Nathan Metcalf
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*Reference: “Field Marshal, The Life and Death of Erwin Rommel” by Daniel Allen Butler.*The Key for reading the abbreviations is at the end.*It's important to notice how aspects mature:
When his Sun by regression conjoined Mars, his sun was born.When Jupiter by regression opposed his VIII cusp, his wife died.When Saturn was in orb of a trine with his Asc. he died.Sun by progression to trine his VIII cusp, he suffered from a variety of health issues.Progressed Jupiter 90° his MC. appointed commanding officer.Progressed Jupiter 150° MC. promoted to captain.Mars by regression 90° XII. wounded in the thigh.
It's important to keep in mind the order of efficacy for secondary directions(see my earlier post)
1-the maturation of aspects.2-directing the angles/houses to factors of the radix.3-directing the planets to factors of the radix.etc...
Erwin Rommel.November 15, 1891. 11:03:23 (UT).48°N40′ — 10°E09′
July 19, 1910 — Rommel joins the 124th Württemberg Infantry Regiment as an officer cadet.
Moon (c) 0° III. Exact.Mercury (p) 0° XII. Exact.Venus (p) 0° XII. Exact.Mars (c) 120° Asc. Exact.PL (r) 90° Jupiter. Exact.NN (c) 60° Jupiter. Exact.
March 1, 1914 — Attached to the 49th Field Artillery Regiment as a recruit instructor.
Moon (d) 180° Venus. Orb:3'.PL (r) 180° Venus. Exact.PL (r) 90° Jupiter. Orb:2'.
September 24, 1914 — Rommel wounded in the thigh, awarded the Iron Cross Second Class.
Sun (d) 90° VIII. Orb:1'.Mars (d) 180° Moon. Orb:5'.Mars (r) 90° XII. Orb:5'.PL (p) 180° Venus. Exact.XI (c) 0° Sun. Orb:1'.XI (d) 60° Ur. Exact.XI (r) 0° MC. Orb:7'.
January 29, 1915 — Rommel leads an attack on French positions in the Argonne Forest; awarded theIron Cross First Class.
Moon (r) 0° P.fort. Orb:2'.Mars (r) 90° XII. Orb:8'.PL (p) 180° Venus. Exact.III (d) 180° Sun. Orb:1'.XI (c) 0° MC. Orb:7'.
November 27, 1916 — While on leave, Oblt. Erwin Rommel marries Lucie Mollin in Danzig.
Venus (c) 180° Moon. Orb:1'.PL (p) 180° Venus. Orb:2'.Asc. (p) 120° Ur. Orb:4'.Sun (r) 135° V. Exact.
August 19, 1917 — Rommel’s company leads the successful assault on the crucial Romanian positionof Mount Cosna. Rommel is wounded in the arm. For this injury he will be awarded the SilverWound Badge in January 1918.
Neptune (d) 180° XII. Orb:12'.VIII (c) 60° Neptune/PL. Orb:7'.
October 27, 1917 — The infantry abteilung led by Rommel captures Monte Matajur, the key to theItalian defense of the Korlovat Ridge.
Moon (r) 180° Venus. Orb:31'.Mercury (r) 90° Asc. Orb:5'.Venus (d) 0° XII. Orb:12'.Neptune (d) 180° XII. Orb:2'.(?)
November 10, 1917 — Rommel’s abteilung captures the town of Longarone, for which Rommel isawarded the Pour le Mérite on December 18.
Mercury (r) 90° Asc. Orb:2'.Venus (d) 0° XII. Orb:9'.Neptune (d) 180° XII. Exact.(?)
January 11, 1918 — Rommel is promoted to Hauptmann (Captain) and transferred to the Staff ofLXIV Corps on the Western Front, where he will remain until the end of the war.
III (c) 120° Sun. Orb:2'.Jupiter (d) 150° MC. Exact.
December 24, 1928 — A son, Manfred, is born to Erwin and Lucie Rommel.
Sun (r) 0° Mars. Orb:12'.MC (r) 0° Mars. Orb:2'.
October 1, 1929 — Rommel is posted to the Reichswehr’s Infantry School in Dresden as aninstructor.
III (c) 90° Neptune/PL. Orb:5'.Mars (r) 120° Asc. Orb:2'.
April 1, 1932 — Rommel is promoted to Major.
Venus (d) 180° P.fort. Orb:1'.Ur (d) 60° Mars. Orb:7'.P.fort (c) 90° Jupiter. Orb:6'.
October 1, 1933 — Rommel is appointed commanding officer, 3rd (Jäger) Battalion, 17th InfantryRegiment.
Venus (d) 90° Mars. Orb:2'.Mars (c) 150° Asc. Exact.Jupiter (d) 0° Moon. Orb:1'.Jupiter (p) 90° MC. Orb:1'.Asc. (c) 0° XI. Orb:8'.Asc. (d) 120° Mercury. Orb:6'.III (c) 120° Ur. Exact.
September 30, 1934 — Adolf Hitler meets Rommel for the first time, at a troop review in Dresden.
Jupiter (c) 90° Mars. Orb:5'.PL (c) 135° XI. Exact.Asc. (r) 0° XI. Orb:3'.
October 15 1935 — Rommel is posted to the Infantry School at the Potsdam War College as aninstructor.
MC (c) 60° Venus. Orb:2'.Sun (d) 30° Mercury. Exact.Mars (d) 90° Jupiter. Orb:5'.Asc. (d) 120° Venus. Orb:2'.NN (c) 60° V. Orb:1'.
February 15, 1940 — Rommel is given command of the 7th Panzer Division.
Venus (d) 0° Asc. Orb:4'.Mars (d) 0° XI. Orb:6'.PL (c) 150° MC. Exact.
May 15, 1940 — Rommel is awarded the Clasp to the Iron Cross Second Class (indicates a secondaward).
Moon (c) 120° MC. Orb:1'.Asc (c) 0° Venus Orb:5'.Mars (d) 0° XI. Orb:8'.Venus (p) 120° Neptune/PL. Orb:6'.NN (c) 60° Neptune/PL. Orb:4'.
May 27–31, 1940 — Battle for Lille; Rommel narrowly escapes death twice during the fighting.
Moon (c) 120° MC. Orb:3'.Mercury (p) 0° XII. Orb:9'.Venus (p) 120° Neptune/PL. Orb:8'.Mars (d) 0° XI. Orb:11'.Asc (c) 0° Venus Orb:7'.
February 9, 1941 — Rommel is promoted to Generalleutnant (Lieutenant General) and givencommand of two panzer divisions which will be sent to North Africa to reinforce and stabilizethe Italians in Libya. These divisions will become the Afrika Korps.
PL (d) 180° Asc. Orb:6'.MC (d) 150° Neptune/PL. Exact.Venus (d) 60° MC. Orb:3'.Mars (c) 120° XI. Orb:5'.Asc. (r) 90° Jupiter. Orb:11'.Asc. (r) 180° Neptune/PL. Orb:8'.
March 20, 1941 — Rommel is awarded the Oak Leaves to the Knight’s Cross.
MC (d) 150° Neptune/PL. Exact.Venus (d) 60° MC. Orb:3'.Venus (c) 30° Sun. Exact.Venus (d) 60° Sun. Orb:6'.Sun (d) 60° Jupiter. Orb:4'.Moon (c) 60° Asc. Orb:7'.Asc. (r) 180° Neptune/PL. Orb:4'.
January 20, 1942 — Rommel is awarded the Swords to the Oak Leaves of the Knight’s Cross.
Jupiter (p) 120° P.fort. Orb:2'.Jupiter (p) 0°II. Orb:12'.PL (d) 120° MC. Orb:4'.Asc (r) 0° Venus. Orb:4'.
September 19, 1942 — Suffering from a variety of health issues, Rommel leaves North Africa,turning over command of the Panzerarmee to General Georg Stumme.
Sun (p) 120° VIII. Orb:10'.Mercury (c) 0° Mars. Orb:2'.Neptune (c) 90° Asc. Orb:3'.
July 17, 1944 — Rommel is severely injured when Royal Air Force Spitfire fighters strafe hisautomobile near Sainte-Germaine-de-Montgommery.
Venus (d) 90° III. Exact.
October 14, 1944 — Rommel, on the orders of Adolf Hitler, in order to avoid reprisals against his family, takes a quick-acting poison, and dies outside Herrlingen, Germany.
Mercury (d) 0° Asc. Exact.Saturn (r) 120° Asc. Orb:7'.
September 26, 1971 — Lucie Rommel dies in Stuttgart, and is buried beside her husband inHerrlingen.
Asc. (d) 180° Venus. Orb:8'.Jupiter (r) 180° VIII. Orb:2'.VIII (r) 135° Ur. Exact.
November 7, 2013 –Manfred Rommel dies in Stuttgart.
Venusd (d) 180° Mars. Orb:7'.Mars (c) 180° Mercury. Orb:8'.V (c) 90° Sun. Orb:12'.
When his Sun by regression conjoined Mars, his sun was born.When Jupiter by regression opposed his VIII cusp, his wife died.When Saturn was in orb of a trine with his Asc. he died.Sun by progression to trine his VIII cusp, he suffered from a variety of health issues.Progressed Jupiter 90° his MC. appointed commanding officer.Progressed Jupiter 150° MC. promoted to captain.Mars by regression 90° XII. wounded in the thigh.
It's important to keep in mind the order of efficacy for secondary directions(see my earlier post)
1-the maturation of aspects.2-directing the angles/houses to factors of the radix.3-directing the planets to factors of the radix.etc...
Erwin Rommel.November 15, 1891. 11:03:23 (UT).48°N40′ — 10°E09′
July 19, 1910 — Rommel joins the 124th Württemberg Infantry Regiment as an officer cadet.
Moon (c) 0° III. Exact.Mercury (p) 0° XII. Exact.Venus (p) 0° XII. Exact.Mars (c) 120° Asc. Exact.PL (r) 90° Jupiter. Exact.NN (c) 60° Jupiter. Exact.
March 1, 1914 — Attached to the 49th Field Artillery Regiment as a recruit instructor.
Moon (d) 180° Venus. Orb:3'.PL (r) 180° Venus. Exact.PL (r) 90° Jupiter. Orb:2'.
September 24, 1914 — Rommel wounded in the thigh, awarded the Iron Cross Second Class.
Sun (d) 90° VIII. Orb:1'.Mars (d) 180° Moon. Orb:5'.Mars (r) 90° XII. Orb:5'.PL (p) 180° Venus. Exact.XI (c) 0° Sun. Orb:1'.XI (d) 60° Ur. Exact.XI (r) 0° MC. Orb:7'.
January 29, 1915 — Rommel leads an attack on French positions in the Argonne Forest; awarded theIron Cross First Class.
Moon (r) 0° P.fort. Orb:2'.Mars (r) 90° XII. Orb:8'.PL (p) 180° Venus. Exact.III (d) 180° Sun. Orb:1'.XI (c) 0° MC. Orb:7'.
November 27, 1916 — While on leave, Oblt. Erwin Rommel marries Lucie Mollin in Danzig.
Venus (c) 180° Moon. Orb:1'.PL (p) 180° Venus. Orb:2'.Asc. (p) 120° Ur. Orb:4'.Sun (r) 135° V. Exact.
August 19, 1917 — Rommel’s company leads the successful assault on the crucial Romanian positionof Mount Cosna. Rommel is wounded in the arm. For this injury he will be awarded the SilverWound Badge in January 1918.
Neptune (d) 180° XII. Orb:12'.VIII (c) 60° Neptune/PL. Orb:7'.
October 27, 1917 — The infantry abteilung led by Rommel captures Monte Matajur, the key to theItalian defense of the Korlovat Ridge.
Moon (r) 180° Venus. Orb:31'.Mercury (r) 90° Asc. Orb:5'.Venus (d) 0° XII. Orb:12'.Neptune (d) 180° XII. Orb:2'.(?)
November 10, 1917 — Rommel’s abteilung captures the town of Longarone, for which Rommel isawarded the Pour le Mérite on December 18.
Mercury (r) 90° Asc. Orb:2'.Venus (d) 0° XII. Orb:9'.Neptune (d) 180° XII. Exact.(?)
January 11, 1918 — Rommel is promoted to Hauptmann (Captain) and transferred to the Staff ofLXIV Corps on the Western Front, where he will remain until the end of the war.
III (c) 120° Sun. Orb:2'.Jupiter (d) 150° MC. Exact.
December 24, 1928 — A son, Manfred, is born to Erwin and Lucie Rommel.
Sun (r) 0° Mars. Orb:12'.MC (r) 0° Mars. Orb:2'.
October 1, 1929 — Rommel is posted to the Reichswehr’s Infantry School in Dresden as aninstructor.
III (c) 90° Neptune/PL. Orb:5'.Mars (r) 120° Asc. Orb:2'.
April 1, 1932 — Rommel is promoted to Major.
Venus (d) 180° P.fort. Orb:1'.Ur (d) 60° Mars. Orb:7'.P.fort (c) 90° Jupiter. Orb:6'.
October 1, 1933 — Rommel is appointed commanding officer, 3rd (Jäger) Battalion, 17th InfantryRegiment.
Venus (d) 90° Mars. Orb:2'.Mars (c) 150° Asc. Exact.Jupiter (d) 0° Moon. Orb:1'.Jupiter (p) 90° MC. Orb:1'.Asc. (c) 0° XI. Orb:8'.Asc. (d) 120° Mercury. Orb:6'.III (c) 120° Ur. Exact.
September 30, 1934 — Adolf Hitler meets Rommel for the first time, at a troop review in Dresden.
Jupiter (c) 90° Mars. Orb:5'.PL (c) 135° XI. Exact.Asc. (r) 0° XI. Orb:3'.
October 15 1935 — Rommel is posted to the Infantry School at the Potsdam War College as aninstructor.
MC (c) 60° Venus. Orb:2'.Sun (d) 30° Mercury. Exact.Mars (d) 90° Jupiter. Orb:5'.Asc. (d) 120° Venus. Orb:2'.NN (c) 60° V. Orb:1'.
February 15, 1940 — Rommel is given command of the 7th Panzer Division.
Venus (d) 0° Asc. Orb:4'.Mars (d) 0° XI. Orb:6'.PL (c) 150° MC. Exact.
May 15, 1940 — Rommel is awarded the Clasp to the Iron Cross Second Class (indicates a secondaward).
Moon (c) 120° MC. Orb:1'.Asc (c) 0° Venus Orb:5'.Mars (d) 0° XI. Orb:8'.Venus (p) 120° Neptune/PL. Orb:6'.NN (c) 60° Neptune/PL. Orb:4'.
May 27–31, 1940 — Battle for Lille; Rommel narrowly escapes death twice during the fighting.
Moon (c) 120° MC. Orb:3'.Mercury (p) 0° XII. Orb:9'.Venus (p) 120° Neptune/PL. Orb:8'.Mars (d) 0° XI. Orb:11'.Asc (c) 0° Venus Orb:7'.
February 9, 1941 — Rommel is promoted to Generalleutnant (Lieutenant General) and givencommand of two panzer divisions which will be sent to North Africa to reinforce and stabilizethe Italians in Libya. These divisions will become the Afrika Korps.
PL (d) 180° Asc. Orb:6'.MC (d) 150° Neptune/PL. Exact.Venus (d) 60° MC. Orb:3'.Mars (c) 120° XI. Orb:5'.Asc. (r) 90° Jupiter. Orb:11'.Asc. (r) 180° Neptune/PL. Orb:8'.
March 20, 1941 — Rommel is awarded the Oak Leaves to the Knight’s Cross.
MC (d) 150° Neptune/PL. Exact.Venus (d) 60° MC. Orb:3'.Venus (c) 30° Sun. Exact.Venus (d) 60° Sun. Orb:6'.Sun (d) 60° Jupiter. Orb:4'.Moon (c) 60° Asc. Orb:7'.Asc. (r) 180° Neptune/PL. Orb:4'.
January 20, 1942 — Rommel is awarded the Swords to the Oak Leaves of the Knight’s Cross.
Jupiter (p) 120° P.fort. Orb:2'.Jupiter (p) 0°II. Orb:12'.PL (d) 120° MC. Orb:4'.Asc (r) 0° Venus. Orb:4'.
September 19, 1942 — Suffering from a variety of health issues, Rommel leaves North Africa,turning over command of the Panzerarmee to General Georg Stumme.
Sun (p) 120° VIII. Orb:10'.Mercury (c) 0° Mars. Orb:2'.Neptune (c) 90° Asc. Orb:3'.
July 17, 1944 — Rommel is severely injured when Royal Air Force Spitfire fighters strafe hisautomobile near Sainte-Germaine-de-Montgommery.
Venus (d) 90° III. Exact.
October 14, 1944 — Rommel, on the orders of Adolf Hitler, in order to avoid reprisals against his family, takes a quick-acting poison, and dies outside Herrlingen, Germany.
Mercury (d) 0° Asc. Exact.Saturn (r) 120° Asc. Orb:7'.
September 26, 1971 — Lucie Rommel dies in Stuttgart, and is buried beside her husband inHerrlingen.
Asc. (d) 180° Venus. Orb:8'.Jupiter (r) 180° VIII. Orb:2'.VIII (r) 135° Ur. Exact.
November 7, 2013 –Manfred Rommel dies in Stuttgart.
Venusd (d) 180° Mars. Orb:7'.Mars (c) 180° Mercury. Orb:8'.V (c) 90° Sun. Orb:12'.