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Do you think Elon Musk will let us post on Twitter now?

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=396806 time=1667268685 user_id=21286]
tabby said:
As they say, there are two sides to every coin. You can take care of your own side of things as well to prevent escalation, can you not? Where you beat down on Jrvan for his communication struggles, one could do the same for you. Jrvan already knows what he needs to work on and is in the works leading up to it, let him take care of that, and leave yourself out of it rather than holding things over his head as if that will help anything.... Take others advice and your own for that matter.

I personally have no love for the advice of "ignore it", so I offer an alternative for anyone it could be useful for... there is always another way to do a thing, in this case being communication... question is, is anyone willing to search for it and apply it? We expect the ones who are open and obvious in their struggles to do so, while the rest walk away from the situation. But EVERYONE struggles in communication in one way or another, and it can always be improved on from all sides of the coin. Everyone has flaws and problems. No matter what's happening in the given situation. It's easy to say for people to ignore something... it's easy to say let it go and go somewhere else. But it's not that easy, especially not for people who still have many many years of advancing to do.

The advice of "ignore it" is basically a temporary solution that helps the situation before all these other factors can be accounted for. If it prevents 50% of time-wasting arguments, then it has proven to be useful. It does not need to be perfect.

In regards to any sort of infighting or communal stress, Wunjo is the best rune for this, as it covers aspects of communications, emotions, and are ability to relate. This covers over multiple planets and treats the source problem, which is the ability to harmonize within a group.

Therefore, even if there are problems with the exact exchange of words, or if tempers flare, then a person may still wish to be diplomatic, eventually loving, at a later date. This is how you can account for a variety of factors which may cause stress, within the context of group relations.


Fair to say, Blitz. Don't mind my sharper opinion about it, different advice has their time and place.

Can wunjo heal natal energy afflictions on communications? Perhaps even troubles with slower mental processing?
tabby said:
That's beside the point and pushing non-issues now.

Please don't place myself above my partner or vice versa in that way. Jrvan has been my teacher for many years beyond being my partner, and I do my best to aid him in turn. He has his strengths and weaknesses, and I have mine. We both fill in where the other has gaps. Neither means either one of us is lesser or better to the other at all. I'd be a fraction of where I am in growth now if not for him, and that's because he works with me and who I am as a person, rather than trying to mold or shove me into an image that works against myself.

All I did in my previous comment was state what I felt in a manner I hope displays exactly that.

Typical divide and conquer play. I find it insulting that he thinks you would forget all of the horrible nasty shit he said to you and about you before. He clearly thinks you're stupid while he sucks up and lies about how he truly feels by calling you smart. Little does he know how smart you truly are.

He got this wound up about being called an asshole which he was, and now he goes and acts like a total asshole and lies about me again. It's not even surprising anymore. Maybe if he doesn't want people calling him an asshole then he shouldn't be an asshole to people, eh?

I'm tired of his gross rotten behavior. Time for bed.

I'm really honored by you saying that by the way. We help each other grow :)
NakedPluto said:
Mars Retrograde can create extreme frustration, anger and repressed feelings. Breathe it out and ignore it for the sake of healthiness.

We are here for each other, we all do our rituals, we all have imperfections, mistakes, regrets, ego, aims. Put it aside for US here, as we are special here.

I love you all. I go make some rituals for our Gods. Bless up and laugh about this!

This exactly what I was thinking when I was reading all this. Please guys do not bicker ..it's Samhain ffs. When I get off work I'm doing extra rtrs and a ritual for Abrasax my beloved guardian.

Mars retrograde I have recently read really brings out the internet trolls as well so be prepared. I'm also trying to take care as far as accidents go and work relations.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:

All I said is that she can help you. Which means both of you are working together. There is no divide and conquer there.

I don't care what you say. I don't trust anything you say. I'm not playing your stupid games anymore. Stop quoting me.
Stop bickering like children.
Aquarius said:
No chance. You guys literally buy into his fake public persona, he is a jewish piece of shit, he just acts in a "based" way in public to get certain people to like him, only for them to put their hope into yet another fucking jew. Remember he wants to microchip you, remember he wants everybody in cars that can kill you with the flick of a switch because of being a bad goy, remember he is a market swindler and a tweet of his can mean the increase or diminishing of stocks.

Off topic but I really enjoyed that video from gravemind linked in your bio, gave it a watch.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Aquarius said:
No chance. You guys literally buy into his fake public persona, he is a jewish piece of shit, he just acts in a "based" way in public to get certain people to like him, only for them to put their hope into yet another fucking jew. Remember he wants to microchip you, remember he wants everybody in cars that can kill you with the flick of a switch because of being a bad goy, remember he is a market swindler and a tweet of his can mean the increase or diminishing of stocks.

Off topic but I really enjoyed that video from gravemind linked in your bio, gave it a watch.
I knew somebody would like it :)
Elon Musk is a smart guy, but he is Jewish, he has no interest in helping gentiles, on the contrary, he wants to implant chip in our brains, and his killer cars can kill anyone, his electric cars are useless, I was reading an article that said that the electric cars of the 70's were more efficient than the current electric cars, he just bought Twitter for his own benefit.

My opinion is that he wants an army of Borg just for himself, he must have some conflict with high-ranking Jews, but in the end, his plan is the same as the other Jews.
Elon Musk is jewish on his mothers side. His Jewish mother, Maye Haldeman is the daughter of Joshua Norman Haldeman, the Jewish-Canadian leader of the Technocracy movement (openly backed by Rockefellers) - the movement that aims to accelerate artificial intelligence to bend humanity to a "one fits all system" (universal basic income, trans-humanism, one world government) i.e. communism.
Darkpagan666 said:
Elon Musk is jewish on his mothers side. His Jewish mother, Maye Haldeman is the daughter of Joshua Norman Haldeman, the Jewish-Canadian leader of the Technocracy movement (openly backed by Rockefellers) - the movement that aims to accelerate artificial intelligence to bend humanity to a "one fits all system" (universal basic income, trans-humanism, one world government) i.e. communism.

Thanks Darkpagan
Ol argedco luciftias said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I thought Elon was a Jew?

Elon is a jew. But he seems like he tries to do a lot of great things. And also some very bad things. He is a very complicated situation, but I think this is a good thing. I think he will do good things with it and turn it into a place where everybody is able to talk.

It was yesterday but some members of the (jewdl/adl)I think meet with him,some thing like that,he may not be as trust worthy as he seems,though I would not doubt the jewdl is probably threataning him or something, though I have big doubts about Elon, but not that many talked about it though so who knows, time will tell
Meteor said:

Oyy Vey


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Prisma said:
Steve Langford said:
If I have an agenda, I have no idea what it is. To begin with, I can't think of a single thing in this world I don't have mixed feelings about; it's just a matter of which feelings are stronger. I often think it's like that for everyone deep down, but people just try not to overthink it, since it'd make them feel hypocritical. I don't mind if I'm banned; I'd simply move on and do other things instead. But as long as HP Hoodedcobra does not explicitly disapprove of me, I take it that I still have some kind of place here, so I'll act on a whim, as always.

I've reflected on what I wrote in the heat of the moment. I think I was being hypocritical, but it's also good and healthy to resent those who are hostile to me (such as you). Furthermore, I seemed to be mirroring some of the things NakedPluto feels about me, so maybe it wasn't even necessarily my own feelings, but just a reflexive reaction? I'm glad I'm even capable of that nowadays.

Regardless, this was obviously just a bunch of emotional drama. Emotions are temporary anyway, so I won't dwell on them anymore. I'll just act on them one way or another, deal with the consequences, and move on; as I always have in regards to everything.

What is not temporary and appears to be the case for over 2 years is how you have infiltrated the Joy of Satan and I have been patiently waiting because there are a million topics on addressing this too.

What you "refer to as temporary feelings" is you just lashing out and constantly causing damage to the Joy of Satan and other members. At this point you have to stop slandering and harming the Joy of Satan and it's members because this situation is overdue. Keep your attacks to yourself.

Unfortunately I was shown a few years ago to what this person was and what else was going on, which I briefly put my eyes onto just in case the situation was for real.

In regards to the poster who asks, well, because basically "Meteor" is one of these ultra level infiltrators and haters of Joy of Satan who in particular also destroyed an online friend of the JoS. Then they swing back and forth pretending it's not the case, only to start again.

I have seen quite a few operations to derail important and valuable members as combinations of insanity and magick from the enemy, and this one has to have been one of the worst, that was aimed on a profitable businessman that introduced themselves to JoS and wanted to help it out.

In no time, the transexual Meteor somehow found them and sicced on them. How this happened I have no clue, other than it was not through the official JoS or any forum here.

Since he/she was a transexual, they sicced onto this member and started telling them the strangest things.

They literally did brainwashing to him to convince them of utterly destructive things, such as that he needed to destroy his business to go "in an underground base", that "they were an alien", that "aliens would abduct him from the middle of the desert", and other crazier things that "She" would bear children for him even if they were a transexual or something, and more.

Not staying close to JoS, this person unfortunately got sunk into these, believing these to be true. With enemy influence going active, they made this person insane in no time.

All of this insanity started growing in just 6 weeks, after these two had met. Meteor was busy playing the prophetess of insanity to him, and him, over unverified reasons, being under attack from the enemy, threw all common sense out of the window.

The amount of confusion and insanity seen in "her" posts, should be multiplied by around a factor of 100 to understand how much crap they told him. Unfortunately, this person was somehow manipulated into believing these things during their short absence from JoS. Other equally corrupted individuals surrounding them, all drove him together to destruction, with Meteor standing in the forefront.

Meteor was also part of some sort of subterranean fake group that was preaching about JoS but was indeed a hub of just semi lunatics having sicced on some good people on yet another Discord.

The highs of this insanity are so incomprehensible, that at first I thought they were equally trolling me. So I chose to deny this for a while.

However, I was alerted back then by a Demon who told me the poor SS that she had gnawed too was actually a man trying to evolve, and that all of this was serious and that I must try to bring them to their senses.

Their displays of friendly emotions to me and JoS were not allowing me to stay indifferent, as they had made also contributions and programmed things for JoS back then.

This SS described this "Meteor" person as totally manipulative and other things which I would rather not write about but I can prove any moment necessary, after the fact.

If anyone has followed their posts, then one should know. For example, look here, they attack the JoS and claim it's all some sort of game and so on. Real damage is done, then they claim "nothing really happened goy" and try to move on, or rather, blame the victims such as the JoS which is slandered by them but has been HARMED by this individual.

Playing the victim, doing toxic damage to everyone and pretending it never happened, "it's always the other peoples fault" and so on, but what they did to this person is the like of things we see in movies.

This SS being naive and a very good person, actually took this in and accepted them. Meteor also apparently tried to steal an inordinate amount of money from them as I could understand from what they said. But most definitely Meteor contributed so that this person lost everything they had by them playing the "Medium".

Make them lose it all, which apparently failed but did them an almost fatal amount of damage. It appears as retaliation for what Meteor did to them, the person decided to finally walk away from this mind-washing of Meteor, but able to save only a few things in the process and have most of their lives flattened in the process.

In less than 6 weeks of getting "Spiritually close" with Meteor, this SS lost his business and life, due to the insane delusions Meteor told them were "messages from the Gods" [her "gods", which apparently are clearly greys].

The belief in Meteor's insanities and illogical nonsense was so big, that if it were not for me formally as a High Priest to tell them anything, they might have committed suicide and worse.

This person drove this SS completely insane, telling them to go into the middle of the desert to be picked up by UFO's and aliens, that they were an incarnated alien that was "there to protect them" and other crazy things one wouldn't believe.

As this person messaged me in desperation and I tried helping them, they revealed to me that they were planning to do a great deed for the JoS, exactly on the time this grey servant Meteor decided to show up and ruin it all.

Then this crazy nutcase that doesn't even know who it is as it keep spamming here to confuse new members and Satanists alike, is boastfully spitting hatred about the top Joy of Satan officials because she is hating on the Joy of Satan and anything Satanic. So that is not surprising to me and those who know the backstory and have all the proof about this.

Then Meteor, who called herself an "Alien Transexual Vampire" [WTF] decided to slander him on top of everything even to me, in this person's absence, them having left the JoS after they have been made suicidal because of Meteor's abuse.

The person was so emotionally scarred that after they left this dubious "Meteor", however after losing their business and fortune, contemplated suicide and almost killed themselves. I helped them out of this and took care that they would not suicide, because they were a good man to me and the JoS.

Apparently all of this began in a discord, where many lunatics were convening together, but the unfortunate victim of this was this SS who for all intents was a great Satanist as far as I know. He also had a lot of contributions for JoS on the programming area.

Meteor was never in JoS but came after she destroyed him, and after certain kike places they dwelled into did unravel. I was shocked to see how many jews and other nasty people had been active in this so called "Discord" that was like a fake JoS. Then they came here to evoke false mercy and cry in front of me after having brutalized this person and ruined their life.

I do not know about all this SS's life, but I definitely know they have been a good person, at least towards me or JoS. What they did in their personal life I wouldn't know, or how twists of fate led them to this bitter crosswalk.

They were doing greatly in Spiritual Satanism until the confused Meteor sicced on them with their incessant delusions, bringing the greys and other insanity into their life in full power. We were speaking about one and half month prior, and everything was great and optimal with great plans ahead.

Then all of a sudden they were broken through this Meteor at a speed I have seen few times in my life. Progressively, she almost led them to full blown insanity. Meteor, no more than a few months pseudo-dedicated at the time, took a manipulative control of this persons life and attempted to play the intermediary between the Gods and "Him", acting as their "Medium".

Being skinless and merciless, this asshole lied to him and tried to take over his "Business decisions" and also pretending the Gods had anything to do with this.

This person had a great mission to do but they were thwarted by this "Meteors" actions.

This SS was also a good donor and tried their best to help the Joy of Satan financially, but Meteor, guided like a puppet of the greys, made sure to lead them to progressive insanity and harm them to the point they disputed together and had their own internal fuckups with "her" and things anticipated to happen never did.

Then this SS went bankrupt and lost what I think was everything in the process, remaining unable to finish off what they had to do. As Meteor lies constantly I do believe this guy a trillions times over.

When Meteor understood all of the damage that all of this had done, she decided to tell me lies about him and try to convince me that this person was "rotten" or a "jew", while they were definitely not one. These things I would not believe, especially after knowing what sort of a basket case "Meteor" was and knowing what they did to him.

After this she spent months playing the victim thinking that anyone was fooled, she reveals her true colors about what she thinks about JoS and what she thinks about anyone here, including the real members of JoS.

I tried for a very long time to remain impartial on the destruction of this precious Satanist. But to see this slander against the JoS and other top tier SS here, calling them these names, and this persons incessant promotion of insane norms such as cutting your dick and being happy about it, has brought my tolerance to the end.

To this day, I am worried that this person might have committed suicide out of the mental damage this reptile did to him, costing him his life savings and business in the process [all of which were lost in A GODDAMN OF 6 WEEKS!], but I have decided to stay silent and hope for the best for them, as to not arouse a scene that would make this person even more depressed.

I saw this very friendly person to JoS slowly drift into insanity and I tried speaking sense to them in the last moments, to save them. I do hope they listened and that they are now living a better life.

In regards to "Meteor" they are most likely jewish and for certain insane, unstable, and many other things. Always, they are busy playing the victim as jews always seek to do, while in fact vandalizing our brains all the time about their transexual escapades, cutting penises, and all of this strange confusion that is authored by the greys that they are promoting.

This is the tip of the iceberg compared to what this SS guy I describe went through. They seem to have stuck with Meteor due to misplaced mercy or something similar.

I do not need to act on every individual case, nor I knew all the details between them besides what is stated here which I was shown proof. So I decided to say nothing. But after all of this long-term abusive nonsense, then this is the end for me and I have therefore revealed this so not anyone else can be fooled.

Somewhere towards the end this SS seems to have taken a form of revenge on "her", and tried to go away while taking things from her in the process, which I cannot comment upon.

This, after they lost something like millions and their business and life to this creature's delusions seems to have been an event that is the least they could do. And then they went away, likely leaving the Joy of Satan [I hope not...].

Since, I have not heard from this SS but I truly wish them well.

In regards to Meteor I tried to remain impartial and see if they were a Gentile, but all I saw is a backstabbing kike that is spreading delusions AGAIN to people in here, without mercy.

Reading the latest comments attacking JoS and members made me say "enough is ENOUGH". For those of you whom you have become fed up with this kike dross, yes, there are strong reasons of instability and likely kike shit being in play, so do not think any of this is non deliberate by them.
Meteor said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:

Where is your good friend Meteor the subversive jew?

It says a lot that you always liked him better than most of us.
Subversive *Gentile. At least on a genetic level, this body is.

You know, I've thinking lately, but isn't subversion simply one way to pursue the Truth? After all, does anything with a foundation flimsy enough to be subverted really deserve to be acknowledged as truthful? Or do you think Satanism is about blind faith?

There's no need for blind faith, when the blessings that come with the Satanic path speak for themselves.

jewishness 100
Elon allowing freedom on twitter only makes him less of a Jewish twat, but a jewish nonetheless.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Meteor said:

Oyy Vey


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Prisma said:
If I have an agenda, I have no idea what it is. To begin with, I can't think of a single thing in this world I don't have mixed feelings about; it's just a matter of which feelings are stronger. I often think it's like that for everyone deep down, but people just try not to overthink it, since it'd make them feel hypocritical. I don't mind if I'm banned; I'd simply move on and do other things instead. But as long as HP Hoodedcobra does not explicitly disapprove of me, I take it that I still have some kind of place here, so I'll act on a whim, as always.

I've reflected on what I wrote in the heat of the moment. I think I was being hypocritical, but it's also good and healthy to resent those who are hostile to me (such as you). Furthermore, I seemed to be mirroring some of the things NakedPluto feels about me, so maybe it wasn't even necessarily my own feelings, but just a reflexive reaction? I'm glad I'm even capable of that nowadays.

Regardless, this was obviously just a bunch of emotional drama. Emotions are temporary anyway, so I won't dwell on them anymore. I'll just act on them one way or another, deal with the consequences, and move on; as I always have in regards to everything.

What is not temporary and appears to be the case for over 2 years is how you have infiltrated the Joy of Satan and I have been patiently waiting because there are a million topics on addressing this too.

What you "refer to as temporary feelings" is you just lashing out and constantly causing damage to the Joy of Satan and other members. At this point you have to stop slandering and harming the Joy of Satan and it's members because this situation is overdue. Keep your attacks to yourself.

Unfortunately I was shown a few years ago to what this person was and what else was going on, which I briefly put my eyes onto just in case the situation was for real.

In regards to the poster who asks, well, because basically "Meteor" is one of these ultra level infiltrators and haters of Joy of Satan who in particular also destroyed an online friend of the JoS. Then they swing back and forth pretending it's not the case, only to start again.

I have seen quite a few operations to derail important and valuable members as combinations of insanity and magick from the enemy, and this one has to have been one of the worst, that was aimed on a profitable businessman that introduced themselves to JoS and wanted to help it out.

In no time, the transexual Meteor somehow found them and sicced on them. How this happened I have no clue, other than it was not through the official JoS or any forum here.

Since he/she was a transexual, they sicced onto this member and started telling them the strangest things.

They literally did brainwashing to him to convince them of utterly destructive things, such as that he needed to destroy his business to go "in an underground base", that "they were an alien", that "aliens would abduct him from the middle of the desert", and other crazier things that "She" would bear children for him even if they were a transexual or something, and more.

Not staying close to JoS, this person unfortunately got sunk into these, believing these to be true. With enemy influence going active, they made this person insane in no time.

All of this insanity started growing in just 6 weeks, after these two had met. Meteor was busy playing the prophetess of insanity to him, and him, over unverified reasons, being under attack from the enemy, threw all common sense out of the window.

The amount of confusion and insanity seen in "her" posts, should be multiplied by around a factor of 100 to understand how much crap they told him. Unfortunately, this person was somehow manipulated into believing these things during their short absence from JoS. Other equally corrupted individuals surrounding them, all drove him together to destruction, with Meteor standing in the forefront.

Meteor was also part of some sort of subterranean fake group that was preaching about JoS but was indeed a hub of just semi lunatics having sicced on some good people on yet another Discord.

The highs of this insanity are so incomprehensible, that at first I thought they were equally trolling me. So I chose to deny this for a while.

However, I was alerted back then by a Demon who told me the poor SS that she had gnawed too was actually a man trying to evolve, and that all of this was serious and that I must try to bring them to their senses.

Their displays of friendly emotions to me and JoS were not allowing me to stay indifferent, as they had made also contributions and programmed things for JoS back then.

This SS described this "Meteor" person as totally manipulative and other things which I would rather not write about but I can prove any moment necessary, after the fact.

If anyone has followed their posts, then one should know. For example, look here, they attack the JoS and claim it's all some sort of game and so on. Real damage is done, then they claim "nothing really happened goy" and try to move on, or rather, blame the victims such as the JoS which is slandered by them but has been HARMED by this individual.

Playing the victim, doing toxic damage to everyone and pretending it never happened, "it's always the other peoples fault" and so on, but what they did to this person is the like of things we see in movies.

This SS being naive and a very good person, actually took this in and accepted them. Meteor also apparently tried to steal an inordinate amount of money from them as I could understand from what they said. But most definitely Meteor contributed so that this person lost everything they had by them playing the "Medium".

Make them lose it all, which apparently failed but did them an almost fatal amount of damage. It appears as retaliation for what Meteor did to them, the person decided to finally walk away from this mind-washing of Meteor, but able to save only a few things in the process and have most of their lives flattened in the process.

In less than 6 weeks of getting "Spiritually close" with Meteor, this SS lost his business and life, due to the insane delusions Meteor told them were "messages from the Gods" [her "gods", which apparently are clearly greys].

The belief in Meteor's insanities and illogical nonsense was so big, that if it were not for me formally as a High Priest to tell them anything, they might have committed suicide and worse.

This person drove this SS completely insane, telling them to go into the middle of the desert to be picked up by UFO's and aliens, that they were an incarnated alien that was "there to protect them" and other crazy things one wouldn't believe.

As this person messaged me in desperation and I tried helping them, they revealed to me that they were planning to do a great deed for the JoS, exactly on the time this grey servant Meteor decided to show up and ruin it all.

Then this crazy nutcase that doesn't even know who it is as it keep spamming here to confuse new members and Satanists alike, is boastfully spitting hatred about the top Joy of Satan officials because she is hating on the Joy of Satan and anything Satanic. So that is not surprising to me and those who know the backstory and have all the proof about this.

Then Meteor, who called herself an "Alien Transexual Vampire" [WTF] decided to slander him on top of everything even to me, in this person's absence, them having left the JoS after they have been made suicidal because of Meteor's abuse.

The person was so emotionally scarred that after they left this dubious "Meteor", however after losing their business and fortune, contemplated suicide and almost killed themselves. I helped them out of this and took care that they would not suicide, because they were a good man to me and the JoS.

Apparently all of this began in a discord, where many lunatics were convening together, but the unfortunate victim of this was this SS who for all intents was a great Satanist as far as I know. He also had a lot of contributions for JoS on the programming area.

Meteor was never in JoS but came after she destroyed him, and after certain kike places they dwelled into did unravel. I was shocked to see how many jews and other nasty people had been active in this so called "Discord" that was like a fake JoS. Then they came here to evoke false mercy and cry in front of me after having brutalized this person and ruined their life.

I do not know about all this SS's life, but I definitely know they have been a good person, at least towards me or JoS. What they did in their personal life I wouldn't know, or how twists of fate led them to this bitter crosswalk.

They were doing greatly in Spiritual Satanism until the confused Meteor sicced on them with their incessant delusions, bringing the greys and other insanity into their life in full power. We were speaking about one and half month prior, and everything was great and optimal with great plans ahead.

Then all of a sudden they were broken through this Meteor at a speed I have seen few times in my life. Progressively, she almost led them to full blown insanity. Meteor, no more than a few months pseudo-dedicated at the time, took a manipulative control of this persons life and attempted to play the intermediary between the Gods and "Him", acting as their "Medium".

Being skinless and merciless, this asshole lied to him and tried to take over his "Business decisions" and also pretending the Gods had anything to do with this.

This person had a great mission to do but they were thwarted by this "Meteors" actions.

This SS was also a good donor and tried their best to help the Joy of Satan financially, but Meteor, guided like a puppet of the greys, made sure to lead them to progressive insanity and harm them to the point they disputed together and had their own internal fuckups with "her" and things anticipated to happen never did.

Then this SS went bankrupt and lost what I think was everything in the process, remaining unable to finish off what they had to do. As Meteor lies constantly I do believe this guy a trillions times over.

When Meteor understood all of the damage that all of this had done, she decided to tell me lies about him and try to convince me that this person was "rotten" or a "jew", while they were definitely not one. These things I would not believe, especially after knowing what sort of a basket case "Meteor" was and knowing what they did to him.

After this she spent months playing the victim thinking that anyone was fooled, she reveals her true colors about what she thinks about JoS and what she thinks about anyone here, including the real members of JoS.

I tried for a very long time to remain impartial on the destruction of this precious Satanist. But to see this slander against the JoS and other top tier SS here, calling them these names, and this persons incessant promotion of insane norms such as cutting your dick and being happy about it, has brought my tolerance to the end.

To this day, I am worried that this person might have committed suicide out of the mental damage this reptile did to him, costing him his life savings and business in the process [all of which were lost in A GODDAMN OF 6 WEEKS!], but I have decided to stay silent and hope for the best for them, as to not arouse a scene that would make this person even more depressed.

I saw this very friendly person to JoS slowly drift into insanity and I tried speaking sense to them in the last moments, to save them. I do hope they listened and that they are now living a better life.

In regards to "Meteor" they are most likely jewish and for certain insane, unstable, and many other things. Always, they are busy playing the victim as jews always seek to do, while in fact vandalizing our brains all the time about their transexual escapades, cutting penises, and all of this strange confusion that is authored by the greys that they are promoting.

This is the tip of the iceberg compared to what this SS guy I describe went through. They seem to have stuck with Meteor due to misplaced mercy or something similar.

I do not need to act on every individual case, nor I knew all the details between them besides what is stated here which I was shown proof. So I decided to say nothing. But after all of this long-term abusive nonsense, then this is the end for me and I have therefore revealed this so not anyone else can be fooled.

Somewhere towards the end this SS seems to have taken a form of revenge on "her", and tried to go away while taking things from her in the process, which I cannot comment upon.

This, after they lost something like millions and their business and life to this creature's delusions seems to have been an event that is the least they could do. And then they went away, likely leaving the Joy of Satan [I hope not...].

Since, I have not heard from this SS but I truly wish them well.

In regards to Meteor I tried to remain impartial and see if they were a Gentile, but all I saw is a backstabbing kike that is spreading delusions AGAIN to people in here, without mercy.

Reading the latest comments attacking JoS and members made me say "enough is ENOUGH". For those of you whom you have become fed up with this kike dross, yes, there are strong reasons of instability and likely kike shit being in play, so do not think any of this is non deliberate by them.

Holy cow.

To new members: Never E V E R join a 'JoS Discord' or 'JoS Telegram'. Stop talking to random people. If you are going to talk to JoS people ensure it is a Guardian such as Blitzkrieg, Blackdragon, Lydia or Soaring Eagle, or some esteemed member (whose posts aren't babbling garbage) like CentralForce or the translators. Don't waste time with lunatics like the above or the weirdos who thought they were therians.

Skype was one thing but this aberration named Discord (the name is not a mistake) is full of groomers, predators, simps, losers, sociopaths, incels and insane trannies. I've heard so many stories even out of the JoS about how it ruins peoples lives. Delete and uninstall this app.
This twitter user is magnitudes better than that shitty Jew-boy Elon. At least he isn't a sheep unlike MOST people on twitter.

jrvan said:
Dahaarkan said:
I really don't get how some people just don't learn this lesson from fishy individuals who always end up betraying the people who worship them anyway.

Trump kissed the wall, andrew tate converted to islam, elon musk is pushing for and developing microchip technology, etc etc. The list goes on.

Many of these jewish idols, these jewish solutions to the jewish problem, always have major red flags that get ignored for some reason. And then some of you are shocked when they do betray you and side with the kikes. Anybody who has major red flags like the above individuals cannot be trusted and should not be revered.

Yes elon musk is a relatively better person compared to a rabbi who wants to bathe in the blood of children, but just because a turd doesn't smell as bad as the other turd in the room, doesn't make it any less of a turd. These millionaires with tremendous wealth and influence, do you seriously think they are unaware of the jews when they are surrounded by them, kikes own like 90% of all the wealth in the world or some shit. You do not become a part of the 1% and remain ignorant of the kikes, this is an impossibility.

Some of these people have such tremendous wealth and influence that they could make a tremendous difference in humanity's fight for survival, but choose not to because it's more comfortable to lay in bed with the kikes and keep their position and wealth in society. I cannot respect such people in any serious capacity. And that's why I'm never surprised, shocked or saddened when they inevitably just betray humanity and side with the kikes. It's to be expected.

You will not be allowed to openly promote Satanism or NS on twitter for the simple reason that if this is permitted the kikes will shut him down and destroy him for it. They will blast him on the media, take him to court and sanction him for every dollar he has until he either changes the twitter rules or goes bankrupt. The U.S golem would be called to action and step in to defend israel as well.

And he won't sacrifice a single penny for the sake of helping humanity survive. You will maybe make one post on twitter before he gets a call from a jewish banker and the next day you are banned from the site. I'm 100% on this.

Yeah, exactly.

There are many predators who prey on hope and faith that's placed in them. Politicians, actor-turned-presidents, pastors, popes, fake male "role models" who don't give a single fuck about the men worshiping them, self help gurus, cult leaders, and so on. All of these people will always let everyone down. They don't care about anything as long as the money keeps flowing to them. It's all just a game to them, and peoples' lives are simply their pawns. They see everyone as walking dollar signs.

So who is there who WON'T let us down if we place our hope and faith in them? Our Gods. They never let us down. We should stick with them, and ignore all the human con artists who want to siphon us.

Timely reply I know but something people should always keep in mind is it's very fishy in the first place when these characters seemingly just come out of nowhere and become leader figures overnight for movements that may be in opposition to kikes or their poisons.

Kikes try very hard to suppress true leader figures who may rally people against them and their poisons and it's extremely unlikely that not only is one openly allowed to do this but even manages to go viral or become popular and keep their platform(s).
jrvan said:
Sundara said:
jrvan said:
Wasn't antagonizing you, nor did I realize you were that into his stuff. I'll tell you what motivated me to reply in the first place. In my mind, I saw it as comparing two different sets of feces. So I went on a rant to talk crap about the second piece of crap because one piece of crap being "100x" better than another piece of crap is just ridiculous. They're both crap.

Please don't do to me what others have done to me by lying about me not being okay with others disagreeing with me. I literally don't care at all. You and anyone else have freedom of thought just like I do, there's no need to say the obvious. Like who you want to like, you don't have to defend your right to like who you want to me.

And no, I'm not hating on him for no reason. I have plenty of reasons to dislike him. He's a fraud, a confidence man, he disrespects women (now a fucking muslim, like holy shit you should find a new role model asap), he's NOT moral and puts shekels over his conscience, and he also blasphemes my God. He probably ignored our High Priest's courteous letter too. He's trash, and if he wasn't brought up for discussion on the forums in the first place then I wouldn't even know about him because I don't care about current events anymore for the most part, and more importantly I don't pay attention to trash unless they directly affect me.

By the way, if you want great advice that's been said before through history, and you want to be successful, then 1. empower your solar chakra, and 2. emulate and listen to great men of history like Hitler and others - not Andrew Tate the muslim lmao. Even better yet, ask the Gods for advice.

This is why we can’t have nice things or follow anyone. Neutral feelings on both at the end of the day. Elon also explained his reason for not being a modern day Mother Theresa. Who was no saint. Hitler is very 1920-30’s. We can’t follow someone whose methods worked for the time period they were in. And the country. Elon, definitely aware of the Jews. Which is why I’ve brought him up. Smart man he is, no doubt.

By the way, people are already dogging him publicly for made up issues that haven’t even happened yet, like questions on whether or not he will be allowing Kanye west or “antisemetic” commentary on Twitter. It’s all right there on his page. People whining and bitching already trying to slander him and inhibit him from doing anything.

You're saying Hitler's methods for "being a man" are outdated? They're timeless. Certain political strategies and whatnot might not work today, but that's different. To say that you can't learn how to be a man from one of the greatest men in history is just ridiculous. His speeches contain great wisdom, his character is full of power and honor, and his actions speak for themselves. He was rightfully adored by all, and he didn't have to con any of them to get their love. You would be hard pressed to find a better role model.

What about our High Priest Hoodedcobra? He's also an excellent role model. He's greater than Andrew Tate, Elon Musk, and most modern men could ever hope to be. He's shared far greater wisdom and advice than all these confidence men. He does so much more than tell us to go to the gym (which he tells us too, because anyone can and should say that... shouldn't even need to be said), he provides us with these forums, he guides us spiritually, he coordinates our spiritual warfare, he oversees all of the JoS projects, he helps us connect with our Gods. What doesn't this great man do? Forget Elon Musk, forget Andrew Tate. Their wealth won't last, and people won't remember them more than a fleeting moment. Our High Priest is a real exemplary man to follow. These other guys are just pretenders and opportunists who know how to run their mouth and get crowds to listen. Lucky for them, so many naive men these days love to give their power away.

Anyone who is putting themselves on the line for the truth and/or spiritual advancement is actually more intelligent than Elon Musk, that is a fact.

If Hitler came back today, the politics and speeches would be different.
An astronomer was locked out of her Twitter account for months after posting a video of a meteor that was flagged as 'intimate content', report says
  • An astronomer was locked out of Twitter for months after posting a video of a meteor, per BBC News.
  • Mary McIntyre said Twitter deemed her August video to have broken its content rules.
  • She regained access to her account on Thursday after BBC News published its story.


The astronomer's Twitter account remained online, but she told the BBC she had not been able to log in to use it. Hours after the BBC published its report on Thursday, her account was unlocked suddenly, ending a saga that began with an initial 12-hour ban and extended beyond three months.


McIntyre told the BBC that she had refused to delete the tweet because doing so would amount to an admittance of guilt. "It's just crazy ... I don't really want it on my record that I've been sharing pornographic material when I haven't", she said. The astronomer had also feared admitting she broke Twitter's rules would affect her ability to work with Children, which required regular background checks.

"I miss the interaction", McIntyre said. "I feel a bit cut-off from the astronomy world."

Twitter's new owner, Elon Musk, has culled the company's workforce in an effort to slash costs. At the time of the takeover, Yoel Roth, head of trust and safety at Twitter, said only a fraction of the site's content moderation team had been affected. Roth has since left his role.


Ah shit, I got a bit ''enthusiastic'' with my tweets and got my account locked, tried to do another one but it was locked, tried to another another one using tor, locked again...
I should had know since the moment my tweet where hidden by being offensive...
Should i give them my phone number, i tried many times with fake phone numbers sites but they are used or dont work... but hey many people saw jos materials at least.
Weassel said:
Ah shit, I got a bit ''enthusiastic'' with my tweets and got my account locked, tried to do another one but it was locked, tried to another another one using tor, locked again...
I should had know since the moment my tweet where hidden by being offensive...
Should i give them my phone number, i tried many times with fake phone numbers sites but they are used or dont work... but hey many people saw jos materials at least.

Don't give them your number. Not only will that reveal yourself to them, but that also doesn't guarantee your account will not just be locked again.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Darkpagan666 said:
Elon Musk is jewish on his mothers side. His Jewish mother, Maye Haldeman is the daughter of Joshua Norman Haldeman, the Jewish-Canadian leader of the Technocracy movement (openly backed by Rockefellers) - the movement that aims to accelerate artificial intelligence to bend humanity to a "one fits all system" (universal basic income, trans-humanism, one world government) i.e. communism.

Thanks Darkpagan

This corbett report introduces the idea behind energy distribution of technocracy.inc


and it looks like they are still going, here is their website!


Satanama <3

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
