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Enemy Planning Update: About Things That Are To Come

I feel this war is out of vanity, toxic self importance, hypocrisy - it's crazy to think they think their actions have no effect.

This is the case with more than just Jewish people. The pressure around the world makes our planet feel heavy. People are shooting up malls, getting real mouthy and careless, COVID got people rethinking the social structure..

Something is going to give. I hope we all can be somewhat comfortable when things go down. And if we are subjected to the chaos, hopefully we can stick up for reason, logic, and togetherness
Thank you so much, High Priest.

I don't know if this sounds strange, but I'm personally feeling an odd combination of unease and anxiety, but also, excitement and optimism. The current events of the world are very unnerving, and what you've described is definitely concerning. But, there is also what lies ahead for humanity, and how Father Satan looks out for His own. There will be a violent storm, but the skies will be clear and beautiful afterwards.

I thank Father Satan and the Gods almost every day for everything they have blessed me with, and I am extremely grateful for their protection over us. It is definitely not something to be taken for granted. The JoS has made me discover the reason why the Gods have sent us all here, right in time for this era. This is it.
Thank you.

When will this jewish bullshit end?

In Ukraine, they off the Russian oil pipeline because Hungary did not send them the weapons and the money for the war.
But it is presented differently in this article. But I couldn't find anything else.
In this update I have good and bad news. I will begin from the bad news. Before sharing, I want to remind everyone that Initiated people of Satan and the Gods will be protected no matter what.

As Azazel wanted this information to be known, I am sharing it so nobody hops on any surprises. Many of you are aware, if you read the news and so on; it's all fairly obvious, but that's Israel's wet dream again; destroy the planet, World War 3, Financial Crash, and upcoming Bird Flu.

Currently, Israel is attempting to trigger a full scale conflict between itself and Iran. Israel is decided to make this happen, and they want this to happen as soon as possible, before there is a presidential transition to "likely" Donald Trump. The reason for this is that if the conflict worsens, no matter what Trump intends, it will have already began and the United States drawn in already; so Trump will not have any ability to "stop" and war or anything after events have unfolded. They are clearly accelerating this as much as possible, with the recent strikes on Iran. The people that were killed, except of the one leader of the military wing of Hamas, the other person was a negotiator for peace; Israel wants total war.

This war with Iran, can have many other effects. If that happens, Iran is a superpower in the Middle East. Many people think it's weak and so on, but they are uninformed. Iran is also a head in the Middle East when it comes to provisions of food for the Middle East. Any war with Iran, could have extremely unpredictable and destructive outcomes in the Middle East. Jews by pushing it with Iran, they are going to trigger a large potential famine, except of the war. This will affect the whole of the Middle East, or so Israel hopes for. If that happens, other regional wars could potentially break out, and guess where tens of millions of people will start migrating to.

Israel hopes it will survive that war, that the United States will go all in [the big bully will do their fighting for them again], fund them, defend them, send our people to be killed for their sake, and so on.

But will it be the case? Or it's something else on the horizon? Let's stay steadfast and watch...

We must remember that all this worthless dogshit came because of a false attack that Israel instigated upon itself, and not due to Iran. It was all a setup to trigger everything. That of course, will be catastrophic to Israel. But that is one of the many existential risks Israel has to take. On the longterm, if Israel is threatened with destruction or triggers it's so called "Apocalyptic war", they are very likely to perish. If the United States is so bought out and so retarded as to go in, the chances for another second front opening against the United States [ruled either by a senile or a sellout that will do this] are going to be very negative for the United States. The above is the current wet dream of Israel.

On the fears of all of the above, Israel and the Jewish global stock market funds, are creating panic, and we have the memes about global recession again happening. Senile Joe is sitting on his chair half braindead, and as he leaves the office, he will have left behind him 4 years of total ruin on the edge of everything. The next President who will sit on the chair, if they follow Israel's demands, a bleak future is ahead for the general state of the world [but not for us in anyway - do not make false correlations].

Let us also not forget the other plandemic things that are being pushed; that is something they are preparing on the back end as a hot potato to drop on the next US President's hands - "Cohencidental bird flu". Unfortunately, the planets are rather supportive of another potential pandemic, the aspects of Neptune do indicate strong tendency for this. Even the meme of Co-Vid is continuing even if it is a flu that lasts 2 days now. That's to keep people on the loop of an eventual resurfacing. Everyone here knows every well all of this motive has began for the ushering of Agenda 2030. Based on what information is circulating, the system of the hooknoses wants to also have this card on their sleeve just in case.

As far as we are concerned, I have to remind the following terms of importance:

1. Priority is to keep our own loved ones protected as much as we can [spiritual power comes in handy here]

2. We must know we are on a far more privilleged position than the "goy" of the planet; our people have survived lethal tornadoes, all the plandemic nonsense and all these general plans or whatever. The Gods are on top of us, and people must get close to them. Invest in your spiritual protection; meditate and learn.

Many people, no matter what comes in life, they will WISH they had made this time investment to learn things like Aura of Protection, meditation etc.

For many of these who choose to go the "goy path", myriads of issues will arise. Whether or not related to this topic or by life itself.

3. The survival and prolonging of the JoS must continue no matter what. We stay safe and we keep our house safe. The primary core of the above events is because as the Age of Aquarius sets in, the enemy who represents the leadership of the Kali Yuga is becoming increasingly aggravated. They are on a race against time to neuter and disable humanity, as the world will spit them out more and more as time is moving forward.

Immediately after the current Schedule of Rituals ends, we will proceed with the next Demon Ritual which will be extremely powerful. The Rituals affect the fabric of the mass soul of humanity [except of the personal benefits]. With the good powers there, we can save ourselves, loved ones, but also garner more the momentum so that the above events stop.

As a last note I want to also say that the Rituals given there, albeit they can have personal uses, they should be used with care and sanctity. That knowledge is not a toy. We must be thankful and respectful to have the Gods during times of ethical and moral downfall, or during any past or future potential difficult time.

Satan has reassured me many times over, that everyone who is with them will be protected, promoted and even grow during these times. We must stay very steadfast.

For the positive news, I will write a second article. The Joy of Satan is progressing; albeit things are pressing, we must do our utmost to uphold the savior ark of the Gods that will save us all and save humanity in the end from it's spiritual ignorance. This is what we are put here to do, besides living beautiful and productive lives. This is the highest level of sacredness a soul can be given, and we must stay steadfast on our mission.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I hope trump will try the diplomatic root and simply say if you keep being cockheads in the middle east we won't back you up which is a very trump thing to say and do he is not stupid he can see they are in the wrong to atleast some extent the moment they continue their bullshit war and Trump simply says no I'm not supporting this war that's it they are fucked that's when every Islamic country gets the knives out and gank israel together egypt, turkey, iran, iraq they will dog pile those little jew dogs, trump will be way to focused on keeping china and russia in line as well as dealing with all the immigrants and social problems at home.

Then they will get the war they deserve to pay for their crimes there is no way im going to war ill go to jail before i get drafted into fighting for such a despicable country and ill bet there are millions of men who feel the same way they have seen the mask off now.
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I'm quoting this so members can give it a second read. This is very important: these rituals are extremely powerful and must be treated as sacred magickal workings.

I've been assured this by other Gods, such as Zeus, multiple times. Everyone, continue with your meditation and the God Rituals and the FRTR, and keep striving towards your personal goals. Even if things seem rather bleak, just keep going. All of your efforts will pay off.
Thank you for the words of encouragement
This war with Iran, can have many other effects. If that happens, Iran is a superpower in the Middle East. Many people think it's weak and so on, but they are uninformed. Iran is also a head in the Middle East when it comes to provisions of food for the Middle East. Any war with Iran, could have extremely unpredictable and destructive outcomes in the Middle East. Jews by pushing it with Iran, they are going to trigger a large potential famine, except of the war. This will affect the whole of the Middle East, or so Israel hopes for. If that happens, other regional wars could potentially break out, and guess where tens of millions of people will start migrating to
I have this thought in mind since weeks: mass migration of islamic people, who under all aspects want to islamize western countries, is and can be considered a formal act of war from the inside. As local islamic governments are allowing this, this may trigger a strong reaction.
I have always tried to figure how the mass immigration will be stopped; something huge is probably needed like western countries closing borders against enemy nations, or so. Just wondering, this Sermon added golden gears to my brainstorming engine.
There are still silver linings in otherwise dark storm clouds. What's happening is terrible, but at least, it's terrible enough that many have begun to wake up. We here all know what Israel's like. For the masses, it was too easy to be ignorant. The more it warmongers, the more it will assure people will see it for what it is. Even further, the exact sort of people who defend and support Israel are becoming more and more apparent. For all the years of supposed "Christian anti-semitism", when Israel told its minions to leap to its defense, they did. Israel says jump, the Christians will say "yes sir" and jump.

American Christianity in particular, with its obsession over "armageddon" and "the rapture" is choosing to die on the hill that is Israel. If Israel comes and goes, so does the main pillar that binds the Abrahamic faiths together. Make no mistake, recent awakenings about the nature of Islam in Europe is not happening at an uncoincidental time. The more reasonable of the Andrapoda are being forced to realize what these things really are. One can only hope fullscale global conflict is not an inevitability, and Israel burns out its good will long before it can drag the world into anything truly hideous.

Thank you for offering peace of mind to us all, both you HP, and Lord Azazel.
Thank you for keeping us informed, as always, HP.

Of course, I understand that this specific information came from Azazel. I'm not trying to take away from this when I ask this question:

What news platform do you use in order to be updated about current events?

With all these platforms being controlled and the news portrayed in a certain way, it can be hard to find reliable news that isn't biased.

It isn't reasonable to rely on the clergy for updates of each event that happens. I'd like to be informed, without being misled. Like all these news platforms tend to do.
I see. These days, it has become more and more infuriating to NOT see someone hating on israel. It's so blatant, it physically hurts when someone near you can't see it.
You know what they say, a cornered enemy can trigger their most dangerous. That being said, when I began reading conspiracy stuff, as far way back as 2011, I did see that a war with Iran was something Israel was always salivating for. Basically USA/Israel vs. Russia/Iran tag team match engineered by the kikes for the kikes and the expense of the goys like always.
In this update I have good and bad news. I will begin from the bad news. Before sharing, I want to remind everyone that Initiated people of Satan and the Gods will be protected no matter what.

As Azazel wanted this information to be known, I am sharing it so nobody hops on any surprises. Many of you are aware, if you read the news and so on; it's all fairly obvious, but that's Israel's wet dream again; destroy the planet, World War 3, Financial Crash, and upcoming Bird Flu.

Currently, Israel is attempting to trigger a full scale conflict between itself and Iran. Israel is decided to make this happen, and they want this to happen as soon as possible, before there is a presidential transition to "likely" Donald Trump. The reason for this is that if the conflict worsens, no matter what Trump intends, it will have already began and the United States drawn in already; so Trump will not have any ability to "stop" and war or anything after events have unfolded. They are clearly accelerating this as much as possible, with the recent strikes on Iran. The people that were killed, except of the one leader of the military wing of Hamas, the other person was a negotiator for peace; Israel wants total war.

This war with Iran, can have many other effects. If that happens, Iran is a superpower in the Middle East. Many people think it's weak and so on, but they are uninformed. Iran is also a head in the Middle East when it comes to provisions of food for the Middle East. Any war with Iran, could have extremely unpredictable and destructive outcomes in the Middle East. Jews by pushing it with Iran, they are going to trigger a large potential famine, except of the war. This will affect the whole of the Middle East, or so Israel hopes for. If that happens, other regional wars could potentially break out, and guess where tens of millions of people will start migrating to.

Israel hopes it will survive that war, that the United States will go all in [the big bully will do their fighting for them again], fund them, defend them, send our people to be killed for their sake, and so on.

We must remember that all this worthless dogshit came because of a false attack that Israel instigated upon itself, and not due to Iran. It was all a setup to trigger everything. That of course, will be catastrophic to Israel. But that is one of the many existential risks Israel has to take. On the longterm, if Israel is threatened with destruction or triggers it's so called "Apocalyptic war", they are very likely to perish. If the United States is so bought out and so retarded as to go in, the chances for another second front opening against the United States [ruled either by a senile or a sellout that will do this] are going to be very negative for the United States. The above is the current wet dream of Israel.

On the fears of all of the above, Israel and the Jewish global stock market funds, are creating panic, and we have the memes about global recession again happening. Senile Joe is sitting on his chair half braindead, and as he leaves the office, he will have left behind him 4 years of total ruin on the edge of everything. The next President who will sit on the chair, if they follow Israel's demands, a bleak future is ahead for the general state of the world [but not for us in anyway - do not make false correlations].

Let us also not forget the other plandemic things that are being pushed; that is something they are preparing on the back end as a hot potato to drop on the next US President's hands - "Cohencidental bird flu". Unfortunately, the planets are rather supportive of another potential pandemic, the aspects of Neptune do indicate strong tendency for this. Even the meme of Co-Vid is continuing even if it is a flu that lasts 2 days now. That's to keep people on the loop of an eventual resurfacing. Everyone here knows every well all of this motive has began for the ushering of Agenda 2030. Based on what information is circulating, the system of the hooknoses wants to also have this card on their sleeve just in case.

As far as we are concerned, I have to remind the following terms of importance:

1. Priority is to keep our own loved ones protected as much as we can [spiritual power comes in handy here]
2. We must know we are on a far more privilleged position than the "goy" of the planet; our people have survived lethal tornadoes, all the plandemic nonsense and all these general plans or whatever. The Gods are on top of us, and people must get close to them.
3. The survival and prolonging of the JoS must continue no matter what. We stay safe and we keep our house safe. The primary core of the above events is because as the Age of Aquarius sets in, the enemy who represents the leadership of the Kali Yuga is becoming increasingly aggravated. They are on a race against time to neuter and disable humanity, as the world will spit them out more and more as time is moving forward.

Immediately after the current Schedule of Rituals ends, we will proceed with the next Demon Ritual which will be extremely powerful. The Rituals affect the fabric of the mass soul of humanity [except of the personal benefits]. With the good powers there, we can save ourselves, loved ones, but also garner more the momentum so that the above events stop.

As a last note I want to also say that the Rituals given there, albeit they can have personal uses, they should be used with care and sanctity. That knowledge is not a toy. We must be thankful and respectful to have the Gods during times of ethical and moral downfall, or during any past or future potential difficult time.

Satan has reassured me many times over, that everyone who is with them will be protected, promoted and even grow during these times. We must stay very steadfast.

For the positive news, I will write a second article. The Joy of Satan is progressing; albeit things are pressing, we must do our utmost to uphold the savior ark of the Gods that will save us all and save humanity in the end from it's spiritual ignorance. This is what we are put here to do, besides living beautiful and productive lives. This is the highest level of sacredness a soul can be given, and we must stay steadfast on our mission.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hope we get the good news article before August 8th,my home country is about to go into mass civil unrest
We might end up not seeing the internet for a while,
lolduring the "covid" thing I didn't even get sick and i was around a ton of people. Plenty didn't have masks on either. But of course once a year I end up getting sick. This time an infection right at the start of the newest rituals. Which has sucked. But it has show me a few different areas where my body is definetly weak. Still i'm almost done with it now so i'm going to double down and use this time to remind myself of pryorities.
Thank you HP Cobra for these updates. Sometimes it gets to depressing to bother looking at any kind of news outlet.

Hail Father Satan
This was inevitable no matter how you look at it. Israel has always wanted conflict, to progress their agenda of a greater Israel and to be the center of the Zionist new world order.

I met someone IRL who said they voted for Biden and I straight up lost it and told them they were the dumbest fucking shit to ever exist. I almost got my ass handed to me lol.

It's sad that there are people who actually think Biden was actually capable of being a presidential candidate.

Satan has pulled through for us before, by his generous and merciful grace, and we thank that he will continue to do so for his own.
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May israel burn 🔥
And turn to ashes and never be heard from again for its crimes
I personally hope Iran go and spiritually destroy all those jews
Without causing WW3
Sorry if am being a bit blunt but who moderated my post

It's truly funny 😁 😂
"Spiritually destroy "

Is that a better way of putting it?
But thank you for making is bit reader friendly 😊
The usual fear mongering and "We must fight WW3 for Israel!" propaganda is airing all the time. It's very much retarded if one takes a few steps back; less than 10 million yids in the Middle East that want to draw down the world to cataclysm, over 20,000 supposed "Terrorists" that they have a beef with.

Of the 20,000 terrorists they have made sure to slay just innocents and children for the most part and unarmed women; hospitals and kindergardens. And they protest that they cannot rape the prisoners of war that they enslaved.

Israel is not even truly threatened by these, their military is on the stone age compared to Israel's, but Israel has to whine so loudly. They don't have weapons or anything at all almost. "Major terror group!" is what airs on TV's. These dudes don't even have tanks or fighter jets or anything that could harm the so "precious chosen people".

But apparently even if a few jews endure some pain here and there while pushing the mass genocide plan for "Greater Israel" that will enforce suffering, displacement and death for over 100,000,000 people in the region they want to claim; oh my, "World War 3!".

It should all be so obvious; if any other Nation had large scale wars like this, nothing happens. But when Israel is touched, all those on the jew's payroll are ready with the "total war" in mind.

This should wake up many people over the fact that the JoS is very right when it points out these Jews have over-extended and totally undeserved power. Iran is backed by Russia and China (Who say they will defend it in case of war) and Israel has to be nannied by the United States to do what? Just be strong to rush the world into random genocides or something.

For supposed 20,000 "terrorists" and just a few Zionists, we have to endure all these worthless repetitive problems; market crashes, unrest and insanity.

Israel should become fully disempowered and return to the nothingness it deserves. Do participate in the Rituals everyone, it's very critical.
Soon we will have threats for WW3 if a jew slips on a banana peel and breaks their finger, it must be goy's fault. If one kid tells a jew to "fuck off you are strange", the universe must be destroyed - can't disrespect the chosen ones, oy vey...

Very dangerous enemies this Hamas, they don't even have tanks and weaponry or any AI or any advanced tech or even bullets or something compared to Israel which is US backed and funded. "Iran" later is the next target; they "funded" them with a lot of slingshots to throw stones at Israel.

All of this even for the most simple people should look on how obvious it is, all of it is pretense to agitate the United States so we fight Iran for literally 20,000 slingshot carrying "Terrorists" with the risk of triggering WW3 for the demands of a crazy tribe from the Middle East.

"Makes sense!".
Rabbi Shmuel from the tank and the F16 and F35 and satellite AI office with penetrative satellite vision, looks at the Hamas terrorist [children at the hospital, they are Hamas terrorists] and others who have been starved for almost a year now, and says "bomb dis" from his cozy fortified room.

That's the war of Israel.

Then they also want to rape the starved and diseased and people's without hospitals and the helpless and the malnutritioned people they seek to genocide. "God's chosen people."

Then people who are fighting to not go extinct, they grab a couple of jews who Israel knows are going to die anyway as they proceed with Greater Israel, and that's reason enough for WW3. Such crazy ongoing war...

Then they somehow relate this to Iran that it was annuda shoah of 6 trillion jews that died just yesterday, and big Goy United States must do WW3 because Rabbi Shmuel felt like this. Questioning this means one is a terrorist and an anti-semite, worst titles ever.

More drones, tanks and weapons from America, one jew broke their fingernail when they were going for Greater Israel. Where's the money from AIPAC going? You ain't even

Why haven't we nuked the Iran Terrurists yet? Why not WW3 yet? That's anti-semitic of everybody. Can't you see how dangerous these malnutritioned children and poor skeletoned mothers are to the Chosen of God?

Not obvious at all to the goyim that they try to do WW3 only for their own interests at the expense of the whole of the rest of the planet, LOL.
Honestly all these years my insistence on the Rituals, spiritual warfare, education of mankind, and spiritual development were to avoid this: For the whole world to have to endure what Palestine is enduring today.

What was the "sin" of Palestinians? Just living in their ancestral land that was at one point invaded over literally just the claims of Israel. The world wanted nothing to do with them, so they gave them a little piece of land over there. Then how are the neighbors who were invaded also, be repaid? With a genocide.

The contagion of Israel is attempting to spread and sink in all the neighbhoring Nations and the whole world, down the sinkhole. For their petty egotism and narcissism. For no other reason.

Do the Rituals everyone, the whole world is not going to become Palestine. The world was not destined for this.
As of 17 July 2024, over 40,000 people (39,145 Palestinian[1] and 1,478 Israeli[13]) have been reported as killed in the Israel–Hamas war, including 108 journalists (103 Palestinian, 2 Israeli and 3 Lebanese)[14] and over 224 humanitarian aid workers, including 179 employees of UNRWA.[15]

So as we have it here, two jews slipped on banana peels, 224 random HUMANITARIAN workers, and 180 workers for the United Nations [because Rabbi Shmuel doesn't even give a fuck where he throws the bombs]. 40k REPORTED Palestinians [might be up to 80k people].

And that was for some supposed imaginary Hamas in the region, which might not even be 20k as claimed but might be 2k or whatever.

"But they are hiding in "Tunnels" goy, we can never find them. So let's kill some random Journalists and Humanitarian workers instead, and 40k random people. That's not genocide goy that is anti-semetic of you. World War 3 goy, we need to do a larger sacrifice to Jehovah. Goy we lost 1k people after attempting a full scale Genocide of the whole of Palestine (not like we give a fuck, we will keep the war going, they lose 40k people for 1k Israelis, good trade) " - Some Rabbi in Israel or whatever
Do the Rituals everyone, the whole world is not going to become Palestine. The world was not destined for this.

It will sure as hell not be allowed, not while we're here.

This difficult transition is an excellent opportunity to make things right. The best that we're going to have in a long time.

Those that have ears and eyes know exactly what to do. To follow divine instructions is the only way.

Thank you again.

Less talk more work.

The situation seems to be getting serious...
There's a lot of stress. People are waiting for news.
Negativity is building up.
Rituals are really important...

Lord Baalzebul himself told me that we should relax, that everything was under their control.
When I was in a trance, Lord Baalzebub revealed himself to me. I just wanted to mention...
I did the Restoring Gentile Power RTR yesterday, in addition to the schedule; it felt like it would be a good ritual to do, in light of the riots in the UK. They absolutely cannot be allowed to run our nations for any longer, or have any say in our affairs.

Afterwards, the Ritual felt good; almost as although it worked, and their power was gone. I think I will do it more.
I did the Restoring Gentile Power RTR yesterday, in addition to the schedule; it felt like it would be a good ritual to do, in light of the riots in the UK. They absolutely cannot be allowed to run our nations for any longer, or have any say in our affairs.

Afterwards, the Ritual felt good; almost as although it worked, and their power was gone. I think I will do it more.
It's wiser to keep to the schedule. That ritual you did was basically for nothing since we have much stronger rituals. Also, you're the only one doing that, you think it's gonna have any effect?
It's wiser to keep to the schedule. That ritual you did was basically for nothing since we have much stronger rituals. Also, you're the only one doing that, you think it's gonna have any effect?

Ahhh - I did not realize this. I "just felt" like doing it, but there wasn't really any rationality behind it.

And now that you mention it, if nobody else is doing it...

Thank you - I didn't think of these things. I have learned something new.
Thank you HP HoodedCobra666

Israel is such a irritating piece of crap the nerve and narcissist attitude they have is so irritating and ridiculous and how they get away with murder and stupid USA still blinded by the psychopathic murderers that Israel is and still is siding with Israel like Israel is their psycho god, USA is definitely under a huge witchcraft spell that Israel has put on them, but soon USA is going to wake up and the spell is not going to work and then USA will drop the bombs and nukes on Israel and puff Israel will turn into dust and gone for ever that’s a dream coming true and I can’t wait for that day!

Hail Father Satan ❤️
I have seen as the situation goes worse and worse in the world we are doing always 2x better at least.

I believe the God's choose their people well and everything is where it should be , although I have no belief in the human specie I do believe in the Gods therefore I believe everything will be positive for us.

Even if a WW3 starts , this could mean the end of Humanity but I don't think the God's will allow that to happen , Humans can fuck it up but I don't yet believe it's time for them to perish just yet if that were to happened , way to early for that.

Although everything will be alright and nobody can promise that , I know and Trust in the God's.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
