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Fitness from a Satanic Point of View


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Greetings my beloved Brothers and Sisters in Satan.
I would like to reiterate how important physical exercise is.

Here is some ancient wisdom for your heart to understand.

No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.

"Besides, it is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what manner of man you may become by developing your bodily strength and beauty to their highest limit. But you cannot see that if you are careless, for it will not come of its own accord.”

"Without exercise, a good diet alone is not sufficient and eventually medical treatment will be needed"
– Hippocrates

"Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it" – Epictetus
Ours is a philosophy of Truth and Braveness, we can't embody it if we don't at least strive to have a Healthy and Strong body.

The immortal gods have made it so: To achieve excellence, we first must sweat.

As you can see, fitness was regarded as extremely important even thousands of years ago.

As movement and going forward is the basis of life, stagnancy is death. Fitness is about the body's freedom of movement, muscles and joints let your body move and exert force, without muscles there would be no movement, that is why developing them is extremely important.

We constantly see people with bodily problems like back ache, hip pain and other related problems, what is the similarity between all of them? They don't take care of their body with exercise. Their muscles don't work as they should and as thus their body starts to decay, what follows are all kind of surgeries that put many shekels in the doctor's pocket and don't fix people's problems, because at the root of the problem is always lack of exercise. People who get their hips replaced could've just strengthened and stretched their hips, and they would feel the results in weeks if not days, instead they are ignorant and go to the (((experts))) who suggest them deeply invasive and expensive surgeries that leave people worse than before.

Our bodies are supposed to move a lot. The 21st century habit of never even taking a walk is extremely destructive to the human body.

Strength training is extremely important not just for the now, but especially for the future. I believe we all have in mind the classical example of the grandpa or grandma who has trouble just standing up, that is not the result of old age, that is the result of having spent a lifetime not taking care of the body. I think we all heard about old farmers who can still lift heavy and move, without their age holding them back, that is because, while the farmer wasn't exactly a gym enthusiast, his work for all of his life was about movement and doing strenuous things every day, and as thus his body held up.

Here is an example of a 90 years old Grandma who took care of her body:
And here is an example of a 90 years old man who took care of his body:

As you can see, training the body will have a huge impact on whether you will be able to move or not while old.

There are different types of strength training, but people mostly categorize it in calisthenics and weight lifting, people even argue about what is the best between those. Let's leave the fighting about that to the normies and understand that even doing pushups is "weight lifting", as you are lifting your own weight. What is proven is that bodyweight exercises(calisthenics) translate to weight lifting gains, while weight lifting doesn't translate to bodyweight exercises gains. For example, people who can do weighted pushups, will have a good time doing a bench press, while those doing bench presses won't have the same strength as those who do weighted pushups, that's because the pushup is more holistical and works many more muscles than the bench press. Ideally one will mix the two, but keep in mind that there are totally retarded weight lifting exercises, such as the lat pull down, which is extremely inferior to simple pull-ups, and cannot even build the strength to reach pull-ups.


Running is very important and everybody should run. Running will strengthen your heart, and it's ironical that people want to lift weights and build muscle but not train the muscle that keeps them alive. Running will also make your body much more energetic and able to do strenuous things more easily. Nothing beats running, HPS Maxine has also said that there is nothing that can replace running and it should be done every day, if not every day at least 3 times a week. Mixing long distance running and sprinting is great and necessary. It's very important to get the running form correctly, for that I would watch youtube videos and/or get a running coach for a couple of times. But to make it short: Hold good posture, keep your core braced(not too much as to distract you from the run), and make sure to have your feet facing forward and using your ankles against the floor when running. If your ankles aren't weak after running, then you're not using them.
Running also is not an extremely pleasurful act, at the beginning at least, so it will also develop willpower and make you mentally stronger.

Being flexible is extremely important, by being flexible your QI, or bioelectricity and your blood will flow much better. Stagnating QI is literal death, thus comes the statement that "movement is life". Being flexible will make your life much more easier, how pathetic is it for a grown adult to not even be able to touch his toes. One myth about flexibility is that your range of motion is determined by your muscles being tight, we can say they're tight, but it's not the actual muscles that decide to get tight, it's your nervous system that decides if your range of motion will be limited or not. Your body also stores trauma in the form of muscle tightness, by stretching your muscles you will come to terms with traumas that you have interiorized and be able to release yourself from them. And also, I don't know about you, but in my view, being able to do splits is pretty fucking cool.
PNF stretching is great as it stretches the muscles but also created strenght in these new ranges of motion you have created. Hatha yoga is also great for flexibility, but don't stretch hard every day or you will risk pulling a muscle.

The image below is cool, we want that.

This is fundamental, your core is the base of the pyramid, all else will fall if you don't train it. I can't emphasize how important your core is, I'd rather train the core than anything else if I had to pick just one thing to exercise. It includes your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdominal muscles. Core exercises train the muscles in your core to work in harmony. People who complain of whatever pain in their body, most often than not (99% of the cases) have a weak core. Our 21st century sitting lifestyle make our core muscles atrophy, our glutes become non existant just by sitting all day, and our abdominals become weak and under utilised. Training the core is extremely important, Planks, side planks, hollow body holds, glute bridges ecc. It becomes difficult for someone to train these if he has never trained them and they are atrophied, in that case you need to work on reactivating them, remember that these muscles should be utilized throughout the whole day, it's not just something you train for 10 minutes and you forget about them, your glutes should be used whenever you walk, your core should lightly be braced at all times unless you are resting. If you can't or don't know how to use these muscles, start learning about them and how to use them, try and feel in your immagination how they should work and try to imitate that feeling by contracting them. If you need help just post a comment asking and I will help you.

In the modern fitness scene there are muscles that people don't consider important to train but are also important to train, like the neck or the forearms.
Let's start with my favourite, the forearms. Strong forearms are strongly correlated with a strong willpower, I can't describe you how much it feels good to have strong forearms, it's the kind of strength that let's you hold someone's wrist and without them being able to free themselves, it's the strength to hold yourself on a bar with one hand or the strength to crush an apple with your hand. Old time strong men would train these, today it's much more unheard of, and a man bending a coin is seen as something supernatural while it's just a man that trained his forearms.


I personally train my forearms with a mix of hanging with one arm, or hanging with weights on a backpack, or hanging with just my fingers(be careful and don't overdo it, or you might hurt your fingers), I also train the pinching ability of my thumb by pinching the side of a door and hanging just with that on the door side. I also train supination and pronation with a sledgehammer like this:
and radial and ulnar deviations like this:
Then I also do wrist pushups which imo are the most important as they allow you to create the strength necessary for your wrists to hold you in a handstand, here's a video demonstrating them

As for about the neck, this is the part of your body that holds your head, which is very heavy, having a strong neck will make you look more fierce and is gonna protect your neck from incidents like car crashes or bad falls. All men would like a neck like that of Mike Tyson's.


Here are videos that show the best exercises for the neck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgNGiDMS2DE and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsKYRvOu0Cw

I will also share, with those who managed to read till here, a little but great and exoteric secret that not everybody knows of that will have great advantages on your fitness: When working out, only breath with your nose, that seems to make your body much less tired, this seems to be the secret to the godly ability of the Raràmuri mexican tribe to run many many Kilometers without getting tired.

Remember, fitness is life, we need it, it's not a matter of being a gym junkie, it's about enjoying and living life. Adding some time for fitness everyday means making yourself stronger and healthy, which means a lot to us Spiritual Satanists. Life is sacred, life is movement.

Hopefully you understand the importance of fitness with this post. And I hope you all find it useful.

If you have any problems with your body please ask me, I have spent a lot of time fixing my problems, so much that I'm sure I can send people the right way in regards to healing theirs.
It is possible to train your muscles in 3 different ways:
-In length
-In width
-In strength.

The length is how flexible, with yoga and stretching, mobility exercises, we lengthen our muscles.
The width is the modern body building.
The strength is one of the most important. These could be similar to body building exercises but still different. While your muscles may build, but they are focused to build strength. Even with a small muscles, it is possible to build insane strength.

One eventually should build their body to be like that of Hellenical Olympiads, but some of your pictures above are too much.


Hey Aquarius,

I think it is also what you are predispositioned with at birth. And it depends on the job that you do. There are some problems in old age that are linked to wearing of the joints, by overuse of the body. And there are also many instances of builders especially that show that working past age 65 is almost impossible for them because of the failing of their health from wear and tear on the body.
Now I don't know much about what those people's habits are on a daily basis, but it is not uncommon for them to feel pain and for the body to have to recoup..

Being a farmer is a different line of work. Physically heavy work, yes, demanding labor from the moment they wake up till they go to bed, but that is not to say that they don't have breaks (rest), or machinery that can ease the strain.

Strength training has been proven to be very beneficial not only to strength, but bone density, etc.

At old age it is harder if not almost impossible to build any new muscle, but keeping fit, keep the body moving, and at least your muscles won't deteriorate so fast.

Also I do have a question, since you are offering advice.. I've been having some issues with forward folds specificly, as I've been having a tight muscle that runs from the inside of the groin to the knee, that for the life of me does not seem to want to stretch all that much. I have been considering trying to use a foam roller, to roll out that muscle, but that is one of the many thoughts running through my head and you can only tackle so much at a time.
Do you have any idea as to what I could try?
And yes those splits are awesome, feel good to do too if you can do them properly lol.
Thank you for the information and inspiration to keep exercising! I guess my main issue is my job is somewhat repetitive and physically demanding and I don't feel like working out after work. Any recommendations for nutrition or exercises that are good for after standing, bending and lifting things all day? I have been forcing myself to at least work out 3 times a week (probably not enough...). I eat a really high protein diet but I still feel sore a lot of the time. Do I just need to stretch more or do I just need to push through and just do it regardless?
Thank you again!

Hail Satan
Thank you for this inspiring post! I work a lot with elderly people who suffer from a wide range of different diseases, though, the common theme is stiffness, weakness, immobility and cognitive decline. Yoga and Fitness really provide great solutions as it influence the body to undergo important physiological changes for the better, and I really mean for the better as you perfectly described above!

In addition, The ancient Olympic Games were a major Panhellenic festival and athletic competition held in Olympia, Greece, starting in 776 BCE and continuing for almost 12 centuries until 393 CE, when Emperor Theodosius I banned pagan festivals. The Olympic Games were originally honoring our God Zeus, Baal-Zebul.
It amazes me the things that people can do! And what people can come up with mentally as well! And I think that people should be proud and thankful to be blessed with the talents and the abilities that they have and the gifts that they have been given! It goes to show you that we were created in Satan's image and likeness. ❤🧘‍♀️ Hail Satan Oath!
In reguards to the joint damage that can be fixed or at least alleviated with diet. If your eating junk food then all the exercise in the world won't do you any good. Good diet is complicated but only because of piss poor econonix. If your in the country side and can do a barter system on top of growing most of your own food that is awesome. most of us either don't know how to that or don't have quite the diy skills to utilize what little space they have. One day i hope to fix some of those issues myself by getting a trailer and having a small backyard. I've been reading books for years on the various parts of homesteading. Now as with finding the info on good diets the internet is a minefield. Now this site Weston A Price Foundation isn't perfect of course but they have many amazing good points.
What I would love to see one day is many of the big cities in the usa getting down graded into smaller towns like it use to be over 100 years ago. Towns are more managble and a satanic community would be beyond amazing. We as humans have done it in the past and can do it again. One day....

Hail Father Satan
At old age it is harder if not almost impossible to build any new muscle, but keeping fit, keep the body moving, and at least your muscles won't deteriorate so fast.
That is why building muscle before becoming old is super duper important. What you said is true, but if you apply the Saturnine principle of repetition in fitness while young, you're gonna have a much greater time when older.

I've been having a tight muscle that runs from the inside of the groin to the knee, that for the life of me does not seem to want to stretch all that much
If we're talking about the groin then that's the adductor muscle. Normally if a muscle doesn't want to stretch it's because it's weak and your body feels it's dangerous to let it release.

In this case what you want to do is to strengthen the muscle while also lengthening it. The horse stance is a good exercise for that, as while you stretch the adductors you are also forced to make them work to keep you standing.
Here's another example exercise you could do:
Another good exercise for the adductor is this
Thank you for the information and inspiration to keep exercising! I guess my main issue is my job is somewhat repetitive and physically demanding and I don't feel like working out after work. Any recommendations for nutrition or exercises that are good for after standing, bending and lifting things all day? I have been forcing myself to at least work out 3 times a week (probably not enough...). I eat a really high protein diet but I still feel sore a lot of the time. Do I just need to stretch more or do I just need to push through and just do it regardless?
Thank you again!

Hail Satan
I will make another post about nutrition, wait for it!
As for your job, are you able to sneak some exercise throughout the day? For example when someone is not looking you could do say pushups, or if there is anything to hang on some pullups. If you work on a construction site them there definitely is a sledgehammer for the forearm training somewhere ;)
I don't know how your workplace and colleagues are, but you could do these exercises also near them, since they're normies you're probably gonna be referenced as that guy who does pushups, but that is not too bad. It's all about the mindset change, knowing that you can workout literally anywhwere.
Great post, mate! There is so much to say about what the human body can actually do. Unfortunately, the enemy has built a society where being physically disabled is the norm. Many people will go as far as to tell you that you're very flexible if, when you are in pancake pose, your leg angle is even slightly over 90 degrees, when basic flexibility is actually ~180 degrees with your chest on the floor. But what do we know? The keyboard nerd who can't touch his toes is the top expert in flexibility, health and fitness.

We need more posts like this!
I just wanted to add that stretching is really underrated. People think it's useless and makes people throw away time, but it's actually just as essential as exercise.

In the long run it allows you to age well but more importantly it goes to prevent a disaster of problems and diseases that can arise. This is especially true for all those jobs in factories or that require a lot of physical exertion.

I have seen many people who by the time they were 40 had a variety of limb and back problems. And all because they never devoted even 5 minutes to stretching.
Interesting and inspiring post, Aquarius. Thank you for it 😀

Working on your body is very important. A healthy body is a healthy spirit!
Hey Valeska,

Make sure to drink plenty of water. When you use your muscles that much they just get sore from burning up fuel that then might not be able to move away properly by just the bloodflow.
I am not typing this to give a lot of advice but look into "cooling-down" exercises. Those are meant to prevent soreness from abrupt stopping of exercise.

Someone else can give additional and probably better info, these are just my ideas :)
Thank you for the information and inspiration to keep exercising! I guess my main issue is my job is somewhat repetitive and physically demanding and I don't feel like working out after work. Any recommendations for nutrition or exercises that are good for after standing, bending and lifting things all day? I have been forcing myself to at least work out 3 times a week (probably not enough...). I eat a really high protein diet but I still feel sore a lot of the time. Do I just need to stretch more or do I just need to push through and just do it regardless?
Thank you again!

Hail Satan
I will make another post about nutrition, wait for it!
As for your job, are you able to sneak some exercise throughout the day? For example when someone is not looking you could do say pushups, or if there is anything to hang on some pullups. If you work on a construction site them there definitely is a sledgehammer for the forearm training somewhere ;)
I don't know how your workplace and colleagues are, but you could do these exercises also near them, since they're normies you're probably gonna be referenced as that guy who does pushups, but that is not too bad. It's all about the mindset change, knowing that you can workout literally anywhwere.
Thank you for the reply! I work at a factory and have very little downtime and they are strict about not looking busy with work (if I stand and talk to my coworkers more than a couple minutes we get told off.. even when we're low on work). I could maybe stretch or something on break.
I'm female but I know what you mean lol. I used to stretch on my breaks but people thought it was weird. I guess I shouldn't let their judgement get the best of me. That is something to think about to get exercise/try to stay active at any place and time. Maybe aside from my 3 longer workouts I should try to at least do a few minutes here and there and see where that goes.
I appreciate your advice!
Hail Satan
You have my utmost respect and gratitude for this highly inspirational post, Aquarius.

I perform exercise regularly as a way to strengthen my body against my sedentary lifestyle with illustrations and the like, but I also have experience in martial arts. There are many smaller muscles that greatly contribute to the strength, movement, and balance of the human body that most people don't even know exist, like those in the feet, palms and around the elbow.

Though, flexibility is another thing, and the fact that I still cannot touch my toes actually screws up the range of my kicks, even though I've done Hatha yoga pretty much daily for years, and I haven't achieved splits yet, either. I'm going to have to incorporate some more stretching and flexibility exercises, or something. Can't go .25 seconds upside down without crippling motion sickness either, so handstands have been out for me as well. Quite awful, but awareness is the first step to change, at least.

I've recently also rediscovered that (break)dancing utilizes many of the functions of strength, balance, and flexibility, as well, in a way that can make exercise expressive and entertaining. That might be something I'd like to try as well.
Great post, mate! There is so much to say about what the human body can actually do. Unfortunately, the enemy has built a society where being physically disabled is the norm. Many people will go as far as to tell you that you're very flexible if, when you are in pancake pose, your leg angle is even slightly over 90 degrees, when basic flexibility is actually ~180 degrees with your chest on the floor. But what do we know? The keyboard nerd who can't touch his toes is the top expert in flexibility, health and fitness.

We need more posts like this!
Because I’ve. Wi g doing yoga and bodyweight training(more yoga than this) I’ve been told I’m extremely flexible just because I can get close to doing aside split. I’m usually am thinking, “this is supposed to be normal for people” by then I realize the current situation in the US with people being unhealthy mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and above all physically, that this their current norm. It’s saddening.
Great post, Aquarius and perfect timing. I am always miserable if I am not able to take care of my body, look good, and push my limits.

Also, the Gym, Swimming and fitness are a serious and very real cure for depression.

I remember having the worst depression, overthinking and stress, etc. before entering the Gym. Then when I finish my workout I feel a transformation. I can see hope, I feel powerful, it’s a feeling of I can do it! I feel great and you’ll watch me conquer this shit!

The small battles are important. Between 2022 and 2023 if I wasn’t completely locked-in with the Gym habit I know I could’ve ended up in jail or a mental hospital it meant the world to me that I was able to transmute the negativity I saw in my life in the Gym.

Being powerful, strong, looking as perfect as you could, and the pursuit of all this is a very essential part in Satanism. The Gods are always depicted as muscular, radiant, powerful, strong, beautiful, and alive. Empowering, building, and mastering your body is a very real part of Godhood.

Also, having a strong body can easily multiply your bio-electricity and power.
Running is very important and everybody should run. Running will strengthen your heart, and it's ironical that people want to lift weights and build muscle but not train the muscle that keeps them alive. Running will also make your body much more energetic and able to do strenuous things more easily. Nothing beats running.
It is vitally important to live a fulfilling life. Many complain that life is boring and there is nothing to do, but what steps are being taken to feel alive? The answer is often nothing. To feel true joy, one must commit to exercise and hard work in order to achieve excellence and purpose.

Furthermore, most people today lack the fitness to even do 20 push-ups or run for any period without tiring, much to their dismay. I have heard countless individuals admit they struggle with these minimal fitness goals. This indicates a frail, weak body unaccustomed to exercise, perhaps for years or even decades. Regular exercise brings mental clarity and enhanced cognitive abilities, which are needed daily.

Since I began exercising regularly, I have experienced tremendous feelings of fulfillment and agility. I can now run continuously for over 2 hours and do over 50 push-ups with ease. Achieving physical fitness is critically important for building a strong, capable body that can accomplish tasks deemed impossible by the average person today.

Some people dismiss philosophy and moral reasoning as a joke, whether consciously or subconsciously, believing these pursuits need not be integrated into one's life. As a result, this attitude leads to ignorance, poor critical thinking, misguided desires, diminished capabilities, and even self-imposed and societal oppression.

For your upcoming post, if you come across this message, I recommend delving deeper into the spiritual aspects of fitness and its impact on the chakras, as well as overall spiritual growth.
Hey Valeska,

Make sure to drink plenty of water. When you use your muscles that much they just get sore from burning up fuel that then might not be able to move away properly by just the bloodflow.
I am not typing this to give a lot of advice but look into "cooling-down" exercises. Those are meant to prevent soreness from abrupt stopping of exercise.

Someone else can give additional and probably better info, these are just my ideas :)
Thank you for your advice! Maybe this is another issue I need to look into. Usually I just stretch and then crash on the couch for a bit lol so probably not very good for cool down.
I appreciate your time!
Hail Satan
I personally believe that 30 minutes of physical workout whatever it is, is ENOUGH ! Please don’t work on your body like these fitness freaks do in the gym and ending up exhausted!

Physical workout is not meant to Exhaust you unless you are ploughing in the fields.

Physical workout for me is meant to boost my physical energy and doing it more than 30 minutes will cease that purpose. It should be pleasurable.

You don’t need to become a fitness freak.
Just like you brush your teeth every morning, physical workout is one of those daily normal tasks for you.

Of course you must MOVE your body and keep your muscles strong and not become disproportionated freak. Body builders do not have that much strength in their muscles as compared to a Yoga practitioner.

Imagine your body as a Diamond, giving it shape bit by bit and not look at it as a stone hitting it blindly with a hammer for long sessions.
If we're talking about the groin then that's the adductor muscle. Normally if a muscle doesn't want to stretch it's because it's weak and your body feels it's dangerous to let it release.

In this case what you want to do is to strengthen the muscle while also lengthening it. The horse stance is a good exercise for that, as while you stretch the adductors you are also forced to make them work to keep you standing.
Here's another example exercise you could do:
Another good exercise for the adductor is this
Thanks! I had suspicions that I probably should have tried to work on strengthening that muscle but I haven't gotten around to incorporate it or try that out. Those exercises that you shared are really helpful and easy to do at home.

I'll save them so I can do them later, when I have things allocated and sorted out a bit better in my life.
I personally believe that 30 minutes of physical workout whatever it is, is ENOUGH ! Please don’t work on your body like these fitness freaks do in the gym and ending up exhausted!

Physical workout is not meant to Exhaust you unless you are ploughing in the fields.

Physical workout for me is meant to boost my physical energy and doing it more than 30 minutes will cease that purpose. It should be pleasurable.

You don’t need to become a fitness freak.
Just like you brush your teeth every morning, physical workout is one of those daily normal tasks for you.

Of course you must MOVE your body and keep your muscles strong and not become disproportionated freak. Body builders do not have that much strength in their muscles as compared to a Yoga practitioner.

Imagine your body as a Diamond, giving it shape bit by bit and not look at it as a stone hitting it blindly with a hammer for long sessions.
30 minutes is the bare minimum. You're saying all of this as if doing more will harm you. Our bodies are capable of much more.
I will make another post about nutrition, wait for it!
As for your job, are you able to sneak some exercise throughout the day? For example when someone is not looking you could do say pushups, or if there is anything to hang on some pullups. If you work on a construction site them there definitely is a sledgehammer for the forearm training somewhere ;)
I don't know how your workplace and colleagues are, but you could do these exercises also near them, since they're normies you're probably gonna be referenced as that guy who does pushups, but that is not too bad. It's all about the mindset change, knowing that you can workout literally anywhwere.
I would like to help with the nutrition post for a moment.
High protein is good though it needs to be well soruced for the nutrients. Grass fed, free range, non gmos. animals in these catagories have better nutrition which the body craves. Bone broth will help your joints get what they need to fight the inflamation which is making you sore.
Eating things- cooking them yourself when you can helps-that have unrefined salt is good for the trace minerals. Eating ferminted things like sauerkrut, fermented pickles, ect help your gut get more goodness from your food.
one thing that will help is good true Butter. Butter has several vitamins, enzimes, and cholesterol. Since the human based on dry weight is 60% cholesterol this makes Butter king. Without a working brain why bother with anything else. Butter has been vilified on purpose because of how great it is for the mind. Also increasing your good fats will help your body digest the protien.
So if nothing else add real Butter to your diet. Fry that steak in butter and it will be awesome.

Hail Father Satan
30 minutes is the bare minimum. You're saying all of this as if doing more will harm you. Our bodies are capable of much more.
It will not harm but I was saying more than 30 mins workout can exhaust you. It also depends on the type of workout you are doing.

And, Physical Yoga is a NECESSITY no matter how much physical workout you do.
It will not harm but I was saying more than 30 mins workout can exhaust you. It also depends on the type of workout you are doing.

And, Physical Yoga is a NECESSITY no matter how much physical workout you do.
Even 20 minutes can exhaust someone. I don't understand the point you're trying to make. One can build up to not getting exhausted.
I personally believe that 30 minutes of physical workout whatever it is, is ENOUGH ! Please don’t work on your body like these fitness freaks do in the gym and ending up exhausted!

Physical workout is not meant to Exhaust you unless you are ploughing in the fields.

Physical workout for me is meant to boost my physical energy and doing it more than 30 minutes will cease that purpose. It should be pleasurable.

You don’t need to become a fitness freak.
Just like you brush your teeth every morning, physical workout is one of those daily normal tasks for you.

Of course you must MOVE your body and keep your muscles strong and not become disproportionated freak. Body builders do not have that much strength in their muscles as compared to a Yoga practitioner.

Imagine your body as a Diamond, giving it shape bit by bit and not look at it as a stone hitting it blindly with a hammer for long sessions.
Thirty minutes for any fit person is not enough. There is also the component of intensity along with duration. When we talk about endurance sports the longer the duration, the lower the intensity. This lower-intensity work is much needed for many useful physical adaptations such as mitochondrial synthesis, development of the cardiovascular system, and muscle endurance. None of these adaptations are attainable with thirty minutes of working out past a very early point. When we talk about someone who does things like parkour, gymnastics, and bouldering, for example. Thirty minutes is a good time to spend warming up. You can probably get away with fifteen minutes, but more is better for decreasing the risk of injury. These very short examples are just the tip of the iceberg.

So please, do not make excuses as excuses for unfitness are not allowed.
Dear Aquarius,

many thanks for the inspiring quotes and the eye opening tips. I really enjoyed the read. May I add another point which regards the mental mindset to achieve success in this and others fields as well: Always believe in yourselves, do not permit external influences to undermine your true infinite potentials.
a thousand thanks for this post! 💌

i never even noticed the existence of all these subforums

i took a lot of notes, they will help me so much when i'll fully recover from my accident!
i overlooked so many things i didn't even know!
i was being a bit too much of a retarded gymbro in physical matters, with these tips i'll be able to stay healthy and maximize everything even better!
Greetings my beloved Brothers and Sisters in Satan.
I would like to reiterate how important physical exercise is.

Here is some ancient wisdom for your heart to understand.

No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.

"Besides, it is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what manner of man you may become by developing your bodily strength and beauty to their highest limit. But you cannot see that if you are careless, for it will not come of its own accord.”

"Without exercise, a good diet alone is not sufficient and eventually medical treatment will be needed"
– Hippocrates

"Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it" – Epictetus
Ours is a philosophy of Truth and Braveness, we can't embody it if we don't at least strive to have a Healthy and Strong body.

The immortal gods have made it so: To achieve excellence, we first must sweat.

As you can see, fitness was regarded as extremely important even thousands of years ago.

As movement and going forward is the basis of life, stagnancy is death. Fitness is about the body's freedom of movement, muscles and joints let your body move and exert force, without muscles there would be no movement, that is why developing them is extremely important.

We constantly see people with bodily problems like back ache, hip pain and other related problems, what is the similarity between all of them? They don't take care of their body with exercise. Their muscles don't work as they should and as thus their body starts to decay, what follows are all kind of surgeries that put many shekels in the doctor's pocket and don't fix people's problems, because at the root of the problem is always lack of exercise. People who get their hips replaced could've just strengthened and stretched their hips, and they would feel the results in weeks if not days, instead they are ignorant and go to the (((experts))) who suggest them deeply invasive and expensive surgeries that leave people worse than before.

Our bodies are supposed to move a lot. The 21st century habit of never even taking a walk is extremely destructive to the human body.

Strength training is extremely important not just for the now, but especially for the future. I believe we all have in mind the classical example of the grandpa or grandma who has trouble just standing up, that is not the result of old age, that is the result of having spent a lifetime not taking care of the body. I think we all heard about old farmers who can still lift heavy and move, without their age holding them back, that is because, while the farmer wasn't exactly a gym enthusiast, his work for all of his life was about movement and doing strenuous things every day, and as thus his body held up.

Here is an example of a 90 years old Grandma who took care of her body:
And here is an example of a 90 years old man who took care of his body:

As you can see, training the body will have a huge impact on whether you will be able to move or not while old.

There are different types of strength training, but people mostly categorize it in calisthenics and weight lifting, people even argue about what is the best between those. Let's leave the fighting about that to the normies and understand that even doing pushups is "weight lifting", as you are lifting your own weight. What is proven is that bodyweight exercises(calisthenics) translate to weight lifting gains, while weight lifting doesn't translate to bodyweight exercises gains. For example, people who can do weighted pushups, will have a good time doing a bench press, while those doing bench presses won't have the same strength as those who do weighted pushups, that's because the pushup is more holistical and works many more muscles than the bench press. Ideally one will mix the two, but keep in mind that there are totally retarded weight lifting exercises, such as the lat pull down, which is extremely inferior to simple pull-ups, and cannot even build the strength to reach pull-ups.

Running is very important and everybody should run. Running will strengthen your heart, and it's ironical that people want to lift weights and build muscle but not train the muscle that keeps them alive. Running will also make your body much more energetic and able to do strenuous things more easily. Nothing beats running, HPS Maxine has also said that there is nothing that can replace running and it should be done every day, if not every day at least 3 times a week. Mixing long distance running and sprinting is great and necessary. It's very important to get the running form correctly, for that I would watch youtube videos and/or get a running coach for a couple of times. But to make it short: Hold good posture, keep your core braced(not too much as to distract you from the run), and make sure to have your feet facing forward and using your ankles against the floor when running. If your ankles aren't weak after running, then you're not using them.
Running also is not an extremely pleasurful act, at the beginning at least, so it will also develop willpower and make you mentally stronger.

Being flexible is extremely important, by being flexible your QI, or bioelectricity and your blood will flow much better. Stagnating QI is literal death, thus comes the statement that "movement is life". Being flexible will make your life much more easier, how pathetic is it for a grown adult to not even be able to touch his toes. One myth about flexibility is that your range of motion is determined by your muscles being tight, we can say they're tight, but it's not the actual muscles that decide to get tight, it's your nervous system that decides if your range of motion will be limited or not. Your body also stores trauma in the form of muscle tightness, by stretching your muscles you will come to terms with traumas that you have interiorized and be able to release yourself from them. And also, I don't know about you, but in my view, being able to do splits is pretty fucking cool.
PNF stretching is great as it stretches the muscles but also created strenght in these new ranges of motion you have created. Hatha yoga is also great for flexibility, but don't stretch hard every day or you will risk pulling a muscle.

The image below is cool, we want that.

This is fundamental, your core is the base of the pyramid, all else will fall if you don't train it. I can't emphasize how important your core is, I'd rather train the core than anything else if I had to pick just one thing to exercise. It includes your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdominal muscles. Core exercises train the muscles in your core to work in harmony. People who complain of whatever pain in their body, most often than not (99% of the cases) have a weak core. Our 21st century sitting lifestyle make our core muscles atrophy, our glutes become non existant just by sitting all day, and our abdominals become weak and under utilised. Training the core is extremely important, Planks, side planks, hollow body holds, glute bridges ecc. It becomes difficult for someone to train these if he has never trained them and they are atrophied, in that case you need to work on reactivating them, remember that these muscles should be utilized throughout the whole day, it's not just something you train for 10 minutes and you forget about them, your glutes should be used whenever you walk, your core should lightly be braced at all times unless you are resting. If you can't or don't know how to use these muscles, start learning about them and how to use them, try and feel in your immagination how they should work and try to imitate that feeling by contracting them. If you need help just post a comment asking and I will help you.

In the modern fitness scene there are muscles that people don't consider important to train but are also important to train, like the neck or the forearms.
Let's start with my favourite, the forearms. Strong forearms are strongly correlated with a strong willpower, I can't describe you how much it feels good to have strong forearms, it's the kind of strength that let's you hold someone's wrist and without them being able to free themselves, it's the strength to hold yourself on a bar with one hand or the strength to crush an apple with your hand. Old time strong men would train these, today it's much more unheard of, and a man bending a coin is seen as something supernatural while it's just a man that trained his forearms.


I personally train my forearms with a mix of hanging with one arm, or hanging with weights on a backpack, or hanging with just my fingers(be careful and don't overdo it, or you might hurt your fingers), I also train the pinching ability of my thumb by pinching the side of a door and hanging just with that on the door side. I also train supination and pronation with a sledgehammer like this:
and radial and ulnar deviations like this:
Then I also do wrist pushups which imo are the most important as they allow you to create the strength necessary for your wrists to hold you in a handstand, here's a video demonstrating them

As for about the neck, this is the part of your body that holds your head, which is very heavy, having a strong neck will make you look more fierce and is gonna protect your neck from incidents like car crashes or bad falls. All men would like a neck like that of Mike Tyson's.


Here are videos that show the best exercises for the neck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgNGiDMS2DE and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsKYRvOu0Cw

I will also share, with those who managed to read till here, a little but great and exoteric secret that not everybody knows of that will have great advantages on your fitness: When working out, only breath with your nose, that seems to make your body much less tired, this seems to be the secret to the godly ability of the Raràmuri mexican tribe to run many many Kilometers without getting tired.

Remember, fitness is life, we need it, it's not a matter of being a gym junkie, it's about enjoying and living life. Adding some time for fitness everyday means making yourself stronger and healthy, which means a lot to us Spiritual Satanists. Life is sacred, life is movement.

Hopefully you understand the importance of fitness with this post. And I hope you all find it useful.

If you have any problems with your body please ask me, I have spent a lot of time fixing my problems, so much that I'm sure I can send people the right way in regards to healing theirs.
Brillaint post bro.

I have done training since 06/7 now i agree with most only thing i havent trained is neck. a few crazy bs in the jail tried it. I know Mike tyson used to do it.

I will leave that one out as i dont want injure myself, same as deadlifts. i done my back in with that down to poor form though.

I fancy this year going for the greek God sculpted look.

GL mate.
Thirty minutes for any fit person is not enough. There is also the component of intensity along with duration. When we talk about endurance sports the longer the duration, the lower the intensity. This lower-intensity work is much needed for many useful physical adaptations such as mitochondrial synthesis, development of the cardiovascular system, and muscle endurance. None of these adaptations are attainable with thirty minutes of working out past a very early point. When we talk about someone who does things like parkour, gymnastics, and bouldering, for example. Thirty minutes is a good time to spend warming up. You can probably get away with fifteen minutes, but more is better for decreasing the risk of injury. These very short examples are just the tip of the iceberg.

So please, do not make excuses as excuses for unfitness are not allowed.
half an hour is sufficient for weight training Henu, for me anyway. a beginner perhaps not.
For weight training, there can be situations where 30 minutes is enough, but in most cases that I can imagine, working for such a small amount of time is not enough. For instance, you would need to warm up. Have you already done it before the gym, say, in the form of commuting by bike, or perhaps by running? Fine, then it's done. But also another aspect, optimal results require more warmup than a simple treadmill/exercise bike/rowing machine warming up and is related to directing prana to your joints and ligaments. I would be surprised if this and actual working sets were done in thirty minutes.
For weight training, there can be situations where 30 minutes is enough, but in most cases that I can imagine, working for such a small amount of time is not enough. For instance, you would need to warm up. Have you already done it before the gym, say, in the form of commuting by bike, or perhaps by running? Fine, then it's done. But also another aspect, optimal results require more warmup than a simple treadmill/exercise bike/rowing machine warming up and is related to directing prana to your joints and ligaments. I would be surprised if this and actual working sets were done in thirty minutes.
I think this might be a never ending controversial topic.
And that's because everyone has different goals and viewpoints on optimal fitness levels.

I agree with you, as somebody who practices sports since the age of 7, the first 30 minutes are only enough to properly warm you up and prepare you for the actual training.
I have good friends that are world champions at aerobic gymnastics, they train for 6 hours a day, this is indeed a lot for somebody who does not wish to be the best in the world.
But sometimes not even enough for them as they put in extra hours, this much training turned them into actual physical beasts when it comes to strength and endurance.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
