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Exposure of the enemy invasion into Russian JoS

Edward Lonsa

Oct 3, 2017
[Please, HP Hooded Cobra 666 and/or moderators, may I ask you to read and decide thoroughly before approving]

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Remember - there is no JoS outside the JoS. That's all there is to that.

Revealing Jewish infiltration: Lucifer Rising / Восход Люцифера, etc. tentacles of the enemy on vk, telegram and under other names, including the stolen name of Joy of Satan and/or Spiritual Satanism.

Here is the of story of infiltration, subversive activity and attack that happened in JoS Russian community that was secretly led from 2018 and fully emerged in 2021. I put it here to be observed, memorized and learned from by new members. Many of this is new to Russian community while was very long known and hundreds times exposed in English one, so a lot of things are not new to members here. But originally this PDF, the text of which I am going to put here, was done for Russian community, so it will be long and detailed. Russian PDF is also available in
Russian Satan's library https://blacksun.deathofcommunism.com/%d0%b1%d0%b8%d0%b1%d0%bb%d0%b8%d0%be%d1%82%d0%b5%d0%ba%d0%b0-%d1%81%d0%b0%d1%82%d0%b0%d0%bd%d1%8b/
- Recommended materials https://blacksun.deathofcommunism.com/%d1%80%d0%b5%d0%ba%d0%be%d0%bc%d0%b5%d0%bd%d0%b4%d0%be%d0%b2%d0%b0%d0%bd%d0%bd%d1%8b%d0%b5-%d0%ba%d0%bd%d0%b8%d0%b3%d0%b8/

English PDF - https://blacksun.deathofcommunism.com/wp-content/uploads/invasion-exposure-en.pdf
Russian PDF https://blacksun.deathofcommunism.com/wp-content/uploads/Invasion-exposure-ru.pdf
Dedicated topic in Russian forum https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3016


Since the inception of Joy of Satan, both in its original English and in its official Russian translation, there have been many attempts by forces completely alien and hostile to it to impersonate it online. Which were often hidden and pushed through in order to get official approval for them under the guise of "spreading the truth". If you have read the site itself and the affiliated sites (i.e., to which it links) Joy of Satan, you understand that we have an interest in spreading our information on the Internet. But it is taken advantage of by those who don't want it or want it in a twisted way that presents us as our opposite.

It's time to expose one criminal group that infiltrated Joy of Satan in 2018 and worked long to rot it from within. It will be helpful to capture the history and details of this infiltration and exposure as a prime example of how the Jews and their lackeys infiltrate, molest and fester the Gentiles from within, often quietly and secretly from the leaders of the host organization.

It is also a great example of the alienation of the healthy elements, the real benign Gentiles and the attraction of only the like minded scum who are cancer cells themselves, who continue to fester from within their "own" organization, by presenting Satanism in a way that is obscene and foreign to the Gentile eye.

All evidence and prinscreenings will be made public so that not only our people, but all those on the internet who have suffered from this Jewish scum, can see the true face of Joy of Satan and its enemies, and who the enemy really is.

They infiltrated in 2018. First, what they had was a group called Lucifer Rising in contact, after recently being exposed under that name for peddling dubious services, this vk group is called Lucifer Rising. It has been stealing any kind of esoteric material all over the internet in order to infiltrate any spiritual organizations and poach any people interested in spirituality in order to get money from them.

And by 2018, this gang attacked Joy of Satan and created a "Joy of Satan" group on vk, even though it is forbidden by copyright laws, which the site is protected by, for their own selfish purposes. Namely, they stole our material without references to the original for their personal benefit, naming their accounts in "Joy of Satan" and distributing links to our sites with links to their group under them, i.e. passing off the material as their own. Material was stolen selectively, only that which was profitable for the sale of dubious magical services and the implementation of an agenda hostile to us. That is, everything that is not profitable for them — i.e. exposing themselves and the platforms on which they do it, sites with material politically incorrect for these platforms, such as the Death of Communism, - was thrown away, the leaders of the Joy of Satan and materials of sites not interesting for theft — were slandered and lied up, because we prevented them from stealing.

All their slander techniques are nothing more than the infiltration of a fifth column to undermine the very structure of the community, the introduction of a foreign element that looks alike, but has completely different goals and priorities, which they impose and implement without the consent and knowledge of the leaders of the organization on its periphery.

These groups and all those who call themselves Радость Сатаны in Russian and, respectively, Joy of Satan, on the English Internet, and are on social networks, or on resources not belonging to the following domains:

(those are our domains), -

are frauds and impostors who deliberately mislead people.

We have never been, are not and never will be in any social network in any language. And everyone can read in Russia forum what we think of them:

The jew, on the other hand, adores his own services, which he completely controls, in order to perpetuate there the perversion of all the achievements of the free Internet (which are the social networks themselves), including free spirituality. Often posing as various "adepts" and flinging around their unquestioning claims of some "ability" in any area of interest to the customer.

This is no different from the main character in the bible: some jewish street scum talking nonsense, pretending to be the "son of god," and was rightly executed for it by his own people. Israel itself is getting rid of such malignant elements, though it is actively imposing the atkami on us along with their defiling nonsense. This is the Spiritual Warfare. Just as they infiltrate scum from Saudi and Yemeni prisons into ISIS, al-Qaeda and Chechnya, to then send with a flood of islamic refugees to the civilized Enemy Race to rape and suck it dry from within. This is also what they do with their festering elements, which they don't need themselves, but they raise them for the Enemy Race.

In 2020-2021, when we began to intensify the Jewish curses and we had the FRTR and then the Death of the Tetragrammaton, many of the jewish scum then came to the surface and exposed themselves and all their infiltration methods and scare tactics, and I thought it my duty to capture this "for a rainy day". The following will look at their tactics, popular lies and methods of intimidation and brainwashing, using the example of the Lucifer Rising owner and his gang.

The first part of this study will be an in-depth analysis of jewish infiltration tactics, brainwashing, attention control, and the endless game of emotion common to all jews.

This will come in handy in all spheres, both in the continued existence of the Joy of Satan and in every Gentile and Satanist's own life, but most importantly, in the life of Gentile society: politics, economics and issues of the integrity of the Gentile state.

Part 1: Jewish Introduction and Brainwashing Tactics

1. Only through deception. First, jews will never say they are jews. No one will come to an organization that exposes him for the purpose of rotting it from the inside and admit openly why he went there. That's obvious. So the first thing I heard from them was "there are no jews among us. No proof other than "we see it with our astral vision".
All their lies will be fully exposed further.

2. Satanism is not for profit. There is an unspoken rule in Satanism, since one goes there not to promote his ego, but for Knowledge, naturally, no one will ever say anything openly about his abilities, if they do, they are either hallucinogenic fools or deliberately self-promoting. This is also obvious. If someone develops, you'll just see, firstly, more and more interesting and informative content of someone's posts, and secondly, that one day the person will be elected to office or put at the helm of an important event - not "the Gods themselves will put" according to the self-nominated scum, but their representatives on Earth - the Priests put by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, the founder of the Order, or even by herself. And a very important detail - see below.

3. The Replacement Program. The most favorite jewish argument used on this planet, by which you can immediately see them, is "only Satan decides" or "only the Gods know who is who" or other reference to the Gods. It is a substitutionary program and a direct quote of pislamic teachings: "allah knows better" - any pislamist ends his utterances with it. The meaning of the substitutionary program is that you are told: you and your legitimate authority and the Priesthood know nothing: they don't know who to put up, but we, the pathetic street brats from jerusalem, know better, and we will tell you now. With this phrase came all the early xians and mudslims in our Gentile States. They were an essentially brainless street rabble, but very well trained to tell everyone that no one knew how to live properly for the last tens of thousands of years, living in the richest and greatest Empires, and these ragged, illiterate pedophiles from the desert are now going to tell them about the kingdom of heaven. This is exactly what they are doing now, when they organize their communities under our stolen name, insert absolutely any bullshit, any falsehood and any agenda under it, and explain it by "knowing Gods better than we do".

Proof of gods' chosenness??? - JUST STEALING EVERYONE“S ELSE“ ACHIEVEMENTS is exactly how all the biblical and quranic jews explained their choseness! And only 2,000 years ago:


Translation of some lies:

«Websites exist 3-4 years, not 10 years as you all thought»

«Edward is not advanced spiritually. How? Because he himself told so privately and publically» - Really? Where??

«The imposter [they onviously mean me] steals others“ achivements: all PDFs translations, all material [i.e. financial] and spiritual gain, all rituals, all hardened neophyte is our — my and «grandmaster»“s work»
If Russian JoS servers are your financial gain how it comes that you are banned there?

«I advanced far beyond all of you here. How do I prove it? Easy — Gods gave into my hands all projects that existed in Russia. I could destroy Russian forum in one month if wanted — together with its admin“s authority, I am just past all personal matters since we all are Satanic warriors etc etc».

According to the public statement of the "grandmaster" (it is Bogow“s nickname in telegram) https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49273 , he has been engaged in activism since 2018, when all projects were already ready (Russian Joy of Satan exists since 2014. https://web.archive.org/web/2020*/joyofsatan.ucoz.ru ), and "inquisitor" registered in Russian forum in 2020 under the nickname "Robert" - later renamed personal protonmail - Inquisitor, and under this nickname now in telegram. You can all see for yourselves since when the Joy of Satan material has been circulating on the internet and social media. Here is "grandmaster" sympathetically commenting on the blocking of this 2014 website https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=12#p2964 , and here is when the Death of Communism https://web.archive.org/web/2020*/deathofcommunism.weebly.com was created and the history of its numerous blockings, as well as all other sites, is presented in this thread.
Exposing xianity https://web.archive.org/web/2020*/seethetruth.ucoz.ru
The Real Holocaust https://web.archive.org/web/2020*/blacksun666.ucoz.ru
Black Sun https://web.archive.org/web/2020*/666blacksun.ucoz.ru .
As you can see, most of the sites and books have been around since 2014, over 7 years.

4. The use of the Gods for their own purposes. Any Higher Powers are used by the infiltrators, as well as their supposed "abilities", everywhere. For absolutely any of their own selfish purposes and to justify any of their inhumane crimes. I ask everyone to remember and never forget the disgusting and almost completely scrubbed even from the English internet story that has been called pizzagate. https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8&p=3365&hilit=pizzagate#p3365 The richest American jewish clans - Clinton, Rockefeller, Epstein, etc. - participated in a pedophile enterprise where young children were raped, tortured, sacrificed on an island where a Judaic temple adorned with a statue of the Goddess Owl (the sacred bird of Lilith) was found, which resulted in the jewish media presenting it all exclusively as "Satanism" and not a word about the 100% jewish racial origin of the criminals or the distinctly Judaic nature of their beliefs and crimes. Their gmail correspondence was published on wikileaks and fully confirmed the barbaric rape of children. As a result, some of the billionaires were imprisoned. But then youtube brazenly hushed up and silenced the case, leaving the question of whether Clinton was a child murderer and a maniac unchallenged. Then in the very first minutes of the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S5R_J8Lseo quotes from her gmail letter that popped up on wikileaks are used as a prequote to demonstrate her alleged obscurantism and superstition thus to remove suspicion of a real crime. The maniac's utterly sincere boasting is used here to disprove his own guilt. The jews made sure to hide their crimes behind our ignorance, so that if they were revealed, they would be immediately blamed on our Gods. See the sermon - What is behind the symbols.

So, next time, when the next dummy tells you that "the Gods put him there" or "he hears them better on the astral" or that "the Gods know better whom to put", know that only the enemy says so. There are no intermediaries in Satanism, only Priests:


And so, they have gained your trust and convinced that they are "supervised by the Gods," and in complete circumvention of the Ministry. What they do next.

1. Introducing agendas through distraction. I urge everyone to read this article on Russian mythology, which describes the technique of introducing lies through distraction to insignificant objects in as much detail as possible:
Toi Tam River.

Next I will show how an entirely jewish agenda is introduced under our stolen name and symbols in insignificant conversations and conversations on insignificant topics or under the pretext of proving something else, a whole sea of blatant lies is "thrown in" on much more important and critical topics. We call it «throw-ins» in our language.

To understand what is «throw-in», I will analyze this infiltrator post: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=191116#p191116 everyone of course got anger because some infiltrating filth was let through to freely attack HP and subvert the community, but no one paid too much attention on another parasitic idea, namely the one that «HPs Maxine does not bother with teh forums» whichj is the most putrid blasphemy. Everyone was so busy exposing all other filth so that this filth was somehow left alone, or «threw in». This is the reason why no jewish filth comes alone.

So returning to this tactic in Russian social networks.

I will first present a successful version of such a "throw-in," then a less successful one, where they didn't bother to divert attention, and were immediately exposed. The agenda behind the next two throw-ins is the same: that there is no one in this world except the jews, never was and never will be, and nothing good in the universe whatsoever, and that all our resistance is in vain, and all we can do is just let ourselves be conquered. This is their most favored and yet absolute lie. Their existence in this world rests only on our pity, and judging all beings according to ourselves with our honesty and nobility, which entails not understanding these throw-ins.

1.1 A successful throw-in - was not noticed. Repeatedly attributing all the brilliant achievements of Gentile civilization to jewish roots and blatantly lying about his omnipotence and the omnipotence of the jewish race and the jewish special services. Notice how this is all securely hidden in a "personal argument with some admin out there" so that it looks "to the point" and in fact is a 25th frame. While public attention is diverted to some Santa Barbara with some other resource, 99% of the post is actually a throw-in that the entire internet, darknet, all free software, and all the greatest achievements of Free Speech are jewish, and that what is really a jewish infiltration of the internet and only exists to collect data - social media - is something "normal" for SS to be there. And then there are tons of just monstrous lies being told to non-IT-specialists and non-programmers about anonimity and security.

In addition, there is the throw-in about their usual jewish God-chosenness, which has already been mentioned: "we were put into VK by Gods", "the Gods are always on our side", "we are God-chosen and we can even do what the High Priests forbid", "we are not subject to the general laws". The rabbis have repeatedly written that they are above the angels and the jewish god itself, and that makes sense, since the latter are their creation. But it is their worldview that they bring with them to the Gentile communities they embed, along with their religion, since in order to break all the rules, they logically have to first justify setting themselves above those rules. But how to do this in front of the whole crowd cheering for these rules? For example, by having a showy debate with someone to draw more attention to the squabble. While the gawkers are mesmerized watching the dramma, they can be infiltrated with anything. Watch this:


Translation (my notes are in []):

«Look what admin of Russian forum says… [here they put screens of my words that they are scam and fraud]» - «Projects [they mean their stealing our name in VK and telegram networks] are done with the direct guidance of Gods. Very serious people put their powers into them. There is no power more than the one of Gods. Admin of Russian forum thinks of himself too much. The forum is and will be forever desolate. All translators, all public was found here on networks [lie, I and most productive translator in forum are not and were never registered in ANY network].

"This know-it-all thinks that there is some mythical surveilance after everyone around. I know how MVD system and some parts of FSB works. There is nothing like ultra technological means of surveilance in the hands of MVD, only of Interpol, which will not survey after you [Lie! MVD as well as FSB are the part of one surveilance system behind them all]»

«Internet itself is jewish, owned by jkews, created by jews even those anonymous services. Anonymity was created as an illusion.» [all lie: internet was created by Gentiles for Gentiles, jews only stole a lot, and anonymity is not anything you can possess, anonymity is free source code — you see the code and you can do with it whatever you want — anonymity is power over your device, this is what it is. Again they use illiteracy].

«If there is anyone non-desirable for them, they will see the person with spiritual vision and find them. To cover yourself from spiritual vision is impossible, I assure you» [So good reason to be in VK, right? Probably giving them away all your data at once will mix traces somehow]

«We told HP Cobra is imformed about existence of the projects» [so where is his permission?]

«It is easy to find non-spiritual person — his thoughts do not belong to him.» [so where are you? According you I am unspiritual]

«FSB are not going to invest into the project that will take informational traffic, is risky and can fail, lose trust of the people segment and get known easily» [COMLETE LIE!! Russia goes into extreme financial and political lengths for surveilance: they are openly building their own souverein internet like those 13 servers in US https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_Internet_Law ]

«FSB do different: they find HP or admin [how?], torture them for passwords and information, then kill them and put their own agent in their place. Probably Edward was already replaced by FSB agent: he demands as much obedience as FSB general, while even HP does not command that much».

«So don“t worry. The story above is just anexample of disinformation. I can destroy Russian forum in a month, I just do not do it out of Satanic duty» [so now there is more than a year you are being exposed for what you are in Russian forum. Where are you?]

«Websites exist 3-4 years, not 10 years as you all thought» [lie — see archive links above]

«Edward is not advanced spiritually. How? Because he himself told so privately and publically» [Where?]

«I am not the strongest in the world, but only in Russsian segment: there is no powerful adepts here, only in non-Russian segment. I advanced far past you all and past everyone Russian speaking».

«The imposter steals others“ achivements: all PDFs translations, all material [i.e. financial] and spiritual gain, all rituals, all hardened neophyte is our — my and «grandmaster»“s [i.e. Bogow] work»

«I advanced far beyond all of you here. How do I prove it? Easy — will Gods give all these projects into the hands of the brat? Including international communications. You can“t even imagine the gigancy of our efforts, achievments and dangers».
[Lie: «inquisitor» translated one little book, all «translations» of occasional sermons they ever did were utter crap google translation. All their alleged «gigantic effort» was making gigantic money via questionable services, collecting data and pouring dangerous lies on people].

«As for the cat, this is not an accurate measurement of our extraordinary ability whatsoever.

Without personal data I of course also can take you even from the memory of another person, find anywhere if needed and curse. It will just take too much of my time and space. So having your photo just spares my time and space. Don“t worry, all your photos and data are totally cleared off the email after being used».

[my note: clients tried his «abilities» by making him tell the sex of a kitten by photo and he failed. So they admit they collect photos...]

Now. 100% absolute lies about everything to do with the Internet and the FSB, designed for complete computer illiteracy and trust in anyone. If you do your research, you will read everywhere, including on the government procurement website, how many millions of dollars the government regularly invests in creating technologies to hack our private lives: just read about Russian "SORM system" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SORM , and read how much money is invested in it. For English speakers, type «Russians hack Tor» - you will find abundant news of FSB attacks on Tor network. Here are the topics in which I've cited specific FSS and government projects with monetary amounts aimed at de-anonymizing users:
Russian forum:
Roskomnadzor Cyber Crimes https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2741
Human surveillance https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=211
Net Neutrality https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=33
English forum:

And here are just examples of FSB projects to Hack Thor and social networks:

Nautilus is a project developed in 2009-2010 to collect information about users on social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace.

Nautilus-S is conducting research into the de-anonymization of users on the Tor network by creating output nodes that were controlled by the Russian government. This project was allegedly commissioned by the Russian research institute Kwant.

Karlstad University Investigations,
Rotten Onions: exposing malicious tor network output nodes https://www.cs.kau.se/philwint/spoiled_onions/techreport.pdf
Russian translation https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2741#p3370

What these infiltrators are spreading is a dangerous lie, and clearly speaks to the government origins of this gang.

Russian mass surveillance is well known abroad https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_surveillance_in_Russia no different than Chinese one, unfortunately in Russian social networks governmental gangs like the above are spreading the opposite.

So what you see is governmental agent gangs are stealing the names of the various communities (like JoS) steal other people“s achievements and histories, rewrite dates and facts of the community and put themselves instead of actual community leaders for what — for spreading dangerous disinfo about FSB surveillance and collecting data through questionable services. All is very obvious.

Notice how many successfully promoted lies thanks to the emotional outburst of mesmerized viewers. That's why all the Yandex news, Rambler news, and all the jewish news agencies just feed off the scandals. The more emotional the atmosphere, the better. A Gentile can't control his emotions and begins to greedily follow someone else's scandal or trial, even though he knows he doesn't need it in the first place. And while he is reading this, he opens himself up to all lies and indoctrination, and he gets processed on so many really important subjects... Look, they've hushed up the war on the Internet, and their special services in the completely cartoonish light that they want us to see them in, and they took internet security out of our sight putting a lot of nonspecialists around into danger, and stole and attributed to themselves all the history of the creation of the Russian Joy of Satan, and they cut the dates from 2014 to 2018 - jews always delete Gentile history, - and they put a lot of nonscence in my mouth that I never said such as that of «I can“t hear Gods». All in one little post. Notice how they, by separating the FSB and MIA, have divided the focus from one target to two. They don't let the reader focus and think - they throw lies in, in and in.

That's why they need all these scandals. Don't you think the owners of the news don't know what's more interesting for us to read about? They don't give us what we are interested in, they give us what they want us to read and what will arouse the right emotions. This is an example of the mind manipulation they do every day on every channel of "budget" TV.

"Who do you think has created and overseen the projects for years? Gods wouldn't trust such an upstart" — I was informed that they also attributed all Russian Tsars since Mongolian Yoke and the Black Triangle channel in Russian youtube making anonimity videos, to jewish blood. In both emails to me and in their telegram above they lie that every free software is jewish. Don't you think that stealing the history of the creation of our order in Russian internet is a bit too reminiscent of this whole cycle with the theft of Bulgakov, Tsars, Black Triangle, genial soft etc. - "all geniuses come from the jews" type of thing, eh? Joy of Satan they attributed to themselves and all the other achievements of civilization to the jews? And if you don't divide it up, what do you get?

The whole dramma was in honor of the fact that the supposed God-elected grandmaster and inquisitor didn't guess the sex of the kitten from the photo and so failed the "skill test" their prospective clients gave them.

This is what they really needed from you and everyone, what this whole "throw-in", drama, stealing other people's work, tons of lies about the Demons, the FSB and the Internet was for - they wanted to cover up the fact that they have no psychic ability at all except to lie, because they need data collection and clients. Notice how they turn their failures and actual exposure into praise and promotion. When the Greys made a deal with the Vatican, the Vatican jews and their slaves would not agree to work until they were promised a sea of money. Likely this great inquisitor also does not agree to infiltrate and brainwash anyone without being able to successfully make money from it.

«Don“t worry, despite of every kike seeing you astrally, your admin being replaced by FSB and your thoughts not belonging to you, your photos you send me are safe»...

In short, goyim, just send us all your data, pay us money, don't worry and don't listen to anyone.

1. 2. The following unsuccessful throw-in was spot on. Same basic theme: everything in the world is from jews, created by jews and exists only because of jews, and there is nothing that is not from jews: accusing all the Russian Tsars, the entire Russian Empire, our entire Gentile heritage, which our goal is to revive, and the brilliant Russian writers who exposed much of their Communism, such as Bulgakov, of being jewish. According to the participants, they called one of the smartest anonymity experts on the Internet, whose channel I have repeatedly recommended on the forum, a jew. At the root level of this promotion is the biblical propaganda that the entire world was created by jews for jews and that there is no one else in it but jews, never has been and never will be. That even the greatest Gentiles in it are jews.


Translation: my notes in []

[some years ago]
«What do you think about Master and Margarita by Bulgakov? Some says it is Satanic, some — not» [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Master_and_Margarita]
«Well, very worthy literature. There are a lot of magic allegories that are unseen to profane»
[after some years]
«So I asked you about Master and Margarita and you told it is Satanic and highly allegorical, and now you are telling that Bulgakov is a jew, aren“t you??» [the one telling that was inquisitor, not grandmaster, but they both posted under stolen JoS name thus question]
[about inquisitors“ claim]
«No one says we have to always agree in everything. I do not deny that Bulgakov is a jew»

«How it can be? You said nothing good can come from a jew, no?»
«Everything you wear, eat and watch came from a jew»

Note, it all boiled down to the fact that all the good things we wear, read, eat, watch, and generally all the good things on earth were made by jews.

This is a very popular agenda of Ren-TV and all other media of Dugin's Eurasianism and other jewish agenda in the Russian media, run exclusively by jewish oligarchs, like all Russian television: to lie about the entire history of Russia and its best times - the Golden and Silver Ages (19-20 start), to raze them to the ground and jewry. Now one often hears from Russian TV and youtube the origin of the Russian Tsars Romanovs from the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the "English royal family" and other lies for illiterate morons. As is the propaganda of the "jewish" origin of the internet and the best in it. They wouldn't have destroyed the Russian Empire with its cultural and scientific achievements if it were theirs.

I can tell you. I learn sciences and find that extreme procent of ALL scientific innovations of 18-20 century was done by Russian scientists.

I strongly recomend everyone this video (there are English ayto cubs) on Rusian Empire and Her creations and innovations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91cO5uBOgBg in this channel you also can listen the music Russians provided during this epoque.

Notice how they behave when brought out into the open - guess they didn't get distracted in time and try to distract when it's too late. They have forgotten their main trump card of putting the wrong accents. That what matters is not how they rewrote all of our history and stole all of our civilization and are now trying to put it on the shoulders of a dead Pagan, but something else, like a tiff with some other resource or some questionable «psychic» training.


«Then why did you tell me of worthy literature if he were a jew? Other person told they would reread it if you advised and you commented nothing on that»
«You take it too seriously. Read what you want.»

About the brilliant mastery to teist any argument in any direction and instantly throw any agenda into you, that's what they teach them in yeshiva schools. To argue, to lie, to "throw in." What you see in the screenshot with Bulgakov is a demonstration of this. It takes professionalism to lie and twist like that. Non-trained person would be lost and spew some truth out. It is very well seen that they are well trained to screw facts like that.

And the truth is that they completely twisted our entire history and stole our entire civilization, and the fact that even in their factories they use our labor, and the Nazis were defeated by our heroes (before they gave victory to the rapists), and all their superpowers are held together by our labor alone. And they accused Bulgakov of what they themselves had just done to him - of twisting our culture. Although they just claimed that they had not even read him and concluded that he was a jew or twisted something just on the grounds that he use the names of biblical characters in his book. Although recently advised him, claiming that he is full of allegories.

All of this is evidence that no jew really cares who is really jewish online and who is not, any Gentile culture or anyone's artistic creation. It's all a diversionary game of "look, there's a jew, there's a jew" - and if exposed, they have another 6 million lies at the ready to distract the public and bore the whistleblowers.

It is useless to argue with them - you can spend days and nights exposing every line. They will still write fresh kilometers of lies, and you will see how disingenuous they are if you try to convince them of anything.

Next tactic.

Intimidation and emotional manipulation.

You can't keep the Pagans down with lies and made-up mythology alone. They must be constantly intimidated, kept in fear, if not of themselves, then of the Gods, the administrator of the Russian forum, the High Priests, anyone. But so that they do not notice. To do this, in turn, you need two things:

1. For people not to spiritually advance.
And they achieve it
a) by posting pseudo-meditations and quack practices, with which they try to displace the meditations of the Joy of Satan, which are the only ones on the Internet that can help, since they are given by Gods, not quacks.
b) The constant brutal pace of posting absolutely any trash material to keep people glued to the screen. So no matter how many times they are asked to translate normally or at least check behind a Google translator, they still translate monstrously. Probably even the dumbest admin would realize that they just don't care and have a completely different goal.

Proof of the moronic nature of the translation can be seen by comparing the official and unofficial translations, respectively, in forum and on their resources by native Russians:
On Attitudes Toward Our Gods
How to use Ouroboros

At this point their foreign introduction is exposed directly in the comments:

And it's not at all about forgivable mistakes and accidents here, it's about the most barbaric monstrous spitting. They were only asked to pass through the forum so that I could do FOR THEM their work, and I did a lot to moderate more often even under time constraints, but they did not, which completely proves their other intentions - they need to go out of their way to poach, not just to post faster. The fact that they did this for years before they wrote a letter promising to skip on the condition that I give them all Russian websites (which in itself is evidence of the enemy invasion) also suggests that verified translation is not their real goal.

2. the distraction tactics.

All charlatain bogus practices also serves this reason. The spiritual charlatainism that is highly spread in post-soviet regions especially Russia, is not only needed to live by parasitizing and producing nothing, and to keep people consuming substandard and often harmful and dangerous goods, poisoning their lives endlessly, but also to keep them busy with something all the time so they never have time to do anything really useful.

3. Constant contact with emotions.

A favorite jewish tactic is to parasitize other people's feelings - religious, love, gratitude, duty, the best feelings - the deeper, the better for the jew. And often, and this is very characteristic, they parasitize feelings not for themselves, since they can't summon them, but for someone else. Their entire religion is built on stealing other people's symbols, images, stories, names, etc., in order to pass them off as their god and make them feel at least some of the feelings we had for our Gods.

The same extends to other people's admins, authorities, leaders. The fact is that we have from time immemorial been very fond of our leaders - Pharaohs, Kings - because they truly cared for their people, and the people prospered because of them. Look at how the same Putin and the same Soviet authorities used someone else's patriotism everywhere for their own purposes - all the time mimicking "motherland" and "fatherland" - the kikes trying to associate themselves with our motherland and our fatherland while they were the exact ones to steal this all from us. Patriotism is one of the most abused Gentile feelings by jews throughout the centuries. First and Second World wars are good example of such abuse.


[Person went away after they were told the great writer of Russian Empire had been a jew]
«She will return. Father will slap the sense into her»

No real Satanist will ever speak for the Gods, neither for the Priests nor for the Gods. Because it is blasphemy. You're nobody compared to them both, you can't judge how they'll react. You don't know anything. If someone do such thing, they are a jew and an enemy. I repeat, as this is important if you want to know the enemy: THE PSYCHOLOGY OF CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF THE REACTIONS OF THOSE HIGHER THAN THEM: THE GOD, THE KING, THE PRIEST - THIS IS THE JEWISH RELIGION. GENTILES RESPECT THEIR SUPERIORS.

Pagan Gods cannot be ruled. Unlike the jewish "god," they exist and they are stronger and wiser than any human being. There is nothing we can ever do to influence their minds. Manipulation of the Deities was brought to earth by the jews, and it is in their grimoires. The Keys of Solomon are all based on this idea: disrespect, manipulation and command of the Deity. And it is based on the fact that they themselves have no real deity. Their "god" is just a thoughtform:

The Residency of the jewish god:
The quran is the grimoire, allah is a servant

This is first. Second. Satanist loves Truth. And, since he cannot control the actions of a superior, he will not threaten such, but only what he himself can do.

Probably it is not necessary to say that to deliberately put into the mouth of the superior the words which he did not speak, but said the exact opposite, not only the real Satanist, but any decent person would not do.

And here's how they sacrilegiously twisted the High Priest's post:

Original post https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49273&p=216408&hilit=joS+Russia+admin&sid=5598c8c3a2e7c2b7305fcf211bbd73de#p216408

The last phrase "What JoS Russia Admin told you is not wrong" literally translates as "то, что сказал вам Админ русского форума, не является неверным" (English speakers, just put it into translator and see), and means what it means obviously to the English, and the question was about what I said about them - that they are spies, not Satanists, and are engaged in collecting data, spoiling the sermons, and illegal trade of what, first, they understand nothing of, and second, of what in general is forbidden to trade under our name since they are simply NOT Joy of Satan. As well as naming yourself by the name of other organization againt its will. Not every criminal spamming the internet from prison with free WiFi is Joy of Satan. This is exactly what I told about them and what HP pretty knew that I told. So they obviosly had to mistranslate his words to sound credit.

Now what they did was putting «what admin told you was not wrong» as «admin told YOU were not wrong» (i.e. «admin told you were right»), since in Russian this is the way the words usually stands in the second phrase like. And then when they saw the disintegration of their judeo-translation, they tried to shift the conversation to other translations, as if everyone was talking about something else altogether, and completely ignored the question of their brazen lies. And notice how easily they turn against the High Priest, whose sermons have been stolen to sell dubious services for years, as soon as they cannot use him for self-serving purposes, and begin to "cry out for the decision and power of the people" like true communists.


Translation: my comments in []

«This dog [they mean me] has no its own opinion — it listens the HP and serves its ass out to him, because he himself has no authority over people and has no their trust»

«His so called «corrected» translations are done by our crew. He says all the time «thanks forum members for translation» and then attack us»
[LIE. My translators have confirmed to me that they are not in those abominable services of VK and Tg. ]

«I communicated with [HP] Cobra — he refused to deal with it claiming he has no time»

«We directly offered them co-workery and free help. They refused. While second nasty thing also attacks us all the time.»

«They both do not care about you. They think only about the good of Joy of Satan. But you ARE Joy of Satan. They must think about people, not their petty text being correctly translated»
[We do. That's why we have no social networks.]

«How a person who is crazy and can't read others' intentions via divination can help neophytes?»

«There is a fact, and a fact is that neophytes are being cared nowhere except this little corner of Joy of Satan division here in post-soviet territory alone»
[This is NOT Joy of Satan division. This is stolen Joy of Satan name behind which no one knows whom is attracting neophytes for highly questionable purposes]

And third and most important. The blasphemy is outrageous! They attribute their own low qualities to the Gods, such as harassment and intrusiveness, a reference to which can be found in the jewish stories about our Gods. Only the inferior can denigrate to imposing itself around, since the superior has no need to follow anyone: the inferior follows the superior at his own will (if he understands who the superior is), and the superior has no need of him either. Alpha-males are followed by females at their free will. The obsessive, violent, and intrusive behavior is the business of betas, who simply can't impress anyone. It's the way only the worst unwanted bastards behave. But they always project themselves onto those they don't understand, who are superior and better than them. How dare this filth have the tongue to lie that Satan would impose the vile jewish services of vkontakte and telegram on anyone!?

Here the lie about the Gods is completely exposed - they don't impose themselves on anyone, much less on the inferior Earth, which is behind them in advancement for the length of eternity. Enemy does that.

Somehow they associate their brutal, brazen harassment with "taking care of neophytes. What they call "taking care of the neophytes" is giving them placebos and shit in a shiny wrapper, making sure they do nothing really important, lying to the neophytes that Joy of Satan meditations are worse than their quackery, when Joy of Satan meditations were given by the Gods through the Foundress, while they are just jews / jewish henchmen who have invaded and given people shit and phony stuff that well if just does not work and serve as distractions. Their task and methods are exactly the same as those of thousands of years - imposing on the people a counterfeit consisting of a mixture of stolen alien material with their own useless and dangerous additions to it, keeping people occupied with the wrong things and keeping and scaring them away from real Knowledge and where its real source is.

As for the "petty" translations, it probably makes no difference to a jew when he steals something, in what quality and spiritual meaning it presents itself to his victims, but I must say, whether I am right or wrong in calling them charlatans and frauds, they did change the original post of the High Priest. So it's not such an insignificant factor for them - translation.

Next, point by point, how to identify the enemy when he infiltrates, festering and enslaving a community, what signs correspond to this:

1. It never respects the Gods, asserts without caveat or evidence that they are on its side, and throws all kinds of threats and promotes any ideology that benefits itself, abusing religious feelings of its victims. The enemy does not care how the Gods really think or what they really want or don't want. Moreover, the enemy projects its own vileness and lowliness onto the Gods, whom it is not meant to understand, and for whom not only the comparison with it, but its vile existence alone in this world is an insult.

2 It never respects the Clergy caste, or any higher caste of the community. Any official leadership. There is a hierarchy in any community, and by coming into a community as a friend, a guest always respects it and submits to it. To go against the hierarchy is to go against the community itself. It means to come here with war. This is what the jews did in all their communist revolutions. And it is written in their own writings of communism: their goal is to undermine the existing order and established power. See https://deathofcommunism.com/en/
As I happen to know they attacked Death of Communism website claming all there is written by «who knows whom». Guess what is the real reason - all their tactics are laid out there.

3. It has no respect for established rules and laws, and is trying to break and repeal them. "To pry into another's monastery with one's own charter" is to try to undermine. In the Joy of Satan, the creation of alternative communities, alternative leaders, and the promotion of alternative spiritual practices and alternative political positions are forbidden. So is any self-imposture self-promotion. Here it is not the people who elect the government, but the government who elects the people - assistants, admins, etc. This is the basis that jews are trying to undermine, because there is no other way they can get into power. This is why we suggest that newcomers READ SITES, including all political ones, as they often explain WHY the rules are as they are, and why we have no democracy and never will. Newbies can't rule and decide - they can only mess up and make a mess, and here's why.

4. The jew always appeals only to the people and to the feelings of the people. The jew never goes openly against the state, because he can't handle Gentile civilization. To approach it, it must first be undermined. This is why they always go after the most mentally vulnerable members of society, who are always at the bottom and on the periphery. And they instill in them a dangerous illusion of "equality" with power, thus setting them against the natural order of subordination and hierarchy, which is the ONLY way to bring them out of the bottom and allow them to live and develop. This is the undermining of society.

A healthy and natural order is based on the proper interaction between government and the people. The people can develop normally only if the government fulfills its duty of truthful leadership toward them, which includes "telling the truth in their eyes," but this the government can do successfully only when the people fulfill their duty of faithful service and discipleship. It is an indestructible tandem where both must be faithful to each other to death in order to continue to exist and thrive. This is called a monolithic community, and it is the way any normal community exists without parasites.

"Europe will no longer be monolithic communities as it was centuries ago" - jew Barbara Specter, on the "cultural enrichment" of Europe by pisslam and non-white races.

If jews penetrate power, it is only when the last is puppet, stupid and the corrupt ones. But in a society where the authorities are represented by principled people (which is a healthy Gentile society), they only penetrate to the periphery and prey on the weak, the malleable, the suggestible or those who have not yet experienced Satanism. And they try to turn as many of the confused against power as possible (see prints above).

What the host of Lucifer Rising and his gang have done for this: they have given and forced others to give links to the Joy of Satan site, but to their own group, in order to get a chance to influence as many newcomers as possible, thus avoiding the authorities' view of themselves completely. They made themselves into a kind of filter that besieged newcomers to their groups, they became a kind of barrier between the world and the Joy of Satan, skillfully operating where we are not, i.e. in social networks. To keep people from really developing, they have made a whole conglomeration of totally useless practices like placebos or harmful practices to keep people glued to the screen, thus killing three birds with one stone: on the one hand, Gentile life goes by while they poke around in the screen and no one develops, on the other, their favorite activity is collecting data on all their enemies, and on the third - to slowly introduce their agenda, like attributing our kings and geniuses to jews.

Notice their screenshots. How infuriating for them is, firstly, that I never registered in any jewish social network, as a result they were not able to steal my information, although they themselves posted a post of Priest, where he warns against it. Secondly, how terribly infuriating to them is my loyalty to Priest and his words. This also demonstrates once again how they really don't care about the opinion of the Above, which in turn confirms that they are not Satanists and never have been - for a Satanist the word of the Priest is law - and that their only goal is subversion.

5. (This is more important than it seems) If infiltrator is thrown out, he begins to kick in and impose himself, knowing full well that he is not wanted. And if condemned and exposed, he begins to rebel and easily turns against the one exposed him instead of correcting himself.

A true Satanist will never choose his own good over the good of the community, let alone over Justice which is his first priority at all. A true Satanist respects the decisions of his Leader. But if the decisions seem suspicious to him, he will go inform the higher in hierarchy, because in Satanism, as in any organized monolithic community, everything is controlled from above, not from below, like in anarchy and chaos. The jews, on the other hand, are everywhere anarchy and chaos, because they know that only anarchy and chaos will enable them to seize power.

A true Satanist would choose damage to himself versus destroying an entire community and subjecting it to chaos and anarchy, which would entail jewish invasion and infiltration, for which chaos and anarchy is always done. This has always been the case in the Joy of Satan throughout the decades of the English forum. The jew always - both in times of peace and in times of friction - works as a fifth column. The Satanist at all times-regardless of the prospects of his own destiny-keeps the peace in the House of Satan and the fortress of his state's hierarchy.

And only the jew and his rotten acolytes can stoop to the latest blasphemy and lies, trying to slip between the Satanist and his Gods to manipulate, lie, twist to the contrary and insert their crap into their communication.

6. The jew will persecute loyal members of the community and shame them for not buying his cheap tricks, or for doing the things that are really needed to be done for Satan. Example: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=54298&sid=786db872f599aa1e7effc85de69f12b3

During the existence of the new Russian forum on the new server https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/ the infiltrators attacked people online, attributing jewishness and unsubstantiated stories to them. The person disappeared from the forum, because because I put her attackers in their place, and she felt pity and her fault for their pitiful fate. Then two active members wrote to me that they got persecuted, suggesting that one of them "attracts too much admin“s attention" while other - «manipulates admin too much by helping him», taking advantage of the usual chronic sense of guilt for the modern Gentile. Then they openly lied that it was them to send me translations while attacking the one who actually did it - seems there is nothing wrong to «manipulate or disturb me» as far as it is done by needed person. Obviously, not being able to get me to register in their spyware, they tried to cut me off of people as much as possible.

If they are so masterful at controlling other people's guilt, remember who created and planted this guilt on us Gentiles? Wasn't it their Abrahamic religion of the jew on the cross? Isn't that where the idea of global innate guilt first appeared before you were born at all? Was this idea in the Edda, the older one? The younger one? In the Odyssey? In the Illiad? In the Kalevala? The Mahabharata? Anywhere before the bible. Only its author can use guilt so masterfully.

7. The infiltrator does not really care about the host agenda, since they came with their own. They easily combine incompatible agendas such as Satanism and pisslam.

Further evidence that this creature not only doesn't really read the geniuses he calls kikes, but that he doesn't really care at all about what we actually profess, feels perfectly natural not only in other kinds of Satanism totally devoid of spirituality, but he also feels comfortable in its pisslamic American Uzbek group, where one of the admins of the Telegram conference who steals our material, glorifies allah.

This is this person stating it knows Demons“ sigils that are not in JoS website and giving them to members in the group with our stolen name:


«@eternalenemies was in contact with him — did he give you his sigil?»

So we have a filth named @eternalenemies giving people figils of Gods on behalf of Joy of Satan, which are not represented on Joy of Satan website. And here is the same filth praising allah filth in their islamique group (since we apparently have an pisslamist giving us God sigils):


Translation from Uzbek to Russian:


Translation to English:

«Hello our dearest fellow-man! Welcome to our group. We are here for good [then this phrase mudslimes traditionally praise their pedophile-in-sky] this will be the best group in America. Let“s help each other»


[in letter to me]
«Only idiot would think that we are anything official. Tomorrow I will create Nine Angles Order to show that I stand up for anti-cosmic Satanism against Demiurg»

8. All the infiltrator needs is to get power. Without getting power, it looses interest.

The Satanist comes to Satan for Knowledge, Development and Enlightenment. Accordingly, he will behave like a disciple. But there are plenty of cretins, infiltrators and just jews who come to the forum for other things. Many times in the screenshots above and many of the posts you all see in their conferences and groups, they claim to have "offered us both some help." This "help" was to take our sites away from us and get them under their complete control. At first they offered this "help" to the High Priest, namely, to give them an official forum (on his server), When he refused, (as stated above, the will and opinion of our Priests are not respected by kikes and their larpers) the same slime individual decided to offer the same "help" to me, that is, to take over the platform - all websites. And a fool can see that all the websites on the domain deathofcommunism.com, including the forum, which implies complete enslavement, and wrote their favorite non-binding phrase: "High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 is informed" [they all call him just «Cobra» - you will see the same pattern in part 3 of this file]. And HP was indeed made aware of their jewish implementation - they themselves wrote to him about it. They just were careful not to specify that he was against giving them all websites — in fact they tried to pass it to me as «his own will». Yet, as I said, our Gods and Leaders have their means to communicate with us they do not need kikes as mediators. So his will was made very well known to me as well as the will of Gods through all these years of their exposure. For which they attacked him in the screenshots above.

What they did next was to twist his answer, translating it as the exact opposite, in a place where they tried to twist mine as well. When this too was exposed, they just publicly sling mud at us, saying that if we didn't want to sell them the Joy of Satan, then we «didn't care about the neophytes». That is, first Pavel Durov and Alisher Usmanov impudently impose their networks on the Internet and steal personal data from everyone, then they tell us that if we don't want to give them all our participants, then we don't care abour the last. In part three of this study you will see exactly the same tactics of creating problems and trying to impose guilt on everyone for not wanting to solve them with the jewish methods they are pushing everywhere. This is what they mostly did for years with JoS.

9. A jew never does anything for free, not even the evil.

As many know, from whom the money was taken, and as the scum itself revealed in a letter to me, they sell this and that readings what, judging by the name, is presented as aura and chakra cleansing, for prices of up to 8k. rubles. In one group alone as they say in their post https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49273 there is more than 40k people. If everyone is cheated, they can get 32 million rubles. And according to its words it's cheap, some 8 thousand rubles. Aura and chakra cleaning is done in minutes, right after awakening you can do just lying in bed immeasurably more than any scammer may offer, simply because, unlike him, you, Satanist, really do it. To imagine the white-gold light in the chakras and aura, you don't need to send any personal information anyone let alone any jewish charlatans. Also, any Satanist is definitely better at reading Tarot cards than any thug put by kikes.

The abomination is that even though it definitely benefits the enemy, who are definitely paying them for this introduction and generally for infiltration into JoS and not something more profitable, they still need the money of the innocents they are ripping off. They sell astrological services for more money than High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 or High Priestess Maxine ever did, and a whole other sea of dubious services that cost absolutely nothing even in comparison.

10. The jew lies all the time, so it is useless to argue with a jew.

You expose one lie, and it immediately spouts millions more, and call it all "legit arguments". In fact, why Joy of Satan says that the enemy's greatest weapon, thanks to which the enemy is still alive, is ignorance. Ignorance is the only reason it all works. All these tons of lies are poured out to the public in the hope that they will catch someone who will believe it, or that their brain will miss it, being distracted by the exposure of some other lie, or just because of the abundance of it, some lie will pass. This is why they need so many distractions, so that the Pagans' attention never shifts to themselves and what they are doing, so that there is always something looming before their eyes. You can all see this from the screenshots above.

Here are their tactics that I wanted to show with this introduction. Masterful Lying. A masterful shift of attention from one lie to another. Fluent betrayal and treason at the snap of a finger as soon as their self-interest is violated. Masterful manipulation of other people's emotions. Virtuoso cheating. Masterful subversion.

Part 2: Subversion

Subversion of the enemy begins with an imperceptible entry, imperceptible beginning of some parallel activity under another's name or seemingly behind his ranks. And then imperceptibly and very gradually begins the introduction of their ideology, the undermining of another's, the gradual removal of the basic elements, the introduction of own fake meditations, own (and completely false) "spirituality". This is one way, described in the first part.

The other way, which the jewish scum in the example offered now, have tried, is to bring the healthy ideas of the community to the point of absurdity, to undermine the foundations of its ideology by presenting them in a mutilated and perverted, typically jewish light.

But their most important weapon is, and always has been, the throw-in. Notice how this happens. Next I am going to compare the behavior of certain infiltrators from the English forum and the English internet in general, which is crawling with them, and the jewish slime called "the inquisitor" who stole our name to impersonate us on Telegram.

In the first part you can read the backstory of this slime, how it lures newcomers via Telegram into its groups, so that they would naively fail to check on the JoS website that we do not have any Telegram, and will settle in their groups for a while, and so that even when they read that this particular slime is a jewish introduction, it is already late, their data is already collected, and their time is already lost to useless practices to say the least. Also, the jewish slime is always an attention whore, and it simply cares about sucking up to someone else's creation, because that is where its parasitic nature comes into play.

jews don't create anything, but they desperately try to attribute someone else's creation to themselves, as it has repeatedly tried to do by desperately attributing websites to itself after failing to lure them out. If you recall, the scum did it through throw-ins. The Inquisitor is a master of throw-in, an art that apparently has something to do with the Catholic Inquisition, since their leaders call themselves exclusively by Catholic monikers like "grandmaster / grossmeister," (Bogow account here) a title of the Maltese Order for its supreme jews, who are stuffed from bottom to top of the Vatican. To declare so blatantly that you are an enemy is only for morons who would not even think that a Satanist could not simply call himself that. The target audience of jews is always the weak.

Let me remind you, after the bastard failed to lure the sites away from me, and failed to get the High Priest to give them a forum or any place on the official platforms, it tried to quietly declare all Russian websites "theirs" in their groups. With which it was so disgracefully exposed:


“I offer the following:

1. To make translations together. I will myself put them to forum myself.

2. To organize reissue of the websites to high quality level.

(What’s that? Red text, black background, old translator… Now is 2021, not 2004. We have the material means for that – don’t worry)”


In personal email he asks for the sites to be given to him, in tg public he says that they are his own:


"The imposter steals others“ achivements: all PDFs translations, all material [i.e. financial] and spiritual gain, all rituals, all hardened neophyte is our — my and «grandmaster»“s [i.e. Bogow] work. I can destroy Russian forum in a month..."

One their account first registered on Russian forum in 2019 https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=550

The other - in 2020 https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=643

The sites have been running since 2014:

Joy of Satan https://web.archive.org/web/2020*/joyofsatan.ucoz.ru
Revealing Christianity https://web.archive.org/web/2020*/seethetruth.ucoz.ru
Black Sun 666 https://web.archive.org/web/2020*/666blacksun.ucoz.ru
The Real Holocaust https://web.archive.org/web/2020*/blacksun666.ucoz.ru
Death of Communism https://web.archive.org/web/2020*/deathofcommunism.weebly.com
The White Death of Islam https://web.archive.org/web/2019*/whitedeathofislam.weebly.com
Exposing the Lies of Islam https://web.archive.org/web/2019*/exposingthelieofislam.weebly.com
The Third Paul 666 https://web.archive.org/web/2019*/thirdsex666.weebly.com
No jews (never recovered, too many lost) https://web.archive.org/web/2019*/nojew.weebly.com
Third Sex Thule Society 666 https://web.archive.org/web/2019*/thirdsexthulesociety.weebly.com

The entire blocking history is available at https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=12

Now, if the scum owned something, why isn't they the admin of the main domain that hosts the forum? How it came they didn't come to the official forum until 2020, and why did they have to nag the websites that they supposedly translated? After all, the sites came first, and then the PDF versions, as you can see from the page dates in the Internet Archive.

Further, after an unsuccessful attempt to attribute the sites to itself, the creature boasted that it could destroy the forum in one month, but hasn't hacked it, or any of the sites, so far. If the rat could actually do something, it wouldn't be nagging me or High Priest, look how desperate it was for official platforms. Why do all this if one can hack, and why anyone need hack if originally owned it?

Unable to approach the official platforms in any way, the slime tried another option - to discredit them in the eyes of Satanists. That is, to declare the only official sources of joy of Satan to be "written by nobody knows who". How? To introduce some blatant, illogical and implausible lie, one must create a distracting and emotion-provoking outsider to the extreme. This is a standard jewish tactic. It's no different from a pack of bullies, with one or more distracting from the front and another sneaking up behind. No criminal scum in this world acts openly.

People still ask me about them: why did they dislike me so much, what happened between us, who they really are, who is behind them, etc. Take off the rose-colored glasses already - nothing has ever happened and will never happen between the leaders of Joy of Satan and the world around them. We are anonymous and only work on forums and sites. All anyone has ever disliked us for, is knowing and spreading the Truth about them. Yes, even the mere way they passionately harass websites, forums and our community, to discredit, undercut official authority and gain credibility, speaks volumes about who they are. WHY do they want our name? WHY do they want our sites? If they create pisslamic groups and disagree with us to this extent, why are they still here? They ALL read this Disclosure, they ALL know that one of them is owning pisslamic groups. WHAT is he still doing among them? They haven't responded to it at all! Just ask yourself all these questions.

And further, notice how sly, sneaky and unobtrusive this is being thrown in. The jewish slime knows exactly what it is throwing in - you can tell by the way it is doing it. The throw-in is that "the sites have no creditability": they are "written by no one" - not the High Priests or paid "adepts" from their fake communities, which they have given creditability by stealing our name and our texts. I.e. on the one hand they tuck in some of their own "adepts" instead of official JoS leadership but under JoS name - from their pisslamic groups where they take these «adepts». On the other hand these «adepts» from everywhere except official JoS forum declare texts written or verified by the High Priests on the official websites «non-credible». I.e., tomorrow the pope will steal our name and declare our sites «non-credible» under it, will the crowd still buy it?

The interesting thing is that in the Middle Ages all the jews of the Vatican, led by the jewish popes, did just that. You can see how absolutely everything on the pope, what he wears, his title, his order system, etc. are stolen from Egypt:
and what it did after was declaring Egyptian religion «non-credible» after stealing it.

Now exactly the same thing is happening: the jewish rat from Vatican, who quite frankly calls itself one, is "declaring non-credible" the exact thing it stole.

And so, next, I want you to recollect the absolutely same jewish throw-ins in English forum, that came recently in extreme amount, namely attacking everyone“s else“ private life during schedule as anything even important or discussable. Where their goal is to maximum distract on this unimportant petty issues those who might find these topics sensitive to create false fronts. Here is good exposure of such behaviours:

Do you think jews don't know that personal life issues are completely uninteresting to most people? You think jews are as dumb and naive as most goyim and don't know that most people are traditional anyway and the 99% just aren't interested in this kind of talk? Do you think they are really morons and don't realize that you are all just sitting around waiting for this boredom to end and for really important and interesting conversations to begin? You think the jews don't know that 2-3 people with soul-body polarity, or just non-traditional orientations are perfectly fine, and even more so in the Joy of Satan?

No, it's like with the Rambler News. Everyone knows perfectly well that you're all sick of star whores with their personal lives and the nutless lies and propaganda. You think they don't know how talentless and vulgar the movies they make are? No, they need it for a little inconspicuous news-bombing or idea-bombing that you won't notice under tons of smelly crap you're so sick of, but which, unlike those tons, addresses a fundamental issue and is EXACT LIE about it.


-But in the book Third Sex there is written that pure homosexuals are rare, most are bi or so?
-Third Sex is bullshit.
-Maybe, in a sense...
-Everyone has an access to the website. And of course there is a lot of info there that does not belong to Satanism. Third Sex is the main example here».
-Ok, I just have neutral attitude to it.
-I am not patient by nature...
[then for no reason it start screaming and accusing the opponent of impolicy]

That little thought - about "everyone's access to the sites" - was the point of the whole page-long rant about blacks, gypsies, homosexuals, you think they didn't know there might be naive homosexuals or gypsies who would ask the question? Do you think they didn't know there was going to be a scandal? I can tell you that scandal is the ONLY purpose of such nonsense, because ONLY in the face of scandal can something so obviously and blatantly false may at all be introduced. You've all seen in the backstory how they pushed for these sites, and simply twisted themselves around in an attempt to get them.

The truth is that the sites Joy of Satan, Exposing Christianity, Black Sun 666 and Real Holocaust were created by High Priestess Maxine (in the rare texts the author is not specified, all quotes are given and their sources are given). The texts of the sites Death of Communism, White Death of islam, Third Sex 666 and Nordic Culture belong to the hands of the High Priests (or verified by them and the author is listed, such as Jake Carlson) and community members. The site Exposing the Kabbalah was created by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, the site Exposing the Lies of islam - by High Priestess Zildar Raasi. All of the translation sites and multilingual projects are created and maintained by their translators, and the creators alone have access to each of ALL of the sites listed. This is obvious, just as it is obvious that xianity is a lie, but for people to believe the opposite, they need a constant distraction from what ideology is forming in their own brains.

And the only goal is to blur the centralized official authority, to undermine and undermine it, to blur the boundaries of the Joy of Satan and to create confusion so that no one can understand what is JoS and what is not. You see it all perfectly in HP post above - the trolls' attempt to blur JoS's opinion is on the face of it.

And the slime has successfully accomplished this.


-I am not patient by nature… You are unethical! You must argue not attack! [look above no one ever attacked]
-Ok, so if anyone has access, then any info can be distorted, not only on the website, right?
-You are speaking directly to inquisitor!! I can't even call it a conversation, since there is nothing logical coming out of you! You only try to elevate your opinion. No one asked for special respect. You just must act humanly and normally, SJW you are!

Look at how masterly they are in their efforts to simply tear attention away from the important to the unimportant - they are suddenly all "offended and insulted" out of the blue. When jews need to distract the Gentile from something dangerously important, they turn on SOS and yell that someone has offended them. This is one of their favorite and most reliable Gentile buttons: pity. When they need to shut you up, or stop your train of thought (they intuitively sense this, or can even instantly anticipate the Gentile's dangerous train of thought), they yell "help!", "I am getting killed!", etc.

And notice, in red, how the interlocutor got caught, he didn't notice the sudden turn of phrase, which worked like a 25 shot, and picked up the thought-parasite that "the sites were written by no one knows who", instead of waking up and demanding proof of such an insolent statement. Think about it: some jerk from Telegram, that is not one of us, telling everyone who writes our sites! The fact itself said nothing, as the brain was busy digesting another scandal...

Suddenly jumping over is very important, as only suddenness with more concentration on something else gives it a chance to become the 25th frame. This is a technique taught to jews in yeshiva schools. A goy has to chew on something all the time: weed, LGBT, feminism, a goy's political thought has to be constantly occupied with something to never get to the point. That's why they need so much nonsense in politics and everywhere else.

This is directly related to the multiparty theory or the way jews use it: liberals against oligarchs, tolerant slimes against skinheads, feminists who forever vote for pislamists against pedophile popes. Both are the same jewish torah, but it takes this duality to keep the goyim from figuring it out.

The other important thought-parasite is the same one exposed in HP“s post, the blurring of official opinion. That is, slightly skewed to one side or the other - which side is totally irrelevant. Satanism is a perfect balance, which way to upset it doesn't change the enemy's essence. The enemy is the very imbalance. Namely, a totally un-our, non-Satanic emphasis on how bad Negroes, Gypsies, and anyone but jews are. Shifting the emphasis. Off-balance.


«There are Gods with blue and yellow skin but they are nothing to do with Negros. I do not understand Ministry in some questions. Example is giving refuge to Negroes and homosexuals. This is so disgusting — did you see these creatures close? Race mix does not exist. Soul only belongs to one Race.»

«I am gypsy»

«Good bye! Nazism is principle of Satanism! Also gypsies are horror created by kikes.»

Look at how, when it starts talking about the White Race and the Gods, the jew carefully pushes the conversation into hatred of everyone indiscriminately, supplies it all with a ton of lies about aliens it never sees, and generally turns Satanism into the exact opposite of Satanism. And it used these lies to undermine the credibility of the Ministry and Hitler in a veiled way again.

"I promise that I am free from all racial hatred. In my case, it is undesirable for one race to mix with another. Apart from a few occasional successful cases, which I am willing to admit, systematic racial mixing has never led to good results. The desire to remain racially pure is essential to the vitality and health of a race. Pride in one's own race is also a normal and healthy feeling. I have never looked upon the Japanese or Chinese as inferior to my people. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I freely admit that their past history is superior to ours. They have a right to be proud of their past, just as we have a right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. In fact, I believe that the more the Chinese and Japanese are rooted in their racial pride, the easier it will be for me to find common ground with them."
-Adolf Hitler.

Here is another link showing what our Antichrist actually thought of different races and nations:

So as you see this is underlying attack against Hitler himself and his ideology and opinion. As well as it is an attack against Black High Priestess Shannon, whose material they steal from time to time.

Interestingly it went together with my work on Russian Health forum where I translated a lot of her material for which great thanks to her. So they used it to subconsciously discredit our Clergy, my efforts at Russian forum and Russian forum as a whole allegedly translating «writings of blacks and gays». They tried to discredit some good amount of JoS material through it such as many translated websites and much writings at forum. Again do not make mistake: they do not care absolutely about your orientation, racial mixture or whatever inborn traits — no one cares about such things. The only thing they DO care is that much JoS material was mentioning these subjects, so to attack JoS they need to attack big procent of its material, whatever it is about.


«They say: ok but their [non-Whites] cultures are Gentile: fairy tales, national cloths, songs etc. But so you can say about any culture because kike stole everything, torn it in pieces and spread these pieces among lower races».

This, in turn, serves as a cover for even more dangerous propaganda, which is reliably hidden behind this nonsense: the blurring of the very concept of the jewish race. The most important thing, without which we cannot survive, is to KNOW WHO THE ENEMY IS. Half-breeds exist, but not among jews. 0.000...0001% of jewish blood is no less jewish than 100%. But this is how ONLY jewish genes work. Blurring the concept of the jewish race and transferring the characteristics of the jews to everyone else is the greatest crime of this jewish slime and the greatest proof that it is the Enemy in front of you. And in the third part you will see it — they really try to spread disinfo that «half-jews are welcome» - further they use this dangerous lie to spread that «our meditations are not for everyone» thus «that“s why better to do their ones not dangerous for jewish blood» etc. You see where this all goes.

"The jews stole the Gentile traditions from the higher races and scattered them among the lower races" is another dirty lie thrown in. All Gentile races have traditions and customs and our knowledge was not «scattered» to them by the jews - the jews are only destroying the heritage of all races - it was non-white races themselves, their loyalty and devotion to us, that saved them during Golden Age. In the Ancient World, the races worked together and the lower races took the example of the higher races and learned from them, as we now learn from our Gods. This is how a healthy hierarchy works. Just as all people with all individual characteristics had their unique place and ministry in the original Gentile world.

Now, do you think jews care about your races, orientations and half-breeds? You all saw perfectly well how this disgusting jewish creep was stealing Black High Priestess Shannon's articles to promote their sales. The unscrupulous jewish bastard has been also stealing my articles without a forum link to sell their scam after doing which it wrote pretty same things about me as it did about the Blacks though I have zero Black blood. Even if you are purple race, have green orientation and a bunch of other features, this bastard will steal everything, twist it and then "excommunicate" you from what it stole from your very writings for its own new jewish church under your name.

Just read the topic "god" destroys worlds https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=218&p=868&hilit=%2AGod+destroys+worlds&sid=af3b353a5af3d14c9cce02986029376a#p868 , and everything will become clear to you. They have been using differences within the ranks of the enemy for thousands of years on different planets to create distractions and force them to have endless and useless arguments about tastes. The jews were originally the ones who introduced the ideas of dialectics (Hegel was a jew), "war of sexes" and other non-existent "wars," dragging us into these games to distract us from the real war.

If you compare this to program code, they just change the meaning of specific variable for each planet. If you compare it to algebra, they just change the coefficients near the variables in the same equations. They don't care what your specifics are. Their goal is to knock us out of balance any way they can.

Another example is Nationalities. A very hot topic for the post-Soviet area. Look at any post-communist region: Yugoslavia, Africa (in the places where the USSR was introduced), the so-called CIS - everywhere you see endless territorial disputes and wars, ethnic hatred, White genocide, usually regardless of gender and age or anything at all, very often perpetrated by Whites against Whites.

Note, on the English forum these topics almost never come up, as it is not topical and will not attract as much desired attention, since such things are of much more interest to Slavs, while American&European public would much easier get distracted by infiltrator attacking women“s freedoms or transsexuals. All of this serves as proof of the completely, 100% alien, hostile origin of such "arguments" for all parties: you see that the object of the argument itself is not important to them, only the reaction of the audience is important.

Their goal is to hurt personal feelings and lure them into altercations, especially during schedules. Just look at the dates such topics and posts were created. Why personal, because in any community there are people of all genders, all orientations and all kinds of energies and natal charts, with all kinds of possible differences, because that is how the Gentile Soul works, and the jews know it. Gentile civilizations are proud of their differences, not ashamed of them. But jews create shame, arguments about tastes and many other problems around them because, first, differences and hierarchy put their own gray faceless "civilization" under question, and second, if our differences are taken away, we will lose our power and be easily destroyed.

What better way to undermine something than to reduce it to absurdity and perversion, such as forced sex-change operations on children or endless territorial disputes with unnecessary bloodshed among White nations? And then just poke fun at it and suggest that it should just be destroyed? Just like they suggested destroying all national distinctions.


«There is no such thing as Belorussians, Russians, Ukrainians. These are only state (government-imposed) nationalities. Negro also can be Russian...»

A filthy lie. The Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian nations exist, it is evident from their differences in dialects and languages. Not only do such illiterate statements dishonor JoS name they have stolen, they are also complete lies and misinformation, introduced mostly to delude schoolchildren and young people.


«Homosexuality is a psychic disease. Only bisexuality is healthy. Most in sexual minorities are jews»

Dirty lies. Orientation has nothing to do with mental health or nationality. And NEVER has Spiritual Satanism made such claims.

Ultimately, all of this, which will then inevitably be uncovered and realized by the Pagans as an alien infiltration and subversion, is done under the cover of the names of our Gods and our name in the hope of accusing us at the last minute of their most grievous crimes.

Part 3: Agents-Collectors of Information

3.1 Miner screens

Shortly before they were exposed, or rather, having understood from the current forum posts that too much was already known about their activities and that their exposure was a matter of time, the infiltrators, whose aim was to completely replace the Joy of Satan in the eyes of the public with a fake with the same name, introduced their own agent into the forum and thoughtfully chose a defector in this role, who in the scenario was to give them up, so that they could gain credibility in some way.

Not expecting to gain credibility themselves, they hoped that at least their defector would gain credibility, and they hid his all too obvious callousness under the guise of a newcomer and a deceived idiot. The jews know that neither they themselves, much less the goyim in their service, have our understanding and mentality, and guess that the Satanist can easily feel the guise, so from the beginning this character has been trained to pretend to be a circular moron in everything, so that the total lack of understanding and rejection of spirituality would not stand out too much against the general moronic background. I would even say that the game of mental illness, drunkenness, etc. was deliberately staged in order, firstly, to somehow explain the non-spirituality. Secondly, the enemy also probably planned to use this by constantly sending in trolls, lunatics, and jews by blood on the forum. I noticed this policy even before they were exposed. They tried to indiscriminately call everyone on the Russian forum jews, as they did later with High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 - you will see later - trying to give credit to the self-appointed groups and attract people into them.

Dragon is an account that posted first using the feminine gender (Russian language places verbs into feminine or masculine respectively when person is speaking about him/herself) (https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2661&p=3078#p3078 , then in the male gender, and had an email with the word combination "iskanderfriganov", namely, iskanderfriganov@ . If you search these search words on the Russian internet, social networks with offers of various dubious "magical" services will pop up - this is exactly what the gang that pretends to be us in social networks does. These beings infiltrate any esoteric community to make shekels out of it. Here it is begging for help by pretending to be a woman:


And here he resents being caught for stealing other’s name to sell his fake services, only he forgot that his account used to post as "woman" and now uses masculine verb forms:


And here is the fraudulent email behind that account that I also noticed behind other accounts:


And you will see in this piece how they send here the crazy, the toxic the sickest of their own to discredit this forum.

I've been more than familiar with their favorite tactic since the days of jewson (formerly "HP" Mageson) - he surrounded himself with many trolls who were mostly his own socks, although you could imagine many real accomplices in this position. You can always spot their artificial, patently theatrical hysteria, their attempt to fake emotion to give the impression of some sincerity, which fails utterly with those who meditate. Somehow the jewish and government infiltrators understand this, and always surround themselves with a whole sea of socks and shields to protect themselves, and first assign all hysteria and the introduction of thought-parasites to them. They themselves try to refute them and appear logical and in all ways legit. Then they gradually change their position, doing it very carefully, trying to change their minds, doing everything as legally as possible without violating the rules of the forum and showing complete trust in the position of whoever they want to implement it. In the case of the High Priest, their targets are inferior ranks, or even other High Priests, as in the case of HPs Shannon, whom it foolishly laid out its plans to take over JoS, after which it was caught. In the case of the admins of forums in other languages, they target these admins. Or the infiltrator will try to bring its "other opinion" to the attention of other forum members whose contacts it managed to get.

You can see an example in the way the sock created loki88 on ancient-forums.com , and jewson himself argues with it and defends a different point of view, but in the end "tends" to say that if at least the hostile introductions of the sock could be "explained more scientifically", then maybe "they would be accepted here etc.":
So gradually and very slowly taking the position of a sock, but not from the beginning: people must see «legit argument».

Then this loki88 account was used to slander FRTR https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=42783&p=181883#p181883 it obviously could not do it through its main account.

Further, in the thread on the Russian forum, Forced Chipping https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2833 you see the same methodology: the infiltrator itself argues with its own shim puppet, putting the most vile things into the mouth of the last, like caring about "persons with jewish roots", after which its puppet is very likely to be banned (which it was). But you can all observe a similar subtext in the posts of both: «sparing jewish roots» extends to any other parasites and trying to portray them as some innocent victims of circumstances that are not responsible (the latter being rooted deep in xianity with its ideology of fatality and slavery, which in turn is an organic part of the collective mind of the jewish race).


ranslation of the last, I put my note in [] and throw-ins — in bold so you can see them, otherwise they are hidden in speech as if it were normal to even say such things in Satanic forum:

«Even if it's true that meditation helps clear the vaccination (which I personally highly doubt), what's next? Chips are not dissolved by meditation. It still doesn't mean that you should be vaccinated. What for? To then go cleaning from it?...That's a strange logic you have! Not everyone can do these meditations! And what about those who have jews in their lineage? What about those who were baptized in xianity [my note, does xian magic even have power?], Christians, who are not Satanists? How can they be purified from vaccines? Especially since they cannot be told about Satanism and everything about it in order to avoid a scandal... and for conspiracy reasons. They do not believe in it and say it is all nonsense. What should these people do? They should not die! Although some people here, unfortunately, seem to think otherwise ... Even if such people are relatives, loved and friends.»

All these puppets, screens, socks, have a very important mission for which they are constantly being created. It's no different from the way jews create then Christianity, then pisslam, then Communism, then liberalism with various forms of expressions of left wing ideology such as the Greens, libertarianism, anarchism - they all share the ideology of equality of the inferior with the superior. Along the way they tear society apart with divide and conquer tactics: feminism vs MGTOW, (jewed) right-wing vs left-wing, the (jew-invented) "tradition of living in caves" vs technocracy, etc. All these fronts are stages. To which the foolish Pinocchios are lured, only to be further reduced to firewood when they complete the mission of destroying their own society and attracting other useful idiots to replace them. So, the mission of sock-puppets is the same as that of government managers, and by this, by the way, one can recognise a government infiltrator in the community. Namely, they probe the forum or community for what it still misses and what it no longer misses. They need to have a clear understanding of what their enemies are capable of at the moment, what they can shove at them without being identified and what they can't, what idology they will swallow and what they won't. And it is for this purpose that they need all this expendable material, which is quickly and easily destroyed or banned if it is an Internet forum, as they themselves seek to take a diametrically opposed position in the object of their infiltration (in terms of its stability and security), which their probing techniques, which they know give them away the most, are extremely unprofitable to maintain.

What the sock army that the infiltrator, who himself plays the role of "good cop", does around him is like walking on a minefield in the sense that anything they have failed to infiltrate successfully has been exposed along with them, and since their job is to constantly try to put something in, so that their masters can keep statistics on what passes and what doesn't, the likelihood of stepping on a mine is very high in a place of high interest to the jews and the governments they control, such as the Joy of Satan forum. When I say "high in a place of general interest to the kikes", I mean a place where too much by their terms is already known about them. Places of gathering fools such as Abrahamic religions or the ones they set up under our name on facebook, VK and telegram, where they collect money and personal data, don't bother them much - they think they are quite in control of them. But the places they still have no control over, neither technically nor physically, nor most importantly in regards to their mental and spiritual influence and control, they are most interested in, and it is for such places, and for researching the masses in general, when it comes to government programs, that they need cheap expendables like the Juliana account or the Pussy Riot thing, or the whole vaccination thing. They need to understand what and to whom they can introduce at the moment, it's a kind of market research.

Very often they polarize these socks so that one sock or they themselves take up some part of some statement by our High Priests but attack another one, while another sock, intended for a quick ban for example, promotes something opposite, but some detail, this time different, of what the High Priest said, is retained as well. This is their divide and conquer methodology: they take a whole opinion and break it up into several parts, which are distributed to their fake disputants. The result, of course, is that all these small parts lose their meaning, since the meaning is only in the original wholeness.

In the example with the two socks, the point is that the Joy of Satan opinion only makes sense in its entirety, while you can see how the front man has thrown up separately the idea that the jews will go further in their experiments if they manage to push through vaccination relatively painlessly, but in the same paragraph you can see some concern about "persons with jewish roots" and completely outrageous enemy attacks on the meditations at the Joy of Satan website. The latter, among other things, is promoted in self-appointed groups where spirituality is faked in addition to fake power, you may see here and there shockingly brazen, unapologetic statements that "the meditations on the Joy of Satan site are not strong enough" or that "somehow they don't work right" or some other brazen jewish introduction between you and the Gods. At worst, the deluded idiot will serve as a free energy source for the enemy, as is the case with xianity and pisslam. Either way, by communicating with these hostile liars on VK and Telegram, people create very toxic negative connections that, like all abominations, jewish or just plain slag, will suck time and energy at themselves and serve as a funnel to suck energy and take it away from important goals - rituals, schedules, etc.

Of course, such blatant introductions are fully read on the Joy of Satan forum, there's a whole bouquet of introductions in just the post on the screenshot above:

1. the lie that the vaccine has some special "supernatural power" over human consciousness and nature, let alone of meditating Satanist, which is also used to desecrate our forum in the eyes of scientifically minded people and to belittle our meditations
2. pushing the lie that we do not condemn vaccination
3. assuming to care about jews
4. lying that xian baptism means anything at all
5. attributing to us their own cruelty to family and friends, twisting our pursuit of Justice under it (so typical - this is straight out of yeshiva school)
6. spreading the dirtiest lies about our meditations and spirituality and trying to scare newcomers away from them

And each can give them away, which is what I described as walking on land mines: you can experience how much deep disgust and nausea these posts cause, how much hostile propaganda is hidden in them, which remains out of sight while distracted by a bunch of exclamation points, snot, scenes, etc., and try to challenge it, you'll feel the energies twisting and turning back and forth, twisting any argument, and how futile it is to deal with them - they're carrying fresh lies faster than you have time to respond to the one already told. This is the kind of "communication" they are taught in yeshiva schools. You will easily recognize the techniques already described in relation to their self-appointed telegram group. But they are well aware that this technique is too conspicuous on its own. So they need a mechanism to easily grow similar fresh tentacles in place of the severed ones, and for the owner of the socked hands to remain safe while the socks are thrown in the trash, to collect data, and to rub in further credibility.

What is the ultimate goal of such an infiltration? To find out as much information as possible about the real Satanists, which is what they rub in and may even take on some of the work while their socks are scouring the minefield. Next, their main goal is to reach out to the person - desperate solicitation to rallies and other gatherings, constant brainwashing with hints of physical meetings, as if casually throwing in a request for a bank card (to transfer money to the Ministry - mind you, with the same false artificial pathos), and so on. On the one hand, this is also a fool's test; on the other, it is already a real catch, because if fool“s test shows positive result they can legally prosecute. Next, they assemble the legal framework for the persecution to make it legal, pay or otherwise pressure the right authorities to do so, and go further down the Satanist trail...only to find their undoing.

"There will be many attempts on your life, some you'll know about, some you won't. But they will all know me.
-Father Satan to High Priestess Maxine.

If all this scum knew of the existence of the Gods, they wouldn't be doing what they are doing. And all their activities are the ultimate proof of their unserious attitude towards Satanism, spirituality and the Gods. And complete proof that they will never have it all.

3.2 The point of infiltration.


"Another pointless tale from Mr Bernstein. It's time to rename this sub-forum from "preaching from Satan's Ministry of Joy" to "a collection of fairy tales from the son of a rabbi". Well really, at least that would be more honest. What good is this "sermon"? Another exhortation that "just a little patience and everything will be OK" (I've heard that before, not from the kikes on Channel 1?) and promises that the kikes are about to collapse. Yeah, sure, but in the meantime goyim, sit back and do the rituals to strengthen the jewish Kabbalah, as Mr. Bernstein says, and ask no questions, or they will put you in the jews and expel you from the Joy of Satan and curse you with terrible powerful rituals that have done no good for 20 years)).
While you are sitting here reading the jewish story and dreaming about the jews collapsing, you will wake up in the jewish world order and nothing can be done about it. Anyway, who am I saying this to, the answer will not be approved anyway. I wonder, do you, our esteemed administrator, really do believe in Bernstein's fairy tales (though of course, it would be more fair to call him illegitimate, since it wasn't even God who put him there) Or are you in cahoots with him and knew everything from the beginning?"

The undercurrent of this is that:
1. Spirituality does not exist, i.e. everything concerning HPS Maxine's actual fate is "vague and need further explanation".
2. Satanists should "also know another opinion" about FRTR and all kikes invented about JoS Clergy everywhere in the internet.
3. Spirituality does not exist, i.e. all HP Hooded Cobra 666 writes about our victory is fake until we go take Kremlin, i.e. "only physical action is valuable".
4. Since kikes resist and don't want give in without a battle, "it somehow means FRTR does not work".
5. Trying to put it as if all FRTR and RTR as a whole have any other author but HPS Maxine herself — you can see it in jewson“s retoric.

Basically it all, including jewson itself, comes from “exposing JoS” movement, which you can see fully exposed by our members here:

You can also see for yourself that the rituals work, and the reversal of their curses works for them, since infiltration is also a curse, by observing that all the frantic hysteria, the desperate attempt to distract from the schedule and the desperate attempt to call for dangerous actions and deanonymization took place on the schedule, many times, just look at the dates:

Using Scandal to Draw Attention, frantic propaganda that our RTR do not work https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3210#p5488
«It is unlikely that my answer will get through, but I dare to say something that has been on my mind for a long time and that I have now, with the release of this article, finally understood:
Am I to understand correctly that you want us to sit back and watch with Buddhist serenity as the jews destroy our planet, make us shoot up with schmooze, rape our women and kill our men, and all you offer us at this point--at this point in time--are Spiritual War rituals that you never know when they will take effect? Look, I understand that rallies, etc., are also Judaic, and that the idea of putting a Gentile in the process of a jewish revolution is impractical and, as you put it, moronic. But sitting around doing rituals that won't work for a long time when the planet is being destroyed NOW is also ineffective.»

Schedule https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=62322

The cat concert again, now desperately and suddenly asking for «pity for the people» and putting it as if we had no one: https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3210#p5814
«I would like to discuss with the forum members and the administration the following question, which also indirectly affects the events described in this thread. I consider it quite important and urgent, because no one of the CIS countries, especially Belarus and mainly Russia, is immune to such events, and I consider it not only dangerous to keep quiet about it (it breeds misconceptions and corrupts society), but also shameful - neither the SS nor any of the Gentiles should keep quiet about jewish crimes.

So, the topic of my post is jewish gulag torture, political prisoners, "foreign agents" and all this crazy jewish mess that started in Russia in 2020 and continues to happen now.

I confess I was extremely confused by the forum administration's words in the Dreams thread that "it is a delusion that Satan's Powers can temporarily hide behind liberalism, which is inherently reptilian… etc»

Schedule https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=64334

So it is extremely important to go whine about fate of this and that liberal left in Russia during schedule.

At the same time, the ground was being prepared for the screen above, i.e., here and there, by the way, in unrelated threads, one or the other was tossed around. Basically, all infiltrators are often united by some "discomfort" in the Joy of Satan, precisely because, unlike Satanists, they demonstrate it, because that is their plan - to give the impression that it is bad here, that it is "not for people", that it creates some inconvenience.

This impression they only need to give about key alchemically important things like the FRTR, and key figures like High Priest Hooded Cobra 666. Probably all infiltrators have noticed our color scheme that symbolizes Magnum Opus.

Look at how carefully everything is being introduced, at first as premonitions, dreams and vague ideas not fully manifested.

Here https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3203 someone feels "sick after FRTR" and "has to make an aura of protection." Any Satanist who has done it even once knows how good it feels afterwards. An account that "came to the forum" for only one post is used to create a thread - about how they "feel bad after FRRT".

Here https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3241&p=5608&#p5602 gradually and very neatly the boards begin to be planted under High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, who alone at the moment runs Joy of Satan, therefore he is their main target, but since what they try to attribute to him has absolutely no points of contact with reality, it is served under the sauce of "sixth sense". Also, the sauce of "sixth sense" (i.e., disclaiming responsibility) prepares the ground for the introduction of mageson and co to influence the Russian forum.

«To be honest, I was distrustful of HP Carson from the very beginning, for some reason. And there was and still is (albeit in lesser amounts) distrust of HP Cobra. Why? Because after reading HP Maxine's Sermons, it seemed to me that HP Cobra was not up to her level; plus, when I first met HP Cobra, I didn't always understand what he was talking about, and I had to reread his sermons over and over again just to get in touch. Now of course I understand what he is saying, but it still seems to me, with all due respect, that he is not up to the level of HP Maxine. Of course, I could be wrong, but you are asking MY opinion. Plus it seemed to me that HP Cobra is somehow hostile or prejudiced against Russian people. Now I understand that it is not so, but still... Maxine - in any case, out of competition)) Immediately, to my shame, jewson aroused confidence in me... Apparently, he knew what strings to play on in the pagan soul... In any case, right now, the only ones I trust unconditionally are HP Maxine, and HP Shannon. The others, except HP Cobra, I just don't know enough to judge.»

All sorts of blasphemous dreams, which are also good in that they remove all responsibility from the person writing this on the forum.

Another cat concert with a demonstrative misunderstanding of our words and an inadequate cry for pity (right after the schedule):
«But I am extremely uncomfortable with your words about the "spineless lowlifes" you've awarded people, Gentiles, who will sign up for this [facebook metaverse]. ... And what I want to say is that a decent Satanist, not a selfish bastard (I don't want to believe there are such in True Satanism), in my opinion, should at least try to save these people afterwards. Why? Because they are PEOPLE, Gentiles!!! As bad as they are, they are your/our people! »

This one might seem innocent to the one not knowing about that post with «Bernstein» story, yet, in the end of this drama there is one thing I wish to specially mention. The last is basically a throw-in as well. This infiltrator forever ends up its posts with something like:

«You don't have to skip the answer if you think my words are rude. I DON'T WANT TO OFFEND ANYONE.»

So the throw-in here (hidden behind cat drama) is that SS are some kind of whiny cry-babies that can be easily offended by some illiteral unspiritual kike infiltrator. While the only one ever whining in Russian forum was this cunt alone as well as other cunts from VK such as the one with iskanderfriganov@ email. It created a special topic https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3179 to prove everyone that «SS are ordinary people that can be as easily offended and manipulated by emotion as any other lowlife». Obvious hidden agenda behind this throw-in is that SS are nothing special, they are not emotionally or in any way stronger than any other person, obviously which servse their other throw-in that RTR/meditations do not work or are weak. Kikes would definitely appreciate if SS were ordinary people easy to manipulate or distract, but it is obviously not the case.

As well as you may notice in VK (see first part screens) they forever hide their attack against Russian forum behind some «personal dramma» as if SS at all had anything personal behind themselves. If JoS was a personal thing nothing it ever did would really work — exactly how the jew wanted it to be. But again, obviously, nothing personal is and has ever been the case here. RTR, meditations, JoS market — all of this had and has zero personal gain behind it despite of how lower kike would like us to be «equal». To be equal to us one has to higher up and as well seek nothing personal, which is beyond kike apriori.

So, absolutely all of the schedules were also accompanied by attention whoring & hysteria and excessive personal mailing on purely cartoonish occasions like the above and "forgetting" numerous requests to stop excessive mailing and disturbance.

The very first schedule she caught, also did not go quietly: some clown of the enemy suddenly wanted detailed explanations on the tracking resource tg as to why it is bad to impersonate another resource and sell lies in another's name, and he wanted to get them exactly during the schedule. And this account made everything to put my attention to it and invite emotional reaction. Then the extortionate response emails became more frequent, and I noted the same pattern of "demanding detailed responses" – this is their truly jewish insolence: it does not occur to them that they are not so important anymore as to waste time on them. Why? Because they don't care about us or our time. And our meditation and the normal flow of life is exactly what they have spent 5,000 years taking away from us.

In the best jewish tradition absolutely everything was used: the pressure on patriotism, on the best feelings to make me skip the posts or read the letters, on pity (all the phrases like "you can skip it, you can punish me as you want, you can not read it, etc. etc."), I have received "demanding something from Satan" letters in hopes of pushing the "guaranted working" buttons.

But instead of trapping Satanists by infecting them with its rotten emotions, the enemy fell into it itself when it couldn't stand another schedule and gave itself away by openly attacking the FRTR. (see screenshot above).

Absolutely the same way jewson gave itself away by attacking FRTR during schedule.

Note! Judging by the notes these critters sometimes make, for example, they constantly notice things that from their point of view might be useful to distort and use against us, such as when they made a big deal out of HPs Maxine's comment about people with psychological disorders or high pressure to be careful with certain yoga poses, and spread it in their groups as "in general, meditations from JoS site aren't good for everyone" (above in the first screens) with lots of exclamation marks, right after which one of them asked for my personal email for conversation. And so, judging from these notes, they are not as inattentive and moronic as they want to seem, defiantly turning a blind eye to spirituality.

jews are professional hysterics in the sense that they have learned the art of hysteria in order to infect those around them with this toxin, especially in crowded places, and to create an intolerable mental atmosphere, highly unmeditative, scattered and unfocused, in which lies and delusions are more easily introduced. Emotions, especially those out of control, are necessary for them to intercept attention to their lies. I have explained this many times before: they need mass hysteria and the heat of uncontrollable passions so that the worst sections of the population, the weakest links will crack and let some of the jewish lies into their subconscious. They need cracks in awareness and attention to squeeze their lies into the subconscious so that those listening don't even notice how convinced they are of the most brazen, outrageous and irrational lies, such as the one about "rituals (temporarily?) not working," while concentrated consciousness clearly shows them the results of RTR work.

This is no different than the psychic ("higher") enemy looking for a breach in your consciousness to distract you from meditating by having toxic thoughts come into your head that do no good, but simply suck energy and draw your attention away, creating a hole in it. You will notice that all of this is also accomplished only by clinging to emotions.

All infiltrators have one thing in common: they try to dig out what they think are weak points in order to get hold of emotional reactions: for example, they start screaming about the fate of gays or women or anyone else who really suffers unjustly, awakening our deep-seated and long-stored reactions to channel them in the way they want, like calling for a rally. The jews know these weaknesses very well, or assume with some degree of probability that they will be the weakest, if not absolutely the most amenable, of all those they can push, because they, the jews, are the ones who CREATED these pains to which they now apeal so emotionally — all women pains, all gay pains and all national pains — jews know these pains more than anybody else because jews are their only causers. They are walking down a road they know well, a road they have often walked in the past, and the road they themselves paved.

And it is this ability of the jews to pick up some details or half-remembered sayings like these yoga recommendations, they have combined with a striking demonstrative cretinism on the most naturally understood issues for any meditating Satanist, for example, I was dumbfounded when I had to explain the most elementary things before only the RTR schedules revealed the true nature of this mysterious "not seeing straight through" anything spiritual.

The Introverts also realize that such things would be difficult for a meditator to explain to a non-meditator, so - and this is a hallmark of all their propaganda - these trick questions are designed exclusively for the losers - the very bottom of all communities, the non-meditators, the unmoved and unlearned among the Pagan population. It is as if they are demonstrating to this weakest link of any society how to be a moron - by their own example. This is why they need so much attention - to teach Pagans by their own example how to be animals, goyim, or some gray imitation of themselves, soulless, savage, vulgar, only capable of abusing everything they are incapable of creating.

Perhaps the purpose of their endless nagging for understatements and brazenly extorting attention for their scandals was to force the leaders to admit that there are mysteries in Satanism, calculated to develop and advance in order to overcome them, i.e., to admit there are fool/enemy protection and certain barriers that we expect the worthy to jump over and the unworthy to be weeded out by them. Further, they attack this as it is directed primarily against themselves. Their goal, as slaves, is to attack and break down the protective barrier preventing their masters from entering. In order to do this, they endlessly cry out for pity, trying to make it seem as if there is not enough of it already. For what they call for is not pity, but rather they call it «pity», in order to translate their vile programs into our language and make them palatable for us. It is, in fact, their demand that we allow them to break down our protective barriers and destroy us. In other words, for them to be "comfortable and understandable", our Knowledge must be completely desecrated, brought down to their level, at which it simply cannot exist and will be completely destroyed.

To that end, all these communist popular slogans that "art must be understood by the people" are meant to be threw-in to catch people off guard, which in this case consists of the delusion spread by the jews that they have to love anyone at all. Here again, they themselves first created these parasitic programs of "love" and "having to carry the unworthy and rotten apples on thy shoulders" centuries ago, then they crack down and endlessly exploit these false bindings. If they are yanked back and openly rejected, in other words, when they see that the wound has healed too well and can no longer be uncovered, they attack us for it.

This is no different from the way they attack too strong, monolithic and balanced communities such as Nazi Germany, which they failed to undermine with their "divide and conquer" programs, i.e. which, roughly speaking, treat their women and gays too well for them to need any extra jewish help outside.

Thus, the activity of the infiltrator is mainly to find out what has not yet been sufficiently tightened from what they have infiltrated in the past, and to try to exploit it.

The next stage is to press on it endlessly, to harass it, and in the end to push it into something that you can "work with" from here on. That is, de-anonymization. First, the "random" request for a bank card to transfer money to the Ministry with the persistent game of being a complete moron who can't learn cryptocurrency. Then the hysterical demands for some (completely unnecessary) "physical activity" like rallies, bunkers, trying to give some importance to flyers that they don't have. As soon as such are suppressed or exposed, a more subtle tuning in begins. Conversations are brought up to this all the time. As with the VK scammers, the tricks come down mostly to manipulation of emotions and trust: talking about dreams, tarot readings, signs - anything you can just make up. But all these invented dreams, premonitions, and fully staged hysteria give themselves away as soon as they meet rejection and exposure: frustration and disappointment are typical of a criminal who has had his plans thwarted.

For example, despite all requests not to write to the administration, the insolent infiltrator passes info of upcoming rally as if it were unobtrusive, without openly calling for it. But when she sees that the administration does not buy the soap opera, begins blatant demands and emotional stimulation to go, which completely reveal the true intentions, and why they came here and for what. And the rally itself in fact turns out to be not so crowded, that is, if Satanist had come there, he would not have been able to blend in with the crowd. Which, by the way, fully confirms the cooperation of the left-wing liberal rioters with the government. Then all this endless talk about leaflets, bunkers, even implicitly, through the description of supposed dreams, just look at this brazen extortion of information from everyone about their physical activities, and you will understand what it was all about:
«It's too bad that people don't write here about their physical activity, if they do it. Their experience and advice could be useful to many!»

All the aggression in this thread is just designed to shock people into being shocked by the insolence, the bias, just the outright lies of the misconceptions being promoted, and giving away information about their physical activities instead of thinking about why such posts are even being written. That's because, Gentile doesn't think like a jew. He expects sincerity because he is sincere himself. I needed time and RTR to collate everything and prove that all this impenetrable cretinism is just a cover, that's exactly the time they were counting on, to get as much personal information and information out as possible during this time. What all this scum never counts on is that the Gods really exist and really intervene when necessary and completely supervise the whole process.

Now, from observation of all this process one might wonder why such things as physical activity, papers with slogans, revolutions, rallies, political prisoners and patriotic topic was so much used in the first place. As I said, different public needs different ways to infiltrate and subvert.

In this case, the infiltrator was proceeding from my posts about the rebirth of the Russian Empire, when it staged patriotic hysterics without end. They study the enemy very well before they send their subversives here. They need to "catch the mood." But their death, like the death of the entire jewish race and their cosmic masters is their limited spiritual development, they have a limit, which in the case of the meditating Satanist tends to go faster or slower, but still to infinity, and the jews understand this very well. In fact, their goal on earth is to stop or delay this our flight to infinity, and here we come to the main goal of their infiltration.

3.3 Attack on Gentile Spirituality.

Governments not only know that spirituality is real, they themselves use it in every way they can for their own waysto serve those they are slaves to. HP advised me to read this book about how far the knowledge they hide from us extends:

Not only are they perfectly aware of this, they are even more perfectly aware that they are not very good at it, and that the only way for them to be safe from discovering is to cut the path to advancement to all other nations. This is beautifully illustrated in their torah, where they foresee the danger from the reversal of their god's name. You can even see this in popular movies - even the main anti-hero who makes attempts to unfold the name of the jewish god is shown as blue-eyed and blond, which is no different, as in the so called Nation of Islam movement in the US, White people are openly called the Devil. The jews are behind Hollywood and the popular movie industry, and they know what they do very well. This is not happening without their knowledge.

This is why our spirituality and our main site Joy of Satan receives the greatest number of attacks, even more than some of our political sites, and far more than the political sites of the controlled / alt right and even its nationalist sector. Despite the fact that it is the Joy of Satan that violates the least of their unconstitutional laws.

There are two main thrusts of how they attack spirituality. On the one hand is what is happening in VK and Telegram, where the enemy scum have stolen our name in order to collect money from the public for non-existent services using it and our sites as a cover. The jewish government is known for its cooperation with real criminals. It is the oldest jewish move to find local criminals and make friends with them. The criminals get their much coveted undeserved financial benefits, and the jews get the power and the ability to control through these infusions. Simply put, the jews have been organizing crime for centuries and have been the creators of many types of organized crime as we know it today to control the population through it, offering them endlessly their jewish "solutions" to this problem, such as total surveillance, and making it harder to exist in society for what they do not want to exist there, namely spirituality. As I said, the criminals who act as pack animals in this get the financial gain and satisfaction of their inferior animal needs, which is all they want. Often without even knowing exactly how it serves a more intricate jewish agenda.

For example, as for the scammers in VK and Telegram, what better way than to make Joy of Satan look like a fraudulent thieving organization, selling air for a lot of money, stealing a couple or three interesting other people's articles "for publicity" before doing so. And what could be better than to put on top complete morons, convicted thugs and hoodlums who will NEVER understand the difference between them and the High Priests of a society, incomprehensible to them by their very nature, because thuggery and crime are always the lowest of all societies in the intellectual and spiritual sense, rotten apples, incapable of anything. Putting the most untalented and retarded part of any society on top is a way to have absolute power over that society, since the criminal is the most amenable and easily controlled member of any society, especially through his lower needs. It also solves the perennial problem of the jews' inequality with us in a spiritual sense. In fact, the only people the jews can handle are the rotten apples of any other race, which is why they made sure that all our empires be replaced by democracies and anarchies, making them the easiest prey for the jewish people.

In these videos (turn on English subs)…

Further movie in 3 parts:

...you can all see how the oligarchs and the government are planting these rogue enclaves all over the former USSR so that on one hand:
1. To make spirituality look like the lowest and most destructive thing in the world - crime.
2. To feed, at other people's expense, their vast apparatus of organized crime, which they maintain to help them control society.

And, so as not to pay them from their own pockets, they organize fraudulent schemes, through which they extort money from the population for their own maintenance, along the way, writing off this filth on Satan and our spirituality.

Another purpose they pursue is the practice of the xian churches for centuries: to gather information through confessions. To buy air, people have to provide photos, time and place of birth data, which can be unique to literally a few people per town who can be counted on their fingers and tracked down. Plus all registered vkontakte are forced to surrender personal data to the VK service, without which they will not be able to create an account. Plus the VK site itself collects all the data about the device, browser fingerprints, even when you enter the domain. The page won't open unless it can run its non-free javascripts on your device. Network vkontakte is owned by the jewish oligarch Usmanov, as is the entire mail.ru group, which is now connecting all of its services, integrating them with all government websites and sites for all general services such as water and taxes (which for the unwanted can all be turned off immediately), and your information, and what groups you are in and what you post, what you like, what you read, download and with whom you communicate about what, will be transferred to absolutely all jewish government hands.

The following are screenshots.


«Tarot reading
ready in 3 hours
1500 rubles

Professional detailed consultation of questions from any area with the help of Tarot cards, viewing situations and recommendations on the subject. The consultation includes from two to five readings for a full analysis of the topic of interest and an answer to all questions. You are left with the full text of the consultation, pictures of the reading with explanations and recommendations.

Approximate list of the topics that you can successfully review with the Tarot:
- Personal relationships.
- Professional situation, prospects at work or in business.
- The prediction of a variety of issues in the period up to a year.
- The causes and consequences of events.
- The potential for magical development.
- Parsing of past events.
- Finding solutions to problematic issues.
- Recommendations on the best choice among the various options.»



«Astrological consultation:
Ready in 2 days
3500 rubles

Professional calculation of natal (personality characteristics), synastry (compatibility) and solar (prediction for the year) astrological charts. Depending on the type of work, the consultation consists of a calculation itself, which takes 1-2 calendar days, and the answers to your questions about it. The text part of the calculation is left to you in the form of 6-12 pages of text in pdf format. You have to provide your date, time and place of birth for the astrological chart to be accurate.

An approximate list of topics and questions that astrology can answer:
- A complete detailed personality profile.
- Potential in professional and personal development.
- Analysis of perspective directions of development based on the astrological characteristic of the person.
- Compatibility of two people, the nature of interaction.
- Determination of the type of partnership, friendship, sexual, professional and other relationships.
- Selection of a suitable time to start projects based on their direction.
- Recommendations on passing through difficult periods connected with negative transits and revealing of these periods.
- Complete detailed forecast for the month/year in the form of calculation and description of the Lunar and Solar charts.»


«Joy of Satan is reminding you that it accepts students to the educational project «JoS University»

Project serves purposes of expanding of knowledge horisonts of its participators, providing information from various sources. Group will be closed but available for the requests to join.»

We have never had any "closed groups" and never will. All of our social spaces are completely open and do NOT require registration to read. Just like there will never be any such thing as «JoS groups» on social networks. The only places we communicate are our forums:


All contacts and emails further are fraudulent!






«Magical help
Cost by agreement

We provide magical or witchcraft help in a wide range of directions. Labor up to the result, all questions are discussed in advance in the smallest details.

We do not cheat and do not milk money out of you, each provided help has a stipulated, stable price. We also give recommendations for independent occult work and solving your problems.

If necessary / with complexity perform group rituals aimed at performing the task.

List of tasks for which you can apply:

- Full diagnostics of the soul, functioning of the chakras, channels and the state of the aura.

- Elimination of blockages, damage to the soul. Removal of destructive programs.

- Healing, assistance in strengthening the health of certain systems, or elimination of diseases.

- Breaking or strengthening of ties in society. Assistance with family or any other type of relationship.

- Elimination of annoying entities.

- Love magic, including a love spell. We take not every order.

- Administration of negativity, vengeance, curse. Hit as a point, on certain spheres, and in general. We undertake not each order in the direction.

On all questions concerning magic influences write on the page specified in contacts. »

The main profiteer, crook and charlatain behind all this as you all can see is account known in Russian and English forums as «Bogow» - here is its posts in English https://ancient-forums.com/search.php?author_id=19983&sr=posts and in Russian https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/search.php?author_id=550&sr=posts forums (as you can see, specifically in Russian forum (yet in English a bit also) it led subversion activity), also known as the "grandmaster" in Telegram. Also all sorts of accounts with the word combination "iskander friganov" and the telegram account "inquisitor", known for his mail protonmail with the word combination Reidr.Cen.

Actually, you see, what only this criminal gang stole our name for, what it only seeks in esoterics and everywhere. I don“t even mention the fact that to grant all desires of the unworthy like that is simply unethical, but, since mediocrity here provides a complete hoax, both sides here are just a bunch of morons, who are all boiling in their own stupidity and taking wishful thinking for reality, and only crooks just know that for a bunch of these lies they will get shekels, and play the role accordingly.

True Pagan spirituality is about attainment, not about buying dubious services or hitting on dubious gurus. But it is so knowingly presented to the spiritually illiterate, deceived and trained by xianity, who have already been set against spirituality for centuries, to finally "prove" to them that spirituality is a fiction and the source of all fraudulent schemes. The critical channels that are now gaining popularity on youtube and in the media focus on just such scum in an attempt to prove to the world that there is no such thing as spirituality. At least in Russian youtube you can also notice they have significant correlation with the liberal left, vaccine and other jewish programs, which proves that they are all working for one thing. It's a game for both sides against the middle: some are attacking spirituality, while others are making it look false so that the former have a reason in the eyes of the population to keep attacking it.

And this is their "other side of the coin" and how it has manifested itself in the introduction to the forum.


"I don't understand your policy on this, nor do I understand what you want to accomplish with rituals. In the long run, I understand their effect - they change the current state of affairs and will work in the future. Maybe. Unless the jewish rituals are stronger. So it's also never guaranteed. But what do you propose to do NOW, when the rituals have not yet worked, and the jews are acting according to their plans, just a little more slowly than usual?"

This is what was written to forum. And here is what I almost every day during schedule got in email from them:


“1. Why was HP Cobra, who openly talked about his sexual relationship with a jewish woman, allowed to hold the title of HP? Were there no other Gentiles without a similarly flawed past? Even if he repented of it, it certainly doesn't make him look good in the eyes of others. There are plenty of other equally worthy people on the forum - Lydia, for example.

2. Why are you so protective of Cobra? You don't even think he could have been jewish. Meanwhile, there were at least 3 jews who went to the WJ:Carson, Bequeen, Mageson. And how is it that three (!!!!) jews were allowed into the HP at all? They weren't put by the Gods, they were put by Maxine. Does it appear that Maxine can be fooled? If so, why don't you admit that Cobra is jewish? There have been precedents, unfortunately Maxine has been fooled quite successfully at least 3 times. If Cobra did it, that makes my suspicions even stronger.

3. what's in the ritual for turning 72 names? There are 72 Demons in the Goetic grimoire. Do we blaspheme their names? Is it suspicious that Jehovah's names are 72, and our Demons' names are 72? And who gave this ritual anyway? If Mr. Cobra, or, as he is called in some circles, Mr. Bernstein, I do not know whether it is true or not, it also gives rise to certain suspicions ... I don't know what's behind the words vibe, after all. I have a right to ask, for I am to perform this ritual. Right now, for me, this ritual is a cat in a bag. I would like to know for sure."

"HP bequeen" is a joke in some sermon. There is also no such information that Jake Carlson is jewish. Why would anyone kicked out of here all of a sudden be called jewish? Is it so hard to accept that we throw out not just jews, but all the unworthy? It's very hard for the unworthy to accept the fact that Satanism is not for everyone and has its own systems of purification, so to speak.

On the 72 name ritual page, everyone can see exactly what they are unfolding. The 72, 42 and 99 names of the Hebrew God are in the quran, the bible respectively, as well as all over the internet in all languages. Let alone alphabet. And everyone has access to Goetia, as well as the books mentioned, where all of these are listed. It is a matter of one click of the search button to check.


"4. WHERE IS MAXINE? Can you answer, at least approximately, what's wrong with my True Foundress? I trust Maxine, I trust more than anyone else, despite the fact that there are many lies about her too. But I have no reason to trust Cobra. And no, frankly, the desire - I'm frankly angry at him, because none of his promises have not been fulfilled. It's been 20 years since JoS was founded. What progress have we made? Have the jews left or at least lost their positions/began to lose them? What? We couldn't even get Trump back in office as president of America as most Americans wanted, and we even did the rituals to do so. I personally sat dutifully every day on the schedule that was laid out for Trump's return, tried... And the bottom line? Biden didn't go anywhere, he's still sitting there. I don't have to tell you what's going on in Europe and Russia. Meanwhile, when forced vaccinations and codes are added to all this, HP Cobra writes a sermon on whether we are ready to "write history"... What is that even? Codes, refugees, and vaccinations are definitely not what I expected or fought for in doing the rituals. And that's all we've accomplished.
It is necessary to pester HP Cobra somehow, I think, so that he at least, if not to speed up/strengthen the development of events, then at least to stop writing sermons, completely inconsistent with reality. And then,

5. Where are the other Priests? Why do I only see the work of Cobra and HP Shannon? Where is the work of HP Raasi and HP Gmicalzona? Where is their work and contributions?

7. HP Cobra prophesied on the forum, that until 2024 at least the current obscurantism will last in all countries. And after 2024, they say, it will be even worse. And everyone admired him so much - what a prophet HP is... Any thinking person can make such a prediction, it is obvious that the jews benefit from the pandemic, so they will try to prolong it. In the meantime, countries have growing problems because of it, civil, political, social, etc. It makes sense that it will be even worse afterwards - long recovery and wars unleashed... This is not prophecy, but logic. Why are HP's words so exaggerated and put with such... worship?

8. Why, when Mageson was kicked out, did no one provide evidence of his jewish activities? Even you, when you were exposing our pislamic terrorists and inquisitors, demanded screenshots, etc., because you can't accuse anyone without proof. Mageson was just kicked out without proving anything to the forum members. Maybe he was working with Cobra at all, and when he became inconvenient, he was kicked out... This is exactly what your behavior and HP is suggesting.

Yes, I have a right to criticize and question. HP is not one of the Gods, though his position is important. However, I am tired of huffing and puffing at the words of a possible jew. “

Undermining RTR, JoS Ministry, HPs Maxine, Magnum Opus (as you can clearly see) all during schedule... and incessant forcing on us some displaced care about those, who are without (who invented this “schedule for Trump’s return” thing?), which gradually moves in the direction of care about everyone and care about the enemy (see Juliana screens in the beginning of the part 3). Periodically they write that they suffer from mental disorders, alcoholism, etc., so that they be pitied and continued to be listened and read. Further, with the same excuses, this sucker turned in my mail to the forum of enemies for spam. No different from the way jewson sold away absolutely all the data it managed to suck out of Satanists for 10 years to the enemies, after 10 years of trust and pity whoring and making up tales about its alleged misfortunes in order not to lose contact with emotions.

Do you really think they don't follow the English forum where all this subvertion tactics with lying up HPs and inventing stories about vaccines are exposed thousands times?

Or do they think I won't draw an analogy to this one —
Russian https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3228
English original https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=63129&sid=7b4f04306c9c09677574503f2d10bfa2
And not notice that they read it, know it and comment on it?

The implication of everything they push on the forum is the same:
"There is no Gentile spirituality."
"Gentile spirituality doesn't work",
"the jews can win" (in other words, jewish spirituality exists and ours does not),
"no one knows where is HPs Maxine" (infiltrator scum usually calls our Clergy without mentioning title just by their names — they just can“t digest that we have rank system)
"rituals don't work."
"RTRs were invented HP Hooded Cobra 666" Back in the 2000s they couldn't shake the power and authority of HPs Maxine, since the Creator's power over the Creature is logically impossible to shake, so now they use her as an icon to turn everyone against him.

But it is simply a fact of the history of Joy of Satan, available through links to the old josministers forum archive and yahoo groups, that all specifically the Reverse Torah Rituals (RTR) were created and posted specifically by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, the founder of Joy of Satan. And it is through her that the very idea of reversing torah was conveyed to this society.

The Truth is it is our rituals and such spiritual Satanic activity that these liberast cockroaches she so adores still have their Freedom of Assembly at all, so that they can abuse it to make their colored revolutions. It is thanks to our Alchemists and Tamplers that nowadays in 21 century we have this Freedom of Speach they abuse to infiltrate our forums and attack our Leaders with lies. And it is thanks to our Satanic efforts of the past that now we have internet and anonimity so that this cunt can return with different account to proceed subversion.

Notice how the rituals of the jews somehow don't raise the same questions as our rituals in cunt heads. This is no different than how jewson who promoted piss drinking through sock accounts and communism through his own account, who presents Hitler as "not the most important figure in the Reich" on jewess Zola's forum, and who also lies about HPs Maxine without end (and they read all this), does not raise any of their question. While HP Hooded Cobra 666 happen to be questionable for no reason at all except fairy tales, gossip and lies.

The answer to the question "where is HP Maxine" is abundantly clear from her own words on her website Joy of Satan, NOT from anyone else's explanations, and above all it is abundantly clear to these scumbags and their masters themselves.

You can't even imagine how well all these "attacks of psychic disorder" of theirs go together with their excellent knowledge of the basics of subversion, their ability to argue in jewish manner and to twist other people's thoughts without end - just look at how my words in another thread about the universal power of Gods were immediately twisted into a "question", that maybe that means we just do not need meditating, evolving, confronting shit in any way and maybe it is just pretty fine to stay a worthless piece of that same shit who doesn't care that he was put in a capsule, chipped and his consciousness transferred to a disc.

In this case, it's also a very good example of how they forever attack, distort and subvert elitist nature of Satanism. Yes, the Gods are powerful, but no, the Gods don't help the first person they meet, they are only interested in those who strive for it themselves and do their share of work, and the latter is beyond the power of the jewish soul, hence the reaction to our ranks -
https://deathofcommunism.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3285&p=5854#p5854 ,

It's the same thing with vaccinations.

In fact, to admit that vaccination has no power over the Satanist is to admit the power of Satanic meditations, and thus to draw the attention of the Pagans to their Gods and to all that they so desperately try to distract him from using nonsense. In addition and most importantly, the Pagan will want to grow and develop, will see the meaning in the daily overcoming of himself. And this is an elitist principle. Then it will no longer be possible to simply push criminal to the top around.

Accepting inequality and constantly overcoming yesterday self as the normal system of society is the worst thing for them, because then the question arises "what about those who have jewish roots?" - I mean, they can't evolve...

These barriers are primarily designed to cut off the jews themselves and everything alien to Satan and his Empire. This is why they attack elitism and aristocracy the most. This is why they invented pejorative worldviews like communism, "all things to the people," "must be understood by the people," understanding "the people" as something inferior, crude, illiterate and unenlightened. But that is exactly what they themselves, the jews, are in comparison to the enlightened Gentile Soul. By putting these concepts of "the people" in the place of power and the most carefully guarded element, and displacing all other elements for its sake, they are putting the worst in the place of the best, thus implementing the biblical New Testament curse "the last shall be first," which will enable them to rule the nations through crime and rotten apples.

It is, in fact, an attack on our development and advancement in general, the main goal of Father Satan. It is, in fact, the biblical curse of "expulsion from paradise" for being too enlightened, too educated and too eager to know.

For this exposure credit goes:

To God Azazel and High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, who completely supervised this exposure project from the very beginning.

To all the real Satanists who provided screenshots of the infiltrators. Thank you for your time and effort!

We exist because our spirituality and our Gods are real, our High Priests are put here by Gods, and our rituals work.

Hail Satan!!!

Oh wow. I was just trying to learn if the info on the third sex website is reliable enough to be cited as a source because we have some homosexual non english speakers in the Turkish forum who can’t do their own research and I don’t want to mislead them— and the search function brought me here. This will take some time to fully read. I can’t even imagine how long it took to write this.
Pammy said:

Oh wow. I was just trying to learn if the info on the third sex website is reliable enough to be cited as a source because we have some homosexual non english speakers in the Turkish forum who can’t do their own research and I don’t want to mislead them— and the search function brought me here. This will take some time to fully read. I can’t even imagine how long it took to write this.

Probably a good 4-5 hours or longer. I think on the longer end since the links are annoying same with img. It's one thing to type it's another having to img/link everything and host it.

TLDR: Basically a bunch of a infiltrators of questionable origin either a combination of Russians, Chechens, former-Yugoslavian, along with a bunch of muzzies and Jews of Soviestic decent and order. In other words good old state capitalist-communist dupes probably duping for Stakeholder Capitalism. Have been creating with Russian Spy agencies counter-spiritual operations. In other words like the old days of dur-destruction on Gentile spiritual situation.

Basically going to the Library of Alexandria(Internet) amassing all the spiritual knowledge and burning the originals or "altering the originals" and creating either more judeo-bolshevik propaganda. For example imagine an advanced practice of pranayama from India that was re-discovered through ingenuity and historical research from the 12th-century only for they to take hold of the website/s and then state it was invented in the hippy era in the 1960s and also concoct non-sense like for example saying it belonged to one of the Blatvasky christ-cuck characters she created like Mahaavat Babaji situation.

In other words the meme of the Big Lie from the '25 edition of Mein Kampf.

[Can't seem to find the meme pictue] Anyways The truth so twisted up no one can believe you can do that to the truth.

Basically this is the old Russ/New Russ commonism wanted to be imposed on society from the old days of the former Russian territory. I'm sure Alexander Solzhenitsyn's book is a worthy read as to why certain things happened such as the 1619 Chelmeniski pogrom(Alexander states it's out of the scope of the book, but states his book explains the principle reasons as to why friendly christians decided to just pogrom the jews) same reasons why religious non-sense, blasphemy(even if xtian in nature; i.e. a communist slurring xtianity with xtians. In other words two stupids don't make a right rather one gets their ass kicked), rampant alcoholism, christ killer meme, and other memetic things jews do. And then they wonder why they get genocided from time to time.

Basically Edward is stating there is a massive judeo-bolshevik conspiracy a privatized and nationalized(i.e. Government) involvement in defrauding occult, spiritual, anti-kosher organizations. And they are basically copy-pasting memetically all websites or as many websites as possible. Although Edward doesn't specify if these counter-sites are being held in the deep web, funny mentions the dark web. While there is no "technical dark web" there is a shadowy meme name for the deep web that is bad i.e. killings, sex trafficking, molestation, illegal supplies etc.etc.

In reality people like Mutahar[Some Ordinary Gamer] mentions it's simply the deep web or the internet foundation on which the internet backbone exists. Most people are told about this in negativity kinda like the hacker meme.

Oy vey hacker = bad. Hacker = someone who thinks outside the box to solve a problem. No one is saying a malicious hacker is good. What they are saying is in essence for example magic = hacking reality to solve a problem/s. A John Deer tractor being hacked to work with 3rd party software/hardware for a 3/4th of an amount of money cheaper and more effectively is a form of positive hacking. So much so companies are just locking down and rent-to-own non-sense. Your renting says the EULA, lulz. Funny when it comes to court cases and here in the U.S. certain trade laws that completely shut down companies from engaging in these practices.

Basically these hackers or hacktivist groups are nothing more than honeypots and creating fake spirituality plus positive spirituality.

Basically the idea that I'm getting is these guys are in a pickle certain situations aren't manifesting or occurring and Humanity is resisting i.e. coof-19 or Ukro-Russian war. For example Russia is so desperate and realizes it's fighting NATO that it imposed the Gold-Standard with D-Day being June 30th when the Russian governement stops purchasing for 5,000 rubles a gram of a gold and begins operations with Gold. Not just gold-backed money but each ruble is a form of gold without the weight. So in essence the enemy and the judeo-bolsheviks of Russia are pulling not just a Griffith A second look at the Federal Reserve. But pulling a Founding Father's moment in Constitutional Lawful Gold-standard money.

Well the same can be said about these hacktivist organizations. Through duping social media and various internet hangouts I'm sure Reddit is another website tracked as well. These guys simply my best guestimate is they are trying to be the purveyors of spirituality by controlling spirituality.

For example good guy jew goes look goytums we've got spiritual meditations 'n' sheit from got. So we got to meditate in other words they want to build a counter-fanatical force like George Lincoln Rockwell states and counter- our fanaticism with their fanaticism. I liken it to the enemy pretending to be "good" to create "bad". Not evil no not uppitiness no just pure bad.

Evil would be the jews create situations and annoy people incessantly. This is more subtle bullshit tactic underneath the table.

At the end of the day Edward points out JoS is Public Enemy #1. They basically state these groups are like semi-Anonymous hacktavist groups. In essence they are communists spiritually and are in fact not hammering their members. Rather they are able to express some form of personality. And yet they state things like we'll kill them or kill them or physical > spiritual. Or things like RTRs don't work only to kinda be in doubt. Some of them see our spirituality as a profit i.e. paywall. Some of them seem confused and wonder why certain things are or are not manifesting. And some are simply repeating torahkopfs simply sheeb goyim, tob sheeb goyim harog. In other words they are either so incredibly stupid they literally advertise on the intertubes or are so incredibly cocky that there is probably other organizations out there that would exterminate them for being failures. It seems these organizations operate so openly they probably don't give a shit a this point.

Edward points this out they seemingly just talk to random groups or organizations around. Like "Yeah bra we b' berging, steining 'n' sheit. They probably don't realize there are probably organizations far more clouded that would just hammer them off the marble statue and snuff them out.

Funny but at the same time I expect the same thing from the government. It reminds me of the video by Tim Pool sometime last year whereby 3-5 liberal/left wing people in WaPo, NYT, and Washington Times enter into various internet organizations like Reddit and basically troll using leftist propaganda. People are so brainwashed, so clueless, so sheepish, so digitally addicted that they succeed. Tim Pool was like we don't know who they are but we have enough information to know these news sites cater to this non-sense.

The funny part about all these state-sponsored hackers is all they are doing is plugging up a small tiny leak of a massive dam that is about to burst. When more and more people get into aliens, spirituality, meditation, improvements in life. Funny in the next few months as the Super Shemitah comes online and shit starts going haywire with riots and food riots like in Peru and a few other countries. People are gonna be looking for answers. These guys inasmuch want to control the occult, to create the occult, and make their new occult. A kinda New World Order form of Occult. It's just like a video game it's basically power hungry dupes trying to invent a new god. Not unlike Dagoth-Ur in Morrowind trying to resurrect the Anumidium weapon to conquer all of Tamriel. He wants to impose himself as the new god. Funny but at least in the ((((bethesda))) crap there is magic, heroes, and all kinds of spiritual technologies for someone to do it.

If these guys wish to become the so-called new gods of supertown like Rob Zombies song. They better show off some hot shit because at the end of the day in exposing themselves to the World there is a counter-force waiting to expose. And this article of what Edward did is precisely the reason why some people object perhaps even irrationally. Even in the irrational spiritualist who sees these new gods of supertown will rebuke them and go WTF this doesn't sound right.

TLDR: Shabbos and jews trying to steal technology and pulling an Apple, Inc stating "We did it furst 'n' sheit, lulz". Typical berging and steining operations. For example in the future some jewish organization is gonna come out with free-energy or freer-energy device and claim this was a gift from hashit. And we b' gut 'n' sheit.

So much so, so fucking good they still want to pogrom your ass for being a jew lul'd the ignorant masses they are trying to control.

Basically this is alphabet agencies in Russia rather than the establishment players here in America vs the America First group. In Russia it seems more organized and more soviestic and thus they constitute a bigger threat. They probably have unlimited and infinite funding. Russia is technically the place with the best hackers in the World. One can say the Chinese and Brazilians are annoying gaming hackers but Russia and a few Middle Eastern countries have shitload of hackers against everything.

I'm actually surprised Edward is using phone and texting and whatnot. Seems dangerous. I don't know but I think we are getting into a situation whereby some of these guys might get a little shooty, shooty pop goes your brain from a 9x18 Makarov.

It seems with JoS and certain other rogue groups. They can't make heads or tails out of our organization. They attack negroid, homos, and in one case gypsies even though one guy goes "I'm gypsy". Funny a jewish or shabbos or some radical fanatic attacking his own jewish brethren. Gypsies = crappier kosher species.

Blacks they laugh at them and probably label them the subhumans and are dumbfounded our organization accepts them. Inasmuch I would not be surprised if they believe Black people cannot spiritually advance despite the copious African history of spirituality and Heathenism. Funny if that is the case why do they have Voodoo/Hoodoo.

Homosexuals these guys apparently view gay men in particular as lower than blacks. If black people are deeply hated by these soviets who someone tells them blacks are also soviet forces i.e. eqwalatiz 'n' sheit. Then funny enough they are violating their soviet decrees on blacks. As for homosexuals basically they are not even talked much about it. Simply they are degenerates and lower than scum. May their name not be mentioned to avoid memory and recall. Basically.

Other than that it's just a giant government honeypot to recreate the internet and society in their image. Maybe even create new xtianity and new judeo-bolshevik enclaves to destroy each other and create perpetual totaler kreig. It's funny because they are probably old soviet theoreticians who view the last 30 years as Hitlerian times. Except inasmuch some negative events and the whole Bush era non-sense. The past 30 years we EXPLODED technologically. Even in 5 years things changed. Bitcoin 25 btc for one Dominos pizza Bitcoin btc $1 = 1 btc, 5 years later 1 btc = several thousand dollars.

Inasmuch these guys seem to want to pull off a technocratic orwellian-kurzwellian singularity like one of our member's signature "There is no such things as coincidences someone made it happen". With history re-written with their non-sense.

And typical stuff like state Ayylmaos(Aliens) = lulz, Spirituality = fake for goyim maybe pump xtian meditations and they keep the good stuff. In other words it's a repeat of the last 2,000 years when they gained control.

Steal technology, appropriate information, create counter-propaganda, mash it into reality as theirs, and create fake groups ad nausium.

"If you lie enough times people will believe the lies as truth". - Dr. Goebbels

I can see them fairly successful with certain occult xtians. But I think it'll rub people the wrong way. Maybe Russian people are far more ignorant on the stupid scale and can be duped easier. Or maybe it creates a situation of "Oy vey ebil, debil paganz 'n' sheit are taking over everything". In other words another Satanic panic of the 1980s-1990s.

I could be wrong but that is what I pieced from the story and made my feelings and thoughts on it. Seems typical weaving of reality to create a new reality through physical force and terror basically. Oh and shekelberging and shekelsteining can't stop hollarin for da dollah.
Wow, there are many fake Satanists who poses as JoS members in order to make us look ridiculous. It reminds me of ******* on YouTube, who posts music stolen from other artists and presents it as "Satanic". In one of his latest videos he even says that he loves the greys and that they are our Gods. Gross!

A similar idiot makes blasphemous videos on Bitchute where he uses Obama as a "Satanic Warrior".
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Nimrod33 said:
Wow, there are many fake Satanists who poses as JoS members in order to make us look ridiculous. It reminds me of Ott Sumerian on YouTube, who posts music stolen from other artists and presents it as "Satanic". In one of his latest videos he even says that he loves the greys and that they are our Gods. Gross!

A similar idiot makes blasphemous videos on Bitchute where he uses Obama as a "Satanic Warrior".
People have nothing better to do.
Fanboy said:
There are trustworthy and devoted members in russia for one. Ask the Gods to guide them to you and lead you if that's what you need so badly.

It's crazy how Russians all learn English in school, but all your English is so shit you can't even do simple translations.

Just Copy the Russian website and distribute it however you can. Or don't if the kgb is going to kill you. Idk but do something more productive than this. Why do you want hoodedcobra to help you anyways? What do you expect him to even do?

Just leave the telegram group, who cares

If this is in reply to Edward, there's a few things you should know.

Edward is a very well respected member who has done a lot of work for many years, at high risk of his own safety, to bring Spiritual Satanism to Russia and protect the integrity of the JoS in Russia for years.

One of the few members who actively works alongside HP HoodedCobra for the sake of JoS international expansion and availability of knowledge.

What he has to say is quite trustworthy as his loyalty to Satan and the Gods is infallible.

Before commenting on a member, be mindful of who you write about.

Hail Satan!
Gear88 said:
Basically Edward is stating there is a massive judeo-bolshevik conspiracy a privatized and nationalized(i.e. Government) involvement in defrauding occult, spiritual, anti-kosher organizations. And they are basically copy-pasting memetically all websites or as many websites as possible. Although Edward doesn't specify if these counter-sites are being held in the deep web, funny mentions the dark web.

No. I clearly state all this is centered in most popular and most jewish social networks. Vk and telegram are all owned and ruled by jews, jewish putin's oligarches, who are strongly into Mishustin's Digital transformation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_transformation about which I wrote in extent. Such as Usmanov - putin's oligarch who owns a lot of Russian social networks and now they are being forced everywhere in any website you have to be registered in to get medical care or pension. They don't care of deep or dark web, since they can't use it en mass to spy everyone. They hunt on young and stupid who are seeking easy "one click" ways using their phones.

Gear88 said:
At the end of the day Edward points out JoS is Public Enemy #1.

Exactly. We are their enemy #1, that's why they send their best here to infiltrate and use all psychological knowledge stolen from us. For example, they know I am a man and would send a "woman" (account with female name and verb form) playing young, stupid and vulnerable to make me open up, then turns out they have male email etc. They did it numerous times with HP Hooded Cobra 666 here and everywhere.

Gear88 said:
I'm actually surprised Edward is using phone and texting and whatnot. Seems dangerous.

I never use phone and strongly discourage using it. These screens were sent me by many people, some of them - infiltrators themselves that turned out later and did it to invoke my trust. They also seemed not to conceal their true name when mailing to encourage me do the same. Some others would also send me their phones in hope that I will ring them.

Look, now when they are exposed and put in PDF everywhere, they lie and play around "no no we are modest, pour little newbies acting stupid, we meditate, we better etc." - after they stole thousands of photos and thousands of dollars. "You have our apologizes, yet we will proceed robbing, holding back and endangering JoS members, everything'll be ok. We are Satanic unity anyway". They would conjure unity all the time - it is exactly what jewess Zola is doing in its forum when asking photos from people.

I put it to all of you to educate because you have similar situation here: one troll plays "pour little transsexual", other troll tries to imitate "crazy sexist racist right wing maniac" - they are never serious in it all, they are just paid to push it everywhere in hope that goys would buy it: one buys one side, other buys other side. These both side are created to suck you in them, they don't need it for themselves. This is how the vortex is created.

Behind all this there are numerous spiritual hidden messages such as "women be only Yin, man - only Yang" and other unnatural extremes that 1)will forever incite reaction because they are unnatural 2) are made to subtly destroy society from spiritual realm, i.e. make spiritual side of the world unnatural and imbalanced. This is how xianity and islam are made.

I noted that all these trash has their traits for which it can be known: they never capitalize name of our Clergy, avoid titles, hate our colors, hate any mention of hierarchy, forever try to play as if we had equal value. Sometimes kikes can't endure and open their mouth. This is interconnected to https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=71548&p=352363#p352363
Edward Lonsa said:
@Edward Lonsa: Quote Ping

Does the people you contact are they judeo-bolsheviks? i.e. the former so-called "Glorious" Sovietized fools of the more modern post-Renascence commies of modern times Frankist/Jocobin -> Comminist International dupes?

In other words the big ballers they are kikes and shabbos correct? You mentioned social media kikofery operations into kikesteining operations but also as cover for mass surveillance a.l.a. China.

I mean the hackers Gentiles and jewish people or jewdified people?

It seems to me like if Gentile which I assume many of these hackers are or have handlers I would not be surprised if they form 5th Generational Warfare i.e. Information warfare for this.

The fact of the matter is do these people do they not care that billions of Gentiles have died over the course of 10,000 years of History.

Do they not care that they are being Bezmenoved i.e. schmuck useful idiots that are only going to get exterminated at some point for knowing too much. Cause if you know too much you know too much.

Frankly I sometimes wish more people knew about the jewish aliens(https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=56901&p=252890) i.e. Grey/Reptilians I'm aware it's a laughing comedy to many people in the World. But I wish people knew of the extra-terrestrial and sub-terrestrial threat. The enemy communist of both underneath the Earth and in their skeleton crew in the Solar System. If people knew there was a communism far worse than communism can be had. Maybe it would instill intelligence on these useful idiots. Fact of the matter is this the same bullshit we have with leftists here in America. Only difference is we seem more stable. Russia seems like on the cusp of re-Sovietizing again.

Either way this is the kind of stupid shit they promote that we have here in America the internet of all things and also the whole social media bullshit. In America it's a lot harder to fuck around with people cause of it. But it seems Russia is a Wild West.

I guess I shouldn't look at the World with rose colored glasses sheer fact is there are state-capitalist, communist stakeholder capitalist dupes willing to plunge the World into their age of Tziddikim. Frankly speaking this is why we need more weapons and guns.

I apologize if I made my post wishy-washy I wish I could help people I wish I could do more than simply RTR/meditation/rituals. But frankly speaking I can't wait to see these people be used as useful idiots only to be killed.

*cold steel barrel of a gun on the back of your head*

That moment when you realized Hitler was right the whole time...and not only was he right but you were Bezmenoved into being a useful idiot to collapse the Planet into global communism i.e. a goyim cattle slaughter factory.

Anyways best of luck over in 'Ussia.
Gear88 said:
Edward Lonsa said:
@Edward Lonsa: Quote Ping

Does the people you contact are they judeo-bolsheviks? i.e. the former so-called "Glorious" Sovietized fools of the more modern post-Renascence commies of modern times Frankist/Jocobin -> Comminist International dupes?

In other words the big ballers they are kikes and shabbos correct? You mentioned social media kikofery operations into kikesteining operations but also as cover for mass surveillance a.l.a. China.

I mean the hackers Gentiles and jewish people or jewdified people?

Ok. Since the lie 24/7 about who they are, today they are ultra black-hating gay-hating right wing, tomorrow they are "9 Angels against Demiurg", in their one group they are Uzbek mudslimes praising allah, in their other group they call themselves "JoS" puting "Joy of Satan Ministers" as their name in social media, while come here to tell "no-no we are not representatives" and who knows now many other things. They fail to present a single version of who they are.

But I think I can do it. They are just thugs, thieves and street villains. They can be either lower mixed kikes, mixed kike-Chechen, Uzbek or whatever non-White mudslime or non-mudslime or even Slav, just criminalized lowlife rotten element of their race. Nor are they any hackers except in dreams. Just observe their IQ. They used all kind of thug tactics with me which they never change even seeing they don't work, because they can comprehend only how they themselves operate. They are just thugs seeking their easy way to shekel. They in no way match those they serve which ARE what you say, plus they are oligarchs which we have here in abundance and who puppeteer our government as well. As for these clowns, they would serve any kike, party or church that pays them well.

Unfortunately, in Russia and post-soviet territory this is very common, we are very close to South American countries in this. Not sure about "The Wild West". Fraud including "spiritual" one goes rampant. You can easily see it in arrogance, indifference and seeking one's own end in everything. This mentality was very common to see in mageson also. And it should be considered as a trait of infiltration or larping, as it is completely incompatible with Satanic soul.

Look at that "girl" who infiltrated Russian forum: they "worked" only as far as they saw their chance to get trust and info, while staging grand hysteria if failed. Now after this final exposure, they apparently see no more profit being here and vanished. All "work for Satan" kept going only this far.
I must clarify something important for anonymity & internet security.

I MYSELF NEVER EVER had VK, tg, odnoklassniki or whatever jewish social den and strongly discourage from doing so anyone here. They are all under jewish oligarchia ruling Russia and every wanna-be posing there as «JoS» is fake.

Nothing of what kikes mentioned here was mine. Some other member created vk group «Spiritual Satanism» out of their own very many years ago. I had very little influence there, and this person was of the mind that «group is just for fun». As a result egalitarian crap ran rampant there, every piece of shit thought they were equal and could «also run groups», «do whatever HPs do» (such as services) as a result one criminal that had already run «spiritual service» market elsewhere to that moment, just stole our material to make profit. That last was Lucifer Rising. Now all Russian «Joy of Satan» named groups in VK, tg and who knows where else are under them. Including youtube channel. This is a very good lessen for all of us to educate ourselves on social media: how it operates on the deep level, whom it consists of and what for it was only created.

Yes, in Russian forum there will be no other opinion than that one of JoS, ever, and yes, the opinion of the entire JoS belongs to her Leaders alone, because we have pyramid structure. In Russian forum Freedom of Speech is not a whore and does not belong to everyone.

As for the nickname of pisslamic filth. Well, people here can read English. Everyone sees:

Gaius Julius

in the screen of pislamic filth and is able to compare it to the Demon sigils sharing screen above, and everyone understands that to create 2 similar accounts in tg network is impossible.

Again, the illiterate are the only ones they hope to dupe. Because such are the only type they pray on.

This is very common for criminal — that is why I think they are one: they never stop lying even when seeing it is useless — such as excessive lying about internet and social media. This lie is not designed to dupe linux developers or such obviously.

Once more. Your anonymity is your OPEN SOURCE CODE that yourself projected, developed and compiled. (or at least checked through very well).
I've been in russian forum for almost two years and I read and re-read all topics there. In my opinion Edward deserves respect and trust. He does plenty of work for JOS constantly.
Yes, he is straightforward and can be tough. But this is needed to keep order in the forum. If someone really needs help, they will get it.

What concerns bogow, he says that he has all screenshots and proofs. But where is any of them? His post is all about attacking Edward in words. He asserts Edward attached fake screenshots. But where are bogow's true and trustable ones he has written about in the post?
I don't see them and I'm sure you can't do it as well.

What about roxsi(karolina), she's always seemed to be suspicious. When I was reading her messages, I felt strange feeling of distrust. But I thought : "she does some work for JOS, even that subforum (about outstanding gentiles), maybe I overthink it". But now she writes frightening things. Even if Edward was really as bad as some people claim, it isn't a reason to betray Satan.

Both bogow and roxsi blame everyone but themselves. They don't see their mistakes. If they were ss, they see and correct mistakes. But everything we can see is just blaming others.

I can't say anything about FreezingMoon3321. I know nothing about him. But he seems to be adequate based on his message in this topic.

I am not trying expose someone. It's just my opinion as a person who has been watching the situation for a long time. And I can write more and more. But I've written it not to be involved in any unnecessary dispute. Everyone can deal with it on their own but I can't be silent anymore.

Hail Satan!
Naneli47 said:
But now she writes frightening things. Even if Edward was really as bad as some people claim, it isn't a reason to betray Satan.

Hail Satan!

I did not want to write it (because I have no time to write everything I observe 24/7) but there is more to it than just spreading horror fairy-tales. For example I clearly see that this person uses automatic translator to write in Russian. Look at this "Люцифер рисинг" or forever decapitalizing the name of Satan while capitalizing mine, though they seemingly attack me, not Satan. This is clearly an automatic translation. The one who plays craziest Russian patriot, does not even seem to clearly speak Russian. They basically came to steal my email and info for zola&mageson&exposingJoS agenda.

Never dupe into sob, frightening or whatever weird stories told by (infil)trators about things no one will ever prove, such as "reptilian attack" science fiction. That's why I guess they never concealed any of their alleged "real names" - because they never existed either.

Look, one person plays "great mage" whose help everyone needs (strangely never asked), other come and screams "help mea!!!" so they play theatrical play to show everyone how "all SS need help that is never provided" and "that's why they quits Satanism" just to sabotage. Other idiots does not want even to see infiltration and prefer to just proceed choosing easy "logic-free" way like ... "if Roscomnadzor blocked JoS in news and that's how I learned about it, then thanks Roscomnadzor for this great knowledge". Well, metaverse is for such, I guess fuckerberg will make "non-conflict" JoS version for them there.

People need to learn that not everyone is that dumb sincere, a lot that's going on is theatrical play. Real life is war.
We will avoid all this crap if we raise the bar of our lives higher and higher, to where the Jewish abomination will never reach again.

Мы избежим всего этого дерьма, если поднимем планку нашей жизни выше и выше, туда, где еврейская мерзость уже никогда не достанет.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
