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Fasting, Dieting: Strength First and Foremost

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
It's mainly fasting for enemy religion reasons and long-term fasting that we are against here in the JoS. Fasting to the point of weakness and dizziness is bad because it will open you to enemy programmings and thoughtforms, and weakness in general is to be avoided in Spiritual Satanism. A strong body helps a strong mind and soul.

Long-term fasting and being overly nit-picky and finicky about food causes blockages in the Sacral chakra and weakens the Solar chakra. The chakras need to be free for the Kundalini serpent to rise, so indulging in food in healthy ways at appropriate times is good. Long-term fasting weakens the physical body, and a strong body is necessary to raise the serpent and develop strong spiritual abilities.

But fasting or dieting for short periods of time, for certain people, for certain reasons, is fine and can boost health and vitality (not for everyone though). Some people feel so much better after a fast of a few days, making sure to get vitamins but no food. If you've been eating too much greasy junk food, a short fast can help clean the system, but only if your body type allows for fasts. Those who know Ayurveda, if your body dosha is Kapha then occasional short-term fasts can help, but usually not for Vatas.

If you decide to do a fast or diet for health reasons, go with how you feel. If you are starving and feel like you need a steak dinner feast, quit the fast and eat food. If you're feeling great, then continue until you don't feel great anymore. If you feel alert and revitalized during your fast, great. Once you start feeling weak, fuel your body.

As for the science against fasting, there is more to the body and existence. We have prana and various energies that can get stagnant from foods, so a short fast or diet can help clear it out.

If you want to clear your system but don't want to fast, you can roast or stir-fry mixed vegetables (coconut oil is said to be the best for this) and have it with a clean meat of your choice and/or eggs, eat that for your lunch and dinner. If you have a small appetite you can have a small amount and have broth as well; eat more if you have a large appetite. Always listen to your appetite and eat accordingly. Some veggies have some carbs, and most people get too many carbs so cutting back a bit for a few days will do most of you good.

I'm definitely not advising to cut back on carbs altogether, but for a day or two it can help a lot.

Red meat is healthy, I personally try to eat red meat a few times a week, but if you generally eat too much then cutting back for a few days or even a week can help you, but make sure you are feeling good and not weak.

And in general, especially for women who tend to cut back on fats too much, fats are essential. Women of pre-teen age through menopause need fats, and it will help your body develop better. SS member Shannon has posted about this before for women's health, mentioning full fat milk and grass fed butter. Fats also help the brain and hormones function better, for both genders.

If you decide to diet, make sure you're getting what you need. In general I am against strict diets, but at certain times for certain reasons they can do wonders for you.

Balance and moderation are the key to good health. This does not necessarily entail trying to maintain the exact same balance every day for every meal. You can go heavy on carbs one day, and not have carbs the next day. The body adapts to fluctuations like this. Always listen to your body and go with what you need for that day. Some days we get more exercise and need more fuel, some days we don't need much fuel at all. We are not robots, our bodies are organic and adaptable.

Always do what makes you feel strong and healthy. Always listen to what your body needs. This goes for food, exercise, sex, yoga, meditation, everything. Check in with yourself and see what you need. Deprivation is of the enemy; Spiritual Satanism is about strength and health in every way.
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Always do what makes you feel strong and healthy. Always listen to what your body needs. This goes for food, exercise, sex, yoga, meditation, everything. Check in with yourself and see what you need. Deprivation is of the enemy; Spiritual Satanism is about strength and health in every way.
I wanted to quote it here to draw attention to it.

Excellent sermon!
The systems are always the same and always have been. To find out whether or not the “new diet” really works is sometimes simple-just look at where they get their inspiration and who they are professed by.

The world's most popular religions, such as christianity, hinduism, buddhism and islam lead to two common factors, fasting and veganism. Through strong manipulations on emotional and other levers, they are one of the main tools to weaken and control. And this should already give pause for thought.

In the period of Jainism this was even used as a warfare tactic to weaken the victim(s) and then attack when now deprived of strength. A further warning to consider would be to also look at the ramifications of opposing delusions due to the divisions of opinion and opposing sides due to the introduction and re-accentuations of these fads, as in the example of the uniquely Carnivorous diet being contrasted.
The introduction of these strict dietary laws such as Veganism or Carnivorism, creates a societal polarization, where individuals who follow these dietary laws are supposedly seen as antagonistic or even morally superior to those who do not follow the other. The Abrahamic dogma that stems from this mentality is obvious.

From a psychological or sociological perspective, when individuals are deprived of certain physical comforts, their mental and emotional states become more susceptible to influence or manipulation. Hence, veganism is a framed dietary law that act as a form of asceticism designed to subdue natural human appetites and desires, making people more malleable and docile. This is blatantly pushed in the Abrahamic religions, including Buddhism, and cult-like settings, where control over food and personal habits go hand in hand with doctrinal control.

Do as you please, in accordance and terms with who you truly are, and not in accordance and terms of who everyone expects you to be. Spiritual Satanism is truly a life-loving discipline.

Hail Satan!!!
What a coincidence... I've been doing intermittent fasting for months now. The science behind it is persuasive, and it seems to help the body in many different ways. However, I lately get very hungry at night because of my work, etc.
I always tell myself "why eat now? You will get calories and then you will sleep in one hour. What's the point?"

So, should I keep denying it since I won't need the food in my sleep, anyway? Isn't it just a matter of self-discipline?
It's mainly fasting for enemy religion reasons and long-term fasting that we are against here in the JoS. Fasting to the point of weakness and dizziness is bad because it will open you to enemy programmings and thoughtforms, and weakness in general is to be avoided in Spiritual Satanism. A strong body helps a strong mind and soul.

Long-term fasting and being overly nit-picky and finicky about food causes blockages in the Sacral chakra and weakens the Solar chakra. The chakras need to be free for the Kundalini serpent to rise, so indulging in food in healthy ways at appropriate times is good. Long-term fasting weakens the physical body, and a strong body is necessary to raise the serpent and develop strong spiritual abilities.

But fasting or dieting for short periods of time, for certain people, for certain reasons, is fine and can boost health and vitality (not for everyone though). Some people feel so much better after a fast of a few days, making sure to get vitamins but no food. If you've been eating too much greasy junk food, a short fast can help clean the system, but only if your body type allows for fasts. Those who know Ayurveda, if your body dosha is Kapha then occasional short-term fasts can help, but usually not for Vatas.

If you decide to do a fast or diet for health reasons, go with how you feel. If you are starving and feel like you need a steak dinner feast, quit the fast and eat food. If you're feeling great, then continue until you don't feel great anymore. If you feel alert and revitalized during your fast, great. Once you start feeling weak, fuel your body.

As for the science against fasting, there is more to the body and existence. We have prana and various energies that can get stagnant from foods, so a short fast or diet can help clear it out.

If you want to clear your system but don't want to fast, you can roast or stir-fry mixed vegetables (coconut oil is said to be the best for this) and have it with chicken breast, eat that for your lunch and dinner. If you have a small appetite you can have a small amount and have broth as well; eat more if you have a large appetite. Always listen to your appetite and eat accordingly. Some veggies have some carbs, and most people get too many carbs so cutting back a bit for a few days will do most of you good.

I'm definitely not advising to cut back on carbs altogether, but for a day or two it can help a lot.

Red meat is healthy, I personally try to eat red meat a few times a week, but if you generally eat too much then cutting back for a few days or even a week can help you, but make sure you are feeling good and not weak.

And in general, especially for women who tend to cut back on fats too much, fats are essential. Women of pre-teen age through menopause need fats, and it will help your body develop better. SS member Shannon has posted about this before for women's health, mentioning full fat milk and grass fed butter. Fats also help the brain and hormones function better.

If you decide to diet, make sure you're getting what you need. In general I am against strict diets, but at certain times for certain reasons they can do wonders for you.

Balance and moderation are the key to good health. This does not necessarily entail trying to maintain the exact same balance every day for every meal. You can go heavy on carbs one day, and not have carbs the next day. The body adapts to fluctuations like this. Always listen to your body and go with what you need for that day. Some days we get more exercise and need more fuel, some days we don't need much fuel at all. We are not robots, our bodies are organic and adaptable.

Always do what makes you feel strong and healthy. Always listen to what your body needs. This goes for food, exercise, sex, yoga, meditation, everything. Check in with yourself and see what you need. Deprivation is of the enemy; Spiritual Satanism is about strength and health in every way.
Thank you for writing on this, diet can be something of a religion to people. It gets very dogmatic.

I once did a 3 day fast, partly as an experiment and partly to test my willpower, and because I had good results from short fasts. The first 2 days I felt good, better actually. My mind was clearer and I felt like I had more energy. But on the 3rd I crashed. This was during a period when I was working out every day. I am a kapha.

I think short fasts are worth doing once in a while for people who can intuitively sense that they'd benefit. I wouldn't recommend extended periods like I did, though.
And in general, especially for women who tend to cut back on fats too much, fats are essential. Women of pre-teen age through menopause need fats, and it will help your body develop better. SS member Shannon has posted about this before for women's health, mentioning full fat milk and grass fed butter. Fats also help the brain and hormones function better.
Fats and cholesterol are also important for men's health because this is where testosterone is derived from.
What a coincidence... I've been doing intermittent fasting for months now. The science behind it is persuasive, and it seems to help the body in many different ways. However, I lately get very hungry at night because of my work, etc.
I always tell myself "why eat now? You will get calories and then you will sleep in one hour. What's the point?"

So, should I keep denying it since I won't need the food in my sleep, anyway? Isn't it just a matter of self-discipline?
Some say eating too close to bedtime is bad for sleep quality and digestion. I felt this was true for me. But you can try it and see if it works for you, you can always go back. You could also adjust your window so that you have lunch in the day but also have your window in the afternoon/evening that'll give you plenty of time to digest a meal at home.
fasting or dieting

This sermon is very useful! Especially now that I have finally learned the virtue of positive consistency in all things (that is, doing things regularly not forcing yourself out of simple discipline, but because you can see your goals and look at them happy to work to achieve them even with great commitment) both in meditation, studies and training, but also in DIET... ...what can I say, this sermon came out exactly at the right time for me, I am happy to have reached that kind of maturity that today allows me to understand the writing. Starting tomorrow I will implement these tips in my diet. Thank you so much on behalf of all the people here who, like me, needed to know these things!!!
It's mainly fasting for enemy religion reasons and long-term fasting that we are against here in the JoS. Fasting to the point of weakness and dizziness is bad because it will open you to enemy programmings and thoughtforms, and weakness in general is to be avoided in Spiritual Satanism. A strong body helps a strong mind and soul.

Long-term fasting and being overly nit-picky and finicky about food causes blockages in the Sacral chakra and weakens the Solar chakra. The chakras need to be free for the Kundalini serpent to rise, so indulging in food in healthy ways at appropriate times is good. Long-term fasting weakens the physical body, and a strong body is necessary to raise the serpent and develop strong spiritual abilities.

But fasting or dieting for short periods of time, for certain people, for certain reasons, is fine and can boost health and vitality (not for everyone though). Some people feel so much better after a fast of a few days, making sure to get vitamins but no food. If you've been eating too much greasy junk food, a short fast can help clean the system, but only if your body type allows for fasts. Those who know Ayurveda, if your body dosha is Kapha then occasional short-term fasts can help, but usually not for Vatas.

If you decide to do a fast or diet for health reasons, go with how you feel. If you are starving and feel like you need a steak dinner feast, quit the fast and eat food. If you're feeling great, then continue until you don't feel great anymore. If you feel alert and revitalized during your fast, great. Once you start feeling weak, fuel your body.

As for the science against fasting, there is more to the body and existence. We have prana and various energies that can get stagnant from foods, so a short fast or diet can help clear it out.

If you want to clear your system but don't want to fast, you can roast or stir-fry mixed vegetables (coconut oil is said to be the best for this) and have it with chicken breast, eat that for your lunch and dinner. If you have a small appetite you can have a small amount and have broth as well; eat more if you have a large appetite. Always listen to your appetite and eat accordingly. Some veggies have some carbs, and most people get too many carbs so cutting back a bit for a few days will do most of you good.

I'm definitely not advising to cut back on carbs altogether, but for a day or two it can help a lot.

Red meat is healthy, I personally try to eat red meat a few times a week, but if you generally eat too much then cutting back for a few days or even a week can help you, but make sure you are feeling good and not weak.

And in general, especially for women who tend to cut back on fats too much, fats are essential. Women of pre-teen age through menopause need fats, and it will help your body develop better. SS member Shannon has posted about this before for women's health, mentioning full fat milk and grass fed butter. Fats also help the brain and hormones function better.

If you decide to diet, make sure you're getting what you need. In general I am against strict diets, but at certain times for certain reasons they can do wonders for you.

Balance and moderation are the key to good health. This does not necessarily entail trying to maintain the exact same balance every day for every meal. You can go heavy on carbs one day, and not have carbs the next day. The body adapts to fluctuations like this. Always listen to your body and go with what you need for that day. Some days we get more exercise and need more fuel, some days we don't need much fuel at all. We are not robots, our bodies are organic and adaptable.

Always do what makes you feel strong and healthy. Always listen to what your body needs. This goes for food, exercise, sex, yoga, meditation, everything. Check in with yourself and see what you need. Deprivation is of the enemy; Spiritual Satanism is about strength and health in every way.
Thanks for the sermon it was really
I learned that not starve myself
And weakness of the body starving
To death is the foul enemies lies
and I will never follow the Rhp
Hail Satanas! !!
Hail the Gods of Hell the true
What a coincidence... I've been doing intermittent fasting for months now. The science behind it is persuasive, and it seems to help the body in many different ways. However, I lately get very hungry at night because of my work, etc.
I always tell myself "why eat now? You will get calories and then you will sleep in one hour. What's the point?"

So, should I keep denying it since I won't need the food in my sleep, anyway? Isn't it just a matter of self-discipline?

Persistent hunger could indicate that your eating window might not be fully meeting your nutritional needs or aligning well with your energy demands, especially if you have a busy evening schedule.

If hunger is consistently distracting you, you should consider tweaking your meal timing or composition during your eating window. You could perhaps include more protein, fiber, or healthy fats to increase satiety. Or, you could also resort to a light, low-calorie snack like herbal tea or broth, which might help curb the cravings without fully breaking your fast. Balance is key; intermittent fasting should enhance your life, not create undue stress.

In addition, Intermittent fasting is proven to offer a range of potential health benefits, which, for example, includes improved metabolic health and weight management by promoting fat burning and reducing insulin resistance. Intermittent fasting has also been linked to lower inflammation levels, and better heart health by improving cholesterol profiles and reducing blood pressure.

Personally, I used to do intermittent fasting in the past two times a week over an extended period to help with weight loss and reap other benefits. It really helped. But, different things for different people, what works for one person may not suit another.
Is there a reason why someone feels lack of appetite and nausea in the morning?
It's mainly fasting for enemy religion reasons and long-term fasting that we are against here in the JoS. Fasting to the point of weakness and dizziness is bad because it will open you to enemy programmings and thoughtforms, and weakness in general is to be avoided in Spiritual Satanism. A strong body helps a strong mind and soul.

Long-term fasting and being overly nit-picky and finicky about food causes blockages in the Sacral chakra and weakens the Solar chakra. The chakras need to be free for the Kundalini serpent to rise, so indulging in food in healthy ways at appropriate times is good. Long-term fasting weakens the physical body, and a strong body is necessary to raise the serpent and develop strong spiritual abilities.

But fasting or dieting for short periods of time, for certain people, for certain reasons, is fine and can boost health and vitality (not for everyone though). Some people feel so much better after a fast of a few days, making sure to get vitamins but no food. If you've been eating too much greasy junk food, a short fast can help clean the system, but only if your body type allows for fasts. Those who know Ayurveda, if your body dosha is Kapha then occasional short-term fasts can help, but usually not for Vatas.

If you decide to do a fast or diet for health reasons, go with how you feel. If you are starving and feel like you need a steak dinner feast, quit the fast and eat food. If you're feeling great, then continue until you don't feel great anymore. If you feel alert and revitalized during your fast, great. Once you start feeling weak, fuel your body.

As for the science against fasting, there is more to the body and existence. We have prana and various energies that can get stagnant from foods, so a short fast or diet can help clear it out.

If you want to clear your system but don't want to fast, you can roast or stir-fry mixed vegetables (coconut oil is said to be the best for this) and have it with chicken breast, eat that for your lunch and dinner. If you have a small appetite you can have a small amount and have broth as well; eat more if you have a large appetite. Always listen to your appetite and eat accordingly. Some veggies have some carbs, and most people get too many carbs so cutting back a bit for a few days will do most of you good.

I'm definitely not advising to cut back on carbs altogether, but for a day or two it can help a lot.

Red meat is healthy, I personally try to eat red meat a few times a week, but if you generally eat too much then cutting back for a few days or even a week can help you, but make sure you are feeling good and not weak.

And in general, especially for women who tend to cut back on fats too much, fats are essential. Women of pre-teen age through menopause need fats, and it will help your body develop better. SS member Shannon has posted about this before for women's health, mentioning full fat milk and grass fed butter. Fats also help the brain and hormones function better.

If you decide to diet, make sure you're getting what you need. In general I am against strict diets, but at certain times for certain reasons they can do wonders for you.

Balance and moderation are the key to good health. This does not necessarily entail trying to maintain the exact same balance every day for every meal. You can go heavy on carbs one day, and not have carbs the next day. The body adapts to fluctuations like this. Always listen to your body and go with what you need for that day. Some days we get more exercise and need more fuel, some days we don't need much fuel at all. We are not robots, our bodies are organic and adaptable.

Always do what makes you feel strong and healthy. Always listen to what your body needs. This goes for food, exercise, sex, yoga, meditation, everything. Check in with yourself and see what you need. Deprivation is of the enemy; Spiritual Satanism is about strength and health in every way.
Without health has no beauty.
Thank you HPS Lydia cause these days I'm doing 20 hours fasting and I'm vegan... I did read about what HP Maxine told one time regarding vegan diet and I'm taking supplements and also probiotics, but today I'm feeling a little bit weak and this post will help me so much.
Fats and cholesterol are also important for men's health because this is where testosterone is derived from.
Yes, and testosterone is a hormone, my last sentence you quoted about fats helping the hormones function better. (That entire paragraph was not just for women, only the sentence specified.)

Is there a reason why someone feels lack of appetite and nausea in the morning?
Yes there is a reason. You can talk with a doctor or other health care practitioner. I've read about this from a TCM perspective, it can be treated, but I am not qualified in this regard.
Yes, and testosterone is a hormone, my last sentence you quoted about fats helping the hormones function better. (That entire paragraph was not just for women, only the sentence specified.)
Yes, but women were mentioned specifically throughout the entire paragraph which establishes the context in women's health. I wanted to add and clarify that these things are important for men's health too, because not everybody will consider it this way given the context.
Certain people who are predisposed to blood and yin deficiency, or have certain health patterns according to traditional chinese medicine should avoid fasting. This depends and Centralforce would be best able to answer this but it's extremely important this is mentioned.

I have had very bad experiences with fasting even for short periods because of a pattern of blood deficiency I have had for closing on over two decades.

Again, this is not usually the case but I wanted to make sure I mentioned this, as some people have these patterns and issues and don't realize it.
Yes, but women were mentioned specifically throughout the entire paragraph which establishes the context in women's health. I wanted to add and clarify that these things are important for men's health too, because not everybody will consider it this way given the context.
You're nitpicking over the fact that my article was not reviewed by a team of editors.

I will edit it however, for the nitpickers.

Edit: I should've remembered Mercury is now retrograde. You read the context as being about women, but I began with "In general" which to me meant in general, both genders. We'll chalk it up to Mercury retrograde.
You're nitpicking over the fact that my article was not reviewed by a team of editors.

I will edit it however, for the nitpickers.

Edit: I should've remembered Mercury is now retrograde. You read the context as being about women, but I began with "In general" which to me meant in general, both genders. We'll chalk it up to Mercury retrograde.
I was just commenting and giving my perspective, which was based on text I read, no need to call me names over this. I understand you don't have editors but that's not an expectation and nobody's looking for perfection. It's fine, if you're sensitive about it then I won't comment again in the future. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Existe alguma razão pela qual alguém sente falta de apetite e náuseas pela manhã?
Eu muitas vezes sinto falta de apetite e náusea pela manhã, mas é porque o estomago está vazio, e pode estar tempo hipoglicemia é só ingerir algo imediatamente e passa na hora, precisa ingerir algo pro metabolismo responder, pode ser até uma pequena fruta. faça e veja se melhora. precisa ser algo que contenha açúcar, chá, café sem açúcar e água, não funciona por muito tempo.
Salve Lúcifer
I was just commenting and giving my perspective, which was based on text I read, no need to call me names over this. I understand you don't have editors but that's not an expectation and nobody's looking for perfection. It's fine, if you're sensitive about it then I won't comment again in the future. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
I'm not sensitive about it, I was just trying to clarify that the entire paragraph was not strictly for women.
Raw milk+Red meat+Animal fats
The healthiest things a human can eat.
The three things the jew is constantly defaming as "bad for you"
I haven't had the chance to try raw milk.

Honey too, people are trying to say it's sugar and therefore toxic. It's not refined white sugar, it's from bees. I like to eat a spoonful every morning.
I haven't had the chance to try raw milk.

Honey too, people are trying to say it's sugar and therefore toxic. It's not refined white sugar, it's from bees. I like to eat a spoonful every morning.
Raw milk is amazing, it has such a creamy taste and it's so satiating, it's also full of good probiotics which does wonders for gut health
Shannon once wrote about it before in the past, it was her post about it that piqued my curiosity about it
Honey is good too, so long as it is free of glyphosate, organic is the way to go
TLDR of my post below: Based on my experience, fasting is a healthy way of reducing body weight, blood pressure and keeps the body "fresh" (young), helps me to focus, clears my mind. I also got rid of all metabolic issues I had. It shouldn't be overdone though and there are a lot of things to consider before getting into it - Exercise, what and how much to eat before/after fasting, supplements, etc..

I've been experimenting with various fasts for at least 1.5 years. I recommend checking out dr. Mindy Pelz on youtube, she shares tons of useful info but also some BS, so take it with a grain of salt. The main idea behind fasting is, that in order to be able to hunt and get food, your mind has to be sharp and your body healthy, so that's what your inner functions are going to try to achieve during fasting.
I tried fasts from 18 to 72 hours, here's my experience:
I went from about 90kg to 75 while I still kept eating all the junk and cookies I craved. So basically it's not a diet, it's just changing the way you eat. However, fasting changes your diet and craving automatically, as your metabolism heals. Skipping meals also allows you to save money and go for more healthy, expensive foods.
Doing intermittent fasting (15-18hours) daily is a great routine which helps your metabolism to heal, teaches you discipline and get more organized. It also helps cutting unhealthy snacks. If you want to try fasting, I would recommend to do this for a few days, as any length of fasting puts your body under stress and if not adapted to it, people might feel dizziness, weakness, brain fog, etc.. It's also worth researching the term autophagy, this is the buzzword most people who advocate fasting use. It basically means that if you don't eat food, your body starts eating itself and goes for the damaged or useless stuff first.
Occasionally, I did a 24 hour fast, which is supposed to "reset" your gut. During this time, the gut is able to have a rest and heal, but if you want to lose weight and increase the benefits, i'd rather go for a 36 hour fast, which is the optimal one for reducing belly fat. I do a 36 hour fast every week, usually on the weekend so I don't have to cook. After this I feel the benefits on my skin almost immediately. It becomes softer and shiny.
Every 3-4 months I do a 48 hour fast. Going for so long without food causes your body to do a complete reset of hormone production and increase the amount of dopamine receptors in your brain, e.g. you will enjoy food and other activities more.
A 72 hour fast is supposed to boost your immune system, I do this twice a year, once after the yule period (when i eat too much sugar and lots of food in general) and in the summer.
It's is important to do physical activity during longer fasts in order to keep muscle mass. The body is very clever, if you don't use your muscles, it will "eat" them too. You should go for mild exercises though.
If you decide to diet, make sure you're getting what you need. In general I am against strict diets, but at certain times for certain reasons they can do wonders for you.

Balance and moderation are the key to good health. This does not necessarily entail trying to maintain the exact same balance every day for every meal. You can go heavy on carbs one day, and not have carbs the next day. The body adapts to fluctuations like this. Always listen to your body and go with what you need for that day. Some days we get more exercise and need more fuel, some days we don't need much fuel at all. We are not robots, our bodies are organic and adaptable.

Always do what makes you feel strong and healthy. Always listen to what your body needs. This goes for food, exercise, sex, yoga, meditation, everything. Check in with yourself and see what you need. Deprivation is of the enemy; Spiritual Satanism is about strength and health in every way.

Sermons coming in the perfect timing as usual 😅
I am going to start diet soon to recover my health and hopefully fix some issues I have with my skin, I even purchased a book on raw food diet and joined their group where so far I've just been reading positive things.

I know it is a strict diet of raw fruits, veggies and nuts but people have been writting that it has helped them with their health problems. But these people have been on this diet for couple of months up to a year.
With time I will see what my body tells me and is it recovering as I expected.

Thank you for the sermon!
TLDR of my post below: Based on my experience, fasting is a healthy way of reducing body weight, blood pressure and keeps the body "fresh" (young), helps me to focus, clears my mind. I also got rid of all metabolic issues I had. It shouldn't be overdone though and there are a lot of things to consider before getting into it - Exercise, what and how much to eat before/after fasting, supplements, etc..

I've been experimenting with various fasts for at least 1.5 years. I recommend checking out dr. Mindy Pelz on youtube, she shares tons of useful info but also some BS, so take it with a grain of salt. The main idea behind fasting is, that in order to be able to hunt and get food, your mind has to be sharp and your body healthy, so that's what your inner functions are going to try to achieve during fasting.
I tried fasts from 18 to 72 hours, here's my experience:
I went from about 90kg to 75 while I still kept eating all the junk and cookies I craved. So basically it's not a diet, it's just changing the way you eat. However, fasting changes your diet and craving automatically, as your metabolism heals. Skipping meals also allows you to save money and go for more healthy, expensive foods.
Doing intermittent fasting (15-18hours) daily is a great routine which helps your metabolism to heal, teaches you discipline and get more organized. It also helps cutting unhealthy snacks. If you want to try fasting, I would recommend to do this for a few days, as any length of fasting puts your body under stress and if not adapted to it, people might feel dizziness, weakness, brain fog, etc.. It's also worth researching the term autophagy, this is the buzzword most people who advocate fasting use. It basically means that if you don't eat food, your body starts eating itself and goes for the damaged or useless stuff first.
Occasionally, I did a 24 hour fast, which is supposed to "reset" your gut. During this time, the gut is able to have a rest and heal, but if you want to lose weight and increase the benefits, i'd rather go for a 36 hour fast, which is the optimal one for reducing belly fat. I do a 36 hour fast every week, usually on the weekend so I don't have to cook. After this I feel the benefits on my skin almost immediately. It becomes softer and shiny.
Every 3-4 months I do a 48 hour fast. Going for so long without food causes your body to do a complete reset of hormone production and increase the amount of dopamine receptors in your brain, e.g. you will enjoy food and other activities more.
A 72 hour fast is supposed to boost your immune system, I do this twice a year, once after the yule period (when i eat too much sugar and lots of food in general) and in the summer.
It's is important to do physical activity during longer fasts in order to keep muscle mass. The body is very clever, if you don't use your muscles, it will "eat" them too. You should go for mild exercises though.
Wow, thank you for sharing your experiences with us.
It's mainly fasting for enemy religion reasons and long-term fasting that we are against here in the JoS. Fasting to the point of weakness and dizziness is bad because it will open you to enemy programmings and thoughtforms, and weakness in general is to be avoided in Spiritual Satanism. A strong body helps a strong mind and soul.

Long-term fasting and being overly nit-picky and finicky about food causes blockages in the Sacral chakra and weakens the Solar chakra. The chakras need to be free for the Kundalini serpent to rise, so indulging in food in healthy ways at appropriate times is good. Long-term fasting weakens the physical body, and a strong body is necessary to raise the serpent and develop strong spiritual abilities.

But fasting or dieting for short periods of time, for certain people, for certain reasons, is fine and can boost health and vitality (not for everyone though). Some people feel so much better after a fast of a few days, making sure to get vitamins but no food. If you've been eating too much greasy junk food, a short fast can help clean the system, but only if your body type allows for fasts. Those who know Ayurveda, if your body dosha is Kapha then occasional short-term fasts can help, but usually not for Vatas.

If you decide to do a fast or diet for health reasons, go with how you feel. If you are starving and feel like you need a steak dinner feast, quit the fast and eat food. If you're feeling great, then continue until you don't feel great anymore. If you feel alert and revitalized during your fast, great. Once you start feeling weak, fuel your body.

As for the science against fasting, there is more to the body and existence. We have prana and various energies that can get stagnant from foods, so a short fast or diet can help clear it out.

If you want to clear your system but don't want to fast, you can roast or stir-fry mixed vegetables (coconut oil is said to be the best for this) and have it with chicken breast, eat that for your lunch and dinner. If you have a small appetite you can have a small amount and have broth as well; eat more if you have a large appetite. Always listen to your appetite and eat accordingly. Some veggies have some carbs, and most people get too many carbs so cutting back a bit for a few days will do most of you good.

I'm definitely not advising to cut back on carbs altogether, but for a day or two it can help a lot.

Red meat is healthy, I personally try to eat red meat a few times a week, but if you generally eat too much then cutting back for a few days or even a week can help you, but make sure you are feeling good and not weak.

And in general, especially for women who tend to cut back on fats too much, fats are essential. Women of pre-teen age through menopause need fats, and it will help your body develop better. SS member Shannon has posted about this before for women's health, mentioning full fat milk and grass fed butter. Fats also help the brain and hormones function better, for both genders.

If you decide to diet, make sure you're getting what you need. In general I am against strict diets, but at certain times for certain reasons they can do wonders for you.

Balance and moderation are the key to good health. This does not necessarily entail trying to maintain the exact same balance every day for every meal. You can go heavy on carbs one day, and not have carbs the next day. The body adapts to fluctuations like this. Always listen to your body and go with what you need for that day. Some days we get more exercise and need more fuel, some days we don't need much fuel at all. We are not robots, our bodies are organic and adaptable.

Always do what makes you feel strong and healthy. Always listen to what your body needs. This goes for food, exercise, sex, yoga, meditation, everything. Check in with yourself and see what you need. Deprivation is of the enemy; Spiritual Satanism is about strength and health in every way.
Very great post!

To me a diet is something you do for your whole life. At times you adjust macro ratio's and calories, but you always stick to it.

First you need to know your BMR, then you calculate your daily calories needs. If you are maintaining then you eat for maintenance, which is roughly 10 - 12 kcal per pound of body weight. If you need to gain then maybe 250 to 500 kcal past maintenance calories, then to lose 250 to 500 kcal below maintenance.

Then you also calculate macro ratio's to avoid being skinny fat and weak. A good ratio I have found for me is 25% protein, 30% fat, and 45% carbs.

Finally for health reasons you can calculate micronutrients as well. Though I only find salt, calcium, and potassium need close tracking. The rest are easy to get with a multi-vitamin for insurance, and then fruits and vegetables. With a fruit of huge importance being the apple.

Be blessed

Hail Satan Forever!
Sermons coming in the perfect timing as usual 😅
I am going to start diet soon to recover my health and hopefully fix some issues I have with my skin, I even purchased a book on raw food diet and joined their group where so far I've just been reading positive things.

I know it is a strict diet of raw fruits, veggies and nuts but people have been writting that it has helped them with their health problems. But these people have been on this diet for couple of months up to a year.
With time I will see what my body tells me and is it recovering as I expected.

Thank you for the sermon!
Klassen recommended the raw food diet, it's not something I would ever do though. Prana is increased by cooking, and fire energy is added which helps with digestion. But it seems to work for some people.
It's mainly fasting for enemy religion reasons and long-term fasting that we are against here in the JoS. Fasting to the point of weakness and dizziness is bad because it will open you to enemy programmings and thoughtforms, and weakness in general is to be avoided in Spiritual Satanism. A strong body helps a strong mind and soul.

Long-term fasting and being overly nit-picky and finicky about food causes blockages in the Sacral chakra and weakens the Solar chakra. The chakras need to be free for the Kundalini serpent to rise, so indulging in food in healthy ways at appropriate times is good. Long-term fasting weakens the physical body, and a strong body is necessary to raise the serpent and develop strong spiritual abilities.

But fasting or dieting for short periods of time, for certain people, for certain reasons, is fine and can boost health and vitality (not for everyone though). Some people feel so much better after a fast of a few days, making sure to get vitamins but no food. If you've been eating too much greasy junk food, a short fast can help clean the system, but only if your body type allows for fasts. Those who know Ayurveda, if your body dosha is Kapha then occasional short-term fasts can help, but usually not for Vatas.

If you decide to do a fast or diet for health reasons, go with how you feel. If you are starving and feel like you need a steak dinner feast, quit the fast and eat food. If you're feeling great, then continue until you don't feel great anymore. If you feel alert and revitalized during your fast, great. Once you start feeling weak, fuel your body.

As for the science against fasting, there is more to the body and existence. We have prana and various energies that can get stagnant from foods, so a short fast or diet can help clear it out.

If you want to clear your system but don't want to fast, you can roast or stir-fry mixed vegetables (coconut oil is said to be the best for this) and have it with chicken breast, eat that for your lunch and dinner. If you have a small appetite you can have a small amount and have broth as well; eat more if you have a large appetite. Always listen to your appetite and eat accordingly. Some veggies have some carbs, and most people get too many carbs so cutting back a bit for a few days will do most of you good.

I'm definitely not advising to cut back on carbs altogether, but for a day or two it can help a lot.

Red meat is healthy, I personally try to eat red meat a few times a week, but if you generally eat too much then cutting back for a few days or even a week can help you, but make sure you are feeling good and not weak.

And in general, especially for women who tend to cut back on fats too much, fats are essential. Women of pre-teen age through menopause need fats, and it will help your body develop better. SS member Shannon has posted about this before for women's health, mentioning full fat milk and grass fed butter. Fats also help the brain and hormones function better, for both genders.

If you decide to diet, make sure you're getting what you need. In general I am against strict diets, but at certain times for certain reasons they can do wonders for you.

Balance and moderation are the key to good health. This does not necessarily entail trying to maintain the exact same balance every day for every meal. You can go heavy on carbs one day, and not have carbs the next day. The body adapts to fluctuations like this. Always listen to your body and go with what you need for that day. Some days we get more exercise and need more fuel, some days we don't need much fuel at all. We are not robots, our bodies are organic and adaptable.

Always do what makes you feel strong and healthy. Always listen to what your body needs. This goes for food, exercise, sex, yoga, meditation, everything. Check in with yourself and see what you need. Deprivation is of the enemy; Spiritual Satanism is about strength and health in every way.
HPS Lydia, ma’am what is your opinion and advice about eating in a calorie deficit?
HPS Lydia, ma’am what is your opinion and advice about eating in a calorie deficit?
It's shown to be the best way to lose weight, combined with exercise of course. Just make sure to get your nutrients, and if you need a day off your diet to eat more, then do so, but don't completely pig out and eat an entire chocolate cake in one sitting, like the meme goes.
What is the best way to calculate calorie deficit?
What is the best way to calculate calorie deficit?
Here is a great calorie calculator from Mayo clinic.

Also, I personally really like myfitness pal, it makes tracking very easy.

I hope this helps! :)
It's shown to be the best way to lose weight, combined with exercise of course. Just make sure to get your nutrients, and if you need a day off your diet to eat more, then do so, but don't completely pig out and eat an entire chocolate cake in one sitting, like the meme goes.
It is so easy to down a whole cake or cheesecake though! lol Most especially a cheesecake!
Always listen to your appetite and eat accordingly.
This is the only part of the sermon that I have problem with, as I know that sense of appetite can be "broken" in some people.

But I agree with the rest of the sermon, and thank you for writing it, High Priestess.
Thank you for this, I have been on the weight loss journey to be more healthy.
I found that exercising in my case going gym with a friend or family is helpfully as you can help motivate each other.
Along with setting small goals and wins.
This is the only part of the sermon that I have problem with, as I know that sense of appetite can be "broken" in some people.

But I agree with the rest of the sermon, and thank you for writing it, High Priestess.
Under normal circumstances for people with relatively normal health.
Without health has no beauty.
Thank you HPS Lydia cause these days I'm doing 20 hours fasting and I'm vegan... I did read about what HP Maxine told one time regarding vegan diet and I'm taking supplements and also probiotics, but today I'm feeling a little bit weak and this post will help me so much.
I'm improving myself to extract the best and I began to eats eggs again because of vitamins defficience and I don't want a weak body. 8 hours fasting for now is enough and long fasting is and a strategy for some reasons in sports but for now I not makes sense for me.
I have to say thank you for this post.
Hy Hp hooded Cobra666 ,Hps Lydia and Power of Justice (JG) Thank you I have learnt alot through you.And I thanks Shannon she have helped me alot about African Traditions.Thank you Shannon.Its not easy to live life in Africa.I don't know what to do.I have prayed to the Gods,no answer.i love the Gods and even thou dont speak to me ,I will always write my best peoms. thank you Hail Satanas.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
