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Echoes of World War 3? [Spoiler: No - Update 2]

society of DT1 said:
hi. i did the cleaning area by light meditation greatly for 3 or 4 days and now i feel something around me. its like glass andits feels i have a aura with glass material or something like that and when i imagine light from top of my head to go down, the light slides over my glass aura and it did not come to my body except when i imagine light inside all of my body (now its get better than first days). is it normal?
and thank you to translate the site in to persian.

Hi! If you have questions it's better to ask it in https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15534 rather than in a random post. Do you mean aura cleaning, or room/area/space cleaning? If you did the aura clening did you visualize your aura directly connected to your body or apart from your body? If you visualized it apart, then next time don't. Also if you confirmed that this energy protects you then confirm it protects you from bad things/energies next time. You can try a meditation where you extand and shrink your aura several times, maybe that helps.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

No he cucked. As Styxhexenhammer666 and Tim Pool stated he cucked on the Trump legal-o-rama occurring. Styx said DeSantis is weak he should remain as Governor he is doing good. Florida and Texas are Kings of the Union and just recently the 37-16 Senate approved of 2AConstituional Carry no more FFL for Concealed Carry. Tim was like the conservatives just play the game and by the rules and cuck basically.

DeSantis is president and the establishment players will just use him. Trump isn't any good either he is another shill but at least he didn't fuck shit up and actually helped.

IF Trump is re-elected he should go nuclear and wipe out the establishment but good luck.

I don't think we are gonna have a NSDAP redux or anything not until the Gods show up. I don't know what the Gods are gonna do. But I do hope they saved a few bullets to pop into some peoples heads because some of these cockknockers in Government are soulbound to the enemy.

I don't know what Gods do to people who cuck for the enemy and work for them. But firing squad + a trip to the hellzones of the Gods for punishment would be a very Pagan justicial property.

My only issue is this World is going to shit. I see it all the time no one can be trusted. Seriously even RFK jr. is trying to enter the race and is just gonna piss of the cabal.

Sheer fact is if they want they can murder RFK jr. and prove to people there was a conspiracy and there is a conspiracy or kill Trump.

Sheer fact is we are stuck for a long time with all these contemptible motherfuckers who are just Communists. I'm sorry but Communism is winning at the moment look at China and other Communist nations they don't cuck their citizens like here. We are filled with cucks.

Look at the post Voice of Enki replied, A member goes, My friend's brother was murdered ran over forwards and backwards to make sure by an immigrant. The member replied, my friend became MORE "anti-racist" and MORE "Pro-immigration". VoE replied, your friend is an ultracuck.

An Ultracuck that isn't even the final form of cucking.

As the Marines slogan go, "The Few, the Proud, the NS/SS".

I'm sorry HP.Cobra but it's just us National Socialists Triple-A, Against all Authority except our own.

It's just us. You said it best if America SHTF or white-race dwindles to 20% or less bail.

No one pays attention to anything. Anything remotely different is Nazi, Racist, Evil, and Devil.

People are trying to outcuck each other into seeing who's more capable of cucking towards Goylemism.

If the Greys = the ultimate cucks. A Human who cucks to Goyim,Goylem, and Grey levels is trying to outcuck the greys. They ask how do we become beyond Greys. I'm serious some people act and do stuff that is wanting to be beyond a Grey.

Can something be beyond a Grey? Can something be beyond Thralldom/Slavery?

What is the next deevolution of the Grey.

Reminds me of a Gawker media article that states in the future Humans are simply Overlords from Starcraft with a huge brain and multiple hands to grab fruits from trees. A big floating brain with no body just a bag of existence.

A lot of people are beyond NPC mode.

It's just us and those who are willing to woke, wake, awake, awaken, and awakened. Look at Neo even the Oracle was surprised in Matrix 2. Blue Anderson, Redpill Neo, Enhanced Neo, SuperNeo, and finally UltraNeo.

I just hope the rituals and Gods create a stalemate in reality for the enemy.

BTW HP.Cobra in one of Styx's video on the comments. A person put Neo-Liberals took National Socialism and perverted it to fit the narrative in America using to move it to Communism.

In your study of Neo-Liberalism do you believe they are Communist Kosher Supervised National Socialists hell bent on destroying everything through privatization efforts and oligarchs of companies like in Russia.

Since NS = Triple A towards the enemy. Why not employ NS in a kosher fashion to subvert nation states into basically being consumerist factor.

The person said Reagan really fucked us over with Neo-Liberalism and made America of Today.

From your perspective and study or anyone else who wishes to chime in.

Is Neo-Liberalism Kosher Supervised National Socialism reversed to move back to Communism and a Middle Ages or Age of Cucking?

The comment was perfect for JoS I should have copied it and posted about it. They basically said anyone who spoke about workers rights or compensations they get Social Captialism You want the Soviet planned economy to Win? Or do you want the free market of liberty.

National Socialism uses a Directing Economy not quite planned but not quite Free Market. Something in the Middle as expressed by the German Institute of Business pamphlet.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 2

The current United States administration has done very badly, objectively speaking. This is opening our world to great instability.

Apparently intense focus on "Wokedness", being a sissy, and spending all your living time in your military waving GBLT flags, leaving all internal and domestic issues unaddressed, allowing Soros to organize racial riots and many other things, isn't really working very well for the most advanced civilization of our time.

Imagine my big shock. It's actually an energy waste to do that. Wow. Couldn't imagine. It's not good to print trillions over the flu, insane, couldn't imagine that.

Elections have to happen and they have to be quickly removed from office, and replaced. The US dollar is going to fail as the world's currency and global instability due to his fiscal policies and Co-Vid management has done the world incessant damage until now. It's completely unstable.

Losses in external policy such as the Taliban, infinite printing of fake money due to the low intensity flu they tried to "save" everyone from, nothing creatively substantial to show for, bad external relations and severing trust with other Nations who are moving out of the USD because covid printed shit paper is losing respect for the people of the world, the War in Ukraine because everyone smelled Joe was senile, and many other mistakes, don't add up. Taxes so high up the sky to pay for Zelensky's money they have been transferring under the rug, the list goes.

That's all really bad performance wise.

One might hate Trump but one will have a difficult time to find mistakes such severe in his terms.

The sole reason Trump is in the courts right now is because they want to maintain this train of losses one after another out of their bad ego and nothing else.

Trump is the last chance for the United States and with or maybe DeSantis or whomever else but the senile one behind it. I don't even believe in politics. The country needs a restoration of it's image and a real man on that chair, that doesn't get lost in the rooms thinking they are in the bathroom, in order to survive in the future and maintain it's position before it is too late.


Original Post:

Thanks to having people who are incompetent, do consider jews an optimal source of "consultation", but also have other non fitting qualities for the top posts of world government, we constantly have to deal with problems that could really not exist.

Many of these problems we already know. For one, the over-reaction by the flu that was recently released, caused State emergencies and State printing of money. Then, this led to Fed measures, and then this led to inflation.

This global situation of uncertainty, now has led to Russia and Ukraine in a war, a war facilitated by the enemy and again more bad behaviour and bad blood. Jews who facilitate a lot of this, and who swindled the world with the flu hoax, are almost "forgotten" now, although all the damage they caused does remain.

And further, the devaluing of the US Dollar is now currently taking it's place in breaking global trust, cohesion and stability. Presidents who care more about being senile and pretending a balloon is our most important spying problem by China, and who lose their words and can't see which room they are in, are also now trying to initiate wars with other Nuclear powers.

On the other side, we have the typical closed mouth, Commie emotionally hurt, "I will rule the world for no reason, because I should, LOL" types, who are like dying in their 70's and still want to leave this world a mess before they go, like Xi or Putin. There are many dialectics on why all of this is "supposed to happen" yet the reality is that there are none. Most countries are already facing internal collapse issues based on their population, or ethical collapse issues. Yet lo and behold, everyone is ready for the great nuking of each other, "just incase".

I look to the left of the map, and I see these values: forced effemination, surgeries on kids to take their genders out, women that hate children at all and therefore population collapse, the tiring figure of the jews preciding it all and eating the brains of all the peoples, forced worship of the jews, excessive egopathy to where society can't replicate itself, AI waifu 4 lyfe, and many other things.

I look at the right of the map, and I see: Christian darkness in knowledge and advances, stupidity, potential gulags, poverty, the median average IQ of a peanut instilled by the Communist mindset that knows only beer and shit life, and the Communist hammer and sickle coming for us just in case.

Europe is just sitting there being cucked, not having energy, with celebrating deadly birthrates, and importing migrants, while it's citizens blindly believe they are living in promised land, and denying that all of this is occurring in anyway. Women believe instagram is more important in this continent than giving life, because the jews programmed them on this. Men are playing video games while they are 40 years old, and Voltaire somewhere gets a seizure from seeing all of this but thankfully he isn't alive.

Further I go into Arabia, there I see: A random sultan with a big ego, that is uneducated as a brick, controlling resources, and people like animals going around a big rock for no reason whatsoever, and how they want to spread on your Nation for no reason other than that the prophet said so, to create more of this stupidity.

Then I think to myself if nukes are actually a good opportunity for all of this to be wiped out at once, yet I know that is not the case and that this is sort of like me looking at the negatives here. Certainly, I know I am a citizen of the better "side" of the world, and I do sincerely want nobody to suffer.

Both of these "sides" do also consider themselves valuable to survive, but I know of valuable civilizations that have existed, and I know that likely neither deserve to live.

In plain terms this means that any influence of the US is now being questioned severely.

Mental breakdown is a real case where all of this is observed same as internal breakdown of values. The same situation is also observed in the countries who are currently against the West, who are also on the tier of cutthroat and power thirsty. Firmness of leadership is gone, and everyone now gravitates towards "going for the taking", a situation that is producing chaos.

As I have stated before, April is going to be a heated month. Already, Finland has joined NATO which is a direct act of getting in Russia's face for better or for worse. Coupled with the fact that countries are moving out of the US Petrodollar Standard, this is showing a shifting in global politics and balances, that hasn't existed in decades. With the planets, I anticipate negative events in April as I explained, especially towards the end of April.

If the Gods put their hands on this and human stupidity doesn't again escalate as far as one could expect, and this period passes, things should be "fine".

However, we are no longer in the peaceful state of existence since the kikes made up their latest flu hoax, and everyone should understand that this is what destabilized the world greatly, by affecting things financially and setting us back a whole 2 years, which gave Nations the opportunity and incentives due to being stalled in wanting to start pointless competitions and wars.

We will proceed with taking care of our own and if anything else we have been doing, but I advise everyone to not shed many tears or be that much disappointed if things go down the drain for humanity. The Gods have stood there and seeing them all fight all the time for no reason, and jews looting things for hundreds of years now.

I'll be the bad dude for one more lifetime because I said these things, and the people who could save their existence by listening will hate me for it. Thankfully, I am past really being affected by this, but it's really funny if you look at it.

Eventually, be this from the negative side or the positive side, that will change radically. Let us be those who stay on the positive side for our own sake, and let those who are in the negative, be consumed by it.

Everyday I wake up in clown world, I thank the Gods that they exist.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Very cool post :!:

I am not an American, but I would like to be one :) I look at politics from the point of view of state institutions, the struggle for dominance in the world (when a successful state defends its interests abroad).

The policy of the paleoconservatives and Donald Trump has always seemed to me a weakness, not to interfere in the internal affairs of other states (I always thought it was nonsense :!: ), Trump offered to withdraw from NATO (in fact, to dissolve the military bloc). From the point of view of History and Politics as a science, if your state does not try to dominate the world, influence other states (including using intrigues, manipulations, dirty political games), and also, for example, dissolves the military bloc. Enemies, for example, the same Communist China, will definitely take advantage of this. Nature does not tolerate emptiness, especially in foreign policy and geopolitics. If the United States shows its weakness to other countries, or performs a series of actions that will be regarded by other countries as weakness in diplomatic language, then allies will turn away from the United States.

You will never be good in front of everyone. In my opinion, the concepts of good and evil are relative, I don't like to think in these categories, because it's somehow Christian. The United States, like any other major military, but democratic state, must first of all respect its own interests, and not the interests of whining countries that whine that USA interfere in their internal affairs. The American state is responsible for its own people, and not for other peoples, so it conducts policy as it sees fit, and so did all the strong states that wanted to dominate geopolitics and benefit from this dominance for their people. In my opinion, if any other state is too weak to stop external interference, these are the problems of this state, not the United States. If you don't want to be hurt, be strong.

I don't like the fact that Trump publicly supports Christian values, even if this is not the case, then his marketers create such a picture. It annoys me that there are always a lot of Christians around Donald Trump. In my opinion, Donald Trump is not Adolf Hitler, I want a man like Adolf Hitler to become president in the United States.

I want the United States to be strong, but the paleoconservatives in the U.S. Senate like to cut the military budget. American Neoconservatives have always seemed to me an adequate political force from the point of view of democratic ideology, but the problem is that there are a lot of Jews among them who unleashed the war in Iraq. In my opinion, the Neocons need to be purged of Jews, put normal white people in this grouping who think in terms of dominance, military superiority, and so on, but will use military superiority not against Iraq and Iran, as the Jews did, but for example against North Korea, roughly speaking against Jewish regimes. In my opinion, the United States of America should become a real Empire, a real Reich (in foreign policy), while remaining a democratic state in accordance with the American Constitution, which was written by the Satanists (the founding fathers) - in domestic politics.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyday I wake up in clown world, I thank the Gods that they exist.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

H.P. cobra, I recently made a post titled "moving out of america for fear of it's situation" where I talked about moving to another country amidst all that is happening and soon to happen, I had talked about moving to denmark for example, but the others who replied had and talked me out of it, for now.

I wanted to ask what your take would be on that idea of moving out for some time, maybe permanently? I heard you made a post or something on staying in your birth country, but am unable to find it if you ever made one
Thank you.
I agree with most you say in your sermons and find them inspiring. In this case you totally off base. If you had a family member or close friend die from covid you would understand it was not the simple case of a flu. Over 1 million people in this country died and millions died world wide. Unlike the false religions we SS's embrace science. Science clearly showed this was not the flu but a deadly contecious virus. Millions of people would have fallen into poverty, lost their homes, not been able to feed their family, and the suicide rate would have exploded. Whether is was fake money or not it offered a life line to millions. Ask far as Trump he needs to be in the same league as putin, Assad, and li of China. Trump is like the bible, the false religions, Jews in that he is a divider, wants to control people through fear, and strip us of what father Satan greatfully desires to have. Which is freedom and to follow are own nature. Trump is a racist, his God is money and power. Half the million people in this country would not of died from covid if he had acted when he knew what the virus was and when it came here. Instead his desire to get reelected and maintain power was more important. Trump represents everything father Satan deplores. As for Ukraine. They are fighting for every thing father Satan wants for man to have, freedom and self determination, and to live in world of peace. If the Ukraine officials are using the aid we provide to enrich themselves then do more than say it, provide the proof.
I agree with most you say in your sermons and find them inspiring. In this case you totally off base. If you had a family member or close friend die from covid you would understand it was not the simple case of a flu. Over 1 million people in this country died and millions died world wide. Unlike the false religions we SS's embrace science. Science clearly showed this was not the flu but a deadly contecious virus. Millions of people would have fallen into poverty, lost their homes, not been able to feed their family, and the suicide rate would have exploded. Whether is was fake money or not it offered a life line to millions. Ask far as Trump he needs to be in the same league as putin, Assad, and li of China. Trump is like the bible, the false religions, Jews in that he is a divider, wants to control people through fear, and strip us of what father Satan greatfully desires to have. Which is freedom and to follow are own nature. Trump is a racist, his God is money and power. Half the million people in this country would not of died from covid if he had acted when he knew what the virus was and when it came here. Instead his desire to get reelected and maintain power was more important. Trump represents everything father Satan deplores. As for Ukraine. They are fighting for every thing father Satan wants for man to have, freedom and self determination, and to live in world of peace. If the Ukraine officials are using the aid we provide to enrich themselves then do more than say it, provide the proof.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Cobra, speaking of Europe, I want your advice on something. As an American, I see the cultural decline of the U.S. and I recently booked a flight to Europe just to see if I could live there and make it my exit plan in case shit hits the fan in the U.S. I decided to start with Croatia (where I’m at right now) and I can already tell that it’s going to be challenging to live here. One of the biggest reasons I want to get out of America is because it’s impossible to raise a family there anymore. With the indoctrination of transgenderism in schools and all the racial issues they want to teach, it’s impossible to raise a family in that kind of environment without throwing your values away. I’ve toyed with getting a European woman that hasn’t been corrupted with these ideas, so I started “cold-approaching” women in Zagreb. Something I noticed is that almost none of the women I approached seemed to have any interest at all in men. They looked at me like what I was doing was morally wrong. I talked about this to one of the local guys and he said unless you’re already in a girl’s social circle of friends, then you have no chance of getting a date in Croatia. In other words, cold-approaching women won’t work. This is super discouraging to me because if this is how things are in Europe, then what are we supposed to do? My main question for you is, where in Europe would you suggest I go to get a good, quality woman?
Soldier of satan said:
I agree with most you say in your sermons and find them inspiring. In this case you totally off base. If you had a family member or close friend die from covid you would understand it was not the simple case of a flu. Over 1 million people in this country died and millions died world wide. Unlike the false religions we SS's embrace science. Science clearly showed this was not the flu but a deadly contecious virus. ...


The fact that one can even compare this to the flu while the world behaved as if it was the new bubonic plague, shows enough evidence for itself.

Yes, I am aware it is not a flu, but it is not the bubonic plague either. Printing trillions out of thin air is what has caused great jeopardy in the whole system, and is now causing a systemic global crash that has us bordering on very negative conditions like WW3.

I had people that were claimed to have died "By" Co-Vid, but when you have diabetes, immune deficiency, you are obese, and likely other 25 diseases, anything can kill you including a paper cut.

I also had people who "mysteriously" got myocarditis after the vaccine, one person that I know very well that "mysteriously" got aggressive cancer after only 1 month of getting the second shot, perfectly healthy people, or severe immune disorders in more others. Also a bunch of people who constantly keep getting Co-Vid now every six months as if clockword.

Strange things. Nobody would prove.

After all, a major distraction happened with Zelensky and all this bullshit was thrown under the rug. Convenient.

Given every death "with" Co-Vid coming from any other disease, was written off as "By Co-Vid", we still have 1% death toll by official statistics, which are clearly manipulated to look like it was such a serious and deadly thing.

This is 6 million deaths in 4 years closely, and that's divided by 4 years, and we have something north to a million. Flu deaths also vanished in the meantime, and everyone can understand this was pampered to no end.

Granted the pumping of all statistics, this puts likely the case of dying by Co-Vid about 0.50% or something, which wasn't worthwhile to wipe out the whole planet and almost cause WW3 by electing seniles over 0.50% or less death rate disease that had the same symptoms as a flu overall and turns out it didn't explode people's heads or something as initially anticipated.

The symptomatology, death chance, and everything else, rank this along the flu in severity, or way lower. Sensational fears about the subject don't change this fact.

Also, the fact that a global conspiracy almost took place that enslaved humanity with microchips over a literal less than 1% pampered up data virus, that killed mostly the very elderly, should make one aware that we while I don't disregard the science, I know how it can produce oversized and corrupted data to falsify all the choices of governments.

The stalling of the world in these two years was incessantly criminal and made many countries fall out of order, causing collapses and internal problems, later reflected on the economy.
Soldier of satan said:
I agree with most you say in your sermons and find them inspiring. In this case you totally off base. If you had a family member or close friend die from covid you would understand it was not the simple case of a flu. Over 1 million people in this country died and millions died world wide. Unlike the false religions we SS's embrace science. Science clearly showed this was not the flu but a deadly contecious virus. Millions of people would have fallen into poverty, lost their homes, not been able to feed their family, and the suicide rate would have exploded. Whether is was fake money or not it offered a life line to millions. Ask far as Trump he needs to be in the same league as putin, Assad, and li of China. Trump is like the bible, the false religions, Jews in that he is a divider, wants to control people through fear, and strip us of what father Satan greatfully desires to have. Which is freedom and to follow are own nature. Trump is a racist, his God is money and power. Half the million people in this country would not of died from covid if he had acted when he knew what the virus was and when it came here. Instead his desire to get reelected and maintain power was more important. Trump represents everything father Satan deplores. As for Ukraine. They are fighting for every thing father Satan wants for man to have, freedom and self determination, and to live in world of peace. If the Ukraine officials are using the aid we provide to enrich themselves then do more than say it, provide the proof.

Covid is not the flu but you don't seem to understand the flu is not an overglorified cold (Covid is closer to this given it is a coronavirus and most coronaviruses cause colds). The flu also kills countless old people every year. It's known as the grim reaper for a reason. That's life on the animal level of existence. People can die from anything.

The amount of flu deaths in 2000 exceeded the flu + covid total in 2020, 2021 and 2022 in any country, including Sweden where no lockdowns occurred. Yet strangely nobody in 2000 was agitating for some state of affairs with less civil liberties for citizens than the middle ages.

Regardless in our modern western countries, either the cold or the flu is nothing like the era of bubonic plague, typhus, smallpox or other hideous curses put onto humanity, greatly assisted by the enemy making people live like farm animals. We are several steps removed from the real animal level, thanks to modcons and inventions, doing away with the dogshit 'church'.

If obesity alone was taken out of the equation, the level of Covid deaths would be substantially lower and this would make more difference than the 'vaccine'. Yet the same media outlets and bluechecks scare mongering over Covid and demanding MUH VACCINE AND MASKS FOREVER two years ago are also 'fat positive' and 'body positive' and continue to be so. I see this shit advert with some 400lb woman held as a goddess of beauty clad in gold with people literally bowing to her on tv constantly. Left-wing newspapers like the Guardian from England keep glorifying being a fatass. You have been conned.

Satan does not stand for bullshit like communist lockdowns.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Soldier of satan said:
Many died because the doctors did not do their job correctly. Here in Italy there are a lot of cases too of people dying from the vaccines or of covid but they were not cured properly.
Karnonnos said:
Soldier of satan said:

The amount of flu deaths in 2000 exceeded the flu + covid total in 2020, 2021 and 2022 in any country, including Sweden where no lockdowns occurred. Yet strangely nobody in 2000 was agitating for some state of affairs with less civil liberties for citizens than the middle ages.

The bird flu H1N1 was a very bad flu, way more dangerous than Co-Vid, yet, we didn't almost become a Communist Dystopia because of this. That one also affected heavily those younger than 65 years old.

It's claimed that this killed half a million people, yet the reactions back then werent' backed up by Klaus's and the Jew World Order dreams as much, it was just seen as a medical emergency, not a situation to make us all into Communist China.

Then after the medical emergency started, people actually stopped caring for this when they saw it was manageable.

Since it appears the sole thing that has changed since is that jews are getting cocky and Klaus did run a few simulations with Billy, that's all there is to it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Soldier of satan said:
If you had a family member or close friend die from covid you would understand it was not the simple case of a flu. Over 1 million people in this country died and millions died world wide.

I know how it is to die or to suffer from coronavirus and there were a lot of people around me or near me who died of covid and of the vaccine. I can tell you, HP is right: they died not of covid but either of other their own diseases such as cancer or heart issue, or the consequence of covid such as untypical pneumonia. Covid acts only as a trigger and most probably was designed as such. There are a lot of flues which I experienced years ago and which acted way worse, but they were not useful for kikes that's why no one created hysteria over them.

Hysteria does not emanate out of the people and their deaths, but is created by media. No one makes any hysteria over tumors and heart issues and the fact that they cause the main procent of all deaths of diseases at all. Because kikes are not interested to cure them or to deal with this potential hysteria. Why? Because such diseases emerge out of what kikes themselves do to people by spreading their poisonous food industry and self-destructive habits, teach people to ignore headaches, menstrual and other pains, chakra and meridian blockages etc. if this all is made a hysteria of kikes would have to deal with it and explain why their food industry causes meridian phlegm blockages, and they do not want it.

Look, all modern pharma industry is under jews. They are not interested to investigate real problems because then they will have to deal with these and as a result loose their business, instead they are mostly interested in creating hysteria over nothing to sell their shit around. Covid was designed by the jews in jewish owned laboratory of Wohan and Pisrael even gave them a financial reward for this. Covid was designed but to trigger actual problems they created earlier by way more subtle means, so it is only a cherry on the cake.
Soldier of satan said:
I agree with most you say in your sermons and find them inspiring. In this case you totally off base. If you had a family member or close friend die from covid you would understand it was not the simple case of a flu. Over 1 million people in this country died and millions died world wide. Unlike the false religions we SS's embrace science. Science clearly showed this was not the flu but a deadly contecious virus. Millions of people would have fallen into poverty, lost their homes, not been able to feed their family, and the suicide rate would have exploded. Whether is was fake money or not it offered a life line to millions. Ask far as Trump he needs to be in the same league as putin, Assad, and li of China. Trump is like the bible, the false religions, Jews in that he is a divider, wants to control people through fear, and strip us of what father Satan greatfully desires to have. Which is freedom and to follow are own nature. Trump is a racist, his God is money and power. Half the million people in this country would not of died from covid if he had acted when he knew what the virus was and when it came here. Instead his desire to get reelected and maintain power was more important. Trump represents everything father Satan deplores. As for Ukraine. They are fighting for every thing father Satan wants for man to have, freedom and self determination, and to live in world of peace. If the Ukraine officials are using the aid we provide to enrich themselves then do more than say it, provide the proof.

Except 99% of the extra printed money only went to line up the pockets of the enemy.

People have fallen into poverty BECAUSE of the measures taken by the enemy. An example: energy producing companies in Britain in the last 3 years have doubled the price of electricity and 11x the price of gas WITHOUT any legitimate reason. Their income statements show they made billions and billions in profit, while some tax money had to be wasted just to provide energy support to the population.

What could have been done instead? Those companies could have been stopped by a joint action by the judicial, legislative and executive powers. And, if they refused to stopped, they would have been crashed and confiscated by a fair and just government so that energy could still be produced and sold at a reasonable and affordable price for everyone. Why did the justice system, government and parliament did nearly nothing? Because they have vested interested in those companies and into keeping the population in the swamp.

Do you want to talk about all the people the fake vaccine killed or gave permanent issues for life? Way more than those killed by this week virus, which are 95% less than statistics report. A direct example is a former flatmate of mine. He used to be healthy and barely ever have any health issues. He was forced to get two jabs for work. Guess what? Now he's got digestive and elimination issues on a near-daily basis, his mental health plummeted, he's at high risk of obesity, and can barely walk without the back of his knees getting swollen.

I never got any jab, never believed in any fairy tale about the situation. Guess what? Never got this virus, never had any extra health issues. The fact they made people over-obsess about this weak virus is what made many people ill without a reason. That's how the human brain works. They attract the virus by negative self-talk and negative social talk, they exaggerate his influence the same way. You keep stacking this by repeating and repeating this things in your mind and to other people, devoting your psychic power to reinforcing this nonsense. End result? You keep catching it and you have worse symptoms, that you are fully responsible for because they are fully generated by your mind.

In physics, this is the law of momentum in action (and other laws). Momentum is what creates habits and karma. And you, sir, have created terrible karma for yourself in regards to this weak virus. So has everyone else who has let the enemy (and their own uncontrolled mind) brainwash them in the past 3 years. People like me have, instead, created and nourished the opposite karma in regards to this matter, which is why we have been better off and never even got ill from it.

The people in Ukraine may be fighting for what you said, but their higher-ups are not. Zelensky is a full-kike like Putin. Just look into their ancestry and even at their pictures, and you will recognise their heritage. Or, put your psychic at use, if you have developed any, and have a look into their souls or even just their aura.

Please, get your facts straight before coming here and talking about things you don't understand. Opinion has no place when there is a higher understanding of the universe, which is what HP Hooded Cobra and many others have in this forum.



Funny, just as you update that Trump is probably our last hope, Trump posts on Truth Social "World War 3"

And the freaks on twitter all screech that he's calling for it. Weird Timing.
I would like to say that my answer is not unfounded, anyone can look it up.I will probably write in two or more verses, since the topic is quite long. To begin with, I would write about a perhaps lesser-known but imminent threat, and then about the current Ukrainian-Russian conflict. I apologize if my English expression is sometimes incorrect.
China is stockpiling natural gas reserves and has declared that it is preparing for war. He openly called on
his generals to dare fight. In fact, he is heavily armed. In the last 2 years, he has doubled the money for military development.

The Pentagon also introduced a new budget, which they said was for a night war with China
needed for weaponry. A successful war against China is needed. Added to this is the fact that Japan is re-arming, a NATO is also arming the Philippines. The Australian newspapers wrote that there would be war in less than 3 years With China.

Of course, since it is a nation of 1.5 billion, where Jews cannot integrate directly. Because of the appearance.
Therefore, you can only achieve control over them by their total destruction. The question is, for what kind of war?
It is a fact that China ties with Russia, which the West has frowned upon. The natural gas was bought from the Arab Kingdom, but it works under the grass that it is Russian natural gas. In addition, German warships were sent to the China Sea as an open military provocation.

To me, this is just like in 1939, when Nazi Germany allied with the Western powers without any aggression
against and the French corps moved several times in the direction of the German border.
One of the wars has not yet ended and it is about to another. It looks very much like the Chinese - American clash cannot be avoided! This further weakens the USA, because together drives China and Russia.
The formation of the non-western pole will be accelerated and the dollar will weaken even further!
In addition, high-ranking EU politicians travel the entire planet to warn all countries not to stand still
Next to Russia. Now China also had such a warning patrol. Many African and South American countries do not like it answered these ... . In the meantime, the Saudi government has also announced that it will join the Shankhal Cooperation!

We can see what we are up against. This actually creates a war, even a world war emergency.

About the situation in Ukraine.

It seems that Ukarjna has to be maintained in the long term, which requires the resources of Europe and the USA, which will not be enough. The Ukrainians demand even more aid and money.

Ukraine would arm itself with the money that, according to them, the American big oil companies earned during the war, that is, that due to the Russian boycott, Europe is forced to rely on more expensive American oil.
Total extortion!
Embezzlement of money! On the other hand, the Ukrainian leadership offered the European Union an alternative nuclear fuel to get rid of the Russian one from addictions.

In fact, they make this up in order to get a license to stockpile nuclear raw materials, which they use for other for example, they can also be used to manufacture atomic weapons. After all, we still have the old Soviet technologies.
Then, they sold electricity to Europe and the political voice was heard that Ukraine can export electricity, even though it is from the people took it.
Many people spent the night by candlelight and petroleum lamps. I don't know how in the USA It's amazing that there was an Ukrainian soldier who cheated in a video uploaded to YouTube. Not for that, I say. I don't like it Ukrainians, because the minority Hungarians living in acutaly in your country, that earlyer was our teritory (Hungary) are constantly being abused and now our Prime Minister (who is of Gypsy-Jewish descent) is bringing them here from our very limited resources.

Zelensky is a Jewish.

I wouldn't give Ukarjana a nuclear weapon, especially not in his current state!
Europe is the biggest loser in all of this. In Hungary, prices go up by 20% every month, and so do salaries
they rise by barely 5 - 10%.
Riots and riots broke out in several European states, such as: in France (here with the raising of the pension age they want to offset the sanctions. Sure, work hard goy! In addition, many people became unemployed and in the cold during the winter they sat because of the economy of heating. And, then France received the largest dose of migration and a large number Gypsies have already been resettled. Nicolas Sarkozi, alias Sárközi, a half-Hungarian Jewish-Gypsy person, therefore did not recognize him anno Hungarian origin), in Germany also. Germany became poor, at the time. Mislim migrants and gypsy colonies are carried out.

This is what the sanctions imposed on Russia did to Europe, which shook it the entire American continent.
What will happen when we introduce even stronger sanctions against China than before?!
Our children's quality of life will be limited by everything that is happening around us now!

And then in the background, which we don't know so much about, the military alliances, which are focal points like World War II, are developing nicely. Before World War 1930 - 1939. Poland and Romania signed a joint arms procurement declaration. These I would get NATO missiles, F16s, tanks.

In both countries approx. 5000 American soldiers are stationed there. Both country is armed much better than it should be,compared to the European average. He wants to join this emerging military center Ukraine, if it can become a NATO member.
Both countries are anti-Russian and pro-American. A new European force is emerging.
The question is, why do we need this? So, it looks very much like Europe is being redone. That's why the war was needed!
Another step in the Jewish world domination plans.

Viktor Orbán, who is a freemason, expressed himself in this regard: "This war is completely suitable for re-editing seat of Europe's power structure. I don't know if that's why they blew it up, or if they just figured it out in the meantime is also suitable. 1. The European economy was separated from the Russian economy. Thus, a dependency in one direction is replaced by another dependence. 2. Ukarjan can slowly become a NATO member. A year before, everyone thought it was impossible for Ukraine to become an EU member, but also that he is a member candidate. Today it is. In fact, they want to take him on as a member. NATO membership is the same today. They talk about when it's over war can be a NATO member...
This means that a type of Central European power is emerging that has not been seen before we saw on the map. That's 60 million people, including the Poles. This is more than the population of France ... That, the European economy is even cut off from the Chinese economy, then this could be a blow to Germany that the emerging Central European Union economically and militarily, it approaches or surpasses theirs. ... Now the USA is no longer installing in Germany military potential, but to Poland. .... This is paid for with the Europeans and with the Americans, whichever is more expensive we buy oil, and inflation is rising in America. They are destroying one half of Europe, and the Euro-fathers.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
