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Ex girlfriend used sex magic on me?


New member
May 25, 2019
I'll try to make this short.
I used to be with a girl in a very very emotionally intense relationship, she is/was perhaps one of the people I truly love. It kinda had to end abruptly though without much explanation from both sides. The emotions of our separation were very intense and uncontrollable from both sides, indeed we both suffered a lot much to our surprise.
The thing is while I was with her, it was the time which I started practicing meditating and delving into deeper knowledge. I talked to her about a lot of things including magic and even though at first she thought I was a nut job she later grew up to believe in what I said, especially when she saw things coming true. I never went into too much detail though but last time I saw her she told me that she wanted to practice meditation as well.
I don't know if it's helpful but she's naturally blonde with green eyes, pretty much the aryan/nordic type while I'm white pale with brown/dark blonde hair and brown eyes.

So, what happened is that few days ago and completely out of the blue I had a dream with her involved(I haven't though of her for a long time). In the dream I clearly saw her practicing strong magic, a lot stronger than mine. Then, in the same dream, she started to became very very affectionate towards me. After I woke up, I was strongly infatuated with her. The emotions of infatuation still persist and came out of nowhere.

I don't want to detach her from my aura to make it go away though. Is there a chance she used a love spell against me? Or some other link to the dream? I'm also fairly new to this, and this is why I'm asking.

You probabily still love her
This is definitely a love spell.Now go and fuck her brains out :)
If you had sex or another event of great intimacy with her and still feel very strongly for her, the connection between yourself and her at the soul level is strong enough to cause such feelings, which may be amplified by the increase in her energy if she has begun meditation/yoga, or by Astrological factors.

Now if you've showed her the JoS, the sex magick workings are right there under "Satanic Witchcraft"'s beginner section and are relatively easy to do for serious newcomers, so if you've slacked on meditating and she's been consistent, her energy is stronger and you best buckle up for the ride!

If this connection or feelings are undesirable, practice and become adept at void meditation or do Freeing the Soul workings to remove ties, but if you did not leave her on negative terms or had no issues with her person, there is little harm in working on getting back together.
If she has stronger arts than you its not too big a problem. Just develop and maby use a stronger kind of magick. Ask yourself if you've been neglecting your growth or not. I feel I must do you one hell of a favour and gently remind you that there are far worse fates than having a love sex spell cast on you by a babe with green eyes. Yes. She is using magick on you. I know all the signs for this. You don't really have a reason to say no to starting an SS family do you? Then again maby I'm projecting that onto you. Who knows. Anyway I hope this helps.
Let me say to you my family member there are around 4 possibilities with 2 more likely from what I have heard.

1. She did Sexual magik from JoyOfSatan teachings on you. I have practiced sex magik with people a lot in the past and it always seems to have them wake up with intense emotions of the person

2. She may have done sexual magik from perverted or corrupt teaching. If this is the case be careful. If you spoke of meditation and such but never directly mentioned Satan or JoyOfSatan she may have gone to harmful sources.

3. It could have been a dream. Although this seems unlikely you could have just been horny and experienced a dream expressing your subconscious desires. I've had weirder dreams myself.

4. It is the influence of another being trying to cause something to happen.

My advice to you is to be careful upon meeting her my friend. Regardless of how kind she seems to be wary and careful. I had a very dear friend of mine who was apart of a coven attempt to murder him with poison. I do not doubt our enemies would do the same using those we care about. Their key way of manipulation is through emotions. Stay strong within SATAN!
Jack said:
This is definitely a love spell.Now go and fuck her brains out :)

Not if he was dedicated when she presumably did a love magick on him.

The Gods wouldn't allow it.
If she's a Satanist or planning on becoming one unless there is something you totally can't live with or really bad aspects such as Saturn Square Chart ruler or something then you are not going to do much better than that. I would so go for it myself. Why wouldn't you want this.
Coraxo said:
Jack said:
This is definitely a love spell.Now go and fuck her brains out :)

Not if he was dedicated when she presumably did a love magick on him.

The Gods wouldn't allow it.
Why wouldn't the gods allow it ?
Some more details I might add :

Yes, it's true that at the time it happened I was slacking on my meditation and progress and I was weaker.
She didn't know that I was visiting JoS or that I was a Satanist but she was aware that I was meditating and using magic and also seemed to believe in it. I had taught her some basic meditation techniques at the time. She had also asked me if I used a love spell on her to make her fall in love. I hadn't.
In the dream my magic was suppressed. Hers was very strong. I saw her practicing witchcraft and afterwards she came to me with intense affection. I woke up with intense feelings after that.
When I met her she told me that she is trying to practice meditation and also learning about astrology.

Also, does her being more aryan/nordic white make her magic stronger?

Note: I haven't seen or thought of her for like 8 months now. This just happened out of nowhere.
Coraxo said:
Jack said:
This is definitely a love spell.Now go and fuck her brains out :)

Not if he was dedicated when she presumably did a love magick on him.

The Gods wouldn't allow it.
Love spells aren't black magic, I have no idea where you got this idea from; the Gods do not baby us and prevent us from having sex with a partner just because spiritually directed energy (aka a spell) is involved.

We're not talking about some kike egregore here who will punish you for your sexual lusts, we're talking about the very Gods who gave us all this knowledge to enjoy and use wisely.
Scion of Atlantis said:
Love spells aren't black magic, I have no idea where you got this idea from; the Gods do not baby us and prevent us from having sex with a partner just because spiritually directed energy (aka a spell) is involved.

We're not talking about some kike egregore here who will punish you for your sexual lusts, we're talking about the very Gods who gave us all this knowledge to enjoy and use wisely.

Where did I say that a lust or love magick is black magick? And where did I say anything about being punished for having sex? How about you don't put words in my mouth?

The Gods wouldn't allow a Satanist to tamper with another's Satanist's emotions against their will. OP mentioned their relationship has ended which could potentially mean they didn't want to stay with their SO anymore.

Anyway, OP obviously still has some feelings for their ex since they didn't end their relationship properly. I bet there isn't any magick involved.
Coraxo said:
Scion of Atlantis said:
Love spells aren't black magic, I have no idea where you got this idea from; the Gods do not baby us and prevent us from having sex with a partner just because spiritually directed energy (aka a spell) is involved.

We're not talking about some kike egregore here who will punish you for your sexual lusts, we're talking about the very Gods who gave us all this knowledge to enjoy and use wisely.

Where did I say that a lust or love magick is black magick? And where did I say anything about being punished for having sex? How about you don't put words in my mouth?

The Gods wouldn't allow a Satanist to tamper with another's Satanist's emotions against their will. OP mentioned their relationship has ended which could potentially mean they didn't want to stay with their SO anymore.

Anyway, OP obviously still has some feelings for their ex since they didn't end their relationship properly. I bet there isn't any magick involved.
And this here is the basic problem and this keeps recurring again and again in topics like this since people generally do not even understand what a love spell even is.

No one can be made to do something against their will. This very idea that your doing something against someone's will is stupid and by the basic tenets of positive magick cannot happen. If you tried doing something against someones will (I.e unconscious understanding), it would engage the unconscious to violently resist that change . If the person does not unconsciously want to be with you their unconscious will never accept you.

However another thing is, most people do not even have a will to resist anything. But that is unrelated to this particular case.

In this case this woman clearly did a love spell (possibly taken from our site ) and since this man had meditated earlier he was intuitively able to know that the woman is communicating his desire in such a way. He is in control of his will and anything he does is by his choice,not by force.
nino said:
Some more details I might add :

Yes, it's true that at the time it happened I was slacking on my meditation and progress and I was weaker.
She didn't know that I was visiting JoS or that I was a Satanist but she was aware that I was meditating and using magic and also seemed to believe in it. I had taught her some basic meditation techniques at the time. She had also asked me if I used a love spell on her to make her fall in love. I hadn't.
In the dream my magic was suppressed. Hers was very strong. I saw her practicing witchcraft and afterwards she came to me with intense affection. I woke up with intense feelings after that.
When I met her she told me that she is trying to practice meditation and also learning about astrology.

Also, does her being more aryan/nordic white make her magic stronger?

Note: I haven't seen or thought of her for like 8 months now. This just happened out of nowhere.
Bro stop wasting time here and go take her out somewhere for dinner. My intuition tells me since she's been practising magick your relationship may take into a direction of spirituality where you both enrich and empower each other through sex magick. And since she's receptive, eventually she might dedicate. Its hard to find people close to your beliefs and being hot. So this is a pretty good deal (for the future too.)
Coraxo said:
Scion of Atlantis said:
Love spells aren't black magic, I have no idea where you got this idea from; the Gods do not baby us and prevent us from having sex with a partner just because spiritually directed energy (aka a spell) is involved.

We're not talking about some kike egregore here who will punish you for your sexual lusts, we're talking about the very Gods who gave us all this knowledge to enjoy and use wisely.

Where did I say that a lust or love magick is black magick? And where did I say anything about being punished for having sex? How about you don't put words in my mouth?

The Gods wouldn't allow a Satanist to tamper with another's Satanist's emotions against their will. OP mentioned their relationship has ended which could potentially mean they didn't want to stay with their SO anymore.

Anyway, OP obviously still has some feelings for their ex since they didn't end their relationship properly. I bet there isn't any magick involved.
Please check your understanding of these things for future reference as there is a difference here. You were indeed implying that love spells = mental manipulation/negative/unwanted energy and that is not "putting words in your mouth" as that is what your post implies (unknowingly I assume). The Gods will protect one dedicated Satanist from another Satanist's directed curses, bindings, hatred, and ill will, that is what has been mentioned numerous times and that's all there is to it.

Love spells are not negative in their nature and a Satanist who is being affected by them ideally has full control over whether or not they want to go with the flow. Void meditation and an Aura of Protection is what one would use if for some reason the love spell was unwanted, both of which are something Satanists should be doing multiple times daily. The Gods aren't going to baby someone and make choices for them when they've already given them the knowledge to fully make their own decisions as I mentioned the first time. Also the OP has mentioned neither him or his partner really wanted to end the relationship, but circumstances forced them to, the OP has also already mentioned that he is not seeking to stop his ex's spells but is merely curious.

You might be surprised how much energy from anywhere, including other persons actually "manipulates" one's emotions on a daily basis, whether intended or not. When you meet with relatives/loved ones and they are happy to see you, they are unconsciously sending small bits of positive energy in your direction. Are the Gods going to snap their necks for manipulating your emotions in a positive manner? Even though you as a hopefully consistent Satanist has a good grasp on void meditation and how to keep things in your control? How about when your pets leave you with a good feeling and an energy buzz, or when you meet a beautiful woman who thinks lovingly about you; oy vey they've just manipulated your emotions! Hopefully you can see my point as to how silly this is.
Scion of Atlantis said:
Please check your understanding of these things for future reference as there is a difference here. You were indeed implying that love spells = mental manipulation/negative/unwanted energy and that is not "putting words in your mouth" as that is what your post implies (unknowingly I assume). The Gods will protect one dedicated Satanist from another Satanist's directed curses, bindings, hatred, and ill will, that is what has been mentioned numerous times and that's all there is to it.

Love spells are not negative in their nature and a Satanist who is being affected by them ideally has full control over whether or not they want to go with the flow. Void meditation and an Aura of Protection is what one would use if for some reason the love spell was unwanted, both of which are something Satanists should be doing multiple times daily. The Gods aren't going to baby someone and make choices for them when they've already given them the knowledge to fully make their own decisions as I mentioned the first time. Also the OP has mentioned neither him or his partner really wanted to end the relationship, but circumstances forced them to, the OP has also already mentioned that he is not seeking to stop his ex's spells but is merely curious.

You might be surprised how much energy from anywhere, including other persons actually "manipulates" one's emotions on a daily basis, whether intended or not. When you meet with relatives/loved ones and they are happy to see you, they are unconsciously sending small bits of positive energy in your direction. Are the Gods going to snap their necks for manipulating your emotions in a positive manner? Even though you as a hopefully consistent Satanist has a good grasp on void meditation and how to keep things in your control? How about when your pets leave you with a good feeling and an energy buzz, or when you meet a beautiful woman who thinks lovingly about you; oy vey they've just manipulated your emotions! Hopefully you can see my point as to how silly this is.

I see your and jack's point, and if that's how love spells exclusively work then you would be 100% correct, but to my understanding by doing a love spell on someone you're still tampering with someone's emotions without their will. As I'm sure you're aware of this, but most if not all love spells work by reprogramming someone's subconscious to find you attractive - which is why it's recommended to do them while they're asleep - and if you put enough energy in the working, you would make someone uncontrollably obsessed with you.

I never implied that the Gods baby us and control everything that goes in and out of our lives, I simply said they wouldn't allow it to happen between two Satanists if it's against the will of one of the two. Maybe you don't know, but Satan takes the affairs between his children very seriously, and would simply not allow one to hurt another. In fact, if any Satanist knows Satan personally, they would know that the only thing Satan considers a "sin" is for a Satanist to hurt another.

As for the rest, you can keep your mocking to yourself. If you want to help then just do so without sounding like an asshole, just an advice for a future reference ;)
Coraxo said:
I see your and jack's point, and if that's how love spells exclusively work then you would be 100% correct, but to my understanding by doing a love spell on someone you're still tampering with someone's emotions without their will. As I'm sure you're aware of this, but most if not all love spells work by reprogramming someone's subconscious to find you attractive - which is why it's recommended to do them while they're asleep - and if you put enough energy in the working, you would make someone uncontrollably obsessed with you.

I never implied that the Gods baby us and control everything that goes in and out of our lives, I simply said they wouldn't allow it to happen between two Satanists if it's against the will of one of the two. Maybe you don't know, but Satan takes the affairs between his children very seriously, and would simply not allow one to hurt another. In fact, if any Satanist knows Satan personally, they would know that the only thing Satan considers a "sin" is for a Satanist to hurt another.

As for the rest, you can keep your mocking to yourself. If you want to help then just do so without sounding like an asshole, just an advice for a future reference ;)
Mate, you really are once again contradicting a lot of facts in regards to what love spells are and this should be corrected. Let's clear up first of all that love spells do not constitute "hurting" one another, especially in the OP's case. Love and sex is taken as a very positive thing among the healthy minded, we are not Xtians who have paranoia about sexual lusts and what incites it. There is no harm or negative energy being directed at the recipient of the spell and neither is it truly against one's will. In fact if you cast a love spell that is fully against the individual's will, i.e manipulating them into doing your bidding, not only are you failing to perform the working properly, but your chances of getting results from the individual will be slim. If you have a girlfriend who is utterly repulsed by the very thought of you, there isn't many love workings out there that are going to change her mind on it, unless you want to resort to mind control, at which point it's no longer a "love" spell, and usually a person has to already find you somewhat attractive, you don't normally cast your spells fighting an uphill battle, which is common knowledge. With that said, an unspiritual person with no power can be manipulated unbeknownst to them by any kind of energy, which is part of why the Gods give us spiritual knowledge and allow us to decide what we want to do with that knowledge and how we can assume responsibility for ourselves. A dedicated Satanist actually cursing another dedicated Satanist is an affair that Enlil or another Demon takes special exception to stop, as a soldier shooting another in the back during a time of war is treason and not at all tolerable, but that's nowhere close to what's going on here.

The OP has mentioned twice that he is open to the spell, it's not against his will, he is apparently quite aware of it, and therefore it's not manipulating him. If you read the descriptions of the runes in the Elder Furthark for example in the JoS Witchcraft section, you will note that manipulation is a part of using some of those runes for black magic, and that manipulation takes place against one's will without one's knowledge, usually to lead them to a destructive end. In the OP's case, he is willingly opening himself to his ex's love spell, it is again, with his knowledge, and it's leading him to what is usually a very positive outcome. If the OP truly wishes to get back with his ex, perhaps the Gods are even helping these two get back together considering that sexual energy leads to spiritual empowerment and overall happiness. Satan has power over all witches and sorcerers who use the knowledge of the Gods and can see them clearly, so consider the fact that it's being allowed in the first place.

You simply cannot equate what is consensual with what is unwilling. By the way, why are we assuming the OP and his girlfriend are both dedicated? The OP has mentioned he is fairly new, so he might not even be dedicated yet (not that that would change anything since the above still applies). Something Satan also considers a "sin" is stupidity, which is what your butting into this with this strange take on things could be called, but since it isn't dangerous stupidity yet, it's nothing to be held against you.

Don't be surprised at what you take as "mocking" (which wasn't really mocking you at all) when you come into this thread with an idea that is the result of a misunderstanding which you then try to push on others as a fundamental reality. Basic knowledge of witchcraft and what different energy does should have already cleared this up, but ultimately I am not blaming anything on you as everyone misses something here and there, I just don't want anyone new getting the wrong idea and making a little meme out of it, as the evidence and reality of the situation would be the opposite of what they would assume as a result.
Jack said:
Bro stop wasting time here and go take her out somewhere for dinner. My intuition tells me since she's been practising magick your relationship may take into a direction of spirituality where you both enrich and empower each other through sex magick. And since she's receptive, eventually she might dedicate. Its hard to find people close to your beliefs and being hot. So this is a pretty good deal (for the future too.)

Gotta agree she IS your ex- at this point in time. Might as well contact her and communicate with her about getting back together.

To be honest I would leave the sex magic spell till dinner conversation. At least get her face-to-face, if she was doing something at least she'd probably be really shocked it worked and would probably be all over you.

So just ask her out again, couldn't hurt. Might I suggest you just state to her I've been reconsidering getting back together with you, could we go out to dinner sometime?

Just keep it simple then bring out during conversation in a good way what has been going on with you and gauge her reaction. Make sure you don't act out negatively just state "Want to know something funny positive that happened" and go from there.

I know you guys broke up and she is your ex- and you want to avoid another situation but try and communicate more. You'd be surprised how many couples fight simply for not communicating or breaking up for not communicating.
Scion of Atlantis said:
There is no harm or negative energy being directed at the recipient of the spell and neither is it truly against one's will.

For those of you who might not know it's been stated by some people and I believe by the High Priests at some point but magic isn't based on morality. For example we perform RTRs are we obliged to perform them from a human-to-human perspective, not at all. But when viewed in the bigger picture of Gods-to-Humans and their restructuring of the World for a better World, then morality is kinda thrown out. Magic is not immoral, amoral, or moral it has no morality, same with love spells you like someone do something about it whether your type for love magic or your a straight shooter. Couldn't hurt to ask this time around.

In this case like I and Jack posted, get back to her and this time really communicate. And yes like Jack said "Go fuck her brains out"

The sheer fact is you got nothing to lose in fact if the situation isn't a case of craziness you might inspire her to a better path. Making her go "Shit did that really just work". You DID in your original post, state things were materializing and she changed her mind of you being a nutjob. When she notice things were occurring.

Anyways O.P. good luck with your next date.
nino said:
I'll try to make this short . . .
Are you new by any chance?
A thing you should always remember is that our enemies are masters of deception and manipulation, your dreams can be manipulated so always be wary of this, it's surprising that some of the older members here forget about this and just seem to accept whatever they see without any sort of deduction involved, there was recently a case where a member drew portraits of our gods which got people thinking that's what the gods looked like, the enemy used this and portrayed themselves as such in people's dream to deceive them into thinking they were visited by the gods and used this to deceive people into all kinds of shit.

These dreams for me are so common to the point where they don't even phase me, they're constantly trying to fabricate scenarios of things that are simply did not happen.
So like i said, always be aware of the dreams you get, things are not so easy for us SS due to all the hidden elements involved here.

Coraxo said:
Jack said:
This is definitely a love spell.Now go and fuck her brains out :)
Not if he was dedicated when she presumably did a love magick on him.
The Gods wouldn't allow it.
You're correct Coraxo, i am not sure exactly why people are disagreeing with you here.

Love spells such as the one that entice people towards you is simply a binding spell.
binding spells in the simplest definition is imposing your will onto someone.
Not even an SS can bind another SS, it is forbidden.

Jack said:
Coraxo said:
Scion of Atlantis said:
Love spells aren't black magic, I have no idea where you got this idea from; the Gods do not baby us and prevent us from having sex with a partner just because spiritually directed energy (aka a spell) is involved.

We're not talking about some kike egregore here who will punish you for your sexual lusts, we're talking about the very Gods who gave us all this knowledge to enjoy and use wisely.

Where did I say that a lust or love magick is black magick? And where did I say anything about being punished for having sex? How about you don't put words in my mouth?

The Gods wouldn't allow a Satanist to tamper with another's Satanist's emotions against their will. OP mentioned their relationship has ended which could potentially mean they didn't want to stay with their SO anymore.

Anyway, OP obviously still has some feelings for their ex since they didn't end their relationship properly. I bet there isn't any magick involved.
And this here is the basic problem and this keeps recurring again and again in topics like this since people generally do not even understand what a love spell even is.

No one can be made to do something against their will. This very idea that your doing something against someone's will is stupid and by the basic tenets of positive magick cannot happen. If you tried doing something against someones will (I.e unconscious understanding), it would engage the unconscious to violently resist that change . If the person does not unconsciously want to be with you their unconscious will never accept you.

However another thing is, most people do not even have a will to resist anything. But that is unrelated to this particular case.

In this case this woman clearly did a love spell (possibly taken from our site ) and since this man had meditated earlier he was intuitively able to know that the woman is communicating his desire in such a way. He is in control of his will and anything he does is by his choice,not by force.
The underlined statement is just plain wrong,
Do you not realize the reason why people do workings on other people at night is because they're unconscious? the unconscious mind does not resist it is open to programming as the logical 'conscious' mind is turned off when one is asleep, this is why people preform workings on others at night and why the enemy also attacks people the most when they're asleep.
The only resistance one can have is if they themselves or someone else places blocks in their mind, but even these blocks can be broken down by repeated programming this is why most workings are not just a 1 shot deal.
This is common knowledge that all SS should know, i suggest you start reading up on JOS:
[url=https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Brainwaves.html said:
Brainwaves[/url]"]In the alpha state, one is open to suggestion as the conscious logical mind is subdued. The conscious defense barrier is down. Hypnosis takes place on this level. When in the alpha state, we can program our own and/or the minds of others. The deeper you go into alpha, the closer you get to theta.

We can influence others when they are asleep or in the alpha state. This is one reason most mages prefer to do their spell work at night when most people are asleep.
Rook said:
nino said:
I'll try to make this short . . .
Are you new by any chance?
A thing you should always remember is that our enemies are masters of deception and manipulation, your dreams can be manipulated so always be wary of this, it's surprising that some of the older members here forget about this and just seem to accept whatever they see without any sort of deduction involved, there was recently a case where a member drew portraits of our gods which got people thinking that's what the gods looked like, the enemy used this and portrayed themselves as such in people's dream to deceive them into thinking they were visited by the gods and used this to deceive people into all kinds of shit.

These dreams for me are so common to the point where they don't even phase me, they're constantly trying to fabricate scenarios of things that are simply did not happen.
So like i said, always be aware of the dreams you get, things are not so easy for us SS due to all the hidden elements involved here.

Coraxo said:
Jack said:
This is definitely a love spell.Now go and fuck her brains out :)
Not if he was dedicated when she presumably did a love magick on him.
The Gods wouldn't allow it.
You're correct Coraxo, i am not sure exactly why people are disagreeing with you here.

Love spells such as the one that entice people towards you is simply a binding spell.
binding spells in the simplest definition is imposing your will onto someone.
Not even an SS can bind another SS, it is forbidden.

Jack said:
Coraxo said:
Where did I say that a lust or love magick is black magick? And where did I say anything about being punished for having sex? How about you don't put words in my mouth?

The Gods wouldn't allow a Satanist to tamper with another's Satanist's emotions against their will. OP mentioned their relationship has ended which could potentially mean they didn't want to stay with their SO anymore.

Anyway, OP obviously still has some feelings for their ex since they didn't end their relationship properly. I bet there isn't any magick involved.
And this here is the basic problem and this keeps recurring again and again in topics like this since people generally do not even understand what a love spell even is.

No one can be made to do something against their will. This very idea that your doing something against someone's will is stupid and by the basic tenets of positive magick cannot happen. If you tried doing something against someones will (I.e unconscious understanding), it would engage the unconscious to violently resist that change . If the person does not unconsciously want to be with you their unconscious will never accept you.

However another thing is, most people do not even have a will to resist anything. But that is unrelated to this particular case.

In this case this woman clearly did a love spell (possibly taken from our site ) and since this man had meditated earlier he was intuitively able to know that the woman is communicating his desire in such a way. He is in control of his will and anything he does is by his choice,not by force.
The underlined statement is just plain wrong,
Do you not realize the reason why people do workings on other people at night is because they're unconscious? the unconscious mind does not resist it is open to programming as the logical 'conscious' mind is turned off when one is asleep, this is why people preform workings on others at night and why the enemy also attacks people the most when they're asleep.
The only resistance one can have is if they themselves or someone else places blocks in their mind, but even these blocks can be broken down by repeated programming this is why most workings are not just a 1 shot deal.
This is common knowledge that all SS should know, i suggest you start reading up on JOS:
[url=https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Brainwaves.html said:
Brainwaves[/url]"]In the alpha state, one is open to suggestion as the conscious logical mind is subdued. The conscious defense barrier is down. Hypnosis takes place on this level. When in the alpha state, we can program our own and/or the minds of others. The deeper you go into alpha, the closer you get to theta.

We can influence others when they are asleep or in the alpha state. This is one reason most mages prefer to do their spell work at night when most people are asleep.
I'm not pathological and I'm replying to this man contextually. I specifically mentioned that not taking someones will was a basic tenet of positive magick.A love spell is not a binding spell,nowhere on this website can such a similarity be found. A love spell is simply programmed energy with your desire. The quote your referencing is a quote about psychotherapy. An equivalence can be made with magick when magick is done on a normal person,but this equivalence cannot be made when both parties involved have had some semblance of spirituality.

Your understanding about this is inherently flawed since your equating modern psychotherapy with magick which is a technology thousands of years old where people we're spiritually advanced. I'll word in a simple way you can understand. Its true that in certain stages ,people are more susceptible to manipulation I.e making them do something against their will. But
different people have different experiences in trance and different people take different time getting into trance. Its very very hard to hypnotize some people while some get hypnotized immediately. Some people have trouble making affirmations work and for some they work without resistance. There are a lot of variables to consider and its not black and white.

The unconscious is where ones will is located. It is your sense of self at a soul level. That is why I said in the immediate quote that most people do not have a will so they will do as the witch commands as is his right under natural law. But someone who is experienced in meditation will have a strong sense of self. The unconscious barrier is extremely strong to outside influence. And there are small astral protections placed at specific points. That's why experienced meditators get premonitions that someone who is doing magick on them and can see visions of them. HPMaxine intuitively knew and confronted a Christian woman for praying for her. She didn't get affected by the mass hypnosis of the enemy thought form.

Similarly this man who has meditated does not have a weak unconscious. He has a sense of self and he can intuitively figure out who the magick practitioner is and what she's doing. He is not complete control. That is what I meant by the unconscious violently resisting the change. This is all contextual.

Listen unethical would be striping someone of their will. But there is nothing unethical when they do not have a will to begin with. Nature gives authority to the powerful to regulate the weak. There is no alternative. You cannot be powerful and not have order and control.

Think about a healing spell. Are you taking away someones will ? *Fuck you. I'm going to heal you by any means necessary. I don't give a fuck if you wanna be healed or not.* Similarly a positive magick like a love spell cannot be equated with bindings. And a spell on a normal person doesn't equate a spell on a spiritually experienced person.

So your understanding is flawed stemming from a place of inexperience as well as previous stereotypes about love magick. And do understand I never supported nor commented appreciating those portraits. Infact those portraits were exposed by HPHC through my topic after which I posted his comments on the original portrait topic and they got exposed.
Jack said:
Rook said:
Jack said:
And this here is the basic problem and this keeps recurring again and again in topics like this since people generally do not even understand what a love spell even is.

No one can be made to do something against their will. This very idea that your doing something against someone's will is stupid and by the basic tenets of positive magick cannot happen. If you tried doing something against someones will (I.e unconscious understanding), it would engage the unconscious to violently resist that change . If the person does not unconsciously want to be with you their unconscious will never accept you.

However another thing is, most people do not even have a will to resist anything. But that is unrelated to this particular case.

In this case this woman clearly did a love spell (possibly taken from our site ) and since this man had meditated earlier he was intuitively able to know that the woman is communicating his desire in such a way. He is in control of his will and anything he does is by his choice,not by force.
The underlined statement is just plain wrong,
Do you not realize the reason why people do workings on other people at night is because they're unconscious? the unconscious mind does not resist it is open to programming as the logical 'conscious' mind is turned off when one is asleep, this is why people preform workings on others at night and why the enemy also attacks people the most when they're asleep.
The only resistance one can have is if they themselves or someone else places blocks in their mind, but even these blocks can be broken down by repeated programming this is why most workings are not just a 1 shot deal.
This is common knowledge that all SS should know, i suggest you start reading up on JOS:
[url=https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Brainwaves.html said:
Brainwaves[/url]"]In the alpha state, one is open to suggestion as the conscious logical mind is subdued. The conscious defense barrier is down. Hypnosis takes place on this level. When in the alpha state, we can program our own and/or the minds of others. The deeper you go into alpha, the closer you get to theta.

We can influence others when they are asleep or in the alpha state. This is one reason most mages prefer to do their spell work at night when most people are asleep.
I'm not pathological and I'm replying to this man contextually. I specifically mentioned that not taking someones will was a basic tenet of positive magick.A love spell is not a binding spell,nowhere on this website can such a similarity be found. A love spell is simply programmed energy with your desire. The quote your referencing is a quote about psychotherapy. An equivalence can be made with magick when magick is done on a normal person,but this equivalence cannot be made when both parties involved have had some semblance of spirituality.

Your understanding about this is inherently flawed since your equating modern psychotherapy with magick which is a technology thousands of years old where people we're spiritually advanced. I'll word in a simple way you can understand. Its true that in certain stages ,people are more susceptible to manipulation I.e making them do something against their will. But
different people have different experiences in trance and different people take different time getting into trance. Its very very hard to hypnotize some people while some get hypnotized immediately. Some people have trouble making affirmations work and for some they work without resistance. There are a lot of variables to consider and its not black and white.

The unconscious is where ones will is located. It is your sense of self at a soul level. That is why I said in the immediate quote that most people do not have a will so they will do as the witch commands as is his right under natural law. But someone who is experienced in meditation will have a strong sense of self. The unconscious barrier is extremely strong to outside influence. And there are small astral protections placed at specific points. That's why experienced meditators get premonitions that someone who is doing magick on them and can see visions of them. HPMaxine intuitively knew and confronted a Christian woman for praying for her. She didn't get affected by the mass hypnosis of the enemy thought form.

Similarly this man who has meditated does not have a weak unconscious. He has a sense of self and he can intuitively figure out who the magick practitioner is and what she's doing. He is not complete control. That is what I meant by the unconscious violently resisting the change. This is all contextual.

Listen unethical would be striping someone of their will. But there is nothing unethical when they do not have a will to begin with. Nature gives authority to the powerful to regulate the weak. There is no alternative. You cannot be powerful and not have order and control.

Think about a healing spell. Are you taking away someones will ? *Fuck you. I'm going to heal you by any means necessary. I don't give a fuck if you wanna be healed or not.* Similarly a positive magick like a love spell cannot be equated with bindings. And a spell on a normal person doesn't equate a spell on a spiritually experienced person.

So your understanding is flawed stemming from a place of inexperience as well as previous stereotypes about love magick. And do understand I never supported nor commented appreciating those portraits. Infact those portraits were exposed by HPHC through my topic after which I posted his comments on the original portrait topic and they got exposed.
No one claimed you were pathlogical, but now that you mention it you should check that out, since you can't seem to accept the fact that you're wrong when it is blyantly presented to you, either that or your interpretation of english is flawed.

I'm not sure exactly sure why you add so much unnecessary complication to something so simple.
You claimed that the unconscious mind is resistance to any sort of programming this is not true, it is open to programming and it blatantly says that on JOS, so unless you can get any quote from JOS or clergy to backup your claims what you're saying is quite literally disinfo and contradictory to what's written on JOS.

Another thing, you said that my quote refers to psychotherapy, again you're wrong, my quote refers to hypnotherapy that should've been obvious.

And again, another thing, you said the unconscious is where the will is located, again you're wrong, the will is located in the solar chakra this is blatantly stated on JOS.
the 'will' is the simply the influence that you exert, the unconscious does not exert influence, it takes in influence as it is receptive, it's blatantly stated in the 1st link that i sent you, again you really should read up on JOS.

what you mentioned about HPMaxine intuitively knowing something, yes this does deal with the unconscious because the unconscious is receptive and will sense this, but sensing something and resisting something are 2 different things, so what's your point here?

Again like i said, a binding is imposing your will onto something, i.e influencing them. but the key word here is 'imposing' i.e forcing.
you can influence them for the better or worse this is obvious, however an HP has already said that doing bindings onto SS is forbidden.
Just because you help someone doesn't mean that they wanted it, or if you can help someone it doesn't necessarily mean that they'll welcome the help.

My understanding literally comes from the JOS, unlike you spreading disinfo with no sources on JOS or clergy to back it up, experience is mostly irrelevant here as what i say is common logic that does not require experience not like you would even be able to gauge or deduce the amount of experience i have especially when you say noting but disinfo. and no i don't really care about the stereotypes of love magic, i'm not sure if you even knew but i had defended your points that you made on the previous topic about love spells, simply because i don't give a shit about the ethics involved and i said that if he felt like doing a love spell he should.
I also don't care if you supported the portraits or not i was speaking to OP not you.
so it was quite irreverent of you to even bring these up.
Rook said:
Jack said:
Rook said:
The underlined statement is just plain wrong,
Do you not realize the reason why people do workings on other people at night is because they're unconscious? the unconscious mind does not resist it is open to programming as the logical 'conscious' mind is turned off when one is asleep, this is why people preform workings on others at night and why the enemy also attacks people the most when they're asleep.
The only resistance one can have is if they themselves or someone else places blocks in their mind, but even these blocks can be broken down by repeated programming this is why most workings are not just a 1 shot deal.
This is common knowledge that all SS should know, i suggest you start reading up on JOS:
I'm not pathological and I'm replying to this man contextually. I specifically mentioned that not taking someones will was a basic tenet of positive magick.A love spell is not a binding spell,nowhere on this website can such a similarity be found. A love spell is simply programmed energy with your desire. The quote your referencing is a quote about psychotherapy. An equivalence can be made with magick when magick is done on a normal person,but this equivalence cannot be made when both parties involved have had some semblance of spirituality.

Your understanding about this is inherently flawed since your equating modern psychotherapy with magick which is a technology thousands of years old where people we're spiritually advanced. I'll word in a simple way you can understand. Its true that in certain stages ,people are more susceptible to manipulation I.e making them do something against their will. But
different people have different experiences in trance and different people take different time getting into trance. Its very very hard to hypnotize some people while some get hypnotized immediately. Some people have trouble making affirmations work and for some they work without resistance. There are a lot of variables to consider and its not black and white.

The unconscious is where ones will is located. It is your sense of self at a soul level. That is why I said in the immediate quote that most people do not have a will so they will do as the witch commands as is his right under natural law. But someone who is experienced in meditation will have a strong sense of self. The unconscious barrier is extremely strong to outside influence. And there are small astral protections placed at specific points. That's why experienced meditators get premonitions that someone who is doing magick on them and can see visions of them. HPMaxine intuitively knew and confronted a Christian woman for praying for her. She didn't get affected by the mass hypnosis of the enemy thought form.

Similarly this man who has meditated does not have a weak unconscious. He has a sense of self and he can intuitively figure out who the magick practitioner is and what she's doing. He is not complete control. That is what I meant by the unconscious violently resisting the change. This is all contextual.

Listen unethical would be striping someone of their will. But there is nothing unethical when they do not have a will to begin with. Nature gives authority to the powerful to regulate the weak. There is no alternative. You cannot be powerful and not have order and control.

Think about a healing spell. Are you taking away someones will ? *Fuck you. I'm going to heal you by any means necessary. I don't give a fuck if you wanna be healed or not.* Similarly a positive magick like a love spell cannot be equated with bindings. And a spell on a normal person doesn't equate a spell on a spiritually experienced person.

So your understanding is flawed stemming from a place of inexperience as well as previous stereotypes about love magick. And do understand I never supported nor commented appreciating those portraits. Infact those portraits were exposed by HPHC through my topic after which I posted his comments on the original portrait topic and they got exposed.
No one claimed you were pathlogical, but now that you mention it you should check that out, since you can't seem to accept the fact that you're wrong when it is blyantly presented to you, either that or your interpretation of english is flawed.

I'm not sure exactly sure why you add so much unnecessary complication to something so simple.
You claimed that the unconscious mind is resistance to any sort of programming this is not true, it is open to programming and it blatantly says that on JOS, so unless you can get any quote from JOS or clergy to backup your claims what you're saying is quite literally disinfo and contradictory to what's written on JOS.

Another thing, you said that my quote refers to psychotherapy, again you're wrong, my quote refers to hypnotherapy that should've been obvious.

And again, another thing, you said the unconscious is where the will is located, again you're wrong, the will is located in the solar chakra this is blatantly stated on JOS.
the 'will' is the simply the influence that you exert, the unconscious does not exert influence, it takes in influence as it is receptive, it's blatantly stated in the 1st link that i sent you, again you really should read up on JOS.

what you mentioned about HPMaxine intuitively knowing something, yes this does deal with the unconscious because the unconscious is receptive and will sense this, but sensing something and resisting something are 2 different things, so what's your point here?

Again like i said, a binding is imposing your will onto something, i.e influencing them. but the key word here is 'imposing' i.e forcing.
you can influence them for the better or worse this is obvious, however an HP has already said that doing bindings onto SS is forbidden.
Just because you help someone doesn't mean that they wanted it, or if you can help someone it doesn't necessarily mean that they'll welcome the help.

My understanding literally comes from the JOS, unlike you spreading disinfo with no sources on JOS or clergy to back it up, experience is mostly irrelevant here as what i say is common logic that does not require experience not like you would even be able to gauge or deduce the amount of experience i have especially when you say noting but disinfo. and no i don't really care about the stereotypes of love magic, i'm not sure if you even knew but i had defended your points that you made on the previous topic about love spells, simply because i don't give a shit about the ethics involved and i said that if he felt like doing a love spell he should.
I also don't care if you supported the portraits or not i was speaking to OP not you.
so it was quite irreverent of you to even bring these up.
Thanks for pointing it out that ,that was the quote from hypnotherapy not psychotherapy I wrote it quickly so I misplaced words.

Now point by point,
1)By will I'm not talking about 'willpower' or any kind of influence. I'm talking about your sense of self I.e your beliefs about yourself and your understanding. Your identity. And yes that is located inside the unconscious. The sense of self is like a onion and there are some core beliefs and there are some surrounding beliefs. And its like an onion. And I didn't get this analogy by myself. Just like your quoting a hypnotherapy quote. I'm paraphrasing Milton Erickson one of the most influential hypnotherapists.

2) The unconscious is open to change but not always. And its not 'completely' open to change in many cases as in painting a complete white canvas with whatever color you want.There are times when affirmations don't work. There are times workings do not manifest. As you so correctly pointed out, this is where you have psychological blocks that prevent the new programming to go inside. As the unconscious has a strong sense of self, anything contrary to that it resists. Unless you resolve that issue,no amount of affirmations will work. The CIA and other organizations around the world as well as cults could not directly hypnotize many a subjects. Subsequently in their experiments they proceeded to torture them physically and psychologically to first break their sense of self and then hypnotize them. Cults do the same as well as gangs. There are more constructive methods to change the core beliefs in hypnotherapy but that is another topic.

Similarly those who are astrally advanced develop astral protections that resist this kind of magickal change. As in HPSMaxines case,she knew about the magick and no amount of programming went inside. She was in complete control. There are numerous testaments to this on this forum, cases where people suspected others of doing magick on them,many a times knowing which magick, and resisting them, foiling their plans. Some years back wiccans had tried to bind us. Our HPs intuitively figured it out and we actively resisted it. No amount of magick they did worked in the dead of the night. Our sense of selves were stronger and we returned these curses back magnified to them. So no, contextually not everyone is open to change and certainly not an SS who has meditated and honed his skill. Similarly a normal person does not have a very strong sense of self. His onion is too small or any related beliefs or understandings we're trying to introduce is nonexistent to begin with. Our targeted magick can easily get past his barriers but this is not same to those who are advanced in magick.

3) I do not write disinfo. I add to things already grounded within context from my understanding and my experience. Reading a site over and over means nothing unless you applied what's mentioned within, fail, and succeed and this list goes. If you do not read hypnotherapy as I have done, you would not have this understanding that I do. If you didn't research into cults, you wouldn't know how they employ the strategies they do and why. Nothing I have said in this topic violates any fundamental reality of either magick or hypnotherapy. It simply adds to it contextually.

Its very simple to understand but if you refuse to accept information that is both experience from other members and HPS, advanced books on hypnotherapy and keep repeating the 'unconscious is open to change' without understanding what variables go into play here, you will be considered pathological.

And I said earlier I was not pathological as in I understand that not everything is an enemy attack and people who meditate can discern the truth. The Gods also work in such ways to let spiritually advanced ,racially fit individuals procreate to create superior progency. And you take a love spell as an attack or imposition of will due to Jewish stereotypes. Your communicating your will,not imposing it. If she inherently does not have a strong enough will to resist it ,there is no question of imposition since you didn't break anything to make it pass through. And as you quote from the main website, can you provide any relevant information where such a similarity is being made,I.e love spell=binding ?
Jack said:
2) The unconscious is open to change but not always . . . As you so correctly pointed out, this is where you have psychological blocks that prevent the new programming to go inside.
Yes, thank you, was that so hard for you to say?
The rest of your points are still mostly BS, but it's irrelevant to the topic and i don't want to wait for you to write a couple more novels just for you to grasp a simple thing.
Rook said:
Jack said:
2) The unconscious is open to change but not always . . . As you so correctly pointed out, this is where you have psychological blocks that prevent the new programming to go inside.
Yes, thank you, was that so hard for you to say?
The rest of your points are still mostly BS, but it's irrelevant to the topic and i don't want to wait for you to write a couple more novels just for you to grasp a simple thing.
Why do you feel that you have to so forcefully try to convince Jack that he is wrong? I'm just wondering. I agree with Jack about it more than I agree with you.

This guy has not been bound, he has not been cursed. All that happened is 2 people who loved each other in the past, and who still loved each other for a very long time, and recently one of them wishes to reawaken that love, and they both feel what the situation is. Do you seriously think that is a bad thing? Or that this is some kind of evil curse on him? This guy is not a golem, he is not a mindless slave forced to love her back, non of this is controlling him in any way he doesn't want. He knows what the situation is, and he has the full choice and the full power to either block her, or to agree to reawaken this with her. Nothing is against his will because it's his choice what to do about it. And it's not like this is some subconscious secret hypnotism or whatever you said, because he knows about it and is full able to block it if he chooses to. Nobody's will is being stepped on here. It's just a form of telepathic communication between them that one of them did.

Rook I just think you had some ideas that weren't all true or realistic, and you had to take down Jack's opinion because he disagreed. And tried to take him down over pointless unrelated tangents like "Is it psychotherapy or is it hypnosis" or whatever that all was, I'm not gonna repeat all your paragraphs of unrelated stuff. But I just think your being unrealistic and incorrect, and being too hard on Jack for no good reason.
Rook said:
Jack said:
2) The unconscious is open to change but not always . . . As you so correctly pointed out, this is where you have psychological blocks that prevent the new programming to go inside.
Yes, thank you, was that so hard for you to say?
The rest of your points are still mostly BS, but it's irrelevant to the topic and i don't want to wait for you to write a couple more novels just for you to grasp a simple thing.
That wasn't hard for me because I was saying it again and again but since you have some sort of pathological obsession you can't seem to grasp a very easily understandable concept unless I write it in relation to you, indicating deep solipsistic traits. And none of these points are bs. These are either direct experiences from advanced members,paraphrasing from Milton Erickson (a core work upon which hypnotherapy stands) or my direct experience replied contextually for a meditator doing a love spell upon another meditator. And unless you keep repeating the 'the unconscious is open to change' line like a retard without having any understanding in which context it is written and the different variables that go in it in different situations,you should in fact stop writing to me unless you get some basic understanding and experience on these subjects.

I'm very embarrassed to do this, but putting my pride elsewhere I'll small chunk it

1)The unconscious is open to change from outside influences but not completely and unless one has psychological blocks or astral protections.

2)Normal people do not have either, generally.

3)Meditators develop protections against such influence. They get premonitions that magick Is being done on them. Sometimes they can even know who is doing magick against them. They are not affected and are in control.

And in this context,
1)Meditator gets premonition and can see ex gf doing love magick on him.
2)He seeks counsel from his brothers.
3)Ex gf is hot,interested in spirituality. Could be made into a Satanist if not already one. Potential partner in a dystopian society.
4)Members wishing his best tell him to get with her ASAP.

I'm not sure of this is still cognitively hard to understand. These are very basic understandings.
When someone makes huge posts talking around in circles about the mind not really being open to suggestion and then backslides out of it this is a problem. In the end of the day most of what jack said is bs indeed and no amount of beating around the bush can change this.

"And unless you keep repeating the 'the unconscious is open to change' line like a retard without having any understanding in which context it is written and the different variables that go in it in different situations,you should in fact stop writing to me unless you get some basic understanding and experience on these subjects."

The unconscious is very vulnerable and steps myst be taken to protect it or it will remain vulnerable. Are you retarded perhaps? You made a massive post on the government using psychic powers awhile back but clearly the whole thing was a copy paste job as you clear either do not understand or you are spreading misinformation on purpose. This behaviour is messed up. Kindly clean up your act or better yet take your acting elsewhere.

Jack:" hey everybody! your unconscious is really ok and this is why! if someone casts a sleep on you when your asleep you will have a premonition and now its all ok!!"

Uuuhhhh no!! A premonition is a fucking prediction warning that something is going to happen. Like if 2 or 3 days ago you were told lookout some asshole is going to do something bad. Having a dream as someone casts a spell on you is a result of psychic energies directed at you already being put into motion and starting to work in the mental sphere. If you do not understand something so incredibly elementary then you have no place telling anyone anything about the unconscious. This Rook guy should get a fucking medal and not be talked down.

Either come right or dont. Goodbye.
This nonsense all started from the absurd idea that the Gods are apparently keeping us as sheltered spiritual infants with no personal responsibility or the ability to choose what we want as Satanists to influence us or not. Music is vibration that gets into one's subconscious and often manipulates their thoughts and emotions, and plenty of Satanists listen to music, do the Gods suddenly turn off the audio and give us a little chastisement for listening to something that might be negative? Oh wait, what's this void meditation they taught to us along with countless other spiritual disciplines to hone our minds and allow us to fully control our emotions? It isn't hard to understand the difference between two Satanists cursing/binding each other and standing in the way of Satan's work being carried out, and the OP's case. The energy and intention is drastically different and that's what makes the spell what it is.

Speaking of manipulation and the subconscious, you can see a little bit of the subconscious Xtian programming coming out here with the posts claiming that the Gods are going to flip out about a man's ex girlfriend using spirituality taught by them to manipulate his emotions in a way he has no problem with, has full control over, serves as a spiritual lesson to him, and has positive intentions/energy behind it. One should always analyze their own thoughts and the garbage that might be seeping out of them before seeking to "correct" others and assume the Gods will do such and such. This is why deprogramming from lifetimes of Xtianity and related enemy programs is so important and something that often takes many years to achieve. Wiccans are often afraid to even attempt to cast simple spells because of the Xtianized "Gods will punish you if you do x, y, and z" lie. Hopefully that's all that needs be said as this is just common sense like I said in my last few posts.

@Jack you had no need to "put your pride elsewhere" since these guys needed a refresher on all of this to begin with.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Rook said:
Jack said:
2) The unconscious is open to change but not always . . . As you so correctly pointed out, this is where you have psychological blocks that prevent the new programming to go inside.
Yes, thank you, was that so hard for you to say?
The rest of your points are still mostly BS, but it's irrelevant to the topic and i don't want to wait for you to write a couple more novels just for you to grasp a simple thing.
Why do you feel that you have to so forcefully try to convince Jack that he is wrong? I'm just wondering. I agree with Jack about it more than I agree with you.

This guy has not been bound, he has not been cursed. All that happened is 2 people who loved each other in the past, and who still loved each other for a very long time, and recently one of them wishes to reawaken that love, and they both feel what the situation is. Do you seriously think that is a bad thing? Or that this is some kind of evil curse on him? This guy is not a golem, he is not a mindless slave forced to love her back, non of this is controlling him in any way he doesn't want. He knows what the situation is, and he has the full choice and the full power to either block her, or to agree to reawaken this with her. Nothing is against his will because it's his choice what to do about it. And it's not like this is some subconscious secret hypnotism or whatever you said, because he knows about it and is full able to block it if he chooses to. Nobody's will is being stepped on here. It's just a form of telepathic communication between them that one of them did.

Rook I just think you had some ideas that weren't all true or realistic, and you had to take down Jack's opinion because he disagreed. And tried to take him down over pointless unrelated tangents like "Is it psychotherapy or is it hypnosis" or whatever that all was, I'm not gonna repeat all your paragraphs of unrelated stuff. But I just think your being unrealistic and incorrect, and being too hard on Jack for no good reason.
Yeah as I was saying the girl is simply communicating her desire. I suspect this was used like this in the distant past where humans we're telepathically advanced. You understand this pretty well bro
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Rook said:
Jack said:
2) The unconscious is open to change but not always . . . As you so correctly pointed out, this is where you have psychological blocks that prevent the new programming to go inside.
Yes, thank you, was that so hard for you to say?
The rest of your points are still mostly BS, but it's irrelevant to the topic and i don't want to wait for you to write a couple more novels just for you to grasp a simple thing.
Why do you feel that you have to so forcefully try to convince Jack that he is wrong? I'm just wondering. I agree with Jack about it more than I agree with you.

This guy has not been bound, he has not been cursed. All that happened is 2 people who loved each other in the past, and who still loved each other for a very long time, and recently one of them wishes to reawaken that love, and they both feel what the situation is. Do you seriously think that is a bad thing? Or that this is some kind of evil curse on him? This guy is not a golem, he is not a mindless slave forced to love her back, non of this is controlling him in any way he doesn't want. He knows what the situation is, and he has the full choice and the full power to either block her, or to agree to reawaken this with her. Nothing is against his will because it's his choice what to do about it. And it's not like this is some subconscious secret hypnotism or whatever you said, because he knows about it and is full able to block it if he chooses to. Nobody's will is being stepped on here. It's just a form of telepathic communication between them that one of them did.

Rook I just think you had some ideas that weren't all true or realistic, and you had to take down Jack's opinion because he disagreed. And tried to take him down over pointless unrelated tangents like "Is it psychotherapy or is it hypnosis" or whatever that all was, I'm not gonna repeat all your paragraphs of unrelated stuff. But I just think your being unrealistic and incorrect, and being too hard on Jack for no good reason.
I didn't force him to do anything, he did that on his own and whether you agree with him more or not does not magically make his argument valid.

psychically manipulating an SS is not going to work like we have a GD for a reason, you know? they'd stop it entirely or give a warning like the one he got, and to deduce that he was okay with it or not based on what's said after being manipulated makes no sense, because the only reason why he feels that way could be a result of being manipulated and the dream was most likely a warning pointing out that the only reason why he feels this way is due to being manipulated.

And no this was not a telepathic communication between both him and her, OP quite literally said "In the dream I clearly saw her practicing strong magic" i'm not sure if you can't read or if you intentionally missed that.

"subconscious secret hypnotism or whatever you said"
i'm going to take your homespun wording as a result of your ignorance, but the quote i gave him came straight from JOS.

it's also ironic that you said "And tried to take him down over pointless unrelated tangents like "Is it psychotherapy or is it hypnosis" or whatever that all was"
Because that's what he did in an attempt to undermine the quote i gave him, so blaming me for this is quite hypocritical.
And no this isn't a matter of being unrealistic or incorrect, i quite literally had the legitimate sources to back up my statements, he did not, and no i was not being hard on him at all it's ironic again for you to say this as i simply took the same attitude he gave me after i merely pointed out that his statement was straight up false with the necessary legitimate sources to back it up , yet he proceeded to write me a bunch of BS while also trying to undermine my understanding and my experiences, so again you're quite the hypocrite.
Jack said:
Rook said:
Jack said:
2) The unconscious is open to change but not always . . . As you so correctly pointed out, this is where you have psychological blocks that prevent the new programming to go inside.
Yes, thank you, was that so hard for you to say?
The rest of your points are still mostly BS, but it's irrelevant to the topic and i don't want to wait for you to write a couple more novels just for you to grasp a simple thing.
That wasn't hard for me because I was saying it again and again but since you have some sort of pathological obsession you can't seem to grasp a very easily understandable concept unless I write it in relation to you, indicating deep solipsistic traits. And none of these points are bs. These are either direct experiences from advanced members,paraphrasing from Milton Erickson (a core work upon which hypnotherapy stands) or my direct experience replied contextually for a meditator doing a love spell upon another meditator. And unless you keep repeating the 'the unconscious is open to change' line like a retard without having any understanding in which context it is written and the different variables that go in it in different situations,you should in fact stop writing to me unless you get some basic understanding and experience on these subjects.

I'm very embarrassed to do this, but putting my pride elsewhere I'll small chunk it

1)The unconscious is open to change from outside influences but not completely and unless one has psychological blocks or astral protections.

2)Normal people do not have either, generally.

3)Meditators develop protections against such influence. They get premonitions that magick Is being done on them. Sometimes they can even know who is doing magick against them. They are not affected and are in control.

And in this context,
1)Meditator gets premonition and can see ex gf doing love magick on him.
2)He seeks counsel from his brothers.
3)Ex gf is hot,interested in spirituality. Could be made into a Satanist if not already one. Potential partner in a dystopian society.
4)Members wishing his best tell him to get with her ASAP.

I'm not sure of this is still cognitively hard to understand. These are very basic understandings.
The only one who doesn't get the context is you really, you keep shoveling irrelevant BS, do try to get these 'advance members' to come back you up or something to show some validity, because right now all you did was shorten your BS, and it's quite futile arguing with someone who just keeps bring up BS, my quote is already there and you've yet to bring anything of legitimate value to invalidate what i had initially said to you, again you may continue to bring your BS but i don't intent to continue this especially when i have already proven my point.
The question of love spells is a question of these:

1. Who is doing it to whom
2. What intentions are behind them
3. What one desires as an end result
4. How they are done
5. Whether said situation is positive or negative

Based on the above parameters the Gods may or may not intervene. They can see intentions, the future, and a lot of things humans cannot.

Love magick can be ethical or unethical, or with good or bad goals in mind. It cannot be treated as a singular condition. Also, love is a very complicated matter, and said matters, should ideally be dealt with conscience and maturity, but this is not always the case.

As such unpredictable things fall down in the hands of nature and life as with anything else, with us sitting as modulators of ethics when things get seriously out of control or start to be harmful.

If the girl did a spell to you, the Gods wouldn't "protect" you from it unless it was a big danger. The fact that you are aware of it means that you are capable to decide the outcome of said event, even if you are emotionally inflated from this.

There is also a chance that she did NOT cast a spell on you, but something between the two of you interacted, planetary or otherwise, re-sparking old memories or feelings.

Despite of which of the above this is the case, this is clearly not beyond you, and even if intended for manipulative purposes, you have the free will to decide, that was earned to you by you spiritually advancing and being aware.

For all of this to be possible in the first place, there is some clause in yourself that still has something for this particular girl or person.

Depending on your decision you have to deal with this and decide. As far as the Gods in this case, you have a choice, so that is them, considering your dream showed that she essentially may have 'overpowered you, even in hypothetical circumstance. This can happen with some people who may have natural potential even if they do not meditate, compared to a new or unpracticed Satanist, but this doesn't mean that what they do will work necessarily.
Scion of Atlantis said:
This nonsense all started from the absurd idea that the Gods are apparently keeping us as sheltered spiritual infants with no personal responsibility or the ability to choose what we want as Satanists to influence us or not. Music is vibration that gets into one's subconscious and often manipulates their thoughts and emotions, and plenty of Satanists listen to music, do the Gods suddenly turn off the audio and give us a little chastisement for listening to something that might be negative? Oh wait, what's this void meditation they taught to us along with countless other spiritual disciplines to hone our minds and allow us to fully control our emotions? It isn't hard to understand the difference between two Satanists cursing/binding each other and standing in the way of Satan's work being carried out, and the OP's case. The energy and intention is drastically different and that's what makes the spell what it is.

Speaking of manipulation and the subconscious, you can see a little bit of the subconscious Xtian programming coming out here with the posts claiming that the Gods are going to flip out about a man's ex girlfriend using spirituality taught by them to manipulate his emotions in a way he has no problem with, has full control over, serves as a spiritual lesson to him, and has positive intentions/energy behind it. One should always analyze their own thoughts and the garbage that might be seeping out of them before seeking to "correct" others and assume the Gods will do such and such. This is why deprogramming from lifetimes of Xtianity and related enemy programs is so important and something that often takes many years to achieve. Wiccans are often afraid to even attempt to cast simple spells because of the Xtianized "Gods will punish you if you do x, y, and z" lie. Hopefully that's all that needs be said as this is just common sense like I said in my last few posts.

@Jack you had no need to "put your pride elsewhere" since these guys needed a refresher on all of this to begin with.
I'm not sure about you, but people listen to music while they're conscious, not unconscious or do you simply knock yourself out whenever music starts playing?
Yes people put a lot of effort into getting their music to affect the subconscious via subliminal messages, but that compared to psychically programming someone while they're unconscious is a weak comparison.

Satan's work? what you mean manipulating someone into liking them?
programming someone to like you and to find you irresistible is a binding, did i really have to point this out for you?
just because it's used for love doesn't mean it isn't manipulation lol.
Scion of Atlantis said:
This nonsense all started from the absurd idea that the Gods are apparently keeping us as sheltered spiritual infants with no personal responsibility or the ability to choose what we want as Satanists to influence us or not.

No, that's not how all of this started. I tried to explain that the Gods would protect a Satanist from another and it's a serious offence to attack another Satanist and imo the way OP described the love spell which they think their ex casted on them seemed to be by manipulating OP's will, but you're too stupid to understand that and kept putting words in my mouth even after I explained how love spells can be done by reprogramming someone's subconscious against their will and it's a serious offence when done between Satanists which Satan does NOT allow hence why I said it's the only "sin" in Satanism and wrote it in quotations for a lack of a better word. But you still called it stupid which made it clear you have 0 idea what you're talking about. This was never about the Gods babysitting us, but you kept saying so even after I clearly said that wasn't what I mean, perhaps you used to think this way and now you're projecting your insecurities on me.

I wasn't going to reply to you since you made it clear you lack any basic understanding, but since you still insist on making a fool out of yourself I figured one last reply would be beneficial.

And yes, the subconscious is reprogrammable and is surprisingly easy to reprogram. Especially when the person is asleep.

This is the last reply I'm posting on this thread, take it as you will.
Scion of Atlantis said:
This nonsense all started from the absurd idea that the Gods are apparently keeping us as sheltered spiritual infants with no personal responsibility or the ability to choose what we want as Satanists to influence us or not. Music is vibration that gets into one's subconscious and often manipulates their thoughts and emotions, and plenty of Satanists listen to music, do the Gods suddenly turn off the audio and give us a little chastisement for listening to something that might be negative? Oh wait, what's this void meditation they taught to us along with countless other spiritual disciplines to hone our minds and allow us to fully control our emotions? It isn't hard to understand the difference between two Satanists cursing/binding each other and standing in the way of Satan's work being carried out, and the OP's case. The energy and intention is drastically different and that's what makes the spell what it is.

Speaking of manipulation and the subconscious, you can see a little bit of the subconscious Xtian programming coming out here with the posts claiming that the Gods are going to flip out about a man's ex girlfriend using spirituality taught by them to manipulate his emotions in a way he has no problem with, has full control over, serves as a spiritual lesson to him, and has positive intentions/energy behind it. One should always analyze their own thoughts and the garbage that might be seeping out of them before seeking to "correct" others and assume the Gods will do such and such. This is why deprogramming from lifetimes of Xtianity and related enemy programs is so important and something that often takes many years to achieve. Wiccans are often afraid to even attempt to cast simple spells because of the Xtianized "Gods will punish you if you do x, y, and z" lie. Hopefully that's all that needs be said as this is just common sense like I said in my last few posts.

@Jack you had no need to "put your pride elsewhere" since these guys needed a refresher on all of this to begin with.
:) Yes, thank you for explaining this better than I did. This is what I meant too.
Rook said:
Jack said:
Rook said:
Yes, thank you, was that so hard for you to say?
The rest of your points are still mostly BS, but it's irrelevant to the topic and i don't want to wait for you to write a couple more novels just for you to grasp a simple thing.
That wasn't hard for me because I was saying it again and again but since you have some sort of pathological obsession you can't seem to grasp a very easily understandable concept unless I write it in relation to you, indicating deep solipsistic traits. And none of these points are bs. These are either direct experiences from advanced members,paraphrasing from Milton Erickson (a core work upon which hypnotherapy stands) or my direct experience replied contextually for a meditator doing a love spell upon another meditator. And unless you keep repeating the 'the unconscious is open to change' line like a retard without having any understanding in which context it is written and the different variables that go in it in different situations,you should in fact stop writing to me unless you get some basic understanding and experience on these subjects.

I'm very embarrassed to do this, but putting my pride elsewhere I'll small chunk it

1)The unconscious is open to change from outside influences but not completely and unless one has psychological blocks or astral protections.

2)Normal people do not have either, generally.

3)Meditators develop protections against such influence. They get premonitions that magick Is being done on them. Sometimes they can even know who is doing magick against them. They are not affected and are in control.

And in this context,
1)Meditator gets premonition and can see ex gf doing love magick on him.
2)He seeks counsel from his brothers.
3)Ex gf is hot,interested in spirituality. Could be made into a Satanist if not already one. Potential partner in a dystopian society.
4)Members wishing his best tell him to get with her ASAP.

I'm not sure of this is still cognitively hard to understand. These are very basic understandings.
The only one who doesn't get the context is you really, you keep shoveling irrelevant BS, do try to get these 'advance members' to come back you up or something to show some validity, because right now all you did was shorten your BS, and it's quite futile arguing with someone who just keeps bring up BS, my quote is already there and you've yet to bring anything of legitimate value to invalidate what i had initially said to you, again you may continue to bring your BS but i don't intent to continue this especially when i have already proven my point.
You have neither proven any point nor is this any BS without any source. These are simple understandings which one gets when he reads a little or practices magick and has been on the forums for long. It is however unfortunate that you pathologically keep insisting you've done some noble disproving of a point when all you've done is quote the website without understanding context of any situation. I also do not intend to continue this because I believe all of our members are above a certain IQ to easily grasp these basic things,even if you can't and it is good your quote stands as they can easily judge for themselves what was contextually correct and still remains correct.
Rook said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Rook said:
Yes, thank you, was that so hard for you to say?
The rest of your points are still mostly BS, but it's irrelevant to the topic and i don't want to wait for you to write a couple more novels just for you to grasp a simple thing.
Why do you feel that you have to so forcefully try to convince Jack that he is wrong? I'm just wondering. I agree with Jack about it more than I agree with you.

This guy has not been bound, he has not been cursed. All that happened is 2 people who loved each other in the past, and who still loved each other for a very long time, and recently one of them wishes to reawaken that love, and they both feel what the situation is. Do you seriously think that is a bad thing? Or that this is some kind of evil curse on him? This guy is not a golem, he is not a mindless slave forced to love her back, non of this is controlling him in any way he doesn't want. He knows what the situation is, and he has the full choice and the full power to either block her, or to agree to reawaken this with her. Nothing is against his will because it's his choice what to do about it. And it's not like this is some subconscious secret hypnotism or whatever you said, because he knows about it and is full able to block it if he chooses to. Nobody's will is being stepped on here. It's just a form of telepathic communication between them that one of them did.

Rook I just think you had some ideas that weren't all true or realistic, and you had to take down Jack's opinion because he disagreed. And tried to take him down over pointless unrelated tangents like "Is it psychotherapy or is it hypnosis" or whatever that all was, I'm not gonna repeat all your paragraphs of unrelated stuff. But I just think your being unrealistic and incorrect, and being too hard on Jack for no good reason.
I didn't force him to do anything, he did that on his own and whether you agree with him more or not does not magically make his argument valid.

psychically manipulating an SS is not going to work like we have a GD for a reason, you know? they'd stop it entirely or give a warning like the one he got, and to deduce that he was okay with it or not based on what's said after being manipulated makes no sense, because the only reason why he feels that way could be a result of being manipulated and the dream was most likely a warning pointing out that the only reason why he feels this way is due to being manipulated.

And no this was not a telepathic communication between both him and her, OP quite literally said "In the dream I clearly saw her practicing strong magic" i'm not sure if you can't read or if you intentionally missed that.

"subconscious secret hypnotism or whatever you said"
i'm going to take your homespun wording as a result of your ignorance, but the quote i gave him came straight from JOS.

it's also ironic that you said "And tried to take him down over pointless unrelated tangents like "Is it psychotherapy or is it hypnosis" or whatever that all was"
Because that's what he did in an attempt to undermine the quote i gave him, so blaming me for this is quite hypocritical.
And no this isn't a matter of being unrealistic or incorrect, i quite literally had the legitimate sources to back up my statements, he did not, and no i was not being hard on him at all it's ironic again for you to say this as i simply took the same attitude he gave me after i merely pointed out that his statement was straight up false with the necessary legitimate sources to back it up , yet he proceeded to write me a bunch of BS while also trying to undermine my understanding and my experiences, so again you're quite the hypocrite.
The statement was not false,it was used within context as meditators get these premonitions but you pathologically keep insisting you did something when all you did is create ruckus without understanding context.
returner said:
When someone makes huge posts talking around in circles about the mind not really being open to suggestion and then backslides out of it this is a problem. In the end of the day most of what jack said is bs indeed and no amount of beating around the bush can change this.

"And unless you keep repeating the 'the unconscious is open to change' line like a retard without having any understanding in which context it is written and the different variables that go in it in different situations,you should in fact stop writing to me unless you get some basic understanding and experience on these subjects."

The unconscious is very vulnerable and steps myst be taken to protect it or it will remain vulnerable. Are you retarded perhaps? You made a massive post on the government using psychic powers awhile back but clearly the whole thing was a copy paste job as you clear either do not understand or you are spreading misinformation on purpose. This behaviour is messed up. Kindly clean up your act or better yet take your acting elsewhere.

Jack:" hey everybody! your unconscious is really ok and this is why! if someone casts a sleep on you when your asleep you will have a premonition and now its all ok!!"

Uuuhhhh no!! A premonition is a fucking prediction warning that something is going to happen. Like if 2 or 3 days ago you were told lookout some asshole is going to do something bad. Having a dream as someone casts a spell on you is a result of psychic energies directed at you already being put into motion and starting to work in the mental sphere. If you do not understand something so incredibly elementary then you have no place telling anyone anything about the unconscious. This Rook guy should get a fucking medal and not be talked down.

Either come right or dont. Goodbye.
The government was researching psychic phenomenon. The government was also experimenting with mind control. And one of the things that the government did in its research was to drug people, deprive them of sleep and food,torture them because they could not hypnotize the subject using classical hypnotherapy. These subjects didn't have the 'extremely vulnerable' subconscious as your saying. And saying an SS has a weak subconscious against magick is self deprecation and retarded. The Jews curse us everyday and we reverse their curses, enemies attack us but we send these attacks back. We're not unconsciously affected, or are you ? Do you not meditate ?

The instances I gave,HPMaxine not being affected by angelic magick,the wiccans unable to bind us, how is this case any different ? The magick was unable to change this mans mind and put him in control so he came to seek counsel from us.

And what kind of warning for a bad thing is this ?
The OP said,
I used to be with a girl in a very very emotionally intense relationship, she is/was perhaps one of the people I truly love. It kinda had to end abruptly though without much explanation from both sides. The emotions of our separation were very intense and uncontrollable from both sides, indeed we both suffered a lot much to our surprise.
So judging from a normal humans perspective
1)The OP loves the girl
2)The girl is hot
3)The girl practices spirituality
4)The girl may be a Satanist/could be informed further and might become a Satanist.
5)It's extremely hard to find a good compatible mate and settle down and raise kids in the western dystopian society
6)More white kids
7)Kids will be of superior progency as both practice spiritually.

What kind of insanse pathological psycho would take this as an attack and tell this man to not go out with this woman who he truly truly loves ?

What the fuck man ? Is this still a matter of debate ? What the fuck is the point of this debate ?

Its so fucking simple to understand.
1)Not all things are attacks some things are beneficial for you.
2)You get to choose and take responsibility for your actions when you know someone is doing something to you.
3)As HPHC said the gods intervene in only special cases. The gods may have allowed it because they want these people together ?/ Maybe ?
4)SS do not have extremely vulnerable psyches to outside influence and those who claim either haven't meditated enough or are self deprecating fools. Its at least much stronger that the normal humans psyche.
5)That quote is a clinical hypnotherapy quote talking about 'Hypnotherapy.'
Magick is not exactly just hypnotherapy. There are astral dynamics at work here that do not apply to hypnotherapy. Is it so fucking hard to understand ?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
