here and we find ourselves in a giant river of life that will likely continue flowing outwards.

The enemy preaches the dissolution of cultures, states, borders, but also, the complete and utter annihilation of any notion in regards to "Race", "Culture", "Ethnicity" and other similar words whom the confused people and evil sabotagers of humanity are trying to relate as "evil notions".

These are notions of goodness, not of evil. These bring interest and plurality in life.

The mere conversation about "Race" has been branded as evil, but it was merely an outlook of discovery and classification of other human beings.

Retaining diversity alive and procuring a humanity that has vibrant differences, is only achievable through self respect, respect of others, recognizing the differences, developing what is already existing into more refined forms and so on.

Race, ancestry, heritage, and progeny, are part of this. This process towards the sought "diversity" which many people are after, is actually through the values they have been taught to dislike based on false pretext.

It is very true to say that only those who recognize culture, race, heritage and origins of beings are the true supporters of diversity, no matter from where we come from.

And that one can is a liar and a hypocrite when they claim they support "diversity", while spreading the virus of collapse for all that is different in the handiwork of life, through the preaching the full and forced "uniformity" of all people into "one people".

We must accept the eternity of life and not the dullness that is the preaching of the enemy. We are not "one", we are "many" and that is fine. We are not borg, we are human beings and we have differences. And that is fine too, because this is the path of the developing beauty of life.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It makes sense the individual items, whether a race, country, or household, has a self-protective element to it. It would be harder to penetrate and corrupt two separate countries than one singular one.

I think this is why the enemy places emphasis on racism creating hatred. Instead of individual countries simply using diplomatic solutions, the enemy says that only mixing them would create "true" diplomacy/peace. To further support this, they create artificial conflict, then they can claim "look how bad it is to be different!".

Therefore, the best solution seems to be the existence of individuality, yet tied together by a flexible confederation that supports by individual and group efforts. In other words, Europe and Africa can govern themselves, but agree to coordinate on projects like global rituals or infrastructure efforts.

By existing separately, each "entity" has its own "immune system" and distinct classes of people. It is fully self sufficient and not negatively interdependent as many countries are today. This self-sufficiency would then promote, not damage, the ability of each entity to support others as well, like a pillar of a wider community. Instead of one "pillar" which can be toppled entirely, two separate pillars can lean on each other.
Excellent post. The world has always been diverse. Diversity as pushed today is jewish programming of the White race and it has taken decades of slowly feeding this poison. They can't push it on Asians or Indians or even Africans because the rejection will be strong. Only the White race has been brainwashed enough to even remotely accept this crap.

Nowadays everything that has Whites in it isn't diverse enough.

The real diverse world was when you could travel to Indonesia and experience their culture, India, Nigeria, Australia, England, Brazil and so on. The ancient world was the most diverse with each race and group of people having ancestral land. Like if you went to China you just knew that it was their land and you'd find Chinese people.

I never once in my life sat and thought that all different races were equal. I'd occasionally meet Chinese people, White people and it was nice interactions. But I never even as a child thought about the equality crap. It was movies, school and other institutions that told me that nonsense. I was always comfortable in my own skin without needing to obsess over being equal to someone.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I gotta say, the Roman, British and Mongol Empires were a perfect examples of this. Contrary to the Christian lies about the evil Romans (of their fantasies) that supposedly went around killing everyone and arrested their crybaby criminal fake messiah, the Roman Empire expanded and became as She was because their leaders LOVED the Pagan religions of the peoples that they annexed, and encouraged said-peoples to continue practicing their faiths and even elevated them to positions to power, such as the Emesene dynasty - an entire dynasty of Arab Pagan priests under Roman rule, who worshiped the ancient pre-Islamic Arab Gods under their Arabic names. One of their's, Julia Domna co-found the Severan dynasty with Emperor Septimus Severus.

The Romans knew the Truth, and knew that their Gods were no different than the ones worshiped by the peoples they annexed, it's how they, and the other Pagans found general comfort under Roman rule.

It was however, the Jews that were always giving everyone problems, and even in a college course that I took - the professor admitted that Christianity was formed from an extremely troublesome faction of the Jews, and ALREADY troublesome group. The Roman Jewish rabbis, who were already powerful economically in Judaea were becoming a problem for everyone. Once again....this dispels kosher lies that the "evil Romans" were out to get the Jews.

As for the British and Mongol Empires, I say that with a grain of salt, Roman Empire was completely Gentile-run, but British Jews were behind the economy of the British Empire, and they were ones who exploited the native peoples of annexed territories, pushing their Christian nonsense onto the native peoples. But for the most part, India is still culturally-rich with its Hinduism. They weren't as bad as the Spanish Empire, that was a truly militant Cuck Catholic empire and between the two, I'd rather live under British rule since they were a "tid bid" more open. While the Mongol Empire too, was a Gentile empire that embraced religious freedom for annexed/conquered peoples, they did commit atrocities by sacking and destroying half of Europe and Mesopotamia (Siege of Baghdad - destruction of a Pagan library).

Catherine the Great also embraced the "separate and diverse" ideology in the Russian Empire (as she is one of my favorite Empresses), since she, like Peter the Great, hated the Church and didn't go around trying to push the "we are all one" bullshit, every ethnic group retained their autonomy in the Russian Empire.

If one will come to notice, every great empire in history grew and thrived by allowing their annexed peoples, or the various races within them to practice their own cultural autonomy, and every time they tried to enforce "we are one" BS, started their downfall.

Hence, with the erosion of States' rights, seems like the U.S. is now heading in this direction.

WE are the real "conservatives". WE are the real nationalists. We are the real deal!
my personal take on race is this i have an Asian neighbor real nice Asian family some Chinese people who fled communist china real nice people all of them pure Chinese people they chant all their like 3000 year chants about Chinese celebrations and such if they forget to put their garbage out i put it out for them if they have mail ill bring it up for them and if I'm doing my lawn ill do a bit extra to make their job a little easier but we live in two separate households my household is all racial white and we all have the JOS we even join in sometimes with each others celebrations but we both believe in keeping the blood lines pure.

the above is apparently called racialism i have never heard of this before but that's pretty much my two cents on it as for whole nations being only White, Black or Asian i think we might have preservation zones one day but i think we are a long way off from recognizing this importance like all white Europe all black Africa all Asian Asia maybe one day this will happen but to be honest once we start to colonize multiple planets i kind of see this all going out the window i think if we are all SS or believe in the old gods type thing and we all can stick to each others races at least for breeding purposes then yeah i think that will be the way we will go.
Another beautiful sermon!☆❤ I love this!! Thank you for sharing this HP HoodedCobra666 🔥 Hail Satan!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

A few years ago, I was convinced that the solution for a better world was "being all the same". I didn't see anything wrong with mixing races, but at the same time I had never felt any sexual or sentimental interest in people of other ethnicities, I was perfectly aware that I would never have a sentimental relationship like that, this made me feel an hypocrit. I saw people around me having interracial relationships, I was happy for them (not for everyone, especially for an old friend of mine who was beaten in pregnancy, but this has nothing to do with culture, it has to do with being an asshole), but I thought "I could never." If I have to be honest, it's an inner awareness that I still can't understand well, but I know it's just like that.
I was so polluted by the idea of "we must all be the same" that I felt that was something wrong with me, convinced that perhaps deep inside me there was some kind of unmanifested racism, and this made me feel bad.
Over time, growing and developing my own critical thinking, I understood how important diversity is and how racist was to want a mono-cultural, monolingual world.
I apologize for any grammatical or syntactic errors. :oops:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you for your clarification.🤍 HPcobra What are the three main races created by the gods?🤔 This is really a question for me🙂
Even in Mickey Mouse's cartoons the characters are all different animals, but they never mix in any way, Mickey Mouse is a mouse and his girlfriend is a mouse, Donald Duck is a duck and his girlfriend is a duck.

I think the only reason for which woke jewish *present* Disney hasn't made them mix is because it would be completely disgusting and sick and eerie even to the most ignorant ones, just imagine Mickey Mouse leaving his mouse girlfriend for a woman dog.
We need to work with all the worlds people's. We all have the same consciousness within us. Fighting each other is counterproductive to our survival.

Humanity is not free enough to know because of the controlled media and centuries of programs to enslave. But humanity at a whole is under attack. We need to work together to create enlightenment and throw off the programming and covert enslavement.

Everything currently in this world is back to front and upside down.

It's not racialism it's racial awareness. It's not blind hate but awareness of what's right in front. It's a love to preserve peoples and diversity.
Excellent sermon.

It is tragic how the average person today has been programmed to hold the false belief that diversity comes through the mixing of race and culture. Even when you explain it clearly, many will fail to understand.

"Surely a family with a white and black parent are more diverse then a family of two same race people? Is 1+1 not 2?" That's how the thinking goes..

However little people realize that in this case we are not working with addition, or multiplication, but division instead.

As the genes are split upon conception, taking exactly half of each whole, creating a single outcome, therefore the 1 and 1 only result in 1.

Each time this mixing happens, half of each parent is lost.

Among people of the same race this is not an issue, as we share the same racial root, and nothing integral the uniqueness and identifying features of the race are lost, since both parents carry that in equal part.

With mixing, eventually all the genetic code is butchered countless times, cut in half with each generation, until eventually from the hundred diverse genetic codes represented by the many different human beings on the Earth, there remains just a single thing which can divide no further.

Race mixing is division. Quite literally. Multiculturalism too is division, quite literally.

While ironically racial preservation and segregation is opposite.

Segregation of people leads them to develop further the unique qualities which diversify them from others, refining over time the unique essence of each group of people, even creating diversity within existing groups through this process by means of cultural development, ultimately resulting in multiplying the diversity of human life on Earth.

By understand this such a simple truth, the entire jewish argument of "multiculturalism = diversity" collapses entirely.

Hail Satan!
The "racists" are actually the true multi-culturists. The races have to be maintained for orderly evolution of the soul bodies in them. Mixing them distorts this,causing confusion.
The thing is man is mainly 3 bodies . The physical ,astral and soul bodies. This is the individual,the soul body which is the real you,the others are tools for the evolution of the soul body but which also evolve. The Supreme Soul , Brahman at the core powering the bodies and is the source of the attributes. Evolution is maturing the soul body into the maturity,purity and likeness of the Supreme Soul powering it. So you are both are and becoming at the same time.
Race actually comes in the Astral Body and the corresponding physical body that is replicated out of the astral body. In fact culture , nationalism ,species are made in the Astral. The soul body actually transcends this. That's why a mature soul body of one race can poses an Astral , Physical body of another race and even know the language , culture of that particular
race. The soul body is in the image of Brahman,so it actually transcends race. You will find that highly self Realised souls can even incarnate in different races as leaders of the races ,to help them evolve. Given the Age we are in and the low radiation from the Central Sun,,the Gods can't manifest physical bodies on a pedestal and appear. They used to do this in previous Ages and when done the physical body would dissolve into essence and the people around would even absolve the essence of it and so on. So for a God to have a physical body on Earth ,they have to come through a human birth. They have actually done this many times , incarnating in different races and establishing Civilisations and cultures for the races. So the soul body does transcend race ,which is Astral, Physical. The intellectual mind is also of the Astral Body. It's mainly the polarity of the intellectual mind that's where ego personality is formed, idealogy is formed and so on. Differentiation actually stems from the intellectual mind and is also the tool of action. This is what people normally call the mind ,and also has different levels of maturity ,the IQ levels and so on. But you are not this ,your are the soul body which is in total All Knowing Atma Consciousness. Ignorance actually only comes in when you incarnate into the physical body as a result of the sleeping Kundalini ,the Awareness shifts from the soul body into the physical body which comes after the intellectual mind of the astral , so you fall into ignorance. You have to then gain knowledge through the senses and exercise of the intellectual mind (research). Self Realised souls don't need to do this they just go into Brahman within and bring out knowledge.
The soul body is created from Atma. Races , species actually come in the Astral. Highly evolved beings like the Gods can even create races in the Astral. The diversity of the races was created by the Gods ,I suspect because of the vulnerability of the Age we where coming into ,given the Kundalini was going asleep therefore falling into ignorance and primitivity and the planet was going to get isolated from communications with other planet Civilisations. Making us more vulnerable for invasion and attack.
Making a diverse humanity with different cultures , languages but which have at the root of them the same goal of Self Realisation, would make us more difficult to enslave. I suspect the diversity of the races also was done for this.
Being out of tune with Brahman and therefore subjugate to the polarity of the intellectual mind means you also error,you do good and bad acts, also creating karmic cycles,which are also individualised to the races themselves. So you have up and down based on good and bad actions because of the polarity of the intellectual mind. The range and polarity the intellectual/mental mind also means it's impossible to have same personalities and traits. Traits which are based on karmic actions. You act good you become good ,you act bad you become bad. Based also on the maturity of the soul body which transcends the mind, astral and physical bodies.
It's interesting a highly evolved self realised soul can incarnate into race, tribe perhaps as a Chief ,a leader ,a president and so on to help them evolve ,even in "primitive" tribes.
Even though most of the Gods are Nordic looking,you would often find the Races would present the Gods arccording to their race.
Because the Gods can actually incarnate in their Race and establish Civilization to help them evolve and so on.
Preserving the races ,is for orderly evolution.
interesting so there is also tribes of Humans or Humanoids that are not Gentiles and obviously not jews but happen to an indigenous species of Humanoids that still exist on our planet. also would bigfoots count?

i also know its been said there are extraterrestrials on our planet from our side and the enemies still here, i wonder if we will see any of them any time soon
Races = Diversity
One Race ≠ Diversity
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=392034 time=1664941395 user_id=19170]
Excellent post. The world has always been diverse. Diversity as pushed today is jewish programming of the White race and it has taken decades of slowly feeding this poison. They can't push it on Asians or Indians or even Africans because the rejection will be strong. Only the White race has been brainwashed enough to even remotely accept this crap.

Nowadays everything that has Whites in it isn't diverse enough.

The real diverse world was when you could travel to Indonesia and experience their culture, India, Nigeria, Australia, England, Brazil and so on. The ancient world was the most diverse with each race and group of people having ancestral land. Like if you went to China you just knew that it was their land and you'd find Chinese people.

I never once in my life sat and thought that all different races were equal. I'd occasionally meet Chinese people, White people and it was nice interactions. But I never even as a child thought about the equality crap. It was movies, school and other institutions that told me that nonsense. I was always comfortable in my own skin without needing to obsess over being equal to someone.

I have noticed this as well. But why?

Why is the white race more susceptible to racial miscegenation?

To point where Liberal Whites are promoting this sacrilege?
GoldenxChild1 said:
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=392034 time=1664941395 user_id=19170]
Excellent post. The world has always been diverse. Diversity as pushed today is jewish programming of the White race and it has taken decades of slowly feeding this poison. They can't push it on Asians or Indians or even Africans because the rejection will be strong. Only the White race has been brainwashed enough to even remotely accept this crap.

Nowadays everything that has Whites in it isn't diverse enough.

The real diverse world was when you could travel to Indonesia and experience their culture, India, Nigeria, Australia, England, Brazil and so on. The ancient world was the most diverse with each race and group of people having ancestral land. Like if you went to China you just knew that it was their land and you'd find Chinese people.

I never once in my life sat and thought that all different races were equal. I'd occasionally meet Chinese people, White people and it was nice interactions. But I never even as a child thought about the equality crap. It was movies, school and other institutions that told me that nonsense. I was always comfortable in my own skin without needing to obsess over being equal to someone.

I have noticed this as well. But why?

Why is the white race more susceptible to racial miscegenation?

To point where Liberal Whites are promoting this sacrilege?
Because the White race is harboring a parasitic race that feeds off of its weakness and is driving them toward their own extinction.

White people have been fed a guilt complex. They are made to feel like since they live in first world countries, they owe everyone else something. That all the beautiful things in their life were from stealing or looting from others which couldn't be farther from the truth.

White people have never once in history built anything on the backs of other people. Contrary to what we are taught, it's not like the jews who organized things like slavery or colonization were doing it to build White nations. Rothschild wasn't thinking 'Oy vey let me loot south African gold so I can build bridges and roads in London' or something. They were looting for their own pockets. In fact, if colonization hadn't happened, White nations would still be the First World.

Jews hijack nations and use them to loot from other people and escape the blame. America has been used to loot and destroy other nations then Americans are now being guilt tripped to hate their own nation. When in history did Americans sit down and decide to do things like bombing Iraq? It was their (Jewish controlled) government that made these decisions.

Find me a moment in history when White people sat down and decided to loot from any Black country. Not one. It was always some shady elements in their government who are 99.9% of the time jews. In America, the jews brought Blacks as slaves and abused them for centuries then placed the blame on Whites.

White presidents like James Madison and Abraham Lincoln tried to end the slavery and return Blacks back to their continent but jews always sabotaged this since they were making a killing buying slaves with rum and selling them for a lot of money.

Whites today feel like they owe people something just because they have had ancestors who did better than others. The enemy then preys on this and adds a little bit of false history and media propaganda and you have the situation today. Where White people can end the invasion happening in their nations today if they could say no to it, kick out all illegal immigrants and close their borders; but they have been mentally crippled.

There is also no day in history the Chinese people sat down and decided to trap developing nations with debts they can't pay back with the aim of taking over these nations. These are the deeds of the CCP. Jews commit crimes on behalf of nations and escape justice. It also has to do with their Yom Kippur ritual where they carry their blame over to Gentiles and the Gods. This has to be stopped.

White people need to stop feeling sorry for everyone. Every single race has the responsibility to look after itself and protect its interests. White people are not responsible for the incompetence of other races and the crimes jews have committed there.

And while there were White people who committed crimes in foreign places, who in history doesn't have that? In fact the crimes being committed against the White race today by other people are enough to shut down this conversation.

And other Gentiles need to stop seeing the world through the lens of "Whitey has to do this and that for us." I think it's an absolute insult to Black people when some of them ask for reparations. If you truly believe that you need free money for your people to have a better financial life, I don't even know what to say to you. Apparently in this person's mind there is no version of events where Black people remove capitalism and have a fair financial system that allows them to build their own wealth. Or even in the present system, they can't fathom the idea of working hard and building their own wealth.

The whole thing is very bizarre and is just mass manipulation by the jews who know very well what they are doing. White people need to stop giving a damn about others because no one cares for them. Absolutely no one in the world.

They need to teach their children White nationalism and White pride, White history that isn't the BS jewish history, White culture and culture and everything that is their own. They need to protect their nations and stop taking the struggles of their ancestors for granted.

Acting as some universal savior only attracts the lowest of other people who need a savior to get by. It creates an infinite cycle of giving without ever receiving back.

So the answer is jews. They are responsible for this mess. The solution is Satanism and for those who are not too ignorant, Satanism and National Socialism. These are the solutions for all the world's problems and not just the White race.
I bet that hominid is what we all refer to as bigfoot.
GoldenxChild1 said:
I have noticed this as well. But why?

Why is the white race more susceptible to racial miscegenation?

To point where Liberal Whites are promoting this sacrilege?
Whites being the most prominent opponent of the jews have received the most amount of curses and brainwashing over a long period of time which has resulted in the situation that is happening right now.
Thanks for all the information.What should already mixed people do?I mean like half white half middle eastern
Should we ever give birth?or should we stop giving birth and that way only main races created by Gods would exist?
father_is_daughter said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you for your clarification.🤍 HPcobra What are the three main races created by the gods?🤔 This is really a question for me🙂

Whites, Blacks, and Asians (Orientals). the rest of the gentile races are sub-races. like Arabs.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I agree wholeheartedly.

Diversity can also come from procreating with your own race. I've seen with my own two eyes this when 2 people of the same race and almost same features have children who inherited unique traits and those gets passed down.

You don't need to mix to be diverse. Hybridity isn't diversity, but rather the deconstruction of one.

For example, there are White races, but Indian White, Egyptian White, Greek White, and Nordic White people are very different from each other, despite being the same race, with different cultures as well, despite having similar roots in Satanism (originally anyway). That's a great example of diversity.
Missrainbow said:
Thanks for all the information.What should already mixed people do?I mean like half white half middle eastern
Should we ever give birth?or should we stop giving birth and that way only main races created by Gods would exist?

A Gentile, any Gentile, is descended from the Gods all the same. While main races "mix", sub races are created, within the main races or between others.

Currently, many are hundreds of millions or billions and are in this category, because the offspring that occurred was just fine, life kept on, so life preserved itself and blueprints survived.

Yes, life continues, nothing to worry about here. You are to accept yourself [and be aware of how finding a partner ties into this] and find a person that is similar to you and pass down who you are if you want to have children.

At this point, there are hundreds and hundreds of millions of partners for whites, blacks, asians, hindus, and everything in between globally. Life goes on.
Kavya Shukra said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I agree wholeheartedly.

Diversity can also come from procreating with your own race. I've seen with my own two eyes this when 2 people of the same race and almost same features have children who inherited unique traits and those gets passed down.

You don't need to mix to be diverse. Hybridity isn't diversity, but rather the deconstruction of one.

For example, there are White races, but Indian White, Egyptian White, Greek White, and Nordic White people are very different from each other, despite being the same race, with different cultures as well, despite having similar roots in Satanism (originally anyway). That's a great example of diversity.

And about 100 sub-races from Blacks in Africa, about the same in Mexico, the same in India, and so on.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Missrainbow said:
Thanks for all the information.What should already mixed people do?I mean like half white half middle eastern
Should we ever give birth?or should we stop giving birth and that way only main races created by Gods would exist?

A Gentile, any Gentile, is descended from the Gods all the same. While main races "mix", sub races are created, within the main races or between others.

Currently, many are hundreds of millions or billions and are in this category, because the offspring that occurred was just fine, life kept on, so life preserved itself and blueprints survived.

Yes, life continues, nothing to worry about here. You are to accept yourself [and be aware of how finding a partner ties into this] and find a person that is similar to you and pass down who you are if you want to have children.

At this point, there are hundreds and hundreds of millions of partners for whites, blacks, asians, hindus, and everything in between globally. Life goes on.
Thank you)
Missrainbow said:
Thanks for all the information.What should already mixed people do?I mean like half white half middle eastern
Should we ever give birth?or should we stop giving birth and that way only main races created by Gods would exist?

You go for the dominant trait. Back in college, I had a dorm neighbor who was half European and half Asian (Filipino if I can recall), but his Filipino traits receded, guy literally looks like an Olympian, and no surprise, his GF is also White, and most of his associates. I think he told me his Asian dad wasn't even fully Asian, and had a lot of White ancestors (Spaniard to be specific), and his mother was predominantly White.

Now in the case where it's straight-up "50%-50%", then that'd be a harder to decide.

Back in the Ancient days, if "culturally-aware" people ever did marry into another race, it'd be under such strict conditions, and said-children were to marry the dominant trait, and adopt the nationality/culture of the dominant, or for the purpose of creating sub-races (but nothing to what the Jews are doing to all the races today), the Spaniards actually tried to create White sub-races in their overseas territories, and it worked "to a certain extent", many White Hispanics have the white skin complexion but their facial features clearly show an admixture, like Cuba (they more-so resemble White Middle Easterners).

I notice that these White Hispanics and White Latinos/Latinas only date/breed with other White Latinos. I've honestly never seen a White Latina woman with a native Aztec man. Once again, that is the nature of the Gods in its beauty.

So long as you're not breeding with Grey or Reptilian descendants, that for sure, will fuck your descendants up.

But try to stick with a predominant.
Kavya Shukra said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I agree wholeheartedly.

Diversity can also come from procreating with your own race. I've seen with my own two eyes this when 2 people of the same race and almost same features have children who inherited unique traits and those gets passed down.

You don't need to mix to be diverse. Hybridity isn't diversity, but rather the deconstruction of one.

For example, there are White races, but Indian White, Egyptian White, Greek White, and Nordic White people are very different from each other, despite being the same race, with different cultures as well, despite having similar roots in Satanism (originally anyway). That's a great example of diversity.

Yes! I have noticed that White Middle Easterners, while still clearly part of the White race, have differing features than per-say, Germanic and Nordic Whites, the Gods created different sub-races within the broader races.

The Mongolic and Turkic peoples for example are clearly Asiatic, but have noticeable difference in physicial features and physique than Chinese, Koreans or Japanese, same can be said of Southeast Asians.

White Latinos/Latinas have also become their own sub-race. What makes me really annoyed about the so-called "Latin cultural norms" is how they all try to lump all of the Spanish-speaking world into "one raceless glob" (as they are trying to do to the entire world), generic "Hispanic identity" and BS.

Look at Saul Canelo Alvarez, this guy's a damn Celtic warlord, yet he tries non-stop to hide his predominantly-Irish roots.


Yet, no matter how much all these various Spanish-speaking peoples wanna try to glob themselves into a "mythical" oneness, when I observe the breeding and partner choices of these White Hispanics, it's quite clear THEY KNOW to stick with their own race (good thing), but don't wanna verbally admit it.

"Hispanic" isn't even a race to begin with and I be seeing fully-White people claiming to be "half White half Hispanic". At the end of the day, Spanish is just a language, and the various Spanish-speaking countries have their own identities and culture.

Clearly the entire "one Hispanic race" is of Spanish Jewish-doings.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Kavya Shukra said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I agree wholeheartedly.

Diversity can also come from procreating with your own race. I've seen with my own two eyes this when 2 people of the same race and almost same features have children who inherited unique traits and those gets passed down.

You don't need to mix to be diverse. Hybridity isn't diversity, but rather the deconstruction of one.

For example, there are White races, but Indian White, Egyptian White, Greek White, and Nordic White people are very different from each other, despite being the same race, with different cultures as well, despite having similar roots in Satanism (originally anyway). That's a great example of diversity.

Yes! I have noticed that White Middle Easterners, while still clearly part of the White race, have differing features than per-say, Germanic and Nordic Whites, the Gods created different sub-races within the broader races.

The Mongolic and Turkic peoples for example are clearly Asiatic, but have noticeable difference in physicial features and physique than Chinese, Koreans or Japanese, same can be said of Southeast Asians.

White Latinos/Latinas have also become their own sub-race. What makes me really annoyed about the so-called "Latin cultural norms" is how they all try to lump all of the Spanish-speaking world into "one raceless glob" (as they are trying to do to the entire world), generic "Hispanic identity" and BS.

Look at Saul Canelo Alvarez, this guy's a damn Celtic warlord, yet he tries non-stop to hide his predominantly-Irish roots.


Yet, no matter how much all these various Spanish-speaking peoples wanna try to glob themselves into a "mythical" oneness, when I observe the breeding and partner choices of these White Hispanics, it's quite clear THEY KNOW to stick with their own race (good thing), but don't wanna verbally admit it.

"Hispanic" isn't even a race to begin with and I be seeing fully-White people claiming to be "half White half Hispanic". At the end of the day, Spanish is just a language, and the various Spanish-speaking countries have their own identities and culture.

Clearly the entire "one Hispanic race" is of Spanish Jewish-doings.

Yeah, this is very true. Latino and Hispanic aren't a race. For example, I come from French, Spanish and Native American and Mexican backgrounds, and have certain features from them, yet I personally don't feel like I belong to either mainly because I'm mixed yet don't feel like I can identify with them. Which is a sad reality of race mixing or this "one race" idea that they try to push onto the Hispanic/Latinos.

For example, one look at Hitler and one can obviously say he's White Aryan, but for me it's harder because of the mixes. However, I predominantly feel closer to Mexico than say Europe or North America.

It's kinda sad to see that the original identity of Mexico and the Americas period being turned into one huge glob conglomerate under an umbrella ethnicity caused by Jewish oppression.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Missrainbow said:
Thanks for all the information.What should already mixed people do?I mean like half white half middle eastern
Should we ever give birth?or should we stop giving birth and that way only main races created by Gods would exist?

You go for the dominant trait. Back in college, I had a dorm neighbor who was half European and half Asian (Filipino if I can recall), but his Filipino traits receded, guy literally looks like an Olympian, and no surprise, his GF is also White, and most of his associates. I think he told me his Asian dad wasn't even fully Asian, and had a lot of White ancestors (Spaniard to be specific), and his mother was predominantly White.

Now in the case where it's straight-up "50%-50%", then that'd be a harder to decide.

Back in the Ancient days, if "culturally-aware" people ever did marry into another race, it'd be under such strict conditions, and said-children were to marry the dominant trait, and adopt the nationality/culture of the dominant, or for the purpose of creating sub-races (but nothing to what the Jews are doing to all the races today), the Spaniards actually tried to create White sub-races in their overseas territories, and it worked "to a certain extent", many White Hispanics have the white skin complexion but their facial features clearly show an admixture, like Cuba (they more-so resemble White Middle Easterners).

I notice that these White Hispanics and White Latinos/Latinas only date/breed with other White Latinos. I've honestly never seen a White Latina woman with a native Aztec man. Once again, that is the nature of the Gods in its beauty.

So long as you're not breeding with Grey or Reptilian descendants, that for sure, will fuck your descendants up.

But try to stick with a predominant.

Thank you)
Henu the Great said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I have noticed this as well. But why?

Why is the white race more susceptible to racial miscegenation?

To point where Liberal Whites are promoting this sacrilege?
Whites being the most prominent opponent of the jews have received the most amount of curses and brainwashing over a long period of time which has resulted in the situation that is happening right now.

Makes sense. I feel like they also play on our enhanced compassion compared to other races.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=392408 time=1665110683 user_id=19170]
GoldenxChild1 said:
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=392034 time=1664941395 user_id=19170]
Excellent post. The world has always been diverse. Diversity as pushed today is jewish programming of the White race and it has taken decades of slowly feeding this poison. They can't push it on Asians or Indians or even Africans because the rejection will be strong. Only the White race has been brainwashed enough to even remotely accept this crap.

Nowadays everything that has Whites in it isn't diverse enough.

The real diverse world was when you could travel to Indonesia and experience their culture, India, Nigeria, Australia, England, Brazil and so on. The ancient world was the most diverse with each race and group of people having ancestral land. Like if you went to China you just knew that it was their land and you'd find Chinese people.

I never once in my life sat and thought that all different races were equal. I'd occasionally meet Chinese people, White people and it was nice interactions. But I never even as a child thought about the equality crap. It was movies, school and other institutions that told me that nonsense. I was always comfortable in my own skin without needing to obsess over being equal to someone.

I have noticed this as well. But why?

Why is the white race more susceptible to racial miscegenation?

To point where Liberal Whites are promoting this sacrilege?
Because the White race is harboring a parasitic race that feeds off of its weakness and is driving them toward their own extinction.

White people have been fed a guilt complex. They are made to feel like since they live in first world countries, they owe everyone else something. That all the beautiful things in their life were from stealing or looting from others which couldn't be farther from the truth.

White people have never once in history built anything on the backs of other people. Contrary to what we are taught, it's not like the jews who organized things like slavery or colonization were doing it to build White nations. Rothschild wasn't thinking 'Oy vey let me loot south African gold so I can build bridges and roads in London' or something. They were looting for their own pockets. In fact, if colonization hadn't happened, White nations would still be the First World.

Jews hijack nations and use them to loot from other people and escape the blame. America has been used to loot and destroy other nations then Americans are now being guilt tripped to hate their own nation. When in history did Americans sit down and decide to do things like bombing Iraq? It was their (Jewish controlled) government that made these decisions.

Find me a moment in history when White people sat down and decided to loot from any Black country. Not one. It was always some shady elements in their government who are 99.9% of the time jews. In America, the jews brought Blacks as slaves and abused them for centuries then placed the blame on Whites.

White presidents like James Madison and Abraham Lincoln tried to end the slavery and return Blacks back to their continent but jews always sabotaged this since they were making a killing buying slaves with rum and selling them for a lot of money.

Whites today feel like they owe people something just because they have had ancestors who did better than others. The enemy then preys on this and adds a little bit of false history and media propaganda and you have the situation today. Where White people can end the invasion happening in their nations today if they could say no to it, kick out all illegal immigrants and close their borders; but they have been mentally crippled.

There is also no day in history the Chinese people sat down and decided to trap developing nations with debts they can't pay back with the aim of taking over these nations. These are the deeds of the CCP. Jews commit crimes on behalf of nations and escape justice. It also has to do with their Yom Kippur ritual where they carry their blame over to Gentiles and the Gods. This has to be stopped.

White people need to stop feeling sorry for everyone. Every single race has the responsibility to look after itself and protect its interests. White people are not responsible for the incompetence of other races and the crimes jews have committed there.

And while there were White people who committed crimes in foreign places, who in history doesn't have that? In fact the crimes being committed against the White race today by other people are enough to shut down this conversation.

And other Gentiles need to stop seeing the world through the lens of "Whitey has to do this and that for us." I think it's an absolute insult to Black people when some of them ask for reparations. If you truly believe that you need free money for your people to have a better financial life, I don't even know what to say to you. Apparently in this person's mind there is no version of events where Black people remove capitalism and have a fair financial system that allows them to build their own wealth. Or even in the present system, they can't fathom the idea of working hard and building their own wealth.

The whole thing is very bizarre and is just mass manipulation by the jews who know very well what they are doing. White people need to stop giving a damn about others because no one cares for them. Absolutely no one in the world.

They need to teach their children White nationalism and White pride, White history that isn't the BS jewish history, White culture and culture and everything that is their own. They need to protect their nations and stop taking the struggles of their ancestors for granted.

Acting as some universal savior only attracts the lowest of other people who need a savior to get by. It creates an infinite cycle of giving without ever receiving back.

So the answer is jews. They are responsible for this mess. The solution is Satanism and for those who are not too ignorant, Satanism and National Socialism. These are the solutions for all the world's problems and not just the White race.

Thanks for detailed response brother. I never really looked at this way but I agree that it is totally insulting to other races for them to believe they are where they are because of another race or that they need hand outs.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As simple as this might sound, when the spiritual level of a species is too low, none of this will make sense. But even animals because they are on a higher level of mind, oftentimes do take these rules seriously on an unconscious level. Humans do not do this always and can deviate too far from proper understanding.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Incredible distillation of the simple, effortless wisdom of life as always, High Priest. Thank ye kindly. Matters this basic actually should not even have to be said, as your explanation also mentions, true diversity would obviously be destroyed by employing the practices "love is love" people would like instated as law.

Also, your sermon reminds me of another one of your past sermons, specifically dealing with animals and doing away with the notion that animals are "stupider than" (the current) humanity, detailing how they, even in their "lower" consciousness state, follow many Natural Laws we have largely been made to forget. I think back to that sermon a lot as people around me often compare stupid people to animals and this reminds me that not just stupid people, but most everyone is in the same state.

I can't exactly find that sermon now but you know the one.

Godsspeed. Salutations to all SS under Father.
Such an interesting subject, this racial diversity. How about neanderthals? Does anyone know if they predated Satan's (I actually remember sth about Ningishzzidda, one of Satans sons being the chief scientist in the human project) creation of modern humans? Since some of us have a certain minute percentage of neanderthal or denisovan dna, and some like the famous boxer Valuev are obviously predominantly neanderthal, it would maybe be of interest to those individuals to know something more about this.
luggaldimmerankia369 said:
Such an interesting subject, this racial diversity. How about neanderthals? Does anyone know if they predated Satan's (I actually remember sth about Ningishzzidda, one of Satans sons being the chief scientist in the human project) creation of modern humans? Since some of us have a certain minute percentage of neanderthal or denisovan dna, and some like the famous boxer Valuev are obviously predominantly neanderthal, it would maybe be of interest to those individuals to know something more about this.

I am also curious on that. Especially more so since in non-SS (and oftentimes half-Truther) circles, there is sometimes ample mention and "proof" of the jews actually being descendants of neanderthals. Granted, this feels somewhat reductionist and the sources of these claims are often not even Pagan, let alone Satanic; but I saw enough arguments to at least warrant discussing it on the highest haven of absolute Truth. I can share a couple examples of relevant claims if there's interest.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
