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Feeling Sick from Yoga? + Spiritual Purity

Blitzkreig [JG]

Head of Community
Sep 24, 2019
[email protected]

Although this might seem like a minor topic, it is one that I wanted to briefly write about, as it can be confusing for people.

Despite the fact that doing work on the soul and body are positive actions, it is possible and likely to encounter negativity en route to the positive conclusion. We can see this when our spiritual transformations can result in backlash and we also see this when the physical body is physically pushed hard with empowering activities, resulting in feelings of being sick.

Now, what is important is being aware that these events are backlash due to our own input, rather than some sort of negativity being directed at us from an external source. By knowing the source of this, you can avoid panic or confusion, such as assuming you have caught a real illness, or have been cursed, or something. Furthermore, we can implement ways to mitigate backlash.


Looking at what happens when someone is sick from yoga, we must first understand the initial actions done by yoga or other transformative activities. Speaking generally, we know that these practices strongly manipulate our energies, often energizing or balancing various parts of the body and nadis. See more on this, by HPS Lydia: “But What Does Yoga Actually Do?”
For many people, this can be the first time this has happened in any significant degree, perhaps for years or even a lifetime.

Therefore, what happens is the work done upon the tissues of the body results in a release of toxins, which is good, but because it is happening to at a new, higher degree for the body, this creates a conditional overload of toxins while they are being processed out. While the end state is a body that has less toxins, the temporary state is one where toxins are overloading the detoxification systems of the body.

Conventional medical wisdom can get confused regarding this process, as they do not grasp the energy state of the soul or body, falsely assuming we all have equal energy levels at all times. I had read one source on toxin release after deep tissue massage, and they were unable to reconcile the supposed benefits of massage with the "pseudoscientific" idea of toxin release, instead leaving the reader in a confused gray zone. In reality, the body's detox pathways are not operating equally or sufficiently at all times, hence why buildups of inflammation or fat occur in people.

As a source to the new model of detoxification, and for more info, please read this article.

Looking at "Step 0", and tracing to "Step 7" of this source, we can see that the toxins must go through many steps of removal, from their origin in the tissue all the way to elimination through the urine, as one example. If the body is in a weakened state and does not have the energy for every step to occur without limitation, then a bottleneck occurs and negative health symptoms would show.


Image Source: Detox and Prosper


This also shows that the solution to this problem involves directing more energy at the problem. This can happen over time, as the ongoing practice of the activity in question eventually results in a higher total energy state of the body, but this can lead to unnecessary suffering until then. Alternatively, we can specifically and immediately direct energy to more quickly resolve the symptoms:

For those who know TCM and are referencing the above information, we know that acupoints like Liver 3 or Large Intestine 4 are common points which can help direct physical energy to these organs to speed up their efforts. With spiritual solutions, we can raise and direct solar energy at the problem, visualizing or imagining the energy amplifying the removal process, in a fully healthy way.

It is also worth remembering how both yin and yang relate to detoxification, but each play a separate role. Looking at the role of the stomach and solar fire, we can see how it removes phlegm and dampness pathogens, like fat and plaque. Mars helps with blood pressure, aiding other organs with driving force to complete their tasks, also powering the immune system. Venus rules parts of the kidneys and skin, clearing out redness and inflammation. The Moon rules fluids and the intestines, which also cools heat through lubrication, as well as elimination through the feces.

Knowing this, we can pick specific energies to aid our health, based on the any existing imbalances we may be facing. Sowilo and the Sun can sustain both yin or yang processes; Thurisaz energy would be the best for driving strong yang activity. Laguz is a yin-based purifier like Neptune, dissolving toxins. Berkano is similar, but is perhaps more involved with generating fluids, due to the lunar relation, and so on.

This physical phenomenon also extends to the cleanliness of the soul, including the conditional overloads of "toxins" which can accumulate as one drives a strong karmic change with their soul. Doing heavy work on one's Venusian energies, for example, can stimulate lots of dirt to release from the heart chakra or other related areas, as the underlying patterns and nadis of the body are changed. In this case, we must also increase our cleaning to compensate, along with general protection, and raise more energy to support all of this.

Conclusions and Reflections on Spiritual Purity

Now looking broadly, we can see that as we advance, we must purge the negative. At a lower energy state, we likely had to tolerate certain elements of negativity, but as we move forward we must change to reach a higher state, as certain negativity cannot exist at higher levels. The transition between states of advancement would "demand" purity inherently, or alternatively a pure state of soul would be more receptive to positive change.

Although there are other meanings, I believe this quote of Satan by HPS Maxine to be relevant, showing a clear correlation with purity and advancement:
Father Satan: "There are different planes of existence.""When you meditate, you elevate to a higher plane.""There are different levels and through meditation,you live on a higher plane than most others.""People who are on an already lower level can get tied into this vortex of negative energy and pulled in."

When we evaluate purity on a spiritual level, this is done by all metrics, which might differ by how we view this in the physical world. In the material world, we can visually see dirt, but we cannot always easily see "emotional" dirt, for example, nor can we see the "dirt" which arises from a bad social policy, unless we are trained and sensitive to evaluation of this.

Citing the words of HPS Maxine: "A clean aura is charismatic and will encourage better relations with others. People will naturally be more considerate and grant favors to one whose aura is clean and radiating with energy... Negative thoughtforms used in black magick and generated from the ill will, jealousy, and/or anger of others attach to one's aura and invite misfortune such as accidents, illnesses, and so forth... What is within reflects in one's aura. When there is an illness, whether it has already manifested itself, or is pending, the aura will take on a dirty grayish color.

...As with physical viruses and physical germs, the astral body can be vulnerable to negative energies, and then manifest in illnesses, accidents, and so forth on the physical self.

This is why toxins are released seemingly "by default" when we affirm transformative changes to our soul, or when we manipulate the body into a higher energy state, or higher level of existence. On the inverse of this, this is also why negative patterns of existence naturally lead to a buildup of toxins, which we can perceive and have natural disgust towards. The Pisces and Virgo zodiac "dimension" of reality is what pertains to our sensing and actions regarding purity and the procedures involved in achieving this.

As Venus is exalted in Pisces and as Neptune is ruled by Pisces, I believe this demonstrates how purity is both an ideal end state, but also sets the stage for future growth, as both Neptune and Venus are "areas" in which energy can easily gather or be attracted to, leading to a higher state of power. Conversely dirty environments or people appear as demented or deranged, stimulating disgust and avoidance behaviors. Someone with Neptunian influence would likely have a lower tolerance threshold, as they are more sensitive to this. Personally, I believe this is one reason why Neptune gain its "escapist" stereotypes, as the person seeks to escape perceived negativity or stress.


AI-generated visual of "purity".

As Neptune/Pisces is able to sense the "purity" of something, this extends not just to visually-seen dirt, but to the "dirt" which arises from consequences of negative actions. Through the divination powers of Neptune, one can judge the outcome of something, and how much dirt may arise from a pattern of behavior. Again, we can see how this can create someone who is overly-sensitive or hypochondriac, as they see a "fuller manifestation" of what is to come. However, this is one way how we are able to judge the outcome of ourselves, avoiding negativity before it has a chance to appear.

Below I include more references to the relationship of purity and spiritual advancement.

HPS Maxine's "The Truth about Jesus Christ": "The "virgin birth" is another corrupted concept in that the chakras have to be clean and unobstructed for spiritual energy to ascend and circulate. In other words, this is the true meaning of "pure." The union with the fictitious deity symbolizes the divine spirituality involved in raising the witchpower, not fictitious YHVH which is nothing more than a system of Jewish magick to used to enslave Gentiles."

HPHC's: "Advanced Knowledge: Witches Sabbath...": "In regards to the hidden meaning inside this circle, this is also presented in a story from Enki in Sumeria. The "Shappatu" is related to the purification of the waters [soul] so that the energies of the soul can be clearer and more fertile for spiritual advancement after the cycle is completed."

Anyway, hopefully this helps, as it was actually a source of confusion with myself when I first started on this path. I had made it worse by the fact that I would plan for myself to do lots of yoga as soon as I could, leading to feeling bedridden with detoxification sickness for 1 or 2 hours. If I had known of ways to counter this, I would have saved a lot of time.

Additional Reading

Perhaps it's a matter of reducing reps, and sickness is a way of telling you that you've done too much. Also, going 3-5 days without using the toilet isn't something normal in my vocabulary.
Cold, fever, body aches, nausea, unregulated bowels.
The last time I got sick I bled in the toilet, and after that I never used the toilet as much as I used to (the right way), i.e. all day.
Now I go 3-5 days in a row without going to the toilet

My body is in perfect condition. I get dressed at home every day and I'm "in shape".
Supposedly underweight, but with muscles strong enough to withstand running and pulling weights.
That's not normal. What are you experiencing exactly when you say you get "sick"? This could be an underlying medical condition. Are you physically fit? Can you run, even for a short duration?
Every time I do fire breathing or the KY series, I get sick.
So I'll only do hatha yoga at the moment
Is everything all right?
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This is a very good and detailed topic which I am sure will help people overcome their fears when it comes to Yoga.

Also, that AI-generated image is representing a lot of elements related to purity, such as the white-yellowish light of the Sun which is both a symbol of Satan and Sol, and the Lotus flower which is dated back since Ancient Egypt, being recognized as a symbol of healing and life.

A lot of Lotus flowers can be seen in the Luxor temples as well:


And also the egyptian Ankh which also brings a lot of health and prosperity, as well as protection:

Interesting I’ve been having problems lately with my feet since starting KY physically it feels like my feet are slightly vibrating astrally it feels covered with dark energy right till the ankle. So it might not be greys causing it.

So then which is best then, Laguz I would assume?
That's a very well put together sermon brother!!

I have been using LI-4 for headache. I would say it did help, but unfortunately, I'm that kind of person who can't stop their headache only with pills. Do you know more acupoints for headache?

Also, what do you think of (nowadays available) homeopathy medicine?
Thank you brother, all your writings are wonderful. Where can I learn about Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, etc? Do you have a trusted source? please 🙏
I don't always use one specific source, nor would I consider myself a master on the topic either. My suggestion to you would be to start searching online about specific symptoms you may be having, as your personal experience with acupoints or other solutions would help you learn firsthand.

For acupoints, I like to read from: https://www.americandragon.com/
With specific diseases, I like: https://www.meandqi.com/
For all general knowledge: https://tcmwiki.com/

Interesting I’ve been having problems lately with my feet since starting KY physically it feels like my feet are slightly vibrating astrally it feels covered with dark energy right till the ankle. So it might not be greys causing it.

So then which is best then, Laguz I would assume?

Sounds like a circulation problem. Yeah, you should try to clean them, and Laguz would be fine for that. I would also try to to circulate the energy, either visually or with a headstand or something like that.

That's a very well put together sermon brother!!

I have been using LI-4 for headache. I would say it did help, but unfortunately, I'm that kind of person who can't stop their headache only with pills. Do you know more acupoints for headache?

Also, what do you think of (nowadays available) homeopathy medicine?

LI-4 is a general point, but perhaps you would need something more specific. I would read this website, as it goes into detail on headaches: https://www.mayway.com/articles/headache
Once you know more on the specific condition, then you can treat the headache.

For example, in the past, I had a frontal headache, which I came to realize was stomach heat, and I was able to quickly treat with ST44. You can see that referenced on one of the images on that site.

I don't know much about homeopathy, but I am open to all alternative medicines. However, I am comfortable with TCM, in combination with spiritual solutions, so I haven't felt the need to branch out.

This is a very good and detailed topic which I am sure will help people overcome their fears when it comes to Yoga.

Also, that AI-generated image is representing a lot of elements related to purity, such as the white-yellowish light of the Sun which is both a symbol of Satan and Sol, and the Lotus flower which is dated back since Ancient Egypt, being recognized as a symbol of healing and life.

A lot of Lotus flowers can be seen in the Luxor temples as well:

View attachment 97

And also the egyptian Ankh which also brings a lot of health and prosperity, as well as protection:

View attachment 98
Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for this detailed article you created! I'm saving this!

It's no wonder so many of us have hypochondria, myself being no exception. We feel poorly before we heal and improve; be it in dietary changes, exercise and even spiritual changes. This is described generally in medicine as a Herxheimer reaction.

How fascinating and encouraging! I've had periods where my digestion is terrible and other periods where it's great. Taking a break from coffee at first made intestinal motility seem worse but it got better over time; that I experience less frequency and more bulk in my elimination process.

We have to be determined and try new things over periods of time to see genuine results. Nothing is immediate and this is why people can often feel like anything that they try doesn't work for them, simply because they never gave these attempts a chance to fully take effect.

I appreciate your posts! They really do help a lot and I can't thank you enough.
Thank you for the article!

For the deep cleaning by HPS Lydia, do I have to be at a specific level of advancement and do I need to do it during the waning moon?
Thank you for the article!

For the deep cleaning by HPS Lydia, do I have to be at a specific level of advancement and do I need to do it during the waning moon?
Hello :)

As we advance, there is more deep cleaning to do. Do it in stages, and you will know in time when you need to do more. But you will probably be able to do at least light basic cleaning for now. Try the one I wrote for less repetitions, you'll know after if you can handle more reps :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
