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Donald Trump creates his own Social Media Platform


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2021

Go Trump's "TRUTH Social".
Wasn't he the one who put Shit pie in the office or am I wrong here ? There were pictures of him going to pissrael and touching those disgusting walls and what not.
Trump feels like just a puppet of the jews and Biden being puppet 2.0.

Although better than Biden, he is still of the enemy as far as I know. Other members correct me if I am wrong.
Username said:
Wasn't he the one who put Shit pie in the office or am I wrong here ? There were pictures of him going to pissrael and touching those disgusting walls and what not.
Trump feels like just a puppet of the jews and Biden being puppet 2.0.

Although better than Biden, he is still of the enemy as far as I know. Other members correct me if I am wrong.

Trump didn´t really collapse America, Biden is doing that. Trump, while doing a lot of faults, didn´t really do that bad that literally people are thinking if the United States will exist in the next 10 years. He also did, due to the RTRs and inadvertently good things for our general course of existence and survival in the Nation. Trump was more of an immature politician, but his second term may teach him a few things further.

He has a better business mindset and that will be needed with all the triggers of inflation, labor vacancies, automation rampage, and many other things. The thing Biden has over Trump, is that he can see some things arguably better [not yet proven] which involve new technologies such as the Blockchain. But I don´t see a reason why Trump couldn´t do the same with proper explanation and aid.

Biden is more ¨seasoned¨ as a politician, but he decided to follow a lot of stupid narratives to the point this is now becoming dangerous.

America needs the closest it can get to an actual patriot that cares for all Americans. The Chinese cocksucking has to end if we are to collectively exist.

Biden went as far as to literally want to de-synthesize the military in a world where China is having a literal upsurge. He is dividing the military, throwing people out of work in key branches due to the vaccine, and all sorts of other total nonsense.

Everyone has to puppet for Israel, Trump was no exception. They have also taken over half his family, which is also a non exception for most important people on the planet as they sic on them 24/7.

Since there can´t be a perfect person up now, the most optimal choice is the one that doesn´t cause fallout of the whole globe or civilization. Trump would be the better choice in that regard. Neither of them are perfect, but the enemy controls many of these offices so that would be an unrealistic expectation at this point.

Judge them by their works and deeds. If we put the two on the scale between Trump and Biden, the scale is that Biden is far more damaging to everything compared to Trump. Biden also was fine with instating a medical dictatorship or at least trying to enforce it. This is a terrible thing to do.

At this point whatever does not promote enemy agenda 100% and whatever isn´t Bush or something similar, is a better choice. Progressively as our side gets more and more power, we will be able to have higher standards.

Whomever wants to defend the free world and keep it free, and in power, and into the world´s biggest power against Communism, and respects the fundamentals such as the Constitution, human freedom, should for now be a good being to have in leadership. Having the skills to do it and keeping alive the simple and known American values should in itself be enough. And maintaining a semblance of normalcy on law, minimizing invasions, keeping reasonable security, a decently running economy, and adopting the future of technology etc.

It really doesn´t take much right now, just for someone who really isn´t decided to set the US in flames and allow China to overtake it. That´s all.

Until the better ones who will arrive, do arrive.
GoldenxChild1 said:

Go Trump's "TRUTH Social".

GO TRUMP.The one thing i know this great man was aware of is Huawei or should i say 'who are we'.This phone has a mind of its own for crying out loud.Log on to this forums,try to send a message and it will shut itself off.China is the enemies HQ and this phone is their means of spying on gentiles.This is why they pulled all stunts to eject him from the White House.I think he will go back in and this time,TEAR THE ENEMIES ASS and expose it to all mankind.This is a spoiler.GO TRUMP,GO!!
Granted the climate of major censorship and complete destruction of all freedoms, anyone who is doing things in the alternative or at least provides freedom should be looked upon as a desirable political leader at this time. They at least understand fundamentals. Trump hasn´t shown really sings of being an evil mad dictator.

Sure he´s been a bit informal or that type of thing, but he didn´t literally tell state agencies to treat random joe that doesn´t want to vaccinate as a literal bioterrorist and send them to FEMA, over a virus less deadly than the flu.

The press generally attacked him because of doing some TV persona stunts. There was no real political failure of severe magnitude during his presidency. In crucial moments he also appeared to have proper sense of judgement, such as the riots that were taking place between extremists and anti-fa.

Biden is the type of guy to issue the anti-terrorists wing on American citizens because they criticized him on the vaccine. That is absolutely retarded. Biden had no issues with mass censorship and loves that his predecessor isn´t even able to literally tweet or something.

United States should not be the country where people are afraid to talk and past presidents can´t tweet. That´s some insane stuff going on.

I hope his platform works well and people can exchange some actual information up there. Maybe it will be less free than even gab, but still this is a hundred times more free than Twitter, Facebook or even Instagram.
GoldenxChild1 said:

Go Trump's "TRUTH Social".
Good, one more free speech platform to do our Online Warfare. Imagine if the man starts seeing our posts and speaking about our material on his profile, it would reach millions.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
His second term may teach him a few things further.
So high priest you really believe that we will see him in office again? I’ll take your word for it because I assume the Daemons have advised you on this.
GoldenxChild1 said:

Go Trump's "TRUTH Social".

So? They already have a few of them, the biggest one being Gab. Gab is your daily dose of Jesus, Israel and fuck the nazis because Biden is a nazi and the nazis wanted mandatory vax. You won't be able to criticize the holo, the vax or jews and race mixing will still continue.

I was wondering lately why would the left world order kill a lot of their voters and supporters trough a vaccine that will lead to so many cases of severe trombosys, ADE and cytokine storm. But then again I still stand by my theory that the NWO is shifting from left to right gradually. Why? Because the left one has failed miserably in the most relevant and powerful countries like the US for example. So how do you do that? You take Trump out of the picture for a while and while you devastate the whole country to completely destroy the left wing support you force negotiate with him your new jew requirements in order to let him back in. Simple as that. It is obvious that Biden and his left wing thugs are doing on the short run FAR MORE DEVASTATION than Trump ever did. They divided the country and destroyed the military on purpose so yes the left wing world order may still be an option trough a potential Chinese - Russian military axis or simply a civil war.
Remember that the left never felt intimidated by 1.5 million people in front of the Capitol, which means the power of the people is null in the context of an AI NWO that influences and triggers all events and thought trends. The jew system is far more powerful than a pseudo-conservative army. That event as a potential did not necessarily mean a chance at a violent takeover, though as a last resort that would have been better than permanent communist takeover. It would have simply meant you have the power of the people with you and you can organize even outside the Big Tech infrastructure. The message it gave to people is that regardless of how many they are, they are meaningless in the face of a few hundred jew masters. The system is corrupt, the senates are blocking all audits and investigations. Knowing this, if Trump ever comes back we know it was not a mistake, but the next plans and negotiations finally concluded. Trump pushed for the deadly vax under the excuse that it was not mandatory under his administration and by the time he will be back all who wanted to take it and a few forced ones will have taken it and he will be seen as "he had nothing to do with it". Anyway they got the desired vax numbers by then.
Between a slow and unpainful death and a violent painful wound, the violent painful one may trigger you to defend yourself because it is obvious and can be seen. We will again feel safe and protected and not act if such a scenario happens. Trust the plan, trust Q, trust the lord. Why don't you? Are you a liberal? You hate jews? Are you a nazi pushing for the vax? Those phrases hurt my brain...

Of course they planned this. What do you think, the jews would let the people see the true evil of leftism and organize outside of a controlled opposition faction? And what? Just let the goyim become Hitlers again because they did not see and did not control this? We underestimate the jew if we think that. They will not make this mistake again. This reset agenda is triggering action. Note ACTION! Not awakening. Which is enough! People are not really waking up, but the ones that are already awake are becoming much more aware and acting. The ideological borders have been drawn for some time, people will defend their beliefs/religions no matter what arguments or methods they use. The truth is 100000% obvious now, the ones that seem vegetables know what they are doing, they just play dumb to be on the winning side. On the comfort side. If our side wins, I would never want to have such a person on my side because he switched sides for the sake of comfort and social validation. I feel safer with such an enemy that a traitor which I do not know who or where he is... or when something will trigger him. Those people are sleeper cells, the ones that no matter who is the winner they cheer for. The moment a deadly powerful ideology comes again you don't know which of your present "brothers" will switch again instead of picking arms with you. And you will end up with another civil war because you made a compromise instead of drawing a clear border.
The Outlaw Torn said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
His second term may teach him a few things further.
So high priest you really believe that we will see him in office again? I’ll take your word for it because I assume the Daemons have advised you on this.

If he gets it, he will learn. However, without social media coverage and so on, he might not get it. It will also depend on how many more years he can live. By his condition, I´d say he has at least 10 [unless something intervenes] so yes, it´s not impossible to see him again.

The current context of jewing however, censorship and potential electoral fraud for the next decade, would make this very difficult.

The Gods will enforce whatever they want on whomever they want, such as even Biden. Even through them they will do what is necessary to promote the sectors they want for victory. But it would be all smoother with Trump getting in power again.
I recall a few people mentioning Trump DID do some good things. For example he murdered the shit out of Al-budahqari(Mossad Agent Simon Elliot(very common usage Mossad name).

Apparently according to The Epoch Times, we could have killed him 5 years earlier in B'nai Obeezy's time but there were ((("leaks"))). Trump issued a secret order and popped Israeli Secret Intelligence Services(ISIS) leader. If I recall correctly the air strike also killed a few other big ballers of their terrorist organization. At the very least the collateral of the damage was done on ISIS and their leader/management class of people.

I should also point out that Trump administration used hypersonic cruise-missiles during the Syria campaign. When Trump attacked Syria, Tim Pool mentioned a while back he face palmed and said "At least the guy is being honest". Funny the entire thing was a sham, it was him turning it on the JNWO. Apparently the story goes the UN wanted to enter Syria and everyone and their mother knows if the UN enters your country prepare for false-flag incidents. According to a report a cruise-missile was supposed to crash into the baby formula plant/toy factory and blow up chemical weapons to spread chemical strikes across Syrian cities to outcry that Assad is going berserk and using chemical weapons. Such incident did occur without the chemical weapons being sneaked into the country through Turkey somewhere along the German line a train was stopped and chemical weapons were discovered according to Ryan Dawson. Either way Asad cockblocked UN and called the Geneva convention Swiss and ordered them to do the investigation. They did and found no evidence of non-sense the UN was spouting about.

I believe Ryan Dawson may have discussed this or was given information that this was gonna happen. The story goes Trump goes "Nice and Smart". Funny the first attack 65 rather 66 missiles fired so they failed to met their kaballah numerology quote. Funny Ryan Dawson was like they launched old Raytheontech missiles. Subsonic crap that is outdated even by like 10-15 years ago it became outdated. So they placed them in a tight trajectory and the Syrian air defense blasted like 72% of the missiles across Syrian skies. The next strike occurred about two or three days later they fanned them out in a larger, wider area and about 84% of the missiles were struck down by Syria.

About a day or two after this incident and the international community is talking. It's funny they went from talking about this to immediately STFU about it. According to reports a lone missile cruiser-destroyer one of the hybrid vessels that has been constructed. Went about 11 miles outside Israeli waters. It opened up it's missile bays and fired many cruise missiles at Syria. The funny part is I bet the Israelis shat their pants because once they reached max altitude and once they reached their speeds they were the new mach-20-mach-25 buster hypersonics we have. According to reports they struck key ISIS/Al-Quada/Terrorist locations. I would not be surprised if the ship and the U.S. military was working with Syrian military, and Iranian and Russian advisers to identify and strike key targets.

One key target struck was a bunker placed somewhere on Western Golan Heights territory. If you remember your history this was lost by Syria to Israel in the '67 Arab-Israeli war. Apparently the story goes one of the buster missiles struck the bunker so viciously that the entire bunker was devastated. Already, the Syrians attacked this region as it belonged to Syria before due in part to the '67 issue. And failed met heavy, organized resistance from this bunker even the Syrian air force couldn't stop the enemy from hunkering down and resisting the Syrian onslaught.

The Syrians began to probe the defenses for a period of two days here and there and noticed weak and or collapsing resistance. About two weeks after the bunker was struck by the hypersonic. The Syrians engaged in basically a rolling effect against the enemy and they collapsed like crazy they ran right into Israeli territory. After a short while Syria regain Western Golan Heights. I have no idea what happened after that, I'm guessing any jewish person in this region would be considered a hostile person and may be subject to imprisonment.

I often wonder what Syria is like under Asad like how do they treat jews do they perform the typical Muslim Taqiyya they state they are against jews but really support them and want them as their lords and masters in serfdom. And the Syrian xtians there's a lot of Aryanized or Aryan-like but not European compatible Aryans that live in Syria what do they do to jews do they consider them hostile threats subversive elements or do they cuck around and keep goyshkopfing themselves with the so-called holy, chosen, gods in carneth.

Either way Trump not great, not OMG this guy is shit heading us. But okay. Like Tim Pool states "Not great but Okay". At least Trump is against CRT, Communism, and all this marxist bullshit occurring in this country. One time at a nuclear power plant that is a joint Government/Private enterprise he fired a worker for stating anti-white rhetoric.

Sometimes I tell you people become like Aids Skrillex. IF your White and hate White people, Why are you White?

Sometimes the goyim mindset really makes me push my fingers into my eyes. If your, your own race, and hate your own race for perceived false information, how can you hate your own race, YOU ARE that race dumbfuck. Why would you hate being White if you are White. And then people come out and say "We are all brothers and sisters there is no race", if there is no race why the fuck do you hate others and yourself for being a race?

I'm 12 what is this, I'm 13 I still don't know what this is. You hate your race because you are the race everyone hates. Funny kikes be hated by everyone but they still support their race till they are literally up your ass with jewishness.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Username said:
Wasn't he the one who put Shit pie in the office or am I wrong here ? There were pictures of him going to pissrael and touching those disgusting walls and what not.
Trump feels like just a puppet of the jews and Biden being puppet 2.0.

Although better than Biden, he is still of the enemy as far as I know. Other members correct me if I am wrong.

I should be more careful regarding such matters. I also found Trump to be a better president for the country at first, later on I was misled by the pictures of him touching those walls. Little did I know that the enemy had literally taken over half his family.

It was naive, hasty and ignorant of me when I arrived at such a conclusion seeing only one side of things but not the other side. I have much to learn and grow.
Fun fact: on the day Trump got on Rumble, Rumble (((coincidentally))) changed its rules to ban "hate speech" and criticism of jews and Israel. The same it was with the "theDonald" subleddit, it censored criticism of jews and Israel. Do you think it will be different with Trump's new social media? Also I heard that it will be based on Mastodon which is slow and has huge flaws.
When Trump opens it try to be fast get short and easy usernames. For example @666 @satanism @s @1 @2 @3
For those who think Trump was a great person I don't know what you all are talking about.


Yeah Make Pisrael Great again.

He was also known in New York long before he was president for being a very corrupt person.

Great person my ass.
slyscorpion said:
For those who think Trump was a great person I don't know what you all are talking about.


Yeah Make Pisrael Great again.

He was also known in New York long before he was president for being a very corrupt person.

Great person my ass.

Not saying he is "Great"; however, he's better than Biden. It's more of a lesser evil deal. Every President will have to kiss Jewish ass until the time comes when they don't.
The Outlaw Torn said:

If this is you, in your profile picture, remove it asap, enemy can use it to curse you.
GoldenxChild1 said:
slyscorpion said:
For those who think Trump was a great person I don't know what you all are talking about.


Yeah Make Pisrael Great again.

He was also known in New York long before he was president for being a very corrupt person.

Great person my ass.

Not saying he is "Great"; however, he's better than Biden. It's more of a lesser evil deal. Every President will have to kiss Jewish ass until the time comes when they don't.

thats true he is the lesser of two evils
Fanboy said:
slyscorpion said:
For those who think Trump was a great person I don't know what you all are talking about.


Yeah Make Pisrael Great again.

He was also known in New York long before he was president for being a very corrupt person.

Great person my ass.

not sure if i should bother saying this, but he is a jew on his dads side, from fredrick drumpf

its not as if the jews "took over" his family or something. he literally proposed and married to the jewess to have jew children.

he IS an extremely corrupt freak, and every materialistic money worshipping piece of shit in the 80s was talking about him.

that cute XXXY girl from the bond movies actually was fawning over him in an interview one time.

That is what I was trying to say.
slyscorpion said:
Fanboy said:
slyscorpion said:

Regardless, would you prefer him or Biden? At least he shows some semblance of Nationalism and Patriotism. With the RTR, Jews make countless mistakes that actually assist the side of Satan. Also, have you noticed the amount of negative media attention Trump gets while Biden is venerated? The Jews hate Trump either way and that says something. They rigged the election because they can "Control" Biden. I would prefer a loose cannon like Trump.
GoldenxChild1 said:
slyscorpion said:
Fanboy said:
not sure if i should bother saying this, but he is a jew on his dads side, from fredrick drumpf

its not as if the jews "took over" his family or something. he literally proposed and married to the jewess to have jew children.

he IS an extremely corrupt freak, and every materialistic money worshipping piece of shit in the 80s was talking about him.

that cute XXXY girl from the bond movies actually was fawning over him in an interview one time.

That is what I was trying to say.

Regardless, would you prefer him or Biden? At least he shows some semblance of Nationalism and Patriotism. With the RTR, Jews make countless mistakes that actually assist the side of Satan. Also, have you noticed the amount of negative media attention Trump gets while Biden is venerated? The Jews hate Trump either way and that says something. They rigged the election because they can "Control" Biden. I would prefer a loose cannon like Trump.

I would prefer neither. Why not try to get someone who is not as corrupt in office. Heck if they chose just an average gentile person off the street with no experience they would do a way better job than any of these people and be less corrupt too.
slyscorpion said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
slyscorpion said:
That is what I was trying to say.

Regardless, would you prefer him or Biden? At least he shows some semblance of Nationalism and Patriotism. With the RTR, Jews make countless mistakes that actually assist the side of Satan. Also, have you noticed the amount of negative media attention Trump gets while Biden is venerated? The Jews hate Trump either way and that says something. They rigged the election because they can "Control" Biden. I would prefer a loose cannon like Trump.

I would prefer neither. Why not try to get someone who is not as corrupt in office. Heck if they chose just an average gentile person off the street with no experience they would do a way better job than any of these people and be less corrupt too.

I have to agree with you there.
I had thought Trump is completely gentile though but it is strange how a lot of his family members are hooking up with Jews so much I wouldn't trust that feeling anymore. Also the fact he had so much money and influence and was known widely for scamming people all the time.

Why couldn't by 2024 since the world probably will be quite different like a lot of people claim we have someone different who actually is in favor of the white race and there is no ties to jews or suspicious circumstances/knowledge that suggests a person may have Jewish Blood.

It doesn't have to be a full on SS and probably won't be but why Trump.

Fanboy said:
slyscorpion said:
For those who think Trump was a great person I don't know what you all are talking about.


Yeah Make Pisrael Great again.

He was also known in New York long before he was president for being a very corrupt person.

Great person my ass.

not sure if i should bother saying this, but he is a jew on his dads side, from fredrick drumpf

its not as if the jews "took over" his family or something. he literally proposed and married to the jewess to have jew children.

he IS an extremely corrupt freak, and every materialistic money worshipping piece of shit in the 80s was talking about him.

that cute XXXY girl from the bond movies actually was fawning over him in an interview one time.
slyscorpion said:
I had thought Trump is completely gentile though but it is strange how a lot of his family members are hooking up with Jews so much I wouldn't trust that feeling anymore. Also the fact he had so much money and influence and was known widely for scamming people all the time.

Why couldn't by 2024 since the world probably will be quite different like a lot of people claim we have someone different who actually is in favor of the white race and there is no ties to jews or suspicious circumstances/knowledge that suggests a person may have Jewish Blood.

It doesn't have to be a full on SS and probably won't be but why Trump.

Fanboy said:
slyscorpion said:
For those who think Trump was a great person I don't know what you all are talking about.


Yeah Make Pisrael Great again.

He was also known in New York long before he was president for being a very corrupt person.

Great person my ass.

not sure if i should bother saying this, but he is a jew on his dads side, from fredrick drumpf

its not as if the jews "took over" his family or something. he literally proposed and married to the jewess to have jew children.

he IS an extremely corrupt freak, and every materialistic money worshipping piece of shit in the 80s was talking about him.

that cute XXXY girl from the bond movies actually was fawning over him in an interview one time.

You know, I know that any true gentile who puts himself on a global recognition will be infested by Jewish people. They are insects that like the going after the light. I'm not saying this is so with trump, we can see this with such a soul as Michael Jackson, all his accountants were Jewish. And I'm sure they would want to influence his life to every detail. One day, an SS would rule and they wouldn't be alone like most were. One day an SS will bravely shine so bright and they won't be alone. We'll all have each other's back.

slyscorpion said:
I had thought Trump is completely gentile though but it is strange how a lot of his family members are hooking up with Jews so much I wouldn't trust that feeling anymore. Also the fact he had so much money and influence and was known widely for scamming people all the time.

Why couldn't by 2024 since the world probably will be quite different like a lot of people claim we have someone different who actually is in favor of the white race and there is no ties to jews or suspicious circumstances/knowledge that suggests a person may have Jewish Blood.

It doesn't have to be a full on SS and probably won't be but why Trump.

Fanboy said:
slyscorpion said:
For those who think Trump was a great person I don't know what you all are talking about.


Yeah Make Pisrael Great again.

He was also known in New York long before he was president for being a very corrupt person.

Great person my ass.

not sure if i should bother saying this, but he is a jew on his dads side, from fredrick drumpf

its not as if the jews "took over" his family or something. he literally proposed and married to the jewess to have jew children.

he IS an extremely corrupt freak, and every materialistic money worshipping piece of shit in the 80s was talking about him.

that cute XXXY girl from the bond movies actually was fawning over him in an interview one time.

You know, I know that any true gentile who puts himself on a global recognition will be infested by Jewish people. They are insects that like the going after the light. I'm not saying this is so with trump, we can see this with such a soul as Michael Jackson, all his accountants were Jewish. And I'm sure they would want to influence his life to every detail. One day, an SS would rule and they wouldn't be alone like most were. One day an SS will bravely shine so bright and they won't be alone. We'll all have each other's back.

slyscorpion said:
I had thought Trump is completely gentile though but it is strange how a lot of his family members are hooking up with Jews so much I wouldn't trust that feeling anymore. Also the fact he had so much money and influence and was known widely for scamming people all the time.

Why couldn't by 2024 since the world probably will be quite different like a lot of people claim we have someone different who actually is in favor of the white race and there is no ties to jews or suspicious circumstances/knowledge that suggests a person may have Jewish Blood.

It doesn't have to be a full on SS and probably won't be but why Trump.

Fanboy said:
slyscorpion said:
For those who think Trump was a great person I don't know what you all are talking about.


Yeah Make Pisrael Great again.

He was also known in New York long before he was president for being a very corrupt person.

Great person my ass.

not sure if i should bother saying this, but he is a jew on his dads side, from fredrick drumpf

its not as if the jews "took over" his family or something. he literally proposed and married to the jewess to have jew children.

he IS an extremely corrupt freak, and every materialistic money worshipping piece of shit in the 80s was talking about him.

that cute XXXY girl from the bond movies actually was fawning over him in an interview one time.

I highly doubt anyone running against Trump will be better than Trump. 2024 is not enough time to manifest a leader like you have in mind. I guess it all comes down to opinion.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Biden had no issues with mass censorship and loves that his predecessor isn´t even able to literally tweet or something.

United States should not be the country where people are afraid to talk and past presidents can´t tweet. That´s some insane stuff going on.

I hope his platform works well and people can exchange some actual information up there. Maybe it will be less free than even gab, but still this is a hundred times more free than Twitter, Facebook or even Instagram.

Past presidents are not able to tweet. That is true. However, child rapists and bio terrorists such as taliban are freely able to tweet as long as they 'follow rules'. This makes one laugh out in great anger. What the fuck is going ? They keep beheading innocent Americans as a show of force, keep hanging them from a helicopter and commit rapes without stop. However, somehow, they are completely and freely allowed to tweet their bullshit.

We keep hearing news of Americans being beheaded such as the volleyball coach or hunted after being betrayed by Biden as he gave the list of names to the Taliban(lol so much for Protector of the country) or women being raped as young as 12 but no, as long as they 'follow rules', they are most welcome on Twitter. I wonder what 'rules' does twitter have in their policies that safeguards terrorists, rapists and murderer's freedom of speech but destroys all forms of it when it comes to President's voice and opinions.

I definitely hope for the Taliban to be returned back 1 billion times for what they have done. The enemy and their programs should burn and suffer for eternity in the most torturous way in their own version of hell for the things that they have done.
I'll do a tarot on it. But I'd assume the west will continue to crumble to some degree simply as a trajectory based upon where things have been going.
slyscorpion said:
It doesn't have to be a full on SS and probably won't be but why Trump.

Fanboy said:
slyscorpion said:

Because... what can happen in reality > wanna be nonsense expectations.

Power and other things decide these aspects, and not strange moral spiels that people have.

Also, welcome to Democracy. There are no standards in any serious way. So long people choose these people, then the populace will have to endure in this manner.

Politics is about hardcore reality, it's not about expectations and other nonsense. Going by fundamentals, Trump didn't issue purges of people or want to instate a medical dictatorship. He didn't reward NASA scientists selling secrets to the Chinese that could blow up the planet.

At 2017, the JoS didn't have to risk maximum censorship because of insane jews, and there was justice on the landscape of these matters. There weren't censored presidents in social media. Awakening was booming. And the enemy knew that Trump was sitting as a thorn in their goals, inadvertently and without him really wanting it.

The important things to consider are if they are good overall or at least in some necessary areas. Politics is not a purity contest for thousands of years time now, it's a functionality situation.
Seems like a hopeful place to awaken Gentiles to take action against the JWO. I've already seen people commenting the word "goy" Curse the joo and bless the Gentiles!
Zaqîêl3 said:
Seems like a hopeful place to awaken Gentiles to take action against the JWO. I've already seen people commenting the word "goy" Curse the joo and bless the Gentiles!

Trump's base for that which he was hated for and removed in office, except of having some pro-zio jews and other similar bullshit rightwingers, has an overwhelming majority of jew aware individuals. That's the reality. That's not his choice, but it's the reality, and it can be helpful in our endeavors and promoting awakening.
Thaumaturgist said:
Long live Emperror and God Donald Trump.

I know the meme, but a person like Trump shouldn't be a "God" to you.

www.satanisgod.org for the actual Gods.
Trumps Son in law, Kushner. Bought or sold building 666 fifth Avenue. :evil: The talk of changing the address to 660 has been in the progress. Has anybody else heard of this?
Spidersweb said:
Respectfully, promoting an obvious jew shill hurts credibility. A lot.

So, who should we promote? Any other American candidate is worse than him, starting from Bidet who's also a paedophile. It is normal to support the lesser evil in times like this. The lesser evil in the USA is now Donald Trump.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
