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Excuses About Meditation - And It's Necessity

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There are some people who make excuses to themselves and the Gods and disregard the importance of meditation. This is in many ways not only personal naivety, and if furthered, stupidity, but it is dangerous.

By the time a person turns around 18 (can start earlier in some cases) the human body is not on a growing phase, but rather, a phase requiring maintenance and empowerment on a daily basis to stay optimal. As for the soul, this requirement starts on day one. This concerns the material body, as the soul can atrophy way earlier, and atrophy of the soul can begin at around age 9 or 10, or even someone can start with an atrophied soul to begin with.

In short, how one supplies the body with food, showering and so forth. Imagine what happens if you do not eat for a month, or do not drink water for a week. In both cases one is gambling with death. Similar is the situation where one's soul (or let's just say materially invisible but perfectly existing spiritual body outside of the spectrum of material light) is concerned. The same thing we can observe in people trapped in ruins for months and unable to drink or eat, we can observe in a different way in the meditation and the soul. As the material body of those trapped in ruins enters a coma, so does the soul.

Many people just also wonder why they do not experience immediate effects from meditation. This is because the soul has underwent a shock of energetic depletion and is equal to a dying husk when one begins meditation. The soul is essentially on a limbo state. Similarly to many people who suffer from anorexia and do not take weight or do not want to / cannot process food for a month or way more even if they start eating properly and medical help, the soul is in a similar situation when one begins meditation.

Some souls pick up faster from this state, some do not pick up as fast, but you definitely will raise out of this. Others who are very advanced spiritually may exist in a medium-less-limbo state where the soul is half operational, but never, without meditation, can this state be sustained or improved. If one prolongs the hunger they will collapse.

The good news is it doesn't take that long to get the first messages out of the soul. I have seen in astrology it's the people with some charts who have neglected the soul or not properly worked it, that it gets sometime for them to snap out of it. During this process their past karmic things also kick in, and they can disregard meditation or run away from it. I have seen this in some cases. This is the same how an anorexic can have a locked stomach when food is presented.

Therefore the necessity of meditation is equal to food, water, and equally fundamental. Otherwise the penalty of such is that one will be feeling dead inside, which is the state most humans right now are experiencing as a result, entailed with many other issues. Without a soul, one is essentially a material flesh cyborg just walking around like a leaf in the wind.

The time humans have is quite limited and many people who have faced some death or life circumstance know also that the so called "I will live until my 80's" is just a myth. Most people do not make it to their 80's, the mortality rate of humans across the globe is an average of 65 to 67 years old. And many people by this time with boose, bad diet, a life full with stress and so forth, have already done a lot of damage to their soul and even sanity. By that time, the person who does not meditate or keep mentally and materially active, has deteriorated to a great extent. If one lives a life of corruption their end can come way earlier, as the human being is frail and expendable.

It's true however, it's never too late. Well, almost - never too late. I have a personal experience with a person who started meditating around their 65+ years and in one year have made very considerable progress, to the point they reached a great level before their material death, ensuring many positive things for them. They told me "It was the best year of their life". And the said person has had a hell of a life so to say, as far as material 'joy' and comforts are concerned.

So in a sense it's never too late, but after a point, one can only wait for their next lifetime to work, simply because, all the faculties dealing with the person have deteriorated to a great extent. And work becomes impossible. This repeated over lifetimes can lead to a permanent state of non-existence of the person, which is called 'death'. We die once materially and then we exist astrally, but one can also die again after. The Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Greeks called this the 'second death', which is final.

Many people approach meditation as some sort of joke especially in the west. You have some people thinking they are doing very good since they meditate once a week, or because they do some "Yoga Pilates" which mainly consists of jumping around like monkeys twice a week, or maybe once every two weeks. This is similarly hypocritical as the person going to church for a couple of hours every Sunday, praising a jew, and pretending they have attained some sort of spiritual experience of salvation.

They know it is not true, but they wish that they could hack their way through as they try to hack the game of life, by taking happy pills, boosing out their problems, and tuning out their responsibilities. This route and perception of life leads to living risk and death. Everyone on the planet tries to escape their little amount of closely non-existant responsibility. This adds up, and the end result is a chaotic planet. This is the case with people and races who do not build their countries, do not self improve, and individuals who are a cancer unto society everywhere. This adds up and you have a chaotic planet filled with parasitic moths and only a few individuals who, even half-assed-ly, just go towards the living light.

Lastly a major excuse people use is that they do not have 'time' in the day to meditate, or that they cannot 'sit down to meditate'. This is just a joke. They do not have time to sit down and meditate, but they have time to get drugged, and waste endless time in Youtube or just literally looking at their own ceiling. Hours and hours wasted into pure nothingness.

Personally I know firsthand what it is to work 50 and even closely 60 hours a week. At this point, alas slowly, I was still able to do some astrology for 4-5 hours a day (alas extremely slower but still), daily meditation (in full) and have necessary time for warfare and sleep.

If you want find time, you can find some time. However, something may have to suffer for you to pull this out. By 'suffer' we mean you will 'suffer' the commodity of wasting some of your existence uselessly away to doing something valuable to your existence for 1 hour more every single day.

Sleeping 30 minutes more is not going to give you any major energy boost compared to meditating for the same amount of time. Looking at the ceiling for 30 minutes more isn't going to give you any boost either. And going 30 minutes earlier at bed just to meditate isn't going to rob of you the pleasure of watching just another Netflix episode.

But the above hour combined is going to make life changing situations for you. Even half of this hour will work.

As for those who are new, meditation will start being normalized after a point for you same as drinking water or taking a shower. Every new thing needs some time to be consolidated in your routine.

Lastly people must not think very highly of themselves and assume that other beings have to beg you to meditate. This is for yourself. Raises your energy levels, your mood, opens your consciousness, and it's you that benefits first and foremost. Only later come any social benefits from this practice, and even the cutting edge selfish individuals have endless incentives to get into this practice.

It should be perceived that 1 hour of meditation adds 24 hours of quality life to your day. After a point, 1 hour of meditation adds 48 hours. When you reach the high levels 1-2 hours of meditation can add 3-5 extremely high quality days to your lifespan. These are not to be taken literally and are just personal estimations. Now if you add 1 hour a day for the next 365 days you will gain 360 hours a year to gain...365 days of vibrant life. This totals 15 days of spiritual meditation time in a whole YEAR, to gain benefits that are unparalleled.

Think of how much time you have wasted in public transportation and you will find that this is probably 20 times more. Life is being wasted at all sides.

As for the things absolutely necessary to do everyday, these are Hatha Yoga, Aura of Protection, Cleaning Meditation, and any sort of empowerment. One can also add breathing exercises, and Kundalini yoga, plus a form of meditation of Void. That is, if we are to keep matters very simple. This is the necessary basis to keep positive, flexible, and powerful throughout your day.

The thing about meditation is that it is given by the Gods, and the ultimate objective of it is that it leads to immortality. Hindu Yogis of the highest order say that at some point, the daily practice evolves a person by 1,000,000 years of linear time, every single day, compared to the person who does not meditate or practice.

Materially speaking we can observe this fact in yoga teachers and others who even with corrupted and watered down meditation reach the age of 80 and have the physiology of humans in their 20's or 30's, and women who are in their 80s and still have their monthly circle as if they were 16. But even if we assume the above thing is just allegorical, all the same, your mind evolves beyond comprehension everyday, compared to the average Jewish NPC bot that just rots their life out.

Then there are those who are stuck a bit in beginning. Well, nothing begins in it's full potential. Someone carried the first brick to build the Pyramid, if we are to say a metaphor. At first it looked like a stupid thing to do, and it was just a brick sitting on the ground. Brick by brick they built the greatest wonders of the world.

Those who focus only on the brick will be disappointed. Feel proud you are putting a brick day by day to rebuilt your own spiritual power and soul back in proper order, and stay focused on the greater goals. Some days for all meditators are unbearable (the enemy is also into this) but we have to keep pushing, and we will always rise out winning.

As an important final note everyone who does meditate, will commit mistakes, lose some meditation here, some day there, and experience failure. The only way to set this straight is to just keep going despite these failures and keep on walking. This is what makes the mistake right. Meditation is equated to war sometimes for this reason, the mind is jumpy and can try to derail someone. Same goes for life in general. You got to just put the train back on track and restart it, learn from your mistakes, and keep it running. That's what this is about, not 'inability to make mistakes' and being 'perfect'.

Hail Satan and the Gods who give us the knowledge.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great words! I was in need of reading this. Thank you, HP Hooded Cobra.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
In short, how one supplies the body with food, showering and so forth. Imagine what happens if you do not eat for a month, or do not drink water for a week. In both cases one is gambling with death. Similar is the situation where one's soul (or let's just say materially invisible but perfectly existing spiritual body outside of the spectrum of material light) is concerned. The same thing we can observe in people trapped in ruins for months and unable to drink or eat, we can observe in a different way in the meditation and the soul. As the material body of those trapped in ruins enters a coma, so does the soul.

Many people just also wonder why they do not experience immediate effects from meditation. This is because the soul has underwent a shock of energetic depletion and is equal to a dying husk when one begins meditation. The soul is essentially on a limbo state. Similarly to many people who suffer from anorexia and do not take weight or do not want to / cannot process food for a month or way more even if they start eating properly and medical help, the soul is in a similar situation when one begins meditation.

No wonder so many people, especially non-satanists but sometimes even satanists, have a negative mindset where complaining about their lives and emphasizing how unlucky/unhappy/ugly/whatever they are is as much a habit as brushing your teeth everyday. And they talk as if being unlucky was exclusive to them, as if they were the most unlucky person in their social circle.
Like one day when I mentioned to a non-ss friend that Saturn rules our personal misfortunes, and she replied saying "If it rules misfortunes, then I live off this Saturn".

Would you mind if I make a small grammar correction though, HP?
All of your words and the point of the sermon are still totally valid for sure, and I don't wanna come off as rude/unpolite, or as if I'm trying to sound smarter or anything like that. Also, everyone is supposed to express themselves in their own way. So I'll only make it if I have your consent.
Dypet Rod said:
Great words! I was in need of reading this. Thank you, HP Hooded Cobra.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
In short, how one supplies the body with food, showering and so forth. Imagine what happens if you do not eat for a month, or do not drink water for a week. In both cases one is gambling with death. Similar is the situation where one's soul (or let's just say materially invisible but perfectly existing spiritual body outside of the spectrum of material light) is concerned. The same thing we can observe in people trapped in ruins for months and unable to drink or eat, we can observe in a different way in the meditation and the soul. As the material body of those trapped in ruins enters a coma, so does the soul.

Many people just also wonder why they do not experience immediate effects from meditation. This is because the soul has underwent a shock of energetic depletion and is equal to a dying husk when one begins meditation. The soul is essentially on a limbo state. Similarly to many people who suffer from anorexia and do not take weight or do not want to / cannot process food for a month or way more even if they start eating properly and medical help, the soul is in a similar situation when one begins meditation.

No wonder so many people, especially non-satanists but sometimes even satanists, have a negative mindset where complaining about their lives and emphasizing how unlucky/unhappy/ugly/whatever they are is as much a habit as brushing your teeth everyday. And they talk as if being unlucky was exclusive to them, as if they were the most unlucky person in their social circle.
Like one day when I mentioned to a non-ss friend that Saturn rules our personal misfortunes, and she replied saying "If it rules misfortunes, then I live off this Saturn".

Would you mind if I make a small grammar correction though, HP?
All of your words and the point of the sermon are still totally valid for sure, and I don't wanna come off as rude/unpolite, or as if I'm trying to sound smarter or anything like that. Also, everyone is supposed to express themselves in their own way. So I'll only make it if I have your consent.

If something is wrong it can happen as I write very quick most of the time. So long there is no corruption to some meaning or if there are dangers of mistranslated meanings of what is being said, then sure.

If it is a matter of 'taste', then I do not think it's necessary.

Btw, unpolite does not exist as a word anymore. Impolite is the opposite of polite I believe.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dypet Rod said:
Great words! I was in need of reading this. Thank you, HP Hooded Cobra.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
In short, how one supplies the body with food, showering and so forth. Imagine what happens if you do not eat for a month, or do not drink water for a week. In both cases one is gambling with death. Similar is the situation where one's soul (or let's just say materially invisible but perfectly existing spiritual body outside of the spectrum of material light) is concerned. The same thing we can observe in people trapped in ruins for months and unable to drink or eat, we can observe in a different way in the meditation and the soul. As the material body of those trapped in ruins enters a coma, so does the soul.

Many people just also wonder why they do not experience immediate effects from meditation. This is because the soul has underwent a shock of energetic depletion and is equal to a dying husk when one begins meditation. The soul is essentially on a limbo state. Similarly to many people who suffer from anorexia and do not take weight or do not want to / cannot process food for a month or way more even if they start eating properly and medical help, the soul is in a similar situation when one begins meditation.

No wonder so many people, especially non-satanists but sometimes even satanists, have a negative mindset where complaining about their lives and emphasizing how unlucky/unhappy/ugly/whatever they are is as much a habit as brushing your teeth everyday. And they talk as if being unlucky was exclusive to them, as if they were the most unlucky person in their social circle.
Like one day when I mentioned to a non-ss friend that Saturn rules our personal misfortunes, and she replied saying "If it rules misfortunes, then I live off this Saturn".

Would you mind if I make a small grammar correction though, HP?
All of your words and the point of the sermon are still totally valid for sure, and I don't wanna come off as rude/unpolite, or as if I'm trying to sound smarter or anything like that. Also, everyone is supposed to express themselves in their own way. So I'll only make it if I have your consent.

If something is wrong it can happen as I write very quick most of the time. So long there is no corruption to some meaning or if there are dangers of mistranslated meanings of what is being said, then sure.

If it is a matter of 'taste', then I do not think it's necessary.

Btw, unpolite does not exist as a word anymore. Impolite is the opposite of polite I believe.

You are right, thank you for the heads up about "impolite".

And it's simply about parts in the present perfect. I noticed that you often write sentences like "has underwent", "I have went", etc, when the right form would be "has undergone", "I have gone", respectively in these examples.

When we use the present perfect (that is, using "have/has" to express a past event, experience, etc), we don't use the past simple form of the verbs, but the past perfect form. That is, "I ate", "I have eaten", "I saw", "I have seen", and so on.

But this has never invalidated your words or made them difficult to understand in any way, that's for sure.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
This adds up, and the end result is a chaotic planet. This is the case with people and races who do not build their countries

Is it always worth to stay in the country and do your best to build it, instead of going somewhere else?
My country got cucked incredibly hard by USSR, and even now isn't fully recovered yet, rather not even half recovered of what it used to be. The culture is half russian-ish (of course only the bad traits of russian culture), and half of my own nation. Which is an awful combination. Nobody cares about labor or self improvement, rather just stay jobless and get a petty allowance just to cover your bills and eat.

That's why i plan to study abroad and build labor there, and then maybe after I improved a lot myself and have attained a decent financial status, can go back to my own country and do my best to make positive changes there. I'm not going to go to London or whichever huge city which is a mix of godzillion races and has a culture of joo knows what.
Only fluent and intermediate users know the true difference between perfect tense anyway. It's to imply that it's still happening. For example I have been studying hard this week. It means that I still study this week, if I were to use I studied hard this week, it means I am no longer studying.

However I don't think that these changes are necessary, since fist and foremost most people don't know the difference, secondly it takes a bit of a toll for the writer. It doesn't corrupt the teaching of the Gods in any way. And the person reading won't misinterpret anyway. Same as pointing out differences between then and than. If we write rapidly sometimes even fluent English speakers make that mistake.

Dypet Rod said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dypet Rod said:
Great words! I was in need of reading this. Thank you, HP Hooded Cobra.

No wonder so many people, especially non-satanists but sometimes even satanists, have a negative mindset where complaining about their lives and emphasizing how unlucky/unhappy/ugly/whatever they are is as much a habit as brushing your teeth everyday. And they talk as if being unlucky was exclusive to them, as if they were the most unlucky person in their social circle.
Like one day when I mentioned to a non-ss friend that Saturn rules our personal misfortunes, and she replied saying "If it rules misfortunes, then I live off this Saturn".

Would you mind if I make a small grammar correction though, HP?
All of your words and the point of the sermon are still totally valid for sure, and I don't wanna come off as rude/unpolite, or as if I'm trying to sound smarter or anything like that. Also, everyone is supposed to express themselves in their own way. So I'll only make it if I have your consent.

If something is wrong it can happen as I write very quick most of the time. So long there is no corruption to some meaning or if there are dangers of mistranslated meanings of what is being said, then sure.

If it is a matter of 'taste', then I do not think it's necessary.

Btw, unpolite does not exist as a word anymore. Impolite is the opposite of polite I believe.

You are right, thank you for the heads up about "impolite".

And it's simply about parts in the present perfect. I noticed that you often write sentences like "has underwent", "I have went", etc, when the right form would be "has undergone", "I have gone", respectively in these examples.

When we use the present perfect (that is, using "have/has" to express a past event, experience, etc), we don't use the past simple form of the verbs, but the past perfect form. That is, "I ate", "I have eaten", "I saw", "I have seen", and so on.

But this has never invalidated your words or made them difficult to understand in any way, that's for sure.
HP can someone that in a past life did meditate and even awaken the kundalini by not meditating for many lives loose all that advancement?
Reckoned666 said:
secondly it takes a bit of a toll for the writer.
Yes. I used to spend too much time editing my writing, I still do but not nearly as much. It takes time away from doing the actual writing, and with all the info HP's Cobra and Mageson give, as well as their own daily spiritual routines, it is completely understandable to not waste the time editing properly.
I am talking about the migration waves of the 3rd world whose mission is to just take pensions and fold stamps to "feel gud" in the millions.

As for transfer for students there is nothing wrong. Nor for tourism or limited labor. But for millions to just transfer and live on free money forever in a host country and envision a life like that, is that even correct.

Lastly in USSR ruled countries there is not development like the US but this is the case for most other European countries. But they are developed to an extent. Way more than people are thinking compared to many countries like Pakistan.

This granted there is will and knowledge (Whites can go abroad and study to other White countries and gain expertise) can be fixed in a few decades in full.

Plus, upon your return, job wise, you will be a king in your country compared to the lazy people you describe.

The solution of migration is people migrate for two reasons. Metaphorically speaking some are parasites and just move to rip the skin of off the beautiful people and try to stick it in their face. Others just migrate to learn how to be more beautiful and self apply it.

For most of the time in the past we had the second type therefore things were decent. Now, we have the first type, in which the jewish governments literally just try to give the nation away. Which only collapses a nation.

In the future the developed White countries will help the less developed directly.

Plus lack of development is not always bad. I do not think for example Ukraine needs the conversation about having cameras that scan your face and send it directly to the gov so they blacklist people 24/7.

White to White between countries should have more loose standards as time goes. Since it's the same race moving from one place to another. And there should be acceptance and lenience.

Lastly the jews in the European Kike Union say there are gaps in developed countries in regards to workers and pensions. But there is White Youth all over Europe being Neets. There is also a country filled with persecuted and highly skilled Whites who need a new life, that is, South Africans. If they brought people from there systematically in, not only they would save them, but also enhance Europe.

But its fine let's import all the nigerian prisons and terrorists from the East. This will definitely help a lot.

And this is where the jewish conspiracy becomes clear as sky. The Kalergi plan of Jews.

Reckoned666 said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
This adds up, and the end result is a chaotic planet. This is the case with people and races who do not build their countries

Is it always worth to stay in the country and do your best to build it, instead of going somewhere else?
My country got cucked incredibly hard by USSR, and even now isn't fully recovered yet, rather not even half recovered of what it used to be. The culture is half russian-ish (of course only the bad traits of russian culture), and half of my own nation. Which is an awful combination. Nobody cares about labor or self improvement, rather just stay jobless and get a petty allowance just to cover your bills and eat.

That's why i plan to study abroad and build labor there, and then maybe after I improved a lot myself and have attained a decent financial status, can go back to my own country and do my best to make positive changes there. I'm not going to go to London or whichever huge city which is a mix of godzillion races and has a culture of joo knows what.
What if one goes to a different country to live there? Being white and going to another white country. Of course, going there in the future.
Egon said:
I did not understand this part.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
Now if you add 1 hour a day for the next 365 days you will gain 360 hours a year to gain...365 days of vibrant life.

If you meditate 1 hour a day for the next 365 days, you will only have 'spent' 360 hours to gain 365 days in total of greater quality of life. This is what is meant.
HailMotherLilith said:
What if one goes to a different country to live there? Being white and going to another white country. Of course, going there in the future.

The thing is if you ask some people from some White countries if they wanna move to another one, most will just say 'yes' and guess where everyone will want to go, to the more developed and Nordic countries, France or England, or the US.

This is not a proper way to go if anyone minds the existence of our nations and race. People have to have a longterm planning to improve life in their own countries.

Without jews in the mix it will be pretty easy and this process will only take a couple decades. Which is not much time at all.

The thing is the wealth of most nations right now and White nations included just flows into jewish pockets and jewish thieving schemes. This is why we have such development gaps in place.

Then, work ethic, which yes, is not the same amongst all sub categories of Whites. But it's not that far either. So the percent here is 95% jewish stealing out of 100% and 5% how any respective White country manages it's labor force.

Lastly we here are too marginal and too small of a number so our material decisions topple the balance. Remember there are 20 million blacks in France or something along these numbers. So 100 or 1000 or 10000 of here being somewhere makes no difference. As you are sensible people.

So it's not too worrying to apply some exceptions here and there as these always exist, for example, exemplary scientists can and should be able to move to White countries so we can develop the world together. Or other such categories. Plus this was always the case even in NS Germany. Other rules apply here. Nobody should bar Tesla from entering the world's most developed countries to help the world get into the next stage, and no cheap "Nationalism" must apply if someone like Dr Rife comes with a cure for cancer for example.

It's funny you see some people being "Nationalists" when it comes to people like Tesla and when it comes to a literally invasion to extinct them, they forget the so called "Nationalism" they were whining about all along. This is like Feminists, they whine about eye rape, and when endless amounts of rapists come and rape them, they forget the dialectic entirely and just "Rapefugees Welcome" them.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
HailMotherLilith said:
What if one goes to a different country to live there? Being white and going to another white country. Of course, going there in the future.

The thing is if you ask some people from some White countries if they wanna move to another one, most will just say 'yes' and guess where everyone will want to go, to the more developed and Nordic countries, France or England, or the US.

This is not a proper way to go if anyone minds the existence of our nations and race. People have to have a longterm planning to improve life in their own countries.

Without jews in the mix it will be pretty easy and this process will only take a couple decades. Which is not much time at all.

The thing is the wealth of most nations right now and White nations included just flows into jewish pockets and jewish thieving schemes. This is why we have such development gaps in place.

Then, work ethic, which yes, is not the same amongst all sub categories of Whites. But it's not that far either. So the percent here is 95% jewish stealing out of 100% and 5% how any respective White country manages it's labor force.

Lastly we here are too marginal and too small of a number so our material decisions topple the balance. Remember there are 20 million blacks in France or something along these numbers. So 100 or 1000 or 10000 of here being somewhere makes no difference. As you are sensible people.

So it's not too worrying to apply some exceptions here and there as these always exist, for example, exemplary scientists can and should be able to move to White countries so we can develop the world together. Or other such categories. Plus this was always the case even in NS Germany. Other rules apply here. Nobody should bar Tesla from entering the world's most developed countries to help the world get into the next stage, and no cheap "Nationalism" must apply if someone like Dr Rife comes with a cure for cancer for example.

It's funny you see some people being "Nationalists" when it comes to people like Tesla and when it comes to a literally invasion to extinct them, they forget the so called "Nationalism" they were whining about all along. This is like Feminists, they whine about eye rape, and when endless amounts of rapists come and rape them, they forget the dialectic entirely and just "Rapefugees Welcome" them.

My own country is very fucked up honestly, so that is the main reason I am thinking of living in another country to make sure I and my own future children have a safe and a well managed place, not the fucked up, poverty shit we have here.
Dypet Rod said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dypet Rod said:
Great words! I was in need of reading this. Thank you, HP Hooded Cobra.

No wonder so many people, especially non-satanists but sometimes even satanists, have a negative mindset where complaining about their lives and emphasizing how unlucky/unhappy/ugly/whatever they are is as much a habit as brushing your teeth everyday. And they talk as if being unlucky was exclusive to them, as if they were the most unlucky person in their social circle.
Like one day when I mentioned to a non-ss friend that Saturn rules our personal misfortunes, and she replied saying "If it rules misfortunes, then I live off this Saturn".

Would you mind if I make a small grammar correction though, HP?
All of your words and the point of the sermon are still totally valid for sure, and I don't wanna come off as rude/unpolite, or as if I'm trying to sound smarter or anything like that. Also, everyone is supposed to express themselves in their own way. So I'll only make it if I have your consent.

If something is wrong it can happen as I write very quick most of the time. So long there is no corruption to some meaning or if there are dangers of mistranslated meanings of what is being said, then sure.

If it is a matter of 'taste', then I do not think it's necessary.

Btw, unpolite does not exist as a word anymore. Impolite is the opposite of polite I believe.

You are right, thank you for the heads up about "impolite".

And it's simply about parts in the present perfect. I noticed that you often write sentences like "has underwent", "I have went", etc, when the right form would be "has undergone", "I have gone", respectively in these examples.

When we use the present perfect (that is, using "have/has" to express a past event, experience, etc), we don't use the past simple form of the verbs, but the past perfect form. That is, "I ate", "I have eaten", "I saw", "I have seen", and so on.

But this has never invalidated your words or made them difficult to understand in any way, that's for sure.

I am aware of the grammar rules but I cannot hope anytime soon to just have a 'ding' on my head to flip a dictionary in order to get the perfect forms out.

Ah, I'd need a secretary or editor for this. Regardless, thanks for the input.
I'd be willing to be an editor at least until next August, since I have quite some free time until then. It'd be a great opportunity to polish my English skills even further.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dypet Rod said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ah, I'd need a secretary or editor for this. Regardless, thanks for the input.
Reckoned666 said:
I'd be willing to be an editor at least until next August, since I have quite some free time until then. It'd be a great opportunity to polish my English skills even further.

I said it for the lolz. I do not really need one.

Better put some extra RTR's in the mix with your time.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
The thing is the wealth of most nations right now and White nations included just flows into jewish pockets and jewish thieving schemes. This is why we have such development gaps in place.

This is incredibly demotivating for many young people including myself. I'm moving out of this shithole country they can sink just fine on their own I don't need to sink with them lol.

I'd gladly work my ass off to contribute to my nation's growth but as it is it's just a waste of time for me. All my labor just fills the pocket of some jew and I have less quality of life here than I would elsewhere. I'll get my ass on a plane back here when my people pull their heads out of their asses :lol:
Reckoned666 said:
Only fluent and intermediate users know the true difference between perfect tense anyway. It's to imply that it's still happening. For example I have been studying hard this week. It means that I still study this week, if I were to use I studied hard this week, it means I am no longer studying.

However I don't think that these changes are necessary, since fist and foremost most people don't know the difference, secondly it takes a bit of a toll for the writer. It doesn't corrupt the teaching of the Gods in any way. And the person reading won't misinterpret anyway. Same as pointing out differences between then and than. If we write rapidly sometimes even fluent English speakers make that mistake.

The example you gave is right, but actually the purpose you described applies more for the present perfect continuous tense. Which has the structure of "I've been (verb)ing", like you exemplified.

In some cases of course, present perfect by itself may be used for that purpose too, such as in: "I have worked as a doctor since I was 22 years old". Which implies thayt this person still works as a doctor. But this is not its only purpose.

In fact, simple past and present perfect may often sound like they are the same, and the difference is so slight most people may really not realize it, but it's still there. It is used mostly when we wanna tell an experience, recent news, etc, but not specify when exactly it happened.

For comparison, two examples where the events are no longer happening:

I have worked in that school (The focus is to share this experience, that you have worked there once)

I worked in that school yesterday (The focus is on when this happened)

One more example:

That jew has died.

That jew died today at 10 am.

As a general rule, we use simple past to go into details about when exactly it happened, and present perfect for when we wanna focus only on the experience itself without specifying when it happened.

But what you wrote is still right.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am aware of the grammar rules but I cannot hope anytime soon to just have a 'ding' on my head to flip a dictionary in order to get the perfect forms out.

Ah, I'd need a secretary or editor for this. Regardless, thanks for the input

This is more a matter of naturally memorizing these forms xD But of course, not everyone has the time for this, especially the clergy. You're welcome, HP Hooded Cobra.
Dypet Rod said:
Reckoned666 said:

You, Lydia and Reckoning can form the Grammar Nazi department. Egon can be in it too. And you can give us fines in the form of RTR's.

I recall some people threw a tantrum over Nietzsche's grammatical errors. Welp welp what can anyone say. But guess what guys nor Nietzsche nor I do actually write a book on grammar nor we are instructing the planet how to do grammar...
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dypet Rod said:
Reckoned666 said:

You, Lydia and Reckoning can form the Grammar Nazi department. Egon can be in it too. And you can hunt us down and give us fines.

As for me...


You know, that's not a bad idea haha xD.
In the future, we will sure need our own Nazi language teachers in the Fourth Reich.

The first image is not showing for me. Now I'm curious about it.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
I recall some people threw a tantrum over Nietzsche's grammatical errors. Welp welp what can anyone say. But guess what guys nor Nietzsche nor I do actually write a book on grammar nor we are instructing the planet how to do grammar...

Great people don't need perfect grammar in order to make themselves heard, that's for sure.

Grammar is important, but being a good leader is...importanter xD
(No mocking intended)
Dypet Rod said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:

You, Lydia and Reckoning can form the Grammar Nazi department. Egon can be in it too. And you can hunt us down and give us fines.

As for me...


You know, that's not a bad idea haha xD.
In the future, we will sure need our own Nazi language teachers in the Fourth Reich.

The first image is not showing for me. Now I'm curious about it.

Many concepts in English in particular I find very rigid and without space of any creative expression. I have to inform fellow Grammar Nazis about these as these can close to being non-translatable in English as concepts and you have have to slightly pervert the forms in order to say what you mean.

For example here the dative case. While not used in some languages, German speakers will understand what is meant here. This is only one example.
Dypet Rod said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
I recall some people threw a tantrum over Nietzsche's grammatical errors. Welp welp what can anyone say. But guess what guys nor Nietzsche nor I do actually write a book on grammar nor we are instructing the planet how to do grammar...

Great people don't need perfect grammar in order to make themselves heard, that's for sure.

Grammar is important, but being a good leader is...importanter xD
(No mocking intended)

The moment when...you take long sentences and explanations for your meanings...

and someone focus on your you're and your...

Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many concepts in English in particular I find very rigid and without space of any creative expression. I have to inform fellow Grammar Nazis about these as these can close to being non-translatable in English as concepts and you have have to slightly pervert the forms in order to say what you mean.

For example here the dative case. While not used in some languages, German speakers will understand what is meant here. This is only one example.

I have studied some German (which English is derived from, by the way) and I'm familiar with this, too. There are indeed rigid rules in it. Flexibility in expressing ourselves is also important, I agree. After all, in the end language is simply a tool for practical communication in a specific group of people.

And this very need for flexibility is most likely why languages change and transform themselves all the time. With old words becoming outdated and hundreds of new words surfacing all the time. This can be seen in such "perversions" like you mention, and in words like "Google" becoming a verb. "Let me Google that". Language is a real ocean.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
The moment when...you take long sentences and explanations for your meanings...

and someone focus on your you're and your...


Q: How do you comfort a grammar Nazi?
A: "There, their, they're."
Dypet Rod said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many concepts in English in particular I find very rigid and without space of any creative expression. I have to inform fellow Grammar Nazis about these as these can close to being non-translatable in English as concepts and you have have to slightly pervert the forms in order to say what you mean.

For example here the dative case. While not used in some languages, German speakers will understand what is meant here. This is only one example.

I have studied some German (which English is derived from, by the way) and I'm familiar with this, too. There are indeed rigid rules in it. Flexibility in expressing ourselves is also important, I agree. After all, in the end language is simply a tool for practical communication in a specific group of people.

And this very need for flexibility is most likely why languages change and transform themselves all the time. With old words becoming outdated and hundreds of new words surfacing all the time. This can be seen in such "perversions" like you mention, and in words like "Google" becoming a verb. "Let me Google that". Language is a real ocean.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
The moment when...you take long sentences and explanations for your meanings...

and someone focus on your you're and your...


Q: How do you comfort a grammar Nazi?
A: "There, their, they're."

I think the fortune of languages is the same as the people using them. As the people become stupider so do the languages, and the more rigid. This is the reason many native European scientists just had to learn Greek like Newton to get anything properly explained of their scientific findings.

Its the same reason why most people do not speak the English Shakespeare does simply because the thought process is not similar. As I observe in the US and England now all I notice is that even natives do not give a fuck, plus, most thoughts people make are very limited. People prefer to say "I will google it" rather than "I will use the tool of google to search for something".

Chopping things in language is very frequent, because most of the time we need to transfer a meaning faster rather than accurate, let alone in a grammar perfect fashion.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dypet Rod said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many concepts in English in particular I find very rigid and without space of any creative expression. I have to inform fellow Grammar Nazis about these as these can close to being non-translatable in English as concepts and you have have to slightly pervert the forms in order to say what you mean.

For example here the dative case. While not used in some languages, German speakers will understand what is meant here. This is only one example.

I have studied some German (which English is derived from, by the way) and I'm familiar with this, too. There are indeed rigid rules in it. Flexibility in expressing ourselves is also important, I agree. After all, in the end language is simply a tool for practical communication in a specific group of people.

And this very need for flexibility is most likely why languages change and transform themselves all the time. With old words becoming outdated and hundreds of new words surfacing all the time. This can be seen in such "perversions" like you mention, and in words like "Google" becoming a verb. "Let me Google that". Language is a real ocean.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
The moment when...you take long sentences and explanations for your meanings...

and someone focus on your you're and your...


Q: How do you comfort a grammar Nazi?
A: "There, their, they're."

I think the fortune of languages is the same as the people using them. As the people become stupider so do the languages, and the more rigid. This is the reason many native European scientists just had to learn Greek like Newton to get anything properly explained of their scientific findings.

Its the same reason why most people do not speak the English Shakespeare does simply because the thought process is not similar. As I observe in the US and England now all I notice is that even natives do not give a fuck, plus, most thoughts people make are very limited. People prefer to say "I will google it" rather than "I will use the tool of google to search for something".

Chopping things in language is very frequent, because most of the time we need to transfer a meaning faster rather than accurate, let alone in a grammar perfect fashion.

True, the shape a language takes is very subject to the use most of its speakers make of it.

This thought process thing is also something of interest to me. I had an insight jsut about that the other day. People seem like they tend to think faster in English than in more complex languages.

I think this is because, first of all, the language itself also occupies some of the space available in our memory. And since English is rather monossylabic and simple, this allows more free space for us to think of other things besides the words we are using. Whereas a more intricate language like German, which has longer words, more grammar rules and even some words which are non-existent in other languages, occupies much more space in a person's memory.

In other words, I think a person who speaks a more complex language, has less free space available in their memories to process other things, and a person who speaks a more simple language such as English has more of it. This is probably why we tend to think and process things faster when we think in English. A person who speaks both languages can clearly notice the difference. This is also probably why English is currently the most widely spoken language in the world. It's friendly for people who constantly live on the fast lane, which is most people in the world.
English as a language is always changing and having new words formed and new ways of using them. Its not fixed and never will be I have studied English going back centuries just by reading and studying older texts. When I wrote the term "Slothz'in" some weak people were like "Whoah dude that's not a word" and I was like It is now boiiiii.
Egon said:
It is a "brace yourselves" meme, with "the grammar nazis are coming" punchline.
A fun fact is Rudolf Hess originally edited Mein Kapmf, which makes him the first Grammar Nazi. :)

At first, it displayed like there were two pictures, the first one was not showing and the second one was this one you mentioned. But thank you :)
HP Mageson666 said:
English as a language is always changing and having new words formed and new ways of using them. Its not fixed and never will be I have studied English going back centuries just by reading and studying older texts. When I wrote the term "Slothz'in" some weak people were like "Whoah dude that's not a word" and I was like It is now boiiiii.

I'd appreciate studying the Slothz Sacred Dictionary xD
Dypet Rod said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dypet Rod said:
I have studied some German (which English is derived from, by the way) and I'm familiar with this, too. There are indeed rigid rules in it. Flexibility in expressing ourselves is also important, I agree. After all, in the end language is simply a tool for practical communication in a specific group of people.

And this very need for flexibility is most likely why languages change and transform themselves all the time. With old words becoming outdated and hundreds of new words surfacing all the time. This can be seen in such "perversions" like you mention, and in words like "Google" becoming a verb. "Let me Google that". Language is a real ocean.

Q: How do you comfort a grammar Nazi?
A: "There, their, they're."

I think the fortune of languages is the same as the people using them. As the people become stupider so do the languages, and the more rigid. This is the reason many native European scientists just had to learn Greek like Newton to get anything properly explained of their scientific findings.

Its the same reason why most people do not speak the English Shakespeare does simply because the thought process is not similar. As I observe in the US and England now all I notice is that even natives do not give a fuck, plus, most thoughts people make are very limited. People prefer to say "I will google it" rather than "I will use the tool of google to search for something".

Chopping things in language is very frequent, because most of the time we need to transfer a meaning faster rather than accurate, let alone in a grammar perfect fashion.

True, the shape a language takes is very subject to the use most of its speakers make of it.

This thought process thing is also something of interest to me. I had an insight jsut about that the other day. People seem like they tend to think faster in English than in more complex languages.

I think this is because, first of all, the language itself also occupies some of the space available in our memory. And since English is rather monossylabic and simple, this allows more free space for us to think of other things besides the words we are using. Whereas a more intricate language like German, which has longer words, more grammar rules and even some words which are non-existent in other languages, occupies much more space in a person's memory.

In other words, I think a person who speaks a more complex language, has less free space available in their memories to process other things, and a person who speaks a more simple language such as English has more of it. This is probably why we tend to think and process things faster when we think in English. A person who speaks both languages can clearly notice the difference. This is also probably why English is currently the most widely spoken language in the world. It's friendly for people who constantly live on the fast lane, which is most people in the world.

I believe English in contrast to what many people say is a very good language. And an attractive one at that as it has less brain storming rules about it.

However if one just engages into the extreme simplicity and does not tend to understand some concepts on other languages this can be limiting. So people should also study some other language on their liking. Greek, Gaelic, Sanskrit, whatever has thickness in meaning.
In English all the technical languages are made up of Greek and Latin words this is because of the Enlightenment educational system which was based on the older European educated culture where one had to learn Latin and Greek as the educated classes language. This worked because some guy with a saw dust toilet in France could read the work of some guy from Ireland or England or Germany's ideas on things. English has replaced this in the current world as the new universal language or Lingua Franca of the earth. Which is why Billy Idol is from England. In the future the smart minds will agree English reached its zenith in perfection of the development of the sum total word for everything that sucks.....That of "Brony" in the future cool Extra Terrestrials will come to this planet and when they hear this term they will just agree and be like those greys we call them Bronies now.... The supreme Reptilian Rabbi is probably already being called "Aids Skrillex" by other ET's.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dypet Rod said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
I think the fortune of languages is the same as the people using them. As the people become stupider so do the languages, and the more rigid. This is the reason many native European scientists just had to learn Greek like Newton to get anything properly explained of their scientific findings.

Its the same reason why most people do not speak the English Shakespeare does simply because the thought process is not similar. As I observe in the US and England now all I notice is that even natives do not give a fuck, plus, most thoughts people make are very limited. People prefer to say "I will google it" rather than "I will use the tool of google to search for something".

Chopping things in language is very frequent, because most of the time we need to transfer a meaning faster rather than accurate, let alone in a grammar perfect fashion.

True, the shape a language takes is very subject to the use most of its speakers make of it.

This thought process thing is also something of interest to me. I had an insight jsut about that the other day. People seem like they tend to think faster in English than in more complex languages.

I think this is because, first of all, the language itself also occupies some of the space available in our memory. And since English is rather monossylabic and simple, this allows more free space for us to think of other things besides the words we are using. Whereas a more intricate language like German, which has longer words, more grammar rules and even some words which are non-existent in other languages, occupies much more space in a person's memory.

In other words, I think a person who speaks a more complex language, has less free space available in their memories to process other things, and a person who speaks a more simple language such as English has more of it. This is probably why we tend to think and process things faster when we think in English. A person who speaks both languages can clearly notice the difference. This is also probably why English is currently the most widely spoken language in the world. It's friendly for people who constantly live on the fast lane, which is most people in the world.

I believe English in contrast to what many people say is a very good language. And an attractive one at that as it has less brain storming rules about it.

However if one just engages into the extreme simplicity and does not tend to understand some concepts on other languages this can be limiting. So people should also study some other language on their liking. Greek, Gaelic, Sanskrit, whatever has thickness in meaning.

Yes, besides, studying these can help understand how the languages connect to each other. I don't know the exact source of certain words, but I often do notice etymological connections between words of different languages.

One remarkable example for me: In Portuguese, "jewelry" is "jóia". This word sounds similar to the English "joy", and to the Italian "gioia", which also means "joy". I think this further shows how old the connection between riches and joy, happiness, etc really is.
HP Mageson666 said:
In English all the technical languages are made up of Greek and Latin words this is because of the Enlightenment educational system which was based on the older European educated culture where one had to learn Latin and Greek as the educated classes language. This worked because some guy with a saw dust toilet in France could read the work of some guy from Ireland or England or Germany's ideas on things. English has replaced this in the current world as the new universal language or Lingua Franca of the earth. Which is why Billy Idol is from England. In the future the smart minds will agree English reached its zenith in perfection of the development of the sum total word for everything that sucks.....That of "Brony" in the future cool Extra Terrestrials will come to this planet and when they hear this term they will just agree and be like those greys we call them Bronies now.... The supreme Reptilian Rabbi is probably already being called "Aids Skrillex" by other ET's.

I remembered this too when reading HP Hooded Cobra's replies. When you explained why the Necronomicon has its title in Latin, and that it was the universal educated language of the time.

Indeed, English has become so popular that, in a similar way in which we often see Latin terms being used in English, such as in brands, technical terms, in medicine, etc, we also see English terms being used in non-English-speaking countries, especially in South America. Around here, there are several stores and brands with English names, clothes brands which sell t-shirts with sentences in English with no real meaning just because it sounds "cool", words adapted from English terms and much more.
I love this sermon! I thought surely this will lead to a great discussion leading in all different valuable directions! Instead of just a full 50 pages of Dictionary Class. I appreciate the discussion on language, but it also seems like that could be under its own topic so that Cobra's sermon can get its full deserved attention.

Cobra I can relate much to what you wrote. I always wanted to help as much as I can, but in the past I did only the minimum of spiritual work on myself. I was much more focused on things other than myself, just all about learning and helping. All I wanted was to be the most maximum force of support for Satanism that I can be, thinking I'm going to do so much work for the gods that they'll have to take notice of me and give me some help with a goal I've had. For this reason, for a long time I didn't think that I was even personally important enough to spend the time working on myself. Why would I think about me when I can spend all that time doing my work for everyone here? WE are many but I'm only one, what worth would it be to help only one person when instead I can help maybe even thousands of people? I needed to be the biggest possible help to get support for my goal, not going to waste my time with anything else. Always so eager to advise questioning people of what they can do to solve all their problems and grow themselves up, but in many ways I wasn't even taking any of my own advice. I wish I started much earlier with working for myself, but I just wasn't able to hold that motivation then. There were some specific types of spiritual skills I've used intensely all my life, but also MANY things that should be like beginner level that I just didn't care to ever try very much. I think it was because of what power ((they)) used to have interacting with all my Earth element energy, used to be held down and blocked from this type of growth. But every day I'm much free-er, every day feeling like more of a god. I have some momentum now with some type of routine, finding things to do to free and build myself up more every day, it's only getting easier for us. :) This sermon felt very personal to me, thank you Cobra. :) I've recently realized that I'm also important, I can be much more influentially helpful to the world if I'm stronger so spending the time on myself is a great investment.

Of course everyone in the world has their own problems, but I think that most of us here have gone through a lot of pain and struggle. It isn't bad if it forces us to grow, if there's a mountain dropped on top of us we dig our way out and climb over it; end up that much stronger and higher up than before. For most of my childhood there was a VERY deep depression, lots of pain and hardships, but I don't regret any of it. It forced me to grow over it because there wasn't any other choice, and left me that much stronger than most people in the world. I remember when the gods and I were planning this lifetime for me, I had a few specific goals that I wanted to put my entire soul into and advance in the most extreme and powerful amount. They basically said "Sounds great we want this for you, but there's a spiritual war so we can't just give you all this energy we need to use it ourselves. But if you want to work for it we'll be happy to guide you in creating this energy and help you along the way. You gain energy by building it up, the more difficult the struggle is, the more powerful the reward is once you've cleared it because you are forced to create all this power." And I basically said "I don't care how bad it is, I just want to grow. Nothing else really matters much, it's fine if I have a hard time in the beginning because I'll have such a happy and easy time in the end once that's done." In the creation of my natal chart, I signed up for all this difficulty and hardships, but I'm now transitioning into the happy portion. Everything's coming up; always getting easier, stronger, and happier. I needed this sermon very much, it shows me how everything is much better than it may have looked.

You've reminded me how everything I've done, even if it wasn't yet physically manifested, everything I've ever done all counts for something. It all at least exists astrally and the transition is in progress, good things are coming now getting better and better every day. My happiest form of life isn't just possible, but all this time it has been getting closer. All I used to feel is carrying this pile of bricks, now I can feel the tower on the astral stronger every day. Soon to be a physical tower! Cobra, you have helped me so much more with this sermon then you realize! You helped show me how everything I've done actually has a real worth and existence to it, not just my imagination! :)
Been placing down my bricks forever for some kinds of towers, and in other categories I wasn't carrying barely any like I should have been. You helped me know that the ones I've already placed are so much worth it and have built up my future for eternity in this way, and also reminded me that these other bricks of the self and spiritual advancement tower are also important for me to be putting down. If I'm going to be my entire soul about only one thing, what I've been creating is great but I need to support myself too as a major component of holding all this up. I'm sure I'm much more of an astral form than physical, basically my physical body is just a focus point for all the energy of my soul. Many lifetimes of pouring all my energy into the astral, so what really am I? That's not a real question, just thinking. But I think everything's finally starting to work the way it should. :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
