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Family Ties And Spiritual Satanism & Salvation Of Relatives

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In Spiritual Satanism there is no command like in Christianity or Islam to ruin your own family. Rabbi Jesus Christ, in attacking the Gentiles mentally, does forcibly dictate that people sever ties with their families in order to follow"Him". Clearly, this suicidal advice, imagine if it was applied to the letter in fathers, mothers, or children. That would spell the end of civilization.

Spiritual Satanism is the Truth and is not based on hyperbolic lies. We preach reconciliation and positivity, sensible human relations, and the last resorts should only remain last resorts in family situations. One will essentially encounter the following:

1. Mistakes
2. Family foolishness or deception [Christianity, Islam, ignorance]
3. Things that are not serious offenses.
4. Disrespect from family members [common nowadays, no morals]
5. Disputes related to inheritances
6. Even jewish infiltration to the family [which is where a problem starts being kind of serious and disassociation might have to happen].

I do understand many of us come from backgrounds of very negative people, people who would not accept us, and worse things. In these cases, one might have to distance one's self and take another way in life entirely. Yet, this has to be a case of severity.

Family is a situation that is given to someone and you don't really choose these people, yet the familial bond affects one's life. Like all relations, a form of control going back and forth is happening.

People are ignorant but this doesn't mean they are necessarily evil. I believe in all cases no SS should allow self victimization by anyone [beyond saying] but if there are good people in your family, do foster positive relations, and do not allow their ignorance affect you. Their ignorance is their problem, and after you advance a lot, you will see it as a disease. But in the same way one does not discard their children over a flu, one must not blow up their whole family over misguided conceptions.

My grandma was likely one of the sweetest person you would ever meet. She was good for making legume soup, and taking care of children, and sewing. No woman like her in the planet. Of course, I was worried about her kind soul, and I asked the Gods to take care of her. She wouldn't hurt as much as a fly in all her life, spreading only positivity and hope to everyone around her and so on; there are people like this on the planet except of the usual bad ones.

She was however, confused over religious matters, especially because she was not some sort of religious genius. She didn't really believe in Christianity, but the usual stuff of her generation were present in her. This when I was more ignorant myself, did agitate me greatly, not due to compulsion but due to genuine concern.

Not taking this in consideration, I was indeed very worried about her, many many years ago when I began in the path, as I didn't want her to have afterlife issues. The response is clear here; the Gods DO see all good people [that is why they preside over the universe]. They WILL handle these people, help them and assist them. The misguided beliefs of their mental part of the mind, does not matter.

In contrast to Christianity or Islam, which enforces conversion, we on our side know the Gods have everything and they have it all. They cannot be fooled by the mere mental apparitions of a misguided human being. The good people will make it to the Gods and will receive their help, one must not worry about this. Spiritual Satanists bring a blessing to their own family when they follow the Gods. The Gods are Just, they will show kindness.

The people who are "of the Gods" but still in a latent state, will be reincarnated, and will eventually find the Truth. Our job is not to force them, but to create a world where this pathway is available, so they can take this path later. Many people are not ready yet.

With the above stated, one must keep a degree of secrecy of their beliefs [after all, it's your right to believe in the Gods as you want]. But one must not make the jews happy by ruining one's own family and allowing the enemy the satisfaction like Jesus the lunatic who said that one must completely disavow their family to follow 'Him'.

Overall, I know these are some of the most difficult subjects, and that's why this post focuses a bit on being just and not allowing pure dislike or hate blind you into doing potentially bad decisions towards others which you might not want.

Lastly, our family in the Gods is a spiritual union, and this is where we belong. This family is always there to look out for those who look out for it, and we support one another as a family of people under the Gods can do. Still, that does not mean that everyone will lift everything of your own weight in life, and the same rule also applies to your family.

Many people have unrealistic expectations out of their family more often than not, such as that family members will suddenly take your opinion seriously as you are "family". While you want to save them for being your blood and family, or simply because they are good people, that does not reassure they are "there" yet.

Love or how you feel or your impatience does not change the state of another soul to receive the Truth either. I do sincerely hope to listen to more positive messages of establishing control, reconciliation, and understanding inside families, as the siege to the family unit procured by modern mentality, is a tragedy in our civilization.

One must also bear in mind that quite a few of our own here, have never known family, or might have even been abandoned, so you might consider how what you complain over "imperfection" doesn't even exist in the lives of others, and seek to correct it rather than annihilate it for mere "disagreements".

The time will come in the future as the Gods regain their positive influence over humanity, where family will truly be more within the real notion. If anything, I have the most positive images of the new SS families that will happen in the future. Quite a few SS have shown this to me, and I am filled with hope for the future. Their children, if they can appreciate their parents, are among the luckiest of the planet currently.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you HP.

But a few questions arise: What about the people, SS, who grew up had only negative and detrimental issues with one family that damaged them and continue to damage them when present?

Would it be right to finally move on and have a better family of your own where ones future children can grow up in a positive environment away from abuse of all kinds?

I don't think one must remain in a family where there is only misery, abuse and worse, regardless if the family is brainwashed by death programs or such. Or am I wrong?
Thanks High Priest, quite a beautiful message in times where the family is underrated.

I am sure that, like everything that surrounds us, the family is one of the greatest gifts from the Gods, and although we do not choose them, it's our job to cultivate them, teach them and also seek their growth with Satan and the Gods, of course I'm talking about close family like children, parents, husband or wife, and perhaps other relatives, those with whom you have a real and strong bond.

For me it's a relief to read what you narrate about your grandmother, because I have a similar case that worried me too much because I love my mother, but once again the greatness of the Gods is demonstrated through your sermon, I'll never forget that Father Satan and the Gods DO KNOW and take care of good people.
I will do my best for my family. I will give my best care to my family. My wife, My child . I love you .

I will teach how to live a healthy life. I almost try everytime to smile with my family.

I wish Satan's Gods give love to our family.

Also , forever, I am with you my SS Jos Family.🌹
Dealing with Family and also having tried to love and form a family of my own have been an aspect and area of my life that has been extremely hard for me. I've tried to manage things and do my best in many ways.

Yet I'm often in a situation where things like this have brought me great heartache and misery to where I've considered disappearing without a trace at quite a few points in my life. I've had times where people have upset and frustrated me so much I've considered getting in my car, and just driving as far as I could away from everyone until I couldn't turn back. These moments of just mental breakdowns put me in much mental turmoil for alot of my life.

Thankfully I've always reigned myself in, but it doesn't get any less difficult.

I would say in my case this is partially them and just partially myself. As arguments and disagreements I have a very hard time handling. I've pursued therapy and all sorts of options, however the struggles of life and trying to love, be a good parent, and be a good person to those I love and even just be a good support to my aging parents I struggle extremely hard with.

I hope to see this more positive side of things you speak of Commander. As much of my life regarding family relations as been one of a circular codependency, good moments but also just alot of bad.

All this bad I describe hasn't been constant. But intense enough to really make me withdraw and think many times. Letting go is hard for me. Yet sometimes I've had to for a period of time. Or learn to approach things differently.

Hopefully one day I can see the mostly positive side of this. And I hope to try to work towards that. Or at least end up in a situation in life where I can carve my own way and continue just trying to be a good parent to my young children.

Regardless. Thank you for this post. I will definitely meditate on it and see what things I can improve on in this area of my life or approach differently.
Family is everything, life exists within structures. We should never take friendships for granted either, as we never know who can one day end up for for google or become a manager at Tesla.
I have been watching myself to prevent myself from accidentally blaspheming the gods. There are some habitual expressions in English that I am reffering too. Like how some people say "Jesus Christ" when they are startled or surprised. Or how people might say a psychopathic looking individual "looks demonic".
But my family casually say things like that all the time.

I have only ever met one SS in person before. I did not know about Spiritual Satanism at the time but due to what he said and how he acted looking back on it I know. The discussion we were having was about ancient Greek culture. I said something along the lines of "The pagan gods are obviously fake, right?". He immediately snapped at me and got extremely angry. This is an understandable responce of course. But I am dependent on my family and cannot correct them. I also cannot let them know that I am an SS.

How should we handle it when those without in our families blaspheme the gods?

SS with families or have had great families should not take this element of life for granted. Of course, that's correct and for the sake of a better plan than having to be some rebel that ends up being seen as hurting innocents. But for me, I'm not planning to have any family or partner in any tomorrow, I'm too broken to even open up to that now but instead make up for my ruined heart by strengthening my brain capacity for what's best for this world.

I'm not a family or any romantic person, but if ever my genes turn out to be useful then I'm just going to give them to a local sperm bank. I really regret everything I did to my family back when I had no absolute control over my degenerate episodes, I ruined lives because of me but at the same time ruined lives because they were the ones at fault, but I somehow did not end up casting their lives into the void of death and right now, it's best I did not.

While I've already set sail on becoming some ultra-isolationist as in a person that will always stay in the background but spiritually advance, do RTRs, serve the gods and aim to obtain supernatural feats while laying low for the rest of my life, I wish every Spiritual Satanic family out there the best of luck in nurturing, growing and developing successful generations.
Your story was the most impressive HP!

Family should never ever be abandoned because of misconceptions and you are right, we should care more about fostering positive relations with our family members and to not let Jewish ignorance affect us.
I have a question. Ok, I got it about Christianity, Islam and stuff. But what if one of my relatives is a Buddhist? It's hard to convince these fellas about something, because they see it as more of philosophy than religion.
Very important sermon, HP Hooded Cobra :)

I had thought my Grandfather was doomed as he was a very devout Catholic and spent hours daily on his rosary. But after he died, his soul came to me and I could feel that he still had strength. He was strong in his life, he actually did things and lived. He will have another life :)

The more I meditate, the more honored I am to have my ancestors. Everything will be better as the world becomes more Satanic.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The people who are "of the Gods" but still in a latent state, will be reincarnated, and will eventually find the Truth. Our job is not to force them, but to create a world where this pathway is available, so they can take this path later. Many people are not ready yet.
This is so true! Many members here have the mistaken belief that they are supposed to convert their relatives to SS. This simply cannot happen until the soul of the individual is ready.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In Spiritual Satanism there is no command like in Christianity or Islam to ruin your own family. Rabbi Jesus Christ, in attacking the Gentiles mentally, does forcibly dictate that people sever ties with their families in order to follow"Him". Clearly, this suicidal advice, imagine if it was applied to the letter in fathers, mothers, or children. That would spell the end of civilization.

Spiritual Satanism is the Truth and is not based on hyperbolic lies. We preach reconciliation and positivity, sensible human relations, and the last resorts should only remain last resorts in family situations. One will essentially encounter the following:

1. Mistakes
2. Family foolishness or deception [Christianity, Islam, ignorance]
3. Things that are not serious offenses.
4. Disrespect from family members [common nowadays, no morals]
5. Disputes related to inheritances
6. Even jewish infiltration to the family [which is where a problem starts being kind of serious and disassociation might have to happen].

I do understand many of us come from backgrounds of very negative people, people who would not accept us, and worse things. In these cases, one might have to distance one's self and take another way in life entirely. Yet, this has to be a case of severity.

Family is a situation that is given to someone and you don't really choose these people, yet the familial bond affects one's life. Like all relations, a form of control going back and forth is happening.

People are ignorant but this doesn't mean they are necessarily evil. I believe in all cases no SS should allow self victimization by anyone [beyond saying] but if there are good people in your family, do foster positive relations, and do not allow their ignorance affect you. Their ignorance is their problem, and after you advance a lot, you will see it as a disease. But in the same way one does not discard their children over a flu, one must not blow up their whole family over misguided conceptions.

My grandma was likely one of the sweetest person you would ever meet. She was good for making legume soup, and taking care of children, and sewing. No woman like her in the planet. Of course, I was worried about her kind soul, and I asked the Gods to take care of her. She wouldn't hurt as much as a fly in all her life, spreading only positivity and hope to everyone around her and so on; there are people like this on the planet except of the usual bad ones.

She was however, confused over religious matters, especially because she was not some sort of religious genius. She didn't really believe in Christianity, but the usual stuff of her generation were present in her. This when I was more ignorant myself, did agitate me greatly, not due to compulsion but due to genuine concern.

Not taking this in consideration, I was indeed very worried about her, many many years ago when I began in the path, as I didn't want her to have afterlife issues. The response is clear here; the Gods DO see all good people [that is why they preside over the universe]. They WILL handle these people, help them and assist them. The misguided beliefs of their mental part of the mind, does not matter.

In contrast to Christianity or Islam, which enforces conversion, we on our side know the Gods have everything and they have it all. They cannot be fooled by the mere mental apparitions of a misguided human being. The good people will make it to the Gods and will receive their help, one must not worry about this. Spiritual Satanists bring a blessing to their own family when they follow the Gods. The Gods are Just, they will show kindness.

The people who are "of the Gods" but still in a latent state, will be reincarnated, and will eventually find the Truth. Our job is not to force them, but to create a world where this pathway is available, so they can take this path later. Many people are not ready yet.

With the above stated, one must keep a degree of secrecy of their beliefs [after all, it's your right to believe in the Gods as you want]. But one must not make the jews happy by ruining one's own family and allowing the enemy the satisfaction like Jesus the lunatic who said that one must completely disavow their family to follow 'Him'.

Overall, I know these are some of the most difficult subjects, and that's why this post focuses a bit on being just and not allowing pure dislike or hate blind you into doing potentially bad decisions towards others which you might not want.

Lastly, our family in the Gods is a spiritual union, and this is where we belong. This family is always there to look out for those who look out for it, and we support one another as a family of people under the Gods can do. Still, that does not mean that everyone will lift everything of your own weight in life, and the same rule also applies to your family.

Many people have unrealistic expectations out of their family more often than not, such as that family members will suddenly take your opinion seriously as you are "family". While you want to save them for being your blood and family, or simply because they are good people, that does not reassure they are "there" yet.

Love or how you feel or your impatience does not change the state of another soul to receive the Truth either. I do sincerely hope to listen to more positive messages of establishing control, reconciliation, and understanding inside families, as the siege to the family unit procured by modern mentality, is a tragedy in our civilization.

One must also bear in mind that quite a few of our own here, have never known family, or might have even been abandoned, so you might consider how what you complain over "imperfection" doesn't even exist in the lives of others, and seek to correct it rather than annihilate it for mere "disagreements".

The time will come in the future as the Gods regain their positive influence over humanity, where family will truly be more within the real notion. If anything, I have the most positive images of the new SS families that will happen in the future. Quite a few SS have shown this to me, and I am filled with hope for the future. Their children, if they can appreciate their parents, are among the luckiest of the planet currently.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you HP:)
There is this movie "The Kerala Story" that explains how muslims brainwash new muslim kids to destroy their non muslim families:)
Christianity also wants to destroy families.
It is written in their book:
They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.
Abrahamic religions leave people lonely and angry at everyone on this planet.Then use their rage to cause war and death by giving them a wrong sense of righteousness
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The people who are "of the Gods" but still in a latent state, will be reincarnated, and will eventually find the Truth. Our job is not to force them, but to create a world where this pathway is available, so they can take this path later. Many people are not ready yet.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
What about those who were friends or very dear to us?

I had a couple of friends and love-interests. Some were very open to the astral, had gifts, beautiful soul and kindness inside them. They suffered from ignorance and fear. All were muslim, confused, thinking these are curses and they are bad and trying to "heal" and praying to "Allah" to save them.

They would constantly attacked by nefarious entities and even Greys it seems.

When they first met me they said how lovely, special, kind, and a genius, gifted person I was.

Once they got to know me further, firstly knowing I didn't believe in "Allah" they were absolutely shocked and saw me differently. Then it was replaced by hate and the difference in our energies showed.

They would think I am just confused and mentally ill because of my traumas. They would say they were praying for me and then try to say we do this because we love you and you'll regret all this in the future and you will go to hell and get tormented in doomsday they just want to save me, blah, blah. Mom did this too for a while but much worse when I was younger.

I just can't help but feel tormented by their state. It just hurts so much to see such people with beautiful gifts, essence of the Gods, gifted ancestry, and openness to the astral. But everything is ruined in them and they ruin and enslave themselves aswell and I can't help them and they hate me and gaslight me like this.

I don't really believe I can have true love or friendship with humans anymore. I really don't. Everytime I find someone and give them a chance they hurt me so bad undeservingly.

The current world and humanity is so unjust to the only good in this world. Whether it's Hitler, Maxine, Father Satan, or me..

I just don't know what to do to have true happinness and enlightenment in this life.

Right now, I am just trying to create wealth so I can have freedom. Because it seems anything of meaning has vanished for me with people. I believe there is happiness for me on the other side, the spiritual one and I want to discover it, discover the Gods, and maybe then I would find friendship and love.
This came in just at the right time, as always in fact :D

Much gratitude HP! Thank you
Thank you Brother HP for sharing this message 🙏 ❤️ This is very beautiful and inspiring. I have come from a family of mixed beliefs.
We have had our problems throughout the years on and off! But then again at the same time we have learned a lot from one another! A lot of different ways of thinking and understanding and learning to find patients and one another! Even though we have had our problems in our differences and inner belief patterns is individuals! We've also learned to find comfort in one another and learn to let go a lot of the problematic issues and learn to see through a lot of these things not only as a lesson but to us recognize that people have their fears and their problems as well other than just excuses a lot of it was because of her upbringing or the lack of understanding due to the generation and the time that each and every person was born into! And still we have found comfort and love and happiness among one another! Even the fighting and the problems that we had we've learned to see through them and overcome them! And still we learned to accept each other and love each other as is! And it's nice to be able to have that foundation in my family and to be able to sit down and talk about your troubles and your problems and to be able to work it out . And find a security within yourself! And to help others find it within themselves as well if they are willing to listen and learn! It's nice to be able to share and listen to other people's opinions but when people come at you and force their opinions and the rules upon you? Then it becomes a problem to the other person! We've learned to handle the situation throughout the years and yet to take the advice when it's needed and when it's necessary on the way down the road! To somebody who may ask for it or wanted! People have a right to learn and discover things on their own! And it's nice to be able to sit down and share your ideas and your opinions about the things that you're learning about and it does make it more comfortable! To feel wanted and appreciating on your own path and to be able to share it with those that you love and care about! And a lot of the times it is not easy! Because people do have their misunderstandings and their fear because of what they have been told? By another family member or a loved one due to their religion and their religious background! We have had a few run-ons in the past from a few! But then again we have kind of left the door open them for them to figure it out! Without the arguing and the fighting! And still be able to sit down together and take pictures and have dinners together and share our ideas and hopes and dreams especially when we get together for family reunions! Family is special to me and it's nice to be able to have the comfort of sharing your interests! On what you believe? And what path you have decided to take!? And it's nice to know that you can have a family member or a friend in your family who believes in you and has enough respect for you? To let you be yourself and learn things on your own terms! Without arguing or fighting or causing any problems. ❤️🙏 And still be loved and appreciated!. And being your true self.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=453299 time=1689069016 user_id=57]
Very important sermon, HP Hooded Cobra :)

I had thought my Grandfather was doomed as he was a very devout Catholic and spent hours daily on his rosary. But after he died, his soul came to me and I could feel that he still had strength. He was strong in his life, he actually did things and lived. He will have another life :)

The more I meditate, the more honored I am to have my ancestors. Everything will be better as the world becomes more Satanic.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The people who are "of the Gods" but still in a latent state, will be reincarnated, and will eventually find the Truth. Our job is not to force them, but to create a world where this pathway is available, so they can take this path later. Many people are not ready yet.
This is so true! Many members here have the mistaken belief that they are supposed to convert their relatives to SS. This simply cannot happen until the soul of the individual is ready.
My grandmother is the sweetest old lady and she pray to the rosary too, so I always wondered how the Gods would act in this case when she dies. This makes me feel better. I honestly think in a past life she could have been one of us, for many reasons but unfortunately in this life she only found the fakest of the religions...
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=453299 time=1689069016 user_id=57]
Very important sermon, HP Hooded Cobra :)

I had thought my Grandfather was doomed as he was a very devout Catholic and spent hours daily on his rosary. But after he died, his soul came to me and I could feel that he still had strength. He was strong in his life, he actually did things and lived. He will have another life :)

The more I meditate, the more honored I am to have my ancestors. Everything will be better as the world becomes more Satanic.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The people who are "of the Gods" but still in a latent state, will be reincarnated, and will eventually find the Truth. Our job is not to force them, but to create a world where this pathway is available, so they can take this path later. Many people are not ready yet.
This is so true! Many members here have the mistaken belief that they are supposed to convert their relatives to SS. This simply cannot happen until the soul of the individual is ready.

My father is a good example of this: he often saw me vibrating mantras, meditating and doing yoga and even doing the RTRs but never showed interest on it, he basically was a irreligious person.
He has already reincarnated, non -spiritual souls cannot remain for long without a body.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have the most positive images of the new SS families that will happen in the future. Quite a few SS have shown this to me, and I am filled with hope for the future. Their children, if they can appreciate their parents, are among the luckiest of the planet currently.

Thanks for the great sermon. I used to worry a lot too.
But while I might not be worried about the salvation of dear ones anymore (as there's no need by what you said), I still worry about my future children.
My girlfriend of years, is not a Spiritual Satanist, although she knows I am. I can tell her soul isn't ready despite my efforts.
If things between me and her keep going well, there is no reason for us to split, and thus, this means she'll most likely be the mother of my children.
I worry about not being able to educate them properly if my partner isn't SS too.
How could someone in this situation deal with it?
Im trying best to show my kids that their family is one of the most precious thing they have and stay united.

And im trying my best to love them.

Thank you HP
Hail Satan
My Dad always believed he could see the dead - like that scifi show with Jennifer Love Hewitt , he was a spooky guy. Far as I'm concerned, if something gives someone peace when they die = gives me peace too. While they're there well, who knows... don't worry about it too much. I held the hand of dying loved ones and there's nothing I could do for them as they went. Is no bringing them 'to the light' in my opinion. Being able to see/experience them is maybe something only some people can do.
I saw mine in good dreams or playing good characters in my nightmares. The great beyond is beyond us...
Great sermon, thank you. When I was younger, when I truly learned about christianity, I used to hate my family because their values were completely opposed to my nature. But as I matured and gained more understanding about life and Satanism, I began to value my family more than anything, now I use this greater understanding to improve their lives in any way I can.
Relationships with family members and spiritual Satanism may not always be compatible with the idea of salvation for family members.
Young Faith said:
Thanks for the great sermon. I used to worry a lot too.
But while I might not be worried about the salvation of dear ones anymore (as there's no need by what you said), I still worry about my future children.
My girlfriend of years, is not a Spiritual Satanist, although she knows I am. I can tell her soul isn't ready despite my efforts.
If things between me and her keep going well, there is no reason for us to split, and thus, this means she'll most likely be the mother of my children.
I worry about not being able to educate them properly if my partner isn't SS too.
How could someone in this situation deal with it?

If you and she are compatible, then your children will have the best of both of you, and you will be able to guide them in spirituality. If she knows you are an SS then she won't be against it, and perhaps in time she will be ready, maybe when she sees the benefits for your children from SS.
luis said:
My grandmother is the sweetest old lady and she pray to the rosary too, so I always wondered how the Gods would act in this case when she dies. This makes me feel better. I honestly think in a past life she could have been one of us, for many reasons but unfortunately in this life she only found the fakest of the religions...

Also remember, our grandparents didn't exactly "find" xianity, but they were forced into it. Physically beaten in school for not remembering bible passages, for example. Harshly judged and punished for not attending church, and so on.

So we can't judge them badly for belonging to what they were forced into. I'm sure your grandmother will be taken care of by the Gods and given another chance in her next life :)
Lightning-Wings said:
Thank you HP.

But a few questions arise: What about the people, SS, who grew up had only negative and detrimental issues with one family that damaged them and continue to damage them when present?

Would it be right to finally move on and have a better family of your own where ones future children can grow up in a positive environment away from abuse of all kinds?

I don't think one must remain in a family where there is only misery, abuse and worse, regardless if the family is brainwashed by death programs or such. Or am I wrong?

Just gonna bump this and hope somebody more knowledgebal can help answer this. Thank you!
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=453740 time=1689311132 user_id=57]
luis said:
My grandmother is the sweetest old lady and she pray to the rosary too, so I always wondered how the Gods would act in this case when she dies. This makes me feel better. I honestly think in a past life she could have been one of us, for many reasons but unfortunately in this life she only found the fakest of the religions...

Also remember, our grandparents didn't exactly "find" xianity, but they were forced into it. Physically beaten in school for not remembering bible passages, for example. Harshly judged and punished for not attending church, and so on.

So we can't judge them badly for belonging to what they were forced into. I'm sure your grandmother will be taken care of by the Gods and given another chance in her next life :)
This is very true. They had no choice. I really wish that in their next life they can be SS!
Thank you HPHC for this post :D

Hail Satan!
Lightning-Wings said:
Lightning-Wings said:
Thank you HP.

But a few questions arise: What about the people, SS, who grew up had only negative and detrimental issues with one family that damaged them and continue to damage them when present?

Would it be right to finally move on and have a better family of your own where ones future children can grow up in a positive environment away from abuse of all kinds?

I don't think one must remain in a family where there is only misery, abuse and worse, regardless if the family is brainwashed by death programs or such. Or am I wrong?

Just gonna bump this and hope somebody more knowledgebal can help answer this. Thank you!

In your particular case according to what I have read and if there were only is abuse I would completely detach from them, cut all contact with your family and try to start a new life away from them.
Lightning-Wings said:
Thank you HP.

But a few questions arise: What about the people, SS, who grew up had only negative and detrimental issues with one family that damaged them and continue to damage them when present?

Would it be right to finally move on and have a better family of your own where ones future children can grow up in a positive environment away from abuse of all kinds?

I don't think one must remain in a family where there is only misery, abuse and worse, regardless if the family is brainwashed by death programs or such. Or am I wrong?
I think it would be best to do a detaching working to free oneself from such toxic individuals, forever
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=453739 time=1689310875 user_id=57]
Young Faith said:
Thanks for the great sermon. I used to worry a lot too.
But while I might not be worried about the salvation of dear ones anymore (as there's no need by what you said), I still worry about my future children.
My girlfriend of years, is not a Spiritual Satanist, although she knows I am. I can tell her soul isn't ready despite my efforts.
If things between me and her keep going well, there is no reason for us to split, and thus, this means she'll most likely be the mother of my children.
I worry about not being able to educate them properly if my partner isn't SS too.
How could someone in this situation deal with it?

If you and she are compatible, then your children will have the best of both of you, and you will be able to guide them in spirituality. If she knows you are an SS then she won't be against it, and perhaps in time she will be ready, maybe when she sees the benefits for your children from SS.

Good point. Thanks for reassuring me.
Wotanwarrior said:
Lightning-Wings said:
Lightning-Wings said:
Thank you HP.

But a few questions arise: What about the people, SS, who grew up had only negative and detrimental issues with one family that damaged them and continue to damage them when present?

Would it be right to finally move on and have a better family of your own where ones future children can grow up in a positive environment away from abuse of all kinds?

I don't think one must remain in a family where there is only misery, abuse and worse, regardless if the family is brainwashed by death programs or such. Or am I wrong?

Just gonna bump this and hope somebody more knowledgebal can help answer this. Thank you!

In your particular case according to what I have read and if there were only is abuse I would completely detach from them, cut all contact with your family and try to start a new life away from them.

Yurei said:
Lightning-Wings said:
Thank you HP.

But a few questions arise: What about the people, SS, who grew up had only negative and detrimental issues with one family that damaged them and continue to damage them when present?

Would it be right to finally move on and have a better family of your own where ones future children can grow up in a positive environment away from abuse of all kinds?

I don't think one must remain in a family where there is only misery, abuse and worse, regardless if the family is brainwashed by death programs or such. Or am I wrong?
I think it would be best to do a detaching working to free oneself from such toxic individuals, forever

Thank you to you both!
Of course, this is all good, the institution of the family and so on, but do not forget that people are different and in some cases relatives can at least annoy, at most interfere with life, for example, I feel the whole race of Christians and there can be no good attitude from me to these people, they are typical slaves both physically and spiritually, therefore, using the freedom of choice granted by Satan, I have the right to throw these people away, anyone has the right to do this, and there is no desire to help or save someone, yet everyone decides for himself how to live and who he should be, if a person is a nonentity and he lives like that, so be it, it is much more productive to devote time and life to relationships with demons in order to secure a future for yourself and so that it will not be as insignificant as those of these Christian sheep. Personally, I decided that I don’t need a family when some people are constantly nearby - it’s annoying, it doesn’t give freedom, it’s time and resources that can be spent on more productive things, but everyone decides for himself, Satan also encourages the dedication of life to some idea or function, if it is worth it.
One of the (valid) reasons family is underrated is due to enemy poisoning. For example, what should one do, if a degenerate entity like a transgender married into their family and started imposing their role onto others, as it happened for me? Or if a child is brought up with 2 mothers ? (I know a case) They corrupt the "good" people who were there before them, and trying to save them while keeping that person's influence at bay, especially when they "love" them, is nearly impossible. Am I wrong to detach to the point of acquaintance?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
