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First Things First...To Succeed Truly

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Often-times the existence of "open" knowledge in JoS leads many into arrogance and other delusions which are not consistent in the reality of natural affairs in the world.

A most common delusion is that one can somehow skip all the intermediary or beginner steps, be given "something", and suddenly leap into an "advanced" level.

The intermediary or beginner steps into all things are in many ways more important than certain "upper" things that we consider most important, as they are the ground upon which one later on puts the more advanced constructs in order to succeed.

Advanced knowledge can help, but if improperly applied, it can be of little outcome, or one might not know how to apply it. On the other hand, on the properly trained hand, it becomes the same as giving a sniper to a top sniper-ace sharpshooter, and giving them what they need to do in order to advance properly. Then, one becomes a war machine.

That's because training has taken place, not because of the sniper one is handed, or because someone gifted someone something. If one is a medium shooter, this can help. But fundamentally we always have to return to point "square one" to get better at these things.

The untrained person can be given anything at all and will be lucky if they even shoot someone accidentally, if not likely one's own self.

The above is not possible just by using a sniper as one might imagine. As a High Priest I am always asked questions and these question revolve around getting certain basics laid down first, which are oftentimes ignored by initiated people to the Gods, thinking that they can "escape" this, yet the meaning remains that the Gods teach their students in a very optimal manner.

Normally when I am asked about certain things, I direct people to start from the beginning. If one is past this, then the instruction adjusts and sets itself accordingly.

It's normal to want all the final steps in the same way an engineer is instantly interested in making turbines and other extreme engines work, or to construct the Eiffel Tower or a the Empire State building or something after a week; but the real engineer that will succeed is the one who also learns to draw the lines.

In life, almost everyone wants the glory of building the Empire State, way less people will sit down to learn from drawing lines to the end result.

At certain times when people ask things of the Gods, the Gods direct to True Knowledge and this starts from these lines. Plutarch writes in one text that Apollo [Azazel] was asked about "Where the temples" should be built by certain High Priests in His service.

Apollo, instead of giving the ready response, said two words only: "Learn Geometry" and then led students to learn and develop Geometry. By applied Geometry, then the students learned and they build the temples in ley lines, so they lasted thousands of years, and held all the necessary properties of power.

This knowledge set them free and independent and taught them how to build all the temples, instead of just telling them "where". The Gods know how to help in the truest sense, and the human mind might not always like what it hears on these matters, but your higher self knows and will know why one must adhere to this.

Currently we live in an era of "ready made" answers about anything, which only satisfies laziness and often-times creates dependency and weakness. We are now told "AI" will "answer everything" for "us". This means we have no thought process or real insight into how these decisions can be done by us.

We become dumber by the day, getting only the first answer from Google or hoping something will do everything perfect by default.

While Google and all these tools will answer certain things, they will likely never answer other things.

One will 'unfortunately' [Fortunately] have to think, question and ponder on this path, compared to being into a comfy cattle situation. As one can understand top fields and top people don't just "google it", but any such things are only tools for the researcher.

Having to also actually "walk" the walk is also an element of this path - almost nobody wants this either and that's why many people out there chose the "just pray to jesus and get saved" and other immature things like this, instead of saving themselves, as a deal for their life.

Step by step, one will rise and certainly so. The situation remains that one must learn and do first things first. One must understand this in order to properly and safely proceed. Success is a given, if this rule among others is followed by the initiate.

After a while, one will also be thanking their stars that this is the case, instead of other things in this path. Those who have proceeded enough, understand what is meant here. For those who have not, know that great marvels await you when you ask and put yourself into the path of self discovery.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Once again you're absolutely right. In order for humanity to advance properly we need to stop depending on google or ChatGPT for quick answers and instead need to use technology to LEARN and GAIN knowledge. Instead of getting a quick answer from google.
I remember I once asked the gods to be shown advanced technology and help in better understanding space craft, electromagnetic engines and computers.

They definitely showed me, as what ive seen is just hard to describe. I remember some of it, like the wet ware computing that can be done with organic materials, in a safe controlled manner. That and using atoms for computer development and computation, when exposed to energy and they vibrate.

Graphene computers, engineering electronics with a flash of energy to beam the components on the board, as they float in a controlled vacuum etc.

Electromagnetic engines that create a field of gravity to propell a craft through the air.

So many things that are just really out there. But possible and can be done....provided one has the KNOWLEDGE TO DO SO.

But the reality here is we are far from this point and have a long way to go I understanding many things.

We have to immerse ourselves in something, whatever knowledge we truly desire to master, slowly and carefully and just climb the ladder.

As even if we have a deep desire to create magnificent things, if we don't have the intense and high level knowledge to do so, it will be all for naught.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Step by step, one will rise and certainly so. The situation remains that one must learn and do first things first. One must understand this in order to properly and safely proceed. Success is a given, if this rule among others is followed by the initiate.

After a while, one will also be thanking their stars that this is the case, instead of other things in this path. Those who have proceeded enough, understand what is meant here. For those who have not, know that great marvels await you when you ask and put yourself into the path of self discovery.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Amazing sermon! Thank you.

I have been contemplating this recently as well.
As a foolish teenager I started not from the beginner's meditation but by the advanced ones, my fake ego was being gratified by that. The fall was big, but it taught me.
I now understand why in India apprentices who wanted to learn spiritual things would first be put to clean toilets with toothbrushes.

The patience that you develop in a few weeks of just doing the beginner meditations are something that will advance you tenfold compared to starting where you are fake lifting 200kg. And in just a few weeks you will advance more than you did in the last 5 years.
Very wise words!
This is very true. And something I had to learn the hard way. It took me a while to learn to take it slow and steady and not rush forward into something.

It is easy to want to rush into things and sometimes it's with well meaning intentions because you want so much to be of help, but you have to work your way up or you'll still be on square one wishing you could do more but always stuck there.

You have to put in the work to get lasting results. The quick way isn't always best, I've learned this as someone who tried to rush into things because I felt I could definitely pull it off. I did sometimes, but I also learned that I wasn't ready and it made me upset but I realized it was foolish to take on more than I was ready for without first learning what I needed to accomplish the task.

It's similar to how a child sees their older siblings or family member doing something cool or impressive like being able to leap over something or do a cool roller skating trick, etc, and the child runs off to try it too only realizing they weren't ready or knew even what they were doing and got hurt in the process.

Things of lasting value are accomplished by setting the foundation first and working up. Patience is a very important skill to learn and practice these days.
Very true. And you are absolutely right about this. Even I have to go back and re read. Everything. And think about things first. I tried to send a post,
Questioning digital cash and currency. And the question was never answered and the post wasn't posted.
Because there were some things that I didn't do right! Trying to do an article on here is not easy! Especially if you don't know the right steps on what to do! Taking your time to read and do things right! Is one thing but then again how would applies to some people! I can sit and read through all and everything! And think that I know the answers to all.. and literally think I'm getting somewhere! And end up making a mess! Because I didn't take the time to read the instructions thoroughly! Or figure that I could just jump in and do it because other people do it! And that is my bad.
Sometimes you think you know something when you don't really have the full concept of it! And end up making a fool of yourself! And often at times people don't know that and then they wonder why nobody listens to them or talks to them or even helps them they just look at you like a fool! Instead of taking the time and reading things and listening! To what is going on people just jump all over the place and think they are something they're not and think they're getting somewhere! Instead of taking their time and doing things right! And I am no stranger to this! It is no front page news for me I've made many mistakes! Because I didn't take the time to read things right and look at things properly along the way! And I do have a habit of just jumping into things without looking for the answer! Or even taking the time to ask somebody for help? And often at times I've had to go back and reread going back to square one does not mean you're stupid! It just means that you need to take a better look at the picture! Yes you may feel stupid at first! But then again you would be stupider if you didn't making repeated mistakes over and over again! Leading people and the wrong direction including yourself! How would all comes back to you and slap you in the face! And then you definitely have the excuse to feel stupid! And then having to go back and take a look at your mistakes that you've made retracing your steps little by little and taking the time to look at the full detail! If whatever was said or done that was wrong reading the writing on the walls! And taking the time to get things straight in your head and analyzing everything and anything that you have done or said? And the information and the advice that you're reading that is going to be there to help you! Every time! And that people should not be afraid to take the time and look at things! Sit down and observe and let it absorb into your head and a lie yourself time to sit and think and focus! As you're reading the instructions learning the lesson in life or whatever it is that you're learning? And having a struggle with! People think they suck at this and people think they suck at that! Often at times it's because they've been forced into it and not being allowed to enjoy the concept of learning and taking it in and enjoying it especially when you've got somebody who's abusing you and slapping at you and yelling at you along the way when you should be able to enjoy learning even if you do make mistakes! Because making mistakes is a part of the learning process! Allowing you to look back and retrace in order for you to learn something and get it through your head! Taking one step but a time! You enjoy it more and then you know that you're advancing and you know you're learning because you feel it! And still it pays to read the content and read the instructions! In order to know what to do next? And having that sense of knowing!? It is obvious for some people to know that if they're having a struggle and something? To go back and reread sit down and think about it! And take your time and learn to do something right! If I'm having a struggle with something? I don't hesitate to ask somebody to help me! And if I want to do an article on here? Or even send a question or a post? To take the time and ask somebody how to do it? Or just simply look up the information! There's always a next time! And sometimes there isn't and you have to be grateful for the freedom of choice! That way is saves years of embarrassment and pain! And then you won't feel like such an idiot next time you want to share something! Or post something!? Learning from my mistakes and I've made many mistakes on here! And I've also made an ass of myself as well! There is plenty for me to think about! Looking at it all and retracing my own steps! That I could be of much better person? If I sit down patiently and take a good look at it all! I'm not going to beat myself over the head and punish myself! But I do like the idea of knowing that I have done something wrong and taking the time and the initiative to fix it and to work with it! And to improve myself! Allowing myself to take the advice of others that are out there trying to help me! Instead of arguing and fighting like other people do! I want to take my time and do things right! And I want to show people that I have brains and intelligence! And that I can do things when it comes down to what hands down! Because when you take the time to read and think and study! And do it right! You succeed and you improve more and more and that is how you get where you want in life! And that is how you succeed on the battlefield! And in the business world! Or wherever and it doesn't matter what the subject is or what you're having a struggle with! Or what you think you know or what you think you don't know? That's why it pays to look into yourself and meditate! And don't be afraid to admit that you're having a problem or that you're having struggles! To go back and reread and educate yourself and take your time! It's not going to make you look and feel stupid it's going to make you look and feel like a human being! And it's going to make you into the better person that you want to be we all strive to be something better! And we all want to know the truth and things! And we all want to learn things on different levels! Just because we happen to know something does not make us perfect! I am pretty aware of that! So it is important to take your time and look through things and read the content! Pay attention to what is going on! And don't argue with others I tell myself that even if I'm embarrassed! Sometimes the truth does hurt! And it's supposed to when it comes down to it especially when you're learning things you want to be able to learn things right and get more joy out of it! Because there's nothing more challenging than cleaning up messes that you made trying to prove something to people! And then having to face that pain and misery! Is best to start off clean and to admit that you make mistakes and that you're learning! The first not succeed try and try again! Especially if people expect to get somewhere! And you have that sense of knowing whether you're doing something right or wrong and if you feel like you have got a full grasp of it go back and reread! And take your time to do things right for once and for all! It's going to save a lot of tears and embarrassment! And when you have an understanding within yourself? You will know that there is a comfort in that! Going back to the source! As in going back to the drawing board and figuring it out! It shows that your intelligent! And there's nothing wrong with being a perfectionist! Going back again and again and again as often as you want to! That is how a person becomes that of an intellect and that is how people achieve their knowledge and overcome their problems! And things improve. And you're a lot happier with yourself! And you have more confidence knowing that you can do things and that you can succeed!. THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS ❤️ HP HoodedCobra666 ❤️
A very truthful sermon indeed HPHC.

For progressing in life we must understand that the JoS offers free knowledge but at the same time we have to do the work ourselves too.

The JoS after all isn't reverse Xianity in which we are expecting the Gods to do the work for us everytime while we don't move up a finger.

Satan and the Gods help us but at the same time we have to do the work for ourselves too.

Ave Satanas ⛧
Back in 613BC, The Spartans are tired after suffering 17 years of defeat. So they get their act together and become fit and tough soldiers.

1. Be born healthy. Sickly kids are thrown into a ravine.

2. Go to school. Learn everything about life in barracks - fighting, athletics, more fighting, patriotic war songs, fighting, combat training, fighting and male bonding.

3. Age 18. Join the army. Live and eat in barracks. Enjoy harsh conditions.

4. Age 30. Get married. Wife will wear man's clothes on wedding night. Return quickly to barracks.

5. Enjoy further barracks life, visiting wife at rare intervals.

6. Your estate is run by slaves, leaving you free to remain in barracks.

7. Become old and leave army. Ramble on about the joys of barracks life.

Comfort and laziness is a trap. True happiness and honour is in being hardy. Like those before us were.
I recently had a chance to read some of your very early sermons Commander, and I feel like you have drastically changed the way you convey information. From what I saw, you used to go very in-depth and explained the information in a very straightforward manner, almost like a mother bird regurgitates food for her chicks. If anyone asked about anything you gave it to them and then some.

Now you actually make people think, you give them enough to figure things out for themselves, and I think this is very empowering.

We're all on our own journeys and we are all expected to seek things out for ourselves, not just open our mouths, ready to receive ready-to-go information like baby chicks.
I think this is similar to understanding basic mathematics. You cannot reasonably move on to more advanced studies until you have fully understood the basics.

My own example is taking a BIO course, it's hours of memorization and studying but in the end this is worth it as it will lead to the application of these in the greater scheme of things.
This is as if it were me not long ago! I started my meditation with the intermediate section. I thought I was past the beginner level. But I wondered why I was not progressing and realized that I was not building a foundation as a result. Now I mainly do the beginning section and yoga.
Thank you.

I remember at the beginning I thought I would reach the magnum opus in a few years.

After that, I would have been content to lift the kundalini.

Then I realised that even that is very difficult.

I've pretty much given up on them all now.
Sometimes I get my hopes up about Kundalini. But then I realise it's very difficult for me.

I've gotten to the point where it's a joy to be able to do a yoga asana that's new to me.
Much needed sermon. People can't get around learning the basics. The basics need to be mastered, in order to proceed further.

Members here also need to get in touch with their Higher Self, so they understand that they need to learn things. It's the lower self that causes issues and prevents true understanding.
Aquarius said:
As a foolish teenager I started not from the beginner's meditation but by the advanced ones, my fake ego was being gratified by that. The fall was big, but it taught me.
I now understand why in India apprentices who wanted to learn spiritual things would first be put to clean toilets with toothbrushes.

The patience that you develop in a few weeks of just doing the beginner meditations are something that will advance you tenfold compared to starting where you are fake lifting 200kg. And in just a few weeks you will advance more than you did in the last 5 years.

I like the analogy bro.

Similar to a footballer, they start in the youths cleaning the pro teams boots etc

Then if manage to reach the pinnacle they get to move through the ranks to the big time team.
Personal Growth said:
Back in 613BC, The Spartans are tired after suffering 17 years of defeat. So they get their act together and become fit and tough soldiers.

1. Be born healthy. Sickly kids are thrown into a ravine.

2. Go to school. Learn everything about life in barracks - fighting, athletics, more fighting, patriotic war songs, fighting, combat training, fighting and male bonding.

3. Age 18. Join the army. Live and eat in barracks. Enjoy harsh conditions.

4. Age 30. Get married. Wife will wear man's clothes on wedding night. Return quickly to barracks.

5. Enjoy further barracks life, visiting wife at rare intervals.

6. Your estate is run by slaves, leaving you free to remain in barracks.

7. Become old and leave army. Ramble on about the joys of barracks life.

Comfort and laziness is a trap. True happiness and honour is in being hardy. Like those before us were.

The Spartans while embodying true warrior qualities, took things to extremes.

This should be understood for what it is, so these problems aren't repeated.

There has to be a balance. You can't just throw unhealthy babies off a cliff and do nothing but live for war your entire life. Yes, some measures should be put in place to prevent unhealthy births, but in a normal medical sense.

Whats the point of life if all you do is war and based in a permanent warrior mindset?

There is more to life then that. War is just one aspect.

Don't get me wrong. I am in awe of the Spartans.

But we must understand where they made some mistakes so we keep this in mind for our own civilizations moving forward.
Lightningsnake said:
Thank you.

I remember at the beginning I thought I would reach the magnum opus in a few years.

After that, I would have been content to lift the kundalini.

Then I realised that even that is very difficult.

I've pretty much given up on them all now.
Sometimes I get my hopes up about Kundalini. But then I realise it's very difficult for me.

I've gotten to the point where it's a joy to be able to do a yoga asana that's new to me.

Everything meaningful in life is very hard. Do not give up on your desires, this is not a good thing.

Rather just accept where you are and don't put unrealistic expectations on yourself. Just take your time with the kundalini and everything else.

The magnum opus will be there when you are ready.

Just move at your own pace. You got this.
Personal Growth said:
1. Be born healthy. Sickly kids are thrown into a ravine.

This in itself is sick. There have been many great people through history who were physically frail, yet made huge advances for humanity because they had brilliant minds. A weak body can often become made stronger in time, anyway.

And what's the point in a woman wearing a man's clothes on their wedding night? Wouldn't most men want his bride to look pretty and womanly? Sounds like a stupid custom to me.

And visiting wife at rare intervals? That would just make men barbaric.
Nice sermon.

Harsh reality for SS who think the Gods will do almost every other thing for them just because they are "the Gods".

Time to wake up.
Personal Growth said:
Back in 613BC, The Spartans are tired after suffering 17 years of defeat. So they get their act together and become fit and tough soldiers.

1. Be born healthy. Sickly kids are thrown into a ravine.

2. Go to school. Learn everything about life in barracks - fighting, athletics, more fighting, patriotic war songs, fighting, combat training, fighting and male bonding.

3. Age 18. Join the army. Live and eat in barracks. Enjoy harsh conditions.

4. Age 30. Get married. Wife will wear man's clothes on wedding night. Return quickly to barracks.

5. Enjoy further barracks life, visiting wife at rare intervals.

6. Your estate is run by slaves, leaving you free to remain in barracks.

7. Become old and leave army. Ramble on about the joys of barracks life.

Comfort and laziness is a trap. True happiness and honour is in being hardy. Like those before us were.

Be aware of a few points in regards to Ancient Sparta:

1. Lots of lies in history, such as that sickly kids were sent down the ravine. The so called "skulls" of the claimed "babies" that were sent down the ravine, were found out to be actually from criminals as they were fully adult.

2. Spartan life has been shrouded in a lot of mystery and often-times was not publicized.

3. Spartans eventually, despite of being a total war machine, lost to the "Athenians" who had the "balanced" lifestyle, ie, a war focused lifestyle that also had well-being, education, balance and fun in it.

4. Certain segments of Spartan history that have made it there for their severity, are times where Sparta had extreme wars, or came out of wars. When Nations come out of wars, especially lost wars, the situation goes into red alert for a while and therefore life becomes stricter to recover losses.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:
Back in 613BC, The Spartans are tired after suffering 17 years of defeat. So they get their act together and become fit and tough soldiers.

1. Be born healthy. Sickly kids are thrown into a ravine.

2. Go to school. Learn everything about life in barracks - fighting, athletics, more fighting, patriotic war songs, fighting, combat training, fighting and male bonding.

3. Age 18. Join the army. Live and eat in barracks. Enjoy harsh conditions.

4. Age 30. Get married. Wife will wear man's clothes on wedding night. Return quickly to barracks.

5. Enjoy further barracks life, visiting wife at rare intervals.

6. Your estate is run by slaves, leaving you free to remain in barracks.

7. Become old and leave army. Ramble on about the joys of barracks life.

Comfort and laziness is a trap. True happiness and honour is in being hardy. Like those before us were.

Be aware of a few points in regards to Ancient Sparta:

1. Lots of lies in history, such as that sickly kids were sent down the ravine. The so called "skulls" of the claimed "babies" that were sent down the ravine, were found out to be actually from criminals as they were fully adult.

2. Spartan life has been shrouded in a lot of mystery and often-times was not publicized.

3. Spartans eventually, despite of being a total war machine, lost to the "Athenians" who had the "balanced" lifestyle, ie, a war focused lifestyle that also had well-being, education, balance and fun in it.

4. Certain segments of Spartan history that have made it there for their severity, are times where Sparta had extreme wars, or came out of wars. When Nations come out of wars, especially lost wars, the situation goes into red alert for a while and therefore life becomes stricter to recover losses.

Thank you. I'm getting interested in Ancient Greece and Rome because our Gods were there.

The information posted here comes from the 'Greek Gazette', magazine. They have an article on the Spartans in issue 4758.

Yes we need ourselves to have balance and yes one cannot trust wholly what one reads.

As we were always saying:

'Rome wasn't built in a day.' But the work was still done.
] 1. Be born healthy. Sickly kids are thrown into a ravine. [/quote said:
This concept is also pedalled in the movie 300.
It never made sense to me that fearless, family oriented, emotionally available men would agree so easily to kill their own children and throwing them off a cliff seemed so barbaric to me.
serpentwalker666 said:
Lightningsnake said:
Thank you.

I remember at the beginning I thought I would reach the magnum opus in a few years.

After that, I would have been content to lift the kundalini.

Then I realised that even that is very difficult.

I've pretty much given up on them all now.
Sometimes I get my hopes up about Kundalini. But then I realise it's very difficult for me.

I've gotten to the point where it's a joy to be able to do a yoga asana that's new to me.

Everything meaningful in life is very hard. Do not give up on your desires, this is not a good thing.

Rather just accept where you are and don't put unrealistic expectations on yourself. Just take your time with the kundalini and everything else.

The magnum opus will be there when you are ready.

Just move at your own pace. You got this.

Thank you for the encouragement.
Advice that should be taken to heart. A solid foundation not only ensures a stable outcome, but can in fact bring out the full potential of it.

Such as the roots of a tree that establishes itself in fertile soil which lead to a prosperous growth and fruit quality.

It's the same case with spell workings and mantras, such as the runes, which require mental focus and the ability to tune in to its magical qualities, and the application of other things.

I use to think they didn't work, and at one point thought the whole thing was superstitious bologne, because I was not having much success with certain workings. But back then, I was just vibrating words hoping to get done with it already and hoping for easy and fast results. It takes more to bring forth the potential success of each working.

The runes, necronomicon seals, planetary squares, etc.. they all work, but how effectively they do is dependent on ones inner abilities to make use of them to their full potential.

The directing energy meditation is very underrated, because if you can't feel or direct energy proficiently you're wasting time (Guilty). We should still do these once in a while.
To make full use of your abilities in magick, it is important to be familiar with energy; sensing it, how to absorb it, detect it, send it out and manipulate it. This comes with meditating, sensitizing yourself to it and working with it. With consistent practice, power meditation will naturally increase your bioelectricity. You will be able to feel this energy often, just by being aware of it. Awareness is the key to advancement in ability and power. This exercise works best after doing hatha yoga, mantra or any meditation that gives you an energy buzz.

Energy meditation, proficiency with energy colours can greatly enhance the outcome of any working.

Foundation meditation, the core of all spiritual workings.

And take it from me, but getting familiar with trance states really helps for those struggling to visualise or focus. I usually do it once before going to bed.
Samkara said:
Advice that should be taken to heart. A solid foundation not only ensures a stable outcome, but can in fact bring out the full potential of it.

Such as the roots of a tree that establishes itself in fertile soil which lead to a prosperous growth and fruit quality.

It's the same case with spell workings and mantras, such as the runes, which require mental focus and the ability to tune in to its magical qualities, and the application of other things.

I use to think they didn't work, and at one point thought the whole thing was superstitious bologne, because I was not having much success with certain workings. But back then, I was just vibrating words hoping to get done with it already and hoping for easy and fast results. It takes more to bring forth the potential success of each working.

The runes, necronomicon seals, planetary squares, etc.. they all work, but how effectively they do is dependent on ones inner abilities to make use of them to their full potential.

The directing energy meditation is very underrated, because if you can't feel or direct energy proficiently you're wasting time (Guilty). We should still do these once in a while.
To make full use of your abilities in magick, it is important to be familiar with energy; sensing it, how to absorb it, detect it, send it out and manipulate it. This comes with meditating, sensitizing yourself to it and working with it. With consistent practice, power meditation will naturally increase your bioelectricity. You will be able to feel this energy often, just by being aware of it. Awareness is the key to advancement in ability and power. This exercise works best after doing hatha yoga, mantra or any meditation that gives you an energy buzz.

Energy meditation, proficiency with energy colours can greatly enhance the outcome of any working.

Foundation meditation, the core of all spiritual workings.

And take it from me, but getting familiar with trance states really helps for those struggling to visualise or focus. I usually do it once before going to bed.

Doing trance at least once before going to bed is a really good thing. Keep going :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In life, almost everyone wants the glory of building the Empire State, way less people will sit down to learn from drawing lines to the end result.

At certain times when people ask things of the Gods, the Gods direct to True Knowledge and this starts from these lines. Plutarch writes in one text that Apollo [Azazel] was asked about "Where the temples" should be built by certain High Priests in His service.

Apollo, instead of giving the ready response, said two words only: "Learn Geometry" and then led students to learn and develop Geometry. By applied Geometry, then the students learned and they build the temples in ley lines, so they lasted thousands of years, and held all the necessary properties of power.

This knowledge set them free and independent and taught them how to build all the temples, instead of just telling them "where". The Gods know how to help in the truest sense, and the human mind might not always like what it hears on these matters, but your higher self knows and will know why one must adhere to this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

An opposite case on this based on my life is that strict family obsessively wanted me to excel and be some "superman" they think I can be, even if it meant putting me on drugs like strattera to ensure I would excel in class, I did but fucked up badly in the social life which "the world" blamed me for in years. I was punished hardly to points I was in intense points in my life, driven mad and no one could understand me back in those days here in such a third world country. But had this not happened, I wouldn't be here comprehending the root evil behind all that happened to me and fighting it while recovering. I would have been in a mental institution or dead if you guys didn't exist.

This also reminds me of a scene of a game where some kid is a subject of an experiment to get younger kids to fight in wars(context: world is getting severely fucked over by aliens and mankind is still divided at that point) by drugging them with a mix of chemicals and CIA hypnosis which made them very effective in specified areas of combat, but destroyed them in many ways like in comprehending failures with mental breakdowns and so forth they would always need to be "recalibrated". That scene where she was being confronted by her friend of the same unit of this made me connect to the kid and as the last straw that broke the camel's back, got me to change from being overly-strict with myself.

Pretty much, I really wished I grew up with people who learned how to properly progress their own kids. I'm still trying to heal from all this crap, even if I may have violent thought recursions every now and then. If people could also learn what right paces each individual needs to operate, they'd really get the true excellent individuals they'd want, either themselves or by others.

Healing gets really hard, especially in a tech elite college academy where people expect so much from me. This is like GMO malaysian college where instead of making fruits bigger, they gave crazy advanced topics on the get-go with short amounts of time and other factors that make the whole place difficult. How I'm doing there? I'm just in the average ranks, yet I somehow get praised for being some smartass which annoys me to death.

HEEELLOOOO, THERE IS A SWATH OF MEN AND WOMEN OVER THAT ISLE YOU CAN DO YOUR POOPY PREACHING TO BECAUSE THEY HAVE STRAIGHT NINES WHILE I AM PARKOURING BETWEEEN EIGHTS AND NINES!!!!!SO PLEASE F OFF FROM THIS ORDINARY NOBOD- okay lol, glad I didn't get mad like that in reality, I just kept it to myself and played it cool like some military hero trying to keep the truth of an operation under wraps. The truth is that I grew all those skills that impressed them from really really dark times.

But anyways long as I am learning really useful skills like how to control AI.
When I have reached a plateau in the past, I have gone back to the very basic teachings of JoS, picking up things I might have missed in the previous rounds. It's like death and rebirth or creation and destruction, I find it works very well for learning and practicing things in general.

I wonder if there is an upcoming astrological date that would be good for this sort of thing?
Personal Growth said:
Back in 613BC, The Spartans are tired after suffering 17 years of defeat. So they get their act together and become fit and tough soldiers.

1. Be born healthy. Sickly kids are thrown into a ravine.

2. Go to school. Learn everything about life in barracks - fighting, athletics, more fighting, patriotic war songs, fighting, combat training, fighting and male bonding.

3. Age 18. Join the army. Live and eat in barracks. Enjoy harsh conditions.

4. Age 30. Get married. Wife will wear man's clothes on wedding night. Return quickly to barracks.

5. Enjoy further barracks life, visiting wife at rare intervals.

6. Your estate is run by slaves, leaving you free to remain in barracks.

7. Become old and leave army. Ramble on about the joys of barracks life.

Comfort and laziness is a trap. True happiness and honour is in being hardy. Like those before us were.

Haha, I had a good chuckle reading that.

You made a good point, too. In some respects, our lives here as Satanists is kind of like our joyful barracks life. Sure, we don't physically segregate from society like the Spartans did, but we've got a lot of hard work to do every day for ourselves and each other. Can you imagine waking up one day and not having to do that anymore? That it was over or it was gone?

I feel slightly nauseous just thinking about it.

Barracks life *is* life.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
One will 'unfortunately' [Fortunately] have to think, question and ponder on this path, compared to being into a comfy cattle situation. As one can understand top fields and top people don't just "google it", but any such things are only tools for the researcher.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This sermon really hit home. Thanks, HP. I had been noticing my own arrogance and stupidity from years ago up until now more and more. Safe to say I am among them who needs to go back to basics and just stick with that first. There is no shame.

Your sermon also motivated me to finally start reading Mein Kampf, which I'd been putting off for 6 years or so. Great book. I don't even know why I was procrastinating for so long. Hitler resounds your argument on page eighteen:

"When the Goddess of Trouble embraced me and often threatened to crush me, the will to resist grew, and at last that will was victorious.

That period made me strong. I thank her for snatching me from the emptiness of a comfortable life..."

Comfort is fine but nothing ever grows there.

For the JoS to succeed, we need to stay hungry, and find where we struggle and stay there until we struggle no more. Only then can we move on to find the next struggle.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
