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Ex girlfriend used sex magic on me?

Rook said:
Scion of Atlantis said:
This nonsense all started from the absurd idea that the Gods are apparently keeping us as sheltered spiritual infants with no personal responsibility or the ability to choose what we want as Satanists to influence us or not. Music is vibration that gets into one's subconscious and often manipulates their thoughts and emotions, and plenty of Satanists listen to music, do the Gods suddenly turn off the audio and give us a little chastisement for listening to something that might be negative? Oh wait, what's this void meditation they taught to us along with countless other spiritual disciplines to hone our minds and allow us to fully control our emotions? It isn't hard to understand the difference between two Satanists cursing/binding each other and standing in the way of Satan's work being carried out, and the OP's case. The energy and intention is drastically different and that's what makes the spell what it is.

Speaking of manipulation and the subconscious, you can see a little bit of the subconscious Xtian programming coming out here with the posts claiming that the Gods are going to flip out about a man's ex girlfriend using spirituality taught by them to manipulate his emotions in a way he has no problem with, has full control over, serves as a spiritual lesson to him, and has positive intentions/energy behind it. One should always analyze their own thoughts and the garbage that might be seeping out of them before seeking to "correct" others and assume the Gods will do such and such. This is why deprogramming from lifetimes of Xtianity and related enemy programs is so important and something that often takes many years to achieve. Wiccans are often afraid to even attempt to cast simple spells because of the Xtianized "Gods will punish you if you do x, y, and z" lie. Hopefully that's all that needs be said as this is just common sense like I said in my last few posts.

@Jack you had no need to "put your pride elsewhere" since these guys needed a refresher on all of this to begin with.
I'm not sure about you, but people listen to music while they're conscious, not unconscious or do you simply knock yourself out whenever music starts playing?
Yes people put a lot of effort into getting their music to affect the subconscious via subliminal messages, but that compared to psychically programming someone while they're unconscious is a weak comparison.

Satan's work? what you mean manipulating someone into liking them?
programming someone to like you and to find you irresistible is a binding, did i really have to point this out for you?
just because it's used for love doesn't mean it isn't manipulation lol.

Love magick can be ethical or unethical, or with good or bad goals in mind. It cannot be treated as a singular condition. Also, love is a very complicated matter, and said matters, should ideally be dealt with conscience and maturity, but this is not always the case.
(A premonition is not always for something bad.The caster may have genuinely good intentions in mind.)

If the girl did a spell to you, the Gods wouldn't "protect" you from it unless it was a big danger. The fact that you are aware of it means that you are capable to decide the outcome of said event, even if you are emotionally inflated from this.
(Free Will =/= Binding)

Despite of which of the above this is the case, this is clearly not beyond you, and even if intended for manipulative purposes, you have the free will to decide, that was earned to you by you spiritually advancing and being aware.
(Free Will =/= Binding)

For all of this to be possible in the first place, there is some clause in yourself that still has something for this particular girl or person.
(OP said he truly truly loves her even before this.)

Depending on your decision you have to deal with this and decide. As far as the Gods in this case, you have a choice, so that is them, considering your dream showed that she essentially may have 'overpowered you, even in hypothetical circumstance. This can happen with some people who may have natural potential even if they do not meditate, compared to a new or unpracticed Satanist, but this doesn't mean that what they do will work necessarily.
(Unconscious =/= extremely vulnerable to change for a Satanist.)

Rook wrote:
just because it's used for love doesn't mean it isn't manipulation lol.

Manipulation meaning:
mainly disapproving controlling someone or something to your own advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly:

They have been accused of fraud and stock market manipulations.

There's been so much media manipulation of the facts that nobody knows the truth of the matter.

The country's opposition party claims the president returned to power through political manipulation.

I'm not sure what kind of pathological nihilist would think that love always = manipulation. But you seem like that kind of person to me. This situation definitely does not look like a manipulate ,dishonest,lying kind of love to Me and I wouldn't call that love to begin with. I feel you have been suffering in life to develop this kind of brutal nihilism. I'm sorry for you brother, but unfortunately I can't do anything to cure you of it. I do hope you get over it one day and see what the world has to offer.
Scion of Atlantis said:
This nonsense all started from the absurd idea that the Gods are apparently keeping us as sheltered spiritual infants with no personal responsibility or the ability to choose what we want as Satanists to influence us or not. Music is vibration that gets into one's subconscious and often manipulates their thoughts and emotions, and plenty of Satanists listen to music, do the Gods suddenly turn off the audio and give us a little chastisement for listening to something that might be negative? Oh wait, what's this void meditation they taught to us along with countless other spiritual disciplines to hone our minds and allow us to fully control our emotions? It isn't hard to understand the difference between two Satanists cursing/binding each other and standing in the way of Satan's work being carried out, and the OP's case. The energy and intention is drastically different and that's what makes the spell what it is.

Speaking of manipulation and the subconscious, you can see a little bit of the subconscious Xtian programming coming out here with the posts claiming that the Gods are going to flip out about a man's ex girlfriend using spirituality taught by them to manipulate his emotions in a way he has no problem with, has full control over, serves as a spiritual lesson to him, and has positive intentions/energy behind it. One should always analyze their own thoughts and the garbage that might be seeping out of them before seeking to "correct" others and assume the Gods will do such and such. This is why deprogramming from lifetimes of Xtianity and related enemy programs is so important and something that often takes many years to achieve. Wiccans are often afraid to even attempt to cast simple spells because of the Xtianized "Gods will punish you if you do x, y, and z" lie. Hopefully that's all that needs be said as this is just common sense like I said in my last few posts.

@Jack you had no need to "put your pride elsewhere" since these guys needed a refresher on all of this to begin with.
Bro since I've already put all the information out there and the HP also advised the OP I think we've done all we can. As for the people still claiming every love spell is a manipulation spell,I don't really know what we could say to make them understand any sense. As you pointed out this is deep xianity running and must be rooted out. One must be comfortable with their desires,their list and their bodies.

As I understand these people have gone through severely traumatic childhoods to develop such resentment against the world as well as developing a nihilistic attitude. As a nihilist you think the whole world has no purpose and due to your inherent resentment you think every interaction between people is a power play. I think we can only keep posting relevant contextual information and hope someday these people rise above their resentment and meditate to see the beauty of a woman as well as nature.

I mean imagine a hot girl who you love is masturbating to you shouting "love me,love me back !."

And your like "Fuck this bitch. This is definitely an enemy attack deceiving me. Fuck these reptilian bastards making me think I deserve love. Fuck this world. Fuck everything."

I don't think what we could do with these people bro.
Coraxo said:
Scion of Atlantis said:
This nonsense all started from the absurd idea that the Gods are apparently keeping us as sheltered spiritual infants with no personal responsibility or the ability to choose what we want as Satanists to influence us or not.

No, that's not how all of this started. I tried to explain that the Gods would protect a Satanist from another and it's a serious offence to attack another Satanist and imo the way OP described the love spell which they think their ex casted on them seemed to be by manipulating OP's will, but you're too stupid to understand that and kept putting words in my mouth even after I explained how love spells can be done by reprogramming someone's subconscious against their will and it's a serious offence when done between Satanists which Satan does NOT allow hence why I said it's the only "sin" in Satanism and wrote it in quotations for a lack of a better word. But you still called it stupid which made it clear you have 0 idea what you're talking about. This was never about the Gods babysitting us, but you kept saying so even after I clearly said that wasn't what I mean, perhaps you used to think this way and now you're projecting your insecurities on me.

I wasn't going to reply to you since you made it clear you lack any basic understanding, but since you still insist on making a fool out of yourself I figured one last reply would be beneficial.

And yes, the subconscious is reprogrammable and is surprisingly easy to reprogram. Especially when the person is asleep.

This is the last reply I'm posting on this thread, take it as you will.

Coraxo wrote:
I tried to explain that the Gods would protect a Satanist from another and it's a serious offence to attack another Satanist

HP.HoodedCobra wrote:
If the girl did a spell to you, the Gods wouldn't "protect" you from it unless it was a big danger. The fact that you are aware of it means that you are capable to decide the outcome of said event, even if you are emotionally inflated from this.

Coraxo wrote:
And yes, the subconscious is reprogrammable and is surprisingly easy to reprogram. Especially when the person is asleep.

imo the way OP described the love spell which they think their ex casted on them seemed to be by manipulating OP's wil

HP.HoodedCobra wrote:
Despite of which of the above this is the case, this is clearly not beyond you, and even if intended for manipulative purposes, you have the free will to decide, that was earned to you by you spiritually advancing and being aware.

you still insist on making a fool out of yourself


Thank you for your last reply Mister.
Well I think what everyone here is right within their own context, nobody said anything wrong at an extreme rate, it appears most of the misunderstanding is because Mercury Retrograde at this point.

I see also a lot of words were put in other people's arguments in this case.

The assumption also that this girl "found this spell in the JoS" or other strange assumptions is what set fuses, but these were ignored. It's an idle assumption here. The other assumption that she can just end up as an SS is also quite a long shot.

More than likely, the girl was extremely turned on or emotionally invested, and this resulted in a spell where she was not consciously aware of, most probably. Mere desire being very powerful can have this effect. So the question of ethics is getting blurrier here. Maybe she even tried a spell from somewhere, too.

Regardless, the OP was warned, is aware, has the ability of choice, and has sufficient information now to find their own answer, and that's all that matters, plus, I think debate was useful on the subject. There was no breach of his personal free will here at all.
I mean imagine a hot girl who you love is masturbating to you shouting "love me,love me back !."

More than likely, the girl was extremely turned on or emotionally invested, and this resulted in a spell where she was not consciously aware of, most probably.

Yep… :lol: I thought like this Wwww

… it appears most of the misunderstanding is because Mercury Retrograde at this point.

Yep… and sex topic always gives shit…
You say…
Jack said:
returner said:
When someone makes huge posts talking around in circles about the mind not really being open to suggestion and then backslides out of it this is a problem. In the end of the day most of what jack said is bs indeed and no amount of beating around the bush can change this.

"And unless you keep repeating the 'the unconscious is open to change' line like a retard without having any understanding in which context it is written and the different variables that go in it in different situations,you should in fact stop writing to me unless you get some basic understanding and experience on these subjects."

The unconscious is very vulnerable and steps myst be taken to protect it or it will remain vulnerable. Are you retarded perhaps? You made a massive post on the government using psychic powers awhile back but clearly the whole thing was a copy paste job as you clear either do not understand or you are spreading misinformation on purpose. This behaviour is messed up. Kindly clean up your act or better yet take your acting elsewhere.

Jack:" hey everybody! your unconscious is really ok and this is why! if someone casts a sleep on you when your asleep you will have a premonition and now its all ok!!"

Uuuhhhh no!! A premonition is a fucking prediction warning that something is going to happen. Like if 2 or 3 days ago you were told lookout some asshole is going to do something bad. Having a dream as someone casts a spell on you is a result of psychic energies directed at you already being put into motion and starting to work in the mental sphere. If you do not understand something so incredibly elementary then you have no place telling anyone anything about the unconscious. This Rook guy should get a fucking medal and not be talked down.

Either come right or dont. Goodbye.
The government was researching psychic phenomenon. The government was also experimenting with mind control. And one of the things that the government did in its research was to drug people, deprive them of sleep and food,torture them because they could not hypnotize the subject using classical hypnotherapy. These subjects didn't have the 'extremely vulnerable' subconscious as your saying. And saying an SS has a weak subconscious against magick is self deprecation and retarded. The Jews curse us everyday and we reverse their curses, enemies attack us but we send these attacks back. We're not unconsciously affected, or are you ? Do you not meditate ?

The instances I gave,HPMaxine not being affected by angelic magick,the wiccans unable to bind us, how is this case any different ? The magick was unable to change this mans mind and put him in control so he came to seek counsel from us.

And what kind of warning for a bad thing is this ?
The OP said,
I used to be with a girl in a very very emotionally intense relationship, she is/was perhaps one of the people I truly love. It kinda had to end abruptly though without much explanation from both sides. The emotions of our separation were very intense and uncontrollable from both sides, indeed we both suffered a lot much to our surprise.
So judging from a normal humans perspective
1)The OP loves the girl
2)The girl is hot
3)The girl practices spirituality
4)The girl may be a Satanist/could be informed further and might become a Satanist.
5)It's extremely hard to find a good compatible mate and settle down and raise kids in the western dystopian society
6)More white kids
7)Kids will be of superior progency as both practice spiritually.

What kind of insanse pathological psycho would take this as an attack and tell this man to not go out with this woman who he truly truly loves ?

What the fuck man ? Is this still a matter of debate ? What the fuck is the point of this debate ?

Its so fucking simple to understand.
1)Not all things are attacks some things are beneficial for you.
2)You get to choose and take responsibility for your actions when you know someone is doing something to you.
3)As HPHC said the gods intervene in only special cases. The gods may have allowed it because they want these people together ?/ Maybe ?
4)SS do not have extremely vulnerable psyches to outside influence and those who claim either haven't meditated enough or are self deprecating fools. Its at least much stronger that the normal humans psyche.
5)That quote is a clinical hypnotherapy quote talking about 'Hypnotherapy.'
Magick is not exactly just hypnotherapy. There are astral dynamics at work here that do not apply to hypnotherapy. Is it so fucking hard to understand ?

Suddenly you pushed it to being "extremely vulnerable" because you know you were spreading misinformation and needed a way to make it look like other people are weak ir wrong. Just like kikes do. You are lying and people with less experience are going to believe you and pick up the bill all because you talked around in a circle.

Nevermind. You are simply a lost cause and will defend your false veiws no matter what.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Well I think what everyone here is right within their own context, nobody said anything wrong at an extreme rate, it appears most of the misunderstanding is because Mercury Retrograde at this point.

I see also a lot of words were put in other people's arguments in this case.

The assumption also that this girl "found this spell in the JoS" or other strange assumptions is what set fuses, but these were ignored. It's an idle assumption here. The other assumption that she can just end up as an SS is also quite a long shot.

More than likely, the girl was extremely turned on or emotionally invested, and this resulted in a spell where she was not consciously aware of, most probably. Mere desire being very powerful can have this effect. So the question of ethics is getting blurrier here. Maybe she even tried a spell from somewhere, too.

Regardless, the OP was warned, is aware, has the ability of choice, and has sufficient information now to find their own answer, and that's all that matters, plus, I think debate was useful on the subject. There was no breach of his personal free will here at all.
This was definitely not a 'debate' especially since all i got was insults and bullshit, i can easily prove what jack said was wrong, but that would only result in more irrelevant bullshit coming my way and it would loop on forever and i don't have the time for this.

As you already saw from Coraxo who withdrew from the 'debate' despite being correct(from my point of view), he also was ganged up on and spoken down on, but i'm sure he wasn't discouraged by this but simply withdrew because he realized it's quite futile trying to debate to people who loop endlessly like this and are very rigid in their views.

I know it's Merc-R, but Merc-R is still no excuse for some of the abominable behavior and attitude that some people had here.
Whether you believed this to have been a debate or not i can tell you it was certainly not a healthy one and may dissuade others from debating in the future.

As for me, i really did not care to win or lose a debate, i simply did not withdraw due to the fact that others look on this forum especially those who're curious on this topic and want to know more should not be mislead by others, that is why i further emphasized my point and why i'll give my last reply on this topic.

There was a guy who said "This nonsense all started from the absurd idea that the Gods are apparently keeping us as sheltered spiritual infants with no personal responsibility or the ability to choose what we want as Satanists to influence us or not."
But from your 1st post here you said "Based on the above parameters the Gods may or may not intervene. They can see intentions, the future, and a lot of things humans cannot. "
So from what i understand based on what you said the gods have enough foresight to see into the future and deduce if a lovespell would be beneficial for both or not and if it's beneficial for both they may allow it.
But the thing is, if they were to allow it then that would mean 1 of them did not have free will or a decision in the matter, as the gods would've made the decision for them, but this is not a bad thing per say take for example:
If there's a kid who had very responsible and caring parents and this kid started doing drugs or wanted to do drugs, a responsible parent would stop that kid from doing drugs or getting into drugs. This takes the 'free will' out of the kid as he was not able to go down a self-destructive path thanks to his parents, as his parents had the experience and foresight to see where such a path would lead too, this is one example where making a decision for someone can be a beneficial for all at the cost of free will.

jack also stated that love is not manipulation, well yes that's obvious and no one said love was manipulation, from what i see he had no idea as to what manipulation even means, and gave a very poor meaning for it,
some words have different meaning based on the context, but since English is not his naive language i can overlook this.
to change a thing is to manipulate it, such as moving a thing, making a thing bigger or smaller, it's color, texture etc.
Reprogramming someone's unconscious mind is an act of manipulation.

From the reality of the situation(in the context if this was a spell done to him) with OP and as you also pointed out is that he had been made consciously aware of this and has the free will to choose, and from what i can deduce this is from 2 possibilities.
1, he was advanced enough to where his intuition sensed this and made him consciously aware of it, which would mean that any intervention from the gods was not necessary here as he is simply proficient enough to handle this.
2, he was not advanced enough and a god may have intervened and made him consciously aware of it.

Either way he is aware of it and has the free will to choose for himself, which is good for him, and somewhat embarrassing for the girl(if this was an attempted love spell by her) as she was caught in the act, and would've accomplished the same result by simply showing her affection towards him irl.

You also pointed out that this may not have been an attempted love spell or could've just been some strong feelings by her and i also agree with this, it may have also been some past repression coning to the surface as OP also stated that his relationship with her ended abruptly, i think you also pointed this out.

Either way what you said in this topic has been very insightful, thank you.
returner said:
Jack said:
returner said:
When someone makes huge posts talking around in circles about the mind not really being open to suggestion and then backslides out of it this is a problem. In the end of the day most of what jack said is bs indeed and no amount of beating around the bush can change this.

"And unless you keep repeating the 'the unconscious is open to change' line like a retard without having any understanding in which context it is written and the different variables that go in it in different situations,you should in fact stop writing to me unless you get some basic understanding and experience on these subjects."

The unconscious is very vulnerable and steps myst be taken to protect it or it will remain vulnerable. Are you retarded perhaps? You made a massive post on the government using psychic powers awhile back but clearly the whole thing was a copy paste job as you clear either do not understand or you are spreading misinformation on purpose. This behaviour is messed up. Kindly clean up your act or better yet take your acting elsewhere.

Jack:" hey everybody! your unconscious is really ok and this is why! if someone casts a sleep on you when your asleep you will have a premonition and now its all ok!!"

Uuuhhhh no!! A premonition is a fucking prediction warning that something is going to happen. Like if 2 or 3 days ago you were told lookout some asshole is going to do something bad. Having a dream as someone casts a spell on you is a result of psychic energies directed at you already being put into motion and starting to work in the mental sphere. If you do not understand something so incredibly elementary then you have no place telling anyone anything about the unconscious. This Rook guy should get a fucking medal and not be talked down.

Either come right or dont. Goodbye.
The government was researching psychic phenomenon. The government was also experimenting with mind control. And one of the things that the government did in its research was to drug people, deprive them of sleep and food,torture them because they could not hypnotize the subject using classical hypnotherapy. These subjects didn't have the 'extremely vulnerable' subconscious as your saying. And saying an SS has a weak subconscious against magick is self deprecation and retarded. The Jews curse us everyday and we reverse their curses, enemies attack us but we send these attacks back. We're not unconsciously affected, or are you ? Do you not meditate ?

The instances I gave,HPMaxine not being affected by angelic magick,the wiccans unable to bind us, how is this case any different ? The magick was unable to change this mans mind and put him in control so he came to seek counsel from us.

And what kind of warning for a bad thing is this ?
The OP said,
I used to be with a girl in a very very emotionally intense relationship, she is/was perhaps one of the people I truly love. It kinda had to end abruptly though without much explanation from both sides. The emotions of our separation were very intense and uncontrollable from both sides, indeed we both suffered a lot much to our surprise.
So judging from a normal humans perspective
1)The OP loves the girl
2)The girl is hot
3)The girl practices spirituality
4)The girl may be a Satanist/could be informed further and might become a Satanist.
5)It's extremely hard to find a good compatible mate and settle down and raise kids in the western dystopian society
6)More white kids
7)Kids will be of superior progency as both practice spiritually.

What kind of insanse pathological psycho would take this as an attack and tell this man to not go out with this woman who he truly truly loves ?

What the fuck man ? Is this still a matter of debate ? What the fuck is the point of this debate ?

Its so fucking simple to understand.
1)Not all things are attacks some things are beneficial for you.
2)You get to choose and take responsibility for your actions when you know someone is doing something to you.
3)As HPHC said the gods intervene in only special cases. The gods may have allowed it because they want these people together ?/ Maybe ?
4)SS do not have extremely vulnerable psyches to outside influence and those who claim either haven't meditated enough or are self deprecating fools. Its at least much stronger that the normal humans psyche.
5)That quote is a clinical hypnotherapy quote talking about 'Hypnotherapy.'
Magick is not exactly just hypnotherapy. There are astral dynamics at work here that do not apply to hypnotherapy. Is it so fucking hard to understand ?

Suddenly you pushed it to being "extremely vulnerable" because you know you were spreading misinformation and needed a way to make it look like other people are weak ir wrong. Just like kikes do. You are lying and people with less experience are going to believe you and pick up the bill all because you talked around in a circle.

Nevermind. You are simply a lost cause and will defend your false veiws no matter what.
Sorry for being a lost cause I.e not being able to make you understand words. Please refer to HPHoodedCobra's post since I really am unable to make you understand. Sorry :)
returner said:
Jack said:
returner said:
When someone makes huge posts talking around in circles about the mind not really being open to suggestion and then backslides out of it this is a problem. In the end of the day most of what jack said is bs indeed and no amount of beating around the bush can change this.

"And unless you keep repeating the 'the unconscious is open to change' line like a retard without having any understanding in which context it is written and the different variables that go in it in different situations,you should in fact stop writing to me unless you get some basic understanding and experience on these subjects."

The unconscious is very vulnerable and steps myst be taken to protect it or it will remain vulnerable. Are you retarded perhaps? You made a massive post on the government using psychic powers awhile back but clearly the whole thing was a copy paste job as you clear either do not understand or you are spreading misinformation on purpose. This behaviour is messed up. Kindly clean up your act or better yet take your acting elsewhere.

Jack:" hey everybody! your unconscious is really ok and this is why! if someone casts a sleep on you when your asleep you will have a premonition and now its all ok!!"

Uuuhhhh no!! A premonition is a fucking prediction warning that something is going to happen. Like if 2 or 3 days ago you were told lookout some asshole is going to do something bad. Having a dream as someone casts a spell on you is a result of psychic energies directed at you already being put into motion and starting to work in the mental sphere. If you do not understand something so incredibly elementary then you have no place telling anyone anything about the unconscious. This Rook guy should get a fucking medal and not be talked down.

Either come right or dont. Goodbye.
The government was researching psychic phenomenon. The government was also experimenting with mind control. And one of the things that the government did in its research was to drug people, deprive them of sleep and food,torture them because they could not hypnotize the subject using classical hypnotherapy. These subjects didn't have the 'extremely vulnerable' subconscious as your saying. And saying an SS has a weak subconscious against magick is self deprecation and retarded. The Jews curse us everyday and we reverse their curses, enemies attack us but we send these attacks back. We're not unconsciously affected, or are you ? Do you not meditate ?

The instances I gave,HPMaxine not being affected by angelic magick,the wiccans unable to bind us, how is this case any different ? The magick was unable to change this mans mind and put him in control so he came to seek counsel from us.

And what kind of warning for a bad thing is this ?
The OP said,
I used to be with a girl in a very very emotionally intense relationship, she is/was perhaps one of the people I truly love. It kinda had to end abruptly though without much explanation from both sides. The emotions of our separation were very intense and uncontrollable from both sides, indeed we both suffered a lot much to our surprise.
So judging from a normal humans perspective
1)The OP loves the girl
2)The girl is hot
3)The girl practices spirituality
4)The girl may be a Satanist/could be informed further and might become a Satanist.
5)It's extremely hard to find a good compatible mate and settle down and raise kids in the western dystopian society
6)More white kids
7)Kids will be of superior progency as both practice spiritually.

What kind of insanse pathological psycho would take this as an attack and tell this man to not go out with this woman who he truly truly loves ?

What the fuck man ? Is this still a matter of debate ? What the fuck is the point of this debate ?

Its so fucking simple to understand.
1)Not all things are attacks some things are beneficial for you.
2)You get to choose and take responsibility for your actions when you know someone is doing something to you.
3)As HPHC said the gods intervene in only special cases. The gods may have allowed it because they want these people together ?/ Maybe ?
4)SS do not have extremely vulnerable psyches to outside influence and those who claim either haven't meditated enough or are self deprecating fools. Its at least much stronger that the normal humans psyche.
5)That quote is a clinical hypnotherapy quote talking about 'Hypnotherapy.'
Magick is not exactly just hypnotherapy. There are astral dynamics at work here that do not apply to hypnotherapy. Is it so fucking hard to understand ?

Suddenly you pushed it to being "extremely vulnerable" because you know you were spreading misinformation and needed a way to make it look like other people are weak ir wrong. Just like kikes do. You are lying and people with less experience are going to believe you and pick up the bill all because you talked around in a circle.

Nevermind. You are simply a lost cause and will defend your false veiws no matter what.
You shouldn't be angry at Jack simply because you can't refute his arguments and because your own were flawed and have since been corrected. This "debate" was over before it began, so learn from what has been stated by the HP, deprogram from Xtian garbage, accept the truth of the matter and move on. Your world isn't going to end merely because of one lost argument, you only learn from it.

No one here is a "lost cause" unless their sheer stupidity prevents them from coming to terms with reality.
I do not see any reason to beef so please do not use my reply for further beefing, just for referrence.

I replied to reply and not to take sides. From all I read there is truth in every statement.

What also is important is the level of development of someone or their personal vulnerabilities, also advancement and personal standing with the Gods and the amount of confidence they have between them and listening to them.
(that awkward moment when you realize litteraly anything in your life is better than being here listening to this and that you actually tried to help someone in a crappy setup) :roll:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
