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Enemy Planning Update: About Things That Are To Come

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In this update I have good and bad news. I will begin from the bad news. Before sharing, I want to remind everyone that Initiated people of Satan and the Gods will be protected no matter what.

As Azazel wanted this information to be known, I am sharing it so nobody hops on any surprises. Many of you are aware, if you read the news and so on; it's all fairly obvious, but that's Israel's wet dream again; destroy the planet, World War 3, Financial Crash, and upcoming Bird Flu/Monkeypox.

Currently, Israel is attempting to trigger a full scale conflict between itself and Iran. Israel is decided to make this happen, and they want this to happen as soon as possible, before there is a presidential transition to "likely" Donald Trump. The reason for this is that if the conflict worsens, no matter what Trump intends, it will have already began and the United States drawn in already; so Trump will not have any ability to "stop" and war or anything after events have unfolded. They are clearly accelerating this as much as possible, with the recent strikes on Iran. The people that were killed, except of the one leader of the military wing of Hamas, the other person was a negotiator for peace; Israel wants total war.

This war with Iran, can have many other effects. If that happens, Iran is a superpower in the Middle East. Many people think it's weak and so on, but they are uninformed. Iran is also a head in the Middle East when it comes to provisions of food for the Middle East. Any war with Iran, could have extremely unpredictable and destructive outcomes in the Middle East. Jews by pushing it with Iran, they are going to trigger a large potential famine, except of the war. This will affect the whole of the Middle East, or so Israel hopes for. If that happens, other regional wars could potentially break out, and guess where tens of millions of people will start migrating to.

Israel hopes it will survive that war, that the United States will go all in [the big bully will do their fighting for them again], fund them, defend them, send our people to be killed for their sake, and so on.

But will it be the case? Or it's something else on the horizon? Let's stay steadfast and watch...

We must remember that all this worthless dogshit came because of a false attack that Israel instigated upon itself, and not due to Iran. It was all a setup to trigger everything. That of course, will be catastrophic to Israel. But that is one of the many existential risks Israel has to take. On the longterm, if Israel is threatened with destruction or triggers it's so called "Apocalyptic war", they are very likely to perish. If the United States is so bought out and so retarded as to go in, the chances for another second front opening against the United States [ruled either by a senile or a sellout that will do this] are going to be very negative for the United States. The above is the current wet dream of Israel.

On the fears of all of the above, Israel and the Jewish global stock market funds, are creating panic, and we have the memes about global recession again happening. Senile Joe is sitting on his chair half braindead, and as he leaves the office, he will have left behind him 4 years of total ruin on the edge of everything. The next President who will sit on the chair, if they follow Israel's demands, a bleak future is ahead for the general state of the world [but not for us in anyway - do not make false correlations].

Let us also not forget the other plandemic things that are being pushed; that is something they are preparing on the back end as a hot potato to drop on the next US President's hands - "Cohencidental bird flu". Unfortunately, the planets are rather supportive of another potential pandemic, the aspects of Neptune do indicate strong tendency for this. Even the meme of Co-Vid is continuing even if it is a flu that lasts 2 days now. That's to keep people on the loop of an eventual resurfacing. Everyone here knows every well all of this motive has began for the ushering of Agenda 2030. Based on what information is circulating, the system of the hooknoses wants to also have this card on their sleeve just in case.

As far as we are concerned, I have to remind the following terms of importance:

1. Priority is to keep our own loved ones protected as much as we can [spiritual power comes in handy here]

2. We must know we are on a far more privilleged position than the "goy" of the planet; our people have survived lethal tornadoes, all the plandemic nonsense and all these general plans or whatever. The Gods are on top of us, and people must get close to them. Invest in your spiritual protection; meditate and learn.

Many people, no matter what comes in life, they will WISH they had made this time investment to learn things like Aura of Protection, meditation etc.

For many of these who choose to go the "goy path", myriads of issues will arise. Whether or not related to this topic or by life itself.

3. The survival and prolonging of the JoS must continue no matter what. We stay safe and we keep our house safe. The primary core of the above events is because as the Age of Aquarius sets in, the enemy who represents the leadership of the Kali Yuga is becoming increasingly aggravated. They are on a race against time to neuter and disable humanity, as the world will spit them out more and more as time is moving forward.

Immediately after the current Schedule of Rituals ends, we will proceed with the next Demon Ritual which will be extremely powerful. The Rituals affect the fabric of the mass soul of humanity [except of the personal benefits]. With the good powers there, we can save ourselves, loved ones, but also garner more the momentum so that the above events stop.

As a last note I want to also say that the Rituals given there, albeit they can have personal uses, they should be used with care and sanctity. That knowledge is not a toy. We must be thankful and respectful to have the Gods during times of ethical and moral downfall, or during any past or future potential difficult time.

Satan has reassured me many times over, that everyone who is with them will be protected, promoted and even grow during these times. We must stay very steadfast.

For the positive news, I will write a second article. The Joy of Satan is progressing; albeit things are pressing, we must do our utmost to uphold the savior ark of the Gods that will save us all and save humanity in the end from it's spiritual ignorance. This is what we are put here to do, besides living beautiful and productive lives. This is the highest level of sacredness a soul can be given, and we must stay steadfast on our mission.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
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🫡 🫡 🫡
Thank you HP and Lord Azazel. Those reptiles will never stop their warmongering. I feel confident despite what might come all SS will be looked after. I know I have had this where it really counted in low points.
Thank you for sharing this information with us HPHC
Satan has reassured me many times over, that everyone who is with them will be protected, promoted and even grow during these times. We must stay very steadfast.

I can attest to that, despite the difficulties during the covid circus, it was during this time that my life improved in certain areas a lot and continues to get better and better to this day.

I personally believe that no matter what bad things happen, it will create opportunities for us to grow stronger, as long as we use them properly that is of course.
This is unfortunate, I knew this was a possibility coming on. I know we'll come out on top, either way, but it's sad. They need more blood, and they'll stop at nothing to get it, and it's sickening and pathetic to put it lightly. But even though this night is dark, the dawn is coming, victory is just on the horizon. I, for one, am determined to see it more than anything else.
Thanks for the update, HP, look forward to the next one. Death to the scalefaced filth!
Thank you so much for this post. In regards to this global recession and famine scenario the enemy is trying to create, what should our people be doing to better handle this?

I've noticed a very sharp change in the past few years in trying to stay financially afloat, and it seems like this may only get worse.

Ghost jobs, and all sorts of insanity have seemingly taken over the job market, making it even harder then before.
Most wages are now at a point where many people are taking low paying, unsustainable jobs just to survive through this, which may not cover ones needs and their families.

Entry level for most industries seems rather hard to find an open door even.

I'm aware of staying close to the Gods, and I do this as do the rest of us, along with the practices and rituals.

I don't want to derail the topic, but I am definitely curious on your thoughts here, as I've seen quite a bit of this lately.
I knew about the false flag on October and the deliberate provoking of Iran but I didnt know about the risk of another pandemic.

Thank you for the information and of course thank you to Azazel.

the jews are currently putting my people under such hardship, literally forcing us to watch our kids get slaughtered by invaders and then stomping on us whenever we fight back, I pray to Satan that it is within this incarnation that I would be so blessed to see the destruction of israel.
In this update I have good and bad news. I will begin from the bad news. Before sharing, I want to remind everyone that Initiated people of Satan and the Gods will be protected no matter what.

As Azazel wanted this information to be known, I am sharing it so nobody hops on any surprises. Many of you are aware, if you read the news and so on; it's all fairly obvious, but that's Israel's wet dream again; destroy the planet, World War 3, Financial Crash, and upcoming Bird Flu.

Currently, Israel is attempting to trigger a full scale conflict between itself and Iran. Israel is decided to make this happen, and they want this to happen as soon as possible, before there is a presidential transition to "likely" Donald Trump. The reason for this is that if the conflict worsens, no matter what Trump intends, it will have already began and the United States drawn in already; so Trump will not have any ability to "stop" and war or anything after events have unfolded. They are clearly accelerating this as much as possible, with the recent strikes on Iran. The people that were killed, except of the one leader of the military wing of Hamas, the other person was a negotiator for peace; Israel wants total war.

This war with Iran, can have many other effects. If that happens, Iran is a superpower in the Middle East. Many people think it's weak and so on, but they are uninformed. Iran is also a head in the Middle East when it comes to provisions of food for the Middle East. Any war with Iran, could have extremely unpredictable and destructive outcomes in the Middle East. Jews by pushing it with Iran, they are going to trigger a large potential famine, except of the war. This will affect the whole of the Middle East, or so Israel hopes for. If that happens, other regional wars could potentially break out, and guess where tens of millions of people will start migrating to.

Israel hopes it will survive that war, that the United States will go all in [the big bully will do their fighting for them again], fund them, defend them, send our people to be killed for their sake, and so on.

But will it be the case? Or it's something else on the horizon? Let's stay steadfast and watch...

We must remember that all this worthless dogshit came because of a false attack that Israel instigated upon itself, and not due to Iran. It was all a setup to trigger everything. That of course, will be catastrophic to Israel. But that is one of the many existential risks Israel has to take. On the longterm, if Israel is threatened with destruction or triggers it's so called "Apocalyptic war", they are very likely to perish. If the United States is so bought out and so retarded as to go in, the chances for another second front opening against the United States [ruled either by a senile or a sellout that will do this] are going to be very negative for the United States. The above is the current wet dream of Israel.

On the fears of all of the above, Israel and the Jewish global stock market funds, are creating panic, and we have the memes about global recession again happening. Senile Joe is sitting on his chair half braindead, and as he leaves the office, he will have left behind him 4 years of total ruin on the edge of everything. The next President who will sit on the chair, if they follow Israel's demands, a bleak future is ahead for the general state of the world [but not for us in anyway - do not make false correlations].

Let us also not forget the other plandemic things that are being pushed; that is something they are preparing on the back end as a hot potato to drop on the next US President's hands - "Cohencidental bird flu". Unfortunately, the planets are rather supportive of another potential pandemic, the aspects of Neptune do indicate strong tendency for this. Even the meme of Co-Vid is continuing even if it is a flu that lasts 2 days now. That's to keep people on the loop of an eventual resurfacing. Everyone here knows every well all of this motive has began for the ushering of Agenda 2030. Based on what information is circulating, the system of the hooknoses wants to also have this card on their sleeve just in case.

As far as we are concerned, I have to remind the following terms of importance:

1. Priority is to keep our own loved ones protected as much as we can [spiritual power comes in handy here]

2. We must know we are on a far more privilleged position than the "goy" of the planet; our people have survived lethal tornadoes, all the plandemic nonsense and all these general plans or whatever. The Gods are on top of us, and people must get close to them. Invest in your spiritual protection; meditate and learn.

Many people, no matter what comes in life, they will WISH they had made this time investment to learn things like Aura of Protection, meditation etc.

For many of these who choose to go the "goy path", myriads of issues will arise. Whether or not related to this topic or by life itself.

3. The survival and prolonging of the JoS must continue no matter what. We stay safe and we keep our house safe. The primary core of the above events is because as the Age of Aquarius sets in, the enemy who represents the leadership of the Kali Yuga is becoming increasingly aggravated. They are on a race against time to neuter and disable humanity, as the world will spit them out more and more as time is moving forward.

Immediately after the current Schedule of Rituals ends, we will proceed with the next Demon Ritual which will be extremely powerful. The Rituals affect the fabric of the mass soul of humanity [except of the personal benefits]. With the good powers there, we can save ourselves, loved ones, but also garner more the momentum so that the above events stop.

As a last note I want to also say that the Rituals given there, albeit they can have personal uses, they should be used with care and sanctity. That knowledge is not a toy. We must be thankful and respectful to have the Gods during times of ethical and moral downfall, or during any past or future potential difficult time.

Satan has reassured me many times over, that everyone who is with them will be protected, promoted and even grow during these times. We must stay very steadfast.

For the positive news, I will write a second article. The Joy of Satan is progressing; albeit things are pressing, we must do our utmost to uphold the savior ark of the Gods that will save us all and save humanity in the end from it's spiritual ignorance. This is what we are put here to do, besides living beautiful and productive lives. This is the highest level of sacredness a soul can be given, and we must stay steadfast on our mission.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I am truly very grateful to our Holy Gods for their benevolent protection, and I wonder if it can be extended to our loves. For example, if there is only one person we love in this world, will the Gods protect our loved ones if they are truly very close to us? In any case, in addition to the rituals that will come out, I will perform a double aura of protection, both for myself and for the person I was talking about. The statement I wanted to use is "I am always completely protected from any Jewish attack on the Earth" (ALGIZ + SOWILO). PS I personally live in Italy, but, from what I understand, despite my young age, it seems to me that Italy has American bases because it has agreements with NATO. (Is that what it's called?). Are Italians still in potential danger? Thank you so much!!
In this update I have good and bad news. I will begin from the bad news. Before sharing, I want to remind everyone that Initiated people of Satan and the Gods will be protected no matter what.

As Azazel wanted this information to be known, I am sharing it so nobody hops on any surprises. Many of you are aware, if you read the news and so on; it's all fairly obvious, but that's Israel's wet dream again; destroy the planet, World War 3, Financial Crash, and upcoming Bird Flu.

Currently, Israel is attempting to trigger a full scale conflict between itself and Iran. Israel is decided to make this happen, and they want this to happen as soon as possible, before there is a presidential transition to "likely" Donald Trump. The reason for this is that if the conflict worsens, no matter what Trump intends, it will have already began and the United States drawn in already; so Trump will not have any ability to "stop" and war or anything after events have unfolded. They are clearly accelerating this as much as possible, with the recent strikes on Iran. The people that were killed, except of the one leader of the military wing of Hamas, the other person was a negotiator for peace; Israel wants total war.

This war with Iran, can have many other effects. If that happens, Iran is a superpower in the Middle East. Many people think it's weak and so on, but they are uninformed. Iran is also a head in the Middle East when it comes to provisions of food for the Middle East. Any war with Iran, could have extremely unpredictable and destructive outcomes in the Middle East. Jews by pushing it with Iran, they are going to trigger a large potential famine, except of the war. This will affect the whole of the Middle East, or so Israel hopes for. If that happens, other regional wars could potentially break out, and guess where tens of millions of people will start migrating to.

Israel hopes it will survive that war, that the United States will go all in [the big bully will do their fighting for them again], fund them, defend them, send our people to be killed for their sake, and so on.

But will it be the case? Or it's something else on the horizon? Let's stay steadfast and watch...

We must remember that all this worthless dogshit came because of a false attack that Israel instigated upon itself, and not due to Iran. It was all a setup to trigger everything. That of course, will be catastrophic to Israel. But that is one of the many existential risks Israel has to take. On the longterm, if Israel is threatened with destruction or triggers it's so called "Apocalyptic war", they are very likely to perish. If the United States is so bought out and so retarded as to go in, the chances for another second front opening against the United States [ruled either by a senile or a sellout that will do this] are going to be very negative for the United States. The above is the current wet dream of Israel.

On the fears of all of the above, Israel and the Jewish global stock market funds, are creating panic, and we have the memes about global recession again happening. Senile Joe is sitting on his chair half braindead, and as he leaves the office, he will have left behind him 4 years of total ruin on the edge of everything. The next President who will sit on the chair, if they follow Israel's demands, a bleak future is ahead for the general state of the world [but not for us in anyway - do not make false correlations].

Let us also not forget the other plandemic things that are being pushed; that is something they are preparing on the back end as a hot potato to drop on the next US President's hands - "Cohencidental bird flu". Unfortunately, the planets are rather supportive of another potential pandemic, the aspects of Neptune do indicate strong tendency for this. Even the meme of Co-Vid is continuing even if it is a flu that lasts 2 days now. That's to keep people on the loop of an eventual resurfacing. Everyone here knows every well all of this motive has began for the ushering of Agenda 2030. Based on what information is circulating, the system of the hooknoses wants to also have this card on their sleeve just in case.

As far as we are concerned, I have to remind the following terms of importance:

1. Priority is to keep our own loved ones protected as much as we can [spiritual power comes in handy here]

2. We must know we are on a far more privilleged position than the "goy" of the planet; our people have survived lethal tornadoes, all the plandemic nonsense and all these general plans or whatever. The Gods are on top of us, and people must get close to them. Invest in your spiritual protection; meditate and learn.

Many people, no matter what comes in life, they will WISH they had made this time investment to learn things like Aura of Protection, meditation etc.

For many of these who choose to go the "goy path", myriads of issues will arise. Whether or not related to this topic or by life itself.

3. The survival and prolonging of the JoS must continue no matter what. We stay safe and we keep our house safe. The primary core of the above events is because as the Age of Aquarius sets in, the enemy who represents the leadership of the Kali Yuga is becoming increasingly aggravated. They are on a race against time to neuter and disable humanity, as the world will spit them out more and more as time is moving forward.

Immediately after the current Schedule of Rituals ends, we will proceed with the next Demon Ritual which will be extremely powerful. The Rituals affect the fabric of the mass soul of humanity [except of the personal benefits]. With the good powers there, we can save ourselves, loved ones, but also garner more the momentum so that the above events stop.

As a last note I want to also say that the Rituals given there, albeit they can have personal uses, they should be used with care and sanctity. That knowledge is not a toy. We must be thankful and respectful to have the Gods during times of ethical and moral downfall, or during any past or future potential difficult time.

Satan has reassured me many times over, that everyone who is with them will be protected, promoted and even grow during these times. We must stay very steadfast.

For the positive news, I will write a second article. The Joy of Satan is progressing; albeit things are pressing, we must do our utmost to uphold the savior ark of the Gods that will save us all and save humanity in the end from it's spiritual ignorance. This is what we are put here to do, besides living beautiful and productive lives. This is the highest level of sacredness a soul can be given, and we must stay steadfast on our mission.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks for the information
Jews are a mentally ill race that constantly tries to:

Do WW3 everytime they have issues with every worthless "Terrurist"
Do want Financial Collapse for no fucking reason [to buy the ruins every single time]
Just because Rabbis said so.

Unfortunately for the time being they still highly influence the JoS so I am like sitting here having to write these messages because another jew from Israel woke up with a heat, and they want to pull the fucking plug on humanity yet again. Then the Gods will do their earnest to intervene again, like having to stop a virus that is meant to slay everyone one more time, again and again.

This is like fighting an illness.

Thankfully all of us are free from the direct influence of that illness. Let's see how the world deals with this.
We will always do our best, no matter what the circumstances. What wasted time the Jews spend dreaming of wiping the non-Jews off the face of the earth!
Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra and Azazel!!
In this update I have good and bad news. I will begin from the bad news. Before sharing, I want to remind everyone that Initiated people of Satan and the Gods will be protected no matter what.

As Azazel wanted this information to be known, I am sharing it so nobody hops on any surprises. Many of you are aware, if you read the news and so on; it's all fairly obvious, but that's Israel's wet dream again; destroy the planet, World War 3, Financial Crash, and upcoming Bird Flu.

Currently, Israel is attempting to trigger a full scale conflict between itself and Iran. Israel is decided to make this happen, and they want this to happen as soon as possible, before there is a presidential transition to "likely" Donald Trump. The reason for this is that if the conflict worsens, no matter what Trump intends, it will have already began and the United States drawn in already; so Trump will not have any ability to "stop" and war or anything after events have unfolded. They are clearly accelerating this as much as possible, with the recent strikes on Iran. The people that were killed, except of the one leader of the military wing of Hamas, the other person was a negotiator for peace; Israel wants total war.

This war with Iran, can have many other effects. If that happens, Iran is a superpower in the Middle East. Many people think it's weak and so on, but they are uninformed. Iran is also a head in the Middle East when it comes to provisions of food for the Middle East. Any war with Iran, could have extremely unpredictable and destructive outcomes in the Middle East. Jews by pushing it with Iran, they are going to trigger a large potential famine, except of the war. This will affect the whole of the Middle East, or so Israel hopes for. If that happens, other regional wars could potentially break out, and guess where tens of millions of people will start migrating to.

Israel hopes it will survive that war, that the United States will go all in [the big bully will do their fighting for them again], fund them, defend them, send our people to be killed for their sake, and so on.

But will it be the case? Or it's something else on the horizon? Let's stay steadfast and watch...

We must remember that all this worthless dogshit came because of a false attack that Israel instigated upon itself, and not due to Iran. It was all a setup to trigger everything. That of course, will be catastrophic to Israel. But that is one of the many existential risks Israel has to take. On the longterm, if Israel is threatened with destruction or triggers it's so called "Apocalyptic war", they are very likely to perish. If the United States is so bought out and so retarded as to go in, the chances for another second front opening against the United States [ruled either by a senile or a sellout that will do this] are going to be very negative for the United States. The above is the current wet dream of Israel.

On the fears of all of the above, Israel and the Jewish global stock market funds, are creating panic, and we have the memes about global recession again happening. Senile Joe is sitting on his chair half braindead, and as he leaves the office, he will have left behind him 4 years of total ruin on the edge of everything. The next President who will sit on the chair, if they follow Israel's demands, a bleak future is ahead for the general state of the world [but not for us in anyway - do not make false correlations].

Let us also not forget the other plandemic things that are being pushed; that is something they are preparing on the back end as a hot potato to drop on the next US President's hands - "Cohencidental bird flu". Unfortunately, the planets are rather supportive of another potential pandemic, the aspects of Neptune do indicate strong tendency for this. Even the meme of Co-Vid is continuing even if it is a flu that lasts 2 days now. That's to keep people on the loop of an eventual resurfacing. Everyone here knows every well all of this motive has began for the ushering of Agenda 2030. Based on what information is circulating, the system of the hooknoses wants to also have this card on their sleeve just in case.

As far as we are concerned, I have to remind the following terms of importance:

1. Priority is to keep our own loved ones protected as much as we can [spiritual power comes in handy here]

2. We must know we are on a far more privilleged position than the "goy" of the planet; our people have survived lethal tornadoes, all the plandemic nonsense and all these general plans or whatever. The Gods are on top of us, and people must get close to them. Invest in your spiritual protection; meditate and learn.

Many people, no matter what comes in life, they will WISH they had made this time investment to learn things like Aura of Protection, meditation etc.

For many of these who choose to go the "goy path", myriads of issues will arise. Whether or not related to this topic or by life itself.

3. The survival and prolonging of the JoS must continue no matter what. We stay safe and we keep our house safe. The primary core of the above events is because as the Age of Aquarius sets in, the enemy who represents the leadership of the Kali Yuga is becoming increasingly aggravated. They are on a race against time to neuter and disable humanity, as the world will spit them out more and more as time is moving forward.

Immediately after the current Schedule of Rituals ends, we will proceed with the next Demon Ritual which will be extremely powerful. The Rituals affect the fabric of the mass soul of humanity [except of the personal benefits]. With the good powers there, we can save ourselves, loved ones, but also garner more the momentum so that the above events stop.

As a last note I want to also say that the Rituals given there, albeit they can have personal uses, they should be used with care and sanctity. That knowledge is not a toy. We must be thankful and respectful to have the Gods during times of ethical and moral downfall, or during any past or future potential difficult time.

Satan has reassured me many times over, that everyone who is with them will be protected, promoted and even grow during these times. We must stay very steadfast.

For the positive news, I will write a second article. The Joy of Satan is progressing; albeit things are pressing, we must do our utmost to uphold the savior ark of the Gods that will save us all and save humanity in the end from it's spiritual ignorance. This is what we are put here to do, besides living beautiful and productive lives. This is the highest level of sacredness a soul can be given, and we must stay steadfast on our mission.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra for informing us that we can make the much needed preparation 🙏
I am doing an extra aura of protection as Commander Gracessecret has given me
All of this sounds so scary as if it comes straight out of a movie and into the real life world
Thank you Father of the Joy of Satan for assuring us that we are completely safe , protected and privileged by the Gods

May all who fight under the flag of Father Lucifer be protected and privileged

Forward and upwards
Siege Heil
Thank you so much for this post. In regards to this global recession and famine scenario the enemy is trying to create, what should our people be doing to better handle this?

I've noticed a very sharp change in the past few years in trying to stay financially afloat, and it seems like this may only get worse.

Ghost jobs, and all sorts of insanity have seemingly taken over the job market, making it even harder then before.
Most wages are now at a point where many people are taking low paying, unsustainable jobs just to survive through this, which may not cover ones needs and their families.

Entry level for most industries seems rather hard to find an open door even.

I'm aware of staying close to the Gods, and I do this as do the rest of us, along with the practices and rituals.

I don't want to derail the topic, but I am definitely curious on your thoughts here, as I've seen quite a bit of this lately.
I will provide my own opinion on some points from your message:
  1. One avenue for obtaining some modicum of financial security: getting jobs or positions which are privileged in some or more ways (it may sound obvious, but please bear with me). In essence, jobs which are critical to businesses (administrators, maintainers) typically give one the chance to take full ownership of the job, making them more difficult and more expensive to replace. For example, if one is amongst the few in a company which is capable to maintain business critical infrastructure, that person will have higher job security than a pencil pusher in HR.
  2. The current job market is Greed101. Entry level jobs requiring 3-5 years of experience or more is just a predatory strategy to underpay people. Ghost jobs are a greedy ploy to make a company look like it's growing, thus gathering favors from shareholders and investors.
I will kindly ask the moderation to remove my previous incomplete message, which I accidentally posted. I am slowly figuring out the forum.
In this update I have good and bad news. I will begin from the bad news. Before sharing, I want to remind everyone that Initiated people of Satan and the Gods will be protected no matter what.

As Azazel wanted this information to be known, I am sharing it so nobody hops on any surprises. Many of you are aware, if you read the news and so on; it's all fairly obvious, but that's Israel's wet dream again; destroy the planet, World War 3, Financial Crash, and upcoming Bird Flu.

Currently, Israel is attempting to trigger a full scale conflict between itself and Iran. Israel is decided to make this happen, and they want this to happen as soon as possible, before there is a presidential transition to "likely" Donald Trump. The reason for this is that if the conflict worsens, no matter what Trump intends, it will have already began and the United States drawn in already; so Trump will not have any ability to "stop" and war or anything after events have unfolded. They are clearly accelerating this as much as possible, with the recent strikes on Iran. The people that were killed, except of the one leader of the military wing of Hamas, the other person was a negotiator for peace; Israel wants total war.

This war with Iran, can have many other effects. If that happens, Iran is a superpower in the Middle East. Many people think it's weak and so on, but they are uninformed. Iran is also a head in the Middle East when it comes to provisions of food for the Middle East. Any war with Iran, could have extremely unpredictable and destructive outcomes in the Middle East. Jews by pushing it with Iran, they are going to trigger a large potential famine, except of the war. This will affect the whole of the Middle East, or so Israel hopes for. If that happens, other regional wars could potentially break out, and guess where tens of millions of people will start migrating to.

Israel hopes it will survive that war, that the United States will go all in [the big bully will do their fighting for them again], fund them, defend them, send our people to be killed for their sake, and so on.

But will it be the case? Or it's something else on the horizon? Let's stay steadfast and watch...

We must remember that all this worthless dogshit came because of a false attack that Israel instigated upon itself, and not due to Iran. It was all a setup to trigger everything. That of course, will be catastrophic to Israel. But that is one of the many existential risks Israel has to take. On the longterm, if Israel is threatened with destruction or triggers it's so called "Apocalyptic war", they are very likely to perish. If the United States is so bought out and so retarded as to go in, the chances for another second front opening against the United States [ruled either by a senile or a sellout that will do this] are going to be very negative for the United States. The above is the current wet dream of Israel.

On the fears of all of the above, Israel and the Jewish global stock market funds, are creating panic, and we have the memes about global recession again happening. Senile Joe is sitting on his chair half braindead, and as he leaves the office, he will have left behind him 4 years of total ruin on the edge of everything. The next President who will sit on the chair, if they follow Israel's demands, a bleak future is ahead for the general state of the world [but not for us in anyway - do not make false correlations].

Let us also not forget the other plandemic things that are being pushed; that is something they are preparing on the back end as a hot potato to drop on the next US President's hands - "Cohencidental bird flu". Unfortunately, the planets are rather supportive of another potential pandemic, the aspects of Neptune do indicate strong tendency for this. Even the meme of Co-Vid is continuing even if it is a flu that lasts 2 days now. That's to keep people on the loop of an eventual resurfacing. Everyone here knows every well all of this motive has began for the ushering of Agenda 2030. Based on what information is circulating, the system of the hooknoses wants to also have this card on their sleeve just in case.

As far as we are concerned, I have to remind the following terms of importance:

1. Priority is to keep our own loved ones protected as much as we can [spiritual power comes in handy here]

2. We must know we are on a far more privilleged position than the "goy" of the planet; our people have survived lethal tornadoes, all the plandemic nonsense and all these general plans or whatever. The Gods are on top of us, and people must get close to them. Invest in your spiritual protection; meditate and learn.

Many people, no matter what comes in life, they will WISH they had made this time investment to learn things like Aura of Protection, meditation etc.

For many of these who choose to go the "goy path", myriads of issues will arise. Whether or not related to this topic or by life itself.

3. The survival and prolonging of the JoS must continue no matter what. We stay safe and we keep our house safe. The primary core of the above events is because as the Age of Aquarius sets in, the enemy who represents the leadership of the Kali Yuga is becoming increasingly aggravated. They are on a race against time to neuter and disable humanity, as the world will spit them out more and more as time is moving forward.

Immediately after the current Schedule of Rituals ends, we will proceed with the next Demon Ritual which will be extremely powerful. The Rituals affect the fabric of the mass soul of humanity [except of the personal benefits]. With the good powers there, we can save ourselves, loved ones, but also garner more the momentum so that the above events stop.

As a last note I want to also say that the Rituals given there, albeit they can have personal uses, they should be used with care and sanctity. That knowledge is not a toy. We must be thankful and respectful to have the Gods during times of ethical and moral downfall, or during any past or future potential difficult time.

Satan has reassured me many times over, that everyone who is with them will be protected, promoted and even grow during these times. We must stay very steadfast.

For the positive news, I will write a second article. The Joy of Satan is progressing; albeit things are pressing, we must do our utmost to uphold the savior ark of the Gods that will save us all and save humanity in the end from it's spiritual ignorance. This is what we are put here to do, besides living beautiful and productive lives. This is the highest level of sacredness a soul can be given, and we must stay steadfast on our mission.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Ready and stead fast into the future; this isn’t the first time I have felt like the world was coming apart. I am stronger more adapted then I was before. Holding the Gods close. Promoting our spiritual family.
We will have victory when all this passes.
Do not fear 🖐️. Dharma in spirit is never compromised ,challenging what doesn't change is futile,but evil in lower mind , body consciousness,still does it. Its quite a mystery. Anyone who has followed world politics for a while knows that Netanyahu has been trying to get the US into a war with Iran. Even Gentile lackeys have resisted this. Souls will come to the path when they are ready,life in the physical is pretty fated. Revolutions have always been been started by a few,then the rest just follow,it has always been like that. Mystics live opposite the crowd,as such it's quite a challenge to be a mystic in current times. The spirit knows then the intellectual thinking process is a result of this knowing. That's how a mystic lives it's opposite the crowd. Anyone who has had a Strong realization of their spirit body knows this and feeling the resulting radiation from the Atma and intuitive understanding,knows that Dharma can never be compromised in spirit. Young souls will behave as young souls should and older souls will behave accordingly. Everything is going as it should there's nothing wrong even with the waywardness of Adharma and Dharma being at it's lowest point in mind , body ever in the history of mankind
Thank you HP HoodedCobra666
For the important sermon and information about what is happening and what we as Spiritual Satanists should do, doing our Gods Rituals and now adding FRTR’s because Israel’s got another itch like fleas on its ass and needs to scratch its ass again with another war, and our Beloved Gods have to try and protect the humans from extinction again, we are protected thanks to our Beloved Gods
Hail to God Father Satan Lucifer ❤️
Hail to All the Gods and Goddesses ❤️
Sword at the ready, Shield ready to defend....
In this update I have good and bad news. I will begin from the bad news. Before sharing, I want to remind everyone that Initiated people of Satan and the Gods will be protected no matter what.

As Azazel wanted this information to be known, I am sharing it so nobody hops on any surprises. Many of you are aware, if you read the news and so on; it's all fairly obvious, but that's Israel's wet dream again; destroy the planet, World War 3, Financial Crash, and upcoming Bird Flu.

Currently, Israel is attempting to trigger a full scale conflict between itself and Iran. Israel is decided to make this happen, and they want this to happen as soon as possible, before there is a presidential transition to "likely" Donald Trump. The reason for this is that if the conflict worsens, no matter what Trump intends, it will have already began and the United States drawn in already; so Trump will not have any ability to "stop" and war or anything after events have unfolded. They are clearly accelerating this as much as possible, with the recent strikes on Iran. The people that were killed, except of the one leader of the military wing of Hamas, the other person was a negotiator for peace; Israel wants total war.

This war with Iran, can have many other effects. If that happens, Iran is a superpower in the Middle East. Many people think it's weak and so on, but they are uninformed. Iran is also a head in the Middle East when it comes to provisions of food for the Middle East. Any war with Iran, could have extremely unpredictable and destructive outcomes in the Middle East. Jews by pushing it with Iran, they are going to trigger a large potential famine, except of the war. This will affect the whole of the Middle East, or so Israel hopes for. If that happens, other regional wars could potentially break out, and guess where tens of millions of people will start migrating to.

Israel hopes it will survive that war, that the United States will go all in [the big bully will do their fighting for them again], fund them, defend them, send our people to be killed for their sake, and so on.

But will it be the case? Or it's something else on the horizon? Let's stay steadfast and watch...

We must remember that all this worthless dogshit came because of a false attack that Israel instigated upon itself, and not due to Iran. It was all a setup to trigger everything. That of course, will be catastrophic to Israel. But that is one of the many existential risks Israel has to take. On the longterm, if Israel is threatened with destruction or triggers it's so called "Apocalyptic war", they are very likely to perish. If the United States is so bought out and so retarded as to go in, the chances for another second front opening against the United States [ruled either by a senile or a sellout that will do this] are going to be very negative for the United States. The above is the current wet dream of Israel.

On the fears of all of the above, Israel and the Jewish global stock market funds, are creating panic, and we have the memes about global recession again happening. Senile Joe is sitting on his chair half braindead, and as he leaves the office, he will have left behind him 4 years of total ruin on the edge of everything. The next President who will sit on the chair, if they follow Israel's demands, a bleak future is ahead for the general state of the world [but not for us in anyway - do not make false correlations].

Let us also not forget the other plandemic things that are being pushed; that is something they are preparing on the back end as a hot potato to drop on the next US President's hands - "Cohencidental bird flu". Unfortunately, the planets are rather supportive of another potential pandemic, the aspects of Neptune do indicate strong tendency for this. Even the meme of Co-Vid is continuing even if it is a flu that lasts 2 days now. That's to keep people on the loop of an eventual resurfacing. Everyone here knows every well all of this motive has began for the ushering of Agenda 2030. Based on what information is circulating, the system of the hooknoses wants to also have this card on their sleeve just in case.

As far as we are concerned, I have to remind the following terms of importance:

1. Priority is to keep our own loved ones protected as much as we can [spiritual power comes in handy here]

2. We must know we are on a far more privilleged position than the "goy" of the planet; our people have survived lethal tornadoes, all the plandemic nonsense and all these general plans or whatever. The Gods are on top of us, and people must get close to them. Invest in your spiritual protection; meditate and learn.

Many people, no matter what comes in life, they will WISH they had made this time investment to learn things like Aura of Protection, meditation etc.

For many of these who choose to go the "goy path", myriads of issues will arise. Whether or not related to this topic or by life itself.

3. The survival and prolonging of the JoS must continue no matter what. We stay safe and we keep our house safe. The primary core of the above events is because as the Age of Aquarius sets in, the enemy who represents the leadership of the Kali Yuga is becoming increasingly aggravated. They are on a race against time to neuter and disable humanity, as the world will spit them out more and more as time is moving forward.

Immediately after the current Schedule of Rituals ends, we will proceed with the next Demon Ritual which will be extremely powerful. The Rituals affect the fabric of the mass soul of humanity [except of the personal benefits]. With the good powers there, we can save ourselves, loved ones, but also garner more the momentum so that the above events stop.

As a last note I want to also say that the Rituals given there, albeit they can have personal uses, they should be used with care and sanctity. That knowledge is not a toy. We must be thankful and respectful to have the Gods during times of ethical and moral downfall, or during any past or future potential difficult time.

Satan has reassured me many times over, that everyone who is with them will be protected, promoted and even grow during these times. We must stay very steadfast.

For the positive news, I will write a second article. The Joy of Satan is progressing; albeit things are pressing, we must do our utmost to uphold the savior ark of the Gods that will save us all and save humanity in the end from it's spiritual ignorance. This is what we are put here to do, besides living beautiful and productive lives. This is the highest level of sacredness a soul can be given, and we must stay steadfast on our mission.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 66
As a last note I want to also say that the Rituals given there, albeit they can have personal uses, they should be used with care and sanctity. That knowledge is not a toy. We must be thankful and respectful to have the Gods during times of ethical and moral downfall, or during any past or future potential difficult time.
I'm quoting this so members can give it a second read. This is very important: these rituals are extremely powerful and must be treated as sacred magickal workings.

Satan has reassured me many times over, that everyone who is with them will be protected, promoted and even grow during these times. We must stay very steadfast.
I've been assured this by other Gods, such as Zeus, multiple times. Everyone, continue with your meditation and the God Rituals and the FRTR, and keep striving towards your personal goals. Even if things seem rather bleak, just keep going. All of your efforts will pay off.
I am truly very grateful to our Holy Gods for their benevolent protection, and I wonder if it can be extended to our loves. For example, if there is only one person we love in this world, will the Gods protect our loved ones if they are truly very close to us? In any case, in addition to the rituals that will come out, I will perform a double aura of protection, both for myself and for the person I was talking about. The statement I wanted to use is "I am always completely protected from any Jewish attack on the Earth" (ALGIZ + SOWILO).
Not all bad things are directly from the jews, and that statement is about the Earth, so it can confuse the energy. You can use that as a second daily AoP, but I find one of the best all-around is "I am always safe, secure, protected, and healthy in every way".

Yes, the Gods do extend their protection to our loved ones. I have witnessed this first-hand. But it of course helps if we do something to help, such as an AoP as you mentioned. I've done daily basic cleaning and AoPs for my loved ones.
I can attest to that, despite the difficulties during the covid circus, it was during this time that my life improved in certain areas a lot and continues to get better and better to this day.

I personally believe that no matter what bad things happen, it will create opportunities for us to grow stronger, as long as we use them properly that is of course.

I wasn't even an SS at that time and it didn't bothered me, in fact it was quite comfortable to stay at home.
Not all bad things are directly from the jews, and that statement is about the Earth, so it can confuse the energy. You can use that as a second daily AoP, but I find one of the best all-around is "I am always safe, secure, protected, and healthy in every way".

Yes, the Gods do extend their protection to our loved ones. I have witnessed this first-hand. But it of course helps if we do something to help, such as an AoP as you mentioned. I've done daily basic cleaning and AoPs for my loved ones.
Thank you so much, dearest HPS Lydia! It's incredible how you always manage to be kind and helpful! :D
The farer the planet is, the type of energy, what it represents are harder to be stopped (to protect ourselves) or started to action (for benefits). Neptune energy is one there, which one is playing for Global Changes, but also remember about Pluto, where he's presence emanates stronger day by day with feelings of restless and ruthless.
The corrupted livings are trying to enforce apocalypse, but they probably don't know, that Death is a force, that they cannot control. Israel is a symbol of corruption, because most of them are, but we need to also remember that rotted souls are within us in every country in the World and it should be stopped - by only one efficient way which Pluto represents.
Try out meditate about symbols of planets or/and point your attention in the sky where planet is placed (Stellarium app is great for searching) to feel them. If you are skilled in divination you can listen what they personally have to "say" to you.
Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 and Lord Azazel!!
Hail the JoS!
Hail Father Satan Forever!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
