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Do you think that it's a good idea to get a Succubi when i'm still a teen?


New member
Dec 27, 2019
Do you think that it's a good idea to get a Succubi when I'm still a teen? Like I'm not legally an adult yet.
What does legality of consent have to do with beings of higher power? And besides who said you can't engage in sexual activities before consent? Not saying get in trouble we are law abiding but still your kinda stating a silly thing.

With that said people's ranges of answers about a Succubi(or possibly Incubi it's possible Satan might state otherwise like it has occurred to some people) is quite broad.

First and foremost there are some who've stated avoid asking for one. Not because it's bad but because you really don't understand or care about the relationship because you might not be advanced. Another one is the relationship type for example we've had people who asked for monogamous and then they don't engage in anything physical nor spiritual if they've gotten that far. Those who posted seem advance enough to interact with their partner in a spiritual fashion albeit light spirituality to many albeit again depends on how far you've gone. But non the less these people always have the option to cancel the contract and annul it with Satan. And then choose again; with that said some people are monogamous and that is okay nothing wrong with that it's expected.

On the other camp we have people who've asked for open/polyamorous relationships have either gotten to a point or interacting or are interacting or not interacting same with monogamous. The thing is we suggest people pay close attention to the wording put on the request paper as it's very important you think it through.

So now that's out of the way the thing with you is you need to be spiritually advanced enough to deal with such entities the sheer fact is SOME people have some sort of interaction even in normal everyday person who hasn't advanced. Like myself and a few others but in my case as is the case with some other members it's possible either delusion or mental illness. But one thing is true in these cases even if deemed negative in the sense of having a mental illness or delusion is funny enough people post the same thing. So there is a consistent effect occurring thus it cannot be fully chalked up to illness or delusions.

*IF* you were to do a request I suggest this "An open and polyamorous relationship with no jealousy in between either partner; you and her. And on top of that, that you leave the decision to find the perfect partner for you but leave the entire decision up to Satan". We've had members state I want a 5'0 tall girl with green eyes and blonde hair etc.etc. that's not how it works. In fact that is probably the worst way to perform the request ritual just leave it completely up to Satan to find the perfect match for you.

I possibly understand from your statements you might not have had a relationship or if you had one it hasn't delved into anything sexual. With that said *IF* you choose and choose the safer option I hope your okay with her having partners on the side just as she expects you to do so as well. Either way if you feel uncomfortable you kinda have to get used to it. Like one member on Yahoo forums stated "His succubus mirrored(bi-location) herself on both sides of his bed and was with two different lovers interacting with them. He got mad but had to understand this is the way she rolls".

So with that said a Succubus/Incubus is not a toy nor an easy idea to interact with it requires a lot of thinking about it. With that said some of our members kinda zero to 60, with the succubus thing and got one almost immediately after dedicating kinda like myself. Is that wrong or bad, no but perhaps people might state it seems to early.

Either way the decision lies with you in the end, so be careful with what you wish for.
As long as you are sexually active, I don't think that not being a "legal adult" would matter here.

However, mental maturity is very important with these kinds of things. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=30566&p=133402#p133402
Adlar said:
Do you think that it's a good idea to get a Succubi when I'm still a teen? Like I'm not legally an adult yet.

When you are ready and open enouth (psychic senses), you are ready. Just think about it very well, if you want a monogamous or a polygamous one. -->

Of course you can. But I suggest you don’t ask for a monogamous relationship as you’re still young and most likely don’t know yourself very much.
Adlar said:
Do you think that it's a good idea to get a Succubi when I'm still a teen? Like I'm not legally an adult yet.
You must first question yourself why you want to have a succubus. Is it because you can't get laid ,is it sexual frustration, is it longing for love ,feeling wanted and having validation for your existence as a human being, or do you want to cultivate a spiritual love relationship where transference of energy happens between two souls, a kind of intercourse which transcends physical pleasure and is a step towards advancement which some people wish to partake in. This is an individual
choice and isn't required for everyone and is not for everyone. Some have partners physically on the earth that they cultivate the spiritual love relationship with and advance. These are advanced tantric sexual techniques of creating a microcosmic orbit in the sex position where the penis is is inside the woman while both are sitting, the woman is kissing the man and both have locked tongues. As the man and the woman have previously had multiple orgasms in the single session and have condensed the energy into a ball of light in each body. The transference of energy happens and the chakras and the nadis open. The man or the woman depending on what the partners have agreed beforehand then can use the energy or share in further complex alchemical processes which describing here would serve no purpose. One of the most advanced techniques out there in tantric yoga where the couple transcend the primal energies and sublimate it in building the rainbow body, also known as the immortal body. It can be used to make immortal the soul. As you can see, this is not about getting laid. This is some serious shit. Its the evolution of love from the physical to the emotional to the spiritual and then to pure energy we are talking about here.

Thinking with your basic physical desire will not help you make the choice. I understand it can be frustrating for you to experience teenhood where hormones run high and you don't know wtf is happening. The energetic changes that comes with puberty distorts the consciousness and you may have impatience in these matters. Your mind naturally drives you towards wanting to have sex.Many teenage people devoid of love have heard fantastical stories of daemon lovers on the internet and they want to fill that void in their heart. Many even come to this forum for learning techniques to earn money or get sex to satisfy their base desires without considering or understanding the severity and importance of the information that is contained therein.

I want to first tell you that you have discovered a treasure trove in your life now. This is no joke. The shit that you're reading is the real deal. The subsequent information I'm going to give you is going to change your life. Consider deeply what I'm saying and don't brush this off as some random internet post.

The Daemons and Gods are very real as are powers of the soul. With some power ,getting a girlfriend will be no big deal. You are going to feel the power of the soul and have astral experiences that will prove to you what we talk about here.

I'm telling you all this because my intuition tells me you need to experience spiritual power and expand your consciousness before you decide on very important matters such as establishing a relationship with a succubus. My intuition also tells me you lack a lot of sexual experience. That's no problem. Admitting shortcomings doesn't make you any less of a man. Having sex with someone you feel attracted to will help clean your mind of expectations and then you can understand how the situation really is. With some spiritual power getting a girlfriend would be no big deal, especially if you have a particular girl/s in mind.

To develop spiritual power you need to first open all your chakras,increase your prana and work on your astral senses henceforth. The best place to start is the 40 days meditation program by HPHoodedCobra.

Remember Breath retention is crucial for power. Don't spit words like some kind of rapper. The breath is taken in using complete yogic breath,held for a count,mantra vibrated till the breath is exhausted,held for a count and the process repeats. Doing in some a times will make you enjoy the process as meditation done right generally releases stress and feels awesome.

After you complete the 40 days meditation program is complete, you need to work on all your chakras everyday with chakra breathing and meditate on your third eye regularly. Also don't forget to do void meditation gradually increasing the time.
A sample meditation program after completing the 40 days,
1)Breathing exercises of your choice (atleast one),Then void meditation which gets you right in the zone for meditation. (Increase void meditation gradually from 2 to 15 minutes. )
2)Yoga - Hatha for morning and kundalini for night.
3)Aop and Ac (aura cleaning and Aura of protection. ). Visualize as your inhaling, holding and vibrating the mantra. Visualization is key.
i)For Aura cleaning you can vibrate VISHUDDHI 3 times into each of your chakras and 9 times into your aura and affirm. Gradually increase the vibrations so you'll be doing 11 into each chakra and 31 into the aura after an appropriate period of time.
ii)Aura of protection using Suryae. Vibrate Suryae 40 times and affirm.
4)Chakra breathing- Breathe energy into each of your chakras and visualize them shining in their respective colors.
5)Meditation on your third eye, points for astral sight and hearing.

This is a very basic meditation program that'll help you develop enough power to attract a woman .

Now to attract a woman you need a powerful personality and sexual attraction. You can develop a powerful personality and induce sexual attraction using magick. Woman are attracted to purposeful, confident men who are decisive and take charge. Theres a high probability that you do not have these qualities. I know I didn't when I was your age. Change is hard. Not many of us had peers who taught us how to be men or what it means to be a man. You'll have to do with experience and you will fail at first. But failure is the stepping stone for success. As you put yourself and navigate uncomfortable social situations, your intuition will be calibrated to the responses of the other parties and you'll be attuned to how you should behave and respond in what situations. Respect,admiration, sexual irresistibility, calmness,confidence, a dashing personality and purpose are all good traits to have that can be developed which will attract women like moths to a flame. You must also free yourself from the fear of what others think about you. Not giving a shit about what others think and staying true to your purpose is inherently a very attractive trait. Many people will gossip and talk shit about you from jealousy or hatred as is typical of people. However many people might also be having important learning lessons, tips and constructive criticism that you might benefit from so take that into mind as well. Developing personal boundaries is central to being a man. If someone disrespects you (not light joking) be it be man or woman, you need to confront him/her about such. Tell them that you do not take disrespect lightly and warn them sternly that if they'll continue provoking you, you'll cut them out of your life. Obviously close friends and family members should get more warnings than any random person you don't know very well.

A simple working to rid you of any unattractive behaviours and instill charisma and confidence in you would be,

Uruz ,Ansuz,*54 each with the affirmation.
"In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am permanently and completely free of any and all unattractive and repulsive behaviors like fear,anxiety or awkwardness." Visualize eliminating any and all unattractive behaviors that you might currently have. You can start these at freeing the soul,endings, days.

Thurisaz,Sowilo ,Tyr.*55 each
"In a healthy and positive manner I am permanently and completely Calm,confident charismatic and courageous. Everyone likes and respects me at all times."
Visualize being the man you want to be in your dreams. Everyone like you,everyone wants to be your friend. If not they atleast respect you and envy you. Everyone is happy around you, everyone is smiling around you. Women are flirting with you and flocking to you. You are awesome.
90 days for each working. These workings must become ingrained in your very being. Very important. You can start these at a sun square day or any day with characteristic feature of the type of working your going to start.

As for the love working it depends on whether you have a particular woman in mind or if you don't know anything and youd generally want someone.
You'd want to choose between Gebo,Aum Shukraya Nama(must be started on a venus square date on appropriate timing. Check the ss calendar and download and configure chronosxp to your location to know what date you should use.),or the most powerful love mantra I've yet encountered Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah(I don't recommend this for newbies. It can cause much increased horniness and sexual desire ,will push you by any means necessary to achieve your goal.) As it's much important to you, you should do a 90 days working of either 108 reps or 216 reps each day.
For a general situation,
“In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am attracting my perfect [love/sexual partner, soul mate,"
Or if you want multiple women to choose from,
"In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am attracting multiple hot,sexy and beautiful women who desire me Sexually. "Visualize women flocking to you. Every girl is hot and every girl likes you and wants to fuck you. Your surrounded by hot girls all the time and they're making moves on you all the time. Your smiling, laughing and they're having the time of their life. Its your decision who you choose.

You might be thinking this is all impossible or that I'm scheming you. Fret not, it will all soon be possible as you develop your spiritual power and start taking action. Taking action must always be coupled with your material workings. Start becoming more social and talk to multiple women all the time which will eventually make you the man you want to be. You'll gradually be comfortable in social situations, know how to tell fascinating stories and command attention of groups. Everyone will like you, everyone will want to be your friend ,everyone will want your contact info, everyone would want to hang out with you. However change is painful. But through pain we can achieve transformation. The process of pain is not so much important as that life after transformation is what's at stake here. Its your life we're talking about here. Its the most important thing in the entire world to you. To change approaching and talking to multiple women isn't a big deal. I would go to any lengths to get what I want in life. A few rejections or someone making fun of me is of no consequence to me. It's not like someone judging you or saying some mean things to you will kill you.

If you want to attract a particular woman,
"In a healthy and positive manner, name of desired one] is deeply in love with me and desires me sexually." Visualize the woman you desire having sex with you and doing all the things couples do.

All the information on meditation can be found on the joyofsatan.org website. The 40 days meditation program can be found in satan's library. The ss calendar can be found here by the search function. Youd want to check out the satanic meditation beginner section, rune meditation links, satanic witchcraft beginner section where all of the things I expounded here are contained.

Achieve the material happiness you want then you can move on to higher spiritual goals. And if you want to advance rapidly I suggest doing the final RTR everyday. It's on the homepage of this forum.
I'm simply giving you this advice because I want you to experience the world you live in now and experience the pleasures of flesh before you move on to decide pairing with a demoness for the right reasons, which are spiritual in nature.
Adlar said:
Do you think that it's a good idea to get a Succubi when I'm still a teen? Like I'm not legally an adult yet.
Found this post through search. Thank you for this. It cleared many doubts about having a Succubus Partner. Helps me understand better about it.

Jack said:
Adlar said:
Do you think that it's a good idea to get a Succubi when I'm still a teen? Like I'm not legally an adult yet.
You must first question yourself why you want to have a succubus. Is it because you can't get laid ,is it sexual frustration, is it longing for love ,feeling wanted and having validation for your existence as a human being, or do you want to cultivate a spiritual love relationship where transference of energy happens between two souls, a kind of intercourse which transcends physical pleasure and is a step towards advancement which some people wish to partake in. This is an individual
choice and isn't required for everyone and is not for everyone. Some have partners physically on the earth that they cultivate the spiritual love relationship with and advance. These are advanced tantric sexual techniques of creating a microcosmic orbit in the sex position where the penis is is inside the woman while both are sitting, the woman is kissing the man and both have locked tongues. As the man and the woman have previously had multiple orgasms in the single session and have condensed the energy into a ball of light in each body. The transference of energy happens and the chakras and the nadis open. The man or the woman depending on what the partners have agreed beforehand then can use the energy or share in further complex alchemical processes which describing here would serve no purpose. One of the most advanced techniques out there in tantric yoga where the couple transcend the primal energies and sublimate it in building the rainbow body, also known as the immortal body. It can be used to make immortal the soul. As you can see, this is not about getting laid. This is some serious shit. Its the evolution of love from the physical to the emotional to the spiritual and then to pure energy we are talking about here.

Thinking with your basic physical desire will not help you make the choice. I understand it can be frustrating for you to experience teenhood where hormones run high and you don't know wtf is happening. The energetic changes that comes with puberty distorts the consciousness and you may have impatience in these matters. Your mind naturally drives you towards wanting to have sex.Many teenage people devoid of love have heard fantastical stories of daemon lovers on the internet and they want to fill that void in their heart. Many even come to this forum for learning techniques to earn money or get sex to satisfy their base desires without considering or understanding the severity and importance of the information that is contained therein.

I want to first tell you that you have discovered a treasure trove in your life now. This is no joke. The shit that you're reading is the real deal. The subsequent information I'm going to give you is going to change your life. Consider deeply what I'm saying and don't brush this off as some random internet post.

The Daemons and Gods are very real as are powers of the soul. With some power ,getting a girlfriend will be no big deal. You are going to feel the power of the soul and have astral experiences that will prove to you what we talk about here.

I'm telling you all this because my intuition tells me you need to experience spiritual power and expand your consciousness before you decide on very important matters such as establishing a relationship with a succubus. My intuition also tells me you lack a lot of sexual experience. That's no problem. Admitting shortcomings doesn't make you any less of a man. Having sex with someone you feel attracted to will help clean your mind of expectations and then you can understand how the situation really is. With some spiritual power getting a girlfriend would be no big deal, especially if you have a particular girl/s in mind.

To develop spiritual power you need to first open all your chakras,increase your prana and work on your astral senses henceforth. The best place to start is the 40 days meditation program by HPHoodedCobra.

Remember Breath retention is crucial for power. Don't spit words like some kind of rapper. The breath is taken in using complete yogic breath,held for a count,mantra vibrated till the breath is exhausted,held for a count and the process repeats. Doing in some a times will make you enjoy the process as meditation done right generally releases stress and feels awesome.

After you complete the 40 days meditation program is complete, you need to work on all your chakras everyday with chakra breathing and meditate on your third eye regularly. Also don't forget to do void meditation gradually increasing the time.
A sample meditation program after completing the 40 days,
1)Breathing exercises of your choice (atleast one),Then void meditation which gets you right in the zone for meditation. (Increase void meditation gradually from 2 to 15 minutes. )
2)Yoga - Hatha for morning and kundalini for night.
3)Aop and Ac (aura cleaning and Aura of protection. ). Visualize as your inhaling, holding and vibrating the mantra. Visualization is key.
i)For Aura cleaning you can vibrate VISHUDDHI 3 times into each of your chakras and 9 times into your aura and affirm. Gradually increase the vibrations so you'll be doing 11 into each chakra and 31 into the aura after an appropriate period of time.
ii)Aura of protection using Suryae. Vibrate Suryae 40 times and affirm.
4)Chakra breathing- Breathe energy into each of your chakras and visualize them shining in their respective colors.
5)Meditation on your third eye, points for astral sight and hearing.

This is a very basic meditation program that'll help you develop enough power to attract a woman .

Now to attract a woman you need a powerful personality and sexual attraction. You can develop a powerful personality and induce sexual attraction using magick. Woman are attracted to purposeful, confident men who are decisive and take charge. Theres a high probability that you do not have these qualities. I know I didn't when I was your age. Change is hard. Not many of us had peers who taught us how to be men or what it means to be a man. You'll have to do with experience and you will fail at first. But failure is the stepping stone for success. As you put yourself and navigate uncomfortable social situations, your intuition will be calibrated to the responses of the other parties and you'll be attuned to how you should behave and respond in what situations. Respect,admiration, sexual irresistibility, calmness,confidence, a dashing personality and purpose are all good traits to have that can be developed which will attract women like moths to a flame. You must also free yourself from the fear of what others think about you. Not giving a shit about what others think and staying true to your purpose is inherently a very attractive trait. Many people will gossip and talk shit about you from jealousy or hatred as is typical of people. However many people might also be having important learning lessons, tips and constructive criticism that you might benefit from so take that into mind as well. Developing personal boundaries is central to being a man. If someone disrespects you (not light joking) be it be man or woman, you need to confront him/her about such. Tell them that you do not take disrespect lightly and warn them sternly that if they'll continue provoking you, you'll cut them out of your life. Obviously close friends and family members should get more warnings than any random person you don't know very well.

A simple working to rid you of any unattractive behaviours and instill charisma and confidence in you would be,

Uruz ,Ansuz,*54 each with the affirmation.
"In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am permanently and completely free of any and all unattractive and repulsive behaviors like fear,anxiety or awkwardness." Visualize eliminating any and all unattractive behaviors that you might currently have. You can start these at freeing the soul,endings, days.

Thurisaz,Sowilo ,Tyr.*55 each
"In a healthy and positive manner I am permanently and completely Calm,confident charismatic and courageous. Everyone likes and respects me at all times."
Visualize being the man you want to be in your dreams. Everyone like you,everyone wants to be your friend. If not they atleast respect you and envy you. Everyone is happy around you, everyone is smiling around you. Women are flirting with you and flocking to you. You are awesome.
90 days for each working. These workings must become ingrained in your very being. Very important. You can start these at a sun square day or any day with characteristic feature of the type of working your going to start.

As for the love working it depends on whether you have a particular woman in mind or if you don't know anything and youd generally want someone.
You'd want to choose between Gebo,Aum Shukraya Nama(must be started on a venus square date on appropriate timing. Check the ss calendar and download and configure chronosxp to your location to know what date you should use.),or the most powerful love mantra I've yet encountered Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah(I don't recommend this for newbies. It can cause much increased horniness and sexual desire ,will push you by any means necessary to achieve your goal.) As it's much important to you, you should do a 90 days working of either 108 reps or 216 reps each day.
For a general situation,
“In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am attracting my perfect [love/sexual partner, soul mate,"
Or if you want multiple women to choose from,
"In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am attracting multiple hot,sexy and beautiful women who desire me Sexually. "Visualize women flocking to you. Every girl is hot and every girl likes you and wants to fuck you. Your surrounded by hot girls all the time and they're making moves on you all the time. Your smiling, laughing and they're having the time of their life. Its your decision who you choose.

You might be thinking this is all impossible or that I'm scheming you. Fret not, it will all soon be possible as you develop your spiritual power and start taking action. Taking action must always be coupled with your material workings. Start becoming more social and talk to multiple women all the time which will eventually make you the man you want to be. You'll gradually be comfortable in social situations, know how to tell fascinating stories and command attention of groups. Everyone will like you, everyone will want to be your friend ,everyone will want your contact info, everyone would want to hang out with you. However change is painful. But through pain we can achieve transformation. The process of pain is not so much important as that life after transformation is what's at stake here. Its your life we're talking about here. Its the most important thing in the entire world to you. To change approaching and talking to multiple women isn't a big deal. I would go to any lengths to get what I want in life. A few rejections or someone making fun of me is of no consequence to me. It's not like someone judging you or saying some mean things to you will kill you.

If you want to attract a particular woman,
"In a healthy and positive manner, name of desired one] is deeply in love with me and desires me sexually." Visualize the woman you desire having sex with you and doing all the things couples do.

All the information on meditation can be found on the joyofsatan.org website. The 40 days meditation program can be found in satan's library. The ss calendar can be found here by the search function. Youd want to check out the satanic meditation beginner section, rune meditation links, satanic witchcraft beginner section where all of the things I expounded here are contained.

Achieve the material happiness you want then you can move on to higher spiritual goals. And if you want to advance rapidly I suggest doing the final RTR everyday. It's on the homepage of this forum.
I'm simply giving you this advice because I want you to experience the world you live in now and experience the pleasures of flesh before you move on to decide pairing with a demoness for the right reasons, which are spiritual in nature.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
