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Easter Ritual 2 Part Everyone Do Your Part

Indigo Nation

Nov 21, 2005
The moon is in Scorpio both days, which is perfect for both parts of the ritual http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... iming.html
I want everyone to participate, this is not for me, but for all of us, for Father Satan and for Astaroth, we have a chance of making a major blow to the enemy if we all work toghether. Lets do this in Honor of Astaroth who is being blasphemed relentlessly this time of year. Her holday has been turned into something beyond horrible. She is a wonderful demon who has done much for Humanity we should all be grateful for all she has done, and work to put an end to the enemy lies. Let us also celebrate easter in the true spirit of the holiday, or at least do something honoring it in mind at least I know it can be difficult wanting to celebrate any holiday if you have no one with you that understands who is a brother or sister in Satan
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aroth.html
The First Part Preformed on Saturday Hour of Saturn is dealing with banishing away all fear and death energy in earths energy field.
The Second Part Sunday Hour of the Sun or Moon is dealing with Awakening all Gentiles to the truth about Christianity. The Same Ritual Prayer will be Used for Both. If you are unable to do a Satanic ritual Please Still Participate, the Sigils and energy raised are the most important part. Just skip the ritual if need be.
First Part 4/7/12
The first part will be about cleansing away the fear and death energy in earths energy field which is one major thing that is holding gentiles back from the truth. Fear is a four letter word the kikes have done beyond vile and digusting things and funneled this energy into our earth. Please see this article http://www.freewebs.com/see_the_truth/Energy.html if you have not already and realize what they have done. This will also serve to get rid of much of the xtian energy this time of year, as xtian energy is mostly a sick hybrid of fear and death energy.
Make sure your aura and area is clean of negative energy before doing this sigil.
Planitary Hour: Hour of Saturn or the sun, do not worry however if you end up doing it in a different planitary hour the important thing is that you do it.
Info on planitary hours can be gained using this software http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/
or Here approxamite times if you for some reason cannot use the software:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Hours.html
The Symbol
Black Sun with Sanskrit Abhaya in center http://i41.tinypic.com/59yh02.png
We will be burying this and the Sigil for tommorow just putting that up front so no one is confused.

For the ritual Either the Grand Satanic Ritual
http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-magi ... -of-satan/
Or Standard Satanic Ritual
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
Ritual Prayer:
We stand toghether as brothers and sisters in Hells Army and nothing can stop us. Fear and Death and Vile Sickening things have perverted many of our gentiles minds, what was once beautiful has been turned ugly and to sickness in the minds of many. Toghether as brothers and sisters in Satan we Stand and say Enough. No longer shall we be outcast. No longer shall the lies continue. Toghether this easter holiday we celebrate it as the ancients have, in Honor of Astaroth whos name and holiday has been perverted by the vile kike. It is for her that we fight, it is for our brothers and sisters for all of the gentiles, we fight for all the wonderful and mighty Demons of Hel. We declare that the gentiles are returning to our ancient heritage and culture. Once again we shall achieve great things, the lie of Christianity is OVER. As brothers and sisters in Satan we declare that it is so. No longer is humanity shackled by the lie of the putrid kike. It is plain to see for all gentiles world wide how horrible it is spiritually to follow the kike program of Christianity. The lie of Christianity is OVER. We stand toghether in a unity and bond that is unbreakable as proud gentiles in Father Satans image knowing that no matter where we all are tonight no matter our situations, no matter how we feel, no matter what, we are toghether in spirit and fighting for the same thing, in an eternal bond togheter with Father Satan and all the gods of Hell.
Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Beelzebub!
Hail Azazel!
Heil Hitler!
Hail To Hells Army and Our!
Both Runes are good in cleansing away of enemy or negative energy.
Sanskrit Word Abhaya- Meaning Fearless, secure, without fear, etc
http://spokensanskrit.de/index.php?tinp ... E&link=yes
Pronounced Ugh-Bhuy making the ugh sound somewhat like an A
Runic Affirmation: "the energies of (rune) are constantly and continuiously working to cleanse away all fear and death energy in earths energy field"
Sigil Affirmation: "All fear and death energy in earths energy field is being cleansed away"
Write this on the back of the sigil and repeat 9 times when you are done vibrating the runes, sanskrit and Enochian.
Draw the runes around the black sun.
Vibrate Algiz 9, 16 or 22 times (Pronounciations are in Kabbalistic)
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the algiz runes glow bright gold. "the energies of algiz are constantly and continuiously working to cleanse away all fear and death energy in earths energy field"

Vibrate Nauthiz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the nauthiz runes glow bright gold "the energies of algiz are constantly and continuiously working to cleanse away all fear and death energy in earths energy field"

Now onto sanskrit Vibrate Ugh-Bhuy 16 times seeing the sanskrit letters light up brightly, if you desire you can add blood or sexual fluid to the sanskrit letters.
Enochian Key This greatly increases the power of this working. This key most closely fits this working.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... thKey.html

Now bury the sigil visualizing the ground all around you light up bright like the sun. Affirm a few times "the energies of this sigil are filling earths energy field cleansing away all death and fear energy in earths energy field"
When you are done spend at least 5=10 minutes or more if you like visualizing a perfect Satanic world, all of the Gentiles free and following our true gods and practices, visualize whatever comes to your mind when you think of a perfect Satanic world.
Part 2
Again make sure your aura and area is clean of negative energy before doing the sigil: Awakening the gentiles to the truth about Christianity:
Sigil Image: Eye of Horus
http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/8230 ... 0horus.jpg
The eye of Horus AKA all seeing represents the gnosis and all-knowing when one reaches the godhead. This state is also known as "samadi" or "super consciousness." See Here for info on this and other Satanic symbols: http://www.freewebs.com/666moon/index.htm
I believe this symbol and its energy is perfect in helping awaken gentiles to the truth.
Draw the runes around the symbol
Planitary Hour: Hour of the Sun or Moon do not worry however if you end up doing it in a different planitary hour the important thing is that you do it. We are using the same ritual format however if you cannot do a Satanic ritual skip that part the important thing is the sigil and raising of the energies.


Runic Affirmation "the energies of (rune) are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"
Sigil Affirmation: "all gentiles are begining to see the truth about the Jewish Program of Christianity and know how harmful Christianity is Spiritually"|
Write on Back and say 9 times before buring this sigil.
Vibrate Logr 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration
Seeing the all the logr runes glow bright gold
"the energies of logr are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Odhal 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the odhal runes glow bright gold
"the energies of Odhal are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Kenaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the kenaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of Kenaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Eihwaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the eihwaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of Eihwaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Mannaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the mannaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of mannaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Daggaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the daggaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of mannaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Sowilo 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the sowilo runes glow bright gold"the energies of mannaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"
Now vibrate the 8th Enochian Key this adds greatly to the power of this working visualizing the black sun glowing as you vibrate it:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... thKey.html
Now bury the sigil visualizing the ground all around you light up bright like the sun. Affirm a few times "the energies of this sigil are filling earths energy awakening all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity and how bad it is spiritually for our gentile people"
When you are done spend at least 5=10 minutes or more if you like visualizing a perfect Satanic world, all of the Gentiles free and following our true gods and practices, visualize whatever comes to your mind when you think of a perfect Satanic world.
Good Luck Brothers and Sisters. Remember to do something this holiday showing you appreciate Astaroth for all she has done. I feel for her, this part of the year has particularly bad energy, to the point I get sick feeling due to all the xtian crap lets put an end to this. I am tired of that I was sick feeling every easter I can remember. Lets do something about it. Lets take back this Holiday.
Hail Astaroth
Hail Satan
Hail to Hells Army and Our Victory
dear brothers and sisters I feel very outcast from my online family. My blood family relations are healing but please send energy if you think of kittyahawk that I can connect here and have the time to read and enjoy and participate in JOS. I miss being able to read all this at my own leisure, and the library computer will not print. It is good to know Father Satan understands and helps us do what we can.. Hail all gods of war
~Happy Easter the day the xians stole for Asteroth~
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Indigo Nation" <gutterrainbow@... wrote:

The moon is in Scorpio both days, which is perfect for both parts of the ritual http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... iming.html
I want everyone to participate, this is not for me, but for all of us, for Father Satan and for Astaroth, we have a chance of making a major blow to the enemy if we all work toghether. Lets do this in Honor of Astaroth who is being blasphemed relentlessly this time of year. Her holday has been turned into something beyond horrible. She is a wonderful demon who has done much for Humanity we should all be grateful for all she has done, and work to put an end to the enemy lies. Let us also celebrate easter in the true spirit of the holiday, or at least do something honoring it in mind at least I know it can be difficult wanting to celebrate any holiday if you have no one with you that understands who is a brother or sister in Satan
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aroth.html
The First Part Preformed on Saturday Hour of Saturn is dealing with banishing away all fear and death energy in earths energy field.
The Second Part Sunday Hour of the Sun or Moon is dealing with Awakening all Gentiles to the truth about Christianity. The Same Ritual Prayer will be Used for Both. If you are unable to do a Satanic ritual Please Still Participate, the Sigils and energy raised are the most important part. Just skip the ritual if need be.
First Part 4/7/12
The first part will be about cleansing away the fear and death energy in earths energy field which is one major thing that is holding gentiles back from the truth. Fear is a four letter word the kikes have done beyond vile and digusting things and funneled this energy into our earth. Please see this article http://www.freewebs.com/see_the_truth/Energy.html if you have not already and realize what they have done. This will also serve to get rid of much of the xtian energy this time of year, as xtian energy is mostly a sick hybrid of fear and death energy.
Make sure your aura and area is clean of negative energy before doing this sigil.
Planitary Hour: Hour of Saturn or the sun, do not worry however if you end up doing it in a different planitary hour the important thing is that you do it.
Info on planitary hours can be gained using this software http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/
or Here approxamite times if you for some reason cannot use the software:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Hours.html
The Symbol
Black Sun with Sanskrit Abhaya in center http://i41.tinypic.com/59yh02.png
We will be burying this and the Sigil for tommorow just putting that up front so no one is confused.

For the ritual Either the Grand Satanic Ritual
http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-magi ... -of-satan/
Or Standard Satanic Ritual
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
Ritual Prayer:
We stand toghether as brothers and sisters in Hells Army and nothing can stop us. Fear and Death and Vile Sickening things have perverted many of our gentiles minds, what was once beautiful has been turned ugly and to sickness in the minds of many. Toghether as brothers and sisters in Satan we Stand and say Enough. No longer shall we be outcast. No longer shall the lies continue. Toghether this easter holiday we celebrate it as the ancients have, in Honor of Astaroth whos name and holiday has been perverted by the vile kike. It is for her that we fight, it is for our brothers and sisters for all of the gentiles, we fight for all the wonderful and mighty Demons of Hel. We declare that the gentiles are returning to our ancient heritage and culture. Once again we shall achieve great things, the lie of Christianity is OVER. As brothers and sisters in Satan we declare that it is so. No longer is humanity shackled by the lie of the putrid kike. It is plain to see for all gentiles world wide how horrible it is spiritually to follow the kike program of Christianity. The lie of Christianity is OVER. We stand toghether in a unity and bond that is unbreakable as proud gentiles in Father Satans image knowing that no matter where we all are tonight no matter our situations, no matter how we feel, no matter what, we are toghether in spirit and fighting for the same thing, in an eternal bond togheter with Father Satan and all the gods of Hell.
Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Beelzebub!
Hail Azazel!
Heil Hitler!
Hail To Hells Army and Our!
Both Runes are good in cleansing away of enemy or negative energy.
Sanskrit Word Abhaya- Meaning Fearless, secure, without fear, etc
http://spokensanskrit.de/index.php?tinp ... E&link=yes
Pronounced Ugh-Bhuy making the ugh sound somewhat like an A
Runic Affirmation: "the energies of (rune) are constantly and continuiously working to cleanse away all fear and death energy in earths energy field"
Sigil Affirmation: "All fear and death energy in earths energy field is being cleansed away"
Write this on the back of the sigil and repeat 9 times when you are done vibrating the runes, sanskrit and Enochian.
Draw the runes around the black sun.
Vibrate Algiz 9, 16 or 22 times (Pronounciations are in Kabbalistic)
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the algiz runes glow bright gold. "the energies of algiz are constantly and continuiously working to cleanse away all fear and death energy in earths energy field"

Vibrate Nauthiz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the nauthiz runes glow bright gold "the energies of algiz are constantly and continuiously working to cleanse away all fear and death energy in earths energy field"

Now onto sanskrit Vibrate Ugh-Bhuy 16 times seeing the sanskrit letters light up brightly, if you desire you can add blood or sexual fluid to the sanskrit letters.
Enochian Key This greatly increases the power of this working. This key most closely fits this working.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... thKey.html

Now bury the sigil visualizing the ground all around you light up bright like the sun. Affirm a few times "the energies of this sigil are filling earths energy field cleansing away all death and fear energy in earths energy field"
When you are done spend at least 5=10 minutes or more if you like visualizing a perfect Satanic world, all of the Gentiles free and following our true gods and practices, visualize whatever comes to your mind when you think of a perfect Satanic world.
Part 2
Again make sure your aura and area is clean of negative energy before doing the sigil: Awakening the gentiles to the truth about Christianity:
Sigil Image: Eye of Horus
http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/8230 ... 0horus.jpg
The eye of Horus AKA all seeing represents the gnosis and all-knowing when one reaches the godhead. This state is also known as "samadi" or "super consciousness." See Here for info on this and other Satanic symbols: http://www.freewebs.com/666moon/index.htm
I believe this symbol and its energy is perfect in helping awaken gentiles to the truth.
Draw the runes around the symbol
Planitary Hour: Hour of the Sun or Moon do not worry however if you end up doing it in a different planitary hour the important thing is that you do it. We are using the same ritual format however if you cannot do a Satanic ritual skip that part the important thing is the sigil and raising of the energies.


Runic Affirmation "the energies of (rune) are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"
Sigil Affirmation: "all gentiles are begining to see the truth about the Jewish Program of Christianity and know how harmful Christianity is Spiritually"|
Write on Back and say 9 times before buring this sigil.
Vibrate Logr 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration
Seeing the all the logr runes glow bright gold
"the energies of logr are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Odhal 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the odhal runes glow bright gold
"the energies of Odhal are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Kenaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the kenaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of Kenaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Eihwaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the eihwaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of Eihwaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Mannaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the mannaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of mannaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Daggaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the daggaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of mannaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Sowilo 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the sowilo runes glow bright gold"the energies of mannaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"
Now vibrate the 8th Enochian Key this adds greatly to the power of this working visualizing the black sun glowing as you vibrate it:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... thKey.html
Now bury the sigil visualizing the ground all around you light up bright like the sun. Affirm a few times "the energies of this sigil are filling earths energy awakening all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity and how bad it is spiritually for our gentile people"
When you are done spend at least 5=10 minutes or more if you like visualizing a perfect Satanic world, all of the Gentiles free and following our true gods and practices, visualize whatever comes to your mind when you think of a perfect Satanic world.
Good Luck Brothers and Sisters. Remember to do something this holiday showing you appreciate Astaroth for all she has done. I feel for her, this part of the year has particularly bad energy, to the point I get sick feeling due to all the xtian crap lets put an end to this. I am tired of that I was sick feeling every easter I can remember. Lets do something about it. Lets take back this Holiday.
Hail Astaroth
Hail Satan
Hail to Hells Army and Our Victory
got today's ill d lib tomorrow.. hail father Satan who is faithful to revive his people and give joy !!
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Indigo Nation" <gutterrainbow@... wrote:

The moon is in Scorpio both days, which is perfect for both parts of the ritual http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... iming.html
I want everyone to participate, this is not for me, but for all of us, for Father Satan and for Astaroth, we have a chance of making a major blow to the enemy if we all work toghether. Lets do this in Honor of Astaroth who is being blasphemed relentlessly this time of year. Her holday has been turned into something beyond horrible. She is a wonderful demon who has done much for Humanity we should all be grateful for all she has done, and work to put an end to the enemy lies. Let us also celebrate easter in the true spirit of the holiday, or at least do something honoring it in mind at least I know it can be difficult wanting to celebrate any holiday if you have no one with you that understands who is a brother or sister in Satan
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aroth.html
The First Part Preformed on Saturday Hour of Saturn is dealing with banishing away all fear and death energy in earths energy field.
The Second Part Sunday Hour of the Sun or Moon is dealing with Awakening all Gentiles to the truth about Christianity. The Same Ritual Prayer will be Used for Both. If you are unable to do a Satanic ritual Please Still Participate, the Sigils and energy raised are the most important part. Just skip the ritual if need be.
First Part 4/7/12
The first part will be about cleansing away the fear and death energy in earths energy field which is one major thing that is holding gentiles back from the truth. Fear is a four letter word the kikes have done beyond vile and digusting things and funneled this energy into our earth. Please see this article http://www.freewebs.com/see_the_truth/Energy.html if you have not already and realize what they have done. This will also serve to get rid of much of the xtian energy this time of year, as xtian energy is mostly a sick hybrid of fear and death energy.
Make sure your aura and area is clean of negative energy before doing this sigil.
Planitary Hour: Hour of Saturn or the sun, do not worry however if you end up doing it in a different planitary hour the important thing is that you do it.
Info on planitary hours can be gained using this software http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/
or Here approxamite times if you for some reason cannot use the software:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Hours.html
The Symbol
Black Sun with Sanskrit Abhaya in center http://i41.tinypic.com/59yh02.png
We will be burying this and the Sigil for tommorow just putting that up front so no one is confused.

For the ritual Either the Grand Satanic Ritual
http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-magi ... -of-satan/
Or Standard Satanic Ritual
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
Ritual Prayer:
We stand toghether as brothers and sisters in Hells Army and nothing can stop us. Fear and Death and Vile Sickening things have perverted many of our gentiles minds, what was once beautiful has been turned ugly and to sickness in the minds of many. Toghether as brothers and sisters in Satan we Stand and say Enough. No longer shall we be outcast. No longer shall the lies continue. Toghether this easter holiday we celebrate it as the ancients have, in Honor of Astaroth whos name and holiday has been perverted by the vile kike. It is for her that we fight, it is for our brothers and sisters for all of the gentiles, we fight for all the wonderful and mighty Demons of Hel. We declare that the gentiles are returning to our ancient heritage and culture. Once again we shall achieve great things, the lie of Christianity is OVER. As brothers and sisters in Satan we declare that it is so. No longer is humanity shackled by the lie of the putrid kike. It is plain to see for all gentiles world wide how horrible it is spiritually to follow the kike program of Christianity. The lie of Christianity is OVER. We stand toghether in a unity and bond that is unbreakable as proud gentiles in Father Satans image knowing that no matter where we all are tonight no matter our situations, no matter how we feel, no matter what, we are toghether in spirit and fighting for the same thing, in an eternal bond togheter with Father Satan and all the gods of Hell.
Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Beelzebub!
Hail Azazel!
Heil Hitler!
Hail To Hells Army and Our!
Both Runes are good in cleansing away of enemy or negative energy.
Sanskrit Word Abhaya- Meaning Fearless, secure, without fear, etc
http://spokensanskrit.de/index.php?tinp ... E&link=yes
Pronounced Ugh-Bhuy making the ugh sound somewhat like an A
Runic Affirmation: "the energies of (rune) are constantly and continuiously working to cleanse away all fear and death energy in earths energy field"
Sigil Affirmation: "All fear and death energy in earths energy field is being cleansed away"
Write this on the back of the sigil and repeat 9 times when you are done vibrating the runes, sanskrit and Enochian.
Draw the runes around the black sun.
Vibrate Algiz 9, 16 or 22 times (Pronounciations are in Kabbalistic)
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the algiz runes glow bright gold. "the energies of algiz are constantly and continuiously working to cleanse away all fear and death energy in earths energy field"

Vibrate Nauthiz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the nauthiz runes glow bright gold "the energies of algiz are constantly and continuiously working to cleanse away all fear and death energy in earths energy field"

Now onto sanskrit Vibrate Ugh-Bhuy 16 times seeing the sanskrit letters light up brightly, if you desire you can add blood or sexual fluid to the sanskrit letters.
Enochian Key This greatly increases the power of this working. This key most closely fits this working.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... thKey.html

Now bury the sigil visualizing the ground all around you light up bright like the sun. Affirm a few times "the energies of this sigil are filling earths energy field cleansing away all death and fear energy in earths energy field"
When you are done spend at least 5=10 minutes or more if you like visualizing a perfect Satanic world, all of the Gentiles free and following our true gods and practices, visualize whatever comes to your mind when you think of a perfect Satanic world.
Part 2
Again make sure your aura and area is clean of negative energy before doing the sigil: Awakening the gentiles to the truth about Christianity:
Sigil Image: Eye of Horus
http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/8230 ... 0horus.jpg
The eye of Horus AKA all seeing represents the gnosis and all-knowing when one reaches the godhead. This state is also known as "samadi" or "super consciousness." See Here for info on this and other Satanic symbols: http://www.freewebs.com/666moon/index.htm
I believe this symbol and its energy is perfect in helping awaken gentiles to the truth.
Draw the runes around the symbol
Planitary Hour: Hour of the Sun or Moon do not worry however if you end up doing it in a different planitary hour the important thing is that you do it. We are using the same ritual format however if you cannot do a Satanic ritual skip that part the important thing is the sigil and raising of the energies.


Runic Affirmation "the energies of (rune) are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"
Sigil Affirmation: "all gentiles are begining to see the truth about the Jewish Program of Christianity and know how harmful Christianity is Spiritually"|
Write on Back and say 9 times before buring this sigil.
Vibrate Logr 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration
Seeing the all the logr runes glow bright gold
"the energies of logr are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Odhal 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the odhal runes glow bright gold
"the energies of Odhal are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Kenaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the kenaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of Kenaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Eihwaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the eihwaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of Eihwaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Mannaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the mannaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of mannaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Daggaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the daggaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of mannaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Sowilo 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the sowilo runes glow bright gold"the energies of mannaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"
Now vibrate the 8th Enochian Key this adds greatly to the power of this working visualizing the black sun glowing as you vibrate it:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... thKey.html
Now bury the sigil visualizing the ground all around you light up bright like the sun. Affirm a few times "the energies of this sigil are filling earths energy awakening all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity and how bad it is spiritually for our gentile people"
When you are done spend at least 5=10 minutes or more if you like visualizing a perfect Satanic world, all of the Gentiles free and following our true gods and practices, visualize whatever comes to your mind when you think of a perfect Satanic world.
Good Luck Brothers and Sisters. Remember to do something this holiday showing you appreciate Astaroth for all she has done. I feel for her, this part of the year has particularly bad energy, to the point I get sick feeling due to all the xtian crap lets put an end to this. I am tired of that I was sick feeling every easter I can remember. Lets do something about it. Lets take back this Holiday.
Hail Astaroth
Hail Satan
Hail to Hells Army and Our Victory
Did the ritual with my soulmate & both of us were sweating under our arms profusely by the time we we're done with the runes. By the end of the ritual the energy was so intense both sides of my shirt were soaked under my arms, sweat rolling down the insides of my legs & my forehead. It was however an amazing feeling. Burying the sigil was very exciting too! I feel blessed to be involved in taking back our ancient culture & fighting for Satan!


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Indigo Nation" <gutterrainbow@... wrote:

The moon is in Scorpio both days, which is perfect for both parts of the ritual http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... iming.html
I want everyone to participate, this is not for me, but for all of us, for Father Satan and for Astaroth, we have a chance of making a major blow to the enemy if we all work toghether. Lets do this in Honor of Astaroth who is being blasphemed relentlessly this time of year. Her holday has been turned into something beyond horrible. She is a wonderful demon who has done much for Humanity we should all be grateful for all she has done, and work to put an end to the enemy lies. Let us also celebrate easter in the true spirit of the holiday, or at least do something honoring it in mind at least I know it can be difficult wanting to celebrate any holiday if you have no one with you that understands who is a brother or sister in Satan
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aroth.html
The First Part Preformed on Saturday Hour of Saturn is dealing with banishing away all fear and death energy in earths energy field.
The Second Part Sunday Hour of the Sun or Moon is dealing with Awakening all Gentiles to the truth about Christianity. The Same Ritual Prayer will be Used for Both. If you are unable to do a Satanic ritual Please Still Participate, the Sigils and energy raised are the most important part. Just skip the ritual if need be.
First Part 4/7/12
The first part will be about cleansing away the fear and death energy in earths energy field which is one major thing that is holding gentiles back from the truth. Fear is a four letter word the kikes have done beyond vile and digusting things and funneled this energy into our earth. Please see this article http://www.freewebs.com/see_the_truth/Energy.html if you have not already and realize what they have done. This will also serve to get rid of much of the xtian energy this time of year, as xtian energy is mostly a sick hybrid of fear and death energy.
Make sure your aura and area is clean of negative energy before doing this sigil.
Planitary Hour: Hour of Saturn or the sun, do not worry however if you end up doing it in a different planitary hour the important thing is that you do it.
Info on planitary hours can be gained using this software http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/
or Here approxamite times if you for some reason cannot use the software:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Hours.html
The Symbol
Black Sun with Sanskrit Abhaya in center http://i41.tinypic.com/59yh02.png
We will be burying this and the Sigil for tommorow just putting that up front so no one is confused.

For the ritual Either the Grand Satanic Ritual
http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-magi ... -of-satan/
Or Standard Satanic Ritual
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
Ritual Prayer:
We stand toghether as brothers and sisters in Hells Army and nothing can stop us. Fear and Death and Vile Sickening things have perverted many of our gentiles minds, what was once beautiful has been turned ugly and to sickness in the minds of many. Toghether as brothers and sisters in Satan we Stand and say Enough. No longer shall we be outcast. No longer shall the lies continue. Toghether this easter holiday we celebrate it as the ancients have, in Honor of Astaroth whos name and holiday has been perverted by the vile kike. It is for her that we fight, it is for our brothers and sisters for all of the gentiles, we fight for all the wonderful and mighty Demons of Hel. We declare that the gentiles are returning to our ancient heritage and culture. Once again we shall achieve great things, the lie of Christianity is OVER. As brothers and sisters in Satan we declare that it is so. No longer is humanity shackled by the lie of the putrid kike. It is plain to see for all gentiles world wide how horrible it is spiritually to follow the kike program of Christianity. The lie of Christianity is OVER. We stand toghether in a unity and bond that is unbreakable as proud gentiles in Father Satans image knowing that no matter where we all are tonight no matter our situations, no matter how we feel, no matter what, we are toghether in spirit and fighting for the same thing, in an eternal bond togheter with Father Satan and all the gods of Hell.
Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Beelzebub!
Hail Azazel!
Heil Hitler!
Hail To Hells Army and Our!
Both Runes are good in cleansing away of enemy or negative energy.
Sanskrit Word Abhaya- Meaning Fearless, secure, without fear, etc
http://spokensanskrit.de/index.php?tinp ... E&link=yes
Pronounced Ugh-Bhuy making the ugh sound somewhat like an A
Runic Affirmation: "the energies of (rune) are constantly and continuiously working to cleanse away all fear and death energy in earths energy field"
Sigil Affirmation: "All fear and death energy in earths energy field is being cleansed away"
Write this on the back of the sigil and repeat 9 times when you are done vibrating the runes, sanskrit and Enochian.
Draw the runes around the black sun.
Vibrate Algiz 9, 16 or 22 times (Pronounciations are in Kabbalistic)
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the algiz runes glow bright gold. "the energies of algiz are constantly and continuiously working to cleanse away all fear and death energy in earths energy field"

Vibrate Nauthiz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the nauthiz runes glow bright gold "the energies of algiz are constantly and continuiously working to cleanse away all fear and death energy in earths energy field"

Now onto sanskrit Vibrate Ugh-Bhuy 16 times seeing the sanskrit letters light up brightly, if you desire you can add blood or sexual fluid to the sanskrit letters.
Enochian Key This greatly increases the power of this working. This key most closely fits this working.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... thKey.html

Now bury the sigil visualizing the ground all around you light up bright like the sun. Affirm a few times "the energies of this sigil are filling earths energy field cleansing away all death and fear energy in earths energy field"
When you are done spend at least 5=10 minutes or more if you like visualizing a perfect Satanic world, all of the Gentiles free and following our true gods and practices, visualize whatever comes to your mind when you think of a perfect Satanic world.
Part 2
Again make sure your aura and area is clean of negative energy before doing the sigil: Awakening the gentiles to the truth about Christianity:
Sigil Image: Eye of Horus
http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/8230 ... 0horus.jpg
The eye of Horus AKA all seeing represents the gnosis and all-knowing when one reaches the godhead. This state is also known as "samadi" or "super consciousness." See Here for info on this and other Satanic symbols: http://www.freewebs.com/666moon/index.htm
I believe this symbol and its energy is perfect in helping awaken gentiles to the truth.
Draw the runes around the symbol
Planitary Hour: Hour of the Sun or Moon do not worry however if you end up doing it in a different planitary hour the important thing is that you do it. We are using the same ritual format however if you cannot do a Satanic ritual skip that part the important thing is the sigil and raising of the energies.


Runic Affirmation "the energies of (rune) are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"
Sigil Affirmation: "all gentiles are begining to see the truth about the Jewish Program of Christianity and know how harmful Christianity is Spiritually"|
Write on Back and say 9 times before buring this sigil.
Vibrate Logr 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration
Seeing the all the logr runes glow bright gold
"the energies of logr are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Odhal 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the odhal runes glow bright gold
"the energies of Odhal are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Kenaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the kenaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of Kenaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Eihwaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the eihwaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of Eihwaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Mannaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the mannaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of mannaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Daggaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the daggaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of mannaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Sowilo 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the sowilo runes glow bright gold"the energies of mannaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"
Now vibrate the 8th Enochian Key this adds greatly to the power of this working visualizing the black sun glowing as you vibrate it:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... thKey.html
Now bury the sigil visualizing the ground all around you light up bright like the sun. Affirm a few times "the energies of this sigil are filling earths energy awakening all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity and how bad it is spiritually for our gentile people"
When you are done spend at least 5=10 minutes or more if you like visualizing a perfect Satanic world, all of the Gentiles free and following our true gods and practices, visualize whatever comes to your mind when you think of a perfect Satanic world.
Good Luck Brothers and Sisters. Remember to do something this holiday showing you appreciate Astaroth for all she has done. I feel for her, this part of the year has particularly bad energy, to the point I get sick feeling due to all the xtian crap lets put an end to this. I am tired of that I was sick feeling every easter I can remember. Lets do something about it. Lets take back this Holiday.
Hail Astaroth
Hail Satan
Hail to Hells Army and Our Victory
I did the ritual, even though I am rather new. I wasn't sure I was saying the words properly, but I hope that intent mattered more than perfection, but I aim to get there one day. I did notice that my face is smoother and younger looking the next day. I noticed that from the moment I first looked in the mirror. But I have been doing power meditation also. I wasn't expecting that, wasn't expecting anything, other than the intention of the ritual. Is there side benefits?
From: xeyelove <boostt.addict@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, April 7, 2012 5:14 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Easter Ritual 2 Part Everyone Do Your Part

  Did the ritual with my soulmate & both of us were sweating under our arms profusely by the time we we're done with the runes. By the end of the ritual the energy was so intense both sides of my shirt were soaked under my arms, sweat rolling down the insides of my legs & my forehead. It was however an amazing feeling. Burying the sigil was very exciting too! I feel blessed to be involved in taking back our ancient culture & fighting for Satan!


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Indigo Nation" <gutterrainbow@... wrote:

The moon is in Scorpio both days, which is perfect for both parts of the ritual http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... iming.html
I want everyone to participate, this is not for me, but for all of us, for Father Satan and for Astaroth, we have a chance of making a major blow to the enemy if we all work toghether. Lets do this in Honor of Astaroth who is being blasphemed relentlessly this time of year. Her holday has been turned into something beyond horrible. She is a wonderful demon who has done much for Humanity we should all be grateful for all she has done, and work to put an end to the enemy lies. Let us also celebrate easter in the true spirit of the holiday, or at least do something honoring it in mind at least I know it can be difficult wanting to celebrate any holiday if you have no one with you that understands who is a brother or sister in Satan
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aroth.html
The First Part Preformed on Saturday Hour of Saturn is dealing with banishing away all fear and death energy in earths energy field.
The Second Part Sunday Hour of the Sun or Moon is dealing with Awakening all Gentiles to the truth about Christianity. The Same Ritual Prayer will be Used for Both. If you are unable to do a Satanic ritual Please Still Participate, the Sigils and energy raised are the most important part. Just skip the ritual if need be.
First Part 4/7/12
The first part will be about cleansing away the fear and death energy in earths energy field which is one major thing that is holding gentiles back from the truth. Fear is a four letter word the kikes have done beyond vile and digusting things and funneled this energy into our earth. Please see this article http://www.freewebs.com/see_the_truth/Energy.html if you have not already and realize what they have done. This will also serve to get rid of much of the xtian energy this time of year, as xtian energy is mostly a sick hybrid of fear and death energy.
Make sure your aura and area is clean of negative energy before doing this sigil.
Planitary Hour: Hour of Saturn or the sun, do not worry however if you end up doing it in a different planitary hour the important thing is that you do it.
Info on planitary hours can be gained using this software http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/
or Here approxamite times if you for some reason cannot use the software:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Hours.html
The Symbol
Black Sun with Sanskrit Abhaya in center http://i41.tinypic.com/59yh02.png
We will be burying this and the Sigil for tommorow just putting that up front so no one is confused.

For the ritual Either the Grand Satanic Ritual
http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-magi ... -of-satan/
Or Standard Satanic Ritual
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
Ritual Prayer:
We stand toghether as brothers and sisters in Hells Army and nothing can stop us. Fear and Death and Vile Sickening things have perverted many of our gentiles minds, what was once beautiful has been turned ugly and to sickness in the minds of many. Toghether as brothers and sisters in Satan we Stand and say Enough. No longer shall we be outcast. No longer shall the lies continue. Toghether this easter holiday we celebrate it as the ancients have, in Honor of Astaroth whos name and holiday has been perverted by the vile kike. It is for her that we fight, it is for our brothers and sisters for all of the gentiles, we fight for all the wonderful and mighty Demons of Hel. We declare that the gentiles are returning to our ancient heritage and culture. Once again we shall achieve great things, the lie of Christianity is OVER. As brothers and sisters in Satan we declare that it is so. No longer is humanity shackled by the lie of the putrid kike. It is plain to see for all gentiles world wide how horrible it is spiritually to follow the kike program of Christianity. The lie of Christianity is OVER. We stand toghether in a unity and bond that is unbreakable as proud gentiles in Father Satans image knowing that no matter where we all are tonight no matter our situations, no matter how we feel, no matter what, we are toghether in spirit and fighting for the same thing, in an eternal bond togheter with Father Satan and all the gods of Hell.
Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Beelzebub!
Hail Azazel!
Heil Hitler!
Hail To Hells Army and Our!
Both Runes are good in cleansing away of enemy or negative energy.
Sanskrit Word Abhaya- Meaning Fearless, secure, without fear, etc
http://spokensanskrit.de/index.php?tinp ... E&link=yes
Pronounced Ugh-Bhuy making the ugh sound somewhat like an A
Runic Affirmation: "the energies of (rune) are constantly and continuiously working to cleanse away all fear and death energy in earths energy field"
Sigil Affirmation: "All fear and death energy in earths energy field is being cleansed away"
Write this on the back of the sigil and repeat 9 times when you are done vibrating the runes, sanskrit and Enochian.
Draw the runes around the black sun.
Vibrate Algiz 9, 16 or 22 times (Pronounciations are in Kabbalistic)
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the algiz runes glow bright gold. "the energies of algiz are constantly and continuiously working to cleanse away all fear and death energy in earths energy field"

Vibrate Nauthiz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the nauthiz runes glow bright gold "the energies of algiz are constantly and continuiously working to cleanse away all fear and death energy in earths energy field"

Now onto sanskrit Vibrate Ugh-Bhuy 16 times seeing the sanskrit letters light up brightly, if you desire you can add blood or sexual fluid to the sanskrit letters.
Enochian Key This greatly increases the power of this working. This key most closely fits this working.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... thKey.html

Now bury the sigil visualizing the ground all around you light up bright like the sun. Affirm a few times "the energies of this sigil are filling earths energy field cleansing away all death and fear energy in earths energy field"
When you are done spend at least 5=10 minutes or more if you like visualizing a perfect Satanic world, all of the Gentiles free and following our true gods and practices, visualize whatever comes to your mind when you think of a perfect Satanic world.
Part 2
Again make sure your aura and area is clean of negative energy before doing the sigil: Awakening the gentiles to the truth about Christianity:
Sigil Image: Eye of Horus
http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/8230 ... 0horus.jpg
The eye of Horus AKA all seeing represents the gnosis and all-knowing when one reaches the godhead. This state is also known as "samadi" or "super consciousness." See Here for info on this and other Satanic symbols: http://www.freewebs.com/666moon/index.htm
I believe this symbol and its energy is perfect in helping awaken gentiles to the truth.
Draw the runes around the symbol
Planitary Hour: Hour of the Sun or Moon do not worry however if you end up doing it in a different planitary hour the important thing is that you do it. We are using the same ritual format however if you cannot do a Satanic ritual skip that part the important thing is the sigil and raising of the energies.


Runic Affirmation "the energies of (rune) are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"
Sigil Affirmation: "all gentiles are begining to see the truth about the Jewish Program of Christianity and know how harmful Christianity is Spiritually"|
Write on Back and say 9 times before buring this sigil.
Vibrate Logr 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration
Seeing the all the logr runes glow bright gold
"the energies of logr are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Odhal 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the odhal runes glow bright gold
"the energies of Odhal are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Kenaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the kenaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of Kenaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Eihwaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the eihwaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of Eihwaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Mannaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the mannaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of mannaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Daggaz 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the daggaz runes glow bright gold
"the energies of mannaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"

Vibrate Sowilo 9, 16, or 22 times
Repeat after each vibration Seeing the all the sowilo runes glow bright gold"the energies of mannaz are constantly and continiously working to awaken all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity, allowing all gentiles to see the horrible things it is doing to the world spiritually"
Now vibrate the 8th Enochian Key this adds greatly to the power of this working visualizing the black sun glowing as you vibrate it:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... thKey.html
Now bury the sigil visualizing the ground all around you light up bright like the sun. Affirm a few times "the energies of this sigil are filling earths energy awakening all gentiles to the truth about the Jewish program of Christianity and how bad it is spiritually for our gentile people"
When you are done spend at least 5=10 minutes or more if you like visualizing a perfect Satanic world, all of the Gentiles free and following our true gods and practices, visualize whatever comes to your mind when you think of a perfect Satanic world.
Good Luck Brothers and Sisters. Remember to do something this holiday showing you appreciate Astaroth for all she has done. I feel for her, this part of the year has particularly bad energy, to the point I get sick feeling due to all the xtian crap lets put an end to this. I am tired of that I was sick feeling every easter I can remember. Lets do something about it. Lets take back this Holiday.
Hail Astaroth
Hail Satan
Hail to Hells Army and Our Victory


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
