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Finally... Race Awakening - TikTok

Nikois666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
Bro I almsot cried from laughter when the Asian dude said she's banned from Chinese take out :lol:

What an awesome video!

The awkward moment when a brainwashed person tried to race bait all races by betraying her own race, due to jewish brainwashing...

And got turned down by all races at once.

This video is a prophecy of what will be happening in the future, it's not a video.

I see a very bright future ahead :D

Anyone trying to grasp at straws here will see your reply, Nikois666, and cry -


Satanic Path said:
In my case I still get called out as "racist" or "weirdo" when black men contacts me.
I mean, they get angry at you just because you tell that boy you want a white man.
"You don't know what you're losing" one told me.
"But that's not fair"...But it is way fairer to be raped by a black man against my will just to not be a bad racist. Isn't it?
And then I become harsh and poisonous because I can't stand this dare.
It's like a fucking abuse, an attempt to take you away from your identity.
Yet at the same time, a female jew cried rape at an Arab who didn't say he was an Arab - Arab who posed as a jew jailed for "rape by deception".

Gear88 said:
Satanic Path said:
In my case I still get called out as "racist" or "weirdo".

[@member: Satanic Path]: The term for a person who hates other races a memey term is "Racial Bigot" for example if you call a black person a nigger or a latino a spic.
Don't you mean a racial slur?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Retrospect said:
Then there's beautiful white girls like this that do not get rejected and these are the results. :(

I wrote a more elaborate reply on the corrupted psychology of this, but I decided to not waste time.

Shame. That's all one has to say. A shame and waste for everyone involved. She's now scratching her head in the astral wondering if she did right to follow Jewflix advice over her life.

Jewish damage from jewish programming, manifested brutally.
Yet the amnaesia is a curse upon her. Maybe she'll reincarnate into NS society and be safe.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Henu the Great said:
Misdirected. The jews are responsible for this.

Only partly. Every individual still has to make the conscious decision to commit racial treason. Jews can dangle a carrot in front of your face but it’s up to you not to bite.
They might not be able to smell the poison in which the carrot is laced.
Satanic Path said:
How are we supposed to rebuild a country if we are focusing on people coming from a different one?

Unfortunately, this situation is seen for decades in Turkey too, and I'm hearing so many suicide news which happened because of economical problems.

Right now, it is forbidden to go outside at the weekends in Turkey, and all the places like restaurants, cafes, theatres are closed. Also, there are so many musicians who are unemployed because live music venues and concerts are closed. And most of them even had to sell their musical instruments to live.

BUT THE FUNNY THING IS TOURISTS ARE FREE TO GO OUTSIDE AT THE WEEKENDS. And places which they stay are not closed, they are even celebrating their vacation like there is no virus at all.

It is really sad to feel like you have no worth in your own country.
Made my evening
Low Priest said:
Don't think this has anything to do with race, butbthat she isn't so attractive.if it were an attractive girl this would've played out different. This is just people shutting down a girl who tried to be mean giving people an opportunity to make the video backfire.
Yes it is. The Black guy said it clearly.
FancyMancy said:
Nikois666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The awkward moment when a brainwashed person tried to race bait all races by betraying her own race, due to jewish brainwashing...

And got turned down by all races at once.

This video is a prophecy of what will be happening in the future, it's not a video.

I see a very bright future ahead :D

Anyone trying to grasp at straws here will see your reply, Nikois666, and cry -


xD, I guess I could've written it with better wording and in a better way according to the context.

But just to be clear to our guests and even new members. I meant that I see a bright future ahead regarding people recognizing their own race and culture which is fundamental for the development of their souls and lands. For example, unity in Sudanese will surely bring peace and prosperity among them. In my humble opinion when people have trust on their own, no one can stop them from advancing because then advancement comes pretty much automatically, because their is a "trust" that bonds them to work collectively and what happens when people work together? Their power, efforts, success, endurance and etc increase, almost doubles or triples which would obviously advance them at a much faster rate.

But what if you ignite distrust among them?
Obviously that the power they once had will be no more. Ignorance and selfishness would consume them. Their advancement as a whole will slow down, they will again become "Third World". The jews created a system that tries to make every Gentile selfish. We can clearly see that majority of Gentiles are pretty selfish or were[at least 2-3 years ago].

IMO, slowing down societies/people have also been one of their aim because it gives their rotten brain some time to think. Just look at how many ancient libraries the enemy and their programs have destroyed.

IMO The future will start becoming brighter when we enter Age of Aquarius, their will be heavy advancement for us Gentiles because of the unity that Race Awakening Rituals will bring. Unity among people and Nationalism is the best way to advance people/society at a much faster rate but under good leadership like Lord Hitler and our Gods. It's like Nitrous in a car. The nitrous can power/speed up the car but it is all up to the driver to steer the car carefully, so that the car does not crash.

Maybe I fucked up the above with my english but I think you[the readers] get what I am trying to say. Their will be more unity among the people of each Gentile races and cultures. The races and cultures will not need much help, they can and will advance themselves without any kind of 'saviors'.
Usthepeople666 said:
I am not sure if I should share this or if it has any real value but here it is-
couple of months back before the last ritual. I got a dream where general whites - my friends for the most part were posting on social media on how the enemy is bad and not really fearing it.

I had a dream I encountered the enemy and smashed its face into a wall until it died. :DDDD
VoiceofEnki said:
I do wonder though, if the girl in the video wasn’t an ugly, fat and toxic piece of subhuman garbage, but a gorgeous nordic white with an instagram model body if the reaction of the other races would be the same.

Good point and it’s sad but true!
Nikois666 said:
xD, I guess I could've written it with better wording and in a better way according to the context.

But just to be clear to our guests and even new members. I meant that I see a bright future ahead regarding people recognizing their own race and culture which is fundamental for the development of their souls and lands. For example, unity in Sudanese will surely bring peace and prosperity among them. In my humble opinion when people have trust on their own, no one can stop them from advancing because then advancement comes pretty much automatically, because their is a "trust" that bonds them to work collectively and what happens when people work together? Their power, efforts, success, endurance and etc increase, almost doubles or triples which would obviously advance them at a much faster rate.

But what if you ignite distrust among them?
Obviously that the power they once had will be no more. Ignorance and selfishness would consume them. Their advancement as a whole will slow down, they will again become "Third World". The jews created a system that tries to make every Gentile selfish. We can clearly see that majority of Gentiles are pretty selfish or were[at least 2-3 years ago].

IMO, slowing down societies/people have also been one of their aim because it gives their rotten brain some time to think. Just look at how many ancient libraries the enemy and their programs have destroyed.

IMO The future will start becoming brighter when we enter Age of Aquarius, their will be heavy advancement for us Gentiles because of the unity that Race Awakening Rituals will bring. Unity among people and Nationalism is the best way to advance people/society at a much faster rate but under good leadership like Lord Hitler and our Gods. It's like Nitrous in a car. The nitrous can power/speed up the car but it is all up to the driver to steer the car carefully, so that the car does not crash.

Maybe I fucked up the above with my english but I think you[the readers] get what I am trying to say. Their will be more unity among the people of each Gentile races and cultures. The races and cultures will not need much help, they can and will advance themselves without any kind of 'saviors'.
Yeah. There was stupid j/news. Heineken was under fire for a "racist" advert, because



I am waiting for idiots to stop hot air balloon flights and events because they are lighter than cars. Maybe they'll remove all helium from existence, as well.
FancyMancy said:
Yeah. There was stupid j/news. Heineken was under fire for a "racist" advert, because



I am waiting for idiots to stop hot air balloon flights and events because they are lighter than cars. Maybe they'll remove all helium from existence, as well.
But the company that owns Heineken donates several millions of dollars every year to the groups who import millions of muslim criminals into Europe. And they also make their Heineken with no alcohol, so the muslims they are importing will still be buying their product. Nothing but rats.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
FancyMancy said:
Yeah. There was stupid j/news. Heineken was under fire for a "racist" advert, because


I am waiting for idiots to stop hot air balloon flights and events because they are lighter than cars. Maybe they'll remove all helium from existence, as well.
But the company that owns Heineken donates several millions of dollars every year to the groups who import millions of muslim criminals into Europe. And they also make their Heineken with no alcohol, so the muslims they are importing will still be buying their product. Nothing but rats.

Let me guess - either everyone ignored that or no-one knew that! :roll:
Retrospect said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Retrospect said:
Then there's beautiful white girls like this that do not get rejected and these are the results. :(

I wrote a more elaborate reply on the corrupted psychology of this, but I decided to not waste time.

Shame. That's all one has to say. A shame and waste for everyone involved. She's now scratching her head in the astral wondering if she did right to follow Jewflix advice over her life.

Jewish damage from jewish programming, manifested brutally.

Would kinda be interested on the psychology. Can't think of any legit reason why a girl like that would choose that horrendous looking thing to date. Maybe she used drugs. It was Colorado where at the least pot and psychedelics are popular. He could have been her dealer or had some kind of relationship like that. Besides drugs why would she or anyone for that matter deliberately choose to date that. The brainwashing media usually chooses good looking people of other races to promote their agenda. So she had to be in the drug scene to find that attractive.

She seems pretty innocent and aryan, happens to a lot of aryan women who are misplaced by their bullshit, whether it be living in a ghetto or having ideas pushed onto them. Which may be why they fall into the waters for a short amount of time and as they wake up to it they get killed on their way out. There’s an insane amount of white women who are being killed by other races. Drugs not always a factor for women. Having a narrative to be “non judgemental” or religious brainwashing and/or a background of abuse in the home where the abuse involves confinement and a removal of personal boundaries can fast track a young girl into these positions. She was young enough that she could’ve grown out of these weaknesses and if she survived eventually could’ve woken up from it. The best way it could’ve gone even though a shitty way to learn about the realities of degeneration. He would’ve likely tried to get her on drugs if he hadn’t already. Just the nature of the whole situation. Not sure it started out that way. Just recently there were three aryan women that I knew who were killed all at once right at the time of Purim (Jewish blood holiday) all different circumstances. One murderer was probably a kike though looked white. The others, Mexican. One, definitely drug involvement. The other one, I know there wasn’t any. All of the cases, the girls had only known the guys for a month or two. They also tried to leave these guys just before death. The murderers all look kike to me from all circumstances. Disgusting creatures for sure.
FancyMancy said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
FancyMancy said:
Yeah. There was stupid j/news. Heineken was under fire for a "racist" advert, because


I am waiting for idiots to stop hot air balloon flights and events because they are lighter than cars. Maybe they'll remove all helium from existence, as well.
But the company that owns Heineken donates several millions of dollars every year to the groups who import millions of muslim criminals into Europe. And they also make their Heineken with no alcohol, so the muslims they are importing will still be buying their product. Nothing but rats.

Let me guess - either everyone ignored that or no-one knew that! :roll:
Anybody who knew didn't care.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Make your own choices.
“Make your own choices” says the philosopher. Why not stick your testicles into a woodchipper? I thought it was understood that alcohol (unless it is something like a glass of wine) has no benefit is only detrimental to your physical and spiritual health/mindset.

1. Health affects.

Beer specifically has high estrogen.

Estrogen=obesity=low testosterone. A weak male populace to be slaughtered easily.

Harder liquors like vodka or whiskey will damage the liver easily causing damage to the entire body. TCM.

2. Spiritual effects

Like any other drug holes will be in your aura, your mind will be damaged, chakras will need even more cleaning and empowerment.

That’s the basic things. It can cause different damages based on the individual and should just be avoided. No need to drink your hipster craft beer :ugeek:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
“Make your own choices” says the philosopher. Why not stick your testicles into a woodchipper? I thought it was understood that alcohol (unless it is something like a glass of wine) has no benefit is only detrimental to your physical and spiritual health/mindset.

1. Health affects.

Beer specifically has high estrogen.

Estrogen=obesity=low testosterone. A weak male populace to be slaughtered easily.

Harder liquors like vodka or whiskey will damage the liver easily causing damage to the entire body. TCM.

2. Spiritual effects

Like any other drug holes will be in your aura, your mind will be damaged, chakras will need even more cleaning and empowerment.

That’s the basic things. It can cause different damages based on the individual and should just be avoided. No need to drink your hipster craft beer :ugeek:

What say you about Mead, though?
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I thought it was understood that alcohol (unless it is something like a glass of wine) has no benefit is only detrimental to your physical and spiritual health/mindset.
Why do you say that wine is healthy? Wine has between 2 and 3 times higher percentage of alcohol in it than beer. So you react so strongly against the idea of drinking one beer, but then you promote something that has 3 times more alcohol in it? That doesn't make any sense to me.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Beer specifically has high estrogen.

Estrogen=obesity=low testosterone. A weak male populace to be slaughtered easily.
This is very variable depending on the specific beer, and the specific kind of hops, and the amount of hops, and other ingredients. They are not all the same.

There is also estrogen in the water supply in many places. Due to women taking birth control pills that produce enormous amounts of estrogen, which then goes into the water cycle and cannot be easily filtered out. Plus some kinds of microscopic plastic particles in the water supply also irritate your body and cause a reaction that makes you produce estrogen. You can find contamination like this in anything if you are looking for it.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Harder liquors like vodka or whiskey will damage the liver easily causing damage to the entire body. TCM.
I agree that liquor is dangerous and harmful. Which is why I have never said that those are a good idea.

Beer is basically bread flavored soda. The most dangerous thing about it is probably all the carbs and calories, which will make you fat if you drink a lot of it because you're consuming a lot more calories than you realize. Some are also made with GMO corn or other things that are not good. I think Guinness is made with fish bladders.

I don't think anybody should drink a lot of beer, because that would be harmful. But my whole point is that one beer occasionally is not going to harm anyone the way that some over-reacting people act like it will. Then the same guy that is over-reacting about a beer is saying that wine is better, with 3 times more alcohol.

If you want to avoid alcohol, then I respect that. But most people consume alcohol every day without realizing it. A loaf of processed bread from the supermarket actually has a lot more alcohol in it than people think. Regular soda, and almost all things that contain artificial or concentrated flavors, contain alcohol because all of the flavorings are dissolved in alcohol. And they don't need to list it in the ingredients because it's a "flavor carrier."

And I don't like craft hipster beer. Sapporo is a pretty popular brand. But the only reason I even suggested Sapporo is only because it tastes very similar to Heineken. So if somebody's favorite was Heineken, they could switch to the other one instead and stop giving money to Heineken.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Make your own choices.
“Make your own choices” says the philosopher. Why not stick your testicles into a woodchipper? I thought it was understood that alcohol (unless it is something like a glass of wine) has no benefit is only detrimental to your physical and spiritual health/mindset.

1. Health affects.

Beer specifically has high estrogen.

Estrogen=obesity=low testosterone. A weak male populace to be slaughtered easily.

Harder liquors like vodka or whiskey will damage the liver easily causing damage to the entire body. TCM.

2. Spiritual effects

Like any other drug holes will be in your aura, your mind will be damaged, chakras will need even more cleaning and empowerment.

That’s the basic things. It can cause different damages based on the individual and should just be avoided. No need to drink your hipster craft beer :ugeek:
One cyclist said one day that (one?) beer helps in recovering. He was serious. I did not say anything, but I was not buying it. Today, I'm sure it will not help in anything, but to add a few calories and carbs with a low amount of alhohol into body. It also messes up (little, but still) bodily functions. I'm only talking about 1-3 beer range. Heavy drinking is very harmful.

I would say, avoid it. Then again a beer here and there is not a deal breaker for most people, but as I said, it's best to avoid. So that's why he said "Make your own choices".
ShadowTheRaven said:
What say you about Mead, though?

About WHO?

Henu the Great said:
One cyclist said one day that (one?) beer helps in recovering. He was serious. I did not say anything, but I was not buying it. Today, I'm sure it will not help in anything, but to add a few calories and carbs with a low amount of alhohol into body. It also messes up (little, but still) bodily functions. I'm only talking about 1-3 beer range. Heavy drinking is very harmful.

I would say, avoid it. Then again a beer here and there is not a deal breaker for most people, but as I said, it's best to avoid. So that's why he said "Make your own choices".
Everyone has a different way to recover. If he wants to have 1 then it’s not a big deal.

Ol aredco lucitfas said:
Why do you say that wine is healthy? Wine has between 2 and 3 times higher percentage of alcohol in it than beer. So you react so strongly against the idea of drinking one beer, but then you promote something that has 3 times more alcohol in it? That doesn't make any sense to me.
I didn’t say it was healthy but I chose wine because some cultures and traditions will drink it with dinner or other occasions in moderation.

There is also estrogen in the water supply in many places. Due to women taking birth control pills that produce enormous amounts of estrogen, which then goes into the water cycle and cannot be easily filtered out. Plus some kinds of microscopic plastic particles in the water supply also irritate your body and cause a reaction that makes you produce estrogen. You can find contamination like this in anything if you are looking for it.
They is estrogen everywhere so go out of your way to consume moar.

Beer is basically bread flavored soda. The most dangerous thing about it is probably all the carbs and calories, which will make you fat if you drink a lot of it because you're consuming a lot more calories than you realize. Some are also made with GMO corn or other things that are not good. I think Guinness is made with fish bladders.
We should not be eating grain. Just because our peasantry ancestors lived off of bread does make it good. No nutrients. Only calories.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Everyone has a different way to recover. If he wants to have 1 then it’s not a big deal.
Sure, but drinking a beer to recover from physical activity and to be ready for a next one is suboptimal for all to say the least.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
About WHO?

Mead. It's like wine but fermented with honey, not grapes. Look it up.
Meteor said:
FancyMancy said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
But the company that owns Heineken donates several millions of dollars every year to the groups who import millions of muslim criminals into Europe. And they also make their Heineken with no alcohol, so the muslims they are importing will still be buying their product. Nothing but rats.

Let me guess - either everyone ignored that or no-one knew that! :roll:

I never tried Heineken but from what I heard most people hate the way it tastes anyway. Why does anyone even buy it?
No idea. The beers/lagers I've tried all taste the same, just stronger or weaker to me.
Meteor said:
FancyMancy said:
Meteor said:
I never tried Heineken but from what I heard most people hate the way it tastes anyway. Why does anyone even buy it?
No idea. The beers/lagers I've tried all taste the same, just stronger or weaker to me.

They all taste like bread, right? Liquid bread. And not even good bread either. Just liquid bread with an unpleasant aftertaste...
My brother convinced me to take a small sip when I was 14 because he wanted to see my reaction to the taste. I haven't drank any beer since then. It's just alcoholic bread...
Actually most kinds of beer taste very different from each other.
Meteor said:
FancyMancy said:
Meteor said:
I never tried Heineken but from what I heard most people hate the way it tastes anyway. Why does anyone even buy it?
No idea. The beers/lagers I've tried all taste the same, just stronger or weaker to me.

They all taste like bread, right? Liquid bread. And not even good bread either. Just liquid bread with an unpleasant aftertaste...
My brother convinced me to take a small sip when I was 14 because he wanted to see my reaction to the taste. I haven't drank any beer since then. It's just alcoholic bread...
I can't remember. It's been ages since I had any.
Well, to try and get this back on-topic -

White Woman Rejected by All Human Races; reaction video
Satanic Path said:
In my case I still get called out as "racist" or "weirdo" when black men contacts me.
I mean, they get angry at you just because you tell that boy you want a white man.
"You don't know what you're losing" one told me.
"But that's not fair"...But it is way fairer to be raped by a black man against my will just to not be a bad racist. Isn't it?
And then I become harsh and poisonous because I can't stand this dare.
It's like a fucking abuse, an attempt to take you away from your identity.

I am not radical, but sometimes I really am, and I do not like the fact that Italy is filled up with black people, which are not bad at all in many cases.
They can be the best people in the world, yet it is still wrong.
And then they get mad at you just because you won't call them as "Italians".
But some are very evil...they are mudslims and harass women, and many sell drugs.
Well, every race has its flaws created by jews.

They are given jobs and food and money, while my people are hanging themselves because they can't pay for food or they live in a fucking container.
After the earthquakes and up to this day, we have not been spared from this abuse and the displaced people are still displaced.

How are we supposed to rebuild a country if we are focusing on people coming from a different one?

This way Africa will get empty...well, I think this, I may be wrong.
But in any case, Africa must be great again.
It won't if everybody just runs away, no?

What next? Marrying a trans "woman"/"man" because I can't be transphobic?
And because I don't go in the bed of a """""man"""""" who enjoys trans people doing things to him?

Traitors are traitors. These people calling me out as "unfair", "fool", and "racist" will be the renegade homeless of tomorrow.
This is what I hope for.

I've had the same fucking shit happen. I don't want to "suck the bbc" so I am automatically "racist". Like the fuck? The fucking conversation litterally went like this. (M = me)

B: Want to suck this bbc?
M: No
B: Racist

I then proceeded to tear B a new asshole before sending nazi memes and shit, B fucked off quite nicely after that. I mean, even if B wasn't a disgusting pig I would never race mix.
Artisan said:
Satanic Path said:
I am not radical, but sometimes I really am, and I do not like the fact that Italy is filled up with black people, which are not bad at all in many cases.
They can be the best people in the world, yet it is still wrong.
And then they get mad at you just because you won't call them as "Italians".
But some are very evil...they are mudslims and harass women, and many sell drugs.
Well, every race has its flaws created by jews.

Radical I think you mean Fanatical like George Lincoln Rockwell stated To be a Nazi you must be fanatical. The communists are also fanatical.

I always hated alcohol never liked it. I have gotten drunk 3-4 times with 4 or so swigs of 40% alcohol. Only once did I drink too much and was really out of it. Luckily even with all the dizziness and vomiting once or twice I managed to stay awake for another 5 hours or so before going to sleep waking up with a slight hangover but nothing bad it went away after 30 minutes or so. The only times I've drank alcohol I drink it properly if the only reason people drink is to get drunk might as well do it properly and in control. So while 40% might not be much in comparison to other harder liquors out there. I'm controlled drunk not out of control drunk or wasted. I really have no idea how people can stomach alcohol. It's like are they doing it because they like it or are they doing it because if not they wouldn't have any activities nor going out nor any friends. It seems like people are pushed and peer pressured to drink and it seems like most people fall into a category of following the leader trend just for some friendship or sexcapade with some women due to drinking.

The only company that makes a respectable product which I can smell without gagging/vomit feeling and also taste it and not be almost at the bring of vomiting. Is London Gin Tanquerrey, distilled 4 times with botanical smells and flavors in it.
Artisan said:
Satanic Path said:
In my case I still get called out as "racist" or "weirdo" when black men contacts me.
I mean, they get angry at you just because you tell that boy you want a white man.
"You don't know what you're losing" one told me.
"But that's not fair"...But it is way fairer to be raped by a black man against my will just to not be a bad racist. Isn't it?
And then I become harsh and poisonous because I can't stand this dare.
It's like a fucking abuse, an attempt to take you away from your identity.

I am not radical, but sometimes I really am, and I do not like the fact that Italy is filled up with black people, which are not bad at all in many cases.
They can be the best people in the world, yet it is still wrong.
And then they get mad at you just because you won't call them as "Italians".
But some are very evil...they are mudslims and harass women, and many sell drugs.
Well, every race has its flaws created by jews.

They are given jobs and food and money, while my people are hanging themselves because they can't pay for food or they live in a fucking container.
After the earthquakes and up to this day, we have not been spared from this abuse and the displaced people are still displaced.

How are we supposed to rebuild a country if we are focusing on people coming from a different one?

This way Africa will get empty...well, I think this, I may be wrong.
But in any case, Africa must be great again.
It won't if everybody just runs away, no?

What next? Marrying a trans "woman"/"man" because I can't be transphobic?
And because I don't go in the bed of a """""man"""""" who enjoys trans people doing things to him?

Traitors are traitors. These people calling me out as "unfair", "fool", and "racist" will be the renegade homeless of tomorrow.
This is what I hope for.

I've had the same fucking shit happen. I don't want to "suck the bbc" so I am automatically "racist". Like the fuck? The fucking conversation litterally went like this. (M = me)

B: Want to suck this bbc?
M: No
B: Racist

I then proceeded to tear B a new asshole before sending nazi memes and shit, B fucked off quite nicely after that. I mean, even if B wasn't a disgusting pig I would never race mix.

I know what you mean with bbc. In general, these men think that they are welcome and turn out to be arrogant.
In the time being, you are racist even when you like the color white.
The fact you have a huge c does not mean you are welcome in anyone's bed.
Artisan said:
Satanic Path said:
In my case I still get called out as "racist" or "weirdo" when black men contacts me.
I mean, they get angry at you just because you tell that boy you want a white man.
"You don't know what you're losing" one told me.
"But that's not fair"...But it is way fairer to be raped by a black man against my will just to not be a bad racist. Isn't it?
And then I become harsh and poisonous because I can't stand this dare.
It's like a fucking abuse, an attempt to take you away from your identity.

I am not radical, but sometimes I really am, and I do not like the fact that Italy is filled up with black people, which are not bad at all in many cases.
They can be the best people in the world, yet it is still wrong.
And then they get mad at you just because you won't call them as "Italians".
But some are very evil...they are mudslims and harass women, and many sell drugs.
Well, every race has its flaws created by jews.

They are given jobs and food and money, while my people are hanging themselves because they can't pay for food or they live in a fucking container.
After the earthquakes and up to this day, we have not been spared from this abuse and the displaced people are still displaced.

How are we supposed to rebuild a country if we are focusing on people coming from a different one?

This way Africa will get empty...well, I think this, I may be wrong.
But in any case, Africa must be great again.
It won't if everybody just runs away, no?

What next? Marrying a trans "woman"/"man" because I can't be transphobic?
And because I don't go in the bed of a """""man"""""" who enjoys trans people doing things to him?

Traitors are traitors. These people calling me out as "unfair", "fool", and "racist" will be the renegade homeless of tomorrow.
This is what I hope for.

I've had the same fucking shit happen. I don't want to "suck the bbc" so I am automatically "racist". Like the fuck? The fucking conversation litterally went like this. (M = me)

B: Want to suck this bbc?
M: No
B: Racist

I then proceeded to tear B a new asshole before sending nazi memes and shit, B fucked off quite nicely after that. I mean, even if B wasn't a disgusting pig I would never race mix.
There is A LOT that can be done with one of these branch cutters!

Satanic Path said:
Artisan said:
Satanic Path said:
In my case I still get called out as "racist" or "weirdo" when black men contacts me.
I mean, they get angry at you just because you tell that boy you want a white man.
"You don't know what you're losing" one told me.
"But that's not fair"...But it is way fairer to be raped by a black man against my will just to not be a bad racist. Isn't it?
And then I become harsh and poisonous because I can't stand this dare.
It's like a fucking abuse, an attempt to take you away from your identity.

I am not radical, but sometimes I really am, and I do not like the fact that Italy is filled up with black people, which are not bad at all in many cases.
They can be the best people in the world, yet it is still wrong.
And then they get mad at you just because you won't call them as "Italians".
But some are very evil...they are mudslims and harass women, and many sell drugs.
Well, every race has its flaws created by jews.

They are given jobs and food and money, while my people are hanging themselves because they can't pay for food or they live in a fucking container.
After the earthquakes and up to this day, we have not been spared from this abuse and the displaced people are still displaced.

How are we supposed to rebuild a country if we are focusing on people coming from a different one?

This way Africa will get empty...well, I think this, I may be wrong.
But in any case, Africa must be great again.
It won't if everybody just runs away, no?

What next? Marrying a trans "woman"/"man" because I can't be transphobic?
And because I don't go in the bed of a """""man"""""" who enjoys trans people doing things to him?

Traitors are traitors. These people calling me out as "unfair", "fool", and "racist" will be the renegade homeless of tomorrow.
This is what I hope for.

I've had the same fucking shit happen. I don't want to "suck the bbc" so I am automatically "racist". Like the fuck? The fucking conversation litterally went like this. (M = me)

B: Want to suck this bbc?
M: No
B: Racist

I then proceeded to tear B a new asshole before sending nazi memes and shit, B fucked off quite nicely after that. I mean, even if B wasn't a disgusting pig I would never race mix.

I know what you mean with bbc. In general, these men think that they are welcome and turn out to be arrogant.
In the time being, you are racist even when you like the color white.
The fact you have a huge c does not mean you are welcome in anyone's bed.

It is sad that humanity has devolved this far, especially with black men in america, the black race was a very proud, strong, noble, and beautiful race, however, most blacks in america have been devolved by the jew to be mongrels. It is truly sad to see one of the original three races devolved and perverted so heavily. While I may be white, I still see and respect the beauty of the races of Satan, I am not attracted to them, however, beauty and attraction are two completely different things.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Artisan said:
Satanic Path said:
In my case I still get called out as "racist" or "weirdo" when black men contacts me.
I mean, they get angry at you just because you tell that boy you want a white man.
"You don't know what you're losing" one told me.
"But that's not fair"...But it is way fairer to be raped by a black man against my will just to not be a bad racist. Isn't it?
And then I become harsh and poisonous because I can't stand this dare.
It's like a fucking abuse, an attempt to take you away from your identity.

I am not radical, but sometimes I really am, and I do not like the fact that Italy is filled up with black people, which are not bad at all in many cases.
They can be the best people in the world, yet it is still wrong.
And then they get mad at you just because you won't call them as "Italians".
But some are very evil...they are mudslims and harass women, and many sell drugs.
Well, every race has its flaws created by jews.

They are given jobs and food and money, while my people are hanging themselves because they can't pay for food or they live in a fucking container.
After the earthquakes and up to this day, we have not been spared from this abuse and the displaced people are still displaced.

How are we supposed to rebuild a country if we are focusing on people coming from a different one?

This way Africa will get empty...well, I think this, I may be wrong.
But in any case, Africa must be great again.
It won't if everybody just runs away, no?

What next? Marrying a trans "woman"/"man" because I can't be transphobic?
And because I don't go in the bed of a """""man"""""" who enjoys trans people doing things to him?

Traitors are traitors. These people calling me out as "unfair", "fool", and "racist" will be the renegade homeless of tomorrow.
This is what I hope for.

I've had the same fucking shit happen. I don't want to "suck the bbc" so I am automatically "racist". Like the fuck? The fucking conversation litterally went like this. (M = me)

B: Want to suck this bbc?
M: No
B: Racist

I then proceeded to tear B a new asshole before sending nazi memes and shit, B fucked off quite nicely after that. I mean, even if B wasn't a disgusting pig I would never race mix.
There is A LOT that can be done with one of these branch cutters!


Oh yes, haha, better snip them before they breed after all. :lol:

Honestly, most individuals shouldn't be allowed to breed, most people in the world think it is okay to hit or scream at a child, however, that is nothing more than bad parenting combined with stupidity. There is no excuse for not studying on how the human mind works, what environment it takes for a child to grow in, what the human brain needs to develop properly, how to act around children, etc. Honestly, in the 9 months that someone is pregnant one could study and learn everything necessary about being a good parent and creating an environment for a child to be raised in. The fact of the matter is that a child raised by parents who understand the human mind and what it takes for proper grown, development, and advancement(all easily understandable and accessible things, the brain and the mind have been extensively studied) will NEVER "need' to be hit or yelled at. Harming your child is just bad parenting and stupidity, the only people who harm their children are those who didn't care enough about their child to

1. heal themselves first
2. study and learn
3. create a healthy environment for a child

It's really not that hard.

Wouldn't you agree? Perhaps not on all of my message but at the very least that most people should not be allowed to breed :lol:
Kurat said:
Another race awakening, read comments.

Too late got shoad.

Comments turned off :evil:
Kurat said:
Another race awakening, read comments.

Comment sectioned got oy veyed
FancyMancy said:
Well, to try and get this back on-topic -

White Woman Rejected by All Human Races; reaction video

Tbh I don't find this a positive video anyway. It is a trend on tiktok to mock white people for the hell of it in whatever way possible. This video is just some more meaningless white race hating crap.
Amrita Kama said:
FancyMancy said:
Well, to try and get this back on-topic -

White Woman Rejected by All Human Races; reaction video

Tbh I don't find this a positive video anyway. It is a trend on tiktok to mock white people for the hell of it in whatever way possible. This video is just some more meaningless white race hating crap.
Yeah, it's a meme and sheep need distracting from their own sad, pathetic, miserable little lives. It's OK, though. Let it happen. We'll be fine soon, and trolls love to troll online because doing it in-person is too risky and not-hiding-behind-a-computer-screen-miles-away-y. If you want a visual illustration of what I am saying. then see -

The meme of anti-White racism be like

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
