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Experiences With The Gods: Levels of Experiences

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It is very frequent that when one starts immersing in meditation, one will want to communicate the Gods and start understanding more of them. That is after all completely natural and very important, and what one should be the point to advance one's self towards them.

As a general rule, there are "types" and types of communication and seeing.

A very basic level of this is interaction based on fantasy or visualization. In this particular case, one can have a fantasy or see visions of the Gods [created by themselves, yet some people do not understand that this is the case] but these don't mean many things.

Albeit on this level certain things might be mental based and even in some cases helpful, these are not the pivotal types of experiences. In the cases of where this basic level is actually functional and not delusion, one will start understanding here that the Gods exist beyond any doubt, same as the Demons including the lesser entities or things one will start understanding of their undoubted existence.

The common denominator is that those who get these encounters, are generally changed in no way or very slightly, with many taking this too far and maybe even falsely changing towards a very delusional ego. The not so distant negative road one shouldn't take here is the road that leads to full blown insanity, or childish imagination, based on numerous unaddressed needs inside a human being.

A secondary level of seeing is when one starts actually doing successful summoning and starts feeling energies, and getting a "feel" for the Gods. Understanding basic omens and signs is also part of this.

This level is not to be underestimated. It's already a highly competent and very exceptionally successful level to have experienced even some times in one's life. It is not to be overestimated however that this is the end, because this is not.

These feelings can be ranging in power, but one will know one has established communication with the God. It is quite frequent that the Gods turn their attention to someone when they do a summoning, yet, there is not a full blown manifestation of the God for reasons that have to do with safety.

The third reason is actually a very powerful manifestation. These events can change the course of one's life, and one cannot coerce the Demons or summon them to cause these events. The Gods do this on their own accord.

Disciples of Father Satan from many past lives might experience these, while newer people might experience more of the above, and this can change the course of a lifetime. These can greatly accelerate you changing as a person or as a soul. These don't need to be "many", but these events will be pivotal and highly influential.

There are many ways to evaluate an experience from being valid, invalid, or somewhere "in between". There are many factors at play for this to be the case, as to avoid liars of making up factors, these will not be shared. Yet if these lack, this cannot happen.

Practitioners will understand the more they advance of what is meant here.

Lastly, a fourth level of actually seeing the Gods, is that when you encounter the Gods when at real or true astral projection or involuntary astral projection, or with certain layers of the higher bodies.

These can also be ascertained based on what one will want to communicate about this, or what one has seen, and marked out as to their validity accordingly. This is most uncommon. It cannot be made up or faked.

At this level, an encounter with the God or Demon in question is so extremely powerful, that it can mark a soul for it's whole existence. To reach these levels of communication one must be very dear to the Gods, and a very purified and uplifted person. It can generally take lifetimes to reach this state. This is never reached by "default".

Miraculous events can occur from this contact, such as spontaneously gaining powers, blessings or other capacities that one did not have before. One might spontaneously start speaking another language -or suddenly starting understanding it very much, develop a sudden musical genius, extensive sudden spiritual progress that is irreversible, and many other things, which are far way beyond the ordinary or what is likely "feasible". These will likely arrive as a result of meditation but can be sudden, and one will never be told any of this is coming, nor they will have any idea about it.

Due to the nature of very low power souls and defunct beings as the world is currently, this type of contact would drive most people completely insane, so it is very rare, as it would be like running infinite power electricity through a very small lightbulb. It is therefore borderline "impossible".

As a final note, the level of the cleaning and purity of the soul inside an individual is the deciding factor when it comes to quality communication. The Gods do not like dirty or unclean human souls that are rife with dross in them. That is why, especially when outsiders try to fiddle in "Demonology", their own negative energies can get in the way when they try to instantly summon, and they either get no result or might get an experience that points them to a strong "No".

Additionally, the Gods are coupled by lesser Demonic entities that will be sent to observe the individual or people making an inquiry, and they will check them out.

In many summoning, these will show up instead on their place, depending on what is the inquiring party, their level of real power, awareness and so on.

If they are unclean or too evil [not in the moral sense, but in the sense of lacking spiritual advancement], the entity might give a forcible message to get the people to get their act together, advance and so on. Like a security, they will not allow someone to reach the God.

To be able to get this out of the way, one has to take Spiritual practice and Spiritual Satanism really seriously. In contrast to the preaching of lies that "the poor in spirit will reach heaven", the opposite is the case in the real universe.

The poorer one is in spirit, they won't reach any "heaven" and they will reincarnate again and again, but also be highly non operational on earth.

The Gods are less and less inclined to send a Demon in their place let alone a "Bodyguard" if they are contacted by respectable individuals who are "known" to them. This "knowledge" does not only involve knowledge of the person but many other parameters that make a person connected to the entity and a proper receiver.

As a closing note that should not concern any real Spiritual Satanist, if the Gods are inquired by extremely negative or evil people for more of these purposes, in this evil category being also those of the enemy or those who follow jewish drivel [yes, they have done that and many "try" only to fail] they will send the bodyguards their way, which are often-times Demons who hold very little mercy.

That can be commonly the case with wanna-be magicians and others who merely want to abuse things. As this violates strongly the cosmic order, these individuals will have a big price to pay. Many of course do not care, and the extent on which they will upset this order will decide the punishment they will receive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I notice that there are no Demonic Pact services here. Are the Demons against this? ( Belial told a person on Discord to contact me a few years back. Which is how we met. I got a pact done with a group online, and Belial showed up, saying he was pleased with the request, and also said to keep spreading the information, as I have been doing. ). Belial keeps showing up, all by Himself. So I know this is NOT personal mental issues, and such.
This sermon is so extremely wonderful and important. Thank you for sharing this with us all High Priest Cobra.

Is there any other strong important advice SS would need to know, for those who want to work towards the 3rd and 4th levels of this over years and decades and hopefully experience this all strongly, as you described?
Interesting, thank you. I enjoy reading about the depth of interactions, as it shows us the scope of our path.

If I understand this 4th level of interaction correctly, then this explains some of the power behind vibrating the names of the Gods or other lower degrees of connection.

Beyond general advancement and spiritual warfare, can you clarify the ways people can connect with our Gods? My idea of this is to do their Ritual, chant their name, meditate on their sigil, and read their pages.
I once had an experience of my entire perception being shifted.
I was no longer capable of thought but only feeling and emotion.
The song that was playing transformed into something else.
It had a feminine wailing that was experienced hand in hand with the emotion.
I felt like some entity was sharing pain with me somehow, but it never made a lot of sense to me.
It was a very Samsaric sentiment that I felt.
What's the difference between a true summoning and simply communicating with a demon? I have spoken with my GD but I have never had an experience as you described.

I want to achieve what was described, being granted that power because of your own grace sounds beautiful.

Do they come on their own in such a special circumstances, or must there be a deliberate summoning.
Experiences With The Gods: MY EXPERIENCE

i had the honor of seeing mother lilith, i was extremely blessed at the time just for that fact even without understanding the breadth, which is only clearer now

context, i had suffered a huge drop in my conception in areas of life that were important to me, and after an event that was the last straw, i screamed with all my being, all my soul, a giant despair but calm and serene, to satan during a ritual right after i understood where i really was, i asked for a mission, a horizon, what to do with my life, (i didn't have any more concentrated spiritual power at the time), i was guided to do RTR, hence my fields expanded in consciousness and i began to REALLY experience and dedicate my satanic life
but since i hadn't mastered the basics, i kept jumping from exercise to exercise until I tried something, but i resigned myself to dedicating time to the construction and that i was guided like a puzzle piece by piece
i noticed a big difference in the manifestation of divine responses in the year 2021 and they were very PERFECT and my understanding, very good
and what i liked the most were the writings, yes, literally as if they sent me by application message, photos referring to key essences that made extreme sense or just written, and in a month and a few more days, lalitha sent me a message, a day later she visited me in person

on october 23, 2021 at around 11:30 pm, i was on the computer, in the room where i was in the corner of my eye it kept giving me the feeling that the place was turning red, even with nothing, NOTHING red on him this was more on the left side at the moment but after focusing i clearly saw a mixed color and VERY INCANDESCENT light reddish orangey, the best description i can give, i was unsure about it i thought it was the goddess freya (why visit me? i don't understand) and i simply said mentally, respectfully i want to know who you are, even though i already suspected, and moments later i opened a part of the windows where it showed news and a beautiful owl was there, i felt a giant shiver, in a good way, after that i looked at my left foot and something like a head had passed absurdly fast, then a very clear white light i saw near my solar and sacral chakra, twice, then an extremely realistic and slow white energy passing in my front close to my vision, all this while feeling shivers, red colors where the light reddish orange energy had started, the color of the sun afterwards, and finally the environment was immense with power that i cannot describe but that was little compared with the end, at that time i was already lying down just enjoying it because i couldn't think about much and standing up would be a great effort for me, and then i received a demonic relaxation and a feeling of peace that even if you cum 1000 times at once it wouldn’t be equivalent, i felt all this in my heart chakra which was for everything, the image came from her sitting on my belly with her hands on him, and also as if she were by my side, with a certain happiness, with her hands, it was absurd, today with more developed magical properties and correct and respected by myself, there was no meditation that I did that gave something like that.

i felt worthy of making everything in my life, EVERYTHING, different for the BETTER, and the only thing i could think of too, if i deserved this demonstration even at this level, than what I've already gone through, i must be really worth it and with life going by and me improving myself i must be something very good, and i never stopped looking.

and i have experience with baalzebub, but i have minimal doubts, the atmosphere during a ritual was out of the ordinary and i didn't want to do anything other than simply harness the energy, and i ended up being guided to see the real shape of an atom, which is nothing more nothing less than energy and that has color, and the very clear imaginary divisions that exist in the representations that you may have seen are not so much that, it's like, one thing without connection with others, that others can become one, as i understood in the moment
Greetings @Hoodedcobra,
Is communication from the Gods through dreams a basic level of communication?

Thanks for your service to humanity!
Hail Satan!!
Hail Lilith!!
This is beautifully explained and extremely true from my level of view. I am hesitant to share my own experiences as this might produce silly delusions but also give false impressions.

Just yesterday during the Psalm of Satan, I have thought how beautiful the SS existence is. I know and those who know, know! You can be the most basic and with no power human being, yet at one point, with the Gods, you are blessed with all and more. It does not matter!

If you advance and love the Gods, you will reach the impossible.

It is also important in my view to not take for granted these experiences. Mine have remained in my memory for as long as my soul lives. One cannot ever forget how Satan energy feels in the body or in the exterior.

It is also important in my view to also, depending on your nature, the situation, the aim etc, to not always expect flowers, but be given properly what is to be done. For example some necessary stress or panic might be due to really awake you from a strong error. Etc.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If they are unclean or too evil [not in the moral sense, but in the sense of lacking spiritual advancement], the entity might give a forcible message to get the people to get their act together, advance and so on. Like a security, they will not allow someone to reach the God.


As a closing note that should not concern any real Spiritual Satanist, if the Gods are inquired by extremely negative or evil people for more of these purposes, in this evil category being also those of the enemy or those who follow jewish drivel [yes, they have done that and many "try" only to fail] they will send the bodyguards their way, which are often-times Demons who hold very little mercy.

That can be commonly the case with wanna-be magicians and others who merely want to abuse things. As this violates strongly the cosmic order, these individuals will have a big price to pay. Many of course do not care, and the extent on which they will upset this order will decide the punishment they will receive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you very much.

Might I please ask, I wonder what exactly inquirement is meant here. I mean, does this, for example, include prayer? Or is this only about invocation or evocation where person is asking the God to come to them? Does this also include any telepathic communication? I.e. is there any difference between one sided pleadings and actually trying to get the God to come or to answer when it comes to this rule? For example, if somebody is just praying to Gods pleading them for something is this considered a "contact" that upset the world order? I mean one-sided prayer like the one xians or buddhists do.
The path of advancement to the Gods are truly wonderful! A very interesting sermon, HP Hooded Cobra!

Buer was very quick to guide me into cleaning and keep up a healthy spiritual hygiene very early on. Every day I just grow stronger and happier with Spiritual Satanism. It is truly the most sacred blessing a Human Being can get.

I am looking forward to clean and purify my soul extremely much this year!
Wonderful sermon, HP Cobra. I can attest to the truthfulness of this. I am deeply honored to have met a number of our Gods and Goddesses.

They want what is best for us. Every member here should reach out to any you feel drawn to. Don't give up, work on yourself. Full Moon in Cancer this Friday, a great timing to begin opening your psychic senses more! :)
Thank you for sharing this it is very important valuable information. As for validating experiences, I would say receiving information that is confirmed to be accurate is one way of knowing one has established communication, at least on some level, especially if what follows is helpful and any level of growth or insight. You might have some delusional person who wants to make things up for attention, but people who really want to grow will be objective and even skeptical about what they feel to receive, yes?

There has been a certain person that basically thought they were almost like a VIP for the Gods because they apparently would have "visits" or full-blown conversations with a number of different Gods or claim to get certain information from them about something or someone. They would talk about how they felt so sure and felt the energy etc, yet would talk and behave right after as if they didn't believe it themselves as if it never happened only to repeat the same process again. To make it worse they claimed to have been SS for 10-plus years and did the aforementioned also as a means to mediate between the Gods and other SS with this clearly being a no-no as if the delusional creature was some HP or something. It also caused division between SS, made them doubt themselves and others. An out-of-control ego was certainly at play here at the least...
Egon said:
Thank you very much this is very enlightening on the real process and helps clear confusion from delusions by some people who claim contact with high ranking Gods and such, and about ourselves even.

Everyone can fall to illusion. The thing we can do is to constantly try to improve.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=411157 time=1672635754 user_id=21286]
Interesting, thank you. I enjoy reading about the depth of interactions, as it shows us the scope of our path.

If I understand this 4th level of interaction correctly, then this explains some of the power behind vibrating the names of the Gods or other lower degrees of connection.

Beyond general advancement and spiritual warfare, can you clarify the ways people can connect with our Gods? My idea of this is to do their Ritual, chant their name, meditate on their sigil, and read their pages.

All these are correct. I will not say anything further about 3 or 4, because the next thing you know will be lying jews. I can tell if an experience is fake or where it's coming from by 3 lines of text at this point.

The most important thing one can do is to keep walking the proper path like the JoS, and keep doing the practices as they should, while simultaneously understanding the virtues of Spiritual Satanism [I will update this section and add this to JoS] to become a being the Gods are fond of.

serpentwalker666 said:
This sermon is so extremely wonderful and important. Thank you for sharing this with us all High Priest Cobra.

Is there any other strong important advice SS would need to know, for those who want to work towards the 3rd and 4th levels of this over years and decades and hopefully experience this all strongly, as you described?

Consistent practice and honesty, then staying on the course as JoS indicates. That is the recipe. Knowledge is being expanded and so on, yet the initiate will understand why things are as they are, based strongly on the principle of actual application and doing the walk.

There is nothing that can bypass this and any attempts will result in monumental failures, as the Gods have ordained things that way.

There is no fast track or fake recipe here, as the Gods cannot be cheated and there is not sidetrack.
Thank you HP for this sermon :D

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=411246 time=1672676758 user_id=57]
Wonderful sermon, HP Cobra. I can attest to the truthfulness of this. I am deeply honored to have met a number of our Gods and Goddesses.

They want what is best for us. Every member here should reach out to any you feel drawn to. Don't give up, work on yourself. Full Moon in Cancer this Friday, a great timing to begin opening your psychic senses more! :)
Which would be advised to use for opening the senses more? Should we use the mantra of Moon? Or any other mantra used for the psychic senses is alright? Thank you
Thanks you for the sermon, as always it’s very informative.
I’m at the level 1 (perhaps the very beginning of the level 2) and I sometimes struggle to know if there was a connection with a higher being : for example, higher energy in the 6e chakra, it might be « unconscious » in this case I’m not sure.
The only times were I knew for sure are :
- when father Satan (I think) put more energy in all my body than I can produce by myself. It was not localized, the energy was in every inches of my body.
- recently, when (I was lying in my bed eyes closed) I sensed electrical sexual energy which came from nowhere in the sexual organs and one chakra (I don’t know exactly if it was the base or the sacral).
In both cases I felt more calm afterwards and I cannot « fake theses feelings » so I guess it was a valid interaction. In the last case, even though I didn’t receive (or understood) any answers, at least I know that they received my request.
So what about people who never summon the Gods?

Are there people that the God/s are wanting them to Summon and poke the person so to speak? Or are the Gods okay with that, a person never summoning them?

I personally never liked summoning the Gods, what can I offer in return? It's like now we can do FATSJD or some other ritual or do a little bit more. But in my past people weren't sure I think it took a bit before people were told, try giving them an energy ball or do some online warfare or perform some warfare in a schedule before the RTR and before race awakening rituals existed.

Should people even bother to summon the Gods? Does it bother them? Aren't they busy doing stuff in their own lives?

And finally whether we are advanced and experience or not advanced. How can I know that specific entity did something? Is it subtle or is it alarms blaring and you do what you need to do?
A very basic level of this is interaction based on fantasy or visualization. In this particular case, one can have a fantasy or see visions of the Gods [created by themselves, yet some people do not understand that this is the case] but these don't mean many things.

Albeit on this level certain things might be mental based and even in some cases helpful, these are not the pivotal types of experiences. In the cases of where this basic level is actually functional and not delusion, one will start understanding here that the Gods exist beyond any doubt, same as the Demons including the lesser entities or things one will start understanding of their undoubted existence.

Elaborate on this, does that mean all experiences of this nature should be put off as delusion? As in the gods never reveal themselves in this manner? I'm asking because when I initially started in the JoS I was a bit confused on the general course of spiritual advancement, but I started doing the exercises for the third eye for about a month until I inquired out of frustration why I couldn't see auras and whatnot, until I was instructed to work on the other chakras. But I had assumed that the progression stages are after one knows for certain the chakras were open to proceed to the next accordingly.

Anyway, my third eye wasn't open to the point I can see auras or spirits crystal clearly, but I had started having "visions" after this, sometimes randomly, whenever in a trance or meditative state, or whenever I'm in bed. It had never happened in my life before and I couldn't clasp these events as it always caught me by surprise.

So one time I had summoned Vapula because I was struggling on a subject in school. I made a deal in exchange for something in return. I passed my test by miraculous results, after awhile when I was in bed I saw the face of a woman, and it was %100 the same portrait drawn by Egon, but at the time I experienced it, it instantly came to my mind the deal I made and that I had to repay it. Then there were other various visions, some of which made no sense, but sometimes I saw people, some of which had led me to assume Osiris could be my potential guardian demon but I'm unsure. But these events definitely pertain to what one can say "seeing is believing".

There have been other experiences, but I feel this is as much as I should describe since topics of this nature have become very controversial. Mainly due to the amount of trolling, delusional people, and then one just suddenly being discredited because of potential personal disputes, because obviously it's "mature" and "rational" to assume the gods wouldn't endeavor with those you have disagreements with. In the same way we obviously don't discredit someones years of work or experiences, because a few wolfs managed to slip in...
Samkara said:
A very basic level of this is interaction based on fantasy or visualization. In this particular case, one can have a fantasy or see visions of the Gods [created by themselves, yet some people do not understand that this is the case] but these don't mean many things.

Albeit on this level certain things might be mental based and even in some cases helpful, these are not the pivotal types of experiences. In the cases of where this basic level is actually functional and not delusion, one will start understanding here that the Gods exist beyond any doubt, same as the Demons including the lesser entities or things one will start understanding of their undoubted existence.

Elaborate on this, does that mean all experiences of this nature should be put off as delusion? As in the gods never reveal themselves in this manner? I'm asking because when I initially started in the JoS I was a bit confused on the general course of spiritual advancement, but I started doing the exercises for the third eye for about a month until I inquired out of frustration why I couldn't see auras and whatnot, until I was instructed to work on the other chakras. But I had assumed that the progression stages are after one knows for certain the chakras were open to proceed to the next accordingly.

Anyway, my third eye wasn't open to the point I can see auras or spirits crystal clearly, but I had started having "visions" after this, sometimes randomly, whenever in a trance or meditative state, or whenever I'm in bed. It had never happened in my life before and I couldn't clasp these events as it always caught me by surprise.

As explained, a very basic level and quite great, is this. That's a good indicator to keep going. In your experience, the case is valid. Vapula in this case assisted you, so you must do what you said you would do, for example.

Therefore, it should be treated as a start communication which has been successful. That means you are on a good track.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=411246 time=1672676758 user_id=57]
Wonderful sermon, HP Cobra. I can attest to the truthfulness of this. I am deeply honored to have met a number of our Gods and Goddesses.

They want what is best for us. Every member here should reach out to any you feel drawn to. Don't give up, work on yourself. Full Moon in Cancer this Friday, a great timing to begin opening your psychic senses more! :)

I've been wanting to do that. I tried a couple of times in the past but I'd hear or see or experience other things that would scare me. Every time so far.

However I am determined to not give up and try some more.

Any suggestions to alleviate this issue is welcome though.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=411246 time=1672676758 user_id=57]
Wonderful sermon, HP Cobra. I can attest to the truthfulness of this. I am deeply honored to have met a number of our Gods and Goddesses.

They want what is best for us. Every member here should reach out to any you feel drawn to. Don't give up, work on yourself. Full Moon in Cancer this Friday, a great timing to begin opening your psychic senses more! :)

Do you have any sugestion on how to open these? By the way, I've been using a method to contact the Gods that you shared years ago (with some variations), and I've got some promising experiences. Keep an eye in this thread, because I am going to share it here at any moment on how I did this. Cheers.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=411157 time=1672635754 user_id=21286]
Interesting, thank you. I enjoy reading about the depth of interactions, as it shows us the scope of our path.

If I understand this 4th level of interaction correctly, then this explains some of the power behind vibrating the names of the Gods or other lower degrees of connection.

Beyond general advancement and spiritual warfare, can you clarify the ways people can connect with our Gods? My idea of this is to do their Ritual, chant their name, meditate on their sigil, and read their pages.
Meditating on the Gods, too.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As a final note, the level of the cleaning and purity of the soul inside an individual is the deciding factor when it comes to quality communication. The Gods do not like dirty or unclean human souls that are rife with dross in them. That is why, especially when outsiders try to fiddle in "Demonology", their own negative energies can get in the way when they try to instantly summon, and they either get no result or might get an experience that points them to a strong "No".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is practically what I have been thinking as well. Out of respect of the Gods I am NOT summing them yet as I have "stains" of trauma that happened to me earlier in life.

I now don't see myself as a piece of crap (which I know you've noticed it was the opposite before when I've projected it out and having you put it in check which I am grateful for) but for example if I was covered in dirt and could only wash myself a bit day by day then out of respect of others I wouldn't want to go and have dinner or whatever with another person. Not until I am squeaky clean.

I want to and currently am healing myself of an ugly traumatic experiences FULLY before presenting myself before our Gods while at the same time doing my best to think about them and put it as a goal that I win twice in. First in healing myself and being free and second being in the presence of a God so I can be, in lack of better terms, WITH WITH them as the most advanced members most likely are currently experiencing even if they only get contact once a while which I understand it's when a God has time and for a good reason of course.

This is where I'm at and I hope I'm not cutting myself short or doing too much, or not, and if you think otherwise I would appreciate your opinion on my view on this when it comes to me personally at least. For now I'll keep this mindset and add what I learned in this post wherever need be.
First and foremost, thank you for this wonderful sermon, as it is of great importance for me personally.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A secondary level of seeing is when one starts actually doing successful summoning and starts feeling energies, and getting a "feel" for the Gods. Understanding basic omens and signs is also part of this.
In my experience I have been feeling these energies (even erotically occasionally), however I have a very tough time getting to notice signs and omens. By these, do you mean things or happenings that remind the Gods (e.g. moving objects out of nowhere)?

I have been doing something like the following prayer to contact the Gods (along with the proper incense and candle, although I don't plan to use them this year):
Greetings (rank) (name),
I've chosen the present day to contemplate your divine features (like sigil, plant, metal, etc). The objective of this contact is to discover affinity and spiritual guidance. Every demon of Satan has their own merit and qualities worthy of recognition. I hope to be worthy and prepared to receive your manifestation, blessing or contact of some sort. Otherwise, at least accept my pleasure this time without necessarily giving me something in return. I hope that I can be useful to you with the help of your abilities, if that is the will of our mighty and ineffable father Satan.
(Lydia's contact guide)
Final greetings:
Hail (rank) (name) and honored be your infernal career. I hope that we can meet together in the future. Hail Satan.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The third reason is actually a very powerful manifestation. These events can change the course of one's life, and one cannot coerce the Demons or summon them to cause these events. The Gods do this on their own accord.

Disciples of Father Satan from many past lives might experience these, while newer people might experience more of the above, and this can change the course of a lifetime. These can greatly accelerate you changing as a person or as a soul. These don't need to be "many", but these events will be pivotal and highly influential.

How different are these life changing events from those of the fourth level? Could you elaborate?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As a final note, the level of the cleaning and purity of the soul inside an individual is the deciding factor when it comes to quality communication. The Gods do not like dirty or unclean human souls that are rife with dross in them.

How to know if my soul is too unclean for the Gods? Do you know a method to discover or guarantee that or should I use my intuition?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That is why, especially when outsiders try to fiddle in "Demonology", their own negative energies can get in the way when they try to instantly summon, and they either get no result or might get an experience that points them to a strong "No".

This reminds me of a summoning I tried to do with Amon some years ago. As I was vibrating His name while standing, my body started to swing left and right. The more I chanted, the stronger was the swing. Then I realized that I had stop vibrating His name or I would have fallen to the ground. I also felt a strong tingling sensation in one of my arms.
GoldenxChild1 said:
What's the difference between a true summoning and simply communicating with a demon? I have spoken with my GD but I have never had an experience as you described.

I want to achieve what was described, being granted that power because of your own grace sounds beautiful.

Do they come on their own in such a special circumstances, or must there be a deliberate summoning.

I assume the difference is:
Communicating means telepathically hearing them, and you talk to them, they hear you, but you must listen carefully to hear them back.

Summoning means there is a glow or sudden light (their astral presence), a room-volume or louder voice speaks. Basically something more "concrete" occurs, more than just internal headspace activity.
What about seeing and hearing Them in the astral, with the astral eyes and clairaudience points in an awake state?

How advanced is this kind of experience, and would it count as the 3rd point in this sermon or something beyond?
Henu the Great said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=411157 time=1672635754 user_id=21286]
Interesting, thank you. I enjoy reading about the depth of interactions, as it shows us the scope of our path.

If I understand this 4th level of interaction correctly, then this explains some of the power behind vibrating the names of the Gods or other lower degrees of connection.

Beyond general advancement and spiritual warfare, can you clarify the ways people can connect with our Gods? My idea of this is to do their Ritual, chant their name, meditate on their sigil, and read their pages.
Meditating on the Gods, too.

Da, da, sigur sigur :roll:
Henu the Great said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=411157 time=1672635754 user_id=21286]
Interesting, thank you. I enjoy reading about the depth of interactions, as it shows us the scope of our path.

If I understand this 4th level of interaction correctly, then this explains some of the power behind vibrating the names of the Gods or other lower degrees of connection.

Beyond general advancement and spiritual warfare, can you clarify the ways people can connect with our Gods? My idea of this is to do their Ritual, chant their name, meditate on their sigil, and read their pages.
Meditating on the Gods, too.

Would you please expound on what that means and how it differs from what was listed?
hailourtruegod said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As a final note, the level of the cleaning and purity of the soul inside an individual is the deciding factor when it comes to quality communication. The Gods do not like dirty or unclean human souls that are rife with dross in them. That is why, especially when outsiders try to fiddle in "Demonology", their own negative energies can get in the way when they try to instantly summon, and they either get no result or might get an experience that points them to a strong "No".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is practically what I have been thinking as well. Out of respect of the Gods I am NOT summing them yet as I have "stains" of trauma that happened to me earlier in life.

I now don't see myself as a piece of crap (which I know you've noticed it was the opposite before when I've projected it out and having you put it in check which I am grateful for) but for example if I was covered in dirt and could only wash myself a bit day by day then out of respect of others I wouldn't want to go and have dinner or whatever with another person. Not until I am squeaky clean.

Trauma is NOT what this is about, we are talking about literal actual soul dirt [the one you clean with cleaning]. Especially if you have traumatic experiences, the Gods must be contacted to lead you into solutions.

The Gods see you already and clearly have accepted you. You are taking this a little bit too far here. If you do your meditations, you are fine and you should do this.

The most I've done is pray to several Gods throughout my time as a SS or meditate on a few, Father Satan included. What I meant most is summoning but I was taking it to far now that you mentioned as I even felt bad sometimes even doing prayers at my low points.

Although it's true what you said I feel they have heard my cries/prayers for help in healing myself and even if it took a while (on my part because of lack of experience thru this) I'm now in the right track.

I appreciate the reply and now see things better but I'll meditate on this for a few minutes to make sure I fully understand this. Thank you
Thank you hp for your posts!

I see my demon sometimes and it really lifts my mood, she’s beautiful.. I make sure to always be polite and respectful and it’s so satisfying to know in making progress! Thank you goddess and the gods!

I’ve also seen an eye in the sky? Does anyone know What does that mean?

Thank you
Great post. It clarifies a lot of things for me. Thank you.
In my recent "rediscovery" of Spirituality. I have found that I wish to emulate the Gods and Goddesses of my Ancestors. I wish for others to have these Divine representations of the heights capable within humans. I wish for a Culture and Community that teaches our People to be Intelligent and Strong, Loving and Patient, Ferocious and Swift.

I have seen the infinite importance of passing these Natural Abilities to our youth, as this is Nature's purpose. If we did come from Nature, why should we sin against our creator, that would surely lead to our doom.

Even within our own lives, to disregard the heights capable within ourselves; the ability to manifest greatness and glory in all things, will certainly bring about chaos and despair, illness and weakness, poverty and laziness.

I have felt the energy of the Gods, I have had many experiences I would attribute directly to a Divine power. I would not be the man I am today had I not had so many great role models, had I not been inspired directly from our High Priests, they had always been and continue to this day to be the highest manifestation of Divinity.

I could choose to have doubts, or I can choose to follow in the path of Divinity wholly. I know that man was once truly Intelligent and Divine, and we will recreate this, by emulating the Gods and Goddesses of our Pagan Ancestors. This I cannot deny, so I continue to Dedicate myself completely to this purpose.
Nova666 said:
Which would be advised to use for opening the senses more? Should we use the mantra of Moon? Or any other mantra used for the psychic senses is alright? Thank you
Elas Qilar said:
Do you have any sugestion on how to open these? By the way, I've been using a method to contact the Gods that you shared years ago (with some variations), and I've got some promising experiences. Keep an eye in this thread, because I am going to share it here at any moment on how I did this. Cheers.

Hello :)

Try Inanna and Isis, both mantra-names of our Goddess Astarte. There are also runes, such as Dagaz for the 3rd eye.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
I've been wanting to do that. I tried a couple of times in the past but I'd hear or see or experience other things that would scare me. Every time so far.

However I am determined to not give up and try some more.

Any suggestions to alleviate this issue is welcome though.

Try affirming to yourself that your psychic experiences are beneficial for you, and that you feel comfortable opening your psychic senses.

It is very effective to tell ourselves exactly what we want to happen, in a straightforward and optimistic tone :)

Also, think of it this way: if a blind person were to suddenly get eyesight, they might be scared frequently, and overwhelmed by all the colors and sights they have never seen before. But it is natural to see. Same with the astral senses, it is natural to have them, and other beings on other worlds have them. So why be concerned, it's normal! That perspective could help you adjust better.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
