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Do You Want To Be Free and Safe? Then Read Carefully

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Over the times with the RTRs we have seen major improvement and empowerment. However this Final RTR is monumental.

Many people do not understand the importance of it. The Gentiles are afflicted heavily. These afflictions range from poverty, to disease, to an endless amount of other perilous things. These curses are all in the Torah and Bible, and on top of this, people have charged these manuscripts for approximately two thousand years.

In the same way as a patient afflicted by many diseases, one cannot focus solely on one problem. For example a person with 10 diseases should not be focusing on one disease. Likewise, removing singular curses from the bible as many people would like to do is pointless. Removing dandruff when one has 9 more afflictions is not going to help your soul in the longterm.

The only thing one understands when they read the bible which is around 3000 pages in some versions is that there are endless curses. It either goes all down together or it will never singularly go down.

One frees a curse for sex, there is another one lingering for finances. Then in the category of finances we have around 100 more individual curses. Then in these another 50 per category. And the list goes endless.

In simpler words if humanity wants to be free of the jewish bindings and curses we have to work in teamwork and together. This is the only way.

The jews work with teamwork. Even when they are seemingly divided they procure and advance the very same agenda. What many people perceive as division amongst the jews is them just carrying out their ancestral religion which tells them to constantly debate in order to be come proficient in lying and in incorporation of new things in their culture.

The goyim look at them and thing the Sephardi are against the Ashkenasi but this is the partial truth. When it comes to feasting on the goyim and enslaving them they are all doing it in the same exact manner.

Individualism is not how you win any war or how you win in life in general. We are strong because we are together. No matter how strong is one as a singular monad, the many will always gang up and defeat the solitary ones. Even 100 sheep can overrun and kill a lion. But 10 lions can probably messacre 100 sheep.

For the above reason keep in mind the fastest way to your interests in life is to remove these curses. Yes, you are affected. Even if you are rich, live a peaceful life, or have an idyllic life without struggle, this does not mean you are not cursed. Our enemies are advancing regardless.

The beautiful town today lies in shambles tommorow, to name one example of the incessant invasion in what people are perceiving in always less and less places in the "peaceful" west. The west was peaceful 20 years ago. The times of peace have passed. We are entering critical zone right now.

This is like the time where a disease has already infected the system. It is already doing damage. However when symptoms become too apparent, sometimes it is also too late. As this is the case with cancer and some other deadly diseases, so is the csse with the social policies of jews in the West.

The same thing goes about someone who lives peacefully locked in their own house, in an imaginary town of savagery and death. It will not be long till what is plaguing the whole planet comes to affect anyone personally. The reality is that this world is past critical point and this is well known on the inside in most world governments.

Jews in France know this is the case but they could care less. They just seclude matters until the situation is past any way to be humanely controlled. As to those who experience the negative effects very directly, there is nothing further to explain here. As such jews are evacuating the west. I have a sermon upcoming on the subject.

To make matters short, relieving ourselves and this world of curses will be crucial to our wellbeing as Satanists, and to the survival of this world. This will safeguard you personally and also safeguard the world at large.

The Final RTR is at the center of this. It must be done daily and always without fail.

Imagine this as taking preventive medicine and arming for an upcoming Zombie Apocalypse. Doing RTRs is distribution of this medicine to avoid future catastrophe.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Something to consider is in America the real unemployment level that was leaked is the same level of unemployment in the American Great Depression. The official stats are a joke if you work one hour a week your counted as employed and if you have not worked for more then four weeks our not counted even as unemployed. Half the American population is living in working poverty and have no savings left and many are forced to live on credit to just eat. Factor that in with the actual economy of America has been shipped to Mexico, China, India and elsewhere in the third world by Jewish criminals and greedy cohorts. And any jobs left in America have been undercut wages and not enough hours.

Now put in the fact the American dollar is going to probably collapse in value when its dropped as the world reserve currency. You have a total collapse of everything. Trump putting his foot down of the Fed has saved somethings for now. But its probably too little too late. There could be a regional war between China and America in the near future as well over Tariff's and resources which is how major wars start. Even a lost war in the ME with Iran and his allies could be the trigger to drop the American dollar.

As stated you better invest in saving your ass now and society by doing this Final RTR. Because this is the kind of chaos the jews have worked to create to bring about their Communist movements which trigger civil war and mass slaughter what happened in Russian in 1917 could happen in American in 20...whenever.
There's a saying in South Africa where they say you used to hear of people getting affected by crime. Then it got to the point where everybody knew someone who had been a victim of crime. Now it's reached the stage where everyone has been affected by the crime in the country.
Excellent sermon!

It's like Maxine said in a page on the Hell's Army section:

Just as a single ant isn't much of a threat, take an army of ants and they will strip an orchard in a very short period of time.


We need to gang up against everything the jews have created.

And this makes me further think about how the Catholic Church was overthrown from their position of state in the Middle Ages. This was probably only possible with team work on the part of old Satanic organizations from those times.
Personal Growth said:
There's a saying in South Africa where they say you used to hear of people getting affected by crime. Then it got to the point where everybody knew someone who had been a victim of crime. Now it's reached the stage where everyone has been affected by the crime in the country.

It will worsen. People in SA need to either evacuate and get to Europe (here are some good refugees you can take who will work and be socially peaceful) or defend themselves somehow.

For those from SA who are SS I would advise to start looking for VISA's and have a plan in place for evacuation. And some open tickets sitting handy.

If you have property you can sell it or other similar things. There still is time. But in a decade or less there won't be.

One may need to prepare for Asylum in some European country or anywhere else.

This thing in SA in a few decades will turn to a messacre spree. Many blacks will also be affected adversely and the economy of SA will suffer tremendously. Even if they get the farmland they will not be able to meet these demands. The communists also are agitating them more and more.

The documentary by Lauren Judenstern was also soft. And politically correct. Talking with many South Africans I have heard only bad news. Many are locked within their own houses 24/7.
HP Mageson666 said:
Something to consider is in America the real unemployment level that was leaked is the same level of unemployment in the American Great Depression. The official stats are a joke if you work one hour a week your counted as employed and if you have not worked for more then four weeks our not counted even as unemployed. Half the American population is living in working poverty and have no savings left and many are forced to live on credit to just eat. Factor that in with the actual economy of America has been shipped to Mexico, China, India and elsewhere in the third world by Jewish criminals and greedy cohorts. And any jobs left in America have been undercut wages and not enough hours.

Now put in the fact the American dollar is going to probably collapse in value when its dropped as the world reserve currency. You have a total collapse of everything. Trump putting his foot down of the Fed has saved somethings for now. But its probably too little too late. There could be a regional war between China and America in the near future as well over Tariff's and resources which is how major wars start. Even a lost war in the ME with Iran and his allies could be the trigger to drop the American dollar.

As stated you better invest in saving your ass now and society by doing this Final RTR. Because this is the kind of chaos the jews have worked to create to bring about their Communist movements which trigger civil war and mass slaughter what happened in Russian in 1917 could happen in American in 20...whenever.

The American economy is going to collapse one way or the other. It might happen next year or next month. Its a mathematical uncertainty that the collapse won't happen. And the trade war only made it worse. De-dollarization from America is the main aim of China and Russia.When shit hits the fan hard and the dollar completely loses value there will be another great depression. One worse than the last one. A severe depression that will affect the whole world, some countries more than others and America is unfortunately at the center of that. The Zionist bastards are already hoarding up gold in Russia and China and all major capitalist Jews,for when things go south. The situation is bad and it has been deliberately made to be so. The Zionist Jews have been planning to end all national currencies and burn it all in a hyperinflationary fire and from the ashes, a new one world currency and one world order is supposed to rise. That's just mental masturbation and such a thing will never be achieved by the worthless jews . But things will still go south due to the shit they've been doing to the global economy past 100 or 150 years. When depression does hit, countries will be given a new choice, go the Hitler way, print your own money and value it with labor , be self sufficient, don't be consumer meatheads, have strong boundaries and strict laws to prevent another catastrophe like this.

Its hard to find clean sources but if your able to tolerate some disgusting Christian talk check out this book explains it out fairly neatly,


And this YouTube channel talks extensively on this subject. Good to keep up to date with economic news from this channel,

Personal Growth said:
There's a saying in South Africa where they say you used to hear of people getting affected by crime. Then it got to the point where everybody knew someone who had been a victim of crime. Now it's reached the stage where everyone has been affected by the crime in the country.


Like the Crime of Cyril Ramaphosa selling south Africa to Communist China . Its sad that our fellow South Africans cant see these Jewish crimes against us .
with 49% of Kenyans Living in Poverty,(as per recent studies) & all this horrifying murder cases reported on a daily basis,someone better get working #FinalRTR,For who knows what tomorrow might bring? :(
Hoodedcobra666 said:
jews are evacuating the west.
And Europe:
I do understand the important of doing the FINAL RTR, but why is dropping the US Dollar as world currency a bad thing ?
I did consider the FED as a mostly jewish company (rotschild family) . They enslaved the hole world in depts over the us dollar. Because it is the world currency everything globaly big has to be done with it. If they print new money they inflating all currencys, the same goes for dept money (every money is dept money i mean , here digital money) lending to states for goods. They provide the world with a currency with no real value behind it and every nation gives them goods for it. They did "steal" over all these jears from the rest of the world. If the US Dollar is dropping as a wold currency, the FED (Jews) would loose some major tool for world enslavement. It is true, if this happens the majority of people of the us will suffer because the shipping of goods from the other parts of the wold will decline, prices will increase. But the rest of the world will be benefiting from this. Which should leed to stronger individual states, with stronger currencys. Because of the situation above they could survive with there former low export and high imports. I think there shouldn´t be a world currency everything should be done with the two currencys of the two nations involved in a trade.

Greetings BMF
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Individualism is not how you win any war or how you win in life in general. We are strong because we are together. No matter how strong is one as a singular monad, the many will always gang up and defeat the solitary ones. Even 100 sheep can overrun and kill a lion. But 10 lions can probably messacre 100 sheep.

No, bad goy. Sit down and listen to ol' Jordie Peterson, our kosher certified conservative. He'll tell you how to save the west!


The risk the Jews know they face when it collapses is the governments might just cancel the debt on them and render their whole scheme worthless. That has already happened to the jews before in history. And was already threatened with Greece. If a big player like America does this and kicks their Fed out. They are finished so they have to create controls in place for this. That they are losing. 2008 was a beta test to test the social and political waters to see if they could get the Communist movement going with the Protest Wall St. Which was put together by the Communist Party directed by Rothschild and Rockefeller, Soros agents. It failed and the Marxist media was very open on this fact.

Also the channel about the sliver this is just another scam that is pushed by jews. Their precious metal crap. Just buy this metal Goyim and invest in our metal market. Its all rigged and meaningless. When an economy collapses people are returned to barter level of existence and not using metal money. Most people wouldn't even know the stated value of silver if you took it to the store to try and spend it. The precious metal trend is promoted by Libertarians like Ron Paul who works for the jewish Von Mises institute which is a think tank of international jewish bankers.

The jews want to force a return to precious metal currency as well. Because they have all the precious metals and then can create economic scarcity which affords them control. Its harder to do this with fiat currency. The concept of fiat was created in Europe after the Bullion bust a one hundred years depression in Europe because their was not enough precious metal to go around as currency. To have a successful money system debt free Fiat currency printed by a National Bank with simple inflation controls is needed. Of course this is the one economic system the kikes don't want the Goyim to have and have even assassinated Presidents to keep this out. So when the fake Libertarian kikes are sent in by the Jewish bankers they create a false narrative to fool the Goyim into accepting enslavement by neo-Feudal system of Kike capitalism.

If a person studies the economic history of the west the precious metal peddling claims are nonsense. Barren metals as the Greeks called it.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
The American economy is going to collapse one way or the other. It might happen next year or next month. Its a mathematical uncertainty that the collapse won't happen. And the trade war only made it worse. De-dollarization from America is the main aim of China and Russia.When shit hits the fan hard and the dollar completely loses value there will be another great depression. One worse than the last one. A severe depression that will affect the whole world, some countries more than others and America is unfortunately at the center of that. The Zionist bastards are already hoarding up gold in Russia and China and all major capitalist Jews,for when things go south. The situation is bad and it has been deliberately made to be so. The Zionist Jews have been planning to end all national currencies and burn it all in a hyperinflationary fire and from the ashes, a new one world currency and one world order is supposed to rise. That's just mental masturbation and such a thing will never be achieved by the worthless jews . But things will still go south due to the shit they've been doing to the global economy past 100 or 150 years. When depression does hit, countries will be given a new choice, go the Hitler way, print your own money and value it with labor , be self sufficient, don't be consumer meatheads, have strong boundaries and strict laws to prevent another catastrophe like this.

Its hard to find clean sources but if your able to tolerate some disgusting Christian talk check out this book explains it out fairly neatly,


And this YouTube channel talks extensively on this subject. Good to keep up to date with economic news from this channel,

Watching any interview with Rabbi Peterson is watching a mentally ill, kike just ramble on with their schizophrenic, kike soul. Its a strange experience. He also is an obvious opportunist who just promotes his own sophistry for shekels. And like a kike he is always pushing the lie of Xianity.
Two weeks after church sex abuse was confirmed, Patterson was on Rogan's show promoting the church for young men.

Something like his next ten activities will have to do with the church.

He lost any respect I had for him, and confirmed what people were already saying about him.
StraitShot47 said:
Two weeks after church sex abuse was confirmed, Patterson was on Rogan's show promoting the church for young men.

Something like his next ten activities will have to do with the church.

He lost any respect I had for him, and confirmed what people were already saying about him.

Peterson is a jew. His bloodline is also plagued with all sorts of alien diseases that appear on jews primarily.

The alt right made him into something and now they whine about him and pretend to denounce him.

Anglin is a very notorious dumbass who just praises cryptos and jews like Molyneux, makes these retard confusers famous, and then, complains they are fucked up.

The alt-right leadership is just too busy attacking Satan in every post. Anglin says he is not religious and he just repeats everything that the Talmud says about women, promoting jews and ficticious rabbis as hoaxes to blind people etc.
BMF said:
I do understand the important of doing the FINAL RTR, but why is dropping the US Dollar as world currency a bad thing ?
I did consider the FED as a mostly jewish company (rotschild family) . They enslaved the hole world in depts over the us dollar. Because it is the world currency everything globaly big has to be done with it. If they print new money they inflating all currencys, the same goes for dept money (every money is dept money i mean , here digital money) lending to states for goods. They provide the world with a currency with no real value behind it and every nation gives them goods for it. They did "steal" over all these jears from the rest of the world. If the US Dollar is dropping as a wold currency, the FED (Jews) would loose some major tool for world enslavement. It is true, if this happens the majority of people of the us will suffer because the shipping of goods from the other parts of the wold will decline, prices will increase. But the rest of the world will be benefiting from this. Which should leed to stronger individual states, with stronger currencys. Because of the situation above they could survive with there former low export and high imports. I think there shouldn´t be a world currency everything should be done with the two currencys of the two nations involved in a trade.

Greetings BMF

How change will come is irrelevant the thing is America has two faces, one the torn but great face of a great Nation as it was founded, and two a mega morbid warmorgering beast that bleeds nations dry as the jew commands.

America has invited curses unto itself with these actions. It's not that simple, all nations on earth are somehow tied in and through to the USA. Any free speech exists because of the Constitution some Satanists left behind when they founded America.

Thing is at some point to cauterize the jewish cysts on this land it will be painful for the Americans. But ultimately America will survive in my opinion.

Any scenario of collapse is simply better than having jews drink your blood for all eternity. Better suffer for a small while and then never again rather than suffer all your existence. The fixing of the US will be like putting broken limbs back in place. Very painful but ultimately for the better.

Americans are brave they are not what the jews have them for. America is not the ruling world power by some coincidence.

The jews however are riding this car and when they are removed, maybe people will go through a bad ride, but it won't be as the jew intended to drive them off the cliff. The jews state America is Esav the biblical enemy of the jews, which is the line of Rome and Europe. Their aims are not only perversion but extinction of these two continents.

Thing of America as a good giant with a mind controlling octapus on the top of its head. The jew. If this is removed then the good giant will have some disorientation but he will ultimately survive.
Regarding South Africa, what are people's thoughts on the alleged prophecies of Siener van Rensburg? It seems to have some Xian elements, but supposedly van Rensburg stated that the Boers and the Blacks would have a final conflict and the Boers would emerge victorious and stand as the greatest human Race. (By the way, from what I've heard South Africa does not belong to Blacks. The Dutch colonized it, and Black Africans later came down after industry started to develop and jobs were available. I don't say this to disparage others or make people feel bad, just to clarify the truth.)
HP Mageson666 said:
The risk the Jews know they face when it collapses is the governments might just cancel the debt on them and render their whole scheme worthless. That has already happened to the jews before in history. And was already threatened with Greece. If a big player like America does this and kicks their Fed out. They are finished so they have to create controls in place for this. That they are losing. 2008 was a beta test to test the social and political waters to see if they could get the Communist movement going with the Protest Wall St. Which was put together by the Communist Party directed by Rothschild and Rockefeller, Soros agents. It failed and the Marxist media was very open on this fact.

Also the channel about the sliver this is just another scam that is pushed by jews. Their precious metal crap. Just buy this metal Goyim and invest in our metal market. Its all rigged and meaningless. When an economy collapses people are returned to barter level of existence and not using metal money. Most people wouldn't even know the stated value of silver if you took it to the store to try and spend it. The precious metal trend is promoted by Libertarians like Ron Paul who works for the jewish Von Mises institute which is a think tank of international jewish bankers.

The jews want to force a return to precious metal currency as well. Because they have all the precious metals and then can create economic scarcity which affords them control. Its harder to do this with fiat currency. The concept of fiat was created in Europe after the Bullion bust a one hundred years depression in Europe because their was not enough precious metal to go around as currency. To have a successful money system debt free Fiat currency printed by a National Bank with simple inflation controls is needed. Of course this is the one economic system the kikes don't want the Goyim to have and have even assassinated Presidents to keep this out. So when the fake Libertarian kikes are sent in by the Jewish bankers they create a false narrative to fool the Goyim into accepting enslavement by neo-Feudal system of Kike capitalism.

If a person studies the economic history of the west the precious metal peddling claims are nonsense. Barren metals as the Greeks called it.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
The American economy is going to collapse one way or the other. It might happen next year or next month. Its a mathematical uncertainty that the collapse won't happen. And the trade war only made it worse. De-dollarization from America is the main aim of China and Russia.When shit hits the fan hard and the dollar completely loses value there will be another great depression. One worse than the last one. A severe depression that will affect the whole world, some countries more than others and America is unfortunately at the center of that. The Zionist bastards are already hoarding up gold in Russia and China and all major capitalist Jews,for when things go south. The situation is bad and it has been deliberately made to be so. The Zionist Jews have been planning to end all national currencies and burn it all in a hyperinflationary fire and from the ashes, a new one world currency and one world order is supposed to rise. That's just mental masturbation and such a thing will never be achieved by the worthless jews . But things will still go south due to the shit they've been doing to the global economy past 100 or 150 years. When depression does hit, countries will be given a new choice, go the Hitler way, print your own money and value it with labor , be self sufficient, don't be consumer meatheads, have strong boundaries and strict laws to prevent another catastrophe like this.

Its hard to find clean sources but if your able to tolerate some disgusting Christian talk check out this book explains it out fairly neatly,


And this YouTube channel talks extensively on this subject. Good to keep up to date with economic news from this channel,


Napoleon once declared the debt completely null and void. I'm not sure Hitler did it or not but his creation of a labour based system was definitely miraculous and saved the Germans from the depression.
We South Africans can use the upcoming transit of Jupiter entering Sagittarius to relocate to a foreign country
To be a name in the Alt-Right all you have to do is say something that pink hair progressives are dumb. That's it. Its about reacting to powerless progressive college kids and professors. But not actually dealing with the cause just some symptoms. How could the reactionary nonsense keep going if it becomes about the problem as that leads to the discussion on the Xian program as part of the problem.

I spent four years in liberal colleges as a student. Liberal progressive ideology is just Marxism that's it cultural Marxism is just Marxism. And its nothing more then secularized new testament theology. As the Communist League motto was bringing the "Government of God down to earth" what god is that..... The bible false god which is a global totalitarian government in the Bible run by jews. Note the Communist manifesto was written by a Jesuit Jew along with other Rabbi's the same Jewish Jesuits that came out with Liberation Theology in Latin America later. And all of Catholic Europe was living under the new testament and it was a Communist society. The Church was the Party and it owned all the lands and all the people where official property of the Church and had no rights the nobility was simply the army of the Church and enforced its power cult on the populace. Anyone who questioned the Church was executed along with their families. And anyone who ran away from the serfdom was hanged as a run away slave. And the Jews wrote the Bible and ran the Church as institution to rule the Goyim thought. Then again morons like Anglin believe North Korea is wonderful and praises it. Its a feudal regime.

Don't expect the Alt-Right to even have that conversation. Now morons like Duke are busy trying to promote Stalin as some kind of Alt-Right hero cause he brought back the jewish church run by the jewish KGB to help keep control over the Goyim. Then again its obvious Duke is a kike all the plastic work he has done on his features can't hide this.

The jews always push xianity.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
Two weeks after church sex abuse was confirmed, Patterson was on Rogan's show promoting the church for young men.

Something like his next ten activities will have to do with the church.

He lost any respect I had for him, and confirmed what people were already saying about him.

Peterson is a jew. His bloodline is also plagued with all sorts of alien diseases that appear on jews primarily.

The alt right made him into something and now they whine about him and pretend to denounce him.

Anglin is a very notorious dumbass who just praises cryptos and jews like Molyneux, makes these retard confusers famous, and then, complains they are fucked up.

The alt-right leadership is just too busy attacking Satan in every post. Anglin says he is not religious and he just repeats everything that the Talmud says about women, promoting jews and ficticious rabbis as hoaxes to blind people etc.
The success of Spiritual Satanism in America will be to restore America culturally to its Enlightenment values and bring about the fulfilment of the Enlightenment in America. Which is the nation in which the restoration of the Hellenic meaning Pagan spiritual knowledge is taught and in which the People will be able to live in a society based on the spiritual laws of nature which the Founders symbolized with the Satanic symbol of the scales of Maat. And thus obtain the perfected Light Body state. Which they built the entire Capital Hill building as Temple to. Even showing Washington in the transformed Light Body state on the celling of the dome. The message is about raising the serpent.

The Serpent Flag of the American revolution was designed with a rattle snake wrapped three and a half times around an invisible linga. The symbol of the serpent of Satan-Shiva in the east to this day. The Founders of America where members of the Satanist Lodges which came from the Satanic Templars. That is why the Jewish Jesuits and Rabbi's infiltrated the Lodges to stop the base of the Enlightenment and they placed their book of jewish witchcraft the bible on all the altars of the lodges now.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
Two weeks after church sex abuse was confirmed, Patterson was on Rogan's show promoting the church for young men.

Something like his next ten activities will have to do with the church.

He lost any respect I had for him, and confirmed what people were already saying about him.

Peterson is a jew. His bloodline is also plagued with all sorts of alien diseases that appear on jews primarily.

The alt right made him into something and now they whine about him and pretend to denounce him.

Anglin is a very notorious dumbass who just praises cryptos and jews like Molyneux, makes these retard confusers famous, and then, complains they are fucked up.

The alt-right leadership is just too busy attacking Satan in every post. Anglin says he is not religious and he just repeats everything that the Talmud says about women, promoting jews and ficticious rabbis as hoaxes to blind people etc.
Actually I suspect some of the daily stormer people are definitely reading our site. They've taken many ideas such as the Jews being a Saturnian cult and the black cube working etc and they've put it in a sarcastic way on their site. They've twisted our idea of the Gods and changed it to being "Genocidal Aryan Extraterrestrials". They definitely are trolls and are taking our ideas and twisting them.
HP Mageson666 said:
The success of Spiritual Satanism in America will be to restore America culturally to its Enlightenment values and bring about the fulfilment of the Enlightenment in America. Which is the nation in which the restoration of the Hellenic meaning Pagan spiritual knowledge is taught and in which the People will be able to live in a society based on the spiritual laws of nature which the Founders symbolized with the Satanic symbol of the scales of Maat. And thus obtain the perfected Light Body state. Which they built the entire Capital Hill building as Temple to. Even showing Washington in the transformed Light Body state on the celling of the dome. The message is about raising the serpent.

The Serpent Flag of the American revolution was designed with a rattle snake wrapped three and a half times around an invisible linga. The symbol of the serpent of Satan-Shiva in the east to this day. The Founders of America where members of the Satanist Lodges which came from the Satanic Templars. That is why the Jewish Jesuits and Rabbi's infiltrated the Lodges to stop the base of the Enlightenment and they placed their book of jewish witchcraft the bible on all the altars of the lodges now.

Somehow the initial masons broke to the jewish pressure. We shoul make sure it does not happen again.

The same happened to ancient cultures which were way more smart ans spiritual than us.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
One may need to prepare for Asylum in some European country or anywhere else.
I would highly suggest: Poland and Hungary or other Slavic Nations.
In Poland we have enormous number of kikes migrating from Israel and at the same time large number of Polish people are spiritual awaken.
Hungary due to Orban politcs regarding jews is obviously safe.
Hadrian d'Arc said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
One may need to prepare for Asylum in some European country or anywhere else.
I would highly suggest: Poland and Hungary or other Slavic Nations.
In Poland we have enormous number of kikes migrating from Israel and at the same time large number of Polish people are spiritual awaken.
Hungary due to Orban politcs regarding jews is obviously safe.

Cześć friend :)
Any news or opinions on xianity in poland? I know it was one of the more xian countries in europe but i think people will slowly start to not care about it. It is was the same in romania but things are kind of messy right now and i will make a post soon to ask people for some advice. It's about the whole liberal vs conservative narrative...
EasternFireLion666 said:
Hadrian d'Arc said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
One may need to prepare for Asylum in some European country or anywhere else.
I would highly suggest: Poland and Hungary or other Slavic Nations.
In Poland we have enormous number of kikes migrating from Israel and at the same time large number of Polish people are spiritual awaken.
Hungary due to Orban politcs regarding jews is obviously safe.

Cześć friend :)
Any news or opinions on xianity in poland? I know it was one of the more xian countries in europe but i think people will slowly start to not care about it. It is was the same in romania but things are kind of messy right now and i will make a post soon to ask people for some advice. It's about the whole liberal vs conservative narrative...

In Romania there is a fight for the xians to get back to power, their building a very big church in the middle of Bucharest. Plus there is a Referendum coming in 6-7 october to change the constituion regarding marriage to be made only between a man and a woman.

The church being a major influence in this and urging people to vote for the change and usually a referendum takes place one day, but this takes place 2 days: Saturday and Sunday. I can guess that Sunday at the church sermons the priests will urge people to go vote for it.

Regarding the kikes in Romania I have no knowledge on the subject.

Hope this country will wake up from it's dormant state and remember our Pagan ways and beliefs.

Hail Satan!
EasternFireLion666 said:
Any news or opinions on xianity in poland?
Sława przyjacielu!
Xianity is falling down tremendously. People returning to their Pagan roots on the massive scale.
"Świętowit" temples are being rebuilded. Even in our "Hell" there have been changes :twisted:
MUST SEE this clip it was done in Poland - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1YbhC5spzE
1. It's in our Soul
2. Trump signed 447 legacy which supports kikes to steal our lands and properties in accordance with the law.
4. Our government introduced Legacy 1066 (allow foreign armies domestic intervention)
USArmy is on our ground. It' simply means:
When Polish people finally awake to jewish robbery and start rising the USArmy to suppress that is already in place.
Take a look at 1066 from Kabalistic point of view.
5. Now kikes targeted last branch of industry to destroy - agriculture.
This facts consider Poland is working as cold shower to polish people.

Have in mind:
When Polish People will go BERSERK they can destroy literally everything ... and even more.
ALL SLAVIC Countries are waking up to these facts and at most significant level - SPIRITUAL
I'm truly optimistic to the future. Just keep up with your Spiritual Workings and RTRs.
bloodyteo said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Hadrian d'Arc said:
I would highly suggest: Poland and Hungary or other Slavic Nations.
In Poland we have enormous number of kikes migrating from Israel and at the same time large number of Polish people are spiritual awaken.
Hungary due to Orban politcs regarding jews is obviously safe.

Cześć friend :)
Any news or opinions on xianity in poland? I know it was one of the more xian countries in europe but i think people will slowly start to not care about it. It is was the same in romania but things are kind of messy right now and i will make a post soon to ask people for some advice. It's about the whole liberal vs conservative narrative...

In Romania there is a fight for the xians to get back to power, their building a very big church in the middle of Bucharest. Plus there is a Referendum coming in 6-7 october to change the constituion regarding marriage to be made only between a man and a woman.

The church being a major influence in this and urging people to vote for the change and usually a referendum takes place one day, but this takes place 2 days: Saturday and Sunday. I can guess that Sunday at the church sermons the priests will urge people to go vote for it.

Regarding the kikes in Romania I have no knowledge on the subject.

Hope this country will wake up from it's dormant state and remember our Pagan ways and beliefs.

Hail Satan!

I will soon make a post about exactly this narrative going on and say what i know and what i believe. Maybe we can get some good advice from other ss and HPs.

Multumesc mult pentru mesaj :)
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Over the times with the RTRs we have seen major improvement and empowerment. However this Final RTR is monumental.

Many people do not understand the importance of it. The Gentiles are afflicted heavily. These afflictions range from poverty, to disease, to an endless amount of other perilous things. These curses are all in the Torah and Bible, and on top of this, people have charged these manuscripts for approximately two thousand years.

In the same way as a patient afflicted by many diseases, one cannot focus solely on one problem. For example a person with 10 diseases should not be focusing on one disease. Likewise, removing singular curses from the bible as many people would like to do is pointless. Removing dandruff when one has 9 more afflictions is not going to help your soul in the longterm.

The only thing one understands when they read the bible which is around 3000 pages in some versions is that there are endless curses. It either goes all down together or it will never singularly go down.

One frees a curse for sex, there is another one lingering for finances. Then in the category of finances we have around 100 more individual curses. Then in these another 50 per category. And the list goes endless.

In simpler words if humanity wants to be free of the jewish bindings and curses we have to work in teamwork and together. This is the only way.

The jews work with teamwork. Even when they are seemingly divided they procure and advance the very same agenda. What many people perceive as division amongst the jews is them just carrying out their ancestral religion which tells them to constantly debate in order to be come proficient in lying and in incorporation of new things in their culture.

The goyim look at them and thing the Sephardi are against the Ashkenasi but this is the partial truth. When it comes to feasting on the goyim and enslaving them they are all doing it in the same exact manner.

Individualism is not how you win any war or how you win in life in general. We are strong because we are together. No matter how strong is one as a singular monad, the many will always gang up and defeat the solitary ones. Even 100 sheep can overrun and kill a lion. But 10 lions can probably messacre 100 sheep.

For the above reason keep in mind the fastest way to your interests in life is to remove these curses. Yes, you are affected. Even if you are rich, live a peaceful life, or have an idyllic life without struggle, this does not mean you are not cursed. Our enemies are advancing regardless.

The beautiful town today lies in shambles tommorow, to name one example of the incessant invasion in what people are perceiving in always less and less places in the "peaceful" west. The west was peaceful 20 years ago. The times of peace have passed. We are entering critical zone right now.

This is like the time where a disease has already infected the system. It is already doing damage. However when symptoms become too apparent, sometimes it is also too late. As this is the case with cancer and some other deadly diseases, so is the csse with the social policies of jews in the West.

The same thing goes about someone who lives peacefully locked in their own house, in an imaginary town of savagery and death. It will not be long till what is plaguing the whole planet comes to affect anyone personally. The reality is that this world is past critical point and this is well known on the inside in most world governments.

Jews in France know this is the case but they could care less. They just seclude matters until the situation is past any way to be humanely controlled. As to those who experience the negative effects very directly, there is nothing further to explain here. As such jews are evacuating the west. I have a sermon upcoming on the subject.

To make matters short, relieving ourselves and this world of curses will be crucial to our wellbeing as Satanists, and to the survival of this world. This will safeguard you personally and also safeguard the world at large.

The Final RTR is at the center of this. It must be done daily and always without fail.

Imagine this as taking preventive medicine and arming for an upcoming Zombie Apocalypse. Doing RTRs is distribution of this medicine to avoid future catastrophe.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am doing the RTRs.
But I don't know what these words mean. Are sanscrit? Are other? If I knew, that could add more energy to the vibrations , as it would add more feeling and feeling=energy.

How these RTRs are created? Why they change date to date and its not the same thing to be vibrated?
If by mistake do an older RTR is there problem?

What's the connection if there is any with the days and the dates?

If possible answer me please for its very different to know what I m doing - saying as don't know.

Thank you very much
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Over the times with the RTRs we have seen major improvement and empowerment. However this Final RTR is monumental.

Many people do not understand the importance of it. The Gentiles are afflicted heavily. These afflictions range from poverty, to disease, to an endless amount of other perilous things. These curses are all in the Torah and Bible, and on top of this, people have charged these manuscripts for approximately two thousand years.

In the same way as a patient afflicted by many diseases, one cannot focus solely on one problem. For example a person with 10 diseases should not be focusing on one disease. Likewise, removing singular curses from the bible as many people would like to do is pointless. Removing dandruff when one has 9 more afflictions is not going to help your soul in the longterm.

The only thing one understands when they read the bible which is around 3000 pages in some versions is that there are endless curses. It either goes all down together or it will never singularly go down.

One frees a curse for sex, there is another one lingering for finances. Then in the category of finances we have around 100 more individual curses. Then in these another 50 per category. And the list goes endless.

In simpler words if humanity wants to be free of the jewish bindings and curses we have to work in teamwork and together. This is the only way.

The jews work with teamwork. Even when they are seemingly divided they procure and advance the very same agenda. What many people perceive as division amongst the jews is them just carrying out their ancestral religion which tells them to constantly debate in order to be come proficient in lying and in incorporation of new things in their culture.

The goyim look at them and thing the Sephardi are against the Ashkenasi but this is the partial truth. When it comes to feasting on the goyim and enslaving them they are all doing it in the same exact manner.

Individualism is not how you win any war or how you win in life in general. We are strong because we are together. No matter how strong is one as a singular monad, the many will always gang up and defeat the solitary ones. Even 100 sheep can overrun and kill a lion. But 10 lions can probably messacre 100 sheep.

For the above reason keep in mind the fastest way to your interests in life is to remove these curses. Yes, you are affected. Even if you are rich, live a peaceful life, or have an idyllic life without struggle, this does not mean you are not cursed. Our enemies are advancing regardless.

The beautiful town today lies in shambles tommorow, to name one example of the incessant invasion in what people are perceiving in always less and less places in the "peaceful" west. The west was peaceful 20 years ago. The times of peace have passed. We are entering critical zone right now.

This is like the time where a disease has already infected the system. It is already doing damage. However when symptoms become too apparent, sometimes it is also too late. As this is the case with cancer and some other deadly diseases, so is the csse with the social policies of jews in the West.

The same thing goes about someone who lives peacefully locked in their own house, in an imaginary town of savagery and death. It will not be long till what is plaguing the whole planet comes to affect anyone personally. The reality is that this world is past critical point and this is well known on the inside in most world governments.

Jews in France know this is the case but they could care less. They just seclude matters until the situation is past any way to be humanely controlled. As to those who experience the negative effects very directly, there is nothing further to explain here. As such jews are evacuating the west. I have a sermon upcoming on the subject.

To make matters short, relieving ourselves and this world of curses will be crucial to our wellbeing as Satanists, and to the survival of this world. This will safeguard you personally and also safeguard the world at large.

The Final RTR is at the center of this. It must be done daily and always without fail.

Imagine this as taking preventive medicine and arming for an upcoming Zombie Apocalypse. Doing RTRs is distribution of this medicine to avoid future catastrophe.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am doing the RTRs.
But I don't know what these words mean. Are sanscrit? Are other? If I knew, that could add more energy to the vibrations , as it would add more feeling and feeling=energy.

How these RTRs are created? Why they change date to date and its not the same thing to be vibrated?
If by mistake do an older RTR is there problem?

What's the connection if there is any with the days and the dates?

If possible answer me please for its very different to know what I m doing - saying as don't know.

Thank you very much
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Over the times with the RTRs we have seen major improvement and empowerment. However this Final RTR is monumental.

Many people do not understand the importance of it. The Gentiles are afflicted heavily. These afflictions range from poverty, to disease, to an endless amount of other perilous things. These curses are all in the Torah and Bible, and on top of this, people have charged these manuscripts for approximately two thousand years.

In the same way as a patient afflicted by many diseases, one cannot focus solely on one problem. For example a person with 10 diseases should not be focusing on one disease. Likewise, removing singular curses from the bible as many people would like to do is pointless. Removing dandruff when one has 9 more afflictions is not going to help your soul in the longterm.

The only thing one understands when they read the bible which is around 3000 pages in some versions is that there are endless curses. It either goes all down together or it will never singularly go down.

One frees a curse for sex, there is another one lingering for finances. Then in the category of finances we have around 100 more individual curses. Then in these another 50 per category. And the list goes endless.

In simpler words if humanity wants to be free of the jewish bindings and curses we have to work in teamwork and together. This is the only way.

The jews work with teamwork. Even when they are seemingly divided they procure and advance the very same agenda. What many people perceive as division amongst the jews is them just carrying out their ancestral religion which tells them to constantly debate in order to be come proficient in lying and in incorporation of new things in their culture.

The goyim look at them and thing the Sephardi are against the Ashkenasi but this is the partial truth. When it comes to feasting on the goyim and enslaving them they are all doing it in the same exact manner.

Individualism is not how you win any war or how you win in life in general. We are strong because we are together. No matter how strong is one as a singular monad, the many will always gang up and defeat the solitary ones. Even 100 sheep can overrun and kill a lion. But 10 lions can probably messacre 100 sheep.

For the above reason keep in mind the fastest way to your interests in life is to remove these curses. Yes, you are affected. Even if you are rich, live a peaceful life, or have an idyllic life without struggle, this does not mean you are not cursed. Our enemies are advancing regardless.

The beautiful town today lies in shambles tommorow, to name one example of the incessant invasion in what people are perceiving in always less and less places in the "peaceful" west. The west was peaceful 20 years ago. The times of peace have passed. We are entering critical zone right now.

This is like the time where a disease has already infected the system. It is already doing damage. However when symptoms become too apparent, sometimes it is also too late. As this is the case with cancer and some other deadly diseases, so is the csse with the social policies of jews in the West.

The same thing goes about someone who lives peacefully locked in their own house, in an imaginary town of savagery and death. It will not be long till what is plaguing the whole planet comes to affect anyone personally. The reality is that this world is past critical point and this is well known on the inside in most world governments.

Jews in France know this is the case but they could care less. They just seclude matters until the situation is past any way to be humanely controlled. As to those who experience the negative effects very directly, there is nothing further to explain here. As such jews are evacuating the west. I have a sermon upcoming on the subject.

To make matters short, relieving ourselves and this world of curses will be crucial to our wellbeing as Satanists, and to the survival of this world. This will safeguard you personally and also safeguard the world at large.

The Final RTR is at the center of this. It must be done daily and always without fail.

Imagine this as taking preventive medicine and arming for an upcoming Zombie Apocalypse. Doing RTRs is distribution of this medicine to avoid future catastrophe.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am doing the RTRs.
But I don't know what these words mean. Are sanscrit? Are other? If I knew, that could add more energy to the vibrations , as it would add more feeling and feeling=energy.

How these RTRs are created? Why they change date to date and its not the same thing to be vibrated?
If by mistake do an older RTR is there problem?

What's the connection if there is any with the days and the dates?

If possible answer me please for its very different to know what I m doing - saying as don't know.

Thank you very much
Astardastar said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Over the times with the RTRs we have seen major improvement and empowerment. However this Final RTR is monumental.

Many people do not understand the importance of it. The Gentiles are afflicted heavily. These afflictions range from poverty, to disease, to an endless amount of other perilous things. These curses are all in the Torah and Bible, and on top of this, people have charged these manuscripts for approximately two thousand years.

In the same way as a patient afflicted by many diseases, one cannot focus solely on one problem. For example a person with 10 diseases should not be focusing on one disease. Likewise, removing singular curses from the bible as many people would like to do is pointless. Removing dandruff when one has 9 more afflictions is not going to help your soul in the longterm.

The only thing one understands when they read the bible which is around 3000 pages in some versions is that there are endless curses. It either goes all down together or it will never singularly go down.

One frees a curse for sex, there is another one lingering for finances. Then in the category of finances we have around 100 more individual curses. Then in these another 50 per category. And the list goes endless.

In simpler words if humanity wants to be free of the jewish bindings and curses we have to work in teamwork and together. This is the only way.

The jews work with teamwork. Even when they are seemingly divided they procure and advance the very same agenda. What many people perceive as division amongst the jews is them just carrying out their ancestral religion which tells them to constantly debate in order to be come proficient in lying and in incorporation of new things in their culture.

The goyim look at them and thing the Sephardi are against the Ashkenasi but this is the partial truth. When it comes to feasting on the goyim and enslaving them they are all doing it in the same exact manner.

Individualism is not how you win any war or how you win in life in general. We are strong because we are together. No matter how strong is one as a singular monad, the many will always gang up and defeat the solitary ones. Even 100 sheep can overrun and kill a lion. But 10 lions can probably messacre 100 sheep.

For the above reason keep in mind the fastest way to your interests in life is to remove these curses. Yes, you are affected. Even if you are rich, live a peaceful life, or have an idyllic life without struggle, this does not mean you are not cursed. Our enemies are advancing regardless.

The beautiful town today lies in shambles tommorow, to name one example of the incessant invasion in what people are perceiving in always less and less places in the "peaceful" west. The west was peaceful 20 years ago. The times of peace have passed. We are entering critical zone right now.

This is like the time where a disease has already infected the system. It is already doing damage. However when symptoms become too apparent, sometimes it is also too late. As this is the case with cancer and some other deadly diseases, so is the csse with the social policies of jews in the West.

The same thing goes about someone who lives peacefully locked in their own house, in an imaginary town of savagery and death. It will not be long till what is plaguing the whole planet comes to affect anyone personally. The reality is that this world is past critical point and this is well known on the inside in most world governments.

Jews in France know this is the case but they could care less. They just seclude matters until the situation is past any way to be humanely controlled. As to those who experience the negative effects very directly, there is nothing further to explain here. As such jews are evacuating the west. I have a sermon upcoming on the subject.

To make matters short, relieving ourselves and this world of curses will be crucial to our wellbeing as Satanists, and to the survival of this world. This will safeguard you personally and also safeguard the world at large.

The Final RTR is at the center of this. It must be done daily and always without fail.

Imagine this as taking preventive medicine and arming for an upcoming Zombie Apocalypse. Doing RTRs is distribution of this medicine to avoid future catastrophe.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am doing the RTRs.
But I don't know what these words mean. Are sanscrit? Are other? If I knew, that could add more energy to the vibrations , as it would add more feeling and feeling=energy.

How these RTRs are created? Why they change date to date and its not the same thing to be vibrated?
If by mistake do an older RTR is there problem?

What's the connection if there is any with the days and the dates?

If possible answer me please for its very different to know what I m doing - saying as don't know.

Thank you very much

Hebrew is just an amalgam of Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Phoenician, which just goes back to Sanskrit which is the foundation of these languages. Therefore yes, some of the reversed Hebrew, will just be Sanskrit as we have stated again.

The RTR's except of reverse Hebrew are also in many cases Sanskrit words.

Initially however, let's keep it simple - it's a reversal of what the enemy does to render it null and void.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Astardastar said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Over the times with the RTRs we have seen major improvement and empowerment. However this Final RTR is monumental.

Many people do not understand the importance of it. The Gentiles are afflicted heavily. These afflictions range from poverty, to disease, to an endless amount of other perilous things. These curses are all in the Torah and Bible, and on top of this, people have charged these manuscripts for approximately two thousand years.

In the same way as a patient afflicted by many diseases, one cannot focus solely on one problem. For example a person with 10 diseases should not be focusing on one disease. Likewise, removing singular curses from the bible as many people would like to do is pointless. Removing dandruff when one has 9 more afflictions is not going to help your soul in the longterm.

The only thing one understands when they read the bible which is around 3000 pages in some versions is that there are endless curses. It either goes all down together or it will never singularly go down.

One frees a curse for sex, there is another one lingering for finances. Then in the category of finances we have around 100 more individual curses. Then in these another 50 per category. And the list goes endless.

In simpler words if humanity wants to be free of the jewish bindings and curses we have to work in teamwork and together. This is the only way.

The jews work with teamwork. Even when they are seemingly divided they procure and advance the very same agenda. What many people perceive as division amongst the jews is them just carrying out their ancestral religion which tells them to constantly debate in order to be come proficient in lying and in incorporation of new things in their culture.

The goyim look at them and thing the Sephardi are against the Ashkenasi but this is the partial truth. When it comes to feasting on the goyim and enslaving them they are all doing it in the same exact manner.

Individualism is not how you win any war or how you win in life in general. We are strong because we are together. No matter how strong is one as a singular monad, the many will always gang up and defeat the solitary ones. Even 100 sheep can overrun and kill a lion. But 10 lions can probably messacre 100 sheep.

For the above reason keep in mind the fastest way to your interests in life is to remove these curses. Yes, you are affected. Even if you are rich, live a peaceful life, or have an idyllic life without struggle, this does not mean you are not cursed. Our enemies are advancing regardless.

The beautiful town today lies in shambles tommorow, to name one example of the incessant invasion in what people are perceiving in always less and less places in the "peaceful" west. The west was peaceful 20 years ago. The times of peace have passed. We are entering critical zone right now.

This is like the time where a disease has already infected the system. It is already doing damage. However when symptoms become too apparent, sometimes it is also too late. As this is the case with cancer and some other deadly diseases, so is the csse with the social policies of jews in the West.

The same thing goes about someone who lives peacefully locked in their own house, in an imaginary town of savagery and death. It will not be long till what is plaguing the whole planet comes to affect anyone personally. The reality is that this world is past critical point and this is well known on the inside in most world governments.

Jews in France know this is the case but they could care less. They just seclude matters until the situation is past any way to be humanely controlled. As to those who experience the negative effects very directly, there is nothing further to explain here. As such jews are evacuating the west. I have a sermon upcoming on the subject.

To make matters short, relieving ourselves and this world of curses will be crucial to our wellbeing as Satanists, and to the survival of this world. This will safeguard you personally and also safeguard the world at large.

The Final RTR is at the center of this. It must be done daily and always without fail.

Imagine this as taking preventive medicine and arming for an upcoming Zombie Apocalypse. Doing RTRs is distribution of this medicine to avoid future catastrophe.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am doing the RTRs.
But I don't know what these words mean. Are sanscrit? Are other? If I knew, that could add more energy to the vibrations , as it would add more feeling and feeling=energy.

How these RTRs are created? Why they change date to date and its not the same thing to be vibrated?
If by mistake do an older RTR is there problem?

What's the connection if there is any with the days and the dates?

If possible answer me please for its very different to know what I m doing - saying as don't know.

Thank you very much

Hebrew is just an amalgam of Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Phoenician, which just goes back to Sanskrit which is the foundation of these languages. Therefore yes, some of the reversed Hebrew, will just be Sanskrit as we have stated again.

The RTR's except of reverse Hebrew are also in many cases Sanskrit words.

Initially however, let's keep it simple - it's a reversal of what the enemy does to render it null and void.

Ok so i heard the question hiw the rtr works scientifically and i think i know the answer. I studied signals in university.

Thoughts are a composition of many electrical signals. Like mathematic analitical functions. Somehiw at the microuniverse level which is way smaller than the particles we know so far, reality is slowly influenced by thoughts. Thats how magik works and it goes for prayers and new age as well but it lacks many other components thats why it s so weak and needs a lot of repetition.

In nature/science usualy if you put a minus in front of the whole input/function the result is a reversed function. It s on the opposite side of the chart. The opposite of the output axis. Hope i did not loose you lol.

Manifesting reality takes two main components: the thought and the sound. Both are signals. That s how we ve been doing the rtrs. A reverse sound and an opposite thought. The stronger the thought the better.

Now letters have been infused with many such thought functions i suppose. So.e of sickness some of fear some of confusion some with blockages in certain areas ... intellectual spiritual physical emotional knowledge perception etc...
Basically the sanskrit in reverse i think. Doing the final RTR is like basically taking the multitude of functions or energetical ohenomenons that also influence the matter in ceryain ways and putting a minus in front of them. Lets say a certain letter is infused with a certain energy or such functions that return an energetical output that creates the fear sensation in the body and mind. Reversing it reduces the fear and eventually climbs above the axis and becomes courage. Every emotion in the body and soul is an energetic phenomenon. So a certain letter that makes you less sexually excited in reverse will eventually make you very horny. And so on.

The whole universe is commposed of way smaller particles than we came to know and all are infused with energy. There are many types of energy in physics but i don t think there is matter without energy in the universe. It s like an infinite network of routers and cables. And this is not a metaphore.

This is my theory on hiw thoughts influence energy thus matter as well. To thoughts can additional components be aded like an extra signal that trough matematgical composition amplifies the whole thing. Sound colors the electro magnetic waves of the plannets (this is how astrology works) visualisation immagination your own health because it means extra bioelectricity.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Astardastar said:
I am doing the RTRs.
But I don't know what these words mean. Are sanscrit? Are other? If I knew, that could add more energy to the vibrations , as it would add more feeling and feeling=energy.

How these RTRs are created? Why they change date to date and its not the same thing to be vibrated?
If by mistake do an older RTR is there problem?

What's the connection if there is any with the days and the dates?

If possible answer me please for its very different to know what I m doing - saying as don't know.

Thank you very much

Hebrew is just an amalgam of Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Phoenician, which just goes back to Sanskrit which is the foundation of these languages. Therefore yes, some of the reversed Hebrew, will just be Sanskrit as we have stated again.

The RTR's except of reverse Hebrew are also in many cases Sanskrit words.

Initially however, let's keep it simple - it's a reversal of what the enemy does to render it null and void.

Ok so i heard the question hiw the rtr works scientifically and i think i know the answer. I studied signals in university.

Thoughts are a composition of many electrical signals. Like mathematic analitical functions. Somehiw at the microuniverse level which is way smaller than the particles we know so far, reality is slowly influenced by thoughts. Thats how magik works and it goes for prayers and new age as well but it lacks many other components thats why it s so weak and needs a lot of repetition.

In nature/science usualy if you put a minus in front of the whole input/function the result is a reversed function. It s on the opposite side of the chart. The opposite of the output axis. Hope i did not loose you lol.

Manifesting reality takes two main components: the thought and the sound. Both are signals. That s how we ve been doing the rtrs. A reverse sound and an opposite thought. The stronger the thought the better.

Now letters have been infused with many such thought functions i suppose. So.e of sickness some of fear some of confusion some with blockages in certain areas ... intellectual spiritual physical emotional knowledge perception etc...
Basically the sanskrit in reverse i think. Doing the final RTR is like basically taking the multitude of functions or energetical ohenomenons that also influence the matter in ceryain ways and putting a minus in front of them. Lets say a certain letter is infused with a certain energy or such functions that return an energetical output that creates the fear sensation in the body and mind. Reversing it reduces the fear and eventually climbs above the axis and becomes courage. Every emotion in the body and soul is an energetic phenomenon. So a certain letter that makes you less sexually excited in reverse will eventually make you very horny. And so on.

The whole universe is commposed of way smaller particles than we came to know and all are infused with energy. There are many types of energy in physics but i don t think there is matter without energy in the universe. It s like an infinite network of routers and cables. And this is not a metaphore.

This is my theory on hiw thoughts influence energy thus matter as well. To thoughts can additional components be aded like an extra signal that trough matematgical composition amplifies the whole thing. Sound colors the electro magnetic waves of the plannets (this is how astrology works) visualisation immagination your own health because it means extra bioelectricity.
You explained in a more scientific way what we do, really cool.

Do you know anything about tepaphone? Or radionics? I should open a topic in the main forum...i'm really interested in it lately.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Astardastar said:
I am doing the RTRs.
But I don't know what these words mean. Are sanscrit? Are other? If I knew, that could add more energy to the vibrations , as it would add more feeling and feeling=energy.

How these RTRs are created? Why they change date to date and its not the same thing to be vibrated?
If by mistake do an older RTR is there problem?

What's the connection if there is any with the days and the dates?

If possible answer me please for its very different to know what I m doing - saying as don't know.

Thank you very much

Hebrew is just an amalgam of Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Phoenician, which just goes back to Sanskrit which is the foundation of these languages. Therefore yes, some of the reversed Hebrew, will just be Sanskrit as we have stated again.

The RTR's except of reverse Hebrew are also in many cases Sanskrit words.

Initially however, let's keep it simple - it's a reversal of what the enemy does to render it null and void.

Ok so i heard the question hiw the rtr works scientifically and i think i know the answer. I studied signals in university.

Thoughts are a composition of many electrical signals. Like mathematic analitical functions. Somehiw at the microuniverse level which is way smaller than the particles we know so far, reality is slowly influenced by thoughts. Thats how magik works and it goes for prayers and new age as well but it lacks many other components thats why it s so weak and needs a lot of repetition.

In nature/science usualy if you put a minus in front of the whole input/function the result is a reversed function. It s on the opposite side of the chart. The opposite of the output axis. Hope i did not loose you lol.

Manifesting reality takes two main components: the thought and the sound. Both are signals. That s how we ve been doing the rtrs. A reverse sound and an opposite thought. The stronger the thought the better.

Now letters have been infused with many such thought functions i suppose. So.e of sickness some of fear some of confusion some with blockages in certain areas ... intellectual spiritual physical emotional knowledge perception etc...
Basically the sanskrit in reverse i think. Doing the final RTR is like basically taking the multitude of functions or energetical ohenomenons that also influence the matter in ceryain ways and putting a minus in front of them. Lets say a certain letter is infused with a certain energy or such functions that return an energetical output that creates the fear sensation in the body and mind. Reversing it reduces the fear and eventually climbs above the axis and becomes courage. Every emotion in the body and soul is an energetic phenomenon. So a certain letter that makes you less sexually excited in reverse will eventually make you very horny. And so on.

The whole universe is commposed of way smaller particles than we came to know and all are infused with energy. There are many types of energy in physics but i don t think there is matter without energy in the universe. It s like an infinite network of routers and cables. And this is not a metaphore.

This is my theory on hiw thoughts influence energy thus matter as well. To thoughts can additional components be aded like an extra signal that trough matematgical composition amplifies the whole thing. Sound colors the electro magnetic waves of the plannets (this is how astrology works) visualisation immagination your own health because it means extra bioelectricity.

Please excuse the fact that i often write like a retard. I am mostly on the move when i write and i concentrate on multiple things... lol
EasternFireLion666 said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Astardastar said:
I am doing the RTRs.
But I don't know what these words mean. Are sanscrit? Are other? If I knew, that could add more energy to the vibrations , as it would add more feeling and feeling=energy.

How these RTRs are created? Why they change date to date and its not the same thing to be vibrated?
If by mistake do an older RTR is there problem?

What's the connection if there is any with the days and the dates?

If possible answer me please for its very different to know what I m doing - saying as don't know.

Thank you very much

Hebrew is just an amalgam of Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Phoenician, which just goes back to Sanskrit which is the foundation of these languages. Therefore yes, some of the reversed Hebrew, will just be Sanskrit as we have stated again.

The RTR's except of reverse Hebrew are also in many cases Sanskrit words.

Initially however, let's keep it simple - it's a reversal of what the enemy does to render it null and void.

Ok so i heard the question hiw the rtr works scientifically and i think i know the answer. I studied signals in university.

Thoughts are a composition of many electrical signals. Like mathematic analitical functions. Somehiw at the microuniverse level which is way smaller than the particles we know so far, reality is slowly influenced by thoughts. Thats how magik works and it goes for prayers and new age as well but it lacks many other components thats why it s so weak and needs a lot of repetition.

In nature/science usualy if you put a minus in front of the whole input/function the result is a reversed function. It s on the opposite side of the chart. The opposite of the output axis. Hope i did not loose you lol.

Manifesting reality takes two main components: the thought and the sound. Both are signals. That s how we ve been doing the rtrs. A reverse sound and an opposite thought. The stronger the thought the better.

Now letters have been infused with many such thought functions i suppose. So.e of sickness some of fear some of confusion some with blockages in certain areas ... intellectual spiritual physical emotional knowledge perception etc...
Basically the sanskrit in reverse i think. Doing the final RTR is like basically taking the multitude of functions or energetical ohenomenons that also influence the matter in ceryain ways and putting a minus in front of them. Lets say a certain letter is infused with a certain energy or such functions that return an energetical output that creates the fear sensation in the body and mind. Reversing it reduces the fear and eventually climbs above the axis and becomes courage. Every emotion in the body and soul is an energetic phenomenon. So a certain letter that makes you less sexually excited in reverse will eventually make you very horny. And so on.

The whole universe is commposed of way smaller particles than we came to know and all are infused with energy. There are many types of energy in physics but i don t think there is matter without energy in the universe. It s like an infinite network of routers and cables. And this is not a metaphore.

This is my theory on hiw thoughts influence energy thus matter as well. To thoughts can additional components be aded like an extra signal that trough matematgical composition amplifies the whole thing. Sound colors the electro magnetic waves of the plannets (this is how astrology works) visualisation immagination your own health because it means extra bioelectricity.

Its absolutely great all you say here!

Please ,do you have any literature about such subject?

Do you have any links?

Thank you so so much
Hadrian d'Arc said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
One may need to prepare for Asylum in some European country or anywhere else.
I would highly suggest: Poland and Hungary or other Slavic Nations.
In Poland we have enormous number of kikes migrating from Israel and at the same time large number of Polish people are spiritual awaken.
Hungary due to Orban politcs regarding jews is obviously safe.

LOL! Sorry mate, but I suppose you are not Hungarian and/or don't live in Hungary, that is why you wrote it.
Actually Hungary is absolutely not safe.
Maybe it is "safe" in a level from migrants now but not entirely.
It's sad to see how many people fall for Orban's politics. He is just a brainwashed puppet of jews and what he is doing is not for the Hungarians but for that many jews who live here.
And as some of us already mentioned here before, his wife is possibly a crypto-jew. And they are jesuit christians.

Yes Hungary is "safe" now because it is protecting the jews living here, first.

It just makes me sick that many people who don't live here in Hungary and/or don't know the details, consider this filthy Orban some kind of "hero" for example...


Fortunately some of us are and will be able to go to a more safer and better place soon.
Spiritual warfare and spiritual advancing can be performed in almost anywhere.
Hadrian d'Arc said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
One may need to prepare for Asylum in some European country or anywhere else.
I would highly suggest: Poland and Hungary or other Slavic Nations.
In Poland we have enormous number of kikes migrating from Israel and at the same time large number of Polish people are spiritual awaken.
Hungary due to Orban politcs regarding jews is obviously safe.

Sorry! The last 2 post of the previous 3 was a mistake. I sent only the quoted post without my comment 2 times...
And I forgot the link of this article:

Astardastar said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hebrew is just an amalgam of Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Phoenician, which just goes back to Sanskrit which is the foundation of these languages. Therefore yes, some of the reversed Hebrew, will just be Sanskrit as we have stated again.

The RTR's except of reverse Hebrew are also in many cases Sanskrit words.

Initially however, let's keep it simple - it's a reversal of what the enemy does to render it null and void.

Ok so i heard the question hiw the rtr works scientifically and i think i know the answer. I studied signals in university.

Thoughts are a composition of many electrical signals. Like mathematic analitical functions. Somehiw at the microuniverse level which is way smaller than the particles we know so far, reality is slowly influenced by thoughts. Thats how magik works and it goes for prayers and new age as well but it lacks many other components thats why it s so weak and needs a lot of repetition.

In nature/science usualy if you put a minus in front of the whole input/function the result is a reversed function. It s on the opposite side of the chart. The opposite of the output axis. Hope i did not loose you lol.

Manifesting reality takes two main components: the thought and the sound. Both are signals. That s how we ve been doing the rtrs. A reverse sound and an opposite thought. The stronger the thought the better.

Now letters have been infused with many such thought functions i suppose. So.e of sickness some of fear some of confusion some with blockages in certain areas ... intellectual spiritual physical emotional knowledge perception etc...
Basically the sanskrit in reverse i think. Doing the final RTR is like basically taking the multitude of functions or energetical ohenomenons that also influence the matter in ceryain ways and putting a minus in front of them. Lets say a certain letter is infused with a certain energy or such functions that return an energetical output that creates the fear sensation in the body and mind. Reversing it reduces the fear and eventually climbs above the axis and becomes courage. Every emotion in the body and soul is an energetic phenomenon. So a certain letter that makes you less sexually excited in reverse will eventually make you very horny. And so on.

The whole universe is commposed of way smaller particles than we came to know and all are infused with energy. There are many types of energy in physics but i don t think there is matter without energy in the universe. It s like an infinite network of routers and cables. And this is not a metaphore.

This is my theory on hiw thoughts influence energy thus matter as well. To thoughts can additional components be aded like an extra signal that trough matematgical composition amplifies the whole thing. Sound colors the electro magnetic waves of the plannets (this is how astrology works) visualisation immagination your own health because it means extra bioelectricity.

Its absolutely great all you say here!

Please ,do you have any literature about such subject?

Do you have any links?

Thank you so so much

I am glad to help. This is just my theory and understanding on the matter. The theoretical materials are basically what we learned in signal theory in university. Which makes perfect sense and matches with the science of the occult that is detailed on the main JOS page.

EasternFireLion666 said:
Astardastar said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Ok so i heard the question hiw the rtr works scientifically and i think i know the answer. I studied signals in university.

Thoughts are a composition of many electrical signals. Like mathematic analitical functions. Somehiw at the microuniverse level which is way smaller than the particles we know so far, reality is slowly influenced by thoughts. Thats how magik works and it goes for prayers and new age as well but it lacks many other components thats why it s so weak and needs a lot of repetition.

In nature/science usualy if you put a minus in front of the whole input/function the result is a reversed function. It s on the opposite side of the chart. The opposite of the output axis. Hope i did not loose you lol.

Manifesting reality takes two main components: the thought and the sound. Both are signals. That s how we ve been doing the rtrs. A reverse sound and an opposite thought. The stronger the thought the better.

Now letters have been infused with many such thought functions i suppose. So.e of sickness some of fear some of confusion some with blockages in certain areas ... intellectual spiritual physical emotional knowledge perception etc...
Basically the sanskrit in reverse i think. Doing the final RTR is like basically taking the multitude of functions or energetical ohenomenons that also influence the matter in ceryain ways and putting a minus in front of them. Lets say a certain letter is infused with a certain energy or such functions that return an energetical output that creates the fear sensation in the body and mind. Reversing it reduces the fear and eventually climbs above the axis and becomes courage. Every emotion in the body and soul is an energetic phenomenon. So a certain letter that makes you less sexually excited in reverse will eventually make you very horny. And so on.

The whole universe is commposed of way smaller particles than we came to know and all are infused with energy. There are many types of energy in physics but i don t think there is matter without energy in the universe. It s like an infinite network of routers and cables. And this is not a metaphore.

This is my theory on hiw thoughts influence energy thus matter as well. To thoughts can additional components be aded like an extra signal that trough matematgical composition amplifies the whole thing. Sound colors the electro magnetic waves of the plannets (this is how astrology works) visualisation immagination your own health because it means extra bioelectricity.

Its absolutely great all you say here!

Please ,do you have any literature about such subject?

Do you have any links?

Thank you so so much

I am glad to help. This is just my theory and understanding on the matter. The theoretical materials are basically what we learned in signal theory in university. Which makes perfect sense and matches with the science of the occult that is detailed on the main JOS page.


Then, you are Great!!!
Thank you very much for link :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
