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Enemy Hypocrisy & Magick

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Anyone who knows anything of the occult, after you look into it, you just see that the enemy uses occult to the maximum against people; yet prohibits anyone from anything related to it.

The enemy, Islam, Christianity and Judaism, use the so called "Forbidden occult" with a lot of semantics, pretending they are "not using it" or that "it's something else", while they read full on work discourses on the so called "Forbidden and will certainly land you to eternal hellfire as claimed by the holy book" crafts.

Numerous people of the enemy write whole books on Astrology, Rabbis cast natal charts, I have even found certain exclusively jewish manuscripts which basically analyse everything the Sexual Tantra does, which they use to their objectives.

Then they claim everyone who is a "witch" must be exterminated of course, as all they are doing isn't tantra, astrology and magick, don't you dare say that.

In fact, "Witch" above means "The Goy" or the "Gentile" who is interested in any of this, which is liable to extermination. As for the "pious ones", they will do anything under the sun while claiming it's "evil" to do so [for the goy of course].

The Vatican itself is also doing everything of this nature, yet they tell everyone else it's "Evil and it will land their soul to hell".

As their lies pile higher and higher, they also tell themselves other lies. For example, Christians keep telling themselves like Muslims they have "Free Will", while all philosophical systems of highest levels knew this is not so.

They like to think that they are free while they are enslaved, a reality that is clearly not the case. Astrology, another art that they forbid yet practice incessantly, would be testament to this end.

The above is nothing else but what they do with money, such as saying it is "Evil" while the "Pope" sits on a golden giant throne, or even daring to go as far as to call everything spiritual a "superstition" as many jews are doing in universities, while they wear the Yarmulka hat, which is essentially the tribal token of spiritual judaism.

After they give a long speech on why all of this is nonsense then they go at their house or synagogue and congregation to participate in what "Doesn't exist" with great piousness, such as chanting the Torah and so on, they are busy writing to you on twitter to not be bigoted racists because how could you even think this is a racial conspiracy or any other conspiracy going on in this world.

Because as we all know it doesn't exist, don't we all know what? It doesn't exist to that extent that if you keep mentioning it does exist, certain people [because of course it doesn't exist] will activate like borgs to put you in your place like it happened with Kanye. That's how much it doesn't exist.

Islam also in particular, is heavily infested with the most evil and nefarious magick gimmick of the lower levels known to man. I never seen stupider and lesser system than the Islamic one, and it's fit to use for pigs only. Islamic "spell-casters" are also busy doing business in "Allah's name" over in the Middle East, despite all of this "Being forbidden" in Islam, which the "All powerful allah" clearly turns a blind eye on.

As one can see, these people are living a life of hypocrisy, lies and contradictions, but they are also drunk in the power of the lies that they consume.

When people do not "comply" with Christianity or Islam, we know the infamous "I will pray for you", which is a code word for how they will psychically try to coerce you to become a Christian.

As they all do not have any power, they cannot do much or at all, yet they try this anyway. Nobody sits there for one second to think, why is this "praying" necessary to at all costs accept a jew named "Jesus"? Why is this even a thing in this world? Why no other cultures of the past obsessively tried to convert people at the action of beheading or eternal hellfire? While on top of it claiming this has to do with "God's love" at the same time?

Needless to say, the enemy is the hypocrite of hypocrites. Everyone who follows them is likewise very much a hypocrite. And the Truth of the highest aspirations will not be handed by the entities in control of the universe to those who are such hypocrites and foul creatures.

Human beings for centuries have wasted their time just being on their knees for these foul systems, which teach no science spiritual or material, and turn humans into animals. As one can understand, humanity was made to eventually escape the animal level, not be eternally into it.

The people who propagate this fall such as those who forbid spirituality are propagating their own damnation as opposing evil to this plan of the Gods.

No wonder, these "mainstream" religions are gathering their pieces and are carriers and heralds of great transgressions, which they prolong and extend the suffering of their own devotees by telling them the foulest of lies such as that spirituality, meditation, or inner knowledge should be "forbidden".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The jci followers that willingly do this coercion to the rest of us.,, I curse them to their lake of fire.
Even when I was brought up with xianity I long wondered why the enemy employed Astrologers so much beginning with Constantine employing the traitor Maternus if it was 'pagan idolatry' and 'divination and witchcraft for only god to know'.

In the 17th century Astrologers outside of the church had to title their works 'Christian Astrology' or claim rabbi jeboo was an Astrologer itself or the like to avoid being burned.

I had a 'friend' once (Kurdish) who was a total loon, but anyway, she drifted off in conversation once muttering something in Arabic. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was cursing others using a spell and quranic formulations, which Islam 'allows' one to do. Until I read HPS Maxine's article about the jewess and the 'geyser' I didn't understand this.
I still don't fully understand how Jews can practice our spirituality (aside from malforming it to fit their racial soul) and not gain a shred of truth unto the soul.

To my understanding the highest working for a Jew is to ascend into the collective hive mind of their creators, in so doing, dissolving all individuality, which is the opposite of the MO for gentiles. It confuses me these lizards can practice sexual tantra and actually advance, I thought all Satanic practice was a pollutant to them as their Hebrew is it us?
What comes around goes around and what they give is what they get!.. the enemy will pay dearly with every drop of blood! And everything that they have dished out to West gentile people they are going to get back tenfold!.. TRUTH BE TOLD!! 🔥 Hail Satan Brother HP HoodedCobra666! 🔥
I remember a friend who I would take to, an one day he mentioned a spell book in his Catholic Church, I was like why would they have that in there if witchcraft sends you to Hell, he typically gave me the christards response, magic ain't real,an yet the bible has many accounts of curses an potion in it an yet (muh magics not realses people worship fairy jew in sky)
GoldenxChild1 said:
I still don't fully understand how Jews can practice our spirituality (aside from malforming it to fit their racial soul) and not gain a shred of truth unto the soul.

To my understanding the highest working for a Jew is to ascend into the collective hive mind of their creators, in so doing, dissolving all individuality, which is the opposite of the MO for gentiles. It confuses me these lizards can practice sexual tantra and actually advance, I thought all Satanic practice was a pollutant to them as their Hebrew is it us?
Even an abomination like the kike can grow a bit of energy if he tries enough i suppose but he won't ever clean himself or become more spiritual, he will just add in quantity but never in quality.
It's like a garbage bag becoming a garbage den, or at least this is how I see it.
GoldenxChild1 said:
I still don't fully understand how Jews can practice our spirituality (aside from malforming it to fit their racial soul) and not gain a shred of truth unto the soul.

To my understanding the highest working for a Jew is to ascend into the collective hive mind of their creators, in so doing, dissolving all individuality, which is the opposite of the MO for gentiles. It confuses me these lizards can practice sexual tantra and actually advance, I thought all Satanic practice was a pollutant to them as their Hebrew is it us?

There are things that are general, all species that reproduce have sexual energy for example, so they can all use sexual Tantra, but other forms of spirituality would be deadly to them, if they vibrate Satanama or other variations of Satan's name for example, it would certainly hurt their souls.

All energies are part of the fabric of the universe, and different species deal in different ways with such energies, see it as if energies were plants, for two different species the same plant can be both essential for survival and completely deadly, but at the same time for both species a different plant can have no effect at all.
GoldenxChild1 said:
I still don't fully understand how Jews can practice our spirituality (aside from malforming it to fit their racial soul) and not gain a shred of truth unto the soul.

To my understanding the highest working for a Jew is to ascend into the collective hive mind of their creators, in so doing, dissolving all individuality, which is the opposite of the MO for gentiles. It confuses me these lizards can practice sexual tantra and actually advance, I thought all Satanic practice was a pollutant to them as their Hebrew is it us?

The jew as a species can "advance" to a certain extent. However not in the sense we understand advancement.

Siddhis are possible for them as well. Just nothing like gentiles can achieve in later stages.

They most likely have a stopping point coded in their genetics, and it's not like the enemy would want them to have too much power either.

As for sexual tantra practices and related, they also usually alter much of its approach and practice for them to even use it and even then their is probably still a risk of insanity for the kites involved.

Don't forget that their soul is inherently alien and not of this world. They were created by a vicious, psychopathic and completely evil hive of extraterrestrials. The jews themselves are a slave race.

They were created with a disability to understanding truth and various other problems that the enemy programmed deep into their genetics and soul.

This is why they never stopped destroying. They don't possess the mind or soul to do so.

Basically.. no matter how high they try to reach spiritually, they are essentially damned as a species with no escape from the, body, mind and soul the enemy chose for them.

Some kikes even realize this and try to escape. They wake up to the reality of this and try to run away, but no escape is possible.
I remember many years ago back when I was in school, I had a jewish girl in class, and she often had the urge to tell everyone about her weekly schedule.

On Saturday she had to go to this place where they were studying the Torah, and tell us their community have this social pyramid were you there are levels, and as times goes by you "level up" and gain new knowledge.

She was really dumb and had no clue about what to say and not say. No need to say when time came for me to approach the gods and goddesses I connected all the dots, and then I realized how much corrupted and obsessed with elitism they are. Yet they claim all the powers inside our soul gave to us from the gods and goddesses are "forbidden" or " do not exist ", using science as tool to make their lies believable to those who don't know.

Thanks to our RTR, people are becoming slowly more open to all of this, the clock is ticking above their head. Keep up the spiritual work we are stronger than ever!
Shemsu said:
Hard to talk to anyone without about this but less and less by the second. More people are becoming aware of reality every day. The enemy is scared shitless. They finally see how things are - they are fucked. No more filthy torah, no more! Rejoice and erase them from existence.

The better question is, when they will take it back from the Jews?
Thank you HP.I have never seen a muslim who doesnt use magic!They are really crazy.When I was looking for Satan I thought I had to do it through magic and later I was really annoyed and angry because every witchcraft book I looked at was about Abrahamic witchcraft or didnt work at all....two face people they are,They kill non Abrahamic witches but Abrahamic ones are Ok to exist
Also the first kind of magic muhammad banned was Astrology because it was really common and useful in Arabia
We deal with such hypocrites on a daily basis, while at the same time the ugly spirits of their self-claimed god and angels keep burning my temper with their annoying violations. Such parasites hate seeing you free and enlightened
DisillusionedCitizen said:
Shemsu said:
Hard to talk to anyone without about this but less and less by the second. More people are becoming aware of reality every day. The enemy is scared shitless. They finally see how things are - they are fucked. No more filthy torah, no more! Rejoice and erase them from existence.

The better question is, when they will take it back from the Jews?

A peculiar way of putting it mate. By saying "they" you're excluding yourself from our people be they of Satan or under the jewish spell (humans never the less). Is that due to translation software, wording not reflecting what you meant to say or do you mean it like you wrote it? Just trying to understand. Cheers
Thanks for the replies!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

As one can see, these people are living a life of hypocrisy, lies and contradictions, but they are also drunk in the power of the lies that they consume.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is completely true expression.

I think,everyone knows those idiots muslims,who drink alcohol in such a way to hide in a place they think is suitable,because supposedly "allah" does not see.Because pisslam forbids alcohol.
I have also heard,that, for example, one muslim went under the walnut tree to drink the alcoholic beverage,and the other in a hidden corner of a truck,etc.etc.Because this alleged god(allah) does not see them in such places.
This is as pathetic as it is ridiculous and funny.
They're pushing it hard now trying to discourage us but the reality is they're very scared and short on time. I dearly wait for the reaction of the aggressively disbelieving people when they understand that we have been right all along.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

As one can see, these people are living a life of hypocrisy, lies and contradictions, but they are also drunk in the power of the lies that they consume.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is completely true expression.

I think,everyone knows those idiots muslims,who drink alcohol in such a way to hide in a place they think is suitable,because supposedly "allah" does not see.Because pisslam forbids alcohol.
I have also heard,that, for example, one muslim went under the walnut tree to drink the alcoholic beverage,and the other in a hidden corner of a truck,etc.etc.Because this alleged god(allah) does not see them in such places.
This is as pathetic as it is ridiculous and funny.

To add to the hypocrisy, mooslim cows have this supposed verse in koran thats so important when they teach it in schools. That verse literally says that never do any sins or even think if them because god is always warching you no matter where.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
We will win this war and magick that is true from Hitler, the other Aryan nights such as Henrich Himmler and also other German, African, Romanian, American and Asian occultists will surely bring their contributions there.


Kind of offended that you didn't name the white population properly.
You listed some specific demographs or countries rather than naming it as a whole..
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
We will win this war and magick that is true from Hitler, the other Aryan nights such as Henrich Himmler and also other German, African, Romanian, American and Asian occultists will surely bring their contributions there.


Kind of offended that you didn't name the white population properly.
You listed some specific demographs or countries rather than naming it as a whole..

My bad :(

Thank you for correcting me though :)

Perhaps I should study better, still, I was a lurker when I read about Spiritual Satanism and White Population, I joined this forum about a month or two, so, mistakes may repeat until I resolve them.

But I will resolve them :)

No worries! Every start is hard. We have members from literally about all over the world. Just not everyone likes to talk about where they come from which is totally their right of course.
Recently I been in some natsoc groups and everyone keeps saying jews are satanist and this just IRKS me because WE are satanists and we are not jews! I always want to try to dispute this but I dont know how to word it in such a way that I can convince them that the ABRAHAMIC GOD IS THE DESTROYER and our "satan" is the creator god! :evil:
solinvictvs94 said:
Recently I been in some natsoc groups and everyone keeps saying jews are satanist and this just IRKS me because WE are satanists and we are not jews!

Why do you care? Xians are going to be retards no matter what you tell them. Just hearing you criticize xianity they'll call you a jew.

  • Satan means enemy in the language of the jews (he is therefore their mortal enemy)
  • Their crucified savior Rabbi Yeshua bar Yosef a.k.a. Jesus would be a jew if he existed.
  • There are jewish rabbis who say Satan is the author of anti-semitism.
  • The jew Marcus Eli Ravage admitted that xianity is a jewish trojan horse to destroy European culture:

These are the facts. It's doubtful that they will be convinced by them though.
Christians and Muslims be like:

"Noooo! We not sheep! We wants peace! Wait, you saying Christianity and Islam made by Jews? Bullshit! You a Jew shill for believing that nonsenses! Go away, Jew! I don't wants to bes bothered with your filthy ass nonsense! Go stink up some other place, why don't you!?"
Shemsu said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
Shemsu said:
Hard to talk to anyone without about this but less and less by the second. More people are becoming aware of reality every day. The enemy is scared shitless. They finally see how things are - they are fucked. No more filthy torah, no more! Rejoice and erase them from existence.

The better question is, when they will take it back from the Jews?

A peculiar way of putting it mate. By saying "they" you're excluding yourself from our people be they of Satan or under the jewish spell (humans never the less). Is that due to translation software, wording not reflecting what you meant to say or do you mean it like you wrote it? Just trying to understand. Cheers

Sorry for responding to this late, but there's no translation software on my part. It's just bad wording. Now I'll rephrase it more clearly:

When will we take back everything the Jews stole?

DisillusionedCitizen said:
Shemsu said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
The better question is, when they will take it back from the Jews?

A peculiar way of putting it mate. By saying "they" you're excluding yourself from our people be they of Satan or under the jewish spell (humans never the less). Is that due to translation software, wording not reflecting what you meant to say or do you mean it like you wrote it? Just trying to understand. Cheers

Sorry for responding to this late, but there's no translation software on my part. It's just bad wording. Now I'll rephrase it more clearly:

When will we take back everything the Jews stole?


Sorry to be nitpicking, guessed that much but still I was curious. Maybe paranoid a bit? Which doesn't mean they're not out to get me. ;)
The Nameless One said:
solinvictvs94 said:
Recently I been in some natsoc groups and everyone keeps saying jews are satanist and this just IRKS me because WE are satanists and we are not jews!

Why do you care? Xians are going to be retards no matter what you tell them. Just hearing you criticize xianity they'll call you a jew.

  • Satan means enemy in the language of the jews (he is therefore their mortal enemy)
  • Their crucified savior Rabbi Yeshua bar Yosef a.k.a. Jesus would be a jew if he existed.
  • There are jewish rabbis who say Satan is the author of anti-semitism.
  • The jew Marcus Eli Ravage admitted that xianity is a jewish trojan horse to destroy European culture:

These are the facts. It's doubtful that they will be convinced by them though.

I just want to wake them up that theyve been decieved I too used to be like them and I pity them like lambs to the slaughter its quite sad really.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
