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Emotional Salvation Thread Because Boogie man wants Your Five Bucks


Feb 1, 2022
[email protected]
Note by HP Cobra

Be aware: This post is for archives and all the slander and questions I had to answer because I am trying to create the largest spiritual school and community for Gentiles.

Enjoy both reasonable questions that are answered and slander in this thread.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Brutha, if you need money this bad I can wire you
the 50 Dollars, shite.

What kind of bills does JoS have anyway that are significant enough to aggressively beg your audience for sheckles? Azazel doesn't help you guys out financially? Lucifuge Rofocal apparently controls all treasures of earth, why doesn't he help you out? You're apparently fighting their war, honestly I don't get it. The combined effort of the Joy of Satan Ministry can't preform financial rituals in order to cover the 50~ dollars a month it costs to keep your network running? I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm genuinely asking. You have probably 10k+ members, yet you have to constantly remind them to donate, and call those that don't "cowards and pussies". Wtf?

Times are tough, bro. Yes, maybe we muricans don't think 50 Dolla is a lot, but to some here that's their weekly wage.

When my insignificant group had contact with the Gods, they provided us all kinds of perks and benefits that were far more valuable than fucking website maintenance fees. Who negotiated your contracts? They need to be fired.

Ave brotha, maybe I'll win the lottery, indeed, so you can stop bitching.

Anyway on the post itself, you talked about important things and it's valuable. Your begging is another story, I hope the situation is more dire than Maxine not having her KFC allowance. Alright, that was mean, still I think this is partly justified.
You are confused, because you don't know the Gods. In particular, you are only in alliance with low beings and entities [including your coven and yourself]. The clarity of my points will therefore not be understood by you. Your understanding is as far as KFC at this point.

Your word which is "begging", is actually a call to arms. The person who has given the most, cannot be a beggar, unless in your convoluted dictionary.

We are a family here, if you are poised as an outsider of it [you said so], you must sit on the side of the table, where by retaining this understanding, you are condemning yourself to eat the bones we throw out of it at best. In fact, you are begging us for attention.

You are around our group to beg us, criticize us, and speak about matters you poorly understand, such as your divine understanding about KFC.

Azazel is not bound by these parameters, and the time of a God is more important than these matters. When I convene with Azazel, I will not ask for shekels or money, but I will ask him about important aspects of existence instead. For this reason, other matters are convened with the human beings with whom we share this responsibility, and who truly understand what the Gods are, and how further they are from all of this.

Although I am certain that they could give anyone the so called "Lottery" [another thing monkey people value highly] what is more important is for any human process to actually take a higher form. That might be small letters in your book as you understand only KFC, but I truly wish you one day, and if you read my posts very closely, to understand, because this will save you from many perils, one of them ignorance.

Lastly, the amount of "50 dolla" is symbolic. The "50 dolla" which is apparently a value you consider important.

Even if you scold others for the number and impress your poor irony, you might not pass from your head that others may have, for example, given way more than you can feasibly imagine for anything, or that this number is symbolic of the smallest gesture, and not a measure of money, but rather the action. In this case, you do good to stay in the Joy of Satan, to understand more of how this mentality works.

Proportionate help is self implied. If I looked at proportions, I would not have done things which would make you pee in your pants right now. For this reason, it is better to refrain in silence and understand the value of listening.

Yes, it takes the truest form of a pussy to let's say, have a field full of apples, and give nothing. I could think likewise, and for example, take my own applefields and go, which are of a substantial nature and also, never rot.

Regardless, the teaching of the Gods [which unless you clear your soul a lot, you will not see] imply that we must understand how to balance these things as a society, family and so on.

HPS Maxine is a woman beyond your comprehension, but I have always been good at speaking with the dogs.

I also feed all of you daily spiritual KFC, so if you feel like donating about my KFC bucket and that's your reason, do it, but it won't go to KFC, but rather sites, wisdom, JoS expansion and so on.

In regards to KFC which is about the same tier of your understand as about the Gods or JoS, I will solve another mystery to you that, yes, we both love KFC.

RED DAWN said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Brutha, if you need money this bad I can wire you
the 50 Dollars, shite.

What kind of bills does JoS have anyway that are significant enough to aggressively beg your audience for sheckles? Azazel doesn't help you guys out financially? Lucifuge Rofocal apparently controls all treasures of earth, why doesn't he help you out? You're apparently fighting their war, honestly I don't get it. The combined effort of the Joy of Satan Ministry can't preform financial rituals in order to cover the 50~ dollars a month it costs to keep your network running? I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm genuinely asking. You have probably 10k+ members, yet you have to constantly remind them to donate, and call those that don't "cowards and pussies". Wtf?

Times are tough, bro. Yes, maybe we muricans don't think 50 Dolla is a lot, but to some here that's their weekly wage.

When my insignificant group had contact with the Gods, they provided us all kinds of perks and benefits that were far more valuable than fucking website maintenance fees. Who negotiated your contracts? They need to be fired.

Ave brotha, maybe I'll win the lottery, indeed, so you can stop bitching.

Anyway on the post itself, you talked about important things and it's valuable. Your begging is another story, I hope the situation is more dire than Maxine not having her KFC allowance. Alright, that was mean, still I think this is partly justified.

You are the embodiment of pussy. Coward, weak, drugged, delusional, arrogant, jewyfied, unaware.

Money is a necessity, giving especially to JoS is a blessing and a maturity statement.

No one asked you, we don't ask weak people nor we need from weak people like you something. You need it, you need social opening, you need knowledge, you need time to waste for others.

JoS is the beacon of light for humanity and here goes the lowest scums of the earth to throw tantrums of 3 year old mentality.

The irony is that, the message of this sermon is a needed wake up for some people, who need to be told to have some decisive masculinity vector inside their fabric.

Yet here comes the lowest jews ever, to try to act "cool" like the college undercover cops trying to pass some smoke to have an arrest.

The audacity of these scums. Thinking they are something in this world, meanwhile a koala somewhere had a better understanding of life that this individual.
NakedPluto said:

Yet here comes the lowest jews ever, to try to act "cool" like the college undercover cops trying to pass some smoke to have an arrest.

The audacity of these scums. Thinking they are something in this world, meanwhile a koala somewhere had a better understanding of life that this individual.

Jews are these type of people to want to amass 300 trillion dollars [or the world's wealth] but wait until the goy tells another goy to organize and build a little roof for knowledge for humanity, and the jew will have an existential tantrum, as he writes another 100,000,000$ check for the Yeshiva or the Church that will turn your kids into brainwashed biohazards.

Then, the moment anyone does what I do here, or the moment anyone says anything like that, the siren goes like OYYYYYY VEYYYYYYYYYY!

That's basically the jew in a nutshell.
RED DAWN said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

When my insignificant group had contact with the Gods, they provided us all kinds of perks and benefits that were far more valuable than fucking website maintenance fees. Who negotiated your contracts? They need to be fired.

You will know at "some point".
RED DAWN said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Brutha, if you need money this bad I can wire you
the 50 Dollars, shite.

What kind of bills does JoS have anyway that are significant enough to aggressively beg your audience for sheckles? Azazel doesn't help you guys out financially? Lucifuge Rofocal apparently controls all treasures of earth, why doesn't he help you out? You're apparently fighting their war, honestly I don't get it. The combined effort of the Joy of Satan Ministry can't preform financial rituals in order to cover the 50~ dollars a month it costs to keep your network running? I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm genuinely asking. You have probably 10k+ members, yet you have to constantly remind them to donate, and call those that don't "cowards and pussies". Wtf?

Times are tough, bro. Yes, maybe we muricans don't think 50 Dolla is a lot, but to some here that's their weekly wage.

When my insignificant group had contact with the Gods, they provided us all kinds of perks and benefits that were far more valuable than fucking website maintenance fees. Who negotiated your contracts? They need to be fired.

Ave brotha, maybe I'll win the lottery, indeed, so you can stop bitching.

Anyway on the post itself, you talked about important things and it's valuable. Your begging is another story, I hope the situation is more dire than Maxine not having her KFC allowance. Alright, that was mean, still I think this is partly justified.

Come along out to the field with me and be my bitch helper then you useless sack of crap lol. you can hold my pocket, carry my rod bucket and grinder, and crescent wrenches and my TIG rig, and maybe you can actually be worth a fuck. You will make more in a week than what most do in a month, even as just a helper hand.

Oh wait I forgot kikes are too proud for construction labor..I would whoop that ass like a hebrew slave though.
Tell your borg brothers we're going fire the lazer....

no-infiltrating bitch.
RED DAWN said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There was some people who donated years back, 100s at a time. This eventually led to where Satan's Library can hold unlimited amount of space. That's a ton of download storage. Think about it. Cobra is right, I forgot about how many sites were made now. This takes money to upkeep. Usually members pitch into a place and build it. The problem was, Maxine never wanted to be a database of members information. Or the idea of charging kids and people who need to learn. So Donation is the key, which adults of an organization should do.
I don't see how someone who claims to have many spiritual experiences will still believe in such nonsense of the Gods giving us riches. Apparently Red Dawn thinks this place is the place to sell your soul for riches and bitches. Good to see him show us how low his mentality is and no sign of maturity that comes from practicing actual spirituality like that found in the JoS. Reading the rest of his comment proves me right.

How can a poor little (prior) ghetto brown like me have a higher understanding of what's written here than mister red yawn. Oh right because I actually have had the balls to take action to better myself and take time to understand words from someone trying to help. Be it someone random to people who proved their worth over the years like HP HC.

Do better, bro.
hailourtruegod said:
I don't see how someone who claims to have many spiritual experiences will still believe in such nonsense of the Gods giving us riches. Apparently Red Dawn thinks this place is the place to sell your soul for riches and bitches. Good to see him show us how low his mentality is and no sign of maturity that comes from practicing actual spirituality like that found in the JoS. Reading the rest of his comment proves me right.

How can a poor little (prior) ghetto brown like me have a higher understanding of what's written here than mister red yawn. Oh right because I actually have had the balls to take action to better myself and take time to understand words from someone trying to help. Be it someone random to people who proved their worth over the years like HP HC.

Do better, bro.

If I put him in a room locked with hookers already paid, he'd walk out still an incel. If anyone forcefully teaches him to make more money, he'd still have less at the end of the day. That's the value of this arrogant scum.
When a pastor asks for donations, it's okay.

When a grocery store asks for donations, it's okay.

When a charity asks for donations, it's okay.

When a Satanist asks for donations, it's the end of the world.
NakedPluto said:
hailourtruegod said:
I don't see how someone who claims to have many spiritual experiences will still believe in such nonsense of the Gods giving us riches. Apparently Red Dawn thinks this place is the place to sell your soul for riches and bitches. Good to see him show us how low his mentality is and no sign of maturity that comes from practicing actual spirituality like that found in the JoS. Reading the rest of his comment proves me right.

How can a poor little (prior) ghetto brown like me have a higher understanding of what's written here than mister red yawn. Oh right because I actually have had the balls to take action to better myself and take time to understand words from someone trying to help. Be it someone random to people who proved their worth over the years like HP HC.

Do better, bro.

If I put him in a room locked with hookers already paid, he'd walk out still an incel. If anyone forcefully teaches him to make more money, he'd still have less at the end of the day. That's the value of this arrogant scum.

He has an account on zola's forum and is literally here to do nothing but troll. I am certain most if not all of the recent trolls and would be infiltrators have been coming from there, aside from a few who have been exposed and have tried creeping back.
hailourtruegod said:

How can a poor little (prior) ghetto brown like me have a higher understanding of what's written here than mister red yawn. Oh right because I actually have had the balls to take action to better myself and take time to understand words from someone trying to help. Be it someone random to people who proved their worth over the years like HP HC.

Do better, bro.

Why do you demean yourself in this way? No matter what we may have been, it's clear that the Gods, after all this time, have seen value in your efforts, same as mine and anyone elses. Therefore, speak positively.

The only poor are those who have the poverty of the spirit. Of which every JoS member doesn't suffer.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You are confused, because you don't know the Gods. In particular, you are only in alliance with low beings and entities [including your coven and yourself]. The clarity of my points will therefore not be understood by you. Your understanding is as far as KFC at this point.

Your word which is "begging", is actually a call to arms. The person who has given the most, cannot be a beggar, unless in your convoluted dictionary.

We are a family here, if you are poised as an outsider of it [you said so], you must sit on the side of the table, where by retaining this understanding, you are condemning yourself to eat the bones we throw out of it at best. In fact, you are begging us for attention.

You are around our group to beg us, criticize us, and speak about matters you poorly understand, such as your divine understanding about KFC.

Azazel is not bound by these parameters, and the time of a God is more important than these matters. When I convene with Azazel, I will not ask for shekels or money, but I will ask him about important aspects of existence instead. For this reason, other matters are convened with the human beings with whom we share this responsibility, and who truly understand what the Gods are, and how further they are from all of this.

Although I am certain that they could give anyone the so called "Lottery" [another thing monkey people value highly] what is more important is for any human process to actually take a higher form. That might be small letters in your book as you understand only KFC, but I truly wish you one day, and if you read my posts very closely, to understand, because this will save you from many perils, one of them ignorance.

Lastly, the amount of "50 dolla" is symbolic. The "50 dolla" which is apparently a value you consider important.

Even if you scold others for the number and impress your poor irony, you might not pass from your head that others may have, for example, given way more than you can feasibly imagine for anything, or that this number is symbolic of the smallest gesture, and not a measure of money, but rather the action. In this case, you do good to stay in the Joy of Satan, to understand more of how this mentality works.

Proportionate help is self implied. If I looked at proportions, I would not have done things which would make you pee in your pants right now. For this reason, it is better to refrain in silence and understand the value of listening.

Yes, it takes the truest form of a pussy to let's say, have a field full of apples, and give nothing. I could think likewise, and for example, take my own applefields and go, which are of a substantial nature and also, never rot.

Regardless, the teaching of the Gods [which unless you clear your soul a lot, you will not see] imply that we must understand how to balance these things as a society, family and so on.

HPS Maxine is a woman beyond your comprehension, but I have always been good at speaking with the dogs.

I also feed all of you daily spiritual KFC, so if you feel like donating about my KFC bucket and that's your reason, do it, but it won't go to KFC, but rather sites, wisdom, JoS expansion and so on.

In regards to KFC which is about the same tier of your understand as about the Gods or JoS, I will solve another mystery to you that, yes, we both love KFC.

RED DAWN said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Brutha, if you need money this bad I can wire you
the 50 Dollars, shite.

What kind of bills does JoS have anyway that are significant enough to aggressively beg your audience for sheckles? Azazel doesn't help you guys out financially? Lucifuge Rofocal apparently controls all treasures of earth, why doesn't he help you out? You're apparently fighting their war, honestly I don't get it. The combined effort of the Joy of Satan Ministry can't preform financial rituals in order to cover the 50~ dollars a month it costs to keep your network running? I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm genuinely asking. You have probably 10k+ members, yet you have to constantly remind them to donate, and call those that don't "cowards and pussies". Wtf?

Times are tough, bro. Yes, maybe we muricans don't think 50 Dolla is a lot, but to some here that's their weekly wage.

When my insignificant group had contact with the Gods, they provided us all kinds of perks and benefits that were far more valuable than fucking website maintenance fees. Who negotiated your contracts? They need to be fired.

Ave brotha, maybe I'll win the lottery, indeed, so you can stop bitching.

Anyway on the post itself, you talked about important things and it's valuable. Your begging is another story, I hope the situation is more dire than Maxine not having her KFC allowance. Alright, that was mean, still I think this is partly justified.

Oh no, an expose? Aaaahhhhh maaaaaan :lol:
RED DAWN said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I'll play along tomorra, I have things to do rite now unfortunately. We can't play pin the tail on Djew right now.

De-jewify yourself considerably first.
ok whoa whoa whoa whoa I've never seen this from here before, and realised today I forgot the pass to my old account I think the email was [email protected] or one the planet ones I had, if you find it please can you tell me the password? - Dude, donations are willing charity I'm not going to strain myself extra in my job that's already highly demanding or add the burden of another on myself to give you fifty dang bucks? Maybe you don't have any right to tell me what to do with my own money and how to budget our personal financial lives. Did you ever think about this? I'm not a damn coward if I say no I don't want to give you my money, it's not yours to begin with man and you say it's for the gods like the christian churches. If high priestess maxine says the demons and demonesses are returning soon then what good is money going into this anyways? If you couldn't be self relying then you probably should downsize or get more people to run the storages. I'm not giving you a single cent just for challenging my property like this and calling me all these bad things if I don't because that's not donating, that's psychologicaly extorting me. it made me feel like crap but then i got angry that you're doing this. would you call me owardly for not giving my energy too or something isn't that what's going to be our future currency? I'd think our energy is a most personal part of our very being given when we want to in willing kindess not when you say there is something wrong to who we are if we don't, same with money. it's mine dude, not yours, not selfish just fact, same of my energy it's not something you can manipulatingly beat out of us, I have the free will to make my own decisions for the sake of myself and my kids. sorry if I'm wrong I dont remember if it was you or someone else that said that. I'm directing my rtrs on you from now on because something's wrong with you high priest when you start saying this sort of stuff I think you need help because you've begun acting like a christian I been noticing, mostly with donations. you literally just made a guide on how to donate just the other week why do you need money that badly man? I think you need to slow down and take a deep breath, there's money workings so why dont you or all of us together just do that instead? we can do a money ritual to help fund the websites. our protections rituals work don't they? so a money working should work just as well too, this way we dont get too depressed or exhausted for you as well with the rtr ritual timings when we do extra. Are father satan and the demons and demonesses not supporting you for the websites? why not it seems like they should you said.
Also I think we will be fine with this and should be financially taken care of by father satan. Joy of satan is the most important place to him you should not be struggling with money with his support high priest. I think you just don't stop to see how much you actually have or budget meaningfully for it and father satan is already giving you everything you need. maybe you should spend more wisely your daily supplies and groceries and stuff and buy things more cheaply. It could help you to afford the websites better. other than this I think money rituals would be very good for us to do. Didn't we do one like that for ourselves? or one about benefiting us. It should have worked or maybe it needs to be done again. I can't donate to you my funds because I struggle as is, what I'll do instead is a money working twice a day for you would that be okay?
RED DAWN said:

You are totally destroying your reputation. I am not sure what compels you to make these sorts of threads, which are close to flat-out trolling. If you had any genuine concerns, you are not showing them well.

Safely maintaining the many JoS websites does cost money, of which there is not always a reliable or infinite source, especially with the increased complexity of cryptocurrency.

This implied accusation of corruption is ridiculous. If the main goal was money, why would anyone choose to lead a group with the least marketable principles? Furthermore, why would he choose to maintain multiple websites, instead of a cheaper alternative?

Everything on JoS is provided free, whereas others ask for $9.99/month membership to access their amateur collection of gym exercises, or whatever other "knowledge".

Then, for you to randomly throw a cheap shot at HPS Maxine for KFC of all things, makes me lose all respect for you. Painting her as some degenerate, when she is the reason for many people getting off drugs and improving their lives, is inexcusable.

If you want any semblance of a normal relationship with anyone here, you need to apologize and quit acting so antisocial all the time.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=370545 time=1656557877 user_id=21286]
RED DAWN said:

You are totally destroying your reputation. I am not sure what compels you to make these sorts of threads, which are close to flat-out trolling. If you had any genuine concerns, you are not showing them well.


Then, for you to randomly throw a cheap shot at HPS Maxine for KFC of all things, makes me lose all respect for you. Painting her as some degenerate, when she is the reason for many people getting off drugs and improving their lives, is inexcusable.

If you want any semblance of a normal relationship with anyone here, you need to apologize and quit acting so antisocial all the time.

The thread title was made by HPHC, I believe. It looks like it was moved here away from the sermon where his comment was made originally.


I don't think many will be willing to forgive him for insulting our founder. Maxine is a heroine and inspiration to so many here.

I would call this a case of taking the contrarian edgelord persona too far. Here's to hoping he learns from this and cleans up his act to start in a better direction.
RED DAWN said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Brutha, if you need money this bad I can wire you
the 50 Dollars, shite.

What kind of bills does JoS have anyway that are significant enough to aggressively beg your audience for sheckles? Azazel doesn't help you guys out financially? Lucifuge Rofocal apparently controls all treasures of earth, why doesn't he help you out? You're apparently fighting their war, honestly I don't get it. The combined effort of the Joy of Satan Ministry can't preform financial rituals in order to cover the 50~ dollars a month it costs to keep your network running? I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm genuinely asking. You have probably 10k+ members, yet you have to constantly remind them to donate, and call those that don't "cowards and pussies". Wtf?

Times are tough, bro. Yes, maybe we muricans don't think 50 Dolla is a lot, but to some here that's their weekly wage.

When my insignificant group had contact with the Gods, they provided us all kinds of perks and benefits that were far more valuable than fucking website maintenance fees. Who negotiated your contracts? They need to be fired.

Ave brotha, maybe I'll win the lottery, indeed, so you can stop bitching.

Anyway on the post itself, you talked about important things and it's valuable. Your begging is another story, I hope the situation is more dire than Maxine not having her KFC allowance. Alright, that was mean, still I think this is partly justified.

If you are one of us, you should read that post with open mind in a real way in a way which should show connection between your experience of life and those words, and not to see only one point there by christianised mentality.
Shadowcat said:
NakedPluto said:
hailourtruegod said:
Do better, bro.

If I put him in a room locked with hookers already paid, he'd walk out still an incel. ....

He has an account on zola's forum and is literally here to do nothing but troll. I am certain most if not all of the recent trolls and would be infiltrators have been coming from there, aside from a few who have been exposed and have tried creeping back.

As usual he will deny that hes on zola’s forum.

There have been a lot of these lately, OWP making a comeback as well along with his mindset of how greatly he infiltrated and completely took down Jos, stopped rtrs,by typing long texts.

Heres a meme i made.

Neilsonbar said:
Also I think we will be fine with this and should be financially taken care of by father satan. Joy of satan is the most important place to him you should not be struggling with money with his support high priest. I think you just don't stop to see how much you actually have or budget meaningfully for it and father satan is already giving you everything you need. maybe you should spend more wisely your daily supplies and groceries and stuff and buy things more cheaply. It could help you to afford the websites better. other than this I think money rituals would be very good for us to do. Didn't we do one like that for ourselves? or one about benefiting us. It should have worked or maybe it needs to be done again. I can't donate to you my funds because I struggle as is, what I'll do instead is a money working twice a day for you would that be okay?

Father Satan and the Gods take care of us we would not exist. We are currently closing in to 50 sites and if I looked at this in 2012, I would not believe what was happening. In this case, for us to grow, we also have to assume more responsibility etc.

Comprehension of something like this, would not arrive to you, as you only see websites and in particular that is how far understanding goes. You think it's a page and the less things people know, then the less they understand about any of this. Therefore, my calls are versed for the powerful or those who have a plan, or none at all.

We know what to do with this, and everything until today has not happened "on its own". But this is sort of like a baby dragon that is growing and growing on a constant basis. There is no amount that can be "saved" for this from any groceries at all.

If you are on a situation that is that tight, please focus this energy on personal growth. When we do group work, we do it for the whole, so it is normal that everyone gets help.
This is the first time I've ever said this, but I have something against this post.

I can't help but to think about the request for donations, I've never seen that here, ever.
And, I don't know, I've never liked when someone asks for money, especially if it's done in a guilt-tripping way like this (or at least this is how it feels to me).

Recently I promised to myself that I shall not believe everything I see/read like a Christian would, and this is the first time I don't appreciate a post.

I mean, I absolutely agree with the rest of the post (about how intentions are useless against actions), I just don't feel good about the fact that the first example was donating money.
I completely understand why the JoS would need money, there are a lot of JoS websites and good hostings aren't free.
But HPHC if there is someone here who have the spiritual capabilities of gathering a lot of money to ensure the JoS is thriving, that's most certainly you.
In my opinion, donations from the rest of us should be a help and not a duty, especially if we're talking about newbies, ESPECIALLY in this economy.
I can see how more experienced SS are more expected to donate.

I just don't like the execution of this post, and I'll be more than happy to be proved wrong with good arguments.
Actually, I hope to be wrong/missing something.
I have trust issues after seeing how many HPs have been kicked out.
Neilsonbar said:
ok whoa whoa whoa whoa I've never seen this from here before, and realised today I forgot the pass to my old account I think the email was [email protected] or one the planet ones I had, if you find it please can you tell me the password? - Dude, donations are willing charity I'm not going to strain myself extra in my job that's already highly demanding or add the burden of another on myself to give you fifty dang bucks?

Maybe you don't have any right to tell me what to do with my own money and how to budget our personal financial lives. Did you ever think about this? I'm not a damn coward if I say no I don't want to give you my money, it's not yours to begin with man and you say it's for the gods like the christian churches. If high priestess maxine says the demons and demonesses are returning soon then what good is money going into this anyways?

Donations are not charity when you receive inordinate amounts of spiritual knowledge. The Christian church gives nothing. Of course, you are free to understand none of this, and nobody forces you for anything. I expect 99% of people to deny certain subjects, as I know I live on a planet with literal primates.

If certain amounts look scary to you, like 50 bucks [personally, I see these as that even if I make a lemonade stand, I could make this contribution - each to their own].

Only if I had the same thoughts, there would be nothing at all. Certain people like myself have goals and visions for the Joy of Satan to expand globally, and this is beyond any of that you say. In regards to it "Going to the Gods", it is never said so. The work that it produces however, is for them.

No arrival of anything is going to happen at this rate, for one, because most people are fast asleep, for two, the internal work that needs to be done is prohibited by foolishness.

Neilsonbar said:
If you couldn't be self relying then you probably should downsize or get more people to run the storages. I'm not giving you a single cent just for challenging my property like this and calling me all these bad things if I don't because that's not donating, that's psychologicaly extorting me.

it made me feel like crap but then i got angry that you're doing this. would you call me owardly for not giving my energy too or something isn't that what's going to be our future currency?

it made me feel like crap but then i got angry that you're doing this. would you call me owardly for not giving my energy too or something isn't that what's going to be our future currency?

You are hallucinating and lying at this point. Nobody beat you out of anything. The level of pathetic lying in your reply is off the charts.

Are you a cowardly billionaire or millionaire, and are you afraid to give something, which is what the category describes above as cowardly?

In this case, please do not send anything. These are the two categories that have been called cowardly. And yes, from your message, it seems like your hands are shaking over nothing.

Neilsonbar said:
sorry if I'm wrong I dont remember if it was you or someone else that said that. I'm directing my rtrs on you from now on because something's wrong with you high priest when you start saying this sort of stuff I think you need help because you've begun acting like a christian I been noticing, mostly with donations. you literally just made a guide on how to donate just the other week why do you need money that badly man?

You are having a tantrum to the point you don't even know if I said things or not, or what I said, regardless, feel free to curse me.

Neilsonbar said:
I think you need to slow down and take a deep breath, there's money workings so why dont you or all of us together just do that instead? we can do a money ritual to help fund the websites. our protections rituals work don't they? so a money working should work just as well too, this way we dont get too depressed or exhausted for you as well with the rtr ritual timings when we do extra. Are father satan and the demons and demonesses not supporting you for the websites? why not it seems like they should you said.

Imagine if literally Pericles or someone else in this world, did only sit on a fucking rock and ask help from the Gods, and not from his people that are considered too, if anything, their physical incarnations.

How many a Great Athens anyone would have, wouldn't it be... As we all know, everything great in this world was merely built by prayer and came out of thin air.

The fact one has to relate basic laws of the universe for what is literally life itself, and what is observable in the world, is really showing the miserable level that the enemy has put us in.

It is truly painful to read replies like this. The only pleasure that could balance this out is to get a backfire when you try to curse me, for literally trying to help you, when there is literally zero obligation for me to do so from any material standard.

Young Faith said:
This is the first time I've ever said this, but I have something against this post.

I can't help but to think about the request for donations, I've never seen that here, ever.
And, I don't know, I've never liked when someone asks for money, especially if it's done in a guilt-tripping way like this (or at least this is how it feels to me).

Recently I promised to myself that I shall not believe everything I see/read like a Christian would, and this is the first time I don't appreciate a post.

I mean, I absolutely agree with the rest of the post (about how intentions are useless against actions), I just don't feel good about the fact that the first example was donating money.
I completely understand why the JoS would need money, there are a lot of JoS websites and good hostings aren't free.
But HPHC if there is someone here who have the spiritual capabilities of gathering a lot of money to ensure the JoS is thriving, that's most certainly you.
In my opinion, donations from the rest of us should be a help and not a duty, especially if we're talking about newbies, ESPECIALLY in this economy.
I can see how more experienced SS are more expected to donate.

I just don't like the execution of this post, and I'll be more than happy to be proved wrong with good arguments.
Actually, I hope to be wrong/missing something.
I have trust issues after seeing how many HPs have been kicked out.

All of what you write is mostly projected fears which I unfortunately am noticing are present in people because of financial woes, or in particular, because you have suspicious thoughts.

I am shocked at both the unwillingness of some people to assume ANY responsibility for this, and I am also shocked at the help and generosity of many others.

I will of course answer your concerns.

I am a High Priest. My life is not exactly devoted or meant to be devoted in doing certain things that people think I must do, rather, I have to serve the community and the Gods, and not the shekel. To create inordinate amounts of wealth, I have to work for that particular purpose. Doing so, sacrifices for other areas.

Regardless, I have taken endless responsibilities for a very long time to compensate on the lack of abilities and willingness of others. Clearly, this ongoing trend will continue, and in essence, I will remain in this condemnation for a long time as it's part of my choice to create something of substance for others.

No matter what "I" do, or not do, what is important is however for everyone to wake up to the fact that they too have responsibility towards themselves and the Gods. Most people are literally sleeping.

I have literally people here who tell me useless drivel about the Gods, as if Babylon or Persia or Egypt was literally created out of a rainbow fart, and not by collective labor and power projected by people, that the Gods have assisted and guided us to do.

This is how it happened. This is reality and life.

Personally, I been all the way from learning about 12 subjects ranging from programming to law, in order to defend this place sufficiently and this might look like a God-like situation, which of course, only prompts people to say: Do more of this, so that we do nothing [and therefore YOU carry us to where we need to be].

The above, is a longterm catastrophic approach to matters, simply because it procures wrong consciousness such as that everyone else will do everything for you. As much as I would be willing to do this, there are only 24 hours in a day.

The Joy of Satan exists because of people who DO NOT think in this way. In other words, for anything to grow in this world, people have to take initiative and do things - be this help towards something, volunteering, monetary, or otherwise.

The most important thing one can do is volunteer time. Statistically, 99% of people do not do this. But 100% of people ask for Great Babylon to be created.

Therefore, I illustrate to you what needs to be done for this, and I am only confronted with irrationality and fear.

Then I have to bring to your attention that as a generation that is here to make a change, you too, have a part of responsibility into this. I am already doing beyond the maximum myself for a long time, only seeking to expand on what "Maximum" means.

I will not mention further things I have given as I desire to retain silence, but if there are donators in this place, I am certainly on the top three myself by far. People close to me know this.

Lastly, just to be clear: I do not care what anyone might or might not do. One has to understand about their OWN decisions. If I was in your position [where I have been, years ago], I would have donated and have done so, having probably the same amount of strange thoughts like you. Because I was a retarded Christian when I joined, I even wondered why a Donation button still existed and had the stupidest thoughts about the subject. Regardless, I did what I considered noble at the time.

What is of any particular concern is understanding. Statistically, 99% of people do literally nothing. Except of maybe have irrational demands and so on.
Young Faith said:
This is the first time I've ever said this, but I have something against this post.

I can't help but to think about the request for donations, I've never seen that here, ever.
And, I don't know, I've never liked when someone asks for money, especially if it's done in a guilt-tripping way like this (or at least this is how it feels to me).

Recently I promised to myself that I shall not believe everything I see/read like a Christian would, and this is the first time I don't appreciate a post.

I mean, I absolutely agree with the rest of the post (about how intentions are useless against actions), I just don't feel good about the fact that the first example was donating money.
I completely understand why the JoS would need money, there are a lot of JoS websites and good hostings aren't free.
But HPHC if there is someone here who have the spiritual capabilities of gathering a lot of money to ensure the JoS is thriving, that's most certainly you.
In my opinion, donations from the rest of us should be a help and not a duty, especially if we're talking about newbies, ESPECIALLY in this economy.
I can see how more experienced SS are more expected to donate.

I just don't like the execution of this post, and I'll be more than happy to be proved wrong with good arguments.
Actually, I hope to be wrong/missing something.
I have trust issues after seeing how many HPs have been kicked out.

All of what you write is mostly projected fears which I unfortunately am noticing are present in people because of financial woes, or in particular, because you have suspicious thoughts.

I am shocked at both the unwillingness of some people to assume ANY responsibility for this, and I am also shocked at the help and generosity of many others.

I will of course answer your concerns.

I am a High Priest. My life is not exactly devoted or meant to be devoted in doing certain things that people think I must do, rather, I have to serve the community and the Gods, and not the shekel. To create inordinate amounts of wealth, I have to work for that particular purpose. Doing so, sacrifices for other areas.

Regardless, I have taken endless responsibilities for a very long time to compensate on the lack of abilities and willingness of others. Clearly, this ongoing trend will continue, and in essence, I will remain in this condemnation for a long time as it's part of my choice to create something of substance for others.

No matter what "I" do, or not do, what is important is however for everyone to wake up to the fact that they too have responsibility towards themselves and the Gods. Most people are literally sleeping.

I have literally people here who tell me useless drivel about the Gods, as if Babylon or Persia or Egypt was literally created out of a rainbow fart, and not by collective labor and power projected by people, that the Gods have assisted and guided us to do.

This is how it happened. This is reality and life.

Personally, I been all the way from learning about 12 subjects ranging from programming to law, in order to defend this place sufficiently and this might look like a God-like situation, which of course, only prompts people to say: Do more of this, so that we do nothing [and therefore YOU carry us to where we need to be].

The above, is a longterm catastrophic approach to matters, simply because it procures wrong consciousness such as that everyone else will do everything for you. As much as I would be willing to do this, there are only 24 hours in a day.

The Joy of Satan exists because of people who DO NOT think in this way. In other words, for anything to grow in this world, people have to take initiative and do things - be this help towards something, volunteering, monetary, or otherwise.

The most important thing one can do is volunteer time. Statistically, 99% of people do not do this. But 100% of people ask for Great Babylon to be created.

Therefore, I illustrate to you what needs to be done for this, and I am only confronted with irrationality and fear.

Then I have to bring to your attention that as a generation that is here to make a change, you too, have a part of responsibility into this. I am already doing beyond the maximum myself for a long time, only seeking to expand on what "Maximum" means.

I will not mention further things I have given as I desire to retain silence, but if there are donators in this place, I am certainly on the top three myself by far. People close to me know this.

Lastly, just to be clear: I do not care what anyone might or might not do. One has to understand about their OWN decisions. If I was in your position [where I have been, years ago], I would have donated and have done so, having probably the same amount of strange thoughts like you. Because I was a retarded Christian when I joined, I even wondered why a Donation button still existed and had the stupidest thoughts about the subject. Regardless, I did what I considered noble at the time.

What is of any particular concern is understanding. Statistically, 99% of people do literally nothing. Except of maybe have irrational demands and so on.
Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves. This is beyond ridiculous now. Have some respect for our High Priest. Why do you all think that HP Cobra is the High Priest of JoS? Why do you all think that the Gods chose him to lead us?
Maybe JoS should be changed to a paid membership forum, would that ease your minds and not go nuts and disrespect our HP? If you all can't see things as they are, at least learn to share your opinions respectfully.
Ask yourselves this question, Are you really doubting HP Cobra or are you doubting the Gods?
If you trust the Gods, do you think they will allow anything bad to happen to a genuine SS or the JoS?

If you all are unable to donate, then don't.
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves. This is beyond ridiculous now. Have some respect for our High Priest. Why do you all think that HP Cobra is the High Priest of JoS? Why do you all think that the Gods chose him to lead us?
Maybe JoS should be changed to a paid membership forum, would that ease your minds and not go nuts and disrespect our HP? If you all can't see things as they are, at least learn to share your opinions respectfully.
Ask yourselves this question, Are you really doubting HP Cobra or are you doubting the Gods?
If you trust the Gods, do you think they will allow anything bad to happen to a genuine SS or the JoS?

If you all are unable to donate, then don't.

I have to delete some replies of mine. I just don't feel like answering.

Because I am a crook that wants your 10$, clearly. What gods bro, and what r u talkin about?

At this point, I truly have no questions in regards to why Gentiles are literally in the jewish gutter. I am very close to saying even myself, that this greatly deserved.

A few people hold me strongly from saying this, what can I say besides a thank you.

Only the Gods can see now of my greatest disgust.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have to delete some replies of mine. I just don't feel like answering.

Because I am a crook that wants your 10$, clearly. What gods bro, and what r u talkin about?

At this point, I truly have no questions in regards to why Gentiles are literally in the jewish gutter. I am very close to saying even myself, that this greatly deserved.

A few people hold me strongly from saying this, what can I say besides a thank you.

Only the Gods can see now of my greatest disgust.

I'm very sure that you haven't given me or any other genuine SS any reason to doubt you, whatsoever. To me, what's going on here right now seems strategic. Lurkers lurking, trying to pull at anything that might make you look bad.

No matter what, myself and most SS here are with you HP Cobra, till the very end. You have always been there for all of us, none of our concerns or worries are ever ignored. Besides everything else, I have too much faith in Father Satan to doubt His chosen High Priest.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves. This is beyond ridiculous now. Have some respect for our High Priest. Why do you all think that HP Cobra is the High Priest of JoS? Why do you all think that the Gods chose him to lead us?
Maybe JoS should be changed to a paid membership forum, would that ease your minds and not go nuts and disrespect our HP? If you all can't see things as they are, at least learn to share your opinions respectfully.
Ask yourselves this question, Are you really doubting HP Cobra or are you doubting the Gods?
If you trust the Gods, do you think they will allow anything bad to happen to a genuine SS or the JoS?

If you all are unable to donate, then don't.

I have to delete some replies of mine. I just don't feel like answering.

Because I am a crook that wants your 10$, clearly. What gods bro, and what r u talkin about?

At this point, I truly have no questions in regards to why Gentiles are literally in the jewish gutter. I am very close to saying even myself, that this greatly deserved.

A few people hold me strongly from saying this, what can I say besides a thank you.

Only the Gods can see now of my greatest disgust.
Maxine and you wrote thousands of articles, hosted websites for 20 years and only now you are asking for a donation, if this was a scam to just get a bit of money then it would be the most stupid scam ever, 20 years of work to only asking now for a donation.

It makes me laugh some are so narrow minded and expect things out of thin air. I'm not saying newbeys but SS who have tried how powerful the knowledge in Jos needs to donate if it is needed like now.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves. This is beyond ridiculous now. Have some respect for our High Priest. Why do you all think that HP Cobra is the High Priest of JoS? Why do you all think that the Gods chose him to lead us?
Maybe JoS should be changed to a paid membership forum, would that ease your minds and not go nuts and disrespect our HP? If you all can't see things as they are, at least learn to share your opinions respectfully.
Ask yourselves this question, Are you really doubting HP Cobra or are you doubting the Gods?
If you trust the Gods, do you think they will allow anything bad to happen to a genuine SS or the JoS?

If you all are unable to donate, then don't.

I have to delete some replies of mine. I just don't feel like answering.

Because I am a crook that wants your 10$, clearly. What gods bro, and what r u talkin about?

At this point, I truly have no questions in regards to why Gentiles are literally in the jewish gutter. I am very close to saying even myself, that this greatly deserved.

A few people hold me strongly from saying this, what can I say besides a thank you.

Only the Gods can see now of my greatest disgust.
Maxine and you wrote thousands of articles, hosted websites for 20 years and only now you are asking for a donation, if this was a scam to just get a bit of money then it would be the most stupid scam ever, 20 years of work to only asking now for a donation.

It makes me laugh some are so narrow minded and expect things out of thin air. I'm not saying newbeys but SS who have tried how powerful the knowledge in Jos needs to donate if it is needed like now.

I know, but for the Joy of Satan to reach this stature, more hands are needed now. I am doing my best in the meantime too. We have a very long way to go.
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have to delete some replies of mine. I just don't feel like answering.

Because I am a crook that wants your 10$, clearly. What gods bro, and what r u talkin about?

At this point, I truly have no questions in regards to why Gentiles are literally in the jewish gutter. I am very close to saying even myself, that this greatly deserved.

A few people hold me strongly from saying this, what can I say besides a thank you.

Only the Gods can see now of my greatest disgust.

I'm very sure that you haven't given me or any other genuine SS any reason to doubt you, whatsoever. To me, what's going on here right now seems strategic. Lurkers lurking, trying to pull at anything that might make you look bad.

No matter what, myself and most SS here are with you HP Cobra, till the very end. You have always been there for all of us, none of our concerns or worries are ever ignored. Besides everything else, I have too much faith in Father Satan to doubt His chosen High Priest.

I do believe some concerns are legitimate, I have no reason to disbelieve all of them. The original upper topic, is clearly an attack for example.

The post by the other dude who said we are trying to squeeze 5 dollars out of them, I perceive might be out of hard conditions. With a bad way of going about it.

Another legitimate concern is certain fears explained by the other SS, which I have also answered to.

The fact that I will be attacked for trying to grow JoS and everyone will say the worst of me, I expect this, same as that 99% of people won't do anything in the end.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have to delete some replies of mine. I just don't feel like answering.

Because I am a crook that wants your 10$, clearly. What gods bro, and what r u talkin about?

At this point, I truly have no questions in regards to why Gentiles are literally in the jewish gutter. I am very close to saying even myself, that this greatly deserved.

A few people hold me strongly from saying this, what can I say besides a thank you.

Only the Gods can see now of my greatest disgust.
Maxine and you wrote thousands of articles, hosted websites for 20 years and only now you are asking for a donation, if this was a scam to just get a bit of money then it would be the most stupid scam ever, 20 years of work to only asking now for a donation.

It makes me laugh some are so narrow minded and expect things out of thin air. I'm not saying newbeys but SS who have tried how powerful the knowledge in Jos needs to donate if it is needed like now.

I know, but for the Joy of Satan to reach this stature, more hands are needed now. I am doing my best in the meantime too. We have a very long way to go.
I totally understand, I'm just mad some don't think before writing something so stupid. If the Jos wanted to scam money out of people it would have had a different strategy, you can clearly see this is not the case just by thinking a bit about it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Young Faith said:

Alright, I see. I understand that you can't do everything by yourself, the days only have 24 hours etc. And it's also wrong to treat you as the christan god by expecting you to do everything for us. Completely agree with it, I didn't think about it when I wrote my first answer.

I have never donated money because of a trust issue. I'll admit that.
So yes, you are indeed right about me having suspicious thoughts. But without suspicious thoughts there would be no JoS, right? Without those, we would still have Mageson and the Gods know what.

Maybe because I've been growing up in economic chrysis, maybe because all my life I have been told to be extremely careful with money, I don't know why, but I'd rater be much more comfortable giving JoS my time and abilities as programmer, as I've already offered in the past, with a post. As I've already done, actually, by creating a type of digital F-RTR (although it's obsolete by now).

But anyway, my ONE AND ONLY problem with this post is mostly the way you worded it, which felt really "guilt-tripping" to me. And, given my suspicious thoughts, it sounds like any sect would do. I'm sure you understand my concerns, a newbie sees something worded like "you don't donate, you're a coward" and of course he thinks there is something fishy going on.

Your wording would have been fine to me if the matter was self-development, something that actively and without doubts benefits the individual who has to make the effort, but with donation isn't like this. It feels collectivist.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
Maxine and you wrote thousands of articles, hosted websites for 20 years and only now you are asking for a donation, if this was a scam to just get a bit of money then it would be the most stupid scam ever, 20 years of work to only asking now for a donation.

It makes me laugh some are so narrow minded and expect things out of thin air. I'm not saying newbeys but SS who have tried how powerful the knowledge in Jos needs to donate if it is needed like now.

I know, but for the Joy of Satan to reach this stature, more hands are needed now. I am doing my best in the meantime too. We have a very long way to go.
I totally understand, I'm just mad some don't think before writing something so stupid. If the Jos wanted to scam money out of people it would have had a different strategy, you can clearly see this is not the case just by thinking a bit about it.

There is an array of factors at play, it's just that some people just rant irrationally [programmed by the jew to react to anything good, but they will donate their living guts to prostitute streamers on twitch, for example], others are afraid because of poverty [having maybe, the right reasons to refrain, but a bad way of saying it], others are very very good people [the majority] that wants to do something but cannot [I will try to work with the community to improve the situation of these SS financially or in their life], then jews or others who do this maliciously.

Anyway, nobody cares about the money. But this world does apparently. I just want to achieve a great thing for this world and SS for the future before I am out of it.

I understand why You changed topic title but out of respect can you please remove “evil” and change the topic name just to “Hp wants...”

It just really bothers me mentally.
Young Faith said:
feels collectivist.
Because it is. You giving to the JoS means you are supporting the JoS community and the future of JoS, but it also benefits you since you are part of the JoS too.

You say that your problem with donating is trust, now that is pretty irrational if you ask me, JoS is literally a free resource without which you would still be a literal subhuman, think about all the free help you always got in here, and you still have trust issues?
Young Faith said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Young Faith said:

Your wording would have been fine to me if the matter was self-development, something that actively and without doubts benefits the individual who has to make the effort, but with donation isn't like this. It feels collectivist.

I understand your concerns, but they all stem from rather emotional issues of trust, inability to recognize scams etc. The rule 1 of each scam, is that it has to be lucrative, and that it has to be profitable for the scammers.

What is collectivist and communist is cases of unnecessary reactions, going into a tantrum over money you have never sent, in imaginary fears that this is so negative, pretending you lost anything while you have not lost not even a single buck, and that you are being abused in doing something which you have never done anyway, simply because adults try to converse on how to uphold the adult village here.

It would be a good idea to protest why Twitch Streamers get 10 millions per month, only to bend their ass a little bit online, and not protest nonsense about 10 imaginary bucks that one hasn't even sent anyway.

Imagine literally doing nothing on this aspect about the "collective", and speaking all day about this "collective" as if you were scammed based on imaginary whatever from it. This is like listening to Herman Rosenblatt about his imaginary Holocaust that he underwent in the hands of the Nazis.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Young Faith said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Your wording would have been fine to me if the matter was self-development, something that actively and without doubts benefits the individual who has to make the effort, but with donation isn't like this. It feels collectivist.

I understand your concerns, but they all stem from rather emotional issues of trust, inability to recognize scams etc. The rule 1 of each scam, is that it has to be lucrative, and that it has to be profitable for the scammers.

What is collectivist and communist is cases of unnecessary reactions, going into a tantrum over money you have never sent, in imaginary fears that this is so negative, pretending you lost anything while you have not lost not even a single buck, and that you are being abused in doing something which you have never done anyway, simply because adults try to converse on how to uphold the adult village here.

It would be a good idea to protest why Twitch Streamers get 10 millions per month, only to bend their ass a little bit online, and not protest nonsense about 10 imaginary bucks that one hasn't even sent anyway.

Imagine literally doing nothing on this aspect about the "collective", and speaking all day about this "collective" as if you were scammed based on imaginary whatever from it. This is like listening to Herman Rosenblatt about his imaginary Holocaust that he underwent in the hands of the Nazis.

Fuck me. Now I get it. The twitch streamers point is really a good point and I wish I thought of it sooner. It was very hypocrite of me actually, having subbed to streamers in the not-so-far past (not THAT kind of streamer at least).

I thought thoroughly about my reaction to your post and I came to the conclusion that it's my fear of being tricked (it happened in the past more than once).

If my faith in the JoS would get compromised, my world would crumble, and I am very scared by that. Without my faith I'd be subject to the worst kind of terror of death. And since apparently I sometimes have self-destructive behaviors it's like my mind goes out of its way to find anything to compromise my faith. On one hand, it's good to be suspicious as I don't want to be a sheep, on the other hand, this fear doesn't let me think freely, if I didn't have this fear I would have surely thought of the twitch streamers point.

So yes, I acknowledge that my points were hypocritical, except one tho: I still think the post was worded in a guilt-tripping way and I didn't like it. I feel like that including examples such as twitch streamers, or other wastes of money that people do (although donations to streamers are the perfect example), would have felt better and cause way less backlash from people.
How the f was this approved and why? Seems unfair to other members who always try to be respectful.
I don't get it.
It is like walking into somebodys home, he accepts you, wants to help you, feeds you for free, you stay for free and then you piss on his floor, curse him and don't give nothing back.
Aquarius said:
Young Faith said:
feels collectivist.
Because it is. You giving to the JoS means you are supporting the JoS community and the future of JoS, but it also benefits you since you are part of the JoS too.

You say that your problem with donating is trust, now that is pretty irrational if you ask me, JoS is literally a free resource without which you would still be a literal subhuman, think about all the free help you always got in here, and you still have trust issues?

Not a fan of "collectivism" as it's being exploited by the enemy strongly in the last 2 years.
Our medias are a non-stop:
- "we should sacrifice our freedom to fight covid"
- "we should sacrifice our economy to fight russia"
- "we should sacrifice our hygiene to fight lack of water"
No wonder I react negatively to collectivism. Of course those are hoax causes.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
