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Europe and US politics in a nutshell? Are There Politics Anymore?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Europe's excellent policies are finally paying off.

Cuckoldry, electing people who want to deforest places to put fake "Green energy" which leaves us without energy and vacates the animals - very green, then makes shortages [so we can borrow from Putin, lol], electing old senile ladies and gentlemen as presidents like 90 year olds that get lost in rooms, our greatest problem being imaginary Nazism that doesn't exist for 100 years almost, spending all your National psychic and financial energy into bullshit problems such as "Muh oppressed minorities" and other nonsense, all while importing more and more people that don't give jack shit about the continent they live in, all while jews are in every controlling post of society promoting nonsense, will this spell disaster for the US and the EU? Hell no, we aren't NAZIS so this means the more we believe in the Holocaust, the better our living situation will be. Then after you do all this, start promoting Islam relentlessly and make sure that no female ever has kids, and that the primary issues of your agenda is to care about those who never even plan to give any life back so that the continent will continue. Our most "feared" issue was Co-Vid, some shit flu with less than 0,01% death rate. We are terribly afraid of literally a 0,005% death rate flu, please give us 65 vaccines so we can be saved, this torment cannot continue.

Wooooooooooooow Great Britain had to choose between a Hindi guy and a White semi-dead woman again for presidency...Such a great choice we had indeed yet again... We went from clown to old lady now, then we might literally hire people from the circus. Wooooow this lady so angry she even told a jew off the table once! So anti-semetic of her! She didn't even know it was a jew but she did, oy vey! The resurgence of Nazi is real! Anyway I ponder to myself what better choices we could have in Great Britain than a literal Hindu dude and a lady that can hardly walk herself to the office, but given we also have seen Senile Biden can really run a country, then maybe anyone can. At the cusp of global geopolitical change or a potential war with Russia, these two were really our best choices.

We are to where we will have issues with gas, transport, literally our heat and so on in both continents. Senile retards that only have time to spend being racist, acting more racist than "Nazis" and promoting all nonsensical problems such as civil warfare issues, are in power now. Do you have more than 1 kids? That will put a lot of strain on the environment, please deal with it if you can [drown it or something, unless it's of the Muh Oppressed, then have another 10, it's on the house, these ones do not strain the environment, white skin produces a lot of carbon we have found]. Goy, remember to pay 70% of your net income for taxes now, ok? We got mouths to feed and green energy modules to install that won't even keep you afloat with your electricity needs. Shieeeeeeeet we wuz smart cause we have people with a vagina leading us, very progressive. Doesn't matter if Europe never looked worse, we have beauitul ladies with nice dresses ruling it now. And we aren't even Nazis at all!

People are also happy in this continent to give it all away and die on a deprecating currency, just don't call them Nazis or something because this would hurt them a lot emotionally. Everyone is too emotional. Too emotional to survive and think that maybe anyone needs to survive rather than literally allow the continent to go down.

Welcome to Clown Europe.

Then, you go over to Clown United States.

Senile president whose son has pictures with a crack pipe, presidents getting SWAT'ed over nothing, great problems over skin color all day long, movies and all this garbage airing warfare everyday, the "imminent death of the Middle Class" arriving any year now, yet everyone cares more about the GBLT flag than the National Flag, Free speech and all rights under siege - but at least we are having a great [albeit dying, but who cares] Civilization. Did you forget to import 20 million people with contrary values and no interest this year? Tsk tsk. Fuck, we also have 25 Nazis across the country and they are about 80 years old now, they are very dangerous. More dangerous than literally destroying your own United States Middle class. Well gas and so on might reach 20 USD per gallon if this continues with Russia, but at least, Biden blames Trump all day. Did you also know all problems in this world are from Russian spies? Print 80 billion for Ukraine please cause NATO is not even present, we can't afford to have another war, so just allow invasion to take place in Europe, lol. Damn, Pelosi is looking very fresh at 90 something years old doing crack. The average IQ dropping like a cataclysm per year. Did you do your fentanyl? Shieeet. But at least Trump isn't in power, when the jews literally did the greatest theft of 3 trillion over a virus that has the lowest death rate like in history or something and less than the flu, lol jokes on you goy. We printed more money in a few years than the last 40 years, ruining the backbones of the economy, oopsie, this might ruin everyone, but thats ok, pump up the dolla price. It's ok if Sri Lanka or whomever else will die due to being unable to pay in petrodollaz. We save ourselves from big big flu at least.

Ah, 🤡 Clownworld 🤡 everywhere: the freshest breeze - it smells like jewish shit...But at least, with all of this happening and as the world can possibly burn up, I just think to myself that at least I am not a Nazi... because im too afraid to live :( and it hurts the feelings of everyone :( and their feelings is definitely how we survive...the more we dick suck on everyone who wants to kill us, the better :) its so blissful to be certainly disinterested in the survival of our continents...now let me smoke some crack and complain why my society ain't better because we have too much nazi everywhere...Shieeeeeeeeet...

Please do not ask me in particular why we do not comment all that much on Politics anymore. There aren't any for a few years. It's all just clownworld politically with no beginning or end to it. If there ever are again politics in these two continents, we might make a few posts. Until then the subject is off the table. Thanks everyone.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Oy vey! Goy, don't you think this country is too white, I mean we need some diversity goy.

By the way, if it is possible goy, I would prefer terrorist one- *cough* I mean oppressed poor militant beheading fan pro-sharia radical Islamist human individuals. These poor humans need your help, goy.
Bright Truth said:
Oy vey! Goy, don't you think this country is too white, I mean we need some diversity goy.

By the way, if it is possible goy, I would prefer terrorist one- *cough* I mean oppressed poor militant beheading fan pro-sharia radical Islamist human individuals. These poor humans need your help, goy.

oy vey, very right, couldnt say it better. please bring 70 million Jihadists in Vienna, we will tax the native old people and 18 year olds so they cannot proceed with life so that the mighty offspring of the jihadists can replicate quickly because we arent nazis...pay taxes goy but about the jihadists its ok we will print money..just say jews dont exist, thank you, bring the boats now. -EU Parliament average speech, 2022
" Satan? Da fuq yu meen ma negga? Naaah bro just worship...uhh.....*Windows xp crash noise*..... wut wuz his name again??? Ooo yeh rait.... Jesoos!!! Yeeeaaa bro just leave sodomy, sex n all dat shi alone ma nigga those aint basic needs... Water and food is. You white as fuck after all leave that kinda stuff to us immigrants bro... .o look whitey!!!! Yo food iz hier from vegan biden muh negga! A bunch of insects and fresh tap water. Now enjoy dis while ah go n fuck sum white bitches.... yeah... das wut da funny nose fella told me....

Who am i again?"
Yes they are very disappointing I see a lot of good protests over there now though especially with the farmers going on strike for the governments taking away fertiliser and if you guys haven't heard of reignite world freedom they have taken up going back to all cash society I don't like some of their group leaders they are mostly Christians but they are surprisingly doing very Satanic work promoting no vaccines restricting use of cashless payments now and they did a lot of work to get a lot of independents into power during the last federal election I don't know if they are real Christians or they just spout that drivel to get their vote or their help they have been raising a lot of awareness about digital identity systems as well which will lead to China social credit type system.

Anyways some of the groups ideas to combat the JWO is quite good.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Please do not ask me in particular why we do not comment all that much on Politics anymore. There aren't any for a few years. It's all just clownworld politically with no beginning or end to it. If there ever are again politics in these two continents, we might make a few posts. Until then the subject is off the table. Thanks everyone.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I just shut all of my news outlets off. Every time you read it's the same fear mongering garbage. I have found some sort of decent garbage on where our planet is actually headed which I'd assumed recently, after everything shifts the ice caps reform once they melt and it's really nothing crazy. The CIA supposedly had legitimate studies from a college student that they altered and released to the public, and tried to base the entire 2012 fiasco based on what their "scientists" ran through on their fake model. Everything you see is just horribly sad events, pointless and mindless minor positivities, and fake everything to alter the way people even behave socially. So that they can truly believe this is what the world is like, that you're wrong for existing, and thus creating that very thing. As soon as people shut the garage off and make genuine efforts to get to know one another those falsehoods fade out.

People getting vaxxed in larger cities, in terror that not being vaxxed will deem them even socially unacceptable all over, from being isolated and legitimately drowned in social media get vaxxed and then pretend to care just to fit in so as to not have their lives degrade further. Until they drop the fake shit after a few conversations in person only to find out they both didn't give a shit.

On top of that, now this one might sound off to some, but near -certain- military bases there are very questionable things that happen and where certain types of weapons are tested.

There was an article that came up about infrasound warfare, causes mass violence and psychosis. People acting out suddenly very erratically and en masse. I take all of this with a grain of salt.

Something very valuable I learned very young, that most parents put no thought into is that 1. There's always two sides to every coin and 2. Very simple "TV isn't real. Girls don't dress like that in real life, and people do not act like that in real life"

I do think that made me less susceptible to turning into a tard.
Face reality always no one would survive, i laugh too much with topics like this :lol:
Political vacuums, political vacuums everywhere. This disconnect between the politicians and people haven’t been this big in many decades.
The thing about the words "democracy" or "politics" is that they imply some sort of choice of the people. Yet everyone up for nomination is part of the same overprivileged caste of nepotists with dubious connections to the same unsavory sorts raping the planet. And even when you put this aside, what choice is there really? You're picking exclusively along the binary of two sets of psychopaths. I'd heard recently that there's been confirmation that, among Democrats and Republicans, there are literally people in office that are on Alzheimer medication, and these are the people running the country. Nobody in their right mind would vote for dementia addled Biden, but what's the alternative to choose from?

The Republicans have become filled to the brim with some of the most insane Xians seen in generations. Most of them are just grifters installed by elitist think tank types. Take someone like DeSantis, who's going to apparently be one of the big contenders. The man can't go five minutes without professing his love for Israel and how he'll cement America's legacy as its greatest ally. Watch as the poor and the destitute line up to vote for these people, only for them to do nothing for the common folk but institute a whole bunch more tax loopholes for the Jewish zillionaires to exploit.

I'm reminded of what I heard out of France, when Macron told the French people that the "season of abundance is over." For 90% of the country, what abundance? The majority of the population have lived what can easily be defined as "poor" for several generations now. But the politicians? Have sat in the lap of luxury for that same length of time, with their holidays and banquets and servants. Will their season of abundance end? Of course not, that's just for the masses. Although I do not advocate anarchy, it's these statements and these behaviors which result in the oh so sudden and shocking appearance of the guillotine being rolled down the street. When rage for these people reaches critical mass, what does anyone think is going to happen? The other day, I saw a video of a morning TV program from Britain, giving away a "prize". Whereas prizes even a decade ago where, what, a car or a vacation, the prizes were mostly "we'll pay your power bill for a few months". It's gotten so bad even the entertainment is dystopic. The amount of relief in the guy's voice knowing he wouldn't be crushed by his bills for a few minutes while the fake, plasticine looking presenters smiled away and relished in their poverty porn made my eyes want to bleed. Who do Brits vote for that are going to make any of this shit better? Nobody, apparently.

In the context of America, if it's a Democrat President, watch the limp-wristed meaningless social programs get rolled out into the ghettos while the CIA still pump the impoverished neighbourhoods with meth. If it's a Republican President, well, that's easy. All you need to do to win the love of the hillbillies is give them something to hate. Take aim at homosexuality or women's rights and pin all of society's ills on a strawman like that and you'll have their adoration in full. Fact is, the inbred hick types will actively ignore the fact they're being fucked in the ass so long as the "faggots get owned" or whatever. There's certainly no hate like Christian love. There's no interest among these sorts, for policy based on national betterment. So long as their perceived enemies are crushed, they'll lick any boot heel. Nevermind the fact these people are so often the very thing they claim to despise.



In short, "Democracy" is nothing but a meme now. It's a revolving door of elitist puppets who exist to nickel and dime the population until they get voted out, and then they blame everything wrong on their predecessors, repeat the cycle ad nauseum and there you have it. Polity, as the Ancient Greeks envisioned in their ineffable wisdom, I'm sure.
Clown Europe, clown US. Yes, you've summed it all up.

I don't even mention it anymore because what's the point?
Prices are exploding, €uro is worth a little less every day..Aggressions are exploding, idiocracy is exploding. Rationing in sight. Macron said yesterday "the best energy is the one we don't have".🤡
Ubuesque. Grotesque leaders...

What is very sad is that white people are destroyed in Ukraine. So much misfortune because of the jooz.. I feel so sorry for that..

I don't talk about it anymore and I concentrate on our path, on the Gods, I do the best I can, I prepare myself, I progress. We'll see. Trusting the Gods and then finally trusting ourselves too
It's totally disgusting how they shower you with subliminal advertising everywhere "Oy Vey do racemix and remember goy that having a white partner is for evil nazis" it's already become so obvious it borders on the most absurd.
I had to stop watching politics for awhile. Makes me wanna go full reeeee.
I've been ready and preparing further, stocking up, and covertly sharing info to convince Gentiles to wake up and revolt or be slaves. Sickening how many Gentiles are okay with slavery as long as they're comfy...
I have to spend my time with the Gods as I'm ever so ready for Their return.
Clown world indeed.
I think this planet is seen as a joke by other advanced civilizations, the west has become very retarded. That is why there are some gods who have no interest in helping the people of this planet.
Politicians, especially high ranking, are all under Jewish puppeteers, I've been calling republicans and democrats, red and blue for years. Different colors, same agenda. The sooner the masses realize this the better.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hi HC666,
It make me sad think about everything bad that it’s happening around the world, Non european-americans are leaving their country just to move to EU or US leaving the chance to do something positive for their country. Everytime I hear about the forced immigration and folks says that “they are important, one of them could be a scientis, a philosofer, a doctor, a tecnician and so on” but they don’t realise that they could always do something positive for their country just improving it with their work and mind.
And they have almost always a terrible life. They don’t find a job, are homeless and start becoming criminals. And since there are lots of them I don’t think that our bad economy can stand them all.

I think that what makes a race important is the history behind it. Every race that met Satan in its nanes and form (every race) has a glorious history, and then the jew arrives.
I don’t hate black people, i hate black people that don’t respect the other’s race and want to mix their DNA, destroy our and their karmic race and problems with people that don’t have to.

Green energy is possible, but the jew wants us dead, and he will make hard to have some in our house, imagine in an entire country. Let’s face it: solar panels, electric cars and other bio-eletric things are very expensive even for a rich. And the Russian-ukrainian war makes rhis harder.

I always like to spread positivity in this forum giving advaices to others, and I don’t talk about jews just because I don’t want my readers get acid reading my post(even I do know it’s important) but I didn’t resist to share this post full of sorrow.

Except the RTR(that I do every morning) what orher ritual do you think we can do toghever, so we can have a bigger chance?
May we please add something to our FRTR so we can burn some jew’asses and kosher just for our sake and Satan’s sake?
Please we need it.
Biden: Donald Trump, MAGA Republicans Are A Threat To This Country


Full version

Papercutspain said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hi HC666,
It make me sad think about everything bad that it’s happening around the world, Non european-americans are leaving their country just to move to EU or US leaving the chance to do something positive for their country. Everytime I hear about the forced immigration and folks says that “they are important, one of them could be a scientis, a philosofer, a doctor, a tecnician and so on” but they don’t realise that they could always do something positive for their country just improving it with their work and mind.
And they have almost always a terrible life. They don’t find a job, are homeless and start becoming criminals. And since there are lots of them I don’t think that our bad economy can stand them all.


Green energy is possible, but the jew wants us dead, and he will make hard to have some in our house, imagine in an entire country. Let’s face it: solar panels, electric cars and other bio-eletric things are very expensive even for a rich. And the Russian-ukrainian war makes rhis harder.

Here are the quick mafs of the situation:

1. Keep importing people with low interest for your Nation and that even see it as hostile + Impoverish them + Brainwash them with Islam + allow exponential births to happen = National death or your country gets taken over

2. Green energy at this point is a hoax, simply because, energy that we call "Non-Green" can in almost all cases cover our needs and not affect the environment, even Nuclear energy which is absolutely necessary for the world, or fuels, can be used in such a way that affects nothing. We are so retarded we are trying to "transition" on literally the cusp of great wars and so on, which leaves us disabled.

Many air-based green energy plans also do noise pollution and make whole segments of the map non-habitable completely, like their "Non-Green" counterparts. The "Green energy" we have now, kills birds and destroys fauna and flora in tens of miles radius from the holy installation upon which it is, even poor animals cannot stand it, because it's so "Green".

We have not yet discovered real Green Energy, besides of a few applications. We are lying to ourselves, because the jews have kept science dangerously back, and repressed and destroyed people like Tesla who had come here LAST CENTURY to solve all of this. We pay the price of this today as a planet.
Speaking of old-senila half-dead morons, this unfortunate U.S. Army veteran became victim of abuse by these wrinkly karens: Video: Veteran burns uniform.

That's what they come home to. I suppose these same old wrinkly karens who framed this guy will be running the GOP and representing Republicans the "party of morals" and flaunting "Support Our Troops" stickers. I'm not fooled one bit. In another incident, I believe it was one of those cop dash cam vids, old Republican local politician lashed out at cops after a traffic stop. Yeah....some "Law-Abiding Supporter of the Blue" we got.

As for Islam, I often wonder if these jihadists, breeding jihadist are even Arab or African (or fully Arab or African at all). Something makes me think that they're Jews, or descendants of Arabian and African Jews, given that Islam is basically "Arabian Judaism" (literally as Muhammad and Khadija were both Jews, and took their slaughter of the pagans ideas from Arabian Jews, Muhammad also intermarried with Jewish minors). They just don't seem human at all, and their demeanor is very ,very Jewish-like, and they've also been used to kill the White Arabs ( :roll: no surprise there....... :roll: ).
What's absurd about all of this is that the "conspiracy theorists" who are still into politics fail to realize that the people they're deeming "satanic" are actually members of the same religion they're supporting, let alone the ones enabling all of this insanity.

Better yet, why are emotions so prioritized when they don't even factor into important events? I never fully wondered why people put emotions up at the forefront of everything. It must be a part of magic.

I've once uttered this on Instagram, but politics at this point is just a red-herring; everyone's so focused on politics, but not on religion, the real cause of the US and Europe being turned into clown world; people on Instagram are like "Government is the problem!" or "That doesn't make any sense," or don't respond at all. The minute people talk about religion and how it all of this madness ties into politics, Xians and Pisslims will end the conversation then and there because they are too uncomfortable to talk about it, stating that "there's still good in Christianity and Islam." It's bogus, and this aversion to talk about religion is the reason why the world's in this state now.
DAAAANG...!!! SO THIS WORLD..with more jewshit and more jewtarded mindless destruction and they're so called NeverEnding pleasure! Of getting rid of the white people! Because the kiketards want more power and more thrill..to get there jew pebles off for more amusement...what next? As this messed up beaten world still spinning...AAAAAHRRRRGGGGG!!!
Not being racist the Hindi guy is actual okay at his job but wouldnt want him running my country. Also people will say she doesnt have the right as she wasnt elected in as PM.

I will see how she does, not that we have much else to do as demcocracy is a sham.

Joe Biden, jings where could you start with him.

I did like Trump would he get in again im not to sure its much different anywhere just changing the colour of the rosette from red to blue or vice versa.

100 years ago would have been nice if managed to win, 1933 even to 1941 would have been beautiful. (Germany)
HP HoodedCobra666 you hit the nail of the head with that! 😁⚡ I find it interesting how people have accepted a lot of this abnormalty as normal! And it is sad how the world thinks..and how they're expected to live? If all of this is going on? And they're thinking about a great future!? Believing in these fucking clowns that they elect! They are in for a real shocking surprise? To see even a bigger mess getting cleaned up more and more each and every day! Having to wake up is a little kid and wondering if you're going to have a educated future a life ahead of you or not? As you watch animals dying off every day little kids not even knowing what animals are going to look like? Other than what they read in story books! Not even knowing what a beautiful world is and what it was once upon a time? And the possibilities of these little kids could have had!? If they would have had the chance or was given a chance to go out and enjoy the world without being introduced to the cell phone and video games! Instead of learning to take a good look at the world for what it really is? And what is going on around them and at the endless possibilities? Of things that they could do to improve their mind and bodies! And knowing the difference between what is healthy and what is in? And the things that they could have done all along to save the Earth and their own community? Other than being so absorbed into what they put on the news! Not even knowing whether it's real or not? Looking up on these politicians is some kind of a hero? And depending on the media for everything they want and need and being a slave to that when they could have went out and done something different for themselves? People have had their choices throughout the years? They could have turned things around? But then again people live under fear and don't even know what to do? And don't even know who their real God is? Other than what they hear about or read about in a book written by jews! And believing in Christian superheroes along with all the political garbage and with these politicians are really all about? They don't really care about anybody at all and yet these children look at them like they're everything? Until they put down their cell phone one day and go sit outside on the front porch and notice that their neighborhood is not looking the same!? And then they kind of wonder who they voted for? And if they know anything about these politicians and their crooked history? The hidden agendas of these people have that children don't even know about! And yeah they're not old enough to vote? When they should be! Teenagers on the other hand they go out doing the things that they normally do everyday? Getting into trouble and looking for something better to do? With their time and their energy if they're not focused on school and something more important! They are aware of what is going on around them but they act like they don't care? Because they've been taught to believe that these politicians are some kind of a hero and that church is a fucking hero? And don't realize that they're being brainwashed more and more everyday because of that garbage! And yet because of their parents being born and raised into it enforcing their kids into believing it? They turn out to be just like their parents generation after generation becoming more and more stagnant minded as this Earth deteriorates by the hands of criminals, politicians, religitards and the greedy world leaders that their parents look up to..💣💀
politics are non existent, politicians are just fuckin clowns, left, right, center right, center left, whatever, all the same crap, empty promises, fake ass political campaigns using absurd amounts of money from dirty sources ie DRUG TRAFFICKING

I stopped getting angry at the fairy tale of politics long ago, news channels bring the same fear mongering shit over and over

it's all a big ass farce and it all can be brought down to the following logical (or ilogical) statement

electoral campaigns start 2 years before actual elections, 2 years that people start throwing money at politics. Now I understand that there MAY be companies and individuals interested in certain political party and "help" said party with money, assets, etc, but is it enough? I mean, the ASTRONOMICAL amount of money that gets thrown to politics, is it 100% clean money?

When candidates say that they're gonna bring down drug cartels, drug trafficking and what not, are they seriously gonna bite the hands that feeds them? Fuxkin NO!!!

Drugs are thriving, trafficking is rampant this leads to rampant crime, unsafe streets, unsafe cities, etc

All these motehrfuckers deserve is a bullet to the head, shamelessly lying to the masses, the worst part is seeing how little by little they buy a piece of land there, buy a business there, and so on, getting richer and richer, so imagine the power 10 of these cunts have. Its truly a criminal act how some of these cunts roam the streets without a consequence
EnkiUK55 said:
Not being racist the Hindi guy is actual okay at his job but wouldnt want him running my country. Also people will say she doesnt have the right as she wasnt elected in as PM.

I will see how she does, not that we have much else to do as demcocracy is a sham.

Joe Biden, jings where could you start with him.

I did like Trump would he get in again im not to sure its much different anywhere just changing the colour of the rosette from red to blue or vice versa.

100 years ago would have been nice if managed to win, 1933 even to 1941 would have been beautiful. (Germany)

You don't want him running your country. This comes from me as an Indian. His wife and his father in law are in bed with criminal World Economic Forum. The IT staffing giant Infosys they run is basically a white collar sweatshop in India and other parts of world as well. Being employed in that company is something below average Computer Science graduates do(Sadly Indians arent groomed or taught to excel in getting best jobs by learning to crack the interviews and learning hands on things. Only groomed to get good grades. ) Along with being a sweatshop they are also into serious criminal shit like immigration frauds, bribing their clients managers to have maximum jobs contracted to them and that kinda shit. They're planning to use their sweatshop to implement IT infrastructure for WEF's social crediting. https://greatgameindia.com/rishi-sunak-social-credit/
And on top of that all dumb Indians and other south east Asians would vote for him just because he is that race. And muh, we got back by having an Indian rule over England. Most of them arent aware of jewish problen. But anyway I do believe that the British deserve this. Most of british white or not still live in "We wun ww2 and deeefeated eevil natzeez". Britan would be far better if Hitler actually pursued nuclear weapon development and nuked them. The good whites from germany and Italy could reproduce and compensate the wiped out british population. Britan was always the black mole in nato who leaked jet technology to soviets. The prominent South East Asians especially Indians, Chinese and Pakistanis in UK are the worst white collar criminal shit that their native countries would jail but the british government doesnt.
V12-POWER said:
politics are non existent, politicians are just fuckin clowns, left, right, center right, center left, whatever, all the same crap, empty promises, fake ass political campaigns using absurd amounts of money from dirty sources ie DRUG TRAFFICKING

I stopped getting angry at the fairy tale of politics long ago, news channels bring the same fear mongering shit over and over

it's all a big ass farce and it all can be brought down to the following logical (or ilogical) statement


I could not reply earlier due to some technical difficulty. Reposting now.

Exactly, this is why I wrote a literal satirical garbage post, to describe this utterly garbage situation. There is not even agenda or anything interesting in politics anymore, just a transfiguration of nonsense from jews, insanity, corruption and trash that helps nowhere.

Only 1 out of 20 politicians is even effective at this point, even for basic tasks. I made this post to literally describe why the last 2 years there has not been any "serious" Political commentary. Because there cannot be. There is no point for me to sit here and spend 2 hours writing about a senile man that doesn't know in which room he is, and how he is too scared over the Co-Vid that he literally bankrupted the United States or whatever.

You open the TV, it's the regular crap until the enemy is finally laying sideways for good. Kill whitey, muh oppression, gibs me dat, all day long and unceasingly. Scandal after scandal, corruption after corruption, empty agenda after empty agenda, and jews kvetching all day.

The few people like Tucker or others who really have something to say, generally say everything there is to be said. I do believe the audience of theirs, albeit brainwashed by xianity, understands clearly where all of these fake politics are taking us collectively.

After all, it's a manifestation of a battle of religion and ideals towards the jewish people, who orchestrate this destruction in the first place.

When I can focus on important matters and seriously write about them. In regards to leftist mentally ill politicians or shabbos right wing goyim that pray to YHVH, one can only write a satirical post to highlight the insanity.

This is sort of like the Iraq and Iran situations in the past. There was no logic into it. Just a crazy narrative. After it's unmasked [we have done this] then wasting energy against it all day long is just stupid. Because nothing has changed, it's all the same lies over and over again.
Lol 😂. Ya Democracy has always been bullshit. Wise men like Plato ,slammed it. It allows to many social liberties and therefore needing tyranny of the worst kind to restore order. In planet Earth's case , Jewish Communism. The Universe is founded on Order ,so no matter how chaotic things get on the surface, Order will soon or later be restored. Because that's the core Essencse of everything ,Order. What kind is the fight here. It's either we progress and evolve or retrogress. Democracy is simply not part of natural reality of things. You see a nation (which originally also means race) can only unfold as far as it's leaders. So when you have leaders of lower consciousness, leading you,it becomes tricky. Because a leader can only lead people upto his or her level of unfoldment ,that's it. Everyone in the Ancient past , understood this. The Ancient Egyptians for example used to mummify the Royal Family for this reason. They wanted the same high quality of souls reincarnating into the Royal Family. So that you always had , souls of higher Consciousness ruling you. Even after those Ancient Dharmic Civilisations fell,this was still understood. Even in primitive tribes. The issue of having a Tribal Chief is all based on this. The gimmick of Democracy has always been to give people leaders of lower consciousness. While telling people that they are "equal" . Yes we are all equally Divine but at different levels of unfoldment at the same time. It's the Aristocratic Principal. Now people in terms of personality traits and so on,are obviously not equal. George Washington did some clarification about "equality". He said it doesn't mean you should give power to irresponsible people. The Founding Fathers being Sages most of them , understood everyone being Atma but at different levels of unfoldment. The Equality of Atma in all is already there, always has been always will be. Be we are at different levels of unfoldment. The enemy is trying to make people equal in personality traits ,now that's simply impossible. The equality nonsense based on that,is probably got to do with making goyim , equal slaves. If their Communist wet dream manages to manifest. The equality nonsense would be thrown out of the window. And the Jew becomes your master. No more equality goyims ,Oy Veyyy!

Diversity comes out of Atma ,and Atma wants this diversity maintained.

Anyway , everything was settled a long time ago. Atma is both beginning and end,so everything is already settled.
There's Divine Order in the Universe, even the thief, trouble maker and the Jew are part of this Order. The enemy can disrupt things as they have done. But for Full Commie World State ,to manifest that's tricky. Events come out people's souls (Karmic seeds),which can only be planted by them. That's why all Karma is just. So people have to comply for Global Marxism to manifest.
So people have to be informed. And many are , even the ones dismissing the conspiracy. When they see it fully manifesting beyond denial,they will become dissedents.
Truth will be the final victor, Dharma is getting fully restored.
anonymous666 said:
EnkiUK55 said:
Not being racist the Hindi guy is actual okay at his job but wouldnt want him running my country. Also people will say she doesnt have the right as she wasnt elected in as PM.

I will see how she does, not that we have much else to do as demcocracy is a sham.

Joe Biden, jings where could you start with him.

I did like Trump would he get in again im not to sure its much different anywhere just changing the colour of the rosette from red to blue or vice versa.

100 years ago would have been nice if managed to win, 1933 even to 1941 would have been beautiful. (Germany)

You don't want him running your country. This comes from me as an Indian. His wife and his father in law are in bed with criminal World Economic Forum. The IT staffing giant Infosys they run is basically a white collar sweatshop in India and other parts of world as well. Being employed in that company is something below average Computer Science graduates do(Sadly Indians arent groomed or taught to excel in getting best jobs by learning to crack the interviews and learning hands on things. Only groomed to get good grades. ) Along with being a sweatshop they are also into serious criminal shit like immigration frauds, bribing their clients managers to have maximum jobs contracted to them and that kinda shit. They're planning to use their sweatshop to implement IT infrastructure for WEF's social crediting. https://greatgameindia.com/rishi-sunak-social-credit/
And on top of that all dumb Indians and other south east Asians would vote for him just because he is that race. And muh, we got back by having an Indian rule over England. Most of them arent aware of jewish problen. But anyway I do believe that the British deserve this. Most of british white or not still live in "We wun ww2 and deeefeated eevil natzeez". Britan would be far better if Hitler actually pursued nuclear weapon development and nuked them. The good whites from germany and Italy could reproduce and compensate the wiped out british population. Britan was always the black mole in nato who leaked jet technology to soviets. The prominent South East Asians especially Indians, Chinese and Pakistanis in UK are the worst white collar criminal shit that their native countries would jail but the british government doesnt.

Not any humans deserve this, nor any country. Many of the British tried very hard to protest and oppose Churchill's war on Germany, but he didn't care because he was jewish. Just like many Americans opposed getting involved in the war against Hitler, but the president didn't care nor did his successor because they were both jewish. And people all over the world, including in Germany, who were all brainwashed as children about the holohoax, spit venom all the time at Hitler just like they're conditioned to.

Nobody deserves this jewish crap happening to them and their country. Every country has been taken over at one time or another by jews, and committed atrocities. If you can say that any country and its people deserve any of this, then we all deserve it. But we don't.
anonymous666 said:
EnkiUK55 said:
Not being racist the Hindi guy is actual okay at his job but wouldnt want him running my country. Also people will say she doesnt have the right as she wasnt elected in as PM.

I will see how she does, not that we have much else to do as demcocracy is a sham.

Joe Biden, jings where could you start with him.

I did like Trump would he get in again im not to sure its much different anywhere just changing the colour of the rosette from red to blue or vice versa.

100 years ago would have been nice if managed to win, 1933 even to 1941 would have been beautiful. (Germany)

You don't want him running your country. This comes from me as an Indian. His wife and his father in law are in bed with criminal World Economic Forum. The IT staffing giant Infosys they run is basically a white collar sweatshop in India and other parts of world as well. Being employed in that company is something below average Computer Science graduates do(Sadly Indians arent groomed or taught to excel in getting best jobs by learning to crack the interviews and learning hands on things. Only groomed to get good grades. ) Along with being a sweatshop they are also into serious criminal shit like immigration frauds, bribing their clients managers to have maximum jobs contracted to them and that kinda shit. They're planning to use their sweatshop to implement IT infrastructure for WEF's social crediting. https://greatgameindia.com/rishi-sunak-social-credit/
And on top of that all dumb Indians and other south east Asians would vote for him just because he is that race. And muh, we got back by having an Indian rule over England. Most of them arent aware of jewish problen. But anyway I do believe that the British deserve this. Most of british white or not still live in "We wun ww2 and deeefeated eevil natzeez". Britan would be far better if Hitler actually pursued nuclear weapon development and nuked them. The good whites from germany and Italy could reproduce and compensate the wiped out british population. Britan was always the black mole in nato who leaked jet technology to soviets. The prominent South East Asians especially Indians, Chinese and Pakistanis in UK are the worst white collar criminal shit that their native countries would jail but the british government doesnt.

Funny that one mate i am brittish obviously.

Kepp it cool kid.
Not to change the subject here...But not that Queen Elizabeth II has passed away? Just wondering how is that going to affect the world now.. and noticing how people are taking action with it questioning themselves? About Camilla and if she's worthy of being any kind of a queen? when all she was a cheap strumpet to begin with... and all this talk on Henry and William? And whether anybody is worthy of taking action of being king or queen? Quite frankly if you want my opinion neither one of them are worthy of being king or queen . And the whole concept of having a royal family? A living breathing a deck of cards! That are related to the fucking Jews and the Jewish rabbis that have taken over europe? And if done it on purpose! They have full control of the gentile people! A bit ridiculous and a bit absurd! The so-called royal families have been nothing but a fucking joke from the very beginning! :-( all they were all about was Pomp and glory and taking over the world and making a mess of other people's lives taking from the poor just to feed themselves and then sit there and laugh and get off jokes about what kind of people we are just because we're poor and just because we're not like any of them? And how people like us have become a joke and how they treated us like animals throughout the years for their amusement! Thinking that they could just do what they want with anybody just because they can! Just like they have moved into different countries with their jobs and businesses trying to take over India or China wherever they want to be for their amusement forcing their beliefs and their opinions on other people and other nations! They are the most piggish people! And they are the filthiest people! The royal families of Europe! There has been more health problems with those people and more skullduggering? Then you would probably find in a common home of poor people! Fighting over the last piece of bread at the dinner table! Yes poor people have had their problems and they've had their diseases did they have picked up in the city or in the town where they have worked as a slave! And maybe us poor people have had our problems and maybe we stood out due to the fact that a lot of us were brought up poor and uneducated! But in the same sense? I would rather be a poor Gentile than some stuff shirt Christian Royal! Rolling In My Own butterfat! And living in a world where you have to be prim and proper all the time according to name and fame and wealth! A world of Pomp and Glory were a woman can't even be herself that she has to be this way and that way in order to be accepted among the wealthy and the elite! Living the life of a reptilian!!🤣🤣🤣 and considering how these people lie and cheat and how they sneak around? Having affairs with one another crawling in and out of each other's beds! And how they have inner bread with one another throughout the years they're obviously not the most intelligent people! And they're not the most attractive people! Considering the fact that they live like rats! Feeding off of other people and taking over other countries throughout the years jobs and businesses! All because they want more money! And thinking of all the many ways to torture and abuse People Like Us just because we're the gentile people and the poor people! According to who and what they are? Because they're Jews and they know that they are! And they're proud of themselves because they're wealthy and because they're royalty! Related to some Jewish rabbi? And their dirty connection with the Jews and the fact that they have condoned the Catholic Church and forced religion on the poor people Through Torture and abuse along with it forcing people to accept the queen! And if not? Off goes your head! And the fact that these people push slavery and started war! And didn't even have the consideration? For the lives of other people but instead of that using other people as a fucking joke and a pown.. taking people from out of their homes and from other countries and using them as a slave! And how so many people fashioned this looking up on the royal families as a thing of beauty and making it look like it's a beautiful glamorous world when it's not! And why would people want to be of any kind of royalty of europe? Especially when it has to do with hatred and greed! And that's all the Queen of England has ever been to me is a greedy little bitch! And most royal families are nothing but greedy little self-centered bitches! Glorified Christian Jews who hate the world and put themselves out there to be the better people just because of their stupid money!? And because these people have made such a name for themselves? And because they've done so many things to get the attention of the world put themselves in front of the camera and in front of the fucking Limelight so many years especially the queen of england? And how people look up on her? Like she's Mother Goose relating poems and story books to her and the fucking Christian rules that go along with it? And now that the old bitch is dead! Just exactly? How is Europe going to handle not having her around? And what is going to be like without her and how is going to affect america? And what the fucking hell? Is going to happen next? Just out of curiosity...🤔
The relief is that we're ending this now spiritually. The more they jew around, the more relief our Earth will feel when our time comes.
Queen is dead Long Live the King.

Hail Satan
Politics is divided in two circus.

On the left circus we have:
- The Feminist who sees everything as "sexist" and part of the "rape culture"
- The Tumblr retard, who has no specialization in science, that believes that there are more than 100 genders and sexual orientations
- The "Communism has never been tried" parrot who has never read any of Rabbi Marx writing and still has no idea on how to get rid of Capitalism
- The not-so-Anarchist who wants a society with no rules but will assault anyone who hurts his "muh feelings"
- The Muslim who whines every second about "Islamophobia" while praying to his Jewish false god to help him in his Anti-White jihad
- The "Refugees Welcome" soyboy who thinks that whites are not mutt enough

On the right circus we have:
- The Ayn Randroid who still wonders why no one follows his garbage ideas
- The Zionist who wants more Crusades in the name of the State of Israel
- The Christard who costantly whines about "Christianphobia" because people are getting tired of his shit
- The Conservative who is "Refugees Welcome" but is supposedly "better" because he just wants the "legal" alines
- The Capitalist who believes that anyone who disagrees with him is a "Socialist"
- The Basement dweller who hopes that his political position will "give him a subimissive woman"

Yeah, they are so cringe that i prefer an acutal circus instead.
Nimrod33 said:
Politics is divided in two circus.

On the left circus we have:
- The Feminist who sees everything as "sexist" and part of the "rape culture"
- The Tumblr retard, who has no specialization in science, that believes that there are more than 100 genders and sexual orientations
- The "Communism has never been tried" parrot who has never read any of Rabbi Marx writing and still has no idea on how to get rid of Capitalism
- The not-so-Anarchist who wants a society with no rules but will assault anyone who hurts his "muh feelings"
- The Muslim who whines every second about "Islamophobia" while praying to his Jewish false god to help him in his Anti-White jihad
- The "Refugees Welcome" soyboy who thinks that whites are not mutt enough

On the right circus we have:
- The Ayn Randroid who still wonders why no one follows his garbage ideas
- The Zionist who wants more Crusades in the name of the State of Israel
- The Christard who costantly whines about "Christianphobia" because people are getting tired of his shit
- The Conservative who is "Refugees Welcome" but is supposedly "better" because he just wants the "legal" alines
- The Capitalist who believes that anyone who disagrees with him is a "Socialist"
- The Basement dweller who hopes that his political position will "give him a subimissive woman"

Yeah, they are so cringe that i prefer an acutal circus instead.

Could not sum it up more perfectly. Both the left and the right wing, are both false, and very radical.

I never understood in life, why for example, the past, cannot reconcile with future ideas.

For example, why cannot you have cultural respect and modern science, or civil rights and green policies, alongside with a firm border and making sure you do not get to extinct yourself in the process, or have a strong foundational culture with reasonable, low and proportionate amount of people from other places that you co-exist in a reasonable peace, but never past a point where they will literally replace you in your own land or without hostile programs and beliefs that want to kill you or something?

Because gotta open up the border for ___insert leftist argument about no borders or right wing argument of muh cheap labor capitalism___. Why must they believe in Islam and want to kill you instead of coming at total peace? Because ____insert left wing lingo about muh open societies___ or right wing nonsense like "we wuz free n shiet".

We are in the era of death of common sense. Everytime you ask "why" in reasonable questions, you just get a: Because "Oy vey goy, you can't."
Nimrod33 said:
Politics is divided in two circus.

On the left circus we have:
- The Feminist who sees everything as "sexist" and part of the "rape culture"
- The Tumblr retard, who has no specialization in science, that believes that there are more than 100 genders and sexual orientations
- The "Communism has never been tried" parrot who has never read any of Rabbi Marx writing and still has no idea on how to get rid of Capitalism
- The not-so-Anarchist who wants a society with no rules but will assault anyone who hurts his "muh feelings"
- The Muslim who whines every second about "Islamophobia" while praying to his Jewish false god to help him in his Anti-White jihad
- The "Refugees Welcome" soyboy who thinks that whites are not mutt enough

On the right circus we have:
- The Ayn Randroid who still wonders why no one follows his garbage ideas
- The Zionist who wants more Crusades in the name of the State of Israel
- The Christard who costantly whines about "Christianphobia" because people are getting tired of his shit
- The Conservative who is "Refugees Welcome" but is supposedly "better" because he just wants the "legal" alines
- The Capitalist who believes that anyone who disagrees with him is a "Socialist"
- The Basement dweller who hopes that his political position will "give him a subimissive woman"

Yeah, they are so cringe that i prefer an acutal circus instead.

An actual circus is way more entertaining though..

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
