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Exposing The Jewish Cult CoSG


New member
Aug 24, 2009
Hello everyone,
I hope one of the Priests read this fully first, and make changes if necessary, as the information this article contains may be confusing for newbies- even though I did try to simplify it. 
This is going to be an important post, but just as long and complicated one, especially for those who are new. New members of the group *must* study joyofsatan.org and dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Main.html first, as they would get -really- confused if they don’t have pre-knowledge. 
Before you do your own research on the subject detailed below, make sure you’re a dedicated SS and have protection, as, that cult of the enemy uses a method close to subliminal messaging (specifically in their books) that produce attack-like effects on the mind. 
High-level Jews have this “cult” that is linked to Jehova-worshipping Discordia Society. They’re also the ones who published  so-called “Illuminati/New World Order Cards” 

That cult is the Church of SubGenius.  At first, people don’t take them seriously, as all their writings and teachings are written in a jokingly manner and with bunch of non-sense planted between really important sentences, it’s all been designed to look fictional, they don’t give out real names either. But that’s the surface:Their founder, Douglas St.Clair’s quote: “If they can't read between the lines, they should probably stop reading.”
Also, their publications/books (both Book of SubGenius and Revelation X)  contain warnings like, “Do not allow fall into enemy hands” “Sometimes communication must be made More Difficult and Irritating Than Necessary, in order to conve certain dangerous complexities. The knowledge must not fall into the wrong hands.” 
Once one studies their books and publications, everything is obvious, especially to us SS.SG is basically Judaism with different names and characters. I’ve been told that some non-member Rabbis have their own SG books, and SG’s “holy days” calendar features all jewish holidays. It’s been led by the Rothschilds themselves. In their books there are dictations from “Jehova” and “angels” (including the angel-enemy entity known as “Melchizedek”)  SG does state the so-called angels are ETs and religious books are blueprints of their plans. 
They are responsible for the recent Controlled Exposure/Fake Opposition, they do mention Satan and Demons as Gods but regard them as evil and “enemy” and they also know that Hitler and Nazis worked with Gods. As mentioned above, SG are the ones behind  those “Illuminati Cards” that “predict” most of the major global events. Plus there are cards that feature, Jhvh-1 card https://i.ytimg.com/vi/XZGwq27_w2g/hqdefault.jpg

Elders of Zion (The jews that authored Protocols of Zion) https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/56 ... e7e559.jpg

Reptilians and Greys cards https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-P1zEfc8Gvkc/ ... uction.png

Random “Jesii” (Random Jesus) :  https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uQPxIsEpbag/hqdefault.jpg
“Random” because, here the Jew explains  http://www.jewfaq.org/mashiach.htm  (if the link won’t work try this http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/s ... en&ct=clnk  :

“The Jewish idea of mashiach is a great human leader like King David, not a savior. …The mashiach will be a great political leader descended from King David (Jeremiah 23:5). …But above all, he will be a human being, not a god, demi-god or other supernatural being. It has been said that in every generation, a person is born with the potential to be the mashiach. 

He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). ”
Jewish World Government plan is exactly like how the enemy Nordics dictated to the Raelians (http://jews4rael.org/e107_files/downloa ... ion_EN.pdf) :
 “This path which leads to the Promised Land which is indeed an entire planet and not a piece of land delimited by borders.” Jewsus the Borg card  https://i.ytimg.com/vi/GTzpBp3EZ1c/hqdefault.jpg (full picture https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/56 ... 4d592a.jpg )
Note that in the Jewsus card there’s a guy behind him. That guy is the symbol of the leader of the Church of SubGenius, is called “Bob Dobbs”.  
Now, in Philip Eugene Rothschild’s  interview with David Icke, he says, “While others were seeded into government, academia, business, or entertainment, my place was within the Body of Christ. I was to be a focus for spiritual power and controller of a cult within this Church. ...” and that he is a human and spiritual focus of corporate energy into the 'Body of Christ.’ (I explained full interview and Jewish ruling councils in this post: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ges/159848

Philip Eugene Rothschild has taken over the leadership of Jewish Ruling Councils after his father Philippe Rothschild died in 1988. 
Church of SubGenius has been founded by so-called “Dobbs”  in 1953. According to SG, it all starts with a vision-message Dobbs got from Jehova:  “…was abruptly Removed and translated astrally across the yawning gulfs of space and time to the very idge of JHVH-1 himself. While his body lay thrashing at home in a seizure-like trance, the young man's conscious-ness took the brunt of the first brain-buffetin communionications of countless to come from the alien Yahweh.”
SG sources state Dobbs leads a Council of 13, too, and call it “Dobbs’s 13 disciples” and “Council of None”. Also, “While he remains an anonymous executive shunning publicity or recognition at a faceless multinational corporation, he is nevertheless The Most Ascended Master, the original Retriever of Jehovah's Message on Earth.”  
In the Book of SubGenius (1953), they claim Dobbs’s father was Jewish.  What’s more, regarding him, they state, “Another question that arises: was he even from Earth? The fact that most of these people were "undocumented aliens" makes research all the more difficult.” It’s not the only sentence that regard Jews as aliens, in the Brag of SubGenius, “… I was shanghaied by bodiless fiends and alien Jews from a corporate galaxy...” 
In Dobbs’ biography (from Book of SubGenius) there’s this part that describes Torah - Jewish Matrix:   “He was approached by seven glowing... spirits? Jessi?* (*Jesus) spacemen? ... who escorted him into the para-molecular Court of God. …here energy and matter swirled and mixed over a sea of glass and "Bob" gazed into the face of time and space un-bounded. Infinity itself lay in the center like an ever-hatching egg, with obtuse intelligences circling it and meshing into sync with it. Extending from the tiny point that was all of this came a weird pattern - an infinite chain of logic - a 'book.' Hovering before him, it radiated an intense 'purpose' of some sort, like a force: a powerful 'need' which displayed yet another infinite, quasi-electric pattern - a 'brain,' a 'map' ... the root-map of the universe? All forces fluttered around it, yet nothing moved at all. Deep inside this matrix was the Earth.” We all know what this “matrix” is. Keep up with RTRs, guys. 
“In an overall symbolic panorama of past/present/future which he also felt, he saw not only is previous incarnations as various winos and "Other Bobs" dating all the way back to the First "Bob," (PS:  “bob” is a reference to past “random messiahs”) but also in the future of Earth, drawn out over thousands of years yet shown in second-by-second detail. He saw it from the human point of view, from the alien point of view, from the computer point of view and finally through the Eye of WOTAN”  
They call Jehova “Wotan”, “Odin”, even “Ptah” and “Shiva” sometimes (Wotan, Odin, Ptah, Shiva are in fact, Satan’s names. They call Subgenius (Jewish) “heaven” Asgard too. They use these names to deceive Gentiles/Pagans, in other texts they themselves admit it as well) For example: in the Book of SubGenius:  “Remember, Jehovah-1 - or Wotan, or Shiva, or whatever you want to call Him - is not God. He might as well be, as far as we're concerned, because he has powers of creation and destruction that Man has mistakenly associated with God throughout history. He is merely a bit player in this vast Movie which God is apparently leaving unedited. Nevertheless, His galactic goals - it makes no difference what they are - can be achieved sooner if He hones a few special tools to aid in the task. As the trance dictation of Dobbs tells us, SubGeniuses are those tools, and Jehovah-1 needs our help. In return, we Chosen are rewarded.”

They call themselves “Chosen” very often as the SubGenius is a reference to the Jewish race, and they admit in the SG texts, “created by ‘the Xists” (enemy ET beings) and they’re much “superior” and are of a different race than the rest of the people.
More on Jew Dobbs’s encounter with the thought-form:
“Many Church Initiates, seeking to become Adepts in the Hierarchy, deliberately induce hernias in themselves in an attempt to duplicate "Bob's" experience. The episode stirred up a renewed and perhaps frenzied interest in the Church of the SubGenius, which Dobbs had formed some two years earlier in a half-hearted attempt to placate JHVH-1. Now, "Bob" seemed to take it far more seriously. He began to recruit carefully selected individuals from the new world of high finance.” 
The code-words:
The “Y-ists”, “Yacatisma”:   Our Gods, as stated in the one of the “cards” : http://www.subgenius.com/bigfist/pics6/ ... atisma.gif  “...from Hell, coming from Orion…” They regard them, our Gods, as their enemy.  We’ve been, many others in the groups as well, told by the Gods themselves that They will be coming back. The Jews know this too, possibly learnt from the enemy beings. In this page, http://subgenius.wikia.com/wiki/NHGH of theirs, they attack our Gods in various ways of blame-shifting and beyond disgusting non-sense, of course not without changing their names (Satan and Loki aside)

The “Xists” : The enemy ETs: Greys, Reptilians, Enemy Nordics, all of them.  There’s even one of those “cards” of them, http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/sub ... 0301003648

(The sword that’s seen on the card symbolizes Jehova the thought-form, according to their texts)(from their FAQ page) "...You'll be able to withstand communication with the Xists, our mentors in space.."   
“…But even the mighty Xists are merely ‘forceps’ used by yet greater beings who might as well be observing us through metaphysical microscopes. The Xists were “possessed” by JHVH-1, who was Himself “possessed” by an ocean-like psi-mind moss brain which grows in a gaseous galaxy..” (From Revelation X)
More on the “Xists” and their “linked computer brain” from the Book of Subgenius: “…their ultimate computer brain, the brooding computer which we will have soon too, the computer so complex it is not a machine, it is more of a moss-like independent growth of circuits which it prints itself, sprawling through our homes, quietly overwhelming, YES the aliens will "give" it to us, we floundering human beings will fight nuclear wars with each other trying to decide whether to turn this unwholesome 'mouth of a Trojan gift-horse' ON or OFF, in the end we will turn it ON, and then by God we will not be able to do WITHOUT it.”

There’s more on this AI system and the future of humanity in Revelation X-especially in this excerpt, http://www.subgenius.com/bigfist/answers/revxouts7.html In order to avoid non sense parts, (the other code word, “pinks” being a reference to the Gentiles) start reading from, “computer-god branch of the Conspiracy will trigger mass hallucinations in all citizens by Silent Radio broadcasts using government-controled puppet-parroting Mimicom-enhanced slave technology…”  
It exists now by the way, and is called “audio spotlight” mainly used by the army and intelligence agencies as artifical telepathy. Without much detail, I explained it in this post: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ics/139961 
Regarding the bible (“Book of Revelations”) and “apocalypse”: 
(From  the SubGenius Pamphlet)
“…prepare for the Age of Tribulations, you think last winter was bad, wait until the glaciers are at your driveway, the earth shall shake, the sky shall fall, space junk, tornados, hail the size of Cadillacs, plutonium clouds, sunspots… drinking water you have to boil first and pay for, recombinant viruses, contagious cancers… it will all begin in 1982 when all the planets the Earth and the Sun, all line up with the dog star Sirius, the Silver Star, in 1998 it will draw the X-ists to us like flies to a dungdish, oh they won't stay long, they'll leave us, completely free to do as we please, but their unnameable "maggots" will remain. Diabolic caricatures, hideously silent, evasive, but always with us. WE WILL BE DOGS TO THEM in more ways than you can count. Yes, it will be bad, why do you think they call it Apocalypse? ……The Book of Revelations is an alien text, those space monsters know what they're about to do with us, they knew it 2000 years ago, but what they don't know any more than we do is what The Prescriptures mean when they darkly refer to THE RUPTURE, the cosmic vortex calamity after the biblical Apocalypse and somehow a godzillion times worse.” 
In their "Prescriptures" (dictated to them by the thought-form) it's being openly stated only the Jews will survive: "And only that Man among thee who is as the seed of Elijah shall save thee; only he shall give succor, and sustenance, for he is truly a prophet of W'T'N, which is JHVH-1." (59)
According to them, the exact date for this was July 4th 1998, however, it’s been prevented from happening, by their enemies, think for yourself whom they might be.    The Enemy’s Torture Place, created by religious fools:
Revelation X excerpt:"…Nothing happens to those souls that they didn’t ask for, that wasn’t self-devised down to the tiniest detail. And nastiest of all, just as their store of anguish is about to be used up, they are TOLD they could escape if only they would stop believing — BUT THAT ONLY MAKES IT WORSE. For, there they are, right in the thick of it, with flames searing their skin, or etheric vampires slowly devouring their very essence... so it’s just a bit difficult NOT to believe in it. The helpless, impotent knowledge of the full depth of their stupidity is frozen in their minds, amplified, and protracted out over all eternity.
It is from the ultimate horror induced by this CLIMACTIC REALIZATION that Hell is fueled. The fear of fear itself, self-amplifying, is recycled through their heads over and over, feeding on itself like a breeder reactor. …At first Asgard may seem sort of hot and stuffy, what with all those flames around you, and the fellows with tails... but those are Angels in uniform. That’s a big joke down there.” (Already mentioned they stole Pagan names, such as Asgard)  

 “…There are plenty of quality souls frying in Normal Hell simply because they couldn’t follow the goose-stepping guidelines of their Gods, but thought that they should... UNTOLD BILLIONS being horribly tortured for no greater sin than that they wanted Slack, but didn’t believe they were supposed to get it, much less understand it.” This part pretty much explains everything. Gentiles who didn’t follow their Gods, end up being at the enemy’s “mercy”. The word “slack” is widely used, mostly referring to Occult, spiritual understanding and power, etc. Ignorant religious Gentiles who don’t follow Gods “don’t even know there’s something to be gotten,” as stated in the “card” http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/sub ... 0301001921

However, they state some Gentiles are different, those who work with their “enemy” and they’re “knowingly” Gentile, knowingly Pagan: https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/su ... 0301002809
But as the card also points out, they may be tricked into serving the enemy, which is the exact reason why they use stolen Pagan/Satanic names and that their sources are so complicated. If one doesn’t study their teachings thoroughly he would believe the “Xists” are the Gods, and so on. I myself have met such deluded “Pagans”.
Moving on, there are passages in that book of theirs, Revelation X, such as,
“We must first clarify the differences between aliens, gods, the collective unconscious, and hoaxes. Don’t confuse the gods — of which there are two vying tribes, Elder Gods and Rebel Gods — with petty entities and aliens like Jesus, the Greys, the Yacatisma, Satan, the Xists or the Zists. …Whereas, regarding intelligence, the Greys and Deros might as well be our equals, ghosts, the deceased Pinks too stupid or obsessive to “cross over”, are much lower on the chain." 
And they quote P.F. Edwards:“It’s no mere accident that the Archangel Gabriel ‘started’ the Christian religion by visiting the Virgin Mary, and later ‘started’ the rival and hostile Islamic religion by visiting Mohammed... "
Now, directly quoting them, from the same book:
Dictated by the messenger, King of Archangels, Melchizedek.A huge hierarchy. 7 SuperUniverses, 70 Major Sectors, 7,000 Minor Sectors, 700,000 Local Universes, 70 Mil constellations, 7 billion local stars and 7 trillion local inhabitable planets.” 
(It seems to be obvious that there’s a “7” allegory here. Considering the fact that “Melchizedek” is one of the enemy beings, I doubt “it” has given out any useful information) 
“ …part is about,  this is where God came from. To be a god, all it takes is enough curiosity, imagination, enthusiasm, and Tourette's Syndrome.” 
That syndrome is basically about symptoms of rising the kundalini. They state one of their leaders, Steve Wilcox had this “syndrome” which means, like Dobbs/Rothschild, he raised his kundalini.  (During my research and interrogation I got astrally “attacked” (no harm done) by Wilcox. He also admitted they indeed work with Reptilians and Greys)
Infiltration of Nazis (from Book of Subgenius)
“…He (Dobbs-Rothschild) worked on developing his powers. He journeyed to Tibet, studied under the most ascended monks. …We do know that in 1943 he went to the U.S. Government with the intention of turning these amazing mystic abilities against the Nazi war machine. It is a little-known fact that "Bob" was instrumental in the Allied victory. Most historians are entirely ignorant of Hitler's occult back-ground as well. The Nazis were being manipulated, through Hitler, by secret Thule Society magicians, who were pawns of the Hollow Earth dero creatures,themselves tools of the Space Bankers.” Ignore the ridicule, they openly state Thule and Nazis worked with Gods: “Everything Hitler did revolved around ancient Thule prophecies concerning an Aryan Atlantis. Using his incredible powers of hypnotic suggestion (which he would inpeacetime turn towards Sales), "Bob" infiltrated the Nazis by posing as the foretold "Son of Odin, The Purest of The Pure," who would supposedly help transform Germany into a New Atlantis under the "Northern Fathers," or Elder Gods. "Bob" worked his way up through the Reich hierarchy until he had gained the complete trust of Hitler himself. The weird "Man in Black" that Hitler described in his writings was actually "Bob." Hitler said he had met "this New Man who is living among us... I was afraid of his presence." For good reason. "Bob" was feeding them all the wrong information. This accounts for the Fuhrer's terrible strategic blunders during the latter half of the War. "Bob" had Schickel-gruber looking the other way when D-Day happened, and the tables were turned on the Axis.” It’s doubtful that Jew Dobbs actually managed to fully manipulate Hitler himself, but the evidence suggests he indeed tried.And Dobbs (Rothschild) wasn’t the only council member who tried it.

As outlined above, it’s safe to say this “Dobbs” is Philippe Rothschild (later replaced by his son Philip Eugene Rothschild).  Arizona Wilder whom Icke also “interviewed” with, about jewish Councils, gave out accurate information on certain topics, such as reptilians (“About 4,000 years ago, the reptilians arrived here and again began to take over. And they installed themselves in various places, underground, in the earth…And using the gods and deities that were believed in on this planet, they started infiltrating into that and becoming that. And blood rituals started happening.”) She also gave out the names of Council members. They’re all jewish, including Jew Neo-Nazi infiltrator Frank Cohen (uses alias, Frank Collin) He infiltrated spreading of Nazism in the US and joined Neo-Nazi movements claiming he is not jewish (this is proven to be otherwise) He also has works about Atlantis etc., like most of the infiltrator jews do--like major disinfomation agent Z. Sitchin does.

Getting back to the main topic, Wilder stated Philippe Rothschild called himself Pindar. Pindar is a name of ancient Greek poet, known for his Pythian Ode, which is all about our Gods in North, Hyperborea-Atlantis.
Another connection is that, a few “insiders” claim, the book Atlas Shrugged is based on Philippe Rothschild’s plans that were sent to Council members back in 1972, to Texas (SG’s center). In this book the Jewish global elites leave the factories, businesses they own (and they own nearly all of them) and let Gentile people that they call "looters", starve, suffer from food, resource shortages, just enough for main character John Galt (representation of Philip Rothschild) to take over the dying world. In this book, a special island only for the jewish global elites is being mentioned, and it’s called “Atlantis”. In SG texts they talk about this place as “Dobbstown” 
SG also refers to Scientology's founder L. Ron Hubbard as one of their “friends”. Among their other friends are Jack Chick (known to be a hardcore Zionist who blames everything on Satanists) and “conspiracy theorist” John Todd/Christopher Collins-Putnam (of the Putnam family that is responsible for the Salem Witch Trials) John Todd was backed by J.Chick, which explains why he, too, blamed everything on Satanism, convincing people that “the illuminati has nothing to do with Jews.” So it’s hardly surprising that Todd was working with SG, since they both are famous for blaming things upon Satanism and “the Conspiracy” while in fact they are all part of it. The SG Jews supported Bob Dean as well (he 'leaked' the famous "Assessment" documents)
By the way, the leaking of major ET-related documents handled by Laurance Rockefeller himself (http://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/Ro ... uments.htm

Along with that, L. Rockefeller funded PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab at Princeton University). Assisting Remote Viewing aside, PEAR scientists like Dean the jew Radin and others created Global Consciousness Project that monitors “consciousness activities” worldwide, energy shifts during certain major events, etc. They state they’ve monitored “prayer, meditation, ceremony, ritual, healing,” activities as well.  
Here’s their site http://noosphere.princeton.edu/index.html 
They also openly promote new age kind of globalism-world government, and global meditations to strengthen this. Most of the websites they suggest are the same, nearly all of them New Agers, http://noosphere.princeton.edu/links.html    There are other important connections between Rockefellers-Scientology-CIA’s Remote Viewers and parapsychologists, and most of them work with the enemy beings and promote New Age non sense. This post is way too long already, so I’ll give out details later.
Hopefully the information provided here will be helpful for researchers. The world is a pretty messy place and we’re lucky to have Satan and Gods to back us up.

Hail Satan and Gods of Duat 卍

That was sincerely the most fucked up thing I've ever read about "Bob". I actually named a fake account Bob recently so that hit me. I also didnt read the title and skipped to that part so I thought this was some fucked up bullshit that needed to be burned killed and banned.

Nice post. This is a fucked up cult that hopefully and very likely wont get recognition. They always do shit like this by telling the whole truth but with a plot twist where they win and selling it to people. Its basically as simple as being a kike and telling the truth but telling the story as though you wrote it. Pieces of shit

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
