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entertainment addictions?


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2017
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I hate or at least really dislike the tone set onto entertainers in this post.

Do you have any idea how much effort it takes to get good in that field??

Pleasure and fun is something that uplifts a society and helps it to keep going.

If you're only going to work all day and no play you'll be depressed before you know it. This is *NOT* a healthy mindset!

Everything in balance and moderation!!!!!

Spending 5 hours a day with your face glued to a screen is not balance or moderation it's consoomer mindset and the kneejerk reaction to very obvious and undeniable truths only confirms the addiction to entertainment many of you suffer from. It's interesting how all addicts react the same way regardless if the addiction is drugs, food, dopamine etc etc. Always the same reaction lol.

Maxine has pointed out many years ago one the reasons jews are on top is because while the average gentile comes home, turns on the tv and wastes hours consuming entertainment, kikes are putting their time into studying finance and working to keep themselves at the top. And since a majority of this community very clearly has not even read the JoS website and only skimmed through a few things, I have to constantly bring these things up time and time again.

What uplifts society is when people dedicate themselves to greater things that uplift their nation and their race. Not hitting a fucking dopamine button on a computer screen for instant and pointless gratification. Entertainment has always been a part of civilization but we are at a point now where entertainment is in absolute excess and people literally waste their entire lives consuming entertainment and doing nothing for themselves or for their nation.

When was the last time you followed through with a personal project, or created a financially sound asset, or did anything with your free time that was productive or beneficial for you and your life?

The most common answer is never, but I look at your steam account, or your youtube or social media accounts, and there is thousands of hours of play/watchtime accumulated. Imagine where most of you would be today if you had spent those thousands of hours doing something productive or beneficial for you and your life.

I encourage all of you who have a steam account for example to inspect your total playtime across your games and tell me you don't have a fucking problem, and that there isn't a problem with a society 100% fixated and consumed by entertainment.

How about close that youtube tab and open up material on possible asset creation so you can make your financial situation better. Or just spend that time empowering yourself instead?

Maybe as society is literally collapsing and we exist in the most unproductive, lazy and soulless generations in human history it's time to address and accept the reality that there is a problem with entertainment in excess and when clowns are treated as more valuable than farmers you have a serious problem in society.

Get real. You don't need entertainment to the excessive degree that it is provided nowadays. And entertainers and clowns shouldn't be treated as literal gods and worshiped by the masses because they make funny jokes and movies.
I agree with this personally. Some entertainment is necessary but I waste way too much time on it. I would like to focus more on serious things although my focus and energy are shot.
This is a problem with the majority of modern entertainment. As Dahaarkan said, many people are flat out addicted. This is different from the entertainment that uplifts society.

We should recognize how most entertainment is set up to maximize the rush it gives to the brain. This is seen prominently with YT shorts and other forms of endless scrolling. This is what makes a 20 minute break become 1-2 hours long.

For those who have problems with this, make use of software blockers and spiritual workings. Program Ansuz to remove any negative entertainment karma which damages your productivity, in a healthy way.

Have some comfort in the fact that your brain can and will adjust to lower levels of stimulation. This is also aided by increasing one's earth-based skills, allowing them to avoid burnout more easily.
Dahaarkan said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I hate or at least really dislike the tone set onto entertainers in this post.

Do you have any idea how much effort it takes to get good in that field??

Pleasure and fun is something that uplifts a society and helps it to keep going.

If you're only going to work all day and no play you'll be depressed before you know it. This is *NOT* a healthy mindset!

Everything in balance and moderation!!!!!

You don't understand what I mean.
All you guys have been doing is bashing the artists and selfexpression with this nonsense.

No it is *not* okay to waste hours of your day just consuming things.

However real talent should be appreciated.

Real artists spend a lot of time making their stuff.
Think about the dancer, dancing 6 hours of practice + evening performance 5-6 days a week.
Or what about the manga artist cranking out manga working on only 3h of sleep (thats not healthy but I want to get the point across).
Or the musicisian spending their entire day practicing - if they can. Musicians have it pretty rough too. Usually they need to support themselves till they get some fame, so working on their craft whilst also working a job as an employee elsewhere. Being a musician is also *not* a cheap hobby!

Or how about a dj that is listening and mixing music all day.


Oh and to bust your expectations, I quit social media a long time ago. And I don't have tiktok either.

I also do not owe you any other response. Think what the fuck you want of me, after all, you don't even know me as a person.
Lunar Dance 666 said:

I think Dahaarkan misinterpreted your original comment, as entertainment addiction and the entertainment career path are two separate topics. I was making a comment based on the former, not necessarily the latter.

I did not take what Dahaarkan said to be an attack against you, nor did I myself intend my comment in that way either. I viewed this thread as more of a tangent of your original comment, not a continuation of it, and I hope Dahaarkan views this with a similarly cooperative mindset.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=428034 time=1677811563 user_id=21286]
Lunar Dance 666 said:

I think Dahaarkan misinterpreted your original comment, as entertainment addiction and the entertainment career path are two separate topics. I was making a comment based on the former, not necessarily the latter.

I did not take what Dahaarkan said to be an attack against you, nor did I myself intend my comment in that way either. I viewed this thread as more of a tangent of your original comment, not a continuation of it, and I hope Dahaarkan views this with a similarly cooperative mindset.

No worries blitz. I figured you mostly replied because of dahaarkans reply hence why I didn't quote you.
I could not agree more with what you say and how much time the average person wastes on useless things like television or video games, one of the first things I did since I'm live alone in my house was to unplug the TV and it's been like that for months now.
You should only get the basic gist of what's going on so you can conversate with normies and blend together. Otherwise most entertainment is useless mindless junk. And you don't have to respect any artist unless and until you actually enjoy their work and appreciate it.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
You don't understand what I mean.
All you guys have been doing is bashing the artists and selfexpression with this nonsense.

You are under the misconception that I am criticizing the true artists and people who create proper and healthy forms of entertainment.

If you truly have respect and appreciation for artists and such, then you should be agreeing with me, because I am against the piece of shit parasites that dominate the entertainment and art sectors of society.

Because the real dancer who practiced for years is in poverty while some disgusting obese land whale is twerking in front of a camera for millions.

Because the real artist is living with their parents with basically no income, while some retard taped a banana to a wall and this was sold for millions of dollars.

How can you claim to support artists and such, and not be against the parasites who stole their spotlight and now dominate the entertainment sector with total garbage engineered specifically to be addictive.

See I actually know artists irl and I know very well how difficult it is to be appreciated and have any financial gain from their talents. Meanwhile someone is drawing dogs fucking each other on twitter and making thousands, and someone else is taping bananas to walls for millions of dollars.

If you truly had any appreciation for artists then you'd have a problem with situation in the modern entertainment, which is all addictive, dopamine pumping garbage and dominated by worthless individuals while all the people with talent and creativity have no place in it and have to get by on crumbs.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=427965 time=1677788308 user_id=21286]Have some comfort in the fact that your brain can and will adjust to lower levels of stimulation.

Making real progress towards a personal goal is the most stimulating thing one can do, that far outshines any fleeting pleasure or stimulation coming from modern entertainment.

The issue is that achieving something takes time and dedication, where as the gratification from modern entertainment is instant. Few things grant one more bliss than successfully achieving a goal and if people actually focused on their goals and followed through, they'd understand how much happier they would be if they focused their time on themselves instead of consooming entertainment.

The concept that modern entertainment is necessary to any capacity, and that modern "entertainers" have any value as human beings is absurd. These retards screaming and dancing in front of cameras and calling it "entertainment" are totally worthless. And all they do is take the spotlight and the money that should belong in the hands of true artists.
She didn't say anything about being addicted to entertainment so that's basically just an assumption you pulled out of your ass. I don't find this to be well intentioned either, it's just taking something out of context.

Entertainment obviously and clearly has its place because if one was meditating and working 24/7 one would basically become a lunatic:

HPS Maxine said:
Other effective methods of psychic self-defense include grounding oneself. Get physical, indulge yourself physically, watch something funny and lighthearted on the TV, and just turn your mind away from magick and the occult for a while. It is also a good thing to meet with friends- anything to focus on the physical world and forget the astral. When our minds are preoccupied and focused on something of interest, even the most determined spirit will have a hard time getting through. Avoid right side of the brain activities, like listening to music, artwork, video games, and mentally drifting.

HPS Maxine also put on music when meditating as this is enjoyable and stimulates the right part of the brain.

The fact the same 'toiling and suffering' masses who ignore Satan [when the www has existed for 30 years and everyone in the West has a phone at this point, the excuses are wearing thin] put jew Marvel, talentless abomination Drake, Twitch streamers and broken video games on release by some tranny developers who can't even be bothered to code shit to no. 1 every time doesn't have anything to do with the core point she was making - that those with actual talent are rare, would beautify society and deserve respect.

Meanwhile, the 'hard suffering workers' chose the lowest common denominator in accordance with their nature, the fate of which will not escape if they are too cowardly to face the enemy. Suffering doesn't beautify or ennoble anyone to me whatsoever if they can't learn shit from it. People allowed the abomination of the USSR to exist for nearly a century and that was without them watching Belle Delphine pissing into a jar on their iPhone.

The poverty, especially in the West, is OF IDEAS and OF WILL, not OF MEANS.

Occasional bursts of entertainment or sport in one's routine is healthy and what 'asset generators' and those with ideas actually do. Hence the "excrement wealthy" formulating many types of novel entertainment...
Karnonnos said:
She didn't say anything about being addicted to entertainment so that's basically just an assumption you pulled out of your ass. I don't find this to be well intentioned either, it's just taking something out of context.

Entertainment obviously and clearly has its place because if one was meditating and working 24/7 one would basically become a lunatic:

HPS Maxine said:
Other effective methods of psychic self-defense include grounding oneself. Get physical, indulge yourself physically, watch something funny and lighthearted on the TV, and just turn your mind away from magick and the occult for a while. It is also a good thing to meet with friends- anything to focus on the physical world and forget the astral. When our minds are preoccupied and focused on something of interest, even the most determined spirit will have a hard time getting through. Avoid right side of the brain activities, like listening to music, artwork, video games, and mentally drifting.

HPS Maxine also put on music when meditating as this is enjoyable and stimulates the right part of the brain.

The fact the same 'toiling and suffering' masses who ignore Satan [when the www has existed for 30 years and everyone in the West has a phone at this point, the excuses are wearing thin] put jew Marvel, talentless abomination Drake, Twitch streamers and broken video games on release by some tranny developers who can't even be bothered to code shit to no. 1 every time doesn't have anything to do with the core point she was making - that those with actual talent are rare, would beautify society and deserve respect.

Meanwhile, the 'hard suffering workers' chose the lowest common denominator in accordance with their nature, the fate of which will not escape if they are too cowardly to face the enemy. Suffering doesn't beautify or ennoble anyone to me whatsoever if they can't learn shit from it. People allowed the abomination of the USSR to exist for nearly a century and that was without them watching Belle Delphine pissing into a jar on their iPhone.

The poverty, especially in the West, is OF IDEAS and OF WILL, not OF MEANS.

Occasional bursts of entertainment or sport in one's routine is healthy and what 'asset generators' and those with ideas actually do. Hence the "excrement wealthy" formulating many types of novel entertainment...

You completely miss the point because you are oblivious as to the reality of the modern entertainment industry. Most forms of entertainment nowadays are not designed by comedians, artists or even writers, nowadays most entertainment is made by psychologists, this is especially true for example with video games, in the mobile market specifically many games have teams of psychologists working with programmers to design features in games to be addicting and stimulate the mind with dopamine to an unhealthy degree.

Tiktok, twitter and the like as is widely known are also designed by psychologists to stimulate the brain and pump dopamine to create addiction to it. These are all undeniable truths. So you saying it's everybody else's fault, and not the fault of the people who created these addictions in entertainment, only shows your limited level of intelligence.

This is a typical tactic of the jews which is to create the poison and then blame everybody else for being poisoned. You should be embarrassed for having this mentality of blaming the victim which only helps the jews. It's not people's fault that they are hooked on this garbage, the fault is with the people who created this garbage in the first place. Your entire statement is you shifting blame from the jews and degenerates who manipulate and exploit the masses with entertainment, and putting the blame on the victims who got hooked on this stuff.

Maxine never supported the consoomer mindset of plugging yourself to garbage entertainment for hours and hours. The context (which you left out to suit your argument) of the above is in regards to psychic self defense and not confirmation for one to over-indulge in consooming entertainment to unhealthy degrees. I don't know why you think you can try to bend Maxine's statements to suit your own opinions and arguments, this is obscenely disrespectful and you're only making a clown of yourself.

This constant moaning and bitching is just the endless cries of an addict who is upset because someone is pointing out their addiction and criticizing their drug. It's the exact same reaction one gets from a weed addict if one criticizes their drug.

"Oh but but but but!!!"

There are no buts, modern forms of entertainment are designed specifically to be addictive and exploit dopamine addiction and this is harmful by design. Denying this is only one being naive or as is the more likely case, an addict upset because their addiction is being criticized.

You continue to bring up artists and such and this is incredibly ironic because the modern entertainment industry oppresses and crushes the real artists while placing retards, parasites and degenerates in the spotlight. So who's side are you on, really?

How can you claim to have respect for artists, while at the same time writing walls of text defending the industry that oppresses and crushes the real artists?

You NPCs continue to argue like I'm saying all entertainment needs to be abolished and yet there is no quote in which I said any of this. You seem totally incapable of logic and reasoning and it's why you cannot specify the text in which I said entertainment as a concept is a bad thing, or that I'm bashing artists or whatever. Modern entertainment is BY DESIGN addictive and harmful and everybody who isn't a fucking NPC understands this.

The issue is you have the attention span of a goldfish who instead of actually reading things others said, comes up with their own idea of what was said and starts arguing based on their imagination of what was said rather than what was actually written.
Karnonnos said:
The fact the same 'toiling and suffering' masses who ignore Satan [when the www has existed for 30 years and everyone in the West has a phone at this point, the excuses are wearing thin] put jew Marvel, talentless abomination Drake, Twitch streamers and broken video games on release by some tranny developers who can't even be bothered to code shit to no. 1 every time doesn't have anything to do with the core point she was making - that those with actual talent are rare, would beautify society and deserve respect.

Meanwhile, the 'hard suffering workers' chose the lowest common denominator in accordance with their nature, the fate of which will not escape if they are too cowardly to face the enemy.

The fact that you shift blame from the jews, and instead blame your own people for the problems that the jews created, only demonstrates how backwards and insane your logic is.
Many here suffer from these addictions hence the knee-jerk reaction to simple truths. I've dealt with addicts in my family my whole life and I know exactly what an addict looks and sounds like.

And the super defensive, emotional reaction to me criticizing modern entertainment is exactly the same reaction you'll get if you criticize any addict's drug. The addict themselves are not the problem the problem is the jew who created the drug and made them addicted in the first place.

This braindead mentality of blaming the addict instead of their supplier is totally backwards and only shows one is a fake Satanist. No true Satanist shifts blame from jews and onto their own gentile people who are victimized by the poisons and curses the jews inflict them with.

A real Satanist works and fights to expose the jews and liberate their people from the jewish poisons. Not shift blame and defend the poisons the jews have created as if they are necessary for humanity. You people need to shut the fuck up, turn off your phones and work on improving yourselves and your lives so you can be truly happy and accomplished. You do not need to over-indulge and consoome entertainment, stop lying to yourselves.

Note that the very people who create these poisons do not allow their kids to get hooked on these things. That degenerate steve jobs said it himself he did not allow his kids to use his own products for example.

So why is it that the very people who create these things admit they are harmful and don't let their kids consoome it, but you think there isn't a problem with this stuff?

Literally no successful or advanced SS is spending hours upon hours consooming entertainment and frying their brain with dopamine. I can say this with confidence because nobody can achieve anything while hooked on this garbage.

Imagine a god that's hooked to a VR headset drooling and consooming dopamine for hours and hours. Such does not exist, and will never exist.

Do not question or criticize entertainment industry goyim! Civilization cannot exist without tiktok!!!!!

Oy vey, buy the new consoomer VR-headset so you can be plugged to non stop entertainment goy. YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT ENTERTAINMENT GOYIM, DON'T YOU WANT TO SUPPORT THE ARTISTS!?!!?!?

.... This seems like it's more touching on digital addiction. An important factor to take into consideration here is that back lit screens are overly stimulating for the mind and eyes on their own, it wires you up, and can cause problems such eye damage, insomnia, depression, and restlessness if you spend too much time looking at a screen (especially at night before bed). That's without getting into the actual excessively available digital entertainment.

Many media are designed to be hyper stimulating, easily accessible, and easy to consume. It taps into the reward mechanism of the mind. However, if someone is struggling with a digital addiction, chances are there is something they are avoiding in their lives. It's the quickest form of escapism when someone is not able to deal with something or doesn't know how to deal with it. It also can slip into mindlessness in a lot of ways, especially TV. However, in moderation, digital engagement isn't that much of a problem.

Using myself as an example, much of the digital media I consume are novels, education on animals and skills, and on occasion some wholesome anime that produces a video a week, and instrumental music. The JoS as well. I stay off medias that encourages mindlessness, while still being positive, and entertaining, even imparting good life lessons. But when I'm suffering a depressive spell it's unfortunately easy for me to slip into an addiction, and this happens for me because everything is yelling at me that it needs some TLC and a break, so my body forces this until I pay attention to my needs. When I take care of that, the addiction goes away.

And that's part of it too... one needs to really know themselves, what their weaknesses and triggers are, their habits and patterns, and what their needs are. It makes dealing with addiction a lot easier when you know these things.

Then there are non-digital forms of entertainment. Theater, concert, books, board games, playing a sport, doing some artwork, playing an instrument, hanging out with friends and family, playing with toys, sitting in a park writing a story, [insert an endless list here]. Ever noticed these types of entertainment are far less addicting, a lot easier to manage your time around, and are a lot more healthy for someone to engage in?

So, personally, I wouldn't out-and-out condemn entertainment or the people creating it. We need both the material and spiritual in balance, this includes resting and play.
I think it's completely wrong to assume and say as a fact that the majority of this community hasn't read the JoS sites and practically comparing many SS members to normies. That seems like a horrible way to view us. It's mostly newbies who most of them don't even make it far in this community and just are around for a few months. The majority of here are either doing their duty as SS with some constantly helping in the forums by answering questions or giving feedback.

Besides that I agree with the assessment that extreme escapism is a problem and I find it very unsettling every time I go to a woman's house and immediately starts spouting about her shows and putting on Netflix or something similar. It's very immature and a big turn off. Or people in general who just sit/lay on their fat ass once they get home from work and then complain about their health but give all the excuses in the world why they don't take 30-45 minutes AT LEAST of some type of exercise as if their manual labor is something that makes them free from ridicule of anything else.

How much time has gone by watching meaningless things on a screen and are already full adults to almost being grandparents. It's a shame and sad.

Some entertainment is obviously good as has been pointed out and for myself it has helped me get thru my spiritual practices when I'm tired (which is a lot of times because of kidney problems). Helps my mind get in an uplifting mood while working out/yoga/shadow kick boxing etc which once I get into the groove of these activities I drown out the distractions and focus on what I'm doing way more comfortably.

I sometimes have informative videos running in the background while I read thru posts here as well but that might not be suitable for everyone as not everyone has a very active mind that can handle it.

For us here we should be able to know how to balance these things while we can only advice normies to do positive things for themselves while acknowledging that they will still do normie things so giving advice based around that fact can be helpful. Like telling them to at least do yoga with their netflix show running instead of just sitting there for hours doing nothing of importance. Hoping down the line they'll have a stronger mind to at least start dialing down their consumer habits.
tabby said:
So, personally, I wouldn't out-and-out condemn entertainment or the people creating it. We need both the material and spiritual in balance, this includes resting and play.

Why condemn the poison, but not the people perpetuating the poison?

The most successful people/companies in the industry all play into the addictive and harmful nature of the platforms they use, this is itself condemn-able. Like I have said I don't understand how one can say they support artists and such while defending the very reason artists are poor and neglected in society.

A bitch twerking on tiktok is not an artist. A retard taping a banana to a wall is not an artist. These individuals are totally useless and taking advantage of jewish manipulation & addiction tactics to make money off of people unaware of what those screens are doing to their brains. Meanwhile you have artists making beautiful works and barely have enough money to survive.
hailourtruegod said:
Besides that I agree with the assessment that extreme escapism is a problem and I find it very unsettling every time I go to a woman's house and immediately starts spouting about her shows and putting on Netflix or something similar. It's very immature and a big turn off. Or people in general who just sit/lay on their fat ass once they get home from work and then complain about their health but give all the excuses in the world why they don't take 30-45 minutes AT LEAST of some type of exercise as if their manual labor is something that makes them free from ridicule of anything else.

But don't you think it's wrong to be blaming your own people for these things, when jews are doing everything they can to degrade them this way.

Jews have removed anything spiritual from people's lives and replaced it with addictions, poisons, lies and hopelessness. So is it really that woman's fault that they have nothing else to talk about or be excited about, when jews have taken everything spiritual from this woman's life and left her only with bread and circuses.

Stop blaming your own gentile people for what the jews have done to them. People are soulless husks because of what the jews have done to the world and to our people. Stop blaming people for being addicted to garbage, and start blaming the jews who created the addiction in the first place.
We can't get all hung up with fear though about who's making the entrainment. In all honesty the enemy does have hands in creating most of what we watch and listen to, but we are SS here. We have strong enough minds to sift through the dross and understand clearly what the truth is, what we can enjoy, and what we feel we should avoid.

It's too extreme to boycott all forms of entertainment just because so much of it is tainted by controlling consumer themes. It's also extreme to indulge fully in it until we are doom scrolling Facebook or TikTok to the point where it's now an addiction and we've wasted like 5 hours doing nothing. Both are unhealthy extremes.

Everything should be in moderation, taking time to enjoy the entertainment that we like, but also keeping in mind that too much can be bad. The closer I grow to Father Satan and the Gods with understanding, the more certain shows or videos I used to enjoy, I can see through the enemy filth and lost the desire to watch them. But I still enjoy the things that are less involved in current nonsense.

What I'm trying to say is, just don't let yourself get too paranoid to the point of cutting out having much needed enjoyment from whatever form of entertainment you like. Just do so in moderation and with a SS mindset.
It really is gross what the jews have pushed onto humans to consume. From literal shit being involved to subhuman women and men bullying regular people in public areas to get clout while similar like minded monkeys praise them and laugh. Which because of it a push back trend is starting to emerge of these idiots having their actions blow up on their face.

It's messy all around because the person in front of the camera need a to learn a lesson not to do these things AND the people watching them and giving them thousands of views need to have a better mindset to not give these people attention.

Society is so fucked nowadays and one can exhaust themselves being angry at all this if they don't learn how to drown it out which I speak from experience.
Dahaarkan said:
Karnonnos said:
She didn't say anything about being addicted to entertainment so that's basically just an assumption you pulled out of your ass. I don't find this to be well intentioned either, it's just taking something out of context.

Entertainment obviously and clearly has its place because if one was meditating and working 24/7 one would basically become a lunatic:

HPS Maxine said:
Other effective methods of psychic self-defense include grounding oneself. Get physical, indulge yourself physically, watch something funny and lighthearted on the TV, and just turn your mind away from magick and the occult for a while. It is also a good thing to meet with friends- anything to focus on the physical world and forget the astral. When our minds are preoccupied and focused on something of interest, even the most determined spirit will have a hard time getting through. Avoid right side of the brain activities, like listening to music, artwork, video games, and mentally drifting.

HPS Maxine also put on music when meditating as this is enjoyable and stimulates the right part of the brain.

The fact the same 'toiling and suffering' masses who ignore Satan [when the www has existed for 30 years and everyone in the West has a phone at this point, the excuses are wearing thin] put jew Marvel, talentless abomination Drake, Twitch streamers and broken video games on release by some tranny developers who can't even be bothered to code shit to no. 1 every time doesn't have anything to do with the core point she was making - that those with actual talent are rare, would beautify society and deserve respect.

Meanwhile, the 'hard suffering workers' chose the lowest common denominator in accordance with their nature, the fate of which will not escape if they are too cowardly to face the enemy. Suffering doesn't beautify or ennoble anyone to me whatsoever if they can't learn shit from it. People allowed the abomination of the USSR to exist for nearly a century and that was without them watching Belle Delphine pissing into a jar on their iPhone.

The poverty, especially in the West, is OF IDEAS and OF WILL, not OF MEANS.

Occasional bursts of entertainment or sport in one's routine is healthy and what 'asset generators' and those with ideas actually do. Hence the "excrement wealthy" formulating many types of novel entertainment...

You completely miss the point because you are oblivious as to the reality of the modern entertainment industry. Most forms of entertainment nowadays are not designed by comedians, artists or even writers, nowadays most entertainment is made by psychologists, this is especially true for example with video games, in the mobile market specifically many games have teams of psychologists working with programmers to design features in games to be addicting and stimulate the mind with dopamine to an unhealthy degree.

Tiktok, twitter and the like as is widely known are also designed by psychologists to stimulate the brain and pump dopamine to create addiction to it. These are all undeniable truths. So you saying it's everybody else's fault, and not the fault of the people who created these addictions in entertainment, only shows your limited level of intelligence.

This is a typical tactic of the jews which is to create the poison and then blame everybody else for being poisoned. You should be embarrassed for having this mentality of blaming the victim which only helps the jews. It's not people's fault that they are hooked on this garbage, the fault is with the people who created this garbage in the first place. Your entire statement is you shifting blame from the jews and degenerates who manipulate and exploit the masses with entertainment, and putting the blame on the victims who got hooked on this stuff.

Maxine never supported the consoomer mindset of plugging yourself to garbage entertainment for hours and hours. The context (which you left out to suit your argument) of the above is in regards to psychic self defense and not confirmation for one to over-indulge in consooming entertainment to unhealthy degrees. I don't know why you think you can try to bend Maxine's statements to suit your own opinions and arguments, this is obscenely disrespectful and you're only making a clown of yourself.

This constant moaning and bitching is just the endless cries of an addict who is upset because someone is pointing out their addiction and criticizing their drug. It's the exact same reaction one gets from a weed addict if one criticizes their drug.

"Oh but but but but!!!"

There are no buts, modern forms of entertainment are designed specifically to be addictive and exploit dopamine addiction and this is harmful by design. Denying this is only one being naive or as is the more likely case, an addict upset because their addiction is being criticized.

You continue to bring up artists and such and this is incredibly ironic because the modern entertainment industry oppresses and crushes the real artists while placing retards, parasites and degenerates in the spotlight. So who's side are you on, really?

How can you claim to have respect for artists, while at the same time writing walls of text defending the industry that oppresses and crushes the real artists?

You NPCs continue to argue like I'm saying all entertainment needs to be abolished and yet there is no quote in which I said any of this. You seem totally incapable of logic and reasoning and it's why you cannot specify the text in which I said entertainment as a concept is a bad thing, or that I'm bashing artists or whatever. Modern entertainment is BY DESIGN addictive and harmful and everybody who isn't a fucking NPC understands this.

The issue is you have the attention span of a goldfish who instead of actually reading things others said, comes up with their own idea of what was said and starts arguing based on their imagination of what was said rather than what was actually written.

No, you didn't say entertainment needs to be abolished, but your grievances at anyone who isn't an industrial worker are constant and endless. Yes, we get the picture 'AI and robots can do art better than any art parasite' (funny how you're suddenly taking the side of artists now), 'sports are worthless!', 'rich people are all excrement', 'UBI now', 'the world is unfair' and the rest. Same script, different day, same stick up your ass. I don't even comprehend why you praise Western farmers when according to you on the other thread they exploit people's labor value, newsflash, Western farmers usually employ tons of people these days. Actually, they have for 150+ years which was the jew's excuse for exterminating 'the kulak'.

I didn't defend any industry.

But there are no real victims when it comes to macro-level things, just compliance. No one, not even the Jews owning Viacom or Mitt Romney's deluded mormon ass owning Clear Channel, FORCES braindead retards to exalt bullshit like Drake as if that thing is a god incarnate. A Drake song is not fentanyl. Maybe this argument was somewhat coherent about 30 years ago with MTV and a tiny amount of music channels dictated by what the jew ordered played, but the internet has actually enabled choice. On DouYin Tiktok, one CHOOSES which song to dance to or make some nauseating 'storytime' on top of. What do most people do with choice? Do they pay attention to those with talent or, forbid, those with actual opinions who don't sell themselves on the dotted line?

No. This is what the masses feed on at their level of existence, this is what they relate to, and these are their heroes and martyrs. The technology and algorhiths made by psychologists might be different, but the fall of Rome wasn't that distinct to this. When a collective degenerates, they need something with less and less complexity. The more they stress themselves out due to their own cowardice as their nation collapses, the more they need distractions and charades like Marvel superheroes and Belle Delphine to live their own lives vicariously for them. Therefore this is all an inevitability at this point in time. The Jews know this. Already explained to you copious amounts of times, last when HP Cobra told you this is to do with the Chakras ordering society, someone's level of complexity and how they function, and you STILL ignore it. So much for your highly vaunted intelligence. Though really, this has nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with resentment.

I wasn't even engaging with your argument about vidya-addicted neckbeards which wasn't what Lunar Dance 666 was talking about either [she was talking about your disrespect of artists on that thread], nor do I care that your only method of argument is to try to portray us as TV and vidya-addicted NPCs with vested interest in promoting cheap Nintendo crap (sorry pal, I haven't touched any of that in at least a decade) or something, I was pointing out that SS need balance in their life which is something HPS Maxine CONSTANTLY iterated, which is exactly what Lunar Dance was saying as well and what your rant with her post being quoted has almost nothing to do with.

The whole 'work and toil on the jewish vav level of existence 24/7 or you're a parasite' bullshit from some people is going to cripple anyone mentally and physically.

Dahaarkan said:
Karnonnos said:
The fact the same 'toiling and suffering' masses who ignore Satan [when the www has existed for 30 years and everyone in the West has a phone at this point, the excuses are wearing thin] put jew Marvel, talentless abomination Drake, Twitch streamers and broken video games on release by some tranny developers who can't even be bothered to code shit to no. 1 every time doesn't have anything to do with the core point she was making - that those with actual talent are rare, would beautify society and deserve respect.

Meanwhile, the 'hard suffering workers' chose the lowest common denominator in accordance with their nature, the fate of which will not escape if they are too cowardly to face the enemy.

The fact that you shift blame from the jews, and instead blame your own people for the problems that the jews created, only demonstrates how backwards and insane your logic is.

Any actual parasite can only be sustained year on year by an entity that has problems (yes including the 'little people').


If we went by your logic we'd be praising glorious commissars, Indonesian factory workers and Congolese child miners as the greatest society can ever offer. After all, we of privilege in the West simply couldn't do without their baseline contributions and resource extraction. All day every day people must praise that, the basics of existence. No amount of praise is ever enough right?
"dahorkn why u being mean to artists?!??!?"

The "artists" yall are defending:




Karnonnos said:
No, you didn't say entertainment needs to be abolished, but your grievances at anyone who isn't an industrial worker are constant and endless. Yes, we get the picture 'AI and robots can do art better than any art parasite' (funny how you're suddenly taking the side of artists now), 'sports are worthless!', 'rich people are all excrement', 'UBI now', 'the world is unfair' and the rest. Same script, different day, same stick up your ass. I don't even comprehend why you praise Western farmers when according to you on the other thread they exploit people's labor value, newsflash, Western farmers usually employ tons of people these days. Actually, they have for 150+ years which was the jew's excuse for exterminating 'the kulak'.

As usual, lots of accusations, and no quotes in which I said any of the above, all context hidden for the sake of argument, also as per usual. You really think you're pulling some shit like anybody buys any of your retarded lies and made up accusations.

1 - I retracted my statements on AI art before, and the reason I defended it in the first place was due to misconception on my part that this would evolve into a new tool for creating personal art such as being able to draw using only thoughts at some point. It clearly only exists to create deepfakes and copy other's art into amalgamations and I've already retracted this in the AI warning thread.

My misconception was largely believing this could even become a tool for artists to use as well, but it turned out my views on AI art were incorrect.

2 - Never said sports are worthless, I said soccer players, who create entertainment aren't as valuable in the grand scheme of things compared to for example a farmer who creates food which is required for survival. Food is essential, entertainment is not. This is the point I'm trying to make. Modern "entertainers" exploiting the addictive platforms and formulas are worthless human beings and I stand by that.

To say that they aren't as valuable is not the same as saying they are worthless.

3 - Literally never at any point displayed hatred for rich people. I displayed hatred for people who exploit and enslave others, and specifically for people who build wealth by abusing and exploiting their employees.

4 - Yes, I defend UBI for legal citizens. Why should governments be giving away billions to jewish banks and enterprises and not give that money to gentiles instead?

5 - The world IS unfair and this is in large part due to the jews cursing gentiles for thousands of years and taking over and making the world into the horrible place that it is. This is known by SS who have been here for a week, but I'm not surprised if you are unaware.

I did say I think people who create essential things that we need to survive such as farmers who produce food should be considered among the highest in society and I stand by that. The people who work to create essential things that you need to survive should be more respected than people who twerk in front of cameras for the entertainment of imbeciles. If you disagree with this you are a mentally disabled human being.

I also never claimed that people need to be worked to death to be considered worthy individuals, in fact in the same thread where I stated my opinion on UBI I very clearly stated that I think people work too much and should have more free time. So you are either braindead or again hiding context to lie and deceive readers.

Balance is what I am advocating, as I've stated numerous times entertainment is not the issue, but how entertainment is created to be addictive that is the issue, and how one has to be aware of the poison in order to avoid it.

It's interesting when liars and bullshit artists start to expose themselves they start reaching in every direction trying to pull anything they can from any and all topics from months to years ago in an attempt to make up lies and accusations to try to make themselves look good. 90% of what you said is lies and not even relevant to the conversation, so what was even the point.
I remember doing a similar post in 2020 and got more backlash because back then there was Magestein and other infiltrators who were pro-porn.

Anyway, these are the kind of entertainment that are always health (if they follow the classical Pagan route, of course):
[*]Going to theater
[*]Listening classical music
[*]Looking or making traditional Art

I don't know if practicing sports counts as entertainment, but surely is less damaging than being a Baby Boomer sitting all the day in front of a screen and screaming wherever something happens. Its nauseating that some nationalists would defend the Capitalist takeover of Soccer, along with the Antifa-like Ultras movement.

Also, the only movies that I watch nowadays are dystopian movies, in order to be informed on Jewish tactics.

Dahaarkan said:
"dahorkn why u being mean to artists?!??!?"

The "artists" yall are defending:

Yeah, that's one of the reasons why I hate going on YouTube nowadays. I cannot stand seeing "that face" in the home page EVERY FUCKING TIME! These guys are artists as much as Picasso and Duchamp were.
Dahaarkan said:
"dahorkn why u being mean to artists?!??!?"

The "artists" yall are defending:





I think this right here proves you're completely misunderstanding everyone who pushed back against you if these are the examples you think are the ones people are saying are of good merit. Although I disagree with some of the claims being said against you as they are the same ones being used that have been proven over and over that aren't true.

The middle row being AI generated taking examples of the actual tards you have the right to be bashing AND which no serious SS that's here would ever defend and none haven't.

I think going tit for tat on specifics is meaningless though as the whole point being conveyed is pretty much understandable.

No, most of us here aren't what you said in your initial reply here or in this one but yes it is viable to generalize the value of jobs towards society as you explained in your reply to me in the other thread and also expanded in the last reply above to another memeber.
Karnonnos said:
If we went by your logic we'd be praising glorious commissars, Indonesian factory workers and Congolese child miners as the greatest society can ever offer. After all, we of privilege in the West simply couldn't do without their baseline contributions and resource extraction. All day every day people must praise that, the basics of existence. No amount of praise is ever enough right?

Not necessarily the greatest, but should be up there as the more respected in society, because they are literally toiling away their lives to provide you with essential things that you need to survive and live.

Why are you so strongly against poor workers being given the respect, pay and praise that they rightfully deserve?

I never said that they need to be worshiped like they are gods. But they should be given the respect and praise that is warranted for creating essential things. Treating laborers as the lowest in society when they are literally the reason you have food on the table is unjust.

This is what pisses me off you do not have an issue with a farmer or factory worker who feeds thousands of people being poor and neglected by society, but I say one thing about retarded tiktokers and you have a meltdown. This to me just proves you are a consoomer and an addict raging because I talked shit about your drug.

If you can't understand this you are so mentally backwards and stunted that I simply cannot help you.
hailourtruegod said:
Dahaarkan said:
"dahorkn why u being mean to artists?!??!?"

The "artists" yall are defending:





I think this right here proves you're completely misunderstanding everyone who pushed back against you if these are the examples you think are the ones people are saying are of good merit. Although I disagree with some of the claims being said against you as they are the same ones being used that have been proven over and over that aren't true.

The middle row being AI generated taking examples of the actual tards you have the right to be bashing AND which no serious SS that's here would ever defend and none haven't.

I think going tit for tat on specifics is meaningless though as the whole point being conveyed is pretty much understandable.

No, most of us here aren't what you said in your initial reply here or in this one but yes it is viable to generalize the value of jobs towards society as you explained in your reply to me in the other thread and also expanded in the last reply above to another memeber.

The above examples are the category of human being that I'm criticizing for the most part. My writing style probably doesn't help and I think that's why a lot of people think I'm supporting views that aren't really what I'm trying to say.
Anyone who enjoys modern entertainment and media is a loser and a coward. I wouldn't trust any of them for the simplest of tasks.
Nimrod33 said:
Yeah, that's one of the reasons why I hate going on YouTube nowadays. I cannot stand seeing "that face" in the home page EVERY FUCKING TIME! These guys are artists as much as Picasso and Duchamp were.

Aye, I try to go on youtube sometimes and just instantly regret it and click off after a minute or two, I can't really watch anything on it and only use it to put music in the background if I'm doing something else. Like 99% of videos on there are total consoomer garbage, minutes upon minutes of ads and then the dude talking about sponsors etc etc.

Then you get to the actual video itself it's some retard screaming over some bullshit and calling it "entertainment", and this shit gets millions of clicks and makes thousands of dollars per video because it plays into the addictive formula that these platforms push to the front page.

Meanwhile you have actual comedians or artists working for weeks or months to make interesting cartoons or skits and they get a minuscule fraction of the money for their time spent on there in comparison to the "modern entertainers". It's disgusting.
For an artist there was never before a better and more easy way to get famous or wealthy, if they do something that many people enjoy.

There are around 8 billion people on earth, if you create something and only 1% watches this on yt. Then you made it.²

Art has to be adjusted to the people, to be positive inspiring (so people grow/spiritualy) but also on the level the people can understand. Like the gods choose sometimes animals as appearance to tell us something.

One can blame the enemy that people are on this low level off development by interfearing with the gods. But as I see it, the addict is the biggest problem, because they produce the demand. Without demand, no market. No hype. A chain is only as strong as the weakest chain link, meaning humanity as a whole has to do better, after we did erase the enemy influence.

²"If we want to know how much money accounts like his make, let’s look at his content. That’s right – he made a video about this as well. · On average, a million views on YouTube are worth about $2000."x80 = 160000$.
Dahaarkan said:
2 - Never said sports are worthless, I said soccer players, who create entertainment aren't as valuable in the grand scheme of things compared to for example a farmer who creates food which is required for survival. Food is essential, entertainment is not. This is the point I'm trying to make. Modern "entertainers" exploiting the addictive platforms and formulas are worthless human beings and I stand by that.

This part is the only thing I greatly disagree with. I'm not sure if I am understanding your viewpoint correctly or not but from what I've seen you are of the stance that "Entertainment is a non essential work". Entertainment can take the form of literature, music, movies, and more recently video games. It's incorrect to say that work that provides entertainment is non essential as these are things that are also necessary to live.

People die if they don't breathe for more than a few minutes. People die if they don't drink water for more than 3 days and people die if they don't eat for more than a month and a half. It's easy to see and very clear that these needs are necessary and it's understandable why you hold those that provide basic necessities in such high regard. But the world isn't simply the physical realm and physical health.

Entertainment is of a higher faculty that falls under a different form of necessary pleasure. Those that work in these fields provide fulfillment of the higher realms and as such are also a necessity. A lack of such is a slow death but a death nonetheless and can create severe hangups in the next life. Creation and Appreciation of the higher realms are hardwired into our souls and its why it can never be truly removed. Even during the height of the enemies reign during the dark ages they couldn't remove artwork and music and therefore lead them to creating works that fulfilled their agenda. The same happens now in what you refer to as "modern entertainment". The work itself is necessary but the result isn't always the most respectable. Even the jobs and work you believe as "the highest and most respectable" isn't free from corruption.

The higher realms and the lower realms work in tandem with each other and is how the universe operates. Which is why work of the higher realms are just as necessary to live even if it isn't as obvious to see.
Dahaarkan said:
Karnonnos said:
If we went by your logic we'd be praising glorious commissars, Indonesian factory workers and Congolese child miners as the greatest society can ever offer. After all, we of privilege in the West simply couldn't do without their baseline contributions and resource extraction. All day every day people must praise that, the basics of existence. No amount of praise is ever enough right?

Not necessarily the greatest, but should be up there as the more respected in society, because they are literally toiling away their lives to provide you with essential things that you need to survive and live.

Respected fine - but why should they be more respected'? Westerners after being subjected to the worst industrial slavery of any place in the world and re-incarnating since moved past this about 100 years ago, complex beings in complex societies have more complex needs and functions. Now for the sin of this in the estimation of the jew, we are subjected to constant judgements about this and how we 'deserve nothing', in addition to the memory of this industrial slavery being wiped out of existence, because 'muh poor africans, mother africa, dey gave us everything'.

Most of these people if they came to the West would start tyrannizing us and treating us [not jews] like shit regardless of their suffering and giving us what we need to survive, especially if gibesmedats and kill whitey fo' mo' money was waved in their face. And traitors of all classes here would side with them because "they suffered so much compared to us, we exploited them and they gave us everything we haaaaaave, the least we can do is give them our country :(" [even though "we" built everything fucking here and the IDEAS and machinery they use to create and do anything higher-level in the first place]

People do not necessarily learn from suffering. So I will give them some respect for what is owed them, but I would rather be fucking dead than prostrate and bend the knee. It is no better than doing so for a spoiled, specifically pampered footballer, who also 'bend the knee' for such people and their considerably wealthier compatriots of the 'diaspora' with every advantage a modern westerner has in the most ritualised manner possible in every stadium across Europe because um, some mean people are racist or something.

I would bend for a farmer from my country - but a farmer from my country IS PART OF A HIGHLY SPECIALIZED, EUGENICALLY SELECTED CASTE WHO BENEFITTED FROM ENDLESS LAND ACQUISITIONS IN THE 19TH-20TH CENTURIES, EMPLOYING OTHER PEOPLES LABOR, TECHNOLOGICALLY ENDOWED, etc. Not a Zimbabwean tiller. The difference is, I don't see any pejoratives in the allcaps part of my statement.

It is what it is, and part of what is so offensive about the vegan scum trying to outlaw farming is that a lower caste of resentful filth are trying to project rules onto something higher than them. It is not 'poor little farmers being oppressed by powerful vegans :(' it's a group of subhumans [puffed up with titles of questionable quality like "university student"] picking on what is exceptional, irreplacable and unique because their jew handlers gave them the green light to do so and at the core of it all, they are cowards. No different from monks of the 4th century who also attacked farmers because "the end is high, the world is over". These freaks are likely to some degree reincarnations or genetic offspring of this anyway.

The simple fact is anyone can be a Zimbabwean tiller, anyone can be a factory worker (speaking as someone who yes, WORKED IN A FACTORY MYSELF), anyone can be a 'streamer' and anyone nowadays (certainly not four decades ago) who is in the average range of intelligence (let's say above 85 IQ) can be a 'university student', or even be the professor of some shit subject like 'LGBT Afrikan@ Studies'.

Not everyone can be a pro footballer, not everyone can be an artist, and definitely not everyone can be a Western farmer either. This is what Lunar Dance meant. The jew categorizes all three of these as 'bourgeois superexploiters' (as the jewish soul can do none of these) and every single one of these in a communist regime is brutally destroyed immediately. As Pol Pot's regime said (this sentence is an expression of jewish hopes and dreams about ruining each and every specialized caste of Gentiles, these castes being what Hitler pointed out in Mein Kampf as constituting a master race instead of one of slaves), "to destroy you is no loss, to preserve you is no gain."

Out of the three, if people choose to hate farmers in the Western world (actual horrors of the meat industry aside) and continue to worship someone as talentless as Drake or repugnant and shrill as Beyonce - once again, this is their own issue caused by being immature and naive at the soul level at best, retarded at worst. The jew itself can only do so much, even with curses, before someone willingly becomes an eager lapdog or program themselves to 'deserve less'. If a jew tells someone to jump off a cliff are they going to do it?

Struggle and toil is one thing and that in itself is why some attributes of third worlders have an edge, even admirable qualities (like the fact they haven't been convinced to castrate themselves like idiot westerners), but suffering alone is NOT, NEVER WILL BE virtuous in itself, and it does not make them more worthy of praise than us or a footballer. To suffer is an xian 'virtue' and nothing more.

Dahaarkan said:
Why are you so strongly against poor workers being given the respect, pay and praise that they rightfully deserve?

I never said that they need to be worshiped like they are gods. But they should be given the respect and praise that is warranted for creating essential things. Treating laborers as the lowest in society when they are literally the reason you have food on the table is unjust.

You said the state needs to praise them endlessly [as if that even makes a difference to their lives] and cut out entertainers out of any praise whatsoever...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Dahaarkan said:
This is what pisses me off you do not have an issue with a farmer or factory worker who feeds thousands of people being poor and neglected by society, but I say one thing about retarded tiktokers and you have a meltdown. This to me just proves you are a consoomer and an addict raging because I talked shit about your drug.

I never said shit about fucking Tiktok retards being worthy of praise, I said about the relenting practice of attacking people with SKILLS that are in shorter supply due to the required complexity of a soul to accomplish these than the skill of working in a factory in a basic position. This mindset is exactly what led you into the AI and art bullshit.

Once again, if you are so pained by labor value 'exploitation' as you said in the other thread, I question why you defend Western farmers at all.

Dahaarkan said:
As usual, lots of accusations, and no quotes in which I said any of the above, all context hidden for the sake of argument, also as per usual. You really think you're pulling some shit like anybody buys any of your retarded lies and made up accusations.

EXACTLY what this entire thread is. You took her quote entirely out of the context she was typing it in (a week since she even typed it) and then layered in a bunch of accusatory silliness and smears about her being some neckbeard defending her OnlyFans habit, just because she took exception to you ranting about artists and sportspeople all the time.

If this was a thread quoting someone who was defending themselves playing 12 hours of video games every day, addicted to dogshit like Euphoria and wasting tens of thousands of dollars on porn [there are even posts like this that actually exist here], if it was a corrective like the one Lydia politely issued at people being influenced by TV and social media to think they're ugly and shitty [yes, such individuals need to shut this shit off and unlike Lunar Dance defending entertainers ONCE they keep talking about their complexes 24/7], it would be completely valid to some degree, but as it is, it's just a case of skewed accusations. You still didn't respond to what she said in this very thread either, but then we know it was only designed as a launchpad for the usual drama queen bullshit.

When did I or Lunar Dance ever say "POOR LABORERS SHOULD FUCKING DIE, I HAVE 300,000 STEAM HOURS AND I BOUGHT A BELLE DELPHINE VIP PASS, OOOH LAWD EVERYONE SHOULD LOVE FOOTBALLERS AND EVERYONE SHOULD FOLLOW ISLAND BOYS ON TIKTOK!! BILL GATES MASSA GON GIVE ME SOME SHILL COIN FOR THIS!"... yet from step one you pretended this was the case. This is not an argument style, this is the same type of circus hysterics and contortions along with 'you disagree with me therefore you love jews' to "win over the crowd" you repeatedly learned from your usual arguments with Jack and jrvan. Sophistry is BORING...

Every single SS that dares disagree with you is put on the same low tier of being a retard and a moron on the lowest possible level ever with 'something to hide' and the absolute worst of intentions and vices, as if you are judge jury and inquisitor or know anything about us (really you don't know shit), even someone as exceptional as NakedPluto [someone I would bend the knee to out of respect as this is earned, not given] was recently cross-examined with this dumb routine. All this hostile approach ever does is inflame topics to turn into hellscapes on minor points of disagreement.

I don't give a fuck if anyone 'buys' what I am saying, dumb little cliques either, I can't be bought. Scrutinizing the taste of the masses and what it will ultimately lead to is one thing, but if SOME SS want to wind themselves up so tightly they end up like Ghost or Aldrick or anyone from the neurotic psycho 'good old days' where they go outside and all they see, ever, are jews, Greys, little blue gnomes and "degenerates" having too much fun with retard phenomena, ignoring those of exceptional talent, and then deciding that anyone suggesting integrating any level of fun unrelated to said phenomena (enjoying exceptional talent) into one's routine = NEEDING CORRECTIVE STRUGGLE SESSION ASAP they can do that. Enjoy the 'great' results this will give you.

You can safely throw Tiktok in the trash, but I'm simply stating what the price of this approach of work, work, work and no winding down can be.

The rich certainly know how to have fun and put this into their routine. It's like when incels claim that 'rich Chads' don't know what masturbation is and would never play video games in any way whatsoever as all they're doing is fucking 10/10 women and checking their stock portfolio 24/7. Have any of them ever known a 'rich Chad'? This is not reality. No shit they work hard and have priorities unlike some FF14 addicted neckbeard, but they are not inhuman.

The symptom and the cause are being confused relentlessly with this logic. Someone with a disordered and resentful mind is prone to make skewed observations about someone who has more balance or ease in their soul in one area (wealth, looks) because they can't fathom where it comes from and what it produces.

Everyone misunderstanding each other, people trying to tear each other down and undermine credibility, and as always absolutely nothing to show for all of it.

Just another day where the jews laugh at us for being divided.

If anyone thinks they are going to be a leader in society in Satan's age when they treat their comrades like trash and tear them down, then they are going to be bitterly disappointed. That's not a leader... it's the opposite of one. True leaders don't put others down to lift themselves up.

I've personally seen valid points made by most people in this thread. Almost all of you are right on various levels and in various ways, and if you put all of it together then it's a much bigger piece of the truth. Why attack each other to defend your arguments when none of you being "right" about what you are saying necessarily invalidates what the other is saying? Just acknowledge the truths contained in all of your messages.

Dahaarkan, just simmer down and stop calling people retards. You choose the absolute worst ways to go about persuading people of your arguments sometimes... you don't get people to see the validity of your arguments by attacking and insulting them. That does NOT work. Come out of attack mode, take a step out of your magnified perception, and relax. Yes, it was weird to quote Lunar Dance for your thread (out of context too), and this gives the appearance that you are making an example of her. I understand why she wasn't happy about this.

I'm not reading another wall of text of word-twisting bullshit sorry
jrvan said:
Dahaarkan, just simmer down and stop calling people retards. You choose the absolute worst ways to go about persuading people of your arguments sometimes... you don't get people to see the validity of your arguments by attacking and insulting them. That does NOT work. Come out of attack mode, take a step out of your magnified perception, and relax. Yes, it was weird to quote Lunar Dance for your thread (out of context too), and this gives the appearance that you are making an example of her. I understand why she wasn't happy about this.

Discourse is fully natural and is not comparable to full blown division. I don't know why you think people disagreeing over things means a group is divided. Division is when the community collapses into minor groups and start cursing each other. A conversation with differing opinions is not in any way comparable to division.

I started a thread simply because this is a tangent about modern entertainment and modern entertainers that get confused for artists that doesn't fit into the original thread. From what I can tell she didn't really care that much it's this other dude who is very upset and twisting words for some reason.

How about people present opinions truthfully without twisting words and lying and then I don't have a reason to call them retards?

It's interesting to me that you had an issue when this was done to you but since you are no longer the target of it, you don't see it anymore and don't have an issue with it now, and want me to tolerate it to prevent arguments.

It's interesting how everybody from HC to regular members all address slander and lies about them, but when I do this it's a problem?

The conversation was going pretty smoothly until your little friend here started having a meltdown over the keyboard for no reason, trying to pull Maxine's writings out of context to suit his bullshit, as if psychic self defense has anything to do with the topic.

So don't bother trying to paint it as if it's my fault that this dude didn't take his meds before logging into his account.
Zeffie of the Wind said:
It's incorrect to say that work that provides entertainment is non essential as these are things that are also necessary to live.

Have you ever built something?

Accomplished a long term goal, created a successful asset, reached a massive milestone, built a home, or a farm, or a business?

Because I can tell you right now that true fulfillment comes from the above, not from consooming. There is no greater bliss than to build and accomplish things in your life, and modern entertainment is specifically engineered to rob you of the time you need to work on your life.

As I've said before, the hyper successful millionaires and the like, they do not allow their offspring to get hooked on modern entertainment and this is for a reason. Because they know that in order to accomplish anything in life one must put time, effort and dedication into their goals, things you won't have if you are hooked onto modern entertainment that fries your brain with dopamine and leaves you with no time or willpower to work on your life goals.

I warned years ago about how video games would evolve into all-consuming drugs that fry the brains of the people hooked to them and drain their bank accounts dry with psychological manipulation, and now look at the people hooked to these things, 30-40+ year old men living in their parents basements with 0 life experience is becoming the norm, people forming horrific gambling addictions from phone games and losing all of their money to these poisons, and the excessive lack of motivation or drive coming from people hooked to these games.

And other forms of entertainment follow suit and develop in the same way. Out of all the losers I know in real life, who never accomplished anything at all, many of them older than me by a decade or more, they all have the same things in common.

They have a tiktok, they play video games, they browse twitter and instagram. They can tell me the name of every football player in the world, but don't know the definition between an asset and a liability. They don't know what a bank loan is or how debt can work in your favor. They don't know what yoga is or that they even have a soul.

Everybody who is hooked to these things is a loser and has accomplished little to nothing in their life. You think you will be the exception, go right ahead.

Entertainment is healthy, modern entertainment is not, and it will destroy your life. Now you can all ignore these warnings and continue to CONSOOME to your heart's content. Maybe when you are 30 or 40 years old and having accomplished nothing in your life you'll finally realize the truth.

OY you need entertainment to live goyim!!!

Don't question or criticize, just put on your headset and CONSOOME!!!!!!!!!


Wojak finally took off the CONSOOMER goggles and decided to start working on his projects and his life, but now he's almost 50 years old and still living with his parents with no work experience and no incomes, and there is no hope for him now. Oh well, at least you had fun consooming the entertainment, right goy???

Might as well put the goggles back on and keep consooming until you die goyim.
Dahaarkan said:

There is absolutely NO nuance in any of your text whatsoever, and now you are saying all this, AND still blaming and pointing the finger at the entire JoS forum?

Da fuq?

By now plenty of ppl have said and explained things to you (it took me way longer to read all of that than what I wanted to say here.) and to be fair it feels like we're talking to a wall.

Like whoever doesn't 1000% agree with you can just fcking die.

If you want to go live in the prehistoric times be our guest, but we are about advancement and everyone can tell you when your are doing bare bones survival, some entertainment is VERY welcome to keep you from going insane and breaking mentally.

Also I don't know what the fuck your problem is, projecting your issues onto everyone else, but get your shit straight. I won't allow you to spout your nonsense and to force your "opinion" down anyones throat like that.

As for those barely known artists.. There is NO excuse to NOT jump on the social media bandwagon and GET OUT THERE.

The entertainment sector may be rigged, but thats no excuse to drag everyone down with it.

Listen there is a way to calmly make a disagreement, there's a way to listen and discuss opinions. Whatever this is that's going on here, this isn't it. You take the extremes out of everything everyone else is saying here! No one here is defending social media zombies, no one here is saying jewtube stars are the best thing ever, no one here is defending TikTok. People are simply saying entertainment still has a place in this world.

There are still many gentiles out there working their asses off in the entertainment industry that we can watch and enjoy. That doesn't mean suddenly we are going to be sucked into a virtual reality world where Mark Suckaberg is going to be playing patty cake with us. No one is defending that addiction or that nonsense! I feel like you only took this extreme stance because we all know what sort of thing is bad and we don't approve of it, however your initial argument was about how workers are more important than entertainers and when we said both are equally important you decide to go into this massively extreme stance that way you could still be absolutely be right. But no one here said we defended that extreme, they simply still defend entertainment.

It's not too different from HP Hooded Cobras post where he said every job is important! That means entertainment as well. If we have enough gentiles working in the entertainment industry, even though the enemy may still have a hand in it, we can still start claiming it back. And moving away from this extreme you are defending. We can't take things back by being paranoid and vehemently opposing it until we just give it up to the enemy and act like it's all no good. We can instead see what we can do to improve it and grow with it and as our society moves forward we can slowly start taking it back into gentile hands.

But we can't do this if we're so paranoid to the point where we never watch TV again or never partake in current entertainment. We are SS we are smart enough to sift through the bullshit when we watch something.. we aren't dumb we know when something is filled with lies or is garbage. We can be smart enough to learn what's popular in modern entertainment and try to use that as a platform for spreading the truth again and finding ways to use it to our advantage and bring it back to satanic roots. It's entirely possible to do this.

Why do you think HP Hooded Cobra made the video about the Jewtrix. Because at the time watching videos was a popular way to gain attention. What about now? Short videos are popular. Is this good? No because it's weakening attention spans..but what if someone here started making satanic advertising through quick attention grabbing content and brought some people to us actually learn the truth and move out of that garbage way of thinking? We have to work the way the world works until we have won this war.

No one agrees that we should be on Facebook all day or Twitter or TikTok. No one here agrees with playing video games all day in place of work. We already know that shit is wrong. So you can stop throwing that around, you don't always have to be right. We all have the rights to our opinions, you've already stressed yours enough. If you don't wish to listen to other opinions without going to the deep end to be right you'll never learn anything. But that's your personal choice. But this infighting regardless if you think it is or not, needs to stop right now. How can we be a good example for others if they see this nonsense. Be the example that steers people to our path, not one that deters them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
