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Donations FAQ

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our Spiritual Satanists,

So, before anything, I want to clarify that I direct this message to those who are truly Satanists and are capable of partaking in the Donations.

What I mean by truly Spiritual Satanists, is that I specify this to people who have an understanding of what we are, what we do here, what we want to achieve in the future, or they have semblance of experience for what this Divine path is.

Newer or older it doesn't matter in the timeline. All that matters is what one has within.

The Joy of Satan gives and as you can see is constantly giving endless inner power to all of you, and will hold on for generations to come.

The Joy of Satan has to become so powerful that this will be the scariest form of power to the enemy, and the most helpful force for all Gentiles.

Our opponents we have are mega churches and the enemy who literally owns 99.9%^ of the wealth of the world, and recently crashed stock markets and ruined everything.

They stole from your who knows how many trillions based on Co-Vid, and they are continuing so everyday. Yet, as people shout with measly voices they cannot stop this.

But eventually the JoS and it's power will be able to give justice for all of this and have a position where we can stand against them in a formal manner.

In regards to why I have not saved the planet personally "Because the Gods", I want to inform you that this is actually what we are all doing here. Most people have abandoned the Gods and therefore we have abandoned ourselves. We will work tirelessly to reverse that.

We have real opponents, and countering these on one's own is an impossible business. That is the biggest lie the jew has sold to you.

We are a team, we are not individuals. We are all a collective. Any individual is as powerful as the sum of us, and vice versa.


1. Why hasn't Trump saved the United States when we are here doing nothing? [This is a joke by the way, nobody cares about that]

That is a simple question that one can easily understand. Because this is not how it is done. Nations or the world cannot be saved by "one" person, we just all have to build up strongly around one fortress, ie, the JoS, to succeed.

2. Why the JoS is asking for donations?

Because it should grow by the collective effort of it's members while the members are growing by growing it.

3. Why is Cobra not yet a billionaire that will fund us all and give us all our personal unicorns rainbows?

Because I am not Jesus and the objective reality says that in order to reach certain status in life one has to fortfeit other status. I cannot leave the Clergy to fight in every domain at once, nor I am obligated to fight every domain because of lack of soldiers that is purposeful on every other domain.

Cobra happens to already be one of the most hated people on earth right now, and since my moral and other compasses as Clergy allow me limited movement towards said goals, I would rather not engage in certain practices that would lead to certain outcomes.

Lastly, it must be kept in mind that Cobra has been one of the largest donors of JoS for about 10 years now. So Mr Cobra has nothing to gain from you.

I have taken inordinate and crazy risks of the likes seen in movies and have done so largely successfully, yet, with the enemy and a literal whole planet praying against you this sort of thing starts becoming a bit difficult or even threatening, but also the enemy preying on me constantly unfortunately has me on a constant edge.

One can do their own purpose, but others must do their own. And we have a collective purpose. If my purpose was solitary by myself, there would be no reason for anything to exist in the first place.

4. Why should we do this donating thing?

Because we are wolves and we must take the bread from the enemies mouth and put this on the service of the Gods.

Every donated dollar to the JoS is a holy dollar, and every dollar one takes from the enemy through intelligent and legal ways is a holiest dollar.

The issue must be taken really personally by all of us. We have been the victims of them collectively and this should reverse itself permanently.

Jews boast in their books about enslaving you and building THEIR empire in which YOU will be enslaved, with YOUR stolen wealth and money!

Literally in their book, and they rave it was done through stealing from us all Gentiles. Countless civilizations razed to the ground for them to "profit". We must FIX THIS!

There is also no reason why you should NOT do this. Only a jew would come up with reasons to not do that. All the reasons speak of why we SHOULD. You can write a thousand reasons and keep writing.

5. Is that so important?

Yes, it's the most important task in our whole life. You will be beating your head on a wall if the Joy of Satan does not exist and the enemy brings on the future they want to bring.

The alternate scenario is that our collective power stops this and brings us to a far better world with the Gods having massive power on this world.

6. Yes but we live in such a good world and I shouldn't donate to JoS.

If you think that you cannot sacrifice 1% of your monthly income or something like this, in a world where twitch streamers bend their ass for 2 seconds with their pants and make half a million dollars, then something is wrong with your perception.

Collectively, our perception as human beings is broken. We have taken it for granted that jews for example can liberally rob the planet for trillions per year, yet somehow, people will recoil on doing what is evidently beneficial for all of us.

Additionally, local Mega Churches or jewish organizations probably just yesterday did build a who knows how many tens and tens of millions worth of a Yeshiva, or another little Christian cult has been built that will siphon on average about 50 million dollars from suspectible individuals.

But if that sits well with you and us existing nowhere, one has to ask themselves some serious realistic questions?

7. But I am so broke that I cannot donate!

The "So broke" is relative. If one's literal life depends on 10$, then it goes beyond question one should not donate.

The Christian church however robbed people mercilessly until they had no food. Father Satan's real and only Church which is the Joy of Satan, will make people stronger and richer in spirit and power, and not do these deplorable acts which are crimes.



10 plus years ago, when I was relating to the Gods my concerns about my position back then which was a total 99% impossible to go through financially.

They saw that fire in me and helped me to get out of the almost impossible to exit position of abject poverty. I have also proven myself in riches and in poverty, and yes, THERE ARE ALWAYS SOLUTIONS.

8. Donating will not help me though!

The Joy of Satan gives everyone inordinate help that is for free. One has to be a liar to say that the Joy of Satan has not helped them.

I have a loss to find anything in this world that helps a being evolve more than the Joy of Satan.

This evolution should spread outwards before it is too late for everyone.

Crazier things happen by the day, but in this climate of insanity there are also excellent opportunities for us all to grow and spread sanity, because people are thirsty for sanity now.

That is not doomsday prophecy, but if you have eyes you can see how quintessential the spreading of this knowledge to the masses is now of all times.

9. But how will this evolve me?

I can write a book of a thousand pages on how many benefits you will gain, psychologically or otherwise, because you donate.

For one, you will be part of history in expanding something of extreme importance.

Secondly, the Gods do observe our actions and our inactions towards what is holy.

By the time they will have taken over the planet and they will hold 99.9^ of the world on their hands, your "help" will be of lesser importance than it is now when our side is cornered. People who fight now on the height of the Kali Yuga are more important than those who will join last and only to kiss the feet of the Gods, after we have eliminated all the enemy systems.

Thirdly, this will teach you the value of sacrificing a little, so you and others can gain a lot. Personally, I have given every form of fortune I have and will equally do to all fortune I might get in the future, I will throw it all in this task and nowhere else. Although there is no amount of money that could ever replace a moment of attention of the Gods, this could at least help things to be where they want to be.

Fourth, is that this will HELP YOU GAIN MORE REVENUE. Yes, by putting it on a focus to do certain tasks and holding onto them, you will learn to moderate better on already existing wealth, or if your dreams are bigger, you will learn to generate more wealth for you and find creative ways to do something.

Contrary to popular belief, we have to set our MIND to a task that might look difficult to achieve, and allow our mind to find solutions, instead of saying that we "Can't".

10. Alright, I want to donate. But how should this happen?

Through Bitcoin, as it's available and ready to happen.

There is also the ability for a private donation, donating with other Crypto, just mail at the official donations e-mail and it can occur.

11. And what is this going to do?

I have a million tasks in mind and the plan to uplift the JoS to heights never seen before, and you are all included in this as one can see.

This will provide infrastructure for JoS which is the primary concern. We have just 40 websites going on now and even more works by SS must be safeguarded, all while promoting the power of our community.

We need barraging power to barrage the world with our message.

12. Yes, but how should be reasonable to donate?

Generally, a non-forced, non compulsory, self-instated subscription by each person would be ideal.

One can scale the amount based on their needs and how much they make, and how much they care about this.

I know one thing about this, those who care about the Gods, get taken care back for. I know from experience.

13. Yes, but if I do not want?

Then nobody is forcing you. The point here is for anyone to understand the goal on their own.

Those who do not want to help however should bear in mind that subverting the effort for others is indeed a below the belt hit, filled with evil. One must resolve any such tendencies internally, as these are spirits of poverty created and embed by the Jews.

Trying to argue for the spirit of poverty and attacks on something growing is retarded. It will destroy you first and foremost, and then anyone who is falsely convinced by this. I do not need kikes here preaching to me the New Testament, I am a Satanist.

This is equal to beating your kids because they said they want to college, instead of providing for them or at least trying. How will this benefit your generations or yourself?

Nothing in this world grows otherwise. The world is as is. Focus on growth. If you do not see it now, then in the future I hope you might.

14. I am very rich and I want to donate!

Perfect, perfect. Ever flowing wealth will come your way so you can flow it on the proper direction.

15. "But I am a jew and I feel like doing backflips while having a seizure when I read this post by JoS." [This is a joke by the way]


That is normal, it's because your are a jew and you have ill begotten wealth that is siphoned from Gentiles from 20 centuries or so that have elevated your lies on supreme power merely by the power of the stolen shekel.

Naturally, being a robber and having founded an empire of lies, the thought of anything like the JoS growing angers you a lot.

This does not coincide with the New or the Old Testament, and goes against your curses that Gentiles and their temples should be besieged by lack of shekels, so it makes you mad because you are not benefiting from this.

Knowing the power of money additionally on top of this compared to the average "Goy" who you have instructed to want "Manna from heaven", scares you even more.

Belonging also to a race that makes an average net income of hundreds of thousands yearly, would make a jew flip out even if the Joy of Satan made 1/10th monthly of what a jew makes yearly.

That would naturally cause a flipout. The mere idea of Satanists showing a little solidarity like the jews do constantly, would make their heads flip out as they consider every "Goy" incapable of such tasks. Let's prove them otherwise.

Rothschild would flip over as he crashed the latest Crypto Market and Stock Market for 3+ trillions in profits, and his offspring would start writing nonsense on the board about how evil it is for JoS to ask for anything.

George Soros will take twists on his chair as he cannot believe how Goyim have woke up from the comatose situation because the 72 and 42 curses didn't work to destroy everyone yet again.

Jews really sweat when they see things like this, so as always they will jump on the guns with curses and flipping out on everyone and everything.

So about this:

Middle finger to the jew, and donate what you would.

15. More questions?

Strong and clear message.

The jews fraud their own to pay for nonsense up to tens of millions in a day to another jew, then the jew who got stolen steals from gentiles then they preach you and your familly to be poor and that you deserve it, even better makes you adore being poor, you think it is holy.

I cannot imagine a more practical and satisfying action than donating what you can, when you can, to JoS. You receive instant contempt and peace of mind, that fortifies good masculine and feminine ideals within you.

I might die tomorrow and wake up here again after 4 generations, I want to find JoS again. I want my kids to find JoS. I might not reincarnate 100 years. Inaction, stagnating like a fool. Those who are here need to know and take care of "me" - of my and others opportunity when we come back and all of the future and older generations.

The lifespan of a human is minuscule. It goes away quick. Those of us who are young need to fortify a strong bond with JoS in this absolutely natural form as well. Donate to JOY OF SATAN !
If I were to win the lottery whatever it may be, half would go to JoS. That's how much I want to see the world wake up, how much I want our people to grow and even eventually come into power and kick corruption out.

If it wasn't for donations in the first place our sites could not be up and running much less grow and expand.
Time to train my divination even more so I can play roulette, we'll succeed brothers.
donated once a small amount successfully, tried a second time for a larger amount and was declined twice by bank. solution?
Taurus said:
donated once a small amount successfully, tried a second time for a larger amount and was declined twice by bank. solution?

You have to call your bank and tell them not to block the transaction and tell them what it will show up as. Some banks will automatically flag and block any bitcoin transactions because they automatically label them as fraudulent.

I have to call mine every time and stay on the phone with them while the transaction goes through. It's an annoying extra step but worth it.
Taurus said:
donated once a small amount successfully, tried a second time for a larger amount and was declined twice by bank. solution?

1. Bank might be stopping crypto transactions. Try calling them and say you want this allowed. Explain that it is you doing the transactions and you want to transact freely and without impediment.

a. Try another Bank
b. Try another Crypto Merchant/Exchange

2. Do two half donations instead. That is if limits are the problem.

3. Try any of the other methods mentioned in the Donations FAQ.

Feel free to let us know in [email protected] if we can otherwise help in this.

Other than this, thank you.
ramses13th said:
Time to train my divination even more so I can play roulette, we'll succeed brothers.

Try to go for sustainable and actual wealth, because the likelihood of failure and blaming this to the Gods later is high on this route, although the prospects could be bigger. In this case contemplate and think what is best for you too.
Not long after I dedicated to Satan, I donated a huge portion of my crypto savings. I wanted to send the biggest thank you I possibly could. One night while I was at work, I heard someone over telepathy tell me "thank you!" That came out of nowhere, but it felt good to know that my donation was appreciated.

I also made a commitment to donate to JoS on a monthly basis. I asked the Gods about it and their recommendation was "don't set a fixed amount." I now see why they said that, because now I want to scale my donations as my income improves.
"Because I'm a jew and will do a backflip and a seizure" hahahaha that's fucking hilarious I try to do $100 a month and during the Astaroth Ritual I will usually provided I'm employed and have the money to do so will do a much larger donation during your Northern hemisphere spring.

I feel compelled to do this on a very deep level as I see it as helping to start a new hoping that the money will go further to improving the JOS that we will have a better year like the planting of a seed.

I used to only do the one big donation a year now I have started to do the smaller 100 ish donations a month I started doing 50 now I do 100 since I want to see the site grow I hope you will make the Azazel marketplace like Amazon or Ebay so we can sell products we make to JOS I have thought about starting a Goth/witchcraft shop recently obviously I will refrain from showing the gods in the ugly images and will only promote the books which I see are legitimate but anyway then the JOS makes money on having the merchants have an online store presence as well as the merchants pay a fee per item sale that will get the money rolling in or maybe also have like a raffle system I used to do that on telegram run a bitcoin raffle system but your ticket was a score board of how many RTRs you did during a warfare ritual and then I'd ask Baal Berith if they were legitimate or not but of course the Jos can just sell the tickets a 1 and 73,000 chance to win a raffle is way better odds then the 1 in 2.6 million that I have here in my country plus the JOS makes money and a lucky Satanist earns themselves a win could start a few small raffles first of course.

The only reason why I did not continue this is despite having a group of 73 people on a JOS telegram group I was apart of only 2 people participated most were dead accounts mind you but it does highlight the issue you were talking about before where people will steer away from a potential positive since so little people played o gave out a 2nd prize for free also for even participating at all both of these guys were also in very poor countries so having the small winnings was actually a pretty big deal to them just an idea is all churches do this all the time to raise a little extra money and as your run a not for profit it would be legal for you to do so as well even if it wasn't due to the magic of bitcoin they would have zero proof anyway.

Even do like 1 in 5000 chance to win 100$ price the ticket at a 1$ I'd do that even if I bought 99 tickets it would still be worth my time it would encourage money to flow in but I wouldn't know how you would determine who bought what and how many tickets I guess you would have to organise all the individual sales of tickets via emails so you would know who bought what or provide an email when you use bitcoin to purchase them so you would know like e1 to e99 was bought by Ramses email etc.

Just brain storming
Ursa Minor said:
Not long after I dedicated to Satan, I donated a huge portion of my crypto savings. I wanted to send the biggest thank you I possibly could. One night while I was at work, I heard someone over telepathy tell me "thank you!" That came out of nowhere, but it felt good to know that my donation was appreciated.

I also made a commitment to donate to JoS on a monthly basis. I asked the Gods about it and their recommendation was "don't set a fixed amount." I now see why they said that, because now I want to scale my donations as my income improves.

That is appreciated. It feels like the world when one gets an experience like this, I know what you mean. I recall a few people have done wonderfully and that we were able to finally begin with the websites and other projects. Even small amounts go a long way.

I do look forward to you prospering same as anyone else who has the same mind, so that you grow immensely in power and in all ways.

Be aware that many of that Crypto thing as I said back in December is unstable and I said would likely crash. It can produce gains, but it can as quickly take them away. It must be given time as the market of it is rather small for the time being.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Spiritual Satanists,

So my donation still comes out of my credit card monthly , I know and understand how to use crypto so I can make the switch but if it’s acceptable I prefer to just keep it thru my credit card. Let me know- thnx
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
9. But how will this evolve me?

I can write a book of a thousand pages on how many benefits you will gain, psychologically or otherwise, because you donate.

I donated more than one week ago, and I can it is "working". My tasks that were stuck for months in my current job are now flowing very well and I am making new and favorable contacts. I would attribute this to the donation I did. I'd highly recommend.


Why did you delete the post "Free Speech And Where This Will Lead Us?" I have been very curious, but you can e-mail me if it is too sensitive.
Zombieboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Spiritual Satanists,

So my donation still comes out of my credit card monthly , I know and understand how to use crypto so I can make the switch but if it’s acceptable I prefer to just keep it thru my credit card. Let me know- thnx

Non crypto has been discontinued. Please cancel this and go to Crypto. Until we have a viable alternative with Paypal or another payment processor that will not harass us again, anything like this is cannot happen. Thanks.
Elas Qilar said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
9. But how will this evolve me?

I can write a book of a thousand pages on how many benefits you will gain, psychologically or otherwise, because you donate.

I donated more than one week ago, and I can it is "working". My tasks that were stuck for months in my current job are now flowing very well and I am making new and favorable contacts. I would attribute this to the donation I did. I'd highly recommend.


Why did you delete the post "Free Speech And Where This Will Lead Us?" I have been very curious, but you can e-mail me if it is too sensitive.

Perfect, thank you. Very glad to hear about this.

Yes, I deleted this post and I will repost it in the future, so no worries. There are too many posts currently ongoing and the Ritual has to be of central attention now.

I have an idea. I could be totally misunderstanding with this idea, but I'd like to offer it. What if the Jos had a thoughtform that would help with gaining fortune?

My idea is if we had trusted people, You and the Jos guardians and other high priests, to create a thoughtform, together or separately, that was dedicated to leading any of you to fortune, or just gaining some on its own and bringing it to you (cash, maybe winning lottery tickets, precious metals), that would be powered by that specific group of people. If a name is needed to kill a thoughtform, then it would be tricky for the enemy to kill it, right?

I would also say we could have a ritual based on powering this thoughtform, but if we are able to affect it in a good sense without it's name, then the same could be said about the enemy killing it, right?

Im ignorant when it comes to thoughtforms since im not that advanced and am not able to create my own right now.

Im sure if this were possible then it would have already been done or had a reason why it wouldn't work.
Big Dipper said:

My idea is if we had trusted people, You and the Jos guardians and other high priests, to create a thoughtform, together or separately, that was dedicated to leading any of you to fortune, or just gaining some on its own and bringing it to you (cash, maybe winning lottery tickets, precious metals), that would be powered by that specific group of people. If a name is needed to kill a thoughtform, then it would be tricky for the enemy to kill it, right?

The Demons will assist those who want to assist, that is therefore not necessary or something. We know all the in's and out's of magick in that regard and way more. But this situation is far more important and requires other handling.

Yet for sure, thoughforms are not the tier of magick this necessitates for, but they can be good for personal use by anyone here alongside the endless tools we provide for that.

Anyone here can do this to further their personal objectives in this and other regards, including to donate to JoS.
ramses13th said:
Time to train my divination even more so I can play roulette, we'll succeed brothers.

Be careful with that stuff pal.
Normal bank transfers okay bro

Cheers HPHC
❤❤❤ I will be more than happy to help!! HAIL SATAN!!🖤🖤🖤
But why does the Gods help the ones who donate and are they not putting that energy in making money for JOS.

Well, they do.

As donors your wallet will become a flexibility source of income for JOS.

There are a limitated things that can be done with energy.

Energy is to be used along the planet positions , even if The Gods have a lot of energy , if 10% of that is necessary for helping JOS with its own stable money making projects, this is what is going to happend.

So lots of energy remain for flexible sources of income, which on JOS people who are busy and already full on their jobs and life paths , is not entierly needed.

If a God sees that you donated 5$ and he sees that with 1% of his energy from that 100% I spoke above, he can make your life much better , which will NOT only make you to understand that your help is rewarded but also improve your overall life, so overall money/helping that you will be able to do for JOS , he will definitly do it.

Everything is energy and when you give you have to take, when you take you have to give.

For a God a smart choice of using energy to give somebody a boost of confidence or a powerfull positive emotion in a KEY moment of his life , is naturally. There is no need for BIG AMOUNTS of energy from the Gods, the real power that they have in helping us, is that they do EXACYLY what we need and WHEN we need with that power.

So , even if for 5$ the amount of energy the Gods,Satan and universe will reward you with, for participating in those times of WAR and financial need, that small amount used by a GOD, can become a life-changer, if you let it to be.

The same goes for activism, is not a mistery that more you give is more you have, here.

Buttt the Gods can useee their energy and save humanssss why do they need ME and my 5$.Aren't they supposed to be, well , Gods.

This is about understanding of how those 5$ can influence a lot of things, as I said, you give 5$ something good happend, you learn that your participation in JOS with activism.of any kind is rewarded, you do more through time, you improve yourself and your life and so, is not about just the meaning of the money but our own perspective or perception on our own powers.

"I'll buy this more expensive thing, I don't need it but I like spending my money "

Money is power just as energy and here on earth it can change lot of things.

YOU MATTER more than maybe sometimes you want to understand and know.

You all who say"they don't need me, they r GODS MAN"
will look back in 10years and say "If just I wouldn't been that ignorant, I could've saved so many people and my own self with so little efort"

The most  we do with ACTIVISM for JOS, is not helping others, but our own selves.

Some may see it.more or less, but as was stated , HELPING in WAR is much more important than helping in PEACE times.

It doesnt't how much , how , when , it matters the most WHY,WHAT and for how long are you doing it.

Donating and making activism or not doing it is BONDED to ones conextion to JOS and his own self.

More aware, more spiritually awaken, more experienced as a learner from mistakes and as a watcher of your own life, more you understand that the biggest ACTIVISM one can do, is evolving himself. Not epowering spiritually, but EVOLVING OVERALL.

Should I buy this expensive but fancy maybe jewish chick maggnet coffe or should I give it to JOS.

What are they going to do for me anyway.
They don't need it anyway.
Others will do so why should I.
Is to late probably.
When I'll win the lottery I sure will.
Aren't they supposed to be rich? Do they even know about the roulette?

Those are questions that don't last more than some minutes in somebody's healed being.But that last for lifes in somebody's ill self.

What I wanted to say overall is that YOU GET BACK SOMETHING, we all do , did and will DO.

5$ in war can be more than 50,000$ in PEACE.

Is like rune workings, start in the right day and with 15Algiz you can get the same amount as 300Algiz daily with a 30days working.

Same here, your 5$ now can do for you as much as HUNDREDS of hours of working will do for the CHRISTIANS to "wash" their stupid actions,  in THE ERA OF SATAN.

You choose , you like it or not, you can SAVE LIVES , HELP PEOPLE and help YOUR OWN SELF.

And ignoring those facts is worse than not being able to do them.

As was stated IF YOU CAN'T is just fine, improve yourself as much as you can.

But if you DO can, and you treat your position of possibility as "not my problem" when our brothers and sisters souls are lost in darkness because of people like you, well then expect the same ignorance you give to others be given to you by the GODS .
I would donate around the holidays!☕🙂 I love the thought of spreading the magic and the joy around the holiday season ❤🍁💀 And to give my thanks to the Joy of Satan and The Gods. But you also honor the pagan holidays as well!🙂🦉🍑. There is nothing more beautiful than showing your gratitude! Doing the things that you love the very most! ❤) and being with those that make you feel loved and wanted!🙂☕ to add to the spirit of love and festivity with each and every season!🥂🎃🎊🎄🔮 putting a little heart and soul into it and enjoying the moment is more healing! And beneficial? Not only to you but also to those in need🙂🎁 i look forward to this kind of thing! And it is more than an honor to me! It is a blessing! And a win-win👑 It helps both ways. 🦚 LET'S get Started!!! IN THE NAME OF SATAN!!! HAIL SATAN!!!🎁
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Spiritual Satanists..

Okay, Mr. Cobra, you win this round.

No, but in all actuality thanks for providing transparency as to where donations go - the who, the what and the how.


I'll start posting again
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Spiritual Satanists,

So, before anything, I want to clarify that I direct this message to those who are truly Satanists and are capable of partaking in the Donations.
Clarify. Those who do not donate, or who are not able to donate, to the JoS are not truly Spiritual Satanists? Donating money does not equal being a true Satanist at all. Is this a guilt trip? A definition of what being an actual Spiritual Satanist is? Some prefer individuality and to go about things their own way, doing what they can do properly and sincerely. Satan knows if we are truly Spiritual Satanists. Thanks.
The jews and their alien superiors try to place a sword between us, this will never happen.
The JoS is the only place where you can grow without paying anything back,
it is only human and logical to give something back.
The JoS and its dedicated members will soon become millionaires/billionaires and there is nothing jews can do about it,
every cent in our pockets is holy and never wasted!
One more thing I'd like to also echo about donations is that if you can pay for fuel money if you can pay for a gym membership and if you can pay for netflix or Disney+ and the likes then surely you can give even the equivalent of a singular dollar a day to your religious belief's I know we are all at different stages some people might be on the fence about this which I can understand but for those of us who have been here for some time it's time to get serious about this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Be aware that many of that Crypto thing as I said back in December is unstable and I said would likely crash. It can produce gains, but it can as quickly take them away. It must be given time as the market of it is rather small for the time being.
I believe I've read your post about the crypto market before. I've been into crypto for over a year now, and I learned very quickly that the prices are unstable as you say. It's true as you say it must be given time to grow. I'm a long term crypto miner, and I see that in time the market will stabilize when more "serious investors" get into cryptocurrency trading.

Also, there are some "cypher punks" that are dedicated to the mission of escaping the (((central bank))). I too would like to see the end of this system of usury instated by the Jews.
Shadowcat said:
Taurus said:
donated once a small amount successfully, tried a second time for a larger amount and was declined twice by bank. solution?

You have to call your bank and tell them not to block the transaction and tell them what it will show up as. Some banks will automatically flag and block any bitcoin transactions because they automatically label them as fraudulent.

I have to call mine every time and stay on the phone with them while the transaction goes through. It's an annoying extra step but worth it.

I think the two of you should invest in a hardware wallet like Ledger then you can bypass going through your bank to donate. Just make sure you buy the hardware wallet from the company website otherwise the device could be rigged to steal any crypto you put on it. Lastly if you want to know more about how the ledger hardware wallet works go to the company website site ledger dot com. I personally don’t bother with banks for anything crypto except to buy from an exchange. Get a cold storage wallet guys (hardware wallet) it’s a good investment seriously. And you will actually own the crypto you bought.
the first time I donate was because I wanted to help

before donating I talk to Satan in my mind and told him that if he helps me to get more money I will donate more money

I start donating the 10% of my gains, in short time after that I start gaining more cash and being able to donate 20% of all my gains and now starting to consider donating the 30% of all my gains because

things are going good and not only economically. he has helped me in other areas of my life too, not only economically

I don't want to tell to you that if you donate the father Satan will make money rain for you, but for sure things will become better in much ways.

I hard work this money in the astral plane, but I'm totally sure he put his hand on it

for last thing, I have more than a year and a half doing yoga sessions all days and when I raise the energy I always say 10 times

"I am attracting huge amounts of money in an easy and positive way, this money is all mine to spend and save as I please

I am growing in material wealth and power and I am completely prosperous and protected in every way, now, continuously and forever."

vibrate AUM at the end

and for a final note, I try to visualize with all my senses how am I receiving the cash in my hand

it took me like 3 months to see the firsts results of this spell but eventually this becomes more and more powerful if you keep going until it's almost unbelievable how much and easy money comes to you in a positive way

Prosperity to all of you SS!!

EasternFireLion666 said:
1. Why hasn't Trump saved the United States when we are here doing nothing?
Because he is of the enemy! Members should see such a question as a VERY RED FLAG! If we weren't sure before or Trump might have had some good intentions, now it is clear. If you are a follower of of the communications from his loyal party members, he is replacing all the republican party with jews and diversity! Trump is stalling and rooting for jews while abandoning the whites in America! Get that fixed in your minds!


7. But I am so broke that I cannot donate!

If you would understand much of the topic is humorous rhetoric. I of course consider the question about Trump retarded, but this is what too many people think, that one fake ass person will come around and "Save" them, while they will idly sit doing nothing.

This mentality is projected even to me, where I am frequently told that I will do everything on my own. This is the Trump Follower Mentality and not the True Satanist mentality.

I illustrate more of this mentality in the topic, and of course, you see the buzzword Trump [from whom you feel betrayed as you believed in] and you throw an illogical tantrum to me leading all the way to attack me. I therefore remove the comment.

Point 1 and the last point about jews are supposed to be humorous points, including others. Others get it, you did not, because you are in this war mode like an idiot.

Do you honestly think that I do not understand the entirety of Trump's case and that you should remind me, especially after having analyzed it in depth in so many topics?

Do you think I sat in front of my TV drooling and thinking Trump would save me or anyone else? That is a projection of the fake hopes of others, not mine. In fact, the first point describes that this is not how these things work.

As about the rest, yes, I have to tell you, you have to do your part. Go ask the Gods directly on what we have to do. Whether this is to build something, spend time, or donate, WE ALL HAVE OUR PART HERE AS SOULS OF THE GODS.



The average jew believes in their own with TOTAL FAITH. You are here writing rants and pretending the supreme mind behind this really believed in Donald Trump and his totally stupid shit.

This is what divides us with the enemy and why the enemy is where they are at. If you want to bridge that gap, then DO YOUR PART. If not, then one must sit on the corner and allow the big boys that can trust and carry tasks to an end to work it, but please do so without pointless subversive nonsense.

As most people do nothing for this, they feel uncomfortable. I am here to tell you what is the right thing to do, not to be "liked" by weakness and stupidity. We can do this with the people that care and not those who dig excuses out of their ass to attack me and do all sorts of nonsense like your comment which is entirely misplaced.

Lastly, about point 7, yes, some people are below the poverty line or around it and we do not ask anything from those as it's a big sacrifice.

Gods judging us based on money donations and I haven't heard this for the first time. This sounds more like an insult towards the Gods sorry to say this. We've all heard this somewhere else. The patterns are already too much, it's all repeating. need I say more?

They do check on everything. Those who provide help in the financial, spiritual, material or any other front, are being observed and they are extra receivers of help. How is that news to you?

Imagine if saying that Meditating is not observed by them. Of course it is. Public work is observed by them, of COURSE it is. Why should donations or war in the financial front be ignored?

Yes, they observe us all. I hate to break it down for you. Whether or not you advance, whether or not you are doing anything, or whether or not you are busy doing tantrums

Fine, I am a jew in your eyes and this is probably the last post at least until the real HPs return to the forums. Asking for donations and help is one thing, but putting such preassure for money is a BLATANT RED FLAG! This whole post says "Trust me and ask no questions, just donate already you idiot! What are you a jew? The Gods judge you by this".

How do you fit 1000 jews in one bus? Throw a penny in it.

2. Why the JoS is asking for donations?
It's not wrong to be skeptical especially after the Trump parts. Plus we are being asked to give money that we don't know how it will be used or where. We have no visibility of the money we invest. Plus in my view, crypto is very suspicious. Yes, it's blockchain and safe and hard to track or change transactions, but it has no physical basis and IDK if it can even be rendered obsolete based on this. Cyrpto had several chrashes lately, it's still a manipulatable currency. The system can do whatever it wants with resources and currencies. Jews have been creating major artificial crises for the past 3 years. Now they are telling us there is no more water? Really? Must have flown into space or something. Yes, only a jew would not donate or ask questions. Guess I gained that label as well as a new enemy. HPS Maxine said that truth should not fear questions because we are not like Christians.

More nonsense. The moment the goy needs to build something, the other programmed goy that has the poverty mindset and FORGETS that the GODS OWNED THE PLANET SOMETIME AGO, has to jump in and make false nonsensical excuses to attack.

Thank you wholeheartedly for the rest of your insults, but I have to bring this place to the status it deserved. My mission is this. Someone else's mission might have been at this time to send a small amount, for example, like 5$.

I do not want to fail in my mission as yes, we are being observed by the Gods. You can keep your 5$ but I will not keep back from manifesting what is necessitated to save my people culturally and do what is necessary for this world.

You can of course keep attacking me in the meanwhile like a brainwashed jewish borg, it's very common lately.

My answer to you is this: DEPROGRAM. Even the National Socialists almost went bankrupt and Europe almost went extinct because of this mentality. Thankfully it did not happen, but it could have.


Viktoria20 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Spiritual Satanists..

Okay, Mr. Cobra, you win this round.

No, but in all actuality thanks for providing transparency as to where donations go - the who, the what and the how.


I'll start posting again

"Yes Mr. Cobra, you win this round. I am in some war with you you need to prove yourself to me, Mr Cobra. Because after a whole 20 posts and never having being in Satanism for like a few months, or having read your work and saw you sacrifice your lifetime for a greater purpose, I do have many questions and backstabs to throw at you Mr. Cobra.

Until next time where I'll write more unverified slander and abuse you for accepting it because you want to answer the questions of your legitimate members, Mr Cobra."

Thanks so much for starting to post again, I expect your next unwarranted attack out of nowhere.
OpenMind2 said:
But why does the Gods help the ones who donate and are they not putting that energy in making money for JOS.

Well, they do.

As donors your wallet will become a flexibility source of income for JOS.

There are a limitated things that can be done with energy.

Energy is to be used along the planet positions , even if The Gods have a lot of energy , if 10% of that is necessary for helping JOS with its own stable money making projects, this is what is going to happend.

So lots of energy remain for flexible sources of income, which on JOS people who are busy and already full on their jobs and life paths , is not entierly needed.

Rules of our side:

Those who help, get helped a lot.

Those who just speak and do nothing, are known pretenders, and they are not taken seriously.

Those who subvert those who try, get fucked or ignored..

It is really that simple.

You have not posed any serious question or worry, just "suspicion" buzzwords based on "I know something but in actuality I don't know anything".

You are essentially angry that other do donate and this favors good attention from the Gods, yes. Why? Because it is a consequence of true purpose here, it is a practical action. You, based on this, derive false conclusions and take it into offense to you and others.

Then you are trying to make it about Trump or whatever nonsense.

The only suspicious aspect of this whole thing is the reaction of those against this by whatever excuses they have. This only highlights that you need to do lots of money workings, squares and connect to the Gods. This isn't about JoS anymore, as it only a tell of your personal life, which as a SS needs improvement. These subconscious reactions are derived from poor habits and expectations, sorry to burst bubbles.

Little shit mageson also stated than money is very evil. So pay up goy, go live in a cave without anything but holiness and good faith while being angry at Trump (who by the way, is a genius business man).
balo666 said:
the first time I donate was because I wanted to help

before donating I talk to Satan in my mind and told him that if he helps me to get more money I will donate more money

I start donating the 10% of my gains, in short time after that I start gaining more cash and being able to donate 20% of all my gains and now starting to consider donating the 30% of all my gains because

things are going good and not only economically. he has helped me in other areas of my life too, not only economically

I don't want to tell to you that if you donate the father Satan will make money rain for you, but for sure things will become better in much ways.

I hard work this money in the astral plane, but I'm totally sure he put his hand on it

Basically this is exactly how these things go.

Most people are busy making excuses, that is the problem. They think that what I write to them here is some sort of message from the Christian Church.


Of course, most people do not want to progress. That is not my issue. Everyone not wanting to elevate themselves by doing spiritual work, material work, financial work, or put some context in their life and progress in the Gods, should basically at least allow those who want to do something do so without the excuses and tears involved.
NakedPluto said:
EasternFireLion666 said:

You have not posed any serious question or worry, just "suspicion" buzzwords based on "I know something but in actuality I don't know anything".

You are essentially angry that other do donate and this favors good attention from the Gods, yes. Why? Because it is a consequence of true purpose here, it is a practical action. You, based on this, derive false conclusions and take it into offense to you and others.

Then you are trying to make it about Trump or whatever nonsense.

The only suspicious aspect of this whole thing is the reaction of those against this by whatever excuses they have. This only highlights that you need to do lots of money workings, squares and connect to the Gods. This isn't about JoS anymore, as it only tell of your personal life, which as a SS needs improved. These subconscious reactions are derived from poor habits and expectations, sorry to burst bubbles.

You have not posed any serious question or worry, just "suspicion" buzzwords based on "I know something but in actuality I don't know anything".

You are essentially angry that others do donate and this favors good attention from the Gods, yes. Why? Because it is a consequence of true purpose here, it is a practical action. You, based on this, derive false conclusions and take it into offense to you and others.

Then you are trying to make it about Trump or whatever nonsense.

The only suspicious aspect of this whole thing is the reaction of those against this by whatever excuses they have. This only highlights that you need to do lots of money workings, squares and connect to the Gods. This isn't about JoS anymore, as it only tells of your personal life, which as a SS needs improvement. These subconscious reactions are derived from poor habits and expectations, sorry to burst bubbles.

Little shit mageson also stated than money is very evil. So pay up goy, go live in a cave without anything but holiness and good faith while being angry at Trump (who by the way, is a genius business man).

The biggest monster one has to face with Gentiles is when they are told about money. Hitler's party also almost went bankrupt until a few people managed to take the situation on them, because simply Gentiles are PROGRAMMED to give money to the jews and NOT to Gentiles, and definitely NOT to what will help them and save them.

Only some people are powerful enough to break this programming. Then, we have the programming about poverty.

People are programmed and among the other reasons I have to insist is because programming to help the Gods, programming anyone that wants their own good or anything like this, is very strong. It makes one really want to give up, but I am crazy enough to not want to do this.

All of these reactions come from deep rooted resentments about money. Magestein did a grave ((("sin"))) against the Gods to preach against money and wealth, which is the way that OUR OWN SATANISTS ARE GOING TO SURVIVE AND THRIVE IN THIS WORLD.

Of course, a jew would tell you that living in the hut and giving him your whole civilization is just very good, and that you need nothing in life but a bottle of water or something.

Somehow through this kikery for centuries, the Vatican now owns most of European Real Estate, has 20 trillion, runs banks, and controls all the worlds wealth with Rothschild. No wait, the Vatican is nothing compared to him, they kiss his hand.
NakedPluto said:

You have not posed any serious question or worry, just "suspicion" buzzwords based on "I know something but in actuality I don't know anything".

You are essentially angry that other do donate and this favors good attention from the Gods, yes. Why? Because it is a consequence of true purpose here, it is a practical action. You, based on this, derive false conclusions and take it into offense to you and others.

Then you are trying to make it about Trump or whatever nonsense.

The only suspicious aspect of this whole thing is the reaction of those against this by whatever excuses they have. This only highlights that you need to do lots of money workings, squares and connect to the Gods. This isn't about JoS anymore, as it only a tell of your personal life, which as a SS needs improvement. These subconscious reactions are derived from poor habits and expectations, sorry to burst bubbles.

Little shit mageson also stated than money is very evil. So pay up goy, go live in a cave without anything but holiness and good faith while being angry at Trump (who by the way, is a genius business man).

Not that hard to be a genious business man when you get a million dollars loan from your dad and major inheritances.
Bunny said:
NakedPluto said:

You have not posed any serious question or worry, just "suspicion" buzzwords based on "I know something but in actuality I don't know anything".

You are essentially angry that other do donate and this favors good attention from the Gods, yes. Why? Because it is a consequence of true purpose here, it is a practical action. You, based on this, derive false conclusions and take it into offense to you and others.

Then you are trying to make it about Trump or whatever nonsense.

The only suspicious aspect of this whole thing is the reaction of those against this by whatever excuses they have. This only highlights that you need to do lots of money workings, squares and connect to the Gods. This isn't about JoS anymore, as it only a tell of your personal life, which as a SS needs improvement. These subconscious reactions are derived from poor habits and expectations, sorry to burst bubbles.

Little shit mageson also stated than money is very evil. So pay up goy, go live in a cave without anything but holiness and good faith while being angry at Trump (who by the way, is a genius business man).

Not that hard to be a genious business man when you get a million dollars loan from your dad and major inheritances.
It actually is, because fools like you would never make as much money as he did if you were given 1 million dollars, even if given 10.
Bunny said:
NakedPluto said:

You have not posed any serious question or worry, just "suspicion" buzzwords based on "I know something but in actuality I don't know anything".

You are essentially angry that other do donate and this favors good attention from the Gods, yes. Why? Because it is a consequence of true purpose here, it is a practical action. You, based on this, derive false conclusions and take it into offense to you and others.

Then you are trying to make it about Trump or whatever nonsense.

The only suspicious aspect of this whole thing is the reaction of those against this by whatever excuses they have. This only highlights that you need to do lots of money workings, squares and connect to the Gods. This isn't about JoS anymore, as it only a tell of your personal life, which as a SS needs improvement. These subconscious reactions are derived from poor habits and expectations, sorry to burst bubbles.

Little shit mageson also stated than money is very evil. So pay up goy, go live in a cave without anything but holiness and good faith while being angry at Trump (who by the way, is a genius business man).

Not that hard to be a genious business man when you get a million dollars loan from your dad and major inheritances.

Even making 1 million to 2 billions is a very high skill of creating and cultivating wealth. This is not about Donald Trump, this is a very important skill in life which very few people possess.

Many people can end up in life to have a million or so, but they never make anything with it, or rather squander everything. Many Americans by the time they retire can have "millions", yet they oftentimes make nothing else but squander it.

It is indeed a skill to be able to do this. Growing in wealth helps, but it is not a determining factor. Many have been born sons and daughters of extremely rich people and simply destroyed everything mindlessly.

Unfortunately in Trump's case it appears this will be taken over by the jews in his family and that Gentiles and jews in his own family will have to fight over everything at some point.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
balo666 said:
the first time I donate was because I wanted to help

before donating I talk to Satan in my mind and told him that if he helps me to get more money I will donate more money

I start donating the 10% of my gains, in short time after that I start gaining more cash and being able to donate 20% of all my gains and now starting to consider donating the 30% of all my gains because

things are going good and not only economically. he has helped me in other areas of my life too, not only economically

I don't want to tell to you that if you donate the father Satan will make money rain for you, but for sure things will become better in much ways.

I hard work this money in the astral plane, but I'm totally sure he put his hand on it

Basically this is exactly how these things go.

Most people are busy making excuses, that is the problem. They think that what I write to them here is some sort of message from the Christian Church.


Of course, most people do not want to progress. That is not my issue. Everyone not wanting to elevate themselves by doing spiritual work, material work, financial work, or put some context in their life and progress in the Gods, should basically at least allow those who want to do something do so without the excuses and tears involved.

When i wasnt sure about donating i remember i had a big feeling about helping, so i started doing RTR (something that if you are not able to donate it helps a lot too) and if dedicating to satan was something that make me feel good, this was like a second verification step if you know what i mean.

when i start doing RTR it didnt past too much time until i start to feel i was doing something really important and making proud the gods wich give me real confidence, something that only happen when you put your mind into something that you really know its important.

Basically every thing that makes you closer to a real human being, every step you give towards the gods its a step to yourself, the real you and that is why its so important to start exercise, meditations, breathing exercises (pranayama), RTR, yoga, atletism, gym, donations; All this things help you step by step to get more into higher dimensions (wich are a delight to live in).

Growth and change hurt, but nothing hurt as much as staying in the same place forever.

ramses13th said:
Time to train my divination even more so I can play roulette, we'll succeed brothers.

Jajaja, that is a great plan and please if you learn how, teach us all!! :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
