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Doubts about moral, sexuality and Spiritual Satanism.

Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Your views about this subject are libertarian and your a stupid asshole if you think you are going to get out of this predicament.

predicament lol

Let me tell you a secret jackass unlike you I'm not playing a character here trying to "fit in" or look good in front of others. I give my opinion raw and how it is and I'm always down for a debate, I've been proven wrong before.

Thing is debating with kids like you is boring af you don't actually have an opinion or any personal beliefs you just go with whatever everybody else thinks to "fit in" and look good. You will twist and exaggerate anything I say to try to "win" the argument so you can look superior, it's about winning the argument, not expressing ideas and points of view. It's the most infantile way of debating possible.

It's why I think you're such a fucking loser all it takes is any HP coming here to tell you you're wrong you instantly change your opinion or try to twist your arguments to try to fit what they say, I've seen it happen before. That's how desperate and insecure you are about keeping your public image here. It's really cringe.

And for like the 7th time in a row, I endorse banning things which promote interracial sex and informing people of the consequences of it. I simply don't care if people decide to do it anyway as long as mixed children aren't born; they punish themselves with their actions.

I wish stormblood would come back here and call me retarded and we could argue again. He's fun to debate with, because he actually believes what he says and stands by it, instead of twisting shit to win arguments on the internet.
Beside being a dishonest leech your also a shameless degenerate,
I am personally fine with absolutely anything that two or more consenting adults do with their bodies. They can even kill their partner and eat their corpse as long as there is a document proving the act is consensual, I don't care. In the same way they can damage their spirit with interracial sex. As long as they alone suffer the consequences of their actions, I don't see what the problem is. It is their choice and their bodies. As long as these things aren't pushed or promoted, and a child doesn't have to suffer for it, I don't see what the problem is.

Yeah. I would warn against it, but if people decide to destroy themselves regardless that's no longer my business. Same if someone wants to take a selfie in front of an oncoming train.

They punish themselves with the consequences of their actions. My duty as a satanist is warning, informing and educating people on these matters, not hold their hand in life and change their diapers and make sure they don't get a booboo.

You're shamelessly making dishonest statements about things that you have never said. For example you never said race mixing should be banned. You specifically endorsed race mixing and even said it was none of your business. Changing your statements and inventing new ones out of the blue is your appearance of being a devious being who will morph when called out. You just changed your statements as you were called out on the hypocrisy and absolutely retardedness of your beliefs like the little bitch you are.You still won't say "I endorse banning race mixing. " Your instead saying "I endorse banning things that promote race mixing." Its obvious that you are afraid to admit your own degeneracy and are making up statements to divert the attention away from your actual statements.
Jack said:
You still won't say "I endorse banning race mixing. " Your instead saying "I endorse banning things that promote race mixing."
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with him saying that. He is saying to ban stuff that would motivate people to engage in race mixing, while you are saying we should bust into people's bedrooms FBI-style and smack them on the head for doing smth you dont like.
Jack said:
Beside being a dishonest leech your also a shameless degenerate,

You're shamelessly making dishonest statements about things that you have never said. For example you never said race mixing should be banned. You specifically endorsed race mixing and even said it was none of your business. Changing your statements and inventing new ones out of the blue is your appearance of being a devious being who will morph when called out. You just changed your statements as you were called out on the hypocrisy and absolutely retardedness of your beliefs like the little bitch you are.You still won't say "I endorse banning race mixing. " Your instead saying "I endorse banning things that promote race mixing." Its obvious that you are afraid to admit your own degeneracy and are making up statements to divert the attention away from your actual statements.

Listen jack if we're already at the point where your brain burned out (that was quick) and you have no real arguments left besides insults, at least make them good.

Your insults are just pure cringe. Dishonest leech? little bitch? What is this preschool shit?

I can almost hear the tears rolling as you punch this into the keyboard.

My statement is the same as the very first post where I said my opinion. You can warn and inform people, you can ban stuff that promotes it, but you cannot ban the practice entirely because you cannot control people's lives to this degree. So there's no point caring about it beyond warning people and banning that which promotes it.
Jack said:
Shael said:
Dahaarkan said:
?? you literally said "another topic"

jack are u sweating over this
He's starting to crack and it's hilarious. Ever since people gave him a backlash over him trying to insult all women who dont want to have children at 18, he's been going around here butthurt throwing tantrums.
You might be clinically retarded if you think that is what's happening. Do not misunderstand. I can sense what's happening with you ,also. As opposed to this other degenerate I know what your specific problem is. The more quickly you get rid of that psychic leeach, the better your mind will have clarity to see the truth.

Wait is he implying that I'm influencing you?

This kid cannot be serious
Shael said:
while you are saying we should bust into people's bedrooms FBI-style and smack them on the head for doing smth you dont like.

I'm not surprised if he thinks this is correct judging from his numerous self righteous rants about how people need to live their lives the way he deems appropriate.
Shael said:
Jack said:
You still won't say "I endorse banning race mixing. " Your instead saying "I endorse banning things that promote race mixing."
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with him saying that. He is saying to ban stuff that would motivate people to engage in race mixing, while you are saying we should bust into people's bedrooms FBI-style and smack them on the head for doing smth you dont like.
I don't know if you're genuinely stupid or if you're on drugs because you're already policing rights when you prevent someone from creating propaganda. People will still engage in that activity if they are given the choice to do so. It must be made a criminal offense so that its reduced to the utmost minimum or completely eradicated. I couldn't expect this from you atleast. Theres something terribly wrong with this and yes it is going to be banned by LAW. Something I don't like ? Are you crazy? Race mixing is against nature and the races itself. You don't have the right to engage in it. It's a crime.

The two laws were the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour, which forbade marriages and extramarital intercourse between Jews and Germans and the employment of German females under 45 in Jewish households, and the Reich Citizenship Law, which declared that only those of German or related blood were eligible to be Reich citizens.

This is what your looking towards ^. Have you been corrupted in your views now ? Or are you simply unaware of what it is that your even fighting for ?
Shael said:
Jack said:
You still won't say "I endorse banning race mixing. " Your instead saying "I endorse banning things that promote race mixing."
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with him saying that. He is saying to ban stuff that would motivate people to engage in race mixing, while you are saying we should bust into people's bedrooms FBI-style and smack them on the head for doing smth you dont like.

There is no need to bust the door and arrest the individuals.

Children will be taught from young age that race mixing is wrong.

As for adults, they will lose all the benefits that society gives to the individuals, and they will be embarrassed by others, society itself will ruin their lives if they ever decide to do such abomination. No one will look at them, and people will literally spit on them when they see them on the street.

There is fate worse than prison or death for such things.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Now I really understand why you don’t want to speak about sex here.
Jack said:
Something I don't like ? Are you crazy? Race mixing is against nature and the races itself.
The "something you dont like" part is referring to all fetishes in general, for which you have expressed this desire. I'm well aware race mixing is bad, but even in a Satanic world you wouldn't have people spying on you big-brother style to try and find out if you're gonna try to do it. Yes it should become a crime, but that's a matter of written laws and not a matter of raiding people's houses and like DNA checking their willy to see if they were banging someone they shouldn't have.

The whole point is that banning the stuff that advocates race mixing in the first place, will make it essentially die out as a whole anyway. It's completely unnatural, so without shlomo telling people to do it on every corner, nobody in their right mind would do it anyways. You keep taking the Third Reich as an example, while completely ignoring the fact that these are far different times than they were back then. There are so many new factors and also astrological aspects here that make some things from those times be outdated. The age of information and the age of Aquarius in general allows for much different means to eradicate race mixing than what we had back then.
Larissa666 said:
There is no need to bust the door and arrest the individuals.

Children will be taught from young age that race mixing is wrong.

As for adults, they will lose all the benefits that society gives to the individuals, and they will be embarrassed by others, society itself will ruin their lives if they ever decide to do such abomination. No one will look at them, and people will literally spit on them when they see them on the street.

There is fate worse than prison or death for such things.
Exactly. In a healthy society, these things essentially regulate themselves on their own. With the jewish menace removed, and proper education being put into place, things will naturally normalize.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Shael said:
He's starting to crack and it's hilarious. Ever since people gave him a backlash over him trying to insult all women who dont want to have children at 18, he's been going around here butthurt throwing tantrums.
You might be clinically retarded if you think that is what's happening. Do not misunderstand. I can sense what's happening with you ,also. As opposed to this other degenerate I know what your specific problem is. The more quickly you get rid of that psychic leeach, the better your mind will have clarity to see the truth.

Wait is he implying that I'm influencing you?

This kid cannot be serious
I'm not. There needs to be a semblance of intelligence and ability to be manipulator, of which you have none.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Beside being a dishonest leech your also a shameless degenerate,

You're shamelessly making dishonest statements about things that you have never said. For example you never said race mixing should be banned. You specifically endorsed race mixing and even said it was none of your business. Changing your statements and inventing new ones out of the blue is your appearance of being a devious being who will morph when called out. You just changed your statements as you were called out on the hypocrisy and absolutely retardedness of your beliefs like the little bitch you are.You still won't say "I endorse banning race mixing. " Your instead saying "I endorse banning things that promote race mixing." Its obvious that you are afraid to admit your own degeneracy and are making up statements to divert the attention away from your actual statements.

Listen jack if we're already at the point where your brain burned out (that was quick) and you have no real arguments left besides insults, at least make them good.

Your insults are just pure cringe. Dishonest leech? little bitch? What is this preschool shit?

I can almost hear the tears rolling as you punch this into the keyboard.

My statement is the same as the very first post where I said my opinion. You can warn and inform people, you can ban stuff that promotes it, but you cannot ban the practice entirely because you cannot control people's lives to this degree. So there's no point caring about it beyond warning people and banning that which promotes it.
Oh but we can though. Your overt attention to the insults rather than at the content of the post shows, how more developed your understanding is than a preschooler.

Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour

Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour
Moved by the understanding that purity of German blood is the essential condition for the continued existence of the German people, and inspired by the inflexible determination to ensure the existence of the German nation for all time, the Reichstag has unanimously adopted the following law, which is promulgated herewith:

Article 1
Marriages between Jews and citizens of German or related blood are forbidden. Marriages nevertheless concluded are invalid, even if concluded abroad to circumvent this law.
Annulment proceedings can be initiated only by the state prosecutor.[46]

Article 2
Extramarital relations between Jews and citizens of German or related blood are forbidden.[46]

Article 3
Jews may not employ in their households female citizens of German or related blood who are under 45 years old.[46]

Article 4
Jews are forbidden to fly the Reich or national flag or display Reich colours.
They are, on the other hand, permitted to display the Jewish colours. The exercise of this right is protected by the state.[46]

Article 5
Any person who violates the prohibition under Article 1 will be punished with prison with hard labour [Zuchthaus].
A male who violates the prohibition under Article 2 will be punished with prison [Gefängnis] or prison with hard labour.
Any person violating the provisions under Articles 3 or 4 will be punished with prison with hard labour for up to one year and a fine, or with one or the other of these penalties.[46]

Article 6
The Reich Minister of the Interior, in co-ordination with the Deputy of the Führer and the Reich Minister of Justice, will issue the legal and administrative regulations required to implement and complete this law.[46]

Article 7
The law takes effect on the day following promulgation, except for Article 3, which goes into force on 1 January 1936.[46]

I'd atleast expect now that you've been shown direct evidence what and how you ban race mixing and how your rights do not include race mixing, that you will accept your wrongs and change your understanding on this matter. Because otherwise I can only assume youd be a troll to even argue against the basic tenets of National Socialism and claim to be a National Socialist.
Shael said:
Jack said:
You still won't say "I endorse banning race mixing. " Your instead saying "I endorse banning things that promote race mixing."
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with him saying that. He is saying to ban stuff that would motivate people to engage in race mixing, while you are saying we should bust into people's bedrooms FBI-style and smack them on the head for doing smth you dont like.
There was serious slip up there. Who does like it, do you? What do you mean by "You dont like?".
Are you under the assumption it is up to the likes and dislikes of individuals to engage consensually in this activity? Because if you are ,let me break it to you, you do not. There were anti miscegenation, segregation and Nuremberg laws in the European world to effectively ban race mixing of which will be enacted again when the 4th Reich comes to power in the European world. If you are fighting for a future National Socialist world, laws effectively banning race mixing will inevitably be a part of that world whether 'you like it' or not. And that's a basic unarguable tenet of National Socialism.
Shael said:
Jack said:
You still won't say "I endorse banning race mixing. " Your instead saying "I endorse banning things that promote race mixing."
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with him saying that. He is saying to ban stuff that would motivate people to engage in race mixing, while you are saying we should bust into people's bedrooms FBI-style and smack them on the head for doing smth you dont like.
There was serious slip up there. Who does like it, do you? What do you mean by "You dont like?".
Are you under the assumption it is up to the likes and dislikes of individuals to engage consensually in this activity? Because if you are ,let me break it to you, you do not. There were anti miscegenation, segregation and Nuremberg laws in the European world to effectively ban race mixing of which will be enacted again when the 4th Reich comes to power in the European world. If you are fighting for a future National Socialist world, laws effectively banning race mixing will inevitably be a part of that world whether 'you like it' or not. And that's a basic unarguable tenet of National Socialism.
Dahaarkan said:
I disagree with virtually everything you say and/or believe, and I think you're pretty annoying but I take back what I said. You're thick skinned and that's cool. I still think your stance on this topic is stupid
Well friend, it seems we have found common ground! I am indeed an annoying asshole. In this particular topic, I stated my opinion without proper clarification of what I exactly meant. I also tend to be self centered and think that everyone does/should already think the same way I think, and I apologize for this.
Jack Dahrakkan talks about the present and you talk on an ideal or SS ruled society.

Yes, this would be outlawed in an SS ruled society, but some people would even then still do it, because some people are totally degenerate and feel like 500,000,000 or so people aren't enough for their dick and they need someone else or something, because they just randomly "fell in love" with someone.

What Dahrakkan says is the case with modern democracy this is the only way this can happen, the clever ones who can understand the outcome of these situations and do not want to further it until one is totally lost, need to get their shit in gear. For the rest, nothing can really happen fundamentally at this present political point, except of course pointing the obvious.
Jack said:
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Beside being a dishonest leech your also a shameless degenerate,

You're shamelessly making dishonest statements about things that you have never said. For example you never said race mixing should be banned. You specifically endorsed race mixing and even said it was none of your business. Changing your statements and inventing new ones out of the blue is your appearance of being a devious being who will morph when called out. You just changed your statements as you were called out on the hypocrisy and absolutely retardedness of your beliefs like the little bitch you are.You still won't say "I endorse banning race mixing. " Your instead saying "I endorse banning things that promote race mixing." Its obvious that you are afraid to admit your own degeneracy and are making up statements to divert the attention away from your actual statements.

Listen jack if we're already at the point where your brain burned out (that was quick) and you have no real arguments left besides insults, at least make them good.

Your insults are just pure cringe. Dishonest leech? little bitch? What is this preschool shit?

I can almost hear the tears rolling as you punch this into the keyboard.

My statement is the same as the very first post where I said my opinion. You can warn and inform people, you can ban stuff that promotes it, but you cannot ban the practice entirely because you cannot control people's lives to this degree. So there's no point caring about it beyond warning people and banning that which promotes it.
Oh but we can though. Your overt attention to the insults rather than at the content of the post shows, how more developed your understanding is than a preschooler.

Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour

Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour
Moved by the understanding that purity of German blood is the essential condition for the continued existence of the German people, and inspired by the inflexible determination to ensure the existence of the German nation for all time, the Reichstag has unanimously adopted the following law, which is promulgated herewith:

Article 1
Marriages between Jews and citizens of German or related blood are forbidden. Marriages nevertheless concluded are invalid, even if concluded abroad to circumvent this law.
Annulment proceedings can be initiated only by the state prosecutor.[46]

Article 2
Extramarital relations between Jews and citizens of German or related blood are forbidden.[46]

Article 3
Jews may not employ in their households female citizens of German or related blood who are under 45 years old.[46]

Article 4
Jews are forbidden to fly the Reich or national flag or display Reich colours.
They are, on the other hand, permitted to display the Jewish colours. The exercise of this right is protected by the state.[46]

Article 5
Any person who violates the prohibition under Article 1 will be punished with prison with hard labour [Zuchthaus].
A male who violates the prohibition under Article 2 will be punished with prison [Gefängnis] or prison with hard labour.
Any person violating the provisions under Articles 3 or 4 will be punished with prison with hard labour for up to one year and a fine, or with one or the other of these penalties.[46]

Article 6
The Reich Minister of the Interior, in co-ordination with the Deputy of the Führer and the Reich Minister of Justice, will issue the legal and administrative regulations required to implement and complete this law.[46]

Article 7
The law takes effect on the day following promulgation, except for Article 3, which goes into force on 1 January 1936.[46]

I'd atleast expect now that you've been shown direct evidence what and how you ban race mixing and how your rights do not include race mixing, that you will accept your wrongs and change your understanding on this matter. Because otherwise I can only assume youd be a troll to even argue against the basic tenets of National Socialism and claim to be a National Socialist.

These laws would punish interracial sex they don't really prevent it, important difference. And in my opinion are unnecessary. Explain to me the point of punishing interracial sex when these people are already destroying their souls and effectively punishing themselves.

It's a waste of time and money, and a pointless endeavor, as I've said repeatedly. And in either case, people can easily have mixed sexual relations even with these laws in place and you cannot stop them from doing so without extreme surveillance and immorally spying on the populace.

If they are bringing mixed children into the world this is a crime, promoting it should also be a crime. If they choose to ignore warnings and destroy themselves why should the state waste resources punishing them. They are literally destroying themselves already.
Malkom2 said:
Well friend, it seems we have found common ground! I am indeed an annoying asshole. In this particular topic, I stated my opinion without proper clarification of what I exactly meant. I also tend to be self centered and think that everyone does/should already think the same way I think, and I apologize for this.

If you sincerely believe what you say then I don't have a problem with you. I can respect that even if I disagree completely.

Part of me still thinks you just say things just to try to piss people off.
What is immoral is to let the action take place on the pretext "it would happen anyway" and then have to do the unpleasant thing to actually even things out based on it's results. Which for such nothing can be done about.

As far as Nations are concerned, and not individuals, if you seek to reduce the outcome, you better be having the law in place, rather than trust that everyone is simply going to get it and understand it. Because many people won't.

Laws deter people from doing things that they would otherwise feel according to their own mentality were good things to do. Laws against murder does not prevent all murder, but they deter a lot of people who would do this from actually doing this based solely on a perspective of reward and punishment. How many people would murder without the threat of permanent imprisonment? Way more. You actually legislate because you know people are going to murder, and not because you think that by legislating this is never going to happen again.

Laws do not seek to completely eliminate a behaviour, but just limit it. It's more "personal rights" ruining to not have laws and pretend people are allowed to their "Free will" and practice deep brainwashing on the populace like the jews are doing with race mixing, rather than to have a law and tell X and X is going to be your punishment for doing this.

If you do not have a law in place about this, then you have to spy and survey so that people do not actually commit this and stop them pre-emptively, if we go by the claim that this you in reality don't want race mixing as an end result. It's by not having a law that you increase the requirments of surveillence if this is the end you want to achieve. Having laws comes with "Innocent until proven guilty", so you don't need to do anything but issue what is going to happen if people do it, and that's it.

Liberalism sphere arguments are flat retarded and they presuppose that everyone has some sort of super common sense or similar understanding, or respect about specific values, which is not the case.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Dahaarkan said:
Listen jack if we're already at the point where your brain burned out (that was quick) and you have no real arguments left besides insults, at least make them good.

Your insults are just pure cringe. Dishonest leech? little bitch? What is this preschool shit?

I can almost hear the tears rolling as you punch this into the keyboard.

My statement is the same as the very first post where I said my opinion. You can warn and inform people, you can ban stuff that promotes it, but you cannot ban the practice entirely because you cannot control people's lives to this degree. So there's no point caring about it beyond warning people and banning that which promotes it.
Oh but we can though. Your overt attention to the insults rather than at the content of the post shows, how more developed your understanding is than a preschooler.

Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour

Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour
Moved by the understanding that purity of German blood is the essential condition for the continued existence of the German people, and inspired by the inflexible determination to ensure the existence of the German nation for all time, the Reichstag has unanimously adopted the following law, which is promulgated herewith:

Article 1
Marriages between Jews and citizens of German or related blood are forbidden. Marriages nevertheless concluded are invalid, even if concluded abroad to circumvent this law.
Annulment proceedings can be initiated only by the state prosecutor.[46]

Article 2
Extramarital relations between Jews and citizens of German or related blood are forbidden.[46]

Article 3
Jews may not employ in their households female citizens of German or related blood who are under 45 years old.[46]

Article 4
Jews are forbidden to fly the Reich or national flag or display Reich colours.
They are, on the other hand, permitted to display the Jewish colours. The exercise of this right is protected by the state.[46]

Article 5
Any person who violates the prohibition under Article 1 will be punished with prison with hard labour [Zuchthaus].
A male who violates the prohibition under Article 2 will be punished with prison [Gefängnis] or prison with hard labour.
Any person violating the provisions under Articles 3 or 4 will be punished with prison with hard labour for up to one year and a fine, or with one or the other of these penalties.[46]

Article 6
The Reich Minister of the Interior, in co-ordination with the Deputy of the Führer and the Reich Minister of Justice, will issue the legal and administrative regulations required to implement and complete this law.[46]

Article 7
The law takes effect on the day following promulgation, except for Article 3, which goes into force on 1 January 1936.[46]

I'd atleast expect now that you've been shown direct evidence what and how you ban race mixing and how your rights do not include race mixing, that you will accept your wrongs and change your understanding on this matter. Because otherwise I can only assume youd be a troll to even argue against the basic tenets of National Socialism and claim to be a National Socialist.

These laws would punish interracial sex they don't really prevent it, important difference. And in my opinion are unnecessary. Explain to me the point of punishing interracial sex when these people are already destroying their souls and effectively punishing themselves.

It's a waste of time and money, and a pointless endeavor, as I've said repeatedly. And in either case, people can easily have mixed sexual relations even with these laws in place and you cannot stop them from doing so without extreme surveillance and immorally spying on the populace.

If they are bringing mixed children into the world this is a crime, promoting it should also be a crime. If they choose to ignore warnings and destroy themselves why should the state waste resources punishing them. They are literally destroying themselves already.
I never argued against legislation for banning its promotion. But you argue against banning it even now,after you've been presented with direct evidence that National Socialism has this basic tenet and even when the HPs confirm in an NS society there WILL be such laws.
1)You will destroy democracy already in your First Amendment in what you can or can not say ,by banning the promotion of Interracial relationships.
2)After you've established an NS situation, you now have the power to ban interracial relationships with Capitol punishment.

What are you arguing against ? You don't immorally spy on someone to know if they killed someone or if someone swindled money from someone. This offense is on the level of those offenses and its going to be investigated like that.

At this point your going directly against National Socialist law that youd hope to manifest. Idk if you are actually a National Socialist. You sound like you're just arguing for the sake of being a bigger man while having the intellect and understanding of a little child. I can't take you seriously. In your mind it's still not an offense worth this much which is horrifying to see for someone who claims to be a National Socialist.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It's nice to finally have my point of view challenged without any bullshit twisting or exaggerating things I say.

I believe the case of interracial sex which does not result in a mixed child is just another strange fetish like scat etc, and in my opinion is not comparable to most crimes such as murder. A crime normally has a victim. But who is the victim in two people making the choice to destroy themselves.

They harm no one but themselves. It's entirely different if they are bringing mixed children into the world or promoting this to other people. I also personally believe the propaganda and pushing of race mixing by the jews are the reason this problem exists.

Remove this and I doubt the vast majority of people would have interracial sex. You wouldn't even need to inform people in depth of the consequences of race mixing, people will naturally prefer sex with members of their race.

I also have a personal bias on this topic since I am strongly opposed to trying to protect stupid people from their own stupidity. I view this matter on an entirely logical and practical sense. It's all fine in theory but these things cost time, money and resources that the state can put to use elsewhere.

I don't see interracial sex as a crime just a stupid act that is harmful to oneself. Like taking selfies in front of oncoming trains or doing backflips off a rooftop.

I know you view this as a necessary thing I see it as simply wasting a nation's resources trying to punish people who are already on a path of self destruction, which is pointless. I simply see interracial sex in the same way I see extreme and dangerous fetishes, and I throw it into the category of "if it's between consenting adults, I don't care".

But I suppose it's not entirely correct to toss it into the same category since unlike other strange sexual practices this one can result in a mixed child which is a problem.
In response to the allegations presented here, the reality is that 90-93 percent of White people date monoracially, and 75-89 percent of Black people do as well, in the US and UK.

Black men rank White women as consistently least attractive to them and vice versa. 96 percent of these relationships end in failure within 2 years. Proportionally Black men date Asian women more.

WF/BM is shilled 24/7, ad nauseum, in every medium one can imagine, but the effects of this strange shilling only have small fruit. Meanwhile, WM/BF is much less common in terms of shilling, strangely.

Hispanics and Asians in the US are far less selective. 3-4x more White people of both sexes marry Hispanics than Black people. This is more the area to me where peoples understanding of things is going haywire.

Regardless of the above, although this is a (truly) separate subject to what has been discussed here, the tendency of the upwardly mobile to go with one of ha-shit like Carol II or Marilyn Monroe did, this is what is utterly terrifying to me. How many elite lines are gone due to this? And now they are exporting this to China (i.e. Mr. Facebook).
Dahaarkan said:
Each person is not isolated. Each person is not just connected only to themself, and their actions do not affect only themself. Everybody is connected through their racial soul together with everyone else of their race on a subconscious level, or a conscious level for some people who are aware of it. But what one person does to damage their soul, this energy often can echo across the larger racial soul and start influencing other people. Then somebody else that's the same race as the first person, if their energies and personalities are similar enough, that echo of energy can hit them and influence them in some way. The racial soul, and the collective consciousness, and the collective racial memory connect us all together.

This is why things like christianity are so dangerous. You get enough christians, and the shared collective consciousness starts being affected by the christian rotting disease. So that even people who are not christians and have never gone to church, even they start to think in christian terms and patterns. Nobody is isolated, and nobody is absolutely individual. It isn't one person being dumb and hurting themself, it is one person acting as a cancer and creating a negative energy field that echos across and hits their entire race. Many people would not be affected by this in any meaningful way, but some people would be. And when you have many people all doing bad things, the negativity multiplies together and becomes much worse in dragging everybody down.

Remember, when antichrist comes back, all christians will be isolated from the rest of the population to try to stop the christian mind virus from spreading. Because it doesn't only affect themself, it affects everyone.
Jack said:
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
I never argued against legislation for banning its promotion. But you argue against banning it even now,after you've been presented with direct evidence that National Socialism has this basic tenet and even when the HPs confirm in an NS society there WILL be such laws.
1)You will destroy democracy already in your First Amendment in what you can or can not say ,by banning the promotion of Interracial relationships.
2)After you've established an NS situation, you now have the power to ban interracial relationships with Capitol punishment.

Capital punishment for this is just totally stupid and an extremely disproportionate punishment. This isn't law this is just enjoyment for sadism while saying it's somehow higher reasons to this other than someone enjoying this crap.

This has nothing to do with us in anyway.

It's sick to punish anyone for committing some sexual act even if this is race mixing with Capital punishment unless it's a proven violent paedophile or a Freddie Krueger type serial killer, extremely high proven National treason, and so forth.

Jack said:
At this point your going directly against National Socialist law that youd hope to manifest. Idk if you are actually a National Socialist. You sound like you're just arguing for the sake of being a bigger man while having the intellect and understanding of a little child. I can't take you seriously. In your mind it's still not an offense worth this much which is horrifying to see for someone who claims to be a National Socialist.

Because I am a national socialist does not mean I will not question the validity or necessity of parts of it. I do not follow blindly, I question everything and doubt everyone, even national socialism, even Hitler, even Satan.

Breeding mixed children and promoting race mixing are actual issues that are worth spending resources on erradicating, punishing people who engage in interracial sex without breeding or promoting it is a waste of time. I don't care if Satan Himself wrote these fucking laws I don't think they make sense and I question their necessity. I think these people punish themselves and the issue of race mixing is in the propaganda and the jews promoting it. Not the 10 out of 1.000.000 people stupid enough to do it in spite of warnings.

Remove the propaganda and promotion of this and you solve the problem without really needing these laws.
lealok said:
What is God's opinion about interracial sexual relations? What is Gods opinion for people with literally not honorable fetishes like cuckolds, masochists, golden shower and others... :?:

Harmful sexual fantasies (scat, cuckoldry, race mixing) are dead ends on a path to seeking self gratification. And these lead to the same place, physical, mental, and most importantly spiritual ruin.

In a perfect world none of the propaganda encouraging destructive fetishes and fantasies would have existed in the first place. And society would not only strongly discourage sexual degeneracy, but explain why it is bad. Possibly showing examples of those who have been sexual degenerates and how they have fixed themselves too.

By all means sex is an important topic, but is not the end all be all of life.

As for dealing with people who have these fetishes, most of this (I am NO expert) could just be sexual hangups? And if so there are workings one can do to remove these hangups. Or if it is the propaganda that has been endlessly drummed into the minds of the many, there are also other ways to remove this.

Lastly, something often over looked is the culture of circumcision in the West. A LOT of Men here in the U.S. for example are missing their foreskin. This is a huge contributor to the sexual problems we're facing.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Dahaarkan said:
Each person is not isolated. Each person is not just connected only to themself, and their actions do not affect only themself. Everybody is connected through their racial soul together with everyone else of their race on a subconscious level, or a conscious level for some people who are aware of it. But what one person does to damage their soul, this energy often can echo across the larger racial soul and start influencing other people. Then somebody else that's the same race as the first person, if their energies and personalities are similar enough, that echo of energy can hit them and influence them in some way. The racial soul, and the collective consciousness, and the collective racial memory connect us all together.

This is why things like christianity are so dangerous. You get enough christians, and the shared collective consciousness starts being affected by the christian rotting disease. So that even people who are not christians and have never gone to church, even they start to think in christian terms and patterns. Nobody is isolated, and nobody is absolutely individual. It isn't one person being dumb and hurting themself, it is one person acting as a cancer and creating a negative energy field that echos across and hits their entire race. Many people would not be affected by this in any meaningful way, but some people would be. And when you have many people all doing bad things, the negativity multiplies together and becomes much worse in dragging everybody down.

Remember, when antichrist comes back, all christians will be isolated from the rest of the population to try to stop the christian mind virus from spreading. Because it doesn't only affect themself, it affects everyone.

You can't seriously be trying to compare how many people are tied into xianity and how many people are into interracial sex can you?

The two are not comparable. I don't think the percentage of people who are into interracial sex and would engage in it would be significant in any way once this stuff is no longer promoted everywhere. You'll just have a few retards here and there destroying their own souls because they are stupid. Big deal.
Dahaarkan said:
You can't seriously be trying to compare how many people are tied into xianity and how many people are into interracial sex can you?

The two are not comparable. I don't think the percentage of people who are into interracial sex and would engage in it would be significant in any way once this stuff is no longer promoted everywhere. You'll just have a few retards here and there destroying their own souls because they are stupid. Big deal.
I never said the numbers were the same. But it does affect everybody, and it's dishonest to act like they're only harming themself.
Dahaarkan said:

By time of children one is not a beast nor a moron to "Punish" on a progeny produced. This idea of punishing the children for the mistakes of the parents is inherently jewish, and the Leftists have also adopted this ideal in terms like post natal abortion, which merely slays a child after birth for no reason other than the lack of responsibility of the parents. These things are atrocities.

The child is not liable for the actions of it's own parents. When it's born it's a done deal. And their parents have moved past liability by producing children which are then put into the State to think what will be the greater aim about.

You either stop this before or after this the State has to take care of a citizen and whatever cultural things this entails from there on. This is the case of modern culturally collapsing democracies.

After one is dead of cocaine use there is no point to punish them for doing cocaine. You can only stop them before they actually die.

The more people observe doing cocaine is perfectly fine and there will be no crackdowns, more people are going to do it. The same goes for any other corrosive taboo behaviour. The people doing a mistake knowing the crackdown and the fact they will die, even when it's illegal to do so, only shows how many MORE people would do a thing given it were legal.

The people who do this will not be sitting locked in a little room talking to themselves, they will exist in a society and they will sooner or later affect it. So where there is no punishment these things progress, they don't get smaller.

If one is hypocritically wanting to stop drugs, you don't stop them AFTER a person is dead, and likewise, race mixing cannot be "handled" after the conclusive end is met. Nor people can be ignored after the conclusive end as their child is a citizen and not liable itself for a wrong or crime.

A Democrat or Communist would argue about post natal abortion but these actions are basically nefarious and very inapplicable. These are Communist methods of punishing the innocent, such as in this case a newborn, for the stupidity of it's own parents who had 4 to 6 months to end a pregnancy and didn't give a shit.

In a globalized world removing the propaganda and intense pushing will solve most matters, but law will be required, because people also travel, do tourism, migrate, and all of these things.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
At this point your going directly against National Socialist law that youd hope to manifest. Idk if you are actually a National Socialist. You sound like you're just arguing for the sake of being a bigger man while having the intellect and understanding of a little child. I can't take you seriously. In your mind it's still not an offense worth this much which is horrifying to see for someone who claims to be a National Socialist.

Because I am a national socialist does not mean I will not question the validity or necessity of parts of it. I do not follow blindly, I question everything and doubt everyone, even national socialism, even Hitler, even Satan.

Breeding mixed children and promoting race mixing are actual issues that are worth spending resources on erradicating, punishing people who engage in interracial sex without breeding or promoting it is a waste of time. I don't care if Satan Himself wrote these fucking laws I don't think they make sense and I question their necessity. I think these people punish themselves and the issue of race mixing is in the propaganda and the jews promoting it. Not the 10 out of 1.000.000 people stupid enough to do it in spite of warnings.

Remove the propaganda and promotion of this and you solve the problem without really needing these laws.
Thankfully everyone now knows that you are not a National Socialist. In Germany both propaganda promoting race mixing and race mixing itself was banned with harsh punishments like hard labour, the writing is pretty clear. This is a non negotiable part of NS, which is continuing the ancient tradition of our ancestors. You are in no authority to question Adolf Hitler and Satan. You might have trouble accepting the fact that betraying your race must follow punishment to the degree prescribed by the Nuremberg laws, but the ancients as well as the NS's have this belief. And their laws were centered around their beliefs against the bastardization of the race. There really isn't a room for argument as if you are an NS ,you must be willing to follow this or be against it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dahaarkan said:

By time of children one is not a beast nor a moron to "Punish" on a progeny produced. This idea of punishing the children for the mistakes of the parents is inherently jewish, and the Leftists have also adopted this ideal in terms like post natal abortion, which merely slays a child after birth for no reason other than the lack of responsibility of the parents. These things are atrocities.

The child is not liable for the actions of it's own parents. When it's born it's a done deal. And their parents have moved past liability by producing children which are then put into the State to think what will be the greater aim about.

You either stop this before or after this the State has to take care of a citizen and whatever cultural things this entails from there on. This is the case of modern culturally collapsing democracies.

After one is dead of cocaine use there is no point to punish them for doing cocaine. You can only stop them before they actually die.

The more people observe doing cocaine is perfectly fine and there will be no crackdowns, more people are going to do it. The same goes for any other corrosive taboo behaviour. The people doing a mistake knowing the crackdown and the fact they will die, even when it's illegal to do so, only shows how many MORE people would do a thing given it were legal.

The people who do this will not be sitting locked in a little room talking to themselves, they will exist in a society and they will sooner or later affect it. So where there is no punishment these things progress, they don't get smaller.

If one is hypocritically wanting to stop drugs, you don't stop them AFTER a person is dead, and likewise, race mixing cannot be "handled" after the conclusive end is met. Nor people can be ignored after the conclusive end as their child is a citizen and not liable itself for a wrong or crime.

A Democrat or Communist would argue about post natal abortion but these actions are basically nefarious and very inapplicable. These are Communist methods of punishing the innocent, such as in this case a newborn, for the stupidity of it's own parents who had 4 to 6 months to end a pregnancy and didn't give a shit.

In a globalized world removing the propaganda and intense pushing will solve most matters, but law will be required, because people also travel, do tourism, migrate, and all of these things.
I think your making a general reply here because I didn't say anything about children.
But can agree that both the promotion and the act itself of interracial sexual acts in to be banned in an NS society ?
The purpose of this is not to create a temporary law but to instill a new Natural consciousness into people.

The purpose for this to be higher than written law.

Whether or not this state will be achieved by also penning an actual law, its a situation that needs to be evaluated on what State/Nation/Empire the case should be. In the future this may become even easier.

Times change and political necessity changes. Many laws from back then are inapplicable today as one takes an airplane and in one hour they are in another Nation where they can freely race mix.

The relationship between jews and law makes me personally believe that some things should be higher than law, not "law". Race mixing is one of these things.

Race mixing will be dealt with on a higher level through which the legal level is only one level. And may not even be necessary to have a law.

Cultural level is more important when it comes to this, and natural perception.

We need more than law to solve this extreme decadence or affairs. People do not listen to the law.

Do you think if someone made a law that xianity should be illegal because its a jewish death cult people would listen? No. Everyone goes back home and does the same like Pagans did or like Hindus did in Muslim occupation.

More than law is required to solve race mixing. A whole overhaul of jewish power and mentality is required in people. Its a big shitty problem. Attempts of law have been made before in many Nations, and all failed. Because laws do not always work.

Jews have an antisemitic law does that make people less antisemitic or more antisemitic? Laws also backfire.

Its not a matter of principle here as much as its a matter of function. If a law is more functional to the good end than not having it, you have it. If not then you might choose not to.

Many people do weed only because its pretended to be mysterious and illegal, and they want to be cool. They feel they somehow fuck the system by frying their brain, and tresspassing laws about weed.

With big social plights laws in many cases save nothing. Education, media and mental wakefulness, does.

I wish it was as easy as putting one's hand on a paper and writing something but it is way more complicated than that.

Jack said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I think your making a general reply here because I didn't say anything about children.
But can agree that both the promotion and the act itself of interracial sexual acts in to be banned in an NS society ?
Larissa666 said:
There is no need to bust the door and arrest the individuals.

Children will be taught from young age that race mixing is wrong.

As for adults, they will lose all the benefits that society gives to the individuals, and they will be embarrassed by others, society itself will ruin their lives if they ever decide to do such abomination. No one will look at them, and people will literally spit on them when they see them on the street.

There is fate worse than prison or death for such things.

So I guess I have to throw this rope away, huh?
Jack said:
Thankfully everyone now knows that you are not a National Socialist. In Germany both propaganda promoting race mixing and race mixing itself was banned with harsh punishments like hard labour, the writing is pretty clear. This is a non negotiable part of NS, which is continuing the ancient tradition of our ancestors. You are in no authority to question Adolf Hitler and Satan. You might have trouble accepting the fact that betraying your race must follow punishment to the degree prescribed by the Nuremberg laws, but the ancients as well as the NS's have this belief. And their laws were centered around their beliefs against the bastardization of the race. There really isn't a room for argument as if you are an NS ,you must be willing to follow this or be against it.

This isn't a communist slave state where people are not allowed to have their own opinion or to voice it. You seem to be trying to mix your slave mentality with NS. People are allowed to think for themselves and voice their thoughts in NS, granted they are not promoting illegal activity. My opinion remains the same. I think trying to ban interracial sex is unnecessary and practically impossible.

And I think race mixing is an issue that is solved by removing the propaganda surrounding it and these laws are extra steps that are not required and a waste of time and money. The people who would still choose to engage in this act after this will be such an insignificant demographic that it simply does not matter at that point.

You continue to try to give this idea that I support race mixing. I said very clearly from the beginning, if they are not breeding I don't care about them destroying their own souls. If they are not breeding then the races aren't being mixed, it's two people that are harming their own souls.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The demographic that does the most race mixing is nihilistic homosexuals. And here is the perfect example of a nihilistic homosexual, and he comes here to promote race mixing. I can't even pretend to be surprised.... :roll:

If at any point I promoted race mixing I would have been instantly banned from these forums for trying to spread jewish propaganda here. You and jack are just too fucking stupid to understand plain english.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Thankfully everyone now knows that you are not a National Socialist. In Germany both propaganda promoting race mixing and race mixing itself was banned with harsh punishments like hard labour, the writing is pretty clear. This is a non negotiable part of NS, which is continuing the ancient tradition of our ancestors. You are in no authority to question Adolf Hitler and Satan. You might have trouble accepting the fact that betraying your race must follow punishment to the degree prescribed by the Nuremberg laws, but the ancients as well as the NS's have this belief. And their laws were centered around their beliefs against the bastardization of the race. There really isn't a room for argument as if you are an NS ,you must be willing to follow this or be against it.

This isn't a communist slave state where people are not allowed to have their own opinion or to voice it. You seem to be trying to mix your slave mentality with NS. People are allowed to think for themselves and voice their thoughts in NS, granted they are not promoting illegal activity. My opinion remains the same. I think trying to ban interracial sex is unnecessary and practically impossible.

And I think race mixing is an issue that is solved by removing the propaganda surrounding it and these laws are extra steps that are not required and a waste of time and money. The people who would still choose to engage in this act after this will be such an insignificant demographic that it simply does not matter at that point.

You continue to try to give this idea that I support race mixing. I said very clearly from the beginning, if they are not breeding I don't care about them destroying their own souls. If they are not breeding then the races aren't being mixed, it's two people that are harming their own souls.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Thankfully everyone now knows that you are not a National Socialist. In Germany both propaganda promoting race mixing and race mixing itself was banned with harsh punishments like hard labour, the writing is pretty clear. This is a non negotiable part of NS, which is continuing the ancient tradition of our ancestors. You are in no authority to question Adolf Hitler and Satan. You might have trouble accepting the fact that betraying your race must follow punishment to the degree prescribed by the Nuremberg laws, but the ancients as well as the NS's have this belief. And their laws were centered around their beliefs against the bastardization of the race. There really isn't a room for argument as if you are an NS ,you must be willing to follow this or be against it.

This isn't a communist slave state where people are not allowed to have their own opinion or to voice it. You seem to be trying to mix your slave mentality with NS. People are allowed to think for themselves and voice their thoughts in NS, granted they are not promoting illegal activity. My opinion remains the same. I think trying to ban interracial sex is unnecessary and practically impossible.

And I think race mixing is an issue that is solved by removing the propaganda surrounding it and these laws are extra steps that are not required and a waste of time and money. The people who would still choose to engage in this act after this will be such an insignificant demographic that it simply does not matter at that point.

You continue to try to give this idea that I support race mixing. I said very clearly from the beginning, if they are not breeding I don't care about them destroying their own souls. If they are not breeding then the races aren't being mixed, it's two people that are harming their own souls.
Radical Individuality is indicative of slavery to vanity and selfishness ,overriding your duty to your nation and your race. At this point your simply stating extremely weird statements like
I'll ban propaganda banning race mixing but i'll not ban race mixing itself which makes absolutely no sense.
Its like saying i'll ban propaganda promoting use of cocaine but i won't ban the cocaine distributed in the market itself.

People do not listen to advice the same way they listen a legitimate financial or safety concern. I can preach all about how acting civil and not doing cocaine is good and i can ban any propaganda that says otherwise but until there's a legitimate safety concern of jail time ,the number of people engaging in that practice will not be as nearly as less as in the second situation. You seem to be under the illusion that the consciousness of the modern human is mature enough to make use of these extreme freedom laws ,which they're not. Until a consciousness transformation that will take a long time for humanity to spiritually mature,these physical laws are very necessary.And even then, the gods must have their own laws.

The reason why your making this completely incomprehensible statement is because the race mixing issue is in your opinion still just a weird fetish not warranting any serious measures to be contained and that's a difference of prioritization of issues between you and a National Socialist.

It makes sense you can't comprehend what your saying and how your promoting race mixing by not having your priorities right and willing to allow people to engage in this practice and destroy themselves which shows me

You have no loyalty to your race and are not empathetic to the plight of your race to the degree that warrants a national socialist perspective.

You need to get your priorities right and realize how very important the race mixing issue is and how it needs laws prohibiting it as there was all over the European world till now, which effectively eliminated race mixing to a major extent.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The demographic that does the most race mixing is nihilistic homosexuals. And here is the perfect example of a nihilistic homosexual, and he comes here to promote race mixing. I can't even pretend to be surprised.... :roll:
I also had this possibility in mind that his inability to produce biological children might be indicative of why his priorities are fucked up about this race mixing issue. But even then the homosexuals on this forum excluding him have never made such statements and if you read HPJakeCarlson's sermons you can see the stark contrast between the level of empathy and race loyalty between him and this guy. I think it all boils down to the jewish propaganda he's been fed (by the republican /libertarian side) and personal choices made by him that make this ,his views.
Jack said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The demographic that does the most race mixing is nihilistic homosexuals. And here is the perfect example of a nihilistic homosexual, and he comes here to promote race mixing. I can't even pretend to be surprised.... :roll:
I also had this possibility in mind that his inability to produce biological children might be indicative of why his priorities are fucked up about this race mixing issue. But even then the homosexuals on this forum excluding him have never made such statements and if you read HPJakeCarlson's sermons you can see the stark contrast between the level of empathy and race loyalty between him and this guy. I think it all boils down to the jewish propaganda he's been fed (by the republican /libertarian side) and personal choices made by him that make this ,his views.
First I'm gonna say, what I'm about to say is not about Dahaarkan. I'm not saying that anything I'm about to say has anything to do with him. I'm just talking about the demographic that does the most race mixing, [except maybe people who live in Brazil, they mix a lot] and some of the reasons of their mindset why they think it's okay.

Don't get me wrong here, I'm not talking about someone being homosexual. I'm talking about having 2 seperate distinct characteristics at the same time. Homosexuality and most importantly nihilism. This is much less about being gay, and much more about being nihilistic. The nihilism gets people into that YOLO attitude that nothing matters and there are no consequences to anyone's actions because "They're just gonna do it anyway, Yolo Swag, so let them do it. If they hurt themself, at least it's not hurting me, so fuck it, do whatever. I don't care what damaging things someone does to themself, because I don't care about anything anyway."

Then being gay is a lot less influential force in it than the nihilism is, but it also helps. Because the whole thing is "Do whatever you want, just don't make any babies." And they know that they're never gonna make a baby with what they're doing, so with that reasoning it makes it okay. It means there is nothing wrong with that. Even for some people who would think it's bad for straight couples to be doing that, they think they are personally exempt from it and it doesn't apply to them if there is no way for them to make a baby with it.
I'd ask be careful when one talks about "Death" in regards to certain practices because we are like on a public forum and everyone is waiting for the stupid radical statement to be made, to OY VEY on it until the end of time.

Like OY VEY these people want to punish mudsharking because it makes the goy extinct!

How eveil!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
