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Foolproof method for counting squares


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Since messing up square repetitions is very easy I came up with a method that will forgive your lack of attention.
Open the notes app on your phone and on a new page write the mantra that you’re supposed to vibrate and besides it write the number of reps you gotta vibrate that day.
Then under that you will write the reps while vibrating.
So like this: *you do a vibration* and type 1 then after the second vibration you cancel the 1 and write the 2 and so on.

Hope this helps.
Aquarius said:
Since messing up square repetitions is very easy I came up with a method that will forgive your lack of attention.
Open the notes app on your phone and on a new page write the mantra that you’re supposed to vibrate and besides it write the number of reps you gotta vibrate that day.
Then under that you will write the reps while vibrating.
So like this: *you do a vibration* and type 1 then after the second vibration you cancel the 1 and write the 2 and so on.

Hope this helps.

I've been doing this for some quite time now, actually, just a little bit different.

I open up TextEdit (equivalent of Notepad) and write the number of repetitions necessary.

After every repetition, I hit backspace until I delete the single number...and so on.

Example: 9 repetitions

Do vibration, hit backspace twice...

Now you have

Do vibration again, hit backspace twice.

Now you have

...and like this, all the way until nothing is left.
it's a good method.
personally I use this app also has the vibration so you can keep the account while you vibrate with your eyes closed
The problem is not how to mess up the pronunciation...this is my biggest problem with squares. I wish i had a soundproof room...
You can also write all the numbers down in a box, and then start erasing numbers one by one. That is also quite foolproof. Checking the numbers numerous times is going to guarantee success.
I found this counter to be usefull: https://tallycounterstore.com/online-counter
Aquarius said:
Since messing up square repetitions is very easy I came up with a method that will forgive your lack of attention.
Open the notes app on your phone and on a new page write the mantra that you’re supposed to vibrate and besides it write the number of reps you gotta vibrate that day.
Then under that you will write the reps while vibrating.
So like this: *you do a vibration* and type 1 then after the second vibration you cancel the 1 and write the 2 and so on.

Hope this helps.

Clicker counter app works so much better.
It's easy to count to 9 with a hand, and you can count all the 9s with the other hand up to 81. 5 fingers, and 4 spaces in between the fingers. I do the space by holding both fingers up at the same time. So first, first and second, second, second and third, third, third and fourth, fourth, fourth and fifth, fifth.

Another way counts to 100, but you do gotta keep track of counting to 4 each time. I do each finger on 1 hand 4 times each. So 4 times first finger, 4 times second finger, 4 times third, .... all 5 fingers 4 times each makes a finger on the other hand. So the other hand ends up each finger means 20. So when you're done, you got 100. This is easy to do when I'm driving. Just have to keep track that you are doing each one 4 times and not 3.

I know some people recommended counting sections of fingers, like there are 3 sections of each finger. But I know that would never work for me. If I tried it that way, I would forget to keep track of it and lose my place.
Aldrick Strickland said:
Aquarius said:
Since messing up square repetitions is very easy I came up with a method that will forgive your lack of attention.
Open the notes app on your phone and on a new page write the mantra that you’re supposed to vibrate and besides it write the number of reps you gotta vibrate that day.
Then under that you will write the reps while vibrating.
So like this: *you do a vibration* and type 1 then after the second vibration you cancel the 1 and write the 2 and so on.

Hope this helps.

Clicker counter app works so much better.
Yes but lets say you are distracted and the click didn’t get registered and you don’t notice, that’s a fuck up. For normal workings the clicker app is what I use.
I have a rosary for this.
For example, if it's a sunsquare and I have 36 reps as the highest possible number, I have a box with 36 beads in it. If my reps for the today are 25, I put on 25 beads and tie it together.
On the next day, if I have 12 reps, I take off beads until only 12 are left and tie it together again, and so on.

This method lets me go into deep trance while still ensuring I have the right number of reps every single time. The only "downside" is taking 5 minutes every day to assemble the rosary with the correct number of beads for the day.
I'd like to say also that if you are not full focused, even if you use some sort of counter, you can mess all up.

I was a person always daydreaming, so it happened sometimes that I didn't realize if I said all the mantra or just a part of it. Like my mouth was in auto-pilot and my mind was thinking totally something else.

Of course, my case is one with very low concentration, but it can happen always.

Shael said:
I have a rosary for this.
For example, if it's a sunsquare and I have 36 reps as the highest possible number, I have a box with 36 beads in it. If my reps for the today are 25, I put on 25 beads and tie it together.
On the next day, if I have 12 reps, I take off beads until only 12 are left and tie it together again, and so on.

This method lets me go into deep trance while still ensuring I have the right number of reps every single time. The only "downside" is taking 5 minutes every day to assemble the rosary with the correct number of beads for the day.
Why do you need to make a new one? Make a big one, and have something at the end so you feel when you get to the end. Then put markers, like I use little tags of tape, to mark some important numbers. Then you just need to find the right number to start at and go to the end.
What I do is use tarot cards. Like say I need to vibrate 21 for a day. I count out 21 tarot cards, I hold them in my hand and after each vibration, I deal a card until I’m out of cards. Then I’ve vibrated 21 times. And at the same time, since I’m doing energy work, I’ve created a stronger connection to my cards. Two birds.

Only use my deck for white magic. You’d use separate props or items for black and white magic of course.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Shael said:
I have a rosary for this.
For example, if it's a sunsquare and I have 36 reps as the highest possible number, I have a box with 36 beads in it. If my reps for the today are 25, I put on 25 beads and tie it together.
On the next day, if I have 12 reps, I take off beads until only 12 are left and tie it together again, and so on.

This method lets me go into deep trance while still ensuring I have the right number of reps every single time. The only "downside" is taking 5 minutes every day to assemble the rosary with the correct number of beads for the day.
Why do you need to make a new one? Make a big one, and have something at the end so you feel when you get to the end. Then put markers, like I use little tags of tape, to mark some important numbers. Then you just need to find the right number to start at and go to the end.
Because it's foolproof and takes no time at all to do. I get into a deep trance during these things and trust me, if something can go wrong then it will. I have tried so many other things before and managed to mess up reps with all of them somehow. This method is the only one that worked flawlessly for me and allowed me to stay in a deep trance.

When I do the square, I want to focus on the actual vibrations, and energies, of the square, and not on counting how many reps I have left until I am done. The more you focus on the energies and vibrations, the more power it will have. This is why I prefer my method.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
