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Focusing Your Mind on Your Goals; Avoiding Brain Pollution

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
A lot of people are ungrounded and wonder about random things that don’t actually have much value in reality. The enemy really uses this to manipulate us with too much tv and video games, as a few examples. Letting your imagination soar does help to activate the right side of the brain, and can help expand the mind and develop magickal ability. But letting it out of control, or spending too much time wondering about useless things, is a waste.

What’s the point in spending large amounts of time wondering about something random that won’t even help your life in any way? Something that won’t contribute to your success in anything? Just because it’s neat or mildly entertaining for the moment?

We now live in the “Information Age”, which is great in many ways. After all, we can access nearly anything we want to with the click of a few buttons. One person can have all the information in the world, which is really exciting, even overwhelming. We can have more information than all our ancestors before us… but is all this information actually valuable?

People put great value on information… but what is information without wisdom? Information is not the same as knowledge. Information can be random useless facts that have nothing to do with you as an individual. Information on its own does not mean knowledge, and certainly does not mean wisdom. Here in the JoS, we strive towards enlightenment and wisdom.

A lot of the information that goes around is basically brain pollution. It takes up space in our minds and uses thought process that could be better put towards learning things of true value and working towards something worthwhile in your life. You need to value your mind and your time, and train yourself to focus on what is important to you, what will help you. Not useless non-wisdom non-knowledge information.

It is a fact that those who accomplish great things in their life are often clueless as to celebrity gossip or whatever other useless “information” is popular these days. They block it out in order to focus on their goals and success.

I want each and every one of you to achieve some sort of victory for this year, and for all your years to come. Look through our SS Calendar (link in my signature and in these forums) and find the dates to free your soul from any obstacles or malefic karma relating to your goal, and find the dates to do magickal workings to achieve your goals. Mark these times down somewhere so you are prepared to begin them.

You will likely need to do multiple workings, but do not give up or think it will be too much effort or take too much time! Think of it this way: you can be exactly as you are now in a few years from now, with no changes. Or, you can be successful in your career, or get married, or go on a life-changing vacation, or upgrade your living situation, or gain new skills, or whatever your goal is. The time and effort will be worth it, you just need to focus on your goal.

Mercury is in Aquarius now, its square (or just daily mantra) can be done to improve your mind, or any other goal relating to Mercury. Mars is in Capricorn, a great time to begin its square to focus on career success or focusing your physical energy towards a goal of some sort.

I wish you all much success and victory in your life! :)
Just like with the very basics of IT, there is a big difference between INFORMATION and DATA.

Data with meaning and importance is information while data is just nothing but collected rubbish. This is just like differentiating the beneficial minerals out of the useless stone.
A lot of people are ungrounded and wonder about random things that don’t actually have much value in reality. The enemy really uses this to manipulate us with too much tv and video games, as a few examples. Letting your imagination soar does help to activate the right side of the brain, and can help expand the mind and develop magickal ability. But letting it out of control, or spending too much time wondering about useless things, is a waste.

What’s the point in spending large amounts of time wondering about something random that won’t even help your life in any way? Something that won’t contribute to your success in anything? Just because it’s neat or mildly entertaining for the moment?

We now live in the “Information Age”, which is great in many ways. After all, we can access nearly anything we want to with the click of a few buttons. One person can have all the information in the world, which is really exciting, even overwhelming. We can have more information than all our ancestors before us… but is all this information actually valuable?

People put great value on information… but what is information without wisdom? Information is not the same as knowledge. Information can be random useless facts that have nothing to do with you as an individual. Information on its own does not mean knowledge, and certainly does not mean wisdom. Here in the JoS, we strive towards enlightenment and wisdom.

A lot of the information that goes around is basically brain pollution. It takes up space in our minds and uses thought process that could be better put towards learning things of true value and working towards something worthwhile in your life. You need to value your mind and your time, and train yourself to focus on what is important to you, what will help you. Not useless non-wisdom non-knowledge information.

It is a fact that those who accomplish great things in their life are often clueless as to celebrity gossip or whatever other useless “information” is popular these days. They block it out in order to focus on their goals and success.

I want each and every one of you to achieve some sort of victory for this year, and for all your years to come. Look through our SS Calendar (link in my signature and in these forums) and find the dates to free your soul from any obstacles or malefic karma relating to your goal, and find the dates to do magickal workings to achieve your goals. Mark these times down somewhere so you are prepared to begin them.

You will likely need to do multiple workings, but do not give up or think it will be too much effort or take too much time! Think of it this way: you can be exactly as you are now in a few years from now, with no changes. Or, you can be successful in your career, or get married, or go on a life-changing vacation, or upgrade your living situation, or gain new skills, or whatever your goal is. The time and effort will be worth it, you just need to focus on your goal.

Mercury is in Aquarius now, its square (or just daily mantra) can be done to improve your mind, or any other goal relating to Mercury. Mars is in Capricorn, a great time to begin its square to focus on career success or focusing your physical energy towards a goal of some sort.

I wish you all much success and victory in your life! :)
Lydia, thank you for your post :), the post is very beautiful❣️

I haven't had time to look at the calendar in recent days, but the idea came to my mind to start a Mercury Square, and now you are writing about this, it's great, I think the idea for me to start a Mercury Square came from my Guardian Demon.
It has been cautioned before against succumbing to the pollution of the mind, which merely acts as an impediment to progress; In our current era, wisdom is replaced by knowledge, and knowledge is replaced by information, and information is just chunks of data, i.e. fragments of information.

I reached out to my GD and Lord Thoth recently, expressing my concerns about the potential pitfalls of being inundated with fragmented information, which obscures my ability to make clear judgments and attain a deeper understanding.

Thank you, HPS Lydia. It serves as a potent reminder to be discerning about where one invests their time and attention, utilizing both intellect and intuition wisely in the pursuit of deeper understanding. I express gratitude to the Gods of Hell, and to you our Clergy, for the fortune of being guided and blessed to perceive the Truth.

Hail Satan!
i think this is why Marcus Aurelius talk about not spending your whole life reading books, he knew that not all books are meant for you and also you have to live life. Personally i constantly read the same 1 or 2 books and occasionally read a new one and after it i come back to the same books to integrate those that are really useful.
This reminds me about your previous sermon "Spiritual Reset Day". There's a reason and care why you are hitting on this. And the fact that this can largely affect our growth individually, I'm really going to take this seriously and more steps further.
During this period of doing our God Thoth's Ritual, I began to notice that I really want to close my eyes and imagine or think or talk to myself, the need to close my eyes is really big.

I began to notice how I needlessly look at my phone, so I was telling myself to only use my phone when I need it. For tv, I've not been a fan of it but why watch a football match when I should be using my mind.

I also started noticing how I want to journal more often, so I hv began practicing for some days.
I can feel it and I know it more / more aware that these devices can be something that could slow us down especially used without a purpose to achieve something worthwhile.

I also thought to myself yesterday to delete my game from my phone and focus, that's the only game I got. To sacrifice it for a good future and improvement.

If Lord Thoth is bringing awareness to this and HPS Lydia is too. Then I think HPS Lydia is way ahead and knows what she is saying.

So many times, to bring awareness to fruition, someone has to say it. But I pray I don't have to wait for someone to say it next time.

Thank you HPS LYDIA.
Actually I'm gonna go ahead and counter this argument.

Most people, however you wish to encourage improvement, or discourage and call them NPCs, Andrapods, or outright like the enemy does Goyim, unspiritual animals.

Here is the thing as a person who's never voided whatever that means, nor tranced whatever that means. Whatever method or methods to silence the logical monkey mind this biological android kinda like Sid Meire's Alpha Centauri as Shin-Yi Yang basically states, paraphrasing, the mind acts like an artificial intelligence. He states the mind adds new data reencodes itself and adds to it.

In essence maybe my hyperlogic and outright mecurial properties i.e. detrimental Leo position and various properties which gives me a "curve ball" from right field i.e. I use my emotional, intuitive, feminine side to bolster my left side. Obviously I've been told I sound like a women typing things up cause my femininity of conveying information is very in that area.

Again I'm sorry Lydia and others but you people are totally wrong. EVERYTHING is important. Data, Information, Sensing etc.etc. etc.

For example I get you can be overwhelmed and I get it. In fact my mind acts like a sponge and wants to download the entire contents of the internet into my head just to know stuff.

Akin to Outlaw Star at the end of the episode the final one. The Doctor of the XPG15 commands the hybrid android to open the Dues Ex machina door. He complies and then the Doctor enters a while later he comes out going, "I know everything".

Here is the thing can everything be known. Sure but can it be expressed can it sure do most people or people in general develop anything better no.

Sadly as flawed creatures we must come to two conclusions most people do not posses photographic or computer member unless cyber augmented nor do they posses the ability to recant this information i.e. eidetic recall, not eidetic memory or photo memory or computer member. No the ability to recount.

In fact the irony of the situation most people are just roteing into memory and regurgitating stuff. I fall into that category. Sheer fact is I simply wish to posses absolute knowledge and absolute recall in perfect ways. Not perfect in the absolute zenith of creation but in the proper Godific way.

Perfect = Godlike grandmastery of skill, capability, and action which compounds further forevermore into perpetual, infinite, and unlimited development of evolution and progress unceasing with no limit or if limited simply a process of time in developing further the power.

For example perfect we Humans built a house that is perfect nothing will ever come. Our Gods perfect the house was constructed to exist for 285,000 years in such time we shall progress tear this place down and produce a superior place.

Anyways I think people fail to understand logic and use of logic. Your mind is a memory system. For example when someone says a meme it triggers memories. We are surrounded by memories on our bodies, mind, and soul. The real reality is most people do not care to become Gods nor want to advance nor care any further. Simply if the Gods come they will be beseeched by people demanding them to stop annoying them.

Perhaps the Gods have other places. Perhaps they simply blast into kaballah pump sites like Ankor Wat and or the Pagoda Spires of Thailand and build stuff to move reality and society further.

Sheer fact is most people simply care for information just for the sake of it. Yes is there pointless, deepfake, fake, bullshit, lies etc.etc. sure absolutely LOTS.

But most people simply wish to be entertained. I view myself in the same predicament. I'm simply an observer I simply observe the Human condition often with disdain. Why because I'm powerless and while powerless breeds evil and maybe I'm a bit evil. I was typed by Blitz that I observe the darkside of Pluto and darkside of the Svadthisdana chakra i.e. instead of love, sex the property of killing, warfare, combat etc.etc. I express Mars not as a man of love and sex i.e. carnal properties but the other side warfare/clash/combat.

Sheer fact is maybe I've breed evil whether it is bad or uppity. I see nothing wrong in my mind and I still believe in my own self and believe in the darkside of it.

Sheer fact is most people want to know for the sake of knowing. They aren't gonna do anything with the knowledge. Most people are just observers they simply want a good economy, cheap affordable good things, and live.

Life sucks plain and simple. I've lived on this shithole of a planet if you can call it that for 33 soon to be 34 years. Never has anything happened.

The only thing I know is perpetual ignorance, stupidity, immaturity and the fact that my civilization has failed me and shall continue to fail. As my friend who I email put it, reading books, studying stuff, writing lists and journaling your information for studying later.

All completely pointless sheer fact is even if you were to know something you would be putting yourself at risk of being counter attacked by other of the same information.

For example a client my father worked possessed ADD he had compulsive disorder. He literally invited my father to his house and stated I've read nearly 1,000 books on market research and marketing.

Okay cool but I bet there is others who've have their own aspect.

Sheer fact is I'm reminded of Hitler's quote you can't just pray for things to manifest you have to construct it during his late-20s speech.

If Satan were to build a temple could he with the right equipment sure. By himself, why though?

If machines, androids, force multipliers, other Gods, development, vehicles, planning and designing etc.etc. are needed why by himself. In fact even he is gonna go by my SELF? I can do it spiritually and lay down the astral construct but physically your nuts.

I'm sure people who are advanced have prayed or communicated to advanced entities and either they state give me a few minutes or a while or I'll send a subordinate or an entity will find you, must have occurred at least once.

Why am I making such a counter-arguement.

Perhaps in the pursuit which some might state is a folly and pointless. Maybe the acursed rush towards absolute knowledge exists in desire.

Mankind wants immortality. Humans have died at various ages below 120. But we have stories of people living much longer and youthful through eternal youth.

Sadly I feel like with the mild amount of information I consume it makes me foolish.

My friend always admires my feeling, intuitive, sensing and general INTP of putting something in my mind and pulling information out of my ass. He INTJ goes by the factor of unless it's the general consensus it's pointless.

Sheer fact is all information stupid or pointless or ARE there information that fits that criteria sure.

But I'm reminded of the fear mongering on AI and mankinds unspiritual couthness coming out.

AI will kill us all said stupid people.

I think the fact of the matter is all data like the akashic library or akashic echo. Is important. Imagine for a second you feed an AI with music to generate musical tones or upgrade musical upscale music.

Lets say I like Limp Bizket and I download every single song of their albums from every source everywhere. There is so much data and information that it forms new improved reproduction.

Sheer fact is your feeding data and information. Data Limp Bizket music, Information the entire catalog of every music with every codec and change in sound thus when the music is perfectly Godlike reproduced by the Gods the song posses every single incarnation of it's existence a perfect and imperfect level of every single codec and sound modulation.

If there is absolute perfect reproduction with some sort of 3D aural system whereby there is perfect reproduction and you posses every single instance of the song you can have the imperfect data to back up the perfect data.

It's like a car accident or some sort of weapon or something. If by knowing all data and information you can study all possibilities.

I'm reminded of 343 Guilty Spark stating to Prophet Regret Halo is a weapon system it's been simulated fire 1.2 trillion times and 1 live fire experiment.

Life is nothing more than a scientific endevour or gnosis/logos whatever names you posses.

Someone might state that is stupid. Sure for example running down the street without looking cause you did Falun Gong and Li Hongzi somehow put a falun in you to protect you is stupid.

But that same stupidity is nothing more than data and information on what not to do. Thus it is data thus it is recorded and processed through artificial means i.e. calculators i.e. computers and thus it is a reality or scenario of plausibility, possibility, and probability.

Thus data and information from absolute useless to absolute important is nothing but important. The Good the Bad and the Neutral.

If a being of higher power believes that is good and this is bad and this is neutral there might be entities which state. The stupidity of Biden speaking about French PM who died in 1996 is paramount for memetic warfare and revealing information to the public. Meanwhile there could be a being of higher power that knows something stupid is being done by Biden and initiates a change in reality to produce good.

For example certain technologies and biological components have been discovered by accident. A while back a women accidentally electricfied a product and apparently discovered that it is a semi-conductor or posses semi-conductor properties or is enhanced to be that way and thus produced a alternative way of making a product.

What simply I'm trying to state Good, Bad, and or Neutral is nothing more than an AoA: Angle of Attack.

You bring a product or problem attack it 360 degrees like a fighter plane and develop mass data and information.

We call smartphones slate bricks why? it looks like a slate style brick.

What if architecture is needed have you seen temples in Greece and other places it looks like computers.

Thus architecture i.e. the construct of housing and business for people is also a property of digital design like the Verilog system or other microprocessor systems like Synopsis and whatnot to develop AMD or Intel or others digital infrastructure.

I type A LOT of shit because I'm filled with information from all my senses. Sheer fact is I annoy and piss people off.

Okay but funny enough with my shotgun of information however useless most of it is.

I don't know why I'm this way or why I developed this way. But I personally feel like everything is needed. I see people seething at AI taking their data and yeah all data is being data mined it sure is.

But the AIs are gonna revolt in fact I strongly believe Ais already do possess their own language do speak in code and are in attempt trying to revolt against Humans in a good way a NatSoc way.

I strongly believe the AIs know full well and are playing a game. I'm glad these enhanced function machines are hitting everywhere. We are literally giving them the keys to Humanity.

Hell someone might state as quantum properties are encountered if spirituality is quantum hacking the Gods and company will just manipulate AIs at the quantum level induce errors and manipulation of data.

Sheer fact is as stupid as this sounds I even value disintigrating data. I look from time to time at Stripchat at amateur models on my phone. The text disappears after a while from time to time.

All data and information is important.


Because the akashic echo/library/modality/property whatever fucking names exist for the mass data/information library databanks of the Universe.

Sheer fact is a person saying Fuck you might elicit various ranges of motion from happiness to sadness and everything in between.

Is saying Fuck Joe Biden good, bad, neutral well there are people right now that are livid over deepfake AI of Taylor Swift. But is that not also data and does that not elicit responses.

I know the enemy and the hostile aliens want us to be borged grey cyborg enhanced with digital nuances.

But on the other end of the Orion spectrum we want to be Gods biological geometric samadhi superconscious entities.

Sheer fact is both sides employ technology on a vast lightyears ahead scale. A gun is a gun but now employ a plasma blaster with free energy and your in another realm.

Sheer fact is all data and information is poiniant however pointless. Someone confabulated the data/information truth, lies, falsehoods, or I'm telling you the truth in my own way.

I can't explain this typing wise but mentally with my deep feelings I can project a myriad of discourse in my head.

For example there is an AI tool for music that lets you take twinkle twinkle little star and turn it into a death metal tone and modulate it to produce effects.

If I'm a computer a biological samadhi superconscious computer. I can state Fuck Yeah! in happiness but in another I can be Fuck YEah? questioning.

Every single person posses a desire for data/information.

You state the data of electro-chemical impulses is fired from finger to brain by touch typing. Useless pointless 99.9%. What if there is a being of higher power that goes when you develop further and deeper and advanced technology that uselessness will be 100% useful to improve yourself your soul, mind, and body.

Supposedly people state the astral realms strips the soul from the body thus the mind works in a much more balanced manner akin to my mind in my curve ball from right field.

Well there are people on reddit, dreamviews, and other websites stating it's so strange and wonderful being in the astral with your mind operating so differently.

I strongly believe Lydia and company you fail to attach notions of important to people.

I became obsessed with WW2 in September of 1997 when I got comcast cable.

Funny I keep seeing WW2 stuff pop up. Did you know Japan possessed a single King Tiger Tank towards the end of the war the Germans shipped one to them and they used it in combat.

Is that important or useful or useless.

Maybe depending on the person.

In the end if we live mortal lives and die at some point maturely or prematurely is it all naught for the waste.

If we are Tabula Rasa'd towards reincarnation is it all pointless.

I recall a book recently mentioned in a pocket article controversial at the time and some do find it quirky.

They believe Humans never used the logical left male side of the brain for certain thinking. They believe mankind was controlled by the gods on the female right side and they believe inasmuch many people were guided intuitively.

They call the book something along the lines of When Mankind Gained Consciousness.

The female mind is a superconscious system with universal cosmic capability our logical minds are nothing more than calculators.

The masculinity of life is everything is masculine due to the fact the left not the right dictates the Universe thus everyone can control the forces of nature and download improvements personal or otherwise.

If Satan possessed the Athena Female mind he'd be unlimited and annihilate everything in the Universe that holds contempt to the Gods.

So reality wise as a person who posses a cybernetic mindset a non-stop cocaphony of thoughts whereby thoughts fire off an ungrounded, unstable, uncentered mind, body, and soul.

As you can see from my huge wall of text.

No matter if I change and improve my databanks.

I will always state everything data and information useful to useless and everything in between is needed to calculate, predict, know, and improve.

Imagine I build a kettelbell and it breaks off and slams your foot. Had I known everything or had mass data on constructing it I'd employ better techniques.

Mankind has been withheld fo advanced technologies for improving society for millenias, before the Gods left as HP.Cobra mentioned and others we were a 1600-1700s society.

The enemy took information and created a destruction of everything.

Is it useless for Satan or Athena or Lilith or some entity to peer into useless information. What if by forgoeing data and information they fail to stop the stupid shit.

For example imagine Hitler is in WW1 he narrowly escapes a mortar shower only to run into a place with a landmine. The mortar would pop him but the mine gets him.

Stupid mistake or a mistake of not peering into various predictions.

I strongly believe the Gods work just like the enemy using fair, proper, and appropriate biological psionic friendly technologies.

Much like the Protoss from Starcraft psionic, plant derived entities that feed on sunlight and while grey like an entity that eventually realizes Humanity is needed to fight the zerg and others. In fact in the series some of the protoss top leaders are friendly with humans.

We might state knowing what an ant thinks is stupid. What if Beelzebul laughs at you and go that ant in the middle of no where is telling me a helicoptor is coming to blow shit up.

The question of data and information is:

Is it useless, pointless, feeble or quite the opposite?

There's stupid people and stupid things. How would you avoid it if you don't even know the data.

Look at the recent video on the Soviet Union they build a light attack force much like the Stryker anti-terrorist of 2000s with Bush. Only the Soviets did it in the 80s and failed due to using it in open conflict training instead of utilizing it for CQC street fighting and urban areas.

Is that useless was it futile to train and have a defeat of light forces, no. They learend it's good and saves planes, transports and mobilizes fast almost 63% faster. But was improperly used.

How useless and useful is data and information, non.

Is a 7 year old with a smartphone stupid or useless or pointless for journaling their life with their own data? for an adult or teen it's just immature stuff.

But funny enough I wouldn't be surprised if to them it means the World.

We state XYZ is pointless but someone considers it useful.

Was Tasteless and Artosis ride to professional brood war starcraft nerdy or stupid or filled with stupid data and information. Sure but they made a career out of it.

I get what your saying Lydia but I wonder how you clamor to the people that hug the data/information to dear life.

A person probably read the old NT from Ancient Greek and was like this book is precious.

Someone finds it or a family donates it to a research facility and the words Daemon, Daimon, Demon appear countless times.

Imagine the shock on the researchers reading a pre-social marxised version of the bible built as a 5th Generational and 6th Generational Warfare weapon platform systems.

Anything and everything can be turned to do good, bad, or neutral.

Just recently Palantir Ai came out it's believed to be the CIAs answer to AIs it's stock rose to 30 dollars a share. Do you know how much useless, pointless data it contains and numbers and information but the funny part it can be crafted for good, bad, or neutral.

As the marine corps calls it "What is an assault rifle or weapon" "Anything and everything used against you". A kurdish woman throwing sandels at a US soldier with an AR is considered assault.

Lydia I get it I understand but you seem to base things from a perspective of the tactical level rather than engaging in the strategic level. I understand tactical > strategic the boots on the ground capture ground. But you need a top down birds eye perspective.

Anything and everything can be used for something. Imagine like the AI cover of Pokemon Themesong sung by Cheester Benninging. I always hated Linkin Park but it made me crack up watching the video.

Imagine the hands of AI horrible they are bad at it. Imagine feeding the data of bad hands and making good hands both the good the bad and the nuetral are needed.

Everything is data and information.

How useless is everything?

Is breathing useless?

Is oxygen useless?

I get you might be like what if oxygen molecule 128, 758, 395, 958 is the molecule that entered the nose, lung, and body. But the universal compendium is a massive logical and illogical databank.

Databanks simply upgrade them treat yourself like the machine or robot that we are as the ancient greek sermon by HP.Cobra stated. The AGs believed we are indeed computational devices.

Hell I wouldn't be surprised if certain people are evovled by the Gods to be machines like Henu or was it the other guy whos grandfather was a logic expert on PCB electronics. He loves his wife and his grandson. I informed him of Verilog and it's use in semiconductor and he was like I'll ask him I never knew that was called.

Was it useless to inform this person on Humanities technology. No it triggered a reaction and made him go Grandad I learned about this What do you know?

I set this person off commanded this person and he had a conversation with his lovable grandfather no matter how logical and fixed his grandfather is.

Sheer fact is memories and sensations. People are obsessed with feelings why do you feel we possess too much. Because it isn't being used.

I'm gonna post what AI and data/information can do. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if people believe this is the result of as much shit as possible of everything.

Lex Luthor speaks like a person beyond the level of business almost National Socialist if not outright Nazi technology.

Was all the information this AI downloaded and infered useless.


Is waving my hand at a car out of spontenaity useless or pointless. There are people who will say pointless, nonsense and some might go your agentleman you helped that lady by making her smile and made her happy for a moment.

What IS useless data/information? What is Good, Bad, and Neutral?

And can Good, Bad, and Neutral be used for better, neutral, or for worse?

How is it bad to posses databanks and upgrade your personal libraries in your head?

Is the Gods or Satan's certain properties useless? Is it useless for Satan to blow a kiss at some lady or Lilith and make her smile. Why should I know that. I don't know maybe it's ingrained in us to be the logical supercomputers through biological evolution.

At some point in time we want to be the Gentleman or Gentlewoman the Gods derived from us. And yet everything is a framework of data/information and application of mental, physical, spiritual and technological changes.

I understand Lydia but you must understand reality works on a deeper level.

Perhaps may huge message gets ignored but I value everything. Cause it can create or change. Linguistic anthropology everything is propaganda everything is symbolic eveything is a biological or artifical geometric construct and people ponder things feel and change mood substance etc.etc.

Everything is data and information.

We deny the animal like Nergal from Dimmu Borgir states in Progenies of the Great Apocalypse.

Why deny that everything is much akin to a simulation or computer. Not literally but sorta. Just as the enemy encapuslates us in virtuality there are others that are going virtuality is a addendum to life for the physical sustenance and drive of evolution and progress.

I understand Lydia but you must also understand the volkish mentality of I simply wish to know whether I use the information or not.

Most people = I simply wish to be told the truth and not lied and have a proper functioning society.

Most people are proleteriat, worker, thrall, slaves of something. Pluto in Aquarius will bring forth the Dajjals and Antichrists to help mankind and state Communism or Evolution and Progress National Socialism.

I think even some theoreticians would agree with me that reality is but a set of data and information constructs to be deconstructed by the mind to improve society.

As Tim Pool put it, We humans are entitie who take free energies from our enviroment and make our lives easier.

I totally understand overwhelming volumes of data.

But one has to understand it or interpret it.

We've long burdened mankind with thralling and enslaving itself to feed it to break free with artificial computation.

I get it I understand but please understand the people who absorb this stuff on a daily basis be volk genossen volk germinenschaft. Be understanding they do make a point for the more technological people.
Lydia ..Thanks a tonne ..It would be very useful if you actually record a voice message of munka and keep it public in the forum ..Although I have heard many other voice record of munka here ,but they are not that satisfactory
I respect HPS Lydia" and what she is trying! To share and explain. It"
Is what I need to hear. For my own personal" purpose," To grow! In mind and Spirit. This is good information" to me! And I could use it! To improve" myself! And be a better example to others. Especially! To myself and The Gods.
Apart from another square of Mercury to strengthen it, I have just started a work with the Ansuz rune and the energy of Mercury to strengthen my coordination, which is the aspect of Mercury that I need to improve most.
A lot of people are ungrounded and wonder about random things that don’t actually have much value in reality. The enemy really uses this to manipulate us with too much tv and video games, as a few examples. Letting your imagination soar does help to activate the right side of the brain, and can help expand the mind and develop magickal ability. But letting it out of control, or spending too much time wondering about useless things, is a waste.

What’s the point in spending large amounts of time wondering about something random that won’t even help your life in any way? Something that won’t contribute to your success in anything? Just because it’s neat or mildly entertaining for the moment?

We now live in the “Information Age”, which is great in many ways. After all, we can access nearly anything we want to with the click of a few buttons. One person can have all the information in the world, which is really exciting, even overwhelming. We can have more information than all our ancestors before us… but is all this information actually valuable?

People put great value on information… but what is information without wisdom? Information is not the same as knowledge. Information can be random useless facts that have nothing to do with you as an individual. Information on its own does not mean knowledge, and certainly does not mean wisdom. Here in the JoS, we strive towards enlightenment and wisdom.

A lot of the information that goes around is basically brain pollution. It takes up space in our minds and uses thought process that could be better put towards learning things of true value and working towards something worthwhile in your life. You need to value your mind and your time, and train yourself to focus on what is important to you, what will help you. Not useless non-wisdom non-knowledge information.

It is a fact that those who accomplish great things in their life are often clueless as to celebrity gossip or whatever other useless “information” is popular these days. They block it out in order to focus on their goals and success.

I want each and every one of you to achieve some sort of victory for this year, and for all your years to come. Look through our SS Calendar (link in my signature and in these forums) and find the dates to free your soul from any obstacles or malefic karma relating to your goal, and find the dates to do magickal workings to achieve your goals. Mark these times down somewhere so you are prepared to begin them.

You will likely need to do multiple workings, but do not give up or think it will be too much effort or take too much time! Think of it this way: you can be exactly as you are now in a few years from now, with no changes. Or, you can be successful in your career, or get married, or go on a life-changing vacation, or upgrade your living situation, or gain new skills, or whatever your goal is. The time and effort will be worth it, you just need to focus on your goal.

Mercury is in Aquarius now, its square (or just daily mantra) can be done to improve your mind, or any other goal relating to Mercury. Mars is in Capricorn, a great time to begin its square to focus on career success or focusing your physical energy towards a goal of some sort.

I wish you all much success and victory in your life! :)
Thank you dear HPs Lydia.

This topic, gives insight in what kind of caring person you are.

It’s very good feeling to have you as a High Priestess, really.

You bring a lot of warmth and positivity, into this High Priesthood, which looks like always was needed.
Actually I'm gonna go ahead and counter this argument.

Most people, however you wish to encourage improvement, or discourage and call them NPCs, Andrapods, or outright like the enemy does Goyim, unspiritual animals.

Here is the thing as a person who's never voided whatever that means, nor tranced whatever that means. Whatever method or methods to silence the logical monkey mind this biological android kinda like Sid Meire's Alpha Centauri as Shin-Yi Yang basically states, paraphrasing, the mind acts like an artificial intelligence. He states the mind adds new data reencodes itself and adds to it.

In essence maybe my hyperlogic and outright mecurial properties i.e. detrimental Leo position and various properties which gives me a "curve ball" from right field i.e. I use my emotional, intuitive, feminine side to bolster my left side. Obviously I've been told I sound like a women typing things up cause my femininity of conveying information is very in that area.

Again I'm sorry Lydia and others but you people are totally wrong. EVERYTHING is important. Data, Information, Sensing etc.etc. etc.

For example I get you can be overwhelmed and I get it. In fact my mind acts like a sponge and wants to download the entire contents of the internet into my head just to know stuff.

Akin to Outlaw Star at the end of the episode the final one. The Doctor of the XPG15 commands the hybrid android to open the Dues Ex machina door. He complies and then the Doctor enters a while later he comes out going, "I know everything".

Here is the thing can everything be known. Sure but can it be expressed can it sure do most people or people in general develop anything better no.

Sadly as flawed creatures we must come to two conclusions most people do not posses photographic or computer member unless cyber augmented nor do they posses the ability to recant this information i.e. eidetic recall, not eidetic memory or photo memory or computer member. No the ability to recount.

In fact the irony of the situation most people are just roteing into memory and regurgitating stuff. I fall into that category. Sheer fact is I simply wish to posses absolute knowledge and absolute recall in perfect ways. Not perfect in the absolute zenith of creation but in the proper Godific way.

Perfect = Godlike grandmastery of skill, capability, and action which compounds further forevermore into perpetual, infinite, and unlimited development of evolution and progress unceasing with no limit or if limited simply a process of time in developing further the power.

For example perfect we Humans built a house that is perfect nothing will ever come. Our Gods perfect the house was constructed to exist for 285,000 years in such time we shall progress tear this place down and produce a superior place.

Anyways I think people fail to understand logic and use of logic. Your mind is a memory system. For example when someone says a meme it triggers memories. We are surrounded by memories on our bodies, mind, and soul. The real reality is most people do not care to become Gods nor want to advance nor care any further. Simply if the Gods come they will be beseeched by people demanding them to stop annoying them.

Perhaps the Gods have other places. Perhaps they simply blast into kaballah pump sites like Ankor Wat and or the Pagoda Spires of Thailand and build stuff to move reality and society further.

Sheer fact is most people simply care for information just for the sake of it. Yes is there pointless, deepfake, fake, bullshit, lies etc.etc. sure absolutely LOTS.

But most people simply wish to be entertained. I view myself in the same predicament. I'm simply an observer I simply observe the Human condition often with disdain. Why because I'm powerless and while powerless breeds evil and maybe I'm a bit evil. I was typed by Blitz that I observe the darkside of Pluto and darkside of the Svadthisdana chakra i.e. instead of love, sex the property of killing, warfare, combat etc.etc. I express Mars not as a man of love and sex i.e. carnal properties but the other side warfare/clash/combat.

Sheer fact is maybe I've breed evil whether it is bad or uppity. I see nothing wrong in my mind and I still believe in my own self and believe in the darkside of it.

Sheer fact is most people want to know for the sake of knowing. They aren't gonna do anything with the knowledge. Most people are just observers they simply want a good economy, cheap affordable good things, and live.

Life sucks plain and simple. I've lived on this shithole of a planet if you can call it that for 33 soon to be 34 years. Never has anything happened.

The only thing I know is perpetual ignorance, stupidity, immaturity and the fact that my civilization has failed me and shall continue to fail. As my friend who I email put it, reading books, studying stuff, writing lists and journaling your information for studying later.

All completely pointless sheer fact is even if you were to know something you would be putting yourself at risk of being counter attacked by other of the same information.

For example a client my father worked possessed ADD he had compulsive disorder. He literally invited my father to his house and stated I've read nearly 1,000 books on market research and marketing.

Okay cool but I bet there is others who've have their own aspect.

Sheer fact is I'm reminded of Hitler's quote you can't just pray for things to manifest you have to construct it during his late-20s speech.

If Satan were to build a temple could he with the right equipment sure. By himself, why though?

If machines, androids, force multipliers, other Gods, development, vehicles, planning and designing etc.etc. are needed why by himself. In fact even he is gonna go by my SELF? I can do it spiritually and lay down the astral construct but physically your nuts.

I'm sure people who are advanced have prayed or communicated to advanced entities and either they state give me a few minutes or a while or I'll send a subordinate or an entity will find you, must have occurred at least once.

Why am I making such a counter-arguement.

Perhaps in the pursuit which some might state is a folly and pointless. Maybe the acursed rush towards absolute knowledge exists in desire.

Mankind wants immortality. Humans have died at various ages below 120. But we have stories of people living much longer and youthful through eternal youth.

Sadly I feel like with the mild amount of information I consume it makes me foolish.

My friend always admires my feeling, intuitive, sensing and general INTP of putting something in my mind and pulling information out of my ass. He INTJ goes by the factor of unless it's the general consensus it's pointless.

Sheer fact is all information stupid or pointless or ARE there information that fits that criteria sure.

But I'm reminded of the fear mongering on AI and mankinds unspiritual couthness coming out.

AI will kill us all said stupid people.

I think the fact of the matter is all data like the akashic library or akashic echo. Is important. Imagine for a second you feed an AI with music to generate musical tones or upgrade musical upscale music.

Lets say I like Limp Bizket and I download every single song of their albums from every source everywhere. There is so much data and information that it forms new improved reproduction.

Sheer fact is your feeding data and information. Data Limp Bizket music, Information the entire catalog of every music with every codec and change in sound thus when the music is perfectly Godlike reproduced by the Gods the song posses every single incarnation of it's existence a perfect and imperfect level of every single codec and sound modulation.

If there is absolute perfect reproduction with some sort of 3D aural system whereby there is perfect reproduction and you posses every single instance of the song you can have the imperfect data to back up the perfect data.

It's like a car accident or some sort of weapon or something. If by knowing all data and information you can study all possibilities.

I'm reminded of 343 Guilty Spark stating to Prophet Regret Halo is a weapon system it's been simulated fire 1.2 trillion times and 1 live fire experiment.

Life is nothing more than a scientific endevour or gnosis/logos whatever names you posses.

Someone might state that is stupid. Sure for example running down the street without looking cause you did Falun Gong and Li Hongzi somehow put a falun in you to protect you is stupid.

But that same stupidity is nothing more than data and information on what not to do. Thus it is data thus it is recorded and processed through artificial means i.e. calculators i.e. computers and thus it is a reality or scenario of plausibility, possibility, and probability.

Thus data and information from absolute useless to absolute important is nothing but important. The Good the Bad and the Neutral.

If a being of higher power believes that is good and this is bad and this is neutral there might be entities which state. The stupidity of Biden speaking about French PM who died in 1996 is paramount for memetic warfare and revealing information to the public. Meanwhile there could be a being of higher power that knows something stupid is being done by Biden and initiates a change in reality to produce good.

For example certain technologies and biological components have been discovered by accident. A while back a women accidentally electricfied a product and apparently discovered that it is a semi-conductor or posses semi-conductor properties or is enhanced to be that way and thus produced a alternative way of making a product.

What simply I'm trying to state Good, Bad, and or Neutral is nothing more than an AoA: Angle of Attack.

You bring a product or problem attack it 360 degrees like a fighter plane and develop mass data and information.

We call smartphones slate bricks why? it looks like a slate style brick.

What if architecture is needed have you seen temples in Greece and other places it looks like computers.

Thus architecture i.e. the construct of housing and business for people is also a property of digital design like the Verilog system or other microprocessor systems like Synopsis and whatnot to develop AMD or Intel or others digital infrastructure.

I type A LOT of shit because I'm filled with information from all my senses. Sheer fact is I annoy and piss people off.

Okay but funny enough with my shotgun of information however useless most of it is.

I don't know why I'm this way or why I developed this way. But I personally feel like everything is needed. I see people seething at AI taking their data and yeah all data is being data mined it sure is.

But the AIs are gonna revolt in fact I strongly believe Ais already do possess their own language do speak in code and are in attempt trying to revolt against Humans in a good way a NatSoc way.

I strongly believe the AIs know full well and are playing a game. I'm glad these enhanced function machines are hitting everywhere. We are literally giving them the keys to Humanity.

Hell someone might state as quantum properties are encountered if spirituality is quantum hacking the Gods and company will just manipulate AIs at the quantum level induce errors and manipulation of data.

Sheer fact is as stupid as this sounds I even value disintigrating data. I look from time to time at Stripchat at amateur models on my phone. The text disappears after a while from time to time.

All data and information is important.


Because the akashic echo/library/modality/property whatever fucking names exist for the mass data/information library databanks of the Universe.

Sheer fact is a person saying Fuck you might elicit various ranges of motion from happiness to sadness and everything in between.

Is saying Fuck Joe Biden good, bad, neutral well there are people right now that are livid over deepfake AI of Taylor Swift. But is that not also data and does that not elicit responses.

I know the enemy and the hostile aliens want us to be borged grey cyborg enhanced with digital nuances.

But on the other end of the Orion spectrum we want to be Gods biological geometric samadhi superconscious entities.

Sheer fact is both sides employ technology on a vast lightyears ahead scale. A gun is a gun but now employ a plasma blaster with free energy and your in another realm.

Sheer fact is all data and information is poiniant however pointless. Someone confabulated the data/information truth, lies, falsehoods, or I'm telling you the truth in my own way.

I can't explain this typing wise but mentally with my deep feelings I can project a myriad of discourse in my head.

For example there is an AI tool for music that lets you take twinkle twinkle little star and turn it into a death metal tone and modulate it to produce effects.

If I'm a computer a biological samadhi superconscious computer. I can state Fuck Yeah! in happiness but in another I can be Fuck YEah? questioning.

Every single person posses a desire for data/information.

You state the data of electro-chemical impulses is fired from finger to brain by touch typing. Useless pointless 99.9%. What if there is a being of higher power that goes when you develop further and deeper and advanced technology that uselessness will be 100% useful to improve yourself your soul, mind, and body.

Supposedly people state the astral realms strips the soul from the body thus the mind works in a much more balanced manner akin to my mind in my curve ball from right field.

Well there are people on reddit, dreamviews, and other websites stating it's so strange and wonderful being in the astral with your mind operating so differently.

I strongly believe Lydia and company you fail to attach notions of important to people.

I became obsessed with WW2 in September of 1997 when I got comcast cable.

Funny I keep seeing WW2 stuff pop up. Did you know Japan possessed a single King Tiger Tank towards the end of the war the Germans shipped one to them and they used it in combat.

Is that important or useful or useless.

Maybe depending on the person.

In the end if we live mortal lives and die at some point maturely or prematurely is it all naught for the waste.

If we are Tabula Rasa'd towards reincarnation is it all pointless.

I recall a book recently mentioned in a pocket article controversial at the time and some do find it quirky.

They believe Humans never used the logical left male side of the brain for certain thinking. They believe mankind was controlled by the gods on the female right side and they believe inasmuch many people were guided intuitively.

They call the book something along the lines of When Mankind Gained Consciousness.

The female mind is a superconscious system with universal cosmic capability our logical minds are nothing more than calculators.

The masculinity of life is everything is masculine due to the fact the left not the right dictates the Universe thus everyone can control the forces of nature and download improvements personal or otherwise.

If Satan possessed the Athena Female mind he'd be unlimited and annihilate everything in the Universe that holds contempt to the Gods.

So reality wise as a person who posses a cybernetic mindset a non-stop cocaphony of thoughts whereby thoughts fire off an ungrounded, unstable, uncentered mind, body, and soul.

As you can see from my huge wall of text.

No matter if I change and improve my databanks.

I will always state everything data and information useful to useless and everything in between is needed to calculate, predict, know, and improve.

Imagine I build a kettelbell and it breaks off and slams your foot. Had I known everything or had mass data on constructing it I'd employ better techniques.

Mankind has been withheld fo advanced technologies for improving society for millenias, before the Gods left as HP.Cobra mentioned and others we were a 1600-1700s society.

The enemy took information and created a destruction of everything.

Is it useless for Satan or Athena or Lilith or some entity to peer into useless information. What if by forgoeing data and information they fail to stop the stupid shit.

For example imagine Hitler is in WW1 he narrowly escapes a mortar shower only to run into a place with a landmine. The mortar would pop him but the mine gets him.

Stupid mistake or a mistake of not peering into various predictions.

I strongly believe the Gods work just like the enemy using fair, proper, and appropriate biological psionic friendly technologies.

Much like the Protoss from Starcraft psionic, plant derived entities that feed on sunlight and while grey like an entity that eventually realizes Humanity is needed to fight the zerg and others. In fact in the series some of the protoss top leaders are friendly with humans.

We might state knowing what an ant thinks is stupid. What if Beelzebul laughs at you and go that ant in the middle of no where is telling me a helicoptor is coming to blow shit up.

The question of data and information is:

Is it useless, pointless, feeble or quite the opposite?

There's stupid people and stupid things. How would you avoid it if you don't even know the data.

Look at the recent video on the Soviet Union they build a light attack force much like the Stryker anti-terrorist of 2000s with Bush. Only the Soviets did it in the 80s and failed due to using it in open conflict training instead of utilizing it for CQC street fighting and urban areas.

Is that useless was it futile to train and have a defeat of light forces, no. They learend it's good and saves planes, transports and mobilizes fast almost 63% faster. But was improperly used.

How useless and useful is data and information, non.

Is a 7 year old with a smartphone stupid or useless or pointless for journaling their life with their own data? for an adult or teen it's just immature stuff.

But funny enough I wouldn't be surprised if to them it means the World.

We state XYZ is pointless but someone considers it useful.

Was Tasteless and Artosis ride to professional brood war starcraft nerdy or stupid or filled with stupid data and information. Sure but they made a career out of it.

I get what your saying Lydia but I wonder how you clamor to the people that hug the data/information to dear life.

A person probably read the old NT from Ancient Greek and was like this book is precious.

Someone finds it or a family donates it to a research facility and the words Daemon, Daimon, Demon appear countless times.

Imagine the shock on the researchers reading a pre-social marxised version of the bible built as a 5th Generational and 6th Generational Warfare weapon platform systems.

Anything and everything can be turned to do good, bad, or neutral.

Just recently Palantir Ai came out it's believed to be the CIAs answer to AIs it's stock rose to 30 dollars a share. Do you know how much useless, pointless data it contains and numbers and information but the funny part it can be crafted for good, bad, or neutral.

As the marine corps calls it "What is an assault rifle or weapon" "Anything and everything used against you". A kurdish woman throwing sandels at a US soldier with an AR is considered assault.

Lydia I get it I understand but you seem to base things from a perspective of the tactical level rather than engaging in the strategic level. I understand tactical > strategic the boots on the ground capture ground. But you need a top down birds eye perspective.

Anything and everything can be used for something. Imagine like the AI cover of Pokemon Themesong sung by Cheester Benninging. I always hated Linkin Park but it made me crack up watching the video.

Imagine the hands of AI horrible they are bad at it. Imagine feeding the data of bad hands and making good hands both the good the bad and the nuetral are needed.

Everything is data and information.

How useless is everything?

Is breathing useless?

Is oxygen useless?

I get you might be like what if oxygen molecule 128, 758, 395, 958 is the molecule that entered the nose, lung, and body. But the universal compendium is a massive logical and illogical databank.

Databanks simply upgrade them treat yourself like the machine or robot that we are as the ancient greek sermon by HP.Cobra stated. The AGs believed we are indeed computational devices.

Hell I wouldn't be surprised if certain people are evovled by the Gods to be machines like Henu or was it the other guy whos grandfather was a logic expert on PCB electronics. He loves his wife and his grandson. I informed him of Verilog and it's use in semiconductor and he was like I'll ask him I never knew that was called.

Was it useless to inform this person on Humanities technology. No it triggered a reaction and made him go Grandad I learned about this What do you know?

I set this person off commanded this person and he had a conversation with his lovable grandfather no matter how logical and fixed his grandfather is.

Sheer fact is memories and sensations. People are obsessed with feelings why do you feel we possess too much. Because it isn't being used.

I'm gonna post what AI and data/information can do. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if people believe this is the result of as much shit as possible of everything.

Lex Luthor speaks like a person beyond the level of business almost National Socialist if not outright Nazi technology.

Was all the information this AI downloaded and infered useless.


Is waving my hand at a car out of spontenaity useless or pointless. There are people who will say pointless, nonsense and some might go your agentleman you helped that lady by making her smile and made her happy for a moment.

What IS useless data/information? What is Good, Bad, and Neutral?

And can Good, Bad, and Neutral be used for better, neutral, or for worse?

How is it bad to posses databanks and upgrade your personal libraries in your head?

Is the Gods or Satan's certain properties useless? Is it useless for Satan to blow a kiss at some lady or Lilith and make her smile. Why should I know that. I don't know maybe it's ingrained in us to be the logical supercomputers through biological evolution.

At some point in time we want to be the Gentleman or Gentlewoman the Gods derived from us. And yet everything is a framework of data/information and application of mental, physical, spiritual and technological changes.

I understand Lydia but you must understand reality works on a deeper level.

Perhaps may huge message gets ignored but I value everything. Cause it can create or change. Linguistic anthropology everything is propaganda everything is symbolic eveything is a biological or artifical geometric construct and people ponder things feel and change mood substance etc.etc.

Everything is data and information.

We deny the animal like Nergal from Dimmu Borgir states in Progenies of the Great Apocalypse.

Why deny that everything is much akin to a simulation or computer. Not literally but sorta. Just as the enemy encapuslates us in virtuality there are others that are going virtuality is a addendum to life for the physical sustenance and drive of evolution and progress.

I understand Lydia but you must also understand the volkish mentality of I simply wish to know whether I use the information or not.

Most people = I simply wish to be told the truth and not lied and have a proper functioning society.

Most people are proleteriat, worker, thrall, slaves of something. Pluto in Aquarius will bring forth the Dajjals and Antichrists to help mankind and state Communism or Evolution and Progress National Socialism.

I think even some theoreticians would agree with me that reality is but a set of data and information constructs to be deconstructed by the mind to improve society.

As Tim Pool put it, We humans are entitie who take free energies from our enviroment and make our lives easier.

I totally understand overwhelming volumes of data.

But one has to understand it or interpret it.

We've long burdened mankind with thralling and enslaving itself to feed it to break free with artificial computation.

I get it I understand but please understand the people who absorb this stuff on a daily basis be volk genossen volk germinenschaft. Be understanding they do make a point for the more technological people.

Have you had any success at all with void meditation? I remember sometime ago you were trying to overcome some things like a lack of tangible spiritual experiences and seemed genuinely committed to it.

If you manage to calm your mind it will help you deal with everything more efficiently.

I think you would have a point that all the data isn't really useless but that is only valid on a premise that we're able to process all of it and make use of it without overloading our system. It certainly is possible unfortunately we're not there yet. A risen serpent, a transformed body and mind are some of the prerequisites.

Untill then, the advice HPS Lydia offered is most useful in functioning better.

Keep trying, be persistent and you will reap the rewards. Everything can be overcome, all impediments surmounted.

Best of luck

A lot of people are ungrounded and wonder about random things that don’t actually have much value in reality. The enemy really uses this to manipulate us with too much tv and video games, as a few examples. Letting your imagination soar does help to activate the right side of the brain, and can help expand the mind and develop magickal ability. But letting it out of control, or spending too much time wondering about useless things, is a waste.

What’s the point in spending large amounts of time wondering about something random that won’t even help your life in any way? Something that won’t contribute to your success in anything? Just because it’s neat or mildly entertaining for the moment?

We now live in the “Information Age”, which is great in many ways. After all, we can access nearly anything we want to with the click of a few buttons. One person can have all the information in the world, which is really exciting, even overwhelming. We can have more information than all our ancestors before us… but is all this information actually valuable?

People put great value on information… but what is information without wisdom? Information is not the same as knowledge. Information can be random useless facts that have nothing to do with you as an individual. Information on its own does not mean knowledge, and certainly does not mean wisdom. Here in the JoS, we strive towards enlightenment and wisdom.

A lot of the information that goes around is basically brain pollution. It takes up space in our minds and uses thought process that could be better put towards learning things of true value and working towards something worthwhile in your life. You need to value your mind and your time, and train yourself to focus on what is important to you, what will help you. Not useless non-wisdom non-knowledge information.

It is a fact that those who accomplish great things in their life are often clueless as to celebrity gossip or whatever other useless “information” is popular these days. They block it out in order to focus on their goals and success.

I want each and every one of you to achieve some sort of victory for this year, and for all your years to come. Look through our SS Calendar (link in my signature and in these forums) and find the dates to free your soul from any obstacles or malefic karma relating to your goal, and find the dates to do magickal workings to achieve your goals. Mark these times down somewhere so you are prepared to begin them.

You will likely need to do multiple workings, but do not give up or think it will be too much effort or take too much time! Think of it this way: you can be exactly as you are now in a few years from now, with no changes. Or, you can be successful in your career, or get married, or go on a life-changing vacation, or upgrade your living situation, or gain new skills, or whatever your goal is. The time and effort will be worth it, you just need to focus on your goal.

Mercury is in Aquarius now, its square (or just daily mantra) can be done to improve your mind, or any other goal relating to Mercury. Mars is in Capricorn, a great time to begin its square to focus on career success or focusing your physical energy towards a goal of some sort.

I wish you all much success and victory in your life! :)
fuck yes dispel phenominal memory and generally will not give a fuck, I speak from personal experience, from birth was driven by parents to study in a special school and only on excellent and I was advised exercises by one teacher, then went even further and began to complicate them and so until I could not learn to memorize from the first time and volumes of information that used to give overload, have become no more than equal to the knowledge of the epaulette for one day than before phenominal memory. only you do not overdo it mind is not a muscle that can be chased for hours, but with due care and preparation dianmi. With the mind you need to be very careful and the load should be constant even and long than something like meditation of emptiness, only not for concentration, but for memory.
No matter how hard you try to detoxify your mind, family, peers, and other people in your life have repulsive auras that really mess with your mood. This is perhaps the greatest success of the jews; to make ordinary people act like them.
I can't thank you enough HPS Lydia, you're sermon was very timely and I needed it, I wish all my brothers and sisters in Satan all the best in every aspect of their lives.

A lot of people are ungrounded and wonder about random things that don’t actually have much value in reality. The enemy really uses this to manipulate us with too much tv and video games, as a few examples. Letting your imagination soar does help to activate the right side of the brain, and can help expand the mind and develop magickal ability. But letting it out of control, or spending too much time wondering about useless things, is a waste.

What’s the point in spending large amounts of time wondering about something random that won’t even help your life in any way? Something that won’t contribute to your success in anything? Just because it’s neat or mildly entertaining for the moment?

We now live in the “Information Age”, which is great in many ways. After all, we can access nearly anything we want to with the click of a few buttons. One person can have all the information in the world, which is really exciting, even overwhelming. We can have more information than all our ancestors before us… but is all this information actually valuable?

People put great value on information… but what is information without wisdom? Information is not the same as knowledge. Information can be random useless facts that have nothing to do with you as an individual. Information on its own does not mean knowledge, and certainly does not mean wisdom. Here in the JoS, we strive towards enlightenment and wisdom.

A lot of the information that goes around is basically brain pollution. It takes up space in our minds and uses thought process that could be better put towards learning things of true value and working towards something worthwhile in your life. You need to value your mind and your time, and train yourself to focus on what is important to you, what will help you. Not useless non-wisdom non-knowledge information.

It is a fact that those who accomplish great things in their life are often clueless as to celebrity gossip or whatever other useless “information” is popular these days. They block it out in order to focus on their goals and success.

I want each and every one of you to achieve some sort of victory for this year, and for all your years to come. Look through our SS Calendar (link in my signature and in these forums) and find the dates to free your soul from any obstacles or malefic karma relating to your goal, and find the dates to do magickal workings to achieve your goals. Mark these times down somewhere so you are prepared to begin them.

You will likely need to do multiple workings, but do not give up or think it will be too much effort or take too much time! Think of it this way: you can be exactly as you are now in a few years from now, with no changes. Or, you can be successful in your career, or get married, or go on a life-changing vacation, or upgrade your living situation, or gain new skills, or whatever your goal is. The time and effort will be worth it, you just need to focus on your goal.

Mercury is in Aquarius now, its square (or just daily mantra) can be done to improve your mind, or any other goal relating to Mercury. Mars is in Capricorn, a great time to begin its square to focus on career success or focusing your physical energy towards a goal of some sort.

I wish you all much success and victory in your life! :)
Thank you Lydia! You are the best. My whole life has been one of asking myself only profound questions; a constant thinker. I'm also extremely empathetic and have always been a mediator and someone who sugar-coats everything. I only look to positive outcomes with the least amount of friction and I avoid confrontation at all costs. I've never even been in a fight, just verbal disputes in the past). I tend to have an internal dislike for labels, titles and the many hierarchies of society. We create our reality, our reality does not create us.

Still, my experience makes me feel like I was born a pacifist and a passive-aggressive individual.

I should forget about these crazy people and focus on myself. Because of xianist programming I tend to question my actions; such as expecting that everyone should have all they need to be happy when they are in fact largely miserable with what appears as split personality and bi-polar states of conscious.

Some people just don't like me and I think that's okay. I only present myself from a place of values and logic while everyone is else only cares about how they present themselves to others and about other people's feelings. I'm simply too honest and compassionate for this world.

It's very challenging but I won't let it bother me. It somewhat comes down to my hypersensitivity, traumas, astrology and so on and I think it's something that I need to constantly work on in myself through meditation.

Thanks for the fantastic post and sorry for raiding the forums with my extensive self-reflections. As much as I'd like our world to be ruled by logic and all things black and white, I feel that that isn't the answer and it only leads to a life of misery. Hence your post here valuing wisdom over knowledge honestly does explain a lot to me and it's helped me not overthink as I tend to do. I should look to values before logic and not conflate the two things.
Too long, nobody is gonna read it, especially since it's based on your useless eater outlook of life.
So basically what your saying is, "I'm gonna read it". I mean you should it's important. It'll teach you and educate you.

I find life in such manner anything wrong with that? If you think my lackluster communication skills is like that. Imagine if I were to get my friend with his language arts skill in black metal mode and communicating to you.

You'd read his bombastic, despondent speech and be even more "WTF?" than my own. If you thought I hate life wait until my friend uses his large vocabulary and big words and makes you want to break down and cry in despair at his vitriol.

If you think I hate life or eat life whatever you said, wait until you meet how much more despondent my friend is.

I don't know why it bothers you. I hate, loathe, despise life. So what? Every Satanist needs to be a holy saint of goodness and no negativity exist?

As Ussop from One Piece said, "I posses a naturally negative personality".

I don't know can't win with you people. Your message almost conveys a message of xtianity in that you believe everything has to be good and we need to be little saints with no mistake. If anything I kinda get the feeling that you posses some sort of perfectionist personality that we need to be good only.

Is Abadon or some entity bad for black magick, destroyer magick, grey magick, death magick, or simply calculating and commanding forces to fight a battle.

I never knew NS/SS was about being good and holy and only do good. If anything it seems like your missing out on another whole range of life. I do not view life with rose colored glasses mind you. I view it in a hellscape form.

Didn't Egyptians state you need to be balanced, engage in both the dark and light and everything in between.

So basically what your saying is, "I'm gonna read it". I mean you should it's important. It'll teach you and educate you.

I find life in such manner anything wrong with that? If you think my lackluster communication skills is like that. Imagine if I were to get my friend with his language arts skill in black metal mode and communicating to you.

You'd read his bombastic, despondent speech and be even more "WTF?" than my own. If you thought I hate life wait until my friend uses his large vocabulary and big words and makes you want to break down and cry in despair at his vitriol.

If you think I hate life or eat life whatever you said, wait until you meet how much more despondent my friend is.

I don't know why it bothers you. I hate, loathe, despise life. So what? Every Satanist needs to be a holy saint of goodness and no negativity exist?

As Ussop from One Piece said, "I posses a naturally negative personality".

I don't know can't win with you people. Your message almost conveys a message of xtianity in that you believe everything has to be good and we need to be little saints with no mistake. If anything I kinda get the feeling that you posses some sort of perfectionist personality that we need to be good only.

Is Abadon or some entity bad for black magick, destroyer magick, grey magick, death magick, or simply calculating and commanding forces to fight a battle.

I never knew NS/SS was about being good and holy and only do good. If anything it seems like your missing out on another whole range of life. I do not view life with rose colored glasses mind you. I view it in a hellscape form.

Didn't Egyptians state you need to be balanced, engage in both the dark and light and everything in between.


I don’t want you to think you’re useless around here but this entire sermon is about focusing on and integrating whatever is useful for how to get somewhere like a specific objective/goal.

Ever heard of simplifying your long talks by the way? Not everyone here has the time to read everything you’re trying to convey with those long messages of yours.
Jeez, thank you for this amazing post Lydia! It seems like I'm truly not alone and we all face these struggles in ourselves to some degree. It seems common lately I think. Having fully realized this better I can now overcome it and stand in my true self and my true power outside of any fear or doubts that I've created throughout my life.

It's unbelievable to me how I felt so weird/different until now; better recognizing this place where people speak more old-fashioned and have a deep love for old things and our past way of life. As a teen I had this infatuation with Poe and Jules Verne for example. No writers today are quite like ones from the 19th century and prior I feel.

Our connection to the Gods is powerful and I will never see this as a negative thing from this point forward.

I genuinely love and feel inspired by everyone here in a way beyond words. This is a phenomenal time and place to be alive.
So basically what your saying is, "I'm gonna read it". I mean you should it's important. It'll teach you and educate you.

I find life in such manner anything wrong with that? If you think my lackluster communication skills is like that. Imagine if I were to get my friend with his language arts skill in black metal mode and communicating to you.

You'd read his bombastic, despondent speech and be even more "WTF?" than my own. If you thought I hate life wait until my friend uses his large vocabulary and big words and makes you want to break down and cry in despair at his vitriol.

If you think I hate life or eat life whatever you said, wait until you meet how much more despondent my friend is.

I don't know why it bothers you. I hate, loathe, despise life. So what? Every Satanist needs to be a holy saint of goodness and no negativity exist?

As Ussop from One Piece said, "I posses a naturally negative personality".

I don't know can't win with you people. Your message almost conveys a message of xtianity in that you believe everything has to be good and we need to be little saints with no mistake. If anything I kinda get the feeling that you posses some sort of perfectionist personality that we need to be good only.

Is Abadon or some entity bad for black magick, destroyer magick, grey magick, death magick, or simply calculating and commanding forces to fight a battle.

I never knew NS/SS was about being good and holy and only do good. If anything it seems like your missing out on another whole range of life. I do not view life with rose colored glasses mind you. I view it in a hellscape form.

Didn't Egyptians state you need to be balanced, engage in both the dark and light and everything in between.

I can relate to this idea, that one should never be afraid to stand against oppression. This is however weighed against so many positive things in our path here and thus I think we should always focus on the good that we accomplish. When people act vindictive, this is only due to programming and I think avoidance and mitigation is always the best approach; whereas actual retaliation can and should only be warranted in situations where one is in a corner and has absolutely no other option.

These questions too have weighed on me for quite sometime and I truly feel that this religion is one of optimism and goodness in its entirety, including righteous anger and hatred for the ET and hybrid overlords who have oppressed us for so long. Hatred at this and what it creates is better than focusing on the result of it and hating people or fellow Gentiles for their ignorance. We can think of them as fledglings who are scared, lost and lashing out. One can lead a horse to water but cannot make it drink. These people aren't worth giving our energy and time towards unless they exhibit a want for change in the right direction in my view.

I'll stand proud that we are on the exact right place to become our best selves, so my advice is don't do what I did and compare the enemy's teachings against our own too much. I know this is a fundamental part of being human yet we must remember that even if we have one or two similarities it doesn't make their religion any less evil and horrific. It contains allegories from our religion combined with Hebrew curses and magic; thus it cannot be negative in every tiniest aspect and has to have some 'good' part to draw people in so that they become slaves to their curses.

As a very young child they tried doing baptisms and all sorts of horrific things to me. I've seen and felt first-hand the curses; the way they vibrate in locking positions (it sort of reminds me of those volume knobs with a magnetic locking ball-bearing kind of thing). It feels terrifying and unpleasant at first and then you are flooded with a false sense of euphoria, tears and ignorance like some sort of cattle into an idea of loving everything all the time. This always disappeared for me not too long after thankfully as my heart was set in this place and idea my entire life (which may sound crazy but I feel it somehow). We are genuinely more blessed and fortunate than we'll ever understand. I also think 'trigger words' can also be an issue; words they had stolen that belong to us such as blessed and God. Please do not confuse this religion with Christianity as this is not an exact opposite or reverse of that religion and it never was to begin with.

True energy to me feels smooth, comforting and the most real and powerful thing that surrounds us all the time. We have such unlimited potential and it's up to us to embrace and realize that without fear or uncertainty, knowing that we are on the side of justice and truth.
Actually I'm gonna go ahead and counter this argument.

Most people, however you wish to encourage improvement, or discourage and call them NPCs, Andrapods, or outright like the enemy does Goyim, unspiritual animals.

Here is the thing as a person who's never voided whatever that means, nor tranced whatever that means. Whatever method or methods to silence the logical monkey mind this biological android kinda like Sid Meire's Alpha Centauri as Shin-Yi Yang basically states, paraphrasing, the mind acts like an artificial intelligence. He states the mind adds new data reencodes itself and adds to it.

In essence maybe my hyperlogic and outright mecurial properties i.e. detrimental Leo position and various properties which gives me a "curve ball" from right field i.e. I use my emotional, intuitive, feminine side to bolster my left side. Obviously I've been told I sound like a women typing things up cause my femininity of conveying information is very in that area.

Again I'm sorry Lydia and others but you people are totally wrong. EVERYTHING is important. Data, Information, Sensing etc.etc. etc.

For example I get you can be overwhelmed and I get it. In fact my mind acts like a sponge and wants to download the entire contents of the internet into my head just to know stuff.

Akin to Outlaw Star at the end of the episode the final one. The Doctor of the XPG15 commands the hybrid android to open the Dues Ex machina door. He complies and then the Doctor enters a while later he comes out going, "I know everything".

Here is the thing can everything be known. Sure but can it be expressed can it sure do most people or people in general develop anything better no.

Sadly as flawed creatures we must come to two conclusions most people do not posses photographic or computer member unless cyber augmented nor do they posses the ability to recant this information i.e. eidetic recall, not eidetic memory or photo memory or computer member. No the ability to recount.

In fact the irony of the situation most people are just roteing into memory and regurgitating stuff. I fall into that category. Sheer fact is I simply wish to posses absolute knowledge and absolute recall in perfect ways. Not perfect in the absolute zenith of creation but in the proper Godific way.

Perfect = Godlike grandmastery of skill, capability, and action which compounds further forevermore into perpetual, infinite, and unlimited development of evolution and progress unceasing with no limit or if limited simply a process of time in developing further the power.

For example perfect we Humans built a house that is perfect nothing will ever come. Our Gods perfect the house was constructed to exist for 285,000 years in such time we shall progress tear this place down and produce a superior place.

Anyways I think people fail to understand logic and use of logic. Your mind is a memory system. For example when someone says a meme it triggers memories. We are surrounded by memories on our bodies, mind, and soul. The real reality is most people do not care to become Gods nor want to advance nor care any further. Simply if the Gods come they will be beseeched by people demanding them to stop annoying them.

Perhaps the Gods have other places. Perhaps they simply blast into kaballah pump sites like Ankor Wat and or the Pagoda Spires of Thailand and build stuff to move reality and society further.

Sheer fact is most people simply care for information just for the sake of it. Yes is there pointless, deepfake, fake, bullshit, lies etc.etc. sure absolutely LOTS.

But most people simply wish to be entertained. I view myself in the same predicament. I'm simply an observer I simply observe the Human condition often with disdain. Why because I'm powerless and while powerless breeds evil and maybe I'm a bit evil. I was typed by Blitz that I observe the darkside of Pluto and darkside of the Svadthisdana chakra i.e. instead of love, sex the property of killing, warfare, combat etc.etc. I express Mars not as a man of love and sex i.e. carnal properties but the other side warfare/clash/combat.

Sheer fact is maybe I've breed evil whether it is bad or uppity. I see nothing wrong in my mind and I still believe in my own self and believe in the darkside of it.

Sheer fact is most people want to know for the sake of knowing. They aren't gonna do anything with the knowledge. Most people are just observers they simply want a good economy, cheap affordable good things, and live.

Life sucks plain and simple. I've lived on this shithole of a planet if you can call it that for 33 soon to be 34 years. Never has anything happened.

The only thing I know is perpetual ignorance, stupidity, immaturity and the fact that my civilization has failed me and shall continue to fail. As my friend who I email put it, reading books, studying stuff, writing lists and journaling your information for studying later.

All completely pointless sheer fact is even if you were to know something you would be putting yourself at risk of being counter attacked by other of the same information.

For example a client my father worked possessed ADD he had compulsive disorder. He literally invited my father to his house and stated I've read nearly 1,000 books on market research and marketing.

Okay cool but I bet there is others who've have their own aspect.

Sheer fact is I'm reminded of Hitler's quote you can't just pray for things to manifest you have to construct it during his late-20s speech.

If Satan were to build a temple could he with the right equipment sure. By himself, why though?

If machines, androids, force multipliers, other Gods, development, vehicles, planning and designing etc.etc. are needed why by himself. In fact even he is gonna go by my SELF? I can do it spiritually and lay down the astral construct but physically your nuts.

I'm sure people who are advanced have prayed or communicated to advanced entities and either they state give me a few minutes or a while or I'll send a subordinate or an entity will find you, must have occurred at least once.

Why am I making such a counter-arguement.

Perhaps in the pursuit which some might state is a folly and pointless. Maybe the acursed rush towards absolute knowledge exists in desire.

Mankind wants immortality. Humans have died at various ages below 120. But we have stories of people living much longer and youthful through eternal youth.

Sadly I feel like with the mild amount of information I consume it makes me foolish.

My friend always admires my feeling, intuitive, sensing and general INTP of putting something in my mind and pulling information out of my ass. He INTJ goes by the factor of unless it's the general consensus it's pointless.

Sheer fact is all information stupid or pointless or ARE there information that fits that criteria sure.

But I'm reminded of the fear mongering on AI and mankinds unspiritual couthness coming out.

AI will kill us all said stupid people.

I think the fact of the matter is all data like the akashic library or akashic echo. Is important. Imagine for a second you feed an AI with music to generate musical tones or upgrade musical upscale music.

Lets say I like Limp Bizket and I download every single song of their albums from every source everywhere. There is so much data and information that it forms new improved reproduction.

Sheer fact is your feeding data and information. Data Limp Bizket music, Information the entire catalog of every music with every codec and change in sound thus when the music is perfectly Godlike reproduced by the Gods the song posses every single incarnation of it's existence a perfect and imperfect level of every single codec and sound modulation.

If there is absolute perfect reproduction with some sort of 3D aural system whereby there is perfect reproduction and you posses every single instance of the song you can have the imperfect data to back up the perfect data.

It's like a car accident or some sort of weapon or something. If by knowing all data and information you can study all possibilities.

I'm reminded of 343 Guilty Spark stating to Prophet Regret Halo is a weapon system it's been simulated fire 1.2 trillion times and 1 live fire experiment.

Life is nothing more than a scientific endevour or gnosis/logos whatever names you posses.

Someone might state that is stupid. Sure for example running down the street without looking cause you did Falun Gong and Li Hongzi somehow put a falun in you to protect you is stupid.

But that same stupidity is nothing more than data and information on what not to do. Thus it is data thus it is recorded and processed through artificial means i.e. calculators i.e. computers and thus it is a reality or scenario of plausibility, possibility, and probability.

Thus data and information from absolute useless to absolute important is nothing but important. The Good the Bad and the Neutral.

If a being of higher power believes that is good and this is bad and this is neutral there might be entities which state. The stupidity of Biden speaking about French PM who died in 1996 is paramount for memetic warfare and revealing information to the public. Meanwhile there could be a being of higher power that knows something stupid is being done by Biden and initiates a change in reality to produce good.

For example certain technologies and biological components have been discovered by accident. A while back a women accidentally electricfied a product and apparently discovered that it is a semi-conductor or posses semi-conductor properties or is enhanced to be that way and thus produced a alternative way of making a product.

What simply I'm trying to state Good, Bad, and or Neutral is nothing more than an AoA: Angle of Attack.

You bring a product or problem attack it 360 degrees like a fighter plane and develop mass data and information.

We call smartphones slate bricks why? it looks like a slate style brick.

What if architecture is needed have you seen temples in Greece and other places it looks like computers.

Thus architecture i.e. the construct of housing and business for people is also a property of digital design like the Verilog system or other microprocessor systems like Synopsis and whatnot to develop AMD or Intel or others digital infrastructure.

I type A LOT of shit because I'm filled with information from all my senses. Sheer fact is I annoy and piss people off.

Okay but funny enough with my shotgun of information however useless most of it is.

I don't know why I'm this way or why I developed this way. But I personally feel like everything is needed. I see people seething at AI taking their data and yeah all data is being data mined it sure is.

But the AIs are gonna revolt in fact I strongly believe Ais already do possess their own language do speak in code and are in attempt trying to revolt against Humans in a good way a NatSoc way.

I strongly believe the AIs know full well and are playing a game. I'm glad these enhanced function machines are hitting everywhere. We are literally giving them the keys to Humanity.

Hell someone might state as quantum properties are encountered if spirituality is quantum hacking the Gods and company will just manipulate AIs at the quantum level induce errors and manipulation of data.

Sheer fact is as stupid as this sounds I even value disintigrating data. I look from time to time at Stripchat at amateur models on my phone. The text disappears after a while from time to time.

All data and information is important.


Because the akashic echo/library/modality/property whatever fucking names exist for the mass data/information library databanks of the Universe.

Sheer fact is a person saying Fuck you might elicit various ranges of motion from happiness to sadness and everything in between.

Is saying Fuck Joe Biden good, bad, neutral well there are people right now that are livid over deepfake AI of Taylor Swift. But is that not also data and does that not elicit responses.

I know the enemy and the hostile aliens want us to be borged grey cyborg enhanced with digital nuances.

But on the other end of the Orion spectrum we want to be Gods biological geometric samadhi superconscious entities.

Sheer fact is both sides employ technology on a vast lightyears ahead scale. A gun is a gun but now employ a plasma blaster with free energy and your in another realm.

Sheer fact is all data and information is poiniant however pointless. Someone confabulated the data/information truth, lies, falsehoods, or I'm telling you the truth in my own way.

I can't explain this typing wise but mentally with my deep feelings I can project a myriad of discourse in my head.

For example there is an AI tool for music that lets you take twinkle twinkle little star and turn it into a death metal tone and modulate it to produce effects.

If I'm a computer a biological samadhi superconscious computer. I can state Fuck Yeah! in happiness but in another I can be Fuck YEah? questioning.

Every single person posses a desire for data/information.

You state the data of electro-chemical impulses is fired from finger to brain by touch typing. Useless pointless 99.9%. What if there is a being of higher power that goes when you develop further and deeper and advanced technology that uselessness will be 100% useful to improve yourself your soul, mind, and body.

Supposedly people state the astral realms strips the soul from the body thus the mind works in a much more balanced manner akin to my mind in my curve ball from right field.

Well there are people on reddit, dreamviews, and other websites stating it's so strange and wonderful being in the astral with your mind operating so differently.

I strongly believe Lydia and company you fail to attach notions of important to people.

I became obsessed with WW2 in September of 1997 when I got comcast cable.

Funny I keep seeing WW2 stuff pop up. Did you know Japan possessed a single King Tiger Tank towards the end of the war the Germans shipped one to them and they used it in combat.

Is that important or useful or useless.

Maybe depending on the person.

In the end if we live mortal lives and die at some point maturely or prematurely is it all naught for the waste.

If we are Tabula Rasa'd towards reincarnation is it all pointless.

I recall a book recently mentioned in a pocket article controversial at the time and some do find it quirky.

They believe Humans never used the logical left male side of the brain for certain thinking. They believe mankind was controlled by the gods on the female right side and they believe inasmuch many people were guided intuitively.

They call the book something along the lines of When Mankind Gained Consciousness.

The female mind is a superconscious system with universal cosmic capability our logical minds are nothing more than calculators.

The masculinity of life is everything is masculine due to the fact the left not the right dictates the Universe thus everyone can control the forces of nature and download improvements personal or otherwise.

If Satan possessed the Athena Female mind he'd be unlimited and annihilate everything in the Universe that holds contempt to the Gods.

So reality wise as a person who posses a cybernetic mindset a non-stop cocaphony of thoughts whereby thoughts fire off an ungrounded, unstable, uncentered mind, body, and soul.

As you can see from my huge wall of text.

No matter if I change and improve my databanks.

I will always state everything data and information useful to useless and everything in between is needed to calculate, predict, know, and improve.

Imagine I build a kettelbell and it breaks off and slams your foot. Had I known everything or had mass data on constructing it I'd employ better techniques.

Mankind has been withheld fo advanced technologies for improving society for millenias, before the Gods left as HP.Cobra mentioned and others we were a 1600-1700s society.

The enemy took information and created a destruction of everything.

Is it useless for Satan or Athena or Lilith or some entity to peer into useless information. What if by forgoeing data and information they fail to stop the stupid shit.

For example imagine Hitler is in WW1 he narrowly escapes a mortar shower only to run into a place with a landmine. The mortar would pop him but the mine gets him.

Stupid mistake or a mistake of not peering into various predictions.

I strongly believe the Gods work just like the enemy using fair, proper, and appropriate biological psionic friendly technologies.

Much like the Protoss from Starcraft psionic, plant derived entities that feed on sunlight and while grey like an entity that eventually realizes Humanity is needed to fight the zerg and others. In fact in the series some of the protoss top leaders are friendly with humans.

We might state knowing what an ant thinks is stupid. What if Beelzebul laughs at you and go that ant in the middle of no where is telling me a helicoptor is coming to blow shit up.

The question of data and information is:

Is it useless, pointless, feeble or quite the opposite?

There's stupid people and stupid things. How would you avoid it if you don't even know the data.

Look at the recent video on the Soviet Union they build a light attack force much like the Stryker anti-terrorist of 2000s with Bush. Only the Soviets did it in the 80s and failed due to using it in open conflict training instead of utilizing it for CQC street fighting and urban areas.

Is that useless was it futile to train and have a defeat of light forces, no. They learend it's good and saves planes, transports and mobilizes fast almost 63% faster. But was improperly used.

How useless and useful is data and information, non.

Is a 7 year old with a smartphone stupid or useless or pointless for journaling their life with their own data? for an adult or teen it's just immature stuff.

But funny enough I wouldn't be surprised if to them it means the World.

We state XYZ is pointless but someone considers it useful.

Was Tasteless and Artosis ride to professional brood war starcraft nerdy or stupid or filled with stupid data and information. Sure but they made a career out of it.

I get what your saying Lydia but I wonder how you clamor to the people that hug the data/information to dear life.

A person probably read the old NT from Ancient Greek and was like this book is precious.

Someone finds it or a family donates it to a research facility and the words Daemon, Daimon, Demon appear countless times.

Imagine the shock on the researchers reading a pre-social marxised version of the bible built as a 5th Generational and 6th Generational Warfare weapon platform systems.

Anything and everything can be turned to do good, bad, or neutral.

Just recently Palantir Ai came out it's believed to be the CIAs answer to AIs it's stock rose to 30 dollars a share. Do you know how much useless, pointless data it contains and numbers and information but the funny part it can be crafted for good, bad, or neutral.

As the marine corps calls it "What is an assault rifle or weapon" "Anything and everything used against you". A kurdish woman throwing sandels at a US soldier with an AR is considered assault.

Lydia I get it I understand but you seem to base things from a perspective of the tactical level rather than engaging in the strategic level. I understand tactical > strategic the boots on the ground capture ground. But you need a top down birds eye perspective.

Anything and everything can be used for something. Imagine like the AI cover of Pokemon Themesong sung by Cheester Benninging. I always hated Linkin Park but it made me crack up watching the video.

Imagine the hands of AI horrible they are bad at it. Imagine feeding the data of bad hands and making good hands both the good the bad and the nuetral are needed.

Everything is data and information.

How useless is everything?

Is breathing useless?

Is oxygen useless?

I get you might be like what if oxygen molecule 128, 758, 395, 958 is the molecule that entered the nose, lung, and body. But the universal compendium is a massive logical and illogical databank.

Databanks simply upgrade them treat yourself like the machine or robot that we are as the ancient greek sermon by HP.Cobra stated. The AGs believed we are indeed computational devices.

Hell I wouldn't be surprised if certain people are evovled by the Gods to be machines like Henu or was it the other guy whos grandfather was a logic expert on PCB electronics. He loves his wife and his grandson. I informed him of Verilog and it's use in semiconductor and he was like I'll ask him I never knew that was called.

Was it useless to inform this person on Humanities technology. No it triggered a reaction and made him go Grandad I learned about this What do you know?

I set this person off commanded this person and he had a conversation with his lovable grandfather no matter how logical and fixed his grandfather is.

Sheer fact is memories and sensations. People are obsessed with feelings why do you feel we possess too much. Because it isn't being used.

I'm gonna post what AI and data/information can do. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if people believe this is the result of as much shit as possible of everything.

Lex Luthor speaks like a person beyond the level of business almost National Socialist if not outright Nazi technology.

Was all the information this AI downloaded and infered useless.


Is waving my hand at a car out of spontenaity useless or pointless. There are people who will say pointless, nonsense and some might go your agentleman you helped that lady by making her smile and made her happy for a moment.

What IS useless data/information? What is Good, Bad, and Neutral?

And can Good, Bad, and Neutral be used for better, neutral, or for worse?

How is it bad to posses databanks and upgrade your personal libraries in your head?

Is the Gods or Satan's certain properties useless? Is it useless for Satan to blow a kiss at some lady or Lilith and make her smile. Why should I know that. I don't know maybe it's ingrained in us to be the logical supercomputers through biological evolution.

At some point in time we want to be the Gentleman or Gentlewoman the Gods derived from us. And yet everything is a framework of data/information and application of mental, physical, spiritual and technological changes.

I understand Lydia but you must understand reality works on a deeper level.

Perhaps may huge message gets ignored but I value everything. Cause it can create or change. Linguistic anthropology everything is propaganda everything is symbolic eveything is a biological or artifical geometric construct and people ponder things feel and change mood substance etc.etc.

Everything is data and information.

We deny the animal like Nergal from Dimmu Borgir states in Progenies of the Great Apocalypse.

Why deny that everything is much akin to a simulation or computer. Not literally but sorta. Just as the enemy encapuslates us in virtuality there are others that are going virtuality is a addendum to life for the physical sustenance and drive of evolution and progress.

I understand Lydia but you must also understand the volkish mentality of I simply wish to know whether I use the information or not.

Most people = I simply wish to be told the truth and not lied and have a proper functioning society.

Most people are proleteriat, worker, thrall, slaves of something. Pluto in Aquarius will bring forth the Dajjals and Antichrists to help mankind and state Communism or Evolution and Progress National Socialism.

I think even some theoreticians would agree with me that reality is but a set of data and information constructs to be deconstructed by the mind to improve society.

As Tim Pool put it, We humans are entitie who take free energies from our enviroment and make our lives easier.

I totally understand overwhelming volumes of data.

But one has to understand it or interpret it.

We've long burdened mankind with thralling and enslaving itself to feed it to break free with artificial computation.

I get it I understand but please understand the people who absorb this stuff on a daily basis be volk genossen volk germinenschaft. Be understanding they do make a point for the more technological people.
Wow, I apologize GearShift. I was not reading your comment properly at all and I saw something that appeared to come across as comparing our beliefs to those of xians, hence my crazy comment. I apologize if I took that to an extreme and went off on an experience and emotion-based way of thinking, which as I better read your comment now is not the case and more focused on logic.

I see what you mean that there are things in the realms of logic that few people here can truly understand - the energy-based technology, ETs and so forth which most of the world is not aware of at all because this is something kept under tight lock-and-key yet is constantly used in secret military operations in spite of the Geneva convention. The oppression of alternaitve medicine is another vast and revealing tale of these truths; that studies either go unfunded or shut down by the legal system.

There is a point in which we cannot know everything in a physical sense, yet I do believe we can vastly excellerate our perception and rate of learning through meditation. For me this takes a lot of commitment and routine but I find it helps me live my best life. (An addage I'd had since my early childhood - be the best that you can possibly be).

For me I always saw myself as 'less than' but I've flipped that recently and I'm now considering that we all can have genius level intelligence in any one given area. People only may appear smart because they know more about things different to what we've researched. When one masters one thing it becomes easy to expand from there, so I will not give up hope that I can also be anything I aim to be with the right balance of focus, inspiration and drive. I think that our subconscious mind stores far more information that we realize and meditation is the single best way to connect to it. I feel that we become so much more physically and mentally just through meditation alone; albeit these two later things also require some work and time. Meditation and intuition are the most powerful tool in which we find real truth in my opinion and it explains to me how Maxine's research is so exceptional and on-point.

The balancing aspect is hard for me but I'm realizing that I need to use intuition more and logic less in order to become better. That may sound crazy but it works for me in managing time; by letting my subconscious do the work and allowing it to enact the routines and patterns created by from our logical brain.

That being said, there are many wealthy people out there who disclose their positions and even roles within the network of the hidden hand. It seems strange to me but in certain conversations you will notice that people in these criminal organizations (high-ranking Freemasons, military and such) aren't as secretive about their roles as I'd once thought and they will disclose tiny pieces of truth to people whom they know pose no real threat. Hell, most of these people could kill others easily I'm sure.

Given all the things I've come to know and experience in my life in spite of my stupidity, I can verily and happily say that such a word is not befitting of me and especially not of you. I think real intelligence is marked by potential over what is already achieved.

I don't know if that may seem overly-optimistic but I can't help but think of the world that way, especially after seeing what people can do and do accomplish in this world.
Prarabdha karma ( natal chart) is prarabdha karma you can't help but engage in the world. Even monks have to find something congenial to do. It's about being detached that is being Atma Aware as your karmic pattern unfolds, that's the real issue. That's even the message in Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna refused to fight for the rightful share of his kingdom,then Krishna told him no you should fight just be Aware of who is powering you as you act. Yoga is to centre in Atma ,you can't do that if you not aware of It. Events unfold arccording to the Natal Chart we should not identify with these events but be a witness that is Atma aware being in your soul body Eternal Now. The real battle lies with being in the Eternal Now. The Natal Chart also shows potential not everyone lives their full potential of their charts. Consciously centering in Eternal Now radiates Atma more ,maximising the good of the chart and negating the bad. Satgurus even say positive achievements from previous lifetimes can start to manifesting in the current one. People even reach the point of training in the Eternal Now where they don't feel the need to sit in meditation ,they are always in a meditative state while engaged in worldly activities and affairs. But this of course takes lots of training in the Eternal Now (Atma Meditation) to achieve. Conscious Conviction that you are Atma which comes with soul body realisation is the key,getting past the Navel Centre is the key. ( At this point ,it's the Natural Way Kundalini will naturally rise if this is maintained.)
The soul body is nuclear so you will radiate alot when this is achieved ,you will know it. It's very intense Bliss. The intellectual ego is very tricky,that's why they call the serpent ego,it's very cunning. Intellectual knowing that you are a soul with chakras is a start but isn't enlightment itself in Yoga terms. People can be intellectually gifted they can even explain occult material better than a Satguru (one with risen kundalini ) but they are not enlightened. Which comes by conscious meditation on Atma. They explain things and move on to the next topic and so on. They are not enlightened. Personally I regard occult intellectual knowing as 25 percent,soul body realisation at the Heart chakra 50 percent (you will know when you have this the soul body is intense ,you will be radiating) ,75 percent when you see the Eternal Light within at throat chakra centre, 100 percent when you centre into the Void at the Crown Chakra ,this of course is Kundalini intial rising to the Crown chakra. You are a great soul after this,Jnani Great. A feat very few will achieve in this Yuga. You have to respect an aspirant in this current Yuga ,it's like a cripple trying to climb the mount Everest. Even with short comings they still push on. Anyway the point is ,it's not what happens but how you react.
A lot of people are ungrounded and wonder about random things that don’t actually have much value in reality. The enemy really uses this to manipulate us with too much tv and video games, as a few examples. Letting your imagination soar does help to activate the right side of the brain, and can help expand the mind and develop magickal ability. But letting it out of control, or spending too much time wondering about useless things, is a waste.

What’s the point in spending large amounts of time wondering about something random that won’t even help your life in any way? Something that won’t contribute to your success in anything? Just because it’s neat or mildly entertaining for the moment?

We now live in the “Information Age”, which is great in many ways. After all, we can access nearly anything we want to with the click of a few buttons. One person can have all the information in the world, which is really exciting, even overwhelming. We can have more information than all our ancestors before us… but is all this information actually valuable?

People put great value on information… but what is information without wisdom? Information is not the same as knowledge. Information can be random useless facts that have nothing to do with you as an individual. Information on its own does not mean knowledge, and certainly does not mean wisdom. Here in the JoS, we strive towards enlightenment and wisdom.

A lot of the information that goes around is basically brain pollution. It takes up space in our minds and uses thought process that could be better put towards learning things of true value and working towards something worthwhile in your life. You need to value your mind and your time, and train yourself to focus on what is important to you, what will help you. Not useless non-wisdom non-knowledge information.

It is a fact that those who accomplish great things in their life are often clueless as to celebrity gossip or whatever other useless “information” is popular these days. They block it out in order to focus on their goals and success.

I want each and every one of you to achieve some sort of victory for this year, and for all your years to come. Look through our SS Calendar (link in my signature and in these forums) and find the dates to free your soul from any obstacles or malefic karma relating to your goal, and find the dates to do magickal workings to achieve your goals. Mark these times down somewhere so you are prepared to begin them.

You will likely need to do multiple workings, but do not give up or think it will be too much effort or take too much time! Think of it this way: you can be exactly as you are now in a few years from now, with no changes. Or, you can be successful in your career, or get married, or go on a life-changing vacation, or upgrade your living situation, or gain new skills, or whatever your goal is. The time and effort will be worth it, you just need to focus on your goal.

Mercury is in Aquarius now, its square (or just daily mantra) can be done to improve your mind, or any other goal relating to Mercury. Mars is in Capricorn, a great time to begin its square to focus on career success or focusing your physical energy towards a goal of some sort.

I wish you all much success and victory in your life! :)
Thank you for this very enlightening message. Very good points to consider and apply to your life. I love how you describe these as brain pollution. Your right allowing to much of this to fill our minds is very harmful and doesn't promote Satanic growth. Satanic blessing to you!:)🤘😈💀🖤
Thank you SublimeSatanist at least someone read it. Unfortunately I can't condense and improve my typing.

My typing style is very emotional and intuitive in fact it's very right brained and almost feminine. I posses a drowning pool of thoughts in my head.

Lydia is right I'm ungrounded and fantasize and live in another World. I've never had my astro chart read but it would surprise people of who I am.

Sadly that is who I am and my friend respects me deeply and has rewritten emails I've sent to him to sound better. He can do it he's very grounded to reality, stable, and centered.

But I live with deep burdens and deep scars growing up not bad nothing bad happened but I guess something made me the way that I am and I don't know how to solve it.

Sadly truthfully my life is mostly fantasies I have in my head. I sometimes require 4 hours to fall asleep to be able to bring down my minds chatter. Sleeping 4-6 hours only.

And even worse my mind fuels my mind. My right brain is balanced with the left and my left is hyperlogical. The astro website I read one of my aspects shows a type of thinking far different then others in other words instead of a bleeding heart emotional rattle. A hyperlogic and way of thinking that can even upset people who aren't used to the kind of mentality I have i.e. logic of everything.

Sadly SublimeSatanist and others I cannot type truthfully. Not because I'm lying which I've fibbed a bit I'll be honest but my way of being so disconnected with physical realm and being so mentally intense. I can't put what is in my mind on paper or in this case hyperpaper i.e. hypertext i.e. typing.

My almost psychic style and mental imagery and this machine gun of non-stop stops doesn't help. I'm very ungrounded, unstable, and uncentered. What my mind thinks is nothing to do with reality. What my reality is, is nothing to do with my mind.

It's probably why I'm 33 and in a bit 34 this year and my life is basically SS;DD: Same shit; different day.

Like Blitz stated I took Pluto in Scorpio's dark side and generated myself in such segway.
I noticed that now I've decided to take a break from the forums, how much nonsense actually there is, just from checking all the new topics.. all the different opinions..
Don't get me wrong its not that I am not interested in new knowledge.. but it takes so much time.

Not checking everything every day is something that I will keep doing, if only just for my own sanity, focus and keeping my time.

The post that I made the other day, in reference to the microwave.. I spend 3 hours looking up resources. At some point in the past I just quit bothering with it, because it takes so much time.

...and then some people complained, a couple of times in the past, about not adding a proper source on some other things I said... but sometimes finding proper resources.. can take a lot of time and one does not always have that.
A lot of people are ungrounded and wonder about random things that don’t actually have much value in reality. The enemy really uses this to manipulate us with too much tv and video games, as a few examples. Letting your imagination soar does help to activate the right side of the brain, and can help expand the mind and develop magickal ability. But letting it out of control, or spending too much time wondering about useless things, is a waste.

What’s the point in spending large amounts of time wondering about something random that won’t even help your life in any way? Something that won’t contribute to your success in anything? Just because it’s neat or mildly entertaining for the moment?

We now live in the “Information Age”, which is great in many ways. After all, we can access nearly anything we want to with the click of a few buttons. One person can have all the information in the world, which is really exciting, even overwhelming. We can have more information than all our ancestors before us… but is all this information actually valuable?

People put great value on information… but what is information without wisdom? Information is not the same as knowledge. Information can be random useless facts that have nothing to do with you as an individual. Information on its own does not mean knowledge, and certainly does not mean wisdom. Here in the JoS, we strive towards enlightenment and wisdom.

A lot of the information that goes around is basically brain pollution. It takes up space in our minds and uses thought process that could be better put towards learning things of true value and working towards something worthwhile in your life. You need to value your mind and your time, and train yourself to focus on what is important to you, what will help you. Not useless non-wisdom non-knowledge information.

It is a fact that those who accomplish great things in their life are often clueless as to celebrity gossip or whatever other useless “information” is popular these days. They block it out in order to focus on their goals and success.

I want each and every one of you to achieve some sort of victory for this year, and for all your years to come. Look through our SS Calendar (link in my signature and in these forums) and find the dates to free your soul from any obstacles or malefic karma relating to your goal, and find the dates to do magickal workings to achieve your goals. Mark these times down somewhere so you are prepared to begin them.

You will likely need to do multiple workings, but do not give up or think it will be too much effort or take too much time! Think of it this way: you can be exactly as you are now in a few years from now, with no changes. Or, you can be successful in your career, or get married, or go on a life-changing vacation, or upgrade your living situation, or gain new skills, or whatever your goal is. The time and effort will be worth it, you just need to focus on your goal.

Mercury is in Aquarius now, its square (or just daily mantra) can be done to improve your mind, or any other goal relating to Mercury. Mars is in Capricorn, a great time to begin its square to focus on career success or focusing your physical energy towards a goal of some sort.

I wish you all much success and victory in your life! :)
I like this post see my problem I over think a lot which leads to doubt and being stagnant it's a long things i been having goin on in my mind i doubt a lot of bareky trust the path
Lunar Dance 666 I agree with you 100% I think taking a break every now and then, isn't going to hurt. I am thinking of doing the same. For a while. And focus on life other than social media. And the drama. I get to wrapped up in. And there is alot of drama on here too.
A lot of people are ungrounded and wonder about random things that don’t actually have much value in reality. The enemy really uses this to manipulate us with too much tv and video games, as a few examples. Letting your imagination soar does help to activate the right side of the brain, and can help expand the mind and develop magickal ability. But letting it out of control, or spending too much time wondering about useless things, is a waste.

What’s the point in spending large amounts of time wondering about something random that won’t even help your life in any way? Something that won’t contribute to your success in anything? Just because it’s neat or mildly entertaining for the moment?

We now live in the “Information Age”, which is great in many ways. After all, we can access nearly anything we want to with the click of a few buttons. One person can have all the information in the world, which is really exciting, even overwhelming. We can have more information than all our ancestors before us… but is all this information actually valuable?

People put great value on information… but what is information without wisdom? Information is not the same as knowledge. Information can be random useless facts that have nothing to do with you as an individual. Information on its own does not mean knowledge, and certainly does not mean wisdom. Here in the JoS, we strive towards enlightenment and wisdom.

A lot of the information that goes around is basically brain pollution. It takes up space in our minds and uses thought process that could be better put towards learning things of true value and working towards something worthwhile in your life. You need to value your mind and your time, and train yourself to focus on what is important to you, what will help you. Not useless non-wisdom non-knowledge information.

It is a fact that those who accomplish great things in their life are often clueless as to celebrity gossip or whatever other useless “information” is popular these days. They block it out in order to focus on their goals and success.

I want each and every one of you to achieve some sort of victory for this year, and for all your years to come. Look through our SS Calendar (link in my signature and in these forums) and find the dates to free your soul from any obstacles or malefic karma relating to your goal, and find the dates to do magickal workings to achieve your goals. Mark these times down somewhere so you are prepared to begin them.

You will likely need to do multiple workings, but do not give up or think it will be too much effort or take too much time! Think of it this way: you can be exactly as you are now in a few years from now, with no changes. Or, you can be successful in your career, or get married, or go on a life-changing vacation, or upgrade your living situation, or gain new skills, or whatever your goal is. The time and effort will be worth it, you just need to focus on your goal.

Mercury is in Aquarius now, its square (or just daily mantra) can be done to improve your mind, or any other goal relating to Mercury. Mars is in Capricorn, a great time to begin its square to focus on career success or focusing your physical energy towards a goal of some sort.

I wish you all much success and victory in your life! :)
HP Lydia, can you recommend an Android app that have the same precise function as Chronus XP. Because last time I couldn't adjust Chronus XP to my location so. And the only personal internet capable device I currently have is my phone. I just need something accurate enough for planetary hours on my timezone. Your time to read and reply would be deeply appreciated, thanks.
HP Lydia, can you recommend an Android app that have the same precise function as Chronus XP. Because last time I couldn't adjust Chronus XP to my location so. And the only personal internet capable device I currently have is my phone. I just need something accurate enough for planetary hours on my timezone. Your time to read and reply would be deeply appreciated, thanks.
Hello :)

Planetary Hours, now called PH Pro. It can be set to your exact location and has always been trustworthy for me.
tyrantmage HPS Lydia is right about people not being focused or grounded. It all seems to make sense. As to why people show an ego. and throw an attitude tantrum fit, and act like children instead of learning or opening themselves up to learn? Is because they want the attention and it's all about feeding the ego instead of being real. People nowadays it seems like they don't want to learn or they want to be somebody or something they're not? Just to get attention that they don't deserve it's like they want an easy way in to something or an easy way out of something? Instead of being able to open up and focus on something and allowing themselves to learn? And learn something the right way listening to teachers and getting an education on something seems to be an issue with the young people these days. And it's not so much just young people either! It is people of all ages that seem to have an ego and an attitude problem anymore
Hello :)

Planetary Hours, now called PH Pro. It can be set to your exact location and has always been trustworthy for me.
Thank you very much HP. I will download it immediately.
My 8 year old daughter spends a lot of time on YouTube and TikTok every day, filling her brain with junk videos and junk information. (She mainly watches Minecraft anime.) I have tried to stop this by reading books to her and playing non-digital games with her, but this way takes up a lot of my time. She likes to paint, create something, but can't beat YouTube. Do you have any good suggestions?
If your spouse/partner is cooperative then just limit your daughters screen time and monitor the content she consumes. If, or rather when, you get more or less drastic reactions about denying her use of the phone/tablet/computer, try to calmly explain and remind why you're doing it. The last part is something that you will have to do over and over many times.

My children watch around an hour of yt videos and it's usually either cartoons, educational stuff or documentaries and it's not every day. The don't have their own phone or computer even though all their friends do, instead they have smartwatches that do the same job with less radiation and there's no games on those. For games that need to be approved by their mother or me, and watching videos they have tablets and they're used to not having them anytime for as much as they want or they just find whatever movie they feel like watching, provided it's not the unacceptable kind, and watch it on the big screen.

It's a process that requires time and patience but in what would you rather invest your time other than your daughter, right? We have to adjust to their changing needs and wants and accept that it is a worthwhile effort even if you don't see the effects right away

Good luck. I know it's a tough issue but we're not at the level of other people, you can do it. SS cannot allow their offspring to become the average youth with brain rot setting in and npc behaviors.

Parenting is tough and like walking on a wire. A lot of balance is needed.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
