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entertainment addictions?

Lunar Dance 666 said:
There is absolutely NO nuance in any of your text whatsoever, and now you are saying all this, AND still blaming and pointing the finger at the entire JoS forum?

Da fuq?

By now plenty of ppl have said and explained things to you (it took me way longer to read all of that than what I wanted to say here.) and to be fair it feels like we're talking to a wall.

Like whoever doesn't 1000% agree with you can just fcking die.

If you want to go live in the prehistoric times be our guest, but we are about advancement and everyone can tell you when your are doing bare bones survival, some entertainment is VERY welcome to keep you from going insane and breaking mentally.

Also I don't know what the fuck your problem is, projecting your issues onto everyone else, but get your shit straight. I won't allow you to spout your nonsense and to force your "opinion" down anyones throat like that.

As for those barely known artists.. There is NO excuse to NOT jump on the social media bandwagon and GET OUT THERE.

The entertainment sector may be rigged, but thats no excuse to drag everyone down with it.

Right so this is just another cringe sperg post putting words in my mouth again, which confirms you're not really worth responding to, so I'll just write something short.

Social media oppresses any real artists and puts retards and parasites in the spotlight, if you can't understand this you are too mentally stunted to converse with. But whatever go put on your consoomer goggles and keep consooming.

If you are a CONSOOMER who NEEDS to CONSOOME modern entertainment to live, that doesn't mean this applies to everybody else. You are projecting your own personal addictions and needs onto everybody in the world to justify your own addiction. I don't CONSOOME and I'm not depressed, and a vast majority of successful people also do not CONSOOME and don't allow their kids to CONSOOME either.

Also there isn't any problem, I'm just discussing my own opinion on issues with modern entertainment and pointing out some people may have addiction problems related to it. I also suspect you suffer from this and this is the reason for your emotional response to a simple disagreement.

Note also other members disagreed with me, and there is no issue or escalation with them. This is because they are able to disagree without having sperg meltdowns like you are having. Maybe try not having meltdowns when you wish to discuss something?
SapphireDragon said:
People are simply saying entertainment still has a place in this world.

Yeah and I already said I agree with this, so what are the spergs even talking about at this point?

I am talking about modern entertainment which is very problematic and people should be aware of how it is created in a way to become addictive. There is a difference between healthy forms of entertainment and the addictive, harmful modern entertainment.

One should be aware of which is which and what can be harmful to their brain. This is not new however, as was pointed out by another member who criticized porn addictions and got backlash from addicts.

I've also made threads before about how video games specifically are being designed to create addiction and exploit customers' addictive patterns, and also got backlash back then. At the end of the day the only people who get upset by addictive poisons being criticized, are addicts who feel this is a personal attack on them and feel they have to try to justify their own addiction as something that is necessary or healthy, when it clearly is not.

My original statements on the other thread were confusing in nature and I did not explicitly explain that my issue is with modern entertainment and not with the concept of entertainment itself as this can be healthy, but in it's modern form it's addictive poison and it is created to be addictive poison. But at this point I've explicitly stated that I am not against entertainment as a whole just that a vast majority of modern entertainment is very harmful, and puts worthless fake artists in the spotlight while leaving true artists in the shit.

English is a hard language I guess.
Dahaarkan said:
Zeffie of the Wind said:
It's incorrect to say that work that provides entertainment is non essential as these are things that are also necessary to live.

You point the obvious and the hate is understandable but ignore the fact that its simply a tool. All tools are neutral and only those that use or abuse them are at fault. The current state of humans are very low and has been that way for centuries. Therefore anything these people do, just because they are the majority, shouldn't be considered anywhere near the standard that should be set or an example to be taken seriously.

My post was about what I quoted which was when you stated Entertainment as a field of work is non-essential. Non-essential as in unnecessary to live and its non existence would pose no issues or problems. I still stand by what I said that such things are necessary and essential for a healthy life.

The negative aspect does not negate the necessity of its existence. You speak of hard word and effort while denouncing those that are lazy and addicted to the dross of life. This is obvious and doesn't only pertain to those addicted to modern entertainment. Escapism is something that happens since the dawn of mankind as it the extreme aspect of one of human qualities which is the need to unwind and relax. Life is hard and it needs to be balanced with relaxation as stress builds and can destroy a person just as much as a knife to the gut can. One becomes addicted because they are unable to balance their inner self as this comes from both ignorance and laziness. Addiction can pertain even to hard work and ones career as this too has an extreme aspect to it. Forgetting oneself into their work, neglecting both ones health and ones community is not a good thing and if even driven to death will create severe hangups towards work and effort in their next life.

Your argument solely lies on these people at the lowest levels of existence that give nothing and take everything. A parasitical bunch that choose not to develop themselves. I also know a lot of these people and they exist in every field of study and work. They are not to be taken seriously as they themselves do not take life seriously. This is not to be confused with those that exist at a low level but continue to struggle to develop themselves regardless.

Modern entertainment is being used as another escape tool for these people but those that work in the field of entertainment are still putting in proper effort, especially those that have succeeded. The soccer play spends hours a day training their body. The streamer spends hours a day honing the ability to speak and be charismatic among whatever other skill they are choosing to develop. All hone their craft spending time, effort and dedication in order to produce and create their best work which in your words is true fulfillment. And for these people to make a living off of it someone else needs to spend money on them. If no one "consoomes" as you so put it then these people will be unable to survive in current times.

The problem has always been those that are on the bottom end of existence that try to drag those down with them. It just so happens that these people are loud and active while regular people have been made weak and passive. The majority of people in the world are just trying to live another day. It's our job to create a world where these normal people can become better because no one else will. In fact those that work in that field have the greatest reach and biggest audience and therefore have the biggest impact.
Zeffie of the Wind said:

Yeah I agree that there are real artists using these platforms, but to me the issue is how these platforms give the spotlight to the worst degenerates, like logal paul and the like. This is not to say that everyone who is a youtuber for example is a degenerate like the above, but what irks me is how it is always the degenerates and fake artists who make it to the top in these platforms.

The system is fucked and it prioritizes and favors degenerates and fake artists, leaving most of the real artists and talented entertainers behind.

As for entertainment being essential, we can agree to disagree. I do not think it is essential, healthy entertainment is healthy for sure, but saying it is as necessary as the bare essentials (food & water) is not something I personally agree with. Be careful with consooming modern entertainment for it is a slippery slope.
Karnonnos said:

Okay so I did get around to reading it and I'm glad I did, this is one of the funniest posts I've read on the forums.

As I assumed it's mostly just twisting shit and putting words in my mouth again, but I've never seen such an emotional mess of a post such as this. You are talking about like 17 different things all at once and none of this makes any sense.

And this hysterical meltdown just because I said laborers deserve more respect than clowns and that modern entertainment sucks ass?

How about stop punching the keyboard and actually read what I'm writing and then respond with a cohesive and to the point reply explaining why you believe my views are incorrect, as other members have done, and we can have a conversation like normal humans.

Or keep going on sperg tangents about random shit that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Literally you and Lunar are the only people on this thread throwing a fit but at least she has the excuse that she thought this was a personal attack on her when that really wasn't the intention, just trying to start a conversation. What are you so upset about?
Dahaarkan said:
jrvan said:
Dahaarkan, just simmer down and stop calling people retards. You choose the absolute worst ways to go about persuading people of your arguments sometimes... you don't get people to see the validity of your arguments by attacking and insulting them. That does NOT work. Come out of attack mode, take a step out of your magnified perception, and relax. Yes, it was weird to quote Lunar Dance for your thread (out of context too), and this gives the appearance that you are making an example of her. I understand why she wasn't happy about this.

Discourse is fully natural and is not comparable to full blown division. I don't know why you think people disagreeing over things means a group is divided. Division is when the community collapses into minor groups and start cursing each other. A conversation with differing opinions is not in any way comparable to division.

I started a thread simply because this is a tangent about modern entertainment and modern entertainers that get confused for artists that doesn't fit into the original thread. From what I can tell she didn't really care that much it's this other dude who is very upset and twisting words for some reason.

How about people present opinions truthfully without twisting words and lying and then I don't have a reason to call them retards?

It's interesting to me that you had an issue when this was done to you but since you are no longer the target of it, you don't see it anymore and don't have an issue with it now, and want me to tolerate it to prevent arguments.

It's interesting how everybody from HC to regular members all address slander and lies about them, but when I do this it's a problem?

The conversation was going pretty smoothly until your little friend here started having a meltdown over the keyboard for no reason, trying to pull Maxine's writings out of context to suit his bullshit, as if psychic self defense has anything to do with the topic.

So don't bother trying to paint it as if it's my fault that this dude didn't take his meds before logging into his account.

Don't pretend to be innocent. You're doing the same thing which you are accusing him of. Your "solution" is to fight fire with fire, but this just makes a mess for everyone. This does affect unity. If you can't get along with people then it's better to ignore them. The only reason to react to his "meltdown" as you call it is if you are invested in what people think who are viewing your topic, and in that case I suggest you take my advice about persuading people. This contrasts with your claimed attitude of not caring what people think of you, btw. You HAD weight and reputation, and people listened to you. You were heading in a direction of advancement in the community where you could have been more for others, but now you've been throwing it away. You had a chance to be a role model. If you're intent on disregarding that then why should you even care if people twist your words? What does it even matter to you, if your true feelings are in congruence with your words? If he's such a retard as you claim then why do you care if he makes a message on your post, and why do you care if he accuses you? If he's such a dolt and his words don't matter then why can't you ignore him? Oh right, because none of that is true. Since your contradictions are catching up to you, how about you clarify one last time: do you care about your reputation and what people think of you, or don't you?

As for Karnon and I being friends, I have no idea how he feels about me, and I don't remember if I have ever spoken to him.
Dahaarkan said:

This thread was basically a miscommunication from both sides, but it was aggravated by the insults which were thrown.

Yes, discourse is necessary, but as you can see here, the degree of this extended past what is useful, becoming hostile. This then has the opposite result of normal discourse.

Dahaarkan, people already hear the power behind your words. Yet sometimes this gets to the point of "burning" people, which makes them mad. There are ways to structure your speech which still protect its power of projection without causing hurt feelings.

Adolf Hitler's speeches did not directly attack members of the crowd, but were meant to enlighten them, even though Hitler knew not all of them agreed with him. The same applies here, where people already notice your passion. It doesn't need to go further into personal attacks, as this defeats the point of a productive conversation.

Some of your writings could simply have a few phrases or sentences deleted, yet would still make the same point without making the other person dislike you.
Low consciousness entertainment for low consciousness people. All this shows is that there are more people of low consciousness in western society than there are those of high consciousness. This is why low tier entertainers that you mention gain so much money because they are catering to such a huge audience of low consciousness folk. If they weren't so low on the totem pole then they wouldn't pay any attention to these clowns referenced.

You have to be of higher consciousness, intellect, and sophistication to appreciate refined entertainment. All we're witnessing is clowns putting on a show in front of mental children, and the children getting excited by it. Stop considering them adults in anything but body, and this stops being surprising. Any of us could make this tier of entertainment and get paid too, but obviously we don't want to because it's degrading.

Mystery solved. Fix the problem of low consciousness, and you fix the problem of garbage entertainment. What more is there to discuss? Now let's stop bitching at our brothers and sisters who are already above this crap, and who definitely don't require your "sermon" on the topic.
Dahaarkan said:
Zeffie of the Wind said:

Yeah I agree that there are real artists using these platforms, but to me the issue is how these platforms give the spotlight to the worst degenerates, like logal paul and the like. This is not to say that everyone who is a youtuber for example is a degenerate like the above, but what irks me is how it is always the degenerates and fake artists who make it to the top in these platforms.

More often than not, those degenerate you speak of had never reached their status of fame and fortune through legitimate and honorable means. Many have been exposed of committing crimes of varying degrees both morally and legally. It's the only way those people would be able to get ahead from those with real ability and skill. There are only 2 types of people who reach the very top: those with both effort and fate on their side, and scum who used any means necessary. And sadly most of those well know and successful are probably the latter.

Thankfully even if one isn't at the very top one is still able to make a living off of their work to varying degrees of comfortability. Some may need supplementary sources of income while others can live solely off of their work in the field. In present times, I can only wish these people the best of luck as the world is still controlled by criminal scum. All we can do is keep doing what we can to free this world under Satan's guidance one step at a time.

On a side note any real SS who wants to work in this field (or any field actually) has the edge in both knowledge and power to reach any level of success desired along with a high degree of safety and stability regardless of opposition. I'm not really worried about any of us here as we are outliers and shouldn't be put in the same category as normal people.
It is not bad at all to have an entertainment in your life. But if you become literally addicted around it, to the point it starts ruining your life, productivity, or your existence, and you are not making anything from it, then that must be brought down to balance and equilibrium.
Dahaarkan said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
The entertainment sector may be rigged, but thats no excuse to drag everyone down with it.

Right so this is just another cringe sperg post putting words in my mouth again, which confirms you're not really worth responding to, so I'll just write something short.

Social media oppresses any real artists and puts retards and parasites in the spotlight, if you can't understand this you are too mentally stunted to converse with. But whatever go put on your consoomer goggles and keep consooming.

If you are a CONSOOMER who NEEDS to CONSOOME modern entertainment to live, that doesn't mean this applies to everybody else. You are projecting your own personal addictions and needs onto everybody in the world to justify your own addiction. I don't CONSOOME and I'm not depressed, and a vast majority of successful people also do not CONSOOME and don't allow their kids to CONSOOME either.

Also there isn't any problem, I'm just discussing my own opinion on issues with modern entertainment and pointing out some people may have addiction problems related to it. I also suspect you suffer from this and this is the reason for your emotional response to a simple disagreement.

Note also other members disagreed with me, and there is no issue or escalation with them. This is because they are able to disagree without having sperg meltdowns like you are having. Maybe try not having meltdowns when you wish to discuss something?

K so lets say that *hypotheticly* I am watching 12h of 30s tiktoks and the most degenerate sht all day long..

What is it to you?

Because right now I want to know why you are attacking me in the first place.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
K so lets say that *hypotheticly* I am watching 12h of 30s tiktoks and the most degenerate sht all day long..

What is it to you?

Because right now I want to know why you are attacking me in the first place.

I am not, I was just starting a conversation regarding the addictive nature of modern entertainment in response to your quote regarding entertainers, and trying to explain that my issue is not with entertainment as a concept by modern entertainment, because most people are addicted to this stuff.
jrvan said:
Since your contradictions are catching up to you, how about you clarify one last time: do you care about your reputation and what people think of you, or don't you?

I said it before and say it again I don't play these reputation games, because the very concept of a reputation in an anonymous online forum is absurd. This is all a game of illusion and he-said-she-said. What matters is if there is truth in the content of one's posts, kikeson had thousands of posts, was worshiped by an army of retards and was widely considered among the highest in terms of reputation.

His reputation didn't mean jack shit, and neither does anyone's. It's a bad joke. I don't need a title or some reputation to say the truth and this is the example I'm setting. That you don't need a title, you don't need reputation, and you don't need to be worshiped by idiots to say the truth.

So when these individuals who developed mental complexes as a result of over-indulging in this reputation game come to me assuming they are automatically 100% correct in all things because of their reputation, and have to face the reality that this is all an illusion, they get angry and start raging at me. So no, I don't give a shit about what any of you think about me. I'm just annoyed at hypocrisy and people with complexes who blame the universe and everyone else when they themselves cause a problem or have meltdowns.

The two excuses here are that I provoked this, when there isn't a single insult in my first post or the ones immediately after, and that there's miscommunication, but how is it my fault if people can't understand english?

Because you have individuals who are socially stunted and perceive any disagreement as a personal attack does not mean everybody looking for a conversation is being toxic or whatever. Note once more, I held disagreement and conversation with most of the people on this thread and the only exceptions are the two members raging for some reason.

When only 2 out of 10 or so people get confused and enraged by something, maybe the problem is the 2 people who had a meltdown and not anyone else?

The reputation game is largely about turning a blind eye to truths, apologizing constantly to appease people with complexes, and playing into what everyone wants to hear. That's not for me, thanks.
Dahaarkan said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
K so lets say that *hypotheticly* I am watching 12h of 30s tiktoks and the most degenerate sht all day long..

What is it to you?

Because right now I want to know why you are attacking me in the first place.

I am not, I was just starting a conversation regarding the addictive nature of modern entertainment in response to your quote regarding entertainers, and trying to explain that my issue is not with entertainment as a concept by modern entertainment, because most people are addicted to this stuff.

Well it didn't come across as such.

And some ppl responded to it as well, and I am certain, with similar feelings as that I had.

Also the last sentence is still confusing to me.. This part in particular: "...and trying to explain that my issue is not with entertainment as a concept by modern entertainment, .."

Or maybe I am slow to understand. If you meant that modern entertainment warped what entertainment should be.
Dahaarkan said:

You're showing signs of having the same problem that they did with not wanting to entertain the thought that you might be wrong, and refusing to look beyond your own perception.

In any case, you don't seem receptive to any feedback that I'm offering so I'm going to drop it.
I'm not exactly sure what this is about anymore... Is this about addiction to entertainment, or about how the enemy has made a dumpster fuck of idiots creating content for idiots on social media platforms to keep the idiots in the world population remaining idiots? Which just makes me confused as to why that even needs to be talked about if it's the latter.

If this is about platforms being filled up to its elbows with crap that people don't want to even use these platforms, well, the garbage on the internet platforms is actually really easy to filter out of ones recommendations so you don't ever have to see it pop up. It's also pretty easy to find good stuff and get the algorithms to only show you good stuff. And by doing so, you support actual decent work that people put out there rather than the garbage anyway. Quality attracts quality, ill-quality attracts ill-quality. Keep fighting the spiritual war and the scales will tip way more to the favour of higher quality both in terms of the audience and the makers.

So again... I really don't understand what the actual problem here is.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Dahaarkan said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
K so lets say that *hypotheticly* I am watching 12h of 30s tiktoks and the most degenerate sht all day long..

What is it to you?

Because right now I want to know why you are attacking me in the first place.

I am not, I was just starting a conversation regarding the addictive nature of modern entertainment in response to your quote regarding entertainers, and trying to explain that my issue is not with entertainment as a concept by modern entertainment, because most people are addicted to this stuff.

Well it didn't come across as such.

And some ppl responded to it as well, and I am certain, with similar feelings as that I had.

Also the last sentence is still confusing to me.. This part in particular: "...and trying to explain that my issue is not with entertainment as a concept by modern entertainment, .."

Or maybe I am slow to understand. If you meant that modern entertainment warped what entertainment should be.

I meant "but modern entertainment", not "by", it's a typo. I think we can agree that this tiktok viral no talent garbage shouldn't be taking the spotlight away from actual painters, dancers and the like right?
Dahaarkan said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Dahaarkan said:
I am not, I was just starting a conversation regarding the addictive nature of modern entertainment in response to your quote regarding entertainers, and trying to explain that my issue is not with entertainment as a concept by modern entertainment, because most people are addicted to this stuff.

Well it didn't come across as such.

And some ppl responded to it as well, and I am certain, with similar feelings as that I had.

Also the last sentence is still confusing to me.. This part in particular: "...and trying to explain that my issue is not with entertainment as a concept by modern entertainment, .."

Or maybe I am slow to understand. If you meant that modern entertainment warped what entertainment should be.

I meant "but modern entertainment", not "by", it's a typo. I think we can agree that this tiktok viral no talent garbage shouldn't be taking the spotlight away from actual painters, dancers and the like right?

Yes. There is one youtube channel I follow that has been uploading reactions to tiktoks about x .. and some of the stuff is dumb stupid and dangerous and some are funny and amazing.
But most of it is akin to those stupid dares that went around that involved dangerous if not even deadly things.
Dahaarkan said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Dahaarkan said:
I am not, I was just starting a conversation regarding the addictive nature of modern entertainment in response to your quote regarding entertainers, and trying to explain that my issue is not with entertainment as a concept by modern entertainment, because most people are addicted to this stuff.

Well it didn't come across as such.

And some ppl responded to it as well, and I am certain, with similar feelings as that I had.

Also the last sentence is still confusing to me.. This part in particular: "...and trying to explain that my issue is not with entertainment as a concept by modern entertainment, .."

Or maybe I am slow to understand. If you meant that modern entertainment warped what entertainment should be.

I meant "but modern entertainment", not "by", it's a typo. I think we can agree that this tiktok viral no talent garbage shouldn't be taking the spotlight away from actual painters, dancers and the like right?

The spotlight is given by people, the majority of whom live in ignorance and low levels of development and consciousness. That is why they are gravitated to the garbage you speak of. You need to raise them up to higher levels of consciousness if you want them to learn to appreciate more sophisticated art and whatnot. Until then, the ones making low level media for them to consume are the ones who will be rewarded by them with money and attention. Furthermore, getting rid of the low level entertainment alone isn't going to make people suddenly become smarter and more mature, nor will it magically make them stop being addicts. In fact, if you take it away from them then the next people to get rich will be the ones providing something new to fill the hole left behind by the previous distractions.

Everyone decides where they give their attention. This can be influenced by magick, but otherwise you can't control it and it is futile to complain about it. The same people would be giving attention to painters and dancers, and the rest would be looking for something else to pay attention to.
Dahaarkan said:
jrvan said:
Since your contradictions are catching up to you, how about you clarify one last time: do you care about your reputation and what people think of you, or don't you?

I said it before and say it again I don't play these reputation games, because the very concept of a reputation in an anonymous online forum is absurd. This is all a game of illusion and he-said-she-said. What matters is if there is truth in the content of one's posts, kikeson had thousands of posts, was worshiped by an army of retards and was widely considered among the highest in terms of reputation.

His reputation didn't mean jack shit, and neither does anyone's. It's a bad joke. I don't need a title or some reputation to say the truth and this is the example I'm setting. That you don't need a title, you don't need reputation, and you don't need to be worshiped by idiots to say the truth.

So when these individuals who developed mental complexes as a result of over-indulging in this reputation game come to me assuming they are automatically 100% correct in all things because of their reputation, and have to face the reality that this is all an illusion, they get angry and start raging at me. So no, I don't give a shit about what any of you think about me. I'm just annoyed at hypocrisy and people with complexes who blame the universe and everyone else when they themselves cause a problem or have meltdowns.

The two excuses here are that I provoked this, when there isn't a single insult in my first post or the ones immediately after, and that there's miscommunication, but how is it my fault if people can't understand english?

Because you have individuals who are socially stunted and perceive any disagreement as a personal attack does not mean everybody looking for a conversation is being toxic or whatever. Note once more, I held disagreement and conversation with most of the people on this thread and the only exceptions are the two members raging for some reason.

When only 2 out of 10 or so people get confused and enraged by something, maybe the problem is the 2 people who had a meltdown and not anyone else?

The reputation game is largely about turning a blind eye to truths, apologizing constantly to appease people with complexes, and playing into what everyone wants to hear. That's not for me, thanks.

For everyone's success, including yours, you should be fully integrated into JoS, including your reputation or other relationships. Reputation is just a concept and can be detached from the negatives you have identified.

Whether we are right or not, sometimes we have to change our approach based on how the other person will react. When done in a skillful manner, this does not mean you have to abandon your point, but you may have to rethink your language and tone so that others don't feel attacked.

Through our relationships is how we maximize our influence on others. If you burn bridges or hurt feelings, then your arguments will be ignored and you will end up screaming at a brick wall.

Despite if you are truly in the wrong or not, the thread devolved into a fight, almost ruining the entire value of your point which you had made.

So you cannot adopt a mindset of just "fuck everyone", as it defeats the point of building prosperity. That does not mean your anger and fire cannot ever be applied, it just means it has to be better honed so it doesn't accidentally burn people. Instead, your strong words should empower and excite those around you, rather than start to torch them.


An authority figure should not have to verbally beat people just to get their message heard. You can also see how Lunar Dance calmed down as soon as you simply said "I am not trying to fight you..." followed be a calm message, yet you were able to retain your point.

This was similar to what happened with NakedPluto earlier: Both of you had actually agreed in terms of the logic of the situation, but emotionally you guys were still hostile. These situations should never escalate to the point of feeling completely at odds with other SS, especially considering you are a long-term member.

Despite of personal flaws that others may see in you, it would still be a tragedy if we lost you, especially over some stupid fight. However, this requires work on everyone's end so that you are able to operate within JoS and with others in healthy and happy ways. Why would anyone want anything different? This is not impossible to create.

Nobody should want a situation where Dahaarkan has become so angered that he is apathetic about his position here, because when that happens, then harmony becomes even harder to obtain. It is this lack of integration that makes everyone upset, because now both people have grown more hostile.

You have to have to accept your position here, which requires emotional effort at maintaining relationships with everyone, even those who may annoy you. In turn, those people will feel better about you, which results in them accepting your influence on them in better ways, rather than what happened previously.
Dahaarkan said:

Also, me addressing you and not others was done not because you were the only who made some errors, but just because you seemed to be in a more precarious social situation.

As I said before, it should never get to a point of Dahaarkan fighting to the death over something, as this is totally destructive. Everyone should have the focus of preserving and empowering their allies, of which we are ALL ALLIES HERE, whether we feel it in this moment or not.

Nobody should be backed into a corner in regards to their position on JoS. Operating from that position does not allow you to truly interact with others, nor accept positive influence from others as well.
jrvan said:
Dahaarkan said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Well it didn't come across as such.

And some ppl responded to it as well, and I am certain, with similar feelings as that I had.

Also the last sentence is still confusing to me.. This part in particular: "...and trying to explain that my issue is not with entertainment as a concept by modern entertainment, .."

Or maybe I am slow to understand. If you meant that modern entertainment warped what entertainment should be.

I meant "but modern entertainment", not "by", it's a typo. I think we can agree that this tiktok viral no talent garbage shouldn't be taking the spotlight away from actual painters, dancers and the like right?

The spotlight is given by people, the majority of whom live in ignorance and low levels of development and consciousness. That is why they are gravitated to the garbage you speak of. You need to raise them up to higher levels of consciousness if you want them to learn to appreciate more sophisticated art and whatnot. Until then, the ones making low level media for them to consume are the ones who will be rewarded by them with money and attention. Furthermore, getting rid of the low level entertainment alone isn't going to make people suddenly become smarter and more mature, nor will it magically make them stop being addicts. In fact, if you take it away from them then the next people to get rich will be the ones providing something new to fill the hole left behind by the previous distractions.

Everyone decides where they give their attention. This can be influenced by magick, but otherwise you can't control it and it is futile to complain about it. The same people would be giving attention to painters and dancers, and the rest would be looking for something else to pay attention to.

You're forgetting an essential part of the puzzle here which is how most modern entertainment is made, which has pushed things to a point where it's not just the fault of the people who pay attention to dumb things and bring them to the spotlight anymore.

As I said in a previous reply, a lot of this stuff is engineered alongside teams of psychologists in an attempt to create addictive and stimulating forms of entertainment for profits. In the phone game market this is especially true many of these games have machine learning algorithms integrated to adjust offers and gameplay to suit the dopamine and mental patterns of users as to keep them engaged and in many cases to manipulate them into spending money on these apps. This is well documented and you can easily find material on this.

Other platforms such as youtube, twitter and tiktok are also designed in similar fashion, in ways to hook you in and keep you scrolling for longer than you might even want to. It's also been confirmed at this point that tiktok filters and pushes certain types of content without the user's knowledge or control, as for example in china, tiktok blocks much of the retarded shit like the "challenges" and "pranks", while in other countries the platform pushes these retarded behaviors to the front.

So who's really putting the retards in the spotlight?

I do not agree with the stance of saying that it's people who want the shitty entertainment to continue. It's companies and jews who want the shitty entertainment to continue, because it is addictive and addiction is the most profitable thing there is. Hence why they hire psychologists to help develop their games and entertainment platforms.

These platforms will push the garbage on you whether you like it or not, you may try to block and filter a lot of this but it will continue to push these things on you regardless. One example that counters your stance is the fan's reactions to blizzard's mobile diablo game, where all the fans were outraged and blasting this company for it, and they just pushed the game out anyway, and google kept the game at the front of their games store for a long while, even when very few people if any showed any interest in it.

Their own target audience and regular customers were outraged and against the game and it was still released and kept on the front page anyway. So who's really pushing these things and putting them at the front of everything for consoomers to gobble up. This is one example but countless more exist of people rejecting, refusing and criticizing some entertainment release, and it being released and pushed to the consoomers anyway. So I don't think it's the people who dictate what is and isn't popular.
jrvan said:
The spotlight is given by people, the majority of whom live in ignorance and low levels of development and consciousness. That is why they are gravitated to the garbage you speak of. You need to raise them up to higher levels of consciousness if you want them to learn to appreciate more sophisticated art and whatnot. Until then, the ones making low level media for them to consume are the ones who will be rewarded by them with money and attention. Furthermore, getting rid of the low level entertainment alone isn't going to make people suddenly become smarter and more mature, nor will it magically make them stop being addicts. In fact, if you take it away from them then the next people to get rich will be the ones providing something new to fill the hole left behind by the previous distractions.

Everyone decides where they give their attention. This can be influenced by magick, but otherwise you can't control it and it is futile to complain about it. The same people would be giving attention to painters and dancers, and the rest would be looking for something else to pay attention to.

Instead of blaming the addict, you should blame the drug, and the dealer who sells it.
jrvan said:
You're showing signs of having the same problem that they did with not wanting to entertain the thought that you might be wrong, and refusing to look beyond your own perception.

In any case, you don't seem receptive to any feedback that I'm offering so I'm going to drop it.

He was still upset by what happened, which is naturally going to hinder his objective perception of the situation. I don't think your words were lost on him, but it was probably a conversation to have after everyone has calmed down.

You are more skilled in regards to your thoughts and words in this way, so just keep in mind that it won't always click for other people in the way it did for you.

Some people are careless with their words, to the point where they may even blurt something that they don't fully mean. Others place so much emphasis on words that they make judgements which may not be entirely true.

Ultimately, our writing and words are just a tool with inherent flaws. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try to "read into" situations, but we also have to recognize the natural limits of our communication and how it may fail to paint a true picture of something.

Someone may write something that comes off as offensive simply because they did not know a better way to write it, not necessarily because they wanted to have a bad outcome. If this is true, then we should be patient while they better organize their thoughts.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=428650 time=1678090837 user_id=21286]...

I was raging back then because over a month's worth of work and research got discarded, which really pissed me off, and this all got mixed up with another topic entirely.

As for my relationship with JoS as I've stated I'm not interested in any titles or reputations. I'll happily contribute and participate but I'm not going to sit here playing forum politics to appease people whose perceptions and opinions on others change every 10 minutes.

I agree that my writing style is the cause of some issues also.

Don't let this argument distract you from the RTR schedule brothers and sisters. Especially at this time, we should be united in our efforts and purpose.

These things will only distract from the important work at hand.

Hail Satan!
Dahaarkan said:
jrvan said:
Dahaarkan said:
I meant "but modern entertainment", not "by", it's a typo. I think we can agree that this tiktok viral no talent garbage shouldn't be taking the spotlight away from actual painters, dancers and the like right?

The spotlight is given by people, the majority of whom live in ignorance and low levels of development and consciousness. That is why they are gravitated to the garbage you speak of. You need to raise them up to higher levels of consciousness if you want them to learn to appreciate more sophisticated art and whatnot. Until then, the ones making low level media for them to consume are the ones who will be rewarded by them with money and attention. Furthermore, getting rid of the low level entertainment alone isn't going to make people suddenly become smarter and more mature, nor will it magically make them stop being addicts. In fact, if you take it away from them then the next people to get rich will be the ones providing something new to fill the hole left behind by the previous distractions.

Everyone decides where they give their attention. This can be influenced by magick, but otherwise you can't control it and it is futile to complain about it. The same people would be giving attention to painters and dancers, and the rest would be looking for something else to pay attention to.

You're forgetting an essential part of the puzzle here which is how most modern entertainment is made, which has pushed things to a point where it's not just the fault of the people who pay attention to dumb things and bring them to the spotlight anymore.

As I said in a previous reply, a lot of this stuff is engineered alongside teams of psychologists in an attempt to create addictive and stimulating forms of entertainment for profits. In the phone game market this is especially true many of these games have machine learning algorithms integrated to adjust offers and gameplay to suit the dopamine and mental patterns of users as to keep them engaged and in many cases to manipulate them into spending money on these apps. This is well documented and you can easily find material on this.

Other platforms such as youtube, twitter and tiktok are also designed in similar fashion, in ways to hook you in and keep you scrolling for longer than you might even want to. It's also been confirmed at this point that tiktok filters and pushes certain types of content without the user's knowledge or control, as for example in china, tiktok blocks much of the retarded shit like the "challenges" and "pranks", while in other countries the platform pushes these retarded behaviors to the front.

So who's really putting the retards in the spotlight?

I do not agree with the stance of saying that it's people who want the shitty entertainment to continue. It's companies and jews who want the shitty entertainment to continue, because it is addictive and addiction is the most profitable thing there is. Hence why they hire psychologists to help develop their games and entertainment platforms.

These platforms will push the garbage on you whether you like it or not, you may try to block and filter a lot of this but it will continue to push these things on you regardless. One example that counters your stance is the fan's reactions to blizzard's mobile diablo game, where all the fans were outraged and blasting this company for it, and they just pushed the game out anyway, and google kept the game at the front of their games store for a long while, even when very few people if any showed any interest in it.

Their own target audience and regular customers were outraged and against the game and it was still released and kept on the front page anyway. So who's really pushing these things and putting them at the front of everything for consoomers to gobble up. This is one example but countless more exist of people rejecting, refusing and criticizing some entertainment release, and it being released and pushed to the consoomers anyway. So I don't think it's the people who dictate what is and isn't popular.

Fair points, but I contend that psychology tactics work on people because they aren't spiritual. The blame is of course on the jews for creating the goyim in their current degenerated state, depriving everyone of spiritual knowledge for many ages. People still sought some sense of spirituality like water, and many turned to drugs and alcohol through the ages which the jews readily supplied. The jews create deprivation by taking something away, and then they supply something harmful in its place in exchange for money. This used to be other forms of addiction, and now it's degenerate media that further ruins the psyches of people, further degenerating them. Even so, it's not like I or anyone else can force people to watch CNN or the mainstream news, anymore than I can force people to shine the light of their consciousness on the Truth instead of lies. That's a personal choice that everyone has to make.

About fundamental workers being ignored and jews putting retards in the spotlight, what else is new? That's what they have always done; prop up the weak and degenerate at the expense of the strong. This is what xianity has always done. This is just a symptom like many other things. In the ancient times, workers were respected and valued. People knew better, and they knew where to give their attention (certainly not a rabbi on a crucifix). The fundamental problem is exactly what I said: low consciousness/lack of spirituality, and I do appropriately blame the jews for causing that. You're also preaching to the choir, as they say, with this thread because people here already know this. Many sermons and other posts have been made warning about the dangers of addiction and lack of balance in one's life, and many have complained about the inequity as well as the lack of priorities of the masses. It is what it is right now, and we're fighting to raise the vibration of this world back up; we have also supplied spiritual knowledge if people are willing to look at it. As we take back more ground and control, we may also end up controlling the internet algorithms, so who knows. One way or another, our side's plans for humanity will manifest, and everything will go in a better direction.

You also missed a key point of my previous message that I realize I should have emphasized more: not everyone is interested in painters and dancers, or other fine art. If you can get people interested in it then they will consume that instead. This, I believe, requires them to raise their level of consciousness, as I said. People aren't born with refinement; it's developed.
VoiceofEnki said:

Don't let this argument distract you from the RTR schedule brothers and sisters. Especially at this time, we should be united in our efforts and purpose.

These things will only distract from the important work at hand.

Hail Satan!

Thank you. Starting the FRTR in 4 minutes :D
Dahaarkan said:
jrvan said:
The spotlight is given by people, the majority of whom live in ignorance and low levels of development and consciousness. That is why they are gravitated to the garbage you speak of. You need to raise them up to higher levels of consciousness if you want them to learn to appreciate more sophisticated art and whatnot. Until then, the ones making low level media for them to consume are the ones who will be rewarded by them with money and attention. Furthermore, getting rid of the low level entertainment alone isn't going to make people suddenly become smarter and more mature, nor will it magically make them stop being addicts. In fact, if you take it away from them then the next people to get rich will be the ones providing something new to fill the hole left behind by the previous distractions.

Everyone decides where they give their attention. This can be influenced by magick, but otherwise you can't control it and it is futile to complain about it. The same people would be giving attention to painters and dancers, and the rest would be looking for something else to pay attention to.

Instead of blaming the addict, you should blame the drug, and the dealer who sells it.

I wouldn't call it blaming the victim/addict, but rather diagnosing the problem. The problem is that people aren't spiritual, and this problem was caused by the jews. Spirituality is the solution, and this solution is offered by the JoS.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
