Aquarius is an Air sign dude, its symbology is that its the waterbearer, hence the glyph. I don't know if your talking about transiting planets in Aquarius or in your natal chart either but I'm going to assume its the second. My understanding of the Lunar nodes is that if you have planets near them they absorb the energies of the planets to pay into the fated way they work, but they themselves are not planetary influences.
You may understand a presence or in your case dominance of the elements through the nodes, but its not in the same sense as a planet as the nodes undermine eachother it would seem. Its more like elements expressing in your life but you would also have to take into account the Leo north node which indicates fire, like I said both the nodes do seem to undermine eachother both in astrological understanding and their depiction in the Vedas. Neptunian and Saturnian in nature. My overall to you would be don't bother and be patient for now. It will reveal itself to you at a later date.