AncientShadow666 said:
well, with pisces in my sun sign, there have been many feet problems in my life, i actually never realized it until i was reading that pisces have problems with feet.... yeah well there are many different ones but when it is on the line where the bones are about to break on your feet and you cant walk and do shit, then its time to do something....
so i am lost here a bit... what working should i do for this to stop? trust me, the feet problems, they go waaaaay back... i really dont know... healing process could take a while, but it wouldnt remove the future feet problems... runes for healing? yeah same thing... squares? what squares should be good here? since pisces rule neptune, yeah no neptune square...but neptune co ruler is jupiter... should i do jupiter square? ir should i use the sun square? i really dont know what would remove this problem permanently...
i really need your help, the desperation can be seen in my situation here... thanks in advance
Hails to you all!
The Sun rules over one's health and vitality, and Saturn rules over the bones. I'm not an expert on Astrology and I haven't seen your chart so I could be wrong here, but I think that given that Saturn is in the same sign as your Sun and especially if it is making an aspect to your Sun, this will act to weaken your Sun and by extension, your health, particularly relating to the bones. And this manifests in a Piscean way; your feet, because this is the sign where all the action between these two planets is taking place.
So, what I think would be your best bet and what I would suggest is doing a Sun square. Maybe several, to empower your natal Sun, your Solar chakra and to specifically heal your feet.
Now, I don't know if you were referring to the fungus or your bones when you said you healed it many times, but it may be that you finished up when you thought you solved the problem but you still had a ways to go to heal it completely. Since you quit before it healed completely, it made a rebound. So, the lesson here is to be consistent and hammer away at it until you can be completely sure that the problem is solved at a fundamental level. Do end-on-end workings and don't stop even if the problem disappears for a little while, because you'll waste more time and energy repeating them when it comes back than you would spend by doing a little extra on your first pass and finishing it off.
Failing that, if it's a major problem for you, maybe it would be time to consult one of the Gods.