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Embracing your Gentile beauty - Fighting against false beauty standards

Nov 6, 2022
[email protected]
I previously started writing this out as a response to this question from the Ask Satan forum,

AskSatanOperator said:
This is a bit of a silly question but should I straighten my hair? I am white but I have curly hair, but I am afraid I will regret it because it can damage the hair very much and the transition back to natural hair is horrible.
I don't want to look like a Jew, even though I know there are no Jews in my family.

First off here are the initial responses I gave:

SapphireDragon said:
You don't have to straighten your hair because it's curly. There's a lot of gentiles with curly hair. It's not inherently only a jewish trait. jews have a kinky curly type hair from race mixing constantly with people of African decent. But curly locks are still a gentile trait. You don't have to change anything about yourself because you think it makes you look like a jew. Curly hair is beautiful, there are even some of our Gods who have wavy or curly hair. You should accept your own gentile beauty without fear.

If you ever do decide to do anything to change your appearance, do it because you truly want to, not because you're ashamed of your looks and want to alter them. You really don't have to change anything about yourself. You are fine as you are.

I have straightened my wavy hair in the past because I just wanted to try something new, I used a protective spray and then I used lots of oil and conditioner after to keep it silky. It still caused some damage to my ends and I do still regret it a little, if not done correctly it can cause damage. So always keep this in mind.

SapphireDragon said:
SapphireDragon said:
You really don't have to change anything about yourself. You are fine as you are.

Also I'd like to clarify that this was kind of a broad statement that can be taken out of context. My meaning here is, obsession over if this thing or that thing looks jewish about yourself is going to leave you to ruin and worry. People should want to change the things about themselves that can be improved upon like weight loss, taking care of their appearance, maintaining good hygiene, working on solar plexus so that you can look glowing youthful and attractive if you know you need help in that way. But don't change yourself if there's nothing wrong in the first place. Enjoy your gentile beauty and accept who you are without fears and worries. Only change the things about yourself that will lead you to better quality of life and happiness.

I wish you all the best
Hail Satan!

I would like to elaborate on this further because i feel it's an important topic that should be made.

Extensive worrying about your appearance to the point of wanting to alter it in any way, because you feel your nose, your hair, your face, etc looks jewish is an enemy attack. They want you to destroy yourself, they want you to worry over small details because those add up and cause anxiety and stress. It will lead you down a path of second guessing yourself and in return this causes emotional ruin, paranoia and unhealthy habits.

If you were a Jew you would not be worrying about things like this. The guides we have on how to identify a jew are simply there for reference, to help guide us in learning and identifying certain jewish features. There are several gentiles who have these features as well because the jews literally stole everything from us. The more they race mixed with us the more of our traits they stole. Curly hair for example, real curly and wavy hair is a gentile trait and can be seen from nearly every gentile race, and our Gods as well! The coarser texture of hair is from race mixing, and the more likely one is to be a jew they will show the coarse kinky curly kind of hair. That being said, there are gentiles with hair like this as well because they have race mixed too.

Going overboard and worrying about your appearance will just cause you too much unnecessary pain. The more advanced you become you will be able to identify jews. But right now there is no need to worry yourself to death over it. Chances are you aren't one and have no need to worry or be paranoid.

Now on to matters of changing your appearance, You can change certain aspects about yourself through maintaining a good and healthy weight and diet, and through meditation, Venus squares, Solar Plexus workings and advancement, but the things outside of your control should not bring you shame. Many of us are far from perfect, it has to do with enemy curses and race mixing. But we can and will grow out of this. Things will start to go back to normal the more we heal our world from enemy influence. Our perception of our selves and beauty standards have been drastically altered to fit the jewish agenda. They make up impossible standards to cause further suffering of unrealistic body goals.

Beauty and appearance has been heavily altered by social media and unnatural celebrities who are often times jewish. Standards like having an ultra tiny waist, large breasts, huge lips, huge ass. or for men Large muscles and impossible to get body types without the use of steroids, drugs, plastic surgery. none of these are true to what our bodies should be. Modern culture shames and glorifies the wrong things because the enemy has poisoned it to throw us further off balance. Modern standards are a double edged sword of plastic size zero duck lip girls, or super big beefy steroid bros, or being terribly obese and being told that "it's ok fat is beautiful". There are so many plus size models out there now days, They preach things like acceptance but yet they make women and men feel it's ok to be massively obese and unhealthy, Putting them into a false sense of security where they never try to do better for themselves then when they see miss size zero over there they still feel deeply ashamed inside because they can't wear clothes like that, while miss size zero is over there starving wishing she could eat more but if she does she will have to throw it up again to maintain her unnatural physique. It's a terribly unbalanced and unhealthy system for everyone involved. WE NEED BALANCE! a healthy balance should be maintained both inside and out to achieve true beauty. Everything has been thrown off balance because the jew doesn't want us to achieve our true potential, but through spiritual Satanism we can and will return once again to the root of our beauty and find that balance.

here are some great examples of what true beauty standards should looks like:





These have lasted through the ages and serve as the proper guide for us because these are real obtainable standards, we were made in the image of the Gods and Goddesses therefore our gentile beauty comes from them! We can be healthy and beautiful. Through meditation and advancement we also start to become very aware of our health and wanting to better it too. There are many posts on here in our health and well being forums about staying healthy by several of our members, and you can always ask further questions in regards to diet and exercise tips if you don't find the answers in those posts.


Also just to shed some light on comparison, here are some depictions of fake beauty set by the jews and those that promote this kind of garbage. They need all that plastic to hide their ugly noses! and they fool young girls into thinking to be beautiful they need giant hotdog lips and a huge ass.




And there are just as many negative standards for men too, like the body builders who are super roided up, people like "the Liver king" who were taking steroids to look beefy and lying about it trying to promote a miracle drug supplement and diet to fool young men into thinking they could obtain such an unnatural physique. If you don't know about the Liver king controversy I would look it up and read up about it, that's a topic in it's own.


these false standards are not a reflection of who we really are. as you can plainly see WE are BEAUTIFUL as we are. Every race, every racial feature unique to our own respective races should be celebrated. Leave the jews to their phony plastic unnatural ways. Be yourself! Own your natural features, the jews have stolen so much from us it's about damn time we claim back what is ours. The solution to this problem of unhealthy modern beauty standards is to not get caught up in them, ignore them and Celebrate true beauty, both inner and outer beauty are important to quality of life. Take care of yourself and don't worry yourself over false standards. We will always be beautiful inside and out because we are the creation of Father Satan. We were made in his image! He is perfection and the more we embrace his ways, the ways of the Gods and Goddesses and follow their example, we will heal and move past this and find our true balance. Gentile beauty is radiance, strength, wisdom, and an embodiment of the breath of life Father Satan poured into us and our souls.

May every one of us reach our goals and learn to love ourselves and embrace the magnificence of our race!

Many thanks to Lady Astarte for her help and inspiration to make this post,
I dedicate this to her and all her beauty!

Hail Father Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of hell!!
Body builders are just gross. Everything is just so unnaturally large and out of proportion. Everything plastic obviously looks "done."

If there are any standards of beauty we should look up to it is that of the Gods. Thank you for this post.
Funny how a random girl working as a cashier at your local supermarket can be a gorillion times more attractive than any fake plastic celebrity or internet hoe.
I was going to make a post similar to this but you beat me to it, your analysis is excellent.

But one thing I do want to touch on with the ant body (BBL/Akhenaten), big ass and everything is that it ties into RACE-MIXING and the transhuman, transgender agenda. Most of these procedures originated in popularity with Black transgender prisoners before being exported to women. Men raised on generations of porn now think these proportions are 'natural'. Likewise, some women who overdosed on hip-hop sports koolaid think roided out physiques and 10 inch penises are 'average'.

Every step in this direction of the promoting large lips, huge ass, advanced jaw typical of the Black race as a universal standard, combined with White women's wide hip ratios and wider birth canal, blue eyes, hairlines, hair and weaves, and so on, it's all designed to lead to a complete confusion. Now we have the Asian influence creeping in via kpop, yet this Asian idol influence is often heavily augmented with all kinds of surgery before they even hit the stage.

Hollywood, pornography and the music industry have been muddying the waters for decades. First by hoisting jewesses like Theda Bara as objects of desire, then encouraging more and more 'exoticism', more unnatural procedures, more bimboification, more mixed-race phenotypes, etc.

Since about 2014 in any country like the USA, UK, France, Sweden, Canada and so on it is the case where five out of six commercials you see during an ad break have mixed race couples. It is relentless.

Therefore it is no shock many people are confused. Many born after 1995 or so don't even exist in a world where Whiteness is appreciated in any format, grew up bombarded by 'diversity' and have very little experience of their own race, either creatively or aesthetically.
SapphireDragon said:

Very very well said. Aesthetics are important, but the concept has been corrupted, ensuring young Gentiles try achieve a body they cannot (all the while spending their money which lands into jew hands.)

This is extremely prevalent in younger generations, and seems like everyone is getting a BBL these days.
Really interesting, I never liked these "Standards" imposed by social networks. A boy or girl who takes care of her body only with calisthenics and a good diet with important values for the body is more than necessary. I have heard many ignorant people underestimate calisthenics but their intent was simply to find an excuse not to improve physically, and in fact they are still as they were.
Karnonnos said:
Now we have the Asian influence creeping in via kpop, yet this Asian idol influence is often heavily augmented with all kinds of surgery before they even hit the stage.

Thank you for addressing this; I was about to do it.

Did you know that recently, many girls in Korea receive plastic surgery to commemorate graduation? Even just to minor extents like eyelids, is completely commonplace for young girls. Not to mention there's a recent surge in underage idol groups currently. Yes, some if not most of these children also undergo plastic surgery, as minors.

There is also a major standard regarding body weight and a particular physical figure they must conform to. There are times when a kpop idol might gain a tiny bit of weight, and consequently receive verbal abuse and death threats from people.

I wonder why this kind of figure is even considered to be attractive. Anyone with even a basic understanding of physical anatomy and human facial/bodily proportions, should be able to see or feel a sense of uncanny upon not even that close of an inspection. You don't even need to be psychic to see it.

What personally infuriates me the most, is the psychological influence this creates in young girls who are force-fed a false image of what it means to be "beautiful", through social media, and are highly susceptible to suffering severe issues pertaining to self-image from an early age into adulthood. Of course, the same applies for boys too.

I personally know a few idols, right now, though they have not received plastic surgery. However, it's no exaggeration to say that 90% of them do it somewhere down the line, even at just minor extents.
I agree with the sentiment of you post I'm a studying nutrionist and personal trainer and I can quite comfortably say how much bullshit Hollywood actors are for beauty standards they are all on some serious performance enhancing drugs that will destroy your body rather quickly anyone who actually gets up on the TV and says all I did was eat broccoli chicken and rice to get to this is full of bullshit you need to eat a normal healthy balanced diet and for all my fellow muscle heads or aspiring muscle heads you don't need to eat excessive amounts of protein it's bullshit Jews marketing with they say you need like 200grams of protein a day so you will buy all their shit powders that nobody needs or wants, as an example i weigh 78kgs and so i should only eat .84 of a gram of protien per every kg of my body weight so thats about 66 grams of protien a day your body only stores 10% of protien you eat daily and once you go over for me that 66grams mark you will just be putting excessive extra pressure on your kidneys and liver after that.

If you want the movie star body not the gross mega muscle body builder body but the movie star body is attainable but it takes about 3 years of training to get there and you need to diet really really well and you need to train all about 4 to 5 days a week for a minimum of 30 mins this is the reality of obtaining true muscles like this.

I go for the Greek God body physique which is Hercules statue style of muscles a nice 6 or 8 pack with some nicely built arms legs and back if your a guy on this journey the biggest things to do is.

1. Do it for you not the girls, girls like talking if you want to get girls learn to talk to them just yabber yabber at them eventually you will talk to one that digs you.

2. Affirm as we do in magic that you love fitness because if you can turn a chore into a passion it makes it way easier to get down there in the early ass morning before going to work.

3. Eat well eat a good mix of foods try not to eat the same thing twice more of a focus on salads fruit salads and vegetables over excessive meat but still eat red meat chicken fish etc also try and eat nuts only have cheese or butter on rare occasion lots of salt in these.

4. Well placed rest days I like to have 3 days off or two days off with 1 day just being like a cardio day or a jogging day give your muscles time to heal.

5. Unless you are extremely gifted in physical prowess know that most people can't bench press over 120kgs like there are limits beyond which you can not go unless you are doing some serious drugs even the big 6.6ft monster men struggle with this you are not an Orion God who can probably bench press a tonne or so (Anubis) you are human accept this fact I have been training on and off for the past 3 years or so and have only being doing it properly for about 9 months through all of that this time around I feel like I'm going to nail it I'm now at the stage of being able to do 70kgs on my chest now my chest is starting to have a nice definition I think my natural maximum will be 100kg or maybe a little under.

If you want to look different I think you should be able to make yourself this one within reason like colourism is a new trend where people bleach their skin to look like a different race do not do this please.

But yes if you are a man you should strive to be keeping the beer belly in check atleast or being doing some kind of activity nobody likes a fat ass the fat ass doesn't like being a fat ass and nobody likes looking at a fat ass.

If your a young man you should push yourself to see what your body can really do to be moulding yourself into a champion and be proud in yourself that you got there legitimately.

As for women while I can't speak for the simp boys in your life I can speak for myself and any man whom has a reasonably straight spine and sense of self awareness at all.

Real men don't like make-up, excessive perfume, anorexia, fake boobs, fake ass, fake nails, fake lips, fake eyelashes for fuck sakes do not make yourselves into these glamazon freak shows I couldn't think of anything more repulsive a nice slim body maybe a bit of light muscles a bit toned but otherwise just keep the gut in check and you will do fine and if your a young woman reading this don't get on all this crap just because all the other girls do

Also to the teenagers yeah puberty sucks pretty bad for you if your not a particularly good looking guy I have above average looks the gods were most kind to me in that regard however we all blossom at our own pace some of us are born this way and others after highschool actually look really nice I have bumped into heaps of girls and only because I recognise them from their friend group from highschool did I even know who they were majority of people come out looking so much better by the time they hit 24 to 25 some people just take a little longer to develop don't worry your time will come.
Great post and beautiful pictures shared by all! Thank you for sharing! Bodybuilding is a pursuit that is not innate to the human body, often resulting in long-term health issues and an appearance that is noticeably artificial.

My definition of handsome is encapsulated in this picture, which motivates me during my workout sessions:
Another important thing to note is that to never compare beauty because there is no such thing as ONE standard beauty. Not with a specific race nor with a specific body type within races.

For the record I am speaking about real and natural beauty and not anything that has to do with the blind body positive movement nonsense where society is FORCED to call huge people one twinky away from having a heart attack as "beautiful". There's nothing natural about that and the same goes for anorexic or skinny fat people who wish to stay as they are.

The objective fact is that every race has their own unique beauty and comparing each other would be like comparing the beauty of a fully bloomed flower field that with a sunset behind the hills of Italy on a summer afternoon. Even within the same species of animals like felines it would be silly to try to compare which looks more magnificent, a large tiger in its prime or a male lion with a full large mane.

The jews took what naturally would be done in a White country like America where the media would put a glamorous women of the race who make up the most of the population on the screen and twisted it to later make people think White is the standard and from there decades later added that only skinny and tall women with a fake tan are the standard as seen with the Victoria Secret models. This is nonsense. Yes those naturally like that are beautiful in their own right but so are shorter and/or naturally thicker women as we see nowadays the shift changing because of the internet but the jews have their hand in that as well making it as though it wasn't them who pushed the former standards in the first place as the only "real" beauty.

As always jews take something that's true in a some type of basis and twist it and exaggerate it. Just like they're doing with cameras nowadays where yes if you were light skinned the camera would capture your features better compared to darker complexions and are lying that it was like that because "whites hate blacks" or whatever. I'm digressing a bit but the point is clear.

Our goddesses even differ from size as well like Amazonian type of female to petite small frame females as can be read from the Demon section.

Lastly, I'm here to help people have a better understanding as why the gods were revered for their beauty by non-Whites . It's because they are objectively beautiful and have their own unique beauty. Of course the rest of the world would revere them but unlike today we didn't see them as the most or even standard beauty. This is just twisted illogical thinking. Just because we as Gentiles understand true beauty it doesn't mean we saw ourselves less then in beauty standards. We don't revere Aryan/Nordic beauty from regular humans but beauty from the supreme beings that helped shape our civilizations with their divine wisdom.

This has been twisted disgustingly to where people hate and dislike their own or even worse want to bang anyone who do have natural beauty just because of our overly sexualized societies caused by the jews on one end.

Every race has their own unique beauty but why would an Asian subrace for example revere another race? Makes no sense. The closest thing to compare to Hollywood would obviously be Bollywood where they put their best brown skinned Indian women and men on the screen. As jewed as Hollywood is I'm only using it as an example here.

The fact is as I have repeated many times even before now is that there is such a thing as objectively acknowledging a man or a woman having attractive features. This is normal and natural to observe as we do with anything else in this world and universe.

That being said, anything the jews have pushed as the standard beauty nowadays is just gross and unnatural and objectively not consistent with how nature works as individuals even within each race can be naturally of different size and stature and telling a naturally skinny women she needs to have a fake huge ass or telling a naturally thicker woman she needs to be a size 0 ,etc, is completely unnatural.

The sooner humans in general start looking at how not just race is a real thing but also how each person in each one will never be the same with another the sooner people will accept themselves and be the best version of who they physically are and this is done by the right diet and the best yoga/exercise for them. I'm all for calisthenics/gymnastics being the best workouts in my own opinion.

People are allowed to brag about their own as that's natural and normal and I even condone it but my post comes from a completely objective understanding.
Yurei said:
Funny how a random girl working as a cashier at your local supermarket can be a gorillion times more attractive than any fake plastic celebrity or internet hoe.

Very true brother. There's a joke going around how women working in Target tend to be very attractive to the point it was put as a bit in a cartoon show from a clip I saw before. I've seen more beautiful women out and about than the ones pushed as "top tier" from jewish media.
Good health is the most attractive trait, and as long as you keep your body and mind healthy, you shouldn't have to worry about the fake beauty and exaggerated features we see online. It's much more beautiful to see a healthy person, happy with the way they look, than a person who has spent ages and ages obsessing over their "beauty" to the point of harming themselves.
Wotanwarrior said:
Before people were brainwashed with all the jewish stereotypes of fake plastic image it was much better.

From the carnivals of the 1920s in Spain

You some bad taste.
Spanish women are sexy. Why are you giving them a bad name with that image.
SapphireDragon said:
Thank you for this post! It will be enlightening especially for the younger members of the forum.
Gabriel Lamb

By putting a picture of what the average people of that time were like that you could find in any town instead of putting something modern stereotypical?
I bet many of those women in the picture had her husbands and children.

You only have to compare it to carnivals now where people just dress up as Hollywood movie characters, LGBT stuff, pseudo-famous characters and other Jewish by-products to realize that people back then had a better artistic sense of things.
SapphireDragon said:

Sister @SapphireDragon this is a total great post as it helps me a lot when I talk to new people about the standards of beauty.

Beauty is truly something that should always be glorified but in a very qualitative extent as you have stated it.

Beauty is the gift of Venus and Venusian energies.

Why would everyone ruin their bodies that are natural from the Gods after all, with plastic surgeries or grotesque muscles like that Liver King or whatever his name is. I heard of that dude and since the beginning I knew there was somethinf phishy related to him as he dosed on a lot of steroids to look like this, plus his dietary habits like, damn, eating raw meat (disgusting 🤢) and the worse thing of them all is that he is making money out of this.

Anyways, what I want to say is that, @SapphireDragon you just helped another young individual that is not even on the forums and I am talking here about my son which I spend time with a lot.

Especially since he is going to be a teen very soon, can't say his age due to privacy reasons, he was very enlightened by your post and he says that he always hated the idiotic standards of beauty for men, or for future men that are promoted. This brought a literal tear of joy to my little knight 😅.

HAIL SATAN and thank you a lot for this post.
This is more of a side-topic rather than off-topic but on-topic with discussion above on images.

We've discussed this a few times. But I've never seen anyone give out a terminator response like "This is IT, end all be all response". Albeit I'm aware bodybuilding isn't the most glamorous science the Bro mentality infests it even though more and more I see people dismissing Bro science. The old "Pain is temporary, Pride is Eternal" bullshit from Bro Builders. It's the opposite numbnuts "Pain is eternal, Pride is Temporary".

Anyways I'd like to ask. Since it was posted. Certainly most men and women don't look like bodybuilders above i.e. free and or body weight lifters. Most of these hulks are steroid/hormonally boosted using various substances.

My question is are "We against bodybuilding?": Lately I've been studying some bodybuilding as of the time of this posting just a bit ago. And as well as sometime last year near August.

And many body builders are not just forgoing bro science but on top of that they are looking over their nutrition. For example many state 1:g(1:tsp) of protein per lb. In reality it's 1:g (1:tsp) per kilo. If a lb most would be consuming nearly 150-200-300:g(tsp) of protein. With a kilo being 2.105lbs scientifically correlated calculation. Maybe around 50-90:g(tsp) for most people. For example at my weight I require between 50-60 but to be exact between 54-56 so I can be in a 10 range but to be exact down to about +4-+6 past 50 -4--6 down 60.

And as my bodybuilding friend states. It gets to the point where unless your a really Saturn person like me or your just like this. Most people get to the point they don't bother to write down their meals. In many cases unless you love writing everything down. Most people should just eat as much as possible a proper healthy balanced meal with moderated carbs, some fats, and a good amount of protein. Both during exercise phase and during the bodybuilders week off whether they stop lifting for the week or perform deloading and go 40%-70%-90% loads as some people have issues with becoming rusty at lifting even if it's only a week.

For example running the broheims consider it bad it eats your muscles. There's a bodybuilder who looks like Macho Man Randy Savage. And he said, "Why are all these bodybuilders dying?" even personally to him he overheard a few die off young like 25-27-30. He began to study and began to run, appropriate running. I don't mean sprint fast as fuck bursts of speeds no appropriate jogging-running. And he began to run more and more and incorporates it as his daily routine both exercise weeks and the exercisers week off. And the guy felt better began to lift better he felt more chemically charged up and was loving the running even doing 15-20 mile runs through his area where he lived.

I've noticed in recently studying Yoga bit particularly one site that says many people are incorrectly performing Seated/Standing forward asana. It's a FOLD not a BEND. Bending for SF-Asana is moving your spine into a C-curve rather than a Lothriac Curve and bending down while exerting forces on your hamstrings, knees, muscles, and not folding at the hip. In other words a Seated-Standing Forward Fold requires the hips and your legs straight to stretch without hurting your muscular/tendons/ligaments; your body's structures. So you FOLD into it not BEND.

Anyways I noticed many Bodybuilders especially men who have this abject "Yoga is for ladies" mentality in the past or other people. And they are going "Holy shit Yoga is legit". I've noticed doing some research a tad amount a lot of bodybuilders are saying they feel muscles and feel sensations that lifting free or body -weights does not impress. It's like jump rope a few years ago Crossrope trained some bodybuilders to jump on their rope or if they already did boxing or boxers jump roping. To exercise using their high weight ropes their 3lbs and many where like man my back, shoulderblades, and areas of my arms and shoulder are on fire. Many were like I've never even felt those muscles burn like that or be stressed like that when I lifted.

So my question is: Are we against bodybuilding? I don't mean to be as direct or forthright as bam this is bad. No I mean it off the cuff.

I mean it with the science and sciences of the body we are working on experimental properties. For example the military has completely abandoned situps and crunches. Even perfect situps/crunches harm the spine your applying 3,000 newtons of force or about 330kg or 746.35lbs of compression force on your spine and it's disks.

The military has changed to planks, side planks, and other core stressors. Hell might as well tell soldiers to do certain yogic asanas to strengthen themselves.

But as a person who's been very interested in bodybuilding. I'm not much of an exerciser in fact I should at least run and enjoy it. But as someone who views it as I'd love to and love learning about it but not actually physically do it. Even though I have read a few astrological sites state your Neptunian and other mental properties require you to exert physical labor because your so high in the air your not even grounded to reality. You need to exercise to control this extreme lackadaisical mentality. I am very mentally intense, as one person replied to me some months ago. Person in question, Just because you think does not make you spiritual. You need to meditate and alter yourself through metaphysical properties.

Okay cool, I wish I could meditate at a more appropriate level. But like Ninrick said, You've been here 20 years and not advance, impossible. No it happens how many people have come back they dedicated years go by they return etc.etc.

Anyways to make a long post short: With all the lackluster information on stressing the body i.e. imperfect human knowledge not delving into the Gods knowledge and learning extremely precise and acute data.

Are we sorta against bodybuilding? Or to be more specific are we for bodybuilding but wish people didn't get involved in bro sciences or in extreme ultra building that makes you look like your the hulk and it's too much.

I guess what I'm trying to state is "Are we bodybuilding to improve ourselves in all ways and especially the act of Yoga i.e. bodybuilding stresses more so the bigger muscle groups. While Yoga stresses more the smaller muscles.

In other words is bodybuilding supposed to compliment Yoga and compliment our beauty while keeping things moderate and not looking excessive.

Are we bodybuilding for improvement? What's the JoS stance on stressing through free weights. We've had discussions over the years; some for; some against; some for bodyweight/yoga others for metal.

What's the most appropriate stance we should take?

Avoiding broheim science and delving into improvements of the carnal vessel.
Karnonnos said:
I was going to make a post similar to this but you beat me to it, your analysis is excellent.

But one thing I do want to touch on with the ant body (BBL/Akhenaten), big ass and everything is that it ties into RACE-MIXING and the transhuman, transgender agenda. Most of these procedures originated in popularity with Black transgender prisoners before being exported to women. Men raised on generations of porn now think these proportions are 'natural'. Likewise, some women who overdosed on hip-hop sports koolaid think roided out physiques and 10 inch penises are 'average'.

Every step in this direction of the promoting large lips, huge ass, advanced jaw typical of the Black race as a universal standard, combined with White women's wide hip ratios and wider birth canal, blue eyes, hairlines, hair and weaves, and so on, it's all designed to lead to a complete confusion. Now we have the Asian influence creeping in via kpop, yet this Asian idol influence is often heavily augmented with all kinds of surgery before they even hit the stage.

Hollywood, pornography and the music industry have been muddying the waters for decades. First by hoisting jewesses like Theda Bara as objects of desire, then encouraging more and more 'exoticism', more unnatural procedures, more bimboification, more mixed-race phenotypes, etc.

Since about 2014 in any country like the USA, UK, France, Sweden, Canada and so on it is the case where five out of six commercials you see during an ad break have mixed race couples. It is relentless.

Therefore it is no shock many people are confused. Many born after 1995 or so don't even exist in a world where Whiteness is appreciated in any format, grew up bombarded by 'diversity' and have very little experience of their own race, either creatively or aesthetically.

This is definitely true as well. Most of the standards set in place by the jews are there to further stray people into the race mixing mindset, yes you're correct it's very prevalent in the porn industry. So much race mixing, so many fake women with plastic surgery.. I myself was born in the 90s, I did get to see some of the world before the extremes of this trashy jewish media fully took a hold but I also had to grow up when so much of this kind of trash was going on. I admit I struggled when I was younger with my self image because I did buy into some of these fake harsh standards. I finally realized though the more I studied Jos how to truly love myself and appreciate my own gentile beauty and not compare myself to what fake standards the enemy sets for us.

They even play this game with women's clothing sizes. They have gotten smaller and smaller. I have to buy sizes a little bigger than I used to because the sizes I had been buying for years now fit too small, it's not from weight gain, I compared the old size to the new one and it's definitely not the same. A friend of mine bought a shirt size large and she says it was too tight and fit like a small, she told me a size large from where China?

At least we can spread awareness here to help the youth understanding how important their own natural beauty is. The ones growing up now need this the most. We can show them the right way, the truth. We can steer them back to their roots and give them hope.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=425236 time=1676645280 user_id=21286]

Thank you for the photo dump!! It always fills me with pride seeing so many beautiful Gentile souls beaming with pride and unity together. One day I hope to see this kind of thing happening again before us. This is truly the kind of world I want our loved ones to be re-born into, the world I want our children and their children to inhabit. A world like Germany under Adolf Hitler, a world where we can have pride in ourselves and enjoy what makes us Who we are, the beautiful creation Father Satan made us to be.

Big Doggo Boy said:
Sister @SapphireDragon this is a total great post as it helps me a lot when I talk to new people about the standards of beauty.

Beauty is truly something that should always be glorified but in a very qualitative extent as you have stated it.

Beauty is the gift of Venus and Venusian energies.

Why would everyone ruin their bodies that are natural from the Gods after all, with plastic surgeries or grotesque muscles like that Liver King or whatever his name is. I heard of that dude and since the beginning I knew there was somethinf phishy related to him as he dosed on a lot of steroids to look like this, plus his dietary habits like, damn, eating raw meat (disgusting 🤢) and the worse thing of them all is that he is making money out of this.

Anyways, what I want to say is that, @SapphireDragon you just helped another young individual that is not even on the forums and I am talking here about my son which I spend time with a lot.

Especially since he is going to be a teen very soon, can't say his age due to privacy reasons, he was very enlightened by your post and he says that he always hated the idiotic standards of beauty for men, or for future men that are promoted. This brought a literal tear of joy to my little knight 😅.

HAIL SATAN and thank you a lot for this post.

That truly brings me joy, the entire reason we are here is to spread this kind of hope to the younger generations so they can grow into the strong and beautiful men and women they are meant to be and one day they too can pay forward to their children and to the young generation of their time the kind of help we gave them, but magnified!

This is how we heal as a people, by teaching the knowledge of the Gods and their ways, Their words living through us and our actions to inspire others to follow and do the same. One day our children will live in a better world, and it brings me pride to know all of us here will have helped this to happen by our work that we have all contributed here.

Hail Satan!!
Wotanwarrior said:
Before people were brainwashed with all the jewish stereotypes of fake plastic image it was much better.

From the carnivals of the 1920s in Spain

Bruh sorry but this ain't it lol
Great post. People need to understand the natural beauty of their own race and their folk, and not want all this disgusting plastic surgery.

Normal, healthy men/women want normal, healthy women/men.

There are many different types of natural beauty, people need to understand this and not judge or dismiss a person as "worthless" because they do not have the body thought by one person or another as "ideal".

Yurei said:
Funny how a random girl working as a cashier at your local supermarket can be a gorillion times more attractive than any fake plastic celebrity or internet hoe.

So true! I've known people who were so incredibly beautiful/handsome, and they were average people working average jobs.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=425236 time=1676645280 user_id=21286]
Great thread! Dumping pictures of Gentiles:

Every man in those pictures is very handsome :)
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=425416 time=1676703397 user_id=57]
Great post. People need to understand the natural beauty of their own race and their folk, and not want all this disgusting plastic surgery.

Normal, healthy men/women want normal, healthy women/men.

There are many different types of natural beauty, people need to understand this and not judge or dismiss a person as "worthless" because they do not have the body thought by one person or another as "ideal".

Thank you! Absolutely, natural beauty is healthy, glowing, vibrance. The best kind of beauty there is.
SapphireDragon said:
Karnonnos said:
I was going to make a post similar to this but you beat me to it, your analysis is excellent.

But one thing I do want to touch on with the ant body (BBL/Akhenaten), big ass and everything is that it ties into RACE-MIXING and the transhuman, transgender agenda. Most of these procedures originated in popularity with Black transgender prisoners before being exported to women. Men raised on generations of porn now think these proportions are 'natural'. Likewise, some women who overdosed on hip-hop sports koolaid think roided out physiques and 10 inch penises are 'average'.

Every step in this direction of the promoting large lips, huge ass, advanced jaw typical of the Black race as a universal standard, combined with White women's wide hip ratios and wider birth canal, blue eyes, hairlines, hair and weaves, and so on, it's all designed to lead to a complete confusion. Now we have the Asian influence creeping in via kpop, yet this Asian idol influence is often heavily augmented with all kinds of surgery before they even hit the stage.

Hollywood, pornography and the music industry have been muddying the waters for decades. First by hoisting jewesses like Theda Bara as objects of desire, then encouraging more and more 'exoticism', more unnatural procedures, more bimboification, more mixed-race phenotypes, etc.

Since about 2014 in any country like the USA, UK, France, Sweden, Canada and so on it is the case where five out of six commercials you see during an ad break have mixed race couples. It is relentless.

Therefore it is no shock many people are confused. Many born after 1995 or so don't even exist in a world where Whiteness is appreciated in any format, grew up bombarded by 'diversity' and have very little experience of their own race, either creatively or aesthetically.

This is definitely true as well. Most of the standards set in place by the jews are there to further stray people into the race mixing mindset, yes you're correct it's very prevalent in the porn industry. So much race mixing, so many fake women with plastic surgery.. I myself was born in the 90s, I did get to see some of the world before the extremes of this trashy jewish media fully took a hold but I also had to grow up when so much of this kind of trash was going on. I admit I struggled when I was younger with my self image because I did buy into some of these fake harsh standards. I finally realized though the more I studied Jos how to truly love myself and appreciate my own gentile beauty and not compare myself to what fake standards the enemy sets for us.

They even play this game with women's clothing sizes. They have gotten smaller and smaller. I have to buy sizes a little bigger than I used to because the sizes I had been buying for years now fit too small, it's not from weight gain, I compared the old size to the new one and it's definitely not the same. A friend of mine bought a shirt size large and she says it was too tight and fit like a small, she told me a size large from where China?

At least we can spread awareness here to help the youth understanding how important their own natural beauty is. The ones growing up now need this the most. We can show them the right way, the truth. We can steer them back to their roots and give them hope.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=425236 time=1676645280 user_id=21286]

Thank you for the photo dump!! It always fills me with pride seeing so many beautiful Gentile souls beaming with pride and unity together. One day I hope to see this kind of thing happening again before us. This is truly the kind of world I want our loved ones to be re-born into, the world I want our children and their children to inhabit. A world like Germany under Adolf Hitler, a world where we can have pride in ourselves and enjoy what makes us Who we are, the beautiful creation Father Satan made us to be.

Big Doggo Boy said:

That truly brings me joy, the entire reason we are here is to spread this kind of hope to the younger generations so they can grow into the strong and beautiful men and women they are meant to be and one day they too can pay forward to their children and to the young generation of their time the kind of help we gave them, but magnified!

This is how we heal as a people, by teaching the knowledge of the Gods and their ways, Their words living through us and our actions to inspire others to follow and do the same. One day our children will live in a better world, and it brings me pride to know all of us here will have helped this to happen by our work that we have all contributed here.

Hail Satan!!

Thank you! for bringing this up. I thought dutch ppl were the only ones suffering from this since we're taller than the average.
My issue with the clothing now is not just too small in general but also the sleeves are too short. And the length is a tad bit too short of those pieces..

I also remember the early 2000s since the y2k was so populair apparently that I checked it out. Apparently the unrealistic standard of the time gave ppl anorexia.
Which I didn't know at the time or understood. I thought it was normal for a star to be this slim.

Kim kardashian on the other hand... is a pumped up freak of nature that looks like a barbie in proportions.
Our bodies are created beautiful but that does not mean we are not allowed to change it the way we want.God believes in freedom over our own bodies
I am glad this post was made, there has been similar topics in the past but this was very well written.

To add to your post, another imbalance is the expectation of self care for opposing genders, which adds to the overall beauty of a person.

For example, as a male, why is maintenance frowned upon or made fun of? Not by everyone but there is a stigma for sure. Using conditioner, doing face masks, getting eyebrows threaded, maintaining acceptable body hair, etc

I do all the above and I compare myself to the beauty of Apollo, as I know the Olympians show the general standards in different forms.
SapphireDragon said:
Big Doggo Boy said:
Sister @SapphireDragon this is a total great post as it helps me a lot when I talk to new people about the standards of beauty.

Beauty is truly something that should always be glorified but in a very qualitative extent as you have stated it.

Beauty is the gift of Venus and Venusian energies.

Why would everyone ruin their bodies that are natural from the Gods after all, with plastic surgeries or grotesque muscles like that Liver King or whatever his name is. I heard of that dude and since the beginning I knew there was somethinf phishy related to him as he dosed on a lot of steroids to look like this, plus his dietary habits like, damn, eating raw meat (disgusting 🤢) and the worse thing of them all is that he is making money out of this.

Anyways, what I want to say is that, @SapphireDragon you just helped another young individual that is not even on the forums and I am talking here about my son which I spend time with a lot.

Especially since he is going to be a teen very soon, can't say his age due to privacy reasons, he was very enlightened by your post and he says that he always hated the idiotic standards of beauty for men, or for future men that are promoted. This brought a literal tear of joy to my little knight 😅.

HAIL SATAN and thank you a lot for this post.

That truly brings me joy, the entire reason we are here is to spread this kind of hope to the younger generations so they can grow into the strong and beautiful men and women they are meant to be and one day they too can pay forward to their children and to the young generation of their time the kind of help we gave them, but magnified!

This is how we heal as a people, by teaching the knowledge of the Gods and their ways, Their words living through us and our actions to inspire others to follow and do the same. One day our children will live in a better world, and it brings me pride to know all of us here will have helped this to happen by our work that we have all contributed here.

Hail Satan!!

This is true. That is how we as people can heal and develop. Following the ways of the Gods has always been a very good choice, proven by countless actions and facts in history, which, in my opinion, no actual movie that we see, no matter how refined it may be with the CGI or actors that are very good at playing it, is going to change our perception in this.

Gloria Inferni and Hail Satan
I am so tired of all the machos idiots that pump themseves full of steroids like ''the liver king'' while they make themselves look like they are made out of plastic, it's purely ridiculous and only a low life andrapoda would be enthusiastic about something like this.
And now with the womens beauty, you know... in the 90's no one cared about this big ass stuff but only after it was imposed on us, there is a huge difference between ''big'' and ''fat'', most of these artificially ''bombastic'' hoes look ugly and fake, they look fat and disgusting, only a porn addicted moron likes them (here I mean the gross ones you see in pornography).
Ah nearly forgot, this it seems apply only to western womens. I am talking about the new be ''extremly tall and have a gargoyle type of jaw'', there is literally nothing to say here because everything speaks by itself.

And the funny part this could be easily reserved if young people wouldn't be bombardic with hedonism after hedonism by the media from a young age.
I bet JOS is full of gorgeous Gentiles!
Great post! I read this as I was admiring my Gentile self in the mirror! :D
what about the hair color? I have auburn hair but i love dark wine red hair on me so much. I love it but since i just want to be happy with my own features i'm trying to go back my own natural hair.
Akay Alaz said:
what about the hair color? I have auburn hair but i love dark wine red hair on me so much. I love it but since i just want to be happy with my own features i'm trying to go back my own natural hair.

I don't see anything wrong with people wanting to change their hair color, just only if it's in all the right reasons of you wanting to do it for fun and not because you were feeling shameful of your natural beauty in any way. That's a personal choice you should make, if you want to dye your hair by all means do it. We aren't against people wanting to follow their own interests, we are all for free will here.

This post was created mainly to just reassure people that their own natural beauty is worthy and there's no need to change it because of pressure from jewish created media and fears or worries, over unhealthy fake standards. I've changed my hair color many times but now I'm on a cool down period where I want to head back to my natural color because I miss it.

I looked my most beautiful with my natural color, but that's my personal choice. Just as your choice to color your hair, or go back to natural is yours. Do what feels right and what brings you happiness, just as long it's not harming you in any way, and it's truly for you and your own happiness and not for any other reason.
Shadowcat said:
Body builders are just gross. Everything is just so unnaturally large and out of proportion. Everything plastic obviously looks "done."

If there are any standards of beauty we should look up to it is that of the Gods. Thank you for this post.

Absolutely. I remember when I was younger I was reading some Greek mythologies with statues of the Gods. Zeus and Azazel looked very handsome and so did Ares. And it's funny because for women, they promote usually fat pussy or camel toe showing in your clothes, big ass, big boobs. When there's more to beauty than just that. You have face, smile, collar bone, legs, hips, abdomen, voice, hair, eyes.

Same for men. It's basically boils down to having 8+ inch dick and nice muscles. Funny thing is, Greeks considered having a huge penis as a sign of uncontrolled lust, and many paintings and sculptures are shown with small penises.

But, science teaches us that for regular penis health, it's not really about size, but rather blood flow and healthy sexual outlets and healthy libido. Taking good care of your blood plays a bit factor in penis health, and which in turn, also helps increase confidence in one's self as a man.

It's little things like this that really go to show how overly anxiety-inducing the Jewish agenda of beauty and sexual fetish goes.

Gentile beauty agenda can be summed up in 5 words:

"Be yourself, and be healthy."
Kavya Shukra said:
Shadowcat said:
Body builders are just gross. Everything is just so unnaturally large and out of proportion. Everything plastic obviously looks "done."

If there are any standards of beauty we should look up to it is that of the Gods. Thank you for this post.

Absolutely. I remember when I was younger I was reading some Greek mythologies with statues of the Gods. Zeus and Azazel looked very handsome and so did Ares. And it's funny because for women, they promote usually fat pussy or camel toe showing in your clothes, big ass, big boobs. When there's more to beauty than just that. You have face, smile, collar bone, legs, hips, abdomen, voice, hair, eyes.

Same for men. It's basically boils down to having 8+ inch dick and nice muscles. Funny thing is, Greeks considered having a huge penis as a sign of uncontrolled lust, and many paintings and sculptures are shown with small penises.

But, science teaches us that for regular penis health, it's not really about size, but rather blood flow and healthy sexual outlets and healthy libido. Taking good care of your blood plays a bit factor in penis health, and which in turn, also helps increase confidence in one's self as a man.

It's little things like this that really go to show how overly anxiety-inducing the Jewish agenda of beauty and sexual fetish goes.

Gentile beauty agenda can be summed up in 5 words:

"Be yourself, and be healthy."

I hate my voice. It's deep and ugly. and wouldn't you know it it was actually the opposite before i hit puberty! I've gotten so sick and tired of people mistaking me for a man and finding my voice unattractive that I've decided to have laser surgery. Truth is it is deep because of a hormone imbalance I had as a teen and there are methods to correct abnormal vocal chords that have had excess testosterone exposure. I want my real voice back.

I had one lady on the phone years ago that wouldn't believe me that I was female and really was adamant about it and gave me a hard time. It got to the point where I took initiative to offer some form of identification. I'm sure I've turned a lot of people off with it and i myself don't like it.
Egon said:





Even AI knows what "Handsome" means...



... And spoiler it is not a hybrid pile of fat competing for an isreal eurovision, nor an emaciated "holy denier of the physical world".

Reality is too problematic gotta censor and destroy the meaning and value of everything...

Consider this, Did the cellular structure come first, or did the whole organism? How concious is the Cellular being in creating the Organs? If the Cells are provided with the proper nutrition and energy, they will successfully create a better and stronger Organ. What about "Muscle memory", is it because the Cells have "memorized" the previous structure, why is it that anyone can build a better body?

I guess what I'm trying to say is, when we enhance our life-force , the cellular community within us will be capable of creating the most optimal Organs. And being descended from the Gods, the cellular being, will ascend and become comparable to the God's, because the Blueprint is already available.

When we workout for one day, we don't notice a difference, but our Cells remember and know how to build a Godlike Body, and they work instantly towards this. Constantly reproducing and surely they aspire for this Godlike Potential.

The Gods passed us down these images, a clear statement that Man must endure Physical Labor to become like them. That their Organs must be provided with nutrition and be in alignment with their greatest potential. That they must become aware of the muscles, of breath, of yoga, if they wish to achieve godhead, this is the path!

No wonder we give such massive praises to Athletes and Beautiful people, they are physically closer to the Blueprint of the Gods!
Shadowcat said:
Kavya Shukra said:
Shadowcat said:
Body builders are just gross. Everything is just so unnaturally large and out of proportion. Everything plastic obviously looks "done."

If there are any standards of beauty we should look up to it is that of the Gods. Thank you for this post.

Absolutely. I remember when I was younger I was reading some Greek mythologies with statues of the Gods. Zeus and Azazel looked very handsome and so did Ares. And it's funny because for women, they promote usually fat pussy or camel toe showing in your clothes, big ass, big boobs. When there's more to beauty than just that. You have face, smile, collar bone, legs, hips, abdomen, voice, hair, eyes.

Same for men. It's basically boils down to having 8+ inch dick and nice muscles. Funny thing is, Greeks considered having a huge penis as a sign of uncontrolled lust, and many paintings and sculptures are shown with small penises.

But, science teaches us that for regular penis health, it's not really about size, but rather blood flow and healthy sexual outlets and healthy libido. Taking good care of your blood plays a bit factor in penis health, and which in turn, also helps increase confidence in one's self as a man.

It's little things like this that really go to show how overly anxiety-inducing the Jewish agenda of beauty and sexual fetish goes.

Gentile beauty agenda can be summed up in 5 words:

"Be yourself, and be healthy."

I hate my voice. It's deep and ugly. and wouldn't you know it it was actually the opposite before i hit puberty! I've gotten so sick and tired of people mistaking me for a man and finding my voice unattractive that I've decided to have laser surgery. Truth is it is deep because of a hormone imbalance I had as a teen and there are methods to correct abnormal vocal chords that have had excess testosterone exposure. I want my real voice back.

I had one lady on the phone years ago that wouldn't believe me that I was female and really was adamant about it and gave me a hard time. It got to the point where I took initiative to offer some form of identification. I'm sure I've turned a lot of people off with it and i myself don't like it.

That's crazy because my voice is very higher pitched. I'm gay obviously and my voice sounds very flamboyant as well. Though honestly, I did like having it deeper. But oh well, it is what it is. I also don't like certain parts of me, like my unibrow that even with plucking, waxing or shaving, still looks like I have it from an downwards angle. But other than that, I like the way I look for the most part, tho I do prefer to be taller. I've been 5'7 ever since I was a teenager. I was supposed to grow more but I stopped there. 5'9 or even 5'11 would've been nice.

But other than that, I do see the Gentile beauty within myself, and it did calm me down after the first few months of "Am I a Jew" psychic attacks after being dedicated to Satan. After taking a really close look at myself, I had absolutely nothing of that sort, just a mix of dominant Mexican, Native American and bits of White features, that's all.
Shadowcat said:
I hate my voice. It's deep and ugly. and wouldn't you know it it was actually the opposite before i hit puberty! I've gotten so sick and tired of people mistaking me for a man and finding my voice unattractive that I've decided to have laser surgery. Truth is it is deep because of a hormone imbalance I had as a teen and there are methods to correct abnormal vocal chords that have had excess testosterone exposure. I want my real voice back.

I had one lady on the phone years ago that wouldn't believe me that I was female and really was adamant about it and gave me a hard time. It got to the point where I took initiative to offer some form of identification. I'm sure I've turned a lot of people off with it and i myself don't like it.

I suffer from a hormonal imbalance, and the saddest thing is many of my female friends have some form of PCOS or Endometriosis. I've had mild PCOS since puberty. It's from all the harmful growth hormones and chemicals in our food and water supply I'm sure of it. It shouldn't be this widespread. It's definitely part of the agenda to attack us and further cause imbalance in our bodies. I don't suffer from the voice issue but my voice is a little deeper than some. I've mainly suffered with feeling more masculine than feminine even though I don't look it.

Have you ever tried Dong Quai? It's really good at regulating female hormones, it helps with estrogen production. I noticed I definitely felt more feminine when I was taking it and it helped me to have a more normal menstrual cycle. Much better than using synthetic estrogen in my opinion. But it might not work for everyone as everyone's bodies are different, just something to keep in mind.

We are all healing and deprogramming ourselves here slowly but surely, and we all have our own personal issues, insecuritie, and hang ups. But none of us are alone going through it at least. We are all on the path to overcoming them together. And we will! Step by step.

Wishing you all the best. :)
Hail Satan!
Shadowcat said:
I hate my voice.

I have heard you talk before and i can't say you sound like a man, this lady that ''mistook'' you for a man is deaf. Sure your voice is somewhat deeper than most woman but it is not unnatural for woman to have a deeper voice.

One thing that you can do however to get a voice that sounds more natural to you, is looking up some videos to ''improve'' your voice, or relaxing the muscles in your throat. But as i said i don't think there is anything wrong with your voice.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
